Injustice IIChapter 9
- 3 years ago
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The following character is introduced in this chapter:
Charles Bulfinch
One of America’s first architects; built many buildings and tunnels in Boston and Salem; later he was the architect that President James Monroe hired to build many government buildings in Washington D.C. where he also built tunnels.
Appearing in the kitchen of our apartment on leaving the North End, I was greeted by the smells of a hot meal that Jill had prepared for me.
“Thank you, I really need this,” I told her, as I sat down at the table. “With all of the Magic that I used tonight, I need to replenish all of the energy that it used.”
“What did you learn?” she asked.
“You mean aside from the fact that the life of a ‘made man’ isn’t all that exciting most of the time?” I asked with a smile.
“Oh, and ours is?” she replied with a smile. “Driving around and doing a lot of research on the computer isn’t all that exciting. Of course there are the few moments of terror or excitement when something actually does happen,” she finished.
“To get us back on track, yes, I did learn a number of new things tonight. Frank ‘the Fish’ isn’t as fierce as he is made out to be, but appears to be lucky at cards. Carmen ‘the Cheese Man’ DiNunzio and his Brother, Tony, ‘the Little Cheese’ are both overly heavy in the three hundred and fifty pound plus range.
“While visiting their condominium, I overheard them in an argument and learned that those who paid to be introduced to the Atlanta Mob were from Salem and that the DiNunzio’s considered them fanatics, though they appear to pay well for the services they want,” I told her.
“Salem ... are we talking about the same town where the Witch Trials were held in 1692?” Jill asked.
“The very one, and it would appear that three hundred plus years haven’t changed the minds of some of them,” I told her.
“What else did you learn?” she asked after a short pause.
“That those living in that fancy high-rise on Prince Street don’t have a very impressive view out their windows. The place is surrounded by three and four story tenements, and basically what they see is the backs of those buildings. The place is probably also extremely expensive,” I told her.
We had no idea of just how expensive it was until Jill used Paddy’s computer to look the place up later. The price to buy or even rent one of their condos was sky high starting at close to a million dollars to buy a tiny condo and going way up into the multiple million dollar range. There was also an annual fee to cover the cost of utilities and other things that approached a thousand per condo. Additionally there was the annual real estate tax which runs around ten thousand dollars for even an average size condo.
“You would have to be an idiot to live there,” she told me when I returned from buying supplies with Paddy the next morning.
While she had been on his computer on Wednesday morning, we had gone to the big box construction supply store where I purchased rope, zip ties, duct tape, leather gloves, and gallon cans of gasoline. Paddy had picked up the normal electrical supplies that he uses. There had been no problems or any questions asked. Paddy stocked his supplies in his shop while I transferred mine to our apartment so I could prepare a couple of nooses to have ready.
I had been worrying about several things since my recon of the previous evening. The most obvious was that if ‘the Fish’ was found hanged here in Boston, it would alert those in Salem to our presence. Therefore, I needed to rethink what I was going to do with ‘the Fish’.
I could go to Salem and try to locate those belonging to the Magic Haters group, but I had no idea who I was looking for, or where I might find them. For that, I needed the information that I hoped ‘the Fish’ had. This just led to a vicious circle, therefore something else needed to be considered.
First, we needed information about Salem and the area surrounding it. More research would be necessary for that. Jill could do that while I decided what to do with ‘the Fish’.
“Jill why don’t you do some research on Salem, while I figure out what to do with ‘the Fish’. This thing is more complicated than I had thought,” I told her.
“I can do that here on Paddy’s computer easily enough,” she agreed.
“Not a good idea, sweetie. If they backtrack to see who was checking on Salem when we finish there, that could get him in trouble.”
“There is the South Branch of the Boston Public Library just down the street. They have computers for public use,” Paddy told her, before she left to check out the library. It being a Wednesday, Paddy had told us that it was open from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm.
Meanwhile, I was considering ways to deal with ‘the Fish’. One of the ways I considered was to hang him in an abandoned building, but they were often used by the homeless and also the street gangs. Buildings under construction were considered next, but he was sure to be found quickly there.
“What about buildings under construction that aren’t being worked on presently?” I asked Paddy after explaining my problem.
