Lamb Of GodChapter 7 free porn video

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The two slipped out and were soon back on the street, walking at a fast clip. Jackie said, "Do you think Judy will do it?"

"Get naked and follow through on the rest?"

"Yeah, like we said."

"She's had plenty of time to mull it over. The idea made sense to her, and Angela already saw something worse. That should make things easier."

"I hope she does. That'll be neat, don't you think?"

"Neater than a skeeter's peter."

"I'll betcha we have a real short Bible study tonight."

"We'll see. If it is, that's a good sign."

"How short to be a good sign?"

"Ten minutes or less and I'd say she is going for it."

"She'll chicken out. She'll never show her pussy, not Judy, at least not to her own kids. Too bad, cause they'd like to see it the way we did. I should have told her how much they'd like to see it wide open."

"I think she knows that, Jackie. Mothers were once little girls and we know all boys want a peek at any pussy, but a mother's pussy is special for the same reason little girls find it special."

"Why, because they used to live in there?"

"Yes, Jackie, we all want to return to the womb even if just to look around."

"So, she might do it, huh?"

"Time will tell. Speaking of time, we're not going to make it. I'll race you--mark, get set, GO!"

And, they were off, arriving together just in the nick of time. They entered to find Da real Massah standing inside the door, thumping her hoof with folded arms. She glared and said, "You're two minutes late. This will add to your punishment."

By Susan's watch they were one minute early, but no point in arguing. They demonstrated their desire to continue obeying the rules. Each hung her head after nodding. The family sat waiting from the diner table. All were looking over the back of the sofa to watch the confrontation.

Judy said, "Now, quickly get cleaned up and seated so we can say grace."

Both moved, but neither should have run, for the fuck they didn't wipe with Cindy's dress was now out of their pussies and trickling down their legs, all four legs, and Judy noticed this after they passed by on their way to the bathroom.

"Stop right there, both of you!"

They froze with a tableful of onlookers to their right. Each could feel the trickles or Judy's eyes on them, or any of eight pairs of other eyes. Judy came up from behind and lifted both skirts to the waist revealing not only fucky legs, but bare asses as she said, "What's this? Is this what I think it is? Answer me!"

Jackie said, "What do you think it is?"

Jackie received a hard slap to her ass for her impudence. Judy got some of the mess on her hand and examined it, then said, "This looks, feels, and smells like animal semen."

Jackie said, "If it tastes like animal cum, I'll bet that's what it is."

[smack! Owch!]

Susan shouted, "Jackie, you do not talk to our spiritual leader's wife that way. I feel like smacking you myself." And then she did.

[SMACK! Owie!]

Judy addressed Susan in a serious tone, saying, "Have you two been rutting with animals?"

All diners were at the edges of their seats awaiting Susan's response, for this was big, WAY BIG, bigger than the exciting news about Sister Karen and Eve. This was hitting close to home, and then they heard Susan say, "Yes it is. We had sex with a few dogs. I'm sorry."

This admission sucked all the air out of the dining room, but only made Judy smile, a smile they couldn't see as she said, "I'll deal with both of you right after supper. I am canceling the evening Bible study with your permission, Steve."

"Yes, of course. Whatever you think is best, dear."

"Good, because I intend to teach these two bitches a lesson they'll never forget, and I may have to use drastic measures to humiliate them and shame them back to the path of righteousness."

Steve excitedly said, "Yes, by all means. Use your judgment with my advance blessing. Any moderation would be a sin in a case such as this."

That told Susan that Da Massah and Da real Massah had a little talk and were singing out of the same hymnal. No Bible study told Jackie that Judy mulled things over real good. It came as no surprise when Judy addressed them saying, "If you whores want to mate with dogs, then I shall treat you like bitches. Bitch dogs don't wear clothes, so remove them, shoes, too. Remove everything."

The penitent bitches began removing clothing as Judy turned her attention to the table, saying, "I refuse to feed dogs at my table. Angela, set their plates on the floor, out where we can all see them."

Jackie and Susan, now nude, looked to each other, each thinking similar thoughts:

"Woo, this horny bitch is pulling out all stops."

Judy thought she read their thoughts and said, "You think I'm kidding. Wait till I put your collars on you. For now, it's time to eat. Get down on your all fours and crawl to your plates. Eat everything and lick your plates clean. If you want more, beg from the others."

While the Agnus family and Darla looked on with open mouths, stunned and amazed, the naked bitches got to their knees and crawled to their plates. There, they found beans and began lapping at that as Judy went on, "Starting tomorrow there will be dog food on your plates and little of that, so you had best hone your begging skills. I can't speak for the others, but you'll not get one morsel of food from me unless you beg with your tongues where it will impress me most."

