Working At Walmart. free porn video

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When I started my new job I didn’t have too many expectations. With a pay cut, a responsibility load virtually non existent, being married and 6 months pregnant. After training for a few days I started my actual job. I made friends quickly, and generally enjoyed being at work. It could have been worse. Although I made many friends, there was always one person that caught my eye. I noticed him right away. He was a younger man with this sweet baby face, blond hair and blue eyes. But ever conscious of my expanding belly, I didn’t have any expectations. After the birth of my son I went on maternity leave and when I came back I was still interested in this particular person who works at the front of the store with me, but up at the customer service desk. We don’t get to spend much time together, a quick hi and how are you at best. One day my supervisor asked me to start training at the customer service desk and as a back up supervisor. My first day up at the service desk he didn’t pay too much attention to me, which was okay because I was shy and wouldn’t have known what to say. After a few weeks of working up there we started to get to know each other, talking about our lives and interests. Slowly things started to change between us. Everything started innocently with some fun, just goofing around to make the work day move faster. Over time the teasing grew into something more. With a light brush of skin against skin, and vague comments, there was always a hint of the possibility of more. I still remember the day like it was yesterday, the day when I knew that if I told him I have an open marriage, that I could probably have him.
We were talking and I just made the comment “You couldn’t handle me Josh”. He raised an eye brow and looked at me dead serious and said “is that a challenge?” I knew right then and there that he would be a good lover. He was so matter of fact and confident, so sure of himself and I knew that he could back it up. I made the decision to drop a hint that I was interested in more than just flirting. So one night when I was supervising I went up to the service desk and after some flirting back and forth I just said “I use to have a lover on the side, he moved away though so I’m sort of looking for someone new.” I held my breath, trying to anticipate what he was going to say, if he would think badly about me, I just didn’t know what to expect. I could see the gears turning in his head, and he just looked at me and said “oh really. That’s kind of interesting” and walked away! My mind started racing in 20 different directions. Did I just screw myself by telling him that? I don’t want him to think badly about me. I don’t want everyone to know about my personal life. Why did he walk away? What could I do other than get back to work and hope that it would work itself out? So I go back to work, trying to stay busy and just avoid him. After the evening winds down I can’t avoid going up to the service desk any longer. So I go up there, and start bustling around, trying to get my things done as quickly as possible. He is sitting in the chair taking his break and looks at me. I look away without saying a word. I hear him stand up and walk over to me. He leans on the counter and towards me and asks “so, does your husband know about all that?” I explain to him that yes, he knows and he is okay with it as long as I’m careful. With that, he smiles at me and says “well, this will definitely make things a lot more fun.” My head was swimming, I got excited and nervous all at once.
In the weeks to come the teasing intensified ten fold. We talked about sexual likes and dislikes, we talked about personal experiences and things we’d like to try in the future. I went home turned on and anxious more and more often. But I didn’t know if the feeling was mutual. I didn’t know if my teasing was making him want more, if he went home and masturbated while thinking of me, as I did. I knew he enjoyed the teasing, and he was good at it that was for damn sure. One night we met online and started talking. We turned on the webcam, just for some innocent chat time, or so I thought. As the night progressed the flirting intensified, and I decided to be bold. I propped the camera up and flashed a nipple at the bottom of the screen. I watched for a reaction and didn’t see one. Maybe he didn’t notice? A few minutes later I did it again. Still no reaction from him. Hmm…what could I do to get