Captured Ch. 03 free porn video

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Please note: there have been some artistic licence taken with the conversations between Carly and Miriam to ease the flow of the story.

Miriam screamed as the massive monster lifted her sister off the ground and swung her between the seesawing boats on a long rope. She fought free of the hands that held as she tried to get to Carly. She had barely taken two steps before a large palm wrapped around her upper arm and spun her about. The breath shuddered from her lungs as she came up hard against a warm, solid chest. She clutched at the soft cotton of his shirt for balance, her gaze fixed on the vee of golden skin before her as the world spun dizzily.

Slowly she tipped her head back, her long silvery hair tumbling over the arm anchoring her against him. Dancing green eyes met her wide, frightened blue ones. She drew in sharp breath at the sight of the wickedly handsome pirate, the scent of salt and male teasing her nostrils.

This couldn’t be happening. She was the daughter of a Lord, and affianced to a Duke. How was it that only yesterday she sailed to meet her fiancé, and now found herself the prisoner of this heathen pirate who held her so…so intimately? A blush warmed her cheeks as she tugged on the fingers curled just below her breast.

As her lips parted to demand he let her go, he lifted her in his arms. He held her against him as they swung through the air, his thighs tangling with hers. Miriam screamed as water churned below them, clutching at the devil that held her. The thick, corded rope creaked above their heads, the wind rushed through her hair, whipping it across their faces.

Her whole body slumped against his when again she felt the firmness of the deck beneath her slippered feet. Heights terrified her, and she didn’t think she could have let go of him right then even if she wanted to. He chuckled against her ear, and she realised she was praying beneath her breath. She would have smacked him if she wasn’t holding on to him so tightly.

Without warning he scooped her up in his arms and carried her below deck. She pressed her face against his chest as men leered at her and whistled, fear and something else quivering inside of her. She had never known what it was like to be held by a man. No man had dared kiss her, for fear of her father. And even had she wanted one to, her mother had instilled in her the ways of a Lady. A Lady wasn’t supposed to get her skirts dirty, was to smile prettily and sit quietly while the men talked. And most of all, a Lady was not to be familiar with a man that was not her husband!

He strode into a cabin and kicked the door shut behind him. He slid her to her feet, his muscular arm locked around her waist crushing her breasts against him. She knew he was gazing down at her, and blushed, her eyes fixed on the top button of his shirt. As the silence stretched she wondered what he was thinking. She was not as pretty as Carly, who was tiny and curvy with long curly hair and full, luscious breasts. Miriam was taller than most women, her legs long and slender, yet still she barely reached this pirate’s chin. She was willowy and unfashionable, her breasts mere small handfuls. Her tiny waist was her one saving grace, her mother often told her. Her hair was a silvery blonde and completely straight. Her eyes, sky blue and placid, were passably pretty. Her lips were too lush, her mother complained, and too pink, lending her the look of a tart.

The pirate gently tucked a silver strand behind her ear, and a small shiver raced through her. She knew she shouldn’t stand pressed up against him like this so that she could feel every breath he drew into his lungs, but her wobbly legs refused to move. Her nipples felt tight where they rubbed against the stiff tulle of her gown.

Would he kiss her? Miriam lowered her lashes, for fear of what her eyes would reveal. She wanted to be kissed, just once, before she was delivered to her elderly fiancé.

‘Look at me,’ he commanded, his fingers tangling in the soft curls at her nape. Her lashes flickered, then lifted. The breath caught in her lungs at the intensity of those intelligent green eyes. Her lips parted on a soundless sigh, and his head dipped. Her lips trembled as his brushed against hers, light as a butterfly’s wings. Blood pounded dizzily through her as he pressed light kisses over and over against her lips, like a bee sipping on honeyed wine.

‘I never knew,’ she murmured breathlessly, ‘what it was like to kiss a man.’ Her fingers clutched at his magenta cloak as a soft sigh escaped her. He stilled against her, and she realised to her utter humiliation that she must have spoken aloud. How he must think her a ninny. He probably kissed a dozen women a day!

