By Waldo (mellin6695.aol.com)
Warning - Flash Gordon, Dale, Zarkov, Ming and the planet Mongo don't belong
to me, but were borrowed for this parody. If you're not an adult, don't read
any further. This story may be posted on web sites that offer free
distribution of stories to the general public. Just drop me an e-mail telling
me where it's posted and I'll be happy.
Chapter 1 - The rescue
The space radio broadcast crackled and popped as the distant transmission
barely reached the rocket base's main radio room. The radio operator put on a
large set of earphone to block out other noise so that he could concentrate
on hearing the faint broadcast. After two minutes of intently listening, he
determined that the broadcast was a repeated automated emergency broadcast.
He processed the recorded broadcast through the signal amplification
equipment to strengthen the broadcast. That likewise removed most of the
noise. He listened to the amplified broadcast to verify his original
assumptions, before he activated the Intercom to the rocket base's Management
Control Room. "Radio room Operator Wilson to Captain Browning. Please come to
the radio room."
After he got a short acknowledgement that the Captain was on the way to the
radio room, the operator replayed the tape of the amplified signal. He was
just finished listening to the short broadcast when Captain Browning entered
the room, asking in his high peek-squeak voice "What's the problem, Wilson?"
Although the Operator wanted to laugh every time that he heard the high
pitched falsetto voice coming from the big bear of a man; the operator knew
that the Captain's beard hid the scars on his neck where a Validian laser
blast had almost cut his head off, thus the unrealistic voice. Pointing to a
spare set of earphones, he responded "Just got a faint call. It's on one of
those secret frequencies that Earth asked us to monitor without telling us
why we should be monitoring it."
"I see. Well, let's listen to it."
The Captain removed his black beret, revealing the bald spot where the
Tijeacr's slap with its razor sharp claws had removed part of his scalp down
to the bone. Putting the earphones on, the Captain nodded for the radio
operator to start the recording.
The amplifier removed most of the popping and crackling resulting in an
amplified voice so that the distant broadcast was somewhat understandable.
The Captain shut his eyes as he listened to the recorded broadcast "Space
Vehicle Tiara to Earth. Space Vehicle Tiara to Earth. Emergency. A meteor has
damaged the ship. Captain Walken and twenty-three of the crew are dead. Only
I, Corporal Joseph Hurley, the Vehicle's Cook, survived the impact. I'm
temporary safe in the kitchen because I've got all the food and water that I
need and the air locks are holding. But everyone else is dead. I don't know
how long the batteries will last to provide breathable air and heat. This
unsteerable vehicle is drifting in the dead of space. Request immediate
rescue. This message will repeat every two minutes for as long as the
batteries hold out."
Jerking his earphones off and throwing them hard against the radio room's
wall, the Captain's angry voice sounded somewhat like Donald Duck's angry
voice as he rapidly yelled "Walken's dead. One of the finest men that I ever
had the pleasure to serve with in a combat situation. Fuck! Fuck! Fucking
dumb luck. He survived the Angorvlian Crisis. Three years later he was one of
the forty-two men who lived through the Stromburg Crash. Now he's been killed
by a damn meteor. Fuck!"
The big bear of a man paced the room, his face ruddy red, his eyes blazing
with anger and his large muscles contracting as he fought to restrain the
anger that he felt at the death of his friend. Stopping his pacing, he took
several deep breaths, then said "I knew about this mission but I was under
orders to be mum about it. Well, there's only one thing to do."
He unbuttoned the top button of his tunic and pulled a key out that he kept
on a chain around his neck. He stood in front of the wall safe, entered a
combination onto the combination lock, and then inserted the key into the
lock. When the safe opened, he removed a small notebook and began skimming
through the various pages, after making sure that he was holding the book so
that operator couldn't see any of the pages. After going through about forty
pages, he said "Ah ha. Here it is. Set the frequency to"
The operator's puzzled look reflected his confusion. Being the consummate
technician, Wilson knew that there wasn't a radio in space that used more
than a six parsed code so everything up to 96 was correct but 4.271 wouldn't
work. He started to request the captain to verify the frequency but the
Captain noticed his hesitation and responded "I know it sounds like an
invalid frequency, but it will work if you punch it in. I know that we've got
one ship in the Qua Quadrant that's monitoring that high frequency. And
that's the only ship that's close enough to our damaged ship that could
rescue it."
Clearing his voice while looking the young operator in the eyes to decide if
he could trust him, the Captain said "Now what I'm getting ready to do, is in
direct opposition to my orders. I want to write something down, then I want
you to read it as you broadcast on that frequency. My voice is in the high
range where I would be not understandable and your deep voice is perfect for
any transmissions on that frequency."
He sat down and wrote several words on a page, then handed them to the radio
operator. The operator verified that his equipment was set to the designated
frequency then began reading "Rocket Base Z-Alpha to Explorer 1. Space
Vehicle Tiara partially destroyed by meteor. Walken and most of crew dead.
Only the Vehicle's Cook still alive. Request that you investigate to pick up
survivor if possible. Will notify Earth at next security briefing. Browning
As soon as the operator finished the message, the Captain picked up the page,
put it into his notebook and resealed everything in his safe. Turning to the
operator, he said "Now for the hard part. I order to forget about that
message that you received along with what we discussed. You've never heard of
the Tiara, Corporal Hurley, or those high frequencies. You will not discuss
this with anyone."
As the big Captain put his black beret back on his head, he looked up as if
he could see through the metal walls of the radio room and softly said "When
I get off duty, I'll drink a toast to your memory, old friend."
For a second, the operator thought that he saw just the briefest glimmer of a
tear in the big burley Captain's eye as the senior warrior fondly remembered
his dead friend. Then the Captain strode out of the small room, leaving the
operator to his duties.
Four hundred thousand miles away, a small rocket ship slightly changed course
because of the secretive radio message. The new coordinates would take them
toward the damaged ship's last known location. Once they got there, they
would use radio directional finders to locate the remains of the Tiara.
Deep within the remains of the Tiara, Corporal Joseph Hurley wore a bulky
spacesuit within the kitchen. He didn't wear it because it was comfortable or
because he was worried about a sudden air leak. He wore it because he was
cold. The meteor's impact had destroyed the engines and there wasn't any
power. No power meant no heat. There was a little power but he was saving
that for the hourly oxygen regeneration process and the radio emergency
When the meteor hit, Hurley was in the kitchen baking a large cake for the
Chief Engineer's birthday. The impact tossed him across the kitchen,
resulting in bruises and minor cuts from flying dishes. As soon as he climbed
out of the rubble of his destroyed cooking gear, he'd rushed to the Vessel's
Intercom and called the bridge - but there wasn't any answer. He started to
rush down to the bridge but just before he opened the air lock; he luckily
saw the flashing red lights which signaled an air leak. He opened the
emergency cabinet in the kitchen, removed the spacesuit and slipped into it.
