Insufficient Funds
- 2 years ago
- 26
- 0
Amy sat there at the dining room table staring at the envelope. She knew what was inside. Written in red across the front were the words - IMMEDIATE ACTION REQUIRED in big block letters. The envelope had come from the bank that Amy and her husband had financed their home through. She knew that she'd been having some problems lately making her mortgage payment, and this was the third letter like this she had gotten lately.
She sighed and opened the letter to see what they had to say and what she might be able to do to hold them off a little longer. As she unfolded the paper inside, she was hit with another shock. It was a Notice of Foreclosure letter.
Dear Borrower:
You have fallen behind on your mortgage payments. You must bring the mortgage current within 30 days of the date of this letter by sending the amount shown below to the address below in the form of a money order or certified check.
Failure to bring your loan current within 30 days of the date of this letter, will result in a demand the entire balance outstanding under the terms of your mortgage agreement. This amount includes, but is not limited to, the principal and interest and all other outstanding charges and costs. Legal action will begin to foreclose on the mortgage, which will result in the sale of the property. We also reserve the right to seek a judgment against you for any deficiency after the home is sold.
We want to help you to resolve the problem and bring your account into good standing. We urge you to contact our office at (675) 482-2331 and we will do what we can to work with you to try to solve your current difficulty.
"Shit!" she said as her heart sank. She was hoping they would give her a little more time to come up with something. She didn't think she was that far behind in her payments, after all. And everyone these days was having a tough time making their bills. Amy just stared at the letter. She didn't know what to do - with her Navy husband deployed out to sea for a six-month tour, he wasn't due back for another four months.
Amy put the envelope in her purse, she would deal with it tomorrow… somehow. For now, she put on a brave face for her daughter. She didn't want Suzie to know how bad things were. She worried too much as it was, and she was too little to know just how bad things really were.
That night Amy didn't get much sleep. She had to shield her daughter from all the bad news, but she also didn't tell David, her husband, about everything that went on at home. He had enough to deal with being on his ship - working on the flight deck of an aircraft carrier is not someplace to be if you are distracted. And there wouldn't be anything he could do anyway; he was out to sea somewhere in the Sea of Japan. So Amy had to shoulder this on her own.
The next day, she headed over to the bank to see what could be done about this foreclosure problem. She had gone through her closet and looked for something that was attractive, yet not too suggestive. She wanted to impress the bank officers, but not seem like a slut.
Amy walked into the bank, but before she went over to face the finance officer, she stopped by the restroom first. She wanted to check her looks as well as gather her courage for the meeting with the finance officer. Finally, though, there was no more avoiding it. She had to get this over with and see where she stood and what could be done to prevent them from becoming homeless.
After checking in with the receptionist and signing the visitor sign-in sheet, Amy was led to a side conference room. The room had a long table, nearly six feet long and three feet wide, with three chairs along one side and two on the other. She was told to take a seat in one of the two chairs on her side of the table. She couldn't help but notice that the three seats across from her all had pads and water glasses. There was nothing on her side of the table.
Amy waited in the room for what seemed like forever, but eventually, the review committee entered the room. The committee was actually composed of one older, well-dressed gentleman who was obviously the senior loan official, a woman who must have been his secretary, and a young man who served as his assistant and aide.
Amy was struck by the appearance of the older man as he entered the conference room, his graying black hair and smoldering eyes gave him an air of authority. Amy caught herself checking him out and she couldn't believe that she was captivated by this man who was about to take her home away from her!
After settling into their seats, the older gentleman introduced everyone. "Hello… Mrs. Moore, is it?"
"Yes, Sir, Amy Moore,"
"Well, Mrs. Moore, my name is Michael Collins and I am the Senior Loan Officer here at the bank. This is my secretary Patricia, and my assistant James,"
"Nice to meet you," Amy said, shaking everyone's hands.
"Nice to meet you as well. Shall we get down to the business at hand?"
"Yes, Sir, I guess so," Amy took her seat again. His secretary picked up her pad and James asked Amy if she would like some water or anything, which she said she would. So he went off to get her a glass of water from the water machine in the bank lobby.
"Please, call me Michael. We like to think of our customers as family and you wouldn't call your family members Mr. or Mrs. would you?" he smiled.
"Okay… Michael," she gave him a weak smile in return.
"Amy, let me start by assuring you that we are here to help you. We don't want to see anyone homeless and this bank doesn't need any more properties on its housing inventory, believe me. I understand your husband is in the military?"
"Yes, he's in the Navy. He would be here, but his ship is deployed and he won't be back for another four months." She hoped that by telling him this, he would have pity on her and give her a break.
"Well, I thank your husband for his service and you for your support of him. I'm sure it's tough not having him around. We here at the bank love our military personnel, and want to do whatever we can to support them as well,"
"Yes, it has been tough. Especially on our daughter. She is only five years old and too young to understand why Daddy had to go away for so long. I tell her he's at work, but she sees other kid's fathers come home from work and David doesn't. It's hard on her… she misses her Daddy."
"I can't even imagine how hard it is for a five-year-old girl… or her mother."
"Thank you."