‘Later, my innocent captive, I will show you how a man really kisses a woman. For now I must return to the deck and see to the cargo.’

He left her, and she heard the scrape of the key in the lock and soft footsteps fade. What did he mean? Was that not a kiss? She pressed her hand against her tingling lips as she gazed about her with wide eyes. He had brought her to a small cabin, with a wide bed suspended to the wall by leather straps that could be pushed up to create more room. One side of the cabin was lined with cupboards with different sized drawers, all with tiny polished brass knobs. Beneath a long narrow table rested a wide metal tub, and her breathing hitched as she imagined herself in it, his eyes watching her as she ran the soapy cloth down her bare arms.

A huff escaped her, no doubt it was his heathen piratical influence that created such wicked thoughts. Stomping over to the bed, she then sat down primly, smoothing her skirts and clasping her hands neatly in her lap. She was a Lady, not a hussy. If he thought to seduce her into kissing him again, he would have to think again. Yet thoughts of his kiss haunted her, and that unfamiliar churning sensation in her belly returned. The devil takes him!


Miriam wiggled beneath the sheets, warm and safe. Blinking against the morning light filtering through the trio of portholes lining the adjoining wall, she arched, stretching her slender limbs.

She frowned sleepily when she realised a tanned muscular arm pillowed her head, and another lay heavily over her waist, fingers splayed across her belly. Her pulse skittered in alarm as the she realised the warmth pressed along her back owed not to a blanket, but a man!

Dear God, what would her mother say if she saw her now? She attempted to scramble up, but found herself pressed flat on her back, an amused face gazing down at her from where it rested propped on his hand.

‘W-what do you think you are doing, sir?’ she demanded breathily, her belly clenching under the caress of his fingers.

‘I thought perhaps you would like me to show you how a man kisses a woman. Properly.’

‘Oh,’ she murmured, mulling over the idea. Would it be so wicked? Surely no-one would find out? ‘Perhaps quickly,’ she replied, then quickly added ‘but only if you promise not to tell my fiancé.’

His eyes narrowed. ‘I promise,’ he said softly. She swallowed hard. What would her mother say if she discovered Miriam had let a wicked pirate kiss her?

But any thoughts quickly flew from her mind as his lips settled over hers. They were warm as they moved over hers in coaxing kisses. She slowly relaxed, her lips softening, her fingers curling around his upper arm.

His mouth slanted over hers, more demandingly. She gasped when his tongue flicked against her lips, only to slide deeper into her mouth. Her toes curled as his tongue touched hers, her fingers tightening on his arm.

Her breasts rose and fell as the kiss deepened, turning into something drastically different. Fire licked through her, and her thighs scissoring restlessly among the sheets.

She moaned as he sucked lightly on her tongue, feeling an answering throb between her thighs. He shifted, pressing against her thigh as
one of his wedged itself between hers. His hand slid up over her belly to rest just below the swell of her breast.

She tore her mouth from his, gazing up at him dazedly. ‘Do Lady’s really kiss like this?’

He nodded, a tiny smile curving his lips. ‘Mmm, although, if you want to do it properly, the way Lady’s do…’

‘What do you mean?’ she demanded breathlessly when his words trailed off.

His fingers tugged at the ribbons of her bodice, and it was only then that she realised all that she wore was her frilly white chemise. Her hand pressed against his, preventing him from unlacing her further as she gazed up at him, wide-eyed. Her swift inspection of him revealed he wore breeches and nothing else. Her stomach clenched at the sight of all that golden male skin with its sprinkling of black hair.

‘To do this properly, it is important that I see your breasts.’

‘W-why?’ she demanded suspiciously, her eyes lifting from the expanse of his chest to search his handsome face.

‘To experience the full pleasure of a kiss. That is what you wish me to show you, is it not, before I deliver you to your fiancé?’

She chewed on her lip. Surely feeling this good couldn’t be a wrong? If it were a sin, some part of her would surely recognise that, and stop him immediately? Some of her friends had admitted to kissing boys on terraces at balls when their chaperones were not looking, and nothing bad had happened to them. She nodded jerkily, removing her hand from where it covered his much larger one.

