Play It Again, SamChapter 14: Maria free porn video

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"So is Dana wife number four?" Kim asked as soon as I got into the car.

Kim hadn't sounded angry or even distressed when she asked the question but I was very concerned. Things just seemed to be getting out of hand. The last thing I wanted to do was hurt Kim, Jen or Vicky thereby ostracizing any one of the three, but I didn't know what to do. How many women could I collect into my little harem before it all fell apart?

I thought about Kim, Jen or Vicky going out with someone else. Of course, that led me to thinking about them fucking somebody else. I didn't like that image at all. I tried to think about all the good reasons why I had thought it was okay for me to take three women to bed. If those reasons were valid for me, they had to be just as valid for them. I accepted that that reasoning was valid but I didn't like it. I tried to put those thoughts and images out of my head. I couldn't stand the thought of any one of them going to bed with another man. How could I have such a narrow, one side view? I was certain I couldn't ever accept the old adage of 'what's good for the goose is good for the gander', but even knowing how unfair that was to them I just couldn't stop feeling the way I did. I was fucked up and I knew it.

I pulled out into traffic and then told them as solemnly as I felt, "We really need to talk. I don't know what I'm doing here. It's as if I have no control over what's happening. My biggest fear is that I'll do something stupid that will cause one of you to stop loving me. I'm just so confused. I can't even begin to imagine how the three of you are willing to share me when I know I'd go absolutely crazy if I had to share any one of you with another man. How fair is that! Talk about a chauvinistic pig, I really take the cake. It seems so unfair, no, not seems, it is unfair but I can't stop feeling the way I do any more than I could stop loving any one you. I keep wondering how long it will take for you three to realize just how inequitable this situation is for you all?"

"Sam," Jen said softly. "Fidelity is a choice and we choose to be true to you. So why don't you let us decide what's inequitable and what isn't. We know how you feel and you haven't heard us complaining have you? You're kind, sweet, caring, thoughtful, and lovable. Even if you had a hundred women I would rather be with you than with my ex-husband on our best days."

Vicky leaned over the seat and kissed me on the cheek, "I already told you there's nothing you could ever do that will change the way I feel about you."

Kim scooted over until we were seated hip to hip. She threw her arm across my shoulders and said, "I know you're confused baby, we all are. But we love you. That's the one constant in all this. If Dana Peel is one more, then she's one more. Hey, talk about confusion, if anybody would have told me a few weeks ago that I'd be in love and living with a man that had two other wives I would have told them they were out of their fucking mind. But here I am, and loving every minute of it. So don't fret sweetheart, me, Jen and Vicky have your back."

"You know," I said feeling better but still a little tentative. "This is at a minimum the third time that you three have eased my fears. I don't know what to say ... sometimes I just can't help feeling like a man that has been given the temporary loan of a three million dollar, hundred foot luxury yacht knowing it will be taken away from him in a year."

"Now that is something we need to talk about." Jen said sternly. "I swear Sam sometimes you act more like a teenager than someone your own age. That's the one thing you do that does disturb us; your insecurity with our relationship. Are you looking for a guarantee that we will love you forever? If so that's a problem. You know as well as we do that there are no guarantees with love. Vicky, Kim and I have talked about it and we're all concerned with you getting so damned depressed every time you think you've done something to displease us. Accept the fact that we all love you, want to be with you, want to make love with you, are willing to share you, and that we have no plans, or desires of going to bed with anyone else. That being said, except it as fact and although it's not a guarantee what we will do is to promise to tell you immediately if you do something to piss us off. So, if we haven't told you straight out then we're just screwing with you. Okay?"

"You three are more like a three hundred million dollar luxury yacht." I told them meaning every word. "I promise to do better and not do the depression thing now that I know it worries you." Then turning my head briefly looking from one to the other I said, "You have no idea how much I'd like to have you guys naked right now so I could ravage your sexy bodies."

"Speaking of ravaging bodies," Vicky said with humor. "You never answered Kim's question. Is Dana Peel number four?"

I told them about Dana's and my conversation and how I had suggested to her that we stay away from one another for a while to see if the magic we felt for each other would either go away or at the very least diminish a little.

"You love Dana don't you?" Kim asked but then added before I could answer. "Don't answer that, that's a silly question, if course you love her. You suggested staying apart because you thought she would negatively affect your relationship with us. That's what Jen was talking about you being caring, thoughtful and sweet. We practically gave you Carte Blanche with Dana Peel at the bar, and yet even with the way you felt about her you refused to take the risk because it might hurt us." Then she laughed and said, "Oh Sam, what's one more pussy in our bed? Christ! I'm already blending my life with two other's as it is."

