Ma Première Sodomie free porn video

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Cette histoire m'est arrivée quand j'avais 19 ans. Elle a probablement contribué à influencer toute ma vie sexuelle.

Je venais de passer mon bac et fatiguée par les révisions je m'étais invitée chez ma tante Jacquie, à Grenoble, pour passer des vacances. Comme j'avais besoin d'argent, elle m'avait dégotté un petit boulot de serveuse dans une brasserie du coin qui commençait quelques jours plus tard.

Je pris donc mon billet de train, 8H de trajet entre Bordeaux et Grenoble, quelques bouquins et un petit sac de voyage. A l'époque, les jeunes femmes s'habillaient légèrement avec beaucoup de naturel, c'était courant. J'étais donc en mini jupe avec un petit corsage, c'était la mode, avec des bottines.

Les TGV n'existaient pas encore. Tous les trains étaient à compartiments, petits espaces de 6 places, où les gens pouvaient fumer, boire, manger, parler entre eux.

J'entre dans le mien. Il n'y a personne encore, je suis arrivée tôt, le train ne part que dans une demie heure, je m'installe près de la grande fenêtre et mes pensées s'évadent déjà. Je suis un peu inquiète car je n'ai encore jamais travaillé, mais je fais confiance à ma tante, elle va m'accompagner dans cette nouvelle expérience.

C'est à peine si j'ai fait attention aux trois hommes qui sont montés dans mon compartiment. Il y en a deux plus âgés, entre 30 et 40 ans (ça me paraissait vieux à l'époque!) et un tout jeune qui doit avoir mon âge, qui s'assoit sur la même banquette que moi, les deux autres en face. Ils sont montés ensemble et se connaissent. Ils commencent à parler entre eux bruyamment, sortent les bières et rient grassement. Je ne fais pas attention, j'ai pris un bouquin pour passer le temps.

Le train démarre, les trois hommes continuent de parler, surtout les deux plus vieux, et je commence à tendre l'oreille, attirée par les mots crus que j'entends soudain.

« Putain, ça commence à faire longtemps que je me suis pas fait sucer par une bonne cochonne... »
C'est sûr, c'est pas à la caserne que ça va t'arriver !
Et toi, le puceau, quand est-ce que tu te dégorges enfin le poireau ? T'aimes pas les filles ou quoi ?
Si si …
Regarde y'en a une de ton âge juste là, assise à coté de toi...faut que tu lui parles sinon je m'en charge ! Elle est super jolie en plus !

Je rentre la tête dans mon livre, croise un peu plus les jambes, et fais mine de ne pas entendre qu'ils parlent de moi.

Hé, le jeune, t'as une petite queue ou quoi ?
Non non, ça va ..
fais voir...
Non c'est bon, laisse moi !
Moi j'ai pas peur de montrer ma queue, on peut la comparer si tu veux ! Regarde !

Et là, le visage toujours caché par mon bouquin que je tiens bien haut, je vois en miroir dans la vitre du train, ce gros lourdeau qui défait son pantalon et sort un engin énorme, déjà en érection, avec beaucoup de fierté.

t'en as jamais vu des comme ça, avoue !

Le jeune militaire ne répond pas, il est sans doute gêné pour moi.

Putain, j'ai une de ces gaules, moi !

Il se caresse comme s'il était seul. Le deuxième rigole bêtement. La hiérarchie est claire : il y a un dominant, qui doit être le plus gradé des trois, un suiveur, à peu près du même âge et un petit jeune qui rougit et est toujours tenté d'obéir aux deux autres. Comme mon père était militaire lui aussi, je leur désigne arbitrairement un grade dans ma tête : Adjudant, sergent et 1ère classe, en tout cas pas des officiers on dirait.

Je n'ai pas peur des hommes, je me sens comme étrangère à la scène, même si l'adjudant continue de se branler sur sa banquette. Ils ne vont quand même pas me sauter dessus en plein jour dans le train !
Je mate quand même sur le coté. Le jeune s'est réfugié dans une revue de voitures pour ne plus participer à la scène, et n'ose rien dire à son supérieur. Le « sergent » boit sa bière en rigolant fortement.

