Injustice IIIChapter 11 free porn video

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We appeared in the tunnel at the entrance to the Gardner Pingree House’s basement. It was the house that Captain Joseph White had bought from Nathaniel West, and where he was murdered in 1830. Louisa DuPont made a contribution to the Essex Museum in the early 1900s to have the White name removed from the house, so as to not embarrass her husband, Frank B. Crowninshield.

On arriving, I cast the listening spell on the wall closing the entrance so we could hear what was being said.

“Just because we have to agree to do what they want doesn’t mean that we need to actually do ALL of it. As soon as we get a chance, we turn the tables on them, and take them prisoners if possible. If not, we beat it out of there when we get a chance,” we heard Lew say.

“They won’t suspect that?” another voice asked, which had to belong to Al.

“Naw, we’ll act real friendly. That should convince them that we will obey them,” Lew told him.

“Perhaps they need a little convincing,” Jill said, as I canceled the listening spell.

“Yes, perhaps a little tour of Hell will change their minds. In any event, we will keep our wards around us all of the time, and I’ll have a freeze spell cast with only a single word needed to activate it,” I told her before casting the transfer spell to appear in the basement of the house, startling both men.

“Have you explained the agreement to your friend?” I asked on appearing. Both men were still recovering from the shock of our appearance, so they didn’t respond immediately.

“How ... how do you do that?” both gasped on recovering.

“Magic,” was all that I said, before changing the subject.

“We are going to take you on a little trip, so you understand just how serious we are about what we are doing,” I told them.

“Move closer together,” I told them next, and we joined them as they moved together, before casting the transfer spell. We vanished from the basement of the Gardner House and instantly appeared in the closed section of the tunnel along Central St.

Both men were shocked by more than the sight that was before them, which was frightening enough itself. More importantly, they were staggered by the smell which had intensified from the heat. It was so bad that both of them were close to vomiting from it. We, of course, didn’t notice it, as I had used the spell earlier to keep us from smelling it.

“What in God’s name is that awful smell?” Lew asked while trying to keep from gagging.

“A number of the prisoners were a bit sick when released from the pain spell. Much of it wound up in the fire,” I told him pointing to where the flames of the Magic fire still leaped and danced, which called it to their attention. They could also see the members of the Anti-Magic League in their frozen positions. There were several that they immediately recognized.

“What are you going to do to them?” Al asked cautiously.

“We will deal with them in our own way when we are ready. Until then, they will remain here,” I told them.

“Are you ready to return to your former location?” I asked.

“Yes, before we puke too,” Lew told us, as the two of them moved closer together on their own. I cast the transfer spell leaving the tunnel area behind us, and we reappeared in the basement of the Gardner House, where I immediately cast a freeze spell but held it ready.

“We’ll see you late tomorrow morning,” Jill told them, as I threw the freeze spell at the two of them, freezing them in place.

“Are you ready to quit for the night?” Jill asked right after that.

“Yes, but we need to air our clothing out before returning to the room,” I told her. “They would surely contaminate it,” I reminded her before transferring us back to the closed tunnel section.

“Good, let me turn those lights out so the batteries don’t run down, while you drop these glamours,” she agreed.

On finishing, I transferred us to Central Wharf for a time to air out our clothing, and also used a strong cleaning spell on them. We didn’t remain overly long as it was a very cold night, and we weren’t dressed for it. I also canceled the spell protecting our noses, so we could tell when our clothes were relatively smell free. On returning to our room, we took a good hot shower, but separately because of the small size of the shower and the bath room.

Following donning our sleepwear, I reheated the remaining food, and we finished every bit of it. We had used a lot of Magic tonight and would use a lot more tomorrow, so we ate all that we had, before going to bed but only to sleep as it was already late.

Wednesday morning, we were up at a reasonable hour and hurried through our morning rituals to leave for a really big breakfast at the same place we had been having breakfast since Sunday. We had an extra large breakfast today. We had made sure that the security cameras in the lobby recorded us leaving.

On finishing, I transferred us back to our room to change into our working clothes, before transferring us to the closed tunnel. I had reset the glamours of our red clothing and the spell to keep the stink out of our noses before leaving our room. On appearing in the tunnel, the smell was even worse, as it had had time to age and was really awful.

“Who do we start with?” Jill asked once she had turned the lights on, and we had checked the area to be sure no one else had been here.

