Orthodox Mom Fucks Her Son Sexual Rituals
- 3 years ago
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On the king size bed in the privacy of their bedroom Alka was thrashing her body wildly while her husband was pounding his cock deep into cunt. She could feel his cock throbbing inside her cunt and knew that any moment he may spurt. As she lifted her legs and allowed his cock to penetrate deeper, giving a final trust her husband spent his sperm into her and being exhausted lay upon her crushing her on the bed. She liked it as it was on rare occasion that he fucked her, more so when he had planned to go on a tour. It was his way of telling her that he will out for few days. Alka looked forward for his tours as it was during this time he used her body.
Today it was different as her husband had asked her to take their son and visit her mother. She was worried thinking about her mother who came from a nomad family. She was worried about the stories her mother would tell her teenaged son. She was worried it may upset him. Apart from the stories the rituals her mother believed in were shocking to some extent.
Was it necessary to take her son along was the question running through her mind. It would have been okay if they had to stay for a day or two, but her husband was keen in her having a long holiday. He had hinted a month. How was she going to control his son so long in the small hamlet was what that was harping her.
On one hand she was eager to flee. She wanted to show off to the women of her hamlet her status, her gadgets and her dresses as at the time she was married her husband was not rich but the present situation had changed drastically and he was stinking rich. What she had to show the women folk made her hurry to reach there.
Vinit her son too was eager to meet his Grand Ma whom he called Ma. She had a strong bond towards him as he was the only male in her clan. She always treated him like a king. All his wishes were granted and the best part was she treated him like a man and five years had lapsed since he had visited her.
So they took off the next morning. Alka's husband had provided them with his car and had instructed the driver to drop them and return. He wanted to be assured they had reached the hamlet and would return only when the car was sent again. He wanted them out of his pants as he was expecting a delegation to visit his company and there were many friends in it whom he wanted to entertain at his mansion. He had planned every thing meticulously.
They reached the hamlet in the far off woods and as there was no motor able road leading to her Grandma's house they had to thread the last half a kilometer. It was while they were trekking some kids saw them and sprinted away to inform Grandma of their arrival.
As they slowly threaded their way carrying bag and baggage's amidst the woods and reached home, grandma was waiting to receive carrying a few earthen pots in her hands. Vinit was surprised when he saw his Grandma and wondered whether she really was his Grandma. She looked just a few years older than his Mom.
Alka on reaching her mother's house took a deep breath as she knew she had to pass through lots of rituals to enter the house. Having removed her high heeled sandals she allowed a few maidens to anoint sandalwood paste on her feet. Then she had to dip her feet in the vermilion water and doing so lifted her sari up a little. As she stepped on the small bowls of liquid she saw her son looking at her. He was keenly watching the rituals.
After dipping her feet in the liquid as she stepped into the house all the women surrounded her and making her sit on a stool started anointing sandal wood paste on her face arms and legs. Her mother was the last person to do so and as she completed she looked upon Vinit and directed him to come forward.
Vinit hesitating a little moved forward and taking a little paste he applied it on his mothers face and hands and as he turned back, his grandma asked him to apply the same on her legs.
Vinit turned to see his mother smiling. She lifted her sari a little to allow him to apply the paste. Shying a little he moved forward and applying the paste on his mother's legs as fast as he could he turned which made all the women laugh at his predicament? Later he felt glad that he had touched her legs.
Thus the welcome ritual came to an end and as they settled down Grandma taking hold of Vinit said 'have you forgotten your Ma. Why did you take so long to come' and before he could answer taking hold of him and facing the people present said 'my king has come.' That was the regards and respect the clan showered on any male and Vinit being the only male in her family she showered all her love on him. She hugged her grandson.
There she goes thought Alka seeing her mother hug her son and wondered what's to follow. Next Alka was then taken to the bathroom where the maidens washed her face arms and legs. She felt thrilled to see them completing the rituals.
Grandma's house contained a few spacious rooms but had only one bath room. As there were no phones or power lines in the small hamlet grandma used kerosene lamps for lighting.
When the rituals were over it started to get dark. A few of the women present started lighting kerosene lamps. The hue of the lights was pleasing and Vinit was excited. After having the meals Alka excused to go to her room. Seeing her depart 'why don't you take your son to your room' asked her mother.
'Ma, he can manage by himself' replied Alka shaking her head.
'Shall I fix him up in the other room' asked her Ma.
'Yes that would be fine' as Alka said it she thought why can't she understand that he is not a child any more.
Why cant she understand that he has grown up now thought her mother.
The first thing Vinit saw on entering his room was that there were no cots. In fact for a few stools there was no other furniture visible in the entire house. Left alone in the vast room and lying on the mattresses on the floor he felt excited. As he was dog dammed tired he slept under the illumination of the kerosene lamp.
Next morning after waking up as he went to the bathroom he was in for a shock as there was no shower, no taps and no sink. Expect for a toilet basin at one corner and a bucket the room was totally naked. Hanging his clothes on a make shift hangar made out of nails he sat down to take a bath. As he was having the bath he saw streaks of light penetrating the room. On closer scrutiny he found it to be coming from the holes made on the door by termites. This again thrilled him.
Having finished his bath as he stepped into the kitchen his grandma screamed at him for having entered wearing his sandals. Removing he joined his mother and sitting down on the mat he had cup of steaming coffee whose aroma lingered even after he finished it.
As he sat in the small cubicle of the kitchen he saw his grandma cooking on a stove using firewood. The smoke billowing out of the firewood had a pleasant aroma. As his eyes wandered he saw his grandma sweating from the heat of the fire. As he stared at her his mother said 'this is the life of the village.'
