Compulsions Ch. 01 free porn video

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Tendrils of pleasure pulled and tugged at Mike Connors, wrenching him from the deep, restful sleep that had seemed to last forever. Wet warmth seemed to caress him and envelop him, smothering out all thoughts but the pleasure, the unending, undying and undeniable pleasure…

Mike’s eyes opened to see the glorious sight of red lips on his erect cock and a raven-haired head bobbing up and down. Consciousness had not yet fully returned and his hands drifted, instinctually, down to caress the feminine head at his mid-section. It seemed that the lightest touch caused the raven-haired beauty to push harder and take him deeper into her throat.

The beauteous brunette held him there at the limit, her lips, tongue and throat muscles working around his cock, squeezing and caressing, trying to draw the come out of him. At last, she pulled away, gasping for breath, and turned her head up toward him.

‘Good morning, baby. I know that’s how you like it in the morning.’

Mike stared in disbelief at his mother’s beautiful, glistening face. He leapt from his bed like a scalded cat. His back hit the wall of his room and he stood there, the shock washing over him.

‘Michael, don’t push me away,’ his mother, Jennifer, cooed to him. She rose from his bed like a goddess and took a step towards him.

‘Stop!’ he commanded. Obediently, she complied.

‘Don’t you want me, Michael? After your father died, I needed someone to help me, to care for me. I thought it was you. I thought that you loved me. Was I mistaken?’

His mother seemed close to tears. His heart went out to her. She had taken his father’s death hard, too hard.

‘I do love you, mother. But, could you just leave for a moment, please?’

Obediently, again, she withdrew.

How could this happen, he wondered? It had never come on like this before, not while he was asleep. The Compulsion didn’t work unless he concentrated on it. But this time, he had done it in his sleep. And to his own mother. He didn’t know what to think about that.

Michael Connors was a high school senior: dark-haired, blue-eyed and in good physical condition. He was tall at six-foot-three, and muscular. He was pretty much normal in every way, except for one.

Mike could control minds. He called it the Compulsion. It had started about a year ago. He didn’t know why or how he could do it. The origin of the power was a mystery to him. It wasn’t very powerful and it didn’t always work perfectly, but sometimes other people would follow his orders and even his unspoken desires. When it worked, the Compulsion allowed him to control other peoples’ behavior, distort their memories and alter their emotions, perceptions and thinking, but all in minor ways.

Until now, that is.

Mike realized that he was late for school and quickly dressed.

Leaving his room, Mike heard the shower running and wondered if Jennifer was okay. He pushed the door open and entered. Mike stared at the form of his mother slowly moving behind the glass, in the shower.

With long black hair and blue eyes, Jennifer Connors strongly resembled her son, albeit a very feminine version of him. She was 42 years old, but looked perhaps ten years younger, with a beautiful, nearly ageless face. She sported high cheekbones and creamy, flawless skin. Her breasts were a D-cup, Mike knew, but seemed even larger on her slender frame. In height, she was a dreamy five-foot-ten.

A few seconds passed. Mike was enraptured by the sight of his mother. She never failed to arouse him. Only this time, she was nude and only a few feet away. Not counting the scene a couple of minutes ago, he had never seen her naked. To be honest, he didn’t remember much about those few seconds.

Jennifer opened her eyes, saw him through the glass and yelped. ‘Michael, what the hell are you doing in here?’

Mike hastily withdrew from the bathroom. ‘Sorry mom. I have to hurry to get to school. See you, tonight.’

Mike grabbed his pack and ran out the door before she could say more.

Mike should have been embarrassed, but he was relieved. She was back to normal. He had been half-afraid that she would stay like that, his mind-slave, forever. Or that she would have remembered what had happened.


Mike left the house and saw that Jim’s car was waiting to pick him up. Mike jumped in and it took off.

James O’Neil had been friends with Mike for years and was a senior at his high school, as well. He was brown-haired, dark-eyed, as tall as Mike, but not so big, nor as strong in the chest or shoulders. He was attractive and seemed to get more attention from the girls then Mike did.

‘How was your weekend, man?’ Jim asked.

‘Okay, I guess,’ Mike answered, thinking of the incident with his mother. She had been unbelievable, actually, but she had left Mike a bit confused as to his feelings or about what to do about his problem.

‘My sister came home from college,’ Jim said.

‘For the weekend?’

‘For good.’

Mike shook his head. ‘What did your mother say?’

‘What do you think? First my father leaves her and then my sister ditches college. She’s a wreck.’

