My Week Of Shame free porn video

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My Week of Shame

This is my first attempt at writinga story. Just like my character, I have no real BDSM experience, so if the ‘feel'or facts are so far short of reality, I'd love to have feedback. Oh, andthe character is loosely based on a friend of mine by the same name, so ifyou read this, let me know.

Oh, and I won't waste time finishingthe story if I don't get some ‘fan' mail J


The wet season had well and trulyarrived. I was standing by the side of the Bruce Hi-way, swearing at my rustingold car. My dad had promised to buy me a newer car, since this old Mazdahad broken down several times now on my weekly trip back to the farm fromnearby Townsville where I was doing 1st year Uni. So I got out my phone,which normally gets a good signal, but due to the heavy rain, it was useless.Oh well, I'd just wait till someone came and offered their help.

Nearly an hour later, and Hi-acevan pulled up in front of my rotten Mazda. It looked like a typical smalltransport van that shoot along the Hi-way between towns. I got out and wentup to the van, as the driver got out and started to come back. I had a raincoat on, but they didn't, so they were getting wet real fast. As we met,I could see that the driver was a lady, although from her build I thoughtshe was a guy at first.

"Hi there mate, my bloody carsshit itself", I yelled through the rain

"I'm getting soaked, jump inthe back of the van", she yelled back.

Seemed like a dam good idea, aseven my rain coat was struggling to keep me dry. I went round the side, andas she opened the side sliding door, I jumped in. She followed, and we justfitted in along with a heap of boxes.

"I'm Kate, by the way. It sureis raining out there isn't?", she said

"Yeah, I reckon that's whymy car has died again"

I filled her in on the 'trial' ofgetting my Mazda from Townsville back to the farm at Tully every weekend,and she seemed to understand.

"That's no problem", shesaid, and then she moved really quickly, and I think I remember feeling somethinghitting my head, but I'm not really sure. That was a week ago now. I wasjust starting to be able to think about it without crying and shaking likea leaf in the wind, when I reached my current state. I'm free, you see, floatingabove the waste of flesh that was my body. I can tell you all this now asI'm free to do as I want. My body died a few hours ago. So, back to my shorthorror.


My eyes were not yet open, and Ifelt like I'd got a terrible hang-over. My first thought was that my headhurt, not just hang-over like, but also literally sore. I guess I must beenthinking about this for a few seconds as I woke up. Then I just tried tomove, and that was the first moment I thought something was really wrong.I became aware of the position that I was in, namely squished up in the foetalposition, with my knees touching my chest. It was from this position thatI tried to move, and found that I couldn't. It was like some kind of boxthat I was in.

This thought really woke me, andas I opened my eyes, I could see that I was in a small heavy wire cage. Naturallyat this point, with no idea as to what was going on, I screamed like therewas no tomorrow. Last thing I knew was that Kate, the driver of the van,was going to help me get into town, and now I was feeling hangover, and waslocked in a bloody wire box. As I screamed, I kind of became aware of thestrange clothes I was wearing.

I had a very smelly old tee-shirton, and were my shorts had been, there was now just some underwear, thoughnot mine. My mind was going at a million miles an hour, trying to work outwhat was going on. I tried to move my hands to push against the cage, stillscreaming, but they didn't move. Oh god, they were attached to my ankles.What was going on?


My screaming had attracted attention.To my utter surprise, Kate who had helped was then standing in front of thecage. Only now she was wearing a very tight leather outfit, which lookedquite silly, as she was quite fat and big in general, and parts of her justdidn't fit in the leather.

Over the top of my screaming, sheyelled "shut up fuck-toy".

I was so taken back by what shecalled me, that I did stop. I just kind of lay there and stared at her. Shethen moved to the cage, and opened a 'hatch' near my head, and pulled myhead out from the tight cage by my hair. Naturally I began to scream again!!

Whilst I screamed, she pushed aply-wood board with a cut-out over the opening in the cage, stopping my headfrom being able to get back in again. Then she placed what I later learntwas a heavy ball gag around my head, with the thick ball forced into my screamingmouth.