He explored the various air- locked areas one at a time, discovering that
there wasn't any air except within the airlock around the kitchen area. He
discovered the dead bodies of most of the crew in the armory, where they had
been doing routine maintenance on the weapons when the meteor struck. The
sight of seventeen dead crew members scared him so badly that he considered
rushing back to the safety of his kitchen. Knowing that he had to discover if
anyone else survived, he proceeded searching the vessel. Entering the bridge,
he discovered why there weren't any answers to his calls. Everyone on the
ship was dead, except for him. Even his beloved Captain, who was allergic to
eggs and required a special diet, was dead in his Captain's chair on the
He spent the next two hours evaluating the ship space's worthiness. He
determined that the meteor's impact had caused a small rupture in the
vessel's walls. Only the kitchen was spared because of the closed air locks
in that area. The ship lost most of its air through the meteor hole.
Returning to the bridge, he activated the emergency radio broadcast and
turned off everything else using electricity to conserve the limited
resources. Then he went back to the kitchen to wait for rescue.
A spacesuit isn't made for long term wear. It is designed for six to ten
hours, not for the five days that he wore it after the crash. The limited
amount of electricity in the batteries which was needed for making oxygen and
the automated emergency radio broadcast meant that there wasn't any
electricity for other functions - such as for heat.
It was cold in the spacesuit. At the ship's distance from the sun, the
outside temperature was six hundred degrees below zero. Within the
semi-protected kitchen, it was a mild two hundred below zero. Within his
battery-maintained spacesuit, he kept it a chilly one degree above zero. Any
more heat and he would deplete the battery's charge before help could arrive.
There was only an estimated three to seven more days of charge left on the
batteries. But he didn't think that help would come soon because it was a
good six weeks from the nearest rocket base - Z-Alpha.
So he waited and sat in the dark, in his freezing cold suit, removing it only
when he had to eat, drink or use the bathroom.
"There it is. I've got it locked in on the directional finder. We should be
there in...twenty-seven point three hours."
A smile broke out on the man's face then changed to a frown as he added "If
only he's still alive. It's been nine days since the impact."
The pilot of the small rocket ship adjusted a control on his panel, then
turned to his companion, letting their eyes speak for them. Neither of them
said a word. They knew too well the dangers of space and its high cost in
The two men were direct opposites in their appearance. The pilot was an early
thirtyish handsome, blonde-haired, six foot tall, one-hundred-eighty pounds
of solid muscle. He looked like he could pose as a model for clothes ads or
be a quarterback on a football team. The bushy-bearded other man was balding,
in his late fifties, slightly overweight and looked like he belonged behind a
microscope instead of in a rocket ship. The young man was clearly an
adventurer from his fit body and intelligent appearance. The other man -
well, sometimes those research guys also got the opportunity to go out into
The pilot verified the information on his main display screen one last time,
then switched the auto-pilot on. Turning to his companion, he said "Well doc,
its going to be a little crowded for the next six weeks if he's still alive.
Our small ship isn't made to support more than one person for a long term
flight. Except for the oversized engine and extra fuel cells, this little
baby was only designed for short hops that shouldn't exceed three days."
The doctor grimaced then waved at the small bed just behind where they were
sitting "We're already used to sleeping in shifts with the one bed. I'll
admit it's going to be interesting with only one bed, two chairs, and ten
square feet of unused floor space being shared by three people. I hope that
our friend isn't claustrophobic."
The pilot's stern eyes conflicted with the mild smile on his lips as he
corrected his traveling companion "you mean shared by four people."
Inside the spacesuit, Corporal Joseph Hurley felt like he was almost frozen
solid. Eighteen hours earlier, the vehicle's batteries went completely dead.
As a result, the radio broadcasts ceased, the spacesuit heater quit
functioning and the air started becoming thick with gases other than oxygen.
His face was chalky white, there were small icicles hanging from his
eyelashes and nose hair. His breathing was quite shallow and he was having a
hard time staying awake. He was only minutes from drifting off into a deep
permanent sleep as his body shut down functions - just as the vessel had shut
down after the batteries went dead.
As a result of the on - off sleep of his freezing body, he had frequently
hallucinated. So when he saw someone enter the kitchen and bend over him, he
didn't think nothing of it. It was roughly the same hallucination that he had
experienced over the last forty-eight hours as his health declined from lack
of oxygen and the coldness. And when the hallucination picked him up from the
floor of the gravity-less wrecked space vessel, he didn't move, object or get
excited - after all, it was only a dream.
But as the spacesuited hallucination carried him through the different
airlocks to the main airlock, something began to sink into Hurley's confused
mind - the hallucination felt solid as if it could be real. And when the
hallucination carried him through the main airlock, into a smaller airlock
that he had never seen before, something within Hurley's confused mind told
him that perhaps it was real. Perhaps he was being rescued.
Then the hallucination carried him into a small rocket's crowded cabin and
laid him on the rocket's small floor as he felt the artificial gravity being
turned on. Staring through his frost- covered visor, Hurley could see the
space-suited person bending over him and could feel someone removing his
helmet. As the helmet came off and warm air rushed across his face, he could
see a man in the cabin's small background shutting the airlock. Then the
heavy-set bearded man rushed to his side and began gently slapping the frozen
man's face as the rescuer called out "Hurley. Talk to me. I'm Doctor Zarkov.
It's going to be all right. We're here and you're going to be all right now."
Hurley couldn't talk because of his chattering teeth. As the doctor fumbled
with removing Hurley's spacesuit, the semi- frozen cook watched his
spacesuited rescuer stand up and remove the helmet. As the helmet came off,
Hurley saw the beautiful face of a female angel. A young angel with long
curly dark hair, a cute button of a nose, high cheekbones, full lips, and
wide seductive eyes with delicate lashes. It was a woman's classical type of
beautiful face that painters sought to capture on their canvas.
Her face sticking out of the bulky spacesuited reminded the cook at first, of
one of his favorite actresses from one of the old classical movies that was
still being shown on Earth television stations - a young Raquel Welch as she
played the long curly- haired heroine in the movie about a 2000 B.C
cavewoman. The woman's attractive youthful facial features presented the same
exotic, fiery-eyed beauty as the movie star. But this woman's face was
prettier with her wide expressive dark eyes that were highlighted by natural
delicate lashes and lips that just begged to be kissed; a natural beauty that
didn't need makeup to look attractive. Her thick mane of curly shoulder
length hair was so naturally dark that it was almost black but combined with
her tanned skin and exotic features; it just made her more ravishing
beautiful. Hurley normally preferred blondes but this woman's hair perfectly
framed her beautiful face and complimented her tanned complexion so that she
invoked a sense of classical beauty instead of the artificial beauty that
blonde hair usually conjures.
