Lamb Of GodChapter 10 free porn video

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Gail returned from her shopping errand ten minutes later than she'd planned. She wanted to catch the class still in session. The kitchen, usually a beehive of activity at this time with student helpers now assisting the assistant, was empty with large pots on slow simmer. A peek out back revealed bicycles still in racks, meaning the girls who came from other families were still in the classroom.

Gail set the grocery bags on the food prep table and hurried out back, raced across the lawn, and into the two-classroom, modular school. On entering Kay's class, she saw Abby and Donna masturbating to a scene out of Dante's Inferno.

The naked kids had Kay's nude body stretched across her desk with her head hanging off one end. She was face up with her legs pulled out in the splits. Two girls held her arms out and were fucking themselves on her hands. Two other girls fucked her with cucumbers--one in the pussy, one in the ass. At her head which hung over the edge, girls lined up to stand on two chairs that, when they squat, brought their cunts to the teacher's face. Other naked girls were doing squat fucks on her upthrust titties. Kay's body was slit slime from head to toes. One girl fucked herself on Kay's right foot. Another girl sucked Kay's left big toe.

Most shocking of all was Kay's bloated belly, making her look pregnant, and the reason was in a huge amber puddle that covered the floor and went beyond all four legs of the desk. You couldn't get close without stepping in piss.

Gail came over to the standing masturbaters that she had asked to keep an eye on the school. She smiled and said, "I see supper is going to be late."

Abby was too far gone to respond, but Donna had just cum and lazily stroked a wet slit. She smiled and said, "We came out when no one showed up. We missed a lot, but we saw a lot, too. Thanks for the tip off, but next time, be more specific. We didn't even get suspicious when Mona came in shortly after you left wanting two of our largest cucumbers for Sister Kay."

"I think, next time, that will be me. Lucky bitch."

"I think she had enough thirty minutes ago. You really should rescue her, and we really need to get back to our chores--with helpers."

Abby was getting her rocks off, so Gail began clapping hard and shouting in a stern voice, "All right, you little cunts, get dressed and get out of here--RIGHT NOW!"

A collective, "Aw, Sister Gail..."

"You girls with the cucumbers are going to remain and clean this mess up. Mona, get over to our room and start cleaning. Lana, stop pissing in your mother's mouth. Debbie, pull her down--NOW! MOVE!"

Slowly, the girls disengaged and began sifting through piles of clothing for their own. Gail could finally make her way to the desk and stood looking down on Kay. She was a slimy, wet mess, her long hair soaked, her face rubbed raw from cunts with pubic stubble. She lay limp as a rag, her legs still out in the splits, feeling empty except for her mounded belly. Gail gave that hard belly a pat, saying, "Damn, those little sluts knocked you up."

Slowly, Kay's glazed eyes rolled toward the voice and focused on Gail. Seconds later, she said, "I'll get you for this."

"Sure you will, but not today. Come on, let's get you into a tub before the men and public school bunch get home."

Helped up and now sitting at the edge, Kay said, "I need my clothes."

"No you don't. We are all that's here, and we've seen you naked."

"What about Joann, Shauna, and Carol?"

"Joann and Shauna are probably at the pound, window shopping, and who cares about Carol. Hurry, we don't have much time. It must be nearing four-thirty."

While getting to unsteady feet in a puddle of cold piss, Kay said, "I need my clothes."

"Your clothes will be the only ones left after the girls are all gone. You can get them later. Come on."

Gail half led and half dragged Kay out of the building and onto the lawn, making her way past the kennels and on to the rear entrance of the big house. The cool air and low sunlight hit Kay like a bucket of cold water. She sobered up quickly and picked up the pace, saying, "Shit, Gail, I can't believe I'm out here naked. This is insane."

"No, fucking fifty pregnant minors is insane. This won't look good on your resume, you know."

This made Kay chuckle and the sloshing from her belly made Gail chuckle. As they reached the back door, Gail said, "You're full of piss, girl."

Entering and seeing no one, Kay made for the downstairs bathroom with Gail coming along. She said, "Tell me about it. Piss is real big with those girls. Now, I know how a urinal feels."

"We teachers get no respect. Don't worry. A little piss won't hurt you."

They entered the bathroom and Gail locked them in. Kay looked to her and said, "Don't I get any privacy?"

"Not anymore, not after what I witnessed. You totally surrendered any right to privacy. I plan to speak to James about revoking your right to close a door."

"Gail, you can't be serious."

"Yes I can. Watch me, and see if he doesn't revoke. Furthermore, I'm getting you assigned as a dorm mother. I need help. You'll be sleeping in the boy's dorm and using the dorm bathroom. Using it a lot I would imagine after they find out what a good urinal your mouth makes."

"Gail, don't you dare! I can't live out there. I'm married."

"I live out there and Don has Lana to keep him warm. You had best adjust to taking a shit in a circle of grinning boys, and if you and your dear hubby want to make love, you had best get a motel room. Don't get your hopes up, though. He'll have that sexy little Lana alone in his bed. I think the best you can hope for is a quickie in the shed, bent over a riding lawn mower. Don't you worry, though, the boys will keep you plenty occupied. They can think of a lot to do with a wench like you besides pissing in you."