Next, she yelled angrily into myear, "fuck-toy, you can scream all you like, but no one can hear you,and now with the gag, you just sound stupid. Now when you shut up, bitch,I'll tell you the deal"

Then she left, while I screamedmy heart out, and thrashed around in the cage until I was quite bruised.Then I just kind of stopped and lay there again, completely confused andscared as to what was happening. Kate came back into sight again, with achair this time. Then she hauled my cage over onto its side, so that nowI was effectively kneeling on the ground, with my head popping out the topof the cage. Then she sat down in front of the cage.


"Here is the deal, fuck-toy",she said, in a stern but quieter voice than before. "You got into myvan, and after a heavy knock to the head, I washed some Valium down yourthroat to keep you subdued, and have now taken you to my bush block. It'sin the middle of pretty much no-where."

She then went on to explain thatshe was into BDSM, although had only ever read stuff online, and never haddone anything in real life. I was, as she put, to be her experimental fuck-toy.All this meant nothing to me, as I had never even heard of the terms shewas using. She went on to explain that I was to be her slave, that I hadno rights at all, and that she didn't expect that I'd be here for more thana month or two.

As all this was going through myhead, the last thing she said gave me some hope. At least the ordeal wouldonly last a few months. Not that I had any idea how I would cope till then,or indeed what I had to cope with, but there was hope.

"because", she went on, "afterthat time, I expect that you will have either died from my inexperience,or be so ill from the abuse that I'll just grow tired of you and go awayfor a little while, and let you die in your cage"

Of all the things that have followedthat day, nothing made me feel so helpless and devoid of hope. My heart justsank, and life seemed to end right there and then. But my heart was aboutto come back to life.


I was just kneeing in my up-turnedcage, feeling total despair, crying and shaking, as she got up and movedtowards me. She then unzipped the front of her leather costume, exposinga very hairy cunt, and laughed.

"you'll be learning to loveand cherish my cunt before long", she said, as she moved forwards andpushed her whole cunt into my face, wiggling around until my nose was firmlywedged in her cunt. I started to heavy against the cage, and the thoughtand smell of being forced to have my face in a woman's cunt made me throw-up.I started to choke as I was wearing the ball gag, and my vomit that had comeup my throat was choking me. She pulled away, and quickly undid the gag,allowing me to clear my throat. My lunch and god-know-what-else shot outof my mouth, and then just dribbled down my face and into the bottom of thecage

“You've made a mess of youcage and yourself. As property of mine, you should have more respect forme, you little cow. Well, little cows get kept on course with cattle prods,so time to learn that...” she sneered.

As I regained my breath, and generallycomposed myself, I realised that the gag was out, and that I could talk.I realised that scream had done nothing, so I yelled at her, “whatthe fuck do you think you are doing, bitch? My dad is going to kill you”.

Next moment my whole body shookand spasmed as she brought the cattle prod down onto neck. I just lost controlof everything, and might have even blacked out. As she drew back, the entirebody pain was replaced by a strong burning feel on my neck. Again, in onlya few minutes, I was throwing up, although this time there was nothing leftin my stomach. It was just dry-reaching. As I regained some control, I feltthe uncomfortable wetness in the strange undies I was wearing, and realisedthat I had not only wet myself, but also released my bowels, and the smellof my own shit was making its way through the already putrid mix of smellsfrom both my vomit and Kates cunt juices that seemed to be smeared all overmy face.

Suddenly she lunged out, and slappedme really heavily on the side of the face. She just stared at me like somekind of wild animal, and then started to hit my face a few more times. I'dnever been hit before, certainly not in the face, and the pain was terrible.I could feel blood coming out of my nose and mouth.

Kate stepped back, and took a fewdeep breaths. I was of course screaming again, or was it crying? She pickedup the ball gag, shoved it roughly into my bleeding mouth, and did up thestraps as I wriggled around to avoid it. Once Kate had the gag back in place,she picked up the cattle prod, moved around to behind my cage, and shovedit onto my arse. Again, I think I might have passed out, the pain was justtoo much. I was dry-reaching again, and was just starting to get my heartback when Kate stepped in front of my again, and said “this prod isonly a mild tool. I have worse, and you have to understand that you mustdo as I say, not as you like, as you have been doing. I am going to leaveyou for a few hours now, and I want you to think about what your punishmentshould be for all this bad behaviour”.

