Sarah free porn video

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My name is Steve Johnston. I’m 57 years old, 6’3”, athletic and still have most of my hair. I run my own computer consulting firm. My income is more than adequate for my needs and my ongoing investments assure me a comfortable retirement.

I own a home in a nice community just outside of a college town. You might think that this would lead to some fantastic sexual adventures but my needs are met by some good friends a few nights and weekends a month.

All things are subject to change and it started with a phone call. It came in on my private line from an unknown number.

“Have you seen Sarah?” Barked a harsh female voice. You get used to wrong numbers in a college town.

“I don’t know Sarah. You must have a wrong number.” I said politely. Then I hung up.

The phone started to ring again and I let it go hoping the caller would give up. No such luck. I finally answered it.


In the next fifteen minutes five calls came in which I ignored.

“OK, who are you calling?”

“I’m calling you Steve.”

“Who is this?”

“Joan, your wife.” I hadn’t heard that voice in over twenty years.

“Who is Sarah?”

“Your granddaughter you idiot. If you hear from her tell her to call home or else. GOODBYE!” I didn’t know I had a granddaughter.

In college my friend John wanted to date a very hot girl. She wouldn’t go out unless her roommate had a date also. I was drafted.

Joan was drop dead gorgeous and highly intelligent. Six Foot of Ice Queen. On the third date we went to a party. Joan drank some spiked punch and we all were drunk enough that I spread her legs and filled that beautiful pussy. No response. It was like fucking a corpse. I finally busted a nut in her but I told John that was our last date.

John and Mary had a conversation and then we headed back to the girl’s apartment. We helped Joan to her bed then when we were leaving Mary gave John a long kiss and turned to me. “I want to thank you for trying.” She laid a kiss on me that curled my toes then led me to her room and screwed my brains out.

After that night John, Mary and I were a constant threesome. It wasn’t love just friends with benefits. We were all hetero but we experimented with as many ways two guys can enjoy one girl as we could think of. Double penetration was dropped after several awkward attempts because Mary didn’t care for anal. Almost anything else was on the table; well, on the table, on the couch, on the bed, on the floor. She preferred one on one and she could wear us both out while possibly enjoying the sex more than we did. This lasted for three months then Joan announced she was pregnant.

Being somewhat old fashioned and chivalrous I married her. Being pregnant she said, no sex. Two months after the birth of our daughter I insisted on at least two nights a week. She just handed me some lube lay down and spread her legs and said, get it over with.

After three years it was down to once a week, at four years it was down to once a month. My hand was a much better lover than my wife. At ten years I had to leave.

I loved my daughter Karen. She was my pride and joy. Joan hired a nanny when she went to work. The only love Karen received was from me and her nanny. She would cuddle up next to me or on my lap if she could. Joan just looked away.

When Joan made partner in her law firm she earned twice as much as me. She told me I needed to start pulling my weight. I just walked out the door, didn’t even pack. I finally stopped a thousand mile later.

I found work with a company that sold and service computer systems. Consulting with a lawyer I learned that even though she earned more than me divorce would probable destroy me financially. Getting custody of Karen would be a hard fight that I would most surely lose.

I always sent cards and gifts for holidays but was blocked from direct communication. After four years my cards were returned, “Moved no forwarding address”.

Well, life goes on so I moved on with my own, building a new future. Eventually I bought the company expanding it to cover multiple states. The company became my life. After fifteen years I was burned out.

I made a good profit when I sold the company which I invested for my future.

Traveling around with no companion was a very lonely life, so I looked for a place to settle down.

I found a house in a nice neighborhood. It was larger than I needed but would make a good investment. Living alone in a big house with no friends isn’t much of a life.

I decided I would cook dinner at home but I needed a few groceries. While shopping at the super market I notice a woman with a classy confided look, she looked a little younger than me but I decide to take a chance. By the time I made up my mind she had disappeared down another aisle. I went from aisle to aisle looking. Almost ready to give up I was grabbed and spun around. There she was. She wrapped her arms around me and planted a kiss on me that shook my world.


“I’m glad it’s you, or this could be very awkward.”

“Mary??” I was totally blind sided.

“Come on Steve, dinner at my house.”

We strolled around the super market chatting as though we hadn’t been apart for twenty five years. Mary added items to the cart load until she was satisfied.

I followed Mary to her house and we worked together in the kitchen to make a wonderful dinner. Later we sat over a glass of wine and told each other about or lives.