Joan fell out of her chair with a crashing thud. Little Mark knocked over his milk glass. Steve Junior choked on his tongue. Danny sucked a deep breath. Darla gasped. Brenda went, "WHAT!" Angela giggled. Da Massah smiled like the Cheshire Cat as Susan and Jackie looked in each other's smiling eyes and chased beans, thinking, "So, Da real Massah got herself a warm-up plan--interesting, very interesting."

If anyone had doubts about the true meaning of Judy's bizarre statement, those doubts vanished when she hauled up her dress to the waist, exposing her milk-white gams to the belly button, then used a finger to stroke through her freshly-shaved, fat-lipped slit, saying, "You can only impress me by licking right here."

With that, she went to her place at her head of the table, still holding her skirt aloft. She then sat, smoothed the folds over her lap at the waist, then looked to the spiritual leader, ignoring all the catatonic looks as she said, "You may say grace, now, dear. Bow your heads, children."

As heads slowly bowed but eyes remained on the mother, Steve said, "Oh Heavenly Father, we thank you for this bounty which we are about to receive--amen."

While the bitches chased beans around their plates, often bumping heads, the family strained to see. At times, the view was spectacular. In a quiet whisper, Susan said, "As soon as we clean these plates, I say we crawl under the table and start begging."

"Okay, but you beg Judy. I wanna beg Da Massah."

"Fine, but let's beg from everyone, or try. We'll each go to our right after we do our Massahs.

"That's not fair. You get three guys and I get four girls."

"Yes, but you get Darla."

"So, you're the cunt freak."

"Wanna trade and go left?"

"Yes, you can have Darla, I want Junior."

"All right, then, we go left, but don't get stuck on Massah Stevie's dick, or I'll do Mark if I finish my girls before you get there."

"Go ahead. He has a puny dick and there's no cum in it. I get to suck all the ones with cum, and you get nothing but pussy and a dry dick."

"You're a bitch."

"You're a cunt-sucking whore and a bitch."

Susan smiled then said, "I'm rubber, you're glue, anything you call me, bounces off me and sticks to you."

"Takes one to know one, Mom."

Judy shouted, "No talking. Eat your supper then get under the table for treats or go take a bath. Better yet, if you don't want treats, go out back and wait in the yard. I'll hose you off with a garden hose after supper."

Susan and Jackie smilingly looked to each other. The lady was eager. Going out back was a no brainer. Even two bitch whores wouldn't want to be out back. It was private enough, just overgrown with tall weeds bordered by thick woods full of creepy crawlers, bugs, snakes, and infested with fleas 'n ticks. The back was where the boys played, no place for unprotected female flesh.

Though the ultimatum was generally received with grins by most, Brenda said, "Mother, you can't be serious. You're giving them no choice at all. Why are you treating them this way? They have no place to go, besides, they're part of our family."

Judy set her fork down and looked right at Brenda before saying, "They just had sex with dogs, Brenda. They rutted with beasts, copulated with canines, mated with mutts. Do you condone that sort of thing? You seem awfully sympathetic."

"Well, no, but..."

"Do you think you can correct that sort of deviant behavior?"

"I uh..."

"I'm listening. I'm waiting."

"No, butt..."

"You can't, but I can, not by beating it out of them. I'd have to use a whip to do that. No, shaming them is our only hope of saving them. I can't do it alone. We must all do our part and make them earn their treats in a way that brings great shame on them. I am leading by example, and I expect you and everyone else to follow my lead."

"Well, they'll get no treats from me."

"You may refuse to reward their effort, but you must let them try. I insist... no, I demand."

Shocked and defiant, clearly speaking for Darla as well, Brenda said, "Not at the supper table! For heaven's sake, Mother, that's sick and perverted."

"The supper table is where the food is, and supper time is when we all eat; and besides, they might enjoy doing their begging in private, and by the way you are protesting but willing to do this in private, evidently, you would too. [Brenda slammed her open mouth shut] This is being done to do good, not for sinful pleasures, so the answer is, no. This will be done right here at every meal starting with this one."

Brenda fumed as Darla said, "I wish to be excused. I'm no longer hungry, and I'm feeling ill. Sick to my stomach, actually."

She scooted her chair back and Judy angrily said, "Sit... down! [Darla sat down] You are lucky you are not down there with them, you little bitch! [Darla's ashen tone took on a deep red hue] Yes, I said, bitch. You don't mate with animals that I'm aware of, but you are still a bitch. If I don't see a change in your attitude, you will join the other bitches, or join the bitches of that dog pound of a battered wife's shelter we got you from. Is that understood, BITCH?"

