Ma Première Sodomie free porn video

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Cette histoire m'est arrivée quand j'avais 19 ans. Elle a probablement contribué à influencer toute ma vie sexuelle.

Je venais de passer mon bac et fatiguée par les révisions je m'étais invitée chez ma tante Jacquie, à Grenoble, pour passer des vacances. Comme j'avais besoin d'argent, elle m'avait dégotté un petit boulot de serveuse dans une brasserie du coin qui commençait quelques jours plus tard.

Je pris donc mon billet de train, 8H de trajet entre Bordeaux et Grenoble, quelques bouquins et un petit sac de voyage. A l'époque, les jeunes femmes s'habillaient légèrement avec beaucoup de naturel, c'était courant. J'étais donc en mini jupe avec un petit corsage, c'était la mode, avec des bottines.

Les TGV n'existaient pas encore. Tous les trains étaient à compartiments, petits espaces de 6 places, où les gens pouvaient fumer, boire, manger, parler entre eux.

J'entre dans le mien. Il n'y a personne encore, je suis arrivée tôt, le train ne part que dans une demie heure, je m'installe près de la grande fenêtre et mes pensées s'évadent déjà. Je suis un peu inquiète car je n'ai encore jamais travaillé, mais je fais confiance à ma tante, elle va m'accompagner dans cette nouvelle expérience.

C'est à peine si j'ai fait attention aux trois hommes qui sont montés dans mon compartiment. Il y en a deux plus âgés, entre 30 et 40 ans (ça me paraissait vieux à l'époque!) et un tout jeune qui doit avoir mon âge, qui s'assoit sur la même banquette que moi, les deux autres en face. Ils sont montés ensemble et se connaissent. Ils commencent à parler entre eux bruyamment, sortent les bières et rient grassement. Je ne fais pas attention, j'ai pris un bouquin pour passer le temps.

Le train démarre, les trois hommes continuent de parler, surtout les deux plus vieux, et je commence à tendre l'oreille, attirée par les mots crus que j'entends soudain.

« Putain, ça commence à faire longtemps que je me suis pas fait sucer par une bonne cochonne... »
C'est sûr, c'est pas à la caserne que ça va t'arriver !
Et toi, le puceau, quand est-ce que tu te dégorges enfin le poireau ? T'aimes pas les filles ou quoi ?
Si si …
Regarde y'en a une de ton âge juste là, assise à coté de toi...faut que tu lui parles sinon je m'en charge ! Elle est super jolie en plus !

Je rentre la tête dans mon livre, croise un peu plus les jambes, et fais mine de ne pas entendre qu'ils parlent de moi.

Hé, le jeune, t'as une petite queue ou quoi ?
Non non, ça va ..
fais voir...
Non c'est bon, laisse moi !
Moi j'ai pas peur de montrer ma queue, on peut la comparer si tu veux ! Regarde !

Et là, le visage toujours caché par mon bouquin que je tiens bien haut, je vois en miroir dans la vitre du train, ce gros lourdeau qui défait son pantalon et sort un engin énorme, déjà en érection, avec beaucoup de fierté.

t'en as jamais vu des comme ça, avoue !

Le jeune militaire ne répond pas, il est sans doute gêné pour moi.

Putain, j'ai une de ces gaules, moi !

Il se caresse comme s'il était seul. Le deuxième rigole bêtement. La hiérarchie est claire : il y a un dominant, qui doit être le plus gradé des trois, un suiveur, à peu près du même âge et un petit jeune qui rougit et est toujours tenté d'obéir aux deux autres. Comme mon père était militaire lui aussi, je leur désigne arbitrairement un grade dans ma tête : Adjudant, sergent et 1ère classe, en tout cas pas des officiers on dirait.

Je n'ai pas peur des hommes, je me sens comme étrangère à la scène, même si l'adjudant continue de se branler sur sa banquette. Ils ne vont quand même pas me sauter dessus en plein jour dans le train !
Je mate quand même sur le coté. Le jeune s'est réfugié dans une revue de voitures pour ne plus participer à la scène, et n'ose rien dire à son supérieur. Le « sergent » boit sa bière en rigolant fortement.

Mademoiselle ?
Je ne réponds pas.
Allez soyez pas timide, à votre âge et jolie comme vous êtes, vous avez sûrement déjà vu quelques bites !
Peut-être pas aussi grosses !! s’esclaffe le sergent
Le ton monte

tu dois quand même aimer ça la bite, vu comment t'es habillée  !
Si ça se trouve elle a même pas de culotte cette salope !