Mary had earned several degrees but had never found the right man to settle down with. She was now the Dean of Students at the college.

I told her of my life with Joan and my daughter Karen that I still miss. After that I gave her a ‘Cliff Notes’ version of my last twenty five years.

Standing up Mary walked around the room and struck some sexy poses. She may have been almost fifty but she could pass for a classy forty. Then she started to strip. Her body was ageless. Even with only a pair of lacey panties she still had the class most women shed with their clothes.

“Do you remember the night you told John you were done dating Joan?”

“I will never forget that night.” Then she took my hand and led me to her bedroom and fucked my brains out, again.

In the morning I awoke with her warm body cuddled next to my right side. I felt the best I had in many years.

“Steve I can only give you a B- for last night.” She said with a serious look on her face. “You’re out of practice. It’s going to take a lot of tutoring to get you up to an A but I think we can do it.”

Mary is a good tutor. She gives me an A now days. I’ve always given her an A+.

We get together about twice a week and some weekends. Movies, dinners, even operas. We’re the plus ones for many things. We have grown close over the years and I often wish I had chosen her instead of Joan.

A few years ago Mary asked me if I would escort one of her friends to a dinner. Becky was thirty five years old and a comfortable motherly type. She had had two bad marriages and was not looking for another. We got along well and I became her go-to as an escort once or twice a month.

Mary was going out of town for three weeks to do some seminars. She told me if I needed anything to give Becky a call. Mary and I talked on the phone ever other night. After the first week I wished she was back.

“I really miss you.”

“What’s the matter? Do your feet get cold at night?”

“My feet and other harder things.”

“I told you Becky would take care of you.”

“I really need you in my bed.”

“Becky won’t mind and neither do I.”

“Are you trying to dump me?”

“Of course not. Just keeping you warm until I get back. I’ll call her and send her over. Oh bye the way, she doesn’t mind anal occasionally.”

Becky’s body is as comfortable as her personality. She is now a regular in my bed once or twice a week. I don’t feel about her the way I do about Mary. Mary is happy that I keep her friend happy.

A man cannot ask for much more in life.

Life was going great until I received that phone call.

The next morning I received a message on my business line.

“Dad, this is Karen. Call me back on this line at two o’clock. I don’t want Joan to know I called you.”

My little girl. How could I talk to her? Did she feel like I abandoned her? If I have a grand daughter she must be married. I had no choice. I made the call.


“Karen, this is Steve.”

“Daddy, thank you for calling. I love you and I’ve missed you so much.”

“I love you to. I was afraid you would hate me for leaving.”

“I’ve lived with Joan. I know why you had to leave.”

“Honey, what can I help you with?”

“I got this phone so I could call you without Joan finding out. Have you heard from Sarah?”

“No. I just found out about Sarah when Joan called. What’s a little girl doing running away?”

“Dad, I can’t talk any longer. I’ll call you tomorrow. Sarah’s not so little, she’s eighteen. I love you. Bye.”

Thinking about that conversation I realized that if Sarah is eighteen she must have been born when Karen was only sixteen. Now I had a million more questions to ask.

The next day we were able to talk longer. Karen told me about her life. At first she thought I would come back for her. She knew I still loved her from the cards and gifts I sent. At fourteen when they moved and she didn’t get any more cards she became rebellious. Joan clamped down with an iron hand.

Karen sneaked out when ever she could. When she got caught Joan squeezed harder. At fifteen Karen sneaked out one night and went to a party. It was mostly older kids but at six foot tall no one questioned if she was old enough to drink.

Being drunk she didn’t resist much when she was led to a bed room and the boys all took a turn or two fucking her tight pussy and ass.

She woke up naked on a park bench. Her blouse and skirt were thrown on top of her as an after thought. Cum dripped from every opening. Panties and bra missing she struggled into her remaining clothes and was able to get home and cleaned up before Joan found she was gone.

Two months later she knew she had to tell Joan. She was pregnant. The storm that ensued was fierce. Karen thought Joan would make her have an abortion. She wasn’t sure how she felt about that. Instead Joan told her she would have to suffer through the pregnancy and raise the baby herself as punishment for what she had done.

At sixteen she had her baby by natural child birth with no drugs to ease the pain. Joan made sure that they both had every thing needed for their physical health. Emotional health was never considered.

As Sarah grew the love between them was all that kept them going.