'But how does she manage' he said looking at his grandma.
'You should have seen how we lived earlier' replied his grandma.
'Why what was there at that time' he asked.
'At that time there was no proper roof on our heads, no walls and no stoves. We used to live in forests whether it rained or shined in small tents.
'It is difficult for me to visualize' he said.
'Yes it is difficult for you as you have not seen it, but it was good as we never stayed at one place. We used to shift our camps every now and then depending upon the season' said she.
'I wish I get an opportunity to camp in the open' he said.
'If you are interested I can arrange it provided you are ready to use the fields instead of a bathroom' she said smiling to herself.
'There is not much difference in your present bathroom' he said thinking of the holes in the door.
'At least this house has one while others' she shook her head.
After finishing breakfast his mother got up and changing into a new sari came out looking dazzling. Vinit at that moment did not know that she was going out to impress her cousins.
After his mother left Vinit was alone with his grandma 'how do you manage to live in this house' he said.
'As I told you it is a luxury considering what I have been through. Come let's go to the fields' saying this she dragged him out of the house without bothering to lock it up.
After trekking for a few minutes they reached a vast field and pointing it out 'this is what I have toiled for my whole life and it is all yours' she said as she sat down under a tree.
Vinit was numb hearing this and did not know how to reply back. 'Ma, tell me about those days' he said.
'It is a long story but to cut it short it was good till it lasted' she replied wiping the sweat with the top of her sari. Our clan was a small one and had its own culture which was weird.
'Why do you call it weird' asked Vinit.
'There were no religions, no rules and no marriages' she said.
'No marriages what do you mean' he said.
'Yes no marriages. At first the men earn their women and later sell them or use them to gamble' she said.
'But how' asked Vinit.
'Sometimes by gambling and sometimes by force' she said.
'You women didn't have any say' he asked.
'No we were just silent spectator's' she replied.
'How did Grandpa earn you?'
'He was a very shrewd gambler' she replied.
'By gambling?'
'Yes by gambling and those rituals were weird if you consider them now. As I came of age there were four persons who wanted to possess me and he outwitted each one of them.
'And you accepted him as your husband.'
'I was proud of him but it did not last long' she replied.
'Why what happened' he asked.
'He wanted to win another vixen but as he could not cheat the nature, he drowned.' She said.
'Then what happened' he asked.
'I ran away'
'I ran because there is no life after her man dies. She is treated like a slave and moreover I was carrying your mother' she said.
'What happened to your clan' he asked.
'They broke away, a few came here and the others got scattered. What I have told you I have not even told your mother' she said as she spread her legs stretching them.
'Why me' he asked.
'Because you are a man our man' she said and as she folded her legs back her skirt moved exposing some of her thighs.
'Why do you still follow those rituals' he asked?
'How can I forget them, I was born in such a clan'
'Don't you have any regrets now' he asked.
'Not when I have you, you are my king' saying it she bowed.
It was then he realized that in her clan man was the king. 'The facts are astonishing' he said.
'More than astonishing they were exciting' she said and hoped he could understand her statement.
'What was so exciting' he asked.
'If you would hear the details they will be exciting' she said.
'Why don't you tell me' he asked.
'I could but I am worried as to what your mother would say' she said.
'Why, what would she say' he asked.
'She may feel that I have spoilt you. Moreover it is not the right time and I need to be free' she replied.
'What about tomorrow' he asked.
'Let's see how the situation would be' she said getting up.
Vinit still sitting under the shade of the tree looked at his grandma. It was hard to believe that she was his mother's mother. Joining her 'can I ask you something' he said.
'Yes what is it' she said.
'You don't look like a grandma' he said.
'What makes you say that' she said being pleased with the question.
'You look young' he said.
Is it not good that I look young? She said 'That is because I toil in these fields from morning to evening.
'Even today you look great' he said.
'You should have seen me twenty years ago' she said and wished she could tell him about those days.
'How I wish I was born then' he said.
'Yes every man hopes for the same, come lets go' she said.
Vinit tamely followed her and when they reached home he saw his mother busy distributing gifts to her cousins and friends. As he watched keenly he observed a woman who drew his attention. In every way she resembled his grandma. Making a point to enquire about her he went to his room.
After sometime his mother joining him in the room asked 'where did Ma take you.'
'She showed me her fields' he replied.
'What did she have to say' she asked.
'Nothing she said she had to toil hard to maintain it' he replied.
'Yes she has toiled her whole life to maintain it' she said.
'I feel sorry for her, she lives all alone' he said.
'Yes that's something which worries me too' she replied.
'Why don't we stay with her' he asked.
'What about your dad' she replied.
'Yes, why don't I stay with her' he asked.
'Can you, can you stay in this small hamlet' she asked.
'Yes if you keep visiting us' he said.
'That would depend upon a lot of factors' saying this she got up.
As she got up from the floor Vinit saw a glimpse of her naked legs right up to her knees and when she moved he felt there is not much difference between her and Ma. They almost had the same physique. While his mother was a little plum his Ma was fit and today he had seen both their bare legs.
After a nap as he went in he saw his grandma alone. Sitting besides 'who was the woman Mom was talking to' he said.
'The one with a yellow dress' asked his grandma.
'She is your mother's best friend. Why do you ask' she said.
'She resembles you a lot' he replied.
'You have a keen pair of eyes. She is from my clan' she said.
'Why did she leave the clan' he asked.
'Her life was more miserable than mine' she said.
'I wish you could tell me' he said.
