Lamb in Wolf s Clothing
- 2 years ago
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With Connie's confession coming right on the heels of Karen's, John's appointment book filled solid through Sunday. He spent all of his time hearing confessions, so much time that he had nothing for Eve and left her to the elders. By Thursday afternoon, he knew he led a flock of female perverts who, if they hadn't committed the sin, thought about it--same thing. No one would go walking out of the Sunday service if he bred Eve on the dais, so he gave the elders the task of seeing that she was ready to perform and her mother should be part of the act. He said, "I want something that would make a Tijuana sexual side show operator blush."
To this point, Eve hadn't been introduced to any dogs, only the threat of dogs. Karen didn't think they'd actually do it, and Eve was pretty sure they wouldn't. They just talked about doing it, and then Karen received a call from Elder Donaldson who wanted her to join the rehearsals and help them develop an act; after all, she was the pro.
When Bob arrived home from work he was met by an excited wife who had just gotten off the phone. She said, "Bob, they're going to do it, and they're going all out--this Sunday!"
"Doing what?"
"Mutt fucking Eve. They want me to help put together an act involving six to eight mutts."
"Bob, this is beyond my wildest expectations. Elder Donaldson said Pastor John has been booked solid since I came forward, and he's booked solid through to Sunday. It's like everyone wants to come clean before Sunday. He said I would blush at some of the confessions he's hearing, and they're coming from the very people who always shunned me. Fucking hypocrites! I knew it!"
"Karen, what about Eve?"
"What about Eve?"
"She's had enough. She told me that the last time I fucked her, and that was this morning before I went to work. The poor kid is worn out and so sore she can't walk."
"So, you fucked her. Talk about your hypocrite."
"All right, I'm a hypocrite, but she really is worn to a frazzle, and she really does not want any dogs brought in on this."
"Tough tittie. From now until Sunday, that's all she's fucking. They're giving her a day to rest and recuperate, and then, we go to work. You were her last human till after the show. She's been sleeping or soaking in a hot tub since she saw you. He says she's feeling much better already. By morning, she should be ready to go again. Isn't this exciting?"
"For you."
"Come on, Bob, think with your dick."
"The trouble is, I've done too much thinking with my genitals, and that's all you've been using lately. I have never seen anyone so utterly consumed with perverse sex, or sex in general. That's all you think about and that's all you do."
"Oh, Bob, all this is just the foamy froth that spews out after a bottle gets uncorked. It'll pass and settle down. You'd relate if you'd been corked all these years. Right now, anything with a slit between its legs is thinking about sex during every waking moment. You men feel threatened because we women are acting the way you do all the time."
"I have never been like them and you know it, Karen."
"No, you've been dull your whole life. It has only been recently that you haven't been dull. Your bottle was uncorked, too, only you don't know how to handle it. I can see you are ate up with guilt. Relax. Have fun. Go with the flow, stud. It's party time, and there's willing pussy everywhere. If you see something you like, just walk up and fuck it. That's what they're doing to me. I get no respect and don't want any."
"I'd like the names of those I can just walk up and fuck, because I see no party going on, and everyone I meet still looks and acts the same."
"You would want a list of sure things. Damnit, Bob, take pot luck. All they can say is stop poking me with that thing. Personally, I think you'll score two to one, and three for three if you choose the right time and place. You should listen to me. Do I know my women or what? Was I right, or what? Are we a bunch of horny sluts, or are we a bunch of horny sluts?"
Bob was thinking, then smiling, then saying, "I gotta admit, you were right if they are booking the confessions solid and they're telling all."
"They are. They're telling shit I never dreamed of, and doing shit I never dreamed of. Half the sluts are bitches because of me. I'm an inspiration and a godsend. You saw Connie kiss my ass and slurp my twat. You heard what she said. I'm a godsend, her savior. They all feel that way. Now, go fuck them the way you fucked Connie. Just haul up their skirts and slip it to them. Hell, you did that to Connie with her husband standing right there. I didn't hear you ask anyone's permission."
"Well, shit, Karen, she was on her knees rear-sucking your snatch because she could now openly be a whore. That's a bit different than going up to Sister Odem while she's on her hands and knees scrubbing the floor of the church kitchen and doing the same thing."