As soon as we got back to the Hollywood Hills house I managed to talk them into getting naked and joining me in the hot-tub. I spent the next three hours showing them just how much I appreciated their understanding by using my mouth, tongue, lips, fingers, feet, and cock. Don't ask about the feet thing it was a little kinky.

By the time we got out of the hot-tub I looked like a prune. A well satisfied prune to be sure, but a prune none the less.

I was downstairs fixing dinner, I had insisted on cooking for them, when the phone rang. I picked it up and after saying "Yes?" into the mouthpiece I heard Dana's sweet voice. "Sam? Is that you?"

"Yeah it's me. Who did you expect? Tell me you didn't expect to find another man here."

"Okay. I didn't expect to find another man there."

"Funny." I responded.

"I talked to a locksmith the agency has used before. He wanted to know the brand name of the wall safe."

"Hang on. I'll go check." I told her then after setting down the phone I went into the study, opened the panel and read the name and wrote down the model number of the safe.

When I got back to the phone Vicky was chatting with Dana as if they were long lost friends.

"Here he is. Talk to you later Dana. Bye." Vicky said into the phone then she held it out to me.

"What did you say to her?" I asked Vicky while taking the phone from her outstretched hand.

"I told her that when you were fucking me in the hot-tub your cock was bigger and harder than I'd ever seen it before and that I thought it was that way because you were thinking of her while doing it to me." Then she scampered away laughing. Women!

"Hi Dana." I said into the phone.

"Did you get the brand and model number?"

"Yeah, it's a Fire Fyter, model number FF3500. Fighter is spelled F-y-t-e-r." I told her.

"Oh, good. Fire Fyter is one of the brands he said he had the tools for."

"So did you talk with that prick boss of yours?"

"Yeah, Candy and I talked to him. He was neutral telling us to go ahead but it was obvious he didn't think it would amount to anything. His attitude is if a woman Agent found it, it had to be worthless. Anything worthwhile will be discovered by someone with a pair of balls dangling between their legs. What a pig!"

"I'm sorry. Maybe after you break this thing wide open he'll start thinking differently?"

"I doubt it. Once a pig always a pig. Anyway, I can be over with the safe guy on Wednesday around ten am if that's good."

"Yeah, that's fine. See ya then."

"Ah, Sam?"


"How's the magic?"

I didn't know how best to answer that question at first, but then I decided to be truthful. I'd never intentionally lied too or kept secrets from Vicky, Jen or Kim and I wouldn't do any less for Dana. "Stronger. I love you Dana. I want nothing more than to hold you right now."

"Me too Sam. Looks like your staying apart theory is crap."

"Yeah, looks like."

"Ah, Sam?"


"Vicky told me that all your women would welcome me with open arms into your little club."

"I know. It's just that I feel so guilty like I'm keeping them from finding a normal life. You know, a husband, kids, white picket fence. I don't want to put you through that. Dana, you have your whole life ahead of you. You're a smart woman and with your looks and charm you'll have the pick of the litter of a million good, successful men that will love and cherish you the way you deserve. I don't want to take that away from you."

"Vicky also told me you'd say that. She's a lot older than she looks. Listen Sam, I know you're only telling me what you think is best for me, but please don't assume reasonability for my life. I'll decide what's best for me, and I'll decide who I love, and who I want to be with. Granted this isn't a husband, kids, and white picket fence but I know with all my heart it's what I want ... if you'll have me."

"Have you? My God Dana, it's you that would have me."

"I know. See you on Wednesday."

"Not till Wednesday! Maybe we could..." Just conversing with her had changed my mind completely. I wanted to love her and her me.

"Wednesday," she interrupted. "I want you to think about this conversation. I don't want you feeling any guilt when I give myself to you."

"Okay." I answered but I couldn't keep the disappointment out of my voice.

"Bye. I love you." She said.

"And I love you Dana." I replied softly and then we hung up and I felt a loss.

Over the next couple of days I did what Dana had suggested and thought about our conversation. I came to the conclusion that I would accept Dana on any terms. I loved her and wanted to be with her regardless of any misgivings I felt. I knew my decision was selfish but just as it was with Jen, Vicky and Kim I realized I couldn't live without her. That decided my mind was at peace.

The girls never asked me about Dana but there was no question in my mind that they knew Dana was destined to become wife number four by their demeanor.

