La Loterie free porn video

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La loterie Forestier C'?tait le matin du premier jour de leur cong? d?cadaire, et Marc et Chantal faisaient la grasse matin?e. Et comme ils constituaient un jeune couple, on comprend bien ce que ?a veut dire... Ils ?taient ensemble depuis pr?s de deux ans, et cela allait plut?t bien. Tous deux en fin de vingtaine, Chantal enseignait les math?matiques et les sciences dans une ?cole secondaire, et Marc enseignait au primaire. Comme de raison, ils se connaissaient depuis l'universit?, mais ce n'est que lors d'un s?jour de vacances dans dans une base de plein air proche de la ville o? ils vivaient qu'ils s'?taient vraiment remarqu?s. Et ils filaient maintenant le parfait amour dans leur petit appartement, au point o? Chantal r?vait de plus en plus de b?b?. C'?tait donc le matin. Ils se lev?rent enfin; Marc mit en marche le caf? et ils all?rent se laver l'un l'autre dans l'espace-bain. Chantal resta ensuite se laver le cheveux, alors que Marc dressait la table. Il prit ensuite son bloc-communication pour lire les nouvelles du jour et son courrier. Parmi ce dernier, une lettre lui fit perdre ses couleurs. D?s que sa blonde sortit de l'espace-bain, il lui dit tristement: -- Voil?, c'est notre tour. -- Notre tout de quoi? -- De participer ? la loterie. Nous sommes convoqu?s pour aujourd'hui. La loterie. La peur de bien des jeunes couples. -- Mais on a cinq chances sur six de revenir comme on partira, non? C'est quand m?me bien, fit Chantal, pour se rassurer. -- Ouais, cinq chances sur six, c'est bien ?a, r?pondit Marc, pas vraiment rassur?. Ils avaient perdu l'app?tit et touch?rent ? peine leur d?jeuner. Chantal se d?commanda pour une activit? avec des amis, puis ils se regard?rent tristement. Je devrais lui faire l'amour encore une fois, se dit Marc, mais l'envie n'y ?tait pas. Quand il fut temps de partir, les deux tourtereaux s'habill?rent et descendirent prendre leur v?los. C'?tait l'hiver, et le trajet jusqu'? la v?loroute couverte ?tait parfois difficile. Ils devaient se rendre un peu ? l'?cart de la ville, sur les anciens terrains universitaires o? le centre d'?change avait ses locaux. Ils ?taient une soixantaine de couples. Avec quelques gardes. Certains ?taient sereins, mais la plupart, ou bien respiraient la tristesse et la r?signation, ou bien affichaient une exub?rance de fa?ade. Marc avisa un couple de leur connaissance. Les quatre tent?rent de converser comme si de rien n'?tait, mais les meilleures blagues tombaient toutes ? plat. Finalement, les responsables entr?rent et tout le monde s'assit. -- Mes amis, je sais que vous ?tes tous anxieux et que personne d'entre vous ne d?sire ?tre ici. Mais vous savez ? quel point la loterie est importante dans notre soci?t?. Pas seulement la n?tre, mais toutes les loteries. C'est le meilleur moyen que nous ayons trouv? d'attribuer les meilleurs logements et m?me certains emplois, et elle fait en sorte que personne ne soit l?s? pour des raisons de discrimination. Mais notre loterie, vous le savez toutes et tous, a mis fin ? une des plus grandes discriminations de tous les temps. Depuis son institution, plus personne ne peut plus plus, ? moins d'avoir perdu la raison, discriminer ceux dont il peut faire partie demain ou dont il a fait partie hier. Personne n'aime risquer son destin, mais, si ?a peut vous rassurer, tous les responsables de la loterie en sont, si on peut le dire ainsi, des perdants. Nous avons tous ?t? d?sign?s par le sort et nous n'en sommes pas plus malheureux. Mais foin de discours. On vous a tous remis, ? l'entr?e, un disque avec un chiffre, entre un et six. Veuillez le sortir. Tous s'ex?cut?rent. -- Eh bien, aujourd'hui, nous allons proc?der au changement de ceux qui ont le chiffre... il pigea dans un pot... le chiffre deux. La plupart saut?rent de joie, dont un couple qui avait le deux. Les autres p?lirent davantage, et certains essay?rent de s'enfuir, mais les portes avaient ?t? ferm?es et des gardes surveillaient les participants. Marc et Chantal avaient le deux. -- Si les d?sign?s veulent bien passer par ici. Les portes seront rouvertes quand tous les heureux ?lus seront sortis. Merci bien de votre collaboration. S'il y a une chose que la nouvelle soci?t? avait su d?velopper, c'?tait l'ob?issance. Il y avait peu de lois, et toutes avaient des raisons que chacun comprenait. Alors, on ob?issait. Avec les autres, Marc et Chantal p?n?tr?rent dans le corridor. Une h?tesse les conduisit dans une petite pi?ce d'allure plut?t sinistre, tout en m?tal. Il fallait isoler les appareils. Et dire que Chantal avait des ?tudiants qui attendaient avec impatience leur majorit? pour pouvoir venir justement ici, de leur plein gr? et pas dans le cadre de la loterie! C'en ?tait tragique. Elle regarda son ?poux avec amour. C'?tait la derni?re fois qu'elle pourrait le voir ainsi. N'y tenant plus, elle se pr?cipita vers lui et l'?treignit aussi fort qu'elle le put. L'h?tesse les laissa faire -- elle n'?tait pas un bourreau -- puis les conduisit chacun vers un lit. Elle leur donna ? chacun un calmant. -- Voil?, le temps est venu. Bonne chance. Les lits gliss?rent dans une ?norme machine. Marc et Chantal sombr?rent dans l'inconscience. Apr?s quelques heures, ils se r?veill?rent enfin. Ils ?taient couch?s ensemble, dans le m?me lit. Les calmant devait encore agir, car, lorsqu'ils se virent, ils ne cri?rent pas. -- C'est bien toi, Marc? -- Oui... Chantal? -- Oui, c'est moi. Ils s'aid?rent pour se lever, puis all?rent au miroir plac? contre un mur. Un grand miroir, o? ils pourrait se voir au complet. L'h?tesse revint avec une brochure. Marc et Chantal interrompirent leur exploration. -- Tout s'est pass? ? merveille. Comme toujours, je dois dire. Voici une brochure qui explique les d?marches que nous avons effectu?es pour vous, celles qu'il vous reste ? faire et qui propose quelques trucs pour mieux vous acclimater. Je vous recommande d'attendre encore une demi-heure avant de partir, de mani?re ? ce que les effets du calmant soit compl?tement dissip?. Les toilettes sont juste l?. Et je vous souhaite bien du plaisir dans votre nouvelle vie. Oui, les toilettes! Marc et Chantal se rendirent compte qu'ils avaient besoin d'y aller. Malgr? leur intimit?, ils avaient aujourd'hui une pudeur nouvelle, et chacun ferma la porte. Chantal s'y attarda, et Marc dut frapper ? la porte et lui demander de faire vite. Le retour fut sans histoire, aucun des deux ne r?alisant sans doute pleinement ce qui venait de lui arriver. Devant les v?los, ils sourirent. Ils ?taient bien s?r l? tous les deux, non verrouill?s, chacun r?gl? ? la taille de son propri?taire. Chantal prit celui de Marc, et Marc, celui de Chantal. Celle-ci dut faire attention de ne pas coincer ses testicules contre la selle, et celui-l? se sentait inconfortable avec son soutien-gorge. Il leur faudrait avertir leurs amis de l'?change, changer leurs activit?s et se pr?parer ? affronter leurs ?l?ves et leurs coll?gues. Mais la brochure, qu'ils avaient lue avant de partir, ?tait claire: la premi?re chose pour habiter leur nouveau corps ?tait l'amour. Ils en avaient un peu peur, tout en trouvant l'id?e excitante. De retour chez eux, ils se d?shabill?rent. Le corps de l'autre n'?veillait bien s?r en eux aucun d?sir, mais chacun connaissait les points sensibles de leur ?nouveau partenaire?. Tendrement, mais avec le manque d'assurance d'adolescents puceaux, ils se caress?rent. Chantal d'abord, puis, quand Marc commen?a ? se sentir langoureuse, elle entreprit de masser Marc, lui effleura la poitrine avec ses seins dress?s, puis prit, avec un peu de d?gout, c'est vrai, mais il faut ce qu'il faut, non? son ancien p?nis. Il lui fallut encore quelques minutes pour se sentir pr?te ? l'accueillir, mais tout se passa bien. Tr?s bien m?me. Le lendemain matin, au r?veil, ils furent d'abord un peu surpris, mais ils remirent bient?t ?a. Chantal parlerait plus tard du b?b? qu'elle ne porterait pas.

