My wife Maria
- 2 years ago
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Chapter 1
Dr. James T. Calhoun was a physicist. He was probably the brightest of the Scientists that worked at Los Alamos. His insight and under- standing of nuclear fission was a key to the mission of the group of scientists from all over the country. He was a likable man, but not always easy to get along with, because he wouldn’t abide those lacking his giant abilities, this included most of his coworkers, but not everybody. There was one person, who understood him completely and her name was Dottie O’Rourke.
Dottie was the daughter of an old cowboy whose ranch was near the big government install- ation at Los Alamos. Dottie had grown up having it hard. Ranch life is tough on women and hell on horses, as the saying goes. Anyway, when Dottie turned sixteen, and her Pa told her that she had to marry one of the ignorant cowboys the he employed, Dottie rebelled. She packed her meager belongings and went to town. Dottie was a big girl, not fat, big. She stood five feet ten inches barefoot, and weighed a hundred and forty pounds. She weighed as much as most of the men and was taller than most of the male specimens that she saw in the little town that was growing up around the base. Dottie worked hard. She was a waitress, from eleven AM until seven PM, in the restaurant, then in the bar from nine until closing time at two AM, slinging hash and drinks fourteen hours a day every day except Sunday.
Dottie would have nothing to do with any of the soldiers or the civilians who frequented the places she worked. That is, until the night that Jim Calhoun walked in.
He took one look at the big girl and decided that she was the one for him. Jim really courted Dottie. He sent cards and little gifts to her, gave her flowers that he had picked himself and the occasional box of candy. One morning, just after she got to the restaurant, he came in. Dottie brought him coffee and a menu, the stood at his table while he contem-plated breakfast. Jim sat there looking at Dottie for a while, then said, ‘Dottie, are you gonna marry me or not?’ Dottie was stunned, unable to speak for several moments, then she asked him, ‘Jimmy Calhoun, do you have five hundred dollars?’ Jim replied, ‘Yeah Dottie, that and a lot more and if you say yes, it’ll all be yours.’ ‘Okay Jimmy, I’ll marry you, but not for at least six months I want to get to know you a little better first. So you take that five hundred dollars and get us a house. I’m tired of living out of a suitcase.
That Sunday, after church, the two most un- likely people moved their belongings into a little house near the base. It was two weeks before they went to bed with each other, and while their lovemaking was pretty immature for two adults, as neither had much experience, their passion was something else. It was strong and lasting.
In less than a month they were madly in love with each other and had learned to tune the other out when that person talked about some- thing that the other knew absolutely nothing about.
It was only three months later that Dottie told Jimmy one night, after they had made wonderful love in the big four poster, that she was going to have a baby and would he mind if they got married now. Dr. James Calhoun was estatic. He told everybody who would listen and set about changing things into both of their names. The house, his insurance, the car, everything was now theirs, not his or hers, but theirs.
In the way of all good plans, the Government screwed them up. Jim had to go back to Chicago for several months. He told Dottie, ‘I’ll be back in a few months and if it gets too bad for you here, I’ll fetch you to Chicago and we’ll be married there.’ ‘Don’t get stupid on me Jim,’ Dottie told him, ‘you go on and get your work done and then come back to me. I might be a little bigger than normal, but we’ll get married when you get back.’ Dottie drove Jim to catch the train in Albuquerque and kissed him goodbye as if he’d be back that afternoon.
Jim was very good about writing letters to Dottie, and as she got bigger and bigger, Jim told her how proud he was of her to be having his baby and would be even prouder when their baby was born. Dottie was as big as a house.
The government kept Jimmy in Chicago longer than a couple of months. Dottie was just over eight months along. It was a Wednesday morning, it was hot and Dottie was having a bad time with the heat, when she saw several cars stop in front of their house. The director of the project and that Army General who was in charge for the Military, came to the door. She knew both men, having gone to several functions at the base with Jimmy. But, the look on their faces was distressing.