his attention? So I decide to flash him both nipples and I just held them there until he acknowledged them. He finally smiles real big and asks “are you having fun over there?” I smile sweetly and say “actually, yes I am”. After that the conversation got progressively more sexual as we started describing experiences and what we’d like to do to the other. As I read what he is writing and imagine it, I can feel my body start to react. My skin feels extra sensitive, I keep getting hot rushes down my skin, and I am very wet. I hint that I’d like him to at least flash me, maybe even give me a yummy show. He tells me he will be right back and so I busy myself doing some surfing and checking e-mails. When I flip back to his chat window he is shirtless. Hmm, this could be good I think to myself. After some more flirting and teasing he finally flashes me. I find myself staring right at it. He is hard and looks to be the perfect size. I instantly want more. Just seeing it isn’t good enough. I want to touch him, I want to taste him, and what’s more, I want to feel him inside of me. To my amazement, he starts touching himself while I watch. As he’s doing that I’m picturing what I’d be doing if I were there with him. All of the things I’d be doing to him, what his reactions would be. When he comes all over his chest I watch his face, and I know that soon I have to be the one to give him that pleasure. After another week of playing teasing and shows I decide to get down to business. I make sure he knows that I’m going crazy with anticipation, I want to feel his dick in me, and I want it now. I’m getting impatient.
We make a plan to meet up after work one night. He gets off an hour later than I do, so I have about 45 minutes to race home and get ready. When the evening finally comes the teasing is more intense than ever. He is doing his best to get me worked up and keep me worked up all evening. Whispering into my ear, brushing against me…the whole nine yards. As soon as I get off the clock I practically run to my car so I can get home and freshen up. I am so worked up already and the anticipation of finally being with him is almost too much to handle. When I step into the hot shower and feel the water running down my sensitive skin I get even more worked up but I don’t have time to do anything about it. I rush through the shower, shave, and dry off. After drying off I rub some silky lotion all over my body, leaving the light floral scent. Finally its time to meet up with him. I am so excited and nervous that my hands are shaking. We get into the car and start driving, he’s so close and all I want to do is reach over and touch him. He wants to run by his house and get changed real quick, and as I wait in the car I am picturing all the things I’m hoping he does to me, and what it will feel like. I am waiting for him in the dark car, so I lift my skirt and touch myself a little bit to help the time go by faster. I look over and see him walking towards the car and smooth my skirt out, blushing and unsure if he was able to see what I was doing on the front seat of his car. Since it was a comfortably warm night, we had made plans to lie out under the stars. After setting up the sleeping bags I take my shoes off and sit on top, watching him get the rest of our stuff situated. His ass looked so nice in those jeans, I wanted to reach out and touch him but he was just out of reach. He finally takes his shoes off and steps onto the sleeping bag. I glance over to look at him and before I quite realized what was happening his hand was making a fist in my hair, gently but firmly pulling my head back. My whole body reacts to his lips on mine. My skin gets hot and I feel a tingling rush go up and back down my body. I’m having a hard time concentrating on one thing at a time. My mind is racing. I have no idea what to expect next. The only thing I keep thinking is how good his mouth feels on mine. His tongue is hot, his breath against my face, his hands in my hair and rubbing my neck, then back into my hair. I love how he keeps making a fist, tugging my hair and moving my head where he wants it. His mouth is on my neck now, so hot and soft, nibbling up and down. I reach out and put my hands under his shirt, trying to pull him closer. I want to feel his skin against mine. He stands in place, unwilling to let me take control. So I start rubbing him through his pants, and finally I get a small moan from him, the first reaction I’ve heard him have. That sends a rush down my body, starting and ending between my legs. He stops kissing my neck and puts his mouth next to my ear and whispers “do you like this?” his breath is hot and teasing in my ear. I moan and whisper “yes” back to him. As soon as I tell him I like it, his tongue is in my ear, he’s nibbling my ear lobe and up the side. My first thought was how that tongue would feel in other places. I love how his mouth feels on my body.
