Ma Première Sodomie free porn video

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Cette histoire m'est arrivée quand j'avais 19 ans. Elle a probablement contribué à influencer toute ma vie sexuelle.

Je venais de passer mon bac et fatiguée par les révisions je m'étais invitée chez ma tante Jacquie, à Grenoble, pour passer des vacances. Comme j'avais besoin d'argent, elle m'avait dégotté un petit boulot de serveuse dans une brasserie du coin qui commençait quelques jours plus tard.

Je pris donc mon billet de train, 8H de trajet entre Bordeaux et Grenoble, quelques bouquins et un petit sac de voyage. A l'époque, les jeunes femmes s'habillaient légèrement avec beaucoup de naturel, c'était courant. J'étais donc en mini jupe avec un petit corsage, c'était la mode, avec des bottines.

Les TGV n'existaient pas encore. Tous les trains étaient à compartiments, petits espaces de 6 places, où les gens pouvaient fumer, boire, manger, parler entre eux.

J'entre dans le mien. Il n'y a personne encore, je suis arrivée tôt, le train ne part que dans une demie heure, je m'installe près de la grande fenêtre et mes pensées s'évadent déjà. Je suis un peu inquiète car je n'ai encore jamais travaillé, mais je fais confiance à ma tante, elle va m'accompagner dans cette nouvelle expérience.

C'est à peine si j'ai fait attention aux trois hommes qui sont montés dans mon compartiment. Il y en a deux plus âgés, entre 30 et 40 ans (ça me paraissait vieux à l'époque!) et un tout jeune qui doit avoir mon âge, qui s'assoit sur la même banquette que moi, les deux autres en face. Ils sont montés ensemble et se connaissent. Ils commencent à parler entre eux bruyamment, sortent les bières et rient grassement. Je ne fais pas attention, j'ai pris un bouquin pour passer le temps.

Le train démarre, les trois hommes continuent de parler, surtout les deux plus vieux, et je commence à tendre l'oreille, attirée par les mots crus que j'entends soudain.

« Putain, ça commence à faire longtemps que je me suis pas fait sucer par une bonne cochonne... »
C'est sûr, c'est pas à la caserne que ça va t'arriver !
Et toi, le puceau, quand est-ce que tu te dégorges enfin le poireau ? T'aimes pas les filles ou quoi ?
Si si …
Regarde y'en a une de ton âge juste là, assise à coté de toi...faut que tu lui parles sinon je m'en charge ! Elle est super jolie en plus !

Je rentre la tête dans mon livre, croise un peu plus les jambes, et fais mine de ne pas entendre qu'ils parlent de moi.

Hé, le jeune, t'as une petite queue ou quoi ?
Non non, ça va ..
fais voir...
Non c'est bon, laisse moi !
Moi j'ai pas peur de montrer ma queue, on peut la comparer si tu veux ! Regarde !

Et là, le visage toujours caché par mon bouquin que je tiens bien haut, je vois en miroir dans la vitre du train, ce gros lourdeau qui défait son pantalon et sort un engin énorme, déjà en érection, avec beaucoup de fierté.

t'en as jamais vu des comme ça, avoue !

Le jeune militaire ne répond pas, il est sans doute gêné pour moi.

Putain, j'ai une de ces gaules, moi !

Il se caresse comme s'il était seul. Le deuxième rigole bêtement. La hiérarchie est claire : il y a un dominant, qui doit être le plus gradé des trois, un suiveur, à peu près du même âge et un petit jeune qui rougit et est toujours tenté d'obéir aux deux autres. Comme mon père était militaire lui aussi, je leur désigne arbitrairement un grade dans ma tête : Adjudant, sergent et 1ère classe, en tout cas pas des officiers on dirait.

