Reginald's FamilyChapter 6 free porn video

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“Hey! That makes sense. You have a good head on your shoulders, young man. Are you at the university?”

“I am, in my first year. My wi ... wife is also studying there.”

They moved indoors, out of the wind that was getting up. The farmer looked at Reg with a smile.

“Still having trouble saying the word ‘wife’, son? It makes you proud to have a wife, doesn’t it? I remember our own first few months as husband and wife: a magical time. Now we have a boy in the army and a daughter who is a policewoman. Neither of them is interested in farming, more’s the pity.”

“We hope to have a family eventually, sir, but I want my ... girl to finish her degree.”

“Good man; very sensible. Now, I have your details, but you should have ours too. I have some cards somewhere ... ah, here they are.” He swept up a small pile of printed cards from the desk near the farm front door, and peeled one off to hand it to Reg. “This even has our email address on it.”

“Fine. I’ll get Frances to handle that. I don’t do much email, myself.”

“I thought all you university types were email savvy!”

“To some extent, sir, but I didn’t have a computer until recently. My mother couldn’t afford it.”

“Really? How did you get into university, then? Isn’t it expensive, with the fees and all?”

“Grant aid, sir. My school helped, as did the university. My wife’s father owns the building we are now living in, so no residence costs. We can cope, with my wife’s allowance. I don’t cost much; never had any spare cash, so I’m used to not spending.”

“Well, son, I’ll see what we can do about your metal find. We’ll make a good deal for you, mark my words.”

“Thank you sir. Can I come back and do some more searching another time? It makes a nice break from studying, or my new family responsibilities.”

“She’s running you ragged already, son? If she’s that keen on sex, you have a keeper, my boy!”

“Uh, thank you sir. Frances is certainly a loving wife.”

“Right. Off you go home, young man, and tell your girl that you love her. That never does any harm.”

Reg did just that. He walked home and as soon as he was inside, called out in an “I love Lucy” voice, “Honey, I’m home!”

Not surprisingly, he got several immediate responses from the girls who were within earshot, and as they appeared, he told each one, “I love you, my darling wife.”

Finally, Fiona arrived with Prudence. Seeing them, He kissed Prudence, saying, “I love you, my darling wife.” then turned to Fiona. He hugged her to him, and said softly, “I love you too, my sweet. You are not forgotten.”

Frances finally spoke for all of them. “What brought that on, Reg?”

“My love, I was chatting to a local farmer, where I was detectoring, and he told me to go home to my wife and tell her that I loved her. I didn’t mention that I had more than one wife, though!”

Frances found this tale funny, and gave a chuckle, but ended up asking, “Did you find much rubbish with your machine?”

“A whole carrier bagful, Frances, but one lump looked like one or more coins, so the farmer is going to ask the local Finds man about it. It may have to be declared Treasure Trove if it has reasonable value, but I don’t think it will be worth much. The farmer knows a bit about finds – he said he had a leaflet about reporting finds. One of the commonest is the 1797 cartwheel penny, he says. What was sticking out of the concretion was too small to be that, and not corroded, so who knows? I might go back there again. I spent almost two hours in that field!”

“You’re sure the find is safe with him, Reg? You can be too trusting and accepting of people at times, you know. You don’t have enough experience of people’s foibles, love.”

“He and his wife seemed a pleasant couple, darling, and he is happy for me to go back and try again. I have his card with his name, address, phone number and email.”

“Oh, well, that sounds better. When will you hear from him?”

“No idea, but the finds officer will be on holiday the same as everyone else except farmers. I have a photo taken by the farmer of me holding the find; the concretion, it is apparently called. It is evidence that I found it.”

“I suppose so. Okay, Reg, let that go for now, but go visit the farm again. I’ll check with my father, to see if he knows about this farmer.”

“Talking about your father, what did he say about my mother?”

“Oh. Damn, I forgot to phone him. Sorry about that, Reg. We were so busy interrogating Fiona, that it went out of my head. I’ll phone him now, and cover both items. He should be at home.”

“Thanks, Frances. I’ll go get myself a cup of tea in the meantime.”

A while later, after he had drunk his tea, Reg was approached by Frances again.

“Okay, Reg. The news is that your mother is still getting over the flu, but is happy to talk to anyone. You can ring her at my folks’ place, and speak to her. On the other question, he said he would speak to Freda’s dad. He rang back almost immediately to report that Freda’s Dad says he will get in touch with the Finds Liaison Officer tomorrow, alert him of your discovery, as your lawyer, and inform him that the farmer is bringing it in for evaluation as possible Treasure Trove. He says that should ensure that the farmer cannot claim it outright as his own find.”

Reg looked alarmed. “I wasn’t expecting my farmer friend to make any such claim, Frances! He is a nice man. I know it.”

“You are probably right, Reg darling, but Freda says her Daddy knows best about legal matters, and thinks this is what should happen, just to be on the safe side.”

“Very well. I defer to her father’s expertise.” He looked at the wall clock. “It is probably too near our mealtime to phone my mother. Remind me to ring her after we have eaten.”

An hour later, Frances tapped him on the arm. “Reg, time to ring my parents and speak to your own mother.”

