A TRANS Formation Chapter 3 Battling Demons
- 2 years ago
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Introduction: This is a story about my journey into womanhood and how I found the love of my life. I grew up in a semi-small village in the middle of a vast forest, population, 719. It was sort of a religion in our village for family members to reproduce together. Once a female started her period, it was the oldest males job to take her virginity. He could say no and allow her to be given to the priest, but that hardly ever happened.
The oldest male had to be apart of the girls immediate family. Father, brother, uncle, cousin, nephew, or grandfather. To some, this may seem amazingly awesome to others, sinful. All the free sex a man could ask for from a tight, young pussy ripe for the plucking. Nope. The only way that the male was allowed to claim the child as his own was if he had knock her up with his incestuous sperm. He only got one shot.
If by chance he failed at the inbreeding, the girl was given to the next oldest. In between each try, the girl got a two month break to be sure. Pretty much being monitored 24/7 by the two wives of the priest.
If you were lucky enough not to get pregnant by any of the males, including the priest, you were allowed to find a husband outside of your family. You were allowed to start your own to do with what you pleased. Some would run away with a childhood lover who wasnt apart of their family. Which is against the churchs rules, a big no no. Meaning it would be death to both if they were found.
Anyways, the priest was known as Benjamin. He had 36 wives and 72 children, not including the ones he was married to. His first wife, Ashley, was lucky enough to be 19 before mother nature caught up to her. She is Bens oldest sister. He was only 10 when he was told that he had to knock up his sister or lose her forever to the priest, who at the time was Samuel.
Lucky for Ben, he was able to plant is young seed into his 19 year old sisters womb. About two months later, Bens twin sister, Sarah, started her period. So he had the chance to impregnate her with his incestuous seed. Both sisters were pregnant with twin girls.
A month after Sarah gave birth to their gorgeous little girls, his other older sister, Bella, turned 15 and started her unfortunately timed period. She had a little boy 9 long months later.
Bens mother, Tina, was so jealous of her kids intertwined relations, that she asked the priest for his permission to seek a new husband. With his blessing she went to her son, the leader of her household, and asked for his blessing. She even offered herself to him. In discussed, he bashed her head in with a chair.
See, women in the village were for nothing more than to pleasure their men, for breeding, and taking care of all household chores. No one missed Tina, not even her daughters. Even if they did, they never would have gone against Ben.
Eleven years later, when Ben was 21 and Samuel had reached the ripe old age of 92, he decided to name Ben as his successor. Then Samuel and his family vanished. To this day, no one has any idea what became of them. Out of all of the priest that the village has had, Samuel is the only one that never impregnated a single one of his relatives. He only impregnated other women.
No more about Ben and his twisted tales, this story is about me and my incestuous adventure into woman hood. From how I lost my virginity to how I found my true love.
My mother, Tyra, died giving birth to me at the age of 25. I was her only daughter, but her fourth child all together. My father raised me and my three older brothers. There was Jeremiah, he is the oldest of my brothers, being 10 years older than me. Then Matthew, he is 3 years younger than Jeremiah. Lastly there is Steven. Steven is 2 years older than I am.
My mother is, one of many, of the daughters of Ben. Yes, he is my grandfather, and the priest. Which mean that he gets two tries to knock me up if someone else doesnt beat him to the punch. My father, James, was 9 when he had Jeremiah, making him 34 years old when I started my period at 15. My grandfather, on my dads side, is older than Ben, making him the first in line to take my virginity.
I remember the day like it was yesterday. It was about four months after I celebrated my 15 birthday. I woke up feeling like I had wet the bed. My bed and night gown were covered in crimson puddles. I freaked out, I thought I was dying. I remember creaming and running into the living room.
Oh my god. I think I am dying or something. Look at all the fucking blood. My dad and brothers were on the couch just staring at me in awe.
Since I was the only female in my immediate family. No aunts, sister, cousins, or grandmothers, except for Bens wives. Which are only for him.
You just started your period Dumbo. Matthew was always a jerk to me. The only one of my brothers that I found attractive was Jeremiah, plus he was always taking care of me. He refused to move out when he had a chance so that he could protect me from my other brothers.
