Sarah free porn video

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Sarah By Christie Angenieux (c)2000 Vanity Press "I want to you to maid for me tonight." "What?" "I said I want you to maid for my party tonight. Some of my friends are coming over with their husbands and I think it would be a great opportunity for you to open up." The thought was arousing, but I didn't think I could go through with it. "I'm not sure...I..." "Didn't you tell me that you felt all alone when you dressed and that you wished other people knew and would accept who you are?" "Yes, I did, but..." "Look, I know how much this has been bothering you lately. Wouldn't it be nice to finally shed your fear and uncertainty and let people know?" I was speechless. "You have nothing to worry about. My friends are the artsy type and very liberal. In fact, a few of them are regulars at that alternative club in Florham Park. Believe me they'll understand." More silence. "We've known each other for a long time. Yes, we broke up and we haven't been that close as of late, but I know how you feel. I remember the night you broke down and told me your secret. Granted, it took me a bit by surprise, but I didn't run away, did I? I wanted to help then and I still do now. Please...I know this will be good for you. You'll feel so much better." I couldn't believe my ears when I said "Ok", but I did and that set the gears in motion. "Good. Now go on down to you car and get your things." When I came back up to the apartment with my Rubber Maid tub, Doreen told me that I could change in her bedroom. I began taking off my male clothes as I heard Doreen in the kitchen preparing for the get together. Stripped down to my underwear, I began lying my outfit out on the bed when Doreen came into the room. "Hmmmmm, the chest and leg hair will have to go if you're going to look your best. Have you ever shaved your legs and chest before?" "No, living at home has kept me from doing it." "Well, go run the bath water and put some bubble bath and a bit of baby oil into the water. I'll be in a moment." Before long, a nice frothy bubble bath was ready for me. I slipped in and it felt great! Nice and hot and it smelled so nice. Doreen then walked in. "How's that feel? Must be nice." Doreen reached up into the medicine cabinet. "Here. Take my razor and start shaving your leg and chest hair off. Be careful and don't go too fast." I took Doreen's advice and began shaving. Doreen sat on the toilet seat and watched me, her head resting in her arms. "You know, I'm kinda glad that you told me your secret. I could see that you were so unhappy. That's why I think tonight will really make you complete. You'll have a lot of fun, too! I just know it!" I smiled nervously. "Trust me, you will." Doreen looked at her watch. "I've got to go check on the pigs in blankets." Let me know if you need any help." About 20 minutes passed as I shaved the remaining hair from my chest. I then drained the tub leaving a huge ring of hair. I was amazed at how much there was. After cleaning out the tub, I toweled off. It was a strange sensation, feeling my skin with no hair, not to mention the baby oil had made it so soft and smooth. I walked over to the bed and began putting on my things. First, I put on a black hi-cut foundation panty with lace trim around the waist and leg openings. The front support panel was enough to flatten out my masculinity. Then I put on a matching front-close bra also with lace trim. Now I slipped a black garter belt up my legs and secured it around my waist, letting the garter straps dangle against my thighs. Now I sat down on the edge of the bed and began rolling the ultra sheer stockings up my legs and clipped them to the garter straps. I ran my hands up and down my legs and the feeling was incredible! Having no hair made all the difference in the world! I stood up and felt the garters pull taught. I loved that feeling. Now came an uneasy moment. I needed to put on my corset but the laces were in the back. Doreen had seen me dressed before, but it had been a while since I asked her to help me. It was always the same, embarrassing feeling. I poked my head out her bedroom door. "Doreen? Can you help me with my corset?" Doreen was opening a bottle of wine. "Sure." Doreen came into the bedroom, looked at me and smiled. "My, you look sexy. I don't think I've ever seen you look this good." I started to blush. "Ok, let's give you that womanly shape." Doreen took the corset from the bed and helped me into it. "Lift up your arms." She put the corset around my waist. "Suck in." I did and she began clipping the hook and eye fasteners on the front. "There. That will just about do it." She clipped the last one and then told me to turn around. "Now we'll give you some curves." With a few firm tugs on the laces, I saw my waist shrink at least 2 to 3 inches. And my bust was also cinched and emphasized my breasts. I didn't even need inserts! "There. Wow, look at yourself in the mirror. You've got more curvature then I do." I looked and saw a very wasp-like shape before me, every bit the womanly figure. "I have to continue in the kitchen. Do your makeup and come out when you're ready." "Thanks, Doreen." Doreen smiled. "Thank me later." Doreen left the room. I then sat down at her dressing table and began applying my makeup. I applied a light coat of Pan Stick to hide any razor stumble that might have slipped by while shaving. Then I applied a very light coat of foundation to smooth out the color. Before long, the tough texture of my face gave way to a soft and supple radiance. I was pleased with what was becoming one of my better makeup jobs. Now I applied a light blue eye shadow to each eye and trailed the color off toward my temples. It was always exciting to see how simple colors and designs transformed a male face into a feminine one. Already having naturally long eyelashes, I began applying my mascara in light, even strokes. First the top, then the bottom. I noticed that my eyebrows were a bit thick, so I took out my eyebrow razor and plucked away at the bottoms to help separate the eyebrows from the eyes. It hurt a bit, but I hadn't done it in a while and the original hairs had grown back in. After that, I applied a I finished them off with eyeliner to really make them stand out. Now with my