“Pick one, it doesn’t matter, as we’ll need to question all of them,” I told her. She selected a man, and we moved him closer to the burning flames of the fire, but not too close. On changing his freeze spell to a partial one, he instantly threw up just from the smell, so it was several minutes before we could question him. Even using the Truth spell, he knew little.

Over the next couple of hours, we unfroze and questioned the others. Most knew very little about the inner workings of the League, so that it was more of an exercise in futility than anything else. They were all sure that Magic users were the spawn of the Devil and needed to be eliminated. They were all disappointed by the slow progress that was being made to accomplish that by the current leadership, but realized that it was because of the shortage of money needed to advance the cause. This was why most of them didn’t see the Heroin deal as a bad thing.

By the time we finished, it was just after 1100. Jill collected most of the battery powered lights and returned them to our hotel room, leaving only one for us to see by. While she was gone, I canceled the current Magic fire spell and all of the glamours along the length of the tunnel. It was much darker in there now.

When Jill returned, I cast a glamour around myself using George’s image and then one around her using Joe’s image, before moving all of the prisoners closer together in the middle of the tunnel. Once they had been collected in a tight group, I cast a ward around them that went down both tunnel walls and across its width at both ends of the group, before canceling all of their freeze spells. This was followed immediately by much gasping and choking from the smell before they realized that they were confined in a rather small space. Panic set in then as they tried to escape from the wards, which wasn’t possible for them. We eventually turned on the remaining light so it shown on the two of us. I had lowered the glamours, so they saw just the two of us as we actually are. Silence soon followed.

“All of you are responsible for the kidnapping, torture, and murder of my two small Sons, and all of you will pay the price for that crime. You are also all responsible for the crime of distributing large quantities of illegal drugs, and you will all pay for that as well as the other murders that you ordered.

“Shortly the two of us will confront the people coming to obtain those illegal drugs, and we will deal with them just as harshly as we will now deal with all of you,” I told them before casting the spell for Magic fire again, but this time it was confined inside the ward I had cast. The screaming started immediately, as the flames began devouring them; burning off their clothing, bubbling and burning their skin, and finally burning the remainder of their bodies.

Later after the last of them had ceased to exist, I allowed the flames to burn for several minutes more to ensure that there was no trace left of any of them, before canceling it and the wards. There was nothing to see in the now empty tunnel, and we transferred to Central Wharf again, near the rigging shed to air out our clothing. It was 1115 by my watch, and it had warmed up into the lower forties. We spent a half hour walking around on the wharf in the glamours of George and Joe, before transferring back to our hotel room to change into our normal clothes.

“We need to eat,” Jill insisted once we had a quick shower and changed clothes.

“Yes, I could use something to eat,” I assured her. We had lowered, but not canceled the glamours while showering and changing, and hadn’t pulled them back up yet.

“Let’s try the place where I got the food last night. Those big burgers were quite good,” I told her.

“Yes, but no beer, cola instead,” she insisted. After transferring to the area near the bar and grill where I had gotten the food last night, we had a really good meal, but it was getting late by the time we finished.

“We need to collect our two workers and get things moving,” I told Jill, as I paid the bill. We transferred back to the basement of the Gardner House following that.

“Pull up your glamour,” I warned her before canceling the freeze spell on Lew and Al. They came awake with a bit of a surprise on seeing George and Joe in front of them.

“It’s time to go to work,” I told them.

“How did you escape?” they both asked.

“They didn’t escape and are no more. They burned like the vile creatures they were,” Jill told them to shocked looks from them, as they were startled by a female voice coming from the image of Joe.


“Yes, you saw the fire burning last night. I only needed to expand it to burn all of them. There aren’t even any ashes of them left,” I told the two to see the color drain from their faces.

“It’s time to get to work, those men will be here soon,” Jill reminded them.

“Move closer together,” I told them before transferring all of us to the basement of the Marine Hall near the storage room where the Heroin was stored.

“Get the pallet jacks while we open the door,” Jill told them, while I opened the lock on the door with a small spell. The two pallets were still inside. It was the first time that I had a good look at them, and saw that each pallet had ten packages on it all shrink wrapped together. Each package therefore weighed twenty-five kilos or fifty-five pounds. Each package was plastic wrapped and vacuum sealed and was composed of twenty-five individual one kilo packages.

