Injustice IIChapter 9
- 3 years ago
- 22
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“Let’s go out on the front porch,” Thad suggested, before adding, “Bring that jug, Nick.” On the front porch, the jug was passed around a couple of times before Angus started questioning me.
“What can you tell me about Miss Calisa?” he asked, as Nick and Thad passed the jug several more times. I explained how I had met her through Jill and about the attack on her house, her move here with us, and her desire to return to her house. I also mentioned how she had changed after being alone for five months.
“Yes, I can understand that, especially if she was physically unable to leave the house,” Angus told me.
“Does she have a husband or other attachment?’ he asked.
“No, she is divorced. She has a cat for a companion,” I told him.
“My Sister always had a cat, but I haven’t been able to even look at one since she passed, as it reminds me too much of my dear Sister,” he told me in a sad choked up voice.
Nick and Thad were still passing the jug, and offered Angus and me some, but we passed on it to discuss what I had last been studying at his house. After a time, we noticed that Nick and Thad were having trouble with the jug, and Angus used a spell to remove it from their hands. On checking it, he discovered that it was well past half empty, and it was the fortified cider that I had sampled at Nick’s house back in the summer.
“There is a spell to sober them up. I’ll use it on them. They won’t be happy about that, but they don’t want to appear to be drunk at the meal,” Angus told me and cast the spell. I had studied it at his house, but had never thought that I would need to use it, especially here. I knew better now.
Both men threw up after Angus cast the spell, but a quick cleaning spell took care of things.
“What did you do that for?” Nick demanded angrily.
“You don’t want to be drunk for Thanksgiving dinner,” Angus told him in a kind voice.
“If your heads start to bother you, let me know, and I’ll use the hangover spell to help you out,” I told them as they grinned guiltily. Thad put the jugs in the basement when we went inside.
The first visitor to arrive was a man named Frank Reid who was Melany’s suitor. He is a thin man about 5’-9’’ or so tall with dark blond hair and hazel eyes. He is one of the O’Donnell Cousins, and lived in Franklin where he owned a shoe store. He seemed like a pleasant enough fellow and had a minor Talent. He was well known to the O’Donnells, and had arrived just past noontime. Melany managed to break loose from the kitchen for a short time and came out to see him. She gave him a very exuberant kiss.
He was followed about a half hour later by Roderick and Patrick, Thad’s Sons. They had brought some of their younger children who immediately took off for the kitchen to get some of Grandmother O’Donnell’s cookies. The Brothers both knew Frank, and they talked about a number of things.
Thad’s Daughters arrived shortly after 1300 hrs. with several of their younger children, but didn’t stay long, as they were still preparing their own Thanksgiving meals at home. Their children also went to get some of Grandmother’s cookies.
Thad had introduced the men to all of them since we were out in the parlor. His Daughters also met the visiting women when they went to the kitchen to see their Mother during their brief visit.
The meal was served at 1400 hrs. in the large dining room. Uncle Thad said grace before the meal started, giving thanks for the many things that had gone well that year. There was turkey, ham, mashed potatoes with two kinds of gravy, several kinds of vegetables, and pie for desert. Tea and water were the only drinks served. The clean up following the meal went very quickly, since all of the cooks knew Magic, and Jill had shared with them a number of spells that she had learned during our studies. It took longer to put the leftovers away than to clean the dishes, pots, and pans.
Most of the men watched football on the TV in the large parlor, while the ladies talked in the small parlor. The exception was Angus and Calisa. He had managed to sit next to her during the meal, and they had talked quietly together for a long time following it. I was quite surprised, as he had seemed less than anxious to be away from his house for long when initially invited to the dinner. Jill had noticed this also.
“They seem very interested in something,” she remarked to me in a whisper.
“Yes, they do,” I admitted.
“We’re going out to the barn to check on my cat,” Calisa told all of us just after 1630 hrs. before she and Angus left for the barn. It was still warm out as it had gone up to a bit over sixty degrees here today according to the large dial thermometer out on the porch. They were out there for some time before returning with not one but two cats. Uncle Thad was a bit upset, as he had a very firm no cats in the house rule. Angus just smiled at him, and he subsided with just a frown.
“Muffie came right up to me and rubbed up against me when we entered the barn,” Calisa told us with a huge smile.
