- 3 years ago
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‘My mom won it in a jitterbug contest when she was 20,’ she said, ‘and mom would never sell it.’ The older plump lady said to me, ‘My mom loved this old thing. She’d sit behind the wheel and remember when she was young and she was single, then put it back into the garage and it would sit there for another month.’ She laughed, ‘My dad cursed it because it ran so erratically, so it sat in the garage most of the time. Mom would get it out and clean it up once a month.’ As we walked out to the curb she said, ‘My name is Nancy Clark, by the way.’
‘Jack Foley,’ I responded and shook her hand. ‘I live around the corner.’
It was a dusty white 1959 Chevy convertible that sat at the curb in my neighborhood with a ‘For Sale’ sign on it. I hadn’t seen it before and it attracted my attention with its styling. The horizontal tailfins and something sticking out of the hood attracted me. I had stopped to look at it and my 15 year old Plymouth shuddered and died as I sat there in the street looking at the dusty Chevy.
The Plymouth restarted fitfully so I parked it and walked up to the house to inquire about the Chevy. A sort of plump older lady opened the door. She was dressed in jeans and a dusty shirt. I could see packing boxes and newspapers strewn around behind her. She was happy to show me the car.
The Chevy started after a while and ran sort of rough at idle but Nancy explained it hadn’t been run in a while. She smiled and looked at the car. Nancy was in her late forties, lived in Arizona and wanted to finish selling her late moms stuff. The house was the problem because prices were down and the car was just a car to her. It needed washing and tires: the ones that were on it were all cracked from sitting around. It also needed a new top, not right away, but soon.
After a little haggling I got her down to the $1,200 I could afford and told her I had to run to the bank to get the cash. I was back within an hour and left the Plymouth in front of her house with the ‘For Sale’ sign on it. I sold the Plymouth for enough to get new tires and an oil change for the Chevy.
I took the Chevy to Monterey, down on the coast, to meet with Dave Letterman, play golf and hype a script of mine to him. I was a little early so I stopped at a strip mall in Seaside and went into a doughnut shop for a cup of cheap coffee. A girl who worked in the auto mechanics shop near by was smoking a cigarette in my car and caressing the steering wheel when I came out. She smiled, blushed, and said she was sitting in my car because her daddy didn’t like her smoking.
I guess I’m a sucker for a pretty girl, especially one who had dimples in her cheeks and significant attributes in her tube top. I got in on the passengers side, drank my coffee and flirted with her to pass the hour or so that I had to wait. We talked about the car and she thought it was ‘So Retro.’ She reached down and pushed the button that opened the top and it all started to come apart.
Mary Ann was most apologetic and ran into the shop to get her daddy.
While I was looking at the top and trying to figure out how to get it up or down to make my tee time, an older dude in coveralls came out and said, ‘Oh, shit, mister. Mary Ann told me about your top.’ He was afraid that Mary Ann, his daughter, would be liable for a whole new top so he said he would fix it up so at least it wouldn’t be impossible to drive.
I told him I was more worried about my tee time with Letterman and he said, ‘How about I have Mary Ann drive you to the clubhouse and I’ll fix the top? When you get finished, call me, and I’ll send Mary Ann to pick you up.’
I was in a bind and agreed. As it worked out it was perfect timing. Mary Ann and I arrived just as Letterman was entering the clubhouse and he saw me get out of Mary Ann’s convertible to join him. He saw Mary Ann’s significant attributes as she blew me a kiss and said, ‘Just give me a ring and I will come back to pick you up, Jack.’
‘You old Dog,’ Dave said and elbowed me in the ribs.
I just smiled at him and we went in to change our shoes. I played just well enough to let him win by four strokes and made my pitch. Mary Ann came and got me afterwards and sort of bounced around the car helping me load my clubs. Dave hoisted his glass at me smiling from the veranda as Mary Ann bounced back into her convertible and we drove off.
When we got back to the shop Mary Ann’s dad had the Chevy on the lift and was tinkering with the exhaust system. ‘Had a loose tail pipe,’ he said and lowered the lift.
The older mechanic, ‘Marty’ his nametag said, who owned the shop, was watching from the side as we got it off the lift. When he saw the hood, where a dual carburetor manifold sat under the blower of the 427 engine, he almost shit!
‘Oh My God, THE 500 Flash!’ he said and his eyes got as big as manhole covers. He started to drool. ‘The factory only built two of these!’
They had apparently only built two because the engine needed two hours of tuning to make it work right for every one hour of running, unless you knew the tricks. Not that it didn’t run well, but it was hard to start, and didn’t idle well, Marty said it was because of the camshaft timing, but when it was right, it would pull your hair out of your head with its acceleration.
As Marty said, ‘Who is going to idle a 500 Flash?’
