Where Everybody Knows Your Shame free porn video

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Where Everybody Knows Your Shame By Cassandra Morgan The lights are brighter. The beer is colder. The faces are friendlier. That's why we seek out a new nightclub. Maybe it's closer. Maybe it's cheaper. Maybe they sell hope in a bottle. And so we seek new watering holes, because we believe they have new new energy. We want new. We want different. We want fun. When you get down to it, bars are pretty much the same. The dance floors are identical. The booths look similar. But every now and then, there is a nice new wrinkle, maybe a new way of serving chicken fingers and cold beer. And so Monica and I had wound up here like all the other gawkers. No big news there. Friday night was our night to go out and people watch, to measure our weirdness against everyone else's. We tried to show up early, before the big rush, so we could get a table without spending half of the night waiting in line. Hello. My name Sam Royal. I'm a 29-year-old guy. Monica is 31, but she can pass for eight years younger. And, because of our initials, we noticed the name of the bar. M&S. It was only later we found out it meant Mistress's' and Sissy's. Oh, it was just a bar gimmick. There are bars where women wear kilts, or men wear armour, or both genders dress like old Hollywood actors. Dress the waitstaff in weird clothes, and give the customers a chuckle, and it works. This one? Half the tables had women in dark leather and carrying small whips. The other half had men in pink dresses with high heels. Get it? Mistresses and Sissies. It was a hoot. If you sat at a pink table, the sissy approached the table and shyly said "May I serve you?" If you sat at a black table, the mistress approached and said "You'll have a hamburger and diet coke. And you'll like it!" Meanwhile, there was music based on the double-entendre. "King of Pain," and "Hit Me with Your Best Shot" and "Spank Me, Baby." Monica and I were like farmers seeing the big city. We could not help but look at the images around us. The hostess looked at us, sneered. "Mistress or sissy?" she asked. "Sissy," Monica said. She looked up and down at me and frowned. "Figures," she said and showed us to our table. A waitress with a blonde wig came up to us. She put a Guinness, black and dark, down in front of Monica. She put a frothy pink drink with an umbrella and fruit down in front of me. "Try the bull's cock," she said to me. "It's very filling." She walked away, and Monica almost fell out of the booth laughing. She looked down the menu. "Look," she said. "Bull's cock. A large bratwurst covered in mayo. We'll slide it into your bun if you want. Perfect to eat or to blow." She giggled. "So I'm the sissy?" I said. "That's insulting." "Well, which one of us would you pick out to the sissy?" Monica said. "You're short. You're thin. You're kinda pretty. I guess I'm just manlier than you." "Very funny." "Ah, lighten up, Samantha," she said. "Is it your time of the month?" I scowled. I looked at the TV over the pink bar. Steel Magnolias was playing. Across the way, over the black bar, it was Scarface. They had spared no effort in trying to fit their stereotypes. Below them, the bartender was a sissy. In front of her were long beer pulleys in the shape of penises. When she pulled it, white foam spurted out the top. There were beer nuts in the shape of, well, nuts. Hilarious. "I like her dress," I said to Monica, pointing out a sissy waitress. "It's very pretty." She looked at me, as if she understood a joke I didn't get. "I wonder how they hire," I said. "Do sissies file applications in pink ink?" Monica looked at me. "Hon, have you ever been a waitress? I mean, a waiter?" "No, not really," I said. "I worked at McDonald's in high school. But that isn't like waiting tables." "I bet you'd be good at it," Monica said. "You're friendly, you're funny. You have an attention for detail. With your ass, you could make a fortune!" I laughed. "I don't think I would fit into the uniform." Monica shrugged. "I bet they have one in your size. You should ask. You'd be the cutest sissy in the room." "Ha, ha," I said. But inside me, something clicked. Maybe a nudge of something long dormant? I wondered what the future of the bar was. Would real people who were into dominance and submission show up here, or would it be just for the curious? Hey, real mistresses need a place to go to blow off steam, too. I looked around. Very inventive. There were shackles on the wall. There were three restrooms: Men, women, and sissies. There were rubber paddles for sale. There was a booth that sold t-shirts, black ones that said "I had an ass at S&Ms." Pink ones with a phallic symbol that said "Guess What I Had for Lunch at S&Ms." The waitress took our orders. I wanted chicken nuggets. Here, they called them "Ladyfingers." Monica wanted a BLT. Here, it was subtitled "Bacon, lettuce and testosterone." "I've got one," Monica said, leaning forward. "A sissy goes into a bar and asks for 12 martinis. She drinks them all one by one. The bartender looks at her and says 'You celebrating