Mademoiselle ?
Je ne réponds pas.
Allez soyez pas timide, à votre âge et jolie comme vous êtes, vous avez sûrement déjà vu quelques bites !
Peut-être pas aussi grosses !! s’esclaffe le sergent
Le ton monte

tu dois quand même aimer ça la bite, vu comment t'es habillée  !
Si ça se trouve elle a même pas de culotte cette salope !

Je ne réponds toujours pas. Ils sont en train de devenir agressifs, j'ai hâte que le contrôleur passe pour calmer les esprits qui s'échauffent. Je ne peux néanmoins pas m'empêcher de regarder leurs reflets dans la fenêtre. Le deuxième à sorti son sexe aussi et se branle. Le jeune est toujours le nez dans sa revue, muet.

Allez, laisse moi ta place, moussaillon, si tu sais pas y faire je vais te montrer, moi !
Le jeune obéit, ils échangent leurs places, et le plus gradé vient s'affaler sur la banquette à quelques centimètres de moi, la queue à la main.

Allez lâche ton bouquin, j'ai mieux à te proposer !

Il est déjà un peu ivre, je l'entends à sa voix. Sa présence à coté de moi est magnétique, bestiale. Je me sens prise au piège comme une proie dans la cage d'un grand fauve qui me tourne autour en attendant de me dévorer. Cette dernière image déclenche alors à ma grande surprise un petit jet de mouille qui vient tacher ma culotte. Comme si je n'avais aucun contrôle sur mon corps, je sens ma chatte se remplir de jus, comme pour se préparer à l'inévitable assaut.

Lâche ton bouquin je te dis !
Et il met un grand coup de patte dans mon livre qui vole à travers le compartiment.

Je le regarde alors dans les yeux. Il est surexcité, avec un regard de fou, branlant sa grosse queue pendant qu'il me dévisage. Je me lève et tente d'atteindre la porte, il saisit ma jupe qu'il déchire à moitié.
Je n'arrive pas à crier. Quelque chose en moi m'en empêche. Je me débats timidement, il a déjà la main sur ma culotte.

Putain mais elle mouille déjà comme une petite pute celle-là ! C'est ma grosse bite, hein, c'est ça que tu veux ?! A genoux !!
Ces deux mots me transpercent. L'ordre qu'il vient de me donner me fait vaciller. Il me tire à peine sur le bras que déjà je me mets à genoux devant son sexe magnifique, bien plus beau que lui.

Suce moi bien ! Mais ne t'étouffe pas ! Ha Ha Ha !!!

Il sait qu'il a gagné. Il fanfaronne. Je suis hypnotisée par sa trique, je l'enfourne. Elle pue le chacal, je suis un peu écœurée mais je tiens bon. Je me dis que si j'arrive à le faire jouir vite le calme va revenir.
Alors je le pompe à fond, j'y mets mes deux mains et toute mon énergie, je le branle de plus en plus vite pour faire monter la sauce et qu'il n'aie pas le temps de s'intéresser à mon cul.

Putain quelle salope !! T'avais faim hein ?!

A ce moment je sens une forme froide pénétrer ma chatte. C'est son compère qui m'enfile le goulot de la bouteille de Valstar dans la fente et commence à me ramoner. La sensation est divine, je commence à sentir monter la jouissance dans mes reins. Je continue de sucer de plus belle la grosse queue du chef, mais rien ne vient, il tient le coup malgré ma pipe infernale, se joue de ma bouche pendant que l'autre accélère encore dans ma chatte, me procurant beaucoup de plaisir malgré moi.