'When I can't tell you what happened to me how I can tell you about her' she said.
'I will wait' saying this he resigned.
What am I going to do with this man; he is getting eager thought his grandma.
Changing the subject he asked 'how do you spend your spare time.'
'I play' saying this she got up and removing some beads from a box she showed him.
Vinit was surprised when he had them in his hands as they were not beads but colorful stones and they were sparkling.
'How do you play this game' he asked.
'It is a lengthy procedure' she replied.
'Is this the game in which grandpa won' he asked.
'Yes they were his stones' saying this she was thoughtful.
'Can we play this game sometime' he asked.
'What do you have to bet on' as soon as she uttered those words she felt she should not have.
Seeing her thoughtful Vinit felt he was on the right track. 'What did they bet with' he asked.
'Especially women' she said and quickly changing the subject 'anything which they fancied.' The game had many levels.
Vinit knew she was hiding something and not to force her he kept quiet and was glad when his mother stepped in. Soon it got dark and Vinit feeling tired got up to go to his room.
'Why are you leaving so soon' asked his grandma.
'My feet are aching' he replied.
'Why don't you ask your mother to press them' said she looking at Alka.
'Ma, he can manage' replied Alka suddenly.
'What kind of a woman are you. Don't you see he is in pain? We used to do it almost everyday' she said.
'Ma those days were different' Alka tried to pacify her.
'No if you are not doing it, let me' saying this as she got up.
'Okay, okay I will take care of him' saying this reluctantly she went into his room.
Vinit was surprised when his mother came. As she sat down and started pressing his feet 'don't expect me to do this everyday' she said.
'Why' he asked.
'As if you would press my feet if they were aching' she said.
'Have you ever asked me' he said.
'Then how can you say I will not' he replied.
His answer jolted her. 'will you really press them' she asked.
'Of course I will help my Mom to relieve her pain' he replied.
'How sweet of you and now you better sleep as I am also tired' she said continuing pressing his feet.
'I am feeling better, you may go and rest' he said.
But as Alka was pressing his feet it felt nice to grip them. Caressing them softly she moved her hand on his heels and as she felt it tickle him 'are you okay' she asked.
'Yes Mom, it is' he replied softly.
Continuing massaging his feet something flashed in her mind. It was something her best friend had said that she recalled it. She had spoken of those days when she was in the forest. She had said she had enjoyed pressing the feet of her man. It was okay as it was her man but then this was her son. Why I am feeling excited she thought. Shaking her head she held the other foot in her hand.
Vinit felt good as his mother continued massaging his feet. Without uttering a word he enjoyed it till sleep took over.
Seeing him sleeping Alka silently left the room light hearted.
Next morning when his mother left to meet her friends, seeing his grandma alone he went and sat near her.
'How's your feet' asked his grandma.
'It is better after mother pressed them' he replied.
'Your mother was reluctant to go and I forced her. That woman does not understand her duties' she said.
'May be she presses Dad's feet' he said.
'It is not the question of a father or son. It's the man that counts' she stressed the point.
'You mean whoever it is' as he asked the question a thrill went up his spine.
'Yes and moreover she cannot say no to you' she replied.
Hearing her words it excited him. 'Next time I will see that she does not hesitate' she said.
'What if her feet aches' he asked?
'How can a woman ask a man? Well it would be different if he does it on his own' she said.
'But I will be more than happy to oblige her' said Vinit
There was mixed emotions on her face. 'But I wont force you to do it' she replied.
Meanwhile Alka was showing off her things to her friends and cousins. All were impressed at the clothes she displayed and as she tried her high heels she slipped and sprained her ankle. Suddenly her son's face flashed through her mind which made her blush and the next moment she forgot it.
As evening descended and they had their supper that his grandma opening up the subject asked 'how are your feet?'
'Much better' replied Vinit.
'So you don't want me to press your feet' asked his mother.
'No thanks Mom' he said though he wanted her to press them.
'Don't tell me I did not ask you' replied Alka.
'If his feet are not aching it does not mean you don't put him to bed' injected her mother.
'Ma, I asked him no' she said.
'Yes you did but at least see if his bed is made' said her mother.
'At our place it is done by our ayah' said Alka.
'Here you don't have an ayah and in the morning see that there is sufficient water for him to bathe' saying this she went to her room.
'She is a funny woman, now don't laugh come on' she said as Vinit was smiling.
Once inside the four walls of the room Alka was a changed person. Dusting his bed and setting it right she looked at him and said 'the bed is ready your highness.'
'Oh! Come on Mom' saying it Vinit went down on the bed.
Alka sat beside him looking at his son. Seeing him spread on the bed she felt a vague sensation. Bending down she held his leg in her hand and started to knead it and as she tried to creep her hand up his leg his pants came in the way. Holding the bottom of his pant 'are you going to sleep with pants on' she asked.
'No I will remove them later' replied Vinit.
'When in the morning' she asked.
'No after you leave' he replied.
'Why don't you remove them now' she asked.
'I feel ashamed to remove them in front of you' he replied gently.
'Why should you be ashamed to remove your pants in front of your mother' she said.
'I have not done it before' he replied.
'What if blow the lamp will you' she asked putting if off.
'Yes' letting it out mildly Vinit undid his pants and as he unable to remove them out from the position he was sleeping seeing this Alka took hold of his pants and pulled them out.
Alka was pleased to have removed his pants and as the room was quite dark she did not see much of his legs and thighs but could make out his light colored shorts. Having him lying, she took hold of his foot and started kneading his toes. Vinit was thrilled to have felt her soft hands on his toes and as his mother gradually moved up and started to massage his leg he felt himself growing there. He squirmed and wriggled trying to hide it but in vain.