Michael continued. "Well let me explain what will happen today. We will go over your case with us and see what options are available. We will give you a chance to explain any special circumstances, any plans you may be working on to take care of this, and anything else that you feel would help us help you. Then we will render a final decision and call you back in to announce how we can take care of this matter. Sound okay to you?"
"Yes, I guess so," She started getting nervous, knowing that she didn't have anything more she could add - they had all the information, and she had no more that she could give them to plead her case. She'd played all the cards she had.
He began to read through her mortgage history, checking to see that the figures were correct and all of her information was there. As he did so, he peeked over his paperwork from time to time, and Amy couldn't help but notice the almost hungry look in those smoldering eyes. It made her pulse quicken and her breath get caught in her chest as he seemed to look into her very soul.
Get hold of yourself Amy! she thought to herself, marking it down to her imagination. You've been away from David too long!
Suddenly her daydreaming was interrupted when she realized that he was speaking to her. She looked at him sheepishly and realized that he was waiting for her to speak. She collected her thoughts and explained her situation.
"Mr. Collins - Michael - my husband is an E-6, a Petty Officer 1st Class, which may sound impressive, but he only makes about $2500.00 a month. That barely covers the bills and food for us. When David is home between deployments, he works a part-time job and that helps some. But it's still tough at times. I can't work - we could never afford child care to watch our daughter so I could work outside the home. It would cost us more in child care than I could make." As she spoke, she was transfixed by his penetrating stare as he seemed to be looking her up and down.
After she finished explaining her situation, Michael set the papers down on the table in front of him. "Amy, we understand your situation. We see it all the time. But do you think you've really tried everything you could to earn the extra money to keep you out of foreclosure?"
Amy was confused and she wracked her brain. "I've already told you; I can't afford to work outside the house. What else could I do?"
"It seems to us that you're overlooking some of your assets and not using them effectively," the Loan Officer said.
Amy didn't understand. "Wha…wha…what do you mean?" she stammered. "What assets have I forgotten? I've cashed in everything I can think of!"
Michael turned to his two associates, "Would you excuse us for a moment?"
With a knowing smile, Patricia and James stood and left the room. Then he got up and Amy noticed a large bulge in his pin-striped pants. Was that what she thought it was? Unbelievably, she felt her pussy starting to moisten as she stared at the obvious hard-on in his pants.
Michael went to the door and Amy heard the click of the door being locked. At first, she didn't want to acknowledge what was happening, but then he moved up behind her as she sat at the table.
"Well, for starters you could use those tits. They look pretty impressive from here. But maybe we need to have a closer look just in case."
Suddenly Amy felt his arms coming from behind her, unbuttoning her jacket. The jacket fell away, revealing her white blouse with her full tits straining against it. Her nipples looked like little bullets trying to poke their way through the material.
She felt his hands move from her shoulders, slowly sliding down her front then around to her sides and cup each of her tits gently squeezing them his thumbs rubbing over her nipples. Amy hadn't worn a bra that day and her hard nipples were now thoroughly enjoying this unexpected attention. As she moaned softly, he began kneading and massaging her tits and tweaking her swollen nipples. Amy couldn't believe what was happening, but she was too overcome from excitement to do anything about it.
"Tell me, what size are these lovely tits?"
"34D… Sirrr…" she moaned her reply.
"Mmm, very nice." He watched, silently smiling to himself as Amy squirmed in the chair and moaned softly. As his hands squeezed the soft creamy flesh of her tits, the bulge in his trousers seemed to grow even bigger. Meanwhile, he began to unbutton Amy's blouse, opening it to reveal her luscious tits. The combination of the touch and the rush of cool air-conditioned room air caused her nipples to harden further and made Amy squirm even more. She looked up at the man behind her.
"What are you doing? This can't be happening! I came here for help - please, don't do this to me!" Amy cried.
Michael spun her around in her chair to face him, as he slowly unzipped his pants. As Amy watched in fascination, he gently fished his hard cock out of his boxers. She couldn't believe the size of it! It was enormous! She figured it must be at least eight inches long and so thick! Out of reflex, she licked her lips as she stared at him.
That was the signal he was waiting for. He sat on the table and pulled her close straddling her and the chair she sat on. As he spoke, his massive cock was throbbing, pointed right at her.
"Here's the deal, Amy: if you want to keep your house and not end up homeless on the street, you're going to put your assets to work for us. And just to get you off to a good start, you can show your appreciation by sucking my cock."
As he spoke, he pulled the chair as close to the table as it would go. The table and the arms of the chair pinned her in place and held her tightly in the chair. She began to struggle and squirm, afraid of what would come next. But Michael held the chair tightly to the table. She was thrashing in protest as he slid the chair forward, putting her face just inches from his massive manhood.
"I-I can't," she protested, "My husband would never understand. I can't do this to him - you can't make me do this!" But even as she spoke the words, Amy felt an overpowering desire to take his cock in her mouth and suck him completely dry. After all, she was a young, attractive, vibrant woman. She had needs. And David had been gone so long with even longer to go before he would get home.
