Injustice IIChapter 9
- 3 years ago
- 22
- 0
The following character reappears from the first story:
Colonel Coley
Full Colonel, assigned to Military Intelligence; a tall thin man about 40 years old with short black hair
The reheated pizza in our hotel room wasn’t great, but we were hungry and ate every bit of it, as there wasn’t any place open this late at night to get anything more to eat. After showering again together, we were asleep in no time. It was 0930 on Monday morning before we were up again and it was discussion time.
“We need to eat and then see about buying uniforms for both of us. We’ll need to pick them up when we return. Not for dealing with the VP, but so we have access to Colonel Coley. The Colonel should be able to tell us where the doctor is. Following the uniforms, we need to go to Arlington to select a place to transfer from into the Pentagon. Then we can go home for a few days,” I told Jill, outlining the day ahead of us.
“Are we going to drive all the way to the farm, and then back here again?” she asked in a weary voice.
“No, all we would do is drive if we attempted to do that. The weather today is still forecast to be very good, so we will get things done today. The forecast for the next couple of days is for colder weather, but it is supposed to warm up for the end of the week. We should return then and see what the VP is doing. Therefore, we need to order those uniforms this morning, but after breakfast. This afternoon we’ll go to Arlington,” I told her.
“How?” she asked.
“On the Metro, there is a stop at the cemetery, and we have already paid for the cards,” I pointed out to her.
“Okay, so we can leave tomorrow then?” she asked.
“Yes, we’ll drive over to Baltimore Washington International and park the SUV in their long term lot, before I transfer us to Uncle Thad’s farm for a few days,” I told her.
“When did you come up with that idea?”
“The other day while looking at the map, I noticed how close Reagan airport is to the Pentagon, but parking there would be a bad idea. It’s watched much too closely. Baltimore Washington isn’t that far away, but it isn’t watched as closely, so we shouldn’t raise any suspicions there,” I told her with a smile.
We had a big breakfast again before Jill got on the laptop to locate a uniform supplier. There were many listed on the internet selling surplus items, but we needed new Army Service Uniforms and those supplying them were few. We also needed to avoid purchasing them from places like the PX, as they would ask questions that we weren’t ready to answer in addition to wanting to see military ID cards.
Jill came up with a supplier in Woodbridge, Virginia. They weren’t cheap, but they could supply all of the uniform items and their accessories to make us appear authentic. They were more than happy to supply a complete uniform with all of the badges, metals and insignia for both Jill and me after I explained that we were both being recalled to active duty at the Pentagon and required new uniforms. We gave them our sizes and other requirements, and they promised to have them ready by Thursday morning.
With the need to pick up the uniforms well south of the DC area, I needed to reconsider where to leave the SUV. Baltimore Washington no longer looked like the best location, as traffic around the beltway was always heavy in the morning and the afternoon. A quick check of the map made Dulles International look to be a lot better choice for picking up the uniforms.
“Because of where we will be picking up our uniforms, Baltimore Washington International isn’t a very attractive choice anymore. Let’s look up Dulles International, and see about long term parking there,” I suggested to Jill who still had her laptop out.
“They appear to have a lot of parking there, both at the airport and off site. There are two covered garages on the airport for long term parking,” she told me after a few minutes of checking.
“That sounds good and should avoid a lot of extra driving on Thursday,” I told her.
Later that morning, I went down to the desk and extended our stay here until Sunday, the 14th of February and paid for the room in advance, much to their delight. Following a big lunch, we transferred back to Norman Stone Park where we cast our glamours around us before walking back to the Metro station near the zoo. The trains were running closer together today on their normal weekday schedules, so the ride to Arlington went very quickly. There hadn’t been many people getting off at the Arlington station, and we rode the escalator up to ground level practically alone.
From the Metro station to the Memorial Gate inside the cemetery was something like 1500 feet, but my count could have been off for that long a distance. Once past the gate, we turned left onto Eisenhower Dr. and took it south all of the way to Patton Dr. near the south end of the cemetery. We turned left again onto Patton Dr. and walked east to Patton Circle. We had covered something over a mile from the entry gate. From the circle we had a good view of the west side of the Pentagon.
As we had made our way through the cemetery and looked at all of the crosses, it had brought back memories of the men I had lost during my time in Special Operations. They had all been special in some way, and I remembered each of them vividly and how they had died. There were too many memories and too much sorrow here for one to be casual or happy about visiting here. Jill also had something to say.
“All of these roads are named after famous Officers or Heroes,” she said and called off the names as we passed the signs with their names. “Eisenhower, York, Bradley, Arnold, Patton, MacArthur; it’s enough to give you the chills,” she finished. I spoke for the first time when we reached the circle.
“There are too many memories,” I told her before changing to why we were here.
“Can you feel my marker in the ladies room?” I asked, as we looked at the west side of the Pentagon. It looked to be something over a thousand feet to the D ring from here.
