Flash free porn video

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‘My mom won it in a jitterbug contest when she was 20,’ she said, ‘and mom would never sell it.’ The older plump lady said to me, ‘My mom loved this old thing. She’d sit behind the wheel and remember when she was young and she was single, then put it back into the garage and it would sit there for another month.’ She laughed, ‘My dad cursed it because it ran so erratically, so it sat in the garage most of the time. Mom would get it out and clean it up once a month.’ As we walked out to the curb she said, ‘My name is Nancy Clark, by the way.’

‘Jack Foley,’ I responded and shook her hand. ‘I live around the corner.’

It was a dusty white 1959 Chevy convertible that sat at the curb in my neighborhood with a ‘For Sale’ sign on it. I hadn’t seen it before and it attracted my attention with its styling. The horizontal tailfins and something sticking out of the hood attracted me. I had stopped to look at it and my 15 year old Plymouth shuddered and died as I sat there in the street looking at the dusty Chevy.

The Plymouth restarted fitfully so I parked it and walked up to the house to inquire about the Chevy. A sort of plump older lady opened the door. She was dressed in jeans and a dusty shirt. I could see packing boxes and newspapers strewn around behind her. She was happy to show me the car.

The Chevy started after a while and ran sort of rough at idle but Nancy explained it hadn’t been run in a while. She smiled and looked at the car. Nancy was in her late forties, lived in Arizona and wanted to finish selling her late moms stuff. The house was the problem because prices were down and the car was just a car to her. It needed washing and tires: the ones that were on it were all cracked from sitting around. It also needed a new top, not right away, but soon.

After a little haggling I got her down to the $1,200 I could afford and told her I had to run to the bank to get the cash. I was back within an hour and left the Plymouth in front of her house with the ‘For Sale’ sign on it. I sold the Plymouth for enough to get new tires and an oil change for the Chevy.

I took the Chevy to Monterey, down on the coast, to meet with Dave Letterman, play golf and hype a script of mine to him. I was a little early so I stopped at a strip mall in Seaside and went into a doughnut shop for a cup of cheap coffee. A girl who worked in the auto mechanics shop near by was smoking a cigarette in my car and caressing the steering wheel when I came out. She smiled, blushed, and said she was sitting in my car because her daddy didn’t like her smoking.

I guess I’m a sucker for a pretty girl, especially one who had dimples in her cheeks and significant attributes in her tube top. I got in on the passengers side, drank my coffee and flirted with her to pass the hour or so that I had to wait. We talked about the car and she thought it was ‘So Retro.’ She reached down and pushed the button that opened the top and it all started to come apart.

Mary Ann was most apologetic and ran into the shop to get her daddy.

While I was looking at the top and trying to figure out how to get it up or down to make my tee time, an older dude in coveralls came out and said, ‘Oh, shit, mister. Mary Ann told me about your top.’ He was afraid that Mary Ann, his daughter, would be liable for a whole new top so he said he would fix it up so at least it wouldn’t be impossible to drive.

I told him I was more worried about my tee time with Letterman and he said, ‘How about I have Mary Ann drive you to the clubhouse and I’ll fix the top? When you get finished, call me, and I’ll send Mary Ann to pick you up.’

I was in a bind and agreed. As it worked out it was perfect timing. Mary Ann and I arrived just as Letterman was entering the clubhouse and he saw me get out of Mary Ann’s convertible to join him. He saw Mary Ann’s significant attributes as she blew me a kiss and said, ‘Just give me a ring and I will come back to pick you up, Jack.’

‘You old Dog,’ Dave said and elbowed me in the ribs.

I just smiled at him and we went in to change our shoes. I played just well enough to let him win by four strokes and made my pitch. Mary Ann came and got me afterwards and sort of bounced around the car helping me load my clubs. Dave hoisted his glass at me smiling from the veranda as Mary Ann bounced back into her convertible and we drove off.

When we got back to the shop Mary Ann’s dad had the Chevy on the lift and was tinkering with the exhaust system. ‘Had a loose tail pipe,’ he said and lowered the lift.

The older mechanic, ‘Marty’ his nametag said, who owned the shop, was watching from the side as we got it off the lift. When he saw the hood, where a dual carburetor manifold sat under the blower of the 427 engine, he almost shit!