eyebrows, lids and lashes done, I moved on to my lips and applied a deep burgundy lipstick to accentuate their natural color. I was careful not to detract from the rest of my face since I wanted everything to be as subtle as possible. I was worried that if I went over board, too much attention would be drawn to my face. Now I applied a light amount of rose blush to accentuate my cheekbones. And then, a small spritz of Channel No. 5. But as with all makeup jobs, it was hard to judge the final product without the final piece. I lifted the red auburn wig from the Styrofoam core, bent my head forward and slipped it on. I then threw my head back to let the hair naturally flow over my shoulders. I looked in the mirror. This feeling was always the same. To see a rough, male countenance changed into a soft, caring feminine facade. That combined with the aroma of perfume and makeup was absolutely intoxicating! It always made me feel weak, soft, special. I looked at myself for a few moments. "How are you coming in there?" Doreen asked. "The guests will be arriving in about a half hour." I snapped out of my trance. "I'm almost ready. I'll be out in a few minutes." I went back to the dressing table and glued on some fake nails to complete the image. Next, I went to the bed and picked up my maids outfit. It was a conservative type with full arms and neck. I slipped it over my head. The satin garment quickly molded itself to my body, hugging my curves and resting perfectly on my hips. The layers of crinoline flowed down and lightly brushed against my thighs. Now all I needed were a pair of black pumps. I had some heels with me, but none in black. I looked through Doreen's closet to see if she had anything and she did. I slipped them on. They were a bit snug, but they would have to do. I looked at myself in the closet mirror. At this point, I looked and felt so incredibly feminine. I walked out of the bedroom into the kitchen. "I hope you don't mind but I borrowed a pair of pumps...the black ones with the buckle. They're the only ones that seem to fit somewhat." Doreen was stirring something at the stove. "No, not at all. Those were my mothers at one point and they never fit me quite right. She had a wide foot that..." Doreen looked up at me, slightly taken aback. "My God. You look beautiful!" I started blushing. "Really, you do. Look at you! I bet no one notices that you're a man." I paused for a moment, concerned. "What's the matter?" Doreen asked. "I'm nervous. I don't know if I can go through with this." Doreen sat me down at the kitchen table. "Remember when you told me how you had fantasies about being dressed as a woman. The very first time?" "Yes..." "Well, I realized then that you were different, special. But the longer you keep that difference bottled up inside you, the more you'll be unhappy with who you are. Once people accept you, you'll begin to accept yourself. Who knows, by showing others maybe you'll even discover things about yourself that you never knew existed." I knew what Doreen was talking about. I had always felt feminine and wanted to be as feminine as I possibly could. But being so brought up tough questions that needed to be answered. Was I gay? Was I bi? Who was I meant to be? "What have you got to lose? Sure, you might be humiliated, but is that such a large price to pay to be happy with yourself? Besides, I know that my friends are very open-minded and don't look down upon such things. You'll probably even make some new friends. I know that if you present your true self tonight, you'll feel so much better. " Just then, the doorbell rang. My heart began racing. Doreen got up to answer the door. "Trust me. You'll do fine. Now start pouring some glasses of wine and I'll call for you when I'm ready." I began pouring glasses of wine as I heard greetings being exchanged at the door. "Sarah? Will you please come here and take the guests coats?" This was it. I needed to have confidence, to believe that I was actually female. Yes, female. I was. I could do this. I was ready! My heart was pounding wildly as I started my feminine steps. I smiled and walked into the foyer. Two couples were there, talking with Doreen. "Helen, Gail, Bob, Tony, I'd like to introduce you to my maid, Sarah." "Hello" I said in my best feminine voice. "Nice to meet you, Sarah." said one. "How do you do?" said another. "Very well, thank you. May I take your coats?" "Certainly, said Bob, as he took off his coat and handed it to me. Here's my wife's too." Tony and Helen gave me their coats as well and I took them to the hall closet. As I was hanging up the coats, I listened for any comments from the guests. To my surprise, all I heard was general conversation about nothing in particular. No comments were being made about me. I returned to the kitchen and continued with the wine when Doreen came in, all smiles. "You see, no one noticed anything! You did it! Doreen gave me a hug. "It might have been a small step but it was a successful one! I knew you could do it!" My confidence was building to a point where I actually thought I could pull it off for the rest of the evening. "Ok, now pour the wine, put it on that tray with the cheese and crackers and bring it into the living room in a few minutes." Doreen left. I arranged the cheese and crackers in the center of the tray and placed 5 glasses of wine around the edge. Then, holding the tray in front of me chest high, I walked into he living room. I went around to each guest and offered them a glass of wine. After that I placed the tray on the coffee table next to the couch. "Is there anything else I can get for you Ma'am?" "No, that's fine, Sarah. Thank you." I walked back into the kitchen and started doing various tasks around the kitchen. I wiped the counters down, cleaned out the microwave and put dirty dishes into the dishwasher. After about an hour, the dishes were done and I started putting them away. While doing so, I was in full view of the guests in the living room. I glanced up from time to time to see if anyone was staring at me, but no one was paying me any attention. It made me feel wonderful knowing that everyone thought I was a woman. In fact, as the night wore on, I felt more and more like a woman. I could feel the softness of my panties, the smoothness of my legs, the taughtness of