Je n'ai pas peur des hommes, je me sens comme étrangère à la scène, même si l'adjudant continue de se branler sur sa banquette. Ils ne vont quand même pas me sauter dessus en plein jour dans le train !
Je mate quand même sur le coté. Le jeune s'est réfugié dans une revue de voitures pour ne plus participer à la scène, et n'ose rien dire à son supérieur. Le « sergent » boit sa bière en rigolant fortement.

Mademoiselle ?
Je ne réponds pas.
Allez soyez pas timide, à votre âge et jolie comme vous êtes, vous avez sûrement déjà vu quelques bites !
Peut-être pas aussi grosses !! s’esclaffe le sergent
Le ton monte

tu dois quand même aimer ça la bite, vu comment t'es habillée  !
Si ça se trouve elle a même pas de culotte cette salope !

Je ne réponds toujours pas. Ils sont en train de devenir agressifs, j'ai hâte que le contrôleur passe pour calmer les esprits qui s'échauffent. Je ne peux néanmoins pas m'empêcher de regarder leurs reflets dans la fenêtre. Le deuxième à sorti son sexe aussi et se branle. Le jeune est toujours le nez dans sa revue, muet.

Allez, laisse moi ta place, moussaillon, si tu sais pas y faire je vais te montrer, moi !
Le jeune obéit, ils échangent leurs places, et le plus gradé vient s'affaler sur la banquette à quelques centimètres de moi, la queue à la main.

Allez lâche ton bouquin, j'ai mieux à te proposer !

Il est déjà un peu ivre, je l'entends à sa voix. Sa présence à coté de moi est magnétique, bestiale. Je me sens prise au piège comme une proie dans la cage d'un grand fauve qui me tourne autour en attendant de me dévorer. Cette dernière image déclenche alors à ma grande surprise un petit jet de mouille qui vient tacher ma culotte. Comme si je n'avais aucun contrôle sur mon corps, je sens ma chatte se remplir de jus, comme pour se préparer à l'inévitable assaut.

Lâche ton bouquin je te dis !
Et il met un grand coup de patte dans mon livre qui vole à travers le compartiment.

Je le regarde alors dans les yeux. Il est surexcité, avec un regard de fou, branlant sa grosse queue pendant qu'il me dévisage. Je me lève et tente d'atteindre la porte, il saisit ma jupe qu'il déchire à moitié.
Je n'arrive pas à crier. Quelque chose en moi m'en empêche. Je me débats timidement, il a déjà la main sur ma culotte.

Putain mais elle mouille déjà comme une petite pute celle-là ! C'est ma grosse bite, hein, c'est ça que tu veux ?! A genoux !!
Ces deux mots me transpercent. L'ordre qu'il vient de me donner me fait vaciller. Il me tire à peine sur le bras que déjà je me mets à genoux devant son sexe magnifique, bien plus beau que lui.

Suce moi bien ! Mais ne t'étouffe pas ! Ha Ha Ha !!!

Il sait qu'il a gagné. Il fanfaronne. Je suis hypnotisée par sa trique, je l'enfourne. Elle pue le chacal, je suis un peu écœurée mais je tiens bon. Je me dis que si j'arrive à le faire jouir vite le calme va revenir.
Alors je le pompe à fond, j'y mets mes deux mains et toute mon énergie, je le branle de plus en plus vite pour faire monter la sauce et qu'il n'aie pas le temps de s'intéresser à mon cul.

Putain quelle salope !! T'avais faim hein ?!

A ce moment je sens une forme froide pénétrer ma chatte. C'est son compère qui m'enfile le goulot de la bouteille de Valstar dans la fente et commence à me ramoner. La sensation est divine, je commence à sentir monter la jouissance dans mes reins. Je continue de sucer de plus belle la grosse queue du chef, mais rien ne vient, il tient le coup malgré ma pipe infernale, se joue de ma bouche pendant que l'autre accélère encore dans ma chatte, me procurant beaucoup de plaisir malgré moi.