He’s finally settling in next to me, my body is longing to be touched. Regardless of what his hands are doing, his mouth is always on me, licking and kissing me all over. When his mouth leaves one spot and moves to another the air feels cool and so yummy on my skin. I lean towards him and kiss his mouth feeling his hands finally start moving down my body. I spread my legs slightly in anticipation. His hand slowly moves between my legs, rubbing gently and teasing. I reach a hand over his and press his hand harder against me, pushing a finger between my pussy lips. I feel his mouth smile against mine, and he pulls his hand away, leaving me soaking wet and wanting more. He pushes me onto my back, and props up above me. His knee is between my legs rubbing my pussy and his mouth hard against mine. I want to come. I can feel myself getting close. I’m trying my damnedest to get him to come too, but he won’t let me touch him for more than a few seconds at a time. It’s driving me crazy. I want him to take his dick out so I can wrap my hand around it. He has so much self control. I am so close, right on the verge, when I feel him put his hand between my legs again. He is just pressing his hand against me, I feel the heat of his hand, and it’s making me wetter with anticipation. He rubs me gently, slowly building up. I put my head back and his lips are on my neck, under my chin and along my jaw line. I can feel my orgasm slowly building, I know it could happen at any time, and I know it will be really intense. My body is longing for it, begging. He has given me several smaller orgasms up until this point, but I know this will be so much better. Right when I think I can’t take any more, he thrusts his finger into me. His mouth is hard against mine, his tongue teasing mine. His body reacts to mine, I start rocking my hips and his fingers meet the rhythm. I have goose bumps all over my skin, every brush of his skin against mine, every time I feel his mouth on my body it builds more and more intensely. His mouth is at my ear, nibbling and I feel his hot breath. He whispers in my ear “are you going to come for me again?” That’s all it took, I feel a burst of energy all over my body, I can’t think of anything else but his fingers in me, imagining it was his dick instead. He brings me down from the orgasm slowly, gradually slowing his fingers down, kissing more gently and then moves to my side. My heart is beating fast, and I am having a hard time catching my breath. I lay my head on his chest and I realize his heart is beating too. I decide it’s his turn to go crazy so I start kissing him, and kiss my way down his neck and chest. My hand gently moves down his stomach and between his legs. He’s already rock hard, so I gently squeeze it and start rubbing softly up and down. I crouch between his legs and lean over and lick the head. Instantly his hands are in my hair. I lick down the bottom of his dick and suck one of his balls into my mouth, let it go and blow on it, then suck again. I hear his breath catch and he pulls my head down by my hair. I resist and pull back- maybe a little taste of his own medicine will do him some good. I put it in my mouth and gently suck the tip, slowly putting more in my mouth. Then I pull back and lick the outside. I wrap my hand around it and slowly masturbate him while sucking his balls. Each time I put it in my mouth I go a little faster then slow it down again. I switch back and forth between my hand and mouth slowly driving him crazy. Then I decide to make him do some of the work, and make him touch himself while I lick and suck at the same time. But that only lasts for a minute, I want it to myself. I wrap my hand around it again and start moving it up and down fast and hard. His hand makes a fist in my hair and he goes completely still. I know he loves this so I keep it up. I hear his breath catch and I know he’s getting close. He opens his eyes and looks down at me and tells me to put my mouth around it. Right as I close my lips around him I feel his hot cum shoot into my mouth. His hand loosens in my hair and I feel him relax. I move next to him and he rolls over so I can snuggle him. We lay there for a while talking and goofing around. He tells me that while I was giving him a blow job he saw a shooting start and I think to myself that’s really awesome. After a while he rolls to his back and I lay on my side with my hand on his chest looking at him in the candle light.