"So, you like that big butted bitch, do you?"
"She reminds me of my mom when she scrubs the floor."
"Well, stud, go get it or don't cry to me about not getting any. If that widder woman doesn't need a good fucking on the kitchen floor, no one does. If she says stop poking me with that thing, I'll give up sex. And you are not getting any sex from me until you do her."
"I didn't need that kind of pressure, Karen."
"Yes, you do. In fact, she'll be there tonight. This is Thursday. She'll be cleaning up after the young women finish their bake sale baking. Be hanging around between eight and nine."
"How should I approach her?"
"From the rear."
"No, what line do I use?"
"You don't need a line, stupid. All right, look, you do need to get her mind on sex and on sex with you, so here's what you do. When it's just the two of you in there, tell her how she reminds you of your mom and tell her how, as a young man, your mom always made you horny when she got on her hands and knees to scrub the floor and how you always wanted to come up behind her and simply lift her dress, pull down her panties, and boink her brains out."
"I could never tell her that. She'll think I'm sick--sick and disgusting."
"If she does, you'll see it in her eyes, and you'd like to know that before you make a fool of yourself, wouldn't you?"
"Well, yes."
"But if you spark an interest, you'll see that, too. You'll get her thinking. You'll make her wet and receptive, and when you get behind her and study her ass, she'll be braced and waiting, having already decided what she'll do if you do to her what you always wanted to do to your mommy. My money is on bracing herself for an exciting mount."
"Yes, but we'll be in church."
"An empty church, or at least a church with a closed kitchen. Everyone knows you can't come into the kitchen after Sister Odem begins her cleanup. Anyway, I'm sending you out and I'm not letting you back in the house unless your dick smells like pussy, so you're going, you're trying, and if you can't score on her, you'd better score some off Eve or else get a motel room."
"All right, damnit, I'm doing it. I can always get some off Eve."
"You hypocrite."
"We already established that."
Karen answered the doorbell at nine thirty to find grinning Bob, wringing wet on her doorstep with his cock hanging out of his open fly. She smiled and said, "What the fuck happened to you?"
"It's a long story but worth waiting for."
"Before I sniff, did you see Eve?"
"Nope. I saw my mommy."
Smiling, Karen bent and sniffed, then went, "Ummmm, nice," then licked his dick all over. When she stood to admit him, she said, "My compliments to the chef."
They took seats at the dining table with two boys doing homework. Karen said, "Well tell me all about it, stud."
He looked at the eavesdropping boys, then said to himself, "Oh, what the fuck. They are real mother fuckers." To Karen, he said, "The crowd cleared out at eight fifteen, and I stayed. She couldn't figure why I stayed, or why I was there in the first place. She was curious and figured I wanted to talk in private, so she makes a do-not-enter sign and hangs it on the door, then shuts it. She loves when people seek her out and ask her advice, but they are mostly female, rarely a member of the priesthood. I'm sure she must have been thinking I needed a shoulder to cry on following my wife's sordid confession, but she had a gossip's gleam in her eye as she tried to appear consoling, like a person you could spill your guts to.
"Anyway, I start by saying, 'I have a confession that I need to make to you, Sister Odem.' Her eyes light up. Now, she knows she's going to hear something hot and juicy. She assures me that nothing I tell her will ever leave that kitchen. I'm thinking, 'bull shit' but I thank her and place my hand on hers. I take a deep breath and say, 'When I was a young man, just entering puberty, everything turned me on, but there was one thing that used to drive me up a wall sexually.'
"I can see this puzzled look come over her features as though she were thinking, 'What the hell does this have to do with being the spouse of Karen Winslow?' I ignore this and say, 'She was a woman built like you, a full figured woman with exaggerated proportions in the breast and hip department.' I made her blush, but now her puzzled look is gone and thoughts of Karen Winslow go right out the window. She pats my hand and says, 'Yes, go on.'
"I'm feeling encouraged, now. I say, 'She used to get down on her knees to scrub the kitchen floor like you do, and I'd be behind her imagining the most erotic things and making myself very horny.' She says, 'That's only natural for a boy that age, Brother Bob.' I say, 'Yes, but I went one step further and imagined me getting up behind her, lifting her dress, pulling her panties down, and having sex with her, and I pictured her letting me do it.'
