Thanks, That Was Fun… Ch. 04 free porn video

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They walked in silence, each absorbed in their own thoughts. Looking down at the woman beside him, Danny felt his pulse pick up again. Just the fact that she was standing near him was enough to startle him before, but the small details were now suddenly obvious – her long, dark blonde waves brushed against his fingers as he guided her, something that only enhanced the dryness of his mouth as he noticed the way her dark wash jeans molded against her perfectly. She had one of those cotton tanks on underneath a plain blue cardigan, there were small diamond studs in her ears, and she smelled like the jasmine shampoo he knew to be in her shower.

Danny watched her chewing at her bottom lip for a moment and barely suppressed a groan. The desire that caught him unaware when he found her standing in the lobby of his office building seemed to help his mind level out. He wanted her… and the only thought that had entered his mind as they stood in the lobby was getting her away from her troop of friends, they were probably great folks but only served to confuse pretty much any situation. He decided, as they walked, that he didn’t really give a damn if he’d made a scene by marching her off to have coffee with him.

They were quickly approaching another stonework building, across from the three story one that held the lobby and offices. Jane’s thoughts were a whirlwind as they crossed the green. Tall trees, the tips of which were beginning to show their autumn colors, that so took her breath away when combined with the natural beauty of the buildings and courtyard were now a blur.

Two things stood out amidst the tornado in her mind – the undeniably warm feeling of his hand at the small of her back, guiding, and the fact that her giggling friends were no longer protecting her from the man that suddenly cropped back up in her life. She could feel the weight of his watch through the thin fabric of her cardigan and relished in the small details of his masculinity, the jeans he wore to work, which combined with the brown boots and deliciously un-tucked yet fitted button up shirt he wore made him look casual, as if he belonged amidst the trees and natural beauty of the land around him, while at the same time exuding an almost executive type of power. Jane glanced up and felt her fingers twitch. His dark hair was nearly long enough to fall into his eyes, the thick strands wavy and slightly curling against the collar of his shirt. The sudden impulse to push the hair away from his face was strong. Sucking in a breath, she realized the sound must have carried as his impossibly light green eyes looked down and met hers. He grinned slightly and Jane jumped, realizing they’d stopped walking and he had reached over her head and was holding the door open for her.

He motioned for her to sit and held up two fingers to the young man behind the counter. In a matter of moments, it seemed, large white cups of steaming hot coffee appeared in front of them. Jane, grateful for something to focus on, nervously tore open a packet of Splenda and dumped it in.

Danny watched her over the top of his cup as he drank, ‘So…’

Jane sighed slightly. She was determined to act normally, as if sitting here having a cup of coffee with this man was nothing outrageous. He didn’t let his friendly smile slip, but she could feel his eyes burning in to hers. Was his face arranged differently, she would think he was angry. She tilted her head a little as if it would help her get a better read on him.

No, it’s not anger, she thought, awareness followed closely by yet another deep blush. It’s desire.

He wants me.

Jane felt her fingers twitch again as she resisted the urge to rub her temples. Taking a deep breath, she took a sip of coffee and then sat the cup down carefully on the table, her fingers absently following the wooden circles under the table’s lacquered surface.

Get a grip, sweetheart, she told herself firmly, and straightened, looking Danny fully in the eye. She smiled.


The realization that she could tell, just by looking at him, that he wanted her, was a spark in the hay to the knowledge that she wanted him, too.

Jane briefly thought of Luke, and the two or three boyfriends that preceded him. They were, by all appearances, sensible guys. And in the small town where she’d grown up, they were alright, even if they didn’t set her afire. They had been safe, polite. Boring. When they weren’t total jerks, of course.

An ancient memory of Jake, her boyfriend in high school, dumping her to go out with a girl generally considered to be the biggest slut in her Virginia town so he’d score on prom night was followed closely by the unwanted image of Luke and Rachel Jarrett. Jane let out a self-deprecating snort of laughter. Yeah, she thought, Luke was the Rat King in a long line of real fucking princes…

She looked up from her cup and studied the man across the table from her. He sat looking at her, one dark eyebrow raised in question, undoubtedly at her snort.

