La Loterie free porn video

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La loterie Forestier C'?tait le matin du premier jour de leur cong? d?cadaire, et Marc et Chantal faisaient la grasse matin?e. Et comme ils constituaient un jeune couple, on comprend bien ce que ?a veut dire... Ils ?taient ensemble depuis pr?s de deux ans, et cela allait plut?t bien. Tous deux en fin de vingtaine, Chantal enseignait les math?matiques et les sciences dans une ?cole secondaire, et Marc enseignait au primaire. Comme de raison, ils se connaissaient depuis l'universit?, mais ce n'est que lors d'un s?jour de vacances dans dans une base de plein air proche de la ville o? ils vivaient qu'ils s'?taient vraiment remarqu?s. Et ils filaient maintenant le parfait amour dans leur petit appartement, au point o? Chantal r?vait de plus en plus de b?b?. C'?tait donc le matin. Ils se lev?rent enfin; Marc mit en marche le caf? et ils all?rent se laver l'un l'autre dans l'espace-bain. Chantal resta ensuite se laver le cheveux, alors que Marc dressait la table. Il prit ensuite son bloc-communication pour lire les nouvelles du jour et son courrier. Parmi ce dernier, une lettre lui fit perdre ses couleurs. D?s que sa blonde sortit de l'espace-bain, il lui dit tristement: -- Voil?, c'est notre tour. -- Notre tout de quoi? -- De participer ? la loterie. Nous sommes convoqu?s pour aujourd'hui. La loterie. La peur de bien des jeunes couples. -- Mais on a cinq chances sur six de revenir comme on partira, non? C'est quand m?me bien, fit Chantal, pour se rassurer. -- Ouais, cinq chances sur six, c'est bien ?a, r?pondit Marc, pas vraiment rassur?. Ils avaient perdu l'app?tit et touch?rent ? peine leur d?jeuner. Chantal se d?commanda pour une activit? avec des amis, puis ils se regard?rent tristement. Je devrais lui faire l'amour encore une fois, se dit Marc, mais l'envie n'y ?tait pas. Quand il fut temps de partir, les deux tourtereaux s'habill?rent et descendirent prendre leur v?los. C'?tait l'hiver, et le trajet jusqu'? la v?loroute couverte ?tait parfois difficile. Ils devaient se rendre un peu ? l'?cart de la ville, sur les anciens terrains universitaires o? le centre d'?change avait ses locaux. Ils ?taient une soixantaine de couples. Avec quelques gardes. Certains ?taient sereins, mais la plupart, ou bien respiraient la tristesse et la r?signation, ou bien affichaient une exub?rance de fa?ade. Marc avisa un couple de leur connaissance. Les quatre tent?rent de converser comme si de rien n'?tait, mais les meilleures blagues tombaient toutes ? plat. Finalement, les responsables entr?rent et tout le monde s'assit. -- Mes amis, je sais que vous ?tes tous anxieux et que personne d'entre vous ne d?sire ?tre ici. Mais vous savez ? quel point la loterie est importante dans notre soci?t?. Pas seulement la n?tre, mais toutes les loteries. C'est le meilleur moyen que nous ayons trouv? d'attribuer les meilleurs logements et m?me certains emplois, et elle fait en sorte que personne ne soit l?s? pour des raisons de discrimination. Mais notre loterie, vous le savez toutes et tous, a mis fin ? une des plus grandes discriminations de tous les temps. Depuis son institution, plus personne ne peut plus plus, ? moins d'avoir perdu la raison, discriminer ceux dont il peut faire partie demain ou dont il a fait partie hier. Personne n'aime risquer son destin, mais, si ?a peut vous rassurer, tous les responsables de la loterie en sont, si on peut le dire ainsi, des perdants. Nous avons tous ?t? d?sign?s par le sort et nous n'en sommes pas plus malheureux. Mais foin de discours. On vous a tous remis, ? l'entr?e, un disque avec un chiffre, entre un et six. Veuillez le sortir. Tous s'ex?cut?rent. -- Eh bien, aujourd'hui, nous allons proc?der au changement de ceux qui ont le chiffre... il pigea dans un pot... le chiffre deux. La plupart saut?rent de joie, dont un couple qui avait le deux. Les autres p?lirent davantage, et certains essay?rent de s'enfuir, mais les portes avaient ?t? ferm?es et des gardes surveillaient les participants. Marc et Chantal avaient le deux. -- Si les d?sign?s veulent bien passer par ici. Les portes seront rouvertes quand tous les heureux ?lus seront sortis. Merci bien de votre collaboration. S'il y a une chose que la nouvelle soci?t? avait su d?velopper, c'?tait l'ob?issance. Il y avait peu de lois, et toutes avaient des raisons que chacun comprenait. Alors, on ob?issait. Avec les autres, Marc et Chantal p?n?tr?rent dans le corridor. Une h?tesse les conduisit dans une petite pi?ce d'allure plut?t sinistre, tout en m?tal. Il fallait isoler les appareils. Et dire que Chantal avait des ?tudiants qui attendaient avec impatience leur majorit? pour pouvoir venir justement ici, de leur plein gr? et pas dans le cadre de la loterie! C'en ?tait tragique. Elle regarda son ?poux avec amour. C'?tait la derni?re fois qu'elle pourrait le voir ainsi. N'y tenant plus, elle se pr?cipita vers lui et l'?treignit aussi fort qu'elle le put. L'h?tesse les laissa faire -- elle n'?tait pas un bourreau -- puis les conduisit chacun vers un lit. Elle leur donna ? chacun un calmant. -- Voil?, le temps est venu. Bonne chance. Les lits gliss?rent dans une ?norme machine. Marc et Chantal sombr?rent dans l'inconscience. Apr?s quelques heures, ils se r?veill?rent enfin. Ils ?taient couch?s ensemble, dans le m?me lit. Les calmant devait encore agir, car, lorsqu'ils se virent, ils ne cri?rent pas. -- C'est bien toi, Marc? -- Oui... Chantal? -- Oui, c'est moi. Ils s'aid?rent pour se lever, puis all?rent au miroir plac? contre un mur. Un grand miroir, o? ils pourrait se voir au complet. L'h?tesse revint avec une brochure. Marc et Chantal interrompirent leur exploration. -- Tout s'est pass? ? merveille. Comme toujours, je dois dire. Voici une brochure qui explique les d?marches que nous avons effectu?es pour vous, celles qu'il vous reste ? faire et qui propose quelques trucs pour mieux vous acclimater. Je vous recommande d'attendre encore une demi-heure avant de partir, de mani?re ? ce que les effets du calmant soit compl?tement dissip?. Les toilettes sont juste l?. Et je vous souhaite bien du plaisir dans votre nouvelle vie. Oui, les toilettes! Marc et Chantal se rendirent compte qu'ils avaient besoin d'y aller. Malgr? leur intimit?, ils avaient aujourd'hui une pudeur nouvelle, et chacun ferma la porte. Chantal s'y attarda, et Marc dut frapper ? la porte et lui demander de faire vite. Le retour fut sans histoire, aucun des deux ne r?alisant sans doute pleinement ce qui venait de lui arriver. Devant les v?los, ils sourirent. Ils ?taient bien s?r l? tous les deux, non verrouill?s, chacun r?gl? ? la taille de son propri?taire. Chantal prit celui de Marc, et Marc, celui de Chantal. Celle-ci dut faire attention de ne pas coincer ses testicules contre la selle, et celui-l? se sentait inconfortable avec son soutien-gorge. Il leur faudrait avertir leurs amis de l'?change, changer leurs activit?s et se pr?parer ? affronter leurs ?l?ves et leurs coll?gues. Mais la brochure, qu'ils avaient lue avant de partir, ?tait claire: la premi?re chose pour habiter leur nouveau corps ?tait l'amour. Ils en avaient un peu peur, tout en trouvant l'id?e excitante. De retour chez eux, ils se d?shabill?rent. Le corps de l'autre n'?veillait bien s?r en eux aucun d?sir, mais chacun connaissait les points sensibles de leur ?nouveau partenaire?. Tendrement, mais avec le manque d'assurance d'adolescents puceaux, ils se caress?rent. Chantal d'abord, puis, quand Marc commen?a ? se sentir langoureuse, elle entreprit de masser Marc, lui effleura la poitrine avec ses seins dress?s, puis prit, avec un peu de d?gout, c'est vrai, mais il faut ce qu'il faut, non? son ancien p?nis. Il lui fallut encore quelques minutes pour se sentir pr?te ? l'accueillir, mais tout se passa bien. Tr?s bien m?me. Le lendemain matin, au r?veil, ils furent d'abord un peu surpris, mais ils remirent bient?t ?a. Chantal parlerait plus tard du b?b? qu'elle ne porterait pas.