Suddenly without thinking, she lunged forward until her tongue was pressed against the head, tasting the salty pre-cum that was leaking from the tip. He smiled, then reached down and put his hand on the back of her head, pulling her forward. Amy opened her mouth and willingly took in his massive member, enjoying the sense of fullness as her mouth was stretched to its limits.
It was no longer necessary to restrain her, as she succumbed to her desires and went to town on his cock. Her mouth and hands worked his cock, as he sat on the conference room table watching as Amy gobbled down his cock as if she was starving for it.
While Amy continued to suck and lick Michael's shaft, he reached down between her legs. Amy had been so worried about the meeting that she had forgotten to get pantyhose, so she had put on one of the only pairs she had - her thigh-top stockings.
And now Michael was reaching between her legs, hiking up her skirt and rubbing her pussy through her soaked panties as she continued to leak her juices. She squirmed in the chair and moaned louder as he pushed past the lacy garment and slipped his thick finger straight into her drooling fuck hole. He finger-fucked her cunt and rubbed her clit, causing her to gush even more. Amy couldn't believe how good it felt! After two months of nothing but masturbation, this was pure heaven!
Amy renewed her focus on Michael's cock, even though her pussy had her distracted. With both hands wrapped around the thick shaft, she used her tongue to circle the head, then plunged as far down as she could. She played with his balls, caressing them and rolling them in her hand as she increased her tempo. Faster and faster she licked and sucked, blocking out the fantastic feelings coming from the rest of her body.
Then Micheal unexpectedly pulled away from her. As he stood back up he helped Amy to stand. He hefted her up on the table and laid her back on it. Taking her legs in his arm, he slid Amy's panties down and off, then pulled her forward. Suddenly Amy found herself straddling Michael and realized what he was about to do. Once again, fear kicked in and she began to protest.
"Michael, please! Oh God! I can't do this! You don't understand, what happens if - how will I explain…"
But she was cut off in mid-sentence as Michael's powerful hands grabbed her hips and held her as he rammed his huge hard cock into her sopping pussy. Amy was plenty wet and lubed up enough he slid slickly into her fully.
Amy squealed as she felt him open her up quickly. She reached out and clawed at the desk as he began fucking her hard and deep, not letting her have a chance to get used to his size or even catch her breath. Amy had nearly forgotten how good it felt to have a man inside her. Almost involuntarily she began to move up and down, taking his hardness deep inside her. Her hand slid to her pussy and she rubbed her clit, enjoying the filling sensation.
Amy felt her body respond to Michael's powerful thrusts. Even though mentally she was shocked and alarmed at Michael's outrageous assault, her body was responding almost as if… as if it liked it! She was confused - how could her own body betray her like this? She tried denying herself the pleasure she felt, but Michael's cock was insistent. She tried reasoning with it - telling herself it wasn't her fault - he forced himself on her. But that didn't work either; she was enjoying it.
She struggled against her own desires until she realized that it was useless to fight it anymore. Her body craved what Michael was offering too much and she knew it was a hopeless battle. Finally, she surrendered to her primal side and let herself relax and be swept away in Michael's relentless invasion.
"Ohhh…. Oh, Michael! Please…" she moaned, her head rolling back and forth as she felt herself being lifted being lifted to the heavens and then watching herself get fucked and watching how much she enjoyed it. Amy could feel her passions becoming more than she could hold back and she knew that a few more powerful thrusts and she would lose all control. She silently prayed that he would allow her that release.
"Please Michael, please… make me cum! Oh God, please make me cum, Michael" she finally cried out. He had won - she surrendered herself to his will. She couldn't fight him anymore. She needed him too much.
"OhmyGod, Michael!" she cried out loudly "I'm cumminnggg! Ohhh, God, I'm cuuummminnggg!!" and she felt her pussy clamp down on Michael's hard penetrating shaft as she filled her pussy with her juices.
She arched her back until only her ass and the back of her head made contact with the table and her whole body began to quiver uncontrollably. She grabbed the edge of the desk, clinging to it like a drowning person clings to a life preserver. Michael kept his pace even as she came wanting to make sure she knew he had taken her and now owned her.
After what to Amy felt like an eternity in the black void, she slowly came back. Dreamily, she looked at Michael and she must have smiled at him - she didn't remember - because without giving her any time to recover, he hoisted her legs until her ankles were on his shoulders. He wrapped one arm around her legs, right above the knees and held her close to him. His other hand guided his cock to her… ass?? Surely he wasn't going to… oh, my God, he was! Michael was going to fuck her asshole!
She began struggling against this new invasion. David had only tried anal sex with her once before and Amy wasn't very excited about it then. She tried it because he wanted to, but she didn't really like it. And David wasn't nearly as big as Michael. Amy began twisting and turning, trying to escape. But she knew it was hopeless. Michael was far too big and far too strong for her to have any chance.
Then Amy felt something rubbing against her asshole, teasing it and getting it ready. Then she felt an unusual pressure and realized that it was the head of his cock. She stopped her motion and tensed as she felt him ease his six inches of hardness into her tender ass. With his cock already slick with her pussy juices, Michael slid easily into her ass, stretching her tight ass and opening her wider than ever before. The feeling was incredible!