Kay sat on the toilet and placed her face in both hands, moaning, "Oh, god, what have I gotten myself into. I think Don will call it quits. One more bastard is one too many, and one more infringement on his marital rights will be the final straw for him."

Gail started the water running in the tub, then sat on the tub's edge before Kay, saying, "He's the one who married you into this church, and he could have moved out on his own from day one. He can handle much more than you think. He's not doing too bad for himself from what I hear from my girls."

Kay looked up and placed her hands on her knees. She began tinkling into the water while saying, "Exactly what have you heard? Tell me."

"What's to tell. He has fucked every one of my girls that lives here and half that don't."

"Lana is one of yours that lives here."

"I didn't stutter."

"My god!"

"He even fucked my little Sarah when he thought he was getting her cherry. He still thinks he popped her cherry."

"That horny bastard. He fucked you, too, didn't he?"

"Every adult male in this clan has fucked me, Kay. In fact, every male over the age of eight has had the pleasure. Do I look like the type to say no or not be hit on?"

"I can't say I'm surprised. And no, you don't like someone who'd say no to an eight-year-old with a hardon."

"That's right, and they'll be saying the same thing about you very shortly."

"We'll see about that. I think I carry a bit more weight with my brother than his fucking mistress does. No way would he toss me to those brats out there."

"You're as good as tossed and you know it. He'd toss you for kicks. He'd toss you to piss Don off, and I know damn well he'd toss you to make me smile."

"That may be. I still find it hard to believe that my daddy hit on you."

"I was surprised, too, but he did, and he got richly rewarded, ten times now, and he just hit on me for the first time very recently, maybe two weeks ago. Elder Hardwick has a very hard wick. He's not bad. What he lacks in vigor he more than makes up for in enthusiasm. I'll pass your name along if you'll promise to take the cum shot in your pussy and leave it there."

While looking at and wiping her tired pussy, Kay said, "Thanks, but I am perfectly capable of doing my own seducing. As for taking the cum in my pussy and leaving it there, anyone I fuck will have that privilege. In this church, cock is cock and cum is cum. [looking up] Listen to us, Gail. We are both talking like gutter whores. What the hell is happening around here?"

"Karen. I told you she'd blow this church wide open."

"No shit! God, I am still so fucking horny. Look what those sluts did to my cunt, Gail."

Kay had brought both feet up to the seat and laid herself open to expose everything between her legs, but her two holes drew the eyes, both gaping open and looking like tunnels. Gail peered in and said, "Those big cukes are murder on a gal's pussy. You look like you were the queen of a horsie frat party."

"I feel like I've been gang banged by a herd of stallions. Why am I still so fucking horny? I must have cum two dozen times."

Kay was unabashedly masturbating, rubbing her swollen clit, enjoying the eyes watching as Gail said, "Probably because you came two dozen times. It may take days to come down. [reaching for the cunt hole] Here, I'll work the G-spot for you. [Inserting three fingers and curling up to rub under the pubic bone] How's that?"

"Fantastic. Oh, yes, that feels great, just what I needed. Thanks."

"Anytime, as long as you'll return the favor."

"Yes, of course. I'd love to... I'd love to use my tongue."

"Yes, I gathered as much. I'll have to introduce you to Donna."

"I've had the pleasure... well, I received the pleasure."

"I know. Donna told James. James told me. Shit gets around, especially if you keep your eyes and ears wide open."

"Well, my eyes and ears are wide open, now--my legs too--come one come all... Gail, are you really going to speak to James about revoking my rights to any privacy and putting me out there with those horny hellions?"

"Yes, Kay. It's the least I can do for a full blown exhibitionist now totally out of the closet."

"God, I know that will be rough, and Don will absolutely hate it, but I don't want to have any privacy whatsoever--none."

"I can guarantee you'll have no privacy."

"I can imagine. Kids will follow me everywhere I go, night and day. Fuck it! I don't care what they see--shitting, pissing, masturbating, fucking, bathing, shaving my pussy, dressing and undressing. I want them to see it all. I want them to become as familiar with the area between my legs as they are with my face. Ummm, you're going to make me cum if you keep that up."

"That's the general idea. Don't drag this out. My arm is getting tired, and you need a bath. That is why we're here, you know."

"Harder, faster... yes... oh yes... AHHHH... YESSSSS..."

After Kay collapsed in a slump, Gail stood and looked down on the passion racked exhibitionist trying to regain her composure. Once Kay looked like she could understand English, Gail took her by the pussy-playing hand and dragged her off the toilet, saying, "Enough, now get in the tub, you horny slut. Mommy has to wash you."

Kay smiled warmly to her new mommy and stepped into the tepid water, then stood there as Gail lathered her bare hands and began smoothing those slippery digits all over excited bare flesh, concentration on intimate areas. Kay smiled and said, "Oh, Gail, I want to make mad passionate love to you. I want to eat your cunt and drink your piss."