my garters, the firmness of my bra and the constriction of my corset. My maids dress fit snuggly around all my curves, and my heels gave me that tall, desirable look. Every now and then, I could smell the aroma of my makeup and perfume. My hair lightly brushed against my shoulders giving me goosebumps. I loved it. I felt like a woman. Indeed, everyone thought I was a woman. I had to be a woman! I began preparing to do the floor when I heard one of the guests start talking about Doreen's ex-boyfriend, Sam. "Doreen, whatever happened with Sam?" Tony asked. "Do you still keep in touch?" "We talk to each other on occasion. He's doing fine." I felt that this was the turning point. I remembered everything Doreen said about coming to terms with myself and letting people except me for who I was. With that, I walked into the living room and stood next to Doreen. "Where is he now?" asked Bob. "Actually," Doreen started, "He's not that far away from us right now." Doreen then looked up at me. It took a while for everyone in the room to understand what Doreen meant. But as I looked at everyone in the room, it started to make sense. "Sam? Is that you?" asked Helen. "Sam?" proclaimed Gail. I could tell by the look on everyone's face that they were surprised. I thought that they would start laughing and making fun of me, but instead I heard a multitude of supportive compliments. "Oh, that is adorable!" said Gail. "You look stunning, Sarah!" proclaimed Helen. "Yes, you are very attractive, Sarah." said Tony. "You are a beautiful looking woman, Sarah." said Bob. I looked at Doreen who smiled at me and winked. Gail reached for me arm. "Please, sit down and tell us all about yourself." A long hour or so of conversation took place. I told everyone about when I first started crossdressing, how it made me feel, my favorite brand and style of clothes, what makeup I preferred and what perfume I liked. I explained how I felt lonely while dressed since I was unable to share it with anyone, and how I had longed to tell people. "Do you ever think about having sex as a woman?" Helen asked. I was a bit embarrassed but I answered her honestly. "Yes, I do, very often." "And it excites you?" asked Gail. "Very much." "Well, would you like to try it for real?" At first, I was confused by Gail's question, but then when I thought about it, I realized that this was the moment that I was to become a complete woman. I felt as feminine as I possibly could and knew that the time was right to go all the way. There was no stopping it, no turning back. It was now or never. "Yes." From the other side of the room, Doreen was smiling as though she knew that this would happen. "Ok, then let's get you ready." Gail and Helen both took each of my arms and guided me from the couch to the middle of the living room floor. Helen then proceeded to undo the zipper of my uniform while Gail helped the outfit off my arms. The dress slid down my legs and landed in a pile around my ankles. I was now standing in my stockings, garter belt, panty, corset and bra. Smiling, they both held my arms and guided to the coffee table where I had placed the wine and cheese tray earlier. Helen and Gail looked at me, smiled and got down on their knees and guided me down with them. "Now, Sarah, we want you to touch yourself. Run your hands over your smooth, feminine body. Feel the silkiness of your bra, the satin of your corset, the nylon of your stockings." I did as they asked and ran my hands over my body. I felt the feminine clothes, the soft materials and admired how they hugged my supple body. "Breath in the scent of your perfume, the lovely scent that makes you smell unlike any man. Breath in the scent of your makeup, the colors that make you look unlike any man. I inhaled deeply he scent as I continued running my hands over my womanly body. I could feel my nipples beginning to swell under my bra. "Feel your garters pulling at your nylons. Feel the tightness of your corset." I felt a stream of precum push to the tip of my cock and ooze out through my panty. Gail and Helen noticed this and realized I was almost ready. "Feel the cool air between your legs. Feel your hair flowing over your shoulders." I looked over at Tony and Bob sitting on the couch, entranced, watching me. "Crave to be all the woman you can be." Unconsciously, I began moaning. Helen then nodded to Bob and Tony and they got up and came over to where I was. Gail reached over and grabbed some cushions off the couch. She placed one in front of the coffee table, one in back behind my legs and one on top. She then looked at me, nodded and gestured for me to lean over the coffee table. "Doreen, do you have your Polaroid camera?" Gail asked. "Yes!" Doreen went to the entertainment center, rummaged through a drawer and pulled out her Polaroid. She then gave it to Gail. "Thanks." Gail began taking pictures of the scene as I heard the shutter clicking and saw the flashes. I then heard a zipper being undone and pants falling to the floor behind me. I turned my head and looked back to see Tony in his BVDs, hard and wet, getting down on his knees. He then pulled his underwear down and his cock leaped out. Gail took a tube of KY out of her purse and gave some to Tony who ran it up and down the length of his shaft. The camera clicked. Turning back to my front, Bob, who already had his pants off, was getting down on his knees in front of me. I could see the wetness on his underwear as well when his bulge came down in front of my face. He then pulled down his drawers and huge cock sprang out and pointed directly at my face. It was the first time that a real cock was so close to my lips. The camera clicked again. "Desire to be all the woman you can be, Sarah. Become the woman of your dreams." I started moaning loudly as I heard those words. My nipples were now hard and my panty was wet. Tony massaged my pantied ass while his cock became hard. He traced the lace around the leg opening with his finger. Helen and Gail began stroking my hair lovingly. "You'll enjoy being a woman, Sarah. We just know it." Then I felt my panties being pulled down to the tops of my stockings where they bunched up against the garter straps. The camera clicked some more. I then felt Tony's hot cock touch my asshole. I shuddered and moaned at the sensation as my legs