‘Oh My God, THE 500 Flash!’ he said and his eyes got as big as manhole covers. He started to drool. ‘The factory only built two of these!’

They had apparently only built two because the engine needed two hours of tuning to make it work right for every one hour of running, unless you knew the tricks. Not that it didn’t run well, but it was hard to start, and didn’t idle well, Marty said it was because of the camshaft timing, but when it was right, it would pull your hair out of your head with its acceleration.

As Marty said, ‘Who is going to idle a 500 Flash?’

Mary Ann’s dad had patched up the top so I could get it home but Marty asked if he could play with it and make it run right. He had a plan. ‘The car is worth maybe forty grand the way it is but with a little work it would be priceless,’ he said. ‘I’ll tell you what, we go partners and split what ever we get for it over forty grand and me and the boys will fix it up, how does that sound?’ Well, after Wall Street had imploded and since I was down to my last 10 grand trying to scratch up a living, it was fine with me.

Marty gave me a ’98 Honda he had been using as a loaner and I went home, found the pink slip to the Flash, went to my bank and put it in a safe deposit box.

Marty fixed up the car and got it running right. When I saw it again three months later it was spotless and he had put about 20 grand in it for the restoration, new paint, tires, new exhausts, top and the engine was polished up and it shined like it was just out of the factory. ‘Only 20,000 miles on it. I doubt if they ever had to change the tires for wear,’ Marty said.

News of its existence was spread in the car world by my articles about it in a couple of car magazines. I made $600 each for the articles and was able to eat for a couple of months. We hyped it hard for about six months and Marty just kept making it look better and better.

The other factory prototype had gone out in a flaming wreck in 1961 on a highway in Nevada when the playboy owner had tried to see just how fast he could make it go. The Nevada State Police estimated that it was doing at least 180 when he lost control and left the road. The wreckage was found 200 yards from where he left the highway. I had a follow up article in Car News about the two Flashes which let me eat for another month.

Marty and I put the Flash on a trailer and drove it to Las Vegas to the auction.

When it went on the block the bidding started at $100 grand!

At first there were a lot of bidders, but when the price went to $300 grand it was down to four.

The price jumped to $400 G’s and one bidder fell out.

I was having a coronary event and had to sit down. Marty was smiling so hard he almost passed out.



The price kept climbing and at $500 G’s the third bidder faded.

$750 G’s was the next bid and I had to go to the bathroom and empty my quivering bowels. When I got back and ordered a stiff whisky it was at $875 G’s!

Marty was too afraid to listen and went to the bathroom to throw up. When he got back the price was a million and two. Marty sat down and shook my hand. I leaned over
and kissed him. He started laughing and when the next bit was a million, three-fifty, he and I both quit drinking and sat in stunned silence.

$1,400 G’s

$1,500 G’s

$1,750 G’s

The auctioneer wiped his brow and took a drink of water. The Flash turned on the stage. Lights glistened off the chrome and polished aluminum of the supercharger. The room was almost silent except for the buzz of the crowd and murmurings of the two agents in their cell phones.

‘Going Once for $1 million seven hundred and fifty thousand …’

‘Two Million!’ one of the agents shouted.

‘Two point two,’ the other immediately shouted.

I looked at Marty, ‘Marty, let’s let the lady I bought the car from have 10%. O.K.?’

He grinned at me and nodded, ‘You got her name?’

I smiled at him, ‘Sure,’ I grinned. ‘She was nice and probably needs the money.’

When the price was final and the gavel slammed down for $2, 650 G’s Marty and I just shook hands and smiled.

My cell phone rang and I answered. It was Dave, ‘Jack, How did you like the auction?’

I laughed, ‘Loved it,’ I said.

‘Well, I thought you would. Say, I’m sorry the deal didn’t go through on your script but the network wasn’t buying it. I felt real bad for you, but maybe I was able to make it up to you today.’

‘You were bidding on the Flash?’

‘Yeah, we got him good, didn’t we?’ he laughed.

‘Who?’ I didn’t know who, or what he was talking about.

‘Enjoy and I’ll keep you in mind.’ He rang off.