“Get those pallets out of there; we need to get them up to the dock. The delivery vehicles will already be up there,” I told them to hurry them up and not give them time to think.

The pallet jacks slipped right under the pallets, and it was easy for the two of them to pull the lightly loaded pallets out of the room on the smooth basement floor, before heading for the elevator. We trailed them, as we hadn’t checked on the location of the elevator. Lew pushed the call button for the elevator, and when it arrived, I made sure that I was the first one on it, much to Lew and Al’s disappointment. Jill followed them on. Lew pushed the button that took us up to the dock level. Jill was the first one off the elevator, and I followed them off. We needed to move single file down the somewhat narrow corridor to the dock area.

On entering the inner dock area, we could see that there were two large roll up doors at the back of the inner dock, which had room enough to deal with the largest delivery and break it down into its individual pieces. Al was the one who opened the right hand roll up door. There were two men there waiting for us, and they were rather upset.

“You’re late, where the hell have you guys been?” one of them demanded, before seeing Jill and me in our glamours of George and Joe.

“Sorry boss, but they were supposed to be here at 12:30,” the mouthy one said.

“We were delayed, but we still have time to load the merchandise before the buyers arrive,” I told him.

“Sure, we got the back doors of the vans open,” he told us, as he and the other man turned back to the outer dock, and we all followed. There were two small commercial delivery vans parked at the area of the dock that was the correct height to easily load the pallets into the back of the vans. They were painted and lettered in the colors used by a well-known delivery service. The drivers were dressed in the same colors.

There were steel plates on the dock that crossed the gap between the dock and the back of the vans, so the pallets were easily loaded into the the vans before the pallet jacks were removed and pulled back onto the dock. The steel plates were also pulled back and the back doors of the vans were closed and locked. Lew and Al were standing on the dock looking at the vans and the drivers. Jill and I were blocking their way back into the building.

“We’ll wait in the vehicles. We don’t need to see anything. We just deliver what is loaded,” the more talkative of the drivers told us. Jill and I moved to allow Lew and Al to move the pallet jacks back into the building before speaking to them.

“Leave the pallet jacks here. We’ll need them to move the money when it’s delivered,” I told them, and they moved them back out of the way, and were eyeing the hall back to the elevators. I hit them with the freeze spell that I had been holding since we arrived in the basement of the Gardner House.

“Watch things here while I deal with the drivers,” I told Jill before turning toward the door. At each van, I cast a freeze spell on the driver sitting behind the steering wheel and locked the doors by just touching the vehicle and thinking lock.

Back inside, I moved Lew and Al back closer to the open door before transferring the glamours of George and Joe to them while casting glamours of people in working clothing around Jill and myself.

Shortly before 1:30, I canceled the freeze spell on Lew and Al. On recovering, they were shocked to see each other looking like one of the bosses, but were even more shocked on seeing Jill and me standing there looking like museum employees.

“What are you doing?” Lew managed to ask after a short time.

“The two of you now look like George and Joe. When the Russians have a demand or a request, you will agree to their request, and we will be the ones to handle the actual work. I have cast a ward in the walls and the corridor leading from the loading dock. The only way off of it will be through the Russians. Do you understand what that means?” I demanded.

“Probably getting shot. Drug dealers are usually very nervous during an exchange,” Lew said in understanding. Al just looked confused and frightened.

The delivery time (1330) came and went with no one arriving. Another twenty minutes went by, and no one had shown up. It was just after 1400 before a large Mercedes sedan pulled into the area behind the museum. Following it was a small Mercedes commercial delivery van. The sedan pulled up to block the two delivery vans sitting at the dock, while their van turned and backed up to the dock.

Two men in expensive suits emerged from the sedan as well as the driver. At the same time, the back doors of the van burst open and two men with AK-47s moved onto the dock. The driver of the van also got out with an AK-47. The driver of the sedan also had one. They were obviously the guards. The two in expensive suits were just as obviously the ones in charge. They were all tall men at six foot or so, and would weigh around 210 pounds, more or less. They also all had blond crew-cuts and looked unhappy.

“Was difficult locating way in here,” one of the Russians, the younger of the two bosses, said in accented English, as they approached.

“That’s okay,” Lew in the glamour of George assured him.

“Where is merchandise?” he demanded next.

“It’s in the delivery vans,” the image of George told him.