Alka seeing him squirm continued massaging his leg and when he turned sideways patting him at the back of his thighs 'is it enough' she asked tenderly.
'Yes Goodnight Mom' said Vinit.
'And tomorrow I will see you get hot water to bathe' saying this she went out of the room.
Vinit had a good sleep as he dreamt of his mother. Next morning as he went to have his bath he was happy to see his mother had arranged hot water. Taking his bath leisurely as he came out he was pleased to see his mother standing at the door.
'Shall I dry your hair' she asked holding a towel in her hand.
'Yes if you don't mind' he replied shyly.
'Of course not. Why don't we go to your room' she said.
On entering the room Alka stood in front of him and taking hold of his head in both her hands she started wiping his wet hair. Vinit stood motionless enjoying her closeness. Alka continued brushing his hair and as she finished it placing her hands on his arms and feeling his bulging muscles said 'I did not realize you have grown so strong.'
'It is the result of the gym' he said.
'Oh! Yes I forgot that you used to attend it' saying this she felt his biceps and said 'it has worked wonders, can I see them.'
'Yes' saying this he happily removed his shirt.
Alka was surprised when Vinit removed his shirt as he was not wearing a vest. Seeing his well toned body she was thrilled. Feeling his biceps, his arms his shoulders and the muscles of his chest she felt excited. Moving her fingers over his chest in circles said 'you have a very nice toned body.'
'You like it' he suddenly asked her and as he felt he should not have asked such a direct question and said 'did Ma asked you to dry my hair.'
'No, can I not dry my son's hair without her asking me to' she replied pinching his arm.
'Yes you can' he said.
'Do you want me to press your feet during nights' she asked.
'Yes I would like that provided you don't feel bad' he said.
'Why should I feel bad to press my son's feet. On the other hand I love doing it' she said.
'Do you want me to do it for you' he asked shyly.
'Yes if need arises' she said.
'I would be glad to oblige' he said.
'How sweet of you' saying this she planted a kiss on his forehead and brushing his hair said 'come and have your breakfast.'
Vinit was pleased to have had this chat with his mother. He obediently followed her to the kitchen and his grandma seeing both enter together welcomed them with a smile.
'So what have you decided to do today' asked Alka's mother.
'I am going to meet my friends, why' she asked.
'I have thought of going to the woods with Vinit, want to come' she asked.
'No you take him' replied Alka which made her mother happy as he did not object.
Soon Vinit and his grandma having trudged some distance reached the deep woods. The place was lush green, cool and serene. Both Vinit and his grandma were pleased as it was lonely.
'This is so cool and so beautiful' said Vinit looking at the lush greenery.
'Yes it was this atmosphere which kept us going' she said thinking of those days.
'Was it very romantic' he asked.
'Yes this and the flowing rivers, they were so wonderful' she said as she sat down under the tree.
'Yes I can very well visualize it, you were lucky' saying it he sat down next to his grandma.
His words made her look at him and smiling at him she said 'what makes you say it.'
'This place is so lovely one would feel thrilled to live here' he said trying to influence her with words.
'Yes, I see that you have the same feelings' she said.
'Why don't you tell me about those days' he asked moving closer?
'Yes, what do you want to hear' she asked.
'You were telling me about gambling' he said.
'Yes the men used to gamble a lot using women as stakes' she said.
'Did the women not object to it' he asked.
'No it was the only opportunity for them to enjoy' she replied.
'What do you mean by that' he asked.
'As I told you the game had many levels and every level the odds were different' she said and visualizing them continued 'at first level the men used to pick the women, the second level she was asked to stand near him, the third level she was supposed to sit on his lap and knead his arms and shoulders and like that it continued.
'What was there for the women to enjoy' he asked.
'They enjoyed doing it. They enjoyed being close to other man, whom they had a crush or liked him' she replied.
'So it was good till it lasted' he asked.
'Yes it was good and I see that you are curious to learn' she said.
'Who would not like to learn such things' he said.
'Yes and that is the reason why I am at back of your mother' she said.
'Meaning' he asked.
'I want her to teach you' she said and looked for his reaction.
'I fail to understand' he said as he was really puzzled.
'Don't you like her to press your feet, press your legs' she asked.
'Yes it relieves the pain' he replied.
'Yes it relieves the pain and then what happens' she asked.
'Nothing' he said shyly.
'Come on don't say nothing happens' she said smiling at him.
'It is difficult to tell you what happens' he said seeing her waiting for his response.
'Yes it is difficult to express such feelings' she said.
'What happened in the later stages of the game' he asked changing the subject.
'It is too early to tell you' she said.
'Why' he asked.
'The time is not ripe and moreover you have to learn a lot' she said.
'Why don't you teach me' he asked suddenly.
'You want to learn from me, why not from your mother? Do you think I can teach you?' saying this she moved closer.
'Yes you can teach me' he said getting excited by her move.
'You are very stubborn, what do you want to learn' she put the words in his ears.
'Tell me everything' he said feeling her cozying up.
'You don't know anything' she asked nibbling his ear.
'I know a little but then I don't know how to proceed' he said.
'Yes at first it is difficult. You have to proceed slowly' she said.
'How will I know that I am on the correct path' he asked leaning towards her.
'That you will learn only by experience' she said seeing him lean forward.
'But how can I gain experience when I don't know anyone' he said.
'Look around and you will find many' she said putting an arm around him.
'But I only see you' he said looking into her eyes.
'Oh! I had not expected it' she said shocked at his reply.