"I see her gulp. She didn't expect this, but she pats my hand and says, 'I'm sure you're not the first boy to think those thoughts about his mother. Obviously, your own sons thought those thoughts about your wife and took it one step further.' I'm a bit taken aback because she used the term, 'your wife' when 'their mother' would have been more appropriate. I'm not sure what to make of this, whether she was trying to steer the conversation back to a spouse-of-Karen direction, or whether this was a dig."
Karen offered, "I think she just wanted to phrase things in a more personal way. Their mother is impersonal to you, but your wife isn't. It also reminds a man that his wife cheated on him, planting the seed that maybe he should cheat on her."
"You hit the nail on the head, Karen, but I didn't know that then. Anyway, I say, 'The reason I wanted to talk to you was to explain why I am always staring at you when you do the floor. I know you must have noticed, and you must have seen my erection.' Though I'm sure she never noticed anything, she's beaming and says, 'Yes, of course I noticed, but I'm the type of woman who takes a handsome man's erection as the sincerest form of flattery.'"
Karen laughs and says, "Who is seducing whom here?"
"This is where I catch on that she wants it as badly as I do. In addition to what she said, she is now stroking her nails along my lower arm very sensuously. Now, I know I'll be able to get back in the house, and I won't have to disturb Eve on her day off. I say, 'I'm glad to hear that, because I also came to warn you. I could restrain myself with my mother, but with my wife getting all of her sex from children and dogs, I don't think I can restrain myself if I see you on your hands and knees again with no one around. I'm afraid I'll come up and lift your dress high over your back, unhook your bra, then pull your panties down to your knees, then guide my erect cock to your pussy and fuck you while I play with your big titties.'"
Karen said, "Bob, I'm very proud of you. That was outstanding. Now tell us how she reacted to that."
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Karen smiled and put away the rod because John was going down on Eve and another bottle rocket scene was forthcoming. She went off in under a minute and took three to return to Earth. When John came up, Karen was naked and joined him in front of the desk where they met in a close embrace with Karen hanging her straight arms onto his shoulders, getting nose to nose with Eve looking on, now truly shocked by her mother's behavior--games and fantasy were one thing, but this looked like adultery...
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The Babcocks were a more traditional family--a mommy, a daddy, and five children all living in a single family dwelling of modest standards. Jerry Babcock worked for Brother James at his auto accessory plant. Martha, his wife, was a secretary at a trucking company not affiliated with the church. Together, they made a decent living, enough to support a family with five teenagers, all boys except for thirteen-year-old Darlene who had a twin brother, Ray. Jerry Jr. (Jer) was the oldest at...
Melody Bottoms, Karen's best friend and confidant, never wanted anything other than to be a good wife and mother for Harvey Bottoms, though when she married him nine years ago at the age of nineteen, she didn't think they'd still be living with his folks ten years later, but they would be. Like Karen, Melody married into the church. Elder Sweeney became its Pastor in time to perform the wedding. Melody was his first conquest. All five of her children were fathered by Pastors in the...
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NovelsIgor accompanied Anne part of the way back to the house, carrying her picnic basket for her. Anne was feeling rather tired after the intense exertion a little while ago. They had rested for about 2 hours by the pool, enjoying each other’s silent company after their private interaction. Igor sent off Victor on a task before coming with Anne. ‘So, you like what we do for you?’ he queried on the way. ‘Yes, I can’t believe that my body was capable of such intense emotions. Thank you Igor.’ ‘You...
I pulled up to the apartment, and was thankful that it was a ground floor apartment. She came out and gave me a big hug and thanked me for helping. Everyone else was either busy, or not willing to come help her. I hadn’t really seen her much over the last few years, as there had been a falling out with my father and step-mother. At twenty years old, she had become and amazingly beautiful young lady. It didn’t help that she was wearing a pair of very short shorts and a tight fitting tank top....
Hi readers. I am Jatin and wanna tell you about the incident between me and SHINDE MADAM, the hottest teacher in our school. Let me tell something about her. I’m having a hard-on even now, writing about her.She is about 36 years old, short(5″2), plump and rather brownish in complexion and full lips. Her breasts are huge and very tight and look very sexy as they bounce. And nipples are always taut, which protrude through her flimsy bra and blouse. Her ass is simply gigantic and heaves...
