An ClochánChapter 74 free porn video

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Once everyone was seated in the Clans’ suite Aoife asked, “Would you describe what you consider to be special abilities?”

Maz replied, “I am not sure where to start. I think that what you call telepathy we know as mind reading. I don’t know of any of us who’ve admitted to having that ability, but I think we all know some who are very good at knowing someone’s intent.”

“We consider telepathy and mind reading to be slightly different abilities. However the difference may only be true for us. For us telepathy is conversing without verbalizing, while mind reading is accessing another’s thoughts, and possibly memories. We are also aware that, at times, it may seem as though someone with strong empathic abilities can read someone’s thoughts.”

“Interesting. I hadn’t thought of that difference.”

“Do you have special abilities?” queried Jill.

“Well I am not sure. I was evaluated for special abilities in my fifth year of school, which is the traditional time for that. My family and I were told that my abilities were insignificant, my siblings and cousins had similar results. Needless to say my family was both disappointed and surprised as it was not consistent with our family history. However, as I got older it became apparent to me that I definitely had some ability. For instance, I know when someone is not speaking truthfully, and why. Also, I can locate someone quite easily. There have even been times when I thought I’d influenced others. As to whether these instances are an indication of me having paranormal abilities, I don’t really know.”


“My experience is similar to Maz’s. I was actively discouraged from developing what abilities I do have as the reviewer didn’t expect me to be able to control them. The abilities I’ve discovered myself are similar to those Maz described. When I tried to get assistance in managing what I knew I had I was rebuked for challenging the evaluation, and told to behave or risk suffering dire consequences. Based on what I’ve seen I think all my family have abilities that they do not admit to. I am not aware of any of them receiving any training or assistance in perfecting those abilities, although I’ve overheard some of them claim that the secret to effectively using such abilities is to practice them. The training is supposed to teach you how to do that. I’ve tried to use my abilities but it was difficult to find a place where I wouldn’t be disturbed. The few times I had the opportunity I didn’t have much success. It was hard to focus due to fear of being caught.”


“It is the same for me. So far Maz and Winz have avoided saying that not everyone is treated the same. The family members of the ‘in group’ didn’t like it when others had abilities they didn’t, or were more proficient in using their known abilities.”

“That is not an unusual trait. Jar?”

“My evaluation was similar to the others. Like Maz, there are moments when I think mine are active. As to adding anything further, I think they’ve covered it pretty well.”

“So why the interest?” said Winz.

Tara said, “First, please rest assured that we believe what you’ve told us. However we sense that you are more capable in this regard than you realize, in spite of what you have been told. If you would like we may be able to assist you in learning more about what abilities you do have and how to use them.”

“Yes, please,” quickly responded the four youngsters.

“We have some concerns about what to expect from the passenger representatives at the meeting tomorrow. While we do have offensive and defensive capabilities, we prefer not to reveal this unless necessary. Based on the reports we have we suspect that they have already tried using their paranormal abilities on our people.”

Winz said, “I don’t know whether any of them can cast spells but I have heard that they can. To me it seems that they just use a form of hypnotism to get people to do their bidding. In doing this they appear to override how a person feels about an assignment or issue. Dutzcak has attempted to use that technique on me more than once without success.”

Joyce said, “I presume that each of you have observed events that you believe were the result of someone using special abilities.” The four nodded their agreement. “Would you describe some of these events?”

Blee, Maz, Winz, and Jar then took turns describing some of the things that they had noticed. After each of them had described several such events Winz said, “Being curious, what can you do besides exchange thoughts telepathically.”

“This is one,” replied Sally. A small blue translucent sphere appeared then floated above her hand. She then added several more. “These are really good to throw at something as they give a shock on impact.”

“Or this,” said Maeve. Winz gasped as she floated up then slowly settled back down.

Alison added, “Like the four of you, we can sense intent. There are other things we are capable of but demonstrations are best done outside or in a much larger room.”

“So you can create lightning and thunderstorms?”

“We don’t know. For those you need an atmosphere or biosphere and we haven’t often had that luxury so we haven’t attempted them.”

“Would you evaluate us? Well at least me.” asked Winz

“Remember it is your choice whether to proceed or not. When you return to your ship we suspect that some passengers will notice a difference in you, but they may not realize why.”

“I am not concerned, so what do I do?”

Maeve said, “Come sit between Tara and I.”

“Can we observe?” asked Moya.

“Sure, but through your link with us, and don’t push out any thoughts to us.”

Blee, Winz, Maz, and Jar moved so they were sitting between Maeve and Tara. When everyone was positioned Maeve said, “First you want to hold hands with the person on each side of you. Our first step will be to see if we can communicate with you telepathically. Once we cross that bridge we should be able to help you assess what your natural talents are, then we will show you how to control them. Using such abilities is a skill, so it takes practice to be able to use them effectively. There is a possibility that how your talent functions is significantly different to ours so we may not be very much help. If that is the case, we have friends that we will ask to assist you. Okay?”

“Yes,” replied the four.

The next morning Sarah’s Clan smiled as they saw their children and visitors enter the dining hall. They were pleased to see the smiles on their visitors’ faces as they were almost radiant. When the group joined them after getting their food, Sarah’s Clan said, “Good morning all,” as they continued eating.

“Good morning,” the group replied. Sarah’s Clan could sense and tell from their expressions that Blee, Winz, Maz, and Jar were pleased to be there.

Smiling Winz said, “This is fantastic.”

“Yes it is,” added Blee, Maz, and Jar.

“When do we need to be at Tara?” queried Jar.

“Can we come along?” added Moya.

“Well it is scheduled to begin at 12:00 hours, so about 11:30 or so would be fine. Yes, all of you can come. Typically when we have off-world visitors we wear the Salwar Kameez style clothes, for at least the first official meeting. So today we prefer that you wear them as well.”

“I think I know the answer but why the difference?” queried Winz with a smile.

“We want a more formal atmosphere as some see nudity as uncivilized and informal. Besides, when we are naked some people have trouble looking any of us in the eye when conversing.”

