Triple Threat Ch 03
- 4 years ago
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September 24, 2017
Dear Ms. Diary,
After a great and varied breakfast, the five of us went to the pitch to teach Liya more stuff: dribbling, passing, shooting. Rhee was right in that Liya moves like an athlete. She’s learning, getting better every day, making our time teaching her more than worth it. After lunch, we dealt with homework, which took a few hours, then I caught up with the Diary.
[Added September 25]
Dad and Liya excused themselves to Gracey’s and Liya’s room at 8; the other four of us slept on the Monstrosity.
September 25, 2017
Dear Ms. Diary,
I got asked out by an upper classman in the hall outside my 1st Bell class after the rest of the Go5 decided to leave me by myself because this cute guy kept looking at me. I managed to politely decline without turning too red.
Practice was good. Coach split the team into two groups. The first group was comprised of the starting back line plus Hope, Katie, and Gracey and the starting O (Rhee, Heather, Jess, Jules, and me), with Coach overseeing the O going against the D for an hour in the north half of the field in a similar fashion to how I had run a practice on the premier team. Liya and Civia took the other 14 team members plus Emma Crewe to the south half and ran a similar O versus D, although they had some subs.
We managed three good shots on goal on the starting D. Hope saved a hard shot from Jules, Rhee rang the crossbar once, and Heather snuck one of her great outside-right bends into the left corner for a goal. More importantly, we were crisp and worked quite well together. It felt like we were finally getting to know how everyone plays and what to expect the others to do. Coach was pleased.
“Gather ‘round!”
Once we were all paying attention around Coach, she had Civia and Liya explain to her how the other half did in the practice. Although Liya began the explanation, Civia dealt with the nitty-gritty of how the backups performed. Coach thanked the two of them.
“Even more, I appreciate that you girls took direction well from Liya and Civia. I am particularly pleased with Civia’s report of how you girls did today, about which I’ll have a bit more to say at the end.
“Shameka, I would like your critique of the scrimmage between the starting O and D.”
“The offense looked very sharp today, much sharper than they’ve looked before. It looks to me as if that fivesome has come together much more as a unit than as five talented individuals. I congratulate them. My back-line cohorts and I played reasonably well but weren’t quite up to our capabilities. Balancing that, Katie and Gracey played quite well. I was particularly impressed by a couple of Gracey’s decisions to sneak in behind the ballhandler causing a change of possession both times. While risky to leave any one of these five girls alone, she picked her moments well. I want to congratulate Rhee for snookering me but good ahead of that shot that the janitors in the halls probably heard carom off the crossbar. A couple inches lower and that was in the net. Finally, Heather’s outside bend for goal was spectacular. That thing had to have started out three feet outside the upright.”
Hope interrupted, saying, “I agree. I was sure that thing had no chance of bending enough to get in the net. You got me good, Heather.”
Heather smiled and thanked Shameka and Hope as her face went crimson.
“Indeed,” Coach said, “that was a whale of a shot. Tomorrow.” After a short pause in which she looked around the team, she said, “Tomorrow we play at West. Meet at the locker room immediately after 7th Bell, as we’ll be departing as soon as possible. Do. Not. Be. Late.
“I’m told that West’s starting center back is a sophomore. I would imagine that most of the time, finding out that you’re dealing with a sophomore center back would be cause for optimism for an offense. However, although Ann De Jong is not Shameka, she is not all that far from being a Shameka. She is very solid, as those here that were her teammates on the premier team can attest. Rhee, in particular, can attest to her skills, as she has spent the past two years scrimmaging against Ann. However, the rest of the defense is not up to her standard. With Rhee’s help tying Ann up, I expect Jess and Jules to have a big impact on the game. Play tomorrow as well as you two did today, and we’ll be fine.
“Their offense is reasonably good, but we may have the best back line in the state, so I’m not too worried. However, take nothing for granted. Play hard, play well tomorrow. With that and a bit of luck, we should be able to get some game time for at least some, hopefully many, of the backups. Civia’s report suggests that many of you deserve the opportunity. Lucia and Taylor, if we wind up using Jess and Jules as much as I expect, you may see a fair bit of game time giving them breathers. We’ll see how the game goes.”
On the short walk to the parking lot, Liya said, “Civia, you were great, today. You’re really stepping up your game and obviously becoming comfortable being a leader. Thank you, so much, for taking charge of the scrimmage, particularly in explaining how Lucia and Taylor should play their positions as backups for Jess and Jules. I learned quite a bit from you.”