We transferred all the guns from the hidden closet into one of the spare bedrooms and I counted the hours until Wednesday. Then on Monday I was tinkering around with the indoor garden trying to decide how many flower peddles I could safely pluck and spread out on our bed as a surprise for my three gorgeous lovers without making the garden look like a desert when Patricia interrupted me.

"Excuse me Mr. Sam. May I talk with you for a moment sir?"

"Of course Pat." I answered standing up. "Let's go have a seat at the table."

Once Pat was seated I asked if she wanted something to drink. She declined so I took a seat next to her and asked, "So, what up Pat?"

"Well sir, not wishing to take any liberties or anything but I have a friend that is in trouble sir and I was just wondering if you knew of anybody that might be in need of some domestic help?"

"Exactly what kind of trouble is this friend of yours in?" I asked.

"Well sir, if she doesn't find permanent employment soon I'm afraid she'll be deported and that would be most disastrous for her sir."

Despite the insistence of the girls and me that Patricia think of herself as part of our family she just couldn't get away from calling me Mr. Sam or sir and calling the girls ma'am always thinking of herself as something less than us, so I knew with her having taken the initiative to come forward the way she had that she considered this problem with her friend very significant. I also considered that whatever the problem was if it was that important to Patricia then perhaps it was important enough that the girls and I consider hiring Patricia's friend to take care of our beach house thereby solving the employment problem.

I smiled, "Pat you should know by now that I don't make any decisions around here without talking with the girls first. Why don't you wait here and I'll go round them up and then we'll all sit down together and talk about your friend's problem and see if we can find a solution together. Okay?"

"Yes sir. Thank you Mr. Sam."

"Don't worry Pat I'm sure we'll be able to come up with something." I assured her as I got up and squeezed her shoulder gently.

Ten minutes later I had rounded everyone up and after we were all seated around the dining table I said, "Pat asked me if we knew of anybody that needed the services of a housekeeper. Apparently a friend of hers needs to find work right away or she might be deported. I was thinking, only if you all agreed of course, that after we've meet with this friend of Pat's maybe we could hire her to look after the beach house for us."

"So who is this friend of yours Pat?" Kim asked.

"Her name is Maria Méndez, she is now eighteen years old and she comes from a small community just outside of Mexico City. When Maria was sixteen the police came to her home and murdered her father and then took her away to prison without cause. I came to know Maria through my sister Fiona. Fiona is a nun from a convent administered by the Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary. Well, Fiona just happened to be doing missionary work in Mexico City when she heard of dear Maria's plight. Using connections she had through the church Fiona somehow managed to get Maria out of that prison and eventually into the United States with a temporary work visa. Maria stayed with me in my apartment and worked with me cleaning houses for a year, while improving her skills with the English language and learning American culture, and then eventually I found her a position caring, cooking and cleaning for an invalid woman and her elderly husband. Maria lived in their home and received a small wage along with room and board. Two weeks ago that invalid woman passed on and because the woman's husband was well into his eighties he decided to enter a rest home leaving Maria unemployed meaning that the government may quickly revoke her visa. I just thought if you knew of anybody that could use her help until Fiona and I can somehow manage to get Maria some more permanent immigration papers..." Patricia's words trailed off.

"Let's talk to her Sam. If she's nice and we can help her out let's do it." Vicky gave her opinion.

"I agree." Jen concurred with Vicky.

"I'd try to help if for no other reason than Pat asked us." Kim said getting up and kissing Patricia on the cheek. "So, where is this Maria staying right now?"

"She had to move back into my little apartment ma'am. She's at the apartment now. If immigration were to find out she's living in such a small place I don't think they would approve ma'am." Patricia answered.

"Why don't you and I take a drive over to your place and we'll bring Maria back here so we can all get to know her?" Kim suggested to Patricia.

"Yes ma'am that would be very nice thank you." Patricia agreed smiling and seeming somewhat relieved. "Thank you all."

When Kim and Patricia returned with Maria I didn't know what I had expected but it certainly wasn't the tall, slender, graceful, and good-looking Hispanic female that followed them into the dining room. When I stood up to greet her I noticed that I was only two or three inches taller than she was. Maria Méndez was at least five foot nine or ten inches tall with curves in all the right places and she handled her height with elegance and grace. She had a light-olive complexion, high cheekbones, and jet black, long, straight hair, but it was her eyes that fascinated me the most; they were a pale blue the color of a late autumn sky. She was dressed in a tan, willowy, mid-thigh length dress and she looked as nervous as Madonna in church.