'Yes I want to learn it from you' saying this he hugged her.
As Vinit hugged her she felt a strong current pass through her. This was totally unexpected. She had thought those sensations were dead but now seeing them kindle her body she was perplexed. Her intentions were totally different. She wanted him to know his mother well but he would get attached to her she had not dreamt of it and did not know how to come out of it. As she was wondering she felt him hug her tightly and this further fueled her emotions.
And as she was pondering about it she heard him ask 'what happened in the next level of the game.'
This question upped her ante and smiling at him 'that what you are doing' she replied.
'The woman was supposed to hug the man' she said.
'In front of the other man' he asked.
'Yes in front of her man and this was what they craved to do' she replied.
'So they liked it' he said.
'Yes they looked forward for such sessions' she replied.
'What was your reaction during such time' he asked.
'I did not get an opportunity as my man never lost' she replied.
'What if he had lost' he asked her.
'I don't know how I would have reacted. I think I would have enjoyed it' this feels good she thought.
'What happened in the next level' he asked.
'Next level' saying this she recalled the scenes and getting excited she said 'the man used to kiss the woman.'
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I remember one night after dinner we sat on the couch together, enjoying a casual conversation, however like most of our conversations it turned into a sexual conversation. “So what is a sexual desire you have, anything kinky?” My grandma asked I sat there, shocked looking at my grandma. “What do you mean grandma” “I mean what kind of fantasies do you have or what do you wanna try?” “Uh...well...I’m haha wow I’m not sure” “Oh come on Michael what do you wanna try. I’m serious let’s...
So after last weeks episode, the viewers for Grandma Honey grew very quickly and the money shot up, so eager to cash in on it even more, I suggested we do another film pretty soon, and happily my grandmother agreed.Then a few days later me and Steve, with the college camera again, headed to my grandmothers house.Fortunately my grandfather had gone out golfing for the afternoon, my grandmother had made sure of it, but as we strolled into the house, we were greeted by another surprise."This is...
In addition to Grandma's daily physio, walks, strength training, etc., we worked out her 'exercise' schedule every night after dinner. After starting a romantic movie, I firmly massaged her right side from head to toe to get her circulation going. I purposely spent extra time to enjoy her smooth, firm and round butt. When the movie got us into the mood, we kissed passionately while the massage continued. I then sat behind her as my hands moved to her left arm and back from her neck down to...
By the time I arrived at the home of my grandmother in Chicago, I had convinced myself that this would be the most boring and wasted weekend I had ever spent. My parents had moved away from the city years before, when I was in junior high. We visited my grandparents regularly in the years since, and my parents continued to do so after I left for college. Grandpa died a few years ago and left my grandmother, whose health is excellent and whose mind is still competent, in charge of their large...
So me and Steve headed over to my grandmothers for another filming session, and when we arrived, another woman was sat in the living room with my grandmother.A tall, slim woman with short greying hair, and wearing a long flowery dress and round glasses."This is my friend Gale" my grandmother said introducing us."Hi" Gale said nervously smiling at us."I told her about how i'm making all this money, and well.. she wants to give it ago" my grandmother then said."Okay" I replied "Is there anything...
My dad bought me around trip ticket to Oregon for me to visit my grandma that I have not seen since I was 6 years old.I am 24 years old now. My grandpa have acres of land and ranch that my grandma wants me to inherit ate. My grandma is 72 years old, and has been a widow for 12 years. I arrived at my grandma house at around 3PM. Grandma was so happy to see me. She hugged me so tight, I can feel her breast so firmly on my chest.For 72 years old lady, she is not bad at all. Grandma give me tour...
We worked out her 'exercise' schedule every night after dinner. After starting a romantic movie, I firmly massaged her right side from head to toe to get her circulation going. When the movie got us into the mood, we kissed passionately while the massage continued. I then sat behind her as my hands moved to her left arm and back from her shoulders down to her big round firm buns. She liked my kisses behind her ears and I loved her aroma. Eventually I unhooked her bra and massaged her right...
CHRISTMAS On Christmas eve we cuddled to enjoy a X'mas movie. It was close to midnight so I was prepared to get ready for bed when Grandma said, 'Santa brought a surprise Christmas gift to this smart young man for being good all year to his granny.' This sounded like the good old days but I noticed her foxy smile looking at my crotch. I kissed her cheek. 'Thank you Santa, you are all I need.' She turned, our lips touched and massaged each other. 'Take me to the bathroom to get your...
I suppose it would seem unlikely that at fourteen I could feel the animal desire for my grandmother but nothing I could think of would allow those thoughts to leave me. Maybe if I started at the beginning you and I will better understand my feelings. Going back several years I always remembered grandma as a warm friendly woman. Often when visiting she would hold me in her lap and lay my head against her bosom. I didn't pay all the much attention to her body at that time but loved the way her...
Ever since the death of my grandfather, I’ve been visiting my grandmother every week on Thursday. In the beginning, it was really tough for her to be left alone, so after dinner, I would usually stay the night. I didn’t mind because sleeping over at Grandma’s was like getting a mini vacation every week from my family. After a few months, Grandma finally came out of her depression and began to act like her old self again, going out volunteering at the church and visiting friends. Even during her...
We fell asleep in each others arms. It was already dark when I opened my eyes and found Grandma looking at me, smiling sweetly just like the old days, except for her beautiful feminine body, attracting full attention from my eyes, brain and manhood again. 'You slept so well, reminds me of the early days when you first came to me. I tucked you in and watched you fall asleep.' 'Yes of course Grandma, I remember like yesterday. You were the one that comforted me when I was so scared and...