Jane felt her pulse quicken. Chewing on her bottom lip, she allowed another deep breath before questioning herself again. She knew that he made her uncomfortable, but it wasn’t necessarily in a bad way. Just new. It wasn’t, either, in the way that Carrie had watched them either, in a wedding induced fog of love.

No, this wasn’t some compelling whisper of fate, like the windblown romance book covers suggest. It was compelling, but in a tangible way. She recognized it as very human, very basic, very much a force of nature…

‘Listen,’ Danny said, clearing his throat. He’d watched her battle with herself for a minute or two, and though he realized it wasn’t an uncomfortable silence, he didn’t like the warring factions she was evidently experiencing. ‘I thought we could have a cup of joe and chat, but if I’m making you uncom-‘

‘Would you have dinner with me?’ she interrupted evenly.

Danny blinked, looking at her. He thought he’d read her face pretty well, before, when she’d seemed anxious, as if there were a million places she’d rather be…

Now, she watched him expectantly, cradling the cup of coffee in her hands.

‘Yes,’ he replied, just as calmly, though bewildered at her rapid-fire change.

‘Great,’ she said, relaxing into the low, cushy backing of the booth they were sitting in. ‘That’s great,’ she repeated, as if to herself.

Now, though he smiled slightly, it was Danny’s turn to feel a bit awkward. He preferred doing the asking. Looking down into his cup, he threw the last of the coffee down and waved at Hank behind the counter for more.

When he looked back at Jane, she was staring out the window and onto the Wright & Lewis property. Where they sat faced away from the admin and factory buildings, and afforded a view of the wooded grounds that sloped out from the back of the café and down into a valley. Though the trees were too dense to make out the winding path, Jane could see the beginnings of a wide nature walk stretching away from the small cluster of buildings.

‘What is it that y’all do?’ she asked casually, looking back to Danny before smiling at the freckled kid refilling her coffee cup.

Danny stopped scrutinizing the woman in front of him and glanced out onto the grounds stretching away from the windows of the café.

‘Wright & Lewis?’

She nodded.

‘We manufacture hunting rifles,’ he replied, returning to look at her as he picked his coffee cup back up. ‘On the side, we have three nationally recognized historical sites, hunting and fishing camps during the summer, private events…’ he trailed off, jerked his head to the bakery display cases with a smile, ‘We also make a mean scone.’

Jane grinned. ‘Is that a fact?’

‘Gospel truth,’ he returned, holding up two fingers. ‘Scout’s honor.’

She took another sip of coffee, then tilted her head at him again. ‘…and what is it you do?’

watched as she toyed with the diamond stud in her ear.

‘My older brother Jamie and I oversee the manufacturing – he focuses on the new stuff, while I pay attention to the production of locks, barrel gauges and screws for our used guns and antique collectors.’

Jane didn’t really get that, but she thought it was cute his heart was so into it he just assumed she knew what the hell he was talking about.

She felt another question coming on when the blackberry he’d dropped on the table as they sat down suddenly lit up and buzzed. He flipped the wheel on the side quickly, rolled his eyes and then glanced at her apologetically.

‘Sorry,’ he said, standing up, ‘Duty calls. I guess my break is over,’ he grinned.

Danny looked at his watch, then at her. ‘Enjoy the rest of your coffee…’ he glanced at the phone in his hand as it whirred to life again. Jane almost wanted to laugh at the look on his face as he haphazardly mashed buttons, trying to get the phone to quit buzzing.

‘I can’t figure this damn thing out…’ he grumbled, before shoving it into his back pocket. Jane started to stand up, too, but he waved to her.

‘Don’t let me rush you,’ he said, smiling down at her. ‘Like I said, enjoy that, and I’ll see you later, right? Dinner?’

Jane ignored the ridiculous urge to melt. She cleared her throat and nodded, then returned the smile.

‘Definitely. Thanks for, uhh…’ she couldn’t help but laugh at the way she must have looked in the lobby, trying so obviously to dodge him, ‘…encouraging me to join you for coffee…’

His smiled widened and he looked as if he was going to respond when the blackberry in his back pocket went off again, causing him to jump, if only slightly.

‘You better go,’ Jane said, unable to hide the fact that she was laughing at him.

He gave a frustrated look she was sure was only half meant for the blackberry and nodded, flashing a grin as he walked to the door.