“We are not surprised. You all are very lovely.”

“At the meeting we want you to sit together where Molly’s and Jackie’s Clans usually sit. That way there will be plenty of room for other observers.”


The group was just finishing breakfast when several of their mentors joined them. Those with Sarah’s Clan said, “Good morning.”

“It is always a good morning when we see you all,” they replied.

Sarah looked toward their guests and said, “This is Aine, Brigit, Creidne, and Deidre.” As she spoke their name, they waved.

“We are especially pleased to see you here this morning,” said Aine as her sisters nodded and smiled.

“It is a pleasure to meet you,” softly responded Winz, with her friends nodding. “I am Winz and with me are Blee, Maz, and Jar.” Each gave a slight bow as they were named.

“We heard that Sarah’s Clan assisted with understanding your abilities last night.”

“They did,” they replied with a smile.

“If you don’t mind we would like to review them with you after breakfast.” Seeing worry begin to creep into their expressions she added, “There is nothing to worry about. We just want the opportunity to give you a few tips that you might find useful.”

Moya said, “Their tips and advice are always the best.” Several of the children nodded in agreement.

Iris added, “These are some of our parents’ special friends that we mentioned last night. As far as we are concerned they are a part of our family, a very special part, so we consider them to be our aunts.”

“We appreciate that,” responded Deidre with Aine, Creidne, and Brigit nodding.

“Sorry to be hesitant,” responded Winz. “Last night was quite a revelation in that...well it opened doors that we had never imagined were there. Now that communicating this way has been enabled, I think I see a strong link between all of you and our hosts. So yes, I greatly appreciate your offer to help me adjust to the changes.”

“What she said,” added Jar obviously uncomfortable. Several of those present chuckled.

“We agree,” said Maz and Blee.

“Where do you want to meet with them?” queried Corey.

“The conference room off the bridge would be good.”

“Cool,” said Jar causing many of Sarah’s Clan to chuckle, even the mentors joined in surprising the four young guests.

Kennith said, “You are welcome to join us for breakfast.”

“Thanks, but it looks like you all are done.”

“Nearly so, but I suspect some of us would like seconds. If we went up with you we will have an excuse to go through the line again. We have the time but I believe our parents need to leave fairly soon.”

“Come on, let’s see what our choices are,” responded Brigit.

The children and the mentors were about half way through their meal when Sarah said, “We need to be going, so we will see you at Tara about 11:30. Remember to wear your Salwar Kameez.”

“Can we lend some outfits to Winz, Blee, Maz, and Jar?” asked Marnia.

“I don’t see a problem with that, just don’t be look-a-likes.”

“What did she mean ‘by look-a-likes’?” queried Blee.

“She was suggesting that we vary the design and colour of our clothes,” replied Keri. “Due to the differences in our eye and hair colouring, we each look better in some colours than others. While the designs are subtle, they can give an indication of your personality.”

“I never thought of that. At home we wore mostly earth colours, and there wasn’t a wide variety of those.”

---- ----- ----

On WZA9000 Cathan said to the passenger representatives, “It is time for us to board the shuttle.”

Each of them picked up a large bag and followed Sorcha into the shuttle. When everyone was on board Todd said, “Since we have extra room you should strap your bags into the seat next to you. While we aren’t expecting any sudden moves it is safer to secure everything during the trip. If there is a loss of air pressure there are suits underneath your seat. If the alarm sounds immediately begin putting them on, which is very easy to do provided you don’t panic. As soon as we have ours on we will assist you.”

“Has that happened?” queried Nuqarz with a worried expression.

“We haven’t used them due to a mechanical emergency to date. We have used them for other reasons.”

“How do we put them on?”

“First place them on the deck, then open the package. Place your feet on the indicated places then pull it up with the handles. Once you’ve initiated the process the suit will automatically enclose you, provided you don’t interfere with it. Here is an instruction card.”

“Thank you.”

As the shuttle shifted away from WZA9000 Cathan said, “On our trip down to the planet we will be passing some of our ships. They can be seen out the view ports, alternatively the monitor on the front wall shows the pilots view.”

Cathan said to the shuttle AI, “You’ve activated your shield, correct?”

“Yes, as are my links with you all. I gather you are expecting problems.”

“Cautious. There are indications that they have psionic like abilities although they seem to be different to ours. We haven’t hidden anything and our telepathy should be obvious.”

“So there is no objection to them looking at our systems?”

“Not to looking, but if you sense anything else let us know.”


Cathan’s mental activity had drawn the attention of Girluzk and Utezc. Krystin of Cathan’s Clan smiled when she saw them smile and nod to those next to them while making hand gestures. Girluzk relaxed in her seat and then reached out mentally to probe Cathan’s thoughts. They had all tried this at one time or another on their ship without success. While a few of them thought the difficulty was due to the Órarduine actively blocking them, others scoffed at the idea and instead suggested it was because their thought associations were different. Based on their observations they were certain that the Órarduine were telepathic. From their perspective this was an ability that appeared to be very rare for their breed. It was a capability that they wished they had as they felt it would make it easier to manage and direct their family. Although Girluzk could sense Cathan’s mental activity, she couldn’t see any detail. When she shifted her probing toward the other Órarduine she had the same results although she did notice that Krystin’s mental activity appeared to be quite different, but again she couldn’t see any detail. As she pulled back from her probing she wondered whether the actions Tcque, Wurzick, and Dutzcak planned to take were a mistake.

While Girluzk probed the Órarduine Utezc scanned the activity in the ship’s systems. She had been able to do this on WZA9001 and in some cases gain access. She soon spotted activity and reached for it. On connecting she moaned and stiffened in her seat as her mind was flooded with multiple sources of raw sensor data. The flow was so overwhelming that it took her several minutes to break the link. By that time she was so exhausted she could hardly think. She struggled to summon the energy so that she could warn the others.