‘Dottie,’ the Director said sadly, ‘Jim was killed yesterday in Chicago. He was walking home from the lab, looking at some papers and walked in front of a car. He died instantly and probably felt little pain.’
Tears fell from Dottie’s eyes. It was over, the beautiful dream was all over. She was standing there looking at the director when the first savage pain ripped through her big body. Dottie whispered. ‘Doctor ‘O’ would you be so kind as to take me to the hospital, my baby is coming.’ The Director waved the doctor into the house and the General rushed to the phone to order an Army ambulance. Dottie was in the hospital within a few minutes and three hours later her son was born. It was June 17, 1942. She named him John Calhoun O’Rourke. By the time she was released from the hospital, she had transferred everything that she and Jim owned plus Jim’s insurance, to the child.
The doctor wanted to keep Johnny in the hospital for a few more days since he’d been born premature. Johnny was healthy and could scream loud and long. Dottie was not. She went home and wrote her son a letter, telling him that she loved him but couldn’t live without her Jim. Dottie O’Rourke died of a gunshot wound to the head, which the Coroner’s jury found to be self inflicted.
John Calhoun O’Rourke was an orphan, he was illegitimate and he was six days old.
Chapter Two
The lawyers from the Army donated their time to set up the trust funds for the orphaned tyke. His parents belongings, their house, his father’s insurance and the money that was donated for him came to over three hundred thousand dollars.
The Army General talked to Dottie’s father, who told the General that he didn’t want no blow by kid that his runaway daughter had. The General almost punched the old man in the face, but, restrained himself and got information from him…who to see about the child. Dottie’s brother, Peter O’Rourke and his wife Marjorie were finally located at a ranch near El Paso, Texas. They jumped at the chance to get Dottie’s baby. They had just gotten married and Marjorie wasn’t pregnant yet.
They were waiting at the airport in El Paso when all that Army brass and the pretty Army Nurse delivered the baby boy to them.
Each year until Johnny was eighteen a letter was supposed to come from a big law firm in Albuquerque with a check for ten thousand dollars.
The money was for Johnny but Margie and and Pete used it properly and wisely. Johnny was the only child that they would ever hold in their arms. They never had any of their own.
Their small ranch grew over the years, the killing work putting wrinkles in Margie’s face and bending Peter’s back, but they were happy anyway. They had Johnny and each other. By the time Johnny was five, he could ride and by the time he was fifteen he competed, along with Peter in the local rodeos. They had turned into a great calf roping team. The year they won their silver buckles was the year that Johnny’s Annuity didn’t come. When they contacted the law firm, they learned that the lawyer who had been in charge of Johnny’s trust funds had stolen the money. The lawyer went to jail, but the money was gone. Johnny told Pete and Marjorie that it didn’t matter, they’d get along okay without it. He was breezing through high school and graduated with honors in June
1959. There was no money for college, so Johnny asked Margie and Peter if he could join the Air Force and see some of the world before he came home for good.
Margie and Pete took Johnny to El Paso where he joined up. The next day they put him on the train to San Antonio and his basic training. They expected him to be gone for a few years and then come home, but it would be eight long years before Johnny got back to Texas for more than a few days. But those years were happy ones for Johnny, Pete and Margie.
Johnny was a very good airman and during his seventh month in the Air Force, he discovered that if he wanted to go to college on his off duty time, the Air Force would pay for most of it. Over the next eighteen months, his First Sergeant saw to it that he got the time to go to school and Johnny completed one full year of university. He also did almost another years worth of correspondence courses that pertained to his job as a mechanic on the big C-130’s.
When Johnny got to work one June afternoon, there was a message for him to report to the Squadron Commander. Johnny didn’t know what the commander wanted with him, but he knew he had done nothing wrong. After the First Sergeant looked him up and down, from his haircut to his shoeshine, the First Soldier tapped on the Major’s door.
