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Mary closed the bathroom door behind her and slipped the catch over. Alone at last, she leant against the wall and took several deep breaths. She looked in the mirror. “Not bad”, she thought, “for a 38 year old. Probably a little plumper than need to be but pleasantly rounded with bumps in the right places.”

It was a few minutes ago that her husband Peter, Vicar of St Mathews, had dropped her off at her sister’s. Normally she would help her husband with the arrangements for weddings but today was different. Today, Peter was officiating at the marriage of her old flame, Percy, to some young tart he had picked up over the last month. Not being able to face Percy’s wedding, Mary had persuaded her husband to bring her to her sister’s home. Mary had given the pretext that Julie had some clothes for the forthcoming Church Jumble Sale but omitted to mention that Julie would not be at home.

So here she was, alone in the house with her brother in law. Alan was a good catch for her younger sister. Not as successful as Percy but a darn sight more exciting than Peter, her husband. Mary had always found Alan attractive and fantasised about him fucking her. Peter had turned out to be the model father and a good husband but with a capital B as in Boring. Marital sex was boring unless she fingered herself whilst thinking of Alan or Percy. Now she was alone with Alan and her fantasies were beginning to feel real.

As she left the bathroom and went downstairs, Mary heard Alan shout to her “I’m sorry Mary, but when Julie left for the weekend, she didn’t mention you were coming and I have no idea where the clothes are.”

“Not to worry Alan, I can pick them up another time. I’ll have to stay here though until Peter comes back and picks me up.”

“OK, Mary. I’ll tell you what; we’ll have a rummage together through some old clothes.”

A few minutes later Alan and Mary were kneeling in the main bedroom, sorting through old clothes. Mary was aware that the presence of Alan and the excitement of her memories of Percy were causing her nipples to show through the sheer blouse and bra. She wondered whether Alan had noticed. Mary smiled to herself.

Alan had noticed the nipples. However, he thought the view down the front of her blouse when she leant forward occasionally was better as he could see the large breasts rousing themselves.

The day continued to pass with Mary providing occasional glimpses of breast and Alan taking advantage of every opportunity to admire them. They shared a bottle of wine with dinner cooked by Mary. Mary noticed how generously Alan poured the wine and thought about whether she could use this as an excuse to lose her inhibitions. After dinner, they took the bottle through to the living room. Mary sat on the sofa as Alan switched on the TV and took up a seat away from her. He had seen enough breast for now and wanted to see how much leg would be on show when Mary crossed her legs. The answer soon came. He adjusted his position to get a better look and managed to glimpse her stocking tops. White suspenders he wondered. A few more movements in his chair, and an uncomfortable seating position, confirmed the colour.

“You seem to wriggling around a lot, Alan; are you OK.”

“Hmm, sorry yes. Well no. This chair is uncomfortable.”

“Well come and sit over here then.”

More silence as they watched TV and drank their wine. Mary’s mobile phone rang. All Alan heard was a no, yes and goodbye.

“What was all that about?” he asked.

“It was Peter. The car won’t start so he can’t pick me up until he gets it fixed, probably tomorrow. He wanted to know whether I was OK staying the night here.”

“Well, yes, of course, no problem.”

“Good, because I was thinking …” and with that she turned suddenly to Alan and kissed him full on the lips.

The kiss lasted seconds but to both of them it seemed much longer. Mary pulled herself away.

“Sorry, I shouldn’t have done that. It’s the wine.”

Alan looked at her. He moved closer and kissed her, forcing her mouth open and putting his tongue in her mouth. Now there was no going back. She responded, pushing herself against him. He put his arm around her, his hand snaking down to cup her breast. A sound of a gasp came from her but she did not break the kiss. His hands moved to unbutton the top button on her blouse. It gave very easily, and his hand snaked inside to squeeze her nipple gently. She broke the kiss enough to get her breath and then she moved forward again, pinning him to the back of the sofa. She pressed her lips to his, smothered his face with kisses. He pushed back, his hand on her thigh, then her stocking top.

“No”, she broke the kiss, “not that. It’s wrong.”