The bitch gulped and nodded her head, then scooted back to the table, no longer sick to her stomach. Judy looked around the table. Most were quite amused and the amusement showed. She paused for dramatic effect and said, "We will remain here until the bitches are full or there is no more food to give them. That is, of course, unless they choose to go out back and wait on me, but I may be an hour or more. It's their choice, but I see they have made their choice."

Both were crawling under the table--Susan went to Da real Massah, Jackie to Da Massah. All eyes were on Judy as she looked into her own lap and made a spread to receive Susan. No one could see the spread, but they could see the top of Susan's head and her hands pushing up on the undersides of the heavy milk-white thighs, putting bare knees wide above the large oak tabletop. They also saw Susan's head moving in a lapping motion and could see the effect those laps were having on Da real Massah who went dreamy-eyed at the first lap.

At the other end of the table, they heard a metallic zipper being unzipped. Seconds later, the purple head of a big dick appeared above the tabletop, just the head in jerky motion, then a little hand, then a little girl's head emerged, covered it, and began bobbing. After that, no one knew which way to look.

One by one, three more zippers could be heard. Joan could stand no more and eased her ass off the seat in order to draw her panties off. She didn't intend to bring attention to herself, but did. Even the two Massah's watched. Angela, seated beside her big sister, giggled.

When no one said anything about Joan taking her panties off at the table, Angela followed suit, only she was anything but subtle or slow, and when she had them in her hand, she stretched the waistband and shot them over the boys' heads like a rubberband. Under table manners in the old regime, this would have been a crime calling for immediate execution by knife and fork. Both Massah's simply smiled, ate, and fed treats to their bitches.

Brenda and Darla were in a state of shock but gradually adjusting to the obscenity taking place at both ends of the table. Ten minutes into this bizarre new situation, Brenda took on an attitude of when in Rome, do as the Romans do. She went so far as to make the removal of her panties as obvious as she could, actually standing, hiking her dress high, hooking the waistband, and drawing down the cotton briefs with the skirt still pinned by her forearms, giving everyone a brief but good look at her pussy while removing the panties and then tucking the skirt of her dress under the waist belt before retaking her seat--ready to be served.

Proud of herself, though blushing profusely, Brenda turned her challenging eyes on her friend, Darla. The two were close and a lot alike, though one was too heavy, the other too light. Skinny Darla sat for another minute, watching Judy and Steve offer treats of food to their organ suckers, but when Judy poured some gravy down her gash for Susan to lap from the base of the slit and didn't mind when Mark stood to see that, Darla accepted the challenge and stood.

This also allowed her to see as she unfastened her skirt and let it drop, then hooked her panties and, like Brenda, eased them down. The only difference was, Brenda had to push the panties, while Darla had to hold them to keep them from falling once clear of the hips. She then stepped free of skirt and panties, causally moving them off to the side with her foot. She stood to let everyone get a good look at her pussy before taking her seat. For her, that was being very bold, but she was redder than Brenda.

Not to be outdone by those two wimps, Joan stood and pulled her dress off over her head. She stood defiantly naked and then sat. Angela, now challenged, stood on her seat and stripped naked, did a slow turn in place before an appreciative audience, then curtsied and sat.

Brenda looked a challenge to Darla who shook her head. Brenda received encouragement from all three brothers, dares from both sisters, and a silent go-ahead from both parents. Once again, she challenged Darla who, once again, tried to get Brenda to draw the line at bottomless. They had both had to show their bottom parts many times but not their tops. Bottoms were no big deal, but tops were.

You guessed it, Brenda got up and stood on her seat, did a slow teasing strip with lots of tittie emphasis, then added a few slow turns with her arms up and feet wide, shaking her large boobs. She then bowed and sat to applause. Everyone except Darla gave her the clap.

Now, all eyes were on Darla. The pressure was intense. Chants began: STRIP, STRIP, STRIP!

Darla buckled under building pressure and climbed to stand on her seat wearing only a blouse, a bra, and sensible shoes. When Da Massah told her to step up on the table, Darla took Brenda's offered hand and stepped up, carefully placing her feet to avoid plates and serving dishes as she began undoing buttons, slow and sexy.

She also moved along at Da Massah's urging. She moved down the side the boys were on, finding no place to put both feet together, not that she was trying. They each got to look up her bare legs to her bare pussy and see it better than they ever had during a spanking. She always kept her legs clamped tightly; therefore, they never saw much. They now saw she had much to see, and since Da Massah recently insisted she keep her pussy shaved, they were seeing something new--a bald pussy like Angela's only in adult size.

Though Darla's bald pussy was a major attraction, it was her tits they were eager to see, and for the removal of the bra, Darla was before Steve Jr., a real cutie, a high school hunk who had a big crush on her, and now she stood straddling his plate, facing him with nothing but a bra and shoes on.