Mary Ann’s dad had patched up the top so I could get it home but Marty asked if he could play with it and make it run right. He had a plan. ‘The car is worth maybe forty grand the way it is but with a little work it would be priceless,’ he said. ‘I’ll tell you what, we go partners and split what ever we get for it over forty grand and me and the boys will fix it up, how does that sound?’ Well, after Wall Street had imploded and since I was down to my last 10 grand trying to scratch up a living, it was fine with me.
Marty gave me a ’98 Honda he had been using as a loaner and I went home, found the pink slip to the Flash, went to my bank and put it in a safe deposit box.
Marty fixed up the car and got it running right. When I saw it again three months later it was spotless and he had put about 20 grand in it for the restoration, new paint, tires, new exhausts, top and the engine was polished up and it shined like it was just out of the factory. ‘Only 20,000 miles on it. I doubt if they ever had to change the tires for wear,’ Marty said.
News of its existence was spread in the car world by my articles about it in a couple of car magazines. I made $600 each for the articles and was able to eat for a couple of months. We hyped it hard for about six months and Marty just kept making it look better and better.
The other factory prototype had gone out in a flaming wreck in 1961 on a highway in Nevada when the playboy owner had tried to see just how fast he could make it go. The Nevada State Police estimated that it was doing at least 180 when he lost control and left the road. The wreckage was found 200 yards from where he left the highway. I had a follow up article in Car News about the two Flashes which let me eat for another month.
Marty and I put the Flash on a trailer and drove it to Las Vegas to the auction.
When it went on the block the bidding started at $100 grand!
At first there were a lot of bidders, but when the price went to $300 grand it was down to four.
The price jumped to $400 G’s and one bidder fell out.
I was having a coronary event and had to sit down. Marty was smiling so hard he almost passed out.
The price kept climbing and at $500 G’s the third bidder faded.
$750 G’s was the next bid and I had to go to the bathroom and empty my quivering bowels. When I got back and ordered a stiff whisky it was at $875 G’s!
Marty was too afraid to listen and went to the bathroom to throw up. When he got back the price was a million and two. Marty sat down and shook my hand. I leaned over
and kissed him. He started laughing and when the next bit was a million, three-fifty, he and I both quit drinking and sat in stunned silence.
$1,400 G’s
$1,500 G’s
$1,750 G’s
The auctioneer wiped his brow and took a drink of water. The Flash turned on the stage. Lights glistened off the chrome and polished aluminum of the supercharger. The room was almost silent except for the buzz of the crowd and murmurings of the two agents in their cell phones.
‘Going Once for $1 million seven hundred and fifty thousand …’
‘Two Million!’ one of the agents shouted.
‘Two point two,’ the other immediately shouted.
I looked at Marty, ‘Marty, let’s let the lady I bought the car from have 10%. O.K.?’
He grinned at me and nodded, ‘You got her name?’
I smiled at him, ‘Sure,’ I grinned. ‘She was nice and probably needs the money.’
When the price was final and the gavel slammed down for $2, 650 G’s Marty and I just shook hands and smiled.
My cell phone rang and I answered. It was Dave, ‘Jack, How did you like the auction?’
I laughed, ‘Loved it,’ I said.
‘Well, I thought you would. Say, I’m sorry the deal didn’t go through on your script but the network wasn’t buying it. I felt real bad for you, but maybe I was able to make it up to you today.’
‘You were bidding on the Flash?’
‘Yeah, we got him good, didn’t we?’ he laughed.
‘Who?’ I didn’t know who, or what he was talking about.
‘Enjoy and I’ll keep you in mind.’ He rang off.
Marty and I went out to dinner and had a grand time. The hotel where the auction was held put us in a suite and sent up some entertainment. Marty and I both enjoyed it and tipped the girls $5,000 each.
The next morning after kissing the girls goodbye we went to the auction office, took their check to the bank, split up the money and each of us ended up with a check for $1,210,000 with a $242,000 check made out to Nancy Clark, the lady who sold me the car.
Marty went home driving the truck and trailer, he said he was going to sell the shop and take his wife to Hawaii.
The phone number Nancy gave me over a year ago didn’t work so I rented a Caddy convertible from Avis and drove down to Tucson and spent two days finding out where she had gone. The address she had given me in a retirement village was vacant with a Real Estate sign out front. I called the agent and asked about Nancy and he gave me an address.
The GPS in the Caddy led me to a trailer park in the outskirts of Tucson. The tumble weeds were stacked up on the fence and a hot wind blew dust at me as I got out of the Caddy at a ratty looking singlewide trailer.
When I knocked on the door a fat slut opened it, said, ‘We don’t want any,’ and slammed the door in my face. I knocked again, the slut opened the door and before she could say anything I asked, ‘Does Nancy Clark live here?’
She scowled at me, yelled, ‘Nancy!’ and walked away.
I almost didn’t recognize Nancy when she came to the door and said, ‘Yes, how can I help you?’
