Injustice IIIChapter 2 free porn video

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“Let’s go out on the front porch,” Thad suggested, before adding, “Bring that jug, Nick.” On the front porch, the jug was passed around a couple of times before Angus started questioning me.

“What can you tell me about Miss Calisa?” he asked, as Nick and Thad passed the jug several more times. I explained how I had met her through Jill and about the attack on her house, her move here with us, and her desire to return to her house. I also mentioned how she had changed after being alone for five months.

“Yes, I can understand that, especially if she was physically unable to leave the house,” Angus told me.

“Does she have a husband or other attachment?’ he asked.

“No, she is divorced. She has a cat for a companion,” I told him.

“My Sister always had a cat, but I haven’t been able to even look at one since she passed, as it reminds me too much of my dear Sister,” he told me in a sad choked up voice.

Nick and Thad were still passing the jug, and offered Angus and me some, but we passed on it to discuss what I had last been studying at his house. After a time, we noticed that Nick and Thad were having trouble with the jug, and Angus used a spell to remove it from their hands. On checking it, he discovered that it was well past half empty, and it was the fortified cider that I had sampled at Nick’s house back in the summer.

“There is a spell to sober them up. I’ll use it on them. They won’t be happy about that, but they don’t want to appear to be drunk at the meal,” Angus told me and cast the spell. I had studied it at his house, but had never thought that I would need to use it, especially here. I knew better now.

Both men threw up after Angus cast the spell, but a quick cleaning spell took care of things.

“What did you do that for?” Nick demanded angrily.

“You don’t want to be drunk for Thanksgiving dinner,” Angus told him in a kind voice.

“If your heads start to bother you, let me know, and I’ll use the hangover spell to help you out,” I told them as they grinned guiltily. Thad put the jugs in the basement when we went inside.

The first visitor to arrive was a man named Frank Reid who was Melany’s suitor. He is a thin man about 5’-9’’ or so tall with dark blond hair and hazel eyes. He is one of the O’Donnell Cousins, and lived in Franklin where he owned a shoe store. He seemed like a pleasant enough fellow and had a minor Talent. He was well known to the O’Donnells, and had arrived just past noontime. Melany managed to break loose from the kitchen for a short time and came out to see him. She gave him a very exuberant kiss.

He was followed about a half hour later by Roderick and Patrick, Thad’s Sons. They had brought some of their younger children who immediately took off for the kitchen to get some of Grandmother O’Donnell’s cookies. The Brothers both knew Frank, and they talked about a number of things.

Thad’s Daughters arrived shortly after 1300 hrs. with several of their younger children, but didn’t stay long, as they were still preparing their own Thanksgiving meals at home. Their children also went to get some of Grandmother’s cookies.

Thad had introduced the men to all of them since we were out in the parlor. His Daughters also met the visiting women when they went to the kitchen to see their Mother during their brief visit.

The meal was served at 1400 hrs. in the large dining room. Uncle Thad said grace before the meal started, giving thanks for the many things that had gone well that year. There was turkey, ham, mashed potatoes with two kinds of gravy, several kinds of vegetables, and pie for desert. Tea and water were the only drinks served. The clean up following the meal went very quickly, since all of the cooks knew Magic, and Jill had shared with them a number of spells that she had learned during our studies. It took longer to put the leftovers away than to clean the dishes, pots, and pans.

Most of the men watched football on the TV in the large parlor, while the ladies talked in the small parlor. The exception was Angus and Calisa. He had managed to sit next to her during the meal, and they had talked quietly together for a long time following it. I was quite surprised, as he had seemed less than anxious to be away from his house for long when initially invited to the dinner. Jill had noticed this also.

“They seem very interested in something,” she remarked to me in a whisper.

“Yes, they do,” I admitted.

“We’re going out to the barn to check on my cat,” Calisa told all of us just after 1630 hrs. before she and Angus left for the barn. It was still warm out as it had gone up to a bit over sixty degrees here today according to the large dial thermometer out on the porch. They were out there for some time before returning with not one but two cats. Uncle Thad was a bit upset, as he had a very firm no cats in the house rule. Angus just smiled at him, and he subsided with just a frown.