something?' The sissy looks up and says 'My first blowjob.' The bartender says 'Well, that's great. Let me buy you one to celebrate.' And the sissy says 'Nah, if 12 won't get rid of the taste, then 13 won't, either.'" Everyone laughed. What is it about hearing a joke that makes you want to tell one. So we sat around and got silly. Margie, our waitress, told another. And Kelly, a Mistress who was serving a nearby table. Monica finally looked at me. She shrugged her coat off. "I like it here, Sam," she said. "How about you?" "It's a little over the top," I said. "Well, a sissy would think so," she said. "Monica, can you stop with all the sissy jokes. I'm not a sissy." "Aren't you?" she said. "What do you mean by that?" I said, an edge creeping into my voice. She shrugged. "Honestly? Sam, you aren't the most macho guy, okay? I wouldn't have said anything, but you're kind of little. More of a cheerleader than a football player, you know? I could see you in a skirt." "Hey!" "No offense," she said. "What's the big deal? Rock stars wear skirts. Actors wear skirts. Caitlyn Jenner wears skirts." "She's a transexual," I said. "Guy's gotta start somewhere." "Monica,why are you being like this?" She shifted. A man sitting by himself in a black booth lifted his glass to her. She lifted hers in response, as if I weren't there. "Just bored, I guess," she said. "But hear me out. If you take the taboo out of being a sissy, the insecurity and the hate and the gossip, wouldn't you objectively say you're kind of girly? Hell, nothing wrong with it. You work in computers. You don't have to lift that barge and tote that bale, you know?" I looked at her for a long time. "Go on," I said. "Well, if you take all of the negative connotations out of it, then you fit the type. There's no shame. Unless you want to be ashamed, that is. You'd be a good sissy. You already cook. You clean." "I do that to help you," I said. But I wondered, too. Was there part of me that was attracted to this life? I admit it. I found the waitresses attractive. I could probably work up a good fantasy. But not with the cooking and cleaning. I did that to help out. Didn't it? "Uh-huh," she said. "I'll be honest. I think you're a little like that fruit Mary Anne." "Who?" "Your friend Mary Anne. The one you play golf with." "You mean Marion?" I said. And then it hit me. "Mary Anne?" "There are changes underway," she said, shrugging. "What changes?" "Let's just say that Addy got tired of Marion's fooling around," she said. "So she changed him. It took months. But that affair you had with him really pissed us both off. "Affair? What are you talking about?" "You didn't think I knew? You were sucking his dick, and you didn't think I'd notice?" "Monica! I don't do that! Marion doesn't do that! We aren't gay!" "Sweetie, I've had panties missing from my drawer. And my dresses have been moved. It's okay. I've know you were a sissy in college when you were a fucking cheerleader. Men aren't cheerleaders unless they're gay. Tell me. Are you a top or a bottom? "Monica, I love you, but you're nuts. I have never had a gay affair in my life." "Honey, when sissies do each other favors, it isn't gay. It's a gay act performed by a non-gay man. By a girly-boy. That's the point. Come on, you can admit it. I'm not mad. Hell, I've heard it's very hot to see your husband suck a dick, to see cum all over her sissy face." "No, Monica," I sad angrily. "That never happened. I have never cheated on you with a man or a woman." I thought about Marion. He was taller than me, heavier than me. There was nothing girly about Marion, if you want to know the truth. The thought of him in panties was shocking to me. The thought of him having gay sex was inconceivable. Wasn't it? I wondered how he looked. I wondered if he was pretty. Stop that. Push that thought out of your head. "I know, dammit," she said. "You have to admit that you sucked his dick. Tell me." "I never..." We were still arguing when a waitress brought us our drinks. If you looked at her face you would never guess she was a boy. Her cheeks were slightly puffy, like a young girl's. There was no Adam's Apple. Her breasts seemed to be her own. She looked at Monica, then she looked at me. She winked. "Hey, hun," she said. "It's Terri, remember? Why aren't you dressed tonight?" Monica looked at me like this was a vital piece of cruicial evidence in a trial, not a ditzy waitress making a mistake. I blushed. "I .. don't dress," she said. "You sure?" She frowned and looked closer into my face. "I would have sworn you were this Sissy from across the state line. You sure you weren't in here wearing a gray maid's dress. A big black guy was with you. You were going to go to heaven with that one." "It wasn't me," I said. "Okay, okay. If you say it wasn't you, it wasn't you." She looked at Monica and grinned. She put her fist in front of her face and pantomined a blow job, her tongue prodding at her cheek as she did. " "Excuse me?" I said. "Oh, come on Samantha," Monica said. "Tell us about your bbc. The darker the meat... "...The sweeter the juice," Terri finished. They cackled together, old buddies sharing a