Youre such a douche bag, Mat. Jeremiah got off the couch and walked over to me. Lets go get you cleaned up Kelly.
My little girl is almost all grown up. Now all we have to do is wait until you stop bleeding. Then youre going to make your grandfather one happy old fucker. My dads eyes were filled with the joy of knowing that soon, he might be fucking his baby girl.
Followed Jer into my bedroom and grabbed some clothes. You dont have to clean my bed for me, I can do it myself.
Yeah, I know. But what are family members for if not to help one another. Besides you know, fucking.
Funny, you should be a comedian Jer.
I grabbed my stuff and headed to the shower. I watched as the blood-colored water trickled down my legs to the drain. I got this sickening feeling in the pit of my stomach like something bad what coming my way.
I few days later, I was back to being me, but not me. The news had spread to everyone in the village by this time. A girl starting her period is big news in our village. So is the popping of the cherry. When that happens, everyone comes to watch in the cathedral. The priest, my other grandfather, gets up close and personal to make sure that the penis penetrates the vagina.
It is also his job to make sure that the male leaves his deposit inside the young, virgin womb. Then two of his wives carry the newly fertilized woman into a place were they can keep an eye on her for the next two months. If they find that the woman is pregnant, they go to the priest and he passes the news onto the entire town.
The day of my womanly acceptance the two wives, Ashley and Telly, that were to take care of me had dressed me up and did my hair all pretty like. Tons of flowers and braids. They said that I should look my best because its going to be a day that I will never forget. And I havent
Anyways, there I was laying naked, in the middle of the cathedral, on a slanted, but comfortable, bed. My grandfather came in, cock in his left hand, walking straight towards me. His other hand held his cane which kept him from toppling over.
Then came Ben. He was dressed up in his ceremonial robe and his really tall head. Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls. We are here to witness the making of a gorgeous young woman. Today Kelly is no longer a child or a teenager, today she is a Woman. My beautiful granddaughter, whether she gets pregnant this time or next, will be an amazing mother. I only wish that my lovely daughter Tyra could be here to see her daughter become a woman. Now Kevin will you please pop this girls cherry. Doesnt he have a way with words.
My grandpa Kevin climbed onto the bed and slipped his head between my legs. He slowly started to caress my thighs with both hands. Then he started kissing my leg.
He started with the foot. Then my calve. Moved to my knee. To my thigh. Then what came next was amazingly enjoyable.
He started to massage my clit with his old grandpa tough. Mm, baby girl, your virgin cherry tastes so delicious.
Do to his old age, he had no teeth, and let me tell you, an old man nibbling on your clit with his gums feels amazing. For the first time ever I felt an orgasm coming.
Oh. My. God. I could hardly breath. Grandpa, that feels so good. I think Im..ooohh….mmmmyy…..gggooodddddddd. It happened. My first orgasm. It wasnt as enjoyable as I was hoping for, but it was still good.
Pleased with himself, he crawled up my body leaving a trail of kisses from the opening of my pussy to my nipples. There, he started to suck on my right one while pinching the other one between his thumb and pointer finger. He kept switching it up every few second.
Once done copping a feel. He moved to my face and started kissing me. Thanks to Jeremiah, I knew how to kiss. I could taste my pussy juices fresh in his mouth.
As your mouths committed a little dance between us, I felt his hand slide between us and grab his dick. He sat up a little so that he could see what he was doing. With his right hand, he spread my lips to my vagina. With his left, he guided his penis to the opening.
He teased my virgin cunt with the tip of his penis. Slapping it against my clit making me twitch slightly at the feeling of it. Then all at once, he shoved his old man cock into my unprotected vagina.
I remember screaming and guys in the stand laughing. They thought it was funny. While others booed him.
My grandpa wasnt gentle what so ever. He thrusted himself forward again and again. Over and over, every thrust harder and more painful than the last.
Please stop I screamed, Someone make him stop. Tears fell from my eyes as I searched the stands for someone to help.
There, Jeremiah was shoving through everyone trying to make it to me. Get your nasty old prick out of my sister. He was red hot.