“Muffie came right up to me and rubbed up against me when we entered the barn,” Calisa told us with a huge smile.

“This other cat seems to have adopted me,” Angus told us holding up a young cat that was white with rusty colored stripes. “I haven’t been able to look at a cat since my Sister passed away, but this one seems very attracted to me,” he added in a warm voice.

“Take him or her home if you want, we have plenty of cats,” Aunt Grania told him.

“Thank you, I believe that I will,” he told her with a smile.

“We need to feed them,” Calisa insisted following that.

“Not in the house. Take them out on the back porch,” Thad insisted.

“There are scraps in the refrigerator. They can have part of them,” Aunt Grania told them, and they left to feed the cats.

“Angus seems very happy,” Nick commented after the two of them were out of hearing.

“Yes, he was always somewhat sad when we were there studying Magic, though he did his best to hide it,” Jill remarked.

By the time 1730 hrs. rolled around, the sun had set, and Nick looked anxiously out the front windows.

“Maybe we should be getting home,” he said and looked over at Kaera for conformation.

“Yes, I believe you are right, dear,” she agreed, as both of them rose.

“Its been really good to have you here, Nick,” Thad told his old teacher, as they shook hands and slapped each other on the back. Aunt Grania and several of the other women came over and gave Kaera a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

“What about Angus?” she asked, as they donned their coats.

“I’ll return him home after they have finished feeding the cats. It won’t be a problem,” I assured her.

When I returned to the farm from taking Nick and Kaera home, the cats had been fed, and Angus was in the small parlor talking to Calisa. They both seemed very happy the way they laughed and giggled during their conversation. I was glad to see this as both of them had spent a lot of time alone, and could use a friend. The two cats were in there with them and playing together. Jill smiled on seeing them when she joined me a few minutes later.

“Should we interrupt them?” she asked.

“I’m not sure how anxious Angus is to return home now. Perhaps I should ask him.”

“Yes, ask him but don’t push him into anything,” she agreed, just before we entered the room.

“Oh, you’re back,” Angus said in surprise on noticing us, but I knew that he could have detected my Talent when I returned. It was an indication of how absorbed he had been talking to Calisa.

“Yes, we were wondering if you would be staying the night?” I told him.

“Uncle Thad has plenty of rooms,” Jill assured him. Angus looked somewhat embarrassed on hearing this, as he turned back to Calisa.

“Calisa, it has been amazing meeting you, and I have enjoyed your company and talking to you tremendously. Also thank you for returning me to the enjoyment of having a cat again. I deeply appreciate it. However, I must return to my house and the books on Magic stored there. Will I see you again?” he asked.

“Nick invited us to his house for Christmas,” I told him before Calisa could answer.

“Really?” he asked.

“Yes, Kaera brought it up when I returned them home. We could pick up Calisa and bring her along also,” I told him.

“Would that be all right with you, my dear?” Angus asked in a quiet voice, almost like a teen asking a girl out for the first time. Calisa blushed big time on hearing him.

“Yes, I would be very pleased to see you on Christmas, Angus,” she replied.

“We’ll pick you up on Christmas morning, if that’s all right,” Jill told them.

“Yes, Nick will want to attend church for Midnight services,” Angus agreed.

“Yes, anytime is good for me. Will Kaera need help preparing the meal? I could help on Christmas Eve if she does,” Calisa told us.

“I’ll be helping Kaera prepare the meal,” Jill assured her. There was silence for a short time following that.

“I’ll be out in the hall when you are ready, Angus,” I told him, taking Jill by the hand and moving out of the parlor to allow them to say goodbye to each other.

Angus emerged a few minutes later with the cat that appeared to have adopted him. I had his coat ready for him, and he donned it before placing the cat in one of its large pockets. I could feel him use a small spell to calm the cat before we left the house. I transferred us to his house outside of Union City from the field in front of Thad’s house.

