Pressure Relief
- 2 years ago
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-= The Pickup =-
March 4, 2127 at a private school near Grenoble, France. Three double-load tractor-trailers had parked quite near the campus the evening before. at 2:00 AM all three HERF guns detonated, throwing all local electronic systems into disarray with a rolling sound of thunder. Within minutes four squads of Skoda interdiction troops scaled the walls of the now silent and electronically undefended school. The Skoda troops had working night vision equipment. The staff did not. The sky was heavily overcast. The sound of mini guns firing interrupted the night and the bitter smell of cordite drifted over the residence halls. All the students wondered if it signaled an assassination squad sent for them. The complex was quickly overrun and locked down before any denial weapons could be detonated.
It wasn't so much as a school as a multi-corporate hostage site. Before Skoda could pursue a corporate takeover the heirs had to be secured.
Anthony (Andrei) Skoda sat on the floor of his sleeping quarters, watching through bleak eyes as his door crashed open and four black-clad troopers rushed in to secure the room. The Sergeant motioned for him to quickly move out the door. It appeared that it wasn't his day to die.
None of the other hostages were touched. Injuring or killing the other heirs was the most certain way to force the other corporations join together in destroying Skoda root, stalk and branch. None would survive.
Tony was quickly strapped into a recovery stretcher and nearly thrown over the compound wall. The teams, once over the wall, blew the charges on the underground data conduits to further isolate the school and delay reports of the attack. Three troop transports had pulled up while they were inside the fence. Within moments all that was left of the incursion were tire tracks.
A transport jet met them at the local airport. One team accompanied the heir aboard along with all the obviously high-tech equipment while the other two teams scattered. They would go to ground for five weeks or so, then make their way back to their bases. Their part was over.
-= The Drop Off =-
March 7, 2127 Vella Lavella Island, Solomon Islands. The island had long been deserted since the plagues had scoured away the population. The fields lay untended yet still were covered with their last seeded crops. The fallen seeds had germinated and grown, year after year.
There was only one occupied installation on the island--a hospital and sanitarium whose task was to tend one important guest--Isabelle Bergman, a potential heiress from a distaff line, closely guarded like a precious trade secret recipe or a cache of jewels, to be brought forth and exhibited as proof of solvency in case tragedy struck the main family line. She was kept as a near-imbecile by use of regularly dispensed medications; a blonde-haired little sylph of a teen doomed to a life of eternal childhood.
Anthony was informed of all this and more. He was alarmed at what the family had planned for him. However he was well aware that his continued existence depended on his compliance with orders. Mindful of what was in store for him he carefully inventoried the supplies aboard the jet.
The time of the jet's visit had been carefully calculated to match the hospital resupply shipment and to hide from satellite observation. Immediately after landing the squad burst from the drop tail and secured the landing field, leaving Anthony along with two guards aboard the jet with the pilots. As the heir, Anthony could not be risked even though he had been trained with the teams. All the airport staff and the maintenance team sent to pick up the shipment were secured aboard the jet. There was no sense in murdering them. After all, if plans went well they'd all soon be working for the same paymaster.
Within hours the facility staff and management were taken, the drugs being dispensed to Isabelle were identified in confirmation and the jet was unloaded. The jet took off with the team while still unseen by satellite coverage, flying south west to merge with the traffic over Australia. Anthony was left alone with his charge. He'd been left some soporifics and tranquilizers for Isabelle to ease the panic attacks that coming off her long term medications would cause. His first task was to gain her confidence as he'd be her friend, nurse and teacher in the months ahead. He'd been left several cases of textbooks with which to educate the girl and to continue his own education, so rudely interrupted by his own abduction.
The long halls of the hospital had been mothballed and sealed for years. Only the emergency facilities and a small ward for Isabelle were kept active. Anthony was made aware that the illumination patterns should not be varied so that comparison satellite imagery would not detect any changes. Under these constraints he was still able to move into the staff housing wing, replacing the site manager's possessions with his own. He inventoried the somewhat dismal kitchen stores and began to write up some menus that could be prepared from what was on hand.
The site ran off of a diesel generator. A fuel tank lay buried beneath the garage where a small truck sat waiting for the needs of the staff. Being near the equator Anthony hoped that some old orchards and gardens around the island would provide windfalls to vary his diet. He'd have to be careful to ration his time, however. He would be taking on the tasks of at least four people. His primary concern was the girl. He had to be prominent in her sensorium to make an impact through the filters put in place by her drug regimen. The first week or two would be critical. Before that he could not vary her routine without confusing her. After the detox period he could take her with him around the island as he inspected and harvested the crops. The changing environment should benefit her recovery.
-= The Substitution =-
March 8, 2127 At promptly seven A.M. she woke up, went to the bathroom and got dressed. She sat at the table waiting for her breakfast, noticeably bored. A different person brought her the bananna, oatmeal and milk that made up her standard fare.
"Hi! You're new!" "Hi, yourself. I'll be your new nurse. George had to go home to take care of his mother."
"Oh. Okay." Her attention span had been dramatically affected by the drugs. She quickly ate her breakfast, then went out to the sun room where her picture books sat. She wheedled, "Would you read me a story?" Anthony had read her case notes. She often tried to convince her nurse to read for her. He thought it an ideal way to acclimate her to him. "Well, okay. Which one?"