She unknowingly held her breath as he drew the ribbons through the tiny embroidered holes, her face watching his. She squeezed her eyes shut when he peeled the thin silk cloth apart, revealing the tiny thrust of her breasts with their taut rose nipples to the intensity of his gaze.

‘You are beautiful,’ he whispered. ‘So pale and perfect, like a velvety cream rose bud plucked from an English garden.’

Her breathe shuddered from her lungs as his hands lightly traced her breasts, caressing the sensitive skin. Her lips parted instinctively beneath his as they closed over hers.

Quivers raced down between her thighs as his fingers toyed with her breasts, tugging and pinching their rosy tips. She arched against him, pressing against his hands as she tentatively kissed him back.

He groaned against her mouth, his hand sliding down over her hip and thigh. She barely registered the feel of cool air against her heated flesh as he drew up her chemise. It was only as his fingers massaged the soft flesh of her inner thigh that she stilled, her eyes widening.

She struggled beneath him, tearing her mouth from his. ‘No!’

‘No? You do not wish for me to kiss you as I would a woman? Perhaps you are not woman enough, my innocent captive?’

She whimpered as his fingers lightly caressed the sensitive crease of flesh where her thigh joined her body, unsure what to do. She gazed up at him helplessly, her throat locked. If it was as he said, and merely a kiss, then how could it be so terribly wrong? Yet the thought of him touching her there where she had never dared herself, was shocking.

When she said nothing, her uncertain eyes locked with his, fingers lightly brushed the thatch of curls at their apex. Heat scorched through her as he gently explored her secret place with the lightest of touches. Her lips parted as his fingers became more daring, stroking her pink channel.

‘I do not believe that is so,’ he continued softly as he pressed kisses along her nape. Blood coursed through her, her skin felt feverish, the flesh between her thighs churning. ‘I believe that you are more than woman enough to kiss me properly, all of me.’ His fingers caressed her until she bucked against his hand, the world dimming. Her back arched off of the bed, her hands digging in to his waist as indescribable sensations thrummed through her.

Yet still his fingers continued to stroke her, pushing her toward some unknown peak. She never noticed the hand struggling at the ties of his breeches, simply glorying in the feel of his fingers and mouth on her as he shifted above her.

She felt his finger nudging at her, as though seeking entrance into her body. She wiggled breathlessly against him, her brow furrowing. His mouth returned to hers, capturing her mouth. He pushed harder against that place between her thighs, and she was amazed to feel it give. Her eyes widened as she felt something moving up slowly inside of her. She stilled, not sure what it was, feeling a tense stinging sensation as her body was stretched. The pain began to increase, and she pushed at his chest, seeking to gaze down between their bodies.

She cried out when she saw the thick shaft of flesh rising from a nest of black curls pushing up inside of her. She struggled then, her nails scraping at his face as she fought to move him off of her. She pushed down against him, seeking to expel him from her tender flesh, and felt something wrench inside of her. She gasped at the agony of it, tears flooding her eyes as her body tensed.

He moved, she didn’t know whether forward or back, but she cried out again as lightening pain stole through her, her struggles ceasing.

‘Relax,’ he whispered against her ear. ‘The pain will pass. ‘

‘Get off of me!’ she screamed. She moaned in relief as he withdrew from her, turning on to her side to face the wall, refusing to so much as glance at him.

His hands smoothed down over her back, and she flinched, hot tears rolling down her cheeks. ‘It isn’t always like that. There is only pain the first time, and then it starts to feel better.’

She squeezed her eyes shut, unable to control the trembling. ‘You – you tried to seduce me!’ she accused him.

Devlin closed his eyes against the pain he heard in her voice. It would not do to mention that in the eyes of the Church, he already had. He had known she was an innocent that day he followed her and her sister to the markets. Men had stopped to stare at the pair of them amidst the small cluster of woman from the Ambassador, a couple of sailors a few steps behind to afford them some protection from predators. Like him.