“They are all guarded and checked regularly to ensure that the hoodlums haven’t gotten in and broken things or spray painted graffiti all over the place,” he told me killing that idea. This left me with the unacceptable idea of holding him under a freeze spell and taking him to Salem with us. This was unacceptable on so many levels, just the least of them being the possibility of being stopped by the police and having them discover him in the vehicle. There also appeared to be nowhere that I could leave him here, while we went to Salem. This left me with a real conundrum.
Jill had been at the library for a number of hours before she returned very upset.
“That place is nothing but a den of iniquity,” she exploded after closing the door to the shop. “As if the Witch Trials of 1692 weren’t enough, if even half of what I read today is true, the place should be wiped from the face of the earth with fire and brimstone,” she finished in disgust.
“Cool down, sweetie, and explain what you mean,” I told her. She took several deep breaths.
“These stuck-up New Englanders who like to put on airs and pretend to be so much better than us Southerners are mostly just a bunch of back stabbers and cut throats, and Salem has been a festering pit of betrayal, death, and murder for three hundred years,” she continued, still hot under the collar.
“That’s still not very informative,” I said, waiting for her to calm down.
“Salem has had smuggler tunnels under it since at least the last half of 18th century. More were dug to avoid paying the import tax that President Jefferson had imposed. Even more were dug by Elias Hasket Derby, Jr. Much of the funding for them came from the Salem Common Improvement Fund. The tunnels ran for three miles from the port into town. They connected to many stores and the houses of the wealthy, plus such institutions as the East India Marine Hall, the Essex Institute, the Peabody Academy of Science, the Essex Bank building, the Old Town Hall, the Assembly Hall, the Salem Lyceum, Hamilton Hall, and the Salem Marine Society.
“There were many supposedly important men behind all of this starting with Elias Hasket Derby, Jr, but also including Supreme Court Justice Joseph Stacy, Secretary of the Navy Benjamin Crowninshield and his brother Congressman Jacob Crowninshield. Senators Nathaniel Silsbee, William Gray, and Benjamin Pickman, Jr in addition to lawyer Daniel Webster and financiers George Peabody and J.P. Morgan.
“A number of them were agents for several British Banks that wanted to control the American Banking system. Three presidents, Polk, Tyler, and Harrison, were killed when they refused to go along with their schemes. Massachusetts Chief Justice Isaac Parker was murdered by Daniel Webster because he accused him of being a traitor in the 1812 war.
“There was also Thomas Perkins who smuggled in opium and Chinese workers along with runaway slaves to work at his various sweatshops in Lowell.
“Many of the fancy mansions that were built in Salem for those supposedly famous and influential men were designed and the construction was supervised by Charles Bulfinch who also designed and built many of the major buildings and the tunnels for smuggling in both Boston and Salem as well as Washington D.C.,” Jill finished.
“Wow, hold up there a minute, sweetie. What tunnels in Boston?” I asked in a very interested voice.
“He built many of the houses on Beacon Hill as well as many other important buildings. He designed the Boston Common and built the Federal Street Theater and the State House. Much of the dirt from the tunnel building went to fill in areas along the Charles River,” she told me.
“Where did you learn this?” I asked.
“While doing my research on Salem. He built houses and tunnels there too,” she replied.
“Do we know where any of these entrances to the tunnels here are?” I asked, as it had occurred to me that it would be an excellent place to hide Frank ‘the Fish’ until I was ready to hang him.
“Oh yes,” she replied with a smile. “Their printer was nearly out of ink and was expensive to use. Fortunately, I had the flash drive that we had used previously with me, and I downloaded many of the articles that I read to it.
“There was a PDF of a newspaper article from 1994 on another subject, but I skimmed through it and found addresses where there were reported to be entrances to the tunnel system,” she told me. We used Paddy’s office computer and printer to print out a number of pages from the various articles she had downloaded.
Quickly pulling out our large map of the Boston area, we located many of the addresses listed in the various articles. Paddy advised us that many of them were inaccessible or covered by other construction now. There was one address, however, that stood out from the others. This was the Second Harrison Gray Otis house. It was listed in the U.S. National Register of Historic places. We learned it had been built between 1800 to 1802 by Charles Bulfinch, and that it is one of the few standalone houses remaining on Beacon Hill.