Civia turned red and ducked her head.
“Civia Penelope Palecek! Head up. Shoulders back. Be proud!”
To the general laughter of the rest of the gang, Civia picked her head up quickly, a smile breaking across her face. She then wrapped herself around Liya.
“Thanks, Liya, for the compliments and for treating me like you do your best friends. I so much love being your friend.”
We talked with Mrs. Palecek for a couple minutes before she headed off with Civia. Carol showed up with the Sprinter right after the Paleceks departed and took us home. Although I really wanted to ask Carol if she knew what Sandy’s demand was for Liya’s and Gracey’s nights with Dad in their own beds, I knew she wouldn’t spill the beans, so kept the question behind my teeth. Upon arrival, the five of us showered together – that new shower is so wonderful. After getting Rhee’s hair to the only-damp stage, we pigged out on lasagna, and had an enjoyable and wide-ranging discussion at the table with Dad and the Moms.
Once we girls completed kitchen cleanup and got our homework done, we rejoined the parents in the living room shortly before 8. Before we could ask Dad for our disrobing, Sandy called for attention.
“Liya, Gracey, here are my demands for your nights with Charlie in your own beds. They are the same for both of you, and Liya will be the guinea pig for them. I believe they are reasonable, workable, and enjoyable for both of you ... and the rest of us. Liya, you probably noticed that Charlie is clothed. Please divest him of his raiment, but don’t dawdle.” Once Liya had Dad naked, Mom said, “Charlie, please remove Liya’s clothes,” which Dad did. “Now that you two lovebirds are naked, you will remain so for the rest of the day with one brief exception.”
There was much oohing and ahhing.
Before Liya could ask, Mom said, “We will all ride in the Sprinter to go to the Nadhi residence. Hopefully, Liya will have brought her key. Liya, you and Charlie will go to the Sprinter as you are. You two will have sex on the way in whatever fashion you wish, although neither of you may orgasm. When we arrive at the Nadhi residence, you two will don sufficient clothing to get into the house without causing a furor. Once inside the door, Carol and I will strip both of you in whatever order and fashion we desire. We will all follow you two to your bedroom, Liya, and watch as you love each other to climax on your bed. One or more of us will video the entire trip from the inside of this house until you have both cum in Liya’s bed. At that point, Charlie and Liya are the arbiters of what they want, including sending the rest of us home.”
“Ohhh, f-f-fu ... That’s crazy,” Liya exclaimed, then wrapped herself around Sandy. “I love it! Thanks, Mom!”
Mom hugged Liya back, a hug that included her squeezing Liya’s ass cheeks.
With Liya still in her arms, Mom looked at Gracey and said, “Will that work for you on Wednesday?”
Gracey joined the hug, saying, “You’re such a slavedriver, but ... oh, yes!”
After the three-way hug ended, Mom said, “One of us will come get you two sufficiently early for work and school.”
The six of us who were clothed followed our two naked family members into the Sprinter; Carol got in the driver’s seat. Sandy took the left side of the second bench seat and videoed as Dad entered and sat on the second bench seat about a half-place from Sandy. At Carol’s request, Rhee was also videoing, but from the front bench seat. Liya straddled Dad, her knees on the seat, and they – and we – were off. Liya and Dad made out for ten minutes, after which they slowed down. Liya impaled herself on him and slowly raised and lowered her pelvis for the rest of the trip, their faces often connected.
When Carol pulled into Liya’s driveway, Liya asked, “Would all of you with clothes on exit first and create a screen for us? I’d really like to do this whole thing naked.”
Sandy stood, put a hand on Liya’s back, and responded, “Of course we can. It’s mostly dark, so that should be no problem.”
Liya then asked, “Gracey, would you unlock the door?”
“Sure, Love.”
Dad, despite being taller than all of us females, was not obviously shirtless on the way up the two steps to the back stoop, as he slouched a bit, and we got inside without causing a furor.
Upon Gracey closing the door behind us all, Liya then asked, “Dad, would you, please, spend the night with me in my bed?”
“Liya, there is little that I want more than that right now.”
Liya blushed a bit, tentatively took Dad’s hand, and led him up the stairs. Once in her bedroom, Dad wrapped her in his arms and kissed her. From there, the two of them spent 15 minutes making out, seated and lying on the bed. With Liya on her back, Dad straddled her hips and inserted his cock into her. They made love for another 15 minutes, sometimes slow and lovingly, sometimes hard and fast, until Liya began winding her way up an apparently circular Stairway, a Stairway on which Dad followed her closely.
