Lamb Of GodChapter 5 free porn video

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Susan Hobbs could barely contain her excitement after taking the plunge and not only getting the nod from the Pastor to take Jackie next, but receiving an invitation for her and Jackie to witness a Sunday session--Eve's. Best of all, their spiritual leader, Steve Agnus, would not be present, had no say in the matter, and was powerless to stop it.

Susan had thought seriously about leaving Steve and his legal wife, Judy, many times but had no place to go and no other church family was likely to take her and her daughter in. There were several who might feel inclined, but all were up to their ears in pregnant females eating them out of house and home. Two more wombs to feed and care for over-rode desire, for next to Eve and Karen, Jackie and Susan were prize pussies.

Jackie especially, as she was just budding into young womanhood and looking finer than frog hair. Lambs that fine, at least under the current regime, were the Pastor's special lambs--off limits until he bled them, bred them, and was through with them. After that, a spiritual leader (or daddy) could have the pleasure of watching her belly bloom while feeding her and her mother--not a good deal even with pussy thrown in.

Life with Steve and Judy Agnus was no picnic, but no horror, either. Judy was not a sharing woman, and did not believe in bigamy, veiled or otherwise. What Steve could sneak in was tolerated, but she made sure the other women under their roof earned their keep and knew their place. Susan and Jackie shared a room, a small room that Steve would use to take his pleasure with both of his spare wives. Since Darla had a shitty cot out in the garage, he brought her to Susan's queen-sized bed. Susan and Jackie had a choice--make room, leave the room, or get comfortable on the floor. Until recently, they'd leave, but most recently, they made room.

This attitude led to a closer intimacy between mother and daughter as neither liked wearing much if anything to bed and Steve liked to strip down. He liked stripping down his object of lust, too. The bed didn't offer much room to avoid being touched, accidentally or otherwise, so when two people screwed, all were involved, and all got wet.

Though a virgin as far as a man's penis was concerned, Jackie knew all about adult sex, and she knew how much her sexy mom liked a good hard screwing. Inhibited, at first, Susan soon got over her shyness and learned to like being screwed beside her interested daughter, often holding hands with Jackie as Da Massah took pussy. Even after his attentions became centered mostly on the new girl, Darla, Susan and Jackie liked being in the same bed with screwing going on.

In private, they called him Da Massah, and would usually giggle, for Da real Massah was his homely wife with arms like thighs and boobs like buttocks. No one back-talked Da real Massah. All other pussies in the house prayed that Da real Massah didn't like pussy, but they all knew better.

Their saving grace was that Judy was a pious woman who thought every man desired her, and she did not want any more kids. They had nine, three raised and gone, but six still at home (three boys, three girls--Mark-6, Angela-8, Danny-14, Brenda-15, Steve Jr.-16, Joan-18). Judy wanted nothing to confess that might excite their randy Pastor; so she kept her unnatural passions in check.

She wasn't a very bright woman, either. Most people, including her own dimly-lit offspring, saw right through her. She loved to think that Pastor John did all he could to control himself as it was, and those listening, even Steve, found it difficult to keep a straight face when she'd go on and on about being lusted after.

The two older girls would have been ripe for molestation, being 15 and 18, but they both took after their mother and were called the Butt sisters, though they were just pleasingly plump with too much rump. Brenda, the fifteen-year-old, was a popular girl at school, and got along great with Darla. She also had a reputation for putting out in the parking lot, though no one knew if her reputation was earned and deserved. Around church people and family, she appeared to be a paragon of virtue.

Joan, the eighteen-year-old, was thought to be queer and got along with no one outside a small circle of high school cunts who had similar reputations. Joan had her mother's looks and disposition. She, too, gave Jackie and Susan cause for worry. She looked at them and at certain parts of them the way her mother did--hungry.

All this made for a difficult place to live, but neither Susan nor Jackie wanted to leave the church. They had been rescued off the streets five years earlier. The church was much better, and a nice warm house was better than an old Chevy station wagon. There were many plusses to offset minuses, and so far, the minuses weren't that bad.

They might get bad if someone like Karen Winslow cranked up the heat. Susan and Jackie discussed that possibility a great deal; that and Jackie's eventual abduction, rape, and term of sexual servitude to John's gang and Dr. Jacob.

She was ready for the sex, and, thanks to Judy's discipline sessions, always delivered on bare skin with anything handy or a hand, the prospect of one hour per week with Dr. Jacob did not frighten her as much as it did most others. Susan knew her daughter could take it. Susan was very proud of her tough little buddy, and she was more a buddy than a daughter.