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Hush Butt Plug from Lovense

I bought this plug and got it a few days ago, I charged it up, put it in me, turned it on, and it turned me on. It’s got several settings and you can also control by Bluetooth with your phone. I wore it around the house for about 4 hours, changing the vibration settings. There are a couple settings I really like, the low constant vibe, and the high pulsing vibe, where it pulses every 2 seconds. I usually keep it on low when I’m sitting around, but the pulse is awesome when walking around. I...

3 years ago
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Whore Wife Fucked Infront Of Hubby ndash Part II

My heart beat started to run very fast. I can imagine what condition these men dicks must be. I did not have to wait for long, dharampal touched her plump pussy and found her dripping wet, he said ” haramzadi ki chut kitni geeli hai dekho bhaio ‘ he showed his glistening finger to everyone he said ” aab teri chut phateygi bol kutia gand aur chut sath mein phatwayegi ya bari bari” . Jyoti to everyone’s suprise said” sath mein behan key lodey , aur bari bari sab sey continued.Listen to this...

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Miless Conundrums

Gretchen smiled as she moved her long nails across my purplish, throbbing shaft. ? ?She looked so cute...A pale beauty with short, slightly spiky hair. ? Gretchen is a little on the chubby side, but in a sexy T&A kind of a way. ? She was wearing a tight top and snug courdoroys as she leaned across the bed toying with my tortured Willy. "What's wrong, Miles? Having a bad time?" Gretch asked me bemusedly, as she stroked my quivering shaft with a sharp thumbnail. ? "I guess you're having a hard...

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Trip to the Drug Store P5

It was now Friday and I took off work early so I would arrive at the drug store by 3 o’clock. When I arrived at the desk of the Quick Health Center, I saw Cindy and also another young nurse. “It’s good you arrived on time,” Cindy said. “Otherwise I would have started you out with a spanking.” I was surprised and a little embarrassed that Cindy talked about spanking me in front of this young nurse that I had never met before. “Mary, this is Clyde. He has an appointment here every Friday,” Cindy...

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A Restful Holiday

So, I was the Left Hand of God, the Holy Champion of the Faith sent by God to smite the evil beings that would control the world and enslave humanity. So what? I was still a barely-under-five-feet tall, less-than-a-hundred-pound, thirteen year old human female who was more than a little pissed that life had dealt me the cards I was holding. I was born Alexandra McKiernan, but the world now knew me as Dame Alice Spencer-Killdare, niece of Sir Eoin, the Baron of Spencer, and the heroine of...

3 years ago
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Carree Loves Billy After the LovingChapter 2

"Your eye looks 100 per cent better Meg, all the swelling is down and the little black and blue that shows can be covered with make-up. Just don't rub or cry anymore." I said. I continued, "I think he's going to come back to you Meg. He was spending more and more time with our crowd in the last month or so. I think he just had some time with his old crowd who told him that he should be getting more, as if sex is the only thing there is in a relationship. Being a sophomore and being very...

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A Strict English Education In Thailand Pt2

The caning of a Thai schoolgirl by an English headmistress had a profound effect upon me. I became aware of a dark side to my nature. The unprotected naked schoolgirl legs and bottom submissively exposed for harsh punishment had captured my imagination. I hardly dared admit it to myself.I went off to assembly and was introduced to the school. I received a round of applause from over 100 Thai schoolgirls. They looked very pretty in their knee length navy blue skirts and white blouses. They were...

3 years ago
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The BarnChapter 5

Sharon's Morning Routine Over the course of the next week, Sharon's new life began to take shape. Every morning the light would flick on and Sharon had a few minutes to brush her teeth, run some cold water over her face, fold up her blanket, straighten the bed and get in position by the door. David would come down the stairs and stand in the doorway, holding her plate. Sharon would open his pajama bottoms, take out his cock and begin sucking on it. David's cock was never very full when...

1 year ago
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6 Men Fondle Me as Punishment and Lesson

Masturbation is strictly forbidden in my community. But I couldn't help myself. I've been masturbating since I was 5 years old. I would hump a pillow or rub my privates on a pvc pipe. But I was never caught until I got married when I was 22. My husband was great but he didn't give me what I needed sexually. So I continued my masturbation. One afternoon I was laying on the couch watching TV. I'd had a great workout at my gym and was feeling good. My husband wouldn't be home for as least 3 hours....

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Sucking My Neighbors at an Adult Book Store

Our nearly twenty-six years of marriage in Tulsa had been good to my wife Brenda and me, but now that we are in our late fortiess, she has lost all interest in sex. I tried everything to help her regain her interest, all to no avail. Then I started going to porn sites for the first time in my life, and even visited a nearby adult book store (ABS), and I felt guilty about it at first. But the longer I went without pussy, the more I knew I had to do something to experience the thrill of a sexual...

2 years ago
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A shoulder to cry on

I was at home alone having just finished a night shift and the wife was at work as were the children (grown up).   I was getting ready to go to bed but I wanted to have a shower first. I was just about to get out when the door bell rang. My first thought was that it had to be the postman so I slipped on my short dressing gown. I was still dripping wet and naked underneath and I rushed down to answer the door. To my surprise it was not the postman but a colleague from work, Melissa, who I had...