Je ne réponds toujours pas. Ils sont en train de devenir agressifs, j'ai hâte que le contrôleur passe pour calmer les esprits qui s'échauffent. Je ne peux néanmoins pas m'empêcher de regarder leurs reflets dans la fenêtre. Le deuxième à sorti son sexe aussi et se branle. Le jeune est toujours le nez dans sa revue, muet.

Allez, laisse moi ta place, moussaillon, si tu sais pas y faire je vais te montrer, moi !
Le jeune obéit, ils échangent leurs places, et le plus gradé vient s'affaler sur la banquette à quelques centimètres de moi, la queue à la main.

Allez lâche ton bouquin, j'ai mieux à te proposer !

Il est déjà un peu ivre, je l'entends à sa voix. Sa présence à coté de moi est magnétique, bestiale. Je me sens prise au piège comme une proie dans la cage d'un grand fauve qui me tourne autour en attendant de me dévorer. Cette dernière image déclenche alors à ma grande surprise un petit jet de mouille qui vient tacher ma culotte. Comme si je n'avais aucun contrôle sur mon corps, je sens ma chatte se remplir de jus, comme pour se préparer à l'inévitable assaut.

Lâche ton bouquin je te dis !
Et il met un grand coup de patte dans mon livre qui vole à travers le compartiment.

Je le regarde alors dans les yeux. Il est surexcité, avec un regard de fou, branlant sa grosse queue pendant qu'il me dévisage. Je me lève et tente d'atteindre la porte, il saisit ma jupe qu'il déchire à moitié.
Je n'arrive pas à crier. Quelque chose en moi m'en empêche. Je me débats timidement, il a déjà la main sur ma culotte.

Putain mais elle mouille déjà comme une petite pute celle-là ! C'est ma grosse bite, hein, c'est ça que tu veux ?! A genoux !!
Ces deux mots me transpercent. L'ordre qu'il vient de me donner me fait vaciller. Il me tire à peine sur le bras que déjà je me mets à genoux devant son sexe magnifique, bien plus beau que lui.

Suce moi bien ! Mais ne t'étouffe pas ! Ha Ha Ha !!!

Il sait qu'il a gagné. Il fanfaronne. Je suis hypnotisée par sa trique, je l'enfourne. Elle pue le chacal, je suis un peu écœurée mais je tiens bon. Je me dis que si j'arrive à le faire jouir vite le calme va revenir.
Alors je le pompe à fond, j'y mets mes deux mains et toute mon énergie, je le branle de plus en plus vite pour faire monter la sauce et qu'il n'aie pas le temps de s'intéresser à mon cul.

Putain quelle salope !! T'avais faim hein ?!

A ce moment je sens une forme froide pénétrer ma chatte. C'est son compère qui m'enfile le goulot de la bouteille de Valstar dans la fente et commence à me ramoner. La sensation est divine, je commence à sentir monter la jouissance dans mes reins. Je continue de sucer de plus belle la grosse queue du chef, mais rien ne vient, il tient le coup malgré ma pipe infernale, se joue de ma bouche pendant que l'autre accélère encore dans ma chatte, me procurant beaucoup de plaisir malgré moi.

Prépare lui le trou du cul, je sens qu'elle est mûre !
A vos ordres, chef !
Il sort aussitôt la bouteille de mon sexe et commence déjà à l'introduire dans mon anus encore vierge. Heureusement ma mouille facilite le passage et le goulot n'est pas trop long, je n'ai pas mal et je ressens même des sensations agréables au fur et à mesure qu'il active le va et vient dans mon petit trou qui se détend. Je ne peux retenir quelques petits gémissements de plaisir quand il accélère encore le mouvement, jusqu'à me pilonner le derrière.

ça y est, elle est prête ?
Je crois, chef !

Il sort de mon étreinte pour libérer sa queue de ma bouche.

tu vas voir le jeune comment on encule les salopes ! Prends-en de la graine !

Un frisson me parcourt le dos...j'ai peur que sa grosse queue me fasse mal mais en même temps ma jouissance est montée en continu avec la pénétration anale, ouvrant mon sphincter à la sodomie. Ma tante m'a dit que c'était délicieux, qu'elle même en raffolait. Je vais bientôt savoir...
Le petit sergent me retire la bouteille du cul d'un coup sec, me faisant tressaillir, j'entends le chef qui crache dans sa main pour enduire sa queue de salive. Je ferme les yeux.
Réclame !

dis-le que tu aimes ça !

voyant que je ne réponds pas il me tire violemment les cheveux, il est en rage.
DIS LE !!!

