Injustice IIChapter 9
- 3 years ago
- 22
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At the apartment, Jill whipped up a big dinner for both of us, as it had been a very long and active day, plus it wasn’t over yet. After eating, we relaxed together for a time before preparing to leave to find Frank ‘the Fish’ and check him into our new hotel facility with nothing but cold bricks for a companion.
As it approached 2200 that evening, I donned my warmest clothing as I prepared to leave for the North End, as the nights here were quite cold. I would need to locate my target and see what he was doing before I could remove him from circulation.
“I may be late returning,” I told Jill when I was ready to depart.
“Will he be that hard to find?”
“No, but I need him alone when I abduct him, so no one knows or suspects where he is, or what happened to him,” I told her.
“You don’t want me to go with you, do you?” she asked, seeing that I was already dressed.
“It may be a long, cold, boring night. I don’t believe you would enjoy it,” I told her before kissing her and then casting the transfer spell.
Appearing in the same alley that I had used previously, I checked the area for passersby before transferring to the second floor of the New Acorn Club. After casting the invisibility spell, I moved up to the third floor to see who was there, and what they were doing. Staying in the shadows near the front wall, I could see that the same people were here tonight who had been here last night. What I didn’t see was any sign of ‘the Fish’, so I listened carefully to what was being said.
“That god dammed ‘Fish’ got more of my money last night. How am I ever going to get even with him?” I heard the same guy grouse.
“It’s because you’re a lousy poker player, Whistler. Every time you get a good hand, you start whistling under your breath. All of us can hear it,” the guy across the table from him told him to his face. “You should be glad that ‘the Fish’ isn’t here yet. It will save you some money,” the guy finished.
So, Frank wasn’t here and apparently hadn’t been here yet tonight. Returning to the second floor on learning this, I canceled the invisibility spell, as it requires a lot of energy to maintain it, before transferring back to the alley where I had appeared to see if ‘the Fish’ would show up.
An hour and a-half later, I was cold, tired, and bored when I saw him approaching, looking like the cat that had swallowed the canary. As he drew closer, I stepped out of the alley.
“Hello Frank,” I said in greeting.
“Who the hell are you?” he demanded, as his hand went into the pocket of his overcoat.
“Why, I’m your biggest fan, Frank. I’ve been waiting for a long time to meet you, and now here you are,” I told him with a big smile.
“I asked who the hell you are?” he grumbled in return.
“I’m Max,” I told him, still with a big smile.
“I never heard of you,” he said, trying to push past me.
“But I’ve heard of you,” I told him, just before I threw the freeze spell that I had cast at him, freezing him in place. I quickly checked the street then to see if anyone had seen us, but in the cold this late at night, no one was outside.
After getting a good grip on him, I cast the transfer spell while drawing its glyph on his coat. We disappeared from Endicott Street to reappear in the foyer of the subbasement at the bottom of the stairs of the Second Otis house. Releasing Frank, I turned on Jill’s flashlight, opened the door on the right hand wall of the foyer, and pushed him inside the empty room to leave him standing there frozen in the middle of the floor. On exiting the room, I closed and locked the stout oak door before casting the transfer spell again to reappear in our apartment in Southie. Jill was still up, waiting for me to return.
“Did you find him?” she asked first thing, as she moved over to me. She quickly backed way when she felt how cold I was.
“Good grief, Max, get that coat off and move over here by the radiator while I make some hot soup to warm you up,” she insisted. Removing the coat, I tossed it on the sofa before sitting in the chair near the radiator. A short time later, Jill brought me a bowl of hot soup on a serving tray along with several hot biscuits.
“Eat all of that and then tell me what happened,” she demanded.
The soup was the canned type but very good, and it helped warm me up. The biscuits also went well with the soup. On finishing it, I explained what had occurred while I was out.
“It’s way too late to work on him tonight. I’ll start in the morning when I’m rested,” I finished.
“We’ll work on him in the morning,” she assured me.