My father and six other men had to drag him from the building. It was up to the man in charge of the penis, who decided who hard to fuck the virgin pussy.
Oh baby girl, you feel so tight and warm. This wont take to much longer. He was taunting me. Your pussy is so tight, I dont think that I will be able to get my dick out of you. Do you feel that baby girl? Your pussy is pulling my cock into you. I pull out, and it sucks me right back in. Its like they were meant for one another.
Please, please stop. I can hardly breath. Be gentle.
Gentle. He stopped his thrusting. Bitch, did you just give me an order?
No, it just hurts so badly.
Do I look like I fucking care you spoiled little bitch?
He pulled the full 8 inches out of my throbbing crotch. Then once again, shoved the entire thing into my dripping pussy.
Yet again, I let out a pitiful scream. He laughed in my ear knowing that there was nothing that I could do.
I looked down between our bodies. His massive old cock was surrounded with curly gray hairs. Sliding in and out, in and out.
I refused to grab this crippled excuse of a man. Instead I dug my nails into the sheet under my head. Biting my lip, not allowing a single sound to escape my mouth in case it brought him some sort of pleasure.
His breath was heavy and I could tell by the look on his face that he was either about to fill my young womb with his aged, cripple, incestuous seed or was about to croak. I was hoping for the second one.
To my dismay, I felt him start moving faster. Here it cums baby girl. You are about to have the same seed in you that created you daddy. Arent you excited?
Then there it was. I felt his sperm coat my vaginal walls. I watched as his but juttered up and down. His penis was pulsating inside of me pushing out every last drop of cum.
All the men jumped up and down in their seats and started cheering him on. Knock that dumb bitch up you old fool. I heard one yell.
Once he was done, he kissed me on the lips again. Now that wasnt so bad now was it baby girl? Just think, right now, you could be getting knocked up my your grandpappys sperm. Then we get to do this all the time. If I wasnt afraid of getting in trouble, I would have snapped his crippled neck in half.
Alright ladies, shes all yours. Ben looked disgusted at my other grandfather.
Ashley and Telly stood on either side of the bed. Each grabbed a leg and an arm, then lifted me up to transfer me to a stretcher. After laying me down, Ashley reached a hand between my legs and shoved a finger inside of my cum soaked pussy. I jolted from the unexpected violation. She wiggled her finger inside, making me feel pretty good. Then she scooped out some of the cum, examined it, then liked her finger.
Tastes pretty good for an old man Kevin. Then she looked down at me. Tastes pretty good for a girl Kelly. She laughed and started wheeling me away from the middle of the room.
The cheering of the crowd suddenly died once the doors closed behind up. They pushed me down a long corridor. Doors flew by on either side of me. We entered an elevator and went to floor B4. I didnt know that this place had more floors, or an elevator.
Once on B4, they brought me to a big bedroom. Telly looked at me, This is going to be your room Kelly. For the next two months, you live here.
Wait, all of this is mine?
Yup, for as long as you are going through your initiation. I am going to be right next door to you if you need anything. I do mean anything. If you are horny, I can help you. Daddy said I could. She said with a, please let me suck the cum from your pussy, smile on her face.
Thank you Telly. Thank you Ashley.
Dont thank us, I could care less about you. Ashley snapped at me. Then turned and stomped her way back to the elevator.
Whats her problem? Did I do something wrong?
No, she just has a stick up her ass. My mom is always a bitch. Telly was only 12 years old.
Ben had taken her last year. Now she is 4 months pregnant with her second set of twins.
I forgot that she was your mother. So Ben is your daddy and baby daddy, right?
Yep. She sounded so enthusiastic. He is a GOD in bed. My moms say that he has never fuck a daughter so much or hard until I came along. Oh my god, his cum is so delicious. I swear it tastes like candy.
Wow, candy? Thats, interesting.
Yeah. When he cums in my pussy, there is so much cum that it leaks out before hes even finished. And his penis. Oh. My. God. Its huge. Every time we fuck, it feels like it wont fit. He has to spit on my pussy a few times before its lubed up enough. Even then, its like, Wow, daddy, you are HUGE. You know. Well I guess you dont know. Sorry.