Before I know it he’s leaning towards me to kiss me. I lean in for the kiss and he pulls my body closer. I feel his dick pressing against my stomach, hard again. He is kissing me gently on the neck and I try to move my head so I can kiss him back and his hand grabs my hair, holding me in place. I feel a rush down my body, instantly wet again. He gently rubs between my breasts and kisses there as well. He kisses my shoulders and down my arm. He has my hand now, giving me a hand massage and kissing the palm of my hand. He licks one of my fingers and then puts it in his mouth, slowly raking his teeth against my skin as he pulls my finger out of his mouth. He does this with every finger on that hand. Then he brings his hand up and brushes the hair out of my face. I catch his hand in my hand and bring his fingers to my lips. I kiss them and slowly slide one finger in my mouth, twirling my tongue around it as if it were his dick instead. He rubs the palm of his hand past my cheek and back into my hair, pulling my mouth to his to kiss me roughly, sending a rush up and down my body. He starts kissing his way down my body, crouching between my legs. I feel his fingers rubbing between my pussy lips, but not inside yet. I tilt my hips up, trying to move closer so he will slip that yummy finger into me. My eyes are closed and then he slows down and I sense him moving away. I go still, not knowing if I did something he didn’t like. My eyes are still closed as I wait for him to make a move. Then I feel his breath on me, and I hold my breath, daring to hope I was about to feel his mouth in the one spot he hasn’t visited with it yet. His fingers slowly spread my pussy lips and the hot breath gets me even wetter. Then I hear myself moan as his tongue slowly licks up and down. He puts his finger inside me as his mouth is against me, his tongue licking and making me wetter with his juices mixed with my own. The mixed sensation of his soft mouth and tongue on me and his hard fingers inside me is more than I can take, and I have an explosive orgasm. My skin is crawling and flushed. Every cool breeze or warm breath making my skin even more sensitive to touch. I feel him moving so I open my eyes and look down at him. He is coming towards me now, I reach up to kiss him but he’s leaning above me reaching for something above my head. I kiss his neck and chest while I wait to see what he’s doing. He crouches back down between my legs and I realize he’s putting a condom on. Instantly my body reacts to the knowledge that I’m about to feel him inside me at last. I pull him to me and wrap my legs around him. He is kissing me hard and fast, almost too fast to keep up. I grab his hips and pull him into me. We both catch our breath as he thrusts even further into me. He wraps his hands around my shoulders and pulls himself up inside me harder and faster than before. The harder and faster he moves inside me, the more my pleasure builds, the closer I get to coming. He adjusts slightly and the different angle is all it takes to set of an orgasm stronger than the one before. My mind went blank, all I know is how good it feels to have him thrusting in and out, riding out my orgasm with him still hard inside me. My first orgasm starts weakening as another is already building inside me. This one deeper and stronger. I’m on the verge of coming again, my skin yearning to be touched, my lips begging to be kissed. Just then he runs one hand down my arm and side and back behind my thigh and brings my leg up his side. As he thrusts deeper into me his lips kiss me gently at first and then hard. Just as I feel his body tense in orgasm, I come too. We ride it out together and afterwards we lay there, hearts beating and bodies tingling. I look over at him, knowing that we will have to get going soon. I am finally satisfied, finally having exactly what I have been wanting and needing and ready to plan the next get together. If our first meeting was so enjoyable, what will the next time be like, after we’ve gotten to know each others body. I know the teasing will start over, there will be many nights of frustration and longing for him, but it will all be worth it in the end.