She gaily hopped up to pull down a tattered Dr. Seuss book. They spent the next hour in the bright morning sunshine exploring the deeds of the magical cat. Isabelle liked this new nurse--he didn't mind holding her in his lap while reading to her. Her old nurse didn't like to touch her. She wistfully remembered hugs. She missed getting hugs.
"Time for the pool!" "Yay! play time!" "Will you change into your suit for me?" "Okay!" She promptly peeled down to her birthday suit, then padded back into her room to find her swimsuit. He watched her jog away, her flanks and bottom switching. "This is going to be a harder job than I thought." Anthony quickly made for the bathroom where he changed into swim shorts himself. He picked up his charge and jogged outside where he jumped into the swimming pool with her in his arms. Her squeals of joy and laughter echoed off the walls. They splashed about and played catch across the pool with a big inflatable ball. Soon she lost her enthusiasm. Anthony sprayed her with some sun screen and left her to doze in the sun while he jogged back to the kitchen for the sandwiches he'd prepared that morning for lunch. He'd been up at five to exercise, clean the pool and prepare the day's meals. A chicken stew was slowly simmering in a crock pot. It would be ready for the biscuit topping by four that afternoon.
After apple juice and a ham sandwich it was lesson time. The poor kid had been doing the same six lessons for two years and didn't know it. However, he knew not to change the status quo until the chemicals had a chance to work their way out of her system.
They finished the day with another viewing of Beauty and the Beast from a DVD, then he read a little Peter Pan to her as she fell asleep. This nursing bit was hard work! Anthony picked up her clothes, took the dishes back to the kitchen, cleaned the place and, after a quick shower, went down for the night himself.
The second morning she frowned on seeing him and opened her mouth to ask who he was, then seemed to change her mind. He kept a smile on his face and maintained physical contact with her as much as he could.
This was the daily regimen except for weekends which were a bit more relaxed and he had a chance to clean the place and get the washing done. He frequently blessed his stars that he'd always been pulled towards cooking. Thankfully some of the house cooks had taken to the curious little boy he'd been.
It was late in the second week that he noticed a change. She frowned a little when doing her lessons and seemed inattentive during story times. He changed lessons and stories. Her mood improved visibly.
He was startled out of a sound sleep by a terrified shriek. He palmed a tranquilizer tablet and grabbed a cup, then sprinted for her room. She was panting and thrashing about, whining through clenched teeth. Anthony sat on her bed and pulled her into his lap where he hugged and rocked the distraught girl until she calmed down. She nuzzled her head at his neck and slowly relaxed. He could feel her skeletal muscles in her back occasionally twitch, though. These were signs that her CNS was shaking off the drugs. He knew that this was only the beginning. According to the brief a doctor had written, once the spasms began it could take eight to twenty four days for her to detoxify and shake the addiction involved. It was time for stage two. Anthony got her to swallow the pill and cover up. He sat with her until she became logy and fell back asleep.
The next morning Isabelle was bemused to see her nurse move another bed into her room. "Am I going to get a room-mate?" "Yep ... me." "You! But, but--nothing's wrong with you!" "There's nothing wrong with you now, either. From now on you're going to get better and I have to stay with you to make sure you're all right."
She crawled up beside him and gave him a hug. "That's okay, then."
They ate lunch, then went for a swim. The more she exercised the faster her metabolism would shake the drugs. She seemed to stay awake a bit longer as he read her to sleep.
This continued for two more weeks with the occasional panic attack either during the day or at night. He observed her becoming frustrated and bored with her daily regimen. "Want to go exploring?" She was hesitant to leave her familiar environment. "Well, I don't know..." "Come on! I'll be with you all the way. I've even got some new clothes for you!"
That perked her up. Dressed in work boots, blue jeans and a colorful blouse she held his hand as she left the building she had been in for over eleven years. Anthony showed her how to put on the seat belt then fired up the little truck. It seemed to her as if they were speeding along but he held the pace down to a fast walk. Wherever he spotted an overgrown trail he headed down it for a few measures to look for fields or orchards. they found citrus, bananas, mango, melons, cucumbers and vegetables such as carrots. He found some pineapple fields but the fruit was not ripe. The cocoanuts were so prolific along the beach that it made driving difficult. Isabelle was fascinated with the fantastic flowers and the birds. Parrots were everywhere!
That was a turning point. She began to quickly recover her memory and critical facilities. She followed him about as he did his chores, including the cooking. Pancakes and fresh fruit became a large part of their diets. Anthony was quite intelligent yet he felt hard pressed to keep up with her lessons as she burned through the material left for her.
Isabelle had noticed that they were alone on the island. That didn't agree with her vague memories. After reading the lessons on the history and politics of the families Isabelle sat with him at the dinner table. She had a serious expression and had the "we have to talk" look. He knew that this day was coming and dreaded it. However, he refused to lie.
"Tony, What is your last name?" "Skoda." "The Skodas and the Bergmans are competitors?" He squirmed. "Not any longer." That gave her pause. She quietly said, "Please explain." "There was a corporate takeover not too long ago. I was sent here to keep you safe and to make sure I was safe as well." He didn't lie. He didn't tell the whole truth, either. She caught it. "That's not all, is it?" He sighed. No, dear, it's not. I was also sent to bring you back to the world and to try to convince you to be my wife." She sat looking at him for what seemed like forever. Silently she rose, bathed and changed for bed. Tony quietly cleared the dishes, turned out the light and did his chores. He fell asleep on a tanning bed out by the pool, watching the stars.