Nodding, he borrowed Frances’ phone and made the call. Mrs LeBrun answered.

“LeBrun residence.”

“Mrs LeBrun, it is Reginald. Can I speak to my mother please?”

“Certainly, Reg. Hang on while I get a twinny to fetch the phone to her.” Reg remembered that the twins were still doing the nursing and quarantine tasks, this time with his mother, so he waited patiently.

At last he heard his mother’s voice.

“Reg? Is that you, son?”

“It is, Mum. Happy New Year!”

“The same to you, Reg. It was nice of you to think of ringing me to say that.”

“There was another reason, Mum. I have discovered that when Dad was killed, I was there with him. You never told me that.”

“Yes, that’s right. You were too young at the time to know what was happening. You were in your push-chair, so you nearly got hit as well. I decided it was a nasty event you were better off not knowing about.”

“Well, you might have had the best of intentions with that decision, but all my life I felt that my Dad had abandoned me, and then died alone!”

“Oh. I didn’t realise you felt that way. Anyway, what did it matter?”

“Mum, it matters a lot. Freda’s Dad is a lawyer, and he tells me that if you had put in a legal claim within three years, you would have been entitled to compensation through the driver’s insurance company.”

“What? I missed out on compensation? Damn it!”

“Yes, Mum. You had three years, but ran out of time. However, he tells me that a child can claim up until being aged twenty-one, so if I have the details, I can still put in a claim. I need you to provide the details.”

“Oh.” She was silent for a moment. “So what do you need, Reg? I am still not up to par.”

“Basic data, such as date, time and place of the accident, proof that you are his wife and my mother – marriage and birth certificates – and hospital reports, including his death certificate from the hospital.”

There was another silence. Reg wondered what had happened, then she spoke again.

“All the family certificates are in a box under the chest of drawers in my bedroom. I don’t have the hospital records, as they didn’t give them to me – why should they?”

“I suppose that you would have had to get your lawyer to ask for them, and I expect you didn’t have a lawyer, right?”

“Yes; couldn’t afford one. There is a clipping from the local newspaper in the box with the death certificate. That may give some details, Reg lad. Sorry, I didn’t know about the legal possibilities, son.”

“I understand, Mum. You didn’t have the background to know what was possible. I still have my house key. You haven’t changed the lock, have you?”

“No, I couldn’t afford to do so even if I wanted. Will you go in and collect these papers, then?”

“As soon as I can, Mum. As for yourself, don’t impose on the LeBruns for too long, or our family will get a bad reputation.”

“No, I will get off home soon. I still have my job to get back to, Reg.”

“Ah, yes. You can send in a medical certificate covering your flu. You can do self-certification for under a week, can’t you?”

“I think so. I haven’t been off before. Anything else you want to know, son?”

“Only the hospital. I presume the death certificate will name the hospital he was taken to, where he died: did it?”

“I don’t remember, son. This was many years ago; but there was only the one hospital that it could have been: St. John’s.”

“St. John’s. Right, Mum, I’ll go with that, and see where it takes us. I hope that hospital is still there; a few hospitals have been closed in the intervening years.”

“I hope you are successful Reg. How much do you think you will get?”

“Mum, I have no idea, and the amount is not the point. It is all about getting compensation for the loss of my father, and the actual figure is immaterial.”

“But if you get a decent amount, Reg, that will be very useful.”

Reg was wise to his mother’s intentions. She would want a cut, if she could get it. He told her, “I will leave it in the hands of our lawyer, Mum. That will naturally be Freda’s Dad, as he will want to see his daughter and her husband get enough to live on. There will probably be expenses as well. I will be guided by our lawyer.

I hope you will be well soon, Mum, and can get home again. I’ll keep in touch. Bye.”

He rang off, and only then did he notice that he had not told his mother he loved her. It wouldn’t have been true, anyway, so he shrugged and forgot about it. He had his own real loves to give attention to, he told himself, so concentrated on that target.

Next morning, once all his loves had been satisfied that they had his attention, he dug out the house key for his old home. Frances was persuaded to drive him there, so he could recover the papers he needed as research tools for his compensation claim.

Entering, he was not surprised to find the house cold. He remembered his mother had no frost protection on the heating system, and wondered what he could do to ameliorate the situation. Frances was right behind him, and shivered as she stepped over the threshold.

“Damn, Reg, this is becoming a bad habit!”

“Just what I was thinking, love. Do you think we can do something about it?”

“Ah, yes. I see what you mean. I am sure that we could invest a little on your mother. Put on the heating to at least ten degrees [Celsius scale: The US is out of step with the rest of the world, by using Fahrenheit]. I can leave a couple of tenners to cover the cost. Is it gas or electric?”

“This council house has gas, darling, but the thermostat is similar, no matter what the fuel. I’ll put it to ten, so Mum will not be frozen when she gets home. Leave the money where she will quickly find it, before she panics, thinking she left it on all the time she was away. Write her a note, simply saying this is a New Year present from us all, to cover her extra gas.”

“Right, Reg. I can do that. I’ll leave it on the cooker in the kitchen, as that is where she will go first, looking for her kettle.”