Once Michael had opened Amy's ass and established a steady rhythm, he used his free hand to start massaging her clit and fingering her pussy. Amy went crazy - she was being fucked and fingered in both her openings! She lay there on the table in rapturous delight. Michael obviously knew what he was doing - he was coordinating his movements between her pussy and ass alternating as each moved in and out of her holes.
"Ohhh, God Michael! Oh fuck, I'm gonna cum again!" she cried out, sensing she was nearing the precipice again.
Michael only increased his speed and began rolling her swollen, throbbing clit between his fingers and pinching it between the wet folds of her pussy lips. His actions pushed her over the edge into yet another crashing orgasm.
"Ohhh, fuuuck Miiichaaael!!" she cried out loudly and once again she erupted and poured her sweet juice out onto the table and running onto the floor. She lay there quivering violently as the orgasm worked through her. As the last throes of her orgasm diminished slowly, he pulled her off the desk and forced her to her knees on the cum covered floor.
"Now it's my turn!" he said, and he shoved his cock into her gasping mouth. Amy could taste her pussy and her ass on his cock but at that point, it didn't matter anymore. Besides, the taste wasn't bad - a little musky and earthy, but not altogether unpleasant. She went to work sucking on his cock, running her tongue along the underside and doing all the things she knew David liked.
David! she thought to herself, What would she tell him about all this? She decided she wouldn't tell him anything about this. Somehow she would have to hide this incident from him and never tell him what she'd had to do to keep the house. She wasn't proud of what she was doing, but she didn't want for him to come home and find that his family was living on the streets or in some shelter someplace.
She concentrated at the task at hand wanting to get done with it. She could feel Michael's huge cock swell slightly and his moaning told her that he was close. She prepared herself to receive his load, intending to swallow it down and then be on her way. She didn't have to wait long. Michael held the back of her head and his cock erupted in her mouth. He shot spurt after spurt of scalding white cum into her mouth. Amy swallowed as best she could to try to keep up, but there was no way. He filled her mouth over and over - she had never seen a man cum so much! It leaked out around his cock to dribble down her chin and fall onto her exposed tits.
After filling her mouth several times and covering her tits with the excess, his balls were empty and she was able to suck the last few drops from him, cleaning him off as she slowly withdrew his softening cock from her lips.
"My God, Michael! That was some cum!" she said when he was finally finished. He helped her to her feet and sat her back down in her chair at the other end of the conference table.
"It was pretty good," he said, rather casually.
"It was better than ‘pretty good', Michael; it was amazing!" she said.
"Well, thank you. You were pretty amazing as well," he said. "And that brings us back to the reason you are here. Your mortgage."
"Yeah, that…" she said, looking down at her hands in her lap.
"Amy, I am the head of a group of private investors whose goal it is to help good people who, through no fault of their own, have had a run of bad luck, financially. I think they could help you. But they are businessmen… they will want some form of repayment. And so, in order to facilitate that, here's what I am suggesting. You will go to work as our "public relations specialist".
This job will be mostly in the late evenings where you will entertain us and our guests. This won't be an every night thing; rather you will be on-call, in a manner of speaking. But when we need you, you will come to the designated place and…"
Amy sucked in a breath realizing how that sentence would end.
"We will send someone to care for your daughter, staying in the house with her while she sleeps, so you can concentrate on work. In return for your duties, our investors will waive your mortgage payment for every month your services are needed. If we call on you once during the month, you will only owe half your regular payment. If we call on you twice, your mortgage is waived completely. Understand?"
"Michael! What you are proposing… that would make me a…" she couldn't finish her sentence. She clamped her hand over her mouth in utter shock.
"A whore. Yes, Amy, if you wish to look at it that way, it does make you our whore. However, we prefer to look at it as payment for your duties as performed. We have some very important and influential people on our rolls, Amy, people who could make life for you and your family very comfortable. I am willing to help you and your family live a better, less stressful life. I applaud your husband for his duty to our country. Why not let us help you while he is away doing that?"
"Today was a test…. I wanted to see if you would be willing to cooperate with us at all. And you have done very well. You have proven that you are a wife and mother who will do whatever it takes to care for her family - even when that requires distasteful measures."
"Now I am offering you a chance to put that motherly instinct to good use and provide a very comfortable life for your family. Wouldn't it be nice to not have that mortgage hanging over your head every month?"
"Wouldn't you like to never worry about whether you'll be able to make the bills? How would David feel about having a new car to drive when he gets home? Or a bank account that actually has something substantial in it? Isn't there someplace you and he have always dreamed of going? I'm offering you a way to do that, Amy. All you have to do is agree to work for us."
"I'll tell you what, I will let you think about it for a couple days. We will put a hold on this foreclosure until I hear back from you. If you agree, then we will take care of this nasty foreclosure. And if you decide not to… well, let's hope you use your ‘assets' wisely," he said.
Amy went home with a lot to think about. Becoming a whore was not something she was really thrilled about doing. And she was sure David would not be pleased about it. If word got back to him about anything that happened today, it could be very, very bad.