Wurzick noticed Utezc slump down in her seat then become very still. He went to nudge her but a moan by Girluzk drew his attention. When he looked over he noticed that she had also slumped down in her seat. He smirked as it was obvious that neither woman were up to the task of gathering any data. From his perspective this was not unexpected. Now that it was just this small group of escorts he could tell that they had a connection between them. While he wanted to know more, he was now certain that they would notice any probing by him.

“Cathan,” said the shuttle AI, “one of them accessed the sensor data. It had no effect on operations.”

“Aye. Two of them are slumped in their seats and look rather pale. We believe it was Utezc who tried to read the sensor data. Girluzk attempted to probe us mentally.”

“I’ve noted it in the log.”

“Good. I don’t expect them to give up.”

By the time their shuttle approached Tara Ardchlár both Utezc and Girluzk had recovered. They were awake and looking around. The shuttle’s approach provided them with an excellent view of Gaillimh island. Then when the shuttle began its descent to the Spaceport they were again provided with a view of activity at the settlement and the surrounding area. The East Tara Pavilion was also visible during the descent. Its beauty surprised the passengers while at the same time its presence puzzled them. It was obviously a special place, possibly even sacred, but they weren’t sure what it represented.

As they walked from the shuttle to their ground transportation they could see Monque and Atewa Space Fleet ships across the ramp. Besides the fleet ships there were several small cargo shuttles with Atewa and Monque insignias.

Cathan’s Clan was pleased by the expressions on the faces of their guests. The lack of questions surprised them, but perhaps having their mental hands slapped made them cautious. On the ride to Central Square they took the long way around. This gave their visitors an opportunity to see more of the activity, but from ground level. Sensing their earlier interest in the pavilion they slowed down when it came into view.

“What is the building in the distance with the dome over it?” queried Victurcz.

Sorcha replied, “We refer to it as the East Tara Pavilion. It is a place for meditation. Our Councilors take their oath of office there.”

“The pavilion is very beautiful.”

“My first impression was that it was a temple,” noted Wurizck.

“Isn’t a temple a place to meditate?” responded Lasairfhiona.

“In a broad sense, yes.”

When they reached the entrance to Central Square Ciar said, “Here we are.”

“Are we late?” queried Tcque with a worried expression.

“No, actually we are a little early.”

By the time the group started toward the building Sarah, Siobhan, Maureen, Keriann, Kathryn, and Amy were waiting at the entrance to greet them. Together they said, “Welcome to Tara Ardchlár. We hope you had a comfortable trip down from your ship,” as they gave their visitors a slight bow.

Parqz replied, “It was very comfortable. This is a very beautiful island.”

“We agree,” responded Sarah. “The rest of our clans are waiting inside to meet you.”

Inside the room she added, “We’ve set up this section for your use. If you need more space for your bags we can remove some of the chairs. Take your time getting settled; once you are ready we will begin by introducing ourselves. There is an assortment of snacks, with tags describing them in Standard and Coschenz, on the sideboard along with refreshments. Please help yourself at any time as there is no need to wait for a break.”

Nuqarz said, “Thank you. This is very nice. It should only take us a few moments before we are ready.”

Dutzcak bristled when he saw Blee, Winz, Maz, and Jar sitting with a group of young Órarduine. From his perspective they were an indication of how far off course this move had gone. It just added to his displeasure as he hadn’t been pleased when he woke up and found the Órarduine on board and in control. Seeing those four helping the Órarduine just magnified his displeasure. It wasn’t how things were supposed to be. Waking up naked in the shower area had been a shock, especially with all the women around. Most of his colleagues saw the arrival of the Órarduine as fortunate; he didn’t however as it wasn’t what had been planned. For now he was stuck in a supporting role and it rankled him. He should be the one dealing with these people as he represented the largest family. With Parqz as their lead spokesperson he was certain that this meeting was well on its way to being a disaster. The situation would be much better if they had a single leader with the others as assistants or advisers, rather than acting as a group. They would be in much better position to deal with these heathens if he was the one in charge.

While he couldn’t find a flaw in the evidence the Órarduine provided them, he still didn’t understand why the ships they had been expecting weren’t waiting for them. Well there had been ships waiting, but they were obviously pirate ships not what they had been told would be there. The other issue that bugged him was ‘who was behind sedating them and the crew’.

Refocusing on where he was he scanned the faces seated across the table trying to get a sense of them. The Órarduine were certainly different to any other species they knew about. While they were fairly certain that the Órarduine had magic abilities, they hadn’t been able to determine what they were. Looking over the crowd again he noticed four sitting in the back row who were obviously different. While they looked familiar, he couldn’t place them. After a moment he decided that the familiarity must be due to them resembling someone he knew.

Chuckles across the room drew his attention back to Winz, Maz, Blee, and Jar. He didn’t understand why their ship’s AI chose to wake them. It rankled him that the Órarduine were going to them for information rather than the Elders. Since recovering from the sedative he had made several attempts to gain control of them. They didn’t respond to his nonverbal commands, which surprised him as they had always worked with others. After carefully scanning them he realized that it would likely require subjecting them to severe corrective methods. In their current situation he was limited in how forceful he could be in controlling them and correcting their aberrant behaviour. However, he was certain that after a few days treatment they would become model family members. His thought brought forth a recollection of other times that corrective measures were applied to troublesome family members. Afterward the person was quite willing to do anything an Elder asked them to do. Only a select few knew of the tools they used, or the extent of the pain induced, to bring about the model behaviour as there were never any visible scars.

Looking again at the four young adults he thought he would try once more to command them. When he reached out to them, he was shocked. Their paranormal blocks were gone. He knew they were there when he scanned them on the ship. While he could sense their mental activity, it was not the same as it had been. After several tries his frustration turned to anger and his thoughts returned to the corrective methods he would soon use on them. After a moment he realized that he could begin now and prepared to throw a pain inducing mental jab at them. He gathered the energy, but before he could release it his thoughts clouded up as his head began to pound and his vision blurred. The throbbing increased quickly and was so intense that he closed his eyes as tears streamed down his cheeks.