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Working Grandmas Garden by butliquor55

After having the time of my life with my little sister yesterday, it was time to return to my landscaping work at my Grandmother’s house. I was taking care of her garden and yard since my Grandfather had passed away. Along with the neighbor’s work it kept me busy. Of course my neighbor, Carol Wills was keeping me even busier with the extra work I was doing to her. I mean for her!The last couple days had about drained me and I was looking forward to seeing Grandma and a relaxing day working on...

1 year ago
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Working for My Boss Karla

Chapter 1 I'd interviewed for the job as the administrative assistant for the director of the communications division. I did all the application process with the secretary and another woman who I'd be working with and on my second visit I finally met the person who would be my actual boss - Karla. I immediately thought she was very sexy although she was obviously a woman in her middle 40's from what I could tell. She was a very snappy dresser and I thought immediately that I'd enjoy...

3 years ago
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Working Overtime 1

I didn't normally make the first move and probably missed a few chances along the way. For example, the cute girl handling our AP processing. I delayed and delayed and next thing I knew she was dating one of the IT guys. I was handling the Expense application in our data processing department when our new supervisor was introduced to us. Being the only guy in our small department I no doubt took most notice of what a babe she was. Donna was about 5-6, long dark brown hair, dark dark brown...

3 years ago
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Working with Trista Ch 05

Working with Trista Ch. 05byamberbmaid©This is the final two days of my trip working with Trista. If you haven't read the other portions of this story, I would suggest it.Feedback is welcome, especially of the message variety as I would love to discuss these adventures. Otherwise if leaving public comments, please make them constructive.Thanks.-------------------------------------------------Day 6When Trista woke me up the next morning it took me a while to get my bearings. I had a slight...

2 years ago
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Working on the Desk with Barb Comfortable and Sexy

Phil knew his immediate boss, Barbara - or Barb as most everyone seemed to call her -- was probably a few years older than he was at 35, but she was one of the nicest people he'd ever been assigned to work under as his supervisor. She'd made him feel very welcome when he'd shown up for his first day of work and it was then that Phil had noticed a lot of things about Barb that he really liked. Barb wasn't beautiful but she was pretty in a very wholesome sort of way. She had somewhat short...

2 years ago
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Working with Trista Ch 02

Working with Trista Ch. 02byamberbmaid©This is the second chapter of an on-going story of working with Trista. All feedback is welcomed.Day 3:That morning I was awakened as my phone rang; Trista was calling me telling me it was time to get up. She said that she would be over shortly. I hoped it was to let me out of the chastity device. That moment couldn't come soon enough, and neither could I!A few minutes later Trista knocked on my door. I opened it, and she was dressed in a pair of spandex...

3 years ago
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Working up the nerve

And that’s exactly what I did for the first semester of school, though the pussy was weak. I only had sex twice, and it was pretty bad both times. The chicks were drunk, I was drunk. It was just a waste of time, pretty typical frat party sluts. However, at the fall football games I had noticed Abby, one of the cheerleaders. She was small (the flyer for the squad) and blonde, with a nice build. Large B to Small C rack but the ass is really what got my attention. In the cheerleader...

3 years ago
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Working late

Chris was going to be working late, again. Becky put her phone down on the sofa after reading his message and sighed. The money his job brought in was good but the long hours were boring for her and they both knew it. The office wasn't far and she had her car, she knew her way around his office, a plan coming together in her mind...She pulled up outside his work, his car was the only one there. She knew he wouldn't be able to see it from his office, or from anywhere else he might wander while...

Office Sex
2 years ago
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Working Girl From Home

I woke up to the whimsical chiming of my phone alarm. It was Monday morning, and under normal circumstances, Monday mornings were the absolute worst. But the times were far from normal, and in response to the spread of COVID-19 my boss had implemented a mandatory work-from-home policy. While my coworkers bemoaned the lack of office socialization, I was secretly elated because it gave me the unique opportunity to indulge in my deepest secret on a daily basis. I unplugged my phone from...

3 years ago
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Working Late

I was about 25 and working for an office based company in the West Midlands. The work was alright, but sometimes deadlines could be tight and one or more of us would end up working til 10pm or even later.The department secretary was a lady, Sally, probably in her forties. She had long blonde hair, a slim body and always wore tight, short skirts, dark tights and shiny heels. Her breasts were often straining the buttons on her white blouses. I had had a few wanks in the office toilets thinking...

1 year ago
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Working Late

Working Late by Rubberwolf ? 2003 - Rubberwolf - storycodes: Sbf; latex; F/f; bondage; Rubberdoll; packaged; kidnap; enclosed; cons; X Late by Rubberwolf Foreword Surprisingly, this has evolved in to a consensual story. Initially, I had considered the tried and tested, non-consensual, automatic packaging theme. Perhaps I will still write a story along those lines. Although this is slightly out of character, I think it works well and there is still an element of reluctance. Anyway, enjoy....

2 years ago
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Working with Trista Ch 01

Working with Trista Ch. 01byamberbmaid©Day 1:I had just started my new job; only a month in and so far it was ok. I was laid off months earlier and forced to start working in a temp firm. The hours were all right, the pay was reasonable, and I couldn't complain about the commute. I was told this position could potentially turn into a full-time role if all went well during the 3 month "probationary period." The marketing department I was temping in was made up of all women so that was a nice...