...j'aime ça …
Plus fort !!
j'aime ça !!
Écarte les fesses !!

Il me tire toujours les cheveux pendant que mes mains se posent sur mes fesses pour les écarter.
Je suis incroyablement excitée...cette tension, l'autorité naturelle que cet homme rustre dégage, les mots qu'il m'a fait prononcer... je m'entends crier comme dans un état second, le corps cambré par mes cheveux solidement empoignés.

vas-y !! Encule moi !!
Supplie !!
...s'il te plait... sodomise moi...défonce moi le cul !!

Il me pénètre alors d'un coup sec, me faisant rugir. J'ai mal... Non en fait j'ai juste eu peur d'avoir mal, c'est de surprise que j'ai crié...l'assaut a été brutal mais sans dégât, je commence même à ressentir des sensations nouvelles, sa grosse queue tout entière est logée dans mon anus. Il ne bouge plus, commence à gémir, à pleurnicher. Il se déverse en moi, sans un mouvement de plus, calé au fond de mon anus, il n'a pas pu retenir son éjaculation.


D'un coup il a perdu toute sa stature. On dirait un petit garçon pris en train de se masturber. Vexé il évite mon regard, remet son pantalon et att**** sa valise.

On se casse !

Les deux autres le suivent, récupèrent leurs sacs et sortent du compartiment. Je me retrouve seule, à genoux, insatisfaite par l'orgasme que je n'ai pas pu délivrer, frustrée de ne pas avoir joui alors que le plaisir était si prometteur.
Je remets ma jupe abimée, ma culotte et me rassois. Je récupère mon livre pour reprendre ma lecture mais impossible de m'y remettre, je suis trop excitée, mon clito appelle furieusement ma main droite pour libérer la pression et je commence à me masturber frénétiquement profitant de ma solitude.

La porte s'ouvre. C'est le contrôleur.... on se regarde un instant qui m'a semblé interminable. Il est en arrêt comme un chien de chasse, la bouche ouverte. Je continue de me caresser devant lui, les yeux plantés dans les siens, en chaleur, j'écarte même encore plus les jambes.
Il devient rouge, son uniforme semble le serrer de partout, sans un mot il ferme la porte du compartiment avec son carré et tire le rideau.

J'ai envie qu'il me prenne comme ça, sans parler. Je me mets à genoux sur la banquette et remonte ma jupe lui offrant mes fesses et me caressant de plus belle. Je sens alors ses mains se poser sur mes hanches, puis sa langue titiller ma raie, me lécher tout du long, passant à toute vitesse de ma chatte trempée à mon petit trou bien ouvert.

J 'ai l'impression d'être dans un rêve, mon corps est devenu un unique instrument de plaisir, je retiens ma jouissance comme je peux pour profiter du moment. Je l'entends défaire son pantalon.
Je la veux, ma première jouissance anale, oh oui je la veux, plus que tout au monde !

Je me cambre pour mettre mon anus au premier plan, au niveau de sa queue. Il a compris et m'enfile en suivant, faisant exploser mon sphincter de joie, délivrant mes entrailles d'une attente insupportable. Il est déchainé, me laboure, je crie de bonheur et l'orgasme nous libère ensemble. La pénétration n'a pas duré plus d'une minute mais la jouissance est incroyable. Des images de films pornos me reviennent à l'esprit, Moana Pozzi, la Cicciolina, comprends tout. L'extase de la sodomie, le délice de l'enculage.

Il déverrouille la porte et sort du compartiment. Il n'a même pas vérifié mon ticket.
Je n'ai pas de mouchoir, alors j'essuie mon anus qui coule avec ma culotte, récupérant le sperme de mon assaillant surprise.

J'ai tellement de choses à raconter à ma tante ! Mais surtout lui dire que ma quête d'orgasme anal ne fait que commencer, comme si c'était une nouvelle vie. Elle va adorer.

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These are stories that reveal women's dominance over submissive men or women. This may even involve physical pain or mental suffering. Submisives will be humilated as they serve women in any capacity they chose. They are reduced to servicing any part of a woman's body without question. Usually, this will involve one part of a woman, which is where the fetish comes in for the reader's enjoyment. If there is any fucking, the submissive has no choice in the matter. But mostly, you will find only...

