Reginald's FamilyChapter 6 free porn video

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“Hey! That makes sense. You have a good head on your shoulders, young man. Are you at the university?”

“I am, in my first year. My wi ... wife is also studying there.”

They moved indoors, out of the wind that was getting up. The farmer looked at Reg with a smile.

“Still having trouble saying the word ‘wife’, son? It makes you proud to have a wife, doesn’t it? I remember our own first few months as husband and wife: a magical time. Now we have a boy in the army and a daughter who is a policewoman. Neither of them is interested in farming, more’s the pity.”

“We hope to have a family eventually, sir, but I want my ... girl to finish her degree.”

“Good man; very sensible. Now, I have your details, but you should have ours too. I have some cards somewhere ... ah, here they are.” He swept up a small pile of printed cards from the desk near the farm front door, and peeled one off to hand it to Reg. “This even has our email address on it.”

“Fine. I’ll get Frances to handle that. I don’t do much email, myself.”

“I thought all you university types were email savvy!”

“To some extent, sir, but I didn’t have a computer until recently. My mother couldn’t afford it.”

“Really? How did you get into university, then? Isn’t it expensive, with the fees and all?”

“Grant aid, sir. My school helped, as did the university. My wife’s father owns the building we are now living in, so no residence costs. We can cope, with my wife’s allowance. I don’t cost much; never had any spare cash, so I’m used to not spending.”

“Well, son, I’ll see what we can do about your metal find. We’ll make a good deal for you, mark my words.”

“Thank you sir. Can I come back and do some more searching another time? It makes a nice break from studying, or my new family responsibilities.”

“She’s running you ragged already, son? If she’s that keen on sex, you have a keeper, my boy!”

“Uh, thank you sir. Frances is certainly a loving wife.”

“Right. Off you go home, young man, and tell your girl that you love her. That never does any harm.”

Reg did just that. He walked home and as soon as he was inside, called out in an “I love Lucy” voice, “Honey, I’m home!”

Not surprisingly, he got several immediate responses from the girls who were within earshot, and as they appeared, he told each one, “I love you, my darling wife.”

Finally, Fiona arrived with Prudence. Seeing them, He kissed Prudence, saying, “I love you, my darling wife.” then turned to Fiona. He hugged her to him, and said softly, “I love you too, my sweet. You are not forgotten.”

Frances finally spoke for all of them. “What brought that on, Reg?”

“My love, I was chatting to a local farmer, where I was detectoring, and he told me to go home to my wife and tell her that I loved her. I didn’t mention that I had more than one wife, though!”

Frances found this tale funny, and gave a chuckle, but ended up asking, “Did you find much rubbish with your machine?”

“A whole carrier bagful, Frances, but one lump looked like one or more coins, so the farmer is going to ask the local Finds man about it. It may have to be declared Treasure Trove if it has reasonable value, but I don’t think it will be worth much. The farmer knows a bit about finds – he said he had a leaflet about reporting finds. One of the commonest is the 1797 cartwheel penny, he says. What was sticking out of the concretion was too small to be that, and not corroded, so who knows? I might go back there again. I spent almost two hours in that field!”

“You’re sure the find is safe with him, Reg? You can be too trusting and accepting of people at times, you know. You don’t have enough experience of people’s foibles, love.”

“He and his wife seemed a pleasant couple, darling, and he is happy for me to go back and try again. I have his card with his name, address, phone number and email.”

“Oh, well, that sounds better. When will you hear from him?”

“No idea, but the finds officer will be on holiday the same as everyone else except farmers. I have a photo taken by the farmer of me holding the find; the concretion, it is apparently called. It is evidence that I found it.”

“I suppose so. Okay, Reg, let that go for now, but go visit the farm again. I’ll check with my father, to see if he knows about this farmer.”

“Talking about your father, what did he say about my mother?”

“Oh. Damn, I forgot to phone him. Sorry about that, Reg. We were so busy interrogating Fiona, that it went out of my head. I’ll phone him now, and cover both items. He should be at home.”

“Thanks, Frances. I’ll go get myself a cup of tea in the meantime.”

A while later, after he had drunk his tea, Reg was approached by Frances again.

“Okay, Reg. The news is that your mother is still getting over the flu, but is happy to talk to anyone. You can ring her at my folks’ place, and speak to her. On the other question, he said he would speak to Freda’s dad. He rang back almost immediately to report that Freda’s Dad says he will get in touch with the Finds Liaison Officer tomorrow, alert him of your discovery, as your lawyer, and inform him that the farmer is bringing it in for evaluation as possible Treasure Trove. He says that should ensure that the farmer cannot claim it outright as his own find.”

Reg looked alarmed. “I wasn’t expecting my farmer friend to make any such claim, Frances! He is a nice man. I know it.”

“You are probably right, Reg darling, but Freda says her Daddy knows best about legal matters, and thinks this is what should happen, just to be on the safe side.”

“Very well. I defer to her father’s expertise.” He looked at the wall clock. “It is probably too near our mealtime to phone my mother. Remind me to ring her after we have eaten.”