3 years ago
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Working behind the bar

So my mother got me a job collecting glasses at the local pub she worked at. She would collect the used food plates from the restaurant side of the pub and help the chef in the kitchen. I was only allowed to collect the food plates and glasses at the time as I was too young to serve behind the bar.I don't have very big boobs, but I do have a very round curvy sexy ass. I am not what you would call good looking or attractive as none of the boys ever asked me out while I was in school. This has...

3 years ago
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Working at Tammys

I have a nice job with some good time off every now and then so I often do side jobs like remodeling and outdoor projects for some extra cash. Tammy was a good friend that I work with in my office. She had the most incredible body and a really cute face, the kind with a southern charm. Her ass looks like that of an 18yr old. Her tits were incredible, practically busting out of her shirt with her slender frame. I would often joke with her saying, “You know, rumor has it that your boobs are...

2 years ago
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Working 9 to 5

A tribute to the lovely Nikki Nicole ( nervous Nick walked through the office door. He’d been out of work for nearly six months but had finally found the perfect job for him. He’d now be working in an office as an IT expert. He didn’t have the training or background in IT so he’d been surprised when he’d been offered the role.Whilst he’d been out of work he’d had the chance to explore his hobby of dressing up in slutty clothes, applying super seductress...

4 years ago
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Working up the nerve Part 2

“That was really good, Will. You fuck a lot harder than my last boyfriend.” “Thanks, I tried to go as hard as I could. You felt really good on me.” We went on complimenting each other for a little while, until she hit me with something I wasn’t expecting. “I don’t want to get into a relationship right now.” This was fine with me. I had done alright in college without a girlfriend and I still wanted to have the freedom to sleep with whoever I wanted. However, I didn’t want to lose...

2 years ago
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Working Late

Rosie Martinez was working late at the office one evening and was surfing the Internet trying to find a site to help with sales leads, when she got an alert that she had received a new email message. She checked her inbox and discovered that her friend had sent her a link to an erotic story site. She smiled... it had been a while since she'd had the time to flip through such a site. She remembered one particular place that had incredibly hot stories - so much so that just reading a couple of...

Office Sex
3 years ago
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Working for the man A Cuckold Story

Working for the Man My wife and I were both accountants working for different companies. Weboth made good money and were living the high life. We had all our creditcards maxed out; we both had new cars leased and a new condo full of newfurniture bought on credit. Now as accountants, you would think we wouldknow better but we weren't worried because our combined income was a goodsix figures.Then as they say, the shit hit the fan. My company was involved in abig scandal and I ended up losing my...

3 years ago
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Working Girl

DISCLAIMER: This story is rated X for strong sexual content. If you are under eighteen (18) years of age or in an area where this type of material is prohibited, DO NOT READ THIS STORY. If you are of legal age eighteen (18) or older and are located in areas where this is legal, and not offensive to you, please continue. The characters and locations in this story are fictional and any resemblance to any actual living person or place, either in person or name, is purely...

1 year ago
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Working Over

I was bent over Andre Beasley's desk, my panties hanging on one ankle, my slacks off, holding onto the edge and moaning with pleasure as Bernie Graham's stiff throbbing cock drove deeply in and out of me. We were working late for the third time that week, and with the weekend coming up and no excuse to get away from our spouses we were making the most of Friday afternoon. Getting that last minute work done that couldn't be finished over the weekend. Katelyn Boyer didn't have a key to the...

4 years ago
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Working out with Stepmom Chapters 13 edited

I was never much for working out. It had just never seemed like an important thing to do. It was probably because I maintained a decent physique despite the lack of training. I was 6’ tall and weighed about 170 lbs. Being a teenager with a decent build and an active metabolism I didn’t know why I would ever want to put myself through rigorous physical exercises. My stepmom, Ava, hated that I didn’t like to work out. She was a personal trainer and spent all her free time shaping and toning her...