"Of course you do. You're a bisexual slut."

"Umm, yes, I must be. I want to suck all the girls and fuck all the guys, and I won't draw the line at eight-year-olds. I'd like to put Karen to shame."

"I think you will if given half the chance. Stand wider so I can get the playground."

"Yes, Mommy. Soap it good... ummm, Gail, that feels so damn good."

"Yes, it does, now sit."

Missing the hands, Kay sat in the water, then laid back with Gail's hands holding her head. With just her face out of water, while Gail soaped her hair, washing piss out, Kay said, "Are you bisexual, Gail?"

"A little--depends on the bitch."

"Do I turn you on?"

"A little."

Showing deep disappointment bordering on rejection, Kay said, "Only a little?"

Gail smiled warmly, looked into Kay's face, then kissed her on the lips like Mommies don't. When she drew her tongue out of Kay's mouth and their lips peeled apart, Gail said, "All right, a lot, but don't let it go to your pretty head, and keep this to yourself--no confessing of our relationship."

"Are we secret lovers?"

"I suppose, but I like being on top."

"Then you want to be my Daddy, not my Mommy."

"All right. I'm your Daddy. Now roll over. I need to soap out your colon."

"Ohhh, Daddy, that sounds nasty," she cooed while rolling.

"Pull your cheeks apart, punkin."

Giggling, Kay reached back with both hands and pulled ass flesh in opposing directions. Gail inserted a bar of soap on a rope, making Kay squeal and cry out, "Fuck, what was that!"

"Soap on a rope. Don't worry, I can pull it out, but you'd better relax. Pretend you're taking a shit in front of a crowd. Ready?"

"Oh god! [Gail pulled steady and the bar pried through] Oh fuck, it feels like I'm taking a shit! [The bar popped out and Gail sent it back] Jesus, Gail! This feels so strange."

"Who's Gail. I'm your Daddy."

"I forgot. Oh shit, not again... ahhhh... damn... ummmm. How long does it take to clean a colon, Daddy?"

"That depends on how dirty it is. You wouldn't want Daddy to get his dick dirty when he fucks you in the asshole, would you, Kitten?"

"Ummmm... no Daddy... clean my asshole out real good."

"I plan to, precious. Daddy is bringing a few friends over tonight. I told them what a great ass fuck you are. You want to make a good impression, don't you?"

"Oh fuck! Make me cum... rub my clit for me."

"What do you say?"

"PLEASE! DADDY, PLEASE! I'll be a very good girl for you and your friends tonight. [Gail used her free hand to rub the submerged clit] ummm, yes... I'll let them all fuck my asshole as much as they want... ummm... yes, and they can all cum in my pussy... I'll beg them to make a baby in my pussy, Daddy... Would you like that, Daddy?"

Gail rubbed the clit vigorously as she said, "Will you get pregnant for your Daddy, Precious?"

"Oh, yessss, Daddy... ummmm... I'll get myself knocked up good and no one will know who the father is... OH FUCK, YES, GAIL! WHALE ON THAT FUCKER, YOU FILTHY NASTY BITCH WHORE, YOU! AHHHHhhhh..."

Gail extracted the soap and hung the bar back on the shower head, then turned the shower on full cold. This had Kay scrambling to get out of the tub. When she emerged dripping and freezing, Gail took up a tiny towel and began briskly rubbing. She couldn't help but laugh. Kay watched her legs being dried and said, "That was rotten."

Now rubbing between the legs, Gail smilingly said, "You needed a cold douche. You were in no condition to meet the clan, and I think they're all out there. [Standing] Here's your towel. We'll be expecting you."

Kay held the small towel as Gail made for the door, and then it dawned on her, "Wait! I need my clothes."

"I gave you the towel. You get them. And don't bother asking anyone for help. I'll see that no one answers your call. The loss of any privacy begins here. Get used to it."

"Gail, wait! I..."

But Gail was gone and Kay was fucked. All that fantasy was now a stark reality getting starker and starker with each passing minute. Every minute would bring more and more people into the main living area where the huge dining table sat. To get to either her bedroom or the classroom, she'd have to pass through those people. The classroom was no option, now being converted back to a sleeping dorm for the boys and young girls. No way could she return there wearing only a skimpy towel.

Kay wrapped the towel around her body and saw just how skimpy it was as a wrap. She could hide her nipples or her pussy, but not both, and the two ends did not come together, so one entire flank was bare all the way down. She tried holding it lengthwise to just cover her front. It covered her but exposed the sides of both breasts and left her completely bare in back--no good. She tried wearing it like a wrap-around skirt, using one arm to cover her tits, but she couldn't keep the towel together with one hand, so that would never do. No matter how she did it, she was fucked and more precious minutes ticked by.