Mike thought about Claire O’Neil, Jim’s mother. She was a pretty woman, his mother’s age, and she had always been nice to him. But she had always had problems with Ashley, Jim’s sister. Maybe he would stop by and talk to her, to see if she needed anything. He had known Claire most of his life and had always liked her.

‘Something is going on with Ashley,’ Jim said. ‘But I can’t figure out what. My mom doesn’t know what to do. I wish that I could help her, but she doesn’t trust me at all.’

They didn’t speak for the rest of the drive. Jim pulled into the high school and parked.

‘We’re late again,’ Jim said.

‘Translate: screwed,’ Mike replied.

Jim knew a door that was usually still unlocked at this time and together, they took off around back and tried to sneak in. It worked and they were inside.

‘Coast is clear,’ Jim said after peeking around a hallway corner. ‘I’ll see you at lunch.’

‘Right,’ Mike said, as they split off to go to their respective classrooms. ‘See you, then.’

As luck (or unluck?) would have it, he almost immediately ran into Mrs. Adams, his history teacher.

Catherine Adams was an attractive woman in her early thirties. Her clothes were a bit plain and her blonde hair was always worn up, but the slenderness of her face and figure, and the eyeglasses that she wore, only served to entice the male students more.

Besides, as every guy knew, brainy was sexy.

‘Mr. Connors?’

‘Mrs. Adams,’ he responded.

‘How many times does this make in the past week?’ she asked.

‘I’m sure I don’t know, Mrs. Adams.’

She stood with her arms crossed under her breasts, her lovely green eyes peering over those sexy glasses. Mike briefly considered using the Compulsion on her, but after a second, he put the thought from his mind. She waited, still looking at him, as if expecting him to answer. For a split second, he imagined those green eyes peering at him over those glasses, while sucking on his stiff cock.

Catherine’s hand immediately reached out to touch him. Long fingers trailed down his chest to alight on the bulge of his crotch.

‘You look wonderful today, Michael. Have you been working out? Your chest seems larger, somehow.’ It wasn’t his chest she was feeling.

The Compulsion. Shit. He could get in serious trouble this way.

‘Perhaps you and I could get better acquainted,’ she said, smiling. Her lips pursed and she tried to kiss him.

‘But, but… Mrs. Adams, aren’t you married?’ Mike desperately looked around to make sure no one was coming. If someone saw him, he would be so screwed. It wasn’t that he didn’t enjoy the attention, but it was a little too public for his comfort.

‘My h
usband doesn’t appreciate me. He barely knows that I exist, Michael. He works all day to buy me things, when all I really want is his attention. You know how to show attention to a woman, don’t you, Michael?’

‘I, ah, have to get to first period, Mrs. Adams. I’m sorry.’ He took her hand in his and moved it away from his jeans.

‘Catherine,’ she corrected.

‘Right, Catherine,’ he said as he quickly turned away. Desperately, Mike tried to blank his mind. He had to stop her from following the wild images he was broadcasting into her mind’s eye. He started to walk away.

‘Stop,’ she said, suddenly. ‘You’re going to have to go the office and speak with Miss Walsh.’

Mike blinked and turned back. Mrs. Adams was back to her normal self. It had worked. Something like that had never worked, before. Maybe he was gaining a new level of control over his abilities. Usually, a Compulsion could not be changed once planted in someone’s mind.

‘Well?’ she said, expectantly.

‘On my way, Catherine.’ And he took off towards the office, leaving her with her mouth hanging open.


Mike entered the principal’s office and passed the secretary’s desk.

‘Smile,’ the secretary, Cameron Cox, said and took a picture of him with a small, digital camera that she always kept nearby. She waved him past. She knew why he was here.

As Mike approached Miss Walsh’s office, he could hear what sounded like voices, angry voices.

Just then, Samantha Collins exited the room. She was moving fast and Mike couldn’t step aside quickly enough. She crashed into him, not hard, but hard enough to give him a good feel of the firm, athletic, 34-C breasts of hers. Her strong, almost masculine, features filled his vision and her angry dark eyes stared into his, as if ordering him aside. Or, maybe, she was daring him to touch her again.

‘Excuse me,’ the blonde-haired gym teacher snapped. With a fling of her short hair, she stepped to his side and was gone.

‘A problem, Mr. Connors?’ a sultry voice asked.

Mike looked up and saw Principal Robin Walsh glaring at him with her stunning dark eyes.

‘No problem, Miss Walsh,’ Mike said, automatically.

‘Inside,’ she ordered.