“This other cat seems to have adopted me,” Angus told us holding up a young cat that was white with rusty colored stripes. “I haven’t been able to look at a cat since my Sister passed away, but this one seems very attracted to me,” he added in a warm voice.
“Take him or her home if you want, we have plenty of cats,” Aunt Grania told him.
“Thank you, I believe that I will,” he told her with a smile.
“We need to feed them,” Calisa insisted following that.
“Not in the house. Take them out on the back porch,” Thad insisted.
“There are scraps in the refrigerator. They can have part of them,” Aunt Grania told them, and they left to feed the cats.
“Angus seems very happy,” Nick commented after the two of them were out of hearing.
“Yes, he was always somewhat sad when we were there studying Magic, though he did his best to hide it,” Jill remarked.
By the time 1730 hrs. rolled around, the sun had set, and Nick looked anxiously out the front windows.
“Maybe we should be getting home,” he said and looked over at Kaera for conformation.
“Yes, I believe you are right, dear,” she agreed, as both of them rose.
“Its been really good to have you here, Nick,” Thad told his old teacher, as they shook hands and slapped each other on the back. Aunt Grania and several of the other women came over and gave Kaera a hug and a kiss on the cheek.
“What about Angus?” she asked, as they donned their coats.
“I’ll return him home after they have finished feeding the cats. It won’t be a problem,” I assured her.
When I returned to the farm from taking Nick and Kaera home, the cats had been fed, and Angus was in the small parlor talking to Calisa. They both seemed very happy the way they laughed and giggled during their conversation. I was glad to see this as both of them had spent a lot of time alone, and could use a friend. The two cats were in there with them and playing together. Jill smiled on seeing them when she joined me a few minutes later.
“Should we interrupt them?” she asked.
“I’m not sure how anxious Angus is to return home now. Perhaps I should ask him.”
“Yes, ask him but don’t push him into anything,” she agreed, just before we entered the room.
“Oh, you’re back,” Angus said in surprise on noticing us, but I knew that he could have detected my Talent when I returned. It was an indication of how absorbed he had been talking to Calisa.
“Yes, we were wondering if you would be staying the night?” I told him.
“Uncle Thad has plenty of rooms,” Jill assured him. Angus looked somewhat embarrassed on hearing this, as he turned back to Calisa.
“Calisa, it has been amazing meeting you, and I have enjoyed your company and talking to you tremendously. Also thank you for returning me to the enjoyment of having a cat again. I deeply appreciate it. However, I must return to my house and the books on Magic stored there. Will I see you again?” he asked.
“Nick invited us to his house for Christmas,” I told him before Calisa could answer.
“Really?” he asked.
“Yes, Kaera brought it up when I returned them home. We could pick up Calisa and bring her along also,” I told him.
“Would that be all right with you, my dear?” Angus asked in a quiet voice, almost like a teen asking a girl out for the first time. Calisa blushed big time on hearing him.
“Yes, I would be very pleased to see you on Christmas, Angus,” she replied.
“We’ll pick you up on Christmas morning, if that’s all right,” Jill told them.
“Yes, Nick will want to attend church for Midnight services,” Angus agreed.
“Yes, anytime is good for me. Will Kaera need help preparing the meal? I could help on Christmas Eve if she does,” Calisa told us.
“I’ll be helping Kaera prepare the meal,” Jill assured her. There was silence for a short time following that.
“I’ll be out in the hall when you are ready, Angus,” I told him, taking Jill by the hand and moving out of the parlor to allow them to say goodbye to each other.
Angus emerged a few minutes later with the cat that appeared to have adopted him. I had his coat ready for him, and he donned it before placing the cat in one of its large pockets. I could feel him use a small spell to calm the cat before we left the house. I transferred us to his house outside of Union City from the field in front of Thad’s house.
It was much colder there when we appeared on his front porch, than it had been at Nicks in Sneedville just a short time ago. It also appeared to have snowed again, as the snow appeared to be deeper around the shell.
“Max, thank you for the invitation to Thanksgiving dinner. Thank you also for having Calisa there. She is the most interesting person that I have met in some time. I will work on your transfer spell and see how far I can move with it. Thank you for that also,” he told me in an appreciative voice.
“Angus, for all of the Magic that you taught me, I should be the one thanking you. I’m glad that you have found someone who interests you. I’ll pick you up on Christmas Morning at 10:00, if that’s okay,” I told him.