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Queen Yavara Chapter 42

FIELD MARSHAL SHORDIAN I was groggy the next morning. Battle always took its toll the night afterward, when adrenaline and terror had eased from my body, and pain took up residence in their wake. I stepped from the citadel, and out onto the ruins of Mid Fort. Usually, I would have to take a few downward steps before crossing the threshold to the courtyard. Not today. The bodies were piled five-feet-high, and even higher along the walls. Thousands were dead in this small spot, no larger than...

2 years ago
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Im not above the law the law is above me

Damn it..! I should have kept my mouth shut, why do I always do this..? When will I learn..?   I rolled my eyes, “look bitch, I don’t give a flying fuck about you, the manager, or anybody else in this fucking piece of shit restaurant.” I was getting loud now, “I paid for my shit, I put up with your shit, and quite frankly this place is SHIT..!”   “Mara, please calm down. She’s only a waitress,” Monica said.   It had started as a fun girl’s night out; Reyna, Diana,...

Straight Sex
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Love Family SingersChapter 17

After April pulled her off me, to everyone laughing, Mom went into the kitchen and came back with a check. It was for $10,000 as she said, “Is that enough, Honey?” “It’s a good ... first start,” I said. I took out my phone and used my Wells Fargo app to deposit the check in our account. April had explained how to do it, the first time. I got up, taking April with me and said, “Don’t think you are getting any more songs than before, Sarah. I’m not that easy of a mark, mother.” April broke...

4 years ago
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The Awakening of a Vengeful Phoenix Part 05 Chapter 9

A man is feminized by his wife and his business partner and framed for embezzlement. Can he survive the humiliations his wife intends to subject him to and start a new life? Thanks go out to Marina Kelly for her editorial assistance in improving the quality of this story. We find comments (good or bad) to be valuable in helping us to write a good story. Thank you. Chapter 9 As Rob drove home, he thought about everything that had happened to him that day. Going to the...

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Masturbating Slut Exposed

Working in a small law office has its ups and downs but never did I ever think this would happen. It has been a long week, and it’s still just Thursday, I’m so ready for Friday to come, so I can get out. I want to find myself a man, and get laid. It’s been so long! I want him to pin my arms above my head, kiss me passionately, and own me for as long as it lasts. This is what I think of at the end of my work day, in the storage room with my fingers in my panties. I want to be fucked stupid, and...

3 years ago
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Futa Daughters Naughty TemptationChapter 9 Daughterrsquos Naughty Futa Scheme

Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! Sky Marlow I panted, my cock buried in Mrs. Reyes’s pussy. The pantyhose I’d torn through ripped a little farther across her right butt-cheek, exposing more of the golden-brown flesh beneath. It looked so hot peeking through. I grinned at that. She had a great ass. So perky and bubbly. She was perfect for my plans, but I wanted to have more fun with her. I shuddered and pulled my girl-dick out of her. My sixteen-year-old body quivered. It had...

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Twenty Ninety Five

2080 New Vegas was created in the foothills above Los Angeles. Indian land that was once a national forest and returned to the tribes. One hundred casinos built in four years. Mega Vegas, Super Vegas, and many more were built across the United States. Debts, insolvency all related to gambling debt became a national epidemic. 2085 congress passed laws to protect and preserve the rights of the Indian Gaming Tribes (The biggest political force in the nation.) Gambling debts were...

1 year ago
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The Breakup Part two

Part Two I laid on the floor, totally spent with LeeAnn right next to me. Here we were in fetish clothing, me in drag and her with a strap on. This didn't seem possible. "Listen Brandi, I love you. You should know that. I do want to be with you. To make that happen, you need to be honest with me." She was cuddling up behind me, the 10 inch plastic cock pushing through my legs again. My cock sprang to attention, as her hands lightly brushed up and down on it. She kept this up...

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Anything For Georgetown Part two

Houlihan lingered overeach shot for several minutes. He had never faced this situation before in his life. He was enraged and shocked and totally turned on. He had a thing for young girls, and even being in his mid twenties, never seemed to show interest in anyone his own age. He despised slutty women, yet the more reserved women who crossed his path bored him. Women should be saints everywhere except the bedroom, that was his theory on things. Girls like Monica enraged him because he was...

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Cornering By Dimelza Cassidy Synopsis: It's all about going in slow and coming out fast. 'What do I do?' I thought, sitting behind the steering wheel of my car, in the parking lot at the headquarters of Southern State Bank. Anthony Mitchell and the powers that be at Southern State Bank had offered me my dream job. It was exactly the one I had lusted after since entering the management-trainee program at Merchants, Farmers, and Machinists Bank after obtaining my MBA. Not only...