It was much colder there when we appeared on his front porch, than it had been at Nicks in Sneedville just a short time ago. It also appeared to have snowed again, as the snow appeared to be deeper around the shell.

“Max, thank you for the invitation to Thanksgiving dinner. Thank you also for having Calisa there. She is the most interesting person that I have met in some time. I will work on your transfer spell and see how far I can move with it. Thank you for that also,” he told me in an appreciative voice.

“Angus, for all of the Magic that you taught me, I should be the one thanking you. I’m glad that you have found someone who interests you. I’ll pick you up on Christmas Morning at 10:00, if that’s okay,” I told him.

“Certainly,” he agreed before transferring inside with the cat still in his coat pocket. I returned to Thad’s farm, for the better weather and warm parlor there.

On appearing in the field in front of the house, I found that the temperature had already dropped significantly, and there was a fine drizzle falling. I hurried inside to find Jill waiting for me. Calisa was nowhere in sight and neither was her cat.

“Everything taken care of?” she asked as I entered.

“Yes, Angus is home in his house. It appears to have snowed more there,” I told her with a smile. “The temperature here has dropped considerably,” I added.

Even though it was winter, and there were no crops to tend, the O’Donnells still went to bed early, but they didn’t rise quite as early as during the remainder of the year. The heat for the house was automatically turned down early as well. Jill and I washed up before going to bed and spent a very enjoyable night close together under the thick blanket and quilt on our bed.

Friday morning we were up a little later than the O’Donnells, so the house had begun to warm up. We had planned to go to Charleston that day to get Jill’s SUV since Boston didn’t appear to be a good place for pickups. We were therefore shocked when we heard on the morning news that the Boston area had received some three feet of snow overnight and more was expected. In fact, it had snowed all over New England and as far south as Trenton and Philadelphia, though they received only a few inches of snow.

“Well, there goes the idea of driving up to Boston next week,” I told Jill after the news broadcast was over.

“Yes, those northeasters can be brutal,” she agreed. “So what else is there to do?” she asked.

“Besides watching the weather report, not a lot,” I told her in a disappointed voice.

“We still need to get the SUV checked out, but I guess there is no rush now,” she said.

“We should probably check on your house and Melany’s. We may need to turn off the water. The residual from that storm will undoubtedly work its way south at some point,” I reminded her.

“Yes, we should check on the houses in any event. Neither of them have been weatherized for cold weather,” she agreed.

“I should get back to check on my house also,” Calisa told us, as she too had heard the weather report.

“Is it just me, or does it seem awfully early for that much snow, even in Boston?” Thad asked.

“It seems that Boston and the rest of New England have set record snow fall readings the last couple of years,” Jill told us.

“They are welcome to it. We get enough cold weather here to satisfy us. We don’t need their weather or snow,” Thad told us in an assertive voice.

We took Calisa and Muffie home later that morning. Her house while cool had the heat on, just set low. Jill’s house and Melany’s didn’t have the heat on, so we turned off the water coming into the house and opened the spigots through out the house so the water in the pipes wouldn’t burst them if it froze.

We also checked the area around all three houses, to find that they were all under surveillance. We weren’t sure who the observers worked for, but didn’t feel it necessary to question them. Let them watch, they wouldn’t see a lot. We also checked the area where Jill had her SUV stored, but there wasn’t anyone watching it. We returned to the farm following that.

Saturday was a very forgetful day except for two things. The first was the weather report. Boston and New England had received even more snow with temperatures in the low teens for most of the day. It had also been down in the upper teens last night here, but no rain or snow.

The second was a piece on the news that evening. Don Palladino’s funeral had taken place that day in Elizabeth N.J. One of those interviewed by a reporter following the burial was Don Giuffrida.

“Mr. Giuffrida, it has been rumored that it was the DeCavalcante Family who ordered the hit on Don Palladino. Do you have a comment on that?” the reporter asked when he approached the Don, as he left the burial sight in the cemetery. The Don smiled into the camera and moved up to the mike the reporter was holding.