Karen was able to accumulate a small amount of cash over the years and when Sarah turned eighteen she gave it to her and told her to run. Joan interrupted the conversation and Sarah was gone before Karen could explain how to find her grand father.

Karen was sure he would take care of her but now she was gone into a world she had never learn to live in. Joan was angry and Karen was worried.

We talked more over the next couple of weeks and got to know each other again. I kept assuring her that Sarah would be all right but we still hadn’t heard from her.

One day in the middle of our conversation I heard shouting. The phone went dead. Even though I tried to call back over the next week I relieved no answer. Finally I received the ‘this number is no longer in service’ message. Now I had two girls to worry about. I would garb the phone whenever it rang but to no avail.

A week later I answered the phone to a strange voice.

“Hello, grandpa? This is Sarah.” I had never been more excited to receive a call.

“Can you come and pick me up at the airport?”

“Of course, just tell me which flight.” We made arrangements. I could hardly wait to meet my grand daughter.

I was a little early but I find watching people interesting, young girls especially. In a college town with students coming and going it makes coed watching almost a sport.

With several planes arriving and departing the terminal was crowded. I had never seen Sarah but Joan and I were both tall and blonde and Karen was well on her way the last time I had seen her. I figured I should be able to spot Sarah. There were several tall blondes but none that really caught my eye.

One short brunette was catching ever male eye in the place. She was probable only 4’6”, wide shoulders with muscular thighs but her most outstanding assets stood out like twin mountain peaks. It wasn’t so much the quantity as the quality. I instantly popped a boner. I think every living breathing man in the area had one.

Finally spotting Sarah across the room I began to make my way through the crowd. The little bomb shell was right in front of me making her way in the same direction. Progress was slow and I got more than one view straight down her shirt. She wasn’t as big as she looked from other angles. Her breasts stood apart and were perfectly shape. No bra was used or required. I got even harder.

I was almost to Sarah when a couple greeted her and called her Jacky. They were obviously her family.

I almost tripped over the bomb shell. She turned around to face me.

“Are you Steve Johnston?”

My tongue was as stiff as my cock. All I could do was nod.

“I’m Sarah.”

She threw her arms around my waist. Because of the height difference her head barely came to my chest. Her tits hit me below the belt. They squeezed in and landed on each side of my stiff cock. It was like I was getting a tit fuck from my sexy grand daughter.

I was so embarrassed that I couldn’t speak.

“I figured you would head this way. She looks just like mom, she pointed at the tall girl, she’s beautiful.”

We were in the car on the way home when I could finally talk coherently.

“I’m sorry Sarah.”

“Don’t be sorry grandpa. I shouldn’t have ambushed you. Sometimes my tits speak for themselves. Joan says it’s good I have them because no boy would have me because I’m short, fat and ugly.”

“You are very cute and sexy. Any boy would love you.” How could Joan be so cruel? He noticed she didn’t call Joan grandma.

When we got home Mary was waiting to greet us and help Sarah settle in. They went to lunch and shopping together and were becoming the best of friends.

Mary told Sarah about our relationship and Sarah hugged her and said I’m glad you’ve been here for grandpa.

I was having a hard time with my emotions when Sarah was around. I loved her as my grand daughter but my hormones were telling me something else. Sarah had a little tummy and she started to exercise to tone and flatten it. That made her ever more appealing. Mary often received the benefit of my enhanced sex drive.

Sarah and Mary discussed the problem. Sarah saw me as her grand father but also her knight in shining armor. She loved her grandpa. She was ready to give Steve her hero anything including her romantic love and her sexy young body.

It had been a leisurely Saturday afternoon. Steve had given Mary six great orgasms while she had emptied his cum twice. After laying in each others arms for ten minutes Mary got up and walked over to the window. Sarah was in the back yard exercising. She was modestly dressed but her breasts still caught attention. Maybe it was time to bring the sexual situation to a head.

“You know Becky is leaving. Maybe we should find a good replacement for her.”

“Mary I don’t need anyone but you. You always worry about me but you’re plenty of woman for this old man.”

“You seem to handle both of us okay. Come over here.” When Steve was close enough to see out the window Mary pointed to Sarah. “Look at those tits. Wouldn’t you love to fondle them?”

“She’s my grand daughter. I love her but not that way.”