Robin Walsh was very tall, only a couple inches shy of six feet, with emotional dark eyes and fabulous jet-black hair that reminded Mike of his mother. She wore a dark jacket and skirt, a red blouse, and high heels that made her taller than nearly every student in school, including many of the guys. Her face was beautiful and mature.

Though she didn’t seem or even look aged, by any means, she definitely exuded maturity. Sometimes, she seemed even more mature then Jennifer, Mike’s mother, but was actually a couple of years younger, he thought.

Mike stepped inside and sat in one of the chairs.

Robin closed the door and sat, her firm breasts giving an almost imperceptible jump. Her dark hair settled across her shoulders. ‘You’re late, again.’

‘Sorry, Miss Walsh.’

‘Honestly, Mike, I don’t know what to do with you.’

‘What was wrong with Coach Sam?’

‘That’s her business, not yours.’

Mike looked across the desk and made eye contact. Almost unbidden, the Compulsion reached out and took hold of her. ‘Tell me,’ he said, firmly.

Oops. He did it again.

‘She… was… upset with me,’ Robin said, hesitantly. ‘It was my fault. I wasn’t paying enough attention to her and she though that I was… attracted to… another man. I suppose that it’s probably over between us, now. I should have done something. I should have said something.’

Mike blinked at what she had said. Hello! ‘Miss Walsh… Robin… are you and Sam having an affair? Are you a lesbian?’

‘Yes. And, no, not exactly,’ she told him. ‘I do like men.’

Wow. That was unexpected. Mike’s face held a devious look.

‘Are you sure you like men, Miss Walsh? I mean, how do you know? I’ve never seen you with anyone or seen you show any attraction to anyone in particular.’ He paused. ‘Maybe you should prove it to me.’

He had her snared, now. He could feel it. He could feel her, in his mind. Damn, he shouldn’t have done that.

Deftly, Robin stood and walked around the desk to stand before him. Her hands went to hem of her skirt and she lifted it up to her waist. Underneath, she wore a lacy black pair of panties.

‘Touch me, please, Michael,’ she practically begged.

‘Ah, what the hell?’ Mike thought. ‘Why am I fighting it? I might as well live a little.’ He complied with her request, his fingers coming into contact with the filmy material and feeling the heat beneath.

‘Take them off,’ he ordered. ‘Give them to me.’

She slid the panties off her long legs and dropped them in his lap. Mike picked them up and inhaled, savoring the smell of her. Putting them in his pocket, he unzipped his pants and set his bulging cock free. Eight inches of cock stuck straight up.

Robin’s hand made contact with his penis. Her fingers locked around his manhood, firm and strong. Stronger than he expected.

‘You’re a strong woman, Miss Walsh.’

‘You like that?’ she cooed. ‘A woman who works out?’

Mike nodded.

‘Show me your breasts, Miss Walsh,’ he ordered. ‘Now.’ In seconds, she was out of her jacket and blouse and her sumptuous orbs hung free. ‘You’re not wearing a bra, Miss Walsh,’ Mike pointed out.

‘I never do,’ she said. ‘It’s too confining for my comfort.’

Mike grabbed at her and she returned her hand to his cock. For a few moments, they were face to face, him sitting and her bending over towards him, his hands caressing her, her jacking his cock, softly.


She dropped to her knees, without hesitation.

‘Jack me off onto your mature fucking face, Robin.’

She jacked him, hard, pounding her hand up and down his meat.

‘Grab your breast,’ Mike said. ‘Put your finger in your mouth.’

Mike watched the lovely lady follow his instructions. He couldn’t believe his eyes. His beautiful principal was jacking his cock off in her office, with who knew how many people just outside. This was great.

Almost as cool as his mother blowing him this morning. Mike winced. He couldn’t believe he had thought that. Still, it made him think of something wild.

‘Fucking blow me, Miss Walsh,’ he ordered, hopefully.

Eagerly, Robin put her mouth on his cock and slurped him inside. He felt his cock thrust down her throat and she gagged. She pulled back for a moment and then thrust herself forward again, taking him down. Another gag, another thrust. Again and again.

Michael was in heaven. Every nerve in his body was tingling. He found that he couldn’t ignore the sensation in his groin.

‘I’m coming! I’m coming, Miss Walsh! Jack me, now!’

She jacked him, furiously, for a few more strokes, until his come came surging forth to splash on her mature face. Once, twice, three times he spurted, coating her face with dripping jizz.

‘Oh, Oh. Ooooh god, Robin!’

She deposited the last few spurts on her lips and kissed and licked them.

‘That’s right. Lick it off, Robin.’