“While it’s true that Mr. Palladino was a business competitor, and we aren’t sorry to see the reduction in competition, no one should die the way he did. It was a terrible thing, and the media should have been more discrete in their coverage of the event.

“However, let me state categorically that the DeCavalcante Family, and its associates, had absolutely no connection to this tragic event. I understand from several sources that the police believe it was the work of some fellow from the south, I think they said from Atlanta,” he finished.

“So you know nothing about who is responsible for this?” the reporter asked, trying to extend the interview.

“No, nothing. Now you must excuse me, I need to speak to the widow Palladino,” the Don told him, as he moved away from the reporter and the cameraman. The video clip ended there, as the Don’s two bodyguards blocked the camera’s view and the reporter’s microphone from further questions.

“It would appear that ‘Johnny Tin Ear’ is as good as his word,” Jill said after seeing the interview.

“You know that fellow?” Thad asked, as he had been watching the news program with us.

“Yes, we met him once for dinner but didn’t remain to eat. He arranged for us to see where Palladino had his operations set up, but that was all. He couldn’t afford to be involved in my revenge,” I told him.

Sunday we went to church in Aquone with the O’Donnells. The people there smiled to see us back with them. That afternoon, several people came by the house to visit and see what new spells might be available. While I didn’t have any new ones to sell or trade, it gave me the idea of setting up Magic classes for the O’Donnells and any of their neighbors who wanted to attend. I brought the idea up to Thad that evening. He was receptive if a little doubtful that most of his neighbors had strong enough Talents to get anything out of the classes. We finished up the turkey and the ham from Thanksgiving that evening also.

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Injustice IIChapter 7

The following new character appears in this and later chapters: Andrea Palladino Formerly Adriano Zabarelli, il Palladino, minor Mafia Don, 5’-9’’ tall, 220 pounds, late 40s to early 50s, gray hair, blue eyes We appeared in the field in front of Uncle Thad’s house to find that the sphere was in place, although it had been lowered yesterday afternoon, and I wondered what had caused them to raise it again. Jill was also looking at it in surprise. “What’s happened?” she asked in a puzzled...

2 years ago
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Injustice IIChapter 8

The following new character appears in this chapter: Nicholas Kane Wizard, very strong Talent, 5’-9’’ tall, about 155 pounds, 75 years of age or so, a large nose and intense hazel eyes, fire engine red hair even at his age Kaera Kane Nicholas’s Wife, 5’-3’’ tall, pleasingly plump with long gray hair, sunburned and wrinkled from a life working on the farm. “Well Thady O’Domhnaill, what brings you up here?” the older man demanded in Gaelic with a thick accent. “I’ve brought you a new...

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Kelly Chapter 6

I had spent two long days driving to the area where I needed to go and pick up the items for my store. My SUV is roomy and comfortable, great air conditioning when I need it and heat when it’s cold. My trip to the upper Midwest threatened snow, it was October, of that year, after all. I stopped after the first day along I-90 in Rapid City. I checked into the hotel, found some dinner then crashed into the bed.When I woke the next morning, I looked out of the hotel window. There was a light...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 141 Visiting Katelin Eatons Family

Thursday, April 28, 2005 (Continued) Katelin was bouncing up and down outside her home when I pulled up. She bounced around to the driver's door and pulled me out of the car. "Come on! I can't wait to introduce you to my family." I was dragged inside. I immediately recognized the two youngest boys. One was a senior, which was pretty much all I knew about him. The youngest was a guy called Gunner, currently in the 9th grade. He'd been in some of my 8th grade classes last year and he was...

1 year ago
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Widowers Dream

Widower's Dream With the relatives and friends gone I lay on our empty bed and let my arm rest where you used to lie; and dreamt. You slowly dressed me as so often I undressed you and I stood unprotesting as you dressed me in the lingerie you used to wear. Turning me around you buttoned the back of the green gown I liked so much and then, you clothed in the tan suit I wore on our last trip to Paris, then, you held me close and took me dancing on the terrace still unbuilt...