An hour later, Frances tapped him on the arm. “Reg, time to ring my parents and speak to your own mother.”

Nodding, he borrowed Frances’ phone and made the call. Mrs LeBrun answered.

“LeBrun residence.”

“Mrs LeBrun, it is Reginald. Can I speak to my mother please?”

“Certainly, Reg. Hang on while I get a twinny to fetch the phone to her.” Reg remembered that the twins were still doing the nursing and quarantine tasks, this time with his mother, so he waited patiently.

At last he heard his mother’s voice.

“Reg? Is that you, son?”

“It is, Mum. Happy New Year!”

“The same to you, Reg. It was nice of you to think of ringing me to say that.”

“There was another reason, Mum. I have discovered that when Dad was killed, I was there with him. You never told me that.”

“Yes, that’s right. You were too young at the time to know what was happening. You were in your push-chair, so you nearly got hit as well. I decided it was a nasty event you were better off not knowing about.”

“Well, you might have had the best of intentions with that decision, but all my life I felt that my Dad had abandoned me, and then died alone!”

“Oh. I didn’t realise you felt that way. Anyway, what did it matter?”

“Mum, it matters a lot. Freda’s Dad is a lawyer, and he tells me that if you had put in a legal claim within three years, you would have been entitled to compensation through the driver’s insurance company.”

“What? I missed out on compensation? Damn it!”

“Yes, Mum. You had three years, but ran out of time. However, he tells me that a child can claim up until being aged twenty-one, so if I have the details, I can still put in a claim. I need you to provide the details.”

“Oh.” She was silent for a moment. “So what do you need, Reg? I am still not up to par.”

“Basic data, such as date, time and place of the accident, proof that you are his wife and my mother – marriage and birth certificates – and hospital reports, including his death certificate from the hospital.”

There was another silence. Reg wondered what had happened, then she spoke again.

“All the family certificates are in a box under the chest of drawers in my bedroom. I don’t have the hospital records, as they didn’t give them to me – why should they?”

“I suppose that you would have had to get your lawyer to ask for them, and I expect you didn’t have a lawyer, right?”

“Yes; couldn’t afford one. There is a clipping from the local newspaper in the box with the death certificate. That may give some details, Reg lad. Sorry, I didn’t know about the legal possibilities, son.”

“I understand, Mum. You didn’t have the background to know what was possible. I still have my house key. You haven’t changed the lock, have you?”

“No, I couldn’t afford to do so even if I wanted. Will you go in and collect these papers, then?”

“As soon as I can, Mum. As for yourself, don’t impose on the LeBruns for too long, or our family will get a bad reputation.”

“No, I will get off home soon. I still have my job to get back to, Reg.”

“Ah, yes. You can send in a medical certificate covering your flu. You can do self-certification for under a week, can’t you?”

“I think so. I haven’t been off before. Anything else you want to know, son?”

“Only the hospital. I presume the death certificate will name the hospital he was taken to, where he died: did it?”

“I don’t remember, son. This was many years ago; but there was only the one hospital that it could have been: St. John’s.”

“St. John’s. Right, Mum, I’ll go with that, and see where it takes us. I hope that hospital is still there; a few hospitals have been closed in the intervening years.”

“I hope you are successful Reg. How much do you think you will get?”

“Mum, I have no idea, and the amount is not the point. It is all about getting compensation for the loss of my father, and the actual figure is immaterial.”

“But if you get a decent amount, Reg, that will be very useful.”

Reg was wise to his mother’s intentions. She would want a cut, if she could get it. He told her, “I will leave it in the hands of our lawyer, Mum. That will naturally be Freda’s Dad, as he will want to see his daughter and her husband get enough to live on. There will probably be expenses as well. I will be guided by our lawyer.

I hope you will be well soon, Mum, and can get home again. I’ll keep in touch. Bye.”

He rang off, and only then did he notice that he had not told his mother he loved her. It wouldn’t have been true, anyway, so he shrugged and forgot about it. He had his own real loves to give attention to, he told himself, so concentrated on that target.

Next morning, once all his loves had been satisfied that they had his attention, he dug out the house key for his old home. Frances was persuaded to drive him there, so he could recover the papers he needed as research tools for his compensation claim.

Entering, he was not surprised to find the house cold. He remembered his mother had no frost protection on the heating system, and wondered what he could do to ameliorate the situation. Frances was right behind him, and shivered as she stepped over the threshold.

“Damn, Reg, this is becoming a bad habit!”

“Just what I was thinking, love. Do you think we can do something about it?”

“Ah, yes. I see what you mean. I am sure that we could invest a little on your mother. Put on the heating to at least ten degrees [Celsius scale: The US is out of step with the rest of the world, by using Fahrenheit]. I can leave a couple of tenners to cover the cost. Is it gas or electric?”

“This council house has gas, darling, but the thermostat is similar, no matter what the fuel. I’ll put it to ten, so Mum will not be frozen when she gets home. Leave the money where she will quickly find it, before she panics, thinking she left it on all the time she was away. Write her a note, simply saying this is a New Year present from us all, to cover her extra gas.”