She was in a dress that seemed too big for her frame and instead of the matronly slightly plump woman I remembered, she was thin and haggard and had a fading bruise under one eye.
‘Either invite him in or go outside, but shut the fuck’en door,’ the slut shouted over the TV that was playing in the background.
Nancy stepped out into the heat and said, ‘Sorry about Glenda, she’s my daughter-in-law, she can’t take the heat.’
‘No problem,’ I said. ‘I don’t know if you remember me, but I bought your mom’s car from you about a year ago?’
She looked at me and said, ‘Oh, yes, I remember you. Jack, isn’t it? It was a long time ago and you look so much more prosperous now.’ She smiled and asked, ‘I hope you were able to get that thing running again?’
‘Yeah, we did. Look can I buy you lunch or maybe some iced tea. I wanted to tell you about the car and well it’s too long a story for this heat.’
She looked over her shoulder and smiled at me, ‘Let me get my purse.’
On the way to lunch Nancy told me about how she was living with her stepson and his wife now after her second husband Frank had disappeared with the money from her Mom’s estate.
‘Well, the bank took the house over and Freddy took me in because he said his Daddy was a bastard and I’ve been living with them for six months now. He’s a mechanic and is working part time at the Toyota dealership and another place.’
I drove to Red Lion where I was staying. We went in and sat in the restaurant. I showed her the binder where I had gathered up all the articles and pictures of the Flash. Her eyes got a little misty when she saw how Marty had fixed it up but she ate ravenously and smiled apologetically at me with her mouth full while I explained how we had marketed the car.
She finally finished eating, sat back and patted my hand, ‘Oh, Jack, I’m happy the old car made someone happy. But why did you come all this way to tell me about it?’
‘Nancy, Marty and I sold the Flash in Las Vegas last week,’ and told her the story of the auction but left out the bit about the hookers and all that.
She was grinning and laughing at the story, particularly about Marty having to go out to throw up. Then I said, ‘Nancy, Marty and I wanted to give you ten percent of the money we got from your Mom’s car.’
‘What?’ She sat very still and her eyes looked down at the check as I slid it over the table to her. She stared at it and seemed afraid to touch it in case it would go up in smoke.
‘How much?’ She asked me. ‘Just tell me. I don’t have my glasses.’
I grinned at her, ‘Two hundred and forty-two thousand dollars,’ I said slowly.
She stared at me for a moment, wiped her mouth with her napkin, took a big drink of her iced tea, wiped her hands carefully and picked up the check. She played trombone with it squinting and said, ‘You have got to be kidding me, Jack.’
I grinned, ‘No, Nancy, a certified cashier’s check made out to you from the Bank of Nevada. All legal and good anywhere you want to cash it. Marty and I wanted you to have it.’
She picked up the check and put it in her purse and asked, ‘Jack, can you take me to a bank?’
‘Sure, Nancy, let me pay the check and we’ll go.’ I paid the check and put her in the car. She was nervous when we went into the nearest bank and I helped her set up an account. The banker was happy to set up the account and said that with the new rules she could be confident that the account was full insured. She took five grand in cash and asked me to take her back to the Red Lion.
She booked a room at the hotel and I asked her why she didn’t go back home. She just laughed, ‘Fuck ’em! They can have anything they can find to hock. They’ve already hocked almost everything I had in the last six months to pay for their weed habit. I’m never going back.’
I kissed her lightly and said, ‘Enjoy,’ and went up to my room. I made a few calls and took a nap until dinner time then went down and walked into the bar to have a drink before dinner, thinking I’d drive home the next day.
‘Jack!’ someone called. I turned around and was able to make out an older woman sitting with a couple of silver haired dudes at a table in the back. It was Nancy so I went to their table.
She got up and kissed me on the cheek and introduced me to Warren and Christopher, the silver foxes who were so much alike that it was uncanny. Nancy was dressed to the nines and her hair was now slightly reddish curled and all fluffy. Her makeup was tastefully done and she looked happy as hell.
I had a drink with them and got her story. She had gone to the dress shop and beauty parlor in the hotel and got all fixed up. Warren and Christopher were twins and were in town on business. They were diamond merchants in LA and were going back there in a few days. Nancy was charming and had Warren particularly entranced as they
danced on the small dance floor there in the bar.
Christopher watched his brother dance with Nancy and asked me what I did for a living. I told him I was a free lance writer and we talked for a while.
When Nancy and Warren came back, Christopher asked her to dance with him, she smiled and said, ‘I want to dance with Jack. I’ll come back for you later Chris.’
Nancy held me close and we just waltzed around, I don’t really dance much. She smiled at me and said, ‘I don’t know how to thank you, Jack, for all you’ve done for me.’
I grinned at her, ‘Well, Nancy, I’m just happy you sold me the car. It all comes around to that.’
‘At least let me buy you dinner,’ she said.
‘Okay, I was going to eat in the hotel here.’
‘Jack, do me one more favor?’ she looked up at me and grinned.