Marty and I went out to dinner and had a grand time. The hotel where the auction was held put us in a suite and sent up some entertainment. Marty and I both enjoyed it and tipped the girls $5,000 each.

The next morning after kissing the girls goodbye we went to the auction office, took their check to the bank, split up the money and each of us ended up with a check for $1,210,000 with a $242,000 check made out to Nancy Clark, the lady who sold me the car.

Marty went home driving the truck and trailer, he said he was going to sell the shop and take his wife to Hawaii.

The phone number Nancy gave me over a year ago didn’t work so I rented a Caddy convertible from Avis and drove down to Tucson and spent two days finding out where she had gone. The address she had given me in a retirement village was vacant with a Real Estate sign out front. I called the agent and asked about Nancy and he gave me an address.

The GPS in the Caddy led me to a trailer park in the outskirts of Tucson. The tumble weeds were stacked up on the fence and a hot wind blew dust at me as I got out of the Caddy at a ratty looking singlewide trailer.

When I knocked on the door a fat slut opened it, said, ‘We don’t want any,’ and slammed the door in my face. I knocked again, the slut opened the door and before she could say anything I asked, ‘Does Nancy Clark live here?’

She scowled at me, yelled, ‘Nancy!’ and walked away.

I almost didn’t recognize Nancy when she came to the door and said, ‘Yes, how can I help you?’

She was in a dress that seemed too big for her frame and instead of the matronly slightly plump woman I remembered, she was thin and haggard and had a fading bruise under one eye.

‘Either invite him in or go outside, but shut the fuck’en door,’ the slut shouted over the TV that was playing in the background.

Nancy stepped out into the heat and said, ‘Sorry about Glenda, she’s my daughter-in-law, she can’t take the heat.’

‘No problem,’ I said. ‘I don’t know if you remember me, but I bought your mom’s car from you about a year ago?’

She looked at me and said, ‘Oh, yes, I remember you. Jack, isn’t it? It was a long time ago and you look so much more prosperous now.’ She smiled and asked, ‘I hope you were able to get that thing running again?’

‘Yeah, we did. Look can I buy you lunch or maybe some iced tea. I wanted to tell you about the car and well it’s too long a story for this heat.’

She looked over her shoulder and smiled at me, ‘Let me get my purse.’

On the way to lunch Nancy told me about how she was living with her stepson and his wife now after her second husband Frank had disappeared with the money from her Mom’s estate.

‘Well, the bank took the house over and Freddy took me in because he said his Daddy was a bastard and I’ve been living with them for six months now. He’s a mechanic and is working part time at the Toyota dealership and another place.’

I drove to Red Lion where I was staying. We went in and sat in the restaurant. I showed her the binder where I had gathered up all the articles and pictures of the Flash. Her eyes got a little misty when she saw how Marty had fixed it up but she ate ravenously and smiled apologetically at me with her mouth full while I explained how we had marketed the car.

She finally finished eating, sat back and patted my hand, ‘Oh, Jack, I’m happy the old car made someone happy. But why did you come all this way to tell me about it?’

‘Nancy, Marty and I sold the Flash in Las Vegas last week,’ and told her the story of the auction but left out the bit about the hookers and all that.

She was grinning and laughing at the story, particularly about Marty having to go out to throw up. Then I said, ‘Nancy, Marty and I wanted to give you ten percent of the money we got from your Mom’s car.’

‘What?’ She sat very still and her eyes looked down at the check as I slid it over the table to her. She stared at it and seemed afraid to touch it in case it would go up in smoke.

‘How much?’ She asked me. ‘Just tell me. I don’t have my glasses.’

I grinned at her, ‘Two hundred and forty-two thousand dollars,’ I said slowly.

She stared at me for a moment, wiped her mouth with her napkin, took a big drink of her iced tea, wiped her hands carefully and picked up the check. She played trombone with it squinting and said, ‘You have got to be kidding me, Jack.’

I grinned, ‘No, Nancy, a certified cashier’s check made out to you from the Bank of Nevada. All legal and good anywhere you want to cash it. Marty and I wanted you to have it.’

She picked up the check and put it in her purse and asked, ‘Jack, can you take me to a bank?’