Isabelle couldn't sleep. The brutal realities of the world had impacted her protected existence like a hammer blow. On further reflection she didn't have any objection to Tony as husband material. He had been kinder to her than any of the nurses she could remember. It was the high-handedness of the whole thing that appalled and infuriated her. It was close to dawn when fatigue finally shut down her churning mind and she dozed off.
-= The Agreement =-
April 7, 2127 Neither of them woke at their usual times. The sun's rays woke Anthony. He bolted upright in the lounger, no longer sleepy in the slightest. He quickly peed in the grass at the side of the pool, then got out the nets and chemicals to tend to the water. He stuck his head through the door to see if Isabelle was awake yet. Since she wasn't he went back to the kitchen to prepare a few things that would keep in the refrigerator. It didn't take long to assemble a pear and cheese tart that he could cook off later. He also started a roast and vegetables in a crock pot for later. Twenty minutes later he walked into Isabelle's room balancing a tray holding to defrosted Danish and two cups of tea.
"Isabelle--good morning!" His voice and the clatter of the tray brought her back to the land of the living. She stretched in bed and smiled at him. She didn't realize it but she couldn't have looked more attractive if she'd tried. "Morning, Tony. Be right back." She scampered to the toilet to do her morning business.
They sat at the table where he served the light breakfast. "How are you today? I'm afraid that I gave you quite a shock last night. I apologize for it but I felt it best not to deceive you."
She took a sip of tea. "Yes. Well, we live in a harsh world, don't we?" She thought for a bit, tapping the edge of her cup against her teeth. "How long do we have here?"
"Until I place a call. It's expected that we live out the summer here. That's, what, five or six months from now? I can extend or shorten that if we need to. I suggest that we finish our studies as I doubt that we'll have this sort of time once we leave here."
She nodded. "Undoubtedly. You're what, seventeen? And I'm, umm, just how old am I anyway?"
He was careful not to smile. "Sixteen, almost seventeen."
She said quietly, "So much time lost. My family has much to answer for." Louder, she said, "Right, then! We need to study like crazy, keep fit and keep this place up."
Anthony was hesitant to ask, but he had to know. "Isabelle, what of the last thing we spoke of last night? Would you be my wife?"
She knew he would be on pins and needles. She would have been, in his place. "Yes, Anthony Skoda, I will marry you." They leaned across the breakfast table and softly exchanged their first kiss.
Anthony was a genius on anyone's scale, but Isabelle put him to shame. Her mind was like a wildfire, consuming everything before it. Once she finished her studies she read Anthony's. After she completed those the hospital's medical library fell under her onslaught. Anthony had never seen such a fierce commitment before and was more than a little frightened. Still, there were things that he could teach her that were not in the books she so relentlessly devoured.
Anthony started her on a more structured exercise program such as the military used. She didn't enjoy exercise for itself but she relished the further control it gave her over her body. Anthony constructed a heavy bag out of a heavy canvas duffle bag and a pile of old hospital sheets. She learned to punch, counterpunch, block and box. Later he built on that with some of the grips, holds, throws and strikes he'd learned while studying with the guards. They spent some time in the little machine shop mutilating mower blades into knives. By the time he called for a pickup she was a dangerous knife fighter and could throw a blade with acceptable power and accuracy. She needed practice under a skilled eye but she was far from helpless.
When the little four-seater turboprop set down on the beach Anthony recognized his uncle Daniel climbing down. He walked down to greet him with Isabelle at his side. After shaking hands he said, "Uncle, may I present my bride, Isabelle. She unflinchingly evaluated him then took Tony's hand. "Is this one we keep or one we destroy?"
Daniel felt goose bumps suddenly raise on his arms. What kind of woman WAS this?
They held hands on their way to Sydney, Australia. Daniel couldn't see the tiny muscle contractions that they'd practiced. They had learned Morse code and how to tap it out quickly on each other's hand. They expected that they'd be separated and interrogated. He cautioned her about drawing blood in the opening round unless the family visibly escalated matters. A precis of her education should do for her basic answers. Other than that he suggested that she reply along the lines of "I have no reason to trust you with that information." Hide all combat skills.
-= The Interrogation =-
September 28, 2127 near Preetzer Strasse, Hamburg Germany Within hours Anthony was brought before the clan 'Thing'. Grandfather Hermann ruled from his chair. "Well, Andrei, your pickup signal implied success on all fronts. We are anxious to hear of your successes and failures in this, your first deployment."
Anthony rose from the postulant's chair and gripped the railing before him. "I can sum up my findings in one sentence. The stupid bastards almost destroyed a fully functional polymath!"
The uproar took several minutes to quench. When order had been re-established Hermann took up the lead once again. "Anthony, the words polymath and success gives us much hope. Please continue."
"I have spent the last six months educating Isabelle. Her appetite for knowledge is positively fearsome. She has a photographic memory and an IQ that must measure over two hundred. I have taught her all I could of family politics. I sincerely suggest that you turn her loose in the most comprehensive library that we can access and stand back. She has committed to be my wife and partner. She needs combat training as I could only take her so far. She is truly a diamond. However, I fear that any attempt to 'polish' her could be catastrophic. She is quite bitter about the 'high handed' decisions made to control her. To summarize, she is a loaded weapon seeking a target. I have some influence over her decision-making but her motivation at this time is that of an assassin. God help the matriarchs if they attempt to put the heel to her."