Hurley could only stare at the woman's attractive face as she fumbled with
her suit's closures while the doctor worked on Hurley's suit closures. Her
suit was heated, so it was more pliable and she was able to get completely
out of it before the doctor finished opening up Hurley's frozen suit. As she
slipped out of the large bulky spacesuit which hid the seductive roundness of
her womanly body, Hurley could only stare at the relative smallness and
absolute femininity of her youthful mid- twenties body clad in the standard
female officer's uniform. Freed from the form-hiding bulkiness of the
spacesuit, there was no way that her body could be mistaken as being a male
body because of her shapely curves.
All the crewmembers on his vessel had been male. That was the standard crew
composition on all military exploration vessels. Thus it was more than five
months since the frozen cook last feasted his eyes on a woman and almost
eight months since he had his last sex experience. That was with a prostitute
at the space port as the crew prepared their ship for take-off. Less than a
week after the sex and subsequent departure, the Captain followed standard
procedures. The Captain ordered the whole crew to start taking the
erection-inhibitor pills on a daily basis.
The policy on pills guaranteed celibacy within the close confines of the
exploration vessels. The pill was the government's method to ensure that
sexual problems were kept to a minimum on long space flights. It controlled
the physical desires of the person's body so that the taker was unable to
develop an erection even under the most intense physical stimulation, so that
masturbation was impossible. It also affected the person's mind so that they
didn't care or think about sex; in effect turning them into docile
crewmembers who only achieved satisfaction through the performance of their
There were some problems with taking the pills. The pills had to be taken
daily and once a man quit taking the pills, the usual male experienced
several weeks of suddenly released, strong, sometimes uncontrollably too
strong desires. Sort of like a dam bursting as the man remained aggressively
horny and constantly aroused from the aftereffects. Thus the high number of
prostitutes that the government permitted to hang around the major space
docking ports, served a function as the women helped the men through the
typical several week's transition period back to more normal sexual demands.
Because of the wreck, it was almost a week since Hurley swallowed his last
erection-inhibitor pill. The danger, the coldness, the constantly-on
spacesuit and the loneliness had kept him from experiencing the known
aftereffects. But as he watched her push the spacesuit away from her body
revealing the government standard-issue, woman officer's uniform, he felt the
first traces of warmth within his body - a mild warmth as more blood flowed
into his semi-frozen penis.
When she was out of her spacesuit, she helped the doctor peel Hurley's suit
away from his body. Both rescuers bent over the cook undressing him, but
Hurley stared only at the woman's face, obviously preferring to look at her
instead of the doctor. After they got him out of the spacesuit, the doctor
started removing the first of the four layers of clothes that Hurley was
wearing under the suit to stay warm. The doctor described the danger that the
cook was still facing "We've got to get him out of these frozen-solid clothes
and into a warm bed. The longer that he stays frozen, the more chance that he
runs a higher potential of damage to his skin and vital organs.
Unfortunately, we don't have any means to warm his body..except with our own
body heat."
The woman's soft voice warmed Hurley's soul as she abruptly began unzipping
her officer's tunic. She answered the doctor's statement in a matter-of-fact
voice but to the frozen man who was feeling alive in only one throbbing part
of his body, she sounded like a angel as she declared "You barely fit into
the cot by yourself so there's no way that the two of you can squeeze onto
the cot. If he needs body heat, then it looks like I'm the best choice for
this job."
The quick pull of the zipper down her tunic revealed two perfect, tear-drop
shaped perky chalk-white breasts. Hurley's eyes were focused on her perfect
body as she unzipped and removed her tunic. Stepping back from the cot
slightly, she sat down in one of the near-by pilot chairs and began tugging
off her boots. Ignoring the closer doctor who was busy reading his medical
instruments and undressing the cook, Hurley stared at woman's perfect exposed
jiggling breasts as she fumbled with removing her boots. He was frozen, but
he felt the warmth within his groin become warmer and more enjoyable. Five
solid months of taking an erection-inhibitor pill every day had reduced his
cock to being nothing more than a pee-spout. Now that the pill was out of his
system and his body was beginning to return to normal, the side-effects of
suddenly having a cock again was beginning to cause him to experience the
strong sexual desires that the pill had stopped.
By the time that the woman was completely undressed, revealing a
picture-perfect body that belonged in a centerfold layout, the doctor had
most of Hurley's clothes off. The naked woman moved back to the cot to assist
the doctor and kneeled over Hurley as the doctor tugged on the various
protective layers of trousers. The cook almost groaned out loud when her
nimble hands expertly unfastened his trousers, allowing the doctor to tug the
trousers down off his legs. While she was busy getting him undressed, Hurley
could only stare at her magnificent body as he looked at her youthful womanly
profile as she kneeled beside him and fumbled with his trousers. It was 'a
dream come true' he thought as his mind began fantasying about her using her
mouth to restore the heat to his body.
The mental image of her voluptuous red lips wrapped around his cock, blowing
warmth into his body through his cock, caused him to experience a rush as
more blood filled his cock, causing it to feel warm - and very alive. He
imagined her sucking on his cock until the sweat from her exertions restored
his body to the normal color and temperature.
But his fantasy didn't come true - well, part of it didn't come true. As soon
as Hurley was completely undressed, she scooted around his prone-on-the-floor
spread-out position to where she was kneeling behind his head. Lifting up on
his head and shoulders, she scooted her kneeling warm legs under his
shoulders supporting his frozen back, allowing him to look up at the
underside of the two most perfect nipples that he had ever been privileged to
look at.
A dying man has to do whatever it takes to try to stay alive. Hurley knew
that he wasn't dying at that moment and seeing the soft flesh of the breast
so close to his face, was enough to give him another objective. If he was
going to die, it was going to be after he sucked on one of those beautiful
tits. He stared at them as he pulled the last remaining strength from deep
inside himself and prepared to launch himself toward the woman's perfect
But before he could lift his head and aim his mouth at her perfect puffy
areola, the doctor grabbed Hurley's legs, and she slipped her arms under
Hurley's back, lifting his head as they picked him up. Her lifting his upper
body resulted in the back of his head resting in the cleavage between her
soft warm breasts. The soft breasts spread apart as his head pressed against
them, letting his head push the woman's soft mounds of flesh further apart.
