La Loterie free porn video

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La loterie Forestier C'?tait le matin du premier jour de leur cong? d?cadaire, et Marc et Chantal faisaient la grasse matin?e. Et comme ils constituaient un jeune couple, on comprend bien ce que ?a veut dire... Ils ?taient ensemble depuis pr?s de deux ans, et cela allait plut?t bien. Tous deux en fin de vingtaine, Chantal enseignait les math?matiques et les sciences dans une ?cole secondaire, et Marc enseignait au primaire. Comme de raison, ils se connaissaient depuis l'universit?, mais ce n'est que lors d'un s?jour de vacances dans dans une base de plein air proche de la ville o? ils vivaient qu'ils s'?taient vraiment remarqu?s. Et ils filaient maintenant le parfait amour dans leur petit appartement, au point o? Chantal r?vait de plus en plus de b?b?. C'?tait donc le matin. Ils se lev?rent enfin; Marc mit en marche le caf? et ils all?rent se laver l'un l'autre dans l'espace-bain. Chantal resta ensuite se laver le cheveux, alors que Marc dressait la table. Il prit ensuite son bloc-communication pour lire les nouvelles du jour et son courrier. Parmi ce dernier, une lettre lui fit perdre ses couleurs. D?s que sa blonde sortit de l'espace-bain, il lui dit tristement: -- Voil?, c'est notre tour. -- Notre tout de quoi? -- De participer ? la loterie. Nous sommes convoqu?s pour aujourd'hui. La loterie. La peur de bien des jeunes couples. -- Mais on a cinq chances sur six de revenir comme on partira, non? C'est quand m?me bien, fit Chantal, pour se rassurer. -- Ouais, cinq chances sur six, c'est bien ?a, r?pondit Marc, pas vraiment rassur?. Ils avaient perdu l'app?tit et touch?rent ? peine leur d?jeuner. Chantal se d?commanda pour une activit? avec des amis, puis ils se regard?rent tristement. Je devrais lui faire l'amour encore une fois, se dit Marc, mais l'envie n'y ?tait pas. Quand il fut temps de partir, les deux tourtereaux s'habill?rent et descendirent prendre leur v?los. C'?tait l'hiver, et le trajet jusqu'? la v?loroute couverte ?tait parfois difficile. Ils devaient se rendre un peu ? l'?cart de la ville, sur les anciens terrains universitaires o? le centre d'?change avait ses locaux. Ils ?taient une soixantaine de couples. Avec quelques gardes. Certains ?taient sereins, mais la plupart, ou bien respiraient la tristesse et la r?signation, ou bien affichaient une exub?rance de fa?ade. Marc avisa un couple de leur connaissance. Les quatre tent?rent de converser comme si de rien n'?tait, mais les meilleures blagues tombaient toutes ? plat. Finalement, les responsables entr?rent et tout le monde s'assit. -- Mes amis, je sais que vous ?tes tous anxieux et que personne d'entre vous ne d?sire ?tre ici. Mais vous savez ? quel point la loterie est importante dans notre soci?t?. Pas seulement la n?tre, mais toutes les loteries. C'est le meilleur moyen que nous ayons trouv? d'attribuer les meilleurs logements et m?me certains emplois, et elle fait en sorte que personne ne soit l?s? pour des raisons de discrimination. Mais notre loterie, vous le savez toutes et tous, a mis fin ? une des plus grandes discriminations de tous les temps. Depuis son institution, plus personne ne peut plus plus, ? moins d'avoir perdu la raison, discriminer ceux dont il peut faire partie demain ou dont il a fait partie hier. Personne n'aime risquer son destin, mais, si ?a peut vous rassurer, tous les responsables de la loterie en sont, si on peut le dire ainsi, des perdants. Nous avons tous ?t? d?sign?s par le sort et nous n'en sommes pas plus malheureux. Mais foin de discours. On vous a tous remis, ? l'entr?e, un disque avec un chiffre, entre un et six. Veuillez le sortir. Tous s'ex?cut?rent. -- Eh bien, aujourd'hui, nous allons proc?der au changement de ceux qui ont le chiffre... il pigea dans un pot... le chiffre deux. La plupart saut?rent de joie, dont un couple qui avait le deux. Les autres p?lirent davantage, et certains essay?rent de s'enfuir, mais les portes avaient ?t? ferm?es et des gardes surveillaient les participants. Marc et Chantal avaient le deux. -- Si les d?sign?s veulent bien passer par ici. Les portes seront rouvertes quand tous les heureux ?lus seront sortis. Merci bien de votre collaboration. S'il y a une chose que la nouvelle soci?t? avait su d?velopper, c'?tait l'ob?issance. Il y avait peu de lois, et toutes avaient des raisons que chacun comprenait. Alors, on ob?issait. Avec les autres, Marc et Chantal p?n?tr?rent dans le corridor. Une h?tesse les conduisit dans une petite pi?ce d'allure plut?t sinistre, tout en m?tal. Il fallait isoler les appareils. Et dire que Chantal avait des ?tudiants qui attendaient avec impatience leur majorit? pour pouvoir venir justement ici, de leur plein gr? et pas dans le cadre de la loterie! C'en ?tait tragique. Elle regarda son ?poux avec amour. C'?tait la derni?re fois qu'elle pourrait le voir ainsi. N'y tenant plus, elle se pr?cipita vers lui et l'?treignit aussi fort qu'elle le put. L'h?tesse les laissa faire -- elle n'?tait pas un bourreau -- puis les conduisit chacun vers un lit. Elle leur donna ? chacun un calmant. -- Voil?, le temps est venu. Bonne chance. Les lits gliss?rent dans une ?norme machine. Marc et Chantal sombr?rent dans l'inconscience. Apr?s quelques heures, ils se r?veill?rent enfin. Ils ?taient couch?s ensemble, dans le m?me lit. Les calmant devait encore agir, car, lorsqu'ils se virent, ils ne cri?rent pas. -- C'est bien toi, Marc? -- Oui... Chantal? -- Oui, c'est moi. Ils s'aid?rent pour se lever, puis all?rent au miroir plac? contre un mur. Un grand miroir, o? ils pourrait se voir au complet. L'h?tesse revint avec une brochure. Marc et Chantal interrompirent leur exploration. -- Tout s'est pass? ? merveille. Comme toujours, je dois dire. Voici une brochure qui explique les d?marches que nous avons effectu?es pour vous, celles qu'il vous reste ? faire et qui propose quelques trucs pour mieux vous acclimater. Je vous recommande d'attendre encore une demi-heure avant de partir, de mani?re ? ce que les effets du calmant soit compl?tement dissip?. Les toilettes sont juste l?. Et je vous souhaite bien du plaisir dans votre nouvelle vie. Oui, les toilettes! Marc et Chantal se rendirent compte qu'ils avaient besoin d'y aller. Malgr? leur intimit?, ils avaient aujourd'hui une pudeur nouvelle, et chacun ferma la porte. Chantal s'y attarda, et Marc dut frapper ? la porte et lui demander de faire vite. Le retour fut sans histoire, aucun des deux ne r?alisant sans doute pleinement ce qui venait de lui arriver. Devant les v?los, ils sourirent. Ils ?taient bien s?r l? tous les deux, non verrouill?s, chacun r?gl? ? la taille de son propri?taire. Chantal prit celui de Marc, et Marc, celui de Chantal. Celle-ci dut faire attention de ne pas coincer ses testicules contre la selle, et celui-l? se sentait inconfortable avec son soutien-gorge. Il leur faudrait avertir leurs amis de l'?change, changer leurs activit?s et se pr?parer ? affronter leurs ?l?ves et leurs coll?gues. Mais la brochure, qu'ils avaient lue avant de partir, ?tait claire: la premi?re chose pour habiter leur nouveau corps ?tait l'amour. Ils en avaient un peu peur, tout en trouvant l'id?e excitante. De retour chez eux, ils se d?shabill?rent. Le corps de l'autre n'?veillait bien s?r en eux aucun d?sir, mais chacun connaissait les points sensibles de leur ?nouveau partenaire?. Tendrement, mais avec le manque d'assurance d'adolescents puceaux, ils se caress?rent. Chantal d'abord, puis, quand Marc commen?a ? se sentir langoureuse, elle entreprit de masser Marc, lui effleura la poitrine avec ses seins dress?s, puis prit, avec un peu de d?gout, c'est vrai, mais il faut ce qu'il faut, non? son ancien p?nis. Il lui fallut encore quelques minutes pour se sentir pr?te ? l'accueillir, mais tout se passa bien. Tr?s bien m?me. Le lendemain matin, au r?veil, ils furent d'abord un peu surpris, mais ils remirent bient?t ?a. Chantal parlerait plus tard du b?b? qu'elle ne porterait pas.