“I’m not so bothered”, he whispered, and pulled her hand down and held it against his erection. She gasped but left her hand there as he returned to fondling her breast. He pressed her against the sofa and started gyrating against her hand. His erection grew hard. He pushed against her body. Her hand freed itself from his erection and he now began to rub himself against her breasts. He pulled her right breast from within the bra, pinching her nipple until she squirmed to his touch. With a sudden movement, he pulled her face down on to his crotch and held it there.

“Oh my god”, thought Mary, “I can’t be doing this, surely. But she was. Alan began to unfasten his trousers, he pulled his zip down, and again he pushed her face against his erection, protected only by his shorts. He started to hump her face. And she let him. Disgusted though she was, she didn’t want to break away. His cock began to free itself and for the first time in her boring life, Mary felt a cock against her cheek. She felt the juice of his cock. It was only the tip, but it was her first facial experience.

Alan pulled back; they looked at each other for a split second. Stunned, Mary saw him pull his cock out of his shorts and pull her face against him again. Now there was no doubt. She, a vicar’s wife, was being face fucked by her brother in law. And she was letting it happen.

Her mind started to go blank. She could feel the rhythmic pumping of his cock against her face. She could feel its warmth, its hardness, and its juices. She had read about facials and she had fantasised about them. Now it was happening. She was being used and she didn’t care. Alan pulled away again.

“I’m going to cum over that pretty face of yours” he whispered.

For a split second nothing happened and then Mary buried her head into his groin, pressing her face against his juicy cock. She was lost. Any pretence of morality long gone. She was going to take his load over her face. The first one. There was no noise other than his heavy breathing. No words of tenderness. It was wanton lust. And then he came. A few small drops against her lips at first, and then a stream of cum which splattered her cheek and forehead. She had been face fucked.

Alan wiped his limp cock against her cheeks to get rid of the residual cum. He sunk back in the sofa breathing deeply. Mary sat in shock. What had she done? Alan seemed unconcerned at what he’d done. He put his cock back inside his trousers and fastened up. Without a second glance at Mary, he turned his attention back to the TV. No comforting arm, no thank you. Just face fucked, cum splattered, now it was time for the TV.

Mary sat in her state of shock for a few minutes. She did not attempt to put her left breast back inside her bra or button up her blouse.

“I’d better clear the glasses away” she stammered. Alan just grunted.

Alan could hear Mary putting the glasses in the dishwasher. He could feel his cock hardening again. He waited until she came back into the living room from the kitchen and strode to meet her. Her face was still cum splattered and he knew she would take it again. He unbuttoned her blouse, unclipped her bra, and pulled both breasts free. He fondled them, raising the nipples so they were as hard as his cock. Gently he pushed her down on her knees.

“Take my trousers off.” She did.

“And my shorts.” She did, entranced by the erect cock gently swaying just inches from her face. She seemed hypnotised, like the victim of a cobra.

He took her hand and placed it on his cock.

“Now suck it. Suck it. Now.” His tone became more demanding. Like the slut she was becoming, Mary guided the cock into her mouth. She wasn’t sure what to do so she just gently rubbed with her hand and ran her tongue over the throbbing end.

Alan groaned. He put his hands behind her head and started thrusting forwards. His cock pushing further and further into her mouth. He was careful not to push to hard but there was no doubt now that Mary was sucking him off. The little slut.

Mary could not believe what she was doing. A few hours ago her loving husband had dropped her off. She had thought about Percy. And now she was being fucked in the mouth. She knew what was coming.

“I’m going to cum in your mouth and you are going to swallow every drop.” It was an order. Mary sucked, Alan fucked. The cum shot to the back of the mouth leaving Mary no alternative but to swallow. And she swallowed the lot, cleaning his cock of every drop.

Alan gently lifted Mary to her feet.

“Time for bed, I’ll lock up” he said quietly.

Mary went upstairs and briefly thought about sleeping in the spare room. No chance. She wanted another face fucking. She stripped to her knickers and got into bed.