“Yes, I can feel both of them, but which one is to the ladies room?” she asked. I reached out with my Magic senses and lightly touched each marker. The one for the ladies room was easy for me to identify, and I shook the marker.
“Can you sense the one that I’m shaking?” I asked.
“Yes, is that the one in the ladies room?” she asked.
“Yes, that’s the one. Can you add a marker to it?”
“Yes, I think so,” she replied, and soon I could detect another marker beside mine.
“That’s fine,” I told her. “We’re finished here unless there is something more you would like to do.”
“No, I’m fine,” she assured me before I cast the transfer spell to return us to our hotel room, just as a few rain drops began to fall in the cemetery area.
Appearing in our room, we finished packing our things, and I transferred them to the SUV before we left the hotel, after I canceled my wards in the floor, walls, and ceiling of the room. The trip back down 190 to 495 didn’t require long, so we were soon headed south on 495, the Capitol Beltway, to exit 45, where we turned onto Virginia Primary Route 267, a toll road, which took us to Dulles International. We eventually found a parking space in the second garage there by following the signs.
After sending our luggage to our room at Uncle Thad’s house, I cast a ward around the SUV to protect it from vandals and from being stolen. We then walked toward the concourse, and on finding a deserted spot, I cast the transfer spell to take us to the field in front of Uncle Thad’s house. It was still light out, and several people soon appeared on the porch to welcome us back.
Maureen was there on the porch with Thad, Grania, and a number of others. They all wanted to know what we had been doing in Washington. Once inside, it required an hour or so to relate what we had done, but we still didn’t mention who we were after, as we didn’t want to upset any of the children. Thad already knew and was very serious during our tale.
“Enough travel tales for now, there is still supper to finish getting ready. You girls come to the kitchen with me, while those two get settled back in their room,” Aunt Grania told everyone when we had finished. Supper was an hour or so later, but it only required a short time for us to get settled.
Maureen was anxious to tell us what she had been doing while we were gone, so we sat in the small parlor with her after supper to hear her. Thad had already told me how she was doing with her Magic studies, and that she was way ahead of the other youngsters.
In bed that night, we were both aroused, and love quickly turned to sex. Jill started on me with oral, giving me a blowjob. I returned the favor by licking her to two powerful orgasms. After recovering for a time, she pulled me over on top of herself, and we had sex in the missionary position and soon came again. However, Jill still wanted more, so after recovering for a time, she asked me to take her in her rear passage.
“I want you to do my butt, I have the most intense orgasms there,” she told me.
She was already moaning as I loosened her up with my fingers, and had an orgasm when I added a third finger. After I slipped into her bum, she really went wild, moaning, crying, and encouraging me to go deeper and do her harder. We finished together, and she screamed and howled as I came in her darkest recesses before collapsing and passing out from the powerful orgasm she’d had. We were both too tired to get up for another shower, and the house was rather cold in addition.
We slept in late on Tuesday morning and weren’t up until 0830. The house had warmed up by then and the bathroom was empty. We showered together before going to the kitchen where Jill made us breakfast, as everyone else had finished breakfast several hours earlier. Following breakfast, Jill helped her Aunt, and I looked up Thad to give him a hand with what he was doing.
That afternoon and part of the evening, I worked on creating the letters and the orders that we would use to move around in the Pentagon on the laptop. Jill did our laundry and Maureen came to see her after getting out of class. Jill later told me about what they had discussed.
“Are you all right, Aunt Jill?” Maureen asked, as she joined me in the laundry area in the basement.
“Yes, dear, why do you ask?” I inquired.
“I heard you screaming last night and thought something was wrong, but Lilly assured me that you were all right. She said that you were making kittens, but people don’t have kittens,” she said in a confused tone of voice.
“No, dear, people don’t have kittens. Cats have kittens, people have babies,” I assured her.
“Were you making a baby?” she asked all big eyed and in wonder.
“No, dear, we were just practicing. We don’t want to have a baby yet. Not until we finish with Uncle Max’s revenge. When you are older, you will understand about that,” I told her, but I needed to talk to Max to see what had gone wrong last night, that she had heard us.
I was just finishing the second letter on the laptop, when Jill came rushing into the den.
“Didn’t you cast the privacy spell and the noise suppression spell last night?” she demanded in an angry voice.
“Yes, I cast both of them ... why?”
“Maureen heard us last night!” she told me still in an angry voice.
“She said that she heard us, well me, and apparently her cat did also. How could she do that if you cast those spells?” she demanded.
“Let’s go check the spells. I haven’t canceled them from last night in case we needed them again,” I told her. On checking the spells, we both found them to still be in effect and at full strength. Jill stared at me in confusion.
“How could she hear us?” she demanded.