We all introduced ourselves and Kim offered both Maria and Patricia a seat at the dining table. While we had waited for Kim's return Jen had made a large pot of hot tea which she served to all of us along with a plate of finger cookies.

"Maria," Patricia started out, "like I told you dear these people are my friends as well as my employers. I know they will do whatever they are able to help us. Why don't you first tell them what happened to you in Mexico, so they can understand why you are so frightened to ever go back there."

Maria looked around the table nervously, smiled weakly and told us her story. Her voice was soft and pleasant with a Spanish accent and even a tiny twinge of Irish mixed in.

"When I was sixteen I lived with my father on his farm. One day the farm was raided by the Federal Preventive Police. They killed my father and took all our belongings and money. They forced me against the wall with my hands at the nape of my neck, struck my head with the nightstick. They held me up and in front of a camera and questioned me about my political affiliation, my address, my name and the names of my immediate family members. Subsequently I was taken from the house and seated on the sidewalk. There were many more people around me. I had to cover my head and face with my sweater, as they struck me repeatedly on the head with clubs and kicks to my buttocks and back. They caused a six-centimeter head injury.

"Minutes later they made me walk between two rows of police officers escorting me to the bus in which they would transfer us. They went on beating me all the way to the bus and inside there were many handcuffed people with their heads covered, stacked on top of each other. They placed me on top of the pile and later they dragged me toward the rear seat, there a policeman put his hand inside my blouse and tore of my brassier then he squeezed and pinched my breasts. Immediately, he put his hand inside my pants and started feeling between my legs, forcing his fingers inside me. I found myself on my stomach with my face covered and they pulled my pants and underwear down to the ankles and my blouse over my head. They slapped my buttocks with their hands hard, shouting at me that they were going to rape me real good and then kill me.

"Then a policeman shouted at me to call him 'cowboy' and he smacked my bottom with his hand even more violently than before, and he didn't stop until he heard me say what he had told me to say. I called him cowboy and he spread my legs apart and penetrated my vagina with his fingers while squeezing my breasts hard, then he violently pinched my nipples. He invited another policeman to do the same which he did and all the while the first one continued spanking me. Later they invited a third person over to me who they called boss, this last one penetrated me with some object I could not see and they threatened to rape me with their members. They lifted me up above the penis of one of them and he rubbed himself against my vagina and buttocks while the other two police officers played with my breasts and encouraged him to penetrate me with his penis, but he did not do it. They repeatedly struck me on my breasts and they struck my stomach while they kissed me on the mouth. How I resisted! The punches were so hard that I finally open my mouth so the policeman could put his tongue in my mouth.

"I was naked for the entire journey and then when it was dark one of them raped me! After he had ejaculated inside me another one turned me over and shoved his penis inside my rear end and raped me there. While he was raping me there the third one pulled up my head and forced his penis inside my mouth. Both men ejaculated at about the same time one in my rear and the other inside my mouth. Then they threw me naked on top of two more people while a policeman traveled seated on my back fondling all my private parts the entire time until we arrived at the prison and they permitted me to dress and I was lowered down off the bus."

All I could think was, 'Deja Vu'. I remembered reading a similar story taking place near Mexico City in 2004 or 2005 when the Mexican government decided it wanting the land or something.

Mira then summarized the abuse she had received at the hands of police, "PFP and State Police stripped me, sexually raped me, and beat me, and forced me to travel nude for approximately four hours. They beat and abused all of the people who were on the bus raping a number of other women as well. I know if Fiona had not come for me I would be dead this day, and then later without all the help Patricia has given to me I just do not know. I am so very grateful, I..." and then she broke down, covered her face with her hands and started crying.

All four women got up and encircled Maria trying to comfort her with gentle strokes of their hands and kind soft words. Me, I remained rooted fast right where I was sitting. After hearing Maria's story a bright red flag had gone up, beautiful young woman, troubled past, had been raped. My plan was to stay as far away from Maria Méndez as was humanly possible.

After they had gotten Maria calmed down the girls returned to their seats and Kim said, "Maria please try not to worry too much. We're not going to let anyone send you back to Mexico. And until you get your papers we'll help in any way we can." Then turning to Jen, then to Vicky and finally to me she said, "Won't we?"

Jen spoke up first. "Absolutely we will! You'll see Maria, why you'll love living at the beach house, and the work won't be all that much. You can pick any bedroom you want as your own with the exception of the one we use."