‘What, Nancy?’
‘Well, pay a little attention to me, you know like you were interested in me as a woman?’
‘Why?’ I asked.
She grinned at me, ‘Warren needs a little more competition, to seal the deal.’
I glanced over at the silver foxes and saw Warren watching us real closely. I smiled and kissed Nancy on the cheek and whispered in her ear, ‘You interested in the diamonds?’
She laughed and slapped my chest and hugged me close. She put her face to my chest and said, ‘I’m going to marry one of them, Warren I think. That Flash money won’t last too long.’
I laughed a little loud and put my hand on her ass and saw Warren frown.
Nancy pulled my hand back up and said softly, ‘Not too much, Jack.’
We went back and had a drink. Nancy danced with Christopher and we went to dinner. I paid a lot of attention to Nancy and had Warren and Christopher both jacked up a little as we finished our desserts. I leaned over and asked Nancy if she’d like to come up to my room and she slapped me and called me a cad. Warren asked me to leave so I left and turned back to see both brothers consoling Nancy as she cried in her napkin. I gave her a wink and left.
The next morning I checked out and had breakfast. As I was leaving I saw Nancy and the two brothers coming into the restaurant. The two brothers frowned at me when I approached them and I gave Nancy a humble apology for my actions at dinner.
‘Will you excuse us,’ Nancy said looking at the brothers.
Warren and Christopher frowned at me but went to get a table. Nancy took me over out of their line of sight and grinned at me, ‘Jack, the bit about coming to your room was just right. They were both very attentive to me after that. I think it’s going to work.’
‘So did you get lucky?’ I asked.
Nancy giggled and said, ‘I found out that they do everything together.’ She blushed and kissed me, ‘I better hurry, can’t let them get too jealous.’
I gave her my card and said goodbye.
About two months later, I was looking at the Flash on ‘Jay’s Garage’ on my computer when I heard the mailman drop off the mail. Along with the junk mail, I got a short letter from Nancy, she wrote:
Dearest Jack:
I hope you are well and happy. I married Christopher after all and we all went to the Bahamas for the honeymoon. The boys do ‘everything’ together. I wanted to invite you to the wedding but Warren didn’t want a ‘cad’ like you there. Sorry.
I enclose a picture from our wedding and hope you are enjoying the Flash money.
I looked at the picture, Nancy was radiant in a soft dove grey dress, Christopher in a white tuxedo was beside her and held her arm, Warren was in a black tuxedo and was a little below them in the picture.
Around Nancy’s neck was a diamond necklace that sparkled in the camera lens. It must have been a sunny day because the central stone made a brilliant statement.
You might even call it a Flash.
Copyright © 2002 They Got Us Hi, Robert. Yeah, it's me. Your self. If you're reading this, it means that they got to you. To us. To me. Wow, this is weird, talking to myself. Or writing to myself, as the case may be -- to a now-ignorant version of me... I knew they would be after us when they found out -- after all of us. Something like this is just too big to not squash when it begins to leak. When I realized this, I took several of our journal entries and included them with...
Dick Flash? Why would I want to see some cock or dick flashing action? Sounds gay, not? I’ve reviewed a hell of a lot of porn and have covered a literal fuckload of topics when it comes to sexual fetishes, but I gotta say that this one definitely takes the cake when it comes to perverseness and obscurity. Dickflash.com is a website about, well, flashing. But it’s not only dedicated to guys flashing their dicks in public to unsuspecting victims that would be traumatized for life – this site also...
Porn ForumsReddit FlashingAndFlaunting, aka r/FlashingAndFlaunting! Chicks who are happy to show off their goods in public, with no shame whatsoever are fucking hot, don’t you agree? Well, you must admit, otherwise why the fuck would you be browsing a subreddit called r/FlashingAndFlaunting/? If you are interested in this subreddit and Reddit.com in general, I am here to tell you all about it.You know, this is kind of my hobby, and I must say that I am pretty darn great at what I do. You have all the time...
Reddit NSFW ListAre you looking to catch a Voyeur Flash? Well, you’ve come to the right place, because I’m about to take you on a tour of the flashiest snatches, the peepiest peepshows, the nudest naked ladies and the sexiest Internet sluts you’ve seen since the last time you beat off this morning. I know it can be hard to be a compulsive masturbator with a crippling addiction to snorting crushed boner pills, but we’re in this together, bud.VoyeurFlash.com has been offering voyeurs something to shake their...
Free OnlyFans Leak SitesYou have another few glasses of wine and carry on masturbating. As you masturbate keep on imagining yourself flashing. The more you think about flashing the hornier you feel. Your pussy is now soaking wet. Suddenly you decide it is now or never. You finish off the wine and go and get ready. As it is your first time flashing you decide you are going to go out in some sexy underwear. There is now way you could go out totally naked with just your long coat on your first outing. ...