‘Johnny,’ the Major began, ‘there is a program in the Air Force to place young men, with some college and a recommendation from their superiors, into the Air Force Academy. Your boss, the First Sergeant, and I think that you meet the requirements and we’d like to see you make it to Colorado Springs. The war is heating up and we need more Officers.’
Johnny was flabbergasted. ‘Major, I’m not sure I can live up to what you and the Sergeants think I can do, but I will try very hard not to let you all down.’
‘I know you will, Johnny, now get out of here and see the First Sergeant, he has a few forms for you to fill out.’ Johnny saluted the Major, turned on his heel and went out into the orderly room with a stunned look on his face.
‘Don ‘t look like that Johnny,’ the First Sergeant laughed, ‘I got a gut feeling that you’ll do all right.’
Johnny spent the next couple of days filling out forms and being interviewed by a board of Officers, who would recommend him for the pro- gram. Then he was sent to the big SAC base at Omaha to take a flight physical, and a battery of tests, which were actually, College Entrance Exams. Johnny scored exceptionally high on his exams. But why not, he had obviously inherited some of his Father’s brains, and he had his Mother’s common sense to go with it. Then he came back to his base and waited. He wrote to Margie and Pete, telling them the good news, and they wrote back telling him how glad they were for him and wished him luck.
Johnny finished the spring and summer semesters at the local Junior College, giving him a total of two full years of University and an Associate of Science Degree.
At the end of August, his luck ran out. He was called to the orderly room again. This time the First Sergeant told him that he’d been reassigned to a base in Canada, where he’d be working on Jet Fighter Engines. Johnny sighed, he knew that it had been too good to be true. Three days later he caught a hop out of Nebraska to New Jersey. The next day he boarded a transport plane and five hours later he landed at Goose Bay, Labrador, a base in eastern Canada. It would take a couple of days for his records the catch up with him and his new boss told him to hang around the barracks and stay out of sight until they came, then he could put him to work. He gave Johnny some manuals to study to get a jump on his training on the fighters.
The second week Johnny was there he went into the Orderly Room and inquired if his records had caught up yet. The clerk told him to be patient, they might take as much as a month. Johnny wandered back to the room he had been assigned and took out the manuals he had been given. It wasn’t long before the manuals blurred in front of his eyes and he dropped off to sleep.
Johnny slept in rather late next day, but around ten AM there was a persistant knocking on his door. Johnny opened the door to find the orderly room clerk, grinning at him as if he’d really enjoyed waking a guy that had only been asleep a short while. Since Johnny had been asleep all night, he thanked the clerk for awakening him. That really screwed up the clerks joy, so he told Johnny to report to the First Sergeant.
Johnny grabbed a quick shower and ran down to the First Sergeant’s office. He reported properly to the First Shirt, noticing a young woman with a brief case on her lap.
‘Airman O’Rourke, this is Mrs. Carol Butterman, she’s been looking for you.’ The First Sergeant explained. The woman put out her hand to him. ‘Hello Johnny, I’m Carol Butterman, My husband and I have spent years looking for you. After you left Los Alamos, no one knew, or wouldn’t tell where you were sent. We found your Uncle Peter and Aunt Margie eight days ago. I have two things for you Johnny, a story and a check.
‘Your Grandfather, owned a ranch near Los Alamos, New Mexico during World War Two. Your Mother, Dottie left the ranch whe she was young, which probably saved her from an untimely death, at least a lingering death. The project that came out of the lab at Los Alamos was activated early one morning and it lit up the whole valley when it was exploded. Your Grandfather happened to be looking at the point of the explosion and was blinded in an instant. His eyes were literally burned out. The ranch was only eight miles from the blast site and for days after that they were pelted with radio-active material. Your Grandfather and a lot of other ranchers died as an aftermath of that first blast. When the Government noticed that the air to the northeast of the blast site, was filled with carrion type birds, they invest-igated and found every living thing dead. The government immediately took possession of the land and closed every road and entrance into the area. When the people who were outside the blast area and killing zone returned they found that they couldn’t enter, even some returning mililtary people. Some of the descendants of the origional ranchers filed a lawsuit against the Government and won their case. I have a check her for you.’