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Jasmine Sex Slave

Tom ran a home remodeling business and the office was an old home he had remodeled as a demonstration of what he could do. The kitchen was the company break room the living room was the main office and a bedroom was his private office. The 2.5 baths were completely new and one had a two person jet tub and the other had a shower with several different heads. His daughter is 16 and has been helping in the office with some paper work and a gofer in general. She goes to school most days except...

4 years ago
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Hard Labor

HARD LABORBy VelvetgloveCopyright and Disclaimer‘Hard Labor’ is an original work of fiction and neither events nor characters portrayed are based in reality. Any resemblance with actual persons is entirely coincidental. It contains scenes of non-consensual sex and bdsm. Please do not read any further if such things offend or provoke you. The author does not condone such activities in real life. Copyright is asserted by the author and no reposting to other sites or commercial use whatsoever is...

3 years ago
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Straightened Out

Straightened Out by Vickie Tern i. I was in a far corner of the restaurant and looking in her direction -- but not at her -- when she spotted me. Well, not me, not at first, what she saw was her dress. There followed a moment of bafflement, her eyebrows high because she didn't recognize the woman wearing her dress, but then her expression suddenly went guarded and her brows lowered. By that I knew April had recognized me,...

2 years ago
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Slave SisterChapter 9 Mom Goes Shopping

Dave and Fran's mom sat at the kitchen table drinking a cup of coffee and enjoying the exhaustion that comes from fucking all night. A small smile spread across her lips as she thought about how nice it was to have a dominant man, make that, two dominant men, in her life again. After an afternoon of trying to satiate the lust of her seemingly inexhaustible son, her fiancé and Fran returned from their day getting to know each other better and the four of them experienced a night of unbridled...

2 years ago
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Caught By Mr D Part 2

See Part 1 to find out what happened right before this....We made our deal. I get away with my "youthful indiscretion" by giving my body to my next door neighbor."Go in the house and put on some clothes. Then come to my house. But be sure that there's nobody walking or driving by and nobody hanging around outside when you walk over so there is no chance that anyone will see you doing it. Go in the back and come in through the back door. Lock both doors behind you as soon as you're inside. Then...

1 year ago
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Black Cock SlutChapter 3

When I do an all day cock pounding marathon, it’s usually a special occasion, this time was no different. Tyronne threw me a party to celebrate my upcoming marriage to Tommy. It started out with just Tyronne, his boys, and a few of the other whores I work with. I opened a few presents, had a few drinks and before the fucking started, I told Tyronne I wanted to give Tommy a present as well. He nodded and began making phone calls, he knows what I want. Tony fucked me hard and fast and said. “I...

2 years ago
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Rough BoyChapter 2

"Are you okay?" Kameron asked. I'd been thinking about Angela's panties since Elizabeth and I came to an accord at our too-long lunch. At least, it would have been too long if Kameron and Elizabeth didn't need to know everything I did. They wanted to clear my plate in the next month so I could start being their personal at-work bitch. I put Kameron at the top of the female list at work. Elizabeth was more my type so for blondes she now had the number one spot. Angela held the title in...

2 years ago
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Her Boyfriend really is Bisexual

I didn’t write about it at the time because I didn’t have the consent of the people involved and I didn’t think it was appropriate to ask at the time either. After posting some bisexual threesome photos last week, I thought maybe I should seek permission to write about it and permission has been granted and I hope you guys enjoy this as much as I did..... Last night Kip and I hosted a wonderful dinner party here in Breckenridge (Colorado). The guests were; a gay couple from Denver, Kip,...

3 years ago
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Island DelightChapter 5 Hitting the Beach

Brenda Oliver sat down with her husband Steve at the table they were led to on the veranda outside the dining room. “Your waitress will be with you in a moment,” the hostess told them. “Breakfast is served buffet-style.” “Thank you,” replied Steve. His eyes lingered on the trim form of the hostess as she walked away; she and the waitresses wore short wrap dresses in an island print, and low sandals. He turned back to see his wife watching him with amusement, and blushed. “I’m pretty sure I...

2 years ago
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My mother 2

Hi, every one I am Rakesh. I hope you remember me. If you don’t know me read my story titled ‘My Mother’. I got a very good response and every one has asked for the continuity of the story. Due to the response I got I am writing the remaining part of the story. If any one reading this part with out reading the first part may not like this. So read the first part to understand it better. Next day by the time dad came every thing was normal. I behaved with my mom as a son. Dad asked me how I was....

3 years ago
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Latha 8211 My Sexy neighbour

Hello friends, this is Raj from Mumbai back again with my new story, I am 32 years old and working With A MNC, and I made SEX as my part time job And dear girls and aunties, sex is not a crime, it’s a game, it’s a game of hungriness so don’t die with the hungriness, be free with me and give me a chance to serve you with pleasure. And I promise that I will keep it very secret, and for any comments/suggestions you can mail me at: Here is my story, One day all my family went to out station to...