laugh. I seethed at them both. I had never been with a man. Not ever. Had I thought about it? Sure. Doesn't everyone from time to time. Given the movies, given the time in our culture, isn't it to be expected. But I never even thought about it in the front lobe of my brain. Terri had me confused with someone else. "Monica," I said meekly. "Please stop. Don't you still love me?" "Of course I still love you, silly," Monica said. "Even if you have been sucking Mary Anne's dick. Is it a big dick? Can you take it all?" For just a second, I wondered, too. But that was gay. A man didn't think like that. "There you go again, confusing things," Monica went on. "But I can love you whether you're wearing a tie or a bra, socks or hose, boxers or panties. I just think both of us need to be true to our nature. I can see you working here, in your high heels, flouncing your ass through the room. Can't you? Maybe even crawling into a booth and sucking a guy's cock while he watches the game on TV." I frowned at her. But my eyes were drawn to a nearby sissy. She was leaning over the table with her ass sticking out into the air. A customer was leering at her, and she seemed to be enjoying it. Her lips were pursed, and hands were on his arm. "She's going to get a big tip," Monica said. "Maybe the tip of his dick." She laughed again. Despite our argument, she seemed to having a fine time. She would see a Mistress, and her jaw would slacken in unadulterated admiration. She would see a sissy, and she would find something about her that would make her giggle. She clearly was into the dynamic, the strength and the reliance, the give and the take. If you forgot the fact she had just accused me of sucking my friend's cock, it would have been a grand time. I looked around the room at the other customers. There were men - and one woman - with their heads bowed in acceptance. There were women - and a couple of men - who seemed to look at the sissies as gazelles while they were the lions. And, there were a few who were just passing through, looking at the scene, not quite grasping what they were seeing. "Samantha?" Monica used the feminine name she had stuck me with. "Samantha? I think it's time we went to the Sissy Room, don't you ?" "Huh?" She smiled. "The Sissy Restroom. You can change clothes in there if you want, Samantha," she said. "You can put on makeup." "C-clothes?" I said. "Samantha, you can buy a maid's uniform at the souvenir stand. Just like the t-shirts. Don't you think it's time you stopped the game? You aren't a man. You've never been a man. You have the sisal of a sissy, and we both know it. Don't you want to wear a maid's dress home?" "No," I whispered. "Your eyes say yes," she said. She stood. She reached out her hand toward me. I took a breath. After a long pause, I took it. I bowed my head. My shoulder slumped. She led me across the room. I could feel the eyes on me, as if they could see my soul as it lay exposed. Was I this weak? Wasn't I going to fight any harder than this for my manhood? She walked to the middle restroom, then held the door open for me. I walked in. It was a lavish room, with dressing rooms against the far wall, toilets against the near one. Monica backed me up the wall and kissed me, gently tracing my nipples with her fingernails. "I'll be back, girly" she said. "I have to go and buy your dress. I'm afraid they just have pink here, but we can get some other colors tomorrow. I like the black ones, and the white ones are simply divine. A good thing about them is that if you spill a little sperm on them, it doesn't show up." She disappeared, and I was alone with my goosebumps. Was I really going to do this? I was standing here, about to be feminized. If I let this happen, every would find out. Friends. Family. Co-workers. I thought about the derision, the scorn, the laughter. This wasn't happenstance. Monica must have planned all of this, the restaurant, the evening. All of it. And then she was back, with a new pink dress on a hanger, shimmering against the restroom lights. She reached into her purse and brought out panties and a bra. "Now, tomorrow, sweetheart, we will need to shave," she said. "But I think for the first night, we can make do. I don't have any breast forms, so we'll use tissue for tonight, okay? Now go on. Get dressed. I can't wait to see your sissy self." There was no consciousness to my movements. It was as if someone else was moving my arms, my legs, as I tugged the panties up my body, the elastic clinging to me, claiming me. The bra felt funny at first, especially with tissue paper stuffing the cups. The pink maid's dress was a little tight, embracing my sides, tickling my legs with the hem. I looked into the mirror, and except for my hair - long for a man, short for a woman - I could have been one of the servers here. Monica came to me armed with a lipstick in her hands. She smoothed it over my lips. She brought out her eye-liner and mascara. She tugged at my slightly longish hair til she managed two small, tight pigtails. And it was done. I did not have heels or hose, and she would have to get around to painting my nails. But I stood