Thats okay. Hey, Im really tired and would like to take a shower before…
Oh, right, sorry. Follow me, I will show you where everything is.
I hopped off the bed on wheels and followed her around the enormous room. It took her an hour to tell me where my cloths, the bathroom, towels, the kitchen, and the phone was. Seriously, like I cant look around and pretty much tell where everything was located.
By the time she finished her tour, the cum had oozed out of my pounded pussy and down my legs. The once warm fluid, was neither warm nor a fluid anymore. I went into the bathroom once she left, and washed out my vagina with the head of the shower. Once done, I headed to bed.
Oh, my god. Oh, god, Im cumming. What the hell is that? What time is it?
2:17am and I wake up to this coming from next door. I got up out of bed and went over to the wall where the screaming was coming from.
I tip toed out of my room, and pressed my ear up against her door.
That was amazing daddy. Now fuck your little pregnant girl. I want to to cum in me.
Whatever my little girl wants, she gets. Now get on your hands and knees so daddy can fuck you from behind.
Yes daddy. I love it when you fuck me like a dog.
I was surprised to find myself getting wet in my panties. I got on my knees and peaked through the key hole. Thank god these doors have old locks on them still.
Ill call you daddy if you fucked me gently. I whispered to myself.
Right there daddy, oh god. Fuck my pussy daddy.
I could see that Telly was on her hands and knees and Ben was behind her shoving his massive cock into her vagina. He was holding her hair ask he kept pulling her back and forth on his erect staff.
Fuck me daddy. Fuck me daddy. Fuck me daddy. Oh god harder. Fuck me harder daddy. Tear up my young teenage pussy.
He would pull his cock almost completely out and the heavily thrust it back inside of her. It looked bigger than my other grandfathers penis. Now I am jealous of Telly. Ive seen Ben take a girls virginity. He is really gentle about it. He listens to her, tries to please her.
Daddys cumming baby girl. Hurry, come here and suck daddy dry.
Okay daddy. Telly slid off of her daddy and turned to face his throbbing cock. He grabbed her head and shoved his cock down her throat.
He fucked her mouth a few times as she gagged. Then he came. Cum oozed out of her mouth, down her neck, and all over her perky, milk filled, breasts.
How did you like it Telly-baby?
Telly looked up at him with a cum covered smile. Swallowed and said, It was cumtastic daddy. I love you so much. You fuck my pussy so good daddy. Lets go take a shower and see if we cant wake Mr. Limp back up to play again.
Wow, that was the most intense sex I have ever seen. Except for my dad fucking my brother Mat in the ass last Halloween. It was nasty, they were both lonely I guess.
Two months went by and every night I heard Ben and Telly having amazing incestuous relations next door. I havent seen a single guy, besides Ben obviously. The only people I was allowed to see these past two months was Ashley and Telly. Well Telly at least. Today was the day they checked to see if I was pregnant with grandpa Kevins baby.
7 moth pregnant Telly came prancing into my room at 8:30am. Turned on the bright lights and said, Wake up sleepy-head. Its time to see if you are knocked up.
What? Telly, do you have any idea what time it is? Seriously, I thought you would be still sleeping after last nights fuck me daddy harder.
Omg, you heard that? Sorry. When daddy fucks me, I just cant help be scream it to the world. I LOVE MY DADDYS COCK INSIDE MY PREGNANT PUSSY! She screamed while twirling her self around with her arms out stretched.
Yeah, I know.
Hehe. Anyways silly, tell me, do you have any nausea? Any craving? Being more horny than usual?
Uh, no.
Oh well. Here you go. Take this and go pee on it. When you are done leave It on the counter and meet me across the hall.
Fine. I headed into the bathroom. Peed on the stick, left it where she told me to, then left.
Across the hall, Telly and Ashley were waiting for me with Ben.
Morning Beautiful, how did you sleep? Ben was all wide eyed and bushy tailed. How the hell can he do that. Isnt he tired after last nights Olympic games?
I slept alright. I lied. I kept waking up to Telly screaming fuck me daddy all night long.