For him, she squatted with her knees wide as she reached back to unclasp the bra. He gazed at her yawning pussy which seemed to belch out its fleshy pink innards, but when that bra came away, his eyes and all other eyes shot up to tits that hung on her chest like ski jump ramps made of white flesh, the dark nipples arching up, revealing that the light-weight Darla had once been pleasingly plump like Brenda.

Darla didn't care for her hanging udders or her up-sloping nipples, but the look on Junior's face told her that those were his favorite type. This put a smile on her face and made her thrust her chest out proudly, even shake them in his face when he tried to capture a nipple in his mouth.

Darla continued to play a teasing game with Steve allowing him to catch a nipple now and then for a fast suck, even though Danny had reached under her ass and was playing with the loose flesh hanging out of her pussy, very rude, but that was Danny. For a full minute, Darla tolerated Danny's toying and tugging, but when he shoved a finger up her hole, she stood up quickly making a stretched nipple pop from Steve's lips.

Everyone laughed, but Darla didn't mind. She now felt like the concubine she really was, a sex object, a sexual plaything, a whore in exchange for a roof over her head. Now it was all out in the open and everyone wanted to play. So be it.

Darla expressed her willingness to play when she widely straddled Da Massah's plate with her back to him, then assumed a half squat with her hands braced on her knees and began doing a whore's rolling grind on an imaginary cock, complete with deep squats over the plate that dipped her inner lips in gravy.

Though she performed her obscene dance for Da Massah, it was young Steve she looked to and wanted to impress. She showed Da Massah her ass, and son of Da Massah her moves, what she could do to a cock, how much she wanted his, and how horny she was. Steve got her message loud and clear.

By the looks of things, their mutual attraction and need would be vented at the first available opportunity. Though she was four years older and an adult, they were right for each other, dispelling the notion that Darla was a lesbian. They'd likely get married one day, but until that day, she belonged to his father. They'd have to cheat or get his permission, which wasn't likely since Da Massah was a very self-centered and stingy man, but he enjoyed watching them flirt and tease each other. He especially enjoyed this new side of Darla, new view, too.

When Darla was ready to get down, she came to young Steve for assistance. He eagerly got up and lifted her off the table and to the floor where he held her close, so close that the hard cock sticking out through his open fly was now sticking through the top of her legs and being squeezed by soft thighs.

They couldn't seem to break apart, like two magnets coming together in the night. He could feel the wet heat from Darla's pussy on the top side of his dick. When she squatted slightly, began moving again, and the pussy slid on the shaft, he thought he'd die.

Daddy allowed this obscene tease to go on until they both believed he'd allow them to actually fuck standing up, but when Steve made a move to do so by angling his cock as Darla tilted her pelvis to bring her opening to the head of his dick, Daddy said, "Don't even think about it, boy."

Darla wanted to scream. Judy thought that was cruel, but amusing, so she said nothing. Darla was her husband's whore, now acting like one, and Judy liked that better than the prissy little bitch she had been. When Darla came around Judy's side to avoid passing by the stingy asshole, Judy stopped her and said, "Too bad, I was rooting for you two. You make such a cute couple."

Darla, having been stopped, stood looking over Judy's shoulder to Susan's face meshed with mega pussy and said, "So do you and Susan."

Judy reached down and pulled herself open while Darla remained to watch, saying, "Really, do you think so? I was thinking your face would look cute down there."

Darla knew she should have moved on and now did so, taking her seat quietly. Judy would have given her a victorious grin but her orgasm rose to a point that she could no longer stave off and washed over her like a dam bursting, creating a dramatic exhibition of unbridled lust on public display that made her husband blast off in Jackie's mouth. Again, no one knew which way to look as both ends had shockingly great exhibitions going on.

Jackie's end won, but that was largely due to Judy slipping beneath the table top in her orgasmic throes at the same time that Steve heaved his loins up bringing Jackie and his full cock in full view just as the sperm flew. Her energetic sucking as she stood off to the side afforded everyone except Judy and Susan a spectacular view of a cock sucking, cum slurping, sperm eruption. She got every drop and then licked his cock from base to tip while he held it up on display like a man who knew he had the biggest cock at the table.

It wasn't until his erection began to wane that he eased back into his seat. He fed Jackie the last of his scraps, and she moved left to Steve Junior, where she went right to work.

Darla glared with envy as she could see the dick Jackie sucked on since Junior had scooted his chair away from the table when he stood and hadn't scooted back. Her glare with tight jaws ended when she felt hands on her knees pushing out and then a mouth sucking in her gravy-coated, fleshy, twat innards, making her instantly fall back in her chair and look down.