We fell asleep in each others arms. It was already dark when I opened my eyes and found Grandma looking at me, smiling sweetly just like the old days, except for her beautiful feminine body, attracting full attention from my eyes, brain and manhood again. 'You slept so well, reminds me of the early days when you first came to me. I tucked you in and watched you fall asleep.' 'Yes of course Grandma, I remember like yesterday. You were the one that comforted me when I was so scared and...
PART IINext couple of days nothing happened, we didn't even talk. Grandpa was home most of the times and Grandma was acting as usual, doing her job with guest rooms, avoiding every opportunity to stay alone with me even for a moment. She wasn't even looking at me at this rare occasions that she was talking to me, asking me if I am hungry or about my friends…It was clear that she would prefer that I go out with my friends and after a day or two I did because even Grandpa was asking why am I home...
Grandma, Mom, And My Sister Too When I got home from school that Friday, I found a note from Mom telling me that she and my sister Dawn Marie had gone to see Grandma and that they would be spending the night. She said that she trusted me not to burn the house down and that I should order a pizza for my dinner. There was a twenty dollar bill with the note. I had always wanted to stay home alone. While I had the chance I looked in my mother’s underwear drawer, I jerked off in my...
We worked out her 'exercise' schedule every night after dinner. After starting a romantic movie, I firmly massaged her right side from head to toe to get her circulation going. When the movie got us into the mood, we kissed passionately while the massage continued. I then sat behind her as my hands moved to her left arm and back from her shoulders down to her big round firm buns. She liked my kisses behind her ears and I loved her aroma. Eventually I unhooked her bra and massaged her right...
Its long but gonna make you cum like hellOn the king size bed in the privacy of their bedroom Alka was thrashing her body wildly while her husband was pounding his cock deep into cunt. She could feel his cock throbbing inside her cunt and knew that any moment he may spurt. As she lifted her legs and allowed his cock to penetrate deeper, giving a final trust her husband spent his sperm into her and being exhausted lay upon her crushing her on the bed. She liked it as it was on rare occasion that...
Deep within the dense northern forest, hidden away from the rest of the world, lays a small village. The people of this village were decent and hard working. Luckily, for their hard work, they enjoyed delicacies that most people would do anything to savor just once, the delicious pastries of Grandma Cupcake. Every day, she would cook her delicacies at her little house outside the village, and bring them over to the town’s center on her caravan. People would wait in line when...
EARLY YEARS My parents both died when their car was t-boned by a truck racing through a red light. My Grandma took me in to keep each other company since Grandpa died from cancer the year before. Losing her husband and then her daughter one after the other completely devastated her. I remembered Grandma rarely smiled for years, unlike the Grandma I knew before. But we at least had each other. My father was the youngest of 4 from his parents. My mother and her mother didn't seem to get...
It had been a few weeks since I had last seen or spoken to my grandmother, but then one afternoon my grandmother suddenly called me."I need to ask you something?" said my grandmother on the phone "Are you keeping money from us?""No" I replied "Why would you think that?" I then asked."Because we've made three videos now and even though the money was good the last few weeks, its suddenly dropped off again!""That's because people aren't spending their money on your films, they've seen them...
This happened when I was 18. I had a friend named Judy and she was totally Les, in fact got bothered when I would do a guy and then she would not talk to me for weeks. Well, anyway, I had not seen my grandmother for a few years. She was, at that time, 74 and I was surprised that she was coming to see us at all. Judy and I drove o the Atlanta airport to pick her up one afternoon and we saw a woman, obviously her, that, while she was old was not disabled or her shoulders humped over as so many...
CHRISTMAS On Christmas eve we cuddled to enjoy a X'mas movie. It was close to midnight so I was prepared to get ready for bed when Grandma said, 'Santa brought a surprise Christmas gift to this smart young man for being good all year to his granny.' This sounded like the good old days but I noticed her foxy smile looking at my crotch. I kissed her cheek. 'Thank you Santa, you are all I need.' She turned, our lips touched and massaged each other. 'Take me to the bathroom to get your...
It was a few days later my Grandmother phoned me, to ask if there was any news I wanted to share with her."Yes" I replied "the site was up and running, the video was edited with a little help from a friend, and people were paying to view it!""Good. How much have we have made?" asked my grandmother."A couple of hundred" I replied"A couple of hundred!" my grandmother exclaimed "That's not even close to what we need! I thought you said doing this, would make us the money we need!""It can!" I...
After the previous episode, the viewers for Grandma Honey shot up, and on seeing the money we were making, my grandmother eagerly wanted to make another film.So, a few days later, me and Steve armed with the college camera again, headed to my grandmothers house, and she greeted us at the door, dressed in a tight blue vest top that barely covered her big hanging boobs, a tight pair of blue jeans that showed off her curves, and a pair of black heels.She quickly explained that once again Grandad...
Grandma Bev walked into her grandson, Trace's, house followed by her daughter, Penny and Penny's husband Joel. Bev had had a kitchen fire and between the water and smoke damage, in addition to the fire damage, her home was going to be out of commission for about three months for all of the cleaning and renovation work to be completed. There had been an electrical short in one of the appliances on her kitchen island counter top and the damage to the kitchen was extensive. Trace had not seen much...
Grandma Granddaughter I was visiting a friend of mine in Boston. Sue is a little older than I am at sixty-six while I am sixty. She has a beautiful daughter named Alyssa that is now thirty-six and has a daughter of her own Jamie that is only five. Then of course there is Grandma Grace that is ninety-four years old and suffering from Alzheimer. So to recap the four generations of women living in the house there is Grandma Grace, her daughter Sue, her daughter Alyssa, and then her...