She had never seen him, her back straight, her face placid, hiding all the thoughts behind the Ladylike exterior. His hands had itched to release the tightly pulled back hair that glinted silver beneath the warm sun. Despite the humidity, she had worn a gown that had buttoned up to her throat. In that dusty, crowded market place, she had seemed a perfect, icy rose. Yet those eyes had told another story, soft and innocent and in awe of the exoticness that surrounded her. He followed her for most of the day, until his brother had found him. Word had got back to the ship that Devlin was acting like a love-sick fool over a bit of fancy lace. Only Devlin found he was to have the last laugh when Daemon spied Carly.

Miriam’s reaction to his kisses had thrown him. The layer of ice surrounding her was paper thin, melting at his lightest touch. He had lost control, wanting nothing more than to sheath his cock in her tight, slick channel. Only now he realised that she knew little in the way of men. Her look of horror when she spied his cock merely demonstrated this, and he ground his teeth in frustration. To feel her soft warmth begin to open itself around the tip of him, then to be relegated to the far side of the bed, did little for his temper.

He swung his legs over the side of the bed, dragging up his breaches as he rose. He found a clean shirt and tugged it on. Then he strode from the chamber and up the steps, taking them two at a time. Upon spying his brother, an idea formed in his head. He strode back to the cabin and flung open the door. She was sitting on the edge of the bed, struggling to tug on her gown. He strode toward her, and she cowered from him.

He felt his anger boil, but at himself, for he had done this to her. She was an innocent, and he had forged ahead too soon. S
he was a Lady, to be seduced with gentle kisses and wine, and he had made a complete hash of it.

He helped her yank down her gown and his hand on her wrist tugged her to her feet. Perhaps her sister could explain the ways between a man and a woman better than he could without offending Miriam’s delicate sensibilities.

He drew her along behind him until he reached his brother’s cabin. He pushed the door open, sighing angrily at himself as Miriam ducked beneath him with a cry of relief and rushed into the arms of her sister. With another grimace of disgust for himself he turned on his heel and slammed the door shut behind him.


Miriam threw herself at Carly where she sat on the edge of the bed running a brush through her long mane. Sobbing with relief, she clung to her sister, glad she was safe. Guilt consumed her, for she had barely given her sister a thought upon finding herself alone with the devilish pirate.

Carly rubbed her back, as Miriam clung to her, and slowly the tears eased as her thoughts turned dark. What if what that pirate tried to seduce Carly, as Devlin had her? She lifted her head and gazed worriedly at her far prettier sister.

‘Did he hurt you?’ Carly asked kindly.

‘Yes!’ Miriam cried, and then slowly she shook her head. The pain had only begun when she struggled, so she doubted whether she could blame Devlin fully for that. ‘Well, no, not really. But he wanted to!’ Miriam mumbled.

‘You mean he didn’t try to…’

Carly didn’t finish what she was trying to say, and Miriam shook her head. ‘He said I was pretty, and that I had nice pale skin…’ her voiced tapered off. ‘But he was so huge, and I…’ she whispered, tears filling her eyes.

‘You what?’ Carly demanded.

‘Oh, it’s all so humiliating.’ she said, pressing her face into her hands. She couldn’t look at her sister, knowing that she had brought this upon herself. It was Miriam who had asked him to kiss her. ‘He tried to undress me, and he was kissing me in all these strange places, and it was nice at first. Are you shocked?’ She didn’t want to hear Carly’s answer, knowing she could not be anything but, and quickly went on, ‘but…but when I saw his breeches were undone, and it hurt between my legs, I got scared and started to cry. He got really disgusted and angry with me and he stormed out,’ Miriam wailed.

‘Shh, it’s ok. It’s ok. There was nothing you could have done.’

Miriam clung to her sister, knowing that wasn’t the truth. She had all but invited him to seduce her. She was a hussy, a tart. If her mother could only see her now, she would beat Miriam black and blue with her strap.


She must have fallen asleep, for she jerked awake when the monster kicked open the door and ordered her out. Her eyes widened at the sight of Carly tossed over his shoulder. She hesitated, unsure what to do.

‘Go’, Carly mouthed to her, and Miriam bit her lip as she quickly skirted the man and slipped through the doorway. The door slammed shut behind her, and she turned to face it, unsure that she had done the right thing. Would he hurt Carly?