“Right, Reg. I can do that. I’ll leave it on the cooker in the kitchen, as that is where she will go first, looking for her kettle.”

“Wonderful, Frances. You are so great at coping with my Mum. I love you, woman!”

“Reg, I am not doing this for her. I am doing it for YOU, as you are being compassionate towards your mother, no matter how she treated you in the past. That is evidence of how much you have developed in the last few months, my darling man.”

“You know, I didn’t think of it that way, Frances. You have indeed made me into a new man; you and the other girls.”

“There was even more of a change. You didn’t even balk at asking me to provide the cash for this gesture. You have become a new man indeed, Reg.”

“Good grief, so I did! I didn’t even flinch at asking you to finance this gesture. We are indeed a family now, Frances, even if I should still be aiming to provide for you and the other girls.”

“Fine. End of story. Go deal with the heating, then find the documentation you need, and we’ll get on our way, dear.”

Reg did as directed, and shortly found the box described by his mother. It struck him that he had seldom been in his mother’s bedroom. She had always kept him out, treating it as her own private space. He realised how sad she was in that attitude of separation from her only child.

Shaking his head, he pulled out the box, laid it on the dressing table, and opened the lid. Inside was a pile of papers, so he pulled them out to identify which ones he needed. His own birth certificate caught his eye, and he spent a while perusing the content. He had no recollection of ever seeing it before, and it brought tears to his eyes; the evidence of his birth.

Next, he rummaged through the other papers till he found his parents’ marriage certificate, and then his father’s death certificate. This last had a news clipping fixed to it by a simple pin from his mother’s sewing box.

Reg took a quick glance at the newspaper clipping, confirming that it was a report of the accident where his father had died, then put it aside with his other documents. He continued to look through the remainder of the contents of the box, noting certificates relating to grandparents on either side, and some smaller pieces of newspaper: death announcements, marriage notices, and suchlike. There was even a black-bordered invitation to a funeral of over a hundred years ago.

Of such pieces of paper are memories made and cherished, Reg thought to himself. It made him realise that despite her many faults, his mother was a human being with a past worth remembering. That meant she was a similar human being worth acknowledging by himself, no matter her past behaviour towards him.

“Reg? Are you ready, love?” Frances was at the bedroom door, anxious to leave. She spotted the tears running down his face. “What’s wrong, Reg? Something missing?”

He looked up at her, and she hurried to clasp him to her bosom. His shoulders heaved as he let out another flood of tears. “Frances ... what was missing was the link between me and my Mum. When Dad died, she could have treated me as her last surviving piece of dad, but she went in the opposite way, and rejected me in her grief. All these years of grief, and she probably blamed me for being in my push chair, there with him. If he hadn’t been out, doing his parental duty, pushing me in my push-chair, he might not have been killed. I am sure that is what Mum thought. She blamed me for his death, so couldn’t bring herself to love me for all these years.”

He sighed at the thought

“We both missed so much.”

Frances hugged him tighter to her breast. “My poor boy! All these years without love. How terrible you must have felt.”

“Not until now, Frances,” he declared quietly to her. “At the time, I wasn’t aware of what I was missing. Now, between you and the other girls, being loved and loving in turn, I see what I lost. That is what brought the tears on: I came to a full realisation of my childhood years without a loving mother.”

“Reg, I think we should get you back to our house, your home, OUR home, where you are surrounded by love. That’s what you need to recover.”

“You are right, Frances. Thanks, my love.” He looked at the documentation in front of him. “We need something to store these in for taking them back with us.”

Frances sighed, “Typical man, no good at practicalities. Here you are: One strong carrier bag, that I shoved in the car when we left.”

“Thank you, my darling. I really need you to help me for the rest of my life, don’t I?”

“Indeed so. Now get these papers into the bag, and return the rest to your mother’s box. It looks like a chocolate box, doesn’t it? I’ll bet your Dad gave her a box of chocolates while they were courting, and she kept the box afterwards, for the memories of a pleasant time, then used it for the paper memories of the families on both sides. Nice thought, eh?”

“Yes, I see what you mean. You are very observant, Frances. It says a lot for you.”

“You will get there yourself, Reg. You can’t pick up every social nuance so quickly. Some of it develops over time; some comes quicker, like conversation and love-making. Now, let’s get back home.”

Reg locked up the house, then Frances got back into the driving seat.

“This reminds me, Reg. We still have to find you a driving school. Did you check the Yellow Pages?”

“I did, but I was unsure what would be a good school.”

“We’ll have a look at your list, and get previous users to give you pointers, even if it is just fellow students who have used them. Remember, none of us girls learned near here.”

“I remember, you told me that.”

“Oh, and another thing I was to tell you: Fiona was to ring her folks today, and inform them she was moving in with her boyfriend.”

“Boyfriend? I am as little as that?”

Frances glared at him. “Reg! You are an idiot! She is breaking it to them gently; slowly and eventually informing them that she is going to be another wife in your expanded family.”

“That sounds like a good plan, Frances. In fact, it sounds like your idea.”

“It was. Now, shut up and let me concentrate on driving you back to our home, my man.”