“I haven’t the slightest idea. I’ll need to speak to Angus about this, but not today. We’ll just have to wait to have sex until we leave,” I told her. That evening I mentioned it to Thad who only stared at me for a time.
“HOW?” was all that he could say, as neither of us had a clue how it was done. I shrugged again in answer. Maureen was definitely having a serious effect on me. That night, there was only a little hugging and kissing before going to sleep.
Wednesday, the 10th of February, turned out to be a very cold day everywhere. While Tuesday had been fairly warm with temperatures near 60, Wednesday started out cold and didn’t get any better, but this was the day we had planned to go to Boston to see about Maureen’s grades. We would just need to dress warmly and go. After a good breakfast that Aunt Grania had prepared, we helped clean up, and Jill did some more ironing of the clothes that she had washed yesterday until we were ready to leave at about 1000. I transferred us directly to Paddy’s shop in Southie.
“Lord, you should give some warning before doing that,” he said on recovering from the shock of us suddenly appearing in his shop.
“We came to see if Maureen’s grades were ready,” Jill told him after he had recovered a bit more.
“Yes, we received them the other day. You should have come yesterday though. The weather was better then,” he told us, as it was only in the low 20s there. He had something else to ask also, “what have you been doing?”
We explained about our trip to Washington and what we had done there. It was after hearing about that, that he asked about what Maureen was doing, which was really what he wanted to know. We told him about her room, the cat, and how she was doing in school and with the other children, plus her Magic studies. He was quite surprised to hear how her Magical education was coming and about her ability to speak to animals.
“We always knew that she was special, but had no idea she was that special. Tell her that we miss her greatly, and she should keep up her studies. We are both very proud of her,” he finished.
We didn’t remain much longer after getting Maureen’s grades, only long enough to print out the letters on the letterhead paper I had picked up and the orders that I had prepared on his printer from our laptop. We also promised to bring Maureen to see them, after we had finished with our work.
Returning to Thad’s farm, we found that the weather there hadn’t improved much either, as it only went up into the mid 30s that day, leaving us to wonder what it would be like in Washington the next day.
We needn’t have worried however, as it was already warming up when we arose on Thursday morning. We had repacked nearly everything last night. Following a good breakfast, I transferred us and our luggage to the garage at Dulles International at 0930 that morning. Jill started the vehicle while I stowed the luggage in the back. We were soon on our way to pick up our new uniforms after paying the parking fee.
We didn’t take Virginia 267 on leaving the airport. Instead, we took the expressway that ran beside it, and that for only a short distance (six miles or so) before turning onto Virginia 674 for a few miles until it intersected Virginia 123, which took us all of the way to Woodbridge and the uniform store there. The printout of the map to their store made it easy to find it.
Showing them the letters and the orders that I had printed out yesterday, along with my retired military ID card, convinced them that we were who we pretended to be, as we hadn’t used our real names for any of this. The use of a cooperation spell and glamours on both of us helped hide our real identities. The store personnel were quite surprised that our uniforms needed no alterations to make them fit us perfectly, but the clothing spell had assured that.
They were somewhat reluctant to take cash, but we weren’t about to use a credit card or a check, that could be traced, and another compliance spell sped things along. We were back on the road by 1145, but in our civilian clothing with the military uniforms hanging up in the SUV. We took I-95 to 495 and then Virginia 190 to our hotel outside of the beltway. A late lunch followed moving our things back into the room, and I cast my wards in the floor, walls, and the ceiling again. The weather in the DC area was much improved today, going up into the mid 50’s that afternoon.
While I took care of things in the room, Jill had our laptop out checking on the social scene in DC. Thad didn’t have very good Internet access where they lived in far western North Carolina, but Jill had done some checking when we were in Boston yesterday, while I was printing out the letters and orders on Paddy’s printer.
“It would appear that the VP has missed one important meeting and several social functions over the past several days,” she soon informed me.
“We should pay a visit to the Park, and see what can be picked up on the scanner. There is bound to be talk among the security men,” I told her. We were soon ready to leave, but in our regular civilian clothing, not our recon clothes, or our new uniforms. At the park, I soon started picking up chatter among the Secret Service men.
“I hear his nibs is all upset,” I heard one man say.
“He finally heard from his family in Massachusetts. The news wasn’t good. As I understand it, his Cousin and a number of members of other prominent families have totally disappeared; no notes or phone calls, just gone. They are all supposed to be members of some society. It also seems that the society is in some kind of trouble, as there are people trying to collect something like eight million dollars or so from them,” a second man told the first, before someone broke in on their conversation.
“Stop bullshitting on this frequency, and both of you get over to the residence. The VEEP is complaining about a threat to his life. He has refused to leave here to meet with POTUS, and is insisting on his right to use the hideaway while his life is threatened.