“Certainly,” he agreed before transferring inside with the cat still in his coat pocket. I returned to Thad’s farm, for the better weather and warm parlor there.
On appearing in the field in front of the house, I found that the temperature had already dropped significantly, and there was a fine drizzle falling. I hurried inside to find Jill waiting for me. Calisa was nowhere in sight and neither was her cat.
“Everything taken care of?” she asked as I entered.
“Yes, Angus is home in his house. It appears to have snowed more there,” I told her with a smile. “The temperature here has dropped considerably,” I added.
Even though it was winter, and there were no crops to tend, the O’Donnells still went to bed early, but they didn’t rise quite as early as during the remainder of the year. The heat for the house was automatically turned down early as well. Jill and I washed up before going to bed and spent a very enjoyable night close together under the thick blanket and quilt on our bed.
Friday morning we were up a little later than the O’Donnells, so the house had begun to warm up. We had planned to go to Charleston that day to get Jill’s SUV since Boston didn’t appear to be a good place for pickups. We were therefore shocked when we heard on the morning news that the Boston area had received some three feet of snow overnight and more was expected. In fact, it had snowed all over New England and as far south as Trenton and Philadelphia, though they received only a few inches of snow.
“Well, there goes the idea of driving up to Boston next week,” I told Jill after the news broadcast was over.
“Yes, those northeasters can be brutal,” she agreed. “So what else is there to do?” she asked.
“Besides watching the weather report, not a lot,” I told her in a disappointed voice.
“We still need to get the SUV checked out, but I guess there is no rush now,” she said.
“We should probably check on your house and Melany’s. We may need to turn off the water. The residual from that storm will undoubtedly work its way south at some point,” I reminded her.
“Yes, we should check on the houses in any event. Neither of them have been weatherized for cold weather,” she agreed.
“I should get back to check on my house also,” Calisa told us, as she too had heard the weather report.
“Is it just me, or does it seem awfully early for that much snow, even in Boston?” Thad asked.
“It seems that Boston and the rest of New England have set record snow fall readings the last couple of years,” Jill told us.
“They are welcome to it. We get enough cold weather here to satisfy us. We don’t need their weather or snow,” Thad told us in an assertive voice.
We took Calisa and Muffie home later that morning. Her house while cool had the heat on, just set low. Jill’s house and Melany’s didn’t have the heat on, so we turned off the water coming into the house and opened the spigots through out the house so the water in the pipes wouldn’t burst them if it froze.
We also checked the area around all three houses, to find that they were all under surveillance. We weren’t sure who the observers worked for, but didn’t feel it necessary to question them. Let them watch, they wouldn’t see a lot. We also checked the area where Jill had her SUV stored, but there wasn’t anyone watching it. We returned to the farm following that.
Saturday was a very forgetful day except for two things. The first was the weather report. Boston and New England had received even more snow with temperatures in the low teens for most of the day. It had also been down in the upper teens last night here, but no rain or snow.
The second was a piece on the news that evening. Don Palladino’s funeral had taken place that day in Elizabeth N.J. One of those interviewed by a reporter following the burial was Don Giuffrida.
“Mr. Giuffrida, it has been rumored that it was the DeCavalcante Family who ordered the hit on Don Palladino. Do you have a comment on that?” the reporter asked when he approached the Don, as he left the burial sight in the cemetery. The Don smiled into the camera and moved up to the mike the reporter was holding.
“While it’s true that Mr. Palladino was a business competitor, and we aren’t sorry to see the reduction in competition, no one should die the way he did. It was a terrible thing, and the media should have been more discrete in their coverage of the event.
“However, let me state categorically that the DeCavalcante Family, and its associates, had absolutely no connection to this tragic event. I understand from several sources that the police believe it was the work of some fellow from the south, I think they said from Atlanta,” he finished.
“So you know nothing about who is responsible for this?” the reporter asked, trying to extend the interview.
“No, nothing. Now you must excuse me, I need to speak to the widow Palladino,” the Don told him, as he moved away from the reporter and the cameraman. The video clip ended there, as the Don’s two bodyguards blocked the camera’s view and the reporter’s microphone from further questions.
“It would appear that ‘Johnny Tin Ear’ is as good as his word,” Jill said after seeing the interview.
“You know that fellow?” Thad asked, as he had been watching the news program with us.