My dad is a salesman for an intrenational company which means he is travelling a lot, mostly in europe. I was just in the mid of my teens and he asked if I would like to follow him on a trip, and I was afraid it will be boring, but got convinced when he told me the hotel was really nice with a big spa area. Off we went and arrived late in the evening, and just went to bed. Next morning he went offfor meetings and I was all alone on the hotel room. Decidec to take a shower and before I went in ,...
Peilisalin kronikat Peili nro 0, Muutos. Kaupunki n?ytti melkein siedett?v?lt? syksyisen aamu-usvan k?tkiess? sen hopeiseen syleilyyns?. Matka oli ollut pitk? sek? fyysisesti ett? henkisesti mitattuna. T?n??n oli viimeinkin aika tarkastella aikaisempia tapahtumia ja valita uusi suunta. Seisoin hetken suuren py?re?n rakennuksen ovella, ajatuksiani kooten ja valmistautuen henkisesti tulevaan koitokseen. Heti sis??n astuttuani saapumistani odottanut opas viittoili minua seuraamaan ja k?velimme pitk?n k?yt?v?n p??h?n. Avasin ...
Rose gently swung the door gently as Michael entered, reaching out like a child waiting to be picked up. He indulged her happily, grabbing her like he had in class and pulling her to him. The door shut quietly and Michael spun around and backed Rose up against it, one hand supporting her ass and the other around her waist. Her hands were busier than his, one roaming his hair and clawing his scalp while the other was wrapped around his neck to keep his lips attached to hers. They kissed hard,...
I lay there thinking about what my life was like for the past two months. Two months ago, I was getting things lined up, so I could start a new job. I had finished that business complex for a major company that had left the US for cheaper labor overseas; but had found that when the label read 'Made in China', people here stopped buying their product. So they brought back the assembly portion of the product to a plant that they hadn't sold in Iowa. However, the label now had to read,...
Prologue: The untimely summer rains kept pattering on the panes as I felt jolt after jolt of uninhibited orgasm escape my body like never before! Moans mixed with the fumes rising from the hot earth as the rains quenched the parched thirst of the soil quite parallel to the way Raju was ravishing my mom inside the car. Biting, nibbling, gobbling leaving no posture of oral sex fervor untouched! It was as if both their libidos were set ablaze in the lonely countryside as passion flared up in the...
IncestKatelin started licking his cock, getting it nice and wet. Taking it in her mouth, and going down about halfway. I started licking and sucking on his balls and ball sack. From time to time I would lick under his ballsack, giving him a quick fluster. "Hey Ashley, come here and kiss me" Katelin said. As I moved my head up she kept his cock inbetween us. We wrapped our lips around the sides of his cock, trying to meet each others tongue but failing continously. Jim moaned in pleasure as...
I had always thought that Jack was a little odd. I just got weird vibes from the guy. Maybe it was the way he walked down the halls of our school and people seemed to magically move Out of his way without him saying a word. Or maybe it was the way he seemed to just appear places. A lot of my friends were cool with him but for some reason I had never gotten to know him. He was like a wild animal to me, dangerous and exotic. There was just something about his aura that made it hard for me to...
His hands came around and grasped her breasts, squeezing her globes firmly. Leaning back into his chest, she sighed happily, overjoyed to have his hands on her again. Her sigh turned into a gasp as he began rubbing her half-erect nipples, lightly pinching them to form them into sensitive points. Her arms rose over her head where she draped them behind his neck, giving him total access. His work on her nipples quickly sent heat rushing to the juncture of her thighs, need and moisture pooling to...
The moon spilled through the small window, washing over the slick surface of a glossy wooden floor. Cries broke the morbid silence of the tiny room. Each salty tear drop could be heard hitting a lonely floor. Just a silhouette, a mere figure of a crumpled woman lay in the glow of a lunar kiss. The clock suspended on the wall slowly ticked by, turning and counting, with every second she seemed to die a little more inside. A single candle burned, fighting the shadows that threatened to claim her...