Still, she can't overlook the money. Even if she was able to pull them out of this tight spot (which she seriously doubted) there would be another one next month. Or the month after. The bills were just more than David's Navy pay covered. Having no monthly mortgage payment would be a Godsend!
Amy laid in bed that night unable to sleep, her head spinning with all this. She didn't care so much about herself, but she was concerned with her family. Suzie would be starting 1st grade in the fall, and there would be school clothes, school supplies, and all the other assorted costs - none of which would be easy to come up with. And David was never assured that the part-time job he left to go on deployment would be there when he got back. He had been lucky the last couple times, but he never knew for sure. And without that extra bit of income, making the bills was hopeless! It was nearly that even with his part-time job.
The sun peeked in through her bedroom window signaling the start of another day. Amy was still torn about her dilemma but put it aside to help Suzie get up and have breakfast. After breakfast, Suzie went to play in her room, and Amy began doing her housework.
As she was loading some clothes into her washing machine, she looked at the old, nearly worn out machine. It had given her a long life with a great many loads, but she knew it was just a matter of time before it would give its last. Replacing the old girl would be a very big deal.
And her clothes dryer wasn't far behind. In fact, there were several things around the house that were on their last legs and would need replacing before long.
She picked up the telephone and dialed the number. "This is Michael Collins," he said.
"Can we meet - I'm ready to go to work," Amy said.
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my step-brothers and me ch.1: the beginning What’s a girl to do when surrounded by three gorgeous guys besides what comes naturally??? I suppose I had better start at the beginning shouldn’t I? My name’s Shadow Weaver. I’m now 16, 5’4”, 115lbs., with b cup breasts, and a nice tight ass. Or so i’ ve been told anyways. Blueish green eyes, and blonde hair (sometimes). This story actually starts about 4 years ago. I’d just turned 12 when my life was turned upside down and then inside out. Now,...
Lee had found herself in a sticky situation. When Justin went to vault over the box he was standing in front of, he placed both hands on the lid and then halted. They all heard the ‘click, click’. He looked down to find the lid lifting up under his hands. “No,” screamed Jahn again. “They are my boxes, you can’t have them,” he yelled in frustration and sent an immobilising spell at Justin. Justin blinked out of the way and reappearing in front of Kim, ready to protect her. She stepped up...
Part 14 I knew we had seen the last of Delia for the weekend, and I assumed that the remainder of our weekend would be as busy and dull as usual. When I got home from soccer practice late on Saturday afternoon, Judy was in a good mood. She said, I ran into Lola at the grocery store. They didnt have plans to tonight, so I invited them over. I walked over and gave Judy a hug and started squeezing her tits right through her shirt and bra. Just the thought of Lola and Judy in the same house...
Hello readers this is dev once again, first of all thank you for all the support and appreciation for my last posts here in ISS. Aaj main jo kahani aapko batane jaa raha hoon uski heroin hai meri ek Saali sahiba, kamini, Umra 25 years, uski shadi ko ek saal ho chukka hai, mujhe wo bahut achchhi lagti hai uski height achchhi hai bade aur bhare hue boobs gore gaal, gulabi honth, lambi or chikni bahein chauri peeth oonchi neck and she is awesome. Meri shadi k baad wife ke liye aksar uski friends...
IncestSandy, my best friend in the whole world, invited me to join her and her boyfriend Rick on their spring break trip to Miami. Rick and a bunch of his fraternity buddies had pooled their resources to rent a van for the week. The guys planned look for a cheep hotel once we arrived in Miami since all we would be doing there was sleeping and showering. Well, the day before we planned to leave we all got together mostly so Rick could introduce me to the rest of the group. I already knew one of...
My father in law (sasur ) fucked me daily and we were enjoying .Time was passing by very pleasant. They wanted to visit their daughter staying in a very distant metro where her husband was serving . My sasur booked ticket for all but just one day before out journey the father of my mother in law met an accident . She went to see him but took her son means my effeminate husband with her leaving me with my sasur as they knew my sasur is fucking me like his wife and if I go with him to their...
When I started my new job I didn’t have too many expectations. With a pay cut, a responsibility load virtually non existent, being married and 6 months pregnant. After training for a few days I started my actual job. I made friends quickly, and generally enjoyed being at work. It could have been worse. Although I made many friends, there was always one person that caught my eye. I noticed him right away. He was a younger man with this sweet baby face, blond hair and blue eyes. But ever...
Kahani kuch din purani hai mere ghar relatives aaye the jisme se ek meri cousin didi bhi thi, unki umar 29 saal hai magar unka diavorce ho gaya hai jiske kaaran wo apne parents ke saath rehti hai, wo dikhne me sundar hai aur unki figure bhi mast hai ek dam patakha, jisko dekh kar kisi ka bhi dil oh i mean lund dhadhak jaye ;) unka naam hai kavita. Jese ki mene batay wo log humare ghar rukne aaye to humne din ke samay kaafi masti kari aur khoob baaten kari unhone mujhse meri girl friend ke baare...
I've always had the hots for a variety of different film actresses, ranging from Z-list to A-list, but one particular actress who consistently captures my lustful attention is none other than Oscar-nominated Irish actress Saoirse Ronan.I've imagined her, this meek, beautiful ethereal actress as leading a secret double life as a swinger who exclusively indulges in and beds well hung black men of her choosing. No one would ever suspect this innocent girl could even be lustful in such a way, but...