Reg shut up and fastened his seat belt for the journey. Frances had already fastened hers as soon as she sat in the driving seat. He moved the carrier bag to the back seat for safe keeping, and they set off.

Once they got home, Frances called Freda, and handed her the carrier bag of documentation, with instructions to get it to her father for action.

Reg meanwhile sought out Fiona, to ask how she had got on with her phone call. She was in the kitchen, discussing meals with Prudence, but darted her head towards Reg as she heard his voice.

“How did it go, Fiona? Your call to your parents?”

She corrected him, “The call to my father and his wife, Reg, to be exact. Dad was very understanding when I told him I had a boyfriend, and was moving in with him.”

“A wise start, Fiona. What was said next?”

“My stepmother was also on the line, as Dad had it on speaker phone. She wanted to know about you, so I told her that you were everything that I had been looking for in a man, and that I had persuaded you to make me a woman.”

“Tricky point, there!” said Reg. “How did she take it?”

“Silly woman accused me of being a slut, flinging away my virginity just like that. Asked me how much I got for it!”

“Ouch. Underhand punch right at the start, eh?”

“Quite. I informed her that my virginity had been closely guarded for many years, and was not given away lightly. I added, ‘Daddy, you have confidence in my adult decisions, don’t you?’”

‘That is so, Fiona,’ said Dad. ‘You are already a university graduate, so you are certainly well educated and able to make decisions affecting your life.’

I liked that, as my stepmother doesn’t have any degree!”

Reg was tickled at that revelation. “So how did it end? Did you tell them more?”

“No, I decided to be careful in what I said for now, as advised by Frances. I simply informed my father that I would soon be giving up my apartment here, as I was sharing with you. I hinted that eventually we would be sharing costs, but didn’t say what costs, and then said goodbye. I didn’t even tell them your name, so my stepmother will be fuming. She has no way of investigating you without anything to go on,” Fiona giggled happily.

Reg frowned, and asked her, “Why should she want to investigate me?”

“Oh, that is how she is; a nosy parker. She can’t help being that way. I love keeping her out of the loop on everything I do.”

Reg was looking over at Frances as he replied, “I am very pleased at how you handled that call, Fiona. Can you have a chat with Frances before you tell them about the other girls and our Commitment? Frances will have further good advice on the subject.”

Frances caught the inference and nodded to Reg.

Fiona, not noticing, was in a bouncy mood. “Sure, I can do that, Reg. Your OTHER wives have been clueing me into how things operate here. I am sure I will fit in well with them. I just have to stop myself expecting to get hold of you any time I want you. We all have to share; it has been drilled into me.” She grinned at him expectantly and a little ferociously, as if preparing to pounce on him.

Reg smiled graciously. “I have very little say in the matter, Fiona. Frances has been appointed to be in charge of all arrangements for love-making, so make sure you keep on her good side!”

Fiona told him, “I am sure Frances and I will manage fine, Reg.”

Frances intervened, “We have Fiona’s accommodation sorted out here, Reg, so we will get her clothes and such transferred from her current apartment shortly. She has been learning who does what in this house, and she has elected to participate in food preparation and purchasing.”

Reg raised an eyebrow. “Isn’t that an area where Carol and Holly will be taking over, dear?”

“Yes, but they are not here yet, so we still have to work on what IS, and not on what WILL be. All of us will have a discussion with the twins when they arrive, and work out what, if anything, they want us to do to help them. Just leave it to us girls, Reg. We know what we are doing.”

Reg suddenly felt stupid.

“Okay, I’ll leave it with you, my darling, but let me know if I can contribute with awkward tasks such as window-washing, or moving furniture for cleaning underneath.”

The next few days were busy ones for the entire family. They finally had time to admire each other’s Christmas gifts they had received on their travels, and later phone their parents to tell them what clever choices they had made. Carol and Holly starting phoning Frances with updates on their company induction course, and hinting about what they wanted to do when they joined the Robertson household.

Frances gave them advance warning of Fiona’s presence. At first they were annoyed, but when Frances asked them to explain what it was that annoyed them about someone they didn’t know, they had difficulty admitting it was selfishness on their own part.

Frances went on, telling the twins, “Girls, don’t imagine that everything here is going to be a bed of roses. Reg was sort of pushed into everything, you know, though he enjoys the results. There are bound to be people who will object to us; including women who imagine that we were somehow brainwashed into wanting to be wives in this day and age. We could have just lived together, and ignored what people might say, but all of us felt we needed to have some outward sign of the significance of our household, and especially its significance for us as a family.

Same as Reginald's Family
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“Thank you, Reg.” Freda kissed him again, and made a point of rubbing her breasts against him. He took the opportunity to put his arms round her upper torso, to hold her tight to him, and enjoyed the kissing session. They were still in that position when Frances and Erika came into the room. Frances called softly, “Hello, you two. Can you spare us a minute?” Reg was embarrassed. “Sorry, Frances, Freda insisted on apologising, in her own unique way.” “Oh, yes. The other girls. We’ll talk...