Alan followed her up a few minutes later. He stripped naked and climbed into bed. He slid his hand on to Mary’s breast and slowly lowered it across her stomach. As he reached the elastic of her knickers, Mary’s hand again stopped him going further. Alan sighed. No joy again. He straddled Mary’s chest and with help from her hands, starting pumping her breasts. He pushed an extra pillow under Mary’s head so her lips were in direct line of his pulsating cock. With the groans coming from Alan rising, Mary readied herself for the flood of sperm. Alan came but had little left to shoot although Mary managed to lick some of his cum from his cock.

Alan climbed off and went to sleep. Mary lay there quietly. Her mind went through what had happened. How her brother in law had used her, she a vicar’s wife had allowed it to happen. Worse, she wanted it to happen. Her only hope of salvation was that at least he had not got inside her knickers.

Next morning, a fully dressed Mary woke Alan by offering him a cup of tea.

“What time are you going today, Mary?”

“I don’t know, Peter didn’t say. I suppose he’ll ring”, and then very quietly Mary added “I’m in no rush.”

Alan smiled, he rose out of bed. His cock was as hard as ever. Mary looked at him and then her eyes fell on his cock. She started unbuttoning her blouse. Removing her bra, she knelt down in front of Alan. He stooped over her, grabbing her breasts in both hands. She took his cock, guiding it into her mouth. She stroked his cock. She ran her tongue up and down the shaft. She treated the top as a child treats a lollipop. Licks, gentle sucks, deep draws, and a little nibble. Mary did not intend to be facefucked this time. She wanted to do the sucking. She was in control. And it was she who decided when she would let Alan stream into her mouth. She gagged slightly as the full load hit her. More than last night gushed into her mouth but she took it all and continued to lick to get every drop.

Finally, she pulled her head away and looked up at Alan, smiling. He mumbled something she couldn’t hear and went off to the shower.

Mary lay back on the edge of the bed, hiked up her skirt and after running her hands over her suspender belt, slipped her fingers inside her knickers. She was wet, very wet. She moaned to herself gently as she started to massage. Her fingers spread, slipped inside, and rubbed around her pussy. She masturbated for several minutes, listening to the shower. Suddenly, the bathroom door opened and their stood Alan, wet, erect and smiling at her. Mary went red, “I was just …” and her voiced trailed off.

Alan walked over to her and stood in front of the prostrate body. He slid his hands up her thighs, over the stocking tops and pulled down on her knickers. “No, not that, please” Mary cried. Alan ignored her. With her knickers off, the full beauty of Mary’s hairy pussy was exposed. Alan wasted no time. He slipped his cock inside. “This is what you want isn’t it.”

“Oh God, no, please don’t. Anything but this.”

Alan ignored her and started to pump deeper, harder and quicker. His breaths shortening. Mary could feel his cock inside her, pressing against her inner walls. Her fingers slipped back over her mound and she started to rub herself again. Alan looked down at the slut on his bed. Topless, legs splayed, masturbating and being fucked. He withdrew his cock.

“No, please don’t” cried Mary.

“Is this what you want, slut” shouted Alan, ramming his cock in and then withdrawing again.

“Oh, God yes”

“Well say please, ask me nicely, and thou shallt receive”

“Fuck me, please. Give it to me for God’s sake”

“For what you are about to receive, may the Lord make you truly thankful”, and Alan’s cock went in hard. Harder. Wrecking her pussy. In a frenzy, they rubbed, rammed, stroked. Mary was convulsed with passion as she orgasmed. Alan watched her come, knowing that she was his slut now beyond doubt. He smiled. A few rapid, deep thrusts and he came inside her.

Alan stood before Mary, looking down on her. He pulled his cock out.

“Get downstairs and make my breakfast.”

By mid-morning, Alan had taken her again across the dining room table and this time Mary just cried out with lust as he fucked her. So much for the vicar’s wife he thought.

In between using her, Alan was civil but Mary noticed there was no warmth in his voice as there had been in the past. She sighed, she was no longer his sister in law, she was his fuck toy. Her mind was drifting when she heard her mobile phone ring. It was Peter.