Prépare lui le trou du cul, je sens qu'elle est mûre !
A vos ordres, chef !
Il sort aussitôt la bouteille de mon sexe et commence déjà à l'introduire dans mon anus encore vierge. Heureusement ma mouille facilite le passage et le goulot n'est pas trop long, je n'ai pas mal et je ressens même des sensations agréables au fur et à mesure qu'il active le va et vient dans mon petit trou qui se détend. Je ne peux retenir quelques petits gémissements de plaisir quand il accélère encore le mouvement, jusqu'à me pilonner le derrière.

ça y est, elle est prête ?
Je crois, chef !

Il sort de mon étreinte pour libérer sa queue de ma bouche.

tu vas voir le jeune comment on encule les salopes ! Prends-en de la graine !

Un frisson me parcourt le dos...j'ai peur que sa grosse queue me fasse mal mais en même temps ma jouissance est montée en continu avec la pénétration anale, ouvrant mon sphincter à la sodomie. Ma tante m'a dit que c'était délicieux, qu'elle même en raffolait. Je vais bientôt savoir...
Le petit sergent me retire la bouteille du cul d'un coup sec, me faisant tressaillir, j'entends le chef qui crache dans sa main pour enduire sa queue de salive. Je ferme les yeux.
Réclame !

dis-le que tu aimes ça !

voyant que je ne réponds pas il me tire violemment les cheveux, il est en rage.
DIS LE !!!

...j'aime ça …
Plus fort !!
j'aime ça !!
Écarte les fesses !!

Il me tire toujours les cheveux pendant que mes mains se posent sur mes fesses pour les écarter.
Je suis incroyablement excitée...cette tension, l'autorité naturelle que cet homme rustre dégage, les mots qu'il m'a fait prononcer... je m'entends crier comme dans un état second, le corps cambré par mes cheveux solidement empoignés.

vas-y !! Encule moi !!
Supplie !!
...s'il te plait... sodomise moi...défonce moi le cul !!

Il me pénètre alors d'un coup sec, me faisant rugir. J'ai mal... Non en fait j'ai juste eu peur d'avoir mal, c'est de surprise que j'ai crié...l'assaut a été brutal mais sans dégât, je commence même à ressentir des sensations nouvelles, sa grosse queue tout entière est logée dans mon anus. Il ne bouge plus, commence à gémir, à pleurnicher. Il se déverse en moi, sans un mouvement de plus, calé au fond de mon anus, il n'a pas pu retenir son éjaculation.


D'un coup il a perdu toute sa stature. On dirait un petit garçon pris en train de se masturber. Vexé il évite mon regard, remet son pantalon et att**** sa valise.

On se casse !

Les deux autres le suivent, récupèrent leurs sacs et sortent du compartiment. Je me retrouve seule, à genoux, insatisfaite par l'orgasme que je n'ai pas pu délivrer, frustrée de ne pas avoir joui alors que le plaisir était si prometteur.
Je remets ma jupe abimée, ma culotte et me rassois. Je récupère mon livre pour reprendre ma lecture mais impossible de m'y remettre, je suis trop excitée, mon clito appelle furieusement ma main droite pour libérer la pression et je commence à me masturber frénétiquement profitant de ma solitude.

La porte s'ouvre. C'est le contrôleur.... on se regarde un instant qui m'a semblé interminable. Il est en arrêt comme un chien de chasse, la bouche ouverte. Je continue de me caresser devant lui, les yeux plantés dans les siens, en chaleur, j'écarte même encore plus les jambes.
Il devient rouge, son uniforme semble le serrer de partout, sans un mot il ferme la porte du compartiment avec son carré et tire le rideau.

J'ai envie qu'il me prenne comme ça, sans parler. Je me mets à genoux sur la banquette et remonte ma jupe lui offrant mes fesses et me caressant de plus belle. Je sens alors ses mains se poser sur mes hanches, puis sa langue titiller ma raie, me lécher tout du long, passant à toute vitesse de ma chatte trempée à mon petit trou bien ouvert.