She complied, her eyes holding his the whole time. ‘Can I do anything else for you, Mr. Connors?’

‘Actually, yes. I want you to make up with Samantha. And I want you to bring Sam to the guy’s locker room, today at lunchtime.’

‘Anything for you,’ she cooed.

Mike pulled his pants up. ‘And I need an excuse for missing class.’


When Michael entered his psychology class, it was already almost over. His teacher, Elizabeth Mahoney, watched him as he walked in.

Mike quickly took a seat next to a redhead named Abigail Prescott. She was friends with him. At least, he hoped she was. He actually had a bit of a crush on her. Abigail smiled at him. Her deep blue eyes were set in a pretty face. They seemed to hypnotize him.

Liz spoke without missing a beat. ‘Now, can anyone tell me what a neurosis it.’

Abigail quickly answered: ‘A psychological state characterized by excessive anxiety or insecurity without evidence of neurologic or other organic disease, sometimes accompanied by defensive or immature behaviors.’

It was probably a near-textbook definition. Abby had mentioned to Mike once that she had an eidetic memory. ‘See it, remember it,’ Mike had heard her say.

‘Right,’ Miss Mahoney said. ‘The exact cause of neuroses are unknown. What is known is that they compel the sufferer to take actions based upon false reasoning. Can anyone give me an example of a neurosis?’

Miss Mahoney looked at Mike, intently.

‘Great,’ he thought.

‘Mr. Connors?’

Mike met the brunette’s eyes. ‘Sorry. You got me.’

Liz Mahoney’s chocolate-colored brown eyes narrowed as she studied him. Mike studied her right back. She was in her mid-thirties, modest in height, with long brown hair and a pair of full, red lips that Mike thought were perfectly made for kissing. Her face was almost a bit plain, but the body it was attached to more than made up for any perceived imperfections.

‘Anyone have an example?’


The answer brought a round of laughter from the class. Everyone but Abigail, who scoffed openly and rolled her eyes.

Mike turned to stare at the girl who had answered.

Julie Winters was a slender girl with long black hair and enchanting dark eyes. Enchanting, but cold. Her father owned the biggest bank in town and her mother was a well-known beauty and a stuck-up socialite. Julie was on the short side, at five-foot-two, but her face could have graced the cover of any teen’s or woman’s magazine. It was cold, too.

‘Love is nothing more than an obsessive-compulsive behavior that we all engage in,’ Julie continued. ‘We claim not to know why we do it, why we submit to another’s demands and desires, why we humiliate ourselves for another’s benefit. So we say that it is love and we give it some cosmic significance. In reality, it’s a mental illness.’

‘Well, that’s one way to see it,’ Liz said, taken aback.

Abigail jumped in, quickly. ‘Miss Mahoney, surely you understand that love is inherently important. It’s not some sort of delusion. True love is something that humanity has aspired to attain for its entire history. Poetry, literature and historical events are replete with the effects of love. It’s as much a part of the human condition as eating and breathing are. I refuse to believe that all of us are suffering from an inexplicable mass insanity.’

Liz opened her mouth to speak.

Julie answered first, retorting: ‘Love, lust or romance. It all comes down to screwed-up thoughts in our brains. There’s no great mystique, Abby. You have to control your emotions, or you can forget about landing a rich man. But then, on second thought, never mind. You’ll never find one, anyway.’

Abigail stared at her.

Just then, the buzzer buzzed the end of period.

Liz spoke up, quickly. ‘Read chapter twelve for tomorrow, everyone. Mr. Connors, stay for a moment.’

Mike sighed as he looked at Abigail. He gave her a quick smile and spoke. ‘Don’t mind her, Abby. Julie’s just kind of a bitch.’

Abby smiled at him. The enchanting smile lit up her face. It was definitely the most attractive part of her, and the rest certainly wasn’t bad.

‘Thanks, Mike. I’ll see you next period.’ She watched him as she left the room.

Mike stepped up to Miss Mahoney. ‘I have an excuse.’

‘Mike, I’m worried about you. You’re always late, you don’t do your homework and you don’t study very hard. Is there something going on with you? Something I can help you with?’

A thought suddenly occurred to Mike. ‘What do you know about compulsions, Miss Mahoney?’

‘A little bit. Are you saying you have a psychological problem?’

‘Think of this as a hypothetical question, Miss Mahoney. Is it possible for someone to affect another person’s actions and thoughts?’

‘I’m not sure what you mean.’ She crossed her arms over her ample bosom.

‘I mean is it possible for a person to influence another, causing him or her to do what that person wants them to do?’