Good. As you know, it has been two months since Kevin and you had sex. What we are going to do here is see if we can see anything in there.
Isnt it a little early for that?
Yes, but this machine is special. It can see more than the regular monitors. So strip off your cloths and hop on up here. Ashley is going to go get your test. If the test is positive, we will be able to see where the baby is. Otherwise, you can go on home.
Really? I will be able to go home? I can see my dad and brothers?
Yup, only if it is negative though. If you are pregnant, you will be brought to Kevin.
Heres her test baby. Think we have a winner. Ashley had an overly excited look on her face.
Lets see. Hmm, well. Um. Ben was stalling.
What is it? Am I pregnant with that bastards seed? What? Tell me.
Sorry Kelly. It looks like you are pregnant. Bu…
NO! I cant be. Please tell me that you are joking. Please.
Kelly, calm down sweet-cheeks. Daddy wasnt finished. Telly wasnt helping.
What I was going to say was, these tests are not 100% accurate. We are going to take a look with the machine. Okay?
Alrighty then. Lets see what we have here. Ben squeezed a cold gel on my naked belly and rubbed it around with the ultrasound wand. Hmm.
Hmm? Hmm, what? Ben please. What do you see? Is it a baby? Am I pregnant? Do I get to go home to my family or to that douche-bag grandfather of mine? Please, talk to me.
&hellip,……To be continued…………..
If you want some more, then show some love for me and my story. Otherwise you will never find our what happens to Kelly.
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Diese Geschichte ist die Fortsetzung einer alten Storyline von mir. Vorgeschichte von Daniela Hauser Seit vor etwa zwei Jahren heraus kam, dass sie ein gefährliches Spiel mit ihrem damaligen Schüler gespielt hat und dieser sie auffliegen gelassen hat, ist viel passiert. Die Medien hatten ihr den Spitznamen Vibrator-Lehrerin gegeben und noch lange über sie berichtet. Vor allem für die Bild-Zeitung war ihre Geschichte das gefundene Fressen! Die Reporter durchleuchteten ihr gesamtes Leben und...
MILFAfter a long and exhaustive search, I have finally found the perfect boy to make my wife. He is as pretty as any girl I've seen, with unblemished, milky-white flesh, pouty lips, and a round, little bubble-butt that gets me hard whenever I picture bending him over and ramming home my seven-incher. I just know he'll take to my cock like a fish to water.He is painfully shy to the extent he has difficulties meeting girls his age. He lives alone, rarely dates, and has a mild, submissive temperament....
Might as well face it, you're... Addicted to Love Juice By Cum Bunny Chapter 1 - The Stranger "Andy, if she doesn't want to do it, you can't make her," reasoned Chris. They we conversing over a couple of beers at the Northburg, one of their favorite bars along High Street. Actually, it was their seventh or eighth beer. (It gets hard to keep count after five.) And it was still early on a Thursday night. "Thirsty Thursday," as Andy called it. Andy had no classes on Friday and...
The idea for this story initially arose through a dialog with some of my Mexican friends. There was much going on about immigration and the plight of refugees at the time. Some parts of the story are factual, other parts of my creation. You can decide which are which. It is a longer story. I do not like serialization and having to wait days, weeks, and months etc for the story to complete. Hence please bear with me. This is dedicated to those Latin friends. Caution: I have drawn on...
Hi all, this is your JJ & as usual with the lesbian erotic story. Of late it’s been very tired for me to keep up my regular assignments thereby I have not been regular like what it was previously. There is always a new wave of refreshment when ever I go thru a feed back from the readers & I feel too guilty anyway be rest assured of the below narration its going to be the best ever of the women’s hostel series that you have been reading. No more muck we go straight to the prominent working...
LesbianHi there, stranger. Or should we say, beloved audience! This is a show about real struggles, relationship, and growth as people. Here on F.U. TV, we believe in actual promising shows that focus on the best part of humanity. Thus, we made the "Naughty Futa's Association" which takes the most at risk shemales of society and gives them a sense of belonging. And we also want to document that a network that truly cares about it's upstanding audience worth our 360 recording devices put in very...