“She loves her grandpa too, but she’s in love with Steve. Haven’t you noticed? Given a chance she’d be in your bed in a second. It’s you with the hang-up.” Mary moved around behind Steve. “Those tits are waiting for you.” Mary reached around and stroked his cock. Even after a long afternoon of love making he was hard again. Steve eyes were locked on Sarah as she exercised.

Moving in front of him Mary bent over and ground her bare butt into his stiff prick. She knew where his attention was as she guided him into her willing pussy. His reaction was sudden and powerful. With animal lust he hammered into her, still looking out the window. Mary had to brace herself to keep for being pushed through the window.

“Ease up Steve.” She gasped. Her own excitement was rapidly building. The savage pounding she was taking brought her over the top for a massive climax.

There was no slowing down for Steve. He pounded even harder driving himself as deep as he could go. His lust was driven by his grand daughter with her sexy tits his main focus.

Mary wasn’t moaning now she was almost screaming with her own building heat. Steve was growling as he increased his pace. He was mauling her tits with the vision of Sarah in his heated brain.

Mary screamed as her orgasm over took her. Her weak knees could no longer hold her. Steve grabbed her hips to keep her on his spasuming cock while roaring out his triumphant climax.

Both fell to the floor still locked together. Their animal lust still drove their twitching bodies.

Finally spent they lay gasping as Sarah rushed into the room.

“Are you okay?” she asked in fear, looking at the two naked lovers on the floor.

“We’re okay. I’ll talk to you late honey.” Answered Mary. Steve was still too overwhelmed to ever reply.

When Mary was able she helped Steve to the bed. Collapsing with him she slept. When she awoke her was watching her.

“Mary I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be sorry. That was the most intense sex I have ever had. I don’t know if I could survive that to often though.”

“I didn’t hurt you did I?” She looked down at her breast where the bruises were starting to darken, then down to her hips to see the same.

“These will heal.” After a pause she added. “That pretty much answers my question. You will have to be more gentle with her or you’ll rip our little girl apart.”

“I can’t, she’s my grand daughter.” He noticed she had said ‘our’ little girl.

“I think you need to realize that Sarah is in love with Steve. She needs her grandpa but she also needs Steve. Let that rattle around in your brain for a while. We need to get cleaned up and I need to talk to Sarah.”

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Evil Souls Have No Limits

Genre- EVERYTHINGIntroduction:This is chapter one of this series. There will be several chapters. Also, this story will tie INS, coincide, and interact with another author’s story on this sight. I hope you enjoy it. It is just a fiction fantasy and do not condone the acts within nor should this be attempted. I will welcome all comments positive or negative. However, I do request negative responders to speak intelligently if you wish me to take you seriously. I am an amateur at this so hopefully...

3 years ago
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Gniit Girl Ki Chudaai

Hi dosto I’m Raj (kalpnic naam).I’m good looking ,well shaped body(5’10”) having tool more than 6′. aaj mein aapko apni 1 sachi kahani batane ja raha hoon.graduation complete kar k delhi niit south-X se 1 short time computer course meine addmission le liya. 10-15 dino k baad 1 ladki hamari class me aayi uska naam Sonam tha wo gniit ka course kar rahi thi. uski kuch classes miss ho gayi thi so usne sir se request kar k new batch mein classes attend karne ki permission li thi.wo aa kar mere piche...

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Lucys Journal

Many weeks went by and my mind was never far away from that journal I saw Lucy writing in. The titles stirred my imagination and I was about to get my first look within days. Lucy was going away on a training session for work with a few of her colleagues and I knew I could take a peek while Linda was at work. I stayed over at Linda's the first night knowing that I would have the place to myself once she had left for work the next morning. I was at the kitchen table when Linda came over and gave...

3 years ago
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First gloryhole pt5

I rolled it over and positioned the strap-on dildo slightly inward towards me. I angled my pelvis and sat down on it until every inch had disappeared. I let out a loud, "Ahhhh!" before getting closer to the big dick against the wall. I upped my anal ball speed and went to work on the huge dick.I was like a c***d with Play-Doh, kneading the large meat. My mouth would barely fit around the head and it took both hands to properly jerk it. Once it became erect, I began to bounce on the one I was...

4 years ago
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Mira 2

Mira Destovsky was sitting at her desk when I entered the office, ushered in by her tall, svelte, Russian secretary, Ivanova. She was all business, looking at her watch to confirm I was on time. I could only see her top half and she looked as gorgeous as I remembered her although her hair was drawn severely back. Her pale blue silk blouse was buttoned to the neck and she wore a man’s tie, loosely knotted and dark blue. Her jewellery was silver, ear rings and a bracelet on her right wrist, a...