Aine, Brigit, Creidne, and Deidre were sitting in the back row monitoring all the passenger representatives. While they weren’t very impressed with several of them, it was Dutzcak’s actions that had drawn their attention. That was when they saw his plans for the 4 young visitors, and his previous actions to correct what he saw as unacceptable behaviour. Although their appearance did not show it they were angered by what he had done both to members of his family and to others in his group. It was clear to them that he got a considerable amount of satisfaction from administering the severe corrective measures.

“Aine,” said Morrigan, “are you all okay?”

“Yes. We just had a look into the mind of a very sick individual. It was almost like a fermenting garbage pit. Having said that, it is not the worst we’ve seen.”

“If you need assistance I can be there in a flash.”

“I think we will be fine. Besides, we don’t want to distract you as it will delay your return.”

“Aye, but we are pretty close to finishing up here.”

Victurcz said to Dutzcak, “Are you okay?”

“Except for having a throbbing headache, I am fine. Did you see our four sitting over there?”

“Yes, they look fine. It also appears that they have made friends with people their age. Seeing them there really answers the question we asked about them.”

“I wonder why they are sitting over there.”

“Apparently they’ve made friends and chose to sit with them. That would seem to bode well for us. Are you ready for the meeting to begin?”

“Not quite. It won’t take but a minute.”

Victurcz frowned as she watched him move with slow jerky motions.

The other Elders watched Dutzcak with concern as he arranged the items he had brought. When he finished Parqz looked at each of them before he stood and said, “I believe we are ready, so we can begin when it is convenient.”

“The honour is yours. Please proceed,” said Siobhan.

“First, on behalf of everyone on our ship, thank you for discovering our situation and the subsequent rescue. The passengers belong to five families and prior to beginning our voyage they chose us to represent their interests until they were released from hibernation. There are two of us from each family and we fill the role of Elder in our families. Since our ship can only support a limited number of active people during a voyage the majority of us were in hibernation. While there could have been a few more people not in hibernation we decided to limit those active to just us and crew. One benefit of having fewer active during the voyage was that it increased the life support reserves once at our destination. After our meeting we hope that we will have time to mingle.

“My name is Parqz.”

“I am Nuqarz. Parqz and I represent the same family. For us the word ‘family’ is often used in two ways, which I believe is similar to your usage. We use it to identify a large number of people who are directly related. At times it is also used to refer to the smallest unit which we normally refer to as a ‘pod’. The word ‘Sep’ refers to a grouping of pods. Thus a Family is a grouping of multiple Seps who are comprised of multiple pods. Members of a Family are related by birth or marriage.”

The Coschenz introductions went smoothly until it was Dutzcak’s turn. With an angry scowl and a red face he stood and said, “My name is Dutzcak.” Before he could say more, Victurcz stood and introduced herself. In response to this his face turned an even darker red. His posture changed as he turned toward her and his hands clenched as he stared at her. Everyone held their breath. When the two sat down everyone started to breathe again as the tension ebbed away.

---- ----- ----

During the time the Coschenz were arranging items on their table Cathan’s Team moved to stand along one side of the room while Zoe’s Team moved to a position on the other side. Both Security teams could sense that the dynamics of today’s meeting were vastly different than yesterdays.

Winz noticed Cathan’s and Zoe’s Teams and said, “Good morning, Cathan’s and Zoe’s Teams.”

“Is that you, Winz?” responded Sorcha.

“Yes, Sorcha. We were taught how to enable our telepathy last night. It was surprisingly easy once a couple of things were fixed.”

“Zoe’s and our clan noticed that you had a link with Sarah’s and Siobhan’s children.”

“Yes, we sorted it out this morning. We’ve really enjoyed our time with them and everyone we’ve met. This is so different to...”

“We understand,” said Zoe. “Dutzcak doesn’t seem too pleased to see you.”

“He is only pleased if he is treated as a deity and you do exactly as you are told. Some in our family avoid being anywhere near him when they can. This avoidance even extends too many of his own family. We try too, but it isn’t easy on the ship..”

Todd said, “Your feelings seem to indicate a stronger emotion about this than your words. As to his opinion of himself, that seems to be a trait for all of them.”

“Some are more human than others,” added Maz. “Victurcz is a nice to work with, especially when Dutzcak is not around.”

“It looks like all four of you are telepathic,” noted Blanche.

“We are,” they replied.

“Are they telepathic?”

“Possibly,” responded Maz. “After what we learnt about ourselves we presume that they have paranormal capabilities, and that probably includes a form of telepathy. To offer an opinion based on the little we’ve learnt about psionic and paranormal abilities, theirs may be different to those that your family has.”

“Thank you. That is what I was sensing.”

The confirmation of what Blanche had sensed regarding the representatives’ abilities was quickly shared with the Councilors and Mentors present.

Aine said, “Thanks. Dutzcak attempted to contact the four of you. He is now quite angry that he didn’t succeed.”

“So that is what I felt?” questioned Winz.

“Your shields are set to block external commands, and anyone you haven’t talked to since putting them in place. He was trying to command each you to join them. When he failed it made him angry, apparently angry enough that it induced a severe headache. However, remember that shields are never perfect, so be cautious.”

“Thanks,” replied the four.

---- ----- ----

When the Coschenz representatives finished their introductions Sarah stood. “We aren’t certain that you’ve had an opportunity to see the videos that describe our World, so I will now provide a few facts about us. Our World is governed by eight clans. They are elected by the citizens and serve staggered terms. We refer to them as Councilor, whether the reference is to a member or to a clan. Today only six Councilor Clans are here as two are visiting another solar system. Based on Nuqarz’s description of your social structure, it appears to be similar to ours. For us the smallest family unit is a clan which typically consists of 8 to 12 spouses, although it can be smaller or larger. Our largest clan is Sarah’s Clan which has 16 spouses. The children sitting with your young adults Winz, Maz, Blee, and Jar are from Sarah’s and Siobhan’s Clans. Also among that group are several very close friends.