Once they had both cum and Liya had come down from on high, she said, “Sex Slave, you will clean us both before you and your other mistresses depart.”
Sex Slave handed Mom’s phone to Carol and responded, “Yes, Mistress Liya. Thank you, Mistress Liya!”
Once Sex Slave had performed her task, she stood, pulled Dad up onto his feet, and hugged him ferociously.
“I love you, so much, Charlie. Thank you for ... for ... all of this.”
She kissed him hard for a few seconds, then released him.
She recovered her phone from Carol and, while videoing Liya lying languidly on her back looking at Sandy, said, “Have a wonderful night, Liya.”
“Thanks, Mom. I will. I’m spending it with the most wonderful man in the world.”
September 26, 2017
Dear Ms. Diary,
“How was two nights in a row,” Heather asked right after we exited the Sprinter at school.
“Glorious! But I wouldn’t trade for my sisters, although it would be a wrench to give that up. As Beth has said, there’s just something about having that thing inside me.”
The sea of blue-and-fuchsia jerseys that we five created caught some looks as we entered school. A couple boys that I recognized from classes came up to us.
“You’re all on the soccer team?”
Various of us nodded our heads or responded in the positive. The boy that asked looked a bit dumbfounded, so the other boy covered for him.
“That’s cool. Good luck today.”
As they headed off past us in the other direction, I could hear one of them say, “Damn! I should have taken up soccer. That’s a good-looking team.”
We looked around at each other and grinned.
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Tonight was like no other, yet it was all perfect, and the same as any other time at first. I walked into my room, you were lying on my bed with that silly grin on your face. You thought you were going to “get lucky” but I have other plans. We were 16 and in love, there was no other way to describe it, except for maybe “Puppy Love” but I hate that term. So I look at you and that cocky little grin of yours, and just keep repeating in my head ‘omg, he is so cute!’ I had missed you when you went...
First Time42].Sex and my amazing wife part A The Lady Susana Louisa Hollowbrook-Shaw my wife and the lady of the manor, Sue for short is a well put together 30 year old long haired brunette she had a, 5 ft 5” tall, 10 stone nicely shaped body, a36D chest, long legs a gentle kind outward appearance and to my surprise a desire to be a slut, and a pain slut at that. We had been married for a couple of years when she came to me and explained her darkest desires to me, saying that she was “fed up with the...
Oliver Davis feels generally unwell and, although he has visited numerous doctors, can’t find answers as to what is wrong with him. Finally, he sees a more progressive MD, Mocha Menage, who takes a very holistic approach to treatment. She quickly determines that his symptoms are caused by a lack of human contact and decides on a course of treatment — a nuru massage — to overload him with the contact he’s been sorely lacking. After stripping down and grabbing the nuru...
xmoviesforyouThings were getting so heated, I don’t think either of us could take it anymore. But you surprised me again. You pulled out of my mouth and spun around and placed your erect cock between my breasts. I squeezed them together while you tit-fucked me and reached down to play with my now totally engorged clit. Your cock slid in between my breasts so easily and I could lick the tip every time it came near my lips. And that was all you would allow, just a lick with every thrust. My pussy was so...
May 14, 1990, Chicago, Illinois “Steve, I have the final contract from Jamie for you to sign,” Elyse said. “Were there any last-minute changes?” I asked. “Just a couple of wording changes which Dante’s lawyer asked for. Jamie was fine because they just clarified the terms. Nothing of substance changed. I have a red-lined copy for you to compare if you want.” “If it’s just lawyer stuff, I’ll leave that to the experts.” “It’s just lawyer stuff.” I took the contract from her, quickly...
This story is about me n my cousin sister living in the village. I’d visited my village in the winters on my brother’s marriage in feb2007. I was 18 at that time. Due to the marriage there was lack of beds to sleep because of marriage there were too many guests. So i had to share bed with my elder cousin sister. She’s about 10 months elder to me. As we both were tired so we fell asleep as soon as we got into the bed. Now we both had this habit of putting one over the person with whom we r...
IncestHello, I’m Sunitha Gupta aged 28 married with one kid. I’m housewife, my hubby works in a MNC, most of friends & relatives tell me that I look like tele serial actress Sangeetha Gosh. I have hour glass figure of 34-32-32, 5-4ft tall, I was virgin before marriage and was never included in any kind of activates before marriage. I was married at the age of 23 by my parents, even after marriage & one kid, I have maintained my figure and many look at me whenever I go out for shopping or...