Flashbacks"Here you go, safe at last: those awful people can't touch you here!" assured the good-looking brunette policewoman as her charge explored her new home. She kicked herself mentally as she saw the stunning blonde's gaze locked firmly on the handcuffs on her belt - standard police equipment, of course, but nothing but a liability on this very strange assignment: baby-sitting the former slave as she adjusted to life as a free woman again, keeping her safe until the trial.Jenny quickly...
Though I have given up for the past few years due to it becoming too risky and since I don’t want to risk losing my job or current relationship I used to flash my cock publicly often. You can even say I am obsessed with showing off my cock to complete strangers. It didn’t necessarily have to be with the intention of ending up in sexual participation from others, I am just an exhibitionist. I am also very turned on by the reaction of women upon seeing me stroking my hard cock for them. It all...
Author's note: There are times when we have dreams so real that they conflict with our memories. Which are the memories, and which are the dreams? Sometimes, it gets confusing. Sometimes, we have to wonder whether the memories really are memories, or if they are something else covering a deep dark secret. I welcome feedback on this story - good or bad. Please take a moment to let me know what you think. Elrodw email:...
I had always wanted my wife to wear seamed stocking, short skirt, high heels and a see through blouse out for me and I wanted her to flash her stocking tops for me and others.We moved to a new town and she told me I was in for a surprise and that we would go out together on Saturday. My imagination fuelled I looked forward to the weekend and when she came down the stairs I was totally blown away.She was wearing a short skirt, black seamed stocking, high heels and she had a see through blouse...
I first learned about dick flashing in the 80’s when I was in my early 20’s. I had never thought about exhibitionism or public nudity until a female friend told me about a guy in his car who pulled over to where she was walking and honked his horn to get her attention. When she looked over he was sitting there naked from the waist down with his hard dick in his hand and a smile on his face. She was pissed off by it but I was more than slightly intrigued and turned on by it. She said she’d...
Copyright © 10-22-2002 by E. J. Sheeran She was flashing me! I didn't realize it at first. I just thought I was in a fortunate position, sitting at the table of the corner sidewalk cafe. There were not many other people there at this time in the afternoon. She had something in front of her that looked like an ice tea or Coca-Cola and was reading a book. I had just gotten off work and was sitting two tables away and having coffee with an unobstructed view of her legs under her table. She...
Yesterday we had a air condition and heating unit installed over our family room. The contractors came about 7:30 Am and started working immediately. The unit was to be installed above our bedroom window. So my wife had this great idea about giving the two guys a show since both guys were as she would say " hunks" and I have to say she was right. Both about six feet tall and pretty muscular and of course young. My wife still has a great body for sixty year old and a very tight pussy. Yes I'm...
This is a continuation of “Flash!” by Giantnut. You can find it here: https://mcstories.com/FlashGiantNut/FlashGiantNut.html I highly recommend you read it first (a few things will make more sense) and check out the other works from that author. Mom I watch in disappointment as a familiar car pulls into my driveway. The same grey honda that we gifted to them all those years ago. I really thought we could trust those two… Dylan and Phoebe I mean. They just seemed so ready. Dylan’s mind, though...
Mind ControlJust a quick story about me at work, i work in a well known store and i love to wear my uniform skirt with tiny see through pantys. When i'm stocking shelves or sitting on the tills i make sure that customers get a good view. I've been very wet more than once because it turns me on knowing the view there getting, i even let one hunky guy touch me through my knickers when no one was looking, how risky but he had a massive bulge. My top is also white and see through and i'll often go braless...
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So there I was on that cold January morning, sitting in a little shelter at the train station, freezing my nuts off and wishing that -- just for once -- the train could be on time. I didn't even catch it very often! It was only when I travelled home to my parents place 4 or 5 times a year I had to catch the train from this God forsaken station, but there always seemed to be an excuse for the train not to come at 7.32 like it was meant to. I hated this fucking journey, and waiting for this...
Brian and I had a supposedly secret relationship early on in our lives. He treated me as if I was “the one”. He would occasionally bring me flowers just because and show up almost everywhere I was just to hang out with me. One afternoon he showed up at my door. The doorbell sounded as if it were in pleasure by the way he shoved his finger onto the smooth button. I walked to the door to see Brian standing there with his fresh cut as if he just had it done by steady-handed barbers on the plane....
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I am on a 45 minute break in a layby and you to park up behind me and come around to the passenger side door and knock on it and ask me if i want to see you play with yourself on the grass alongside my truck knowing that anyone driving past, if they where quick, would be able to see you.You lay on your back on the grass and unbutton your skirt slowly to reveal your knickers, bra, stocking and suspenders, whilst i stand there and watch, you take of your bra and play with your tits and nipples...