there in defeat, another conquered sissy on the trail of tears. I looked at her pleadingly, but there was no softness in her eyes. She wanted me this way for her purposes. And for mine. "Feel it, girl," she said. "Feel the satin on your dick. And the elastic around your chest. Feel the dress on your torso. Do you ever want to take them off." "No," I whispered. "You don't have to, sissy." "I don't have to," I repeated. She smiled. And took out a dark burgundy nail polish and slowly stroked it on my fingertips. I looked on, transfixed. "Tomorrow will be a great day, Samantha," she said. "Your first as a sissy. You'll have new dresses, and new panties. Soon, we'll talk to doctors about your hormones. Nothing like a sissy tittie. Hah." I still felt uneasy. "Monica, why are really you doing this? You know I didn't have an affair." Her eyes flashed. "You want to know why? Because I can. Because I want to. Because I need to. I've had some counseling about it, Samantha. Does that surprise you? I've been diagnosed as 'extremely assertive." I think that means I'm the domme who's going to stripe your ass, cookie. You know, the doctor says that my nature was the reason I married a wimp like you to start with, a little man with a tiny dick. Even then, part of me knew that I was going to perfume you." "But wouldn't home be a better place for this? Not in public where everyone can see me wearing this fucking dress?" "A public place is perfect, sweet Samantha. You want to be seen, and I want you to be seen. I want you to walk out of this room and into this lifestyle. A pathetic little fag sissy. Are you hard? Are you about to squirt in your little panties? Of course you are! Because you're a sissy. You can't wait to slip out of this Sissy Room to blow a guy tonight, can you? Between shifts, I mean." "Shifts?" "That's right, Samantha. Didn't I tell you? Here at M&S, they have a new idea about the help. Here, you have to work your way out. Once you put on the sissy clothes - or the Mistress clothes, if you're a Mistress - you go to work. Waiting tables. Minding the grill. Washing the dishes. Think about it, Samantha. A bar kitchen is a clotheswearing heaven for a sissy. It has so much of what you want. Cooking. Cleaning. Sucking. So you'll finish up tonight, and then in the morning you'll start your day chores." I looked at her. The walls closed in. All the roads were closed, and all the leaves were canceled. I was standing there in a dress. A dress! There wasn't a way out of this that I could see. Sure, I could leave Monica. But here I was, dressed like this, and the video tape was rolling. Then there was this: I guess I liked it. Okay, okay. I shouldn't admit it, I know. I should fight the dress, the makeup, the whole damn lifestyle. I should pull against every thread of satin on my body. But as I looked in the mirror at my image, there was a dawning of acceptance. The cotton candy colors seemed to match my soul. I could keep kicking, or I could embrace it. I brushed the front of my dress. My penis certainly liked it. My flat nipples were on fire. There was an itch deep in my butt; I was afraid of what it might take to scratch it.. Damn it, it felt right. The dress felt great, and the underwear was like angels stroking your body. Even with tissues, I liked the outline of breasts on my chest. And Monica was right. When she mentioned men, I was so sexually excited I wanted to touch myself. If I had had these thoughts before, I had repressed them. But the weight of a man's cock suddenly interested me. The feel. The taste. My God. Was I gay? Bisexual? Sissy? This had happened so quickly, new desires flooding over me. Who knows how long it takes to become a sissy? For some, it can take months. For others could be the flipping of a switch. Maybe Monica was right. Maybe she recognized the surrender in me. Maybe I should simply embrace it. I walked out of the Sissy Room, and there, lining the entrance, were the other workers of the M&S bar. They applauded me as I walked out. I curtsied. I waved. I blew a kiss. I was going with the flow now. Oh, I wasn't the sissy I would become, but if I had enough sass, enough attitude, I could get by. I picked up an order pad and simpered across the room. The customers were looking at me now, and some of them were laughing and some of them seemed aroused. They were pointing at me. They were talking about me. I walked to a pink table where a man with big shoulders sat. He looked up at me and smiled. "May I serve you, sir?" I asked. "I would recommend the blow job." "Oh, so it's happy hour?" he flirted. "How late do you guys go." "Sweetheart," I said, putting my hand on his arm. "Some of us go all night long." Turns out, I was a flirt. I liked attention. I liked guys staring at my ass. I felt complete, at last. I felt perfect. A few hours ago, I had walked in the front door, the master of my fate, the plotter of my own course. Now? Now I was the hired help. I twirled and felt the dress on my legs. But that was good enough. I looked at the clock. Four hours till closing time, but I didn't need to leave. I was already home. (c) 2015 by Cassandra Morgan