I took a good hot shower before going to bed. Jill had already showered while I was out, and we were both asleep for the night shortly after I got in bed.
We awoke late on Thursday and had a good breakfast before setting out on our work for the day.
“I need to make time for Maureen’s lessons in Magic today,” Jill told me as we ate. “I wasn’t able to make time for her yesterday, and I’m sure she was disappointed,” she finished.
“Hopefully, we won’t be as busy today,” I told her.
We stopped by Paddy’s shop to check with him before we went to interrogate ‘the Fish’. We found him moving supplies to his van when we arrived.
“I have a rush job today,” he told us, as I helped him move some of the supplies. “Won’t have any time to take you anywhere today,” he finished.
“That’s okay, we will be interrogating Frank ‘the Fish’ in a bit, and that should keep us busy for a while plus we’ll need to evaluate what we learned from him, so we should be busy all day,” I assured him.
“We’ll look after Maureen when she gets out of school,” Jill assured him before he left for the rush job.
“I’ll cast a ward around the shop while we’re gone. We should be back well before Maureen gets out of school,” I told Jill before casting the ward. Following that, I transferred us to the sub-basement of the Second Otis House. Jill had already turned on her light before we left.
“It’s actually warmer down here than it is outside,” she commented, after we appeared in the foyer there.
“I’m sure that Frank didn’t notice it,” I told her, as she opened the lock on the door to the storage room. As I opened the door, the light shown on Frank in the middle of the room, still under the freeze spell.
“You’re going to need to cancel the freeze spell before we can learn anything from him,” she pointed out.
“After I search him,” I told her, moving over to ‘the Fish’ and checking the pockets of his overcoat, where I found a revolver. I also checked the rest of his clothes and his body, and found an automatic in a shoulder holster under his left arm with the extra magazines for it under his right arm, and a large folding knife on his belt. Additionally, he had a money clip with a thousand dollars in his pants pocket and a second wallet with over two thousand dollars in it in his left inside suit coat pocket.
“I don’t think Frank will be needing these,” I said, as I handed them to Jill. The weapons, I transferred to the fancy room across the foyer for now.
Following that, I moved him further back into the room before changing the freeze spell to only a partial one from his knees down, effectively holding him in place. Frank snapped back to consciousness as the spell changed. Jill had the light trained on him, and he brought his left hand up in front of his eyes to block the light while feeling for the pistol in his overcoat pocket. Shock showed on his face on realizing that it was missing.
“What the fuck is this? What the hell are you up to?” he demanded in an upset voice.
“That’s easy, you are my prisoner, Frank, and we are in the subbasement of a house on Beacon Hill. You can scream as loud as you want. There is no one to hear you, as we are deep underground and there is no one in the house above us,” I told him with a smile.
“What the hell do you want?” he demanded, as he tried to move but was unsuccessful.
“We want information about the people in Salem who you introduced to Don Palladino, and who he sent to Atlanta to see his nephew Rickey Pontoliano,” I told him.
“How the hell do you know about that?” he demanded belligerently.
“We’ve followed the trail in reverse starting with Rickey and then his Uncle. That’s how we learned your name, and then the ‘Big Cheese’ and the ‘Little Cheese’ revealed what had occurred during an argument that I overheard a couple of nights ago. Now you are here, and we intend to learn everything that you know about those in Salem before we go there to deal with them,” I told him.
“How the hell do you know all of that?” he demanded in an upset voice.
“People are always ready to tell us everything they know after a little persuasion,” I assured him.
“Why should I tell you anything? What’s in it for me?” he demanded.
“It could be worth your life,” I told him with a grin.
“Fuck you, I don’t know nothing,” he sneered.
“Very well, Frank, don’t say that we didn’t warn you,” I told him before casting the pain spell on him, but not changing the freeze spell, as I didn’t care if he screamed.