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Frances concluded, “Right. Do what you want with him tonight, but I get him to myself tomorrow night. Goodnight to the three of you.” She slammed the door shut behind her as she left. Erika murmured, “Wow. She sounds peeved. Reg, was that a promise to fuck you tomorrow?” “I am not certain, darling. It may be, but I am not going to count on it. It might just be a cuddle like we are having now.” Erika disabused him of that notion. “No, Reg, not just a cuddle. Prepare for a lot more. I can...

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“Well now, there are several things to decide on. One, can Reg help you with tutoring, and if so, can you assist him in picking up social skills? Second, if you get accepted as part of the study group, Beth gets rejected and we help you shaking loose from her. Is that it?” “More or less, Frances. I am not sure what you meant – IF Reg can help me with tutoring?” “Oh, that is simple. Reg has to decide if you are worth his effort. If he concludes that you are not picking things up as he...

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“No, I have a good brain, but most people don’t see beyond my height. I am five foot nine, if you wanted to ask. Similar height to you, Reg?” “Should think so. Let’s check. Come and stand in front of me, Prudence, and we’ll see.” She and Reg moved to face each other, and sure enough, they were eye to eye. Reg smiled at her and moved forward to kiss her gently on the lips. She was startled at that familiarity, but reacted by kissing him in return, then stepped back. “Wow! Do you do that...

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ReginaldChapter 20

Reg sat in a chair facing the Dean, and waited. The Dean cleared his throat before declaring, “Mr Robertson, it has come to my notice that you have arranged for a commitment ceremony next week. Is that correct?” “Yes sir.” Reg was not offering anything. He had learned to be careful. “I understand this is not a simple cohabitation agreement, but something more complex.” “Yes, sir.” “You and four other students – girls - are proposing to live together as a family unit. Is that so?” “Yes,...

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How I Became A Hotwife Ch 07 Young Temp Staff

My hubby called me one afternoon and told me that one of the junior staff, John, would be dropping by in the evening and told me to be prepared. Of course I knew what he meant. During that evening, we had some drinks together and found out more about him. Since John would only be here for three days, my hubby offered to let him stayed over for two nights sothat he could save on the hotel expenses. He was actually on attachment assignment before moving off to another company.John was only twenty...

Wife Lovers
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Rosa was a young Filipina girl only 18 years old and still a virgin. This wasn't because she wasn't interested in sex; instead it was because all of the boys her age seemed to be just too timid and unsure of themselves. Rosa wanted her virginity to be taken by an older, more experienced man, one with the confidence to just take what he wanted from her. Rosa's parents had arrived from the Philippines right before she was born and they were very conservative. They attempted to push this onto...

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Day Without ConsequencesChapter 2

The hand on her thigh had kept moving upward as she was reveling in the amazing sensation of three pairs of lips on her neck and lips. She gasped when it reached the joining of her long legs. She found herself automatically moving them apart to the pleasant sensation his touch was eliciting. A finger pressed into her, and she moaned out loud this time, even with Gregor's tongue filling her mouth. A hand moved onto her back, and another stroked down the bare side of her body, still another...

2 years ago
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Guess Who Came to Visit

Concentration is an act of will power, an act of mind over matter, an act of focusing on something to the exclusion of all else. Deep in her subconscious Eve knows this, but all the concentration in the world is not helping her. Line after line, page after page, she scans the computer script before her until it is just a blur. Her concentration is gone and the job seems insurmountable. The problem seemed simple enough on the surface. Someone had lost a decimal point in the program, just a...

3 years ago
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SECRETS UNCOVERED part 1It was a memory stick I had never seen before. It lay under her table, right by the metal file box where she kept household papers and suchlike. I had seen her doing some accounts on her laptop earlier so assumed the stick was related to that. I was going to just pop it back into the box but something made me a bit curious . I went up to my study and plugged the stick into my computer. Ah ! The contents were password-protected ! Now that really made me suspicious. I...

4 years ago
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Husband and wife have gotten into playing around with bondage

Mary tried to shift around and get more comfortable. But it was impossible. Her husband had gagged and tied and her down tight and regardless of the moans and grunts she made he continued to walk by and ignore her. The leather covered O-ring in her mouth stifled her noise, but did nothing to constrict her breathing. Her arms were tied to the legs of the old upright piano in their living room and then her feet and ankles were tied down to the heavy couch that was on the opposite wall. She was...

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The African Holiday

My wife and I regularly go to the Gambia in west Africa for a bit of winter sun. We always stay in the same 4* hotel, and normally the same block over looking the pool area. Over the years we have got to know several of the other regular guests, most of whom are mature women, nicely curved and big breasted. All be it, often saggy, but hell, I still think they look delicious. Anyway on this particular day my wife asks me to go back to the room to get her some more magazines. Reluctantly I get...

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Dont Tell Mom The Babysitter Feminizes

Don't Tell Mom the Babysitter Feminizes! Written by Courtney Captisa Edited by Sally Bend "It's so nice to meet you!" smiled Jessica, the skinny 18-year-old brunette girl at the door of the McLandon household. "Please come in!" said Ms. McLandon, waving Jessica, who was carrying a large backpack, in from the front door. "My sister has told me very good things about you," she added, referring to Jessica's babysitting skills. Jessica had been working for her sister for over a month...