spazmed. He then stroked the wet tip up and down my crack. The camera clicked again. Gail leaned over and whispered in my ear. "Sarah, it may hurt a bit at first, but if you relax, the pain will go away and you'll enjoy it a lot more." Tony then rested the tip of his cock against my asshole and pushed forward when suddenly, the tip of his cock slipped inside me. With my face in the cushion, I let out a muffled yell, then a loud moan. He then slowly pushed his cock further inside me as I let out more loud groans. The camera was clicking rapidly. "It's ok, Sarah," said Gail, "It will fell better soon." I felt Tony's cock throbbing as he began slowly moving in and out. It hurt at first, like Helen said it would, but I tried relaxing and in a short period of time, it felt much better. I looked at Gail who was kneeling beside me and she smiled. I continued moaning as Tony started a more brisk pumping of my ass. Bob was in front of me preparing his cock. He stroked it a few times and made precum appear at the tip. He then took his cock and brushed the tip along my lips coating them with his precum. I licked my lips and the taste drove me wild. I opened my mouth and stuck my tongue out trying catch more. The camera clicked. Bob obliged by milking his cock some more until a large drop fell onto my out stretched tongue. I swallowed and smiled. Then Bob rested the tip against my lips and firmly pushed it into my mouth and began slowly rocking back and forth. His cock was firm and hot. Gail snapped another picture. There was the scene. Helen was at my side, stroking my hair, making sure I was comfortable while Gail maneuvered around taking pictures. Tony was on his knees in back of me pumping my ass while Bob, also on his knees, did my mouth. Doreen was in the kitchen, smiling as she prepared some after-sex refreshments. The feeling was sensational. Here I was, bent over a coffee table being penatrated by two men, one from behind, the other from the front. It was the best feeling I had ever experienced. I felt like a true woman and didn't want the feeling to end. Bob was now plunging his cock into my mouth a bit quicker and I started to gag a bit as his cock touched the back of my throat. "Easy Bob," Helen said, "Remember, she's a virgin." Tony began pumping a bit harder as well, and the pain had all but disappeared. I felt his cock going in and out of my ass, his thighs bumping against mine, while Bob's balls squeezed against my chin. I heard Tony begin grunting behind me as I felt his cock beginning to swell. I realized that he was about to cum. I felt the first few pulses while his cock was still in my ass, but with one hand on the base of his cock and the other on my hips, he pulled out as I felt violent bursts of hot cum splatter the crack and cheeks of my ass. The camera clicked. As Tony began to release more cum onto my thighs, the shutter of the Polaroid continued to click away. I could feel the hot cum start running down my legs. About the same time, I felt the tip of Bob's cock begin to swell and pulse and I knew he was about to cum. Gail moved around to my front and readied the camera for what was about to happen. With a loud moan, Bob began cumming in my mouth. I felt the first stream of cum go to the back of my throat, but he then pulled out and sprayed the remaining quick bursts of cum on my lips and face. The camera clicked again. I couldn't control myself any longer. With my cock and nipples on fire, I screamed and spun off the coffee table, my throbbing cock spraying cum in the air as I landed on the floor. Moaning loudly and rubbing my nipples wildly through my bra, the Polaroid clicked as I continued to cum and my legs and hips spazmed with ecstasy. Gail got close-ups of my spazming cock and contorted face, my eyes closed and ruby lips in the typical "oooooh" position. I could see the flashes through my closed eyes. I then began to calm down as I felt my cock begin to slow down. Lying on the floor--panting, panties around my knees, garters, stockings, corset and bra all in disarray, frayed hair and smeared makeup, cum streaks on my face and ass--Gail took one last photo of me. "You are a woman now, Sarah. How does it feel?" Through my subsiding panting, I was able to finally speak. "I feel so complete now. Thank you. Thank you so very much." Helen and Gail smiled as Tony and Bob began toweling off. Just then, Doreen came out from the kitchen with a tray of refreshments and placed it on the now unused coffee table and sat down. Helen took a towel from Bob and began wiping me off as well. I could do nothing but lay there, still delirious from what just happened. Helen smiled as she wiped my face and ass. Gail then pulled my panties back up. Then they both helped me back into my maid's uniform and guided me to the couch. Tony and Bob finished putting their underwear and pants back on and sat down on the couch as well. I was dazed. I looked over to the table next to the couch and saw a stack of Polaroids. There had to be at least 40 or 50. "What are you going to do with those pictures?" I asked. "Well," said Helen, "We're going to add them to our extensive archives." I was confused. "You see," Gail began, "We've helped many CDs and TVs on their journey to womanhood. Bob and Tony here are also part of our team and both enjoy helping CDs and TVs become the complete women they want to be." I turned to Doreen. "You mean that they knew I was a TV all the time?" "No," Helen interjected, "We had no idea that you were a TV. In fact, we thought that tonight was purely a social visit. But, of course, when Doreen hinted at who you were, we understood why Doreen had asked us here tonight and knew what she wanted us to do." "Well, all I can say is thank you. You've all made me feel so feminine and so complete." I got up and walked over to Bob and Tony and gave them each a kiss. The rest of the evening was filled with happy smiles, laughter and good feelings. When Doreen's guests had left, I sat back down on the couch and reminisced about the evening's events. Doreen sat down beside me and looked into my eyes. "How do you feel?" she asked. I reached out, held her hand and smiled. "You've made me full wonderful and so completely happy. I owe my life to you." We then held each other for a long moment as the evening drew to a close.