“Let’s look at the other rooms while Frank considers his options,” I told Jill who hadn’t said anything. We left the room, and I locked the door this time and cast a ward in the wall and the door. No one was going in or out until I canceled it.
“Will he tell us what we want to know?” Jill asked.
“Oh yes, I’ll use the truth spell, after he suffers for a while, and he will tell us what we want to know, if he knows the answer,” I assured her.
We returned to the fancy room behind the left door on the foyer wall to spend more time examining it. We checked it very thoroughly, but after more than an hour, we knew very little more about who had stayed here or why. We had heard Frank screaming many times while in there, as we had left the door to the room open.
Returning from our fruitless search, I canceled the ward in the right hand wall and the spell on the lock to the door. On opening it, we were treated to the full blast of Frank’s screams, but after an hour or more, his screams had been reduced to not much more than a loud whisper, but they still conveyed the agony that he was in.
As we approached him, I canceled the pain spell whereupon he commenced to puke, urinate, and defecate all over himself. We were prepared for this with strong cleaning spells to remove the mess, and Jill even used a cleaning spell to tidy up his clothing. Frank just stared at us with bleary eyes once the reaction had subsided. I also used a spell to freshen the air in the room.
“How can you do that?” he finally wheezed in a whisper.
“We are Wizards and use Magic to accomplish many things,” I told him, to a shocked look from him.
“So the fanatics were right after all, even though the government has denied for years that there is anything like Magic,” he whispered in a voice that grew weaker and less audible with each word.
“The government has lied about many things it doesn’t want people to know,” I told him.
“He needs some water for his throat,” Jill reminded me, and I called a bottle of water to me from where I had been shopping yesterday. Frank drank it in small gulps after the first few sips.
“Are you ready to talk now, or do you need more persuasion?” I demanded.
“I’m not going through that again for those assholes,” he answered in a better voice having finished the bottle of water. I cast the truth spell to be sure that what he told us was the truth.
“Who were the people you took to meet Don Palladino?” I asked.
“They were a bunch of over educated Salem ne’er-do-wells. Their ancestors had been wealthy and powerful men. Now their families live on past glory and small trust funds, and they need to work at what they considered menial jobs that are beneath them to support themselves.
“They are all also the younger members of the Salem East India Marine Society. The old coots of the Society meet up in the Society’s club house on the roof of the Hawthorne Hotel, but the younger members meet in a suite on the sixth floor of the hotel that no one but them knows about. I know about it because they took me up there for one of their meetings. They are all a bunch of religious fanatics who believe the devil is still behind all of their problems, and that those who can do Magic are his followers here on earth,” he told us.
“When do they meet?” I asked.
“They meet on Tuesday night at eight. Wednesday night, they go to church to hear this fanatical preacher. Thursday night, the old coots meet up in the clubhouse,” he told us.
“They use the tunnels under Salem to reach the hotel unseen. Despite what you read in that book on the tunnels, there are still usable tunnels that connect to the Hawthorne Hotel from several of the old houses as well as the Peabody Essex Museum complex plus other places I’m sure. The Mayor and the cops all know about them and keep people away from the tunnels. All of those punks are really pissed that they don’t have the power and influence that their ancestors did. They also blame their congressman and senators for not pushing harder to eliminate the use of all Magic and Magic users even though the government has denied the existence of Magic for many years. Now, you tell me that you are Wizards and use Magic. Who do I believe?” he finished.
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New characters introduced in this chapter: Patrick (Paddy) O’Farrell Electrician, Grandfather of Maureen, 5’-9’’ tall, 175 pounds, 68 years old, gray hair, watery blue eyes Maureen O’Farrell Patrick’s Granddaughter, 3’-0’’ tall plus, 55 pounds, not quite 7 years old, light red hair, light green eyes, very cute and a large Talent With January of 2021 came better weather. By Sunday, the 3rd, temperatures here were back in the sixty degree range during the day and the high thirties at...