Kay peeked her head out the door and called out to anyone, but just as Kay predicted, no one came. All she heard was laughter as a response. The place was packed. It sounded like the whole clan was out there, kids and all. The kids rarely came into the big house which was reserved for adults, mommies, and mommies-to-be, along with the teenage girls of James and Joann. Boys, young girls, and the toddlers, stayed outside or in the dorm. They also took their meals there. Twenty-three lived and ate in the big house, and by the sounds of things, the other twenty-two and most of the dorm kids were out there waiting, thanks to Gail, no doubt.

Kay did some eavesdropping and discovered that the topic of conversation was the big news--Karen's pornographic confession. She heard her new assignment being discussed, seconded, and finalized without a single protest from Don. The boys were elated. The other big news came from the girls who bore witness to Sister Kay's shocking exhibition in the classroom, as though they only stood back and bore witness. The little bitches told them everything, even the part where she masturbated for them and fucked herself with a cucumber.

Red faced, Kay fumed, paced and fumed, fumed and paced, then slumped against a wall and prayed that this would all go away or the towel would grow bigger, much bigger. Neither happened; in fact, the damn towel seemed to have shrunk.

Tempted to throw the damn thing down and just march out naked, Kay thought twice while standing nude at the door with her hand on the knob. A true exhibitionist should have no problem whatsoever. The cold shower cooled her passion for showing, and recent memories brought forth intense guilt and shame. Combined with a lack of desire, Kay couldn't do it and grabbed up the towel, determined to cover as much as she could, then march out and through as fast as she could.

It was a good plan, well executed, but Kay didn't count on anyone yanking her towel away. There she stood in her birthday suit with all those persecuting eyes devouring her sordid flesh, and those little bastards were blocking the stairway, her only escape that led to clothing. More closed in all around until she stood in a big huddle of gawking Christians, and then James stepped into the large circle and placed his arm around her shoulders, hugging her close to his side, saying, "Well, I see our resident exhibitionist has finally stepped completely out of her closet. I can't say this isn't a welcome change, a little honesty, a breath of fresh air, a ray of sunshine to brighten our days. I also hear you came out in a very big way this afternoon. You certainly are a nasty sister, Sister Kay."

Kay turned an even deeper shade of crimson as everyone chuckled or giggled at her expense. The words her big brother spoke cut her to the quick, but his gentle and caring hug to his side suggested love and compassion, like a caring big brother--very confusing.

And then Kay saw that the eyes weren't persecuting. They were smiling eyes, appreciative eyes that devoured exciting flesh. She looked around from one familiar face to another. The boys, now her boys, positively beamed as though seeing a nude Charlie's Angel. Even Don wore a smile as he clutched Lana, his new wife, possessively to his side. And Lana looked like a new bride, part of a couple, and the old wife was out of the way, consigned to purgatory, the resident fuck at Boy's Town, a living urinal, a living fuck rag that no ex-husband would ever want back.

The whole atmosphere had changed much like the atmosphere of the classroom had changed after the shocking news became absorbed, turning all minds to sexual subjects, lighting fires in volatile loins. All around were people with hot loins, growing hotter because they were seeing her naked. The effects of the cold shower quickly abated and new warmth suffused her loins. The blush of shame soon transformed into a flush of arousal.

Kay slowly stood straight and stopped trying to hide her intimate treasures. She looked up to James and smiled like a child with a hand in the cookie jar. He chucked her under the chin and said, "There, that's better. For a moment, I was afraid you were having second thoughts and were looking for a closet to hide in. Here, let's get a good look at you."

James stepped away, leaving her alone in the circle, but Kay felt fine and simply stood there basking in the attention her tits and bald pussy were getting. Eyes were staring at one or the other. When motioned to do a slow turn, she did so. When she faced him again, he said, "Excellent, a shameless beauty in our midst, and the best part is, you won't even need to get dressed to teach."

"Teach? You mean, teach in the nude?"

"Sure, why not. Is there some part of you the girls haven't seen?"

"Well, no, but..."

"Then why bother getting dressed? You should be nude at all times when indoors."

"James, Brother James, please, I can't stay nude all the time. I could never teach those girls in the nude. It would be too much of a distraction."

"Nonsense. Spread a little sunshine in the classroom each day. Perhaps you'll inspire others to do likewise. When you're all naked, there will be no distraction."

"You mean, allow those girls to attend class in the nude?"

"Why not. I pay a small fortune to run that school and feed those girls. I think it would be very pleasant to stroll out back and visit a class full of nude young ladies in the family way, pat a few bellies, rub a few fannies, maybe take one or two on a private tour of the big house."

Kay saw that few raised an eyebrow at this suggestive remark. Most looked positively thrilled by the idea, the girls especially. While Kay pondered the possibilities, Pam, James' oldest daughter, said, "Daddy, it's not fair that Rachael and I have to attend public school just because we're not pregnant. Almost all the other girls our age get to go to our own private school. Why does it have to be just for pregnant girls? There's plenty of room for us."

No one knew what to make of this, coming as it did on the heels of James' suggestive remark, but Rachael was quick to add her two cents and want a seat where her belly might get rubbed, her fannie might get patted, and her young ass might be taken on a tour by Daddy. And then Joann added, "I support the girls, James. They should attend the school they want to attend."