As she spoke to Peter, Alan slid his hands up her skirt, parted her knickers, and thrust his cock inside. She gasped. God help her, she was being fucked on the phone to her husband, the vicar.

“Are you all right, Mary?”

“Yes, Peter, erm, I’ve just run from the garden to pick up the phone.” She was tempted to say “And your brother in law is fucking my brains out again.” But she didn’t.

Alan continued to fuck her. Peter continued to talk to her about the wedding yesterday. For God’s sake, she thought, get off the phone Peter so I can concentrate on Alan’s cock without trying to control my breathing. Finally, Peter finished the call. Alan slipped his cock out.

“Finish me off, damn you” she shouted.

“Let me see you do it yourself, you slut.”

And Mary masturbated herself to orgasm with Alan watching her. She groaned and moaned. She writhed. She cried out yes, yes, yes. And he just watched.

Peter came round early in the afternoon. Mary had cleaned herself up and there was no evidence of what had happened. Alan was back to sounding warm and friendly.

“Did you finish sorting out the clothes then, Mary?”

“No, Peter, we got sidetracked. I’d better go and finish.”

“I’ll give you a hand, again, Mary.”

“It’s all right Alan, I can manage.”

“I know you can, I’ve seen you manage yourself” he said with a wicked grin, “but I insist.”

Mary blushed.

They went upstairs. Alan pulled her into the en-suite bathroom, locked the door and pushed her to her knees. She knew what was coming. He was going to face fuck her with her husband downstairs. Alan slid his cock into her mouth and started thrusting. She put her hand around it, and with growing dexterity gained through recent practice, soon had Alan moaning with pleasure. She pulled her head back.

“In my mouth, it’s not so messy.”

Alan obliged, streaming his spunk down her throat. It had only taken a few minutes.

They tidied themselves up, quietly unlocked the door, and picked up the pile of clothes for the Jumble Sale.

“All sorted”, rang out Alan’s voice as they entered the room, “I think Mary has more or less what she wants now.”

“Good”, responded Peter, looking over at his wife who seemed a little quiet, “I’ll put them in the car and you can put the kettle on for a drink.”

They sat at the dining room table. Peter gabbled on about the wedding yesterday. Mary had trouble concentrating, all she could think about was being spread across that table earlier that day and being fucked by her brother in law. If only Peter knew, she mused. The conversation finally turned around to matters that were more mundane.

“Hey, Alan, by the way, have you seen the new computer football game?”

“Seen, it, Peter. And got it. It’s on the PC upstairs if you want a go.”

“Great, let me have it.” Peter looked at Mary. “You don’t mind dear do you? Alan will entertain you.”

Mary smiled weakly. She had a feeling what was coming next. Alan took them upstairs into the computer room, and set Peter up to play UEFA 2004. Peter was soon lost in the game. Alan reckoned he could leave Peter a couple of hours if he wanted but he was getting tired of Mary now and would be happy to see her go. Still, no harm in having one last go.

With minimal protestations from Mary, Alan man-handled her out of the room and guided her into the en-suite. Door locked, he pushed her over the vanity table. He slid his hands up the back of Mary’s legs, took off her knickers, and felt the wetness of her pussy. He inserted several fingers, musing on how large she had become. With his thumb, he began to probe her arse. Mary bit her lip, trying not to groan. The computer room was next to the en-suite and she could hear her husband shouting as he played the game.

Alan stopped the anal massage and bent down. Mary couldn’t see what he was doing but as he stood up, she felt a cool jelly liquid being rubbed around her arse. She suddenly realised that he was going to anally fuck her. She started to resist but Alan held her tight. He grabbed her hair and pulled her head back.

“Listen here, bitch, I’m going to fuck that arse of yours and if you fight me, I’ll shout Peter and he can see what a fucking slut you are.”

Mary knew there was no escape. She was going to be fucked in her arse with her husband happily playing on a computer game in the next room.

“Look in the mirror. I want to see the look on your face when I bugger you. Do it.”

Mary was looking in the mirror when suddenly she felt Alan force her knickers into her mouth.

“That’ll stop you crying out.”