‘How much.’ Johnny asked, hoping for a couple hundred dollars. ‘The amount, Johnny, is eight million, six hundred thousand dollars, after taxes, which have already been paid, and after our fees and the cost of finding you for delivery!’
She handed Johnny the check and had him sign the appropiate release forms. Carol then took her leave of him and thanked the First Sergeant for the use of his office. She left the base and caught the first flight out.
After Carol’s departure, Johnny sat in the chair staring, first at the check and then at the grinning First Sergeant. What in the name of heaven was he going to do with that much money? Finally he realized that he had better put it into a safe place so he went to the base bank and deposited the check. To say that Johnny was a celebrity was an understatement. Johnny left the bank and went back to the barracks, intending to get back into the manuals on the fighter engine again. As he walked into the barracks, his First Sergeant called out to him.
‘Mr. O’Rourke, a moment of your time please. You are going home son, we just got a Priorty Message for you to report immediately to the Air Force Academy, Colorado Springs, Colorado, in preperation for entry into the class starting in September 1961. Congratulations Johnny.’ Johnny gave a yell and hauled it upstairs to pack. After he was packed and the First Sergeant had given him his orders, he gave in to temptation and phoned and Air Charter Service. He asked for a Jet Charter to El Paso, Texas. Why not? He had the money.
Chapter Three
The next two years went swiftly for Johnny and he graduated third in his class. Since Johnny already had two years of University
in his major, he was assigned to the class graduating in 1963. The Viet Nam War had shortened the time for people who already had University credits. He went through flight basic and advanced while he was at the Academy as well as jet training in the little jet hot rod the Air Force called the T-38 ‘TALON’. Johnny was sure he would go on to fly the hot fighters or maybe the big bombers, but on graduation day he got orders to begin training on the C-130 ‘Hercules’ transport.
The General commanding the Academy questioned the orders assigning the number three graduate to Hercules training, but Johnny explained that he had really loved working on the big, slab sided, bird and he really would love to fly it. Johnny didn’t care, hell it was flying and that was all he cared about. After twenty grueling weeks Johnny got his wings and graduated from the course as a fully qualified ‘Herc Driver’. He was assigned to Hamilton AFB, California.
Johnny left Denver in the little Mercedes 400SL convertible he had bought during his first summer at the Academy. It had been a wreck and he had spent his free time and a lot of bucks to restore it to its origional, pristine condition. He drove straight through to San Rafeal where he checked into a motel and called a Realtor. Then he went to bed and slept for fifteen hours. At ten the following morning, the Realtor stopped by the motel and picked Johnny up. First they went to his office and looked at pictures of homes listed by the Real Estate Board. When Johnny told him that he was a Second Lieutenant in the Air Force, the Realtor started showing him homes in the lower price range.
‘None of these will do, ‘ Johnny said, ‘I need about four acres and three or four thousand square feet.’ The poor Realtor thought that he had died and gone to Heaven.
The home that Johnny finally decided on was on three acres and had thirty five hundred square feet. He also bought two acres directly across the street for an investment. Johnny wrote the Realtor a check and told him to call him when he could move in. Two weeks later the Realtor arrived at his motel and presented Johnny with the deeds and the keys. Johnny called for his phone installation and all the rest of his utilities. After taking care of that chore, he walked into an interior decorators shop that had one person there, the owner. She was an older lady, probably about fifty five or so, but when Johnny told her what he wanted, she immediately went to work. He gave her free rein on the rest of the house, but he had his den decorated his way, and the master bedroom done in such a way that it would appeal to either a man or a woman.