J 'ai l'impression d'être dans un rêve, mon corps est devenu un unique instrument de plaisir, je retiens ma jouissance comme je peux pour profiter du moment. Je l'entends défaire son pantalon.
Je la veux, ma première jouissance anale, oh oui je la veux, plus que tout au monde !

Je me cambre pour mettre mon anus au premier plan, au niveau de sa queue. Il a compris et m'enfile en suivant, faisant exploser mon sphincter de joie, délivrant mes entrailles d'une attente insupportable. Il est déchainé, me laboure, je crie de bonheur et l'orgasme nous libère ensemble. La pénétration n'a pas duré plus d'une minute mais la jouissance est incroyable. Des images de films pornos me reviennent à l'esprit, Moana Pozzi, la Cicciolina, comprends tout. L'extase de la sodomie, le délice de l'enculage.

Il déverrouille la porte et sort du compartiment. Il n'a même pas vérifié mon ticket.
Je n'ai pas de mouchoir, alors j'essuie mon anus qui coule avec ma culotte, récupérant le sperme de mon assaillant surprise.

J'ai tellement de choses à raconter à ma tante ! Mais surtout lui dire que ma quête d'orgasme anal ne fait que commencer, comme si c'était une nouvelle vie. Elle va adorer.

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Alima's next visit was the occasion for a surprising start. As she reached the Emir's penis on her crawl up the bed, he quickly pulled her up to lie beside him. "You will not be seeing much of this room in the next few months," he said, "We have to take care of my son while you are carrying him and too much sex might be bad for him." "Am I really pregnant?" she asked, though she had little doubt herself. "Yes, and it will be a boy." "How do you know that?" she asked...

4 years ago
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Me and my cousin alone for three days part 1

It was in summer 2009 I told my cousin to come and stay with me for three days sense my parent were at a trip out if townie knew that he was gay but coz he told me before. At the first day at night we went out and had fun all night when we got back home and changed our clothes we sat on the sofa watching film I bought earlier that night when the film is over I was getting ready to go to bed I saw my cousin naked on my bed and I saw his 9.4 inch cock. He stands up and said have you ever been...

3 years ago
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Whats a Father to DoChapter 8 A Dream Come True

Once downstairs we loaded up in a 9 passenger van and headed for Hunters Creek to pick up Ms Howard, er ... Sheila. God, this is all so fast, Am I doing something right or is this wrong? Only time will tell. Once we arrived at her apartment, I walked up to the door and knocked. A beautiful blonde, half-dressed woman answered the door and yelled, "Shel, your hunk is here. Come on in, Handsome. Shel, you better treat him right or I'm going to go after him myself. Woof!" Shel came out of a...

4 years ago
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Ed and Natalie Naked In SchoolPart 7 Sunday

I woke up the next morning to the sensation of something eating my face. I screamed. "WHAT? WHO?" Ed yelled, woken up by my screaming. I opened my eyes, and saw what was eating my face-a very large black Labrador Retriever! "Oh my God, my heart just stopped." Ed chuckled behind me. "I'm sorry for waking you. He scared the crap out of me!" He looked up at me and started licking my face again, making me giggle. Mrs. Bauer burst in the room. "Is everything all right? I heard a...

2 years ago
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An evening out

I've been a particularly horny little girl for a few weeks now. When trying to just score a quick hook-up I have went all the ways of our wonderful age of civilization. Everything from dating sites, hook-up sites, and even craig's list. After a few weeks of just not being able to set anything up I decided to go hit up a club and see if i could find someone fun that might want to play. I got dressed up in a sexy little outfit (fishnet thigh highs, black cheeky panties, black bra, fishnet shirt,...