Brenda had the best view, but Angela and Joan also saw what was going on. Actually, Darla had the best view and appeared the most impressed by it. Being devoured at the dinner table quickly suited Darla quite well. She drew both legs in and placed both hands on her inner thighs, making a sea food platter of her loins.

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LambdaLambdaSigmaLambda LambdaLambda

Adam looked at his reflection in the mirror. ”Looking good” he told himself. As he should. Adam had always been a pretty boy. But in the past year he had also pressed himself hard in the gym. Like many guys his age he had focused especially hard on his butt. And it had not been in vain. His once petite little boy butt, had become a respectable booty. Now was the time to put it to use!30 minutes later Adam parked his car at the beach, and removed the clothes he had wore over his swim trunks. No...

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Lambe lund ki cahat

Hi ISS I am Jasmeet Kaur Gill how are you yar main yaha apni first story send kar rahi hoo app sab ko padh kar hi pata chal jaye ga k main sach bol rahi hu k jhoth… Main Punjab Main Ludhiana k Pass ek gaon hai Barundi waha ki rehne wali hu… Papa School Main DP Master hai or Mami wahi par Principal hain. Meri mami bhi Bohat cudakad hai khob lund apni chut aur gand main pilwati hai. Abb apni story par ati hun jab main first time Chudi thi apne bhai main koi 22years ki thi aur bhai 20 ka...

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Flambeaux Staug Ch 09

Very few stars were visible in the blackening sky, and when the heavy fog accompanied it, the entire setting became somewhat unsettling. The fog set in once they entered Down, passing the city limits littered with bodies. Driving through Down was even worse, the bodies were mangled in an even worse fashion than they had been in Aftersun, and what with the fog and the ever threatening heavens, Nick, Matt, and Michelle found themselves shaking a bit. ‘God damn,’ Michelle uttered from the back...

4 years ago
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Flambeaux Staug Ch 11

Brian hummed happily as he tapped his hands on the steering wheel of his Buick LeSabre, careening down the road on his way home. He’d been away on a business trip for three days, and had just left the airport after arrival. He was very pleased that he was only a half hour away from his eight year old son Mark and Elizabeth, his wife of eight years. Brian was thirty two years of age, one year senior to his wife. He was an enigneer for Doldrum Plastics and had to go work on some stupid project...

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Flambeaux Staug Ch 01

Nick’s head hurt. His eyes opened to a somewhat disheveled scene, not remembering how he got there. He was lying on a stained and damp bed in a cold and dark room. He sat up and further observed his dank surroundings, Noting the cobwebs covering a good portion of the walls that encased the room. There was a bleak ray of light poking in from a boarded up window across the room. Rubbing his aching head, Nick apprehensively walked toward it. He peered through to see it raining outside. There was...

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Flambeaux Staug Ch 03

Nick gleefully approached the vehicle with a bit of a jump in his step. He bent forward toward the driver’s window as it rolled down and a male police officer turned his head to him. Nick excitedly addressed him. ‘Hello, officer,’ he beamed. The cop cut him off with his hand in a somewhat impatient manner. ‘What the hell is going on in this town?’ Nick’s smile flickered. ‘I…I haven’t the slightest clue. I thought that you-‘ ‘I’m up here because we lost contact with a car in this area about...

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Flambeaux Staug Ch 10

‘There’s my house!’ Michelle had never been so relieved to see her house as she now was. Nick and Matt stopped behind her at the old rusty gate. She turned to them, about to invite them inside with her. ‘Say, Michelle,’ Matt started, ‘how about you go in while Nick and I keep an eye on things out here?’ The suggestion reminded her that they couldn’t rest easy until they were out of Down and among the living. She nodded meekly and opened the gate, closing it gingerly behind her. ‘And could...

1 year ago
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Flambeaux Staug Ch 05

Nick and Matt quickly ran out of the police station and straight for the car. The rain was pouring harder than ever, and the sky had grown even darker. Nick made a Miami Vice-esque dive across the car’s hood and hurriedly got inside. Matt turned the keys and sped off. ‘You know how to get out of here?’ Nick asked frantically. ‘Of course,’ Matt assured him. ‘I didn’t just wake up here.’ Suddenly, another thing occurred to Nick. ‘Do you have a watch?’ Matt chuckled. ‘We’ve got something after...

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Flambeaux Staug Ch 07

‘Is that Hillton?’ Matt wondered aloud. Nick shrugged and shook his head. ‘I couldn’t tell you.’ They continued up the path until it stopped at a precipice. Matt walked ahead of Nick and looked down to see another pathway headed downwards. He looked over to Nick. ‘We can jump down,’ he said assuredly. Nick looked over and leaped down. He landed hard on his feet, the ground beneath him shaking and cracking underneath his weight. He moved over and waited for Matt to hop down. He laughed. ‘That...