‘See you later, then…’

Jane watched him head off and back towards the stone and wooden building they’d come from only 15 minutes before. She exhaled, relaxing for a minute, before walking up to the counter to pay for her coffee. After being politely rebuffed by the teenager behind the counter – he clearly didn’t know what a total menace she could become to the fool that offered her free caffeine – she mused her way back towards the main building.

She’d never asked a guy out before. Even if she’d thought about it, a man like Danny Wright, who could wiggle his eyebrows and make her swoon – the imaginary mental image of that made her snort in laughter again – would be too much for her to even consider doing before. Somehow, however, she’d just… It was almost as if her mind was so exhausted by the run-around, bouncing off of thoughts of Luke, her boss, her job, her one night stand, etc., that she’d just had an honest to God ‘what the hell’ moment. The sheer act of doing something seemed to ease her frustration and weariness.

And so, it was with a definite bounce in her step that she met her friends as they were coming out of the building, and ignoring their glances, fell in as Ella walked them around, discussing possible sites on the grounds for the ceremony. It seemed that whatever the pitch was to have the wedding at the Wright & Lewis plantation worked, Carrie was enraptured at the idea of having it in front of the old cabin, or down by the river that sprawled through the territory, or underneath a canopied grove of tall trees. If there was any indication that Carrie wasn’t sold on the place, it was gone at the squeal that followed Ella’s remark that the leaves should be at their peak of color when the wedding rolled around.

Another half an hour later, they were piling into Matt’s car, the bride-to-be loaded down with information from Ella on the event planning services and nearly bouncing up and down in the front seat.

So thrilled was Carrie that she babbled at them all the way back into the city, Jane was nothing less than relieved, though she could feel Lucy looking at her. Jane was just as obvious about ignoring her.

When they pulled up in front of her building to drop her off – she didn’t have to go to work – she hopped out, thanking her lucky stars at the near-interrogation, until Carrie gasped.

‘I forgot!’ she said, whirling around in her seat.

Jane sighed, one foot out the door.

‘You had coffee with Mr. Wright!’ Carrie said, half accusingly.

Jane slid the rest of the way out of the car and closed the door as Carrie frantically mashed the button for the window down. She then poked her head out, Matt nearly in her lap and Lucy hanging out the back window. All three of them looked at her expectantly.

Jane waited, smiling pleasantly.

‘Oh, c’mooon!’ Carrie wailed.

‘What?!’ Jane said innocently, pulling her keys out of her purse.

‘Jane. Really. Come. On.’ Lucy dead-panned.

‘I asked him out,’ she said, skipping up the first few steps of her large, stone apartment building. ‘And he said yes.’

‘No way,’ Matt said, as Lucy grinned and Carrie squealed.

‘You,’ Carrie said, somehow managing to sound out of breath. ‘…have… a date… with… Mr… Wright…’

Lucy rolled her eyes at the girl in the front seat, a look mirrored by Jane’s own expression.

That towel-monogramming look was back in Carrie’s eyes.

Jane waved at them, walking up the rest of the wide steps and pushing her key in the door.

‘Bye, y’all’ she said over her shoulder, giving them a grin before closing the lobby door to the apartment building behind her.

Feeling very satisfied, she checked the mail, pulling out a stack that looked uncomfortably like it contained quite a few bills, tucked the pile under her arm and jogged up the stairs before letting herself into her apartment. Jane dropped her keys on the table in the entryway and walked into her living room, kicking off her shoes as she scanned one of the magazines in the stack. Throwing her purse on the couch, she was just about to collapse onto it – what was it that unemployed people did at this time of day? Oprah? – when she froze, the magazine falling from her hand.

She had a date with Mr. Wright.

But, when?!? she thought. They’d never said which day they were going to have dinner.

Frantically, Jane grabbed her cell phone from the front pocket of her purse, then stopped. Nearly hopping from one foot to the other, she stared at her phone. She didn’t have his number!

Feeling the totally irrational panic heighten, she remembered the business card she’d dropped on the table in the entryway days before. Running back through the living room, she hopped/tripped over an ottoman, attempting to come to a stop in front of the table next to her front door. Instead, her socked feet touched down on the hallway rug and she fell, sliding into the table, causing the small tray of business cards to cascade down around her. Letting out a curse as her butt hit the hardwood floor, Jane flipped through the cards around her. Caterer. Publishers. Editors. Bankers. Writers. Florist. Taxi. Rob, her mechanic. Several hair stylists. Plumber. Daniel W—

‘Ha!’ she said, pressing the number into her cell.