“To make it interesting”,she continued, “the punishment you come up with must satisfy a fewcriteria. Firstly, the punishment must include the use of your cunt. Secondly,if the level of punishment is below what I think you deserve, then I'll repeatyour version till it reaches my idea, and then double that. Are you takingthis in, fuck-toy?”

I really don't know what I was thinkingat this point. It was only a day or so at the most (thought I wasn't reallysure) since I had been kidnapped, and stuffed in the wire cage, in what appearedto be an old metal car garage. I was in huge pain both from the burns fromthe prod, as well as the beating my face had taken, and was now being toldto come up with a suitable punishment for shitting and pissing myself. Oh,and vomiting on myself. I just wanted it to end.

Kate went on, saying that my punishmentmust last 30 minutes. Lastly, it had to draw blood. My head began to spin,as she laughed and left the shed.


I just knelt there and cried forages, but then I started to try and think about this logically. I knew thatI was still in Australia, because I could hear magpies outside. I also knewI was still in northern Australia, because it was very hot in the shed, somuch so that both Kate and I were quite heavily sweating. I knew that shehad kidnapped me, and that I was kneeling in a strong wire cage, with myhead sticking out the top of the cage, with a board stopping my head frommoving back in. My hands were attached to my ankles, which as I thought aboutit, I realised were held there by metal chains. My face was bleeding, andmy mouth had a mix of vomit and blood in it, as well as the ball-gag.

To top this all off, I had my ownshit squishing around in the undies and running slowly down my legs, andthe front to the undies were drenched with my piss. I was breathing as bestas I could through my bleeding nose, with each breath nearly wanting to besick from the cocktail of smells, which just kept bring back the image ofKate's hairy and smelly wet cunt in my face.

I just felt so useless. I was nolonger anyone. I had become someone's prisoner, to be used as wanted. I wasjust starting to break down into shaking tremors again as Kate suddenly appeared,and opened another small flap in the cage, above my back. She didn't sayanything, but reached in and torn the tee-shirt off my back. I was left withjust the short sleeves, and some of the collar left. My tits were now justhanging there, and just added to my sense of useless. What more could shedo?

“Hope you are still thinkingof your punishment”, she half whispered into my face. “meanwhile,I'm just going to get my new little video camera, and take some nice footageof you sitting there like the worthless piece of shit that you are. I haveyour address from the student card you had in your shorts, so I'm sendinga nice little tape home for you”

My god, I thought. It still didn'treally believe that I was in this situation, and thought it was just a matterof time till the police arrived. But the video camera brought on a horriblenew angle. Even if the police arrived, my family would be now seeing whatI was like. I'd imagined that they'd find out some details from the police,but I had decided to keep as much of this terrible ordeal to myself as Icould. But now they were going to see their only daughter, locked in a cage,half naked, with a bloody face, gagged, shit coming out of the undies, andvomit everywhere. How could I ever see anyone again? The embarrassment andloss of dignity was just too much. And how were my family going to cope withthe image. It would drive my dad out of his head. My younger sister wouldnot even start to be able to understand.

Only a day or so ago I'd been ahappy, popular 20 year old uni student. I wasn't particularly attractive,and was a little bit on the ‘cuddly' side, but I had no shortage ofboys interested in me, and with my thin waist and nice although full breastsbring their attention. Now I was in a cage, half naked, half beaten, andwith shit over me. Just what could anyone say?

I just had a glazed look on my faceas she shot footage, leaving after about 10 minutes. During the shooting,she gave a commentary to the camera, saying that I got into the situationby my own choice. She wove some bullshit story about me meeting her overthe net, and coming to this by choice.