“Yes, we met him once for dinner but didn’t remain to eat. He arranged for us to see where Palladino had his operations set up, but that was all. He couldn’t afford to be involved in my revenge,” I told him.
Sunday we went to church in Aquone with the O’Donnells. The people there smiled to see us back with them. That afternoon, several people came by the house to visit and see what new spells might be available. While I didn’t have any new ones to sell or trade, it gave me the idea of setting up Magic classes for the O’Donnells and any of their neighbors who wanted to attend. I brought the idea up to Thad that evening. He was receptive if a little doubtful that most of his neighbors had strong enough Talents to get anything out of the classes. We finished up the turkey and the ham from Thanksgiving that evening also.
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Jill had still been awake when I returned from the Carlton St. house, and I needed to tell her what I had done there. After a little more hugging and kissing, we returned to sleep. We arose very late on Tuesday morning after a good, if interrupted, night’s sleep. Following taking care of our usual morning rituals, we went out for a late breakfast which we combined with lunch that we took back to the room with us. This time we did not return to the hotel as we normally would. Instead I...
We appeared in the tunnel at the entrance to the Gardner Pingree House’s basement. It was the house that Captain Joseph White had bought from Nathaniel West, and where he was murdered in 1830. Louisa DuPont made a contribution to the Essex Museum in the early 1900s to have the White name removed from the house, so as to not embarrass her husband, Frank B. Crowninshield. On arriving, I cast the listening spell on the wall closing the entrance so we could hear what was being said. “Just...
We awoke in our room at the hotel just after 1000 that morning, Thursday the 28th of January, after four plus additional hours of sleep. Following our morning preparations, we dressed in our traveling clothes before sending our luggage and other things to Jill’s SUV. She had a question before we left the room. “Are we going to eat here before leaving,” she asked. “I don’t believe we would be able to access any of the places along Essex St. this morning, or that we would wish to try. The...
As we approached the shell around Uncle Thad’s house and buildings, I sounded the horn to alert them that we were back. There was no problem passing us and the SUV through the shell and its wards. Maureen was impressed with the size and color of the shell. Jill had told her how I had cast it when we had first arrived here. Arriving in the field in front of the farmhouse, we could see a number of people out on the porch in addition to Uncle Thad and Aunt Grania, as they were surrounded by...
The following new character appears in this chapter: Thomas J. Perkins Vice President of the United States, second in Command of the Anti-Magic League, 5’-11’’ tall, 200 pounds, 45 years old, dark brown hair, hazel eyes Later that evening, following supper, and after the television had been turned off, and the rest of the household was preparing for bed, Thad and I were the only two left sitting in the parlor. “Just who is this first fellow you are going after?” Thad asked leaning...
The following character reappears from the first story: Colonel Coley Full Colonel, assigned to Military Intelligence; a tall thin man about 40 years old with short black hair The reheated pizza in our hotel room wasn’t great, but we were hungry and ate every bit of it, as there wasn’t any place open this late at night to get anything more to eat. After showering again together, we were asleep in no time. It was 0930 on Monday morning before we were up again and it was discussion...
The following character returns from the first story: Dr. Boudinot Civilian psychiatrist, assigned to Military Intelligence; a medium height slightly overweight man of about 45 years old with brown hair While Max and Jill enjoyed the day, Friday, the 12th of February, wasn’t all that enjoyable for others. The problems started in the Basement of the Pentagon a few minutes after Max and Jill had left. The young Spec 5 heard the shot and immediately looked around the office to see where it...
Inside the building, pandemonium prevailed, as the tame Magic users could feel the spells being cast by Max and Jill, but were unable to do anything to stop them through their own wards. “Doctor Boudinot, someone is casting a spell outside the building,” the man from the operations section shouted as he approached Boudinot’s room again. “What are you doing about it?” he demanded. “Nothing, our wards are still in effect,” the man told him realizing how foolish he must have sounded. “Drop...
New characters introduced in this chapter: Calisa Jill’s friend, Magic user, 5’-4’’ tall, a bit chunky, 40 years old, brown hair, blue eyes Melany Jill’s friend, Magic user, 5’-5’’ tall, thinner than Calisa, 39 years old, blond hair, hazel eyes Jillian’s kiss startled me more than I can say. I had lost my wife and children only some four weeks or so ago, and I hadn’t even thought of women in more than a general way. Of course, I had been upset by the abuse of several young women by the...