By the second ring, she froze. What if he hadn’t mentioned a day on purpose?

The chaotic thought was cut short as the phone picked up and Daniel Wright said hello.

Jane’s mind went blank.

‘Hello?’ he said again.


There was a beat, and then, ‘Jane?’

She inhaled, pushing hair behind one of her ears, then forced herself to speak.

‘Yes! Hey, Danny.’

‘Hi there.’

‘I’m calling because…’ she halted. Why’d she call?

‘Is everything okay?’

Jane could sense the amusement in his voice and ground her jaw.

‘Yes. Fine. Listen, we never set a date for dinner.’

He started to say
something, but Jane spoke over him.

‘So, I’m thinking, dinner at my place on Friday? If you remember where…’ She trailed off, cheeks inflamed.

There was a low laugh, then a pause. ‘I remember.’

‘Okay. Friday. 8PM?’


‘Great. See you then.’

‘Bye,’ he said, obviously still amused with her.

Jane ended the phone call and sighed, running her fingers through her hair. Glancing sideways, she took in the purse she’d dropped, the contents of which she’d scattered around the couch when digging for her cell phone. Then the large, overturned ottoman she’d tripped over. And then the scrunched rug she’d twisted as she slid and fell to the floor, where she now sat, encircled with fallen business cards, the platter they normally sat on halfway hanging off the table at eye-level with her.

I’ve gone completely around the bend, she thought.

Jane had to laugh. And once she began, she couldn’t stop. Falling backwards, she lay in the halo of business cards with the mussed rug and laughed until her sides ached and tears came to her eyes.

Several minutes later, Jane got up and wiped her eyes with the hem of her cardigan, then flung it off and walked over to the couch, where she collapsed, suddenly tired.


Tuesday passed quickly. Jane woke up at 11AM and spent several minutes programming a day’s worth of television with the satellite box, making sure that one show was on the heels of another. By 11PM, she turned off Law & Order, noted dimly she’d eaten an entire loaf of bread instead of actual meals, and promptly fell asleep on the couch again.

Wednesday found her on the couch, and the day went much the same way as the one before. A blur of screeching voices on The View to sobbing voices on Dr. Phil to consecutive crime shows. Two jars of apple sauce she hadn’t known were even in the apartment were gone by the time that Thursday came around, a day that went like the others before it.

Her thoughts, week long, hours that dragged by while the world outside made itself busy with people and traffic, bosses and grocery store lines, consisted of untangling herself from blankets or flipping the couch cushions over in search of the remote. In the odd lucid moment, she thought of her career and/or her love life, the introspective moment lasted briefly, before she returned to being numbed by the TV.

There were moments when she almost got up from the couch and went into her home office to sort through the manuscripts she’d taken. Guilt washed over her at the thought of her writers, waiting on news that Jane Cooper, Junior Editor, had gotten their work through and was coming down the line with good news for them. How long would it take for the 20 or so authors under her care to hear that she’d imploded in front of the shiny downtown publishing office, shrieking at her half-naked boyfriend, before quitting and disappearing with copies of their work? And on that note, how long would it take the legal arm of Wickline Publishing to decide to come and get her and the pilfered manuscripts?

The truth was, Jane Cooper always came through for them. Once she got her hands on a piece she believed in, she fought for it. And she was good at it. It was a fact that at any point during the five years she’d worked for Wickline that Jane could be found after hours and weekends, rifling through the discarded manuscripts that her co-workers and higher-ups tossed out. If she read something that stuck with her, she’d adopt the piece and it’s writer and steer it through the muddy waters of editing and publishing. A nuisance to those that tried to side step her and best friend to those who helped her get the job done, it was not a secret – nor something that she particularly regretted – that Jane had become a workaholic, completely and totally dedicated to her job and the writers in her care.

Which was why it went against her grain to lay around for a few hours, doing nothing. Let alone a few days.