3 years ago
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Harem Chapter 2

--three days later-- Mona stood close as King Levan penetrated her daughter. Completely naked, Petra quivered as the deed proceeded, and Mona tried and failed to not notice her daughter's attributes, and was grudgingly impressed at how beautiful her daughter had become. Her breasts were larger than Mona's and her waist slim, a nubile beauty that any man would want to have. Petra squealed as the king's sizeable cock slipped past her bush and into her body, slowing his entrance as he came...

4 years ago
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Hollywood DreamsChapter 29

We were all sitting around the large table next to the pool drinking Champagne. I was wearing a tuxedo, Jennifer a stunning cobalt blue knee-length sheath dress with a low cut neckline. It showed off her fabulous legs and her beautiful up-thrust breasts. She was pretending that she had not walked into Caroline's bedroom and seen mother bent over the back of her loveseat with me ramming my 10-inches into her juicy pussy from behind while she screamed, fuck... me... fuck... me... James!!!!"....

3 years ago
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Sex shopcinema

So I went back to my sex shop dressed in my office slut! Red thong,red padded bra so my D size tittys looked much bigger,white loose blouse black micro tight fit mini skirt black platform heels and bare tanned legs oh and my fav red wig! It's nice and long ! so so there I was walking so around looking fucking hot X there were a few guys there some with there gfs! There was a pair of sexy heels on the bottom shelf as a bent over (from the hips ) to take a look my skirt shot over my round bum !...

4 years ago
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The Deception of Choice Episode Eighteen

The Deception of Choice. Episode Eighteen, comprising Chapters 42 & 43. Preamble. In which the diligent reader can find a new ballgown, divers conversations, both of hope and of despair, together with a meeting by a fountain. Oh .... and did I mention the note under the door? And the drawing of a wren? Nobody could ask for more. Could they? Chapter 42. "Isn't it exciting Sophie dear?" Mrs Townsend lightly touched the back of David's hand with each of the two lipsticks in...

1 year ago
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Candy Hearts

Candy Hearts It all started with a kiss. There were the four of us together that day, as was often the case. There was my sister Anne, her best friend Jill, my best friend John, and me - Mike Marshal, a sixteen year old kid who was the runt of the litter. We were in Jill's parent's basement, like always, as it had a ping- pong/pool table we could play with, as well as a tv set and a couch so we could watch programs if we wanted to. Jill's folks much like mine - a pair of...

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My Slut Training

It takes a lot of practice to be good at anything.For example, I started very young in mastering playing the piano, and now at twenty-five I’m pretty good. Maybe not concert-hall good, but I play flawlessly executed pieces every time.Likewise, being a good, sweet, and loving girlfriend (which I am for my current man) takes practice. Unlike the piano, though, there really isn’t any place you can take lessons. I’m pretty-much a self-trained slut.I had developed a huge crush on a cute boy in my...

First Time
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A Christmas Tale 7 9 chapters in all

Chapter 7 It was one really hot afternoon in early May, when Siobhan for once thankfully back in her own body and sleeping exhausted in a recliner under the shade of a large oak tree that entering the kitchen to wash my hands, I suddenly saw a faint blue glow coming out from beneath a pair of rubber washing up gloves and immediately knew it was the ring which I'd completely forgotten about. I'd put it in my pocket meaning to give it to her when she woke up.... Half an hour or so...

2 years ago
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Maine Apni Sagi Bua Ki Ladki Ko Choda Aur Pregnant Kiya

Hi dosto mera name sid malhotra hai. Meri age 18 hai. Meri height 177cm hai aur mere lund ka size 6’.5 inche lamba aur 2′.0 inche mota hai Aaj se 2 saal pehle ki baat hai jab main garmiyon ki mein apne gaon gaya hua tha tab waha par meri sabhi behan aaye hue the and meri bua ki ladki bhi aayi hui thi or haa uski shaadi pehle hi ho chuki thi. Tabhi main apni bua ki ladki ko dekha uska name kalpna hai aur unki age 19 hai uska figure 36d 26 36 hai…. Usko main dekhta hi rehgya uske kya mast gol gol...

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Pete and Amy Part 31 Thor February 10th2017

Hello everyone. It’s me again. The events of this night were profound for me. It took me almost a week before I decided I was going to share them here. Some of the events in this story are very taboo and so please look at the tags above to decide if you will read this story or not. The events in the second half of the story were the extreme highlight for my night and the reason I took some time to process before deciding to share them. I have dabbled in Dollification a few times, but it was...

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