“Nobody knows what he is talking about, as there is no sign of a threat against him, but he is very upset and threatening to call our bosses at the Secret Service. I want you two to check out the hideaway thoroughly and make a video of the whole thing. I want proof that we checked everything and were only following orders. There have been too many foul-ups in the past, and I don’t need to have my ass fired because of someone else’s foul-up. Get over there and get him calmed down. I’m sending someone to do the video. Don’t allow the VEEP inside until everything has been checked out and you’re sure that it’s safe,” the voice on the scanner told them. Jill had been listening to the conversation with me.
“It would appear that the rat is headed for his hole,” she said after the scanner went silent.
“Will we visit him tonight?” she asked next.
“Oh yes, sweetie, we’ll deal with him tonight and with Colonel Coley early tomorrow morning, before they discover something has gone wrong,” I told her.
“Should we stay here and listen further?” she asked.
“Perhaps for a short time to ensure that he is actually in the bunker,” I told her in agreement. It was perhaps forty-five minutes later when confirmation came through.
“Central, this is Wilson. The subject is secured. He refused to allow us to install a video camera. Said he would call us when he needed something. Don’t know what he is afraid of, but he sure doesn’t want anyone to know where he is,” the second voice that we had heard reported.
“Headquarters is sending over a couple of more men and some dogs to beef-up the night time patrols. They are taking this threat seriously it appears,” the third voice, apparently from the operations center, informed Wilson.
“It would appear that Mr. Perkins is really scared. I wonder how much of what he knows or suspects he has shared with the others.” I mused.
“We won’t know until we question him. You are going to question him aren’t you?” Jill asked.
“Definitely, we need to know where Boudinot may be hiding, and who he has with him. When I met him, he didn’t seem like one who did his own dirty work,” I told her before we transferred back to our room for some rest and then a good dinner. There was a lot of work to do tonight and tomorrow.
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By the time it was one o’clock, the Mayor had more problems than he had earlier, but still had no answers. Things had gotten worse with the fires that morning, and those in the news media had been listening to the police and fire department on scramblers. They were aware of the fires, and just add them to their already long list of questions. Because of the new fires, the Mayor started the news conference fifteen minutes late, and was immediately bombarded with questions before he could even...
On Sunday morning there was another meeting, but in a conference room at city hall, as the meeting had grown too large for the Mayor’s office. Those in attendance were the same as those at Saturday’s meeting plus additional assistants and technical personnel. The police Precinct Commander was different also, his precinct included the Peachtree Center area. All of those present looked grim. “How bad is it?” the Mayor asked to begin the meeting. He had bags under his eyes and looked worn out...
On Sunday evening, I awoke shortly before sunset. According to the copy of the Lunar Calendar that I had printed out before leaving home for the final time, the new moon would occur tomorrow at approximately 1330, so tonight would be very dark. Following cleaning up and dressing, I transferred to an area on the north side of Atlanta known as ‘Buckhead’. While there are a number of fine restaurants there, I chose a bar / restaurant instead. It has good food that is always served in large...
“Let’s go out on the front porch,” Thad suggested, before adding, “Bring that jug, Nick.” On the front porch, the jug was passed around a couple of times before Angus started questioning me. “What can you tell me about Miss Calisa?” he asked, as Nick and Thad passed the jug several more times. I explained how I had met her through Jill and about the attack on her house, her move here with us, and her desire to return to her house. I also mentioned how she had changed after being alone for...
New characters introduced in this chapter: Patrick (Paddy) O’Farrell Electrician, Grandfather of Maureen, 5’-9’’ tall, 175 pounds, 68 years old, gray hair, watery blue eyes Maureen O’Farrell Patrick’s Granddaughter, 3’-0’’ tall plus, 55 pounds, not quite 7 years old, light red hair, light green eyes, very cute and a large Talent With January of 2021 came better weather. By Sunday, the 3rd, temperatures here were back in the sixty degree range during the day and the high thirties at...
Paddy led the way to the house. It wasn’t far from either the shop or the Pub, but was on a side street. It was the first floor of the three story house that we would have. The front door was right off the street with a very narrow sidewalk. Inside the entryway, there were stairs to the other floors plus the entry door for the first floor. The apartment, as that is what it was, had a living room, a small dining room, and a kitchen. There were two bedrooms with a bath between them in the back...
The following new character appears in this chapter: Kathleen O’Farrell Maureen’s Mother and Paddy’s Daughter, 5’-6’’ tall, 125 pounds, 28 years old, 34C-22-34, reddish hair similar to her Daughter’s and green eyes. Frank ‘the Fish’ Mastrototaro Gangster, the man Max is after, 5’-10’’ tall, 32 years of age, 190 pounds, black hair, dark eyes The previous evening in the Pub around the corner from Paddy’s shop, his three men had gotten a booth near the back and had started drinking before...