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Technology Malfunction A Short Story By Maryanne Peters "Just because technology allows you to do it, doesn't mean you should do it." It was not the first time that Ashton had said the words to his friend Cody, but it seemed like it might just be the last time. He was on the gurney now. The surgery was less than an hour away, and Cody would soon be unconscious as the drugs took effect. "You don't understand," said Cody. "This is what I want. What I've always wanted. To be...

3 years ago
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Sasu Maa Ki Hawas

Hello mere dosto, Mera naam sonny hai. Meri kahaniya un logo ke liye hai jo sex har tarah se enjoy karte hai. Meri kahaniyo mein aapko lust, love, wildness, gandi galiya, sex ki bookh, roleplays, hawas aur sex ko enjoy karne ke har tarike milenge. Designer hone ke karan meri sex fantasies mein aap sabko bhut aag milegi aur koshish yahi rahegi ki in kahaniyo ko padte, padte aapke lund se aur madam ki chut se paani nikal jae. Aapki satisfaction meri sabse badi khushi hai. Saasu maa ki hawas –...

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Twas The night Before Easter

Twas the Night Before Easter By Paul G Jutras Twas the night before Easter and nobody was asleep. In her bedroom, Paul's mom was reading a book while his dad sat watching TV. His cat, Salem, was lying on her lounge chair bed, staring at dad and Paul was on the den computer. With a yawn and a rub of the eye, Paul shut down Crystal's Story site and headed off to bed. Mrs. Jutras was aware of how long Paul was spending in the bathroom and was aware that he was trying to beat...

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The Journey Episode 7 Wasteland

Notes: 1- Continuing my futurology experiment, I describe what is going to happen to the fertile fields of central Brazil (the so called " cerrado") after people disappears. 2- The storm belt is no invention of mine. Currently, from time to time, a continuous band of clouds form carrying water vapor from the amazon lowlands towards southeast Brazil, these are called "convergence zones", you probably are aware of the sad happenings in the mountains near the city of Rio the Janeiro, who...

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Wasteland in Amsterdam Welcome to the world of B

You know the feeling.You've been looking forward to a big night for ages and ages, and the best fetish party in Europe looks and sounds as though it's going to live up to all your dreams and expectations.You know where this is going don't you?Actually Wasteland is great. But in many ways, getting there was actually more fun than being there.For a start, we got a great deal on a fantastic hotel - the Pulitzer on the Prinsengracht, right in the centre of the city.And we had a night in town before...

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MCUAntMan and the Wasp

Ant-Man paused at the doorway to the room in the Avengers Mansion which had been appropriated by the Wasp."Well, I guess this is goodnight. sleep well, Jan," he said, turning to leave."Not so fast, mister!" quipped the Wasp. "Get in here!" Suiting actions to words, the Wasp grabbed a hold of Ant-Man's arm and pulled him into her room. The Avengers had just returned from Asgard, where they had prevented a power-mad Loki from usurping the Odin-force and using it to destroy the Nine Realms,...

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8216Jagat Niwas8217 Ke Niwasi 8211 Part 1 Jigna Ki Kahani

Jagat Niwas Co Society. Ye kahani hai is society mein rehne walle kuch logo ki. Ye society mein total 3 wings aur 5 floors hai. Yaha sab log bohut pyar se rehte hai. Kuch jyada hi pyar hai inke beech mein. Toh chaliye apko sunata hu Jagat Niwas ki kahaniya. Achi lage toh support zarur karne. Ajj 31st December hai. Society mein ek choti si party ho rahi hai. Sabhi log ache ache kapde pehne hai. Kuch groups bane hai, jaise, bacho ka group jo dance kar raha hai. Ladies ka group jo ki gossip kar...

4 years ago
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Karlas Brainwashing Room 2 A weird punishment to break a stubborn lesbian slave

Please, read the prequels if you like this Story: PREQUEL - Karla’s Descent to Hell – The beginning YOU CAN READ PREVIOUSLY Chapter 1 of 3: YOU CAN READ PREVIOUSLY Chapter 2 of 3: YOU CAN READ PREVIOUSLY Chapter 3 of 3 You can read previously - Karla’s Brainwashing...