2 years ago
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Earths CoreChapter 14 Celebrations Protests Departure And Graduation

Day after day, week after week, Zax invested every free moment of his time in training whether in the Inner Spirit formation or meditation. In the first week he trained only twice, at Sunday and Wednesday, in the Inner Spirit formation. Each training session was like the first one he had after Zetsa modified the formation. He sat on the white mattress cross-legged, chanted the words that activate the formation and after couple of hours woke up with barely enough time and energy to get back...

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Red Heels Black Leather

The restaurant was usually very busy on Sunday mornings. My friend and I went every weekend for breakfast or lunch. The food was great, the price was fair and the atmosphere good. The real reason we went there was the waitress that worked there.My friend Kevin had a crush on her and wanted me to come and check her out. Being shy with women he wanted to ask her out but was too shy to do it alone. As I was our groups resident "ladies man" and the best wingman going he wanted me to tag along and...

3 years ago
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A Fella from the Neighborhood

He was just a fella from the neighborhood. In his low 20’s, kind of awkward, but a good looking guy. I remember when he was a little k** just being a “pain in the ass”, doing all kind of stupid stuff. He was a little older than my youngest daughter who he always had a crush on. She loved him like a brother and still does, but it went no further than that. His parents broke up about 5 years ago and they all left the neighborhood upon the sale of their home. I think that he feels that this is...

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Being us

so basically jimmy has a friend that we have known for ages called george and lives in berlin, george has been hitting on me since we met, i'm not a big fan of him and he's a totall sleaze bag! two weeks ago jimmy was in germany and met up with george, george end up telling jimmy after a couple of drinks that he is crazy for me and that he wanks at my facebook pictures!!! as usual jimmy loved it and ended up showing him naked pics of me... when jimmy came home he told me all about it and that...

2 years ago
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Tollies Garden Pt2

 I slept in that next morning and didn’t wake up until eleven. It was Saturday and I loved not having to get up and rush out to school. The fact is, I loved to sleep—still do, but not like I did when I was a teen. Anyway, when I got up, I looked out the window but didn’t see Tollie. I took a long shower, played with myself, had a huge orgasm then got dressed, throwing on an old pair of cutoff jeans and a baggy T-shirt and even before I got to the kitchen, I heard Tollie and my mom laughing....

Love Stories
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Math Teacher

Introduction: A Teacher and her student help each other with their secrets. After teaching math in the middle school for four years, it was time for a change, so I took a position teaching Calc and Trig. It was only a little more money, but I liked higher math more than plain Algebra."Hi, Ms. Sanderson. Are you now here teaching at the high school?", said a familiar voice.Looking up, my heart fluttered. It was Craig, the geeky little 8th grader, who would "tent" his gym short when he would doze...

2 years ago
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Adults only. Please do not repost without permission. Comments to [email protected] She hears him pull into the driveway, feels a flutter of excitement course through her. She drops the vegetables in the sink, and takes one more quick look in the mirror, to adjust her hair. She hears his tread on the stairs, and glides to the door, opening it, breath caught in her throat as she watches him, patting the dog's head. His lunch box and papers in his work-worn hands, faded jeans...

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DIGI part 1

Comissioned lemon from a guy named Lord Patamon. It goes into this paralel digimon universe, which I just came up with two seconds ago. I may make this a new series and call it D.I.G.I series. Alarm bell began ringing 7:30 am. Patamon yawned and pulled the sheet over his head, trying to fall back into sleep. Gatomons eyes twitched, the clock still was ringing and it was getting harder and harder. Gatomon growled and punched the clock and it broke down, when it hit the floor. Two hours...

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Majhya Maitrini La Zavlo

Hello, maja nav satish aahe,me punyat rahatoy majhya mitra sobat, tyach naav niket aahe.. He majhi dusri story aahe.. Mala roj stories wachayla aavadatat aani me roj story vachun pani galunch zopto…he story me ani majhya mitrachya girl frnd chi aahe.. Me ani niket college che changle mitra hoto.. Doghe hi single hote pan jyaveli punyat aalo job sathi mag aamhi muli patavayla suruvat keli, aami ekatra kothrud la rahat hoto.. Pratyek weekend la jm road la phirna milun, fc road la muli baghayla...

3 years ago
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‘My mom won it in a jitterbug contest when she was 20,’ she said, ‘and mom would never sell it.’ The older plump lady said to me, ‘My mom loved this old thing. She’d sit behind the wheel and remember when she was young and she was single, then put it back into the garage and it would sit there for another month.’ She laughed, ‘My dad cursed it because it ran so erratically, so it sat in the garage most of the time. Mom would get it out and clean it up once a month.’ As we walked out to the curb...

4 years ago
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My Daughter Amber Sprung a Surprise on Me

'See that guy over there, watch him'.We were in the cafeteria sipping a cappuccino, and a coke. Amber my daughter, watched him through her fringe of shock blond hair, with her straw in her mouth, sucking some coke occasionally, as her blue eyes followed him.I was wondering what was going through her mind as her eyes followed him, she was on the cusp of a sexual revolution, whereas I, was in my MILF stage of life, at 38.'What exactly am I looking at', she asked me nonchalantly, still staying...