They were now talking like buddies, bosom buddies with like interests: spankings, exhibitionism, fucking, cock sucking, big dicks, and tight butts. They spoke always in soft tones, even in their room, because the door had no lock and was wafer thin. Ears were everywhere, as were wagging tongues.

Everyone liked seeing Jackie and sometimes, Darla, sometimes Susan and Jackie receive discipline, because Da real Massah had no qualms about treating Susan or Darla like any other child, and Jackie like a red-headed step-child--over the huge lap, up came the dress, down came the cheap panties, and wail, wail, wail as everyone present watched, watched, watched.

The three boys along with Joan were never far from their mother's apron at discipline time, which was right after supper and evening Bible study. They'd vie for good seats at the whacking end where pussy could be seen between whacks. Judy whacked as much pussy as she did ass and thighs, and a good, long, discipline session would leave her panting with a sopping wet hand.

The person to be punished (always female as boys were never disciplined in public) didn't actually lie over the full lap, she laid over one leg and the other was used to clamp her upper body. This placed the head down, ass up, pussy up as well. The loose-fitting dress, if it didn't get trapped by legs, often fell to armpits, rendering the subject nude as bras were only worn on Sunday, or to school in the case of Brenda and Joan.

Jackie, with her hard-bodied A's didn't need a bra and wouldn't get one until she could fill a C-cup because her nipples were not the type to poke out on material--they were the very soft type in light, pastel pink, not easy to discern, but they looked great when bare, so her dress rarely got trapped. Also, Jackie's dress would often work its way all the way off and end up puddled on the floor, leaving the girl naked for the remainder of her punishment, which included a term standing in the corner, facing out, arms behind the back, head down.

Since Jackie received more discipline sessions than all the other females in the household put together, her nude body became quite common to see standing in the penitent corner. No one tired of looking, so Jackie didn't tire of squirming free of her dress for them. She would have happily remained naked but Judy needed an excuse to allow such a thing. It wasn't proper for a young lady to go about indecently dressed--except when being shamed as part of punishment.

Susan, likewise, had no shy bones and tried to squirm free of her dress during a punishment, but she didn't have enough room to operate. The best she could do was get the damn thing to fall past her tits, which always thrilled her audience, for she had a great set of hooters with long, dark nipples that definitely needed a bra. Susan was punished one time for every three of Jackie's.

Darla, a young woman of twenty, thin and attractive, was the new monkey in the zoo. She recently came from a battered wife shelter and ended up staying because the Agnus home and the church offered both safety and sanctuary. Darla, however, was very shy about her body and did not take punishment well. Although she had no choice about allowing her bottom to be bared and pussy to peek out, she made damn sure no one saw anything else. Getting her to strip for Da Massah when he wanted pussy was not easy, either, but it was strip or get--fuck or get the fuck out.

Darla received one session for every ten of Jackie's. Brenda, Joan, and little Angela made up the balance, insuring that on any given night, at least someone got it, and odds were that it would be Jackie or Susan.

Susan and Jackie saw the sessions for what they were, a sexual outlet for a frustrated family, and they didn't mind serving them in this way. Hell, the thinly-veiled S&M sessions were harmless and the discomfort was bearable though excessive, often lasting for over an hour, through breaks for potty calls, refreshments, a snack, or to find something better to whack with broke the lengthier sessions into segments.

A session didn't end until Da real Massah had seen enough and felt enough, so Jackie's were the longest at between one and two hours. Susan took second, usually one hour. Darla was no fun, so she usually got off easy in under thirty minutes. Judy was easiest of all on her own kids, having little interest in what they had to offer; besides, those Butt sisters were hard to take for more than fifteen minutes on a lap. More often than not, little Audrey just got a regular spanking and was sent on her way.

In light of Eve's abduction and Karen's response to it, things stood a chance of getting quite interesting. Susan was well aware of the effect one good slut could have on such people, and the role the confession process would take on firing up repressed passions. She had often thought about serving as the catalyst, but could never actually go through with it for fear that Judy might toss them out when word of what had been confessed got back to her. Judy ran a tight ship and would not tolerate any sinfulness that might become common knowledge and grist for the gossip mill.

No, if the trend were to be broken, someone like Karen Winslow had to break it. Rumor had it that she already had, and word came via Jackie who heard it from Buddy's kid sister who overheard him talking to their father on Wednesday morning. Susan placed her call shortly after getting up the nerve.

Now, she and Jackie were in their room, sitting on the bed, talking in hushed tones like conspirators. Jackie said, "Mom, how long do you think he'll keep me?"