Both of them lifted at the same time and although Hurley couldn't feel
anything but numbness in most of his body, he knew that his neck was
supported by two of the most fantastic breasts in the world. Before he could
turn his head to look at one of the beautiful tits from a closer viewpoint,
the doctor and woman spun him around and laid him on the small cot. Hurley
bit his lip to keep from groaning out loud as he felt her warm breasts pull
away from his body.
As they adjusted his position on the cot, the woman who was leaning over him
as she adjusted a pillow under Hurley's head, revealing her beautiful hanging
down mounds, said in a somewhat grumpy tone of voice "Looks like he's
perfectly functional between the legs. Doesn't appear to be any damage to
that part of his body."
They shoved him against the wall to make room for her in the small cot beside
him. She slipped into the small be, putting her arms around his neck, pulling
his cold body tight against her warm chest, as she shared her body heat with
him. She spread her legs around his legs and pressed his frozen thigh against
her warmest and most intimate area. Knowing that she had to warm him quickly,
she began rubbing her upper leg up and down his thigh, spreading her body
heat across a larger portion of his body.
His teeth were chattering from the cold but a warm fire was raging through
his body from the combined aftereffects of the pills and the nearness of her
delicious body.
The doctor covered them with the only blanket to keep the body heat from
escaping as they huddled close together. Pressed closely together in the
small space, the woman stared into Hurley's eyes, seeing the sexual hunger
deep within his soul. Recognizing that he was probably considering her body
to be his for the taking, she voiced her rules for her intimate contact "If
you get the wrong ideal and start trying to take advantage of this situation,
then I'm out of here. I'm only here because you need heat and this is the
only method that we've got on this small rocket to quickly warm your body
back up. As soon as you've somewhat recovered and don't need my body heat
anymore, I'll get up."
She pulled his face close to her body, letting her oh-so-close
wonderful-feeling body share her body's warmth with the cook's frozen body.
As her warm breath flowed across his frozen neck and her gentle rubbing of
his back and thigh by her constantly moving arm and leg brought the first
tinges of warmth into those frozen areas, he felt his erection become even
more alive as it quickly filled with warm blood. She noticed the erection
also because she stiffened slightly as the banana-like hard appendage pressed
heavily against her soft belly. She changed her body position slightly so
that her pelvic mound was closer to his hip than to his groin.
Groaning slightly through his chattering teeth, he arched his back slightly,
as he also moved so that his groin was once again rubbing against her groin.
Obviously not liking the feel of his throbbing erection against her soft
mound of pubic hair, she pulled slightly away from him and tried to keep her
genitalia away from his probing erection. Staring angrily into his eyes to
warn him to control himself, she whispered "NO! Now behave yourself."
He couldn't behave himself if he wanted to. The after effects of being
medically impotent for five months and suddenly finding himself naked in bed
with an equally naked beautiful angel was too much for him to handle. He
grabbed her and expertly quickly rotated their bodies on the cot so that she
was pinned under him with her legs spread wide around his legs in the
standard missionary position. Laying on top of her with much heavier weight,
his erection felt like a solid banana mashed between their tightly pressed
She resisted his positioning change but his stronger strength and heavier
body was more than she could handle. She felt his back arch slightly and the
heavy cockhead drift from her belly button down her body as he began pulling
his butt back and lining up so that he could force his cock into her.
Wrapping her legs tightly around his waist, she firmly positioned her groin
so tightly against his body that he couldn't line his cockhead up with her
vagina entrance.
Turning her head which was the only other part of her body that she could
move under his heavy weight, she loudly called the doctor "DOC! He's acting
up. Give him something! QUICK before I have to hurt him."
He couldn't say what he really wanted to say to her because of his chattering
teeth, but he was thinking "Let me give you something...then you can hurt
Then he felt the blanket being lifted from his back exposing his naked rump
and the unexpected stinging of a needle's gentle prick as the doctor injected
something into him. Hurley could've fought the needle and possibly pulled
away before too much of the drug was injected into him. But he was
concentrating more on breaking the strong grip of the woman's legs which were
wrapped so tightly around his waist that he couldn't get the clearance room
that he needed to line up his cock head with her pussy.
As the warmth of the drug rushed through his body relaxing him so much that
he had to devote all of his energy to staying awake, he decided that he was
still hallucinating. After all, who had ever heard of a woman on a rocket
ship? And there weren't any stories of anyone being rescued by a naked
woman's body heat so this had to be dream. But it sure felt real, especially
her firm tits pressed tightly against his chest.
As he drifted off to sleep, he didn't care if he was going to die now. His
cavalier attitude was because of the fantastic naked woman's body curled up
next to him which also caused the broad smile on his face.
Chapter 2 - Fuck you Ming
"How are you feeling?"
The unexpected words and the gentle fingers lifting his eyelid awaken Joseph
Hurley from his drugged sleep. Staring up at the fuzzy looking face bent over
him, it took a couple of seconds for Corporal Hurley to focus his eyes where
he could clearly see the man's middle-aged bearded face who was bending over
him. Opening his mouth and smelling his own breath which smelled like
mothballs, Hurley answered slowly "It wasn't a dream? Tell me that it wasn't
a dream and she really exists.", asking it more as a question than as a
The question obviously amused the bearded man because his face quickly
changed expression from a being a deadpan professional appraisal to a
grinning 'yeah-I-know-what-you- mean' bar-buddy type of smile "Dream? The
ship wreck was real, your rescue from your dying ship was real as well as
your current presence on our too small vessel. Just relax because everything
is all right now that you're with us. Welcome aboard this place that I've
called home for the last four weeks - Explorer 1. I'm Doctor Zarkov, but you
can call me Hans or Doc. I answer to either name."
Hurley turned his head to look around as he verified that he was indeed not
on the Tiara any more. He slowly sat up in the bed, letting the blanket fall
away from his naked body as he spun on the cot so that he could put his feet
on the floor. Looking around the small cabin, he saw a blonde-haired man
sitting in the Pilot's chair, working on the controls. The chisel sharp
profile of the man's face looked familiar but the cook couldn't associate a
name with the pilot's face. The doctor handed Hurley some clean clothes as he
pointed toward the busy pilot and continued the introductions "And that's
Flash. Flash Gordon. Maybe you've heard of him.or at least read about him.
Some wag back on Earth is trying to cash in on Flash's real-life adventures
by drawing a comic strip about his legendary space exploration exploits for
the Sunday comic papers. They also feature me as his sidekick but I think
that I'm better looking than the way that they draw me."
Hurley's mouth gaped open as he stared at the legendary pilot and space
explorer. No wonder that he recognized the facial features of the famous
astronaut. Over the last five years, there had been so many pictures of the
famous explorer in the papers that everyone was familiar with his features
and name. Then the pictures and articles had faded just after the comic strip
was started. Some of Hurley's friends thought that Flash Gordon was someone
that the government had invented to cheer up the Earth's population after
their disastrous contacts with aliens from other planets. That once the
publicity had goaded the citizens into action, that he wasn't needed anymore
- thus the reason that there hadn't been anything lately about Flash Gordon.