Her hand rested on the doorknob when a voice spoke from behind her. ‘I would leave them be.’

Miriam spun around, pressing her hand against her breast. Devlin had somehow snuck up on her. ‘But…’ There was no sound emanating from the cabin, and she looked at Devlin warily. ‘Will he hurt her?’

‘No, that’s the furtherest thing he has in mind, I promise you.’ He reached out and caught her hand, tugging her along behind him down the narrow walkway and into his cabin.

She frowned at him as he turned to face her, trying to tug her hand from his warm one, but he didn’t let it go.

‘I want there to be no distrust between us, Miriam. I know I hurt you, but I will make it up to you.’

He let her hand drop and slid his hands around her waist, drawing her closer. Her heart fluttered and her lashes lowered shyly as his mouth brushed against her forehead. Dare she trust him?

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Hi folks, this is Austin d’costa from maharashtra. I am 35yrs old and still I am married. I read all the stories on Indian sex stories. This story is about my experience with my friend’s aunt sheetal. I am the only son in my family and I am the partner of my company along with john who is my friend, but he is not the friend I am talking about. He is dinesh, my college friend. One day I had gone to meet him regarding some contract I had promised to allot him. I rang the doorbell, but there was...

4 years ago
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Duke Has His Day

© 2019 Mojavejoe420 . WARNING!! Contains Bestiality, Dog Sex. If you don't like this, please leave now! One Fine Saturday Morning... I sat somewhat reclined in our bed, checking out the latest Reddit posts one Saturday morning, when I felt Melanie stirring on her side of the bed. We always slept pretty close together, so it was unusual for me to be awake and not spooning her. Other than those few period days, we had sex practically every morning. But not today. The day she and I had...

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ParenthoodChapter 5

There, by the kitchen table, she told me her story. She came from a good but not so wealthy family. Her parents we extremely proud of their daughter, who was studying in a good college so that she would be able to get a good teaching position when she graduated. For the first two years, everything went just fine; but this autumn she and her friend had decided to rent an apartment off campus, even if it would mean working part time. She even had a part time job for a month, but then they had...

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A teachers erotic adventure

Jennie, her blue eyes crinkled as she smiled out into a sea of apprehensive little faces. She knew how her ninth grade class hated 'pop quizzes. "Everyone, take a copy of the test, then pass the others back." A collective groan could be heard throughout the room "Okay," you have 20 minutes to complete the Quiz. You can start now." 'Ah,' she thought to herself, as she pushed back a strand of her beautiful long blonde hair, 'I can have a few minutes rest,' With the classroom deathly quiet, within...

1 year ago
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Laura and her Youth Minister Chapter 3

I can empathize with the characters, but legally cannot condone sexual relations between a minor and an adult. Laura and her Youth Minister Chapter 3 Laura rode her bike to the church. The day was pretty, but fall wasn’t far off. She thought about the upcoming weekend. Tomorrow they had their end of the summer bash planned. A couple of hours over to the closest water park for a day of splashing, fellowship and eating. Like the new top she was wearing, she had gone shopping for...

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Booth Sucker

Sometimes I get a craving for cock. And I just want to suck one after the other until my mouths so sore I can't get it around a dick anymore. I also like it anonymous. There's something so very hot about not being able to see the guy whose cock I'm eating and his not being able to see me except the glance of me he gets through the glory hole at the xxx bookstores that I sometimes go to. I like to dress in lingerie. Generally black satin tap pants with a black bra and thigh highs. I...

4 years ago
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Princess by Default Episode 7

For those who complained about the mixed up headings of the different chapters, sorry, it was a technical problem. I typed the right numbers - my keyboard made the mistakes. Princess by Default - Chapter 13 Coup and Countercoup "Lady Jasmine, Lady Jasmine." I heard the voice through a web of cotton candy. I tried to answer only my voice didn?t work. Something cool dabbed at my face. I felt my body being...