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If you like images to go with your story you can click for the illustrated version of this SARAH in the comments below. Enjoy...The greatest thing about my lover, Joe, is his cock. I just love it. It's so fat and hard and muscular, I love holding it, I love stroking it, I love kissing it, I love sucking it, I love feeling it between my tits, I love feeling it filling my arse-hole, I love feeling it filling my pussy.I'm 26, with long straight brown hair, and brown eyes. People have always called...

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Als Sarah erwacht, liegt sie in einer dunklen einsamen Gasse. Sie rappelt sich mühsam auf und sieht sich um. Die schäbigen Häuserfassaden auf beiden Seiten sind so hoch, dass der Himmel darüber nicht mehr zu erkennen war und das Tageslicht gänzlich verschluckt wird. Vielleicht ist es auch gerade Nacht. Das einzige spärliche Licht kommt von vereinzelten Lampen über den Häusereingängen. Doch die meisten sind zerschlagen oder sehen so aus als ob sie schon seit Jahren nicht mehr gebrannt hätten....

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“Hands up, chin down!” my voice booms through the boxing club. I have barked out these words a million times. Instructions that were also barked out at me a million times by my coach, for the first few years of my training when I was a teenager. Three loud electronic buzzes signal the end of the training session. “Good work ladies and gentlemen. See you at the next class,” I announce, dismissing the class. I am fifty four years old. Outside of work, I train and teach at my friend’s boxing...

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My phone is going off and when I look, it’s my husband texting me. He doesn’t even bother to call. He says he is going to be home late from work again. I just finished putting dinner on the table.I sit there and eat alone, having a glass of dark red wine. I know he’s fucking someone now. I take off my pants and start fingering my pussy as I finish eating alone. That bastard.It is a couple of hours later when I hear him come in the door. The food has been in the refrigerator for a while. I am...

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Meri chudasi pooja aunty

Hi this is nitin 22 year old from delhi, india. I’m average guy and i`m very interested in sex right from my childhood, you know what i mean. I was more attracted to the boobs and belly buttons. The story which i’m going to write is how i fucked my aunty pooja.yeh baat 2 saal pehle ki hain. Pooja aunty mere pados mein rehti hain jo ki bahut sexy hain unka figure 36-32-36 hain jo ki 28 yrs old hain. Me usko rooz dekhta hoon aur sochta hun ki kaise uski chudai karu.wo hamare ghar par rooz aati...

1 year ago
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MyFriendsHotMom Ariella Ferrera Dana Dearmond Reagan Foxx 24129

Happy Mother’s Day! To celebrate this wonderful day, we’ve got a trio of hot MILFs gabbing about passionate sex! Ariella Ferrera and Reagan Foxx are at Dana Dearmond’s home for their book club, in which each of them is reading a romance novel fit with steam sex scenes! Dana leads the way in reading about a hot fuck session, for only if she could get the dick she hasn’t had in so long! The topic of cock becomes real when her son’s friend Logan arrives to fix her boy’s laptop, and Dana tells her...

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JAMIE tragic teen sex irony

During one late spring afternoon while I was riding with Kmart Cowboy inside his dune buggy, speeding around the red-rocked hills of southern Utah, my hussy-hustling friend boasted to me about his recent sexual exploits. “You wouldn’t believe how much ass I’m getting these days,” Kmart Cowboy blatantly stated. “I have so many girls calling me, I can't keep up with screwing all of them. I should give some over to you so you can keep their pussies warm for me.” “Be my guest,” I...

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The Camp Out PT 10

Sunday morning had finally arrived, and the rain had stopped. I woke to an intense itching---muther fucker ! I exit my tent, with just a pair of sweats on, and scan the camp. There that fucker is ! Walking up to Alex, seated at a table with a few others, I grab him by his hair, and pull him up. With a surprise look on his face, I pull back my right arm, and slam him in the mouth, busting it wide open. The b l o o d flew into the air as he spun around, and I go for the second pop, this time...

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Seeking Spiritual Help From A Priest 8211 Pt 3 Impregnating The First Wife

As time passed, the heat between our bodies started growing. We were nearing towards another round. My dick started getting hard and her nipples became hard as well. It was clearly evident. We kissed for a while. We were smooching. I kept our lips connected and inserted my tongue inside her mouth. She also did that and we were playing with each other’s tongue. I was caressing her buttocks and playing with them. We broke the kiss after a while. Then I asked her, “Are you ready my darling?” She...

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Gifts of the Future Ch 16

No one in the U.S., other than the people who’d leased the EV-1’s and other environmentalists, were even aware that a viable, marketable electric vehicle was deliberately and systematically removed from availability. During 2002 and 2003, everyone’s attentions had been focused on taking down Saddam Hussein and attempting to liberate Iraq. The Bush administration misconstrued numerous intelligence reports of possible links between Saddam and al-Qaeda and convinced the nation and the U.N. that...