To see him was an honor. To be on the same rocket ship with him was an
adventure that Hurley knew that he would never forget.
Now that the basic introductions were out of the way, the doctor instructed
the still somewhat dazed rescued man "Hurry up and get dressed. This is a
small ship and we don't have much room to share. There's just the one cot for
everyone to share. Flash's had a rough several hours correcting our course to
get us back on target, so he needs to rest. We'll have to take turns sleeping
in the cot which means that he can't get any sleep until you're completely
out of it. I know that you've got a lot of questions but we've also got a lot
of questions for you. Now get dressed then we'll talk."
Hurley accepted the clean clothes that the doctor was offering. It was one of
his own uniforms that he had worn under the spacesuit but it was clean from
where someone had cleaned it while he slept. As he dressed, he glanced around
the small cabin, realizing that the rocket ship was the smallest rocket that
he had ever seen. The doctor noticed his exploring glances and offered an
explanation "Explorer 1 is a planet hopper that we've modified so that it can
also be used to travel around the solar system much further than it was
originally designed to travel. Its small size makes it very limited on cargo
and personnel but when we enter a planet's atmosphere, its small size make it
very maneuverable which allows us to easily land and take off again as if we
were nothing more than a simple airplane. We were on our way to a planet on a
two man rescue mission when your emergency rescue call came in. We diverted
our course just long to pick you up, then Flash spent several hours putting
us back on a course to our original target. We don't have enough fuel to take
you to someplace inhabitable to drop you off so you'll just have to come
along with us until we finish this assignment."
Standing up somewhat shakily as he finished putting on his uniform, Hurley
responded "When I signed up for space travel, I was hoping that someday that
I could be more than just a cook. I'm your man and will do whatever you say."
Flash placed the vessel on autopilot then stood up as he sleepily stretched
his arms and answered in a somewhat tired voice "Cook. Good. I was getting
tired of the doc's attempt to produce what he calls food. Welcome aboard.
We'll probably see some of the adventure that you're seeking. Knowing my bad
luck, we'll see more adventure than any of us will ever want to see again.
Well, it's been a long couple of days of constant course changes to pick you
up and I need to sleep for several hours. As Doc said, there's just one cot
so we're taking turns sharing that bed. You can sit in my chair while I sleep
but don't mess with the controls."
Corporal Hurley eagerly stepped forward and sat down in the pilot's chair,
spinning the chair around so that he faced the complex instrument panel. It
felt very different to sit in the Captain's chair and look out the small
pilot's observation front window at the blackness of space. Turning his chair
back around, he observed an obviously tired Flash lie down on the small cot
and cover his body with the blanket. Looking back at the rest of the small
rocket ship, Hurley stared at what had to be the bathroom door. Behind that
door was the only place that his beautiful angel could be - the bathroom.
Turning to face the doctor, he asked the question most on his mind now that
he remembered the beautiful woman who had warm life back into his body with
her luscious naked body "What is her name?"
The doctor's face didn't show any emotion as he answered "Her? You mean the
attractive woman whose shapely body warmed you and thawed you. That wonderful
body belonged to a very pretty young woman named Dale. The very beautiful
Dale Arden. You're a very lucky man to have been so close to her perfect
naked body under such intimate conditions. Sorry that I had to knock you out
but you were reacting to her closeness and she was beginning to need some
protection from your too- obvious amorous attempts."
Smiling broadly like a Cheshire cat as he recalled the sensuous feel of her
shapely body and the tantalizing scent of her faint perfume, the young
Corporal asked "I thought that they didn't allow women into space. You
know... So how did she get out here?"
Glancing back at Flash sleeping on the cot, the doctor listened for several
seconds to the soft breathing coming from the exhausted man on the cot as he
slept. Turning back around to the young man, the doctor fumbled with
answering the cook's very direct question "It's a long story. And we've got a
lot of time, so you'll get to hear the whole story sooner or later."
Pointing his thumb back toward the bathroom, Hurley said "When she comes out
of the bathroom, how should I address her? After all she saved my life?
Should I call her Dale or what? I remember that she had on an officer's
uniform but I didn't pay any attention to the rank."
The doctor leaned back in his chair, interlocked his fingers across his belly
and twiddled his thumbs as he said "Dale won't be coming out of the bathroom.
She's sleeping in the cot right now. And it's best to call her...Dale."
Following the direction of the doctor's finger point, Hurley glanced at the
only occupant of the small ship's only cot - the blond hair of the sleeping
Flash Gordon. Turning back to face the doctor, Hurley's confused face stared
at the doctor. The doctor recognized that the story couldn't be put off till
later and knew that it was time to get the story out of the way "As I said,
that beautiful woman's body belongs to Dale. However it was really Flash that
went into the wrecked interior of the Tiara, found you and dragged you back
here. It was really Flash that climbed in bed with you and shared his, rather
shared her body heat with you."
Hurley's mouth gapped open and he stared at the doctor as if the doctor was
lying to him. After five seconds of awkward silence, the doctor started
summarizing the facts behind his unusual statements so far "The reason that
Flash Gordon faded from public sight was because of an accident involving him
and Dale. As Dale laid dying on a hell-hole of a planet - the unfortunate
victim of one of Ming's dastardly plots that went wrong, there was only one
way to save her, using an alien piece of equipment that we still don't
understand how the damn thing works. Using that alien equipment, Flash merged
the basic chemistry of Dale's body into his body; thus saving her life within
his own body until such time as he can restore her to a real life again. But
there was a great cost to him for doing that heroic gesture. For twenty-nine
hours at a time, Flash has his normal male body. Then his male body turns
completely into Dale's female body for twenty-nine hours. It was her body but
his mind in her body that was in bed with you, warming you when you were
frozen. Her mind is there when he is in her body and the new 'Dale' can
answer questions that only the real Dale would know; but it's his soul that's
there speaking as Dale when you see Dale's body. When 'Dale' rescued you, it
was Flash in her body that warmed you."
Hurley's confused eyes rapidly flickered from Flash's sleeping body to the
doctor's somewhat bemused smile as the doctor continued "I found it hard to
believe also but I've seen the daily changes for the several months since we
escaped Mongo with Dale's body and soul merged into him. It tears him up to
be in her body, to know that he may never see her again, except to look into
a mirror every other day and see her face reflected back at him. It also
hurts him to have such easy recall to her thoughts and memories when he's in
her body and to know her most private thoughts from his access to her memory.