They spoke further for nearly an hour when suddenly an explosion sucked the immense doors of the room off of their hinges and dust fell from the ceiling. Isabelle stalked into the room scanning those seated with a look of eagles. "Anthony. Come. We are not welcome here."
Tony rose and lifting his shoulders in apology to the grandfather hurried after his woman. He thought to himself, "Thank God she doesn't collect scalps."
The whispered conversations that filled the room were full of speculation. The fact that no on was shouting was a telling point. Another was the small smile on Hermann's face. He sighed and stood. He had some women to placate and a security team to gently chastise.
-= The Entrenchment =-
December 31, 2127 University district, Hamburg Germany They took up residence at the University of Hamburg. Anthony was already fluent in German but Isabelle was not. Two months later that could not be said. He found himself back in his old grind of providing food for Isabelle while she furiously devoured the libraries. One of his old trainers had accepted the task of making them 'bitter pills'. Their knife fighting skills became truly deadly. She did much better than he did at field expedient weapons and explosives. After all, she was the one that had memorized chemistry libraries...
Grandfather Hermann paid them a visit. They sat at the apartment's dinner table to talk. "Christine, my wife, has retired from the field of combat. She said that she no longer wishes to find out what it feels like to have her hair set on fire." Isabelle shrugged. "I only suggested it as a possible outcome." He patted her shoulder. "I have to thank you. My home life has become much more pleasant."
Isabelle brought a plate to the table. "Please, try these. My husband is a master baker. They are freshly-made kolachkes. They're marvelous." We snacked and had tea. Afterwards Hermann sat back and sighed. "I would drop the whole thing in your laps but you haven't the reputations to carry it off yet. Political power is comprised of not only understanding but perception. I'm afraid that it's up to you to pull together a faction among the family before you can assume the mantle." He turned to Anthony. "You are the heir designate because you have the ambition as well as the talent for it that none of the others have shown, despite their protests. Still, there remains a wide gap between the theory and practice."
He slid a leather bound folder across the table to Tony. "These accounts are anonymous and inviolate. They control two billion in assets. You must secure a holding of your own and populate it with those you trust completely before you can take the next step. Only then can you solidify your position. Trust no one and stay aware of your environment. We have hints that some of the clans have evolved telepaths that can rip forth a man's secrets while dining at the next table in a restaurant."
After Hermann left we lay in bed curled like spoons. I had an idea. "Let's turn it around. Bold as brass, let's go back to the island. With a few million in defenses, a good mercenary squad or two and a satellite communications array we could operate anywhere from Taiwan to Buenos Aires."
She nuzzled back against me, hugging my arm under her breasts. "Let me think on it for a few days. If the facts agree perhaps we should re-open the hospital as an ongoing concern. In any case I need to delve into the weapons, both the capabilities of various hardware and the protocols involved in a multi-layered defensive and offensive umbrella. There are many issues involved in hiring trustworthy staff as well." I kissed her above the ear and we fell asleep nestled together.
-= The Proposal =-
June 21, 2130 Bern, Switzerland Stealing from the idea my university had operated under, we opened up the hospital under a multi-family contract. Crack combat teams from the top corporate families around the world came to us. Even though their loyalties were not ours we did not fear attack. The other teams would come down on any one team that went rogue like a steam hammer. We constructed comfortable housing for all of them and rotated the teams in and out of the close and peripheral watch assignments. We instituted a totally above-board research project into the genetic anomalies that affected the various families and the residual polymorphic viruses that had held large areas of the planet in a strangle hold since the flash plagues. Slowly we began politicking, not just within the Skodas but among all the families.
Our goal was not just survival. It was victory. By soft words or authoritative power we planned to take over the families.
Isabelle was our secret weapon. She had seen something in the physics texts that, seemingly, nobody else had pursued. She thought that it was possible to create an energy field that would slow or stop matter from piercing it. With enough of a power surge behind it the thing would explosively expand its bounds and perform a power strike on any immediate threat--within microseconds. After several generations of engeneering it evolved into a backpack that could be worn. My wife was wrapped up in the possibility of designing a star drive while I took her defensive shield into field trials.
Every ten years the families came together in a 'thing of things'. Anthony was third to speak. He made certain to energize and balance the defense field before walking up to the podium. Several depleted uranium rounds hit his back as he stood before the microphones. He smiled as the processors traced back the kinetic paths of the projectiles and fired back pulses of energy. The screams, dust and panic soon settled down. Tony keyed open the microphones before him. "We anticipated this assassination attempt. All the weaponized soldiers have been neutralized. Their handlers however remain at large."
A voice screamed out of the crowd. "Goddamned you Anthony! I should have killed you while I had the chance!" The crowd backed away from the single figure. "Ahh, Uncle Daniel. I expected you to be one of the heel-draggers, but not one of the leaders." His tone of voice dropped. "You disappoint me, Uncle." I turned to the assembled crowd. "Many among you want to keep the status quo in place. That path leads to eventual ruin. We cannot thrive if we do not grow. It is an ecological golden rule." I turned to the screen behind me. "Behold our global economic map. Notice the breakpoints and inefficiencies in transport, manufacturing, warehousing and shipping." The screen changed. "A few budgetary percentage points here and there, a few policy changes, a cooperative corporation where necessary and this is our goal."