About three years ago, I lived in a house with my k**s and then husband. I was usually up before him and always went out to get the morning paper on our front stoop, or rather down onto the sidewalk leading to our house because that's where the paper ended up at.Now, normally I slept nude and in the morning I'd just throw on a long white nightshirt to go out. I mean it covered everything down to mid thigh after all!So I'd go out and would often stand and read the headlines before going in to...
My day started off just like any other Friday, I showered dressed and was off to school, to try to instill in some of these k**s that's there is more to life, than just news, weather, and sports. Yes, I am a teacher. I had been day dreaming of what it would be like to teach someone who really wanted to learn, rather than just get by. One of my brightest students, a girl named Mary, asked me a question about the lesson, and I had to reflect back on what it was like when I was 15, and knew...
To understand this story you should read it from the beginning. A special thank you to Estragon for making my story a much better read. * After Jenny graduated she started working full time at the motel. I had a talk with Harold and he went in a couple hours a day to see if Jenny needed any help. He told me he felt like he was more in the way than helpful. Jenny was doing a great job. I raised Jen’s salary to six hundred a week. I gave Harold three hundred but he and Emma would be moving to...
All comments are welcome and wanted, though the more constructive are more so!! Though if you won’t comment at least vote that way I get SOME response. ************** ‘I SAID NO LARIA!’ Brian snarled at a pouty Laria. ‘And DON’T think that since we’re separated by a few thousand miles and a view screen you can get away with what you’re about to do.’ ‘And what is it that I’m about to do?’ Laria pouted, acting innocent enough to give someone diabetes. ‘Laria, you just said that you all just...
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Over the years I've had the opportunity...no... the privilege of painting the most exquisite canvases, but Kay was the most unique and challenging. I remember her sashaying into the room with that 'All that and a bag of chips' attitude. I knew from simply looking at her that she'd never had to beg, never had to work at getting any man to do her bidding. She was perfection personified and she knew it, from her deep raven locks to her dainty feet and all the space in between. He, of course, was...
BDSMIf you’ve ever read my stories or chatted with me, you know how much I love doing naughty things. My entire life I’ve always done things I wasn’t supposed to do. Even when I was a kid I would purposely do the opposite of what I knew was right. It’s such a rush. Nothing beats the feeling of doing something wrong, except getting fucked of course. But to combine the two together? Ugh, I can’t even tell you the feeling. Now as a nineteen year old girl in college, I am exactly the same when it...
Standing there in my little uniform, I was just in heaven. The electricity in my stomach radiated waves of ecstasy through my body. I was shivering, I was sweating, I was panting ever so slightly with my head tilted back and my eyes closed. I would have presented an exciting sight to anyone who could see me, but as far as I was concerned no one else existed in the whole world. This was what I lived for, this was me. "Oh, it's so you!" I turned on my heels to see Ann standing in the...
As we agreed, we left in my car. Using her phone’s app, Morgan directed me to the first house. It seemed palatial. She said, “This is my mother’s first choice for you. It’s at the top of your budget but does fit inside it.” We went through the house. It was big with large rooms. The yard was all grass with few trees or shrubs. It was tastefully designed and carefully staged. I made few comments. As we left, I said, “Your mother has great taste though it’s different from mine. It’s a nice...
Kandy I have become to know this incredibly hot sexy gurl the dream of my life is unfolding as I collect my baggage at the airport and climb Into a cab to take me over to Kandys residence ,My first time to Germany im thinking dreaming wild thoughts Kandy & the land of super giantess goddess never before have I met some one with super qualities ,super tall over eight feet tall in heels huge massive boobs almost 300 inches at fullest point of her bust arms that look like bands of steel so...
97.Angel blinks at the number again to make sure she's not imagining it, that there isn't another digit that she just overlooked.Nope.97. Holy shit.This number is on her PornHub profile, just below the picture of her standing naked in front of a swimming pool on a beautiful cloudless summer day, naked except for a pink thong hanging off her left ankle, one hand running through her buzz cut pink hair while the other is plunged deep inside her pussy. The number means that she is now one of the...
HardcoreSaturday was a very 'normal' day. All morning and into the afternoon, Carol and Bob did their chores around the house, Carol was especially tender with Bob. He had done everything she had wanted him to with the Daniels. He had also revealed a lot that surprised her. Now she slid her arms around his neck and kissed him and said, "Honey... I appreciate what a 'good boy' you were last night. I love how obedient you have become at times. How can I show you my appreciation? Would you like to...
Hi, Indian sex stories dot net friends, I am Ayesha, a fat, cross-dressing sissy from Chennai. Please send feedback to ! The story takes its time to build, so relax :) this is the first part, where I start with my man… The second part will have more juicy stuff ;) It was a hot, sweaty midsummer night like always in Chennai. No matter how many times I diddled my clitty, no matter how many times I thought of being a girl, I couldn’t cum. I was sexually and mentally frustrated. Putting on a...