‘Sure, Nancy, let me pay the check and we’ll go.’ I paid the check and put her in the car. She was nervous when we went into the nearest bank and I helped her set up an account. The banker was happy to set up the account and said that with the new rules she could be confident that the account was full insured. She took five grand in cash and asked me to take her back to the Red Lion.

She booked a room at the hotel and I asked her why she didn’t go back home. She just laughed, ‘Fuck ’em! They can have anything they can find to hock. They’ve already hocked almost everything I had in the last six months to pay for their weed habit. I’m never going back.’

I kissed her lightly and said, ‘Enjoy,’ and went up to my room. I made a few calls and took a nap until dinner time then went down and walked into the bar to have a drink before dinner, thinking I’d drive home the next day.

‘Jack!’ someone called. I turned around and was able to make out an older woman sitting with a couple of silver haired dudes at a table in the back. It was Nancy so I went to their table.

She got up and kissed me on the cheek and introduced me to Warren and Christopher, the silver foxes who were so much alike that it was uncanny. Nancy was dressed to the nines and her hair was now slightly reddish curled and all fluffy. Her makeup was tastefully done and she looked happy as hell.

I had a drink with them and got her story. She had gone to the dress shop and beauty parlor in the hotel and got all fixed up. Warren and Christopher were twins and were in town on business. They were diamond merchants in LA and were going back there in a few days. Nancy was charming and had Warren particularly entranced as they
danced on the small dance floor there in the bar.

Christopher watched his brother dance with Nancy and asked me what I did for a living. I told him I was a free lance writer and we talked for a while.

When Nancy and Warren came back, Christopher asked her to dance with him, she smiled and said, ‘I want to dance with Jack. I’ll come back for you later Chris.’

Nancy held me close and we just waltzed around, I don’t really dance much. She smiled at me and said, ‘I don’t know how to thank you, Jack, for all you’ve done for me.’

I grinned at her, ‘Well, Nancy, I’m just happy you sold me the car. It all comes around to that.’

‘At least let me buy you dinner,’ she said.

‘Okay, I was going to eat in the hotel here.’

‘Jack, do me one more favor?’ she looked up at me and grinned.

‘What, Nancy?’

‘Well, pay a little attention to me, you know like you were interested in me as a woman?’

‘Why?’ I asked.

She grinned at me, ‘Warren needs a little more competition, to seal the deal.’

I glanced over at the silver foxes and saw Warren watching us real closely. I smiled and kissed Nancy on the cheek and whispered in her ear, ‘You interested in the diamonds?’

She laughed and slapped my chest and hugged me close. She put her face to my chest and said, ‘I’m going to marry one of them, Warren I think. That Flash money won’t last too long.’

I laughed a little loud and put my hand on her ass and saw Warren frown.

Nancy pulled my hand back up and said softly, ‘Not too much, Jack.’

We went back and had a drink. Nancy danced with Christopher and we went to dinner. I paid a lot of attention to Nancy and had Warren and Christopher both jacked up a little as we finished our desserts. I leaned over and asked Nancy if she’d like to come up to my room and she slapped me and called me a cad. Warren asked me to leave so I left and turned back to see both brothers consoling Nancy as she cried in her napkin. I gave her a wink and left.

The next morning I checked out and had breakfast. As I was leaving I saw Nancy and the two brothers coming into the restaurant. The two brothers frowned at me when I approached them and I gave Nancy a humble apology for my actions at dinner.

‘Will you excuse us,’ Nancy said looking at the brothers.

Warren and Christopher frowned at me but went to get a table. Nancy took me over out of their line of sight and grinned at me, ‘Jack, the bit about coming to your room was just right. They were both very attentive to me after that. I think it’s going to work.’

‘So did you get lucky?’ I asked.

Nancy giggled and said, ‘I found out that they do everything together.’ She blushed and kissed me, ‘I better hurry, can’t let them get too jealous.’

I gave her my card and said goodbye.

About two months later, I was looking at the Flash on ‘Jay’s Garage’ on my computer when I heard the mailman drop off the mail. Along with the junk mail, I got a short letter from Nancy, she wrote:

Dearest Jack:

I hope you are well and happy. I married Christopher after all and we all went to the Bahamas for the honeymoon. The boys do ‘everything’ together. I wanted to invite you to the wedding but Warren didn’t want a ‘cad’ like you there. Sorry.