Same as An Clochán
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spring break in Cancun Mexico at 18 yrs old

My senior year of high school me and two of my best friends booked a week in Cancun for Spring Break. We anticipated the vacation all year and saved our monies for ONE HELL OF A WEEK! My best friend since 7th grade, Scott and my other best friend from High School, Ryan and I were staying at an all inclusive resort for seven days of sun and fun in the Carribean paridise! Wine, women and song!! At least, thats what we thought it was going to be?The day of our flight we were all so excited...

3 years ago
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The Latex Jungle

You are a brave and courageous Adventure-Courier, delivering messages all across the Empire. This is last delivery before a little vacation, you’ve decided, as this is a big one; an important document to be delivered to the capital city. You are leaving the citadel for the Far West, and must cross a vast distance of the land. You’re almost there, and decided to take a break at a hotsprings inn before the last leg of your journey. While you were relaxing, a thief nabbed your gear, and even your...

1 year ago
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A New LifeChapter 9

I should have guessed, I suppose, that the only daughter of a Baronet would not be poor. I don't suppose there are many poor solicitors anyway. Once we were married, Jessica explained that she hadn't wanted to influence my decisions, either way, as our relationship grew, but that she was in fact quite a wealthy woman. She's right, in fact; strange though it may seem, I would, well, might, have been frightened off. As it was, I didn't really think about it — obviously I was aware she was a...

2 years ago
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Shyam In Ranis Village

Hi readers, this is the second part of Shyam and rani. Shyam is brother in law of rani. Shyam’s wife rani went to her native for delivery. Meanwhile rani is enjoying Shyam completely. She took the permission from her husband (Kannan, Shyam’s bro) to seduce Shyam. Kannan went for a foreign trip, rani and Shyam came to rani’s village. (Shyam) I and rani reached her home in the evening. The door was opened; no one was there in the house. Rani told me to wait in the hall and showed me the sofa to...

1 year ago
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Five years later with my Sexy Aunt again

I didn’t tell my sexy aunt Venus that I have arrived the States because I wanted to give her a big surprise. I called a taxi, and told the driver my aunt’s address. It was the first time I went to the States, everything was so new to me. Girls I saw were all sexy like hell there. But even though I was looking to those girls who I thought were sexy walking outside the taxi, all I was thinking of was my aunt. I could not forget the scene I saw five years ago, that she was nude in front of me,...

3 years ago
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Twentyfive Year Old Virgin part two

My sweet Debora had left for Israel. I was still here in my high rise apartment. Alone again, but much wiser. She had taught me so much and I had learned well. I was ready to put my lessons to good use. In the meantime I was still using my binoculars to scope out the lady across the parking lot who loved to work out in the buff. She always did it after a man had left the apartment. I didn’t know if he was a boyfriend or a husband. One day I was standing in the nude as always waiting for her to...

2 years ago
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Our first cuckold session

The evening had been planned for a while, but even so, now that it had arrived, we were both a little nervous. Nervous, but also very excited.I’d always had this fantasy of watching my partner getting fucked by another man, and we’d talked about it and acted out the fantasy many times, thinking it would never happen for real.Until about a month ago. After a hot session with her, we were both lying together in bed, recovering when she suddenly sat up, looked at me and said ‘I think we should do...

1 year ago
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At the Gym

It was late. The workout room was empty except for me and a younger fellow working his lats on the other side of the room. I had been watching him from the corner of my eye all evening. I saw myself twenty years ago. But, I would say, he was a good bit shorter and not quite as developed as I was at his age. Still, his body was clearly defined: clearly articulated through the sweat stained and clinging cotton of his t-shirt. From his high rise blue shorts, well mounded thighs descended to...

4 years ago
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RansomeChapter 1 Going Public

When David arrived at Stapleford Secure Systems on the previous Monday he was surprised to be telephoned by the secretary to the Chairman and Managing Director, Colin Sharpe, to arrange an unofficial board meeting. “What is an unofficial board meeting?” he wondered aloud. “Mr. Sharpe wants to discuss some ideas before a formal board meeting so that he knows what the four of you think.” “Come on, Patience, you know I never go to board meetings. I just give Colin my proxy. I don’t worry...

1 year ago
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At BDSM Chat, what would you chat about? It’s funny how many kinks and fetishes you can encompass with just a small handful of letters. You could talk about Bondage and Discipline, get your fill of Domination and Submission, or yammer on about the topics of Sadism and Masochism. No matter which letters of the freaky alphabet get you going, you’re guaranteed to find other likeminded deviates on this next website. Who ever said it had to be lonely being a sexually depraved pervert? Certainly not...

Sex Chat Sites
2 years ago
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Spent Lockdown Time In Maamis Pussy 8211 Part 2

Hello everyone, I am Lucky from Delhi. I will not waste time in introducing myself, because I have given mine and my maami’s full in-depth description in the last part of this story. Please read it. Let’s start with the story in earnest. Next day morning. I woke up early, maami was sleeping naked in my arms. I was having my morning erection so I thought why to waste an erection. I spread her legs a little bit and put my fully erect dick in her pussy and went all in. Suddenly, maami woke up...

3 years ago
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Wasps 2 the Local Galactic ArmChapter 5

"Sergeant, we found people up here. You should come take a look!" "Roger. We're on our way." The five people in the control center eagerly hurried up to the next floor to see what had excited the trooper. There was row after row after row of chambers, each with an individual inside. The people looked like caricatures of asparagus stalks: they were up to eight feet tall, about two feet in diameter, had arms and stubby legs, and were gray-green in color. Jim took one look and said, in...

3 years ago
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What she deserves

What she deservesSo she figured she would get away with it. For days on FL, she acted as if she was interested in being my sex slave---she corresponded, said she was working for Harley Davdison, was living in England for now, but would return to NY, we would be together, wished to serve me, would sign a contract with me over dinner in March. But the slimy shit was lying--probably a total fraud. She even explained that she had used pictures of her sister on her FL profile--so insecure, so self...