She felt the pressure of Alan’s cock on her arse and, the growing pressure as he began to push into her. Then suddenly, the pain was indescribable as Alan thrust his cock inside. She tried to scream but couldn’t. She bit her tongue and blood spilled on to her knickers. She struggled, but Alan held her tight. And then she started to cry. Tears ran down her cheeks. It was over in a few minutes, thankfully. Her tight arse had caused Alan to come much quicker than he had hoped. He pulled out, put his dirty cock away, and went out of the bathroom.

Mary could hear voices from the room next door.

“Oh, hello, Alan. Great game this. I’ll have to play it with Mary some time.”

“I’m sure you’ll find Mary game for anything now, Peter. She’s in the bathroom. Sorry, you’ll have to go soon because I have to go out.”

Mary closed the bathroom door and slipped over the catch as she had done about 24 hours earlier. Alone, she leant against the wall and took several deep breaths to bring her heart beat back to normal. She looked in the mirror. “Not bad”, she thought, “for a 38 year old who’s been had in every hole. Probably a little more tender than I was but overall, well and truly fucked.” She tidied herself up and with a brave face, waltzed into the computer room.

“Oh come on, Peter, I’ve had enough of games for now. Take me home.”

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The Empty Church

There was always something that felt weird about the old abandoned church. Something that was just inherently wrong. For as long as Jay had been in the neighborhood of west madrion county, the church had been derelect; old, abandoned, and broken down, and for just as long the building had been due for demolition. And even though it may sound cliche, everyone who had every tried to go in the house to get a scope of things, disappeared; Priests, Foremen, Land Inspectors, Police, anyone....

1 year ago
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Church Mom and Her Horney Son

My name is Mike and I’m a 18yo sophomore in high school and live with my sixty year old widowed mom. Dad died two years ago of a heart attack and my mom became even more active in our church. My moms name is Pat and shes still very attractive with shoulder length hair a petite plump body with nice tits and a perfect round bubble butt that jiggles when she walks. Mom wears very thick glasses that make her look oh so innocent. I had started puberty before my dad died and I was interested in...

1 year ago
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Passion in an Abandoned Church

After a bit of convincing (which included a lot of sweet, dirty talk), I agree to go with you on a back road adventure into the middle of nowhere. You’re on the search for waterfalls and need a willing partner to make sure you don’t get lost or eaten while out adventuring. You assure me that finding the waterfalls will make the long drive through dirt roads worth it… but I doubt this as the road seems endless, winding its way through the forest. Eventually, we find something of interest –...

Straight Sex
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Church of CyberscienceChapter 13

Mark's chin rested on Flick's shoulder as he peered down at the pages of the report Drew had shared with them both. He grunted to let Felicity know he had finished reading the pages that were currently open and was ready for her to turn over to the next ones. Together they quickly absorbed the remaining pages and Flick turned her head slightly to meet Mark's eyes and confirm he was finished. "So, let me just make sure I've got this right and we are all on the same page here," said...

2 years ago
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The Church Twin Group

The Church Twin Group The new minister has a set of twins, a brother and a sister just like three other sets of twins in the church. The first thing that they did was to form a group, which my twin sister and I joined. Bobby and Billie were fifteen years old, Steven and Stephanie were fourteen like my sister Fern and I, and then there was Casey and Cindy that were only thirteen years old. Being the minister’s daughter and the oldest by two minutes, Billie took over. We had a...

3 years ago
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church story

church story by rock clifford I was raised in a very religious home, my dad was a minister and church was mandatory. Especially Sunday Morning. It wasn’t all bad though, as it was also where some of the hottest girls my age attended church and we had a pretty nice sized group of k**s around the same age. We usually had fun when we were together, even at church. I remember In junior high after vacation bible school one day ending up in a little broom closet with two of the most popular and...

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The Church The Refugee

The wife is a big church goer and they send donations to a refugee charity and this one Sunday at mass the priest said he had been in touch with charity and they had asked if any of the parishioners could take any refugees in! Sue came home and we were sat having dinner and she said that the priest had asked for help with some refugees?I was like what, she said that they the church were allowed to bring over 20 or so refugees and we as a church could home them till they found proper refuge in...