3 years ago
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Kumar Apartment Season 2 Part 26 Ek Raat Ki Doosri Chaandni

Narrated by Kavita Hello, main Kavita, Rahul ki aunty. Aaj ki kahani to main hi aapko sunaungi. Episode 24 mein aaplogo ne jana ki sham ko Sarika ke sath main kaha bahar gayi thi. Pub mein, 1-2 peg peeye aur kuch jawaan ladko se bhi mulakaat hui. Unke sath dance floor mein dance aur fir ghar ko wapas, lekin uske aage kya hua? To chaliye batati hoon aap logo ko ki episode 22 ki us raat ki doosri chaandni kaun thi. Ghar ko wapas cab mein aate waqt main mann hi mann muskura rahi thi. Meri...

4 years ago
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Payback Bitch

I look up from my counselor disbelief on my face “So that’s it he raped me and just because I was to scared to report it the police are not going to do anything about it?” Why did I bother, wrapping my arms around my chest. “I’m sorry Lisa but that’s how many of these type of cases go!” Marie does everything but look me dead in the eyes “There is just not enough money to investigate every accusation made here in Holton County!” “Then what should I do?” I know she was just saying the truth but...

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Aw Fuck MeChapter 9

Had it been less than a year since my grandfather’s murder? The weeks immediately after his death, the funeral, the reading of the Will, his bequest of the Aston Martin DB5 to me ... and its contents. With all I had gone through after accepting the IM mission, I little realized what it would end up becoming. The inspections, and learning he had been murdered. Then the Compound, and finding of the persons responsible for his murder; plus the destruction of the twelfth, and assuming the mantle...

2 years ago
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Linda AdventuresChapter 3 Cafeteria Food on Campus

Friday. The first thing Gwen and I had to do when control was passed from Camille to us was to collar Linda again in a way that her 'jewelry' would be acceptable in her campus settings. To that end I purchased five pieces of anodized aluminum body wear from Camille. A fourteen-inch neck collar, three-quarters of an inch wide and made of plain beaten aluminum with a small chain design in its center, made a simple everyday statement without looking like overtly fetish wear. I added ankle...

2 years ago
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Hot for Teacher Part I

Christopher walked down the path from the school and by Ms. Palmer's house for the first time in what was almost 10 years. There she was, sitting on her back porch, smiling and enjoying her manicured yard filled with wild flowers and blossoming trees. Christopher passed the bushes that he once ducked between and instead opted for the side gate. She greeted him with her usual smile and a bottle of water.There weren't many things Christopher cared to remember at the 10 year reunion, but Ms....

4 years ago
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Mommy Fun Time

Mommy Fun TimeIt was my last month in my hometown before I had to leave for college and I was still a virgin. I was watching porn one night in my basement and the title Son Tricks Mom into Blowjob came up in my recommended. I then felt suddenly aroused about the thought of getting a blowjob from my mom, so I began to jerk my hard 5 inch cock to a taboo filled video. As I was jerking off I started thinking about my mom, 5’4”, 120 pounds, lean body, big tits, and long blonde hair. She kind of...

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Shemale snapped

(A story written by a friend) Hope you like it!Camilla took a few steps out the door of her balcony to get a feel for the temperature. Thankfully it was cool out. It had been a hot day, which meant a cool night was welcomed. She closed the door and pulled out a pair of gold hoop earrings. She was suffering from a mild case of the jitters. There was a date on the agenda tonight with a guy she'd been seeing for a couple months now. Camilla kicked a pair of high heels out of her closet while...

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The Teacher

You cannot help who you fall for, whatever their skin color may be. As long as you love them, and they love you. That's what life is, or should be about...University of Chicago, 4:03PM, Modern History Class"Shit, shit, shit!" I exclaimed, running through the corridors of the University's History and Social Studies floor attempting my best not to be late for my first class of the semester. I was late, and I was going to regret it. I was most likely going to be scolded like a child, by the...