1 year ago
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Tribal Tryst

I had opportunity to meet a delightful young woman recently. She is Native American, tall, lithe, terrific long black hair (down to her waist). She is a divorced woman with two k**s and very independent in her life.We had a couple of chances to chat, and I found her to be enchanting. Her values are sound, and she's committed to doing her thing - her way. She's been out of her marriage for a few years, and she's carving out a new life.After a business day, I asked if she'd like to join me for...

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Carla The ShowoffChapter 5

Carla and I saved up enough to get away to a beach condo for the weekend. I was looking forward to watching my beautiful girlfriend shamelessly display herself in one of her many thong bikini bottoms. It was a topless beach and I knew that Carla would take every opportunity to display her beauty. Little did I know that she had exhibition plans of her own that would make my own projections of things to come seem pretty tame. "Baby, don't be mad," Carla said after a very satisfying...

2 years ago
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Afro adventures

I lived in Africa for many yrs, loved the place, the guys I worked with had a house that we all crashed at and eventually we all moved in, was a awesome time, it was very remote which ment we could go wild on weekends to which we took full advantage, one Friday evening we were stoned and one of the guys had an idea that we should go get ourselves hookers, so off we went in the company car I had , I was a little nervous and felt fucking ridiculous curb crawling to find ourselves something decent...

2 years ago
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A New Client

It is quite like any other business day in the Fall. Despite the cooling temperatures, I am out of office on a field trip hunting for a new supplier as our company is tired of the hassles in working with our old furniture supplier. I have been to several suppliers already by the time I met Samantha. So far none of them offered what her company seem capable of delivering, the service facilities needed to deliver when and where we need. It may be because they are not expecting a black...

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Highlander Code DuelloChapter 7

"You're wrong." The combatants fell back from each other. Surprise showed on Deirdre's face but shock was written on Guiseppe's. "Who are you?" demanded the Italian. "I am Duncan MacLeod of the Clan MacLeod." "Duncan! How, why, how did you get here?" "It wasn't that hard," replied Duncan as he cautiously circled the room, searching for a position close enough to both his friend and to her daughter that he could get between either of them and Guiseppe should that Immortal...

4 years ago
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Anitas night in Las Vegas

Anita’s night in Las VegasTo celebrate our wedding anniversary, I invited my sweet Ana to spend a week end at Las Vegas...After checking at the hotel, Ana told me she would have a shower and get ready for going out to dinner.A while later she came out from the bathroom and I was really surprised about how she looked.My sweet Ana was wearing her shortest black skirt, which barely covered her ass cheeks; a very sexy white low cut blouse and a pair of black high heels. Her makeup was perfect. She...

4 years ago
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Rose gets help coming out

Sally and I were friends from the time we moved and I started going to Grant Grade School in the7th grade. We hit it off the very first time we met. We did everything together. My mom use to ask where I lived with her and dad of at Sally’s. There wasn’t a lot of first in either of our lives that we didn’t share or accomplish together. Sally had always been the chance taker the one to be first. The only thing I think I beat her at was getting my tonsil removed. We talked about everything. We...

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Sooby and her sister Tooby gave me sex like i had never had before

As I finally got the to slide inside Tooby's pussy hole, I heard both girls sigh! Tooby sighed from the feeling of inside her cunt. Sooby from her knowledge of how it was feeling to her sister. I looked down at this beautiful woman and asked her: "Are you OK baby?" She smiled and said: "It feels so big! But it doesn't hurt at all!" Sooby told her: "It will be OK in a minute or so Tooby, your pussy will stretch to take it! Fuck her Mr. XX! Fuck her slow and good! Fuck her for me baby! She is...

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True story:My wife is the perfect petite asian bride 26 yrs old and very shy, we have been married for 3 years now. Being older and more experienced I wanted my wife to play catch up in the sex life so we could explore our future with no regrets before the drudgery of life begins. Abby has always been very conservative in all aspects of her life and it was very hard to convince her to start showing off that beautiful athletic body, with her perfect pert tits and bubble butt out in any of the...

