Injustice IIChapter 9
- 3 years ago
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The following new character appears in this chapter:
Nicholas Kane
Wizard, very strong Talent, 5’-9’’ tall, about 155 pounds, 75 years of age or so, a large nose and intense hazel eyes, fire engine red hair even at his age
Kaera Kane
Nicholas’s Wife, 5’-3’’ tall, pleasingly plump with long gray hair, sunburned and wrinkled from a life working on the farm.
“Well Thady O’Domhnaill, what brings you up here?” the older man demanded in Gaelic with a thick accent.
“I’ve brought you a new student, Nioclas O’Cathain,” Uncle Thad answered in Gaelic.
“A new student? I’ll be the judge of that,” the other man answered and still looked confrontational.
“Just which one of these strangers is supposed to be the new student?” he demanded next.
“The man is the new student, the young woman is my Niece, Jillian Kelley. His name is Maximilian Hardtrick, and I’ve taught him all that I could,” Uncle Thad told him.
“And just what makes you think that I should take him under my wing as a student?” the other man demanded in an unhappy voice.
“Actually, you will be taking in both of them,” Uncle Thad told him and waited for the explosion, which wasn’t long in coming.
“WHAT?” the older man exploded in anger. “Two mouths to feed and house for an unknown time?”
“We can pay our way, money is not a problem,” I told him.
“Aye, they can pay in gold if you are still demanding that,” Uncle Thad added. The older man’s expression softened some on hearing that.
“Well, that’s different. Now what can this fellow do?” he asked next.
“Go ahead, Max,” Uncle Thad urged me, and I cast the shell spell, but stopped its expansion at about five hundred feet in diameter and tinted it a light green color, as we had agreed on the way up here. The older man stared around him in amazement, taking in the shell and its green color for many seconds.
“Aye, I can see why you brought him to me now, Thady. Has he done this before?” he asked in a quiet voice.
“Yes, he has. He created an eight hundred foot or so shell around my house and buildings, along with various size shells around my children’s houses and buildings. He also covered Jill’s house in Charleston as well as several others with smaller shells,” Uncle Thad told him.
“And does he have other spells that are just as impressive,” the older man asked.
“He has a spell to fix machinery. He made a tidy sum selling and trading it while staying at my place,” Uncle Thad told him.
“He’ll have a chance to use that while staying here. My old tractor is wont to not work at the most inopportune times,” he said and appeared to be deep in thought for several seconds.
“All right, I’ll take him in and see what he can do,” he finally agreed with a small smile, the first we had seen since arriving here.
“Max, this is Nicholas Kane, Master Wizard,” Uncle Thad told me before turning to the older man.
“Nick, this is Maximilian Hardtrick,” he told the other man, but he showed no sign of recognition on hearing my name.
“The Ghost of Atlanta,” Uncle Thad added, but there was still no sign of recognition from the older man, as he reached out to shake my hand.
“You can call me Nick except when studying. Then you will address me as Master Kane,” he told me as our hands touched, and his eyes flew open in surprise on feeling the size of my Talent.
“Aye, you are a strong one, but you would have to be to cast the second part of the shell spell like that,” Nick said before releasing my hand.
“Come inside, all of you, and we’ll have some cider, and you can meet my Wife,” Nick told us.
“I’d like to, Nick, but I should be getting back to my place. You know that I don’t like to leave it for long,” Thad told him.
“Aye, it’s a long drive back to your place, I understand,” Nick told him, as they shook hands.
“Oh, I won’t be driving back, the truck belongs to Jill,” Thad told him.
“How are you going to get back then?” Nick asked.
“Max is going to transfer me back,” Thad told him to a surprised look.
“That far?” Nick finally asked.
“Yes, it’s not a problem for him,” Thad assured him.
“In that case, there’s no reason not to have a cup of cider or two,” Nick said with a broad smile.
The interior of the house was much nicer than its exterior appearance. Nick’s Wife, Kaera, was a woman of about his age with long gray hair, and she was pleasingly plump at about 5’-3’’ tall. She was sunburned and had wrinkles from a lifetime of working on a farm in the sun, just as her Husband and the O’Donnells did. She already had a jug of cider on the table in the dining room and mugs set out for us.
“This is my Wife, Kaera. She runs the house,” Nick told us, as he pulled the cork on the jug and poured a mug of cider for each of us. We quickly discovered that it was hard cider ... very hard cider. Perhaps it had some help getting that way.
Thad was still anxious to return home, so following ten minutes of discussions of rain and the weather along with how the various crops were doing, he insisted that he needed to get back.