3 years ago
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Hi ISS readers hello to all my friends. Vaise to main ek achi ladki hun par main sex ke mamle me hindi bolti hun. Ab main mere sath hue sex experience shuru karti hun ye tab ki baat hai jab meri age 21 thi, aur main 23 saal ki hun. Mera figure 34-28-36. Mere papa ek dukandar hain. Humare dukan pe ek ladka deepak kaam karta hai. Vo bahut acha hai.vo mere ko school time lene aur chodne jaya karta tha. Is vajah se vo mujhse pyar karne laga aur kai baar mere boobs bhi dabata tha. Par main us samay...

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A WASP Listens To His Wife At Dinner

A WASP LISTENS TO HIS WIFE AT DINNER By Rhayna Tera, copyright 2020 Warning: If you don't like reading Fiction Mania stories, then stop reading now. Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. RT THE RESTAURANT Randolph Cartier the Third drove his black S-Class Mercedes up to...

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A Quest In The Wasteland

The year is 2277, approximately 200 years after The Great War that led to the creation of the aberration that is the Wasteland: the remains of the United States after nuclear war. The Capital Wasteland lies over where Washington D.C once stood, the ruins of the once great city now filled with nuclear beasts, scavenging survivalists and warring factions venturing for technology. There are all sorts of things happening in the Wasteland, big and small. People are venturing out to rescue the future...

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The Fundraiser

Among the usual bills and mailshot letters one envelope caught my attention. My name and address on the front side, handmade paper and instead of a sender just the words “Come and enjoy”. I sought for my paper knife. Tearing such an expensive envelope open would be an act of barbarism. Golden letters in fancy type read: “Are you looking for high class entertainment? Are you fed up with the impersonal and boring services of the run-of-the-mill night clubs? Mr. Martin B. is cordially invited to...

Group Sex
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Bondage in the urban wasteland

It wasn't easy to find the right spot - but I looked and looked - it had to be perfect: industrial, abandoned, out in the open, yet secluded. Finally, after three days of driving endlessly through the wasteland of closed factories, chemical plants and cavernous assembly lines at the edges of our metropolis, I found it: a drainage ditch stretching itself from an old tannery long since abandoned. At the head of the ditch, which was about eight feet deep, was a series of iron railings and several...

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Hawas Ka Narak 8211 Ek Randi Ki Kahani

Hello dosto, mera nam Tanya hai. Main ek prostitute hu. Waise toh har tarah se meri chudai ho chuki hai, alag alag tarah ke aadmiyo se. Par ek aadmi kuch zyada hi maza de gaya tha mujhe, main wahi kissa aapko aj batati hu. Yeh kissa padh ke har ladki puri gili ho jayegi aur har ladke ke lund khada ho jayega. Us aadmi ne jo mujhe maza diya tha, aisa maza kabi nahi mila mujhe. Chaliye kahani shuru karte hai. Ek aadmi aya ek din aur hamari malkin se kaha usey ek ladki chahiye 2 din ke liye aur...

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One Shoe GumshoeChapter 26 Two Funerals

WE attended two funeral services together, Mary and I, one low key in terms of attendance but deeply emotional, on one morning and followed that by another higher profile one the following afternoon, that was more for public show than anything else. Mary insisted I attend by her side for both funerals. How could I deny her my full support at them both? To be honest, I wanted to spend every moment of our shrinking allotment of time we had together. Mary wore the same black outfit for both...

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Living With Erectile Dysfunction

I had flown half way across the country to see my lover. We had not been together in three years; each home with our respective primary partners. Our relationship was open. It was very sexual. When one of us arrived and we were initially together, G was normally a little nervous. Once in our room, we would take our clothes off. We would hug and kiss reasonably briefly, and with a little sexual touch, I would be quite aroused. G would relax as my cock entered her and we would have a...

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Impregnation game using a funnel

Impregnation game using a funnelIt is just so very slutty to get impregnated from a funnel, especially with multiple guys contributing sperm. I love the videos our avid members have found and contributed. I hope there are more posts and videos coming.A SEXY PREG RISK GAMEWhat I think would be sexy is a game at a swingers club or at a breeding party.Everyone signs waivers saying no one else will be held responsible for any results and it is fully consensual. STD test results can be exchanged or...