TranssexualBack in the late seventies and early eighties I was a post graduate archeology student studying for my master’s degree in the UK. I had grants and everything but my girlfriend, Nicky, had a good job and that made life easy. In those days our relationship was what was called open. We loved each other but didn’t put too much emphasis on fidelity. I’d sat on the sofa and watched her get screwed by other guys. I’d joined in and even fondled their balls or licked her clit while she was being ridden....
He sat at the edge of the bed, naked and full of anticipation. She was topless, her full breasts swinging as she moved. She was beautiful, with short, dark hair done in a pixie cut. She bent down to take his penis in her hands, but he stopped her. "You know what I like", he said, pointing at the pack of cigarettes on the nightstand. The woman took a cigarette from the pack and put it in her mouth. Her mouth was painted in deep red lipstick, which stained the end of the cigarette as soon as it...
FetishEPISODE 11: "Mecha Meets its Match? Cheer Raider Captured!" "Alright, Matt, come at me," Jennifer invited. Matt smiled and ran towards her, his fist raised in preparation for a punch. The next thing he knew, he was flat on his back with the wind knocked out of him. "Very good, Jennifer, that was well done," said Ricketts. As promised, General Alvarez had assigned him to give them a crash course in some basic battle techniques. In the spirit of things, they were both wearing...
My wife gave me a pleasant surprise last week when she informed me my birthday present was a weekend in Vegas. We’ve both been working hard since college and I was looking forward to blowing off some steam.I’m 26 and Laura is 23. We met in college; we were both on the tennis team. I’ve been in the accounting field and Laura is in marketing. The two incomes gives us a great lifestyle.Laura reserved a great suite at one of the big casinos, I was really pleased with the large suite. We checked in...
"Walk into those brambles," Emma suggested, pointing at an overgrowth of bushes nestled under several trees. This was after having walked a couple of hours through what seemed to be uninhabited terrain, Timora began complaining that her feet hurt. The boots she had on didn't really fit all that well, having been designed to show off her fashion sense rather than her practicality. "So take them off," Jessika had suggested. Timora did, and now she was walking barefoot, the same as the two...
David closed the box and put it back in the satchel. He then placed it on the top shelf in his closet. He looked around the room and knew he was in the same house he left but it was a different home. Subtle things were different, things that nobody would notice unless they would knew to look for them. He walked into the master bathroom and turned the water on, knowing he would not have to adjust the temperature with this expensive faucet. David lathered his body and was enjoying the multiple...
Stupid Husband Tricks By Juliette Lima I suppose I should explain why I'm telling this tale, it's all because I didn't want to take a six week bus tour of the mid-west and stop at a different mall every day. My wife of more than three decades and her sister got it in their heads that taking a bus tour, hitting malls all over the mid-west, and then having a rolling scrapbooking party every day on the bus was just the absolute ideal vacation. I told her I would rather be beaten...
"Rachel, Rachel, I've been thinking, what a grand world this would be..." - Traditional Campfire Song A Life Ever Changing #17 Rachel, Rachel By Angel I slung "my" purse over my shoulder and we were off to my Doctors.... I stepped out through the door and into a new world. I felt every breeze! My senses were treated to new sensations. I had been on sensory overload going on two days! Brain and body overload was coming I could feel it! My mind went in fifty million...
Meanwhile, I hired some workers to completely clean Dolphin out. That could be done where it was. Since we weren’t planning on any repairs or changes, getting it ready to sell should go fast. I wanted the hold empty and the hull cleaned both inside and out, so that we could inspect it and see what shape it was in. I put a couple of men to wetting the ways again, so that Dolphin could slide on mud instead of dirt. I asked the Commander to train some men that I could hire directly, instead of...
I am 25 years of age and stand six foot two inches tool and have an average body – it used to be an athletic body however injuries playing sport growing up has resulted in me putting on weight while recovering from all the injuries.Growing up at school I was far from a "chick magnet" however had my fair share of summer romances, one night stands and semi-serious relationships – however it wasn't until I turned 19 that my life changed forever and turned me into the type of person I am today.My...