3 years ago
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Another Sunday Church Morning

Another Sunday Church Morning----------Another Sunday morning, and Katherine, the newest farm helper was late again. I know that these girls are working just to be around the horses, free riding and using the swimming pool, but being on time was important to keep our customers happy with someone present to help. I decided that I must pull her aside and talk to her about it, and see what we could do about her tardiness."Katherine, I need to speak to you alone please. Come into the office for a...

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church story

church storyby rock cliffordI was raised in a very religious home, my dad was a minister and church was mandatory. Especially Sunday Morning. It wasn't all bad though, as it was also where some of the hottest girls my age attended church and we had a pretty nice sized group of k**s around the same age. We usually had fun when we were together, even at church. I remember In junior high after vacation bible school one day ending up in a little broom closet with two of the most popular and...

2 years ago
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Our Church

Preface:        Before I tell you the stories of the church my wife and I attend. I should tell a little about us. I met my wife when I was 24 at a wild nightclub where people look like they belong in the movie ?The Matrix?. I saw her in one of 6 cages holding girls wearing only stockings, garter belt, a g-string and a bra. The man sitting by the cages told me she was for sale if I wanted her. I paid the man $25 and removed her from the cage. I knew that it was just for fun that I didn?t...

4 years ago
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Bec3 It Aint Over Til Its OverChapter 16 Get Me To The Church On Time

Mrs Flasche is a fairly attractive woman for someone her age. I don’t know what her age is but she’s pretty old. I would guess that she’s more than forty but less than sixty. Between those two numbers, I have no clue. Mrs Flasche lives next to Liz and she works as a hairdresser. Liz introduced me to Mrs Flasche and I managed a smile and a nod. I’d been feeling good and talking to Dan and Dad but as soon as I was introduced to somebody new, my voice went away again. Liz’s dad had left earlier...

3 years ago
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Rob Joe Women of the Church Ch 01

This will be the first in a series about two college roommates who have many different sexual opportunities with women by attending and being active in church. The stories will share the interesting lives of the women they pursue As in life one contact leads to another. This will be my first submission in a couple of years. Many enjoyed the Pastor Sarah series I wrote in 2003. I hope you enjoy this series Joe and Rob were roommates in a prestigious university with all the benefits of rich...

1 year ago
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Behind The Church Shed

It was a calm, autumn Saturday morning, mostly overcast. Melinda was in her kitchen, washing the dishes, happy for some quiet time away from her husband, Matt, who would be at work until at least sundown. The window looked out toward a large field and the parking lot of the local church.When the boy came into view, she didn’t think anything of it. Kids came to the church building often, usually to play basketball or to skateboard in the parking lot. She and her husband taught Sunday School to a...

2 years ago
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Temptation In Church

For the most part, I just go to church on the major holidays like Easter and Christmas. It didn’t always used to be that way. Growing up, my parents dragged me to church every Sunday until high school sports and a part time job freed me from that weekly weekend boredom. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t have anything against religion, I just don’t like going to church. It wasn’t for me for a lot of reasons. One of the reasons was that I left feeling like such a sinner for my dirty thoughts and...

2 years ago
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An Unusual Church True Penance Part Two

It was not quiet in the Church as our small procession slowly made its way to the stage area. Valerie and I could not walk quickly as we continued to pull our bum cheeks apart so that all the members could see our exposed anal entrances as we half walked and half waddled, but the noise was that of the members straining to see our naked bodies as we passed by them.I think that the comments were equally directed at Valerie and myself and varied, based on which group of members we passed. I now...