Same as Play It Again, Sam
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Another Booking for Maria

I love watching Maria get fucked.It’s like watching live porn, seeing my whore wife completely naked and some guy banging away at her.Not long ago, one of the IFM Team, let’s call him Paul, booked Maria for a Sunday afternoon fuck session. As per usual, he had texted Maia to make the booking. We get a dozens of texts a weekend from the IFM Team all hoping to make a time to come over and fuck Maria.Depending on how busy she is, and how horny, Maria will usually take 6-8 bookings over a...

Wife Lovers
4 years ago
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The final chapter of Maria

Iknow some of these are out of order but this was the final chapter of "Maria" Dont you just love a happy ending? “ How do you solve a problem like Maria”?Chapter eightThere was a time in the history of man when women and girls were never consulted about anything of importance. Wives and daughters, servants and lower classes did as they were told .Mothers had some power over their own c***dren but the final say was at the complete discretion of the man of the...

4 years ago
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WristDeep In The Cunt Hole My Shy Friend Maria

Over time I found many girlfriends in the gay/lesbian scene. One of them was Maria. She was a little smaller than me and very thin, with a long, thin face and big dark eyes behind black-rimmed glasses. She was of some Middle Eastern heritage and had the blackest hair and the palest skin I've ever seen. She grew up in a religious family, which would not accept her as a lesbian, and was filled with conflicts about that. Despite that, or maybe because of it, she was horny as all hell. She helped...

4 years ago
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School Daze with Maria

Who looks forward to Parent/Teacher nights? Particularly for a guy trying to look after his twelve-year old son on his own. But recently I discovered that Tommy’s teacher Maria is not the shy officious school marm I first thought her to be. It started when I turned up late to the last PT night and found Maria just locking up. “Oh, Mr. Taylor, we’ve just finished for the evening,” she explained sweetly, looking at me over her glasses before pushing them back up her nose. A very teacherly...

Straight Sex
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Spanking Maria

I was fourteen years old when I caught Maria Fuentes sneaking out the back door of my father's appliance store. In her arms, she was carrying a large commercial dough mixer. The mixer had to have weighed sixty pounds. I doubt that Maria weighed too much more than that. I knew Maria was ten years old, because she had been at my younger sister's birthday party the week before, and I'd overheard her telling some of the girls that her tenth birthday had been the week before my...

2 years ago
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Daddys Little Minx Maria

First story — remember, this is FANTASY. ——————————————————– Marias fingers reluctantly hitched under her panties and she slowly pulled them off. I could barely restrain myself from grabbing her right there and fucking her tight pussy. But I tried to relax and told myself, get a grip, old boy. Easier said than done considering I had a raging erection that wanted, no needed, to be inside Marias wet slit. She looked at me innocently and spread her legs. Her finger flicked her little clit and I...

2 years ago
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Becoming A Slut Wife Maria

I first saw Maria in my third year of college. I was an Engineering major, but I was also taking classes in Art to get my electives out of the way. I had signed up a class called Developmental Figure Studies because the girl I was engaged to was taking the class and she had talked me into it. It is amazing how naive you can be sometimes; I thought the class was going to be charcoal and pencil drawings of figures like bowls of fruit and vases and the like so image my surprise when a young woman...

4 years ago
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Wristdeep in the Cunt Hole My Shy Friend Maria

Over time I found many girlfriends in the gay/lesbian scene. One of them was Maria. She was a little smaller than me and very thin, with a long, thin face and big dark eyes behind black-rimmed glasses. She was of some middle-eastern heritage and had the blackest hair and the palest skin I’ve ever seen. She grew up in a religious family, which would not accept her as a lesbian, and was filled with conflicts about that. Despite that, or maybe because of it, she was horny as all hell. She helped...

2 years ago
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Julie and Maria

My thanks to the editor Barney R. Of course, I had to mess it up afterward. All mistakes are ones I made. One left, another stayed and found her place. A love story. Author’s notes: This is not my usual type of story. It did not start out as it has ended, it was much darker, and sadder than it ended up. I like this better than my planned story. Please let me know your opinions. CAT the Oldgrump. My name is Jamison (Jamie) Winthrop I am now 48 years old. I’m 6’ 2” tall, balding, blue to...

2 years ago
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The Trials of Maria

The day started early for Maria. She'd been awakened at 2:30 a.m. with a blast of icy cold water from a hose wielded by one of her jailers. She jumped up from the floor, moving her naked, defenseless body into the corner, cringing there as if to protect herself. The burly jailer just laughed, directing the forceful spray at whatever part of her body her hands weren't covering at the moment. She finally slumped down onto the floor in defeat, allowing the stinging spray to focus on her face,...