Traffic was light on Route 322 until I crossed the Susquehanna River. I crawled around Harrisburg in bumper-to-bumper traffic until I passed the turnpike. I-283 and Route 30 were busy, but moving well as I headed around Lancaster to my home. I pulled in front of my house a few minutes after five o'clock. Mom's car and Andy's car were both in our driveway. I parked on the street in front of my house. I headed in the door and found the living room was deserted. I followed the smell of...
It’s 2017, who wears underwear anymore? So asks Carter Cruise after her boss Mr. Mason pulls her in for a little chat about her workplace dress. HR has received numerous complaints from Carter’s colleagues that her skirts are too short, she’s showing too much cleavage, and much much more. Carter waves off what all the old hens are cheeping about in the office; all she cares about is what her boss thinks, since she works directly for him. The poor bastard is so turned on by the horny blonde that...
xmoviesforyouMike met Jenny in New York, Mike had not been there before, they had made love before, so there were no problems about rooms. Mike's firm had given him " Carte Blanche " about expenses, so knowing he was meeting and staying with Jenny he booked the secluded Penthouse, reasonably soundproofed! Jenny met him in the Lobby, she was wearing a short pleated dark blue skirt, a white cotton long sleeved buttoned blouse and 4" black high heels as Mike had asked, she looked absolutely GORGEOUS and had a...
April called, “Come in,” and for the third time in two weeks Brenda Valois stuck her head around the door, her pert nose and light blue eyes as always making April wish she were ten years younger.“Are you busy, Dr. Wainwright?”“No, not at the moment. I’m finishing up some extra reading before I go home for the weekend.”“It must be wonderful to be paid to read all day.”April laughed sharply. “Hardly. I mostly grade homework and fill out paperwork.”Brenda looked around the small office and shut...
College SexNicola and Gwennie were almost as surprised as the Chief Eunuch when they received formal invitations to take tea with the Emir. The Chief Eunuch’s surprise came from the instructions that they were to be allowed to dress in western clothes, and were not to be prepared for his bed. At the appointed time they were led through the bedroom into the Emir’s study, where he sat on a comfortable armchair by a coffee table. Waving them to sit on a sofa close to him, he called for coffee and tea to...
The move to the new task force headquarters was done with the least amount of fuss possible. No cop cars would be allowed in the parking lot. No one was to know where they were located. Every precaution was to be used to keep this location a secret from the public and the news people. The newsies were getting too brazen and brave as it was. The warehouse was huge inside, with two offices on a second floor. There were two rooms on the first floor, a main warehouse as you walked into the front...
I'll admit that this sexcapade of Angels surprised the shit out of me. 1 of our friends, Paul, had come by our home 1 Saturday morning to chat withus. Our k**s were gone for the day so Angel happily got naked while he wasthere in hopes of getting fucked some by him & me. Paul had been in on about 9or 10 of her other gangbangs before. She did get her wish too. I was on the bottom fucking her cunt while he was on top of her fucking herasshole. It was while we were fucking her that Paul made...
Master's Domain - Part One:I was awoken suddenly from a deep slave when my pager started to go off. I reached across the night table to reach it and read the message, first i looked at the time, it was 01:00 a.m. Sunday morning. The message simply read: Master Kyle requires your services, be at my house in one hour. Knowing that it was at least an half hours drive from my place to Master Kyle, i immediately called for a taxi to pick me up and the started to prepare myself for delivery to...
Jessi stood in the crowd of people, her heart pounding hard. Her curly blonde hair was lost in the crowd. ‘Flight 531 from Washington has just arrived,’ the woman behind the desk announced. Her blue eyes widened and her heart pounded faster. She glanced at her appearance in the mirror on the wall. Her jeans hugged her shapely hips and her Boston University T-shirt clung to her chest nicely. She took a deep breath and focused her attention at the door Zach would be walking through any moment. ...
After the shower with his mother, Kevin went to his room to relax. He plopped down on his bed naked, with no intention of getting dressed or closing his bedroom door. There was nothing left to hide, since it was just him and his mother Linda at home. Then again, there really wasn't anything to hide with his sister Kelly either, since the two of them were now messing around. Just thinking about his sister was giving him a boner, picturing her blowing him until they both fell asleep. Then of...
Wayne got out of the car and hurried around to help his sister. As he held open the door and took her hand, he looked down upon her and smiled. Today was her fortieth birthday. She deserved a special celebration, and he was doing his best to give it to her. It wasn’t hard to understand why Wayne felt so strongly for his sister Jacquee. Jacquee is a truly beautiful woman. Jacquee had all the features most men would desire in a woman; she was petite and weighed about 115 pounds, her olive colored...
IncestThe silence is broken by the opening and closing of the door, the long weeks of waiting are finally at an end. He is close she can feel Him near her His breath on her shoulder sending signals through her body and she involuntarily arches her back, the movement causing her round full breasts to jut out further drawing attention to the aroused hard nipples standing so erect. Standing behind her He slips the blindfold over her eyes making any visual contact impossible she feels vulnerable...