"He didn't say. He only said you'd be next. I wish I had asked."

"Was he excited about your offer?"

"He was very interested. I don't know about excited. I don't think he ever gets excited. I think when you get as much sex with as much variety as he gets, excitement is no longer a factor."

"I'll bet he got excited when he got Eve."

Susan smiled and said, "Yes, I suppose, but I would imagine he was also very nervous until he heard from Buddy and found out how Karen took it."

"Mom, maybe Buddy was lying. He lies a lot, you know."

"I think he is telling the truth. I think if she were going to be pissed, we'd have seen that after we knew they had run off with Eve. To me, she looked resigned, ready to do what she told Sister Melody she'd do, which is pretty-much what Buddy told his Dad."

"Do you really think she did it with dogs? I mean, if she did, why would she want anyone to know? That's really sick, isn't it?"

"I wouldn't say sick, but it is pretty kinky. If any woman in this congregation would mate with a dog and not be ashamed of doing it, Karen is that woman. I have a hunch she made that stuff up because Buddy was there and she knew he'd go straight to his dad."


"To set fire to his church."


"To set fire to the women, get them horny, get them thinking, get them confessing."


"For the same reasons I wanted to make up confessions or share my true fantasies."

"I forgot why."

"To get screwed by a man with a big dick for one."

"Oh yeah."

"Plus, I wanted to inspire others to open up and be truthful."

"You mean people like Massah Judy and Da Butt sistas?"

"Good lord, no. Those bitches are horny enough as it is, and who do you think they'll vent their lusts on if they start feeling free and open?"


"You mostly."

"Yuck... then why are we doing this?"

"Because, I think it will be worth it."

"For you, maybe. I'll be the one with aching jaws and a stiff tongue, and fish breath, and kinky hairs in my teeth, and..."

"And a raw pussy between your legs from being eaten so much. I think they'd rather eat than be eaten, and you couldn't sixty-nine with any of them. Your mouth would be at their belly buttons in a sixty-nine. You might get belly-button lint in your teeth."

"... ummmm, I might like that. I sure like it when Da Massah makes Darla do it to me. She don't, but I do."

They giggled, and then Susan said, "I think Darla likes it, too, but she has to be forced. I know when a woman is liking what she's licking."

"You told me you never did it with another woman before."

"I didn't, but I still know. She did not have to use her tongue, not when her face was mashed in tight, but she did, and deep."

"Yeah, she did me like that, too. That was neat. She licked way way deep in my pussy."

"Your pussy isn't way way deep, Jackie."

"Is so. It is now. I took a cucumber this far [indicating eight inches by using a hand spread]."

"I saw what you took, Jackie, and I think you need to close that a bit, like by two inches... say, here."

"No way, Mom. I felt it. I saw. It was this much. Go get me one and I'll prove it."

"Not while Judy is home. You just want to get us in trouble."

"What's the matter, are you chicken?"

"I'm chicken to do anything before Judy gets her fires burning, yes. Our slut asses would be out in the street in a flash."

"Yours maybe, but not mine. She's nuts about my slut ass."

"Well, your ass goes with my ass, so we're not taking any risks. News travels fast. She was on the phone hearing something very shocking when we came in here. We can wait."

"I can't. I'm horny. I wanna get fucked, and not by a vegetable or a hot dog."

"Be patient. You have a date."

"No I don't. I'm just next. He won't get tired of fucking Eve for months."

"Then, we'll wait months."


"It won't be months, Jackie. I'm thinking next Monday, maybe even on Sunday. He wants you there for some reason."

"Well he better fuck me or I'm going to fuck him, and I don't care how many are watching. I'll fuck a dog if I have to."

Eyebrows arched, Susan said, "Jackie, you filthy slut!"

"What, you wouldn't?"

"Not in front of all those people, no."

Jackie smiled and hopped onto her mother's lap, straddling, getting nose to nose as she said, "You'd do it in front of me though, huh?"

"I might. Got a dog with a dick?"

"I know where one is. Wanna go for a walk?"

"Are you serious?"

"Do you?"

Leaning back to see into Jackie's face, Susan said, "Jackie, you look me in the eyes and tell me... did you let a dog screw you?"

Jackie couldn't lie. She blushed and meekly said, "A little... sorta."

"How do you fuck a dog a little sorta."

"He's sorta a little dog, a Basset Hound, but his thingie isn't little. It's bigger than a cucumber, not as thick, but bigger, and I took every bit right up to his balls, so there. I do so have a deep pussy."