4 years ago
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Sandy and RandyChapter 15 Maria

The family is back together, living in the California high rise condo that their father had bought with some of the money he made from selling their company. Sandy Several months had passed since mom and dad had gotten back together. She was still leery of remarrying him quite yet, so they (like Randy and I) had been ‘living in sin’ together. I thought it kinda funny. After mom and dad were back sleeping together, they had basically given up trying to keep Randy and me apart. We slept...

4 years ago
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Maria Maria

My friend Maria came to stay with us for a couple of days during the summer. She was living in London and my girlfriend and I were living in Rome. She had a few days holiday spare so decided to come visit for some fun in the sun. I had met Maria in London whilst we were living there. I was working with Maria and became quite good friends. I introduced her to my girlfriend and we all became close friends. Maria had various boyfriends throughout that time but none of them really stuck so for much...

3 years ago
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Saturday with Maria

I called Maria up and said I was coming over, thinking we could spend the afternoon in bed. She said she's see me shortly and for me to just use my key to let myself into her apartment. A quick shower and shave of my cock and balls, I was on my way. I let myself in and called out. Maria said she was in he bedroom waiting for me. Her apartment was dark except for the candle light from her bedroom. I entered and found my Maria , naked, hard nipples and spread wide waiting for me on the bed. She...

4 years ago
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Unexpected Pleasure From Aunt Maria

Hello to all the lovely readers of ISS. I am Mr. K writing here again from Bangalore. I am working in an MNC in Bangalore. Thank you for the few good responses for my previous story. This time, I am sharing another interesting story with you all. The story involves someone from my relatives. Over a couple of months earlier, I went to meet one of my relatives. I was warmly welcomed at my uncle’s house. My aunt’s name is Maria (name changed) who is into her late 30’s. She is decent looking but...

4 years ago
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Mein neues Leben als spanisches Zimmermdchen Maria

Mein neues Leben als Zimmerm?dchen Maria Bevor ich wieder zum Dienst in meine Apt.-Anlage muss, m?chte ich mal kurz meine Entstehung, die Erschaffung eines Zimmerm?dchens, der Maria, schildern. Eigentlich fing ja alles damit an, dass mir diese spanischen Zimmerm?dchen in ihren kleinen gr?n-gestreiften Kittelchen mit Sch?rze und kleinem H?ubchen so sehr gefallen haben. Immer, wenn sie fr?h um 8:30 Uhr zur Arbeit kamen (das war vielleicht jedes Mal ein Gegacker und ein Kichern) habe ich sie ...

3 years ago
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HOLIDAYS WITH BREAST MARIA - 1. First meeting This short story tells a story that really happened, simply put, my first experience with a woman. I was a normal 16 year old boy a little shy and I had no experience with girls yet. I spent most of the summer or a great vacation in a cottage with my grandfather and grandmother. As soon as I arrived at the cottage, I noticed that one of the neighboring cottages had new owners, and my grandmother, who had known the owner for about a month, also...

4 years ago
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Worlds Oldest RookieChapter 5 I Just Met a Girl Named Maria

We kept winning all through May, and were in first place on the first of June. We had just arrived in Seattle at the beginning of a nine-games-in-ten-days, three-cities road trip. The Orioles had won four in a row at home before heading west. All three clubs we'd meet on this run -- Seattle, Oakland and the Angels of Lost Anaheim (or whatever the hell they were calling themselves this year) -- were tough. All three clubs were over .500 for the year and ready to make a try at bringing us...

4 years ago
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If you just met a girl called Maria

As we arrived in the cool shade of the bridge, the opportunity for last a embrace was seized. Head nuzzled into Maria's neck one hand pushing between her shoulders the other exploring her incredibly round bottom. She gripped the cheeks of my bottom pulling me towards her, using her pelvis to grind my hard cock in my jeans.Just then I saw the stranger approach,Maria kissed me, and confidently walked across the narrow path to near the end of the wall, resting casually against it, to await the...

3 years ago
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Maria was a very wealthy sixty year old lady. She had a perfect figure and looked forty. Tonight she was going out with a male escort she had hired. She liked the young males and this one was twenty two and very good looking. Maria was going to pick him up in the limo. She checked her appearance in the mirror before she walked out. She had a tight red dress that was cut down the front to her waist. It showed a lot of her big tits. It was sexy but classy. She wore no bra or panties. The dress...