2 years ago
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Jilly was a bleach-blonde, bubble-headed bimbo. A lot of my girls could barely stand to have her around, but there were a couple of clients who wanted to fuck the dumbest chick possible-- presumably the ones who would feel threatened by a girl with a brain. I usually send Tammy, who fakes idiocy well, but there's something to be said for a natural talent, and one guy in particular favored Jilly nearly exclusively and very frequently. After he was arrested (on completely unrelated charges, I...

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My dream of chastity before my friend became my Ke

I sent the keys to a girl with whom I am good friends with. As instructed, once it arrived she called me up and asked what the keys were for inside the card. I didn’t want to tell her over the phone, but I told her I would come visit her and show her in person. She demanded I tell her first, so I eventually caved and told her they were to my chastity device. She had never seen or heard of one before so naturally she flooded me with questions, what it was, how it worked etc. I sent her a few...

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Meeting a French Lady from Xhamster

We had been chatting for a couple of weeks until she said she felt happy to meet me. She was in the UK on a business trip and would be able to book a hotel close to me in the West Midlands.I was looking forward to meeting her as she had sent me pictures of her sexy little body, she was only 1m49 she told me which is around 4ft 10 in our language, me being 6ft 2 and very heavy set I looked forward to having such a delicate little lady to use as my plaything for a while.She arrived in the UK from...

2 years ago
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Georgia on My MindChapter 24

On a bright and sunny day two weeks after the funeral of Ellie Jane Lauderdale Hutchinson visitors to Briarwood Cemetery saw a very attractive older woman sitting on the bench next to where Charlie and Ellie Hutchinson are interred in the Lauderdale section of the cemetery. She was alone but nonetheless to the casual observer she seemed deep in conversation. "Sorry I haven't come by earlier but I was occupied with Jamie and getting settled in after he left and before you ask yes I fucked...

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Church of CyberscienceChapter 12

Over the four days it had taken WPC Wilson to investigate and compile her report for Drew, WPC Heather Cairns' e-mail had sparked a flurry of activity elsewhere in the Strathclyde police force. The Chief Superintendent in charge of the Child Protection Unit knew he didn't have enough to get a warrant to search the Cambo House Estate but he had to go through the motions anyway. The importance of the anonymous call and the information it provided - indicating that children were at serious...

2 years ago
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Crotch Lake Day 2

Day 2 MondayKen and I were up first. After a quick trip into the woods to water a couple of trees, Ken worked on re-stoking the fire to chase the morning chill from the campsite. Meanwhile, I got the coffee and bacon started on the gas stove. Neither of us seemed anxious to bring up the previous night as we were both working in silence.I called to the tent, “Hey girls, the bacon’s done. Are you two going to sleep all day?”Karen answered, “Put the eggs on. We’re almost ready.”I had my back to...

Wife Lovers
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5 Cheerleader Sex Slaves Chapter 17

This is the story of 5 high school cheerleaders who get lost and have their car breakdown, only to have a friendly garage owner "help" them out and turn them into slaves. Thanks for reading...Chapter s*******nMack pulled Tara’s nipple taut with his teeth making her squeal as she straddled his thighs. He stopped biting suddenly and pushed her chest away from him and then reached down toward Carrie in one motion. “Get out of here slut, I don’t need you anymore.” Mack smacked Carrie’s...

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Abbie pimps her roommate

"Fuck," Abbie shouted as she continued to surf the job websites, still finding nothing. "I cannot get kicked out of school. I just can't." Abbie had just two weeks ago been caught cheating on a test, and her scholarship had been revoked. She'd only managed to keep from getting expelled entirely by sucking off the dean of the Ethics Committee (not that she objected, she'd had a crush on Dr. Marvin for some time). There was no way, coming from as poor a family as she did, that she could afford to...

1 year ago
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SisLovesMe Penelope Kay Helping Him With Cold Feet

Chad is about to get married but he’s having second thoughts, he shares with his stepsister Penelope that he worries about being with the same person for the rest of his life. Penelope knows exactly what to do to help her stepbro out, so she pulls her top off revealing a pair of perfect tits and let’s Chad play with them and with her wet pussy! Chad appreciates his stepsister’s help and asks to have one last wild night of craziness before settling down, and lucky for him Penelope is more than...

4 years ago
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Pussyholic Pt1

“The Pussyholic” by Smutwriter Copyright October 2010 Pussyholic, that would describe him quite well he thought. His meeting with Suzanne was therefore fortuitous for both of them. She had a pussy that craved attention. A neglected pussy, neglected for twenty-eight years and several months or at least lacking the attention it deserved. That was the way she saw it. Simon’s love and fascination for the female pubic area was, as he saw it, perfectly normal. A cunny gave him and his cock,...

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Sex medicine

I was studying M. Tech, and to our shock and surprise one of our classmate and friend Gandhi, was found dead in his room, obviously committed suicide taking arsenic poison. Gandhi was married six months earlier; his wife Madhusmitha was studying M.A in English literature at Andhra University. We couldn’t understand the reasons for his suicide. We informed his parents, and they arrived next morning by car from Vijayawada. His father went along with the Warden and some of our friends to the...

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Roses summer adventures

Steam filed the bathroom when Rose stepped out of the shower. Drying herself with a towel she glanced at the holographic clock projected on the nearby mirror. Friday 09-07-2027 time: 18:26. Happy to be rid of her parents for at least two weeks, she was looking forward to the coming days. 'I really wished that I could go yesterday, but that school project is important for my grade, so it couldn't be helped.' Her parents were out of town for a few weeks. They left on Wednesday and should not be...

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Manmoirs Hot For Teacher

Priscilla knew a teacher at school, Madelyn. Madelyn had just become a part-time teacher at the College in some department I can't remember. Regardless, Priscilla introduced us back in January. From then on I would run into Madelyn around our building on campus, and I bumped into her a couple times in the main cafeteria. Around early March we crossed paths in the cafeteria where she asked if I wanted to join her. I wasn't in a rush so I sat down. I couldn't help but notice her nice ass when she...