“Well, fuck-toy, what is thepunishment to be”. Kate had returned, and I was still in a mist ofthought. The cattle prod came into my cage, and pressed against my left tit,with all the same reactions as before. A few minutes later, Kate asked again “it'stime to tell me your punishment, cunt”

As the burning subsided, I quicklytried to think of something to answer with. The only thing that I knew sofar was that she had a cattle prod, and she wanted to use my cunt. But Ijust could ‘ask' to have the prod struck into my pussy. Then I rememberedthe blood requirement, so I tried to say thru the gag that my punishmentcould be that Kate could bite my cunt lips, so hard that she drew blood.

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Jennifers Shame

At the age of 37, Jennifer Carson still had it. Her face was unlined and she was fitter than she had ever been in her life. Appraising her naked body in the mirror, she allowed herself a small smile of satisfaction. Her breasts were still pert and her bottom was round and smooth. On this sunny Monday morning, she would be visiting her old secondary school to appraise its current standards and decide if she was going to send her own daughter there. 20 years ago it had been a great place and...

4 years ago
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Lajja without shame

It was strange being back home for spring break. I usually spend the much needed time away from college at the beach drinking beer and cruising for chicks. This year was a lot different. Not only was I a senior trying to graduate but I also had a steady girlfriend in the same town that I had grown up in. My sister Lajja went to the community college with my steady girlfriend Seema. Lajja was a bit of a wild girl but I think that she was mainly all talk. At least she wasn’t into drugs. She had a...

3 years ago
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The Gate Of Shame

She was a slight girl, clutching the hand of the tall and distinguished man beside her. She looked up at him, finding trust and warmth in his face. Her eyes were of a sparkling emerald, set in dark, thick lashes. They looked bigger because of her pale complexion and had a dramatic effect inside the frame of her black, straight hair. She looked frail and vulnerable. The modest hem of her summer's dress danced on the breeze. It just for a second exposed more of her skinny legs. Her age was...

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Unicorns Ballcocks and Nuns With No Shame

Harry was having a nice dream. There were unicorns and damsels in distress. The damsels were all over 16 and had been carefully screened to ascertain their acceptance of consensual sexual scenarios. The family relationships were still a little fuzzy in his brain but he was certain there was no incest involved. Not that he had any particular objection to close family ties. One of the females was quite beautiful but he had to strain his eyes to confirm the young lady possessed a rather fine cock...

4 years ago
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After the Energists Rebooted Teen YearsChapter 26 Aint That a Shame

Medway High School, Arva 2:40pm, Thursday, February 22, 1979 “Okay, class,” Mr. St. Georges called out after the warning buzzer sounded at the end of our last class of the day. “Seeing how we lost a day this week, the final papers and/or presentations on your Aussie topic will be due next Wednesday. If you are just doing a presentation in class, you’ll need to provide me with an outline of your presentation so I can take notes on it. If you are doing a detailed paper only, that will...

3 years ago
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Golden Dragon a New BeginningChapter 5 Shame

Jean slowly approached the tunnel, hidden away in the construction site. The dust of the shattered clay man twinkled in the asphalt, sparkling with lights of oncoming traffic. What were these clay men doing? She squinted. They weren’t building anything. They were guarding. Something? Someone? Hidden in the shadows, she could see more clay men scurrying into the tunnel, with greater intensity. Her eyes narrowed, focusing on their faces. Dry as a rock. No sweat in the New York heat. Stone...

2 years ago
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Weekends End

“Don’t start anything you won’t finish before we get home,” I told my wife, Connie, who had her head in my lap and was pulling down my jeans. We were in my ’67 Impala driving the pre-interstate twisty little road from Payson to Phoenix. It was night, but a huge full moon was lighting the sides of the roads (and any large animals which might be there) nicely. Cindy, the oldest daughter of Connie’s best friend, was stretched out in the back seat asleep. The moonlight through the Impala’s vast...

Group Sex
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Weeknight Visit to Swingers Club

It has been a while since I have posted any tales of our adventures. If you have not ready any of the past postings, we are a married couple that started swinging when we first met. My wife is 5’ tall, 120lbs., 34B with blond hair and blue eyes. This adventure happened in 2000.We live in Dallas at the time. We were uptown having an early dinner and drinks with business friends on a Thursday night. We finished dinner around 8:30PM and we had a few drinks before and during dinner. As usually...