4 years ago
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Stupid Maria

Who do I think I'm kidding? You're reading this on a site called - a so-called reality-style porn site about me and how stupid I am. So I'm thinking what's the use in trying to convince you that I'm not stupid? I don't know why my new webmaster (or do I call her webmistress if it's a girl?) wants me to write this. It's not a rebuttal. If I didn't want to be Stupid Maria, the best thing we could do is take the damned site offline. But that's not what I'm doing. I'm...

3 years ago
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A Taste Of Bamboo For Maria

I was transfixed, cornered by a pair off accurately aimed emerald coloured laser beams. Well, that’s how I recall it when I first caught her gazing at me. It was a Friday, late June, 1980. There I was at Bogart’s Disco: hot, smoky, crowded and very loud – what on earth drew me to places like this? Pulling women… that’s what. Mind you, back then I was pretty successful – I fancied myself a wolf! She was leaning provocatively, in a relaxed manner, against a pillar and supping casually from a...

3 years ago
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Geiler HeelsSpaziergang mit Maria

Geiler Heels-Spaziergang mit MariaCiao, da bin ich wieder..der Ficker der geilen Nachbarin Maria.Ein wenig Zeit ist vergangen, wir haben oft gefickt, uns gegenseitig verwöhnt, an allen Körberteilen in allen Löchern hab ich sie ficken dürfen. Viele Positionen ausprobiert alle Körberteile bespritzt. Und natürlich ich in ihre Heels gespritzt. Ich hatte die Ehre mit ihr ab dem ersten Date Schuhe kaufen zu gehen, ein ganz besonderes Vergnügen für mich. Aber oft hat sie mich auch überrascht mit ganz...

3 years ago
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Titel: Maria Autor(in): 'Maria' bzw. 'Katrin Elisabeth' Copyright (c) (abgekupfert von Debbie Sanderson): "Feel free to pass it around, archive it, repost it... Please don't alter it, or charge for it. Thanks." Auf Deutsch (quasi woertlich uebersetzt): "Nimm dir die Freiheit und reiche die Geschichte herum, speichere sie, schicke sie weiter ... Bitte aendere sie aber nicht, und verlange fuer sie auch kein Geld. Danke." Maria ===== Heute ist der 18.08.2000. Meine Eltern...

3 years ago
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Hello friend this is my second story on this site before this I send my 1st experience of sex that’s story name was Moni ki kanwari chut and now I am going to my 2nd experience of sex with Maria. Tu dosto baat un dino ki hy jab may 2nd year k exam day k farig tha or may gher may betha bore hota rehta tha kion k moni k sath meri dosti khatm ho chuki thi kion k hum dosray area may shift ho chuky thay is liye may new lerki ki talash may tha.phir 1 raat may gher pay akela tha tu mayny 1 wrong...

2 years ago
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Song For Maria

Juan Gutierrez was restless. Maria, his wife, had gone to Mexico for a month-long visit with her parents and siblings. That was three weeks ago and he missed her terribly. She was the heart and soul of his life. He missed her cheerful bustling around the apartment. He missed the flash of her eyes. He missed her full strong laughter in the face of all life’s problems. He missed her body. How he missed her body. Her rich brown skin. Her deep brown hair. The wave-like sway of her breasts. The...

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Pilgrimage To Santa Maria

One thing was for sure, his memory was going. The only thing he remembered about this mission was that he was supposed to deliver some eye medication to a pregnant girl named Maria for her baby.Who knows, they might call the child Jesus and, maybe, it might lead a revolution or something. Not his concern, his job was to deliver the medicine on time. It was his last mission and he wanted to get it right.This Maria, maybe, she would show her gratitude by taking him down by the river or somewhere...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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School Daze with Maria

Who looks forward to Parent/Teacher nights? Particularly for a guy trying to look after his twelve-year old son on his own. But recently I discovered that Tommy’s teacher Maria is not the shy officious school marm I first thought her to be. It started when I turned up late to the last PT night and found Maria just locking up. “Oh, Mr. Taylor, we’ve just finished for the evening,” she explained sweetly, looking at me over her glasses before pushing them back up her nose. A very teacherly...

5 years ago
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Adventures of Maria

Maria had just graduated highschool and she was trying to decide what to do with her life, when she got an offer to go to a party that would change her life. Everyone was going to be there the nerds, jocks, goths, etc. So Maria decide she was going to go and have fun before she had to figure out what to do with her life. You will guide maria into a future that is right for her.