Paddy led the way to the house. It wasn’t far from either the shop or the Pub, but was on a side street. It was the first floor of the three story house that we would have. The front door was right off the street with a very narrow sidewalk. Inside the entryway, there were stairs to the other floors plus the entry door for the first floor. The apartment, as that is what it was, had a living room, a small dining room, and a kitchen. There were two bedrooms with a bath between them in the back...
The following new character appears in this chapter: Kathleen O’Farrell Maureen’s Mother and Paddy’s Daughter, 5’-6’’ tall, 125 pounds, 28 years old, 34C-22-34, reddish hair similar to her Daughter’s and green eyes. Frank ‘the Fish’ Mastrototaro Gangster, the man Max is after, 5’-10’’ tall, 32 years of age, 190 pounds, black hair, dark eyes The previous evening in the Pub around the corner from Paddy’s shop, his three men had gotten a booth near the back and had started drinking before...
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We appeared in the tunnel at the entrance to the Gardner Pingree House’s basement. It was the house that Captain Joseph White had bought from Nathaniel West, and where he was murdered in 1830. Louisa DuPont made a contribution to the Essex Museum in the early 1900s to have the White name removed from the house, so as to not embarrass her husband, Frank B. Crowninshield. On arriving, I cast the listening spell on the wall closing the entrance so we could hear what was being said. “Just...
We awoke in our room at the hotel just after 1000 that morning, Thursday the 28th of January, after four plus additional hours of sleep. Following our morning preparations, we dressed in our traveling clothes before sending our luggage and other things to Jill’s SUV. She had a question before we left the room. “Are we going to eat here before leaving,” she asked. “I don’t believe we would be able to access any of the places along Essex St. this morning, or that we would wish to try. The...
As we approached the shell around Uncle Thad’s house and buildings, I sounded the horn to alert them that we were back. There was no problem passing us and the SUV through the shell and its wards. Maureen was impressed with the size and color of the shell. Jill had told her how I had cast it when we had first arrived here. Arriving in the field in front of the farmhouse, we could see a number of people out on the porch in addition to Uncle Thad and Aunt Grania, as they were surrounded by...
The following new character appears in this chapter: Thomas J. Perkins Vice President of the United States, second in Command of the Anti-Magic League, 5’-11’’ tall, 200 pounds, 45 years old, dark brown hair, hazel eyes Later that evening, following supper, and after the television had been turned off, and the rest of the household was preparing for bed, Thad and I were the only two left sitting in the parlor. “Just who is this first fellow you are going after?” Thad asked leaning...
The following character reappears from the first story: Colonel Coley Full Colonel, assigned to Military Intelligence; a tall thin man about 40 years old with short black hair The reheated pizza in our hotel room wasn’t great, but we were hungry and ate every bit of it, as there wasn’t any place open this late at night to get anything more to eat. After showering again together, we were asleep in no time. It was 0930 on Monday morning before we were up again and it was discussion...
The following character returns from the first story: Dr. Boudinot Civilian psychiatrist, assigned to Military Intelligence; a medium height slightly overweight man of about 45 years old with brown hair While Max and Jill enjoyed the day, Friday, the 12th of February, wasn’t all that enjoyable for others. The problems started in the Basement of the Pentagon a few minutes after Max and Jill had left. The young Spec 5 heard the shot and immediately looked around the office to see where it...
Inside the building, pandemonium prevailed, as the tame Magic users could feel the spells being cast by Max and Jill, but were unable to do anything to stop them through their own wards. “Doctor Boudinot, someone is casting a spell outside the building,” the man from the operations section shouted as he approached Boudinot’s room again. “What are you doing about it?” he demanded. “Nothing, our wards are still in effect,” the man told him realizing how foolish he must have sounded. “Drop...