“Open, so we can inspect,” the Russian demanded, and I stepped forward onto the outer dock to do just that. I had cast the ammunition spell before 1330, so wasn’t worried about their AK-47s. What I wanted was to get them all in a group, so I could hit them with a freeze spell.

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Injustice IIChapter 8

The following new character appears in this chapter: Nicholas Kane Wizard, very strong Talent, 5’-9’’ tall, about 155 pounds, 75 years of age or so, a large nose and intense hazel eyes, fire engine red hair even at his age Kaera Kane Nicholas’s Wife, 5’-3’’ tall, pleasingly plump with long gray hair, sunburned and wrinkled from a life working on the farm. “Well Thady O’Domhnaill, what brings you up here?” the older man demanded in Gaelic with a thick accent. “I’ve brought you a new...

3 years ago
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The Maths Lesson

It was a sunny Monday afternoon, and Gemma couldn't wait for last lesson, Maths. She was the first to arrive, as normal, and sat down at her seat, waiting for her friends to arrive. Maths was her favourite lesson, because she was OK at it, and she had an amazingly good looking young teacher. Gemma had always wanted him, and she made sure he knew that. Every lesson she'd torture him, until at one point he'd stop in the middle of the class trying to control himself. He was a married man, and...

Straight Sex
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Badge of Dishonor Ch 23

Passion In James County X Badge of Dishonor By D.C. Roi Chapter twenty-three Rod Billingham, unaware that the police were looking for him, had spent the night driving all over Jamestown in his pickup truck, looking for Lise. He finally found her car at the diner. He checked, but he found no sign of her. He found a place in the parking lot behind the diner where he could park his truck without being seen. Then he sat there, watching Lise’s car, waiting for her to return. Rod always hated...

1 year ago
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Hard PromiseChapter 7

On the night of the Snowflake Dance, we were meeting three other couples at a seafood restaurant called Chesapeake Bay for dinner before the dance. I drove over to Missy's house to pick her up at 5:00. Mrs. Samuelson opened the door after I rang the bell, and ushered me into the living room to wait for Melissa to finish getting ready. Mr. Samuelson joined us, a camera in his hand, and Megan was with him. "Well," she said, "if it isn't the jock with a brain. Ray, isn't it?" "Hello,...

2 years ago
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Him and Her Part 1

Whitney looked into Josh’s eyes as she walked across the room to him. Her bare feet passed over the clothes of the unclean floor. Of course she would have cleaned up if she had known he was coming over, but his visit was a surprise. Josh was one for surprises, but this time Whitney had one for him. ‘You think you can just shower me with surprises whenever you want?’, she teased. ‘I think,’ he said, ‘that I’ll give this beautiful girl everything she deserves.’ As her feet met his resting toes...

2 years ago
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Stranger In The Rain

Ladies, if you like this story, and want to exchange more like this, please email me at The rain had continued all day. Standing at his office window, he looked at the street below. It was already flooded. This could easily get worse, he thought. He was the last one left at the office. As the director, he never left before all his employees had already left. Deciding to call it a day, he shut down the office and hurried to his parked car, holding his office bag and newspaper over his head....

3 years ago
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Mami and Her Sexy Ass

My sexy Mami got fucked while she was sleeping Hi, this is Sameer I am a big fan of Indian sex stories and I would like to share one of my story which is true experience of my life, myself Sameer aged 27 and my Mami aged around 32, she is very hot and got a very sexy ass which would attract any bachelor, and she is very fair with huge boobs. Let me described what happened 1 year ago with me and my Mami. I always had a desire to fuck her from past 10 years I always use to chat with her about sex...

2 years ago
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Thumbs Down

© copyright 2003 All Rights Reserved What happened to me several years ago I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy. It devastated me and changed my life to such a degree that I thought it was a bad dream. While I may have recovered, my life has changed dramatically. My name is Rich and I was married to a beautiful lady by the name of Christine, Christy for short. We had two wonderful children and had been married for about 12 years when the events that I'm about to describe occurred. I had...

2 years ago
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All he ever wanted was

Jack and Sally knew each other well, however time get's the better of most people and there was definitely a tad of uncertainty in the air that night. Five years had flown by but the touch of Jack's hands felt familiar as he brushed the hair out of her face. Sally knew something amazing was about to happen as Jack pulled her into his body. With his lips pressed tightly against hers she let out a moan that let Jack knew. Something he’d been dreaming about for so long was actually going to...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Masturbate for everyone

I love to maturbate. This goes way back to being a teen and stealing my b*****rs Playboy mags and jerking off when no one as at home. I has continued to involve so many different situations. I’ve been married for a long time and my wife is very old school and we do have sex once and awhile, I still like to get off on my own. I feel like I’m a sneak when she’s not around, watching porn and masturbating. My favourate times are stoking my cock in front of someone. When I visit massage parlors and...