Prépare lui le trou du cul, je sens qu'elle est mûre !
A vos ordres, chef !
Il sort aussitôt la bouteille de mon sexe et commence déjà à l'introduire dans mon anus encore vierge. Heureusement ma mouille facilite le passage et le goulot n'est pas trop long, je n'ai pas mal et je ressens même des sensations agréables au fur et à mesure qu'il active le va et vient dans mon petit trou qui se détend. Je ne peux retenir quelques petits gémissements de plaisir quand il accélère encore le mouvement, jusqu'à me pilonner le derrière.

ça y est, elle est prête ?
Je crois, chef !

Il sort de mon étreinte pour libérer sa queue de ma bouche.

tu vas voir le jeune comment on encule les salopes ! Prends-en de la graine !

Un frisson me parcourt le dos...j'ai peur que sa grosse queue me fasse mal mais en même temps ma jouissance est montée en continu avec la pénétration anale, ouvrant mon sphincter à la sodomie. Ma tante m'a dit que c'était délicieux, qu'elle même en raffolait. Je vais bientôt savoir...
Le petit sergent me retire la bouteille du cul d'un coup sec, me faisant tressaillir, j'entends le chef qui crache dans sa main pour enduire sa queue de salive. Je ferme les yeux.
Réclame !

dis-le que tu aimes ça !

voyant que je ne réponds pas il me tire violemment les cheveux, il est en rage.
DIS LE !!!

...j'aime ça …
Plus fort !!
j'aime ça !!
Écarte les fesses !!

Il me tire toujours les cheveux pendant que mes mains se posent sur mes fesses pour les écarter.
Je suis incroyablement excitée...cette tension, l'autorité naturelle que cet homme rustre dégage, les mots qu'il m'a fait prononcer... je m'entends crier comme dans un état second, le corps cambré par mes cheveux solidement empoignés.

vas-y !! Encule moi !!
Supplie !!
...s'il te plait... sodomise moi...défonce moi le cul !!

Il me pénètre alors d'un coup sec, me faisant rugir. J'ai mal... Non en fait j'ai juste eu peur d'avoir mal, c'est de surprise que j'ai crié...l'assaut a été brutal mais sans dégât, je commence même à ressentir des sensations nouvelles, sa grosse queue tout entière est logée dans mon anus. Il ne bouge plus, commence à gémir, à pleurnicher. Il se déverse en moi, sans un mouvement de plus, calé au fond de mon anus, il n'a pas pu retenir son éjaculation.


D'un coup il a perdu toute sa stature. On dirait un petit garçon pris en train de se masturber. Vexé il évite mon regard, remet son pantalon et att**** sa valise.

On se casse !

Les deux autres le suivent, récupèrent leurs sacs et sortent du compartiment. Je me retrouve seule, à genoux, insatisfaite par l'orgasme que je n'ai pas pu délivrer, frustrée de ne pas avoir joui alors que le plaisir était si prometteur.
Je remets ma jupe abimée, ma culotte et me rassois. Je récupère mon livre pour reprendre ma lecture mais impossible de m'y remettre, je suis trop excitée, mon clito appelle furieusement ma main droite pour libérer la pression et je commence à me masturber frénétiquement profitant de ma solitude.

La porte s'ouvre. C'est le contrôleur.... on se regarde un instant qui m'a semblé interminable. Il est en arrêt comme un chien de chasse, la bouche ouverte. Je continue de me caresser devant lui, les yeux plantés dans les siens, en chaleur, j'écarte même encore plus les jambes.
Il devient rouge, son uniforme semble le serrer de partout, sans un mot il ferme la porte du compartiment avec son carré et tire le rideau.

J'ai envie qu'il me prenne comme ça, sans parler. Je me mets à genoux sur la banquette et remonte ma jupe lui offrant mes fesses et me caressant de plus belle. Je sens alors ses mains se poser sur mes hanches, puis sa langue titiller ma raie, me lécher tout du long, passant à toute vitesse de ma chatte trempée à mon petit trou bien ouvert.

J 'ai l'impression d'être dans un rêve, mon corps est devenu un unique instrument de plaisir, je retiens ma jouissance comme je peux pour profiter du moment. Je l'entends défaire son pantalon.
Je la veux, ma première jouissance anale, oh oui je la veux, plus que tout au monde !