He was twenty six years old, he could fly, he had a perfectly restored, 1962 Mercedes con- vertible, he had a house and lots of money. What he wanted was a family of his own. He looked around in the singles bars, and decided that what he needed to do was to go to work.
The next day he reported in and started flying. He was flying all over the world and loving it. He began to rethink his idea about a family for now. He’d just fly and play some baseball in his spare time.
On April 20, 1964, Johnny drove over to the University of California, Berkeley, for a baseball game with the U.C. Berkeley freshman team.
Johnny played third base and during last couple of innings, he noticed a young woman sitting on the third row of bleachers. She was beautiful, and she seemed to be in some sort of trouble, as she stared at Johnny without seeing him.
The score was Hamilton 4, Cal 2 and it was the last inning. The first man at bat hit a home run and now it was 4 to 3. Jimmy Meyers struck out the next two batters on six pitches, but the next guy sent a short fly ball into right field that fell in for a hit. The last guy to bat was a big man with strong wrists that were made for swinging a baseball bat. Johnny knew that this guy usually sent line drives down the left field line. One more line drive would win the game for Cal. Jimmy delivered one up and inside on him and he swung the bat. The bat connected with a loud crack, sending it in a screaming line straight at Johnny, but about ten feet in the air. Johnny, at six foot three, leaped into the air and snagged the ball, ending the game.
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Over time I found many girlfriends in the gay/lesbian scene. One of them was Maria. She was a little smaller than me and very thin, with a long, thin face and big dark eyes behind black-rimmed glasses. She was of some Middle Eastern heritage and had the blackest hair and the palest skin I've ever seen. She grew up in a religious family, which would not accept her as a lesbian, and was filled with conflicts about that. Despite that, or maybe because of it, she was horny as all hell. She helped...
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First story — remember, this is FANTASY. ——————————————————– Marias fingers reluctantly hitched under her panties and she slowly pulled them off. I could barely restrain myself from grabbing her right there and fucking her tight pussy. But I tried to relax and told myself, get a grip, old boy. Easier said than done considering I had a raging erection that wanted, no needed, to be inside Marias wet slit. She looked at me innocently and spread her legs. Her finger flicked her little clit and I...
I first saw Maria in my third year of college. I was an Engineering major, but I was also taking classes in Art to get my electives out of the way. I had signed up a class called Developmental Figure Studies because the girl I was engaged to was taking the class and she had talked me into it. It is amazing how naive you can be sometimes; I thought the class was going to be charcoal and pencil drawings of figures like bowls of fruit and vases and the like so image my surprise when a young woman...
Over time I found many girlfriends in the gay/lesbian scene. One of them was Maria. She was a little smaller than me and very thin, with a long, thin face and big dark eyes behind black-rimmed glasses. She was of some middle-eastern heritage and had the blackest hair and the palest skin I’ve ever seen. She grew up in a religious family, which would not accept her as a lesbian, and was filled with conflicts about that. Despite that, or maybe because of it, she was horny as all hell. She helped...
My thanks to the editor Barney R. Of course, I had to mess it up afterward. All mistakes are ones I made. One left, another stayed and found her place. A love story. Author’s notes: This is not my usual type of story. It did not start out as it has ended, it was much darker, and sadder than it ended up. I like this better than my planned story. Please let me know your opinions. CAT the Oldgrump. My name is Jamison (Jamie) Winthrop I am now 48 years old. I’m 6’ 2” tall, balding, blue to...
The day started early for Maria. She'd been awakened at 2:30 a.m. with a blast of icy cold water from a hose wielded by one of her jailers. She jumped up from the floor, moving her naked, defenseless body into the corner, cringing there as if to protect herself. The burly jailer just laughed, directing the forceful spray at whatever part of her body her hands weren't covering at the moment. She finally slumped down onto the floor in defeat, allowing the stinging spray to focus on her face,...