I keep getting pregnant. I can't stop. It's almost like a sport for me. I swear, I deserve a damn medal. I've spent eight out of the last ten years pregnant, and my pants are getting tight once again.It started in high school. I was a little slow getting to the perks of puberty, but when I got them, I got them in spades. Less than five feet became almost six feet and less than an A cup became a snug C cup almost overnight. Naturally, I wasn't the only one that noticed. It wasn't long before I...
Trapped by a treacherous landslide and now metres below the trail we found ourselves marooned on a rocky outcrop hundreds of feet above ground level. Regardless of which path we might have chosen to risk our lives on there wasn't enough time to outrun the volcano. Had it not been for the peril and distress we were feeling we might have taken note at that moment of the most prolific view imaginable. One could see endlessly from there to the dim orange skewed horizon. My sister Carmen was...
“So, you really are transferring to where the poor people go to get their band aids,” said Penelope. “Yes, gotta do it. No more staff nursing. It’s surgery from now on. Maybe I’ll hook up with some big shot doctor like you did,” said Cherry Willis. “Hmm,” said Penelope. “Yeah, yeah, I know, at my age...” “Hah! You’re younger than me,” said Pen. “Yes, but at forty-two, I can for sure see the top of the hill, and it’s all downhill on the other side,” said Cherry. “Anyway, when you gonna...
Hi guys, this is Ricky. 19 years old son to a beautiful mom named Roselin. First of all, I would like to introduce my self. I am the guy studying the final year of my graduation. I was a virgin guy who had not tasted any relationship with any girl due to my less talkativeness. I don’t make a lot of friends or girlfriends. I spend most of the time reading books, writing, watching movies, and spending time with my mom and dad. My mom is a beautiful decent modern lady. Her age is 41, but she looks...
IncestValentina has just interviewed Brake and he has invited her to stay for some drinks. Its the end of her LA trip, so she figures she may as well have some fun as she’s always had a big crush on him and what a better way to remember the trip than to hook up with her favourite rapper. After making sure she looks her best, she joins him in the kitchen and tells him how much of a big fan she is and how she has fantasised about spending time with him alone. Needless to say, Brake has no problem in...
xmoviesforyouThis is my first story so feedback would be niceMy family always goes on vacation in the same place in Florida every year. This year though my parents let me bring a friend. I was 16, about 6 foot, I swam competitively so I was a little muscular and had a pretty good set of abs. My friend was 18, about 6'2 but not as muscular. We were staying at a resort on the beach but on this particular day it was raining so we decided to drive to a mall and hangout there. I had a hoodie on with the hood up...
Straight SexHaving a big brother has it’s advantages and disadvantages. One advantage is that he always has friends around, and some of them, seem to be very attractive. And some of them, seem to think the same thing about me. One of my brother’s friends that I remember having an extra steamy relationship with was Colt. Colt had dark brown curly hair, green eyes. He was about 6’4” and was lean and muscular. He and my brother were 19 at the time, and I was 16. I don’t know what it was about Colt, but I...
I want to share something here. I’m from asouth Asian country. Our parents are very religious. We are Muslim. I have a younger sister who is two years younger than me. She was very caring. We were close since childhood. We grew up together & watched ourselves going through the changes. You know how it feels when your body and mind changes at that age. Mine was little different from most other boys of my age as I had a sister who was only a year and half younger than me. Well I have to admit...
IncestYea, I had a great party! Thanks for asking. It wasunbelievably wild. And yes, those guys filled every hole! Theyknew what they wanted. Too bad you weren't there! You mighthave enjoyed it.The best man called Thursday evening to confirm and giveJack directions and set the time. Like I told you it was setfor Saturday and I was to arrive at eleven. I couldn't wait!Saturday I worked out, washed my hair, shaved mypussylips, and trimmed my pubs a little. I loved to show theguys my bare, smooth...
I never knew his name; our hosts never told us. Neither did I know where they found him. He wasn’t the first young man who the posse of imperious dominants had provided for the entertainment and he wouldn’t be the last.The submissive character and accommodating nature of the sluts who brightened these parties always entranced me. They loved to serve; they lived to satisfy others. I adored that sentiment.They blindfolded him; a tight shiny black Latex top and matching glossy stockings covered...
Gay Male