The following character is introduced in this chapter: Charles Bulfinch One of America’s first architects; built many buildings and tunnels in Boston and Salem; later he was the architect that President James Monroe hired to build many government buildings in Washington D.C. where he also built tunnels. Appearing in the kitchen of our apartment on leaving the North End, I was greeted by the smells of a hot meal that Jill had prepared for me. “Thank you, I really need this,” I told her,...
At the apartment, Jill whipped up a big dinner for both of us, as it had been a very long and active day, plus it wasn’t over yet. After eating, we relaxed together for a time before preparing to leave to find Frank ‘the Fish’ and check him into our new hotel facility with nothing but cold bricks for a companion. As it approached 2200 that evening, I donned my warmest clothing as I prepared to leave for the North End, as the nights here were quite cold. I would need to locate my target and...
Friday night we made love and then had sex after Paddy and Maureen left for his Daughter’s apartment, following another fine home cooked meal. We hugged, kissed, massaged, and rolled around in the bed for a long time before we got to the sex, which was long and passionate. It was a good thing that I had cast the privacy spell and the noise suppression spell before we started, because Jill was very noisy tonight. We went over the cliff nearly together, and Jill was left unable to move by her...
On appearing in the basement of the Hawthorne, we found it nearly stifling after being out in the cold for so long, and quickly transferred through the steel door into the short tunnel leading to the main Essex St. tunnel to await the arrival of those with the Heroin. We found the temperature in the tunnels much more to our liking since it was warmer there than outside and there was no wind in the tunnels, just a slight draft. It required quite some time for those we were waiting for to...
Jill had still been awake when I returned from the Carlton St. house, and I needed to tell her what I had done there. After a little more hugging and kissing, we returned to sleep. We arose very late on Tuesday morning after a good, if interrupted, night’s sleep. Following taking care of our usual morning rituals, we went out for a late breakfast which we combined with lunch that we took back to the room with us. This time we did not return to the hotel as we normally would. Instead I...
We appeared in the tunnel at the entrance to the Gardner Pingree House’s basement. It was the house that Captain Joseph White had bought from Nathaniel West, and where he was murdered in 1830. Louisa DuPont made a contribution to the Essex Museum in the early 1900s to have the White name removed from the house, so as to not embarrass her husband, Frank B. Crowninshield. On arriving, I cast the listening spell on the wall closing the entrance so we could hear what was being said. “Just...
We awoke in our room at the hotel just after 1000 that morning, Thursday the 28th of January, after four plus additional hours of sleep. Following our morning preparations, we dressed in our traveling clothes before sending our luggage and other things to Jill’s SUV. She had a question before we left the room. “Are we going to eat here before leaving,” she asked. “I don’t believe we would be able to access any of the places along Essex St. this morning, or that we would wish to try. The...
As we approached the shell around Uncle Thad’s house and buildings, I sounded the horn to alert them that we were back. There was no problem passing us and the SUV through the shell and its wards. Maureen was impressed with the size and color of the shell. Jill had told her how I had cast it when we had first arrived here. Arriving in the field in front of the farmhouse, we could see a number of people out on the porch in addition to Uncle Thad and Aunt Grania, as they were surrounded by...
The following new character appears in this chapter: Thomas J. Perkins Vice President of the United States, second in Command of the Anti-Magic League, 5’-11’’ tall, 200 pounds, 45 years old, dark brown hair, hazel eyes Later that evening, following supper, and after the television had been turned off, and the rest of the household was preparing for bed, Thad and I were the only two left sitting in the parlor. “Just who is this first fellow you are going after?” Thad asked leaning...
The following character returns from the first story: Dr. Boudinot Civilian psychiatrist, assigned to Military Intelligence; a medium height slightly overweight man of about 45 years old with brown hair While Max and Jill enjoyed the day, Friday, the 12th of February, wasn’t all that enjoyable for others. The problems started in the Basement of the Pentagon a few minutes after Max and Jill had left. The young Spec 5 heard the shot and immediately looked around the office to see where it...
Inside the building, pandemonium prevailed, as the tame Magic users could feel the spells being cast by Max and Jill, but were unable to do anything to stop them through their own wards. “Doctor Boudinot, someone is casting a spell outside the building,” the man from the operations section shouted as he approached Boudinot’s room again. “What are you doing about it?” he demanded. “Nothing, our wards are still in effect,” the man told him realizing how foolish he must have sounded. “Drop...
New characters introduced in this chapter: Calisa Jill’s friend, Magic user, 5’-4’’ tall, a bit chunky, 40 years old, brown hair, blue eyes Melany Jill’s friend, Magic user, 5’-5’’ tall, thinner than Calisa, 39 years old, blond hair, hazel eyes Jillian’s kiss startled me more than I can say. I had lost my wife and children only some four weeks or so ago, and I hadn’t even thought of women in more than a general way. Of course, I had been upset by the abuse of several young women by the...