Outside a few minutes later, I transferred both of us to the field in front of his house in North Carolina. He appeared to be relieved to be back. It definitely appeared that the women folk weren’t the only home bodies among the O’Donnells. Following a few words of advice from Thad and the usual goodbyes, I transferred back to the Kane farm in Tennessee.
The midday meal, which we would call lunch, but the Kanes called dinner, was ready when I returned, and we all ate. There was less meat and more vegetables for meals here than the O’Donnells served and not any milk. Also tea was more prevalent than coffee.
Following the meal, Nick took me out to show me the farm and where everything was located. We visited the barns and the equipment shed. I was surprised to see that he had a couple of horses but no cows. There were also chickens and pigs but only a few pigs.
“We only keep enough pigs for meat, and slaughter them in the fall. That’s what the smoke house is for. That and the venison,” he told me. “I hunt in the fall and at other times as needed. Deer are plentiful here in the mountains. Occasionally, I’ll get a wild pig. Both of them are the reason that I have warding stones at the corners of all of my fields,” he told me as we toured the farm.
There was a large vegetable garden behind the house that his wife managed. Most of his fields were planted in corn, but he also grew tobacco and had a curing barn for it. There were also a few fields of grass to harvest as hay for the horses. The question when it came was while we were out in the far fields.
“So you’re the fellow from Atlanta. The one who started all of the trouble there. Why did Thad call you the Ghost of Atlanta?” he asked.
“Yes, that was me,” I answered with a sigh. “He called me the ‘Ghost’ because the authorities never really saw me,” I added.
“We heared about it on the radio, but didn’t put much stock in it. You can’t believe the news. They often get things wrong or only report what they want you to know. Did you hang all of them folks?” he asked.
“Yes, I did. Some of them were just rotten people, and some had helped the Magic Haters kidnap, torture, and murder my children,” I told him.
“I figured whoever was doin that had to have the Talent and could do Magic since they didn’t see you for the most part and never caught you. How old were the children?” he asked quietly.
“They were two and four years old,” I told him in a strained voice, as I remembered my sweet Sons.
“That’s hard losin’ kids that young. Kaera and me had a couple of kids, a boy and a girl, but when they got out o’ school, they moved away to the city. Said they didn’t need to work an old farm out in the sticks and stay poor. Them was notions the school put in their heads. They don’t come by but every couple of years. Their Talents weren’t all that strong anyway, and they didn’t care about Magic. Don’t know who will take over the farm when me and Kaera pass,” he told me in a sad voice.
“You obviously don’t feel that you are poor or otherwise disadvantaged,” I said to him.
“No, why should I? I’ve lived here most of my life. I do what I know how to, as does Kaera. We’ve had good years and bad years, but we’ve always made it through. We’re happy here, though the last couple of years, I’ve had to use more Magic then when I was younger. I guess that old age is catching up with me,” he admitted with a bit of a smile.
By the time we returned to the house and the barns, it was time to feed the horses and the pigs. Kaera and Jill had fed and watered the chickens. Jill told me they would collect the last of the eggs for that day after the evening meal.
That evening we learned a lot about the Kanes over an evening meal of smoke cured and fried venison with vegetables and homemade bread with butter or Apple butter. There was cider to drink following the meal, but only water to drink with it.
“You don’t keep any cows for milk, do you,” I asked during the meal.
“No, we get milk and butter from a neighbor who has a dairy farm a few miles from here. He brings us a delivery once a week. Do you drink a lot of milk?” Kaera asked.
“Yes, I like a couple of glasses a day when it’s available,” I told her.
“We could increase our order, if you would like,” she told me, but I could see her husband frown at the suggestion.
“Now don’t you be lookn’ that way, Nicholas Kane,” she told him in a scolding voice. “He is going to be working here, and that is the least you can do for him,” she continued.
“Yes, dear,” Nick said in a resigned voice.
“We can pay for the milk and whatever food we eat, it’s not a problem,” Jill told both of them.
“That would help. We’re a little tight on money right now,” Nick said, then explained, “Last year’s crops wasn’t that good thanks to the lack of rain, and everyone is a bit behind.”
“It’s not a problem for us to help out,” I assured him.
“Thank you,” he said before turning on the radio near him to listen to the news that came on, on the hour. It was followed by some old time country music and a bit of bluegrass.
“That was Doctor Ralph Stanley and his Clinch Mountain Boys. Next a bit from a local boy, Jimmy Martin and his song ‘Run Pete Run’ which was dedicated to his favorite coon dog,” the announcer finished before the music started again.
“You know that Jimmy Martin was from Sneedville,” Nick told me while that artist was playing.