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Mary Christmas Everybody

A pantomime play in three Acts. Cast (In no particular order): Narrator (The easiest part of all), Mary Christmas (An attractive woman in her early 30’s), Carole (a young trainee), Rudy The Red Knobbed Reindeer (a reindeer), Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Comet, Cupid, Vixen, Donner and Blitzen (more reindeers), Foo-Kin Thin (a small box of electronics from Japan), Santa Claus (a red faced obese old inebriate wanted for questioning by police forces in 92 different countries on suspicion of...

4 years ago
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Sarah Carerra Chapter 29 Its Not a Secret to Everybody

Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra By AngelJedi (Released: April 5, 2010) Chapter 29 - It's 'Not' a Secret to Everybody "Emily!" I screamed hysterically. "What are you doing here?" This was bad. This was really bad! I had just promised Dad that she wouldn't find out about Sarah until...

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Everybody Loves Debra DUI

For those of you who are fans of “Everybody Loves Raymond”, I have re-written the episode where Debra gets arrested for drink driving.Debra is throwing a wedding shower for Amy at Amy's apartment. Debra has done all the planning, food preparations and shower games. But Marie is not content to just sit back and watch. So she shows up with her own food and starts pushing it off on Debra's guests. Debra tries to take it all in stride. Then Marie starts criticizing the flow of the shower and says...

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Everybody has a story

So I think everybody has a hot story to tell but most dont want to go through the bother of writting it out in great detail. So what I propose is this - in no more than 5 sentences share your most horny, most shocking sex story as a comment below. Gay, straight, young, old, something you done or something you seen, your best time, your first time, friends, family or strangers - share your story and make someone horny!!!

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Everybody Loves Raymonds Wife

Everybody Love's Raymond's Wife (Chapter's 1-5) Warning: This story is fiction, and should be treatedas such. The following story is for the entertainment of ADULTS ONLY, andcontains descriptions of explicit sex. If you are not an adult, or readingsex stories upset you, DO NOT read any further. If it is illegal in yourlocation, DO NOT read it. This is a copyrighted work. Copyright by NotMy Story. Reposting or any other use of it is strictly prohibited withoutthe express, written permission of...

1 year ago
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Katie Does Everybody

I once heard this joke and thought I would try making a story out of it. I hope you find it sexy and it gives you a chuckle at the end. Katie is not the sharpest tool in the shed but what she lacks in smarts she more than makes up for in the looks department. Pretty face, perfect breasts, slim waist and big eyes that scream fuck me and she loves sex, especially sucking cock. Katie married a big lug by the name of Henry, not much more on the ball than Katie but he is closer than anyone at...

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NOTE: Hey guys, this is my first story here, so please bear with me. Hopefully it forms a good base to continue from. Any feedback would be appreciated, and feel free to add a chapter. Enjoy. It was the announcement that shocked the nation. Interrupting the television premiere of the latest Marvel film, a news bulletin announced that scientists had discovered and clinically trialled a new technique to prevent Cervical Cancer and STDs that had a 100% success rate. Given the simple application...

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somwhere over the rainbow

It started just like every other day, nice and warm, sun was shinning, wind softly blowing threw the windows, another beautiful day was starting. I had already packed the lunch we were going to have, and tea's were packed as well, you hear me humming in the kitchen, and you sneak up behind me and wrap your arms around me, and kiss my neck, i spin around and smile and softly slap you and tell you that you scared the hell out of me, but i love you anyway, you look around and see everything is...

5 years ago
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"Listen to me. No, no, listen", I paused, sighing as the man across the desk opened his mouth to speak. "Larry, for fuck's sake listen to me. You know me, alright? The studio knows me. The people know me. Have I ever let you down? In the ten years I've been with you, in the...nine movies I've been in? No, I haven't, have I? And you know my speciality, my talent, my...mimicry, right? So come on, just tell me what you think" "I don't know, Bob, it's a hell of a risk. What if you get...