1 year ago
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Flambeaux Staug Ch 04

Maynard drove frenetically, hoping to reach the entrance before Nick could. He had no idea how long ago he’d woken up, and thus knew he had to secure it fast. Maynard did have a plan in advance, he just didn’t think he’d need to use it so soon. Beforehand, Maynard had set C4 up in the mountains on either side of the road leading into Aftersun. He had the detonator in his coat and it was ready to blow at any second, but he needed to be sure that Nick was still in the town. Or that at least the...

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Flambeaux Staug Ch 08

Nick, shaken, managed to follow Matt to the Nova. Matt checked the ignition, the keys were in. Nick stood next to Matt as Matt testily turned to him. ‘What, did you want to drive?’ Nick backed up, not saying a word. Matt was a tad puzzled. ‘What the hell?’ Nick shook his head and walked over to the passenger’s side. He opened the door and sat, never making a sound. He’d been pushed over the proverbial edge. Matt got in and turned the key, giving Nick a hard look. ‘You okay?’ Nick’s face...

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Flambeaux Staug Ch 06

Even the most populous cities can seem repetitive when all the streets are empty, namely when you’re driving around the outskirts of such a city for a prolonged amount of time. Matt began to notice how the road seemed to repeat itself before Nick did, but he didn’t want to mention anything. Nick had become more and more excitable as time wore on, and he could understand why despite the fact that he was a jaded suburbian police officer. Matt had been on the force for a while, and he’d seen...

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Flambeaux Staug Ch 02

Officer Richard Littel was patrolling the outskirts of Hillton with his partner Dan Freese. They had received a call regarding suspicious activities further up the road and had been called upon to investigate. So far, however, they had found nothing. The dark and rainy environment did not make looking out the window easy, and the light did not help much. Overall, Richard and Dan were about to give up. ‘Shit, Richard,’ Dan muttered. ‘You could’ve let someone else take the call.’ Richard shook...

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Lambda Sigma KP

I am in a happy in my relationship. . My boyfriend and I had be together for about 5 1/2 years years . I have never had thoughts of cheating on him. Physically I am an average 35 year old middle class white collar guy. I have a thin build and I'm about 5'5 1/2"." I have never been in a fight in my life and I have not been exposed to a lot of riffraff. I guess hindsight is 20/20, I can see where I could have avoided one of the most dramatic experiences of my life if I had just had some street...

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Flamboyant days Ben WA balls Irish Pub and a bet

Summer 2018Lust balls or Ben Wa balls aroused my curiosity. Albeit I knew what most of the sex toys do, I was baffled when I saw those little balls, which would not look out of place in the cat toy aisle of a pet store given their size and bright or metallic coloring. I googled, read a lot of exciting articles and decided I have to have one.I went to an adult store, an attractive girl in her early twenties assisted me. She was dressed in a sheer black long top and a red G-string thong. She...

4 years ago
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The Swing Series 2

It was getting real close to Christmas and everyone was really getting into the holiday season. The weather that Saturday afternoon was really cold. The temperature had dropped below zero and the winds were pretty brisk.Pat, my wife's sister, called about 2:00 p.m. and said she had been called into work and that her boyfriend, Joe, and she would not be able to make it over that evening. Pat said she had to work until 9:00 p.m. and she was going to have Joe bring over Sue's Christmas present. I...

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Shawnarsquos new job

Shawna had had a rough month. Her job as a secretary had gone due to the pandemic and new positions were very hard to come by- firms simply weren’t hiring. Bills and rent were piling up and the savings she had put aside were dwindling fast.At her old job Shawna had been well respected and seen as maybe a little dull. She was a quiet person who wore cardigans and rimless spectacles. No one really ever thought of her as a sexual being.But appearances are deceptive. What no one knew was that her...

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Wes and LesChapter 3

My bedroom was on the second floor. I had a burning in my throat and my eyes were filled with tears, but I was able to make it upstairs, close the door and fall on my bed before I started crying. What the hell was wrong with me. I'd deserted my sister, the helpless girl I'd sworn to protect so many years ago. She'd had to get by without me to take care of her and now she was going to throw her life away if she hadn't already. The feeling of loss was devastating. Not having Les was like...

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SistersChapter 12 To Die For

Nikki and Zoë waved good-bye to Pete. Nikki found it amazing how different Pete could be when he was away from the rest of the gang. He was more patient, and instead of behaving like an asshole trying to impress them with smooth moves on the surfboard - far too difficult for beginners - he made sure you knew the basics before attempting something more daring. Nikki and Zoë were discussing this when they got home. "Hi, Nikki," Linda greeted them as they came in. "Hi,...