A phone sex partner of mine asked me to make him a masturbation audio for him and touch myself while I thought only of him, and I did.
HI, Everyone, My name is Sachin(Name changed), I’m from Bangalore, and I’m regular reader of indian sex stories dot net. I’m here to narrate my first sex experience. I’m basically Bangalorean, Party Freak. Built body, 6ft tall, good looking. I had many GF in college but never had sex with them just end up with oral sex. Let me come to the story, after completing BE I started working in MNC as a software engineer. It’s being 3years I started working, I never had any relationship after my...
Ann heard Carlos adjusting the mirror after he had turned off the lights. She heard the click of a switch and received the shock of her life. Where she had seen her own image another room appeared. "A two-way mirror," Carlos explained in a low whisper. "We can see everything--they not see us." A large double bed like the one behind them was up against the wall right next to the mirror. Ann's heart skipped a beat Julia was lying spread-eagled in the center of the bed, completely nude,...
The McLean sisters Di and Leanne looked through the shades at their new neighbor standing hands on hips watching the to relocation team drive away in their huge truck. Their mom Heather joined them. ‘Nice ass.’ ‘Act your age mom,’ Leanne said and she and Di sniggered. ‘I wonder if he likes sex,’ Di (22) said, winking at her year-older sister, knowing that sort of remark riled their mom. But Heather remained silent and her expression appeared to be reflective. The sisters stared blankly at...
Bright and early next morning Jacqui set off for her first day at the new job; her first job. She wondered how it would go, and whether she would like the people in the company. Lacking a family life, she had never really had any friends, nor had she ever had to fend for herself. Thus she was very nervous about the company, and her new boss. The letter said she was to report to Miss Alison Drew and Jacqui thought, with mild relief, that meant she would be working for a woman. The Call Centre...
I met Penny in the common lounge at the engineering building, and from the start, I could see she was anything but conventional. I'm not sure why I went over and started talking to her. She was attractive, to be sure, a little on the stout side, but agreeably, with a shapely ass and an impressive cleavage. She had mousy-blonde hair and an ever-present smile, which was somewhere between pleasant and sardonic. Could be I'm just naturally attracted to the unusual.She grew up in New York City,...
College SexMissy Somers lay back on her bed with a sigh. Tomorrow was going to be a big day. Her brother Donnie was coming home after an entire year at military school — no breaks and no holidays. She'd been thinking about him a lot as the day for his homecoming neared. Donnie was a year older than her sixteen years, and he was as cute as any teen heartthrob you cared to name. And she wanted to fuck him. Oh she knew that it was something wrong, taboo, disgusting and just plain yucky to contemplate,...
The ethereal power pursues souls to the sea, the sea spits them up onto the threshold of the earth, the earth into the light of the bright sun and the sun hurls them into the whirling ether.- Empedocles of Akragas (5 th Century BCE)The first thing that you noticed about Claudia was that she was beautiful. Hers was a refined, sophisticated beauty and at its heart lay, an innate earthiness and a rugged independence that surely came from her Sicilian ancestry. Her dark brown eyes and long,...
Straight SexPart Two"Davie, stop whining and do it. Stick the dildo in myass, but make sure it's well lubricated. You know whatmy BIG BLACK DICK-DADDY Junior said, my ass must be ready for him to fuck,now shut the fuck up and push that dildo in.""You would never let me fuck your ass, but as soon afucking black man asks you're all eager, it's notright," whined Davie as he shoved the dildo in bit bybit into his wife'Tracey's arsehole.""I wish you wouldn't call him your DICK-DADDY, it's sodemeaning."Tracey...
Frankie didn’t have to wait long to hear from Bob again as she was getting ready to go to bed the same evening her phone sang out again and it was him, she answered with as much sex in her voice as she could muster as she heard him say, take your pants down and play with you pussy for me, Frankie didn’t need asking twice as even though she had cum so many times already that day her pussy was still soaking wet and sore but good sore.As she held the phone to her ear she decided to put it on...