I enclose a picture from our wedding and hope you are enjoying the Flash money.


I looked at the picture, Nancy was radiant in a soft dove grey dress, Christopher in a white tuxedo was beside her and held her arm, Warren was in a black tuxedo and was a little below them in the picture.

Around Nancy’s neck was a diamond necklace that sparkled in the camera lens. It must have been a sunny day because the central stone made a brilliant statement.

You might even call it a Flash.

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Long Lost Photograph

It was a typical weekend, back home with my family. Since becoming an adult, weekend visits every other month became something to look forward to. You didn't have to do anything special. We often watched movies together, ate pizza and just had a good time relaxing on the front porch, watching the stars. Last weekend, we decided to look through the family photo albums together. It was interesting to see how much we changed over the year. Well, except for my Dad. He had the same crew cut...

4 years ago
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Jess and Aarons New Neighbor OWWH 4Chapter 123

Back in the limo, Jess spoke quietly to me. “You did very good on your list; better than any of the rest of us. You didn’t quite complete it, BUT I’m willing to let it slide if you are willing to help out Amelia later back at the apartment.” I frowned and considered asking what I would be helping with but figured it was a waste of breath. No way she would spoil the fun like that. And whatever it was couldn’t be much worse than the binder clip. Could it? “Sure thing,” I answered. “Sounds...

3 years ago
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MY birthday gift

After my gift to my husband opened my eyes to new and exciting pleasures, we tried many things. Bondage, roleplaying, costumes, and tried any position we could think of. It was a most wonderful experience for me, but then my birthday came. After he had asked for such an unusual gift, I felt the need to ask for something special myself and I cannot think of what I want, so I ask him to surprise me.We are in the car, on the way to a place I do not know. I wear only my ankle bracelet, heels,...

1 year ago
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An ABDL Nullo Story

Adam and Brittany had only been together for a few weeks. They had met on an inter net site and had been chatting for quite some time. They told each other about their dreams and fantasizes and eventually started dating. On the night they were about have sex for the first time with each other Brittany brought up kinks and fantasizes. Brittany was left incontinent after an accident and Adam was an ABDL (adult baby diaper lover). Adam was standing next to their bed in boxers and Brittany turned...

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Friday night fun

Until I met Steve, I had never known what true love was. Steve was the most considerate and sensual lover I'd ever had, and every time we made love he left me gasping for more. He loved my high sex drive and sluttiness, and the fact I had a bit 'extra' down there. I loved the way he could be both a perfect gentleman and a dominant stud who could pound me into total submission, and I loved his beautiful muscular black body, including of course his huge thick cock.We started out as fuckbuddies,...

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A Tale of Two NanniesChapter 15

Bob knew “their” situation was stressful. Neither girl blamed him for their gently swollen bellies. At the same time, neither girl was in any way happy about it. Both were terrified of what the reaction back home would be when it was found out. Neither had bearded that lion, yet. Neither girl had known she was pregnant at Thanksgiving, and only had to hide the fact that she was lactating from the family. Christmas, though, might be more difficult. Likewise, for Bob, the second shoe had to...

1 year ago
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TabooHeat Melanie Hicks Cory Chase Fucking My Step Sons Bully

I (Luke Longly) send Melanie Hicks out, into her car, completely naked, so she can go get another naked MILF and bring her back for a threesome. Melanie leaves, and she returns a little while later, with a blonde MILF named Cory Chase. She tells Cory about the ‘you have to be naked before entering the house’ rules, as she pulls up to the front of my house. Cory does as she’s told, and both she and Melanie walk into my house completely naked. They walk up the stairs and they...

3 years ago
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An Affair with Michele 2

CHAPTER TWO: IN THE WOODSMichele is 30 married with two k**s. I'm 28 also married, no k**s. She is 5' 6", long straight black hair just past her shoulders. She weighs about 105lbs, with nice brown eyes. She's a very pretty woman with small breasts and a killer ass. She always dresses very conservatively at work. She wears mostly slacks with a blouse or sweater, but I've always been attracted to her anyway. She has a way of being very classy and very sexy all at the same time. I have fantasized...