‘Of course, we do it every day,’ Liz said.

‘I’m talking about actual physical control,’ Mike said.

‘Mind control? Without threats or coercion? I’d say that’s not possible. Are you in some kind of trouble, Mike?’

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Two distinctly different sounds assaulted my ears and woke me up. The first was the insistent electronic beeping of a cell phone near my head. The second was the low, thudding pounding on the hotel room's door. I rolled over on my side, gently easing Lilly onto the carpet next to me, looked around and spotted the cell phone lying under the coffee table. I picked it up and thumbed the button. "Hello?" "Ike?" It was my sister. "Hey beautiful." "I've been calling for two hours....

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Earths CoreChapter 21 Earthrsquos Records

Within a sealed cavern, encompassed by blackness, sitting crossed legs, Zax prepared himself to tackle the fifth bottleneck of insight. Smell, touch, taste, sight ... These were the four bottlenecks of insight Zax already perceived and proceeded to comprehend. Zax was not oblivious. By now he could tell that the bottlenecks of insight have something to do with the five senses. The issue was with him unable to figure out if the remaining sense, sense of hearing, which will probably make him...

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Thunder And Lightening

Thunder And Lightening When you are camping in the woods for two weeks in just a tent, thunder and lightening take on a whole new meaning. My wife Julia and I had a pretty big tent with two rooms, each room was eight by twelve feet so there was plenty of room to spread out. At the last minute my wife invited her mother and her sister to come along with us. That meant that I had to pack more sleeping bags and take more food along. It also meant that my sex life had just taken a...

2 years ago
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Poker night a very wild one

Wednesday was poker night with a couple neighbors.Matt and Dawson lived a few houses down the street. They were nice guys, in their early thirties and they lived together since Matt’s divorce. Dawson was a handsome black guy, tall and muscled; my sweet wife had put her eyes on him; but she told me for sure that she had not fucked him…yet…As they arrived, I poured them some drinks.My sexy Ana was wearing a pair of tight jeans and a loose flannel shirt and a jacket, since she said the evening was...

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Wanting to be a woman chapter 4

As they pushed me against the wall, I said, “ What did I do wrong?” “You’re being arrested for prostitution.” “But I am not a prostitute..” “Yea, that’s why you have two ten dollar bills stuck to your ass.” They slapped the cuffs on me and started to drag me out of the porn store without even pulling my skirt down so one ten showed and my dick peeked out from under the skirt. On the way to the police station, I did not know what I would do. My mom would surely find out about me...

3 years ago
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A Walk Around the Lake Chapter 9

They stood in the bathroom kissing like teenagers.  Hell, they felt like teenagers!  This was all so new for both of them.  When she asked him if he was going to join her in the generous sized tub, his heart nearly flew out of his chest.  He took her in his arms again, and kissed her passionately on the mouth, sweeping his tongue along her lower lip, until she gave in to the passion that she was feeling and gave him entrance to her mouth.  Their tongues danced, a mating ritual, a foreshadow of...

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Beautiful Aunty Ko Pata Kar Choda

Hello friends my name is Jeet dixit aaj mai aap logo ke satha apna ek experience share karne ja raha hu, mai jabalpur mp ka rahne wala hu,meri age 22 hai ,and mere land ka size 7” hai bat us samay ki hai jab mai 12 class me padhta tha,mere bagal me ek chhota pariwar rahta tha, pati patni or unke do bacche. Aunty dekhne me bahut khoobshurat thi unhe dekhkar lagta hi nahi tha ki wo do baccho ki ma hai figure to ek Dam mast tha unki age 30 thi or unka figure size 32 80 tha unke pati bahar rahte...

4 years ago
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Welcome to Cedar Springs

The air was hot, in a humid, sweaty way that beat out the harshest Seattle summer without even trying. Spared by the grace of AC, you and your husband Greg stared out through the windows of your ‘98 Subaru toward your new home. Greg, just starting to show a few grey hairs at his temples, smiled back at you, “So this is the place. A few hours to unpack the basics and we should be ready to call it a night!” After three days of driving, you were both exhausted. You'd given up your job and your...

Mind Control
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A Year Ago part X

A Year Ago - part X by MadQuill This is an evolving story of Sara's sensual investigation. Please review the first phases of Sara's transition... My afternoon plan was changed by Jenn's behavior. I couldn't stop thinking about what Angelica had said to her, "Go to your room and get ready." My imagination was going wild, fueled by the other surprising statement. "be careful of his very nice cock." She was somehow aware of her chef's member but Thomas had acted appropriately...