BDSMhi i'm a dirty ol man who gets off thinking about letting other guys have my beautiful wife anyway they'd like. i told you before in my first story the way i am so i won't go into that again. she dosen't have any idea that i picture her in my fantazies, and i'm keeping it that way. let me tell you that linda, my wife is about 5,4 or so.about 125 to 130, blue eyes long blond hair, and a perfect body. i have never gotten tired of seeing her naked, and she knows that. what i'm thinking about now...
Erotic FictionThat morning my loving husband got up and went to the bathroom. After he had a warm shower, he came out telling me that the toilet was leaking. He added now he was in a hurry and begged me to check in the net and get a plumber to come and solve the matter. After he left, I called my former lover Andy, as he was a plumber.I told him about the leaking and he first joked and asked if that's just my way to get him to visit and fuck me at my own bed…I said it was not a bad ploy but the toilet was...
It was Christmas Eve, a Friday. I had just got paid and hadn’t even started my Christmas shopping. I’m bad about that. I have a large family, dozens of nieces and nephews, and lots of friends to buy gifts for. Unfortunately, I had about two hours to shop before all the stores closed for the holiday. I waited in line at the bank to cash my paycheck so that I could go shopping. After about 30 minutes, I finally stepped up to the teller, who had some bad news. “It appears that your account is...
"I heard you kissed Jeremy," Jenny whispered as we knelt side-by-side in the chapel. "What?" I narrowed my eyes, but didn't turn my head. We were supposed to be praying, not talking. "He's so cute," she sighed, nodding her head like she was agreeing with herself. "Who told you that?" I wondered softly, speaking into my hands as if asking God Himself. "He did," Jen replied. "He told me everything." "Oh." I closed my eyes as one of the nuns cleared her throat. They were...
This is a true story, something that happend when i was 19 years old. I was staying at my cousins house one mid winters night. We had been playing 5 a side football down at the local recreation club and had returned home. It was about 8 o clock in the evening and we got back and I was all sweaty from football.So i went to have a shower, i wen to the room i was staying in to get my clothes ready to take into the bathroom and then took my stuff to the bathroom with my towel. The problem was...
Friday at Home By CDVeronica My wife Victoria knows that I like to dress in panties. I typically slip into a pair when I get home from work at night. I also sometimes wear a silky nightie to sleep in. The more frilly and feminine the clothing, the better I like to wear it. I don't think Victoria really likes it, but she lets me because she knows I enjoy it. Occasionally when Victoria was at work in the past I was able to dress up even more. I have a long red wig that I...
Caroline's sword sliced through the vines like a raging inferno, decimating them in her wake. An adrenaline surge ran through her veins, and she felt sweat run down her face like a roaring river. Her golden locks stuck to her skin like glowing embers of molten steel, and with each thrust of her expertly trained blade, her leather skirt clung to her toned muscles like a second skin. The air filled with fury as she lashed out at the vines sprouting from the ground. With each swing of her blade...
BDSMDan, Tina and Lisa enjoyed their breakfast then made plans for the day. Lisa said she had a prior engagement she had to attend later on in the day and could stay with them until three. Tina suggested returning to the Oasis Aqualounge for more sexy fun. Tina and Lisa put on their same dresses looking suggestively sexy for Dan. He drove them to the Oasis where the girls were viewed by those already there. He decided to keep his clothes on for now and loosened the bow that held their dresses...
I was married right out of high school, and to no one's surprise, by the time I was 22 I was separated. She had cheated on me within the first year, and by the time I discovered it, she was already on affair number 3. I moved back in with my parents and she moved to Iowa to be with her "dream man".I was working as a cook at an upscale chain restaurant. If you've ever worked in that type of place, you know it's pretty much a drunken and d**g-addled porn production lot that cranks out food. It...
This story is an official entry in the Winter Holiday Contest. A thousand thanks go to Slc_Willie for his time spent editing this piece. Any mistakes left in it can only be attributed to me… * * * The girl sprinted down the stone steps, her long dark hair flying out behind her like a banner in the wind. She stumbled on the last step and almost fell, throwing her arm out to one side in an attempt to regain her balance. Her beige canvas bag crashed onto the ground, books and pieces of paper...
This was a very quiet night. We blocked one attempted rape by a bunch of teenaged boys who had too much beer and time on their hands. The consensus was that Komodo had frightened them enough to keep that particular gang from bothering girls for a while. The next day, Babs and I went around to see her father. I called in Genie, and he put up a shield that would protect us from prying eyes while we convinced Capt. O'Rourke that we were real, and we were serious. He asked to be permitted to...
PART FIFTEEN: FOXHOLED Dave? Now? How am I supposed to hide from him this time? It's bad enough that he caught me last time. Once can be a game gone wrong. A trap. But twice? Twice is a pattern. Twice is a choice to wear girl clothes. Twice means I'm a tranny. Fuck me! Go away Dave. "Come in Dave!" she calls to him. "We're in the laundry room." "Why are you calling him over?" I panic. My instincts kick in. I want to run. If I go into the hall, Dave will be waiting for me. I turn...