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Jesse Loads Monster Facials

Nothing speaks about a website's sense of style as much as a toilet paper pattern as a background. I am not talking about that expensive, all-white, three-layers shit paper that smells like peaches. No, I am talking about the cheap, recycled one that you tear with your fingers while you wipe your ass. This would make some sense if was about scat, but it's not. It's about huge facials, but I guess that a chick needs something to wipe her face when the cameras turn...

Premium Facial Cumshot Porn Sites
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Cleaning the Shed day 4 and 5

The bushes surrounding her school would suffice for that. She made her way into an especially dense part where she was hidden quite well but had a little space to squat down. Removing her panties, she started relieving herself, pushing the insects and some shit out of her ass. Of course, she couldn’t shit without pissing, which lead the cockroaches in her pussy to leave their new home. In a rush a stream of insects crawled out of her pussy, over her legs and up her stomach but eventually...

4 years ago
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cheating wife

I work grave yard shift from 10pm-6:30am one day i came home early from work at about 11pm when i got home i saw a blazer parked in front of my house suspicius i parked up the way and walked up around my house to the living room window where the lights were on and i looked through the blinds that were slightly open i saw my wife and her mexican friend tomas she had his what looked like 8inch uncut cock in her hand stroking him as she was sucking on his balls something she rarely dose for me...

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Jokes and GigglesChapter 765

These are compliments of John B. Volunteer Fire Brigade A fire started on some grassland near a farm. The county fire department was called to put out the fire. The fire was more than the county fire department could handle. Someone suggested that a nearby volunteer bunch be called. Despite some doubt that the volunteer outfit would be of any assistance, the call was made. The volunteers arrived in a dilapidated old fire truck. They rumbled straight towards the fire, drove right into the...

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Dont Use Moms Panties 1

Don't Use Mom's Panties 1 I was home for the winter break after my first semester of college. At nineteen I had really enjoyed my time away from home. I grew up a lot that semester. I had a few dates, but nothing serious. The guys at college all just seemed to want to get drunk and screw whatever comes near them. I stayed away from that scene and focused on my grades. I was a good girl that's for sure. But then I came home. Mom was glad to have me at home. My younger brother was...

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The Ibod english

This is the story of Walter, a 48-year-old inventor. He recently invented something that will change his life forever! Namely the iBod, an iPod-like device with transformation option. This allows you to scan matter and transform it into a stored form. Alternatively, you can also use image or video files for the transformation, but then the transformation becomes less accurate. The first tests with lifeless objects and the family dog were already successful. Now is the time to test the human...

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The Beginning

The evening was dark but I had a call from Billy. From this I got in my car and went over to his place. Anything sexual was the last thing on my mind, weird how things turn out. After chatting for some five minutes I noticed you were getting uncomfortable, a bit of wriggling going on, it didn’t cross my mind that it was a hard on until you looked up and said “it’s because you’re here”. Next thing I see is your cock out and you’re wanking, I just looked and was thinking I want a taste. I heard...

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I am finally a woman Episode 9

My transition progressed smoothly and steadily, and so did my feminisation. With every day going by, my appearance became unmistakably feminine. Looking at the mirror, I indulged in taking poses that would exalt my femininity, and revel in the thought I was doing it for the man I loved. As part of my transition, I was learning to pose, sit, walk, speak and even think in a feminine way. My buttocks had grown significantly bigger and rounder. I hadn't realized as all I wore most of the time...

3 years ago
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Convention Antics updated

I always loved coming to these conventions. Every year guaranteed new memorable experiences. The last time I attended was four years ago, right after graduating college and before starting my new job. I arrived at the airport on Wednesday, midway through the convention. My vacation time flexibility and work responsibilities prevented me from taking off the entire week. While waiting in line to pick up my rental car, I formulated a response for when people would ask, "Where have you been...