2 years ago
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Life Of A Gigolo In This Time And Place

Hello, living in Jaipur, a dire financial situation three years ago forced me to look for ways to make money. A friend of mine, a seasoned gigolo (male sex worker), talked this 18-year old into joining his line of work and live a life of luxury. I’m paid big money for providing (and receiving) carnal pleasure. Money was what made me say “Yes” to my friend’s invitation to join the business. I get anywhere between ₹6,000 and ₹25,000 for one night, depending on who I spend the night with. The...

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Anal part 2

I had been invited to a party at the house of a chap I knew in the town. There were quite few people attending, some familiar some not. Anyway the party was going ok but around 10.30 I really needed the toilet. I went upstairs only to find the door locked. I decided to wait outside on the landing. Soon a chap I recognised came upstairs."if it's locked there's an en suite in the room across there he pointed" "thanks" I said and walked into the room and en suite. I hadn't noticed but the chap had...

4 years ago
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Lakshmi And Boss 8211 Real Time 8211 Part III

Hi.. Lover & Lakshmi here. Firstly let us give a “BIG CHEERS” to dear ISS TEAM MEMBERS! Hey.. “ONAM” greetings from we all.. dear ISS Team and Dear Readers….. We are astonished to see the huge number of responses, flowing in.. ISS should be proud.. See even the witters are motivated thru positive comments and replies…. Thanks a lot… But on behalf of ISS & all other writers: “FOR THE NEGATIVE COMMENTERS!” – Please avoid comments like “This story is written by a MALE, imitating as a FEMALE” the...

2 years ago
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Extreme Makeover

‘How do you like it?’ Alyssa said, with bright, forced cheerfulness. Everything about the question stressed that it was not, indeed, a question. It assumed that the answer was ‘I love it.’. She mandated it by her tone and her face that reflected back in the mirror at Dez, a tight smile, focused eyes that pleaded as much as they threatened. The camera was on, else her gaze would be imploring, her voice beseeching, striving for compromise between the two warring factions. Speaking of which . ....

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Miss Britt Memories 2

After a phone call early one morning, "Lisa dear, we are going to have company over the weekend. Heather is in town for meetings with her business affairs and she will be here late Friday afternoon until sometime Monday. Heather and I grew up together in London, went to the girls academy and studied under Margret......and were often disciplined by Margret as you know by now. When I decided to come to the states, she decided to remain in London and found a career in fashions. In...

3 years ago
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Behen Ki Planned Chudai

Hiiii I am a aarav bhati from new delhi. Mai aapko apni kahani hindi me batana chahta hu .Mai delhi me ek flat me rhta hu apne family ke saath .Mai btech ka student hu .Ye kahani kuch mahine pahle ki hai .Mere family me mummy papa aur meri bahan rahti hai .Meri bahan ka naam nisha hai .Jo 12th me padhti h .Bahut hi hot h . Mai sex story padhta hu .Isliye jab v use dekhta hu to chodne ka man krta tha .Bahut hi mast figure hai uski 34-32-34 kisi ka bhi lund khada kar deti hai .To mai nisha ko...

4 years ago
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The Sperm Donor

18-year old Gabe Smith stood outside his parents' bedroom. It was early in the morning and the young boy was thirsty and had got up to get a drink. As he had walked back to his room, he heard voices coming out of his parents' bedroom. His curiosity aroused, he had stopped to listen to what they were saying. "I hope it works this time, Donald." It was his mother’s voice. "It will, Helen." said his father. "How do you know?" asked his mother. "I just am." replied his father, "Besides, if it...

2 years ago
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Bus Ke Sleeper Me Bhabhi Ki Chudai

Hello friends, Ummid karta hoon aap sabhi Iss reader roj nayi nayi kahaniyan padhkar apni sex ki aag ko aur hawa de rahe kahaniyan padhne se chudai ki ichchha itni badh jati hai ki us waqt jo bhi samne mile man karta hai usi ko chod doon. Aur aise me hi log kisi bhi riste ki parwah kiye bagair sirf chudai ke bare me sochte hain. ISS ki kahaniyan pure badan me aag laga deti hai. Kahaniyan padhte waqt Land tambu ban jata hai. Lekin kya kabhi kisi ne socha hai ki iski sari kahaniyan...