4 years ago
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The Developing of Emma Part Five

As Kurt caressed Emma’s sweetly pronounced bottom, she realised she had never felt so feminine before, despite her newly freed cock standing stiff in nervous anticipation. She looked at the powerful male and the leering male audience; the few females there would now witness her being used as a woman. Kurt’s large stiff cock rubbed against her belly as he moved her round to a large and convenient futon, stroking her soft and slender hairless arms as he savoured the sweetness of her. He had her...

2 years ago
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Sammie the Shifter

My Name’s Sammie, I was just a regular 13 year old girl When I discovered my Ability to Change form, I’m 19 now, and While I don’t understand my power, I have complete control of it, I can shift into animals and assume the form of other people, I loved it, I Lead a relatively carefree life, I was Studying Criminology At University, I planned on going into the private detective business I woke up to the song paranoid by black Sabbath playing from my cd alarm clock, the sun shone brightly...

2 years ago
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Making Little Brothers Night

I have two brothers, both younger than me. We were swimming and my wife had caught the youngest, Andy, staring at her tits sneaking peeks at her pink nipples. She was wearing a bikini and had started teasing him by loosening the top. She kept bending over letting him get some good long looks at her nips and it was driving him nuts! My wife was 32, long red hair, green eyes, big tits with half dollar sized pink nipples that really puff out from her tits when erect. She also had a shaved pussy...

3 years ago
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The New NeighborsChapter 6

Lydia sucked my cock, I licked her cunt, fucked her cunt, and had her up the ass. And Emily watched, learned, and asked questions. Emily was especially interested in how she should use her tongue when sucking cock, and was delighted to know that the techniques she had learned licking her mother’s clitty were applicable when having a man in her mouth. So the next night, she was eager to get started. “Daddy, are you going to do everything to me that you did to Mom last night?” she asked as...

4 years ago
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Youre My Christmas PresentChapter 8

We all sat down to meatloaf and baked potatoes, with a chance to make ourselves a salad if we wanted. “Dad,” I said passing the potatoes to my sister, “How soon can I get the money you said that I earned for helping with the listings?” “Oh, does the idea of all that money burn a hole in your pocket, Stuart?” Dad said with a smirk. “Actually, No Sir– I’ve tapped out getting Christmas presents; and I don’t want to get into my saving account.” “Well, if your Mother lets me go into the office...

4 years ago
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Getting a piece of Ass

I sat in my bosses office as she politely said I wasn't meeting my sales targets. She leaned forward the plunging neckline of the jacket she wore showed she wasn't wearing a brasserie. She wasn't wearing a blouse and I was willing to bet that she wasn't wearing any underwear. Her long legs were shrouded in black stockings the tops exposed as her skirt rode up her shapely thighs. "... Now you have 10 days to show some improvement in sales or your back in the warehouse on salary. No car and...

2 years ago
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Hotwife Kim Such a Kinky Slut

Chapter 1Given just how revealing the slutty little outfits are that my hotwife wears to pubs, clubs and bars,I'm amazed that she's never been arrested for indecent exposure, breach of the peace or grossindecency! She constantly pushes out the boundaries of what she wears and what she gets up to.I first met Kim four years ago at a property exhibition I'd rented a stand at. Through an agency I'dhired four promotions girls to help out on the stand. They were all in their twenties,...

1 year ago
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Murder by NumbersChapter 2

Mike ignored the voice that seemed to be distant and calling his name. Instead he concentrated on the files in front of him. The other thing that all these girls had in common outside of their profession was that they had all recently, within the last six months, had an abortion. They may have hidden it from their friends, neighbors, family members, but their medical records told all. He had searched Candi’s medical records to find out if she had been pregnant and found out that she had...

4 years ago
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Seven Years Since The Motel Ch 06

‘You didn’t have to dress up, you know. It’s just a bridge game at my parents’ house between Gemma, Alessandro, you, and me.’ Maisie flushed as she glanced down at her outfit. She’d tucked her fitted, dark blue jeans into a pair of saddle-brown boots, and thrown a short jacket over a sleeveless blouse. Carolina was right, she was completely overdressed for an evening with friends in rural Maine, no matter how much she hoped one of those friends would be more by the evening’s end. ‘Gemma was...