3 years ago
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The Pizza Guy

I got so excited by what happened last night, I had to write this down and had to send it along to the Xhamster readers I know will enjoy this! The night was still young and I was feeling sort of restless. There was a full moon rising, though I never really thought that it actually affected people in any special way. But I did have this anxious feeling and I just couldn't put my finger on it. When my wife stepped out of the shower and entered the bedroom with her towel d****d around her waist...

3 years ago
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Billionaire and the SisterhoodChapter 95 New Candidates For The Family Trouble in Vegas

Mark Tom sat in a relaxed position on my sofa next to Mel and Andy. I sat in my usual casual chair on the other side of the coffee table. We’d been talking for the past half-hour about the Gigabit Cellular Technology program Tom had taken over and beefed it up to where large strides were being made almost daily in getting things to market. Tom said, “The big accomplishment over the past month was to complete the patent applications on GCT. There are two-dozen separate elements that we’ve...

2 years ago
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The wind howled. Tom looked out of the shallow cave, right hand on the rough stone of the entrance. Rain was going to come. He could see that. Could already hear the thunder. His parents were going to worry. He hoped they were going to worry. They might not. They might not know he was gone yet, or assume he was at some friend's house. They might not know he had run away. The fourteen year old looked down at the new backpack leaning against the cave wall. His parents had bought it for him....

1 year ago
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StepSiblingsCaught Chloe Couture Please Help Me With My Homework

Chloe Couture needs her stepbrother Bambino to help with her homework. She initially wants him to do it for her, and eventually they strike a bargain that if Chloe makes him cum he’ll help her out. Chloe kicks things off by dropping to her knees and wrapping both hands and her naughty lips around Bambino’s cock. Sucking him like a hoover is a good start, as is the brief titty fuck between her small boobs, but Bambino needs more to cum. Peeling off her clothes, Chloe turns around and...

4 years ago
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RetaliationChapter 3

After that day Mary would stop by at least twice a week and we would make love. She said we were friends with benefits but I could feel it was much more. People at work told Mary she seemed much happier. She would just tell them she felt happy and life and business was good. I didn't have any sexual relations with any other women. I had chances and had even been asked but I wasn't interested. I really only cared for one woman and that was Mary. After a little over two months of being...

1 year ago
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Most women do not understand it, but there is freedom in obedience! It is actually so liberating for a sub to follow her MASTER's instructions to the letter, and not have to worry about a thing. That doesn't make me weak or spineless, in fact it makes me brave because i have the courage to follow my MASTER without question!It isn't about not thinking, (i'm a degree student so quite clever) it's about the freedom that there is in being in servitude. i feel so relaxed happy and free when i'm...

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Ladies LodgeChapter 2

"Look what we've got here boys! Couple of randy little lesbians rolling around on the floor - dirty little cows. Come and have a look!" Gwendoline and Jessica had been two days in the open and the previous night had found a large deserted barn- like building far from any habitation and had gratefully decided to get under cover for the night. The weather was becoming much more autumnal and yesterday had seen a steady drizzle falling all day. The poor visibility had made it easier to cross...

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Reddit ThickLoads, aka r/ThickLoads! For today, I have something that most of you nerds will never be able to accomplish. That's because, for today, we have another special section of Reddit. Here, you'll see something similar to a well-equipped library. The only difference here, though, is that it doesn't store books, and instead, it only has images of thick sperm loads on chicks' faces and other body parts. And, due to how much some of y'all masturbate and beat your beat, you're unable to...

Reddit NSFW List
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Moms a Tease

My friend Mark had one hot mom. Mrs. Collins had a habit of teasing all his friends though. She was always making some sexy comment or flashing us a little tit or ass. Sometimes even letting us catch a look at her shaved pussy. She wouldn’t let us even talk to her about fucking her though and if someone tried to get a quick feel she would smack the hell out of their hand. Mark caught a lot of hell from us about it. He even got the crap knocked out of him a few times. I guess he decided enough...