It was nearly dark by the time that we returned to Mrs. Black’s house. It had taken longer than we had expected to help the other two Magic users. Mrs. Black was very slow answering the door when we rang the bell, and it only opened an inch or so before she asked, “Who is there?” in a frightened voice. “It’s Jill and my Cousin,” Jill replied, and the door opened all of the way. Mrs. Black had a large butcher knife in her hand and a very relieved look on her face. “I’m sorry, but it took...
The following new characters appear in this chapter and others: Uncle Thaddeus (Thad) Jill’s Uncle, Magic user, 5’-10’’ tall, 185 pounds, 62 years old, a full gray beard and gray hair, hazel eyes Aunt Grania (Grace) Uncle Thad’s Wife, Jill’s Mother’s older Sister, 5’-8’’ tall, 140 pounds, 34C-24-34, 59 years old, gray hair, blue eyes “Well, Jill, what brings you out here?” the man who was apparently her Uncle asked as he approached us. “Trouble!” she answered. “Nothing unusual there....
The bed in the room assigned to me was definitely too small for my 6’-4’’ frame. I used a spell to stretch it and the mattress an extra six inches so it would be more comfortable to sleep on, but it wouldn’t be weakened much, as I do weigh two hundred and forty pounds or so. It was a much better fit when I lay down on it. Also, it was fortunate that we had showered at Jill’s house before returning here, as I had no idea where the bathroom was. Farmers get up early, and I was awakened at five...
Jill pressed herself against me, and we kissed for a long time before finally coming up for air. We were still holding each other and hadn’t moved when suddenly there was the BOOM of a huge explosion, and we were knocked from our feet by the sound of it. It was a good number of seconds before we attempted to get to our feet. There was a loud ringing in our ears, and we couldn’t hear anything else. Once upright, I grabbed Jill to keep both of us on our feet, shook my head to clear it...
The following new character appears in this and later chapters: Andrea Palladino Formerly Adriano Zabarelli, il Palladino, minor Mafia Don, 5’-9’’ tall, 220 pounds, late 40s to early 50s, gray hair, blue eyes We appeared in the field in front of Uncle Thad’s house to find that the sphere was in place, although it had been lowered yesterday afternoon, and I wondered what had caused them to raise it again. Jill was also looking at it in surprise. “What’s happened?” she asked in a puzzled...
The following new character appears in this chapter: Nicholas Kane Wizard, very strong Talent, 5’-9’’ tall, about 155 pounds, 75 years of age or so, a large nose and intense hazel eyes, fire engine red hair even at his age Kaera Kane Nicholas’s Wife, 5’-3’’ tall, pleasingly plump with long gray hair, sunburned and wrinkled from a life working on the farm. “Well Thady O’Domhnaill, what brings you up here?” the older man demanded in Gaelic with a thick accent. “I’ve brought you a new...
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Straight SexMandy Muse & Valentina Nappi are in matching pure white bathing suits while laying out on a scenic patio. While they are getting sun, they can’t help but notice each other. Valentina notices that spring loaded ass on Mandy and Mandy is in love the set of tits on Valentina. They start talking about how much they love the body on the other one. Soon the groping of ass and tits starts only to be followed by them stripping out of their bathing suits and rubbing baby oil all over each other....
xmoviesforyouIt all started with a sleep over at one of my friend’s house. I lay there as her boyfriend crawled in through the window. I pretended I was asleep and they started doing it right there in front of me. Although I couldn’t see anything I heard them and it made me feel wet and wild. I even wanted to go join them but knew I wasn’t ready for that. I started tickling my clit for a while and as they got louder I started penetrating myself deeper. One finger after another went inside of me...
she started talking to me about this boy cody. i questioned? cody? who's that? he's that new kid in our english class. he just came here 3 days ago. i had just remembered i wasn't there the day he arrived, or the day after because i was sick. rachel was telling me about how perfect he was for me. he had dark brown hair rising just above his shoulders, hazel eyes, side bangs, and was a total rocker hottie, i overheard that he plays the bass. i licked my lips, and thought to myself, bass...
This is in continuation of my previous story. If you have missed out on the previous story please read it. The next day I texted her around 10 am with so much enthusiasm. She replied to meet at some coffee shop which was equally far for both of us. I understood she took her time just to meet me. I agreed and shared the location of it. I dressed up decently with proper casuals. I took a cab and reached the coffee shop. I booked a table which was almost away from the remaining people. The music...