A quick check on Paddy’s computer revealed that there were a complete set of plans, elevations, and pictures of both the inside and the outside of the house from 1968. Everything seemed to be covered with the exception of the basement of the house. This seemed unusual to me, but I suspected there was a reason ... a very good reason that it had been omitted.
“I suspect that the plan for the basement was omitted because there is something down there that they didn’t want revealed to the public,” I told Jill and Paddy after we had thoroughly examined the plans, photos, and the information in the report.
“You mean like an entrance to the tunnels?” Jill asked.
“Yes, and perhaps more than one entrance,” I told her.
“Paddy, can you drive us over to the Beacon Hill area. We’ll walk around there and check the various addresses to see what we can find?” I asked.
“I can drive you over there, but is the house still inhabited?” he asked.
“It apparently was in 1968,” Jill told him.
“Let me check a source,” he said and moved over to the computer and began typing. Shortly he looked up and smiled.
“No, the owner died and no one lives there currently. It’s being cared for by the Colonial Society of Massachusetts which owns the house next door at 87 Mount Vernon Street. It’s a rather small organization, and doesn’t even have sufficient members to have tours of their headquarters, let alone a second building,” he told us before closing down the computer.
Being late afternoon by now, traffic was heavy, just as Paddy had warned us it would be, but it wasn’t that far away, so it didn’t take that long to arrive there.
“Should I wait for you?” he asked before we exited the van.
“No, that won’t be necessary. We’ll just transfer back to the apartment when we are finished. Thanks for bring us over here,” I told him. As the light grew dimmer and the shadows lengthened, we walked around the Beacon Hill area for a considerable time checking on the addresses in the article. Paddy had been correct, most were not accessible now or had ceased to exist.
“That leaves us with just the Second Otis house,” I told Jill. It was quite dark by now, but we had no trouble locating the 85 Mount Vernon Street address, as it was indeed one of the few free standing houses remaining in the area.
“Look at those chimneys,” Jill remarked, as we could see the outline of the chimneys in the light from the first quarter moon, which had risen very late that morning and wouldn’t set until after midnight.
We had no trouble accessing the property, and just walked up the brick paved walkway. The sloping grade of the land revealed part of the basement wall and its four windows, each one a little smaller than the previous one because of the slope of the ground. There were bars on the exterior of the windows and what appeared to be plywood covering the windows on the inside. We just transferred through it and into the basement. Paddy had lent us a powerful battery powered light which Jill turned on to reveal a large area that apparently hadn’t been visited or cleaned up in a very long time.
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Paddy led the way to the house. It wasn’t far from either the shop or the Pub, but was on a side street. It was the first floor of the three story house that we would have. The front door was right off the street with a very narrow sidewalk. Inside the entryway, there were stairs to the other floors plus the entry door for the first floor. The apartment, as that is what it was, had a living room, a small dining room, and a kitchen. There were two bedrooms with a bath between them in the back...
The following new character appears in this chapter: Kathleen O’Farrell Maureen’s Mother and Paddy’s Daughter, 5’-6’’ tall, 125 pounds, 28 years old, 34C-22-34, reddish hair similar to her Daughter’s and green eyes. Frank ‘the Fish’ Mastrototaro Gangster, the man Max is after, 5’-10’’ tall, 32 years of age, 190 pounds, black hair, dark eyes The previous evening in the Pub around the corner from Paddy’s shop, his three men had gotten a booth near the back and had started drinking before...
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We awoke in our room at the hotel just after 1000 that morning, Thursday the 28th of January, after four plus additional hours of sleep. Following our morning preparations, we dressed in our traveling clothes before sending our luggage and other things to Jill’s SUV. She had a question before we left the room. “Are we going to eat here before leaving,” she asked. “I don’t believe we would be able to access any of the places along Essex St. this morning, or that we would wish to try. The...
As we approached the shell around Uncle Thad’s house and buildings, I sounded the horn to alert them that we were back. There was no problem passing us and the SUV through the shell and its wards. Maureen was impressed with the size and color of the shell. Jill had told her how I had cast it when we had first arrived here. Arriving in the field in front of the farmhouse, we could see a number of people out on the porch in addition to Uncle Thad and Aunt Grania, as they were surrounded by...