2 years ago
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Meister T Erlebnis auf der Pferderennbahn

Meister – T – Mann – Frau – Sissi – Paare Frau und MannAus dem Leben eines Meisters."Gülden Feen Haar" von "Fee" - Begegnung und bedenkenswertes Erlebnis auf der Pferderennbahn - Fees lange blonden Haare - Meeting - Pferderennen -Ein Termin ist für den Meister immer gesetzt. - Pferderennen in Iffezheim - Das Meeting - Die Große Woche. - Dieses Jahr trug unsere "Fee" hohe rote Schaft -...

3 years ago
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The Pet Part 1 The Introduction

Except this afternoon was a little different from normal afternoons that girl friends usually spent together: for while their talk was about normal everyday stuff, it also focussed sharply on their “pet”. Their pet was lying on the floor at their feet. And their chat was interrupted by their delicious laughter as they discussed the last hour’s fun with it. They’d borrowed the pet from one of their very good friends, who’d agreed to let them have it for the day, on a few conditions –...

4 years ago
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Company Halloween Party Fun The Epilogue

Donna was our company benefits coordinator and we had serendipitously hooked up at a company Halloween party last year. It took me quite a while to disclose to her who I was and who she had secretly hooked up with.Donna was very married, so dating her was impossible.I dropped by the HR offices and stuck my head in the door where she officed and asked if she was going to be attending the company Halloween party again this year.Donna looked up from the desk and smiled.“You’re hoping so, I bet,”...

5 years ago
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He Promised Part 1

I met him when he approached me at a night club. I had noticed him watching me earlier as I walked about with my friends. I smiled to him once as our eyes met. His features were obviously Slavic and I was instantly enticed. To some French is a turn on. In my case, to hear a man speak Russian or Estonian, even three seats away in a subway train, sends shivers all over my skin. If one were to speak to me directly, the tremors would be inside me, originating from where I wanted him to be inside...

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Adventures of Carrie Waiting 2

The Afternoon Carrie woke from her brief nap. She was naked on the lounge beside the pool with the bright overhead sun warming her tan skin. She lay on her stomach looking across the pool at two robins hopping around on the grass. Springs a horny time of year for everyone, she thought as she recalled the events of the morning, masturbating in front of the windows and watching a pair of dogs fucking just outside. Her still wet hole pinched involuntarily as she thought about it. She slipped...

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My Misunderstood Husband

TRANSLATION for our dear friends across the pond for this and other stories. (Those who think this is teaching Granny to suck eggs, please forgive me.) UK : USA Pants: Men's underpants or women's panties Trousers: Pants Knickers: Panties. Tights : Sheer or opaque pantyhose. Solicitor/Barrister : The two can often interchange but usually as follows: Solicitor: Not exclusively a lawyer who does most of his legal work (e.g. Property conveyance) outside the courts,...

3 years ago
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Husband Splits his Wife Open

It wasn’t that she hated or disliked her husband, it was the complete opposite. She and James had met in college, senior year, they quickly fell in love after sharing so many common interests. They both entered with art degrees, Chelsea hoped to be an interior designer and fell in love with the industry. James graduated with a photography, but his career had already skyrocketed before school was even over. He flew around the world to hand high portfolio clients, yes, they had been a lot of...

2 years ago
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Chachi Ki Chudai In Summer Vacations

Hello, everyone, this is Rajat here I am from Meerut. I know you all have come here to masturbate so I will not take much of time and start the story. So this happened in the month of June last year. I live here with my joint family of 13 members. We had a decent house but I would sleep in my hall from the beginning only so I was used to it. First, let me tell you about my Chachi. She was 38 years old not on the plump side but surely her boobs were the one I used to die for. Those were white...

4 years ago
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Surprised by neighbor

I am a fit, middle-aged married guy who has a pretty good marriage. But there is one big problem. My sweet wife has such huge hang-ups from her fundamentalist religious upbringing that she has never really enjoyed great sex. She never would experiment or let go. This of course has been a source of much stress to me as I have had to masturbate frequently to relieve the stress that builds up in my life. We have never had sex more than 2-3 times in a month in our entire marriage.Well, I was...

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Cabin Fever Part One

1975, Southeastern United StatesTravis lived in an old log cabin a few hundred yards from the point where the creek flowed into the big river. His father had bought two acres for next to nothing and built the place one log at a time in the late nineteen-fifties and they had used it as a hunting and fishing getaway. When he was young Travis had always looked forward to coming there with his Dad and older brother Eddie to fish out in the river and in-season would hunt for deer and rabbits.The...

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Immersion breaking fictional story disclaimer. All characters are made up and no names are based on real people. Sorry about that. (contains taboo themes(you've been warned), masturbation and voyeurism but no actual sex... yet)I couldn't believe it had come to this. I had moved in to live with my sister. This last year hadn't gone the best for me, I had lost my job and had to live off of my savings for a few months until most of that was gone. I needed some help getting back on my feet. Bit of...