1 year ago
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Have you ever asked the question, ‘where is my porn?’ Maybe you have when you’ve found that your downloaded porn is suddenly gone! Oh! Your drive is failing – better buy a new one.Or when you’ve noticed that your favorite porn site seemingly vanished into thin air. Oh! It happens to the best of ‘em!Next time you ask that question, don’t ask yourself: ask your device’s assistant. Maybe that bitch Siri, Bixby, Cortana, or that hermaphrodite over at Google will show you ‘Where Is My Porn?’ Yes,...

Free Porn Tube Sites
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The princesses Shame

As she fled as quickly as she could threw the forest she could hear the men yelling behind her and crashing through brush close on her heel. Each of her steps more difficult then her presuers do to her attire. She was with the royal party on a caravan en route to a formal event. The princess looked simply ravishing tonight. Wearing her best white dress falling down to her calves and hugging her body tightly. A beautiful set of jewelry and her pinned up and perfect. Of course no...

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Cindys Shame

Cindy barely glanced at her phone as it 'pinged', next to her. She had almost dismissed the flashing email notification already when the title finally dawned on her. 'Halloween Horror at Carter Hall!' She opened it immediately, but only got as far as the first line of the email. 'You are exclusively invited to the party of Hannah and Josh, from dusk till dawn this Halloween, at the infamous Carter Hall!' It was all she needed. She was already frantically dialling Hannah's phone. With the...

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Lily stood in the shadows from the light that glowed in the porch of the large house, rain soaking over her raincoat and dropping from her dirty blond hair which fell midway down her slender back. She was still in college and the years of her life so far had been full of struggles. She was orphaned when she was nine and had come to live with her uncle who had little money and a heavy alcohol habit that took what little they did have. For the second time her delicate fingers lifted and pressed...

2 years ago
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I eased daddy inside and felt no shame

'Do you think you can do voice-overs, M'?I looked up at dad, 'In Swedish, or English', I replied, excited at the prospect of some lucrative Summer work, but curious, as I knew dad was a keen film maker and was in a club.'Dont quite know love', he replied, 'never thought of asking', he continued, dropping the top of his newspaper to look at me.'Who's asking', I queried, not keen to lose the prospect in case it was something exciting.The top of his newspaper dropped again to reveal his wizened...

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Does The Joy Beats the Shame

Yesterday eveningMany will say why make the fuzz, but I'm not experienced with these kind of things.Ok, I am married, relatively happy, I do have a decent job, earn a good living, maybe I am somewhat boring. Yes, I got drunk a few times a year, I smoke some, watch some porn, I even subscribed to a porn site. Nothing irregular so far, oh, perhaps this one, a few years ago I was in Antwerp, and I got a little drunk and I went to the red light district. And yes, I payed for sex, and it was not a...

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Lisas walk of shame

Our short break is at its end when you wake up and realise that it?s already 09:30. And we have to leave the cabin we rented before 10:00 ? spotless of course! In one swift motion you?re out of bed, step in the shower and stop dead in your tracks. Suddenly you realise that I?m already gone and so is our entire luggage. You walk through the cabin but everything is gone, your belongings and more important, all your clothes also. Not even a towel is left for you ? and since you?re butt naked you...

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My Week of Shame

My Week of ShameThis is my first attempt at writinga story. Just like my character, I have no real BDSM experience, so if the ‘feel'or facts are so far short of reality, I'd love to have feedback. Oh, andthe character is loosely based on a friend of mine by the same name, so ifyou read this, let me know. Oh, and I won't waste time finishingthe story if I don't get some ‘fan' mail J HOW IT BEGAN The wet season had well and trulyarrived. I was standing by the side of the Bruce Hi-way,...

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SHAME A Christian Feminization Academy Universe story By Stephanie Stephen Smith was the only child of a deeply religious family consisting of his mother Betty and church deacon father Paul. Stephen had always attended all church services and prayer meetings and the social events for the younger parishioners where he had to be on perfect behavior or it would be reported to his father who firmly believed in the philosophy of "spare the rod, and spoil the child." Stephen was quite...

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What Youre Missing Part Two

Introduction: The nightmare continues as Adam tries to break lesbian Lila. Will she submit? Lila squirmed in her confines as Adam approached her, his demeanor hadnt exactly been sunshine and cuddles before, but now it seemed to grow even darker. His bright blue eyes had lost their humor and light, and instead had become filled with angry determination. Adam, please stop, She begged him. He said nothing and didnt even acknowledge that she had spoken. He crawled into the bed towards her and she...