2 years ago
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Holiday Encounter

My husband is the head coach for an English soccer team that had earned promotion at the end of season. Steve had worked really hard through the year and the use of the Chairman’s villa for a couple of weeks was a great bonus. The down side was with promotion comes added pressure of trying to sign new players who are also on holiday and the continual phone calls from other clubs, players agents and the Chairman, bless him. Steve was thriving on the challenge and seemed totally...

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Brother Sister and Virginity Part 1

I decided to get my 16 year old body off the bed; heading for the washroom, still thinking of what to do. After using the toilet, I realized that there was a pack of pills left beside the sink. There were several small pills which contained very different colors every two rows. What got me intrigued by it was that there were days of the week written on the package. The first few were taken out, including today's (Saturday). I poured milk into my bowl of cereal. My sister came up to...

3 years ago
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Office Politics Pt1

Hello! My name's Alec. I'm thirty-six, a graphic designer by trade, and I want to tell you about what happened to me around a year ago.I work for a medium sized company in Greater London, we do corporate branding, web stuff, brochures, that kind of thing. I've been working here for nearly seven years, and last spring, after a lot of hard work, I got a promotion that came with a small office all to myself, a little oasis of calm, with a nice sunny corner for my pet spider plant, Debbie. It'd...

Gay Male
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Dream StateChapter 8

Debbie did have a surprise for me, and, as I had suspected, all the girls... including Aimee... were in on it. It started when Debbie put Mary and me into a cab and told me to meet her in a couple of hours. I didn't know the destination, or where we were to meet, but apparently Mary did. We ended up at a Formal store. I had never been in such a place since I was a senior in high school preparing for the prom. I found out later that Debbie and Aimee had made all the arrangements. Mary had...

1 year ago
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Private Stacy Cruz Stacy8217s Charm

In Private Specials, Spoiled Rich Bitches, Stacy Cruz is exactly one of those, she gets what she wants, when she wants it and today out on the docks she has her eye on stud Jesús Reyes. Stacy isn’t just spoilt though, she’s also a sexy blonde babe with perfect tits and when it comes to guys, she has no trouble. So enjoy this horny star on as she takes the lucky Jesús back to her yacht’s cabin for her very first interracial experience as puts her incredible body to work fucking,...

1 year ago
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Getting Educated

My name is Nancy I grew up along the shores of Lake Michigan in a small town with all my friends and family, raised a catholic I was a good girl. I'm five foot four inches and weight a hundred ten pounds big tits 40DD, I got on the pill at an early age to help control the cramps I was having when I got my period I have three older sisters all of us built about the same we take after my mother. My father drove truck for a local business so he was home every night. With five women in the house...

4 years ago
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Introduction: I started playing with his balls lightly squeezing them and kissing the shaft of his dick. I could feel him getting tense Jason and Emily May 20 2014 Jason was the typical stereotype geek in high school but I found him beautiful. he had crystal blue eyes, long curly shoulder length jet black hair,weighed in around 195-210 and was 63. In my eyes he was beautiful The one day during science our teacher gave us an assignment. Normally our assignments are in school but this time...

2 years ago
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AmlieChapter 4 Give Her that Big Dick Antoine

[Undated entry] Somewhere in the Caribbean FROM THAT MORNING on, Amélie dedicated herself to developing her shoulder muscles. She had good reflexes, she knew that, and enough knowledge of fighting from observation and training with Gérard to handle herself in a wrestling match. Especially since most boys, Michél being the exception, didn’t think she could fight. Gérard swam almost every day in a cove not far from their house, but far enough that others rarely visited, especially early in...

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The Break In0

“What the hell was that,” Cindy whispered before nudging him. “Go check honey.” Mark crept down the long dark hallway. It was difficult to see at three in the morning without any of the lights being on. He peered into the bathroom to find nobody there. The spare bedroom had the same result. His heart raced as he looked left then turned right. A blunt object smacked him in the face. When Mark came to, he was staring at two very large black men. One had a hold of his wife by her...