“Wonderful, Frances. You are so great at coping with my Mum. I love you, woman!”

“Reg, I am not doing this for her. I am doing it for YOU, as you are being compassionate towards your mother, no matter how she treated you in the past. That is evidence of how much you have developed in the last few months, my darling man.”

“You know, I didn’t think of it that way, Frances. You have indeed made me into a new man; you and the other girls.”

“There was even more of a change. You didn’t even balk at asking me to provide the cash for this gesture. You have become a new man indeed, Reg.”

“Good grief, so I did! I didn’t even flinch at asking you to finance this gesture. We are indeed a family now, Frances, even if I should still be aiming to provide for you and the other girls.”

“Fine. End of story. Go deal with the heating, then find the documentation you need, and we’ll get on our way, dear.”

Reg did as directed, and shortly found the box described by his mother. It struck him that he had seldom been in his mother’s bedroom. She had always kept him out, treating it as her own private space. He realised how sad she was in that attitude of separation from her only child.

Shaking his head, he pulled out the box, laid it on the dressing table, and opened the lid. Inside was a pile of papers, so he pulled them out to identify which ones he needed. His own birth certificate caught his eye, and he spent a while perusing the content. He had no recollection of ever seeing it before, and it brought tears to his eyes; the evidence of his birth.

Next, he rummaged through the other papers till he found his parents’ marriage certificate, and then his father’s death certificate. This last had a news clipping fixed to it by a simple pin from his mother’s sewing box.

Reg took a quick glance at the newspaper clipping, confirming that it was a report of the accident where his father had died, then put it aside with his other documents. He continued to look through the remainder of the contents of the box, noting certificates relating to grandparents on either side, and some smaller pieces of newspaper: death announcements, marriage notices, and suchlike. There was even a black-bordered invitation to a funeral of over a hundred years ago.

Of such pieces of paper are memories made and cherished, Reg thought to himself. It made him realise that despite her many faults, his mother was a human being with a past worth remembering. That meant she was a similar human being worth acknowledging by himself, no matter her past behaviour towards him.

“Reg? Are you ready, love?” Frances was at the bedroom door, anxious to leave. She spotted the tears running down his face. “What’s wrong, Reg? Something missing?”

He looked up at her, and she hurried to clasp him to her bosom. His shoulders heaved as he let out another flood of tears. “Frances ... what was missing was the link between me and my Mum. When Dad died, she could have treated me as her last surviving piece of dad, but she went in the opposite way, and rejected me in her grief. All these years of grief, and she probably blamed me for being in my push chair, there with him. If he hadn’t been out, doing his parental duty, pushing me in my push-chair, he might not have been killed. I am sure that is what Mum thought. She blamed me for his death, so couldn’t bring herself to love me for all these years.”

He sighed at the thought

“We both missed so much.”

Frances hugged him tighter to her breast. “My poor boy! All these years without love. How terrible you must have felt.”

“Not until now, Frances,” he declared quietly to her. “At the time, I wasn’t aware of what I was missing. Now, between you and the other girls, being loved and loving in turn, I see what I lost. That is what brought the tears on: I came to a full realisation of my childhood years without a loving mother.”

“Reg, I think we should get you back to our house, your home, OUR home, where you are surrounded by love. That’s what you need to recover.”

“You are right, Frances. Thanks, my love.” He looked at the documentation in front of him. “We need something to store these in for taking them back with us.”

Frances sighed, “Typical man, no good at practicalities. Here you are: One strong carrier bag, that I shoved in the car when we left.”

“Thank you, my darling. I really need you to help me for the rest of my life, don’t I?”

“Indeed so. Now get these papers into the bag, and return the rest to your mother’s box. It looks like a chocolate box, doesn’t it? I’ll bet your Dad gave her a box of chocolates while they were courting, and she kept the box afterwards, for the memories of a pleasant time, then used it for the paper memories of the families on both sides. Nice thought, eh?”

“Yes, I see what you mean. You are very observant, Frances. It says a lot for you.”

“You will get there yourself, Reg. You can’t pick up every social nuance so quickly. Some of it develops over time; some comes quicker, like conversation and love-making. Now, let’s get back home.”

Reg locked up the house, then Frances got back into the driving seat.

“This reminds me, Reg. We still have to find you a driving school. Did you check the Yellow Pages?”

“I did, but I was unsure what would be a good school.”

“We’ll have a look at your list, and get previous users to give you pointers, even if it is just fellow students who have used them. Remember, none of us girls learned near here.”

“I remember, you told me that.”

“Oh, and another thing I was to tell you: Fiona was to ring her folks today, and inform them she was moving in with her boyfriend.”

“Boyfriend? I am as little as that?”

Frances glared at him. “Reg! You are an idiot! She is breaking it to them gently; slowly and eventually informing them that she is going to be another wife in your expanded family.”

“That sounds like a good plan, Frances. In fact, it sounds like your idea.”

“It was. Now, shut up and let me concentrate on driving you back to our home, my man.”

Reg shut up and fastened his seat belt for the journey. Frances had already fastened hers as soon as she sat in the driving seat. He moved the carrier bag to the back seat for safe keeping, and they set off.