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What Youre Missing Part Four

Introduction: Lila and Luke get Adam thrown in jail, Good Guys 1, Bad Guys 0. Happily Ever After! Or is it . . . The semen inside of Lila was indeed Adams, the police confirmed. They made the arrest the next morning, he was less than happy. You bitch, He hissed at Lila. She watched them drag him into the police department, it took three officers to do it. Adam continued, You fucking whore. Youre lying! You fucked me and you know it! Lilas heart fluttered with fear. Luke sensed it and held her...

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Chloe Youre The One I Want

Introduction: Who Says Senior Cant Fall In Love With A Freshman? One fine day a girl named Chloe, a Freshman at Dessen High School, was hanging out in Spanish class with her friends when the new Senior, Kyle, walked into class. Hes only been at Dessen for about a month and hes already made a bunch of friends from the Cheer Squad and the entire Football Team. Hes tall, muscular, has sandy blonde hair, an eight pack, and biceps to match. He has aqua blue eyes and all the girls go crazy for him....

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What Youre Missing Part One

Introduction: A girl in a small town comes out as a lesbian, but her happiness it not long lived. A long time admirer soon seeks to show her what shes missing. It felt amazing, it felt . . . freeing. To be out, out at last! All those years, all those casual dates with boys, all those lies to her parents, and now she was out of the closet. She was a lesbian, and everybody knew. It felt fantastic. She had never liked boys. She didnt know why, exactly, but something about them repulsed her. They...

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If Yourre 18 Lovea Father

Life can be utterly confusing, especially if you are an 18 year old hottie, in love with a man of the clothe. Read on!!! Rachel volunteered for a priest – a man of God. His name was Father David and he was a magnificent man, whose gigantic compassion for others was only equaled by the size of his cock. He was her mentor, and she was his Mary Magdeleine. Many months before when Rachel was only 18, she had met the Father late one night, while he was preparing for his Easter speech. She stayed...

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His is bigger than yours

I’m walking along Waikiki Beach down by the park, south of the hotels. It’s late, I’m a little d***k, and I’m trying to catch the last bus back to Pearl Harbor. If I miss it, I’ll have to walk back to my ship to get there before morning quarters, because the first bus doesn’t arrive in time. I’ve got a boner for no apparent reason (unfortunately), and it’s getting sore from rubbing on the inside of my jeans. I’ve recently lost my virginity to a B-Girl in the Philippines, where I also found out...

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**[Sorry for publishing the story without an ending, but I will try to do a chapter every day :)]- - - - - - ** Im a young boy, im 22 years old, i start living by myself and because of that im feeling lonely :( Im new in this town, and i have no friends here, my job suck (it's a callcenter) i need to meet new people fast because im going crazy. I found this dating site MarryYourFuta, i will register here, and maybe il meet a nice and kind woman or maybe the love of my dreams, who know :) This...

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Voyourism 101

I received an education when my husband and I began dating that has taken me and our sexual relationship to a different level and knocked out some old myths for me. I enjoyed watching X-rated movies with him and thoroughly enjoyed the rewards afterwards and I have a few toys in my collection that get occasional use, but had no idea of the adventure I was about to encounter. I had always thought of myself as being a little on the wild side, but I have since figured out my idea of wild was really...

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Date Coach from sissifyourself

Chapter 1“So what brings you here today?”Daniel looked at the date coach. He wasn’t sure of his height, taller than himself for sure, who stood at a paltry 5’ 4”, even though he was already 23 years old. He’d been made fun of his whole life for his height, but he still had a good bit of muscle, and some fat on him, as he weighed about 150 pounds, with nary a hair on his body. The doctor on the other hand, still looked athletic and muscular through his button down shirt, and didn’t look a day...

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Groundhog Day from sissifyourself blog

The alarm went off at 6 AM, like it always did. I stirred groggily andlooked over at my fiancée Leah. She looked so scrumptious lying therethat I had half a mind to blow off work and make passionate love to her,but instead I gave her a little shake on the shoulder. She moaned thatshe was awake, and she padded off to the shower. Only having onebathroom in the apartment meant I was shaving while she was showering. Itwas hard to see in the steamed-up mirror, and sure enough, I nickedmyself.We...