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Wild Naked FamilyChapter 3

After the sucking and fucking between mother and son had run its course, with the two of them having dressed and gone back upstairs, a third family member remained in the basement. Millie Underwood had never seen anything like it. "Hard to believe, with all the fucking around I've done," sighed the lingering teenager, "that this is the first time I ever watched anybody else getting it on. It's like... like..." Poetry in motion, Millie decided. Watching had turned her on in a whole new...

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Sex With High School Mate

Hiie all, this Virat from Goa. I am a good looking 28-year-old guy with a thick 8″ cock. I have had sex with 3 girls as of now. Any lady who wants to have secret sex can contact me on Gmail/hangout at I am ready to travel if you promise good sex. Let’s come to the story without wasting much time. This story is between my HSC classmate and me. Her name is Sneha. During our HSC time, she was a little plumpy but not fat. Her most important thing feature was her already grown up boobs whereas...

4 years ago
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Hubby wont notice

Dedicated to all the beautiful, married women out there that want to spice up their sex life...It's a Thursday evening. We are meeting after work to have some fun. But not the easy way in a hotel. No your hubby has to be around. So we drive to your place and we pretend that I am a new co worker of yours. An important presentation is due tomorrow morning, which means we have to work late. Your hubby is a little bit suspicious as you've never mentioned me before, but it passes after a while. We...

1 year ago
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Private Veronica Leal Real Estate Agent Closes The Deal

Verónica Leal is the sexiest real estate agent you’re likely to find and this stunning Latina is willing to go to any length to make a sale. Her lucky clients today are Ian Scott and David Perry, and after a tour of the apartment it’s time for Verónica’s final sales trick. Watch Verónica get straight down on her knees for a sloppy deepthroat blowjob, followed by an impressive vertical 69 before she puts her perfect natural tits and tight ass to work in a hardcore threesome as she enjoys some...

4 years ago
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ResonanceChapter 6

I moved steadily between Gaza, Tel Aviv, Jerusalem and Ramallah, tying them slowly together like a threaded needle, carefully bringing more and more people under my control. Taking over ministers, I infiltrated departments, cabinets, and barracks. I spoke to soldiers and militants, prime ministers and kings. At a certain point I was surprised to find that most people simply followed orders from above, no matter how unusual they might be. Anti-Semitic broadcasts from inside the territories...

4 years ago
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My first Gay experience

Mark knew it would be my first time with another guy. I had met him online and after alittle chatting, exchanged pictures. He was Hispanic, a little on the heavy set side, but nice looking. It was when he sent me a picture of his cock that I knew I really wanted to see him. His dick was thick, about 6 inches long, and had a nice full head. The kind of cock I had fantasized about. I knew I would be nervous, so I suggested that maybe I could just start by giving him a massage. That way, I...

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MomSon bath

Amber was a thirty-something mom with a hot little body. She always did like giving Carl his baths, she enjoyed seeing her cute boy wet and naked and the little boner episodes were just adorable. She wondered this time...does he like moms soft touch and wandering caress? All over? Amber kneeled down by the tub and rubbed her hands with soap. Little Carl squirmed his way over to where she was. She lathered her hands. "All the washcloths are dirty so mommy will have to use her hands, k sweety...

1 year ago
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SheWillCheat Paige Owens Paige Owens gets Birthday BBC in front of her cuckold husband

It’s Paige’s birthday today and her husband is throwing a party for her. He’s going to hop in the shower, but lets her know the bartender should be arriving soon. When Nat shows up he tells Paige that he’s more than just the barkeep, he’s also her birthday present from her husband. Paige is a little nervous at first but as soon as she feels that BBC in his pants, she can’t resist. But when her hubby comes out of the shower, he’s shocked to see them fucking, the bartender lied! But since he’s a...

2 years ago
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Tesco Tart Part Ten

All writings in this series are purely works of fiction and any reference to companies or people are fictitious for the purposes of this fictional writing. Tesco Tart - Part Ten. Claire watched with smug accomplishment as Michelle dutifully and obediently responded to her new Supervisor's command and stepped out of her office, respectfully closing her door softly behind her. Her modest Checkout Supervisor's office was one of two doors off of the main checkout office, the other...

