Tourist Courting
- 3 years ago
- 31
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Characters appearing in this chapter:
Max’s wife and the children’s mother, 5’-7’’ tall, 140 pounds, 34C-26-34, 30 years old, dark blond hair, gray eyes, and a minor Talent that she is not aware of
Sara’s brother, he is a little taller and couple of years older than Sara with similar features.
I stood in the dark driveway of my house for several minutes after the driver dropped me off wondering what I was going to tell my wife, but finally decided to just explain it as best I could.
I had my keys so I unlocked and opened the front door, then stepped into the house that we had owned for the past four years as if I were a stranger. My wife, Sara, was there instantly from the living room when I entered, and I thought that it had been a wise decision to have the driver turn off his headlights as we approached the house along with having him let me off at the curb rather than pulling into the driveway. Sara had a very worried look on her face.
“Max, where have you been all of this time, and where are the children?” she demanded in a harsh voice with an upset look.
“I’ve been in jail,” I told her not ready to tell her about the kidnapping yet.
“In jail, what ever for, and where are the children and the groceries? Were you in an accident? Are the children all right?” she demanded again, but in a more worried voice and with a worried look on her face. I exhaled heavily, here it was and there was no way around it now.
“I was in jail for beating up one of the men who kidnapped our children,” I told her all in one breath. Sara’s face first looked shocked and the horrified.
“Jail ... kidnapped!!’ she said in a weak voice before turning angry.
“You let someone steal our children?” she hissed at me in rage and started hitting me with her fists. I quickly grabbed both of her hands.
“I didn’t LET anyone do anything!” I screamed at her, letting out all or most of the rage and frustration that had been building up in me all of this time.
“I was returning the cart to the pickup point when a black van pulled up behind our SUV, and they snatched the kids. I raced back but only managed to pulled one of the bastards out of the van, but couldn’t stop it. I was punching the shit out of him when the cops pulled up. THEY released him and threw me in a cell. I’d still be there, but the Pentagon sent people down to straighten things out. The damn perp is gone and so are our kids,” I managed to finish in a quiet and more reasonable voice before releasing her hands.
“Oh my god!” Sara whispered in horror and fell against me to weep in soulful distress for the next half hour or more while I held her. Finally she sniffed back her tears and pushed away from me.
“WHY?” she asked in a small voice. “Why would they take our children, and why would the police release that man when you claimed he was a kidnapper?’ she asked in a distressed voice.
“I have absolutely no idea,” I told her, worn out from the whole thing. “The people from the Pentagon called in the FBI, the GBI, and the State Patrol, but they don’t know anything yet. The GBI impounded our SUV as evidence. I got a ride home in an Army vehicle,” I told her and ran out of words.
“What ... what can we do?” she pleaded, ready to cry again.
“Wait ... that’s about all that we can do for now. Wait and see if they contact us,” I told her in a disgusted voice. Sara now looked and moved like the dead, all of the life gone out of her. She returned to the sofa in the living room where she had waited for us before.
Upstairs, I took a shower, then changed my clothes after a time before returning to the kitchen and making something to eat, but didn’t taste it as I ate, too worried to even know what it was. Sara slept on the sofa in the living room that night and for the next several nights. It was near our land line phone, while I slept in our bed.
The next morning I was up early, unable to sleep anymore, so I went to the basement to workout with the weights and the exercise machines that we have. I don’t know how long I was down there, but I eventually wore myself out and went up to take another shower, as I was soaking wet.
After making something to eat following that, I sat there in a bad mood for some time. I didn’t know if Sara had eaten, but she had changed clothes at some point while I was downstairs. She just sat on the sofa in the living room near the phone and didn’t move, but cried part of the time.
After a time, I couldn’t just sit there any more, needing to do something, and went outside to stalk around the several blocks in our subdivision in a bad mood. The second time around, I was feeling a bit better and started noticing things that I had missed on the first round.
The FBI and several other police agencies were very conspicuous by their presence. If they were hoping to fool the kidnappers, they were definitely doing it all wrong. This left me with little confidence that they would ever be able to catch the kidnappers, which meant that I would need to be the one to take them out.
Returning to the house, sweating from the noonday heat, I showered again before heading back to the basement and the weapon’s safe. The few guns that I had there would need cleaning, and I would need to check on how much ammunition remained for each of them, as it was doubtful that I would be allowed to purchase any more until well after this situation had been resolved. Well, there were other ways to obtain weapons and ammunition than buying them on the open market. Having spent nearly ten years in Special Operations, I was aware of a number of them.
Nothing else happened that day. I did get Sara to eat some lunch and later some dinner, but she was like a zombie and just sat there on the sofa and cried much of the time.