2 years ago
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Rain and Bathwater II

Twila whimpered and tried to push against his shoulders and fight for control of her body.  He wasn't having it. His hand tightened on her leg, his fingers twisted tighter in her hair as he slanted his lips over hers and ravished her mouth. She moaned, gasping softly as he took her bottom lip between his teeth and nipped down gently.  Twila groaned, feeling his hardness against her pussy as he slowly gyrated against her.  "I figured you'd put up a fight so I took the liberty of picking up a...

4 years ago
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The Cocktail Waitress

The Cocktail Waitress Belladonna I shuddered as I looked at my reflection in the mirror as the stylist moved to touch up the makeup where my breast forms met my chest. "Looking good," Doug said as he gave me a thumbs-up from the seat that he had watched various bits and pieces of my feminization from. I shook my head in response before I gazed into the mirror and became transfixed by my reflection. What I saw made me sick to my stomach. From head to toe I looked every bit a...

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MyFriendsHotGirl Karlee Grey 23365

Karlee Grey, what a scandalous babe! For a while, she was banging her boyfriend’s best friend Johnny — a tryst that lasted for some time. But now that she ended up marrying her boyfriend, she’s ready for things to be different: she wants to be married and bang her husband’s best friend Johnny. Oh. Yeah! She calls him up while her new hubs is out of the house and tells Johnny to come over and fuck, but he’s not having it anymore now that she up and hitched his best pal. So the big tits wife...

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Degrees of IntimacyChapter 7 New York

Marianne wasn't the slimmest woman Gareth had ever made love with. In fact, as she unclasped her bra to let her heavy bosom fall loose, Gareth studied her full stomach with some hesitation. She wasn't fat exactly, not even plump, but by no measurement could she be described as slim. It wasn't as if Gareth could complain. Despite those few hours a week he found to attend the gym, he had definitely lost the slim figure he still sometimes imagined was just a temporary loss. He pulled down...

3 years ago
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The Trannyformation

I headed back to the adult bookstore where I had my first taste of cock and cum. I needed more, and headed for the gloryholes in the back booths. It wasn't long before a man entered the next booth. He rubbed his crotch and slowly lowered his zipper. My heart was beating faster in anticipation of sucking his big cock. He pulled it out of his shorts, and it was about 3 inches long, and not very thick. He moved toward the hole, his uncut cock being stroked slowly and tantalizingly, precum...

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Recycling Day Part 2

I couldn’t believe that Tina was here. I really didn’t think that she was interested in me. I thought the sex that we had before was just a one time thing. I thought that it was just an overwhelming circumstance where two old horny classmates were overtaken by lust.I was completely surprised that she was now standing right here in my kitchen on a Friday night. That she came back here on her own free will and even brought dinner with her. My mind flashed with the memories of us making up our...

Straight Sex
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next door neighbour

So I don’t normally take days off during the week but had to as the TV guy was coming (and as usual they said some time during the day) thankfully he arrived early so I had the rest of the day to kill, while roaming about Xhamster I heard the lawn mower going nest door, I went upstairs to look and saw 2 young black guys in next doors garden. Now my neighbours are an older white Afrikaans couple (probably in their late 50’s early 60’s) and as I am English speaking we didn’t interact much but...

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The Man Opposite Door Part 8211 2

This indian sex story is a continuation too, ‘The Man Opposite Door’. Even if you have not read the previous part, you carry on with this part. Though for more details about the protagonist and their stats, refer to the older part. For feedbacks and suggestions, message me on . I could feel a heavy arm around my waist and could feel a strong chest instead of my pillow. And slowly the happenings of yesterday night came to mind. I could feel the warmth from Arjun’s body, spreading into mine....

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