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The following character returns from the first story: Dr. Boudinot Civilian psychiatrist, assigned to Military Intelligence; a medium height slightly overweight man of about 45 years old with brown hair While Max and Jill enjoyed the day, Friday, the 12th of February, wasn’t all that enjoyable for others. The problems started in the Basement of the Pentagon a few minutes after Max and Jill had left. The young Spec 5 heard the shot and immediately looked around the office to see where it...
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It was nearly dark by the time that we returned to Mrs. Black’s house. It had taken longer than we had expected to help the other two Magic users. Mrs. Black was very slow answering the door when we rang the bell, and it only opened an inch or so before she asked, “Who is there?” in a frightened voice. “It’s Jill and my Cousin,” Jill replied, and the door opened all of the way. Mrs. Black had a large butcher knife in her hand and a very relieved look on her face. “I’m sorry, but it took...
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I woke up sometime in the middle of the night to a pitch black bedroom and at least two warm naked female bodies. There were no street lights on outside and very likely the entire house, along with most of the remaining bits of the Westside, were without electrical power. By feel, I determined that Denise (Firefly) was curled up on my right side, or least her massive tits were. A more slender but nearly equally petite figure dozed on my left, and a brief caress of her hair suggested that this...
“Hey, Rachel,” I said picking up the phone. “Hi, Jennifer,” she replied but sounded worried. “What happened?” I asked. “Adam went to see his friends but haven’t come back, and you see the weather is getting worse, too,” Rachel said. I was thinking about what to tell Rachel. Should I tell her that her son was with me in my bed or should I tell her that I also didn’t have any idea about where he could be? “Adam is with me,” I said slowly. “What?” Rachel was surprised a little. “Yah, he...
I was just out of high school when it happened. I stopped by Brian’s to see if he wanted to go fishing. I knocked but no one answered. It wasn’t unusual for me to walk on in and head up to Brian’s room if no one answered so that’s what I did. As I got to the top of the stairs I saw a light coming from his mom’s room. I was going to head on past to Brian’s room but something made me stop in the hall outside her room. The door was open just enough for me to see inside.
Mort was definitely perplexed at the change in Louisa. Moments ago she had been plying at her restraints. Trying to shake free. Then she had willingly had sex with Billy. All restraints removed. Now she was in front of him, not demanding. Not yelling. Just making a simple request. "I need to shower." The change in her attitude had been swift and appeared to be complete. "Please," she was saying. "Please join me in the shower." Looking down into her eyes, Mort saw the request echoed...
A more worrying fact was that the small supply of Jim's blood was fast running out. It was the only remaining stock of Jim's male DNA and when it was gone Anne would have no way to turn him back into his old self. But it was vital she used his blood to confirm it worked. There was one way to get a new supply of Jim's male DNA and that was to inject someone with a virus containing Jim's DNA but that would only result in another person being landed in the same problem. In other words,...
Once there was a man named Michael a very understanding man, patient and caring sometimes too caring would allow his giving nature allow for him to be taken advantage of ..... Money Dinners Clothes, way of living materialist things such as clothes , computers , movies, dinner, candle's buying into business ventures which led no where.Tired of such things made a conscious decision to never again allow such things to happen to him and set out in search of his missing puzzle piece that would make...
He sat in the foyer with his walking stick between his knees when a taxi pulled up and Terry alighted from it. She was dressed in a tailored dark grey trouser suite wearing a black hat with a large brim. Her hair must be in a bun under it, thought Robert, her long neck exposed. He rose to greet her. “Well how do I look?” she asked. “Fantastic!” replied Robert. “How do I look?” “Very handsome!” and realised with a start that she meant it. They had been chatting away when a taxi pulled up....
Wednesday, April 27, 2005 Katelin couldn't believe her eyes when she awoke. "YOU'RE STILL GOING!" We stopped so we could laugh at that mistake, and then we resumed. Julia freed up her mouth, wiped it, and replied, "Mark woke up horny a few minutes ago. Now that I think about it, he wakes up horny EVERY morning, haha. It's GREAT sleeping with him! You get wonderful sex at night AND in the morning. How did you enjoy yourself with Mark last night, Katelin?" "God! He was AWESOME! That...