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The Tales From The Tavern I Lied To You

The tavern was loaded that night. Babette, the waitress, was running in all directions, hardly keeping up with the orders of the customers. While the dining room was pretty crowded, only five people were sitting at the bar that was also belonging to the tavern. It was called 'Big ol' Tom's tavern – the place where stories are told'. Big ol' Tom's customers had always been telling stories; it had been a year-long tradition. The better part of these anecdotes were tales of love, passion and sex....

Straight Sex
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Ownership of Madame

„Be there on time and don’t you dare to look at your Madame!“ was the text message sissy received.This was enough to send shivers along her spine. She couldn't concentrate on her business any more. The day was dragging. Finally, she embarked on train and started counting stations to when she will meet HER.sissy was so nervous before placing her finger on the door bell button. Faint sound of bell in the distance could be barely heard. Nothing happened. sissy didn't know what to do. Ring again?...

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Jokes and GigglesChapter 501

These are compliments of the magician 1. Now that food has replaced sex in my life, I can't even get into my own pants. 2. Marriage changes passion. Suddenly you're in bed with a relative. 3. I saw a woman wearing a sweat shirt with "Guess" on it, I said "Implants?" She hit me. 4. I don't do drugs, I get the same effect just standing up fast. 5. Sign in a Chinese Pet Store: "Buy one dog, get one flea." 6. I live in my own little world, it's OK, they know me here. 7. I got a...

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A Stone for DannyChapter 5

With each passing day Danny was improving. He had been home for over a week and he was increasingly looking more like his old self. It was a huge relief to me. Although we had slept in separate beds for years he had always been a good husband. The fear I felt at the prospect of losing him shocked me. As for Melissa it seemed to be a non-event that her father had come close to death. As a teenage girl she was self-centred and lust was on her mind. And she was confident that her night of...

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Lises Bar the Next Day

At 11 the next morning I stepped out of a taxi and entered Lise’s bar again. I’d worn a knee length dress in mid-blue – a summer dress because the weather was warm. I had on silk, white knickers but otherwise I was naked beneath the dress. Lise was sitting in a corner of the bar reading a newspaper. ‘Kitty, welcome! I know Greta will be here soon – she is looking forward to showing you our lovely City. You will have a wonderful day together and much pleasure, I know.’ As she spoke so she stood...

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Dyked Katie Kush Bella Rose Make Her Pussy Rain

Cute blondies Katie Kush and Bella Rose planned to have a fun time out in the sun, but the forecast shows rain! To salvage the day, Bella suggests that they watch some movies on her laptop. Katie heads into the bedroom to set up some flicks, but stumbles upon some videos that are a little more… interesting. Turns out Bella has been watching lesbian porn in her spare time! Katie is curious, so she lets Bella lick her tight, young pussy as it gets wetter and wetter. Her clit is super...

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It’s been about six months since the girl Lisa moved into the apartment above mine. It’s turned over a few times since I started living here, so I just said hello when I saw her on the stairs. She was very pretty and much younger than I was. She kept walking while replying with a pretty dismissive, “hey”. I didn’t think much of it until I heard her moving furniture around and making a lot of noise ... At 3am in the morning. Over the next few months, it happened a lot, especially on weekends...

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My Business Trip

Business trip By: Shailaja Hello everyone. My name is Shailaja. I am fair, height 5.4, fig is 36c 30 36. I am married and working in a company. I have 2 daughters, first one 12 years old & second one 4yrs old. My husband name is Anit. Both of us work in Singapore, I work as Finance Manager in one firm & Anit work as Personal Manager in another firm. Many times because of work both of us has to go out for tour of one or two weeks. It happened once in Malaysia when I was there for a company...

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BiochemistryThe Sequel

BIOCHEMISTRY: THE SEQUEL by J R D IN THE PARK... Jack Smith, James Smith's father, was jogging through the park one day when two men jumped him. Now Jack was an athletic sort, a man who enjoyed working out, but these men clearly knew what they were doing and Jack was unconscious before he knew what was happening... ************** AT THE BEACH... Melissa Smith, James' mother, Jack's wife, drove into the beach parking lot where James and his new wife Samantha were...

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Caught At A Peep Show

It was a Friday night and I got home and cleaned up. I was going to a new XXX booth/ peepshow in town. My wife asked me where I was going and I told her I was going to play poker with the guys. I jumped in the car and drove off, I pulled into the parking lot and sat in the car for a minute and looked around. I looked in the side mirror and saw my wife pulling up behind me and parking. She got out of the car and approached my car. She opened the passenger side door and ask me what I was doing...

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Gigolo With Bhubaneswar Lady In Car

Hi, this in Neil back again to narrate another incident. This is completely true apart from the names for the purpose of protecting privacy. I would love to receive your messages on and even would be available for chat on google Hangout. However, I would strongly discourage guys who ask for contact details of ladies. Please understand that it’s an ethical obligation to maintain confidentiality. So coming on to the story… I’m in this beautiful city of Bhubaneswar these days for my work. One day...