CHAPTER 24 When I was a little boy, going to games was for me, my favorite thing in the world. My Dad was a huge Phillies fan. He and I would always watch the games together. He would buy me the team set of cards and between innings we would check them out together. I would tell him how one day I would play for the Phillies and he would say "never give up that dream." Since he has been gone, I still think of him when I see the stadium in the distance. As we get closer to the...
It seems that every time she comes over my cock begins to twitch knowing something nasty and dirty is about to occur. This past Saturday Ally spent the night and all the klids were awake ready to go help mom with some work at a friends house. Ally, unknown to me, was still sleeping. When I went into the girls room to open the windows I noticed the sheet was pulled up around her shoulders leaving her lower body uncovered. I could not help but peek at her sexxy body. Now 20, she was even sexier...
"You want me to do what?" Carl said with shock into the phone and he couldn't believe what his son Adam had just asked him to do. "Come on Dad. You need to get back into things and start living again." Adam said, hoping his Dad would come through. "And, I couldn't think of a better way to do it," he added as he crossed his fingers, praying he would. "You'll get me sent to jail, boy and then I'll have to kill your ass!" Adam just laughed and he knew dear, ol' Dad was really out...
My daddy was having an affair with the lady down the street. Mom was having an affair with a guy at her work. They didn’t hide it much and I found out real easy. “Lynn, go to the park or something for a while.” mom or dad would say. I could see our house from the park and a guy or lady go in, stay for a while and then come out and leave. The lady down the street’s daughter and I were best friends. Trina liked my daddy and we did a lot of talking about how she wanted to ’make out’ with...
Marilyn Johnson begins her day on her knees like a good whore is supposed to. Leather belts are added to restrain her. Codey Steele enters the room. He inspects her body including all her holes and begins throat-fucking her. He eventually lays her on her back and finger-bangs her pussy until she explodes with orgasms. Next, Marilyn is on her knees in doggy, positioned on a wooden box, with her hands pulled between her legs. This time Marilyn is subjected to corporal punishment. Codey uses a...
xmoviesforyouFin and Travisby Jena121© I ask my readers once again to please vote and submit comments -- that enables me to get a feel of what you all like to read. I would also reiterate that my stories are Love stories -- not lust stories. As background to this story. Fin was forced to have her baby adopted at birth, when she was only 15 years old. Fin found Jessie and luckily has managed to create a new relationship with her. She has explained the reasons for her adoption and Jessie has accepted her....
MaturePart # 3 Kathy smiled as she felt Lou move the head of the big double headed dildo/vibrator down the middle of Kathy's pussy's slit and then all the way back up to the top. Lou smiled down at Kathy knowing she was really stimulating Kathy's tight pussy! Kathy was thinking it was a nice feeling having something shaking against your pussy making it feel really good. And the tool was doing that! Kathy closed her eyes and let Lou work the head around between Kathy's legs! She moved the tool with a...
LesbianDesde edades tempranas de mi adolescencia recuerdo tener fantas?as sobre una mujer ejerciendo poder sobre m? CHAPTER 1Since the early ages of my adolescence, I recall having fantasies about a woman exerting power over me, both psychologically and physically. She?d tie me up and immobilize me to have me at her complete mercy, without my being able to do anything to prevent what she was about to do to me. She?d use me at her own will and for her own pleasure. She would humiliate me and insult me...
My name is Leigh, I am 24 about 5'4, long dark hair that lead you to a plump ass. My favorite assets are my boobs, a firm C cup with tight little pink buds. I am an off campus college student and share a small apartment with two great guys named Will and Mark. They are two of the biggest flirts you'll ever meet. We hang out a lot, studying, going to bars and on Friday nights we have friends over to watch UFC fights. After 2 years of living together we have done a lot and I have had the...
Group SexA New Christmas Mommy Part 9: The Spring Dance (March 6-7, 9-11 2019) "Oh goodness, what a busy day...." Diana said wearily as she opened the door to her condo. She took a moment to take off her high heels, rubbing her stocking clad feet for a moment. Ah, Jane isn't back yet.... as she noticed no other sound coming from the condo. Ah well, she figured, I can unwind with luscious mistress of wine, as she placed her clutch purse down and walked over to the kitchen fridge. Opening it up,...
An Inviting Invitation By Tina Crawford [email protected] I was nervous driving that day. No it wasn't the construction on the freeway, or that three different people cut me off in less than 5 minutes that made me that way. I was nervous because I was on the way to my first real life encounter with someone I had met online. I've always been apprehensive about meeting someone I've only talked to on the computer and now I was actually in the car on my way to do just that. Meeting...
"Good Morning," her shiny jet-black-haired sister Tegan said after pulling her sticky snake tongue out of the wet rectum. "Did you sleep well?" "You know every night is just a blur for me," replied the short-hair human dirty blonde. "Well, wait ‘til you see what I have in store for you today, then." “What time is it?" Sara said. "I don't want to be late for school; there’s an English quiz 1st period.” Tegan’s red eyes flared. "Ugh, school. How about I fuck you so hard you...