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The Neighbour II

THE NEIGHBOUR II That Saturday night I was filled with desires for Andr?, at one point we were alone by the lake and he took me in his arms. He hugged me and kissed me, "John it was so wonderful during our trip and I so love introducing you to gay sex. You were so open and so agreeable to all we did, I want more, much more! I want to show you all I love! Are you as eager to be taught about more of my desires?" All I could do is kiss him back passionately and he hugged me as I f...

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?? ? ?JAMIE VENN LOTT ?? ?I'm straight... And for me to be horny for this "Veronica"... What's your secret? Are you a killer? Rapist? Thief? Seductive criminal? Druggie? I got to find out! But that's the last thing on my mind (WARNING: TO MUCH SEX! AFTER THEY FIND OUT THIS WILL BE THE MOST BRUTAL SERIES OF HTHS!)? ?? ?^We all started to take off our clothes we went for a group kiss. Jessica then lead Veronica to the bed -DAMN she got her first- I said to myself. I laid Olive on the...

1 year ago
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First Time with woman

I’m a 46 year old, 5’10” tall, blue eye, brown hair, mother of three and who works very hard to keep my body in shape. Who for years have been very curious about having sex with another woman but never had the nerve to act on it, until a couple of years ago. We hadn’t been back to our home town for several years. So my husband and I decided it was time to load up the kids and travel to Long Island for vacation. We had a good time visiting with family and old friends. I was sitting at my in-laws...

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Picnickers FChapter 5 Simmertime

All sorts of things could have gone wrong with Marilyn’s plans to have some privacy with Andy, but nothing did. Pete went off as he was supposed to. Mom went to the Food Depository as she was supposed to. She was bathed, dressed, made up, and perfumed when Andy rang the bell a few minutes before 10:00. After she locked the door, they had a sweet kiss. When his hands began to roam, she led him upstairs. She finally had him in her room with the door shut behind her. He kissed her while taking...

1 year ago
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Roomies Taking Chances Part III

“Kaori?” It was Friday, but I was not thrilled. My only plans were for a six pack of dark ale and a chick flick. Not one of those sappy romances, but an action film full of shirtless men. “Yeah? Going out again?” “You know me too well.” He smiled and placed his hand on my shoulder from behind. Its strength kneaded my stress into a longed for, but elusive, calm. “Where to?” Not that I cared, it was more small talk to give myself time to enjoy the attention he was giving me. “A new...

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I drive to the GPS coordinates in my phone, a secluded, wooded area. Grabbing the tote bag my Master had given me, I follow a barely visible path through the trees and brush to a small clearing, barely twenty feet across. I drop my bag in front of an oak tree and retrieve the rope I'd been told to bring. I tie one end securely around my left wrist and kneel with my back against the tree trunk, wiggling my wide-spread knees to each side until the bark caresses my spine through my thin summer...

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The Old House and the Four Girls Part1

Introduction: my first story In one weird house there was four gourgous girls that wasnt ever aloud out of the house ever,and was home schooled by their foster father who was almost never home. When he was he spent only a few hours with his thirteen years old daughters.They where starting to mature into beautiful young women.He just sat down and whatched television,but when they where alone they started having their on sexual experiances.They discovered that they where acutually very horny...

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Family Pact

It was one of those fantastically languid moments. The intensity of the orgasm left my mind blank, spent. My whole body was weak as I lay on the couch, afraid that I might just flow off it into a puddle on the floor. I open my eyes and see Nina's back, lightly tanned, and the twin, creamy firm orbs of her paler buttocks, mechanically, automatically, rising and falling over my softening cock. My wife is still milking the last out of her intensely powerful orgasm.. but I am spent. I hear a...

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Comment to a photo from your gallery Valeriemilf

Valerie had obviously fallen asleep. The day had been too warm and her trip out earlier to the store had been too tiring. She had come in from the garden, opened her shopping, and sat back for a moment. Her eyes must have closed and sleep had taken her. Something was wrong though. she was being watched she sensed. A shadow by the still open door outside resolved itself to a male figure she didn't recognise. He was turned slightly away, as if he had just done so and seemed to be silently busy...