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The following new characters appear in this chapter and others: Uncle Thaddeus (Thad) Jill’s Uncle, Magic user, 5’-10’’ tall, 185 pounds, 62 years old, a full gray beard and gray hair, hazel eyes Aunt Grania (Grace) Uncle Thad’s Wife, Jill’s Mother’s older Sister, 5’-8’’ tall, 140 pounds, 34C-24-34, 59 years old, gray hair, blue eyes “Well, Jill, what brings you out here?” the man who was apparently her Uncle asked as he approached us. “Trouble!” she answered. “Nothing unusual there....
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FetishAfterthe steamy sex session I witnessed between my 18 year old step-sister Sophie and our neighbor Evan, I was left feeling extremely horny. I was two years older than Sophie and had often fantasized about Evan myself. I went up to Sophie's room and knocked on her door. I could hear the shower running. I entered her room and walked over to the bathroom. The door was open and Sophie was already in the shower. I could see her silhouette through the beveled glass doors. She was shampooing her hair...
Lesbian24 year old Mia was sat on the fallen tree in the woods, she was fed up of being bullied by the white thugs in town and was bunking school, She saw 26 year old Steve and his mate Mark also 26 approaching but was not worried as despite being thugs never harmed her, the boys stopped asked Mia what she was doing, Mia told them bunking school, Steve put his hands inside his tracksuit trousers as he did Mia saw black pubes appear she looked, both boys walked away and out of sight , Mia was wishing...
I had moved from a small Village in to the City to try to find work as there was nothing in the village or close by. I had managed to scrape the deposit together to get myself a small bedsit close to the centre of town it wasn’t much but at least it was cosy, it also meant that I could easily get out to the pubs and clubs. At 21 years of age I needed a job but also it meant that I could go out dressed whenever I wanted without anyone recognising me as a male, at least then I could save for an...
A Lady's Sissy Maid By Steve Andrews Steve was single and it had been awhile since he was in a meaningful relationship so one Saturday afternoon he was aimlessly perusing a local fetish contact newspaper when a particular ad caught his eye. It read: Sissy Maid Sought by Refined Beauty Classy, beautiful and refined lady is in search of a sincere sissy to perform my household duties and become my personal servant. Applicants must be docile, follow instructions and have a...
Let me introduce first, I am Manisha, a slutty housewife with a curve line of 36DD-34-36. I live with my hubby Saurabh. we had been dating since a long time before getting married and thus we are more like buddies rather than a couple I must say. I am 28 years old and Saurabh is 29. Being together for such long time gets us both feel free to each other and with the time I came to know Saurabh is equally or even more kinkier than me. He has a massive 8 inches dick to ram me day and night. I will...
Tuesday afternoon, a friend calls to tell me that he is just a few miles from my workplace. I tell him that I can leave early, if he would like to meet me at the local sex shop. He agrees and we meet. I find me a new glass dildo and we leave. We decide that we will go to one of the local parks by the river.We get to the parking lot and we get out of our cars. Once there, we begin to walk to the river. Walking away from where any other folk may be close. There's a tree that had been...
Becky rushed to the door to answer, knowing her best friend, Madison, was supposed to be coming over. Becky had needed to rush to get cleaned up and dressed before she arrived, as she had been getting throat fucked by her daddy only 15 minutes ago. She was wearing a pleated mini-skirt that barely covered her bubble butt, a spaghetti strap top, socks, and a pair of sneakers. She never wore panties if she could get away with it, because she liked to feel the breeze blow across her cunny lips...
One summer nightAlthough we both enjoy sex together, I have always had a fantasy about watching my wife Sue being fondled and fingered by a younger man. This fantasy came true this summer. One evening both of us had had a very trying day at work and decided that instead of cooking for ourselves we go to our local village pub for a meal and drink. After the meal we went to sit in the lounge as Sue wanted to stay to relax a little while longer. While we were there Sue struck up a conversation...
Just try reading this without laughing till you cry!!!ONLY A MAN WOULD ATTEMPT THIS!Just try reading this without laughing till you cry!!!Pocket Tazer Stun Gun, a great gift for the wife.A guy who purchased his lovely wife a pocket Tazer for their anniversary submitted this:Last weekend I saw something at Larry's Pistol & Pawn Shop that sparked my interest. The occasion was our 15th anniversary and I was looking for a little something extra for my wife Julie. What I came across was a...