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Lamb of GodChapter 16

With Connie's confession coming right on the heels of Karen's, John's appointment book filled solid through Sunday. He spent all of his time hearing confessions, so much time that he had nothing for Eve and left her to the elders. By Thursday afternoon, he knew he led a flock of female perverts who, if they hadn't committed the sin, thought about it--same thing. No one would go walking out of the Sunday service if he bred Eve on the dais, so he gave the elders the task of seeing that she...

2 years ago
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Lamb of GodChapter 17

Eve was being kept prisoner in the home of Pastor John. Though he had no wife, he had five significant others and their children to serve as jailers. Most of the younger children and babies were his, but most of those over the age of twelve weren't. John ran what amounted to a home for divorcees with no place to go and nothing to do with children to raise. He had turnover but the current batch had been with him for many years. In all, there were twenty eight children, roughly half were his....

4 years ago
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LambdaLambdaSigmaLambda LambdaLambda

Adam looked at his reflection in the mirror. ”Looking good” he told himself. As he should. Adam had always been a pretty boy. But in the past year he had also pressed himself hard in the gym. Like many guys his age he had focused especially hard on his butt. And it had not been in vain. His once petite little boy butt, had become a respectable booty. Now was the time to put it to use!30 minutes later Adam parked his car at the beach, and removed the clothes he had wore over his swim trunks. No...

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Lambe lund ki cahat

Hi ISS I am Jasmeet Kaur Gill how are you yar main yaha apni first story send kar rahi hoo app sab ko padh kar hi pata chal jaye ga k main sach bol rahi hu k jhoth… Main Punjab Main Ludhiana k Pass ek gaon hai Barundi waha ki rehne wali hu… Papa School Main DP Master hai or Mami wahi par Principal hain. Meri mami bhi Bohat cudakad hai khob lund apni chut aur gand main pilwati hai. Abb apni story par ati hun jab main first time Chudi thi apne bhai main koi 22years ki thi aur bhai 20 ka...

1 year ago
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Flambeaux Staug Ch 09

Very few stars were visible in the blackening sky, and when the heavy fog accompanied it, the entire setting became somewhat unsettling. The fog set in once they entered Down, passing the city limits littered with bodies. Driving through Down was even worse, the bodies were mangled in an even worse fashion than they had been in Aftersun, and what with the fog and the ever threatening heavens, Nick, Matt, and Michelle found themselves shaking a bit. ‘God damn,’ Michelle uttered from the back...

4 years ago
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Flambeaux Staug Ch 11

Brian hummed happily as he tapped his hands on the steering wheel of his Buick LeSabre, careening down the road on his way home. He’d been away on a business trip for three days, and had just left the airport after arrival. He was very pleased that he was only a half hour away from his eight year old son Mark and Elizabeth, his wife of eight years. Brian was thirty two years of age, one year senior to his wife. He was an enigneer for Doldrum Plastics and had to go work on some stupid project...

3 years ago
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Flambeaux Staug Ch 01

Nick’s head hurt. His eyes opened to a somewhat disheveled scene, not remembering how he got there. He was lying on a stained and damp bed in a cold and dark room. He sat up and further observed his dank surroundings, Noting the cobwebs covering a good portion of the walls that encased the room. There was a bleak ray of light poking in from a boarded up window across the room. Rubbing his aching head, Nick apprehensively walked toward it. He peered through to see it raining outside. There was...

2 years ago
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Flambeaux Staug Ch 03

Nick gleefully approached the vehicle with a bit of a jump in his step. He bent forward toward the driver’s window as it rolled down and a male police officer turned his head to him. Nick excitedly addressed him. ‘Hello, officer,’ he beamed. The cop cut him off with his hand in a somewhat impatient manner. ‘What the hell is going on in this town?’ Nick’s smile flickered. ‘I…I haven’t the slightest clue. I thought that you-‘ ‘I’m up here because we lost contact with a car in this area about...

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Flambeaux Staug Ch 10

‘There’s my house!’ Michelle had never been so relieved to see her house as she now was. Nick and Matt stopped behind her at the old rusty gate. She turned to them, about to invite them inside with her. ‘Say, Michelle,’ Matt started, ‘how about you go in while Nick and I keep an eye on things out here?’ The suggestion reminded her that they couldn’t rest easy until they were out of Down and among the living. She nodded meekly and opened the gate, closing it gingerly behind her. ‘And could...

1 year ago
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Flambeaux Staug Ch 05

Nick and Matt quickly ran out of the police station and straight for the car. The rain was pouring harder than ever, and the sky had grown even darker. Nick made a Miami Vice-esque dive across the car’s hood and hurriedly got inside. Matt turned the keys and sped off. ‘You know how to get out of here?’ Nick asked frantically. ‘Of course,’ Matt assured him. ‘I didn’t just wake up here.’ Suddenly, another thing occurred to Nick. ‘Do you have a watch?’ Matt chuckled. ‘We’ve got something after...