2 years ago
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Working From Home

That banging is starting to annoy me, the roofers working on my neighbor's house constantly banging away. I'm still working from home, log on at 8.30, and plow through my usual workload. I can get through it pretty quickly and be on to my now normal housework. I do a wash, Monday, and Thursday weather permitting, hoover upstairs and down once a week, and have the dishes out the way before my wife gets home.She has had to get back into the office, her job is more important than mine and much...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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Working Title

Working Title By Cherysse St. Claire © 2004 As Max's parties went, this was pretty much the usual. He calls them "Meet and Greets". I call them "Novocaines". Of course, I would never tell Max that. It's just that they have this irritating tendency to deaden all my senses. My current lover has his own public relations firm with an A-list cast of corporate and entertainment industry clients. As Max's 'hostess', I rub elbows with some of the heaviest hitters in both genres and...

1 year ago
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Working Girl 17

As I walked out of the building I felt happier than I had done for a long time. I was finally making decisions on my life and not being pushed from pillar to post by events outside my control. I walked the few blocks to the office building where I hoped I would be working for quite some time. I took a deep breath and walked through the doors. Actually, I didn't walk through the doors, that would have hurt, they sort of swooshed open automatically. It would have been a bit silly...

2 years ago
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Working Girl Bertha was a horny middle-aged Lesbian. As was hercustom, she was thinking about going to her favorite Lesbianbar and seeing if she could find a fem to take home and makelove too. As she drove past the hooker lane on the way to thebar she saw something that caught her eye. Among the normal assortment of street hookers was asmall figure that looked like a young girl. Bertha turned right atthe next corner and came around for a second look. She sloweddown as she approached the...

3 years ago
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Working the late Shift

Working te late shiftThis is a true Story. I am a Security Guard and I was working late sitting in the lobby drinking my coffee with the ballgame on the radio. Before the game starts I make a round of the building to make sure everything is secure. I go up to the top floor where the executives work. I am walking down the hall and I see a light on in one of the offices. I walk in the door and I see Amy working late. Hi Amy working late I see yes Rick I am come in keep me company for a bit I walk...

1 year ago
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Working Late

"Working Late" I count myself quite fortunate as on leaving school I came into some money and invested in the IT business at an early opportunity. My money grew and now I find myself quite well off and run my own business. The business has gone from strength to strength and we have a lucrative contract supplying the government with computer hardware. I married the most lovely woman and have three lovely children, in fact everything was just perfect. There's only one slight...

1 year ago
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Working Woman Hires Me First Time

I am Rahul from Bangalore.Now I am 25 year, average male 5’10’, not too slim.the decent looking guy with 5.5″ dick.This is my first story in ISS.I am working in Bangalore and also working as a male escort in Bangalore. Back to my story,It started just before my 24th birthday,I was working in private firm in Bangalore. My life changed when I met Kiran.He was friend of my senior colleague.My colleague gave me intro to his friend Kiran. Who was working in MNC and he also runs a Male escort agency...

2 years ago
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Working Mans Blues

** Originally written as Darkeyeddemon, when I lived on the east coast of Florida. In the wake of hurricane Katrina this story takes on new life and meaning for me. I donated blood and gave what money I could, but I still feel this sense of loss and vertigo as if there’s something else I can do that I haven’t thought of yet. If you know someone who was affected by this tragedy, don’t just give them money or food. If you can, give them some of your time. Thanks for reading. ** In the aftermath...

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Working late

I’m an accounting manager and work in an office building. The building is three stories tall and sits right next to the freeway. My office is on the third floor on the freeway side. A couple times a month I work late, sometimes well into the night. I find I can concentrate and get more done when I’m there alone without the distractions of my fellow workers and the phones ringing, especially toward the end of each quarter when all the reports are due. I’ve been working late like this for several...

3 years ago
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Working late

I’m an accounting manager and work in an office building. The building is three stories tall and sits right next to the freeway. My office is on the third floor on the freeway side. A couple times a month I work late, sometimes well into the night. I find I can concentrate and get more done when I’m there alone without the distractions of my fellow workers and the phones ringing, especially toward the end of each quarter when all the reports are due. I’ve been working late like this for several...


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