Only a few people, such as myself, our commander and some very close friends
know the truth as to what happened to Dale and why Flash was so reclusive
during our short stay back on Earth. Most other people...well, they don't
need to know and we're not going to tell them. I know that some people were
questioning why they never saw both Dale and Flash at the same time. All
sorts of rumors were floating around that they had fought and broke up. You
see, when we came back to Earth, people would see Flash one day and Dale the
next day; so we hid the story about the accident from everyone except the
Commander. Anyhow, they're both here on this ship sharing the same life.
Every twenty-nine hours I see him turn into her and twenty-nine hours later,
I see the vice versa change back. I suppose now is as a good as a time to
tell you most of the details as to how it happened. And that'll explain why
we're headed off on this flight."
Drumming his fingers nervously on his belly, Doctor Zarkov thought for a
couple of seconds, then started his story by proclaiming "Wish that I had my
pipe so that I could smoke as I talked. I've got it somewhere but Flash won't
let me smoke on board the rocket with the rocket packed with all the
explosives that he's got loaded in the storage areas. Anyhow I know how
curious you are about how this happened to Flash and Dale. I was too, so let
me set the stage for you. As you know Ming the Merciless and his Sharkmen
were forever coming up with various dastardly schemes to conquer and rule the
universe. And Flash was constantly finding ways to stop the evil Emperor of
Mongo - with my help, of course. Ming knew that if he captured Dale, that he
could temporary distract Flash and if Flash was distracted into trying to
rescue Dale, then that would give Ming the opportunity to try to conquer the
universe - still with me? Good, sometimes I get long-winded. Anyhow Ming's
evil hoards did it. They captured Dale - and I hate to admit it, but they
also captured me. I think that I went along with them capturing me because I
wanted to make sure that Dale would be all right. So we were being held in
one of the old castles on Ming's planet - a lovely planet called Mongo or it
would be a lovely place if we could just get rid of Ming forever. Ming had
ordered his doctors to use the Tractor-Grazer on Dale's mind to turn her into
a harmless bimbo that recognized Ming as her Master. Most of the time, it's
just a harmless mind-control device that temporary turns the victim into
something just a little more animated than a dazed zombie for a couple of
days to a week. But he put his experts onto her project and they spent a lot
of time into trying to retain her personality while at the same time being
his absolute slave. So Ming was keeping her in his harem with his other women
and repeatedly using the Tractor-Grazer on her to keep her totally under his
control in a bimbo-like state. Oh, she was so pretty with her white
diaphanous gown and wearing all of the jewels that the other women kept her
dressed her in; but then she's pretty in anything that she wears. I knew what
she looked like and what Ming did to her because he didn't try to use the
Tractor-Grazer on me. He wanted me to use my superb mind to fix an ancient
device that he had stolen from another planet."
Taking a deep breath and sighing, he continued "I didn't know what it was
then or what impact it would have on Flash or I would've killed myself to
prevent getting it working again. It was just something that was a challenge
to me to try to fix. All it was, was just a small box packed with a mixture
of common electronic devices with a lens that emitted two light beams. When
Ming gave it to me to repair, I didn't know what it could do or what he
planned to use it for. I just looked at it as being a challenge to get it
fixed so I could see what it did when it was fixed. And fixing it was
relatively easy for someone of my strong technical skill. All I had to do was
to repair the Gnodian Transfix by reversing the polarity....."
Shaking his head, he groaned in a soft voice "Sorry, I know how boring
technical details can be. Anyhow I fixed it. I thought that because I was so
valuable to him, that Dale and I were safe from harm. Foolish me. After Flash
slipped into the castle to rescue us..he's always been able to get past the
Sharkmen somehow.., and into my lab, we went straight to the women's quarters
to rescue Dale. Naturally Dale didn't recognize Flash nor me because of her
temporary brainwashing but she willingly accompanied us when I told her that
Ming had sent us to escort her to him. So we took her back to the lab and I
stayed with her, while Flash went after Ming. I busied myself by trying to
think of someway to modify the device that Ming had given me to use as a
Tractor-Grazer so that I could free Dale from her mental imprisonment before
it faded of its own accord. After all they have a lot of the same parts.
That's when it dawned on me what it really was that Ming had given me to fix
- a Murp. Not just any Murp but the legendary Murp that's been rumored to
being able to exchange bodies. And I had it in my hands. I actually fixed it
so it could work again. I was so proud my deduction that for several minutes,
I forgot how dangerous of a situation that we were in at the time and busied
myself finishing the last repair necessary to get the Murp operational again.
When Flash came running back into the Lab, closely followed by a angry hoard
of dangerous Sharkmen trying to kill him, I remembered how dangerous the
situation really was for both of us and put the Murp aside."
Pausing to look in his tunic pocket as if he was carrying a pipe, he frowned
when he remembered that he couldn't smoke it on the rocketship, then
proceeded with his story "It was a trap set to capture Flash and it almost
worked. Thanks to his superb athletic conditioning and fighting skill, he was
able to escape their trap at Ming's quarters. He came back to get us but
there were too many of them chasing him when he reached the lab. I joined the
battle with him and fought valiantly by his side while Dale sat on the bench
where we had left her. All the time that we were battling for our lives, she
was looking into a mirror and brushing her hair so that she would look pretty
for Ming. As I said, Ming's Tractor-Grazer had reduced her from being a
fighting soldier beside us to again being nothing more than a cheap floozy
who wanted to look good for her master. She didn't care that we were fighting
for our lives because of her brainwashed mental condition. The damn
Tractor-Grazer in the hands of a professional can make you forget everything
and remember only what you've been told to remember. At that moment, she was
mentally nothing more than a whore waiting to be told who she should fuck and
we were her lover's enemies. Anyhow just seconds after we decisively kicked
the last Sharkman's butt and locked the door so that no more of those
muscle-bound bullies could get into the lab, the accident happened. A
Sharkman wheeled a laser beam machine to the outside of the lab's door and
fired a blind burst through the door, hoping to accidentally hit either Flash
or me with his wild shot. Instead he hit poor little innocent Dale who was
mindlessly sitting on the counter waiting for the opportunity to serve her
evil master...damn him. The burst knocked the life from her, killing her
instantly. For a minute or two, while Flash held off the Sharkmen, I tried to
revive her with my medical skills but it wasn't doing any good. Then I told
Flash that she was dead."