It was nearly dark by the time that we returned to Mrs. Black’s house. It had taken longer than we had expected to help the other two Magic users. Mrs. Black was very slow answering the door when we rang the bell, and it only opened an inch or so before she asked, “Who is there?” in a frightened voice. “It’s Jill and my Cousin,” Jill replied, and the door opened all of the way. Mrs. Black had a large butcher knife in her hand and a very relieved look on her face. “I’m sorry, but it took...
The following new characters appear in this chapter and others: Uncle Thaddeus (Thad) Jill’s Uncle, Magic user, 5’-10’’ tall, 185 pounds, 62 years old, a full gray beard and gray hair, hazel eyes Aunt Grania (Grace) Uncle Thad’s Wife, Jill’s Mother’s older Sister, 5’-8’’ tall, 140 pounds, 34C-24-34, 59 years old, gray hair, blue eyes “Well, Jill, what brings you out here?” the man who was apparently her Uncle asked as he approached us. “Trouble!” she answered. “Nothing unusual there....
The bed in the room assigned to me was definitely too small for my 6’-4’’ frame. I used a spell to stretch it and the mattress an extra six inches so it would be more comfortable to sleep on, but it wouldn’t be weakened much, as I do weigh two hundred and forty pounds or so. It was a much better fit when I lay down on it. Also, it was fortunate that we had showered at Jill’s house before returning here, as I had no idea where the bathroom was. Farmers get up early, and I was awakened at five...
Jill pressed herself against me, and we kissed for a long time before finally coming up for air. We were still holding each other and hadn’t moved when suddenly there was the BOOM of a huge explosion, and we were knocked from our feet by the sound of it. It was a good number of seconds before we attempted to get to our feet. There was a loud ringing in our ears, and we couldn’t hear anything else. Once upright, I grabbed Jill to keep both of us on our feet, shook my head to clear it...
The following new character appears in this and later chapters: Andrea Palladino Formerly Adriano Zabarelli, il Palladino, minor Mafia Don, 5’-9’’ tall, 220 pounds, late 40s to early 50s, gray hair, blue eyes We appeared in the field in front of Uncle Thad’s house to find that the sphere was in place, although it had been lowered yesterday afternoon, and I wondered what had caused them to raise it again. Jill was also looking at it in surprise. “What’s happened?” she asked in a puzzled...
The following new character appears in this chapter: Nicholas Kane Wizard, very strong Talent, 5’-9’’ tall, about 155 pounds, 75 years of age or so, a large nose and intense hazel eyes, fire engine red hair even at his age Kaera Kane Nicholas’s Wife, 5’-3’’ tall, pleasingly plump with long gray hair, sunburned and wrinkled from a life working on the farm. “Well Thady O’Domhnaill, what brings you up here?” the older man demanded in Gaelic with a thick accent. “I’ve brought you a new...
At breakfast the next morning it was only blind luck I remembered to ask Rose about the CB radio, but I was tickled with her answer. "Sigfried brought it up when we were planning the replacement truck and trailers. He'd known exctly what was in your other truck and he asked me if we needed to recreate everything and it led to a discussion. "He pointed out you'd have no one to communicate with here and I pointed out you would if I took a radio too, and things got away from us...
There was something that went on at the wedding that I knew nothing about until later. Rachel came with her parents, and spent the day going from one pregnant woman to the next, asking for and receiving permission to caress each swollen belly. She also spent a lot of time with Tanya and Christopher. No one had told Sabrina that Rachel wanted me for her birthday. To be honest, we all thought it was a phase she would soon grow out of. Apparently, it really IS true that a woman never forgets...
Working the late shift at the burger barn had it's set backs and privileges... For instance when the shift was over if there were any burgers that had not been sold the shift supervisor would often give them to the associates to take home. If you did not have private transportation, you had to depend on public transportation(buses and cabs). Sometime you could hitch a ride home but most time I had to make the four mile hike after twelve midnight. You see in my town the buses normally stop...
I don’t know where to begin; it was such a shock when my son’s computer just buzzed in to action when I was dusting around it; I know I should not have started to read what was on the screen but seeing the title My Mother Caught Me I was a little curious. It was about a mother catching her 37-year-old son playing with himself at the computer. She was not angry but more intrigued at seeing the porn on the net and his cock. She blackmailed her son...
Chapter 1: Urinal Gag This one is dedicated to M.S. It was during an email exchange that I sketched out the fantasy I’d had when I first came across the Urinal Gag online, and that gave me the impetus to write this out. That shows how valuable that feedback (especially emails and private messages) can be. It makes it feel worthwhile to know that these stories are as arousing for other people as they are for me, and sharing fantasies can help with inspiration for the next story. If this or any...