3 years ago
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Flambeaux Staug Ch 07

‘Is that Hillton?’ Matt wondered aloud. Nick shrugged and shook his head. ‘I couldn’t tell you.’ They continued up the path until it stopped at a precipice. Matt walked ahead of Nick and looked down to see another pathway headed downwards. He looked over to Nick. ‘We can jump down,’ he said assuredly. Nick looked over and leaped down. He landed hard on his feet, the ground beneath him shaking and cracking underneath his weight. He moved over and waited for Matt to hop down. He laughed. ‘That...

1 year ago
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Flambeaux Staug Ch 04

Maynard drove frenetically, hoping to reach the entrance before Nick could. He had no idea how long ago he’d woken up, and thus knew he had to secure it fast. Maynard did have a plan in advance, he just didn’t think he’d need to use it so soon. Beforehand, Maynard had set C4 up in the mountains on either side of the road leading into Aftersun. He had the detonator in his coat and it was ready to blow at any second, but he needed to be sure that Nick was still in the town. Or that at least the...

3 years ago
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Flambeaux Staug Ch 08

Nick, shaken, managed to follow Matt to the Nova. Matt checked the ignition, the keys were in. Nick stood next to Matt as Matt testily turned to him. ‘What, did you want to drive?’ Nick backed up, not saying a word. Matt was a tad puzzled. ‘What the hell?’ Nick shook his head and walked over to the passenger’s side. He opened the door and sat, never making a sound. He’d been pushed over the proverbial edge. Matt got in and turned the key, giving Nick a hard look. ‘You okay?’ Nick’s face...

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Flambeaux Staug Ch 06

Even the most populous cities can seem repetitive when all the streets are empty, namely when you’re driving around the outskirts of such a city for a prolonged amount of time. Matt began to notice how the road seemed to repeat itself before Nick did, but he didn’t want to mention anything. Nick had become more and more excitable as time wore on, and he could understand why despite the fact that he was a jaded suburbian police officer. Matt had been on the force for a while, and he’d seen...

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Flambeaux Staug Ch 02

Officer Richard Littel was patrolling the outskirts of Hillton with his partner Dan Freese. They had received a call regarding suspicious activities further up the road and had been called upon to investigate. So far, however, they had found nothing. The dark and rainy environment did not make looking out the window easy, and the light did not help much. Overall, Richard and Dan were about to give up. ‘Shit, Richard,’ Dan muttered. ‘You could’ve let someone else take the call.’ Richard shook...

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Lambda Sigma KP

I am in a happy in my relationship. . My boyfriend and I had be together for about 5 1/2 years years . I have never had thoughts of cheating on him. Physically I am an average 35 year old middle class white collar guy. I have a thin build and I'm about 5'5 1/2"." I have never been in a fight in my life and I have not been exposed to a lot of riffraff. I guess hindsight is 20/20, I can see where I could have avoided one of the most dramatic experiences of my life if I had just had some street...

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Flamboyant days Ben WA balls Irish Pub and a bet

Summer 2018Lust balls or Ben Wa balls aroused my curiosity. Albeit I knew what most of the sex toys do, I was baffled when I saw those little balls, which would not look out of place in the cat toy aisle of a pet store given their size and bright or metallic coloring. I googled, read a lot of exciting articles and decided I have to have one.I went to an adult store, an attractive girl in her early twenties assisted me. She was dressed in a sheer black long top and a red G-string thong. She...

2 years ago
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A Not So Prim Proper Wife Ch 4

To Recap: Our heroine is failing at her goals to be a proper wife. After so much neglect, she is being exposed to more sex than she has in years, and she is starting to crumble. Her tormentors have included one of her high school students, her boss’s supervisor, and her next door neighbor, an obese Hispanic man named Roberto.Her husband, Dan, is aware of these, for the most part, though he has his own problems, as his career is in jeopardy for a failed performance. Forced to travel, he is away...

4 years ago
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I Receive The Ultimate Gift

After a long, romantic walk on the beach, we return to our blanket and I build a fire with the wood we had earlier collected. The night sky is crystal clear and it seems we can see every star. The gentle breeze from the ocean occasionally wafts over us and makes your long hair wave a ‘thank you’ to this unseen entity. I reach behind us and grab the large thermos of coffee. You watch in amazement as I pour the perfect amount of creamer into your cup and pour in the coffee. ‘How did you know I...

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Video Vengence

The sound of the sirens howling in the distance as they close in on my location isn't really comforting to me. In fact, they only serve to remind me exactly how far below me the safety of the ground is. The wind whipping around the building is also not my friend today. It actually threatens to separate me from the relative safety of my lofty perch. Every time a new gust blows through, I grab more tightly onto the handle of the window that I'm holding onto. Even the specialist from the PD...

3 years ago
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I woke up the other day and decided to hitchhike to the store.So I got dressed in my usual slutty outfit and went out.I usually get picked up pretty fast,about 6 or 7 cars went by before I got picked up my an older lady and her daughter.They told me they had to stop and pick another girl too.while we were driving I was alone in the back seat.I noticed the grand mom staring at me while she drove and she started licking her lips at me getting me so we,then they stopped and picked up another older...