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Jack and JillChapter 74

I cleaned up and put on a clean pair of shorts. Surprisingly, Mom hadn't made any comments about the stained pair I was wearing though I knew she noticed. Not much gets by my mother. Jill was already under the blankets on her side, her hands holding them just under her chin, her body in the shape of a crescent. I caught the light and got in bed, scooting up to her back and working my arms around her. She let go of the blanket and pulled my hands into her chest. "How are you doing,...

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Walking the DogChapter 4

I had never seen Liam and Niall in action before. They walked into the house and took over. Half an hour later we were being hustled out of the door and into Niall's Range Rover. We had been instructed to pack a bag with spare clothes and were to be taken a 'safehouse.' Niall gave his best impersonation of Michael Schumacher to shake off any tail and an hour or two later we were speeding down country lanes to the west of London. Trotsky and Magic in the back were not happy as the car made...

1 year ago
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Drunk Encounters

My name is Alaric van Hundley. I'm 5'2", long blonde hair to my waist, baby blue eyes, a curvy waist, and a 34C cup. I know what you're thinking: Wow, you must get all the guys! Well, I do, but I don't have any interest in men. I'm lesbian. I always get horny and fall in love with women. I never was straight. This is my story of the night I first had sex. It was cold and damp outside, and I found my drunk self ending up staring at a woman just across the bar with the most beautiful body ever....

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Magic Ink IV Ken and KellChapter 7

The following new characters appear in the next two chapters: Eamon O'Flaherty III Castellan, 5'-8" tall, 150 pounds, 50 years old, brown hair going gray, hazel eyes 'Red' Hugh O'Dochartaigh Guard Captain, 6'-0" tall, 195 pounds, 35 years old, flaming red hair, gray eyes, and a bad temper We hurried up the stairs past the second floor without looking in, and continued on to the third floor. Sunshine had said that this was the Master's private floor. I quickly cast a ward...

1 year ago
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Virgin Niece

I love it when young girls about ten or eleven start to develop their breasts. They are kind of pointed and cute to see in their T-shirts. They are even kind of proud of them. I love it when a young lady about twelve or thirteen starts to get that thinner waist, growing toward that hourglass figure that men love to admire. I really love it when a young woman about fourteen or fifteen starts thinking about sex and loosing her virginity. I absolutely love to de-flower virgins, to be the...

3 years ago
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Double GlazingChapter 11

A cold wind blew through my heart. "How is she? Is she hurt? Where have they taken her?" The policewoman, Constable Knight came over to me, she put her hand on my arm. "She's been taken to the General Emergency. She was concious in the ambulance. We'll take you there now." I went with them in the police car. The detective was driving, far too slowly for my temper. He took the opportunity to ask me some questions. Background stuff and where had I been all morning. I picked up on that...

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My wife horny for a skater

Anita and I were doing some shopping that Saturday afternoon.The weather was sunny and very warm. So my sweet wife had chosen to wear a light summer dress, with no bra, nor thong at all.Ana had her curly hair tied back. She looked delicious as always. After visiting some stores, we decided to get something for lunch at the local park area to enjoy our picnic. While we ate. I soon had my foot between her spread thighs, rubbing her bald pussy with my naughty toes. Anita moaned as she was getting...

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Sharing Family Panties

Total fabrication, not a thing happened anywhere except my head. This is a fetish story about our Larry trying to decide if wearing he should wear his Mom’s panties or his sisters.It all started the week my mother went to a training meeting for her job. I wore panties belonging to my Mom and my older sister and knew I’d never stop enjoying them.My older sister was married and lived near us and the plan was for me to stay with my sister. I protested that I was old enough to stay alone but being...

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BLAKE'S ADVENTURESChapter 9Blake enjoyed his visit to the museum, even though Dan embarrassed him acouple of times by drawing his attention to men who were clearly lustingafter him in his skin-tight trousers. "Why do you blush when you see menadmiring you?" Hendrik asked him "You should be happy that men enjoylooking at you." Blake nodded but said nothing.The trio stopped for a drink outside a canal-side bar and then had dinnerin a restaurant not far from Amsterdam Centraal station before...

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How to Talk to Girls Chapter 7 A New Reality

Chapter 7: A New Reality Leah let loose a muffled scream with her face buried in a pillow. "Magic is actually real!" "Oh. Yeah," Zach answered unexcitedly. "You got turned into a girl right in front of my eyes!" Leah exclaimed, lifting her head from the pillow. "Yeah I guess I did," Zach said with a long sigh. She looked down at herself, "And I've been turning into a girl right in front of your eyes this whole time." "Yup." "Oh my gosh. That's so embarrassing." "And...