4 years ago
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Slow Dancing With a Fast Woman

The title was in a passage of a story I read recently, unfortunately that's the only thing that stuck, or I'd give credit. Looking around the room, I couldn't help but smile. Jerry deserved this happiness, he'd had a rough couple of years. I was surprised I was here at all. I called him when I got the invitation. "You sure about this?" He actually laughed. "Yes, I'm sure. After all, if it wasn't for you I would never have found Anna. I owe you, if you had been a different person...

2 years ago
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An Interview and some fun afterwards

As she arrived home after an hour drive she pulled into the driveway pulling along the side of her father's car. She walked to the door and walked inside. Her father was sitting at his desk reading a letter he had received from the college. He turned to look at her “ So what is this shit that you changed your major from Business to Physics?”. She looked at him “Hello to you too dad.”. She was now a bit angry being greeted like that. She looked sternly at her father “I happen to like Physics...

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Von der Raupe zum Schmetterling

Von der Raupe zum Schmetterling Warum die Verwandlung nötig war Es fing alles an mit dem Spruch "Hey du da, sieh mal zu, dass das Auto gewaschen wird". So so, dachte er die junge Frau des Chefs ist also soweit, dass sie im Betrieb rumkommandiert. 27 Jahre alt, blond, mittellanger Pferdeschwanz, schlank. Eine Augenweide, aber eben auch eine Discomaus, die es geschafft hatte den Juniorchef, der Zehn Jahre älter war um den Finger zu wickeln. Hinter vorgehaltener Hand nannten die älteren Kollegen...

2 years ago
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Shadishuda Badi Behen Ko Masti Se Choda

Hello my dear friends Aj m Ankit apko apne fresh sexual experience k bare m btane ja rha hu is story m m ye btaunga k kaise maine meri sagi behen ko jo ki married h or 2 chote bacho ki maa h ko kaise uske marji se masti k sath choda ye meri guarantee h k story k end tk ladk apni muth maar rahe honge or ladkiya apni pyaari si chut m ungali krengi your comments are most welcome nd koi bhi lady ya bhabhi ya girl mujh se milna chahe toh mail me at Ab apni story star krne se pehle m apne or apni...

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Apane Sister Bhavna Ko Chudekar Bana Diya

By : Love ye khane aaj se 4phale ki hai jab mare bhan bhavana 18 saal ki hi the tab maine use choda tha …… us time main bhi jada bada nahi tha mager mera land khada nahi bahut khada hone laga tha mager mere paas muth marne ke alawa koi rasta nahi tha main muth maar 2 ke parsaan ho gaya tha main ab kise ladki ko chodna chata tha mager mere ko gf nahi the to maine apne bhain ko hi chodne ka plan banya ….. ab main sochne laga ki mian kaise bhavana ko chodu….ab main din raat bhavna ko chodne ke...

1 year ago
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MILF Landlady Got Pregnant By Me 8211 Part 3

The next day morning :- Ankita: Chhotu ko chhodh aaye school tak? Me: Haa (trying to grab her waist from behind). Ankita: Siddharth, thanks for everything you did yesterday. Par ye sab ke liye paap lagta hai. Me: Ankita aisa matt socho. Kal jo hua usme dikhta hai ki tumhe bhi wo chahiye. Ankita: Par… Me: Ankita main zabardasti nahi kar sakta tumhare sath, acha nahi laga to bolo, main aaj se dikhunga bhi nahi. Aur agar acha laga to tum meri lead follow karo. Ankita: Sid, pata nahi. Me (putting...

3 years ago
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Anal with my 18year old girl stepdaughter on a gr

I had been dated your mother for several months by now. And it was a fast and furious courting. So much so that on are very first date after dinner instead of going to the movie your mommy asked me somewhat sheepishly if I'd prefer to take her back to my place to fuck her in the ass. I accepted her offer. When I dropped your mommy off filled to the brim with my cum, especially in her ass, that's when I first met you. When I first locked eyes on you I knew that I had locked eyes on THE MOST...

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Naughty Escapade 8211 Part 1

It was a warm summer night in India, where husband and wife were relaxing after a short sex. Husband Romesh wore his clothes, while her wife payal was lying down naked. She was thinking to have some more fun. But her husband was not interested in having sex. He was only work oriented. Let me describe payal. Payal was fun loving house wife, she was free-minded and would were reveling clothes not to show off, but she loved to wear. She had less friends but she share everything with her best...

1 year ago
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Second Chance at LoveChapter 22

Jim was distressed as he packed his bags. He had to leave for an extended trip to Europe. He was going to be out of the country for almost three weeks helping to set up a branch of his firm in Germany. The trip had been planned long before Jim met Jenny and there was no way for him to get out of it. Unfortunately, Jenny couldn't get away to join him either. It was actually good for Jim to be going away for a while. He really needed time to think. There was no question that he loved Jenny...

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Stepdaughtertobe pt 2

“Hey, Honey. What are you doing home early?” she asked I told her I was let out of work early and she didn't ask any more questions. It seemed, for the time being, that we (I) had gotten away with it. A large part of me still didn't believe that this beautiful young girl would want a guy as old as me. I still thought that she was just teasing me and had no intention of going through with anything real. Staring my wife-to-be in the face certainly brought me back to earth. We sat outside...

1 year ago
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Female Anatomy ClassChapter 4

Penny was sitting on the examination table wearing only her white cotton bra and panties. She had not said a word since they had started, nor had she even made eye contact with any of the medical students in the classroom. Her pretty, bare feet hung down a few inches above the floor as she crossed and uncrossed her ankles. The young men looked at her as if they were studying her with professional interest. Dale was analyzing her young, beautiful breasts which were turning him on immensely....