It turned out that the radio was their only contact with civilization. They had no television or phone, not even a cell phone. Their electricity came from solar panels and a battery backup system. The radio, a CD player, some LED lights in the main rooms of the house, the refrigerator, and the well pump were the only electrical items they had.
When the music that they liked was replaced by more modern country music, the radio was turned off, and Nick read out loud from his bible for a time before they prepared for bed.
“We attend church in Sneedville once or twice a month when we can afford the gas,” Nick told me as he closed his bible.
“You don’t transfer there?” I asked in surprise.
“We don’t like to show off our Magic. We usually go when we need supplies to combine trips,” he told us.
“You’re in the room that belonged to our children. Jill moved your things in there while you and Nick were busy,” Kaera told me to keep me from thinking about what Nick had just said. They didn’t seem to have a problem with us sleeping together, though they had never asked if we were married.
While they did have an indoor bathroom, it was not one of the rooms with electric lights, but it did have a kerosene lamp. The shower was very small and there was no tub, just a sink and a toilet. There was a water tank on a tower behind the house to support the bathroom and the kitchen.
Our room had separate beds. They would be fine for Jill, but were way too short for me, and I used the furniture spell to lengthen the bed that I slept on. It now went nearly to the front wall of the room, and I now knew why they weren’t worried about us sleeping together, as the beds were very narrow.
“Are you all right with this?” Jill asked when we were alone in the room, which was just large enough for the beds and two small chests of drawers. Fortunately, we hadn’t brought a lot with us other than our clothes and some toilet articles, since we could transfer back to Uncle Thad’s to pick up anything that we had forgotten. We could also transfer back to Jill’s house in Charleston if we needed to, and we would probably need to. I did see my box with the money in it under my bed and moved it to where I had lengthened the bed for support.
“It will be all right for the time we are here,” I told her with a smile. We used the bathroom but separately after the Kanes had finished in there. The shower cabinet really is a very small one, and I was a bit uncomfortable using it, but would get used to it, I thought. Jill and I went to bed separately following a little kissing and hugging.
The Kanes didn’t get up quite as early as Uncle Thad and his family did, but it was early enough. The country style breakfast that they served was quickly consumed, and I went out to work with Nick while Jill stayed to help Kaera with the household chores and the garden.
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The following new character appears in this chapter: Thomas J. Perkins Vice President of the United States, second in Command of the Anti-Magic League, 5’-11’’ tall, 200 pounds, 45 years old, dark brown hair, hazel eyes Later that evening, following supper, and after the television had been turned off, and the rest of the household was preparing for bed, Thad and I were the only two left sitting in the parlor. “Just who is this first fellow you are going after?” Thad asked leaning...
The following character reappears from the first story: Colonel Coley Full Colonel, assigned to Military Intelligence; a tall thin man about 40 years old with short black hair The reheated pizza in our hotel room wasn’t great, but we were hungry and ate every bit of it, as there wasn’t any place open this late at night to get anything more to eat. After showering again together, we were asleep in no time. It was 0930 on Monday morning before we were up again and it was discussion...
The following character returns from the first story: Dr. Boudinot Civilian psychiatrist, assigned to Military Intelligence; a medium height slightly overweight man of about 45 years old with brown hair While Max and Jill enjoyed the day, Friday, the 12th of February, wasn’t all that enjoyable for others. The problems started in the Basement of the Pentagon a few minutes after Max and Jill had left. The young Spec 5 heard the shot and immediately looked around the office to see where it...
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It was nearly dark by the time that we returned to Mrs. Black’s house. It had taken longer than we had expected to help the other two Magic users. Mrs. Black was very slow answering the door when we rang the bell, and it only opened an inch or so before she asked, “Who is there?” in a frightened voice. “It’s Jill and my Cousin,” Jill replied, and the door opened all of the way. Mrs. Black had a large butcher knife in her hand and a very relieved look on her face. “I’m sorry, but it took...
The following new characters appear in this chapter and others: Uncle Thaddeus (Thad) Jill’s Uncle, Magic user, 5’-10’’ tall, 185 pounds, 62 years old, a full gray beard and gray hair, hazel eyes Aunt Grania (Grace) Uncle Thad’s Wife, Jill’s Mother’s older Sister, 5’-8’’ tall, 140 pounds, 34C-24-34, 59 years old, gray hair, blue eyes “Well, Jill, what brings you out here?” the man who was apparently her Uncle asked as he approached us. “Trouble!” she answered. “Nothing unusual there....