The slide changed. I motioned towards the changed colors in zones. "If the thing of things underwrites our cooperative model our profits could be nearly boundless. We are researching satellite mining once again. Newly discovered technology is pointing the way towards an ecologically sound method of achieving escape velocity and landing at a conventional airport afterwards. Only a consolidated economy could afford the investments necessary to create space-based foundries and residential stations."
Another slide went up. It illustrated some primitive orbital mechanics. "These are the Lagrangian points L4 and L5. They are a third of an orbit away from the Earth, in preceding and trailing positions, respectively. What gets put there remains there by reason of orbital mechanics. Building, supplying and operating facilities at these locations would pose much less risk to our planet than working in local space. You don't operate a fireworks plant in your front pocket, hmm?"
Another slide went up. Isabelle and I had discussed releasing this information. She judged it safe as the equations were in their general form. Up on the screen were twelve equations in esoteric mathematics. "These are the future. These are the field equations developed by my wife. They work! You want proof? Today they protected my life from assassins. In the future they will protect and drive our craft. We are operating on a firm timeline of seven years until launch. Ladies and gentlemen, let's get cracking. We have business to conduct."
Daniel did not move fast enough. His vehicle was intercepted while leaving the thing. He was not seen again.
Anthony had been quite careful in drawing up his proposals. Within each folder lay proposals that, taken together, gave something to everyone. Within days a vote was cast to give the plan provisional approval. Some family diplomats had already approached their opposites with folders in hand, willing to wheel and deal. Some of the arrangements Anthony proposed made too much sense to ignore. He slowly gained a reputation among the houses as a planner and a diplomat--perhaps as a leader.
-= Home life =-
February 1, 2134 Solomon Islands Tony sat in his lounger playing with their baby Sasha as Isabelle carefully guided a floating skateboard around the living room furniture with an R/C airplane controller. She grinned at him and pressed a control. The contrivance silently rose four fee higher in the air, spun about its center of mass and zipped off for its charging station. The big 12-volt wet cell bolted to the chassis could only power it for so long. Little Sasha squealed and reached for the floating thing, totally captivated. Tony said, "See, she has her mother's interests."
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Cheating WifeHi, friends... these is a imaginary story about Arjun and his sexual dreams. story begins in a train. when he was studying he often use train to go for women. she covered her whole body. Arjun have a crush on Muslim women's from a long time. so he very much interested in looking at her. Only thing that he can see was her eyes. That eyes was truly awesome. Her hand is very whitish. Arjun badly wants to get company with her. But the problem is that, with her a old man always accompanied. He looks...
Erotic FictionIn some ways Vince and Vicky were an unlikely couple. They had vastly different backgrounds from much different socio-economic classes. Vince had a blue collar upbringing while Vicky came from a well-to-do family. Vince had to fight, both literally and figuratively, for everything he had attained while Vicky’s accomplishments seemed to come almost effortlessly. As a fifty one year old Vince bore the physical scars of his upbringing. The tough neighborhood he grew up in was no place for the...
Again, I suggest reading the first three chapters before beginning this one. Also, I want to emphasize that if you are expecting a story with non-stop sex, then you will be disappointed. * When I woke up the next morning, the first thing I did was check my car. Jessie’s purse was gone. I had already noticed that her car was not in the driveway of her parent’s house, and one of her parent’s cars was also missing. I tried calling her cell phone over and over, but she never answered. I left a...
In the confined space of the cave, Alice's distressed cry reverberated off the walls, so loud my ears hurt. I scrambled to be at her side. She sat in a fetal position with her arms wrapped around her knees and her whole body trembling like a leaf in the wind. Fear distorted her face, and her eyes closed so tightly her facial muscles twitched with the effort.A tiny voice uttered from her lips, repeating a single word again and again: snakes. Kneeling next to Alice, I put my arm around her...
Fantasy & Sci-FiJen was asleep on the sofa when Pete and Marie, Jen’s Mother and Step Father, had come back from their day trip.They had been shopping all afternoon and then had finished with dinner and drinks at Joe’s Bar. They had lost track of time and we’re both pretty drunk when they finally made it back home.“That was wonderful Pete thank you so much.” Marie slurred as she swung her shopping bags of new clothes around in her hands.“I had a great time too darling.” Pete said happily back at her through...
ReluctanceI was at this RSL club with some friends from the hospital that I work at. 4 female nurses, the oldest, in her late 30-ies, Helen, was there with her boyfriend. And the youngest, Anna, about 20 was also with her boyfriend. There was Karen, about 30ish, divorced. She was the one I was interested in. And there was Vicky, a Pilipino girl also about 30. She was also there on her own. There was a singer on stage. Singing 60's, 70's type of music. Fairly good looking lady in her 40-ies. She had...
I was 18 and going off to was helping me pack up my room. mom was a voloptouos woman, d-cup, fat ass,long blond hair and a smile that would light up the world. my dad cheated on my mom a few yesrs earlier and she never picked up the pieces when he left. living with mom for the past few years had really solidified my status as a mommas boy. as my move out date approached, mom was visibly getting depressed. her little boy was growing up and moving out. we would watch movies together,...
Monday afternoon my sweet Ana and I were out getting some groceries. As I pulled into the driveway my wife recognized Jerome`s car parked there.She then hurried to the front door and was awestruck when she saw her sweet niece riding on Jerome´s black cock in the middle of the living room.The girl looked back at us watching her from the door; but she did not even miss stride on that black monster dick. As I got closer I could see why; her bottom lip was quivering, her legs were shaking and her...