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Sensitivity Training

Sensitivity Training by DCRMaster had me chained up for the night. Today was surprisingly easy. I had to clean the house, and scrub the floors. Nothing unusual. Master spat on me, slapped me silly, and fucked me in the ass. All in all, it was a light day.I was chained to my bed completely naked. The chains were long enough, so I could lay on my back. Very comfortable for a bitch slave such as I.Today was wed, that meant sensitivity training.Master turned on an audio tape that played softly. The...

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Gaon Ki Gori Ko Khetmai Choda

Hi Indian Sex Stories dot net readers, Mai ek average ladka hu aur sex ke liye hamesha ready rehta hu meri height 5’9 hai aur mera land 8 inch Lamba Aur 2.5 inch Mota hai. Yeh meri life ki real story hai kaise Maine gaon ki ladki ki chudai ki aur use apni rakhel banaya aur uske behen Aur apni maami ko bhi khoob choda. Agar meri sex story padh kar mujhse koi ladki sex chat ya chudna chahe toh mail kare Mujhe apna feedback zarror bheje. So let’s begin….. Mai Mumbai ka rahne wala hu, apni...

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Priestly PromiscuityChapter 15 Sallys Selfless Sacrifice

The next evening after their usual practice, Brother John quietly signaled to the obese youngster to come to his office. Sally had spent the last hour wondering if he was going to acknowledge that he knew she'd watched them and, now that he obviously was, she was frightened. "Now, Sally." he said with a reproving tone of voice. "You were being rather sneaky last night, weren't you? Just what did you see?" "Oh, sir? I didn't mean to, but? Like? I know it wasn't your fault, Brother...

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Amandas ChoiceChapter 7

"I'm so sorry, Tanyee," Sirinna said as she led the almond-eyed girl from her bedchamber, holding on to her chain loosely. "Things have been quite busy around the Manor this morning." Tanyee was the only Trainee to whom Sirinna would so openly apologize, for she still harbored a suspicion that there was something else going on here. Tanyee was a model slave. She took to her calling swiftly after arriving as a Captive, giving very little fuss and getting over her initial nervousness in...

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When I got back to our room after my (second) breakfast in the motel lobby, me and Dave went off for one of my favorite on-the-road pastimes, miniature golf! Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, of all the stops on the Carolina League schedule, was the only place that was a real tourist town, with lots of amusements. They had a nice beach, too, and sometimes when we were there Dave and I would hang out and watch the girls in their bikinis. That was fun, and some of those girls -- man, they were...

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Seduced By Mallu MILF Teacher 8211 Part 6

Hi there! It’s me, HarDick69. Without spoiling any fun, here’s the next part. Beena had a lot in her mind for us. We started sexting. I would text her how I would fuck her daily in the college. And my fantasy to fuck her in the green room when the cultural fest goes on on the main stage. I even got Remya’s number and slowly became friends with her too. When she messaged me that she was recently watching a lot of threesome porn, I got an instant boner! Beena was preparing something for me. She...

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NubileFilms Dido Angel Lovita Fate Kiss And Tell

Wearing a body-hugging bra and panties, Lovita Fate waits happily in bed until her girlfriend Dido Angel arrives home. Dido is all smiles as she gets an eyeful of Lovita’s lush body. Walking straight to the bed, she hikes up her short skirt to reveal her thong and then peels Lovita’s bra off between kisses to her puffy nipples. Dido’s dress is the next article of clothing to go so Lovita can do some oral work of her own. Her mouth is soft and sweet on Dido’s breasts,...

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Love Family SingersChapter 17

After April pulled her off me, to everyone laughing, Mom went into the kitchen and came back with a check. It was for $10,000 as she said, “Is that enough, Honey?” “It’s a good ... first start,” I said. I took out my phone and used my Wells Fargo app to deposit the check in our account. April had explained how to do it, the first time. I got up, taking April with me and said, “Don’t think you are getting any more songs than before, Sarah. I’m not that easy of a mark, mother.” April broke...

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A Step in the Right Dirction 3

A "Step" in the Right Dirction 3================================================================================Jane picked me up at work on Friday and we drove to a really nice restaurant where we ate oysters for an appetizer and steak and lobster for dinner! Before the main course came, she excused herself and walked to the restroom. She looked VERY nice and there were more eyes than just mine watching her as she walked by in the black dress with the deep plunging front and back that made...

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The Visit

Adam was in Manchester on business so he had contacted his internet buddy Chris and suggested a beer that evening. Chris had agreed and told him of a pub he knew and arranged to meet him there about seven after Chris had finished work. The two had met up and enjoyed a pint and finally meeting each other. Chris invited Adam back for a coffee and Adam accepted. On arriving back at Chris's, Adam was greeted at the door by a wonderful vision, there was a stunning beauty dressed in a black basque...

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Spiritually Led

"Morning Bethany, how are you?" I said with a smile to the pretty blonde who lived in my building as she passed me in the hall. "Your cat shit on my doormat again." She said, stopping briefly. "I uh, I've never owned a cat." I replied. "K then." She said then walked away. I tried to engage her in conversation as much as I could, to be honest I'm not sure why I did, she was tall, had the body of a playboy model with real nice breasts and a pretty face and usually she'd usually...