Grandma does pornI was at college when I heard my grandparents had money problems, they apparently had a mortgage still to pay, maintenance work that needed on her old house, and even though my Grandfather was still working he just couldn't make enough money to cover it all anymore.So, one Sunday I drove over to them, to see how they were doing, and as I sat watching my mature Grandmother, a tall thick woman, with shoulder length red hair and a large cleavage under her summer blouse, and a pair...
I was at college when I heard my grandparents had money problems, they apparently had a mortgage still to pay, maintenance work that needed on her old house, and even though my Grandfather was still working he just couldn't make enough money to cover it all anymore.So, one Sunday I drove over to them, to see how they were doing, and as I sat watching my mature Grandmother, a tall thick woman, with shoulder length red hair and a large cleavage under her summer blouse, and a pair of nicely tanned...
Trace had managed to sell his grandmother's house and she had moved in with him and Cassie. His mom and dad were still considering the idea of moving into the house that he had listed with room for the five of them. Trace was fine with the current arrangement. It wasn't like there was a huge need for privacy given the lifestyle of the family now and there was only a 10 minute drive separating them from his parents. The family had settled into a consistent routine of spending time together as a...
Somebody told me a joke once. ’What’s the sickest thing in the world? Grandma kisses you and its tongues.’I had been staying at Grandpa’s place, off and on, for a while since graduating in Environmental Studies. Grandma had died many years many years back, and apart from his housekeeper, her husband and the estate manager, I was the only person he saw on a regular basis.Grandpa was very caustic about my degree, and about environmentalists, some of them were giving him a hard time about one or...
TransThe week at college quickly flew by, and then me and Steve were in my car heading to my Grandmothers once again to film her.We arrived just as my Grandfather was leaving, he still wasn't happy about any of this, despite the money it was making, but once he was out of sight, we headed inside and began setting up the camera in the living room.It was then my Grandmother came downstairs, dressed in a black one piece swimsuit and red high heels.She had her red hair done up nicely and some make up,...
Growing up as a boy, he never dreamt he would find paradise in the arms of his Grandmother! You know how it is when, as a young man, you first set out in the world on your own, determined to scale every mountain and become a leader of industry. Well Konrad left home where he had lived with his loving supportive parents and his caring widowed grandmother. He was in his early twenties and had completed his apprenticeship. He was going to set the world on fire. But, things didn’t work out that...
Our mom passed away when I was in high school. I was the second of four brothers in the family, and we were fortunate to have three of her sisters take turns helping out with the house work and cooking over the next three months. But they had their own families to tend to, so my grandma Lula came to stay with us for the long haul. She provided a motherly presence around the house, which helped to get all us boys back on track. Lula was 62-years old when she moved in. Since she had lived on a...
Our mom passed away when I was in high school. I was the second of four brothers in the family, and we were fortunate to have three of her sisters take turns helping out with the house work and cooking over the next three months. But they had their own families to tend to, so my grandma Lula came to stay with us for the long haul. She provided a motherly presence around the house, which helped to get all us boys back on track. Lula was 62-years old when she moved in. Since she had lived on a...
Over the summer time I would occasionally visit my grandmother for weekends, sometimes a week at a time. I love my grandma, and she loves me. She was about 58, and still very great looking. She always did light workouts to keep in shape, and she has a nice body. Her tits are very large for her age - not saggy, but firm. She was a very attractive lady for her age.It was late June. I talked to mom and she said I should viist. My grandmother was a very lonely woman, because her husband passed away...
Copyright© 2006 There was a young lady named Brent With a cunt of enormous extent, And so deep and so wide, The acoustics inside Were so good you could hear when you spent. Grandma's eyes seemed to twinkle as she slowly held up her hand to stop any response from me, "Now before you answer me David, I think you should know a few things first." My head was dizzy, my face hot with shame. To be questioned about ones experiences, sexual knowledge, by ones own grandparent has to be the...
Trace was lying in bed between his grandmother and his girlfriend, Cassie, pondering his newfound lifestyle. His grandma Bev, was napping in his arms on his right side, cum running down her thighs and Cassie was asleep under his arm on his left side with his cum drying on her tits. They had spent the entire afternoon fucking as a threesome with Bev providing instruction to Cassie on how to deep throat Trace and that large cock of his. Bev had also demonstrated how to take a cock up the ass and...
Grandma's Magic Resort - Part I(or 'One Fam1ly Visits the 'Real' Happiest Place On Earth)an erotic journey by DizzyD“Hey Tommy, mom just called and said don’t go anywhere, she’s bringing Giovanni’s Pizza home for dinner,” Lindsay Robertson called down the stairs to her younger br0ther as she changed clothes.“AWESOME,” Tommy replied. Pizza was somewhat of a delicacy in their household, not because they couldn’t afford it, but because Susan Robertson did her best to encourage her ch1ldren to eat...
Grandma and the Bear By Ricky Grandma was right. She used to say to me "Sherry honey, there ain't nothing so bad it don't have a ray of hope hiding down deep inside it and there ain't nothing so good that it don't have a little devil hiding somewhere to make you feel just a tiny bit nervous about the whole thing." So the good news was that after waiting far too many years to be sure the wonderful man I married had really and truly and irrevocably become a world class jerk...
100% fiction! This is the a story of me and my grandma bernie. It started out as a normal day i went out. to my grandparents house to help load up our pulling tractor my family. takes this very exspensive. tractor around the nation for tractors pulls. Anyway i could not go because i had school the fallowing monday and they would not be back till monday night. So it was my grandad my dad and both my uncles that were. going After they had. left i decided that i would stay with grandma because. i...