Finally! You walked out of your high school for the last time in your life. You can't believe that the school year went by so fast. As you head towards your car you can't help but admire the girls walking in front of you. Since Summer was rapidly approaching with record temperatures girls were showing off their bodies like never before. Just yesterday, the class slut Kassandra had to be sent home for coming to school in only the skimpiest of bikinis. Today, you had the luck to be walking behind...
MatureThe first draft of the meeting in The Clann Chapter 3; rather crude but different from the final: BOB We could see her [Ana] coming into the living room from the hallway, so Kathleen took her first pratfall. She took one step inside, managed to tangle her cane in her legs and sprawled flat on her face while hiking her short skirt up above her waist! I hustled over to her, while Evin stepped up beside Ana. "I apologize, Mrs. Matthews. I know Bob told you she was a bit of an airhead, but...
That Monday morning was an usual Monday morning. But, afternoon... On that afternoon, Amy knew, she had to talk to Julie. Which was also what Julie had on mind. After all, Julie had something to give her baby sister. So, when they were both home, both wanted to go to Amy's room. Amy made the invitation, and Julie accepted. But, when Amy closed the door to her room she said: "I know about you and Laurie." "What do you mean?" Julie knew what her sister meant. She had the fear to be...
Lucy sells high end office machines for Hillenbrand Business Equipment; a large national corporation. Her sales job is a commission only position. When she makes a sale it usually produces a very large commission for her. When her sales are zero, her commission is also zero. Hillenbrand prides itself on being an equal opportunity employer. They hire female sales reps all the time. They feel that female reps have an easier time getting in front of male purchasing agents. Unfortunately; the...
Hello, all iss reader, i am Raj kumar from a & n islands. (delanipur, port blair. Yah kahani 3 month old hai jab mai x-mas ki chutti mai havelock island jana ka programme banaya or mai akala hi gaya. Morning 6.00 o’clock per phonix bay jetty se havelock ka liya speed boat (mv baratang) choda, boat mai 100 passenger tak haga or maximum indian tourist. Boat mai ek newly wed couple jo delhi se andaman honeymoon trip pa aaya tha aur mera pas ki seat per baith gaya aur meri us couple sa dosti ho...
Full X Cinema! Welcome to another porn site review guys, and straight off the bat let me just tell you that I have no clue what is about. Yes, it’s a porn site, but it just has so many different things about it that it’s hard to pinpoint the craft that they’re going for. Obviously, they’re going for some kind of niche, but it’s really hard to figure out. Ah well, I guess it has to do with celebrity and mainstream porn. Oh, and it’s free so...
The FappeningThis story is about my wife rittu with whom I got married in 2004 and before my marriage I used to fuck prostitutes.I used to spend lots of money fucking whores of different age caste colour and creed..I had a real liking for prostitutes and often used to bring them to my flat After my marriage I used to fuck rittu like a whore making her do all the things which I used to get done from a whore.I used to make her wear tight jeans and skimpy top with sexy netted bra and panty inside and then...
Love at first sightAfter her first completely unexpected sexy spanking ever, Jennifer of only just 18and freshly arrived, and lost, in old Amsterdam, fell in love with an elder man.I was astonished by her immediate trust and complete calmth under my hot hands.I have had many women of all kinds of beauty volunteer for a tasty treatment bent over my knees, but Jennifer was by far the best, and even a real virgin spankee.I got so aroused by both her beauty and grace, as well as her screams...
Before you read..check out Parts 1-4...PART 1: 2: 3: 4: now...PART 5:“What’s this drink called?” I said, feeling buzzed already as Mark handed me a shot glass.“It’s called a blowjob,” Mark said with a chuckle. “Try it. I know you like them.”I laughed and downed the...
It was going to be a boring winter break. Josh was frustrated that his parents had made him return home from college. He had wanted to stay on campus and enjoy his time off from classes. Josh knew that it was important to his mom that he come back so he was willing to give up his video games for the three weeks. Josh had turned his dorm room into a temple for gaming, equipped with a brand new computer, neon lights and a high end chair. He had hoped to go raiding with his friends and find the...
IncestIt was a common practice for Sam to drive down to the Hurry Burger on his lunch breaks. The food was cheap, the service fast, and the cashiers cute and flirty. This time however Sam didn’t turn into the Hurry Burger’s parking lot, but instead parked in the empty bank lot next to the fast food joint. In his head Sam had a mental list of all the women he wanted to fuck and top on that list was a lesbian tease by the name of Nancy Gibson. Unlike the other women on his list bagging Nancy would...
My second storyWorking in a coffee shopA true stroy....It was a cool cloudy day. Amanda, Danielle, Cole, James, and I were working at a local coffee shop. The little bell rang as the door opened. "Hey guys I'll have a marshmellow latte." It was clyde, Orange hair, brown eyes, and wearing a plad orangey shirt. "Who wheres plad anymore?" James said. "You know what dont judge me" James and Cole laughed. As for Amanda, Danielle and I, we were wearing A green and white blouse, short ruffled skirt,...
Sara and her two sons live in a four-bedroom house, in Silverton OR. She inherited the house and it’s expenses when her husband died in car accident caused by a drunk driver. They were a baseball family. They had lived and breathed baseball. They lived about 25 minutes away from Volcanoes Stadium in Keizer Oregon. Up until Sam’s death, they held season tickets and never missed a Volcanoes game unless one of the sons had a game. They would sponsor a player each year. The quest room was a...