3 years ago
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Church girl fuck

It was a Sunday morning my senior year of high school and I stood at the foot of the bed in white lace panties and matching bra. I couldn’t decide which dress to wear. One was green with white spots and knee length. The other was yellow with white chevrons. It was a flirty length and hugged my body in all the right places. I decided on the yellow dress and slipped into it. I threw on a pair of white flats and a pearl necklace and braided my hair. I walked down stairs out the door and jumped...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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The First Woman Cardinal Of The Catholic Church

THE FIRST WOMAN CARDINAL OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCH Melissa Tawn Mary-Anne Cardinal O'Connor walked slowly but purposefully towards the room in which the hearing was to take place. She was not wearing the ceremonial robes to which she was entitled, but rather a simply-cut purple silk business suit, with hemline modestly below the knees. Her shoes were comfortable, despite their stylish three-inch heel. Her perfectly-done hairdo showed traces of white attesting to her 50 years, and...

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Behind the Church Shed0

When the boy came into view, she didn’t think anything of it. Kids came to the church building often, usually to play basketball or to skateboard in the parking lot. She and her husband taught Sunday School to a few of them every week. Melinda would never admit it to anyone, especially not her husband, but one of the things she enjoyed most about teaching was the attention the boys in class showed her. At 27, she wasn’t THAT much older than them, after all, and their raging hormones couldn’t...

2 years ago
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The Lady from Church

Chapter 1: The Lady from ChurchI know it's not the normal way to start a story like this, but I met her at church. She wasn't stunning by any means, and neither am I, but she was good looking and fit. I guessed she was a little older than me, and her nose was a little crooked, but her ass filled her jeans well and she always wore nice tops that accentuated her body.What really caught my attention were the girls. She had three daughters with her, none of which paid much attention to the service....

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Behind the church shed

When the boy came into view, she didn’t think anything of it. k**s came to the church building often, usually to play basketball or to skateboard in the parking lot. She and her husband taught Sunday School to a few of them every week. Melinda would never admit it to anyone, especially not her husband, but one of the things she enjoyed most about teaching was the attention the boys in class showed her. At 27, she wasn’t THAT much older than them, after all, and their raging hormones couldn’t...

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Church Whore 2 churchgoing mom and wife seduced

Alberto Cazares speaking:That Isabel, heh, let me tell you, I could see her for what she was from the first Sunday she come in to church with her little girls. You want to know how easy it is to make a whore? Eh? Let me tell you, if you know what to look for it is too fuckin’ easy. But you have to know what to look for.And you have to be willing to do anything to get to the bitch, sabes? You have to have a killer’s instinct.Let me tell you, a whore is just a cheating bitch – that is all! If she...

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Hi everybody! My name is Crissy and I want to tell you about how I kept my virginity but gave up my virgin ASS!I was a church girl, sang in the choir, was a cheerleader and I even took care of old people at a community center as a volunteer.Generally, I was a good girl and made my parents proud of me.I did have one secret desire though and that was to be a slut! I know it sounds strange, but even though I was a good girl, I would look at men, thinking of what it would be like to just get naked...

3 years ago
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Church Girls are easy part one

Church sometimes was more of a social outlet for me. Meet people, make friends and have clean people to hang out with and on occasions, maybe even bed down one. This two part story is one such occasion. As I soon found out, guys are not the only ones with similar intentions. I was young, naive, by no means a "Man of the World" at that point in my life. I changed the names. Geographical locations are correct. I guess I made her happy, she made me happy. So it is all good. VAL THE...

3 years ago
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The First Woman Cardinal of the Catholic Church II

The First Woman Cardinal of the Catholic Church, II Melissa Tawn INTRODUCTION: This is a sequel to my earlier story "The First Woman Cardinal of the Catholic Church", written after several readers asked me to continue the story of Mark Anthony Cardinal O'Connor, who transitioned to become Mary Anne Cardinal O'Connor, the first woman cardinal of the Catholic Church. The reader is referred to that story for the circumstances surrounding Cardinal O'Connor's transition. This...

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Church Mom

My mom was divorced when I was very young. It was just her and me living together while I was growing up. I hate to admit but she was kind of slutty. And what excited me most was her sexy size 5 curvy high arched feet. And she used them like a weapon, dangling her stiletto high heels at just the right moment when men of interest were around. Although she was slutty, she was a religious slut, attending church every Sunday. This particular story happened when I was 14. We were driving to church...