Once they got home, Frances called Freda, and handed her the carrier bag of documentation, with instructions to get it to her father for action.

Reg meanwhile sought out Fiona, to ask how she had got on with her phone call. She was in the kitchen, discussing meals with Prudence, but darted her head towards Reg as she heard his voice.

“How did it go, Fiona? Your call to your parents?”

She corrected him, “The call to my father and his wife, Reg, to be exact. Dad was very understanding when I told him I had a boyfriend, and was moving in with him.”

“A wise start, Fiona. What was said next?”

“My stepmother was also on the line, as Dad had it on speaker phone. She wanted to know about you, so I told her that you were everything that I had been looking for in a man, and that I had persuaded you to make me a woman.”

“Tricky point, there!” said Reg. “How did she take it?”

“Silly woman accused me of being a slut, flinging away my virginity just like that. Asked me how much I got for it!”

“Ouch. Underhand punch right at the start, eh?”

“Quite. I informed her that my virginity had been closely guarded for many years, and was not given away lightly. I added, ‘Daddy, you have confidence in my adult decisions, don’t you?’”

‘That is so, Fiona,’ said Dad. ‘You are already a university graduate, so you are certainly well educated and able to make decisions affecting your life.’

I liked that, as my stepmother doesn’t have any degree!”

Reg was tickled at that revelation. “So how did it end? Did you tell them more?”

“No, I decided to be careful in what I said for now, as advised by Frances. I simply informed my father that I would soon be giving up my apartment here, as I was sharing with you. I hinted that eventually we would be sharing costs, but didn’t say what costs, and then said goodbye. I didn’t even tell them your name, so my stepmother will be fuming. She has no way of investigating you without anything to go on,” Fiona giggled happily.

Reg frowned, and asked her, “Why should she want to investigate me?”

“Oh, that is how she is; a nosy parker. She can’t help being that way. I love keeping her out of the loop on everything I do.”

Reg was looking over at Frances as he replied, “I am very pleased at how you handled that call, Fiona. Can you have a chat with Frances before you tell them about the other girls and our Commitment? Frances will have further good advice on the subject.”

Frances caught the inference and nodded to Reg.

Fiona, not noticing, was in a bouncy mood. “Sure, I can do that, Reg. Your OTHER wives have been clueing me into how things operate here. I am sure I will fit in well with them. I just have to stop myself expecting to get hold of you any time I want you. We all have to share; it has been drilled into me.” She grinned at him expectantly and a little ferociously, as if preparing to pounce on him.

Reg smiled graciously. “I have very little say in the matter, Fiona. Frances has been appointed to be in charge of all arrangements for love-making, so make sure you keep on her good side!”

Fiona told him, “I am sure Frances and I will manage fine, Reg.”

Frances intervened, “We have Fiona’s accommodation sorted out here, Reg, so we will get her clothes and such transferred from her current apartment shortly. She has been learning who does what in this house, and she has elected to participate in food preparation and purchasing.”

Reg raised an eyebrow. “Isn’t that an area where Carol and Holly will be taking over, dear?”

“Yes, but they are not here yet, so we still have to work on what IS, and not on what WILL be. All of us will have a discussion with the twins when they arrive, and work out what, if anything, they want us to do to help them. Just leave it to us girls, Reg. We know what we are doing.”

Reg suddenly felt stupid.

“Okay, I’ll leave it with you, my darling, but let me know if I can contribute with awkward tasks such as window-washing, or moving furniture for cleaning underneath.”

The next few days were busy ones for the entire family. They finally had time to admire each other’s Christmas gifts they had received on their travels, and later phone their parents to tell them what clever choices they had made. Carol and Holly starting phoning Frances with updates on their company induction course, and hinting about what they wanted to do when they joined the Robertson household.

Frances gave them advance warning of Fiona’s presence. At first they were annoyed, but when Frances asked them to explain what it was that annoyed them about someone they didn’t know, they had difficulty admitting it was selfishness on their own part.

Frances went on, telling the twins, “Girls, don’t imagine that everything here is going to be a bed of roses. Reg was sort of pushed into everything, you know, though he enjoys the results. There are bound to be people who will object to us; including women who imagine that we were somehow brainwashed into wanting to be wives in this day and age. We could have just lived together, and ignored what people might say, but all of us felt we needed to have some outward sign of the significance of our household, and especially its significance for us as a family.

Same as Reginald's Family
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Frances concluded, “Right. Do what you want with him tonight, but I get him to myself tomorrow night. Goodnight to the three of you.” She slammed the door shut behind her as she left. Erika murmured, “Wow. She sounds peeved. Reg, was that a promise to fuck you tomorrow?” “I am not certain, darling. It may be, but I am not going to count on it. It might just be a cuddle like we are having now.” Erika disabused him of that notion. “No, Reg, not just a cuddle. Prepare for a lot more. I can...

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“Well now, there are several things to decide on. One, can Reg help you with tutoring, and if so, can you assist him in picking up social skills? Second, if you get accepted as part of the study group, Beth gets rejected and we help you shaking loose from her. Is that it?” “More or less, Frances. I am not sure what you meant – IF Reg can help me with tutoring?” “Oh, that is simple. Reg has to decide if you are worth his effort. If he concludes that you are not picking things up as he...