Sunday morning, Nov 26, 2028I wanted to talk about the night before on our way home after dropping our friends and parents off and I’m pretty sure Addie did, too. But it was such a short drive home and we hate to begin a discussion that we know we won’t be able to finish.Once home, we changed our clothes, picked up some different clothes for the kids, and traded the Odyssey for the Jeep. Weather permitting, we always try to get our Christmas tree the weekend after Thanksgiving. It’d probably be...
Wife LoversAfter our wild "accidental" night, Kathy and I invited Rick and Jill for supper the next weekend with the hope that they would spend the night. That way we could maybe fuck more than once. When they got to our house we made small talk. None of us was sure that we wanted to do a repeat of the past weekend. I was sure. I didn't want to just start grabbing Jill; we were still on a kind of "date" basis. Anyway, we were talking and drinking and I kept fantasizing about Jill's naked bod. Jill is...
Nathan Bronson just can’t wrap his head around his finance homework. He gets visibly frustrated, so his stepsister Molly Little tries to explain it to him. Nathan does his best to understand, but Molly’s explanation flies over his head. She claims she’s not going to help him anymore and leaves the room. Returning to the room a bit later, Molly is dressed as a sexy teacher. She says she’s going to try a physical approach to demonstrate finance to Nathan. She explains the...
xmoviesforyouHank found himself wondering what he and Amanda should do. He was Amanda's father and for several months now, he and his 16-year old daughter had been intimate lovers. In fact, it was Hank who had actually taken Amanda's cherry pussy that Friday night several months earlier when he and her had found themselves alone at home and they let one thing lead to another until Hank had pulled Amanda's T-shirt up and then he unsnapped the front closure to her sexy demi-bra and before he knew it,...
"Wooooo! Girls' weekend in the woods!" "Great. Lexi's drunk already. Couldn't you have at least waited until we actually got to the cabin?" "That'd be boring. You're boring, Sophia. You should--you should learn to be more fun." Sophia rolled her eyes at her friend as she, Lexi, and the rest of her friends piled into the van. The six of them had rented a remote cabin in the woods for a weekend away; it seemed like a beautiful place, with a lake nearby and some very pretty looking hiking trails...
LesbianI felt like Sarah was consciously ignoring me. She said nothing when I met her at the motel, barely looked at me when she pointed at her pick-up and we piled in, and then grunted at the questions I attempted to ask. An example: ‘Where are we headed?’ Her murmured reply: ‘You’ll find out soon enough.’ Eventually, I gave up. I figured she was too afraid of a situation like the night before, when she had become so horny that she had made like a water grenade all over my face. Instead, my...
I climbed on the bus, looking around. The adults were near the front, and the girls and Jason, were all in the rear. I finally took a seat about halfway back. It's easier to mope if no one is sitting next to you. I realized that I was still hoping she would come. That she would suddenly appear with her bags saying she had changed her mind. The driver looked to see if everyone was seated, then closed the door, and put the motor coach in gear. I couldn't stand it. What if she was on the...
Both Emma and I got down on our knees and came back to her. Emma wasted no time bringing her hand to Ms. Lewis's twat and rubbing it. "Oh, Emma, you have some soft fingers," Ms. Lewis moaned, glancing at her. "I know, but if you think about telling someone about all of this, then we're gonna have issues, got it?" "Yes, Emma, I understand." "Then put your hand on my girlfriend's head," she ordered our teacher before I leaned to her left tit and began licking her nipple. "Oh, both of you are...
TabooHello friends i am nirmal tusi meri pehle bhi stories padhi hogi par yeh story sab se acchi hai yeh story hamari pados ki bhabhi ki hai jo ki bohut hi sunder(beautiful) hai unke boobs kam se kam 30 ke toh hoge… Unka 1 beta bhi hai sonu jiski umar 4 saal hai …. Frds yeh story bilkul true hai toh main apni story par aata huuh …….. Yeh us samay ki baat hai jab mai apne exam de kar free tha …. Or frds main ghar par borrr ho jata tha es liye maine swimming rakh lyi mujhe swimming ka bohut shonk hai...
Danica cast the fertility detecting spells into the ring, planning to give the ring to Andrea as soon as possible. She found that casting even those relatively simple enchantments exhausted her. I've been working too hard. I need to take a break. More of Danica's purchases arrived late that afternoon. She wearily put away the kitchen utensils and clay working tools just in time for her new desk to arrive. A few coins persuaded the porter to take the desk to where Danica wanted it. A few...
Introduction: Mom and her 17-year old son explore new feelings. A few points about my story 1) This is my first ever story so be polite . I wrote it in French a few months ago and this is just a much simpler translation of it in English. The French version is much richer but I hope this is ok too. 2) English is not my first language so please forgive any spelling or grammatical errors. I tried my best but I am not an English speaker . 3) The story is fictional but the mother and son of the...