The family is back together, living in the California high rise condo that their father had bought with some of the money he made from selling their company. Sandy Several months had passed since mom and dad had gotten back together. She was still leery of remarrying him quite yet, so they (like Randy and I) had been ‘living in sin’ together. I thought it kinda funny. After mom and dad were back sleeping together, they had basically given up trying to keep Randy and me apart. We slept...
My friend Maria came to stay with us for a couple of days during the summer. She was living in London and my girlfriend and I were living in Rome. She had a few days holiday spare so decided to come visit for some fun in the sun. I had met Maria in London whilst we were living there. I was working with Maria and became quite good friends. I introduced her to my girlfriend and we all became close friends. Maria had various boyfriends throughout that time but none of them really stuck so for much...
I called Maria up and said I was coming over, thinking we could spend the afternoon in bed. She said she's see me shortly and for me to just use my key to let myself into her apartment. A quick shower and shave of my cock and balls, I was on my way. I let myself in and called out. Maria said she was in he bedroom waiting for me. Her apartment was dark except for the candle light from her bedroom. I entered and found my Maria , naked, hard nipples and spread wide waiting for me on the bed. She...
Hello to all the lovely readers of ISS. I am Mr. K writing here again from Bangalore. I am working in an MNC in Bangalore. Thank you for the few good responses for my previous story. This time, I am sharing another interesting story with you all. The story involves someone from my relatives. Over a couple of months earlier, I went to meet one of my relatives. I was warmly welcomed at my uncle’s house. My aunt’s name is Maria (name changed) who is into her late 30’s. She is decent looking but...
Mein neues Leben als Zimmerm?dchen Maria Bevor ich wieder zum Dienst in meine Apt.-Anlage muss, m?chte ich mal kurz meine Entstehung, die Erschaffung eines Zimmerm?dchens, der Maria, schildern. Eigentlich fing ja alles damit an, dass mir diese spanischen Zimmerm?dchen in ihren kleinen gr?n-gestreiften Kittelchen mit Sch?rze und kleinem H?ubchen so sehr gefallen haben. Immer, wenn sie fr?h um 8:30 Uhr zur Arbeit kamen (das war vielleicht jedes Mal ein Gegacker und ein Kichern) habe ich sie ...
HOLIDAYS WITH BREAST MARIA - 1. First meeting This short story tells a story that really happened, simply put, my first experience with a woman. I was a normal 16 year old boy a little shy and I had no experience with girls yet. I spent most of the summer or a great vacation in a cottage with my grandfather and grandmother. As soon as I arrived at the cottage, I noticed that one of the neighboring cottages had new owners, and my grandmother, who had known the owner for about a month, also...
We kept winning all through May, and were in first place on the first of June. We had just arrived in Seattle at the beginning of a nine-games-in-ten-days, three-cities road trip. The Orioles had won four in a row at home before heading west. All three clubs we'd meet on this run -- Seattle, Oakland and the Angels of Lost Anaheim (or whatever the hell they were calling themselves this year) -- were tough. All three clubs were over .500 for the year and ready to make a try at bringing us...
As we arrived in the cool shade of the bridge, the opportunity for last a embrace was seized. Head nuzzled into Maria's neck one hand pushing between her shoulders the other exploring her incredibly round bottom. She gripped the cheeks of my bottom pulling me towards her, using her pelvis to grind my hard cock in my jeans.Just then I saw the stranger approach,Maria kissed me, and confidently walked across the narrow path to near the end of the wall, resting casually against it, to await the...
Maria was a very wealthy sixty year old lady. She had a perfect figure and looked forty. Tonight she was going out with a male escort she had hired. She liked the young males and this one was twenty two and very good looking. Maria was going to pick him up in the limo. She checked her appearance in the mirror before she walked out. She had a tight red dress that was cut down the front to her waist. It showed a lot of her big tits. It was sexy but classy. She wore no bra or panties. The dress...