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Car Wash Fun

 Car Wash! Car Wash! the sign read. It was a beautiful sunny Saturday, so why not spend the afternoon washing cars, raising funds for charity and maybe having some water fun with a group of friends. What a nice way to end the summer. ~~~~~~~~ I am Suzie and I work in the local bank. I’m 5ft 2in, 110lbs, have big blue eyes and long blonde hair. I am very outgoing and love to have fun. The girls in the office decided we should raise some money for our favorite charity. We thought a car wash would...

Group Sex
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Karlas Brainwashing Room 2 Weird lesbian punishment

Please, read the prequels if you like this Story: Karla’s first step to be a Fuck Sow You can read previously - Karla’s Brainwashing Room 1 – Lesbian Stitches ============================== Karla receives a strange visit of Marylou in the Brainwashing Room where Karla lives without sense of day and night. “Karla, since we are in agreement that you want me to be tougher with you, let me try to surprise you, so I go...

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Maa K Sath Apni Hawas Mitai

Mera nam arun hai. Meri age 17 sal hai. Meri maa 36 saal ki ek sudol sharir vali gadrai hui aurat hain. Unki sexy body k bare me bus itta hi batana kafi hai ki meri puri colony k kai admi unke sath rat bitana chahte hain aur unhe chodne k liye pagal hain. An jyada der na karte hue mai sidhe kahani pe ata hu. Bat un dino ki jb mai mai class 10 me padhta tha .Ek bar mere biology k book me ek chapter padhaya gya jisme ek aurat and admi k dwara kaise bacche ka janm hota h is bare me btaya gya tha....

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Bhabhi Pe Hawas Havi

Hi indian sex stories dot net doston Mai 28 ka mare bhayia 30 ke aur meri sexy bhabhi 26 ki eh age uss time ki hai jab mare bhaiya aur bhabhi ki shadi hui thi hum delhi me rehate the but bhaiya dubai me work karte thae because oh engineer thae ghar pe mai aur maa rehate thae aur mai business karta tha. Mare bhaiya aur bhabhi ki marriage march 2013 me hui thi meri bhabhi bahut sunder hai unki hight 5,4 hai unka badan bilkul sonakhsi sinha jaysi hai puri bhari puri sex appeal itna jyada hai ki...

4 years ago
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Twas the Night Before New Years

‘Twas the night before New Years, The lights were turned dim, Every person was stirring, Especially Kim. Her stockings were black And clung to her thigh. She sat on her bed And let out a sigh. Her thoughts were all filled With what was to cum. She knew it’d be her And for sure more than one. She picked out her panties Matching bra trimmed in lace. Turning to the mirror With a smile on her face. She liked what she saw Indeed it was HOT! She could not resist But to reach for her spot. The hairs...

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Twas A Few Nights Before Christmas

Brenda stared with furrowed brow at Lexi’s reflection in the restroom mirror.“Don't give me that look,” Lexi said with a wicked grin. “He’s hot as all fuck.”Brenda tried to convince her friend to reconsider her choice. “He just made senior partner. He’ll fire our asses in half a heartbeat. Pick someone else. How about the sexy DJ we hired? She's hotter than fuck, too, and, has the cutest, heart shaped ass.”Lexi turned to Brenda, and calmly, but adamantly, replied, “It’s my turn to pick, and I...

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Twas the Night Before New Years

‘Twas the night before New Years,The lights were turned dim,Every person was stirring,Especially Kim.Her stockings were blackAnd clung to her thigh.She sat on her bedAnd let out a sigh.Her thoughts were all filledWith what was to cum.She knew it’d be herAnd for sure more than one.She picked out her pantiesMatching bra trimmed in lace.Turning to the mirrorWith a smile on her face.She liked what she sawIndeed it was HOT!She could not resistBut to reach for her spot.The hairs on her neckBeginning...

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Twas a Perv Christmas

Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the dwelling Not a creature was stirring, save my cock, which was swelling; From walls hung portraits, setting the mood, Above the mantel hung Grandma, totally nude; Down the hall in her bed, my sister Susan did sit, While a vibrating dildo danced on her wet, throbbing clit; And Mom in her panties, and I in the nude Had just ready’s our loins for long winter’s screw – When from outside our window there arose such a cry, My head darted up...