4 years ago
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A New LifeChapter 4

I did a bit more work, preparing for the new boat and spent a fair few hours out and about with my faithful collie. I had never done so much walking before, nor had I taken so many photographs either, even taking one from the same spot as earlier but with different light. {!Al_8HgVUN9_pjRKVX5tTD5doQr3V?e=BL8TsH} I didn’t get to see Ginny again until Friday afternoon when she called around, ostensibly to check what time we were going to the whisky tasting. When I told her...

2 years ago
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The neighborhood sex slaves Part 3

I looked at Kelly and then back to Jack and Mary and said, "what's up"?Mary laughed and then said, "well it looks like you're up and I know that Jack here is. How would like another BJ from him"?As Mary said this, Jack moved down to his knees on one of the cushions he removed from one of the other chairs. Kelly looked at me, gave me a light kiss on the lips and said "have fun" as she pushed herself up off of my chest and slowly removed her cock from my ass. Her cum was starting to leak from me...

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Friday Evening

Friday evening, it was a rainy day. Every one running home after finishing their work. I have some more work to do.I decided to sit late and complete the assignment since I am not going home this weekend. I took one cup coffee and continued my coding work. It was around 7- 7:15 PM I finished work and turned off the computer. It was raining outside. I have to walk till car parking center which is in the next building. Hmm I decided to wait for few minutes and walk if there is no other way. I...

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Surprise foursome3

Beep! Beep! "hey wanna meet up on Monday." Eagerly I replied, it was pretty obvious my crush on her everyone knew about it "Yeah sure Eloise". All right let's slow down a bit I'm 15 and a very athletic tennis player although I used to be small and scrawny, but recently started getting bigger muscles as I work out. Monday came fast, I arranged to meet up at her house to do some revision. By the time I got to her house I was nervous and sweaty, I had never been to a girl's house or even...

2 years ago
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DevilsFilm Lily Lane MILF Dream Come True

Lily Lane is a MILF all alone in her big house. Or so she thinks! Her son is out for the day and his best friend swings by to hang out. He can’t find him so he decides to go downstairs and play some video games while he waits. Meanwhile across the hall, she’s getting ready for a very sexy date. She’s busy prepping in her bra and panties with the door wide open when ricky notices. He starts to spy on her and becomes the creepy peeping Tom, rubbing his cock while he watches her...

3 years ago
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A Husband For Maria

Chapter 1 Dr. James T. Calhoun was a physicist. He was probably the brightest of the Scientists that worked at Los Alamos. His insight and under- standing of nuclear fission was a key to the mission of the group of scientists from all over the country. He was a likable man, but not always easy to get along with, because he wouldn’t abide those lacking his giant abilities, this included most of his coworkers, but not everybody. There was one person, who understood him completely and her name...

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The Making Of A Gigolo 15 Agatha RobertsChapter 15

At breakfast Mirriam voiced doubts about the intelligence of being seen with a girl he’d been accused of raping. Millie had talked around, spreading rumors. Most people knew Clancy well enough to accept that if he said something was unfounded, it was probably unfounded. Still, she’d heard talk. “The way I figure it,” said Bobby, who had also gotten some looks while he was out and about, “if people see her with me and we’re working together, that will take the air out of Millie’s sails.” “I...

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Chesters Choices

"...and you can just go fuck yourself asshole" Is the last sentence you hear before you lovely girlfriend Natasha puts down the phone with what sounds like excessive force. She has been pissed at you for quite some time now. Who knows what started it but it seems lately that the only thing you guys can do is fight, or ... wel fuck. You guys have been together now for a couple of years but it seems the romance is withering. Or maybe you just found out how much of a bitch she can be sometimes....

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My Two brothers Wifes

Every year my 2 brothers and i take off on Friday and go hunting for 4 days. but this year was going to be different. my wife`s mother got sick so my wife left Thursday and drove up to her mother`s. there was a problem at work so i ended up having to work the weekend. so this year my brothers had to go with out me. Friday night being kind of bummed about not getting to go hunting and thinking about how shitty my weekend was going to be. i started pounding down the beers. about 8 there was a...

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