Je me cambre pour mettre mon anus au premier plan, au niveau de sa queue. Il a compris et m'enfile en suivant, faisant exploser mon sphincter de joie, délivrant mes entrailles d'une attente insupportable. Il est déchainé, me laboure, je crie de bonheur et l'orgasme nous libère ensemble. La pénétration n'a pas duré plus d'une minute mais la jouissance est incroyable. Des images de films pornos me reviennent à l'esprit, Moana Pozzi, la Cicciolina, comprends tout. L'extase de la sodomie, le délice de l'enculage.

Il déverrouille la porte et sort du compartiment. Il n'a même pas vérifié mon ticket.
Je n'ai pas de mouchoir, alors j'essuie mon anus qui coule avec ma culotte, récupérant le sperme de mon assaillant surprise.

J'ai tellement de choses à raconter à ma tante ! Mais surtout lui dire que ma quête d'orgasme anal ne fait que commencer, comme si c'était une nouvelle vie. Elle va adorer.

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Summer of 76

August 1976.It was so hot that the sun was literally scorching!I couldn't remember a summer so hot. The tar on the roads was melting and the grass was turning yellow but here in the park I was enjoying laying back and feeling the sun on my arms and legs. The park was quite busy, after all it was Sunday and no-one was going to stay indoors in this glorious weather.I was on a slight slope looking up at the clear blue sky, the big plastic sunglasses protecting my eyes. All around I could faintly...

2 years ago
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How i turned Bi

When i was 17, it was the first time i ever started to like girls. It all started with me going to a all girls school with my best friend and how after a couple of years of high school she changed my though on girls.By the time i had done 3 years of high school me and my best friend had developed a lot in our image. I have long blonde hair with blue eyes and only C sized tits, but Sarah my friend had at least D cups.She had short dark hair just above her shoulders and seemed to date a lot...

4 years ago
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Preachers Sinful Daughter Chapter 4 Sinning at the Club

Chapter Four: Sinning at the Club By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 “And you are sure this is a good idea, dear?” Mother asked Daddy. As always, Mother wore a conservative dress: skirt long, neckline high, though it was sleeveless, a concession to the summer heat. Her hair was perfectly coiffed even after a day spent weeding at the church. I didn't even recall her slipping into the bathroom to fix herself when we returned home, she just changed out of her garden jeans and looked...

3 years ago
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The Salon Assistant Part 7

When I got inside the house I immediately rushed upstairs so that I could lock myself in my room and divest myself of the blouse, culottes and camisole set that had been my travel clothes for the journey home. I made it upstairs into my room and waited a few minutes for the inevitable knock at the door from my mum. The knock never came however and, after cautiously popping my head out of the door and shouting for her, it became clear that my mum wasn't home. 'Where was she?' I thought...

2 years ago
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The Best Sex Ever Chapter One

My name’s Stefan Ricci. I’m a 26 year old resident of Arlington, Texas. I’ve been doing some part time college studies in recent years; But I’m hardly devoted academically. I’ve been through a handful of jobs in recent years; And, in all honesty, Had felt like a bit of a restless spirit that hadn’t found my niche in life until recently. About 3 months ago, I took a job as a maintenance worker at a research facility; And found so much more than I could have dreamed.The place was called Dream On...

4 years ago
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MayhemChapter 6

It was good and as a matter of fact it kept getting better. She stayed for the next three days and might have stayed longer if I hadn't been scheduled for a charter. We didn't fuck all the time; although I'll admit we did enough to keep my raggedy old ass worn out and that hadn't happened for a long time. She sent for a couple changes of clothes and I expected one of her drivers would drop them off. Instead Tink brought them herself. Maybe she was worried I'd kidnapped her mother but...