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“No, I have a good brain, but most people don’t see beyond my height. I am five foot nine, if you wanted to ask. Similar height to you, Reg?” “Should think so. Let’s check. Come and stand in front of me, Prudence, and we’ll see.” She and Reg moved to face each other, and sure enough, they were eye to eye. Reg smiled at her and moved forward to kiss her gently on the lips. She was startled at that familiarity, but reacted by kissing him in return, then stepped back. “Wow! Do you do that...

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ReginaldChapter 20

Reg sat in a chair facing the Dean, and waited. The Dean cleared his throat before declaring, “Mr Robertson, it has come to my notice that you have arranged for a commitment ceremony next week. Is that correct?” “Yes sir.” Reg was not offering anything. He had learned to be careful. “I understand this is not a simple cohabitation agreement, but something more complex.” “Yes, sir.” “You and four other students – girls - are proposing to live together as a family unit. Is that so?” “Yes,...

2 years ago
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Enhanced Flavor

Note: I originally posted this story to mcstories but I decided to post it here as well. It is not yet complete so there are still new chapters coming out soon. If you decide to add chapters, do what you want with them but the basic premise is that the user's cum has addictive properties that affect those who consume it. Their personality and intelligence stay intact. Thank you for reading those two sentences. Now...

Mind Control
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Old Mans Help1

It was a very hot day. I was sweating when i came out from the supermarket. It was then the unfortunate incident happened. One of the heavy shopping bags i was carrying broke down and things were scattered all over. It was really embarrassed as i sat down to collect things. I was wearing low-neck blouse and was sure people standing around could see my cleavage clearly. Then an elderly man showed up. He went inside the shop to bring back a new shopper and sat down with for collecting things....

4 years ago
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Girlfriends Threesome Surprise On My Birthday

My girlfriend decided to fly from Bangalore on my birthday night. It was pre-decided that we will stay in my apartment and fuck each other as my birthday gift. But it turned out to be the best sex experience. We had an amazing threesome and a sex tape recorded by my girlfriend’s hot friend. I have a black tinted Honda Civic car, which I drove down towards the Mumbai airport in the evening. Vania, my girlfriend’s flight landed on the eve of my birthday about 7. She was coming to Mumbai for the...

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The older man

The wife was at work and I didn’t have any jobs to do, it was a warm sunny summer’s day and I decided to have a few hours to myself on xhamster, sitting on the settee I was trowelling through the video’s and feeling myself up when there was a knock on the door. Opening it there stood an older man asking me if I could spare a half hour for some market research.I thought ‘why not’ and in he came. As we chatted away he was Tim, 49, been married 26 years, 2 grown up k**s and was dressed in a shirt...

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Ring on Pants off

“Higher. Slower. Harder. Oh, right there. Harder. Faster. Oh yeah. Yes. Yes. Yes!”“Jax, you’re gonna make me…”“Keep going. Don’t stop. I need this so bad. Make me cum again. Please, Kev.”Balancing on Kevin’s bed on my knees and my elbows, buck naked except for the sparkling band on my left ring finger, I thrust my hips back, driving my fiancé’s cock deeper into my gushing slit. Kevin drilled inside me, swiveling his pelvis to graze every nerve in my canal, savoring every stroke, our skin...

Straight Sex
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Dot Com Convention

"Shit!" said Simon, as a thin trail of semen slithered through the red hair of his freckled thighs. "We've just been making love. Fucking, even. Is this really the time to be speculating about Virginia Falls?" "That is why we're here!" said Lisa. "To see Virginia Falls. If it wasn't for the International Dot Com Convention we'd never have travelled from Basingstoke to Ghent. That's why we're staying in a Belgian Holiday Inn." "I still don't really understand what you see in...

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Jokes and GigglesChapter 498

This weird submission is compliments of Dorsetmike Did you hear about the exploding cattle? It was a bomb in a bull. This one is compliments of john a A mean old managing partner died. The firm kept receiving calls for him and the response was “I am sorry but he’s dead.” Was the standard answer. The receptionist came to suspect that it was the same caller calling over and over. When he called again, she asked who he was and why did he keep calling. “I used to be one of his junior...

1 year ago
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PornWorld Rebecca Volpetti Shalina Devine Valentine8217s Day Threesome With Lesbo Lover

Stunning blonde Shalina Devine is getting ready to celebrate the Venice carnival when her friend, Rebecca Volpetti arrives. Things turn sexual very quickly and these gorgeous girls strip down to their lingerie. They take turns licking and fingering each other’s pussies before breaking out a glass dildo! They get dressed quickly with Shalina helping Rebecca into her masquerade mask right before Shalina’s husband, Erik arrives home. She has a surprise up her sleeve for him and soon...