1 year ago
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CherryPimps Mckenzie Lee Helping Step Son When He Needs To Cum For Relief

Johnny Hill had a bit of an accident and all night long he listens to his Step Mom fucking in the other room. He can’t even masturbate with his hands all wrapped up in bandages. McKenzie Lee feels for her Step Son the next morning when he complains about listening to her fuck. What is a voluptuous Step Mom to do with this kind of dilemma on her hands?!? She better help out and get that hard cock just what it needs; she owes him that much after keeping him up all night. She loves that hard...

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Snowdonia. A truly magnificent part of Wales. Rugged peaks and deep valleys. Babbling brooks and roaring waterfalls. Green and grey, all at the same time. Whether washed by the pure rain, buried under feet of snow or drenched in glorious sunshine, this land of princes and castles, myths, legends and history dating back to the dawn of time, is simply breathtaking! My husband and I often visit the tiny villages with their slate houses and little Victorian steam railways, which are the best way to...

2 years ago
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McKaylas MiracleChapter 9

When McKayla told me about her disease, the conventional wisdom was that she would probably live for at least twenty more years and could possibly live for another fifty. The disease affected people at different rates and there simply wasn't enough research to predict how long we had together. It turns out we got twelve more years together. And irony of ironies, it wasn't the Huntington's that got her. After our wedding, we spent the next year in denial about her disease. We knew the...

1 year ago
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We met on a plane continued

This is the continuing story about a woman I met on a plane and how she seduced me into having a three month affair.... We get to the hotel room and start passionately kissing, our hands roaming all over each others bodies. We are still standing up and my hand is on the inside of her thighs lightly touching her, while I lick her amazing breasts. I can feel her wetness and the heat coming from her. We are both turned on and she reaches into my pants for my cock. I stop her and pull her dress...

Oral Sex
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Confession Chapter 14

It was Friday morning and Geoff had said his goodbyes first thing, He didn't, however, take the time to give me a kiss goodbye. I knew I should be pissed at him about it but I was just finding that I cared less and less. He had to go to work but was leaving straight after work to go to his work conference. Jerome seemed a bit down and after Geoff left I spoke to him about it.“What's up, Jerome? You don't look too happy.”“I'm okay.”“Mhmm, clearly. You know you can still talk to me. You'll never...

4 years ago
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Perceptions and DeceptionsChapter 60

Jason stood rapt before the mirror of the upstairs bathroom. He had been a huge Star Trek fan since he was a child. Years before his family had moved to Haven, his mother had offered many times to buy him a Trek-themed costume for Halloween. Jason had always begged off, not so much because he didn't care for trick-or-treating (he didn't) but that any costume he could procure would look cheap and unrealistic. But when he looked at himself in the mirror now, he felt like he had just stepped...

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They That Have Power Book IIChapter 3

Tuesday, June 15, 2010 “Dinner was a little weird last night,” Jan said. “Did you serve aardvark?” Jake asked as he drove west down the farm-to-market road. The sun had just risen directly behind him, throwing long shadows before the car. “No, the menu was normal. It was a diner who was strange.” “You served dinner to an aardvark?” “No, smart ass. The strange diner was Christine.” “Strange how?” “She was distracted. Even Mark noticed something was off.” “Did you ask her about it?” “I...

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Marie the Pinay Slut WifeChapter 32

Two weeks passed before Marie heard from Hiroshi again. During this time, she did not tell Jane about the video she had made with Hiroshi in the warehouse. She tried to find out what was happening with Brad, but Jane replied that she had not seen him or heard from him for some time. Marie wondered if she would ever hear from him again, and also began to think that it was time for her to return to Dubai. However, she put that thought out of her mind when her husband told her in a phone call...

3 years ago
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Sex ke maje loote

Hi ISS readers aap sabhi ko mera sex bhara namaste. Main Sejal Jain jodhpur ki housewife hoon aur main apne pati (jiska penis chhota aur patla sa hai) se santust nahin thi, wo kabhi bhi mujhe sex ka such nahin de paya, sadi ke char sal bad tak bhi bacha nahi hua tha. Aaj main aapko aapni ek real story batane ja rahi hun jo last week mere sath hui meri hobbies chat kerne ki hai main roj chat kerti hun. Per ek din meri mulakat se hui jo ki Jodhpur ka hi rehnewala hai. Baato baato main na jane...

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