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Mark saw Victoria off to work the following morning and went straight to the office. Alison had beaten him to it and welcomed him warmly. He asked her whether the general had anything urgent to deal with. "No," she said. "Why?" "I want to borrow his office for half an hour." "What on earth for?" Mark told her the story of the Summer Ball. She was utterly appalled. "I want to be able to discuss it with Colonel Wilson where we won't be disturbed." "What's going to...

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Solo Adventure

    I slam the door shut, my head spinning wildly.  Finally!  I’m home, away from school where I’m verbally attacked by a drunken woman who has no idea who I am, away from my stalker ex-girlfriend, away from everyone who looks at me and thinks, ‘Oh, just another clumsy, heavy, weirdo.’  Yeah, okay.  Suck my dick.  Okay, I don’t have one.  So suck my strap-on.   I make a very short call to my parents to let them know that I’m home and safe.  Of course, my dad takes a very long time to answer...

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A sensual dark skinned nurse

The Surgeon checked out all the stuff I had given him and he finally told me I needed a pretty little surgery.I got scared and told my sweet Ana about my fears; but she said she had a meeting with other doctors and everybody said it was something easy, with no risk at all…So, one week later, the surgery was left behind in my memory; but some pain was still saying it had not been just “a pretty little one”…I should spend three more days at the hospital; so the doctor could check out my condition...

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Bayonettas Abuse Chapter 10 Gathering Storm

"Ohhhhhh! OHHHH GOD!!!" Moans flowed freely from James' mouth as Bayonetta's fist slurped in and out of his well stretched pucker. It was late morning and although their play session had stretched on for nearly two hours, Mistress showed no signs of slowing. His beautiful, latex-clad Domina grinned deviously as she plunged her shiny hand into his warm, succulent bottom over and over. She went to the elbow with each glorious thrust, watching in delight as her slave squirmed in his...

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Davids Life Book I I Dreamed of Djini and So Much MoreChapter 4 Wishing Well

I had a lot to consider, wish wise and otherwise. I'd thought carefully over years of reading about what I would do with wishes. Some were banal, such as wishing for riches, invincibility, and such. The typical kinds that most people would throw out without thinking. I suppose that included me, to some extent. I had our eyes done. I thought about things that I have enjoyed doing and how I could use wishes to make them better. We both had some health issues, so I decided that my next wish...

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Colins Fault Part 2

Dean and I had always been close, but since our last little “encounter” we’d become really close. Every time I saw him, I’d have trouble keeping my hands off him. I knew I would have to change things back to normal when our parents returned home, but for now, we were both fine. I’d woken up early for a Saturday, and I’d gone for a run. I loved running, it kept me in shape, and I always ran in a sports bra and shorts, so I got a good tan. By the time I got home, I was glistening with sweat. I...

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Trolley Dolly Part 2

Yes although Anne-Marie is from a posh family and she speaks all posh, she is really thick. She had well and truly failed the exam for the Air Hostess job, but her sexiness had won the day and the old, bald, pervy interviewer had offered her the job?(previous story).I did not know who Anne-Marie's new boyfriend was, since unlike little Sue who baby sat for us, she had never had him come round to our house. OK, Mick had seen her with the huge negro, King Impala, who all the young white girls...

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The Wet Domme

You wonder how do you get yourself into these situations. Dressed in only black fishnet stockings, garter belt and stiletto heels, you lie on the bed on your back. The leather cuffs on each wrist are tight but not uncomfortable. Two feet of chain, wrapped over the bar of the headboard bind one to the other. Each ankle is cuffed separately to each bedpost. You smile, still breathing hard from the recent love making session where he ravaged you lustfully. You must have climaxed at least 3 times...

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Grimm Tales Snow White

‘It’s late, Jacob, and you promised me a bed time story. Did you forget?’ Jenny’s lips formed a petulant pout, somehow managing to look alluring. Perhaps it the way the light illuminated the outline of her nubile body through the sheer nightgown she’d attired herself in. Or perhaps it was the manner in which she stood, hands behind her, most likely clasped in a submissive pose. Seated in the leather armchair in the study, a thick manuscript upon his lap, Jacob regarded his wife with a warm...

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St Searles Academy The New Class part 11 of 11

In the aftermath of the assault on the school, the person responsible for it is revealed. This is it; the end of the new class's first year. ST. SEARLE'S ACADEMY: THE NEW CLASS - part 11 of 11 by BobH (c) 2017 - 21 - It was less than a day since the armed assault on St. Searle's. The board of governors had gathered and were in emergency session three miles away in the conference room at the Ronald Clinic, the venue Virginia had insisted...