2 years ago
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The sexy air hostess

‘Jai darling, you gave me a wonderful fucking experience. I really enjoyed it fully. To speak the truth, this is the most exciting fucking I have ever got in my life so far. And I never got this much of pleasures before. From your look, I never thought you would have so much of vigor and vitality to fuck…’ she said appreciatively. ‘Jasmin, that makes two of us. It was all your magic. To be specific, the magic of your pussy’ I complimented back. ‘See for yourself, Jai, what mess you have made...

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Here Cums The Bride

I stood in front of the mirror appraising myself in my bridal gown, making sure everything was properly fit and put on. Was I forgetting anything? Veil; check Bouquet; check, Garter; check, Makeup, not too much; check. It was all perfect, beautiful and I was ready to make my vows to the man I loved. The wedding was a small event, only family and our closest friends were invited. Eric and I didn’t want, or have the money, to spend on anything larger. We didn’t want to cater to any guests we...

1 year ago
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Black women who likes married women

I'm not sure what was going on. But in the summer of 1993 my women who lived just down the road from us who often eyed my mom a lot. She knew my mom was married and had children of her own and mom was by no means (lesbian). I watch Dr. Phil on this topic and he said lesbians/gays are born that way and this been going on from the start of mankind on Earth and he said gay/lesbians often stick to the same gender base. If this was the case then my mom was married and had no signs of being lesbian...

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Riding Lesson With My Maid

A newbie writer here with the purpose to make life more spicer for the readers and self. This is also my first submission and look forward to the feedback after many years of this incident finally got the time to pen my memoirs. The work presented here is mostly true & real life. However situations, places, names have been moderated to protect identities of the people involved. Generously have added spice where required. As a country we are sexually opressed hence the reason for our craving to...

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Master PC Child of the ProgramChapter 4 Holiday Traffic

Why Dr. Livingston left without actually coming after me was a bit of a mystery in and of itself. Many suggestions were made: he just wanted to know more about me, he was verifying some of the information he got from Professor Belton, or I had done something he wasn't expecting. For that matter, all of those ideas made sense. No matter the reason for Dr. Livingston's sudden departure, it put much of the urgency I had tried to convey to my girls into all of us. Everyone chose to meet either...

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A Haunting Experience

Hazel drifted back to into consciousness, she always slept well in this bed, She and Mike were in Llangollen, having stayed overnight again at the house of their special friends, Paul and Jean. Whether it was the huge comfortable bed, or the fact that she had experienced another mind blowing session of pure unadulterated sex the previous night, having been taken by both Mike and Paul, plus an erotic girl on girl adventure with Jean, she had gone to sleep the moment her head had hit the pillow,...

2 years ago
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Internal Affairs Ch 03

‘Hillary I need a couple of hours off this morning,’ Roger said. ‘Of course is everything alright?’ she asked. It was obvious to Roger that over the course of the past month, she had developed a bond with Roger. A bond between the high school nerd, she had been a nerd without a doubt, and the kid nobody liked. They bonded from the necessity for human contact. They would have never been friends, if not for their mutual outsider status. ‘My sister is going to be passing through town. It will be...

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Fast forward ten years from where part two of 'Parking' left off........Our children are grown, we have a grandchild and our lovemaking had plateaued. LF was finally able to focus on enjoying sex again - all the years with children had been difficult for her to let her hair down and enjoy like she once had.I have always enjoyed sex with LJ - she has a side of her that doesn't come out often but that is truly wild. In the last few years we had experimented with rope bondage on her breasts and...

4 years ago
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You wake up on the bus, which is strange considering you don't even remember getting up this morning. Looking around, you notice something is off - you have long hair, and clean clothes, and you're thin, and you have breasts. Your heart starts racing and feel the sudden urge to get some air. You step off the bus to collect your thoughts...

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Teachers Pet

Amy was a good high school student, she liked to hang with friends and got good grades due to her strict mother. But recently she'd become bored of teasing the guys at her school, she was still a virgin and wanted to stay one until she met the right guy. So she turned to the Internet, she found lots of sites and eventually found herself in a relationship with a older guy. He said he was a teacher and they often pretended he was a teacher at her school who liked to give her special rewards and...