4 years ago
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Story Of A Premium Freelancer Male Escort Gigolo Bapi

Hello to all readers. Girls/ Ladies/ Housewifes/ Widow/ Single Ladies, I am Bapi back again to share one more incident of a real story of a fabulous encounter of my gigolo profession. I would like to introduce myself to readers who dont know me. As informed earlier my name is Bapi,age 32, unmarried, located in Rourkela, Odisha. If you are lonely or unsatisfied with your sexual life or just for fun want to have sex or want your sexual fatasies brought to reality, then...

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AF The Concret Blonde

AF: The Concrete Blonde By Olivia Evans The properties of the Medallion of Zulo are well known. This story addresses one of the lesser explored quirks. What happens when the magic is stopped halfway? Life is good, I decided as I admired for the hundredth time the magnificent view of the river fifty feet below the wooden deck of our mountain summer retreat. Besides owning the cabin, we had a large 4 bedroom home complete with a beautiful, (and well used) lap pool in...

3 years ago
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Mom Is Mine And I Had Her Body

Hi ISS readers.I am from AP.I dont want to reveal my name as it is a real story. Here the story begins.At first I never had a thought of any bad intentions towards my mom.But after I read some of the stories of this site , I came to know that there can exist such kind of relations with no problems in life.Coming to my mother,she is a normal lady of medium height but very fair in colour.I like it very much.She is exactly 42 right now.But her boobs are so small which will be fit in one’s hand...

2 years ago
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Pornstar Ch 08

The American Body Beautiful The whole thing about Lill’s virginity kept on bubbling up and causing suppressed hilarity among our group through the next week. Mandy wanted to start a rumour round the school, and Lill didn’t want that mostly because she didn’t want people talking about her any more but also because she said there was just no way anyone could have found out without sticking something up her, and nice girls weren’t supposed to let that happen. Mandy dreamed up more and more...

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Naive Landlady Becomes Sex Doll 8211 Part 1

Hi all, this story is about Sumit – a tall 6’2″ guy, who recently got an accountant’s job at the Kharagpur railways. Since railway quarters weren’t available for the new joinee, he had to find a place to rent. That was how he got in contact with Pranab Pal. Pranab was a little old compared to his wife, Diya. Pranab’s wife Diya was a beautiful lady, with adorable assets. Naturally, Pranab had been quite possessive about Diya and did not allow her to be outside frequently. All of this meant, when...

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A Rave Suprise

Zander grinned some,seeing his ex shitfaced drunk. Weaving in and out of the people being stupid. which was a black t-shirt "It wasn't me...This time"in dark green lettering,some baggy bondage pants with straps and chains hanging off them,and a pair of old combat boots on. His dark red hair was extremely messy. Finally getting into the room she stumbled into.No one was there.Perfect.He walked up behind her and started kissing her neck hard.He was groping her tits in his hands. Sarah was leaning...

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Her Week At Mountain MansionChapter 4

The next morning, Ron Wolter lay in the bed in the room near Cherie's that no one knew he used. It had been a hard night after a very difficult day. He had sat with the group in the conference room through that afternoon, unable to take his eyes from Cherie, unable to keep his mind on his work. Cherie dared to look into his eyes and smile but only once, but she kept glancing apprehensively at Cleophas, who watched her fixedly and smiled knowingly at her whenever she chanced to glance his...

3 years ago
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Rags to riches

Chapter 1 Trailer WhoreJasmine , on all fours her hard cock stuck between her and a firm stomach. She moans as his cock jack hammers her dripping wet asshole. Another man holds her garter tightly in one hand and spanks her ass with great force with his other hand. As the fucking slows, she feels the second mans penis pressing against her anus. She has no say, no control. Her body is no longer hers. As his cock head pops in, Jasmine cry’s out , only muffled by her gag. The two men drive their...

4 years ago
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Busted Axle RoadChapter 85

"I can't believe you're still here," John said. "I find it a little difficult to believe, myself," Heather said, reaching for her wineglass. "There's not been much of anything happening." Their dinner was in the dining room of the Spearfish Lake Inn. Heather wore her swimsuit under her clothes; after dinner, John had arranged for them to use the hot tub. It would be something different to do. For more than two months, Heather had been having dinner with John, on the average of...

3 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 265

These are compliments of chuck... Couple in their nineties are both having problems remembering things. During a check-up, the doctor tells them that they're physically okay, but they might want to start writing things down to help them remember. Later that night, while watching TV, the old man gets up from his chair 'Want anything while I'm in the kitchen?' he asks. 'Will you get me a bowl of ice cream?' 'Sure.' 'Don't you think you should write it down so you can remember...

2 years ago
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Stepdaughter explores her sexuality Ch 1 2

I met my wife at work. She was the executive secretary for my boss and I was his IT director. Lucy was in the midst of a very messy divorce from a real asshole and I was unhappy in a 23-year marriage. Unfortunately, Lucy was a smoker. I never smoked and neither did my first wife and I really didn’t like that bad habit. But whenever Lucy would take a smoke break from her work, she’d buzz me on the intercom and tell me to meet her outside where I’d keep her company and we’d commiserate...