2 years ago
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It Started With Tattooed Eyeliner 2

It had been two weeks since I had rashly made an unfortunate decision to have my eyes tattooed with eyeliner. My wife, Erin, had reacted with both confusion and rage, demanding that I wear a DD padded bra to work the next day. She had also modified my Facebook profile, changing my name from Jerry to Jeri and using a profile picture that clearly showed my heavy black eyeliner. Between my embarrassment and my fear of an anger I'd never before seen in Erin, I put up no fight at all, and...

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Alternate Realities Selena Gomez at sixteen

An accompaniment to the story ‘Happy Birthday Selena!’. This is meant to be set in a world where alternate realities spring up from the pocketbooks of the financially astute, and renegade technicians that just want to set things right in their world. Bryan, named Joshua Loorman in this reality, is being pursued by these renegades and takes full advantage of being a few steps ahead of the competition. This chapter is yet another alternate Earth where Selena Gomez never really came into her own...

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Glen WisemanChapter 12

The article that Glen was reading for the December issue of the magazine was really good. It described the sexual options that existed in a marriage of two men and two women. Although the language was not explicit, the variety of options that were discussed was very exciting. He had a taste of it when the trio returned home and the memory of that evening was enough to get him hard in a flash. He set the article aside and went into the bedroom. Wanda was in the shower. He removed his bathrobe...

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My First Cock As A Swinger

After I found my husband cheating on me I had told him I was becoming a swinger and was going to fuck as many guys as I wanted as his punishment, however I feel he didn’t think I actually would go along with it, so when I brought two young studs home from work with me his face was a picture, who are these he cried, these are going to be my lovers for the night meet Jason & Mark, this is my husband guys the cheater I told my love doves, you must be mad to cheat on such a fine woman Jason told my...

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From Spoiled Niece to BitchSlave

From Spoiled Niece to Bitch-SlavePart 1By Sonya EsperantoE-mail:  [email protected] Story:Early Afternoon?Ok Brooke.  This is it!!  This is where you get off!!?  Brooke’s mom spoke in an exhausted but excited tone.?So you are dumping me in the middle of nowhere???  Brooke sounded upset.Brooke sat next to her mom,  while they were still inside her mom’s Honda.   Not far from where the car was parked were the gates of Brooke’s aunt’s house.  Her aunt was her mom’s sister.  As for...

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Christinas Secret

Too many times tonight guys on separate occasions tried to pick up Christina. But she was not interested she just wanted to drink alone and be with her thoughts of how unhappy she had been. The past few relationships she had did not last or ended in disaster and the last thing she wanted was to be with another guy at least tonight. On the other side of the bar this beautiful blonde who could have stepped off a sun-kissed California beach has been watching Christina and her continued rejections....

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Small Town Swinging Part 1

Our neighbours, Steve and Candy are a fit and attractive couple in their late 30’s. We’ve known each other for about four years and socialised as part of a larger group fairly regularly. Candy and my wife, Renee, are part of the same book club. It all started about a year ago at a fund raising function, Candy who was working behind the bar, would lean over the bar and kiss Renee on the lips each time she came up to order a drink. Renee is a tall and very sexy 45 year old, apparently in her...

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Fantasy Flight Book 3Chapter 15

Karma is a bitch April. Looks like you will have to see if your money man can book you a private jet for you to join the mile-high club. For the first time in a while the flight was very enjoyable and not just because of getting to ride in first class. No, it was seeing the looks the flight attendants gave me turn from disgust to show a bit of respect. Well they sure as hell couldn’t even hope to deal with April having serious PMS and being pissed about being on the rag on the flight...

3 years ago
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The Story of My Mom

My mom and I have always been very close. When I turned ten, my mom and dad got a divorce. My dad moved away and it was just me and mom. We became even closer. Mom told me that I was now the "man of the house". I took my new role very seriously and tried to live up to what I thought was expected. When I hit puberty mom tried to fill in as a male role model. At f******n I was in my room laying on my bed naked. I had a dirty mag and was just starting to jack off, I had found a good picture...

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Fun with Maid at inlaws

Hi friends ,This is my first submission….not a cooked up story but true incident & many more to come….I promise..I am Raj from gurgaon ht 5 ft. 10 inches with an athletic. A maid aged about 20 yrs was hired by my mother- in-law as she stayed alone at a South Delhi house. She is originally from Jharkhand. I made certain advances at her during the day such as – moving my hands over the neck, shoulders & cheeks..the only reaction was she closed her eyes and sighed. At first I could not make out if...