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SisChapter 2

Flu ... influenza ... is a very wide term. It covers everything from twelve hours inconvenience to death. The inoculation may protect someone from the particular strains it is designed for, but not others – and, of course, it can only do that if you've had the jab. I got in from the shop one evening – a Tuesday – bearing pizza as I was feeling a little lazy and didn't want to cook. I ascended into the heavens – to the attic – to fetch Ellen downstairs to eat and found her staring...

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The Institute part 1

Jessica and Abigail arrived right on time. That was no surprise, they had been programmed to do so. How? We'll get to that later. Jessica was a new entry level lab tech at the firm, 30 years old, and just out of college. College can take longer than expected when you become a mom at 18. Abigail (Abby) was that daughter, She already possessed the beauty and grace of a model, but was almost pathologically shy. They entered with few words, the cool fall weather outside blew in, and I quickly...

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Photo shoot memories

“O.K” Bobby said, “now Mark I want you to play with her breast like before only this time, try to milk it a bit. I want to get some close up of your hands squeezing her tit and pulling on her nipple.”As he did this, I arched my back slightly and let out a quiet moan. My nipples are incredibly sensitive and this was really starting to make my head spin. I'm sure Bobby knew exactly what he was doing, he knows what gets me really hot and this was doing it. The camera was clicking away and my...

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He has shown me depths of depravity I had never thought I could go to. Men and women have fucked me and I have willingly fucked them, in groups and as individuals. He has required I stand and be used as a dog’s bitch and though that was unpleasant as an untried thought, I loved it as an actualized event, from the very first mount. Now the several dogs that live on our small farm in the country regularly take me, singularly and as a pack. I wear full sun-type dresses or ma kettle dresses...

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Daddys Slave 3

As I went back out to the party I was immediately collared by my father who walked me around and introduced me to several groups of people that he said were the ones to know. Each group were told my story and each group had a feel of my breasts and cock and balls and some insisted that I suck them off while that talked to my dad. It was bazaar, here I was on my knees sucking a mans cock while he held a conversation with others as though I didn’t even exist and when he came another cock was...

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Better Ch 10

Chapter 10 – Andrea Michael’s proposal was all I thought about since he gave me his parting kiss at the gate. My pragmatic side kept saying this was such a bad idea. Aside from him, I knew no one in the Bay Area, but our times together would be much more frequent and without all the disruption of taking time away from work. I could fly out to be with family during the holidays, but even these days with my siblings and their families in other parts of the country, those occasions when we all...

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A call on Saturday morning

She was out side in the garden pulling weeds on a Saturday morning, when her cell phone rang. Hello she said. What are you doing? he said Working in the garden. Stop, right now and go into the house! Her breath caught in her throat and her heart started pounding at the commanding tone of his voice. Yes, sir she whispered as she stood and went into the house. Go into your room, take out your small dildo and pull down your pants I have it sir my pants are down Suck and lick your dildo, I...

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Kim Kardashians cock addiction

The first thing I thought of was k**napping Kendall and Kylie and threatening to torture them if she didn’t obey me. But three things were wrong with that: it would be much more difficult to k**nap three women than one; torturing the younger girls or r****g them didn’t really do much for me and I wanted her to want me to use her – I wanted her actions to be guided by lust and hunger and passion, not fear. What they say is true – Kourtney is the hottest one. But she hasn’t made a fortune out of...

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Heather Duncan Agent of FIT

1   ?Miss me Duncan?? the whispered words sliced through the silence.    That was how it started.  Cold, harsh, calculated.  She didn't have to see who spoke them.      ?Cheating death itself these days huh Marcott,? the blond fired back.    That comment brought a chuckle from the woman, who pressed the cold barrel against Heather Duncan's neck.    ?You know I couldn't die.  There was too much unfinished work to do,? Mallory  hissed.    Heather heard the soft clacking of her shoes as she...

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The Four Hour ErectionChapter 2

Angela was again sitting on the metal stool. Holly was swabbing her face with gauze and paper towels. Dub had been told to "put that thing away!" and was standing next to the two women, wringing his hands. "I'm sorry," he said for perhaps the tenth time. "I didn't know that was gonna happen." "I know," said Angela. She licked her lips and realized his semen was both on them and had gotten in her mouth. Her education went on as she then realized that the taste was not going to make...

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Out of Afrika Chapter 10

Out of AfrikaA fantasy by Julie Van and Curt B******Chapter 10Chloe was in a constant state of excitement caused by all the exhilarating things that were going on in her life. For one, at 18 years old she was regarded as being an Adult which meant there was little that she was legally not allowed to do and that thought alone thrilled her. In truth she was still emotionally immature racked with all the teenage insecurities that are part of growing up. She was constantly aware that unlike many of...

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