A tear formed in the man's eye as he continued his tale "Where I gave up on
her because of my vast medical experience telling me that there wasn't any
potential hope for her, Flash completely refused to give up. I told him that
she was dead but he refused to listen to me. He screamed at me that there
must be something in Ming's electronic toy store that could help restore her
life and that's when I thought of the Murp - you know, that piece of
equipment that Ming wanted me to get working. I told him what I thought it
was and Flash recognized the weapon's potential to be used as a cure also. So
he picked it up and .....like the brave man that he is, he aimed one of the
beams at her and the other beam at himself, offering to exchange his life for
her life. Only it didn't work and the beam stunned Flash so he dropped the
Murp as he heavily sat down on the ground. I quickly checked him and he
seemed all right, just a little dazed and very confused. Then that damn
Sharkman built up another electrical charge on his weapon and he fired his
laser beam blindly again through the door again, missing us. Recognizing that
we had to get out of that death trap and leave Dale's dead body behind..there
wasn't any way to carry her and the hurt Flash. I grabbed Flash and led him
out onto the patio where he had previously hidden a couple of small rocket
belts for our escape. He was acting so confused that for a couple of minutes,
I thought that the Murp had really worked and it was Dale's confused mind in
his body. But as soon as I began fastening the rocket belt to him, he snapped
somewhat out of it but he was still very confused. I activated his belt and
followed with my belt. Five minutes later, we landed at the rocket ship and
took off for Earth."
He sniffed once, then rubbed his eye to clear up the small tear that had
formed before he spoke again "I'm not a pilot although I could be one if I
wanted to waste the valuable time to learn a skill that a simpleton could
learn. But I do know which button is the emergency homeward button. One
simple push, the rocket takes off and the rocket is headed on a course
straight home. Only I didn't know that once the emergency homeward button is
activated, you can't take control of the ship again until after you get home.
So my simple button push damned us into going home no matter what we wanted
to do only hours later. Five hours into our flight away from Mongo, Flash
completely snapped out of his confusion and dazed expression. He was angry
over Dale's death and almost as angry that we had left her body behind. But
he admitted that we had no choice but to leave her behind. He didn't fuss at
me for locking us into a mandatory home trip, although a lesser man would've
used that opportunity to berate me needlessly. He turned on the radio and was
getting ready to tell Ming that he would be back when Ming stunned us both by
issuing a call to us. At that close range, we could swap video images so we
stared at Ming's horrible face as Ming apologized for the death of Dale
Arden. That's right - he said he was sorry then he clarified his statement by
admitting that he wished it had been us instead of the beautiful woman. Then
he moved out of the way and behind him on an altar, we could see her body.
Then Ming surprised us once he saw the expressions on our faces. He reversed
himself and announced that she really wasn't dead - that she was only
permanently in a trance. A trace so close to death that it could fool most
people into thinking that she was already dead. And he said that he would
keep her that way until Flash surrendered to him. Well I felt very proud of
Flash when he told Ming - remember this is the most dangerous man in the
universe that we were talking to - when Flash told Ming to fuck himself."
Sitting up straight and smiling as he thought of that moment, he held up a
finger to emphasize his point "I'll never forget that moment. 'Fuck you Ming'
was his exact words. Then Ming said the strangest thing. He said 'You used
the Murf on yourself and Miss Arden. I think that someday, that I'll get the
opportunity to fuck you.' At that time, we didn't know the hidden meaning of
his words so Flash traded some more vulgar words with Ming and they tried to
see who could insult the other the worst. Yes sir, they were like two teenage
boys in a pissing contest as they traded threats. Then our rocket ship
drifted out of range of the video and we had to switch to radio. When we
contacted Ming's planet with the radio, Ming was so mad that he wouldn't talk
to us. Oh, if only we had known at that moment what he knew about the Murf.
Anyhow, Flash calmed down as we drifted further away from Mongo and I could
tell that he was exhausted. So I told him to go lie down and rest and I would
take the first shift of watching the flight back to Earth. He refused because
he wanted to get as far away as he could before he rested. He wanted to rush
back to Earth, get some reinforcements and come back to claim Dale's body. So
we sat and talked - just as you and I am sitting now. Then I laid down and
took a nap. When I woke up later, we were twenty-two hours away from Mongo
and Flash was exhausted from being on his feet for so many hours. So I made
him lie down and he fell asleep."
Opening his pocket again, he pulled out a small pipe and held it in his hand
like a pointer. Pointing the mouthpiece of the pipe at Hurley, he said "While
Flash slept, he experienced the first of the many transformations that I've
seen since that day. I didn't see that particular one because I was busy
watching the instrument panel. I heard him moving around as he woke up and I
turned around to see...what I thought was Dale Arden wearing Flash's bigger
uniform. She was still asleep on the cot, but it was quite obvious that it
was Dale instead of Flash in his clothes. When I screamed at the unexpected
surprise of seeing Dale on the cot, it woke 'her' up. The next couple of
minutes were the most confusing minutes of my life. My eyes told me it was
Dale standing next to me but she kept insisting that she was really Flash as
she examined her new female body as if she was seeing it for the first time.
She had seen it many times before but from a lover's perspective, not from a
'hey, it is now my body' perspective. Just as confused as I was, so was the
new mixture of Flash and Dale. As we tried to figure out what had happened,
she removed her too large Flash uniform and exposed that perfect body to me
for the first time. An hour later when we both calmed down, we had a theory.
A confusing theory but a theory never-the-less. Twenty-eight hours later when
we both watched Dale's body change back into Flash's normal male body, we
revised that theory. After three or four swaps over the next several days, we
locked into our theory. And that's what happened. For the last five months,
Flash has been changing into Dale every twenty-nine hours. About twenty-two
hours just before we rescued you, Flash changed into Dale again. Then he
stayed awake and in Dale's female body for part of the eight hours that he
laid in the bunk with you, keeping you warm. It was more crowded in that
small cot but he stayed long enough to make sure that you were through the
danger period."
Over the next hour, Doctor Zarkov answered several questions as Corporal
Hurley kept trying to find some reason to not believe the story. Whether it
was because he was a natural doubter or just didn't want to believe this
particular story, wasn't evident. Either way, the doctor kept going over the
story until finally Hurley gave up asking questions. For a long time the
young Corporal stared out into space as if he was trying to sort out the
extremely difficult story.
The doctor gave him time to think. Finally the young man asked the question
that he couldn't deduce from all of the story so far "When it's a woman's
body, does...she think and feel like a woman?"
"I've asked the same question several times and got a different answer each
time. I think it depends upon various factors. Most of the time, it's one
hundred percent pure Flash's male mind while other times, he has so many -
pardon the pun - flashbacks of Dale's life and memories, that he is thinking
at that moment as if he was a natural woman. I've sat and watch our version
of Dale unconsciously primp and fuss over her feminine appearance the same
way that I saw the real Dale primp. Sometimes when the new Dale smiles, in
the eyes and corner of the mouth, I can see that it's the old Dale's smile.