Andy continued to kiss Amber, sliding his tongue between her loosely parted lips. They were both seniors in high school and it had taken Andy ever since their sophomore year to gather enough courage to finally ask Amber out on a date. Now after two weeks of seeing each other, it was becoming their regular ritual to drive away together every afternoon and park in Andy's old beat up Toyota truck. Andy pressed his hand against Amber's back pocket as they kissed and he began to lightly caress...
This is the first in a series of encounters dating way back to 1981 onwards. My girlfriend and I had been going steady for about a year and half. Beautifully slim and petite, long blonde hair and a body to die for she was everything a teenage lad could wish for and at times, I wondered how I had been so lucky. We had both recently turned 18 and life seemed so carefree and fun in those days. Her twin was of course, just the same description. I would often find myself gazing in her direction when...
This is something I have only shared with one person in my real life. It is liberating and exciting to share my story here with some who may enjoy reading it.I became bi in 1976 the Bi-centennial year. It was the summer of that year that I fell off my bike and broke my arm.I had a pretty large cast on my arm, I couldn't get the cast wet so my mom suggested my dad shower with me to wash me wash and make sure my cast didn't get wet. I was pretty modest at the time but didn't think much about it...
Note 1: This story contains no explicit sex. Thus it has been submitted in the Non-Erotic category. It is, however, about a husband and wife, both of whom commit adultery. Note 2: The story tends towards the deep-and-meaningful. It has psychological and philosophical references. If you’re not into that kind of thing, it might be best to give it a bit of a swerve and look elsewhere for a story more to your tastes. ********** Preface My first story, Lue to Lucy and Back, was submitted as...
During the last months I had experienced an increasing difficult to become lubricated when I was fucked by my beloved hubby. My cunt stood dry and sex was painful and with no orgasms at all.It felt really strange to me, since I had never experienced this before…Then I finally decided to seek out for some professional assistance. I booked an appointment with a well known gynecologist genius.When we entered the surgery, a receptionist asked me to sit in the waiting room, while the Doctor spoke to...
They both laughed but the laughter turned to gasps of pleasure as both Dave and I moved up and tasted the juicy little pussies above us. "Oh yes" I heard Jenny moan, "That is fucking gorgeous Dave" but to be honest, I was more interested in exploring the glistening pink wetness of Molly's hot little cunt as she ground herself down onto my mouth. Wolf whistles from a group of youths in the street below brutally disturbed the moment and the four of us ran laughing into the flat where...
Seeing your own mother naked is amazing! Her breasts were beautiful—practically no sag at all. Her nipples were quite large. She asked me to first lick her nipples. I readily and appreciatively responded as I tasted her skin, her nipple and I enjoyed it so much. She reached down, grabbing my firm erection and said, “That’s so much bigger than any man’s I’ve been with. I can see why Marie has feelings for you. So you two spent the morning together—in bed?” “Yes, Ruby—You and your sisters may...
Muscle encounters 3-Meeting Rhonda leeBy lilguy Man meets Rhonda Lee and sex happens of course.I was staying at a near by hotel for a comic convention one day. I rode therealone to stay for 3 days. It was night time and the crickets were chirping. Ihad to get my box of stuff out of my car.I struggled with the box. It had all my clothes, food, and items. The box wasextra heavy sense I tended to over packed."Need some help" A sultry voice saidI turn around. I saw her. She looked gorgeous, like...
ok well since my last story i have been fucking my mother in law but nothing worth writing about till yesterday. yesterday i went to her house to "fix" her kitchen table (which is broke from me fucking her on it) and we started kissing and fooling around when she said she had a surprise for me then her friend from next door came in she is 55 about 5'2" and like 200 all ass mmmmm she came over and said happy early fathersday and bent over and put my cock in her mouth as my mother in law took her...
My oh my, I have gotten myself into something now... You know what they say sometimes? "I'd give my left nut for that..." - well, I said that some time ago and that's how it all started! What you have to know is, the person I said it to was learning magic. She was hot as could be, and I was hitting on her. Hard time... I was really lusting after her. And she confronted me and asked me if it came with a price, if I would be willing to pay that price. I was blunt and said "I'd give my...
We made some small conversation and I found out she was almost 16, her name in Chinese was Lingling and her English name was Mary she was Chinese living in Canada with her parents and was going to China to visit her Grandparents for the summer holidays. She would fly from Amsterdam to Beijing after a night stopover, the same as me except I would go to Moscow the next day. I was reading my magazine when she asked me if it was ok if she put her feet up in the middle seat as she was going to try...
i couldn’t help it! i told my bf i would not cheat on him again and i meant it when i said it, but when john asked me to lunch at work i said yes, knowing he’d probably want more than lunch. i thought we’d just go eat, talk about work and that’s it, but…. all day he had been staring at me, i was wearing a cute and very short summer dress and cute sandals, which i had off at work, i prefer barefoot, my legs must’ve looked real good to him because i caught him staring at them a few times and he’d...
NOTICE: In a rush of inspiration I have just put this down, night owl for the win. I’ve had a writer’s block for far too long. This story is fiction, no resemblance to RL context/characters/names so on doesn’t apply. It is my intellectual property and any individual or institution is NOT allowed to redistribute it without my written permission. I wanted to create a build up, and mainly this was the purpose of this first part There will certainly be more as time allows, probably within some...