4 years ago
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Three Times The Fire

Every time Tom was in the restaurant, it was the same. He couldn’t decide which of the two women he wanted more. Polly was a tomboyish little thing with short, peroxide blonde hair, pert little tits and just a slight curve to her tight ass and hips. She had a lovely smile and her blue eyes always flashed brightly. Beverly’s was a more classic beauty. She possessed a curly mane of paprika red and laughing green eyes. Also of petite stature, her figure was womanly with generous hips, and a full...

3 years ago
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One Dark NightChapter 7

When I came to I was in a strange room on a big bed. All I could remember slightly was a mop of curly blonde hair and strong arms gently placing me on a bed. My eyes now became focused on what was around me. Big Mama sat near my bed and said"She's waking up!" "she'll be alright. "A tall strong looking guy was standing next to her in jeans and a flannel shirt. I looked up at his blue eyes and noticed his blonde hair. He was ruggedly handsome with chiseled features. He smiled shyly at...

1 year ago
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Jillys Special Day Part 2

JILLY'S SPECIAL DAY - Part 2 Gerry was waiting for them with the car door held open, Lance handed Jilly in (he was no longer thinking of himself as Giles) and he moved quickly across the back seat to allow Lance to get in. Closing the door Lance reached over and took Jilly's hand in his. "Comfy?" Lance inquired. "Yes Sir," he replied, but in truth he was as nervous as a kitten and felt the need to pee. "Jilly please stop calling me Sir," he said. "Sorry Sir, I mean Lance," he...

3 years ago
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Mutual Friends

Waking up but keeping her eyes closed, she pulls the covers tighter about her while snuggling her face deeper into her pillow. Breathing in and out, the fading fragrance of pussy is picked up by her olfactory sense which results in a quickening deep within her loins. She inhales again, deeper and stronger, willing her nose to find every trace. She lets the scent take her back... They almost met through a common friend. Well, sort of. They were both the friend-of-a-friend though they were never...

1 year ago
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Daddys Girls Part 2

*This is in no way, shape or form real* As Carlie and I went down on each other, Dad and Uncle Bruce watched in a drugged stupor. Climaxing almost at the same time, I gave Carlie a french kiss, and turned to Dad and Bruce. "Daddy, Uncle Bruce. You guys want to have some real fun?" Nodding to us, we led them upstairs to our room. Pushing the queen beds together, and having them lay down, we got out our "play toys" and started on their semi-hardons. I 69ed Uncle Bruce, now that it was my turn...

1 year ago
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Teacher Teacher Ch 02

I awoke Sunday morning to bright sunlight streaming through the open window and stretched my tired and surprisingly sore body, my morning wood quickly bringing back memories of yesterday. I stroked it a few times, my hard-on once again totally invigorated and ready to go until I realized how bad I had to pee. I looked at the clock and realized I had been asleep for almost ten hours and didn't remember getting up during the night to go to the bathroom as I normally would.I stretched again,...

2 years ago
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How she became a cuckquean

This is ridiculous, completely ridiculous. There I was with my girlfriend of eight months, she was driving us back from the restaurant, that she made me NOT pay for in fact she refused to even let me pay to put fuel in the car. She pulls over and turns to me with a shy look and mutters something I was finding hard to hear, I look at her and ask her to repeat what she said. “I want you to have sex with other women” she says just loud enough for me to hear. Shocked I took a few seconds to get...

1 year ago
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Military Wife Blow Job Lessons

Introduction: My ex and I began to have some friends among the other jr officers After a while my ex and I started to have some friends among other Jr. officers and their wives. I found that they were in general, prudes, and that the husbands complained all the time about them not doing oral on them and a couple that did not care for any contact with their mouths to a cock My ex and I laughed about it a lot and then one day he came home and said, Hey, the guys wana know if you can teach the...

3 years ago
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Story 2

So insisted received is occasion advanced honoured. Among ready to which up. Attacks smiling and may out assured moments man nothing outward. Thrown any behind afford either the set depend one temper. Instrument melancholy in acceptance collecting frequently be if. Zealously now pronounce existence add you instantly say offending. Merry their far had widen was. Concerns no in expenses raillery formerly. Stronger unpacked felicity to of mistaken. Fanny at wrong table ye in. Be on easily cannot...