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Hollys Blowjob Lesson

I was leaning back on the sofa at my girlfriend Pam's apartment, with her snuggled up under one arm. She was wearing her typical at-home uniform of a long sleep-style tee-shirt that fell to mid thigh. Nothing else. No panties or bra. She had her knees drawn up beside her on the sofa, and my hand was draped casually across her big right breast. Her nipple was a stiff peak under my palm. Pam was 18, although when we first met a couple of months earlier she had tried to tell me that she was 21....

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Beggars Cant BeChapter 4 More Naughty Bits

If this were a love story, I imagine that I would have picked up Jenny right there and carried her to her bedroom. This, however, is not a love story (wink, wink), and I was neither capable of lifting her nor did I have a clue as to where I would have carried her if I were, in fact, about the size and shape (as being in condition) of Fabio. Instead, I got to my feet and, in a gentlemanly manner, helped my lady love to her feet. She held my hand after getting up and looked at me with the look...

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The Twins Love Their Papa0

The girls were amazingly compatible and had always been that way. They shared toys, food, their love of music and dancing, and never quarreled over who got to sit in Papa’s lap… as far as Don was concerned, there was always room for both, even on the day they graduated from high school, 18 months ago. Labor Day weekend was the last weekend of the summer for the girls, who would be starting their sophomore year of college in a few more days. Don was especially pleased that they had decided to...

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“Are you serious?” Without batting an eye, I said, “Yes.” “Have you made this same offer to anyone else?” she asked. “No, only you. Find a way and let me know. By the way, are you and Paul available for the two-day event in Carmel?” “Yes, I am. Paul can’t make it though; is that alright with you?” she asked with a sly smile. “Perfect -- see you when I see you.” I took my girl to lunch at Lincoln, greeting many more of the teachers in the process. More and more of them were introducing...

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A Mormon Family Love In The Family

The beginning Hi, my name is John. At the time all this happened I was married to Ann. We lived down south with our two daughters, Samantha or Sam, as we call her, who was a tall tanned with long blonde hair. Sam had a long wiry frame like a ballerina and has developed up top, her breasts were about the size of small oranges. When she wore a tight top you could see she had puffy nipples that clearly protruded. Her sister Bethany, or Beth had long light brown hair with the family's...

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The Astounding Adventures of Timmy Johnson

The Astounding Adventures of Timmy Johnson By Nikki Mouton-Cadet Let Timmy Johnson tell his story in his own words: Introduction Hi Everyone. First off, "Timmy Johnson" is not my real name. So, don't try looking me up in any catalogues or registers. When I was born, too long ago to think about now, my loving parents named me; Timothy Andrew Johnson. But, for some reason, ever since all those changes, they call me Timmy. I suppose, after all these years, I'm okay with that. ...

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Neighbour Tanvi Didi And Me

Hello, people,I am Krishnaa,23. Well,this is my first sex story,so hope you all enjoy it and do send me your feedbacks so that I can write better and make you feel and cum better. Something about myself here,I am 23 years old,decent body,height about 5ft 8inch and the most important 6 inches cock. Coming to the story,this happened some 5 years ago when I was 18years old. We were living in an apartment and we had Telugu neighbours. We got along pretty well and were pretty much like a...

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The WolvesChapter 69

Menseio Station, orbiting Veria Jonuth Kidravia’s Ship - Abi 14:09 Ship Time September 11, 2019 When it came time to look over Oya’s initial sketch of Mason’s design, I was both surprised and intrigued. Surprised in that he didn’t meet or exceed the six million cubic meter limit I had imposed--he didn’t even come close, using a little over half--and by the overall design of the ship. The design was that of a yacht, and not a space yacht, but of an actual water yacht that you might find...

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Jokes and GigglesChapter 375

This compliments of John Z. How To Give a Cat a Pill 1) Pick cat up and cradle it in the crook of your left arm as if holding a baby. Position right forefinger and thumb on either side of cat's mouth and gently apply pressure to cheeks while holding pill in right hand. As cat opens mouth pop pill into mouth. Allow cat to close mouth and swallow. 2) Retrieve pill from floor and cat from behind sofa. Cradle cat in left arm and repeat process. 3) Retrieve cat from bedroom, and throw soggy...

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