When my friend, Terry, retired from the army, he moved back to the cottage next to the lake his grandparents had owned. We had spent many days and nights there in our high school and college days. Away from the city, away from neighbors, it allowed us to pretty much do whatever we wanted. Bonfires, fireworks, drinking all night, swimming naked in the lake and of course, sex! The cottage had two bedrooms plus a double bed just off the main room. Over the years we had brought girlfriends (and...
Gay MaleIntroduction Welcome to the land a of Teyvat… a mysterious land full of mystery and supernatural happenings. What mysterious circumstances await you or the people of the land of Teyvat. Guidelines: Must be a possession story. Can be by Ghost, Parasite, Slime, Body Swap, etc… It can can include anything from Mind control to Hive minds, brainwashing and anything you want as long as it is a possession story for Genshin Impact. Can be set where ever even in real world as long as it is about...
For Nancy sleep had taken away some of the sting of what had happened. She and her dad hadn’t been betrayed by her mother. No, her mother had tried to protect them from the shame that could have come from Mr. Chan. What Nancy wondered about was her fate since she had a long female line of ‘loose women’ of which she was a direct decendant. Golly, even her dad had knocked up her mom’s best friend! Maybe she was going to be lucky and not be seduced since she should have gotten it by someone by...
Please note: there have been some artistic licence taken with the conversations between Carly and Miriam to ease the flow of the story. Miriam screamed as the massive monster lifted her sister off the ground and swung her between the seesawing boats on a long rope. She fought free of the hands that held as she tried to get to Carly. She had barely taken two steps before a large palm wrapped around her upper arm and spun her about. The breath shuddered from her lungs as she came up hard...
The Innocent Audience. My girlfriend Alena and I have a ground floor flat in a three storied house in a quiet Prague Suburb. The windows of our kitchen overlook the back garden which is also joined to the back garden of the house opposite. There is a gate in the fence that separates the two gardens. She is very attractive with long red hair, a pretty face with high cheekbones, and a neat straight nose over a beautiful full mouth with well defined lips. Her figure is statuesque...
VoyeurSamantha Peterson had been a Federal prosecutor, the U.S. Attorney for Cleveland, to be specific. She had been a U.S. District Court judge. She had served as Assistant to the Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. After his election, the new President had nominated her as the Secretary of Homeland Security, and her appointment sailed through the Senate. She was fifty-two years old. She had kept the country safe through all kinds of threats, both publicly disclosed and undisclosed,...
Stephanie felt a wave of excitement course through her body and it made her convulse once from sheer pleasure, as she watched her teenage son Martin come toward her; walking to the bed, his cock and balls swinging, to taste her between the legs. The closer he got, the hotter the 34-year-old got, her toes tingling and her gash leaking profusely in anticipation. The woman felt the bed move as the weight of her son pushed the mattress down where he climbed onto it, and the awareness of her boy...
He stared at his reflection in the bathroom mirror, making faces and sticking his tongue out at himself. “I hate my face.” He said. He could hear her in the bedroom, putting away laundry from the sound of it. “I hate my face!” He said, louder this time so she would hear his complaint. She appeared in the doorway with an armload of towels. “What are you babbling about?” she asked. “My face. I hate it.” “Well, I like it.” She pushed past...
Choose your gender, race, and background Author’s note: any suggestions, critiques, or post are very welcomed. The goal is that every choice will have more than one option, I dislike the stories on here with no options for long amounts of time. Likes appreciated, as well as content from other authors. Update: Any chapters that feature non consensual sexual acts will have a trigger warning at the beginning.
FantasyEven though my wife only danced part time at Lorraine’s Lounge, that dancing led to lots of other local experiences in the Lafayette, IN area during the early nineteen seventies. Lorraine’s was a dive bar, and literally down in the Wabash river valley, and also literally on the wrong side of the railroad track. It was the kind of place that would cause even the Blues Brothers to go into protective mode.The bar prided itself in serving booze within an environment that had live bands and trim...
I LOVE MY PLANE! Just thought I would let you know... The G650 is fast, quiet, sexy, big enough for a party of one – which happened to be the current size of my family, beautiful AND MINE! When we bought the G5 and the seven-thirty-seven, I did not react with anywhere near the joy that I got from boarding and flying to Florida in my G650. Gotta' love that Arab sheik, somewhere, who just had to have something better. He made my day. The pilots, however, had the personality of a snail...