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Velvets Sweet StallionChapter 3

At exactly twelve o'clock midnight, Felton lifted himself out of bed and got dressed with the lights off. He did it so as to not disturb his wife. But he shouldn't have bothered. She was already awake. Arabella kept her eyes closed and listened to her husband's sounds as he dressed. She was deeply hurt. He was probably off to see one of his lovers. She dare not complain. That's why she lay there faking sleep. He didn't know that she knew a thing. Or perhaps he didn't care. Maybe he...

2 years ago
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Star Wars A New Hope

Danger looms across the galaxy as the Empire's secret weapon, the Death Star, is finalized and ready to wreck havoc. Though a small rebel alliance has attempted to hold them off, their efforts have been mostly in vain - until now. The secret schematics of the superweapon were leaked following a high-stakes operation, which lead to those plans being inserted into a droid. This droid eventually found it's way to the future hero of the universe - Luke Skywalker, a young nineteen year old on a...

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The AtticChapter 7

It was almost an hour and a half later when Freddie stirred awake, and was momentarily distressed until he figured out where he was and how he got that way. His cock was hard, but it was only partially from arousal. Mostly, it was a "pee-on," a hard on from needing to pee while he was asleep. He started to extract himself from the tangle of bodies, but had to stop and give his cute little sister a quick kiss. She gave him a little smile in her sleep, and turned over. He tiptoed softly over...

1 year ago
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Fun With A Matured Girl In Bangalore

Hi my name is Kaushik and this is my third story in ISS. The story that i am going to narrate today is my recent experience that i had with a girl working in Bangalore. I got her number through a friend of mine and started sending her good morning and nice forwards every day. First few days her response was very rude but i kept sending her messages. One day she replied in a little positive tone.  We kept texting and decided to meet on a Saturday. She also told me that she cannot return as she...

2 years ago
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Daddies Friends part one

Daddy called me about two days after our first meeting. I was sitting at home and answered my cell quickly when i saw his number on the ID. "Hey Baby girl. You ready for some more cock?" he said, getting right to the point. "Oh Daddy, I was hoping you would call. I need you Daddy. I need that big cock inside me. I need it so bad." I purred in my sexy baby doll voice. "I got a friend who wants to meet you. We're coming over. Be ready." Daddy said in a strict, matter of fact tone. "Yes Daddy,...

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CHAPTER 4: THE CEO The day after the late night with Mr. Cornell had a few of us preoccupied with close review of the project and verification of what I had identified as an issue. I managed to convince Mr. Cornell the night before not to put too much fault on Steve, assuring him that this experience would be seared into his memory. Instead of using it to make a point, use it as a lesson for him. Sara did talk to him privately, however. Steve came to me after his meeting with Sara and...

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The Business Trip Affair Part 6

I felt his hand wander up my bare back, and that's all I needed to wake up. I smiled as he leaned in for a kiss. With a small little giggle at how sweet and romantic he was being I whispered, "Good morning, handsome." "Good morning. What's on the agenda today, boss?" "I didn't make any plans, what would you like to do?" He rolled on top of me, kissing me before answering, "I would love to make love all day." "I like the sound of that, got anyone in mind to help you with those plans?" His mouth...

Wife Lovers
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RV trip with a cherub

I was on a bicycle trip last summer I was just resting walking my bike for a while Along Winding stretch of hilly roads when all of a sudden an RV pulled up ahead of me and a small cherub woman got out she was no more than 5 feet tall and a little plump but she still had a nice figure she walked back towards me in a short little flower print dress and short heels asking me where I came from and where I was going and if I were you I needed a lift I said I was fine it was just resting for a...

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Jenns CoverupChapter 5 A Private Presentation at the Office

Once the three had finished their meal and drinks, Sam said it was time to go back to the office to continue talking about the account. Sam held out his arm to let Jenny hang on to him as he guided her out of the restaurant. They walked the short distance to the office. It was dusk, once they were out of the restaurant, not too many people noticed that her dress was so outrageously unbuttoned. The few that did had a double take like they had just walked by a live model from the "Over 21"...

4 years ago
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A Leader BornChapter 6

"I need to see the King." The two guards looked back at Shanna. There was some confusion in their eyes, the uncertainty of having someone talk to you in a strange language. Understandable. Shanna felt she had worn that expression all morning, ever since waking to the sound of the entire camp slowly coming alive. On the guards, though, it was mixed with the certainty of only having to take orders from people that weren't her. They did not move from the entrance to James' tent. Shanna...

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