It's sunday morning and I'm still on a high from last night. although it was the worst party I've ever been a party to, it was the best night i've had in years. my wife is off somewhere. with her dope head friends no doubt. since my experience with Greg, I really didn't care anymore. there's a video in my mind that's playing that over and over. the feel of our mouths pressed together. our tongues in and out of each others mouths. that's still fresh in my mind. so what happened to me? one minute...
Gay"Josh! Beth!" screamed the lovely former flight attendant, as she dropped her bags next to the baggage carousel before sprinting towards us. "Dee!" I cried as I launched myself into her arms. We clung to each other for a few moments. I took in her heady scent of her perfume and shampoo and noticed the sheen of her perspiration which gave her chocolate complexion a wonderful glow. Then we kissed. It was electric. I possessively took her ass in my hands and squeezed, as she moaned into my...
Introduction: The hottest mom/daughter story Ive ever written. Mrs. Lyon, you just dont understand, Julie Walker was saying, I love my mother&hellip, weve got a really beautiful thing between us, you know? Julie lay on her back, the young blonde tilted her head lazily, her eyes searching the cloudless sky, her bare toes playing little games with the golden brown grass that covered Mrs. Lyons back yard. I mean, my mother doesnt try to control me the way some mothers do. She treats me like an...
"Happy Birthday!" the nurses cheered as he stepped off the private elevator. Completely surprised, Howdy threw his hands in the air, "Well I'll be... I completely forgot. Thank all of you so much." All but one of the gorgeous faces in the small crowd, huddled around, giving him warm hugs, kisses and a couple even slipped in birthday gropes. Most had been on staff for a several years, except one in the background. As was his custom when checking in for a few days of R&R, he spent a few minutes...
HardcoreMansi was 18 yr old gal when she joined 1st yr of integrated Law course in Bangalore. She was a daughter of my friend Ravi from Pune. Ravi was GM in a bank. Being from Pune, Mansi was a modern gal, cute and nice figure. She was staying in PG (1 BHK) near my residence. She was coming to my home anytime. She was close to my family too. Things were going normally as usual. She used to talk to me on phone for any help, used to send emails or chat messages. She was like a member of our family. Once...
After Etienne's hilarious telling off that shocked JD and caused a bout of laughter from the others around him including the lovely Princess Nicole, the family went back to riding more rides. All but John went on the rides while he chose to watch the ladies' purses while they went on the bumper cars, just so John wasn't the target for the kids as he normally is. Willie wasn't so lucky, but thankfully for him, Billy was a good driver even if he chose to bump hard into his brother and...
They had never met yet Dan felt as if he knew her for a lifetime as he had seen her in the same coffee shop day after day. Occasionally their eyes would meet and they would give each other a smile or a nod of the head. But today her eyes never left the paper she was reading and he felt like she was miles away. Dan could not go on with his day unless he saw her tender smile and shiny blue eyes like pearls in the ocean radiant and sparkling in a sea of blue. He noticed that she had not gotten her...
For a while, I don’t hear Maria’s voice at all. I don’t hear the music either. The only sound in the yoga studio is Sandra’s lips on mine. Then the shuffle of clothing as it comes off. Then the heat of breathy moans. Then the swish of wet pussies. Then the slapping of skin as I finger her. Then the muted shrieks of orgasm.“Her turn,” says Maria, finally. I look up at her from my belly as I take my mouth away from Sandra’s tan thighs. Maria is naked as well. Goddess, what happened to her body? I...
Mind ControlAfter placing the last box in the trunk, she slammed it shut and then loaded all of her bags into the backseat of her car. Picking up her kitten, she looked around a bit wistfully. Leaving her home would be hard, but she was happy that she was moving to a familiar place, a place she already knew and loved, with the man that she knew and loved. She gave Meeko a little kiss and said, ‘Well, are you ready to hit the road?’ He purred as she nuzzled against him. After saying goodbye to her family,...
Jason felt the evil strongly as he stepped back into the house. It was like the difference between night and day. He shook his head. The thought of the two priests waiting outside, filled him with a peace and confidence that was disconcerting. He made his way to the stairs that led to the basement, and went down them. Shortly, he was confronting the demon once again. "I see you have returned," the demon said. "Yes. I can't release you to this world. You must return to your own place...