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Your Amateur Porn is one of the OG's! Amateurs have always been one of the best categories around. One of the reasons for this is the fact that amateurs are so damn sexy with their inexperience. They also tend to be a lot more personal and intimate, unlike professional porn stars. And of course, there’s the fact that there are just so many fucking amateur porn videos out there that it’s an unlimited source of sexual pleasure. And where can you find all those videos? Well, I’m glad you asked...

Amateur Porn Sites
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Submit Your Flicks! Got it? The world of professional porn is always perfect and all that crap, which can get boring after a while… believe me. This is why, from time to time I prefer to browse the homemade section instead since we all know that the amateur community tends to post some of the weirdest yet most satisfying porn shit out there. If you share my opinion, and I am fucking sure you do, then you will enjoy what submityourflicks.com has to offer.There is no need for me to discuss the...

Amateur Porn Sites
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YourFreePorn.tv is a domain that sounds like yet another free porn tube. It’s such a perfect fit that I’d bet money was their original plan. It’s actually an amateur site, and it’s not entirely free. (Spoiler alert: you get a few free views per day before you’re suddenly cut off.)The logo at the top calls Your Free Porn “the Best Amateur Site of the Year!” It doesn’t say who gave them the honor, but I’m not too worried about it. I’m less concerned about awards and more about what’s on the menu....

Amateur Porn Sites
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Your Daily Porn Videos is a website that looks quite promising, right off the bat. I mean, there are tons of movies right there on the home page, and they are surely videos that you'd love to see, judging by the thumbnails. Not just you, or me, but I firmly believe that these are appealing to all men all around the world. Oh well, there also seems to be a lot of unnecessary info on the home page for some reason. First off, there's the tab where all the information about the twitter account of...

Free Porn Tube Sites
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Sexy Porn, aka YourPorn.sexy (not youporn.sexy) is quite the name for a page, huh? You really had to let the people know that you've got the hottest movies up on your website with that domain name, did you? That's fine. I like how bold the person who came up with the name of the page was. However, this raises a single question. Are the movies here that great? Well, there's only one way to find this out, so, we will make our way inside Your Porn Sexy and see what kind of content hides within!The...

Free Porn Tube Sites
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Bitch Your Famous! If I was writing this review for any other website, I’d probably start off by saying I’m about to ruin your day. The thing is, I know you sick fucks all too well. Bitchyourfamous.com definitely ain’t a website for everybody, but you’re going to love it if you’re the kind of freak who likes the seedier side of the Internet.Let me give you a word of caution before we dive right in. If you’ve got a weak stomach, a weak heart or a noble one, go watch something else....

Extreme Porn Websites
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Your Daily Porn Movies! Looking for a new source of full-length porn movies? Don’t know where to look for all of the most amazing pornos that the industry has to offer for free? Well, I wish I could help you if there was a place like that but… Oh wait, there’s a place that fits that description perfectly and it’s called YourDailyPornMovies.net. Now, I don’t think you need to wonder too much about what you’re about to find on YourDailyPornMovies.net since they have everything that you need for...

Free Porn Tube Sites
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Your Doll! Today, we’ve gathered here to talk about why you should go over to YourDoll.Com and buy a sex doll today. But first, the humor!Back in the early 2000s, I used to think sex dolls were cringy as fuck; then I tried fucking one. I still remember the first sex doll I ever touched. I damn near blew my lungs out, blowing her up. I didn’t have one of those air pumps, because I bought the damn thing out of the back of a dude’s truck. Long story short, I ran her through the wash to make sure...

Sex Doll Shops
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Crossdressing Charlie Episode 9 Everybodys Crazy

CROSSDRESSING CHARLIE Episode 9 EVERYBODY'S CRAZY "What are we going to do now?" Charlie yelled over the loud rush of passing cars. "I don't know!" cried Rachel, tears streaming down her face. "Well we can't just hang around the streets all night!" shouted Charlie. Rachel didn't say anything back. She continued to walk briskly ahead of Charlie as if she knew where she was going. Dusk was rapidly descending into night and the skyline of the distant city buildings was...

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Sharons Shame

Sharon was one of those girls that seldom asked for anything. She was content to just make do with what she had and never gave the big ticket items a second glance because she knew they were not in range of her limited budget. She was nervous at the moment because she had been tricked into making a silly deal with the rich old man from the school council for the little round roll of money sitting in her purse on the coffee table. There was a fifty dollar bill on the outside and she didn’t...

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