Who do I think I'm kidding? You're reading this on a site called - a so-called reality-style porn site about me and how stupid I am. So I'm thinking what's the use in trying to convince you that I'm not stupid? I don't know why my new webmaster (or do I call her webmistress if it's a girl?) wants me to write this. It's not a rebuttal. If I didn't want to be Stupid Maria, the best thing we could do is take the damned site offline. But that's not what I'm doing. I'm...
I was transfixed, cornered by a pair off accurately aimed emerald coloured laser beams. Well, that’s how I recall it when I first caught her gazing at me. It was a Friday, late June, 1980. There I was at Bogart’s Disco: hot, smoky, crowded and very loud – what on earth drew me to places like this? Pulling women… that’s what. Mind you, back then I was pretty successful – I fancied myself a wolf! She was leaning provocatively, in a relaxed manner, against a pillar and supping casually from a...
Geiler Heels-Spaziergang mit MariaCiao, da bin ich wieder..der Ficker der geilen Nachbarin Maria.Ein wenig Zeit ist vergangen, wir haben oft gefickt, uns gegenseitig verwöhnt, an allen Körberteilen in allen Löchern hab ich sie ficken dürfen. Viele Positionen ausprobiert alle Körberteile bespritzt. Und natürlich ich in ihre Heels gespritzt. Ich hatte die Ehre mit ihr ab dem ersten Date Schuhe kaufen zu gehen, ein ganz besonderes Vergnügen für mich. Aber oft hat sie mich auch überrascht mit ganz...
Titel: Maria Autor(in): 'Maria' bzw. 'Katrin Elisabeth' Copyright (c) (abgekupfert von Debbie Sanderson): "Feel free to pass it around, archive it, repost it... Please don't alter it, or charge for it. Thanks." Auf Deutsch (quasi woertlich uebersetzt): "Nimm dir die Freiheit und reiche die Geschichte herum, speichere sie, schicke sie weiter ... Bitte aendere sie aber nicht, und verlange fuer sie auch kein Geld. Danke." Maria ===== Heute ist der 18.08.2000. Meine Eltern...
Hello friend this is my second story on this site before this I send my 1st experience of sex that’s story name was Moni ki kanwari chut and now I am going to my 2nd experience of sex with Maria. Tu dosto baat un dino ki hy jab may 2nd year k exam day k farig tha or may gher may betha bore hota rehta tha kion k moni k sath meri dosti khatm ho chuki thi kion k hum dosray area may shift ho chuky thay is liye may new lerki ki talash may tha.phir 1 raat may gher pay akela tha tu mayny 1 wrong...
Juan Gutierrez was restless. Maria, his wife, had gone to Mexico for a month-long visit with her parents and siblings. That was three weeks ago and he missed her terribly. She was the heart and soul of his life. He missed her cheerful bustling around the apartment. He missed the flash of her eyes. He missed her full strong laughter in the face of all life’s problems. He missed her body. How he missed her body. Her rich brown skin. Her deep brown hair. The wave-like sway of her breasts. The...
One thing was for sure, his memory was going. The only thing he remembered about this mission was that he was supposed to deliver some eye medication to a pregnant girl named Maria for her baby.Who knows, they might call the child Jesus and, maybe, it might lead a revolution or something. Not his concern, his job was to deliver the medicine on time. It was his last mission and he wanted to get it right.This Maria, maybe, she would show her gratitude by taking him down by the river or somewhere...
Gay MaleWho looks forward to Parent/Teacher nights? Particularly for a guy trying to look after his twelve-year old son on his own. But recently I discovered that Tommy’s teacher Maria is not the shy officious school marm I first thought her to be. It started when I turned up late to the last PT night and found Maria just locking up. “Oh, Mr. Taylor, we’ve just finished for the evening,” she explained sweetly, looking at me over her glasses before pushing them back up her nose. A very teacherly...