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The Mosquito Burrow Final Part

Not only his body had changed but also his DNA due to his corporal body change, the alien worms rewrote his genetic material now his sperm cells were slightly larger, their tail and head had become bigger containing the modified genetic information for future offsprings but now they also contained more nutrients and vitamins making the cells stronger, healthier, faster, resilient and tastier for later consumption, now the worms were going to be tougher and healthier. The woman’s body had...

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Punished hard

My name is rahul. I am studying in a medical collage.I am a final year senior student. Our batch makes ragging on junior students.our ragging includes removing clothes, touching the private parts, playing with them, more and more.i like to say you an incident that we did to a 1st year girl who joined our school.her father is a police officer.It was freshers day that new commers are being coming into the campus. we sat at the gate and started ragging.we call a girl who was in a pujabi dress.her...

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The Millionaire Next DoorChapter 55

Granny Parker opened her eyes, feeling like she had been hit by a Mack truck. She had gone to sleep while the doctor was discussing putting something in her chest to open up her arteries. She remembered them saying something about her going to surgery later. She looked at the face watching her and said, “I must have died and gone to hell.” “Nope. It’s me, Granny Parker,” Ernie said with a smile. “What are you doing here?” she asked staring at him. He was absolutely the last person that she...

1 year ago
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MomIsHorny Misty Stone StepSon Fucks His Way Out Of Punishment

Juan sneaks into his house and not so sleepy Misty Stone catches him. She tells at him to find out why he was out and that she is not a push over. She tells him that she is taking his new car away from him and he freaks out and begs that he will do anything. Misty’s power move is that he should kiss her feet and he does. She then starts having her way with him as she shoves his face into her pussy. She sucking him hard and sloppy before she climbs on top to fuck him hard. Watch this hot MILF...

2 years ago
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Orchard Flower Version BravoChapter 11

"What's going on?" asked Jill, a little breathlessly, after her mother and Zack were gone. "I have no clue," I said. "Oh Bob, I screwed things up so much," she moaned. "Your heart was in the right place," I said. "But he really IS a great guy, and I just KNOW she'd love being around him if she got to know him." "Maybe that's what she's doing," I said. "Getting to know him, I mean." "Do you think so?" she asked hopefully. "Let's just say for the sake of having...

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It was a warm night as Sonal was lying in her bed. Resting peacefully, her thoughts gently strayed into a gentle sex scene with another woman. Her breaths quickened as the heat slowly built, these thoughts came more and more often now. It was only ever in the mornings that she felt any amount of guilt about her thoughts the night before, however during the night, nothing stop her. She had never, not once, had touched herself when thinking about women daring not to take that step, but this time...

3 years ago
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Iris and the Quest For Love

Iris Greene turned twenty-two three days prior, and ever since her best friend, Lisa Dayholt, showed up with her new boyfriend to her party, Iris had a slight feeling of depression. Unbeknownst to anyone around her, Iris had never had a boyfriend. Any time anyone had asked, she would always lie so she wouldn't seem strange. Iris was a sweet girl, very polite and kind, but completely average in looks, from her mousy brown bob of hair and brown eyes, to her B-cup breasts. There was nothing that...

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Kunwari Chahchi Ki chudai

Hi frnds, But this is the first incident connected with my life which I want to tell you people, especially married women and the aunt who is not satisfied with their sex life. At that time, my age 23 years My name is Akki when I was younger uncle’s wedding. I was rarely home because at that time I was preparing for engineering, but those days had one in my house to my uncle’s two marriages and the other boy my aunt. So I had to go home or unwillingly. But I know that time is to funky new color...

2 years ago
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At Last Ch 02

I’m afraid this doesn’t make sense without part 1 – I should have submitted the lot in one go, but this happened on me a little later. Sorry about that. Jane smiled back at him. She ran a finger along his eyebrows and then across his lips. ‘Brr,’ Ian said. ‘You’re tickling me!’ ‘And I can taste myself on your lips,’ she said. ‘Come, let’s go upstairs.’ She got up and took Ian’s hand. They climbed the stairs and Jane opened her bedroom door. ‘Welcome,’ she said, smiling. Ian looked around....

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Susanne Schne Dreist abgezockt

Alles frei erfunden!!!! Ich war gerade dabei meine Sachen zusammen zu stellen, da ich in eine neue Wohnung umziehen wollte. Meine neue Wohnung war schon frei. Ich musste aber noch für zwei Monate Miete für die alte Wohnung zahlen. Also, hatte ich eine Anzeige geschaltet und suchte einen Nachmieter für meine Wohnung. Es hatte sich einige gemeldet, aber den meisten sagte es nicht zu. Dann hatte ich einen Termin für deine Besichtigung. Dieser kam aber über die Hausverwaltung zustande. Auf Arbeit...

2 years ago
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Bathroom Break

“I’m going to take a bath for an hour so see you soon,” she giggled over the phone.That voice of hers and her sweet gentle laughter just makes me stop and think what I wouldn’t do to her, absolutely nothing.. “Well ok but you shouldn’t tell me these things, good grief” I said back to her as she ended the conversation. I stared at the phone in my hands, trying to stop visions, images forming; taking shape that would infuriate me for the rest of the morning.Looking around the office,I went back...

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Living Next Door to Heaven 136 March Madness

All morning long, Dad was on the phone. He had a big sheet of paper spread out in front of him and each time he called someone, he made a bunch more marks. Mom was so happy she was singing and I couldn't figure out what the heck they were working on. Finally, Mom sent me out to the horses and told me to do a good job cleaning out the barn for spring. I was tempted to take Princess out for a ride since the snow was pretty much gone now. It was threatening rain, though, and I really didn't...

2 years ago
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Trials of Kardan Chapter V

Author's note: A sincere thanks to all those who comment on my stories, I appreciate the advice and the criticism. Hopefully my work is improving, despite how quickly I write most of these things. Chapter V: The March West Kardan and Bethany paused on a rocky ridge that overlooked the small town they had just abandoned. From their perch on the wooded outcropping they could see the smoke rising as the last remnants of Bethany's old life smouldered and turned to ash. The erstwhile...

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