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Would You Like to Play Again Book 1 First StepsChapter 19

I awoke from a dreamless sleep to find that I was alone in my bed, which was a first since my public punishment. I was tempted to activate the map to see where they were, but that would have been unnecessary, I would see or hear from them soon. I noticed that the trolley was gone, so perhaps they went to get breakfast. I got up and stretched, thankful that I had decided to shower last night. I picked out some of my Dungeon clothing and belted on my sword, though I was unsure if I was going to...

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Gifts of the Future Ch 08

On the morning of March 30, 1981, Second Lieutenants Brad Seldon and Jay Hanson reported to Edwards AFB for another series of flight tests. When they were completed and the men returned to the base and reported to their Commanding Officer, they were given some stunning news. Due to their extreme proficiencies in their flight tests, both of them had been promoted to First Lieutenants. Then Brad was informed that he was scheduled within the next several weeks to be transferred to Houston to...

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The Office Party

Still the office is a lot more relaxed than other places you’ve worked; you still get shocked about how easily the other girls talk about their conquests in bed, especially when the men work in the other departments, how they talk about whose good in bed and what size the men are…. And even how the girls talk about your boss Kim, you’re not sure if they were joking when 2 of them told you she’s just as happy bedding women as she is men and the fact that she doesn’t hide it either. One girl...

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AirBNB Part 4

Jenny was totally wasted so I helped her up to her bed, I put her shorts back on her but left her topless. I returned to the lounge to clear up and wait for Debbie to return as I couldn’t go to bed until she was home.It was a warm night so I kept the shirt off and just sat around in the little sports shorts. I decided to check on Jenny and peeped in her room, bless her she was flat out on the top of the bed, she did look a picture and I even felt a little stir down below but as her mum was due...

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Secret Sins Part One The Meeting

Eli arose at the setting of the sun. The night seemed brilliant. The evening air felt amazing on his flesh. Tonight for some reason he felt more alive then he had in the last one hundred years. The summer wind whipped his hair about, something he normally hated, but tonight seemed to enjoy immensely. He could not put his finger on it, but something had changed. Why it was like he was human again! His skin got goosebumps. Life felt as though it was beating lusciously though his veins once...

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Lusting for my Used Sister

The story that I am about to tell you happened over thirty years ago when I was fourteen. We were then living in a very small town by the name of Maple Ridge, the nearest big city was Newport and it was a little over two hours drive from where we were living. By the time I reached my fourteenth birthday I had gone to Newport only twice and on each occasion it had been to attend a funeral of some relative who had been living there. So what little that I knew of big city life, I had learned from...

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Testing Times for Nikita and Roger

Author’s Note: This is the story of the lovely relationship between Nikita and Roger (names changed). They came into each other’s life some six years back, while working as part of a team with a most challenging assignment in their profession. Their bonding acquired strength first at professional level, after which, without even their realizing it, they became emotionally close to each other. Nikita and Roger married wrong spouses many many years back. Their new found bonding gave them a fresh...

4 years ago
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No FutureChapter 91

War Gabrielle 2041 Like most men—even bisexual men—Ghazi wasn't someone who'd willingly display his true emotions, especially not those such as sorrow, misery and distress. This time, however, Gabrielle was in a position she'd never been in before and one for which she was not remotely suited and that was to provide comfort to a man who'd lost his emotional self-control. "Amritsar. Jalandhar. Jaipur," Ghazi moaned. "These are places I've known and visited. My sister lives—or...

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Sauna Dark Room

Throughout my online chats and meets I’d always heard about saunas. How hot and horny they could be, but I’d never been, the thought made me nervous. I’d had offers, but I never wanted to go. That all changed one day during a meet. I had met with an older guy, he picked me up and drove us somewhere quiet and private and we had our fun. Taking me home, I was filled and covered in cum, he was satisfied too. We got chatting, he told me his first ever encounter was in a sauna dark room. To this...

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The bus

Note : This story is completely fictional! My name is rob and I’m 18 years old. I have blue eyes and brown hair. I am 6”1 and quite slim. One day, I was ready for work. I was at the bus stop and had waited for half an hour until eventually it came. I got on and realised I was the only person there. The driver smiled at me as I got on, and I thought “I’d love to shag him”. We went down the road which was barren and was only used by the bus. We stopped in the middle of nowhere and I wondered what...

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Pans Labyrinth Pt 1

It was all the rage and Aiden couldn’t ignore it any longer. Pan’s Labyrinth had opened up in the Meatpacking District and it was receiving rave reviews from the bisexual community; a club dedicated to bisexuals and pansexuals alike. If you went there, it was assumed that you liked men, women and anyone lovely in between. Despite its cute logo and demure entrance, the venue was really a sex club.Aiden loved sex but she hesitated on going to the club because of her incessant shyness and rampant...