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Vanaja8217s Insatiable Incest 8211 Part 1

Vanaja’s Insatiable Incest – Part 1 (For a change, this story is based on actual events, without necessity to add too many spicy and masala fantasies. I thank Vanaja for her enthusiasm in describing minute details about her seductions and fuck experiences and Ravi for his support (he is co – author of this story). I make a cameo appearance. If you wish to correspond with Vanaja and Ravi, email ID is Please send your comments/ suggestions to ) I got into the A/C Volvo bus to Bangalore, looked...

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Lust for Maries Daughter

My lust for Marie was hardly a secret, we had met in the mall, found ourselves with so many things in common it was no wonder that after only a few weeks I moved in with her, and within a few months of going out we decided to get married…though I wasn’t sure that sweet Marie was the whole reason for my passions I wanted to be a part of the family and watch as Sandra grew up to share time with.   Marie was pretty fair in the sack, but it seemed like every time we got down to business my thoughts...

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Summer Fun In Varanasi On Terrace

Hello Readers, This is Raj from Mumbai this is my first story, you all will enjoy it, Feel free to contact me for more stories. Let’s begin with the story, This happened when I visited my dad’s friend in Varanasi during the Summer of 2012. Simmi (Name Changed) is the female character in this story. She was 21years of age that time, Little chubby and totally fair like milk and Spicey like Schezwan. I reached her house by 1pm, climate was very hot that day, temperature was showing 40 Degree...

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Sultry Summer Ch 26

‘Why can’t you come over to my place?’ Samantha pouted. She’d stopped Stacey outside school, told him her folks weren’t home, and invited him over. When he said he couldn’t go to her house, she got upset. Stacey really wanted to accept the nubile teen’s offer, but he couldn’t. He’d promised to go over to Mrs. Davidson’s house. ‘Look, Samantha, I really want to come over,’ Stacey said, pained, ‘Honest! But I can’t. I gotta go to Davidson’s.’ ‘How come?’ his companion said, placing her hands...

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Unforgettable Sexual Experience With My Chiti In Chennai 8211 Part 2

Hi Everyone, Sahul again, Thanks for your overwhelming response. I didn’t expected this much response from the users. Really ISS rocks. Guys kindly don’t ask any girls contact numbers or my chithi mobile number. Any unsatisfied ladies/widows who are in need of good/secret friendship/relationship can contact me at Those who are new, visit the above link ie Part 1 of my story to know what happened previously. Coming back to the story, yes I didn’t continue anything on that day masturbated twice...

4 years ago
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Hot Pilates

Hot Pilates: My wife Jennifer had been on at me for years to do something about my weight. She had also said we should spend more time together as we both often worked long hours. Jennifer was a keen Pilates student and I had noticed how she was getting fitter than me. She was even talking about running which she was always hopeless at and which I used to be quite good at back when I was a university student. I had taken up karate but the classes had stopped for the summer. I...

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The DebtChapter 2

I groggily came to life at 7:00 when the alarm went off. I rolled over to turn off the alarm with Dee Dee clinging to me. We were alone in the bed. I was still too sleepy to wonder what became of Caitlin. "Don't go," she begged. "Please, stay here with me. I'll make it worth your while." I rolled back toward her and kissed her. "As much as I would like to stay, Dee Dee" I said, "I have to go to work. I should be back around 12:30. Then we can do something fun together. You and...

1 year ago
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MomPOV Nami Petite asian hot wife loves cock

– 45 years old – She is married to her high school sweet heart – She also had a live in boyfriend fuck buddy – Husband travels a lot for work so she has backup dick – The boyfriend and her like to play with other couples – She is bi sexual and might get a girlfriend someday too – Her favorite thing to do to a man is suck cock – She likes when a long cock is shoved down her throat – Loves to swallow and taste cum – She allowed me to fuck her super tight almost virgin asshole – Not afraid to get...

2 years ago
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Fucking My Cousin And Her Mom

Hello everyone Likith here. I received some really good feedback for some of you guys for my previous sex story. You can check my previous story . I am a Bangalorean since birth. Let me describe myself. My family consists of me, my dad and my mom. I am 5 feet 11 inches tall and my tool size is not that big but of average size. Let me describe my cousin sister Sakshi. She is 27 years of age, fair, a bit on the plump side. I swear I don’t know her sizes(I don’t what those numbers mean). She is...

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Sakshi Chronicles 8211 Part 1 Losing Virginity

Indian Group Sex Hi Everyone, my name is Sakshi and I have been thinking about posting my experiences on this site for quite sometime. I got introduced to this site long time ago by one of my boy friends and then again recently my hubby has been insisting me to post the events of my life in detail here. These incidents I am about to share with all of you are all 100% real and not a story or fantasy. I will break my life story in about 5 to 6 parts. I will post them as and when I get time to...