When I entered the kitchen the sunshine was streaming through the window and the appetising smell of bacon, eggs, toast and coffee and the sight of Mum standing at the bench with her back to me, greeted me. I crept up behind her and wrapped my arms around her waist and hugged her. "Morning Mum" I said, "I don't know which smells best - you or the food." "Morning, you should be starving after all that exercise last night" she said, "Put me down and sit at the table and I'll get your...
Hey guys…So as I had left the other part that we had a nice time in the lawn, that night we just dressed and left. After a week or so, Priyansh and I met again at his house and this time we both saw each other in a very different way than we used to as the erotic scenes of that night flashed through and mind, and was visible through our bulges also. Now when we met again I instantly went near him and kissed him very passionately and we both had each other’s tongues in our mouth and we had a...
Gay MaleHe stands there waiting in anticipation for the long awaited encounter. He doesn’t know what he is feeling or even how to describe it. He wonders what it will be like, what she will be like. He hopes he is able to recognise her, he starts to worry about not knowing who she is. His head is looking down and she can see that he looks nervous. She thinks she might be but her happiness won’t let it show, she can imagine the thoughts he is having, how much he might be thinking of things. At first...
“Your mission, should you choose to accept it,” Jay said, “Is to put this,” he showed his sister a small glass vial of his semen, “Into that.” He gestured to a girl across the food court, about his age, wearing a t-shirt and suspenders, shorts, thigh high red and black socks, and Doc Martens. With a severe wave in her obviously dyed fire engine red hair, she was cute in a butch kind of way. “She’s a lesbian?” “Bingo!” She hated his stupid “catch phrase” response. “Think you can do it?” She...
I take a deep breath as I enter the vast hospital and quickly find my way to the clean private room, briefly stopping when I see the middle-aged man stood outside. "Hi Mark!" I say to the smartly-dressed man, who greets me with a handshake and a smile. "Hello Stuart!" the man warmly replies. "Jamie's currently being seen by her nurse, but she should done any minute." "That's why you're out here instead of in there, then?" I chuckle. "Yep," Jamie's dad says. "Thought I'd give the...
DEE'S DIARY TUESDAY, MAY 7th (Continued) Suddenly, I was sitting between Martha and Mommy. I had to look up at them because I was very small, but that was perfectly normal. All three-year-olds are small. And this was when Martha was my nanny. Of course it was! And now I was leaning slightly against Mommy and playing pat-a-cake with Martha, and I was laughing and giggling, and thinking "They look so YOUNG!" but I didn't seem to have any control over my actions. And that made sense, too....
By : Neethu Das Part II: The Refresher Course After the shower, I fished out some clothes from Ak’s cupboard. My cousins dress. I then went to the front room joined the other two. Gr felt like he needed a bath, so he went for a bath. While me and Nt were started talking, one of the topics was previous gang bangs. We have not had many but a few in the last three year. Seven or eight times.” Nt said. Where do you get the girls?”Trust me there are many girls are adventurous. Most of the ladies...
"Hello." "WHERE WERE YOU LAST NIGHT! I called like a hundred times." "Ya sorry about that, Shaun came over." "Did you guys talk about it?" "Ya you could say that." Ross said getting a big grin on his face. "Well, are you guys friends again?" "After last night I thing we are a little more than friends." Ross said. "Shut up, tell me everything that happened." "How am I supposed to do both those things at the same time." Ross joked. "Oh come on you have to tell me,...
As Jase has declined to write anything yet (he says I'm better at it) I'll write about our first outing with public nudity, following on from our first holiday together.A couple of weeks after we returned from Spain, we each took a day off work with the sole intention of getting some outdoor nudes taken, with maybe a little public exposure thrown in. The first job was to sort out some quick-release outfits so we diverted into the local town. I confess I was already excited, likely because I was...
ExhibitionismAs I came into the house my wife Renu was sitting on the sofa wearing her jean dress that buttons up the front and barely covers her ass. I asked her what we were doing tonight and she told me we were going out to eat with Prachi and Harish. We were to meet them around seven at a nice restaurant. I went into our room to shower and noticed clothes already laid out on the bed for me. I took my shower and thought of how good Renu looked, but remembering that the dress had a couple of buttons that...