And when there are external factors...such as when Dale is going through her
monthly period, I'm easily convinced that it's a woman with a bloody rag
problem that I'm working with, instead of a hybrid. That's why when it's
Dale's female body, we talk about her in the feminine gender and when its
Flash's male body, that we use the male gender as if they were two separate
people. What did you think during your one brief contact with Flash's version
of Dale?"
The young corporal's face blushed slightly, then he answered "I thought it
was a real woman."
"We could tell from the way that you were aggressively trying to ram your
cock into her. That's why I had to give you a shot in the ass to knock you
out and keep you docile for awhile. You're suppose to thank your rescuer, not
fuck him."
When Flash awakened, the doctor immediately claimed the bed. Hurley shifted
over to the co-pilot seat, allowing Flash to rightfully claim command of the
small rocket. After a few minutes of examining the instruments and making
some minor course corrections, Flash asked the young cook "Did Doc tell you
about Dale?"
Turning to stare the young man straight in the eyes, Flash asked "Are there
any questions that you wish to ask me? Either about myself, about the real
Dale or my life as Dale?"
"I assure you that for the few hours when I'm in Dale's body, that I'm still
one hundred percent red-blooded All-American male and would probably react
violently to any sexual proposition from any man. You will get along fine
with me if you treat me at all times..to include when I'm Dale..., the same
then as you're treating me now."
A rough hand grabbed Wilson's shoulder and shook him awake. Snapping his eyes
open at the unexpected awaking, Wilson stared up at the smiling face of
Captain Browning leaning over Wilson's bed. Still half-asleep, the off-duty
radio operator tried to shake the sleep from his dazed mind as he mumbled "Is
everything all right Sir?"
The bald-headed Captain continued smiling at his best radio operator as he
responded "All right? It's never been better. Wilson, my lad, while you were
asleep, a radio message came in for me. I decoded it and when I read the
message, I screamed so loud that I'm surprised that you slept through my
yell. My boy, get your ass out of bed and start packing your equipment. I've
just been authorized to turn over command of this floating hotel to Captain
Sulo and for me to pick a crew of five to go help my old friends kick Ming in
the balls. Wilson, you're going with me on a real space flight with your
duties to be my radio operator, navigator and chief pilot. So drop your cocks
and grab your socks. We're going to go give my old buddy Flash a hand at
kicking Ming's ass. GET YOUR ASS MOVING SOLDIER!!!!"
The friendly but still very loud scream in his face completely shocked the
radio operator almost awake. Stumbling across the floor to his locker, he
mumbled "But I've never done any navigating or piloting on a real rocket.
I've only practiced in school and that was two years ago. I don't think that
I've got the necessary skills."
Captain Browning took one quick step forward so that his mouth was only
inches from Wilson's ear. Whispering softly in his high pitched peek-squeak
voice, the Captain told the young man the truth "The ship that they gave me
is only big enough for six people with the ammunition and fuel. So I picked
five damn good fighters that I would trust with my life and one guy with
brains to somehow get us there. I'll need the five fighters to help me kick
my way through Ming's hordes. But I've yet to see a fighter jock, other than
Flash, that knows jack shit about flying one of those fucking rockets. So
that one guy with brains that I select, is going to have to do dual duty on
the flight and I need your radio skill almost more than your pilot skill. So
that's why I'm here to get you started on your planning instead of letting
you wasting your valuable time in bed sleeping and dreaming about the old
days when you used to be able to bang your girlfriend's sloppy pussy back on
earth. Our rocket is ready to take off in..only four short hours and twelve
minutes. If you need to refresh your pilot or navigation skills before
takeoff, then you had better get mighty damn busy. Do you understand me?"
Chapter 3 - Absolute power
Just as a young child's face reflects innocence, so did Emperor Ming's face
reflect pure evil. The high forehead, narrow chin, thin eyebrows, hawk nose,
and extremely cruel lips combined into features that made him look dangerous.
But it was his eyes, his dark glinting eyes that made him look truly evil. He
was dressed in the normal trappings of his office - a long flowing robe with
two things on his narrow shoulders that would've made the designer of the
tailfins on the old Cadillac's proud. The robe blended into a hood that
covered his head, exposing only his face. His overall appearance was that of
Satin, except that this devil didn't have visible horns or wear a red
Emperor Ming stared down at the doctor who was groveling on the floor at the
foot of Ming's throne base. Instead of wasting any more energy on this
doctor, he decided to teach his whole medical staff a quick lesson about
doing task completion within the time assigned to them. Pointing a long
slender finger with a manicured one-inch fingernail at the hapless doctor - a
symbolic gesture which everyone recognized as the 'kiss of death', the
Emperor commanded "He failed me. Because of his failure, he's lost his life
and I've lost a couple of days that I can't recover. Guards, take him away
and dispose of him."
Six armed guards rushed forward as the man scurried on his belly trying to
get away. Ming had ordered the man's toes cut off the previous day when the
doctor reported failure and Ming had given him one more chance at that time -
after removing the man's toes with an axe as an incentive not to fail again.
The guards grabbed the screaming man by his armpits and dragged him away as
Ming poised a long fingernail under his neck and stared at the medical staff
who had been assembled to watch this punishment.
He smiled, but a smile from Ming was as beautiful and friendly as a coiled
rattlesnake's forked tongue. Pointing toward the obviously scared group of
doctors, he spoke quietly, knowing that they were intently listening to his
every word "Another failure. I thought that everyone was very aware that I
won't tolerate failure by any of my minions. Doctor Jhusan. I think that it's
your turn to become my main doctor. You have three days to come up with a
solution to wake her from that damnable sleep that Flash left her in. Need I
say that if you don't wake up the beautiful Dale Gordon and restore her to
me, in three days you will find out where the late Doctor Skzan is going to
be buried in the next hour. Need I say more or do you wish to be buried next
to him?"
A man in a white lab coat stepped forward and nervously cleared his throat as
he said "I...appreciate your confidence in me but I worked closely
with...Doctor Skzan and we don't have the technical skill to reverse the
effects of the Murf. Only Doctor Zarkov could get it to work. Until we can
capture him again, I'm afraid it's hopeless."
Ming's smile didn't fade but he glanced at a nearby guard and made a small
motion with his little pinkie. The guard took one quick step and hurled his
spear into the doctor's chest. As the dying doctor collapsed onto the ground
in front of his stunned colleagues, Ming calmly said "Doctor Haksi, I think
that you're in charge of this special project now that Doctor Jhusan has
unexpectedly resigned from my service. Do I need to repeat your
Eighty-seven lights were on the instrument panel and each light had a
different function. After two hurried h