2 years ago
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Husband Wife And A Maid Sex Adventure

This is Deepak from Chennai I am 26 now 6 feet tall fair guy. I would like to tell my experience which happened way back when I was studying in College. I was staying in a hostel and during holidays I used to go to my village as usual in my second year I went to my village during study holidays. I was waiting for bus, there was lot of rush. I saw a familiar looking figure then I realized it was my maid. She was around 37 years old a typical maid, not so beautiful face with average features,...

4 years ago
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My New Job Continuation to the Barbecue

Introduction: Youre gonna be my little fuck toy from now on Since it was the summer, I was off from school and my parents were still working. They told me they would like me to make some money for myself but I was having trouble finding a job. Then one day while having another barbecue with the neighbours, Bill suggested to my parents that I could work for him during the day. I was never really sure what Bill did for work but my parents agreed to it since they knew him and trusted him. I,...

4 years ago
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Annie cums for dinner again

I invited my PA Annie around to my house for dinner plus a little fun hopefully afterwards.I had made an effort and choose a slinky red dress, very sheer and tight fitting. Nothing underneath as it would spoil the smooth outline Annie arrived wearing a beautiful too short white dress, almost translucent. Plunging neckline to below her breasts revealing plenty of her beautiful tits. As requested she was completely naked underneathI got Annie a drink and we chatted for a short while then made our...

3 years ago
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Olivias Rosebud Blossoms

We became online friends. Her interest had been piqued by enema scenes that I had included in my stories. She admitted that she had never had anything “back there” before. I was surprised at her interest in enemas, although not entirely shocked. I should back up a little. I’m a fifty plus guy and Olivia is an eighteen year old blond, a beautiful but seemingly innocent young lady. Well, maybe innocent in the real, physical world, but certainly not in her mind. As I said, she expressed an...

2 years ago
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Dating My Daughter 8211 Part 10

Hello ISS readers. I am back with this series. My quick intro. My name is Aafi. This is a fantasy fictional story. I’m a divorced 41-year-old guy who has a beautiful and young daughter, Amy. She just turned 19 and I haven’t seen Amy in almost 10 years. But now she has come down to meet me. So this is what happened next. I took a cab to my office. Maria was in the lobby talking to Georgina. She saw me coming and she was not happy. She questioned why I was late. I explained everything that...

3 years ago
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Dark Days 2 Dawns Early LightChapter 11

The bathroom was small, but well-arranged and was more like the ones I had seen in movies shot in Japan and China. It was a ‘wet’ bathroom in that the sink was on the back of the toilet so that gray water then was used to flush. The shower was a hose that would spray water over everything and a drain was set in the floor. Curious, I looked for, but couldn’t find, any way of opening that drain to let the water out. It wasn’t until I turned the water on that I found the drain opened up and a...

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The Knight and the Acolyte Book1 Chapter 4 The Monsters Lusts

Chapter Four: The Monster's Lust By mypenname3000 Copyright 2015 Note: Thanks to b0b for beta reading this! Acolyte Sophia – Shesax, the Kingdom of Secare My heart beat with excitement as we crossed the Merchant's Bridge over the Melkith River that flowed through the sprawling city of Shesax. Behind us, the Lone Mountain thrust up like a rock spire to pierce the fluffy, white clouds drifting across the sun. Ahead, the sun rose, shining golden light in our eyes. The Merchant's...

2 years ago
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Bhai ke biwi ko choda

Mera naam Raju hain aur main bihar ka rahne wala hun. Yeh kahani ekdam sach hai. Baat aise suru hui. Mere bahi ka biwi aur mera land lady bohut achche dost tha. Mujhe ekdin mere land lady se pata chala ki mere bhai ka biwi bohut udaas hey kyunki uska sexlife pura bigra hua hay. Mera bhai ek call center mein kaam karta hai aur woh roj raat ko duty pe chala jata hay. Maine isi bahane ekdin mera bhai ke ghar pe phone kiya aur unlogo ka haal-chaal puchne laga. Yunhi baat karte karte maine uske biwi...