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Start Every Day With a SmileChapter 16

Roman begins to slowly undress the squirming Lucy, removing her shirt. When she sits up to assist him in removing the shirt form her shoulder, she kisses him deeply at the same time. Lucy isn’t wearing a bra so her breasts tumble into view once the shirt is removed. He gently pushes her back onto the bed and then dips his head to kiss her distended nipples. His mouth gently surrounds one and he teases it with the tip of his tongue. The woman moans and arches her back, feeding her breast to...

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Billy Beckwiths RebellionChapter 4

Then things started happening pretty fast. Mr. Wainright said goodbye to the Swede; then I nodded a farewell to her and durn if she didn't get up on her toes and brush her soft lips against my stubbled cheek. Whooee. I went and called in the bridge guards, and they brought those four extra muskets with them. Somebody fetched the Foster women in their fancy pleasure carriage with the hickory-sprung seats, only one like it in town. Mrs. Foster was wearing a pelisse, plus a red hood with a...

2 years ago
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Tempted Moms Summer Awakening Ch02

Drunk and horny, Margery arrived home and paid the driver before stumbling into her house. Staggering her way into her bedroom, she tossed her clothes onto the floor and lay naked on her bed.Closing her eyes, she pondered how Terri and Dustin had masturbated each other.Fuck, that was so hot! she thought, as her index finger lightly slid down her body until it was tickling her clit.With her eyes closed, her finger slid between her folds while she reminisced over the scene in her mind."Mmm. Ohh....

3 years ago
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my beautiful younger sister

(may be a part two later, depends on if you guys give me a good enough rating) I was 16, a sophomore in high school, (Growing up on a farm town in southern Illinois) when I actually became very interested in girls. I had a girl friend but I never actually thought of having sex with her, but as I soon would learn, she had thought about it a lot, while I had not. My parents owned a ranch in southern Illinois and we owned 1 male pony 1 stallion and a mare. My parents were visiting my aunt...

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My Sexual Odyssey Part 1 How I Got Started

here is the first in a series of stories that will cover my sexual experiences in chronological order:I was always extremely sensuous, expressed in the love of the feel of satin and silk, as well as the feel of going barefoot, which was nearly impossible in the city, even indoors, not part of the culture. Where I live now it is, and so I go not only barefoot but also nude when at home.I don’t know if this is significant or not. However, the first time I noticed anything unusual was probably...

2 years ago
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Intimacy With My College Sweet Heart

By : Bananafarmer It all happens in that rainy day afternoon. I parked my car in that busy lane and trying to figure out that address. Unable to find out and frustration due to that untidy situation I glanced thru the passerby so that I can ask somebody about that address. Suddenly I struck by that cute looking face which also astonished on seeing me with water dripping from that bright face. When she came near me I struggled to spell words are even expressions. Yes she is my college day sweet...

4 years ago
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Mini van

Claire rubbed the growing bulge in George's pants and gave it a squeeze. "Come on Claire, I'm about ready to explode." "Is sex all you care about?" Claire loved teasing George and delaying his gratification. Except when she was just as horny as he was. A vacation induced separation over the last five weeks had both teens primed and ready. "Claire. It's been over a month since we've had sex." George was sure that Claire was just having some fun with him - well, pretty sure....

2 years ago
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223 Tearing off a strip. The bastard had ****d my good lady wife and my old Ma! Well he would soon be not able to **** again, me and the two boys have seen to that… We live in the back of beyond, it`s always been safe here, women could wander about even in the dark and be safe, we don’t need no r****ts, we have always had an open legs policy here in this hamlet, we are far enough away from civilisation to not need to stick rigidly to the laws of the land, though we pay lip service to them...

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You Bet

YOU BET by Throne and C.C. Cecil's wife Bette came home in a state of amused agitation. She looked down at him from her superior height, over the hills of her watermelon boobs, and said, "Ceece, you won't believe what happened with Dara and me. She made this crazy dare and I took her up on it. And then I got her back with one of my own. Here's what's going on." He was more interested in the slim chance of going to bed with her. It had been way too long, at least since she had...

1 year ago
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My Masseuse Ch 03

By popular request I am continuing this story. I want to thank everyone who was nice enough to vote and send feedback, both positive and negative. I have learned quite a bit from these. I hope that you enjoy Chapter 3, find it arousing and fun to read. Enjoy. **** I woke the next morning to what felt like a light feather brushing my chest. I looked over, and there was Angie propped up on one elbow looking at me, rubbing my chest. “Morning Jon.” “Morning yourself hun.” As the morning sunshine...


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