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BurningAngel Sadie Pop Teen Creampie

Petite thirsty cutie Sadie Pop is ready to go to pound town with Xander Corvus- and she NEEDS her smooth teen twat filled with hot cum! Sadie sloppily sucks his man meat like she means it- good motivation to flip her around, taking her sperm slit hard and fast from behind. He pumps away, switching between her throat and cunny- throwing her slender legs over the shoulder to go deep. She bounces that booty up and down like she’s riding a pogo stick, and takes the D like a champ! She’s...

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Truth and Consequences

Nancy was asleep when I got home, so I crawled into bed quietly and lay there thinking, and later dreaming, about the fantastic sex I had experienced with Cindy. That must not have been all I dreamed about, though, because when the alarm clock went off I woke up in a cold sweat with a giant knot in my stomach. 'What about next week, ' my brain screamed to me. Aye, there's the rub. Next week I'd have to pay for the incredible high I felt last night. Next week the guys are coming to my...

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Midnight Surprise

It was about midnight when I got home, I sighed as I turned the key to unlock my door. I walked into the apartment and threw my keys onto the coffee table. The room was quiet and the only light was coming from the uncovered window across the room. I kicked off my heels and my feet were greeted by the soft touch of my blue carpet. Yawning, I walked to my room and began to reach behind myself to unzip my dress, when I felt myself being pulled against another body by warm hands. "Not so fast...

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IHaveAWife Valentina Bellucci 31067

Valentina Bellucci is visiting her friend and her friend’s husband, Danny. Valentina has noticed that Danny has been hitting the gym and is so turned on since she hasn’t had sex in so long. She gets so desperate that when Danny steps out, she starts playing with her pussy in the kitchen. Danny returns soon after and catches Valentina in the act, where she confesses that he turned her on. Valentina knows how open her friend is and knows that she won’t mind Valentina having a go...

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Our Little Secret 23

It was late on Saturday night and I had just returned from the big game between Lincoln High School and South Portland High School. Well, I hadn’t come straight from there. Our team had won and there had been a party to celebrate at Grayson Lampitt’s house, the captain of the football team. I got in just after midnight, trying my hardest not to make too much noise and wake my folks. My mom had been on the war path lately. She said she was under ‘excess stress’ at work and she appreciated my...

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Lisa ndash The Orgy Part 2

Lisa could still taste Clint’s cum in her mouth when she saw Beth and Rose’s mom Lilly come through the door as Jack and Brad were pumping their semen into Rose’s pussy and ass. She watched as the two mature women teased Jack and it was instantly obvious that Jack had been recently intimate with both of them.“Who are the new Ladies?” Clint asked quietly but he clearly was happy to see additional women coming to the party.“The redhead with big tits is my daddy’s, err, I mean Jack’s girlfriend....

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My Wife and All Their Kids

Daphne didn’t actually live next door, but she certainly had girl-next-door looks. She stood a slim five foot four, just an inch or two shorter than me, with corn-tassel blond hair and piercing dark blue eyes. I spotted her on the first day of my freshman year of high school. She looked like an angel ought to look like, and was almost constantly smiling or laughing at something or other. She was clearly a high spirited, fun loving girl. I fell in love with her instantly. Through the next 3...

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer

The entire Scooby Gang including Giles were preparing for battle. "Don't see why you need ta wait for the Watcher luv? Givin' the Nerds of Doom a chance to get away." "You can't hurt humans Spike. They're humans." "So why do you need me then? Or him. The whelp, demon girl and the witches could take them in a fist fight." "Warren's got robots, Andrew's got demons, Jonathan's got magic. Tara!?" "Yes Buffy?" "Do you think you can handle Jonathan on your own?" "I've been talking with Willow and...

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The Story of Rachel

Rachel was a very attractive blonde who has been with the companyfor five years. She started 2 years after I did, and while we neverreally hit it off, there were some signs that there was a mutualattraction. You could even call it sexual tension, at times. Shereally dressed well, and always carried a designer purse, and haddesigner shoes on her size 8 1/2 feet. The purses and pumps shewould wear to the office were incredibly beautiful. Boner-causingbeautiful! What i always thought of doing, but...

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Dear sister

100% fiction! It's the last day of high school and I just turned 18 so to celebrate me and some friends go too Hooters. I get back home at 12:45 that nite and go to bed. The next day my mom and dad leave for a two week vacation. So I invite my Mark over well we get drunk off our ass. And my sister Sophy shows up and ends the party of two I go to bed. At about 2:30 the next afternoon I'm in my room on my computer when sophy walks in. She says hay Blake what do you want for lunch so I say pizza....

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Work does pay

When I was in my early twenties I was working for a travel agency in my local high street. I was the only male and enjoyed the attention from the range of women working there. There were two girls my age and the rest were thirty plus. The person I got on best with was a woman named Jane, who knew no bounds when it came to flirting, she was 36 and married to Andy. The flirting was the usual stuff, a bit of office banter, until one day when we had to do a late shift and lock up together.

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Taking That First Step Part 3

Lance had arrived at the specialty shop as himself, a young man wearing women's lingerie under his jeans. He was met by the stunning Cassandra, the shop owner and his confidant. She treated him to a wig, lipstick, eye shadow and then directed to one of the changing rooms. Waiting inside was one of the sexiest lingerie combinations that he had ever seen. Upon exiting Cassandra reappeared clad in black leather, she looked tough and demanding. She escorted him to one of the couches where Cassandra...


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