3 years ago
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more of mum and me

well i was in heaven dad had to go away for a week so left mum and me to our own devices, i was thinking now what i could do with mum,providing she was up for it,i was hoping that i could sleep with her for the rest of the week now,i also asked mum if she would wear a short skirt and blouse for a change so that i could look and see her nice plump figure,she agreed but said she had to go shopping so would have to wait untill she got back from town,i said fine and she left for town,i went...

3 years ago
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Mother and mischievous son

Last Saturday i found myself and Jason my son home alone. Usually he would go out but this week he had to stay in as tomorrow was an early start. My husband had gone into work to look at a computer issue in the office.So Jason and i were alone on the couch watching a movie about a woman having an affair.As the movie progressed it had some very intimate moments which set off an arousal within me.As time passed the sun went down and the room darkened, lit only by the television screen flickering...

1 year ago
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Unexpected Fuck

I answered the door in a robe, almost forgeting to put that on. I was surprised to see a young, handsome man in his early twenties. "Hello Mrs..." he began. "Smith. Stacy Smith." "Right," he continued. "I'm your plumber, Jason." I guess I was a bit shocked. Whenever I'd had a plumber over, he was much older, and usually sort of fat. Jason was one of the most attractive men I had ever seen. I showed him to the bathroom, where the head of the shower was leaking. He frowned. "Ok... this is going...

Cheating Wifes
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Mystics Mixed Drinks Shots

My friend John and I decided to check out some trendy new bar downtown. It's one of those places where the drinks are twice as expensive, but we both had some money left over from school and we wanted to celebrate the beginning of summer. When we arrived, we walked towards the bar. The bartender was a beautiful blonde woman. She had hair down to her ass, big blue eyes, and what had to be the perkiest DD tits I've ever seen. "How about I get us some shots, Tim?" my friend asked. I...

1 year ago
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Reddit WeddingsGoneWild, aka r/WeddingsGoneWild! Every subreddit with the ‘gone wild’ in its name is obviously a pornographic or at least a naughty one. I think that is a given, and that is why I am here to introduce r/WeddingsGoneWild/. Now, I know that this might sound odd, but at the same time, it is not that odd, really. You have loads of gorgeous brides who decided to get a bit naughty before or during the wedding. Quite simple.I am aware that the very sound of this subreddit might look a...

Reddit NSFW List
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Game of Thrones How Davos Saved the DayChapter 49

The Bay of Seals, Two days later... “Here they come, boys ... here they come!” Jallen Tarlor, the captain of the watch, shouted, as the Dead came ashore yet again in force. “Aye, that they do! Are we ready to set them ablaze, too!” Nardel, his sergeant of the watch, a Wildling like their commander, asked him. “You know Lord Tormund’s standing orders, my savage friend! Cook them! Fry them! Roast them! Burn them all!” Jallen insisted, much to the relief of Nardel, who was anxious to rid the...

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MilfBody Aaliyah Love Super Fit MILF Penetration

In pink workout clothes, MILF Aaliyah Love is looking absolutely scrumptious. She jogs in place, letting her perfect ass bounce as she puts in work. Then, she stretches out her long legs, showing off her figure to the fullest. When our stud reveals that he has been watching her the whole time, the blonde MILF is flattered. She opens her mouth wide and lets him fuck her face while her pussy starts to drip. Then, he drills her sweet cunt, making her moan like a wild animal before pulling out his...

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Learning to Love Myself

As I stepped off the bus I looked around not able to believe I was actually here. I checked the map he sent to me to see which way I needed to go to meet up with his friend, Mark. Yesterday when I made the decision to leave, I texted him so he could put everything in motion. He sent me the map six months ago after we had been chatting online for a year. He always told me to look after myself and that he would always be there for me. The first time I looked at the map, I laughed. I asked him how...

Love Stories
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Extra marital affair with neighbor

This is sifa.Well this is my frist post. This true Incident occured 2 months back which i cannot forget in my life About me i am 27 yrs old single from pune, well built fair guy having no airs about myself but with lips which are tempting. Thats what all my girlfriends tell me, i love to eat pussy thats my hobby. I live in well built apartment where Next my house is the house of one marwari businessman mr Rajat. Rajat has a family of 4 rajat who himself is (36 yrs) his wife neeta (29 yrs) and...