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Twas The Night Before

With apologies to Clement Clarke Moore. "Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house not a creature was stirring..." except for me and I was getting more and more pissed as I went from room to room looking for what should have been there. There should have been a wife and three children in the house, but they weren't. I had been away from home working on a project that was in trouble. We had a hard target deadline and a contract that called for sanctions if the job wasn't...

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Succubus Wasteland Part 1

Red lightning tore through the green sky over the vast wasteland outside, but, in the protective arms of the succubus, the young man was safe. The man took the succubus’s fingers and slowly began licking them before putting them in his mouth. He sucked on her soft skin, moaning slightly as her soft tail reached around and slid up and down the underside of his erect cock. Feeling this new sensation, the man bit down on the succubus’s fingers. This caused her to grin and slide her tongue...

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The Fundraiser

”Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to our marathon charity show for the victims of the dreadful earthquakes in Nepal.”Paul Sumner, late night talk show host, newspaper columnist and stinking rich philanthropist, was hosting a huge televised charity event being beamed to millions of homes worldwide."Everyone has seen the shocking images and heard the heartbreaking reports, and tonight we,” — and he pointed directly at the camera — “that is you at home and those of us here in the studio, are going...

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Fundraiser A drabble by Karen Hansen The gavel fell, then clapping... Lance, now Lynnette, stepped carefully down the stairs. Cuffed, he couldn't catch himself... led past the people... "How wonderful 'she' looked enfemme..." "What a 'nice' gesture..." Lance couldn't see the last bidder. Mistress whispered, "See you in 48 hours." Winking. It couldn't be too bad... different Mistress... new chores... it's what Mistress wanted... to help out the...

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The Waste Land is a longform poem written by T.S. Eliot. It is widely considered by literary critics to be one of the most important poems of the 20th century, if not the most important work of modernist poetry. The poem is divided into five sections: “The Burial of the Dead,” which tackles themes of disillusionment and despair; “A Game of Chess,” narrative riffs on the same themes; “The Fire Sermon,” an exploration of death and concepts of self-denial; “Death by Water,” a lyrical protest; and,...

Premium Fetish Porn Sites
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WASPS by BobH (c) 2009 (Note: A few months ago long-time Marvel Comics character Hank Pym took on the superhero identity of his dead ex-wife, the Wasp. No, he didn't change his gender as well, but an image released at a recent comic convention that looked an awful lot like a female version of him had me speculating that this was Marvel's next step with the character. As it happens I was mistaken and, despite looking nothing like her, this turned out to be a drawing of the...

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Wasps 2 the Local Galactic ArmChapter 5

"Sergeant, we found people up here. You should come take a look!" "Roger. We're on our way." The five people in the control center eagerly hurried up to the next floor to see what had excited the trooper. There was row after row after row of chambers, each with an individual inside. The people looked like caricatures of asparagus stalks: they were up to eight feet tall, about two feet in diameter, had arms and stubby legs, and were gray-green in color. Jim took one look and said, in...

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Wasps 2 the Local Galactic ArmChapter 10

The experience with the Nolyn caused a complete rethinking of the communication system used aboard the battle carriers. A hand-held FTLR was developed for use, and everything using conventional radio was scrapped. The radar systems for close-in navigation were kept, but the frequency was high enough that the Nolyn were not bothered. The Nolyn's star did put out EMR in the dangerous range, but their planet was far enough away from the star to cause the radiation to be too weak to be harmful,...

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Masculine Funk

One Wednesday evening, as I was sitting at the bar in a coastal city that renowned for its humidity, I was enjoying the balmy atmosphere as I sipped on a beer. I was very happy that a colleague had recommended this ‘arty’ area to me.The guest lodge I was staying in was charming, and all the shops and restaurants in Roper Road, as the area was referred to, had a lovely vibe. Of course, of special interest to me was the gay flag that I had observed hanging from the first floor of one of buildings...

Gay Male
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Dirty unwashed festival fun true story

As it's festival season I can't help but be jealous of all the people off having fun right now. I used to go to Download festival, I was lucky though and the times when I went it was lovely weather, not like the monsoon it seems to usually be nowadays. Festivals are brilliant for my unwashed fetish, as it's days on end of no washing, getting hot and sweaty in crowds, and just generally letting yourself go. I thought I'd share with you all one of my favourite festival experiences:It was 2006 and...

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