3 years ago
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American Royalty 1 Coming of AgeChapter 4 First DatemdashLiam

LIAM HAD EVERY INTENTION of waiting exactly thirty minutes and calling Meredith. His parents had a different idea. “Liam, please come to the library. Your mother and I wish to speak to you.” Liam looked pleadingly at his grandmother but she just shrugged her shoulders and left him to his fate. He followed his parents into the library. “Whatever came over you, Liam? It was unconscionably rude to challenge Mr. Ferguson at a dinner party filled with friends who had come to celebrate the...

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Heavenly Travel

i am achu(name changed) from Bangalore, 35yrs, athletic body type and fair. Married. I am a very frequent visitor of this site and like the sex stories very much. Though I have a too much inclination to sex since my high school days, I had a cousin about 5yrs older who used to keep my hand at her boobs and pussy when I was quite young, when sleeping beside her whenever we met in festival and other functions of relatives My first wet dream started when I was in 10std as most men do. First time...

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E019 Pearl Nine

Both Donald and Emma are thinking to themselves as they drive home.  He takes one hand from the wheel, and places it on Emma’s thigh, raising her dress a little so he can stroke at her lovely silk stocking covered legs.  She just sighs, as she thinks.‘This has been the perfect day. I have never experienced so much and had such lovely feelings running through me.  My Donald has proven most worthy of all my attention.  I must adjust everything in my life.  All the meetings I attend and the things...

Love Stories
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Long Summer Days

It was a Wednesday morning during summer, woke up at 9 in the morning because it was so hot outside. So I got up wearing my shorts but no shirt to an empty house. I ended up plopping on the couch and flipping on the TV. As usual, I was watching Discovery Channel and I guess time just flew by. It was 1 o’clock when I heard my phone get a text. Then it hit me, you were coming over to use the pool like you usually do every Wednesday. Luckily you lived 20 minutes away, which gave me time to...

1 year ago
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Brian gets a very special surprise for his birthda

"Come on Brian, seriously. What do you want for your birthday?" Rachel pressed. She'd been after him for a hint, some idea of what he wanted or needed. And though his birthday was still several weeks away, there really wasn't anything he could come up with.Brian and Rachel had known one another for several years. Theirs was a "platonic" though very friendly relationship. Rachel was a lesbian married in every sense of the word except "legally" by archaic State laws. Brian was also friendly with...

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The day continues

This is a continuation of What a day. Again even though written in first person, it is a work of fiction. I seemed to get a great response and peopled liked me writing in first person so here is goes. I know it seems kinda short but it seems like the story is coming out in chapters. Tell me what you think so far.As I left the steam room I made sure to cover my asshole so I didn't drip his massive load all over the floor while I walked to the shower. Once there I turned on the water and stepped...

2 years ago
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Being In Her First Porn Movie

Lucy loved having sex. She had had nights with her boyfriend and his mates and had behaved like a real slut. One night he told her that they needed to talk. Lucy thought that sounded a bit ominous and sat there in nervous anticipation.“Lucy. You are really good in bed. Me and my mates were talking last night and we agreed that it is selfish for just us to have the pleasure of you. There would be loads of guys who would probably love to watch you do your thing and wank. I have a friend who makes...

2 years ago
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The Raffle Antoine and Maureen in the Hood

From Private School Girl Megan and AntoinePrivate school Megan had returned from school to her nice suburban home.? She was surprised by Antoine who had made a day trip from the hood to look for a house to burglarize.? She has been raped, tortured and disfigured by the sadistic intruder.? Antoine has let down his guard allowing Megan to get a knife while he is not watching Antoine robs the house, finishes off poor Megan and torches the house, returning by train to the hood.Megan’s Mom Maureen...

4 years ago
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The Choice Deena is caught between a cock and a

Deena's StoryBefore I was an escort, I never had anal. Now it's my bread winner. I never had a potty mouth either. I used to be a classy girl from a conservative British Asian family. The world of sex was something only shared between a husband and wife. Now I fall on my back and open my legs at the sound of loose change in any buggers pocket. Ok, slight exaggeration, but you get my point. Anyway, let's spend this chapter describing how I got here. Don't worry. After a few paragraphs of telling...