2 years ago
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The Game 8211 Part I

Hello, I am Smrity sweet and lovely Smrity and few things that happened in my life are unforgottable few nice things and few bad things but few really exciting and you got it right my thrilling moments. I am a small town girl living in Jharkhand, hey I’m not what you started to think now. I am very beautiful fair complexion good figure and beautiful eyes. I live with my parents and a small brother sirf kahene ke lie chota hai par shaitani Mei sabka baap hai. He is in class 8 and I’m in 12th at...

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Wife Gangbang

I come from a small town. Soon after marriage we had to come to Mumbai. We lived at Thane and Husband’s office was at VT. One holiday we set out for site seeing in a local train. The train was very crowded. He told me to just get into and in case we separate, I should get down at VT and wait for him at the platform. Else, I could return home, without worrying much. As feared, immediately upon entering I lost track of him. It was so crowded, there was no place to move. Somehow I stood against a...

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It Isnt Always So Easy

I maybe shouldn’t have told mom I was still a virgin at nineteen, but I’d had a weak moment after yet another unsuccessful date. This revelation led to one of the most important moments of my life.“You’ll find the right one some day,” mom said.“That’s what everyone says,” I retorted, and they did, especially the sweet girls who liked to keep me safely in the friend zone.Mom came to my room that night. I didn’t understand what that was all about. She never did that, and she was only wearing a...

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A Familys Unwanted Sexual Awakening part 2 see the rewrite for the begining

Michelles mother was now staring at her daughter's D-cup breasts. "We'll make you feel all better," Lillian-her mother- sighed, rubbing her babygirl's chest. "Arousual is fun, and when Craig and Adam shoot their loads its fun to watch, they taste good too," Amy said, running back to Craig after saying that. Amy started fucking Craig again, and Michelle's pussy twitched, her mother saw that. "Lets have some fun baby," Michelle's mother procedded to rip off her daughter's clothes,...

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Hunting the OrlanChapter 5

We waited fruitlessly for three hours, but the orlan never showed up. That attested to the experience of the two hunters with me. They were used to this sort of disappointing and frustrating wait for a quarry that never showed up. I said, “It looks to me like we are wasting our time. I think that the orlan would have returned if it were going to today. Let’s go home and resume our hunt tomorrow.” Hunter of Bear and Tracker agreed with me, so we left for home. If we did not return soon, we...

2 years ago
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Peter Is 20 YvetteChapter 6 Nightfall

A couple weeks after that, Alex came back for the new school year. "Alex?" Yvette had been a bit timid all day so I knew she had something on her mind. "Yeah?" "Would you do something for me?" "Sure." He hadn't even paused chewing but I knew I wasn't gonna like whatever came next. "Would you talk to a therapist for me?" He actually looked up at that and I put my fork down. "Yvette -" I started but he talked over me. "Cool. When?" Yvette looked at me but if Alex was...

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Gentlemens Club Part 2

He told them to to within reason anything they wanted with me that I was pretty much willing. I was ordered first to get on my knees and alternate between sucking each of their cocks until they were hard. They both had large cocks, much larger than my hubby has and I was somewhat amazedat this. It was later I would find out he actually ran an ad looking for well endowed men! As I obeyed he encouraged me to look at the camera. I mouthed one time, I love you, I winked I smiled and he really...

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FourWay BrideChapter 4

"Well, hi there!" Cal said with a grin as he swaggered up to the flashy car which had stopped in front of the ranch house. The driver and sole occupant was a young woman with bright auburn hair done in a fancy coiffure. She wore dark glasses. Her pink lips glistened. When Cal reached the side of the car, his gaze dipped into the luscious white cleavage revealed by her low cut blouse. "Is this the Hinshaw place?" the girl inquired, her voice carefully modulated to achieve a sexy...

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