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MAU Trek Wars

MAU: Trek Wars Synopsis: Further adventures of Seven as she and her Trekkie friends confront their ultimate challenge - Star Wars fans. Note: This tale contains numerous characters from both the Star Trek and Star Wars universes. If a reader is unfamiliar with the Star Wars characters, the official Star Wars databank can provide more information than I can include in this tale. I am trying to not clutter the story with too much detail on the characters, but to provide...

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curiosity gets the best

I am a straight male that has been bi curious all my life. I have had a very active heterosexual life and absolutely love women and have had sex with over forty women and have experienced almost everything you can with a woman, but since I was a teenager I have always wondered and fantasized on occasion about having sex with a man. It started when I was about fourteen and I had caught my sisters boyfriend jacking off in our pool house. We had all been swimming most of the day and by the end of...

1 year ago
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The Big Day Ch 05

CHAPTER 5—Morning I woke to birds chirping and sunlight pouring in my room. I opened my eyes and all I could see was blond hair. I lifted my head off the pillow, saw that Nicole was still asleep and put it back down, snuggling closer to her as I did. When I woke again, it was warm, but it wasn’t hot and humid like the past few days, and I was still spooning Nicole. I started to roll away so I could get up, but a soft hand grabbed my arm as I tried to slip it away. ‘Hey, get back here.’ I...

4 years ago
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Second ChanceChapter 43

Midnight. The video screens were alive with activity. Hawk Dryden and his tech staff had out done themselves this time. We were in my private office, inside the War Room, under the Pentagon. Technically, that meant I was in charge, but I had made it clear that I was a spectator. The Secretary of Defense was in charge of our forces as they assisted the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Jordanian Army against Iran's Imperial Guard. Hawk had put up impressive air cover to shepherd the joint...

3 years ago
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Detroit Changes Our Lives

We had never been to Detroit before and always wanted to attend the Detroit Auto show. We being myself an up and coming car dealer from the Portland area and my wife Kelly who worked with me as the office manager for the dealership. So, after 10 years of trying to get away we finely we able to swing the expense and the time away from the dealership. Little did we know that this trip would completely change or lives. Kelly and I met at Business College and have not been apart since. She knocked...

3 years ago
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An Ordinary BetrayalChapter 2

John closed his eyes. It didn't matter. This snapshot would be in Sasha and Peter's brain for the rest of their lives. If there was anything to say to them, it would have to come later. He didn't want to look at Elaine. The only thing he had for her was anger and all she had were trite words. If he could get past his feelings and ... the matter-of-factness of her infidelity what was left? The door slammed behind him without a sound. The clicker on his chain didn't beep, but the car door...

2 years ago
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Double Penetration Of Mommyyyy

Hi, I’m Ajay hailing from Chennai. I am 20 yrs old, with a not too fit and flabby body. This is my first sex story and would very much appreciate your feedback to This happened two summer’s back…during our 12-grade holidays. Every boy’s dream of entering adulthood was at this stage, my brother and myself were seeing each other after returning home from our hostels. We are a pretty attached batch from our childhood. On our return, we were exploring the richness of our youth adulthood. The world...

1 year ago
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Private Monica Brown Ringside DP For Teen Boxer

Debuting today in Private Gold, Boxing Beauties is Monica Brown, a teen brunette who is not putting in any effort for her boxing training and needs to be taught a real lesson. That’s why her trainers Kai Taylor and Gerson Denny decide to put her up to the test of a hardcore threesome! Monica is much more enthusiastic about that prospect and wastes no time getting on her knees and sucking off both guys, getting things wet and ready for a rough pounding. Then watch as she gets blasted ringside...

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Alene Ravens New Life Year IIChapter 6

“Do you understand?” Alene asked in a clear voice. “Yes, mistress,” Paula replied in a monotonic voice, “I will stay still and quiet.” “Angie, could you please support me in case I lose my balance?” Alene reached a hand to the girl. And so, Alene slowly started pulling her monstrous cock out of Paula. Inch by inch, it left Paula’s pussy, leaving behind a hole as wide as two fingers. As Alene’s cock became free it pulsed and contracted, expressing its discontent at stopping before achieving...

3 years ago
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A Big Black Cock For Beverly

Big thanks to Couple4HungHung[/username] for providing the inspiration for this story. If you haven’t already then please check out her beautiful pictures and give them a Thumbs Up!Beverly’s heart raced and her palms were sweaty on the wheel of her car. She stole a quick glace sideways at the man sat beside her in the car. God he excited her, she could already feel her crotch itch and the lubricating fluids prepare her for what she needed.She forced her eyes back onto the road and as she looked...

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