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Adventures of my ex The nine inch dick

I need to preface by saying the my ex was 5'4", 115lbs, brunette, brown eyes, with a perfect heart shaped ass. Her breast were not large but they were shaped nicely and well proportioned to her body. She was very pretty, with shoulder length hair most of the time we were married. For some reason she would fuck like a mink for men that would flirt and buy her drinks, as long as the man was not me of course. Needless to say she drove me nuts! I have some details of some of her escapades, which...

1 year ago
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Is there a more aptly named tube site than Jizzy? Well, they might as well call themselves ‘Cumalot’ or ‘’ But, no, no, Jizzy works just fine.You know exactly what you’re in for whenever you visit a site like Jizzy. Numerous videos on every page. Tons of content that will make you cream your pants. And most importantly, a wide variety of pornography that will keep you coming back for more.Jizzy wants to be your one-stop-shop for all things pornographic. So check them out, and...

Free OnlyFans Leak Sites
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Chapter II A Birthday Surprise

It’s the morning after my little tryst with my busty neighbour and I feel great. My mind is racing over what transpired last night. I can still taste her soft lips on mine and feel her breasts in my mouth.I look over at the clock by my nightstand and it’s ten to eleven in the morning.'Ugh, I’ve got another nine hours until I see her again,' I think to myself. I spend the day working out and biking around the neighbourhood, anything to pass the time and to get her gorgeous body off my mind.I...

2 years ago
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Resetting My Bitch ButtonChapter 26

Serendipity Park – Georgia As told by Emily I was so thankful the first time a race began because Jessie had to stop talking. Uncle Evil was pulling double duty as the master of ceremonies. There were only about twenty-five spectators watching but he acted like he was speaking to a much larger crowd. “I want the race to be fair, honest, but most of all very, very dirty!” he grinned wickedly. He made a lot of puns and jokes while the racers got set up. He told everyone that his favorite part...

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Moms Drunk Again

Fbailey storyI had been off getting into trouble as usual. My mother was a single parent with two teenage k**s on her hands, a crappy job, and bills to pay.I’m fifteen years old and I get to do just about anything I want to, as long as the cops don’t catch me.My sister Evelyn is thirteen years old and a little brat. She snitches on me all the time even though Mom doesn’t punish me and I always get even with her.Mom is a thirty-three-year-old woman with a great body. She got knocked up when she...

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Jacob and Tiffany II NIS The Density Force BeginsEpisode 4

Fred 9:50pm Jacob watched everybody from the chair he was sitting on. He finished his beer and looked at it for a moment. Then he put it down. I grabbed Dave as he passed by. "Can I get another Killiens?" "Sure. I never knew you were into the imported stuff." "I'm not. But Jacob likes it." "Not the Jacob?" "Yep. He's in the chair in the corner." "Will wonders never cease. Take as many as you want. Nobody will ever believe I provided beer for Jacob Stone." I went over to...

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The Virginity Clinic

“The Virginity Clinic” It’s normal for girls to natter, but on this afternoon something had really got the girls worked up. The office was quiet; other than the buzz of female voices, most of the girls being around eighteen or in their early twenties. It had all started when one of the girls called Judy stated she’d heard of a virginity clinic, she was a virgin, and somewhat anxious about losing it, her boyfriend was pressuring her but she was scared stiff, mainly due to hearsay of as to...

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Sweet Sweet Fantasy

It was late, and the house was quiet. My husband had gone to work about an hour previously. My children, son 10 and daughter 2, were snug in their beds. The housework was taken care of, the dishes washed, and there were no chores left to be accomplished. The only thing I had to keep me company was my thoughts. Those thoughts, turning around and around inside my brain, were little comfort on such a beautiful, moonlit summer night. It was his face that was tormenting me. David was older than me,...

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I Fell ThroughChapter 4

Day 10 The next morning found all three of us at the stream panning for gold. Elizabeth used one tin plate to dig up sand from the bar while Claire went through looking for nuggets and I panned for dust. By the end of the day we had found about a fistful of gold and had just about removed the sand bar. Looking at the size of the nuggets Claire had found, I knew they hadn't gone too far from their source. Telling the girls I was going to go hunting to replenish the meat, I headed upstream...

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A Morris Mans Tale Part 5

All characters are fictitious, If a character name is used in connection with a side, it’s just co-incidence if that given name belongs in that side. Insofar as song lyrics being included I don’t know the legalities or etiquette involved, I have given the opening few and last few lines if that is all that is needed or the song in full if the text needs it and credit to the author in either case, traditional songs are treated the same but credited as Traditional. This is a fiction story,...

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