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Moms church night

My mom was divorced when I was very young. It was just her and me living together while I was growing up. I hate to admit but she was kind of slutty. And what excited me most was her sexy size 5 curvy high arched feet. And she used them like a weapon, dangling her stiletto high heels at just the right moment when men of interest were around. Although she was slutty, she was a religious slut, attending church every Sunday. This particular story happened when I was 14. We were driving to church...

2 years ago
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It had been a long day and I was looking forward to seeing Rachel the whole drive home and the classes before. The last week had been hectic and I just wanted to have some quiet time with her. I pulled into the drive to see a quiet house which is really odd because Kate has a habit of practicing when ever she has the house to herself. I opened the front door expecting her to be asleep on the couch or doing homework of the silent kind but instead I sighed when I found her not at home and a...

3 years ago
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The Amazing Church Girl

Well, one day I decided to go up to the church and practice on my guitar cause I had a couple hours to kill before my next college class. I had a key to get in and so I walked in and started hooking up my equipment. Well, bout 30 min into my jam time, Nicki walks in needing to get something from the Sunday school room. She walked back to the room grabbed a couple books and some folders and was on her way out when she heard me playing one of my favorite songs, ‘Walk this way’ by Aerosmith. She...

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Church Picnic

Life in rural Ontario was tough in the mid-1800s. Farming families were able to make a living but it was hard work every day of the year. In spring they planted and hoped that the crops took, in summer they worried about drought, in fall they harvested and in winter they tried to survive the harsh days where the temperatures sometimes plunged to minus thirty for days at a time. Our family ran the General Store so we didn’t endure their long hours and physical discomforts but our living...

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Church Picnic

Life in rural Ontario was tough in the mid-1800s. Farming families were able to make a living but it was hard work every day of the year. In spring they planted and hoped that the crops took, in summer they worried about drought, in fall they harvested and in winter they tried to survive the harsh days where the temperatures sometimes plunged to minus thirty for days at a time. Our family ran the General Store so we didn’t endure their long hours and physical discomforts but our living...

1 year ago
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A Woman of The Church

It was a Wednesday, Wednesday evening; Wednesday late evening. I was helping a friend out by putting up some shelves in a basement of a church hall. Not my usual job but just something I turn my hand to every so often. I had started to put these up after my usual day job, so I had started late and I knew there was going to be a meeting in the hall above, so knew I could finish late as well, at least till the meeting went on till. The friend I helped out could not be there with me, and anyhow,...

Wife Lovers
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Gang Banged granny at the CHURCH

I have to admit it, I'm a long time slut and have done things that I am ashamed of but who really gives a shit!..LOLSince I was in grade school, I have loved boys and I worshiped cock, balls and especially loads of cum! Of course in grade school, you don't get much cum but I would let boys play with my pussy and I would let them put their little cocks in my mouth. I did it whenever possible and all the boys knew that all they had to do was ask and I would pull my panties down and lay back with...

2 years ago
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Two elders now placed masks on myself and Adelle that covered the complete lower half of our faces, almost up to our eyes. At this point, Pastor Rachel paused the ceremony as she whispered something to several of the elders, receiving enthusiastic nods of their heads and as the elders left to bring a piece of apparatus from the rear of the stage, she once more addressed the excited audience: “In light of the intimate romance that has developed this evening between Yvette and Adelle, I have...

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Life lessons Ch 2 Church

On our way to church Frank and I are sitting in the last row of the family’s mini van, dad’s playing his classic rock a little louder than normal. I wonder what has gotten into him this morning? And mom grinning from ear to ear I know what has her all happy and shit. Thinking our parents should not be able to hear us back here I start to whisper to Frank just to be sure they can’t. Frank can you believe our mother this morning? How she was able too handle both of us so quickly? I mean,...

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Slave SisterChapter 3 Fran Goes to Church

Fran laid in bed thinking. Her brother had, after his now traditional good morning fuck, just left the room heading back to his own bed before their mother woke up. How, she wondered, after the events of the last two days could she possibly go to church this morning and act like every thing was normal? How could she help teach those innocent second graders in Sunday school after all of the perverted and depraved things she had been forced to do? It all started Thursday night when her brother...

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