IncestNote : This story is completely fictional! Two weeks ago, this sex story happened to me, so I had to write about it. I'm a 35year old, married man, who enjoys sex when I get it, which isn't much after 18 years. I jack off alot to porn, and internet, but always look for new ways to enjoy my 7"inch cock. My grandma is 71 years old, 4'10", 85 lbs, nice 36c tits(I know!), and a really nice, round ass, and still hot for her age. She had recently broke her right leg, and right wrist in a fall, and...
IncestHello everyone. My name is James and let me narrate to you a story which happened to me last year. I had come home for my summer break and was enjoying my vacations at home, when one day one of our relatives called up my dad and asked for me to visit his place for some ritual. This relative of mine lived in a village nearby and had the couple themselves and 4 daughters in their family. Out of the 4, 3 were already married and I had heard that they have fixed the last one’s marriage being due...
When I was 7-8 years, I was given to my grandparents for summer holidays. Nothing much, living in really small village, mostly old people, just few younger then me. Same as me left for summer.Shortly about me and my family. My mom is very nice woman, small tits very wide hips, fat lips, nice big mouth. My father, he passed away when I was 16, average guy, short, small cock, seen him when he was naked. But let's talk later about them.My grandparents. Granny, old woman, fat, huge tits, unshaven,...
My grandmother was always around when I was little. She always would pick me up from the bus stop, always buy me stuff, etc. Ever since I was 12, I noticed her differently. I saw how large her boobs and ass were and often fantasized about her naked and me sucking on her nipples and fucking her pussy. She was about 5'6, 300 pounds, 34d breasts, and long hair. By the time I turned 13, I would watch her undress through the keyhole, but she was always in a bra and panties. I had never seen her...
Jack laid back on his bed, cock in hand as he watched the adult video on his TV. The 18 yr olds mother would have a fit if she knew about the x rated tapes he hid in his room. It was almost six o’clock, Mom’s usual time home from work and He knew he was taking a chance watching them. But he’d been so horny when he got home. He’d had an afternoon date with Becky and she’d played little miss cockteaser again. If he didn’t jerk off he’d burst. With a...
PROFANE RITUALS - THE RITUAL The big, black, stretch limousine in which we travelledseemed to glide over the shiny black surface of the wet street as it wendedits way through the city, towards the waterfront. All the luxury vehicle'swindows, with the obvious exception of the windscreen, were opaque black, denyingpassers by any opportunity to see into the interior of the cabin, and the privilegedfew who travelled in there. This was just as well, considering those who wereactually occupying that...
Hello everyone I’m like you all a sex lover who like sex stories and spend most of his time in this site. I’m average guy with average looks, and respectable 7 inches Indian penis and nothing which makes me the king of my sexual destiny. I started my college previous year and was virgin, this thought totally filled me with despise for myself but very soon all of these going to change for ever in college. Kartik is one of my best friends; he was different from all of us in sexual behavior. He...
IncestThis happened about three years ago. I was 23 years old and had gone to visit my grandma, she lived on her own about 5 miles away from where we lived so I liked to visit her at least once a month when my work allowed. This day was a Wednesday and as I walked in her friend, Audrey, was sat with her in the kitchen they were talking away.I’d been there around fifteen minutes when the phone rang, as grandma came off it she said “I’ll have to go to the shop I’ll be about an hour, you know where...
Jean Miller had always loved her family, she and her husband were blessed with a beautiful daughter. She was bright, smart and an overall loveable c***d in her youth. The big change for her family happened when their sixteen-year-old daughter, Jill, came home from school one day, asking if she could speak to her eye-to-eye. Jean immediately knew that something was up with her as they usually discussed everything together with her father.She was shocked at first when her daughter told her that...
This happened about thirty years ago. I was 23 years old and had gone to visit my grandma, she lived on her own about 5 miles away from where we lived so I liked to visit her at least once a month when my work allowed. This day was a Wednesday and as I walked in her friend, Audrey, was sat with her in the kitchen they were talking away.I’d been there around fifteen minutes when the phone rang, as grandma came off it she said “I’ll have to go to the shop I’ll be about an hour, you know where...
Note : This story is completely fictional! Chad drove to his grandmother's house. It was dark when he got there. Dottie became a drunk after his grandfather died. She opened the door and greeted him. She was drunk as usual and her robe was open. He could see her sagging breasts. "Do you want a drink Chad?" she said bleary eyed. "No thanks" said Chad politely. "Please Chad, drink with me" Chad decided that he would humor her. She poured two glasses of whiskey and sat on a chair. Dottie wasn't...
Incest100% fiction! Jack laid back on his bed, cock in hand as he watched the adult video on his TV. The 18 yr olds mother would have a fit if she knew about the x rated tapes he hid in his room. It was almost six o'clock, mom's usual time home from work and He knew he was taking a chance watching them. But he'd been so horny when he got home. He'd had an afternoon date with Becky and she'd played little miss cockteaser again. If he didn't jerk off he'd burst. With a tight grip he stroked his hard...
IncestBefore we get into the story, I would like to thank everyone who took their time to provide feedback and comments on my story. I am expecting the same kind of response from you guys after you finish reading this part. Now back to the story the first sex ritual. Ramanan and Radhika did not speak to each other about the test conducted on them by the Sage. But the pleasure they experienced still lingered on their body. Ramanan had his cock rising whenever he thought about the things that Meena did...