I listened to the radio news and watched the news on the television that evening hoping for some information, but there wasn’t even a mention of the kidnapping, or that the police were looking for a black van. The total silence on this was striking, since usually the abduction of a child or children was covered in great detail by the media, but not this time, and I had to wonder how many others there had been who had been ignored and WHY? I eventually went to bed alone again that night.
In the morning, I again went for a walk around our subdivision before the June heat took over. I was much more observant this time, but ignored the obvious presence of the various law enforcement stakeout vehicles. This time I paid more attention to the shadows and areas where men and cameras could be concealed for considerable periods of time and found several with active watchers in them. The problem was that I didn’t know who they represented – the law or the kidnappers? This convinced me that the vehicles were only for show, and had no real importance. I decided that I needed to talk to the Colonel again.
At home after taking a shower, I picked up the land line phone, but didn’t dial anything.
“Connect me to Colonel Coley,” I said into the phones dial-tone. It clicked several times before a voice answered.
“This is Colonel Coley,” a voice said.
“How many watchers do you have concealed around my house?” I asked him.
“Watchers?” Coley asked, playing stupid.
“Come on, Colonel, I didn’t spend ten years in Special Operations for nothing. There are four people concealed in various locations in the neighborhood around my house. Are all of them yours?” I demanded.
“Four!?” he asked in surprise. “There should only be three,” he quickly added.
“You better figure out who doesn’t belong to you before I do,” I told him and hung up. Later that day, there were a number of shots heard near my house, but there was no police response to any calls that may have been made to them. I didn’t receive any information on what had happened, however, not then anyway.
On my walk the following morning, the vehicles of the various law enforcement organizations were gone, and though I didn’t see any concealed watchers, I could still feel that there were those still watching our house, though they were very well concealed now, and I smiled to myself thinking that it was quite possibly men assigned to Special Operations who were now doing the watching.
On returning to the house, I tried to determine what to do about my wife. She still sat on the sofa most of the time, though the crying had subsided. Now she just sat there with a mournful look on her face. She seldom got up to eat, and them mainly when I was elsewhere. We hadn’t said more than a few words to each other since I had returned home, and she didn’t want me to hold her. I didn’t know what to say or do to relieve her pain and grief. She had adored the children and had always been bright and cheery. Now it was like she had died or turned into a zombie or a vegetable.
Also by now, we were nearly out of food, and I still didn’t have a vehicle. That afternoon, I called a friend to see if I could get a lift to the store.
“Hello Fred, Max. Is there any way that you could give me a lift to the grocery store. My vehicle is in the shop for several more days,” I told my friend who lived a couple of miles away.
“Max! Sure, I’ll be about an hour finishing what I’m doing, and will be there shortly after that,” Fred told me. I changed clothes and Fred arrived about an hour and a-half after I had called him. He wasn’t very talkative on the way to the store, but I didn’t push it. He walked around the store with me as I picked up the usual staples that everyone runs out of, paid for them, and then he drove me back to the house, still without saying much. This wasn’t like Fred, who was a great talker most of the time, always having some story or news to share.
It was obvious to me that someone had talked to him after I had called, but before he arrived at my house, though I didn’t know who, and Fred didn’t appear ready to tell me. Again that evening, there was nothing on any of the news programs about the boy’s disappearance, and I had about given up on hearing anything on the news.
The afternoon of the third day was when the call came in. We hadn’t had any phone calls at all since the kidnapping which was unusual. My wife was still sitting on the sofa near the phone, and she was the one to answer it. I was in the kitchen, and only reached the phone there after she had picked up the one in the living room.
“Hello!” she said, a tremor in her voice.
“Give me your husband,” a male voice said.
“I’m here. What do you want?” I asked in as neutral a voice as I could manage.
“We lost the man watching you, for that you lose your kids,” the voice told me and the line went dead.
“Hello ... hello!!” I shouted into the phone, but there was no one there, the line was dead.
“Damn!” I screamed in anger and threw the phone down. I heard Sara scream at the same time and hurried into the living room to find her passed out on the floor with the phone still in her hand.
I tried reviving her with some cold towels, and she eventually woke up, screaming and then crying. Her body shook as she cried with great moaning sobs. I picked her up and carried her up to our bedroom where I placed her on our bed. I tried to talk to her but she wasn’t listening.
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Though I am very active in having sex with men as a closet CD, I never tried anything in public and wanted to try at least once. So, I decided to grab the opportunity on my train trip to Pune. Though I was not fully dressed up like a CD, with my attire, tattoos, and glossy lipstick, anyone on the platform or train could easily make out that I am a gay or a transgender and that thought gave me an instant kick. It happened on my train journey to Pune a month back. I was wearing a lady v-neck slim...
Gay MaleBeth looked into her young lover’s eyes and she knew that she could not escape his request. No other man had ever asked her to do this before; he was different, unique and very direct. She almost questioned him on the reason as to why, but bit her tongue to stay silent.It was not because Beth thought his request was unsavoury or even objectionable, it was just unusual and this would be her very first time doing it. At forty seven years old, Beth had been around the block so to speak. There...