Later that night, Jill and I gave Steve and Stu a call. We told them to meet us on our side of town. We found out that they actually lived pretty close to us. That could be a good thing. We decided that we would meet them at this steak house across town. Jill and I got there early and found a table in the back corner. Not a lot of peopole would sit back there only because, it was close to the kitchen.I know I always liked it, cuz the lighting wasn't real bright and made to be perfect, if...
There is no sex in this story. It is instead an exploration of the double standards and hypocrisy that exist in today’s society towards those people in the sex industry, the prostitutes and brothel owners who see themselves as participants in a service industry that sometimes caters for those who would destroy it. I am aware that I’m going out on a limb with this story, but it is something that has been on my mind for many years and I feel that I have said nothing for far too long. Feel free...
I guess we all have them, I certainly did, but you don't realize that others do too until something happens, that many times brings them out into the open. My mother had been sick for quite some time, dad having passed away a few years before so she had pretty much lived alone, though she had many friends that she spent a considerable amount of time with, which I was very grateful for as at the time, I lived a considerable distance away out of state. So I guess depending on how you look at...
I’m a regular reader of erotic stories at ISS so I thought to share my real life experience. I am working in a MNC and stay nearby Ameerpet in Hyderabad. I and my Sister (she is perceiving her degree) stay together in a flat. We are staying together since a year and prior to this, she used to study at my native place and we both never stayed together alone before this. Slowly, as the time passed, she became close to me. Oh I forgot to explain her, she is white in complexion and good in...
IncestRick woke up feeling very strange. He felt the way he usually felt when he'd had a nightmare, depressed and badly rested. Had he had a bad dream? Sleepily he shook his head, automatically reaching out to turn off his Big Ben alarm clock, trying desperately to remember what was wrong. It was only a matter of seconds before the whole thing flashed before his eyes, in one shattering image. His sister, MaryAnn, writhing on her back, her levis hastily pulled off on the dark ground outside the...
Reed Richards looked at the monitors and was thinking of all the possibilities that was out there. It was the first stable natural Fix point in his Universe. He knew that this portal lead into another version of the Earth. The coordinates would be identical with the coordinates in his world but there could be everything on the other side. He knew that there were multiple versions from some encounters with super powered ancient beings and some mystical texts he had found, but he had never saw a...
The sun was shining nice and bright when Lucy left her apartment almost as bright as her mood you see she found out that a book she had been dying to read was finally in stores so she decided to get it and have a day in reading. She knew she wouldn’t be bothered because natsu was away on a mission and property wouldn’t be back for another few days at least now her only real problem was getting there. The only store in magnolia that had the book was all the way on the other side of town but she...
Mercedes Carrera wants to be a trophy wife, and she is one hell of a trophy. She spends her days at the gym, getting her brass body in shape for whenever her prince charming decides to come into her life and pay for every last thing she needs. Our stud may not be that guy, but he certainly can serve as a nice little snack for this voracious, Latina vixen before she finds what she is really looking for. She watches him bench and is impressed, so she decides to show him her form. She walks over...
xmoviesforyouI wish you were here right now. I'm thinking of what we are going to do together when I see you next. I get out of the car, wearing a tight black pencil skirt, a tight white blouse you can make my brown nipples through and black stilettos and I walk up to you.. I say nothing as I place my finger over your soft lips, I press my big tits up against you hard, you can feel me breathe, I cup your face in my hand and kiss you softly, my warm tongue stroking yours, I feel your cock stiffen in my...
Hey everyone. This is the continuation of sex with cousin Usha in Mangalore. The readers who have missed out my other story please do read it as it is the continuation. And to all the readers sorry for the delay of the story as I was out of the country. This story is a little long and all the incidents are real. I am Diganth and I am 24 years old. About me, I am 5ft 10 inches. I finished my engineering and currently working in one of the reputed companies. And about my structure currently, a...
Incest1. A walk in the park ‘Wait for me, I just need a pee,’ said Rhonda to her new boyfriend, Albert, as they rose from their seats in a snack bar. He had been very kind and bought her lots of drink, so now her pussy was full of pee! He was stunned for a second when he heard the word ‘pee’, but then he smiled to himself — he liked that word. He put his arm around her, pulled her close and whispered, ‘So, you’re going to pee?’ She nodded, put a hand on his shoulder and looked at him, she wondered...
----------------- Chloe could hear nothing over her own breathing, he chest rising and falling, her tight little breasts perked and pulled tight against her under the pressure… she had been running for what felt like a life time, and finally she felt like she was alone. She used a large tree as cover, looking through the sparsely wooded trees, and got to her knees. Keeping an eye out for the hunters, she reached back over her red ass, and gripped the head of the butt plug. She pulled it out...
I have never said "I love you" first. While I believe that women can and should ask men out, request to be exclusive, and even propose wedded bliss, somehow the archaic "wait for him to make a move" mindset has seeped into my subconscious. Or... maybe I'm just chicken. (Probably the latter.) I'm not sure if I've ever even wondered, "Should I say I love you first?" because like the best-when-fried poultry item that I am akin to, there's just no way I would take the plunge first.Plunge? That...