3 years ago
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When I think about my bf

Sometimes I'm a naughty girl and I have naughty dreams about my bf, and when I wake up in the morning my pussy is so wet and Juicy and I get this really bad craving for him, he doesnt live with me so that only adds to my anxiety and my need for his big thick cock, and all thru the morning thats all I can think about, its his thick juicy cock going in and out of my wet cunt, and it makes me so horny that I end up soaking my undies in my female juices, he loves it when I tell him over the phone...

4 years ago
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Pilgrim of PassionChapter 3

There was no sleep for any of them that first night. The girl, Janet was so pretty, so eager to be useful and helpful to Alicia, and she was very much the dominating force in the young boy's life. Janet explained to Alicia that the boy was her devoted slave, obsequious in the extreme and Janet hastened to assure Alicia that they could do anything to Arturo and he would accept it because he was a very mild mannered youth and he knew that he belonged to Janet and that both of them were now the...

5 years ago
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Of Paths To Take The Path To The Crossroads

Introduction The start of a journey in the mind to a point of divergence where the reader will be free to chose down which path he or she wishes to continue. But there is more to it for there are two themes at work in this story. The obvious one being the story dividing into five different stories giving the reader a chance to decide how the story is to continue. The second theme has its root in ancient cultures where it is believed that a divine force/deity will led/guide a person...

2 years ago
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Game WorldChapter 36

That night and the next three days were a nightmare, particularly for me and my mates. Unfortunately there was nothing I could do to change it. Lord Omar was different after the battle. In a way his new demeanour took me by surprise. The man who had just wanted the conflict over with was gone and the triumphal ruler had taken his place. He relished the fawning of his favourites and welcomed the treasure that I'd brought him from the battlefield. Greedily he ran his hands over the golden...

3 years ago
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Wife Gets Even

Six months after May and I had our brush with disaster my wife sprung a lulu on me. The intervening months had been unbelievable. Despite my catching my devoted wife in the midst of a tryst with my erstwhile best friend Ralph, we were truly a happier couple. We really did love one another more deeply and completely than we had before though I had not thought it possible at the time. And to my immense and complete surprise I actually trusted her more implicitly than I had before. Don't ask...

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Himura Battousia Book 2 Kenshins PastPart 249 A New Step

Amakakeru Ryuu no Hirameki versus Kofuku Watoujutsu Misao: But, didn't the Kofuku thingy already break the Amakakeru Ryuu no Hirameki? Aoshi: I wonder... Before, he had only seen the Amakakeru Ryuu no Hirameki once. That was his first time seeing the Kofuku. But now, they both each other's skills. Saitou: Their footing is more important now. Will he be able to take that crucial first step in the loose sand? Sanosuke: Just shut up and watch. They've already thrown the dice. When it...

4 years ago
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Battleship Prien the living hell for nazis prisoners

Battleship Prien, the living hell for nazis' prisoners Authors: Noemi Salvadge & Mister Johnson Author's emails: Noya2929 [at] gmail [dot] comTags: M/f, M/f+, F/f, F/f+, F+/f+, interracial, modification, snuff, Tit Torture, feet, slavery, bondage, real, torture, nc, Extreme, Scifi Introduction Summary Germany won the Second World War with the aid of Japan. 56 years later the rest of the Solar System is colonized, full with Battleships of the two superpower Empires. In 2001 Battleship Gunther...

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I Need You Now

We are barely through the door and suddenly your body is pinning me to the wall, your mouth hungrily kissing mine as your hands explore my curves. I grab your hips and pull you closer against me, feeling your cock beginning to harden at my touch. I turn around so that your back is against the wall now, unbuttoning your jeans at the same time. You pull your top quickly over your head and throw it to one side. I slowly kneel down in front of you, taking your jeans with me. I stroke my fingers...

Quickie Sex
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Unholy MasterChapter 5

Janet didn't know what it was, what mental affliction had suddenly warped her mind into instantaneous loathing at the mere sight of Paul's naked body, but she well knew that the ailment had seized hold of her- neurotic or otherwise. Paul had said nothing... unbelievably nothing... not once complaining to her during the entire voyage... even after she would lead him on, begging him to make love to her, wanting him so badly that she ached maddeningly with her desire; and then, he would expose...

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Beneath the Surface We Walk With DemonsChapter 2

There is a knock at the door sometime later. Harper cleaned up, but had to change her blouse. It’s those random times like that that she started keeping spares at the office. Thinking back she begins to wonder if the experiences are random and not every time the men fuck. She doesn’t have much time to think about it though. “Come in!” she calls almost sing-song like. Jonathan steps in and seeing the grin on her face, he can’t help but match it. “Well, you seem like you’re in a happy mood....

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My name is Cath. I'm 38 years old and married with two almost grown c***dren, a 14 year old boy and a 16 year old girl. My husband, Roland, treats me very well and understands my problems and needs. No one man is capable of satisfying my need for sex and I wouldn't want someone I love to see me humiliated and degraded. Roland's only stipulations are that I not get pregnant to anyone but him, I always insist on my men wearing condoms and that I'm always available to him for sex. The first...

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