2 years ago
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MY NAME IS MARIAI get home from work and unlock the door and step inside closing the door behind me. It is dark inside, except the light from the hallway. I hear noise in the bedroom. I call out. "somebody there"? This woman my age comes walking out from the bedroom. She is completely nude. Not a stitch of clothing. So I ask "What are you doing in my house" and she tells me that she lives here, not me. So I ask her name to which she replies "I am Maria" with a strong...

4 years ago
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The Seduction Of Maria

Hi, This is Undercover, A suave and sophisticated 30+ mumbai male. Any female i.e. Housewives/working women/students ( Of legal age ) in and around Bombay may contact me at for mutual enjoyment and pleasures. I am also open to long distance phone sex satisfaction and long distance travel sex with the right female. This story is about the seduction of my 27 year old sexy office colleague named Maria. I work in a typical MNC. Due to my personality i had the privilege of sleeping with some...

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Chapter 1 I enrolled at Eton College at the age of 16, I started late due to the fact that I'm Spanish and had only recently moved to England. Let me tell you a little about myself. My name is Maria, I'm 5ft 9" I have very long dark hair, my breasts are 38D, I'm a size 10 waist and my skin is the colour of dark caramel, my eyes are chocolate brown with long thick lashes. A typical young Spanish girl really. I arrived at Eton with my brother José (Jo for short) who was to help me...

4 years ago
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Sweet Marianna

My name is Fiyero Andreyev. I was born and raised to the age of seventeen years, in St. Petersburg, Russia. I relocated to the promising soils of the American States with my then-fiancee, Natassia Kaczmarek in the search of a fortuitous career. After struggling through a couple of harsh years with little money and minimal food, I was blessed enough to procure employment from an eccentric and well-renowned artist from France named Cyrille Amoussou. The brilliant Amoussou paid me rather...

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Taking It Jade and Maria

All night my hands had been clumsy. I had spilled two drinks as I tried to hand them to a man across the bar. I dropped a twelve-pack of Budweiser as I was attempting to restock the beer coolers. I had long ago run out of allotted and understandable spills and I was losing money from my pocket with all the alcohol loss. Still, I couldn’t help it. My hands would not stop shaking and I could barely see anything but Jade. She had returned to the U.S. a couple of days ago and this was her...

3 years ago
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Gangbang Maria

Pervert and a group of 4 friends were at the beach, drinking some beers and talking about women. They were all really horny since every story spiced things up even more. They all had a thing in common, they liked to take advantage of girls in parties, either by getting them drunk, d**gged, or just k**nap them and screw them over without their consent.They always got away with it, giving fake names to girls, fucking them at parties really far away from home, these girls either didn't remember...

2 years ago
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Dicking Down Big Booty Maria

A few months back I decided to get on Facebook and see if I could score a date and get laid. After hours of browsing and chatting, I started talking with tmy 38 year old, Brazilian milf named Maria, who had been living in the US for about 2 years.I thought her pictures were photoshopped at first. She was brown skin, had long curly hair, and her has had to be at least 51 inches around. All I could say was "Damn!" as I browsed through her photo albums. Her ass was shelf-like, and her little waist...

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Me and Maria

The sun reflected colors off of the pools water onto the body of the lone girl laying by the pool. She had a simple sun hat on. A yellow tank top, blue shorts and sunglasses that reflected the glare from the pool. She was so wrapped up in the book she was reading she didn’t hear me sneak up behind her. I reach down and wrap my arms around her body and whisper “guess who?” in her ear. She laughs softly and spins around kissing me on the lips. “none other than my baby” she whispered back in my...

Straight Sex
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Testing a new experience with Mariana

After two months of marriage, I started to sense I needed more.I wanted to try something new; I wanted lesbian sex…My loving hubby was a wonderful lover, well hung and very gentle and efficient in bed; but I needed to experience caressing and kisses from another woman in my hot body. I had missed Helena, my old school mate, who I knew was positively a married bisexual babe.I finally met Mariana, a green eyed very nice brunette beauty, with a hot body to die for. It was incredible she was forty...

4 years ago
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A night with Mariah

It all began one day when all of a sudden she started to visit the school from time to time. The first time I happened to see her was when she walked right into my class and came up to me with a big smile, and gave me a hug. I was taken aback and it did make me a little uncomfortable, but since she was a former student, I shrugged it off. As she stepped back, I was staggered as to how she had grown up. She was even better looking than I had remembered; a great body and her boobs were still...

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