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 Her soft lips brushed against my neck as she whispered, “Here.”“Here? What, right here?” I glanced around nervously. We weren’t exactly hidden. Okay, so we were standing amidst a clump of trees but they didn’t actually conceal us. “You sure? Isn’t this a bit, you know, public?”She laughed, tossing back her long, blonde hair so it rippled in the sunlight. God, she was beautiful, a true angel, yet she had the devil’s own glint in her eyes.“Here’s perfect,” she said, breathlessly, the look in her...

2 years ago
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Garden of Eden Generation Seven 2

Introduction: Click J. R. for more. Garden of Eden, Generation Seven 2 Kandi kisses Centiger goodbye as she leaves with her parents through the green meadow, feeling like shes in Paradise. But, of course, she is! Soon they meet her good friend Danny who greets her with a huge kiss. Yet, disappointment runs all over his face. Her parents smile, then hug him empathetically, Good to see you, Danny. You mean a lot to us. Well leave the two of you alone. Kandi sees his sadness too, so she gently...

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Losing Virginity To My Next Door Neighbour Aunty 8211 Part 1

HI friends. As the description suggests that this is story is about me losing my virginity to a next door auntie, who is 35 years old and has a lovely figure; 40 B boobs, 32 inches waist and a huge 40 inch ass. I am now 36 yrs of age with 21 inches broad shoulders, 45 inch hairy chest and 7.5 inches long and 3 inches thick cock. It all started when I used to be very young and about 12 when I started to grow more muscular as I always used to be very active in sports and had broad shoulders. This...

4 years ago
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Twelve Condoms Party Pack

Condom One: Finger Test "Whoa! Check this out!" Casey shouted grabbing a box from the store shelf. "Magic condoms! Guarantee to get any woman pregnant!" "That's not how condoms are support to work." Kenneth replied. Annoyed by his brother's clowning. The two couldn't even make it through a simple run to the corner store without Casey embarrassing the hell out of him. "Oh and it gets better." Casey promised, "Its a party pack. It comes with normal and special condoms. I wonder if any of them...

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Controlling Sister 2

--- Controlling Sister 2 (F-solo, m-solo, mF, MF, mf, Ff, 1st, blackmail, bd, inc, interr, mc, nc, oral, impreg, tg) by Krosis of the Collective --- After my sister Marie was found to be pregnant she came to my room one day. She and I were no longer hostile to each other, unlike the last few years, probably because she knew she needed all the support she could get. "JP, Mom said something weird when she found out I got knocked up," she said. "Yeah?" I replied. I was a...

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Irons And Lace

Cynthia Donahue watched snow flakes flit like jewels against the street's brilliance. Low hanging clouds cupped the light like a hand, pressing it firmly down against the flawless snow winking iridescently across the sidewalk and lawn. The low irregular masses of azaleas bulked against the whiteness, crowned with grotesque wigs of fresh snow, their shadows ink dark and dense. Cynthia could feel the bitter cold radiating from the window to her skin but the warmth of the bedroom enfolded her...

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Dirty And Hot Sex With My Ex Girlfriend In Delhi

Hi readers of ISS. I am Samir from Delhi with my new story here telling you about my sexperiences. Thank you for the response to my last stories on ISS. For new readers, I am single, hot and horny guy and I love dirty and oral sex a lot. Today im going to narrate you my one of the dirtiest sexperience with my ex girlfriend. My girlfriend was also from Delhi and we enjoyed some real good moments and even after breakup we do cherish such moments. So we often used to discus about sex and one day...

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My transistion revised

It was my 30th birthday, I went out with my friends and a couple cousins to the bar. Since I was also going through a divorce I decided I needed to forget my problems for the night. We all had fun that night, so much so that when I woke up in the morning in a hotel with 3 naked woman in bed I wanted to remember the night before. I lied there trying to price it together but just couldn't so I got up and took a shower. When I came out only Lisa was still there. Lisa is a good friend. I've...

1 year ago
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My mommy

The sun woke me, its warm rays caressing me, pulling me slowly awake. I stretched, groaning, then settled back into the mattress, my gaze on the window. This was the first day of summer vacation; I had nowhere to be and, aside from my chores, I had nothing planned.I turned my head at the knock on my door. "Come in."The door opened and my mother appeared, smiling. "Morning, sweetheart. Thought I heard you."My brow twitched, my gaze dropping for the briefest moment. She was wearing a white...

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