3 years ago
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weekly report to my master

My weekly report to Master BrixtonianMancbobbie knew I was a total slut needing thoroughly & regularly dominating and fucking by a large group of dom guys and as such he arranged a series of sex parties at his flat where a large group of random hot guys could use & abuse me and use my body for their pleasure. This was to be a regular Friday event.On arriving I dressed as quickly as possible so that Bobbie did not have to wait long for me to suck his cock and be ready to entertain his...

3 years ago
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Midweek at the Video Arcade

Crazy traffic on a SoCal freeway fored me to take a detour through the OC. I stopped in a convenience store for something to drink and noticed an adult video store across the street. On this particular night I wasn't thinking about sex, but seeing all the cars in that parking lot made me want to check it out and see what the big deal was. Deciding to make a quick detour on my commute, I rolled into the parking lot behind the store. There were 3 or 4 doors, and I quickly found out that you had...

4 years ago
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Midweek Anal

Middle of the week and I'm watching the late news in bed. The k**s are long asleep and Mandy is downstairs on the phone. Eventually she comes upstairs and starts undressing.'Who was that on the phone?' I ask.'Arlene,' she says, stepping out of her slacks and then her panties. I admire her chunky pale thighs and dark brown thatch as she folds the slacks. She's sexy as all hell -- 37 years and two k**s notwithstanding. 'She wonders if we want to rent a beach house with her and Dave next...

3 years ago
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Shameless At the club, sitting at the table he watches the girl in skimpy outfits trotting around for a free drink and someone to go home with or to a hotel or the backseat of their car in a dark corner. Breasts almost popping out of the brassieres, patted, lift-ups and implants. Short skirts with thong underwear, the music playing loudly and bodies rubbing, bumping against each other, sweating flesh in tempting heat. She sits at the bar by herself waiting for him to come over to buy her a...

5 years ago
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Shameless At the club, sitting at the table he watches the girl in skimpy outfits trotting around for a free drink and someone to go home with or to a hotel or the backseat of their car in a dark corner. Breasts almost popping out of the brassieres, patted, lift-ups and implants. Short skirts with thong underwear, the music playing loudly and bodies rubbing, bumping against each other, sweating flesh in tempting heat. She sits at the bar by herself waiting for him to come over to buy her a...

2 years ago
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Week at the lake

I was staying at my brothers’ house for a week that lived by the small lake while they were away on vacation for a week so I would house sit. My niece had 3 girlfriends that lived across the street but were allowed to come over whenever they wanted to use the lake. They all were in their early twenties and very pretty, they must spend a lot of time in the sun as they all had dark tans on the slender bodies. When they came over, I had a hard time keeping my eyes off of them, especially when they...

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Week at the beach and the cock lock

I was staying at my brothers’ house that lived by the small lake while they were away on vacation for a week so I would house sit for them. My niece had 3 girlfriends that lived across the street but were allowed to come over whenever they wanted to use the lake. They all were in their early twenties and very pretty, they must spend a lot of time in the sun as they all had dark tans on the slender bodies. When they came over, I had a hard time keeping my eyes off of them, especially when they...

4 years ago
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glanced at the clock on the mantle and rolled my eyes. It was 7pm which meant Laura had gotten stuck working late again. It also meant more time that I would have to wait for my weekend with her to officially start. I sighed and stretched out on the living room couch goddamn I was horny! The only time I have with Laura is from Friday night until Sunday night. Because of that it's a looong five day wait that's usually spent fantasizing about what we'll do during the upcoming weekend, as I've...

2 years ago
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I glanced at the clock on the mantle and rolled my eyes. It was 7pm which meant Laura had gotten stuck working late again. It also meant more time that I would have to wait for my weekend with her to officially start. I sighed and stretched out on the living room couch goddamn I was horny! The only time I have with Laura is from Friday night until Sunday night. Because of that it's a looong five day wait that's usually spent fantasizing about what we'll do during the upcoming weekend, as I've...