1 year ago
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60 Years Old My First Experience With Gay Sex

It was a hot and humid afternoon in Mumbai when I took my car to the garage for servicing at Colaba. The service station would now deliver the car only after two days. So I decided to take the local train to my house at Ville Parle. I somehow managed to board a local train from Churchgate at 7 p.m., which was packed to the brim, as usual. I caught the overhead railing to balance myself and was standing. I was recently retired from active Govt service. I had lost my wife some 10 years before. My...

Gay Male
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Losing ItChapter 2

I wrote to Peter the next day and had a letter from him when I got home two weeks later. I wrote back, but he never replied to my second letter, and that was the last I ever heard of him. But I didn't know that at the time, of course. The next weeks passed slowly. I felt like I had a knife in my heart that hurt every time I took a deep breath and sometimes brought stinging tears to my eyes. Aunt Judy and Uncle Fred were worried about me, questioning Jackie about what we had been up to and...

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A New World Part 14

Back at the house, Riley lit the candles and incense, while I went to the kitchen for beer. I gave everyone a cold beer and dropped on the sofa to watch as the women started to dance. Sam bounced around trying to get between the three women’s undulating bodies as they rubbed against one another. Riley glanced over at me and jerked her head. Understanding her meaning, I called Sam over to me. “Just sit back and enjoy the show,” I said, pointing for him to sit. Sam plopped down in a chair and...

Group Sex
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A Fistful of Sand Book 1Chapter 9 Welcome Home

The plane was mostly empty. It was a late night flight and Gregg hadn't really slept in more than thirty-six hours. In fact for more than twelve of those, he had been, well, exercising vigorously. The darkened cabin, the soothing hum of the plane's engine ... Gregg's eyelids might as well have had weights attached to them... Nate Hampshaw looked out the window from his brownstone apartment on Clark Street. He would have liked to open the windows, but in this summer heat, everybody...

4 years ago
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Craigslist ad Part II

Looks like I tend to leave stories incomplete, so figured I’d better finish up a couple. This one goes back a few weeks while I was working alone at an empty office. On this occasion I placed a quick Craigslist ad seeking cock. The idea was to meet guys across the street at specified times, and bring them over for some quick head. I sucked off a nice young cock at 10am, and had a couple visitors at noon that left me hoping the office suite shower was working….. Sam and the other guy...

1 year ago
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Sex with my brother

My name is Hareem. This is the first time I am writing a story. The event described is true and is first of a whole series. I hope you enjoy it. I live in Lahore and belong to a nice family. I was upset. My pubes were grown too long and I had no hair removing cream to remove them. Suddenly I thought of using my brother’s razor. Amir was two years my senior, he was 20, and we shared a common bathroom. We each had a door from our room into the bath. I went outside and made sure that he was not...

4 years ago
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Dominance Sex Over An NRI Bengali Bombshell

Hey friends this is my story of how I had my first sex with an NRI Bengali married lady. Am not going to go into details of how we got acquainted and come straight to the point. It happened somewhere in 2007 when she came down to India with her family (husband and an 8 year old son). We met couple of time. Then her husband left for Punjab (his native place) and finally we had a full day before she left to Calcutta. We decided a place to meet and she left left her son at her relatives and came...

3 years ago
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Undiscovered CountriesChapter 3

Matt woke slowly, feeling his mind at great peace. As he became more awake, he realized why he felt so peaceful. Kathy was sitting in a semi-doze, her back against the landing-pad wall, her legs out in front of her. Matt's head was lying on the very top of her right thigh, the side of his head resting against her hip. Her left hand was idly caressing his head, from temple to ear, and her right hand was under his jacket and resting on his left breast. Matt sighed at how wonderfully secure it...

2 years ago
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Sharons Husband

My wife Sharon is turning the tables on me. She has asked me to write a true story about us. I told her OK, she has been such a willing participant to all my whims. I felt should oblige her and I hope all of you and her enjoy it. First let me tell you she is a wonderful person. I am lucky to have her as my wife. She has this smile that melts my heart, she is amazing in many ways. She loves to take care of her body, by exercising and eating right. She thinks of everyone before herself and does...

4 years ago
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Ring of TruthBlog 2 The origin of the ring

13th July 2004 I arrived home at nine o'clock, Dad was watching a big football match on TV and from his thoughts, I knew he was totally engrossed in it so I went to my room and took out the little book that came with the ring. The pages were seer and brown and, apart from the title page, the writing spidery and microscopic in size. Even with a magnifying glass it was difficult to read and it was only when I tried my X10 hand-lens that I could make out the words fairly clearly but with that...

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A LifeChanging Experience Part Four

A Life-Changing Experience, Part FourKerry leaned toward me, removed his finger from my lips as he reached toward me with his own lips. He kissed me gently, smoothly, as I felt myself melting. I gave in and kissed him back, also gently at first. He tasted smooth and sweet, no doubt a consequence of the lipstick. It did not take long for our kissing to become more fervent, both of us pressing closer against each other. Meanwhile, I could not control my hands from exploring every square inch...

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