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Kumar Apartment Season 2 Part 491 Akash Ki Bhawna Didi

Narrated by Akash Hi dosto, main Akash, kafi din ho gaye apni kahani sunaaye. Pichle baar aaplogo ko bataya tha ki kayse Shobha bhabhi ke banaye plan ke hisaab se main Bhawna ke yaha uska cousin bhai bankar aaya. Plan yahi tha ki ab main agle 2-3 din Bhawna ke yaha uska bhai banke rahu aur maoka milne par uske sath maze bhi kar saku. Bhawna ke saans sasur, un dono ko to chutki mein bewakoof bana liya. Woh bina kisi shak ke mujhe Bhawna ka bhai maan gaye aur mere aur Bhawna ka raasta ab saaf...

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BernieChapter 9

Billy released the ropes from the rings, allowing Jackie's legs to slacken a little, but he didn't remove the ropes, instead he loosened the loops around her ankles and then pushed them up her leg, just above the knee. He did this to both legs. Then wrinkling his nose, and muttering obscenities, he gingerly tiptoes through the puddles of horse cum and jumped up onto the bales. He then unceremoniously and with a little effort, rolled Jackie onto her front. Jackie was startled out of her...

3 years ago
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I Did Not See AnyoneChapter 5 The end of my powers

The thoughts and feelings of what Jim did to Teresa stayed with him for four weeks each night he dreamt about the fun and often added things he wished he could have done, even sometimes he would select a series of special toys before going to sleep and managed to think them into his sexual dreams. However the dreams were becoming weaker as the time passed. There had been two or three times during this period when he thought he had been close to being arrested for rape. Like the time a police...

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Unintentional ConsequencesChapter 2

UNINTENTIONAL CONSEQUENCES-Chapter 2 by CutePatti (5/2021) I was really too tired to do much more that evening so I went to bed and lay there for awhile mulling over what all had happened. There was almost too much to absorb and my poor brain was worn out. I knew I'd have to face this tomorrow but maybe it would be easier after a good night's sleep. But it turned out to be mostly a tossing and turning and images flashing in my mind kind of sleep. At one point I realized I had a raging...

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The Collapse A New Beginning Book 1Chapter 5

After an uninterrupted night's sleep I awoke to the sound of rain drops hitting the pavement outside our window. It was reassuring for me to hear such an ordinary sound in a world so obviously different than it had been just a short week ago. I normally wake up and hit the deck running in the morning, but this day, for some reason, I pulled Julie close to me and just lay there thinking about the strangeness of it all. A week ago I was a nondescript player who had little to live for except...

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Sex With Friend8217s Sister

Hi, friends…..Thanks for the response for the previous story…. I am back with a new incident which happened a few weeks back…. To those who are new I am Nandu 27 years from Visakhapatnam…Presently in Vizag looking for Job offers here….This is a story of how I got a chance to fuck my friends married sister..Any unsatisfied aunties can mail me on for secret relation….. Coming to the story … This all started with a facebook message….After I left my job in Banglore, I am back in Vizag and one day...

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the Coming Out Party

some of this story is true. sorry about the grammer or punctuation. i am just not all that concerned with it. enjoy the read. let me know what you think.I had just turned 18. I was a skinny boy with short brown hair. I was very active and physically toned and cut. I didn't play sports but, liked to skateboard in the summer and ski in the winter and I had developed a nice little bubble butt from all the leg workouts from the two liesure activities. It was the middle of June and me and my best...

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Maggie Pintero was a beauty. The first time I saw her, she was wearing what I guess could best be described as a sundress, made of soft, light cotton with small pink and green flowers against a yellow background. Small cap sleeves, a low bodice that displayed the warm soft blush of her breasts, and a full gathered skirt that when she walked fluttered, whispering of the treasure beneath. I remember the dress so vividly because as a young man just graduating high school, our neighbor lady down...

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Superlove the White Angels AutobiographyChapter 7

I began this book, giving you a glimpse of my first conscious experience of flying or floating as it was. It actually happened during the summer, when Melissa and I were both 18. It was during the holidays before we would start University. Both of us had enrolled together in a local University. David was heading to Stanford to do computer science. However, he would visit us when he could, which was all holidays and each other's birthday. We never did visit David the whole time he was at...

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Innocence Lost Ch 19

In Which Alice rediscovers Innocence and learns the virtues of Purity, in which Innocence and Purity are shown in the practise of religious devotion, and in which Innocence leaves Chastity and Purity loses Innocence. The fruition of all plans is often much less than the ambitions associated with their formulation, and so it was with the vacation that Purity had planned together with Innocence. They had scarcely been away a day when over a drink in a café that was near the hostel they were...

3 years ago
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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 220 the Vid and How to Use It

So I hit the play button stone cold sober. The lighting in the room wasn't good. Even so there was no mistaking the look of pure terror on the face of the Hispanic man seated at the table. His terrified face filled the screen. The heavily accented voice demanded, "Tell me everything about the drug raid last week." "If I tell you they will kill me," the man said. "If you don't tell me, I will kill you and I will do it very, very slowly. So tell me about the raid." The man...