4 years ago
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Week Alone With Old Man Pt 6

The final days of the week alone with Henry were coming to an end before everyone got back from vacation. This week was one of the best experiences of my sexual young life. Henry had opened up my experience and taste for older men in so many ways I never thought possible. I never dreamed I would get to live out all these fantasies of him sucking me off, having a threesome with him and Diane and introducing me to the glory hole in a weeks time.We only had two days left to enjoy our fun together...

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Week Alone With Old Man Pt1

In addition to my previous story about my first time with an older man, I will continue on the stories of our fun.Since the first time that he had suduced me and sucked me off and I the same to him, we hadn't really had any time or chsnces to play again. Due to his k**s and wife being around most of the time. We never wanted to chance getting caught but there were times I was over the house were I would sneak in a jerk off and leave my load of cum in his wife's dirty panties in the bathroom. He...

2 years ago
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Week in Cajun

Week in CajunBy lilguy lBbw Cajun returns to humiliated the X wife of the lover she stoleAuthor note- This was a story I ask to do by someone. Base on this lady I never actully met, her all events are fictionalTo see more stories and how to get commission go here. in CajunCaj had moved into Tom’s new home where she reigns as butt Queen and Dom. She had redecorated...

3 years ago
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week that changed my life

A Week With My sister It was the summer after I graduated high school and was preparing to go to college in the fall. In the middle of July, my parents decided to go to Las Vegas for a week as a sort of second honeymoon. I thought I would have the house completely to myself for a week until they told me I would be staying with my sister Kate. Kate is 24, six years older than me and lives alone in an apartment in the city. I knew Kate's apartment had a pool, and she worked during the day, so...

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Weekends with Bob

As in every story I have ever written, there is some, if not a lot, of autobiographical information included. It can’t be helped. It is my life experiences that drive the stories in my mind.- - - - - -As near as I can place it, I started meeting at Bob’s house in 1962. I had turned eighteen in January and he was a year older. It had become a usual thing for me to arrive at his house at 7 pm on a Saturday evening. The idea was that we would watch movies or whatever we found interesting on the...

2 years ago
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Weekends with an Anal Lover

Two singles meet at a party that leads to anal weekends.I had been divorced for about a year before I went to my first singles get together. It was held at a local bar and restaurant in town. The bar was closed to others and only those that attended the singles meeting were allowed in. I did not know what to expect since I had never been to one of these meetings, however I needed a break from the normal bar scene.When I first arrived I checked out everyone that was there. They all seemed to be...

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Week 3 Class 2

Week 3, Class 2 (Sensual Attire) As the trio of friends made their way home from class, they excitedly chatted about all the body decoration they had just seen, and Jen gave Kelly a good grilling about her bleaching. When she had had her fill, they next turned to discussing the Thursday class requirement: sensual attire. ‘Now this is one we can definitely have some fun with,’ began Jen. ‘Think of all the sexy and/or naughty choices us gals will have to choose from. It might even be hard to...

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Week 1 Class 2

Two days later, the three friends nervously chatted with one another as they walked to the lecture hall together. They had decided at the end of the last class that they would indeed give their Exploring Human Sexuality class a shot. There were some serious expectations awaiting them in future classes, but for the first few anyway, it seemed they would just have to be willing to withstand some semi-public nudity. At first, Jen just thought it might be entertaining, especially getting to see...

4 years ago
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Week 4 Class 1 Pt 01

Week 4, Class 1: The Orgasm, Masturbation, and Sex Toys (Part 1) After a breakthrough and memorable evening with her friends the night before, Jill felt a little less trepidation about attending today’s Human Sexuality class. Still, Professor Green was going to be discussing with them the holy grail of sex, the orgasm. There was sure to be descriptive banter about what it is, how it is achieved, and what it feels like. To be inevitably followed by the ‘hands-on’ portion of the class. Jill and...

4 years ago
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Week 1 Trip 1

Week 1, Trip 1 (Nude Beach Field Trip) Well it had already been one interesting week for the three friends, and now it was going to culminate in a trip to a nude beach. A trip which none of them had ever made before, not even wild-girl Jen. Mustering up the courage to get naked in front of a small group of classmates in a controlled setting was one thing, but to bare it all in public, albeit at a nude beach, was something else entirely. Maybe it would be easier, hoped Jill. They all gathered...

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