The Stompingby Denuded Man-berriesI was still trying to find a way out of the building. It didn’t even seem like I was above ground because I hadn’t found and rooms with windows yet and most of the doors were locked.I was very nervous because I had already found a room where someone was stripped and shackled to a bench with their balls stretched up for whipping. It seemed like a class where one woman was teaching the other how to whip the man’s nuts. I was frozen as in a trance watching what...
KINKS ARE MADE NOT BORN? by Lewis Chappelle Bradley Duncan Springstadt Milikan, III was the only child of his namesake and Mildred Milikan, one of the most influential and moneyed, yet unheralded, couple in the adultmovie business. His parents were private people and took extraordinary measures to protect their young son, including having him schooled by private tutors, coddled by hovering nannies, and protected by uniformed guards. His childhood playmates were also from well-to-do...
Once upon a time in a land of white sandy beaches and deep dark forests, there lived a fair maiden by the name of Priscilla Prendergast. Priscilla, or Prissy for short, was well past the opportune time for securing a husband of either fortune or good looks. She worked all day in her Father's tavern serving the townspeople and the many visitors to the Region. A Region famed for its wondrous springs of healthy long life. The lusty young men of the village were ever wary when closeted close to...
What’s with women drivers these days? Is it me or are they acting crazier than usual? I mean, seriously. Picture this : A tall young black man strolling through the city of Brockton on a hot day in late August. I’m crossing the street. I’m not alone. There are two young women and they have one cart with them. This woman comes barreling down the street in a dark car. She’s speeding and seems oblivious to the fact that three human beings are also crossing the street. Apparently, she considers...
Hey guys, this is Akshay, and this is a story of how I had a great encounter with my sister-in-law when she was just 19. I am 30 now, and I have a decently built body, 7.5 inches long and 3-inch wide cock. My height is 5 ft 10 inches. I am from Delhi. I was married in 2015 and at that time my wife was 23 and my sister-in-law was 18. My wife and SIL are very good friends and my wife used to tell her how good I am in BED when it comes to foreplay or intercourse. So that helped me with my SIL. She...
IncestMy job started out normally, id go in do my job and go home, it was like that for the first few weeks. At the end of every week my boss would call me into her office and ask how i thought the job was going, if i thought i was doing it well and most importantly if i liked it. Usually after these meetings she would give me my pay check and be done with it, but this time something was different. She seemed upset about something, she seemed to not care what she said to me once that door closed.So i...
I continue from where I left off in the last story. As long as my wife was in her parents place for her delivery, I and my mother had regular sex. Many a time we slept together on my bed since my bedroom was comfortable with an AC. After having sex once or twice every night we went to bed and slept nude. Early in the morning mother woke up by 5 and sucked my cock to orgasm while I was half asleep. She then went about her works while I slept till 8. Then I woke up and got ready for office. We...
IncestIt started innocently. We emailed and IM'd little messages here and there. It was nice having a female friend again. She brightened my day, every day. I found my self more and more interested in her emails. When I would get one, my heart would beat a little faster and I'd drop everything to read it. Things continued this way for a little while and we progressively got closer and closer. Not physically, but just emotionally, spiritually, and yes, sexually. We never "did" anything, but...
Straight SexSay thanks to Uther Pendragon Dentists find it easy to get second dates. They all learn to make impressions. ✧ ✧ ✧ Chuck Schumer was visiting a Washington D.C. primary school and the class was in the middle of a discussion related to words and their meanings. The teacher asked Mr. Schumer if he would like to lead the discussion on the word ‘Tragedy’. So Mr. Schumer asked the class for an example of a ‘Tragedy’. A little boy stood up and offered: ‘If my best friend, who lives on a farm,...