Maria had just graduated highschool and she was trying to decide what to do with her life, when she got an offer to go to a party that would change her life. Everyone was going to be there the nerds, jocks, goths, etc. So Maria decide she was going to go and have fun before she had to figure out what to do with her life. You will guide maria into a future that is right for her.
MY NAME IS MARIAI get home from work and unlock the door and step inside closing the door behind me. It is dark inside, except the light from the hallway. I hear noise in the bedroom. I call out. "somebody there"? This woman my age comes walking out from the bedroom. She is completely nude. Not a stitch of clothing. So I ask "What are you doing in my house" and she tells me that she lives here, not me. So I ask her name to which she replies "I am Maria" with a strong...
Hi, This is Undercover, A suave and sophisticated 30+ mumbai male. Any female i.e. Housewives/working women/students ( Of legal age ) in and around Bombay may contact me at for mutual enjoyment and pleasures. I am also open to long distance phone sex satisfaction and long distance travel sex with the right female. This story is about the seduction of my 27 year old sexy office colleague named Maria. I work in a typical MNC. Due to my personality i had the privilege of sleeping with some...
Chapter 1 I enrolled at Eton College at the age of 16, I started late due to the fact that I'm Spanish and had only recently moved to England. Let me tell you a little about myself. My name is Maria, I'm 5ft 9" I have very long dark hair, my breasts are 38D, I'm a size 10 waist and my skin is the colour of dark caramel, my eyes are chocolate brown with long thick lashes. A typical young Spanish girl really. I arrived at Eton with my brother José (Jo for short) who was to help me...
We will now relate what was passing in the house of the king's attorney after the departure of Madame Danglars and her daughter, and during the time of the conversation between Maximilian and Valentine, which we have just detailed. M. de Villefort entered his father's room, followed by Madame de Villefort. Both of the visitors, after saluting the old man and speaking to Barrois, a faithful servant, who had been twenty-five years in his service, took their places on either side of the...
My name is Fiyero Andreyev. I was born and raised to the age of seventeen years, in St. Petersburg, Russia. I relocated to the promising soils of the American States with my then-fiancee, Natassia Kaczmarek in the search of a fortuitous career. After struggling through a couple of harsh years with little money and minimal food, I was blessed enough to procure employment from an eccentric and well-renowned artist from France named Cyrille Amoussou. The brilliant Amoussou paid me rather...
IncestTwo days after, a considerable crowd was assembled, towards ten o'clock in the morning, around the door of M. de Villefort's house, and a long file of mourning-coaches and private carriages extended along the Faubourg Saint-Honore and the Rue de la Pepiniere. Among them was one of a very singular form, which appeared to have come from a distance. It was a kind of covered wagon, painted black, and was one of the first to arrive. Inquiry was made, and it was ascertained that, by a strange...
All night my hands had been clumsy. I had spilled two drinks as I tried to hand them to a man across the bar. I dropped a twelve-pack of Budweiser as I was attempting to restock the beer coolers. I had long ago run out of allotted and understandable spills and I was losing money from my pocket with all the alcohol loss. Still, I couldn’t help it. My hands would not stop shaking and I could barely see anything but Jade. She had returned to the U.S. a couple of days ago and this was her...
Pervert and a group of 4 friends were at the beach, drinking some beers and talking about women. They were all really horny since every story spiced things up even more. They all had a thing in common, they liked to take advantage of girls in parties, either by getting them drunk, d**gged, or just k**nap them and screw them over without their consent.They always got away with it, giving fake names to girls, fucking them at parties really far away from home, these girls either didn't remember...
A few months back I decided to get on Facebook and see if I could score a date and get laid. After hours of browsing and chatting, I started talking with tmy 38 year old, Brazilian milf named Maria, who had been living in the US for about 2 years.I thought her pictures were photoshopped at first. She was brown skin, had long curly hair, and her has had to be at least 51 inches around. All I could say was "Damn!" as I browsed through her photo albums. Her ass was shelf-like, and her little waist...