Hi. My name is Adit & I am 19 years old. Mine is a true experience which I will recount now. It was 2 years back. I was born at Naroda near Ahmedabad. I was in Bombay for my college studies. I already had my elder brother staying at Bombay since about a year. My brother is a Production Engineer & had landed a very good itself. After a few months of we two staying together, we were joined by third one. My brother got married & brought my ‘Bhabhi” to stay with us. She was 23 years...
April 8, 1984, McKinley, Ohio “Natalya Vasilyevna Antonova, please meet Larissa Sergeyevna Federova,” I said. I laughed as the two girls instantly switched to Russian and I had to focus to catch everything that was said. Clarissa smirked and rolled her eyes, and I just shrugged. The gist of the conversation was hometowns, parents, churches, majors, and to Tasha’s obvious shock, Lara’s age. “Perhaps we should switch to English so Sveta isn’t left out,” Tasha said in English. “Mike looked...
My world was overcome with light. Light looking to engulf. Light seeking to destroy. Light seeking to blind. Light accompanied by the head of a thousand suns, it seemed. As the explosion made its way towards me rapidly, only one thought raced through my mind. ‘Slow it down.’ I hastily called upon my power, without much concentration, in a desperate bid to halt the progress of the inferno advancing towards me and my team. I felt my core responding to my instruction as I tried to change what...
I walked in and sat back down. Her eyes followed my bulge. As I drank my pop she asked, so you have only had 2 girlfriends then? Yes I said as I turned to look at her. Ever had any one night stands? No I haven't actually. Why, she asked. I just never tried I suppose. She adjusted herself and faced me. Her shirt opened a lot and I could almost see her nipples. I could see her little tit mounds on the side and I couldn't stop looking at them. Do you remember the game we use to play, she...
RabbiRabbit is bored: 1. I think part of a best friend's job should be to immediately clear your computer history if you die. 2. Nothing sucks more than that moment during an argument when you realize you're wrong. 3. I totally take back all those times I didn't want to nap when I was younger. 4. There is great need for a sarcasm font. 5. How the hell are you supposed to fold a fitted sheet? 6. Was learning cursive really necessary? 7. Map Quest really needs to start their...
I am Arun Singh (age 35) a businessman from Kolkata. As you know doing business in kolkata demands that you know bengali and unfortunately i did not know how to speak and write that language. So I began to take tution from lady who used to teach bengali in the school near my house. My teacher, Mrs. Radha Banerjee is a lady aged 56 years. Mrs. Banerjee is 5ft 4″ in height and with a waist of 34. She was not fat but like all typical bengali women she was a little plump and she had a nice round...
Perhaps it was the wine. But no, I hadn’t had that much more than usual, and yet tonight I felt so brazen. Since those girls had rented the house next door, I had certainly noticed Julie. She was young. Not even old enough to legally drink, I thought, although someone in the house was buying the alcohol for their frequently too loud parties. More than once my wife and I had been kept awake and annoyed. One night weeks before, I had almost gotten dressed to walk over and complain, but then the...
“Good morning, slut, This driver is a friend of my brother’s. Sit back against the left door of the car, raise your skirt, put your right leg up on the seat of the car and expose your cunt to him. He will watch as you masturbate during this ride to your hotel room. You may cum at will. Allow the silky cream to drip over your cunt and thighs.” I sat back and exposed myself, my fingers moving against my cunt. I pulled that the rings in my labia and spread myself then slowly began caressing my...
The April wedding was a very small private affair with a local judge presiding, Debbie as matron of honor and Mark's old quarterback, Marcus, as best man. Their household now had two Mrs. Matthews and the happy trio honeymooned in their own home. It was a weekend of total debauchery, sex and sleep. The only difference from that of a normal weekend was the lack of studies. Mark and Kiki were still taking classes but decided a few days away wouldn't kill them. The INS paperwork was filed...
I've always liked it when the house is dark and quiet. That's why I took a job working evenings. I come home late, stay up for a couple hours, and then sleep in the next day. I guess some would call me a night owl. I guess that's as good a description of me as anything else. I climb into my bed with all the lights in the house off, no TV's on, and no big trucks passing by outside. I can hear the crickets chirping even with my window closed. I close my eyes and dream while still awake. I...