Hello everyone, this is Rahul from Ahmadabad, Gujarat. this is an real incident of my life.I am regular reader of Indian sex stories .This is my first story .I have spend around 10,000 rupees for male escort job. They advertise on locanto, vivastreet, etc.. I have contacted some of them and I wasted my money so, I request all of boys to be-aware of their agencies. Now starting with my story I am Rahul from Ahmadabad, Gujarat , age 18 yrs, height 5”6’, fair looking handsome boy having cock...
We had a first kiss standing by my ute. I held the door as Diana got in, walked around and started up. She navigated us back. I parked as directed on Clara between High and Blenheim. "You will come up for coffee?" "Definitely." She led me to a red brick building. "This is really a nurses' and intern's residence, but I qualified. It's not much. However, it's convenient and quite cheap. We walked to the second storey and she unlocked a door. "Come into my parlour." "You don't...
"Are you frightened?" Hayden whispered into my ear as he pushed his hard cock into my tight and wet pussy and let out the largest moan i'd heard. Ever. I shook my head and let out a soft gasp as a shock of pain jolted down my body mixed with pleasure that sent lighting bolts to the tips of toes. I turned my head and look tot he side but he grabbed my head with his hands as he still was slowly penetrating me, in and out in and out and looked at me. "No i want to look at you. I want you to...
First TimeJill had sucked Father Leary's big cock just yesterday. The old priest enjoyed spanking the young fifteen year old's bare bottom every Thursday after hearing her confession. Jill was able to deep throat the priest letting his eight inches cum there, satisfying both of them. It was Friday and Jill's mother Carla had just returned from her confession with the good Father. She looked uncomfortable as she sat on the couch, wriggling her round ass to get comfortable. Jill wondered if Father...
Part twoI was kneeling on the floor, my large firm breasts exposed, my shaved pussy on fully display and my stockings and garters included in the vista. My lips were softly kissing the domed raw head of Trevor, my boss’ flaccid cock. I’d removed every trace of his orgasm, swallowing all of the evidence gleefully. My pussylips were open and enjoyed the atmospheric waft of air as I looked into Trevor’s glazed eyes. I’d completely emptied his balls if the satisfied grin on his face was anything to...
Na first story chadavani valu pyna vunna link lo open chesi chaduvukoni.Dantlo swetha gurinchi ala 5 rounds aye sari morning 4 ayindi time swetha and nenu baga alisipoyindi but swetha vala ayana ekada nidra lesthada ani oka tenshion naku so 4 ki pyki vella vala ayana postion ela vundo chudtaniki vadu baga nidrapotunadu bcz full ga tagesadu kabati. Nenu na mobile kindaki techukoni pent house lock chesi malli kindaki vachanu dani chudagane malli mood vachindi but apatike 5 rounds ayay kabati nenu...
Hi all iss readers. My name is Namita Ahuja. I am 38 years old happily married for last 12 years and mother of two children. My husband name is Rishi. I am a working woman and well satisfied with my life. My relation with my husband is great. I am still in love with him since marriage. This was all a little introduction of mine. Now let’s come to the actual story. Actually this is not a story but a real incident of my life. I am sharing this here only because iss is also a reason of happening...
“Guitarists always start in the bedroom” —Martine Murray, Marsh and Me PEY WANTED TO KNOW if she could be with me when I recorded this morning. I thought about it and thought about what Riley had said about playing for a live audience. I figured ‘why not?’ Pey had been with me often enough when I played late at night. I reset my room so we could settle into the beanbag instead of sitting upright in a chair. I’m sure Vinnie would have something to say about that the next time I saw him,...
But then the full weight of the situation I am in struck my head. Jack was just standing there, his eyes blinking in a peaceful rhythm, his face calm and his right hand still on my bare ass, slowly moving, no wait, He is drawing a question mark. It took me a sec to notice it, it was cute, and that lasted short as he inserted his finger in my ass crack. My body reacted in a way I still don’t completely understand. It was so wild, just imagining that now sends shivers down my spine. ...
FantasyYou know the feeling: lying in a warm bed, breathing in a faint whiff of her perfume, new stiffy just starting, your wife / girlfriend / mistress / s1ster-in-law returns from the bathroom. Hair wrapped in a towel, skin all clean and smooth after a vigorous shower to wash your sperm out of her crevices."Come back to bed darling, you look gorgeous, all freshly fucked. Come on we've still got time for another quickie"."Get lost; you've had me all night. My arse is still sore. You're not...
Monday, June 7, 1971 Someone was lying beside me, breathing softly. It only took a moment to realize it was Anna, and that she was asleep. I listened without opening my eyes. Then I scanned. The house was still. The only ones awake were the three security people. And Catherine. She was in her room, writing something. "Good evening," I thought to her. "Good morning, Michael," she thought back. "I can't lift my arm to see my watch. Do you know what time it is?" I asked. "Is...