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Jill pressed herself against me, and we kissed for a long time before finally coming up for air. We were still holding each other and hadn’t moved when suddenly there was the BOOM of a huge explosion, and we were knocked from our feet by the sound of it. It was a good number of seconds before we attempted to get to our feet. There was a loud ringing in our ears, and we couldn’t hear anything else. Once upright, I grabbed Jill to keep both of us on our feet, shook my head to clear it...
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Straight SexOver the next few hours Ursi worked out what furniture they would need for the longhouse, walking through the space with a tablet computer and entering in the data, converting Borealan measurements to centimeters and being sure to note any special requirements. Dennis returned to the Navarin and used the computer to look up information on the animal species that inhabited the Siberian taiga. It looked as if wild game was plentiful, there were large moose, of ideal size for a Borealan to dine...
“Hey, Gamm,” beamed Aren Collins.“Hey, baby,” the retired grandmother replied. “How are you?”“I’m fine. Thanks! And you?”“Doing good, sweetheart! What’s going on?”“I saved up some money and I want to buy momma’s robe,” shared the soulful, effeminate teen.“Really,” she smiled broadly. “That is so sweet. How much is it.”“$318.50”“Oh my! How about you pay half and then Pops and I will pay the other half.”“Okay, that works! I just needed you to use your credit card for the purchase.”“Absolutely!...
Carter sat on the sofa in the living room. Valerie joined him. “I finished helping your mom clean up. I love your folks, Carter. They’re very warm and accepting.” “I told you — they’re accepting sorts of people.” Eleanor stepped into the room. “I suppose we should get you settled,” she said to Valerie. “This is a very nice home,” Valerie replied. “We had it custom built about four years ago,” Eleanor replied. “It’s four and a half bedrooms and three and a half baths.” “I know what a half...
The next morning, Liam woke up first and quietly dressed before slipping out of the tent. When Selena woke up, she lay for several minutes, remembering what she had told him the previous night. She moaned and squeezed her eyes tightly shut, thinking of how she had clung to him and let him hold her so intimately on his lap. How humiliating! She could only hope he wouldn’t think badly of her, and she dreaded having to face him. Most men in her experience assumed when a girl was attacked or raped...
An Indian SlutHi, My name is Aarti. I am a 34-year-old housewife with 1 kid. I have a very attractive figure of 34-28-34. My hair is black. I am 4’11? tall. I live in New Delhi, India with my husband. His name is Aakash. He is a software programmer in a large multinational company. Our married life was happy till a little while ago.Our problems started with the recession in the US. My husband was in the danger of losing his job. One day, we had...
My name is Stephen McCain, formerly Alex Shay, and I’m a tall and lean young black man living in the city of Plymouth, Massachusetts. These days, I’m a student-athlete at Saint Meredith College, a small private school located in the heart of Plymouth. These days, I’m finally doing alright. I’ve escaped from the clutches of my evil family. Black American families in general are a model of dysfunction but mine was absolutely the worst. You think you’ve got it, wait till you meet my relatives....
Ben and Lacy arrived at the small, hole-in-the-wall bar on the east side of town. Neither had been there before and were only there because Lacy had won tickets for a show in a raffle at work. Lacy wore a short leather skirt, white green blouse showing lots of cleavage, and her best heels. Ben wore his best jeans that hugged his ass and a maroon silk shirt. "Could they find a more out of the way place?" he asked. "Quit bitchin', Ben," said Lacy. "We have free tickets that include the...
It was a beautiful late spring day on the coast as Karith and her father strolled along the beach enjoying a rare day off from the confines and heat of the forge. Galt, Karith's father, was the village blacksmith as well as the area's swordsmith and could usually be found hammering out a piece of glowing metal in the oppressive heat from the smithy's forge. This day however he was enjoying a well earned afternoon off with his daughter on a picnic at the beach. Karith was walking along the...
As I reached home mom hugged me tightly the second I got out from dad’s car. Since my mom looks young people usually think she’s my sister or even girlfriend sometimes. So I usually don’t behave so close to her in public. But inside the house, it’s totally different. Since it’s outside I didn’t hug her back. I went inside the house, took a bath and came down to the living room. Mom was cooking in the kitchen. She was in half sleeved t-shirt and jeans pant. I hugged her tightly from behind. She...
IncestI hope you enjoy this chapter!!!***********************The second week of November steamrolled into Friday without much reallyhappening that was very exciting. By now, Jess was back feeling close tonormal with Corey putting his troubles with his mom in the background.With our team off for the weekend, there wasn't big plans like usual.After classes, I appeased Scott and his demands to swim. Corey was at therec center and spoke to us briefly. Scott and I did our laps with the restpushing the...