Susan laughed, putting Jackie at ease. Soon, they were both laughing, trying to laugh quietly, and then Karen said, "You little bitch."

"Well, I told you I was horny."

"You horny little bitch."

"I'm rubber, you're glue, whatever you call me, bounces off me and sticks to you."

"I'm horny, but I'm no bitch. If you really did do this, you are one up on me, kiddo."

"Then I'm one up on you, mommo, cause I sure did it, thirteen times I did it."

"Thirteen different times?"

"Yeah, thirteen different doggie cums, but not different times. I've gone there five times and I only did it the first time three days ago. That's why I volunteered to stay and watch the house while you all went to Phoenix."

"Three days ago?"

"Yeah, and the man who owns the dog doesn't mind one bit. He likes to watch Muttley fuck little girls."

"I'll just bet he does. Who is this man?"

"Just a man. He's not a church man, just some old geezer who lives on our street, way down by the playground. That's where I met them, him and his dog. Muttley tried to fuck me right there on the swing, front ways like people do. He had me around the waist and his dick was poking my panties in. If I didn't have panties on, he'd have been fucking me for sure."

"Good lord, Jackie, did anyone see this?"

"Yeah, some kids, but no adults. I went with him over to his house and that's where I did it. I even got naked and did it. We did it like people do, front ways. I got on the ottoman and Muttley got right up and got it in, pretty soon, his big balls are slapping me in the butt. That's how I know I took it all, plus, I could see. Muttley stood on my titties while he screwed me."

"Christ, Jackie, what were you thinking going off with a stranger like that?"

"I was thinking how good it would be if I had no panties on, that's what I was thinking, and I was right. It was good, way good. That's why I keep going back for more. He says anytime I want to fuck Muttley, I can as long as I get naked and let him take pictures. He takes lots of pictures."

"Jesus Christ, Jackie, you are lucky you weren't murdered."

"He's not one of those, Mom, he's just a dirty old man. He reminds me of our elders. He's nothing like Dr. Jacob."

"I should tell Judy about this, that's what I should do."

"Go ahead. I dare you to."

"Yeah, you'd like that, wouldn't you?"

"Everyone would. Come on, Mom. I told him about you, about how we are, about how you'd probably like to see it, too, maybe do it, too. He liked that idea a lot. He'd like to get some pictures of us together, doing all kinds of stuff, nasty stuff."

"I'll bet he would."

"It'll be fun, you'll see."

"The man should be locked up."

"He's a nice man, and if we ever get kicked out, he'd take us in. He already said he would, both of us. I wouldn't have to change schools or nothing, and we could still be in the church. He don't care just as long as he gets his pictures."

Always on the lookout for an alternative roof to live under, Susan mulled this over then said, "Does he live alone?"

"Yes, and he's lonely."

"Jackie, did he do anything to you?"

"He touches me a lot, but he hasn't tried to fuck me. He probably would but he keeps cumming while I'm doing Muttley."

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Flambeaux Staug Ch 03

Nick gleefully approached the vehicle with a bit of a jump in his step. He bent forward toward the driver’s window as it rolled down and a male police officer turned his head to him. Nick excitedly addressed him. ‘Hello, officer,’ he beamed. The cop cut him off with his hand in a somewhat impatient manner. ‘What the hell is going on in this town?’ Nick’s smile flickered. ‘I…I haven’t the slightest clue. I thought that you-‘ ‘I’m up here because we lost contact with a car in this area about...

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Flambeaux Staug Ch 10

‘There’s my house!’ Michelle had never been so relieved to see her house as she now was. Nick and Matt stopped behind her at the old rusty gate. She turned to them, about to invite them inside with her. ‘Say, Michelle,’ Matt started, ‘how about you go in while Nick and I keep an eye on things out here?’ The suggestion reminded her that they couldn’t rest easy until they were out of Down and among the living. She nodded meekly and opened the gate, closing it gingerly behind her. ‘And could...

1 year ago
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Flambeaux Staug Ch 05

Nick and Matt quickly ran out of the police station and straight for the car. The rain was pouring harder than ever, and the sky had grown even darker. Nick made a Miami Vice-esque dive across the car’s hood and hurriedly got inside. Matt turned the keys and sped off. ‘You know how to get out of here?’ Nick asked frantically. ‘Of course,’ Matt assured him. ‘I didn’t just wake up here.’ Suddenly, another thing occurred to Nick. ‘Do you have a watch?’ Matt chuckled. ‘We’ve got something after...