Hi friends, Raah here friends yeah story meri aap beeti hai, Koi kuwari ladki ya koi bhi apni virginity loose karna chahte hotoh ,,ya koi Aunty sex ka maza lena chahti hotoh pareshaan na ho…mujhe contact kar sakte ho….secrecy assured email me..( pehle mein apne baare mein bata du..mera naaam Raah hai jo log pyar se kehte hai…mein ek Computer marketting company mein job kiya karta thah….mein ek athelete fit aur thoda sa attractive bhi hu….yeh kahani 3 saal pehle ki hai .. Mein jab computer...
Hey guys this is the first time writing my story so bare with me and I hope you enjoy! This story is 100% true and happened two years. I have always enjoyed having in public places, nothing gets me wetter than people watching me! Once I told my husband (boyfriend at the time) he suggested we go to our local adult theater/gloryhole. I wasn’t so sure about that at first because I didn’t know if I wanted other people touching me. That fear went out the window our first trip but that’s another...
Chapter 1I lay on the sofa sleeping, warm and snug. The day had been dull and I was snapping more out of boredom than of any real sense of tiredness. I’d been in the house all day and done nothing productive. I’d had a long bath using my favourite scented oils. Then dried my long dark hair and painted my fingers and toes a pretty silver colour. I couldn’t even be bothered to get dressed so had just slipped on a silver satin robe that matched my nails. I was awoken by my boyfriend gently...
I awoke this morning with an urgent knocking at my bladder's door. I could feel great relief but not the exquisite release that the ice or the biscuit gave me, so I hoped that I did not give anyone near me an instant arousal spike. I did notice the light behind the curtains, so I drew them aside some and looked at the downtown skyline that I could see from this view. I could see that we were north of the river, and on the west side, as I could see the towers of the old suspension bridge...
What’s up, Team Skeet fans? For this Labs update, we’re bringing back a successful experiment, Tales of Taboo. In this episode, orphaned step-siblings Reese and Tyler are 18 and ready to be on their own. But before they can go out on their own, they’ll have to stay with Penny, who is very strict and demanding of the two. When Tyler and Reese decide to rebel against Penny, she lays down the law and has the two stepsiblings fuck her as hard as possible. Tyler has his work cut out for him to keep...
xmoviesforyouWhen McKayla told me about her disease, the conventional wisdom was that she would probably live for at least twenty more years and could possibly live for another fifty. The disease affected people at different rates and there simply wasn't enough research to predict how long we had together. It turns out we got twelve more years together. And irony of ironies, it wasn't the Huntington's that got her. After our wedding, we spent the next year in denial about her disease. We knew the...
During a warm summer night, I woke up after tossing and turning during hours. My sweet wife was snoring quietly on the bed; so I decided to go downstairs to my studio and have a chat on the net.After a while, I contacted Sylvia and she kindly responded.That first night we spent many time chatting, knowing each other.On our next chats, we started to trust each other; so we finally started to reveal more and more about ourselves and our lives.It turned out that Sylvia was a newly happy divorced...
Judy and her husband Bob were at a party at Bob's boss's house. About twenty couples were gossiping on the pool patio. Judy didn't want to be at this party, and neither did her husband. Bob was hoping to get promoted to the position of Sales Manager and they're attendance at this party was necessary. Bob had been with Green Enterprises for twenty-five years and felt that he deserved the position. In fact, John Green's father, who recently passed away, had told him that he was giving Bob...
The Changeling, Chapter 3 Inches I woke up topless, in a cardboard box in an alley somewhere downtown. It was after dawn, but not by much. A ceiling of ominous grey clouds blocked the sky, and I shivered as my skin was pelted by a light spray of needle rain. There had a momentary pang of elation when I had first come out of my dream, a nightmare of gang rape and murder. This blissful feeling evaporated the moment I realized that the soft pillows on which I had been resting my...
Hello dosto, main Aastha ek baar phir hazir hoon aap sabke beech apni chudai ki ek aur kahani lekar. Yeh incident pichle part ke ek saal baad ka hai, jisse aap is series ke sath padh sakte hai. Uss ek saal me mere aur Varun ke gharwalo ko humari chudai ke baare me pata chal gaya. Iss baat se sab kafi naraaz the aur unhone humse saare rishtey khatam kar liye. Varun ke gharwale ab humari shakal bhi nahi dekhna chahte the. Aur mere ghar me sirf meri chhoti bahen his thi jo chori-chhipe mujhse...
This is the continuation of part 3. Sandhya was at the wheel as they were on their way to the beach house in Pondicherry. The car went in rocket pace for a moment. Vidya reduced the vibrator speed. Sandhya came back to her senses and looked down. The seat was all wet with her juices. She giggled looking Vidya. V: Enjoying? S: You are one naughty slut, haha. Kiss me, please. V: Vidya bent down and spit more on her pussy and kissed her neck. Wanna have more fun? S: What more than this? V: Let...
LesbianDamn it has been a long weekend. I have been in this house since Friday night without really talking to anyone. I woke up this Sunday morning, lonely, horny and a little depressed. I felt like just staying in bed but knew the dog would be leaving little surprises for me if I didn’t take him out. I got up, went to the bathroom, brushed my teeth and threw on a sweatshirt, warm up pants and a jacket. I stepped out of the room and called for snoopy. As I walked out I was shocked. You were...