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Aberration of Time

Author's note: This story is part of my continuing effort to expand the horizons of Fictionmania. It's a bit of an avant-garde piece that may not be everyone's cup of tea. There are no physical transformations that take place, yet I'm sure you will agree, this is a TG story nonetheless. The idea for this short story comes from the series "Star Traks." It's a site with humorous fan-fics in the Star Trek universe. I am aware of the numerous paradoxes that exist within the story ? I...

4 years ago
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Ana gangbanged by a bunch of niggers

Some days after coming back from our Caribbean vacation, my sweet wife Ana finally dared to admit that she had always fantasized about being a slut for a big black cock.I told her that I already knew her greed for black cock, since I had witnessed how she had been fucked by that Jamaican nigger during our stay at the resort, just one week ago.Ana was a little bit surprised, but also told me she had been fucked by this same black guy every day during the rest of the whole week there.She thought...

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My first time being fingered and giving my first b

This is a story about the first time I was fingered, and giving my first blow job.I was in my early high school days and as most of the k**s then, I was becoming rather sexually active quickly. I met a guy Dylan he was a year older than me and we were soon dating. At this stage I was still a Virgin for almost everything, well everything except for kissing and having my boobs foundled. After dating a few months we found a spot at school, which was very quiet, we use to meet there in the mornings...

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The Reset ManifestoChapter 11

“I guess Dad was wrong.” Patricia looked over at Charles not sure what he was talking about. “Dad told me once that Peter would either die a martyr or in obscurity. Based on the number of people out here, he clearly didn’t die in obscurity. He had a heart attack. That kind of death is not usually associated with Martyrdom.” Peter had always been an enigma. He had a level of self confidence that was all out of proportion to what he accomplished. He always talked about being able to take...

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LimitsChapter 32

I didn’t tell Lucy about what I’d done to Mom. A part of me was scared, I guess. I knew it was a means to an end - a happy ending, in every sense of the phrase. But I also knew that what I’d done was ... well, it wasn’t you’d call nice. I think I could have. Lucy was so turned on by my power; even if I was being a monster, I’m sure she’d still love it. Maybe she’d love it more. But I just couldn’t bring myself to do it. I love my sister, I love my Mom. Seeing Mom break down...

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E031 Another spa appointment

When Emma wakes up Donald is gone.  She cannot help it, but a tear comes to her eye over it.  But on the nightstand is another written note from him in his wonderful firm script.Emma,I wanted to let you sleep in some.  Thank you for last night, you did wonderfully.  Don’t forget your spa appointment today and be at my house by four o’clock.DLaying next to the note is her fourteenth pearl. She does not want to put it on herself, so she takes and places it in her purse for Donald to add to her...

Love Stories
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Trick or Treat

I thought of this story when thinking of possibilities for Halloween costumes. This story contains adult oriented material, so if you are not an adult read at your own risk Trick or Treat by Sir Robin Frank was looking through his mom clothes for something to wear for tonight. For the Halloween dress-up lip sync, him and his friends were dressing up as famous female singers, then they were going to go trick or treating afterward. It wasn't his idea, and he was not very...

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Sex With Mom8217s Elder Sister

This incident happened on a strange day. I went to my native place. From there, i went to my mother’s elder sister’s house on her request. Her name is Anjali, she is pretty looking young lady of middle age of 30’s. Very dangerous and disastrous to anybody else who is committing even little mistake in front of her; whether they are her relative or an outsider. I went to her house thinking that I’ll return back in four to five hours, but after eating lunch she did not allow me to go as usual....

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Vacation Suprises

My wife, Lisa and I had been married for 10 years we were both 21 when we were married. Lisa was an absolute sexy woman at 5'6'' 120 pounds with 34c boobs and long tan legs, men would always check her out. At 31 she hadn't lost any of it, and had only grown sexier. She looked young and even got carded sometimes when we would be out for drinks. Lisa was a virgin when we were married and was very conservative when it came to sex in the beginning due to her strong religious parents. Over time we...

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How I Found Out

My wife Susan and I had just returned home from a wedding. It was the remarriage of an old and dear friend whose first husband Matt (another old and dear friend) had been killed by a drunk driver the previous year. Our twin girls had wanted to go with us but they had just started school at a small college upstate. We had just unburdened ourselves of the formal attire, and I was playing my fingertips along the delicate concavity that runs down the middle of her back, from the nape of her neck...

Wife Lovers
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Mysore to KRS

A true life incident that I can never forget… Am now 33 and live with my family in Bangalore. Am an Engineer and a reputed business school grad. Am quite well off working in a reputed IT firm. I am 5.11- fair and am very very active as regards to Sex and foreplay. I never get aroused by a naked lady.. I always demanded slow and gradual transition from a fully dressed couple to naked couple on bed and my wife actually likes my 2-3 hours foreplay and 15 mins of sex life. We do it every evening if...

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How I Got To Make Love To My Exclassmate

I am an Average looking 36-year-old man from Ludhiana. Not a great physique, not a big, fat dick or as everyone claims here but a normal looking man with broad shoulders, a cute smile, and a caring nature. This story is not just sex. It’s how a relation moved from nothing to friendship and love making all on chat / WhatsApp and some normal coffee meeting and that one warm hug at a cafe. It is spread over 2 months of talk but I will keep it short. For people just needing sex, please find some...

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