That party was sick b*o. Glad you came out. Sucks you had to keep the fire going last night, but its pledge ship you’ll get used to it. Anyways while everyone was hanging out by the fire I asked your girlfriend Erin to give me a ride to the store so I could get a pack of cigarettes. She was looking so fucking sexy. Those slutty heels and that short black dress. Dude you’re lucky. Anyways I asked her how ya’ll were doing when she took me to the store. She complained about how you were always...
She could put both her hands on it on top off each other and wank it, He then picked her up and lobbed her on the bed’ I know Holly said she can take wot you got but fuck how is she going to take that lot, well we found out’ Bob was the first to sink his nod in, It went in easy from tip to balls deep in just one stroke, He then started slamfucking her right from the word go, She said she loved it hard and she dose, With Bob slamming away she got hold of two cocks and put one in her mouth...
Brian, at 5’6? tall, 170 lbs, late forties, takes a trip to Vegas once a year. He flies out on Thursday morning and flies back home on Monday. On the weekend visits, he likes to bet on college and pro football games during the day, take a nap, and then visit one of the many strip clubs available at night. He usually brings about $1,000 to bet on football, and around $4,000 to play with the dancers. He never takes credit cards to the clubs, knowing he would spend way more than intended if he...
Well, now to update you from last time... myself, mom, Jennifer, and her mother Karen had all ended up in my bedroom, making love. To say the least, it was incredible. Here I was, taking my girlfriend's virginity, and our mothers were very much involved, too. It was perfect. But things didn't stay perfect for long. That's just how things seem to work out for me. First, I make love to my mother, and a couple of weeks later dad leaves us for good. Then I have sex with mom's friend, and...
Sins of the Father By Julie O Edited By Robert Arnold (List of Characters is located at the end of the story) Chapter 1 "Yes, It is a fact...that bastard... waiting to be executed by California is a monster...he may have even been the one who got my mother pregnant...but he's not...
On the king size bed in the privacy of their bedroom Alka was thrashing her body wildly while her husband was pounding his cock deep into cunt. She could feel his cock throbbing inside her cunt and knew that any moment he may spurt. As she lifted her legs and allowed his cock to penetrate deeper, giving a final trust her husband spent his sperm into her and being exhausted lay upon her crushing her on the bed. She liked it as it was on rare occasion that he fucked her, more so when he had...
Waking up in bed with Uncle Bob was the next best thing to chocolate. We were side by side, facing each other, and so tangled up I'm sure it was hard to tell where one of us ended and the other started. But it wasn't hard to tell what we were doing. Our lips were locked together in a tongue fest, and his throbbing cock was being hugged inside my dripping-wet sanctuary. Moaning, he broke our kiss and mumbled, "You're gonna' have my babies." My body jerked and both of us gasped. "Do...
Hi, My name is Nex, i am 21, male, with height of 5″11, its my first story here on this website, and i m not a good writer, just wanted to share my experience and to know how u all feel about it, u can mail me @ about this story. Now Starting my story Its almost a month , when i nailed my Gf, it was a hard task for me as getting a virgin girl for fucking is a tough job for one, as Indian young women are a bit shy, at least for there first time,the girl i nailed , is a classmate of mine, named...
This story started off as a series of requests from https://aryion.com/g4/user/Heimko on Eka's Portal so some of the story elements come from them but all of the characters and fine details come from me. In a world with all the modern comforts: T.V, cars, the internet, etc. but also many different fantasy races living harmoniously with humans. Humans still made up the majority of the population, about 65% according to the census. With Elves and dwarves, each at 10% and the other 25% made up of...
FantasyI walked to the ledge and looked over. I was tired, tired of trying, tired of keeping a peace that would never hold. Tired of being in the middle or of being forgotten. They didn’t understand all that they were truly doing to me. He didn’t understand all that he had done. I was tired of fighting this forever losing battle. So I was going to do what I had thought of often. But even though I thought of it often, I never really thought I would do it. But things change. I’m ready now. People say...
Lily received an email instruction to visit her master immediately. She dropped everything and jumped in her car for the hour journey to his house wondering what he wanted at such short notice. One thing she did know was that she will be fucked, the thought of which made her wet.She arrived to see a young girl half naked open the door. Lily looked at her pert young breasts and licked her lips. The pretty girl beckoned her inside and kissed Lily on the mouth, making lily very aroused. As she...
This is where Sonja wants to be this weekend. Sun City is the place to be if you are looking for fun in the sun. Sun City offers visitors an incredible combination of services and facilities including quality hotels, golf courses, a water park, wildlife and other excellent entertainment options. Sonja has been dreaming of such a weekend for some time now and with all her spare money in her bag, she is finally here. She wants to stay in one of the 4 deluxe suites but she has no intention of...