I had been in the club, with some friends from work on a Christmas party night out, we had drank and danced all night. I noticed a young large busted curly blonde haired girl watching me, overtime I caught her eye she would look away, but always looking back when I looked away. She wore a beautiful sapphire blue dress, which came to mid thigh. Her long shapely legs encased in black sheer stockings, which I noted when she crossed her legs, and silvery sandals. She was with a large group but...
Dan knew exactly who to get in contact with. He’d been chatting to a guy online occasionally for a few weeks. His name was Mark, they’d met online and found that Mark was a dominant bbc. They’d chatted about cucking Dan and fucking Jane, but Dan thought it would always remain a fantasy, until now.Dan fired off an email, he checked every few minutes for a reply. One came about 6 hours later. “Cuck, I have to admit that I’m surprised to have received your email, but I’m happy to offer my services...
The rapist was dead. My last kick had broken his neck, not his jaw. I removed the two fingers I'd placed at the side of his neck and said, "He's dead." I was still on the phone with the 911 operator. After I'd told her that the rapist might be dead, she'd asked me to check. Sue was still dazed. I suspected a serious concussion and prayed silently that the rapist's violent blow had not caused brain damage. "My friend needs me," I said to the operator and hung up. I went to Sue, but...
Yet again her husband was dragging her on one of his cross country rambles. They were supposed to be away for a relaxing get away from it all weekend, and he appeared to be taking this a bit literally. It felt as if they were in the middle of nowhere, and certainly a long way from the hotel. It therefore came as something of a surprise when they heard voices coming from down in the valley they were following. They walked on a bit further, the voices getting louder, until they turned a corner...
EroticI've alaways had a fantasy to be a porn star. I want to be watched and lusted after. That being said I'm kinda nervous to do the real thing. In my head I've dreamed of meeting a guy who would secretly tape some of our sexy session, post it on the web and not tell me. Would be great if I could meet someone at their home and have a hidden camera setup or maybe when you come to my place make a little movie with your cell phone on the down low. Sometimes I get so drunk maybe you could snap a few...
Further to my two stories,My First Group Sex and My First Sex in Female UndiesI want to progress to the amazing experience I had when I was first fucked by men's cocks. As I told in my stories, I was now deeply involved with a very sexy group of three men, a woman and myself. A couple of years had past when I started dressing in womens underwear which resulted in me getting wonderful depraved attention from older strangers. I had never expected such a reaction from men with me dressed like...
After what had just happened, I was amused at the shyness Alicia and Mark displayed as the greeted each other. I decided to move the conversation along. “Mark, could you stand a beer?” “Sure” We had been in the hot tub for more than the recommended time already so we covered the tub and proceeded to the kitchen. Alicia led the way and when she bent over the lawn chair to pick up her clothes, she gave us premier look at her glistening vagina. I doubt she realized she was doing so and said...
I thought it would fade past the novelty but in fact it did not, it was great every night. Carmen Orosan (23/12/2008 20:31:11): you are at your office Carmen Orosan (23/12/2008 20:31:43): I come, got a coat on, nothing under it Ed (23/12/2008 20:31:51): FEWWW Carmen Orosan (23/12/2008 20:31:55): except for panties and a bra Ed (23/12/2008 20:32:10): wher is the screaming wold smiley? Ed (23/12/2008 20:32:16): wolf Carmen Orosan (23/12/2008 20:33:09): so I take off your belt Ed...
After Kelly was rested, she said "Are we ready to go some more?" Two black guys stepped forward to the bed. Kelly said "Okay guys. Who's first here?" They were the two guys that came with their friend the first night. One of them said "Do you think we can both fuck that tight pussy of yours at the same time?" Kellys eyes got big and looked at me a little shocked at what they said. She said "Both in me at the same time?" One of the guys said "Sure! Can we?" Kelly looked at me and said...
When I’d turned and seen his entire package on display right there, just a foot or so from my eyes, I think my brain stuttered for a moment. It’s surprising, however, what your eyes can see and your mind can absorb in just fractions of a second even when it’s not running at full speed. First, of course, was the fact that he’d removed his tiny Speedo and was now right there, in all his naked glory!The second thing I realized was that my curiosity regarding whether the impressive bulge in his...
Wife Lovers“I talk to Maggie,” I tell Kitik. “I ask her will she let us leave this place.” “That is what you say you may do?” he asks. I tell him yes. “Then we may leave only if Maggie and Jason allow?” he says. “This is not right. Why is it that they may say if we leave or do not leave? Why is it that we must ask them and not go as we choose for us?” I say I do not know if this is right or not right, but I know that it is so. I cannot change what is so. The fence and the land are there and they...