The summer after Stacy and I started our relationship behind her daughter and husband's back it got more interesting. Stacy's family had a vacation house about three hours from where we lived, it was right near a river so we could spend weekends boating and tubing and just having a grand time. One weekend I had convinced Ashley to let me bring my video camera for her and I to make an amateur porno just for something to look back on and enjoy watching together. The long four day weekend came...
IncestA twisted love letterMy Darling,So. You've opened the envelope. This is the letter I promised you for when I am away. The story we were talking about. I hope you're sitting comfortably and have got some time to spare. I think you'll enjoy this.The fantasy begins here ...Let's start like we were saying the other night. You and I have been out for the evening. A meal and the theatre, let's say, for my birthday. We've dressed up a bit: you in the suit you wore to Craig's wedding, me in the little...
Sam's POV:I have been with boys and girls. I think I do prefer girls to boys... they know what other girls like, where they want it, and how much they want it. Whilst dating, girls have a little more sensitivity than guys do. There's only one girl I'd like to try, seeing as I've tried out the other ones at Ridgeway High... that's my best friend.Carly Shay. The prettiest girl by far, and of course, she has a boyfriend currently. And why wouldn't she? She's hot. I mean, drop-dead gorgeous.And I...
I feel the head of her giant cock caressing my lips. As she runs it over my mouth, I taste the first drops of her precum and respond by gently licking her knob."Put your hands on my ass," she commands. "If you want me to continue, press slightly, if you want me to stop, give me a light slap and I'll pull out."I nod in agreement and press lightly on her ass. She responds by slowly inching her length into my hungry mouth. My lips are straining to take her girth, and she reaches the back of my...
CrossdressingWhy yes I do ...... I like seeing a pussy swell and that cream when it just starts to drip out. Drag it up to the clit and spread it around tasting what I am going to fuck.But I think you meant how I like the feel of a tongue licking that first drop of precum from the tip of my cock before my cock disappears past full lips of velvet, my swollen shaft spreading those lips, the stiffness growing. The feel of the your tongue milking the under side of my cock. Seeing your attempt at getting it all...
Hellllo friends, bhabhi sexy hot girls divorce ladies and all my dearest female main. Vikas phr apni story leke aya hu jo mere saath last week hui or uske baad se hum daily sex kar rahe hai and thanks subko khas kur shilpa bhabhi ko jinhone mujhe mail karke contact kiya or shilpa bhabhi ke alawa bhi mujhe bahut main aye sune mere story koo instresting bataya asha karta hu ye bhi achi lage mere email id hai Any unsatisfied bhabhi girl divorce widow and girl who from delhi/ncr or any city near...
She sat under a huge umbrella, swaying lazily in her hammock. Her skin glowed from hours of tanning. Now she preferred the coolness of shadow, sipping a drink while listening to mellow jazz on her iPod. She idly scanned a magazine. Looking up, her eyes caressed the outlines of a body she knew well by now. It lay stretched out where sand and water met. Her gaze traced the shining roundness of a hip, the sweet softness of a belly. She felt her clit tingle from recent licking; her body sang...
This story a fictional account of something that happened to me. It is the way I have always wished the story went. I had been stationed aboard the USS Eversail a year and a half when Jerry reported aboard. I worked in engineering and he was a Quartermaster. I had seen him around the ship a few times and thought he was too girly for me. Then one night on the mess deck eating dinner alone, he slipped into the booth facing me. "Hi, my name is Jerry". He sounded so affeminate as he spoke. My...
Brenda led me into the living room and motioned for me to sit in the large chair since Mary was still passed out on the couch. Becky and Amy had followed us into the room. "Becky," she said turning to her, "why don't you sit on your daddys lap and you can stick his cock in your ass while you watch me fuck Fido. Becky I could use a hand," and she laughed, "literally, I'm going to need your hand." Becky lifted her skirt, pushed her panties aside and guided my stiffening cock towards...
PART 2 – The truck stop excursions (A)School was finished, I had graduated, and I had all the time in the world to myself now. Now more obligations, no more going to school, and no, I didn’t hear from my math teacher who mercilessly fucked me because he couldn’t resist me.Summers are so hot, sticky, humid, and a perfect time to wear as little as possible. This was only a few weeks after I got fucked by my teacher. My mom was generous and since I graduated, took me to get my nipples pierced. ...
The first thing I needed to do was to meet Jasper Dawson without it appearing that I was stalking him. So I forced Vlad to drive me to Lexington. In Lexington we found a womens clothing store that had one department filled with conservative outfits. I bought three for a start. I had no idea how long we would be in Harlan. That same afternoon I began moving about meeting people. It was my plan to have a meeting just as soon as possible. We had no idea how Jasper would react, but I expected to...