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Remix Chapter 1 Backbeat

Remix, Chapter 1: Backbeat By Brevdravis The first thing that James noticed was the stiffness in the right side of his face. As he opened his eyes, the pull of the skin along his cheek caused slight pain when the scabs upon it tugged. Judging from the amount of hardness along his face, he realized he must have torn the flesh from at least half of it. He began to open his mouth, feeling the small scrapes of metal on the inside of his lips. Braces, twisted and protruding, which...

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Savita Bhabhi Episode 73 Caught In The Act

“What a terrible night’s sleep. Might as well just get up early.”, Ashok said as he woke up from sleep in the morning stretching his arms wide while Savita bhabhi was still sleeping beside him. Ashok then moved towards the window and peeked through the window. “Wonder what the weather is like this morn..” He suddenly stopped and his eyes widened saying, “Hello! What have we here, neighbor Annie?”. He saw Annie washing her car in her mini jeans, which made her ass look huge and low cut top...

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David and BathshebaChapter 4

At university Tom had been a member of the shooting club specialising in pistol. He still had his .22 automatic. There was no time to obtain export or import permits but he determined nevertheless to take it with him. He placed it in the middle of his hold baggage and hoped it would not be found. If it was he would just have to surrender it. He also took some ammunition. The eight hour flight was uneventful and straightforward. Tom and Susie chatted inconsequentially for a while and then...

2 years ago
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Bus Gang Bang

It was not very often that I got to have a night out with the girls no more. A lot of my friends now had young family's and stressful jobs so I was looking forward to meeting up with them all tonight and having a good old catch up. I decided to wear something special for the occasion and chose to wear tight a nice black dress that I had brought a few months back in the sales. It showed my size 8 figure off well and made my 34D boobs sit just right. As I left the house I gave my husband a kiss...

3 years ago
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Bla Book 7 Time Enough to DreamChapter 13

Tabatha awoke and sat up, her back aching even though she had the most plush furs of the entire group under her. As her gaze passed Cela, the cave woman flinched and looked away, acknowledging her guilt in aiding Ong to capture and claim her as his mate. Tabatha smiled, but Cela didn't trust her, and turned away. Rising, Tabatha looked around the dimly lit cave, but she didn't see any of the males. The six captured children were there, however, and they didn't seem a bit upset to be...

4 years ago
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Techno CultivatorChapter 17 Because wersquore soulmates dummy

-Brotherhood Guild Hall- At first, everyone thought it was a scam, but after a few curious and adventuress souls had gone through the process, rumours began to travel. Eventually, they didn’t even need the sign out front. A massive wave of interest began to stir throughout the city as every commoner with a son or daughter scraped together every copper they could find till they had a hundred just so they had a chance of sending their children in. People began to crowd the front door of the...

4 years ago
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A Second ChanceChapter 41

"Hello?" "Gieves and Hawkes?" "I have several suits I can't pick up for awhile." "David Austin." "Yes ... Carte Blanche." "How long will you keep them for me?" "Oh ... I have to return to the States." "Until called for?" "I don't know." "No, sir ... I have no idea." "My Dad called and told me to get home the fastest way I can." "Probably by air." "Is there a storage charge?" "Thank you, my mind will rest easy." The fastest way home was four first...

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My Friends Wife

(Note: This was made at the request of an individual. Hope you all enjoy) Hi everyone, I'm Rick. So I'm just going to skip the origin story and give you the short of it. A while ago while researching other things, I came across an ancient magical tomb. I didn't really think too much of it, but I read it and gave some stuff a try. Through that, I found a couple tricks. First, I learned a nifty spell to control minds, but really only if they are weak minded, some can resist. Think of the Jedi...

1 year ago
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JulesJordan Marley Brinx Interracial Gangbang

Marley Brinx takes on 5 BBC’s in this ALL INTERRACIAL gangbang! Pale skinned beauty, Marley, is seductively sexy as she dances on the balcony in a tiny one piece that barely covers her. She makes her way inside and climbs onto the counter top and pushes her ass back and forth before untying her thong to give us a perfect look at her beautiful holes. Marley removes her top, leaving her totally naked with only high heels on. She’s joined by her 5 suitors who get right to inspecting every inch of...


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