I am Deepak Raj, aged 30 from Pune working here. A normal athletic man who is very good at running and physical activity though looks bit skinny. Height is 5’9 with tool size of around 6. I won’t exaggerate it as others do but that is what it is. Here is the heroine of a story, her name is Anjali. She is very beautiful with one of the greatest looks I have ever seen. Ever since I saw her in the building, I am stunned looking at her. I always use to fantasize her. She is married and has a son....
August Taylor is one horny milf. She loves to fuck, doesn’t matter where or with who. This week, it was her step son’s turn. She pulled his cock out in the kitchen and began choking on it, not caring that her husband was just in the other room. They then fucked in the kitchen as the rest of the family was having breakfast at the dinner table. Eventually, they snuck upstairs to continue fucking properly. August’s pussy got penetrated by her step son’s cock in several different positions until...
xmoviesforyouKirk kisses his wife, Sherene as she leaves for work. Kirk is on 2 weeks holiday so he is staying home to relax. After she leaves, the doorbell rings. He answers it and Alisa, their maid walks in. “Sorry, I’m late. I’ll get started right away,” she apologizes. “It is okay,” Kirk says as he eyes her stunning body all wrapped up in her tight tank tops and shorts. She goes over to the sink and begins to wash the wares. He looks outside and sees that his wife’s car is gone. He approaches her from...
Group Sex"Tommy"By GentilePart 22---------The surprise did indeed turn out to be the strawberry rhubarb pie. Absolutely scrumptious. I wolfed it down as I waited the arrival of the duchess & duke of Bellevue, Nebraska.He looked damn impressive in his uniform. As Tommy strapped on his gun belt big mouth Girl, in her gorgeous new top & $100 jeans briefed us on a number of issues:"Now listen up. I want us to have a good time. This is like our first date as a unit, the nucleus. Let's be extra kind...
#English / #Engels- A sequel to: satisfied I walked home with the heavy weekend bag full of Leather. The outfit I was wearing now would not attract any attention, I thought. The white sneakers, the black leather trousers with a sturdy belt, and the T-shirt with half short sleeves was something that every young guy could have. Without anyone finding the look too strange. Or that they might think, "Look, there goes another...
The land quakes with your awesome power. Migratory animals that have gone the same true course for a thousand generations suddenly decide that they want new horizons, and veer away from you on a completely uncharted path. You have smashed, slaughtered, scorched, and maybe even convinced every obstacle in your path into submission. You've been burned, stabbed, bludgeoned, shot, smote, zapped, and possibly, occasionally, disintegrated or killed in your journeys, and come through stronger each...
FantasyRachel was engaged, again. A few years shy of thirty herself, she and her intended had just celebrated his sixtieth birthday with a bit of an orgy, her favorite way of recognizing special occasions. Since both of them had extensive sexual histories before meeting, why not? Frederic had been introduced to the pleasures of Sarah, Sandy, and Sandy’s sister (read about them in “The Loving Wife” stories) while Rachel enjoyed the happy hands, lascivious lips, and rigid rods of a half-dozen friends...
The Treasure of Eerie, Arizona by Christopher Leeson and Ellie Dauber Chapter 2 December 13, 1871 Irene Fanning slept fitfully. When slumber fled and left her lying awake for a long while, she climbed out from the cot. It was still dark inside the infirmary. She walked on tiptoes to Myra's bed and gazed down at the patient, seeing her face only faintly in the dim lamplight. "Oh, Myra," she whispered. "Did I do the right thing?" Boys are so proud of being boys, she knew. ...
Hi, my name is Dileep(name changed). I am 22 years old, very fair complexion, lean built, straight hair guy with 6″ penis thick and good round head.I am from Bangalore(place changed). This story happened 2 years before.I am bi and have had sex experiences before and gay handjob only. That was the time when I had been in a breakup situation with my GF.We stopped texting, calling and meeting.So I decided to meet new people, so registered on some social site/app .After a week some guy sent me a...
This last year was my wife's high school reunion. She had been to a couple before and the attendees numbers were getting smaller every year. There was the core group of people and most had gotten over the one upmanship but there was the group of bitches that still had that high school mentality. Laura was not one of the "in" crowd and always felt shunned by them. What made her feel good is most of these bitches had let themselves go. Laura decided last summer when talk of the next reunion came...