3 years ago
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Flambeaux Staug Ch 07

‘Is that Hillton?’ Matt wondered aloud. Nick shrugged and shook his head. ‘I couldn’t tell you.’ They continued up the path until it stopped at a precipice. Matt walked ahead of Nick and looked down to see another pathway headed downwards. He looked over to Nick. ‘We can jump down,’ he said assuredly. Nick looked over and leaped down. He landed hard on his feet, the ground beneath him shaking and cracking underneath his weight. He moved over and waited for Matt to hop down. He laughed. ‘That...

1 year ago
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Flambeaux Staug Ch 04

Maynard drove frenetically, hoping to reach the entrance before Nick could. He had no idea how long ago he’d woken up, and thus knew he had to secure it fast. Maynard did have a plan in advance, he just didn’t think he’d need to use it so soon. Beforehand, Maynard had set C4 up in the mountains on either side of the road leading into Aftersun. He had the detonator in his coat and it was ready to blow at any second, but he needed to be sure that Nick was still in the town. Or that at least the...

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Flambeaux Staug Ch 08

Nick, shaken, managed to follow Matt to the Nova. Matt checked the ignition, the keys were in. Nick stood next to Matt as Matt testily turned to him. ‘What, did you want to drive?’ Nick backed up, not saying a word. Matt was a tad puzzled. ‘What the hell?’ Nick shook his head and walked over to the passenger’s side. He opened the door and sat, never making a sound. He’d been pushed over the proverbial edge. Matt got in and turned the key, giving Nick a hard look. ‘You okay?’ Nick’s face...

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Flambeaux Staug Ch 06

Even the most populous cities can seem repetitive when all the streets are empty, namely when you’re driving around the outskirts of such a city for a prolonged amount of time. Matt began to notice how the road seemed to repeat itself before Nick did, but he didn’t want to mention anything. Nick had become more and more excitable as time wore on, and he could understand why despite the fact that he was a jaded suburbian police officer. Matt had been on the force for a while, and he’d seen...

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Flambeaux Staug Ch 02

Officer Richard Littel was patrolling the outskirts of Hillton with his partner Dan Freese. They had received a call regarding suspicious activities further up the road and had been called upon to investigate. So far, however, they had found nothing. The dark and rainy environment did not make looking out the window easy, and the light did not help much. Overall, Richard and Dan were about to give up. ‘Shit, Richard,’ Dan muttered. ‘You could’ve let someone else take the call.’ Richard shook...

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Lambda Sigma KP

I am in a happy in my relationship. . My boyfriend and I had be together for about 5 1/2 years years . I have never had thoughts of cheating on him. Physically I am an average 35 year old middle class white collar guy. I have a thin build and I'm about 5'5 1/2"." I have never been in a fight in my life and I have not been exposed to a lot of riffraff. I guess hindsight is 20/20, I can see where I could have avoided one of the most dramatic experiences of my life if I had just had some street...

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Flamboyant days Ben WA balls Irish Pub and a bet

Summer 2018Lust balls or Ben Wa balls aroused my curiosity. Albeit I knew what most of the sex toys do, I was baffled when I saw those little balls, which would not look out of place in the cat toy aisle of a pet store given their size and bright or metallic coloring. I googled, read a lot of exciting articles and decided I have to have one.I went to an adult store, an attractive girl in her early twenties assisted me. She was dressed in a sheer black long top and a red G-string thong. She...

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Campus Capers ENGL 369 Creative WritingChapter 20

Within five torturous minutes, Allison had lost everything she had eaten within the past twenty four hours. She leaned up against the door of the stall, trying to catch her breath. Surely this all had to be some awful nightmare, Ally groaned as she rubbed her achy, perspiring forehead. She felt light headed and dizzy at the thought that the professor could be gone. Then there was Ben... Ally hadn't really paid much attention to him in class. He was one of those guys who just sort of...

1 year ago
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sister in law with 18 year olds Part 3

Jane lay on her back wallowing in the post orgasmic feeling. Mean time I could feel my erection fading. Finally, I got up and pured some more champers for Jane. I was hoping that a refresh of alchohol would loosen her inhibitions a bit more.Going for broke I asked " Have you ever brought Ramsey or anyone else to orgasm using your hands?" A shocked look came onto Janes face. "No. Why would you ask that? Do you think I'm not a good girl?""I think you are a very good girl but did you not know that...

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Another round with the nice widiw across the stree

While my sweet Ana was out of town visiting some friends; I had fucked our nice old widow neighbor across the street, Barbara.I thought she never would come back for more; but I was wrong…On the next afternoon I was mowing the grass at the back yard, when I heard the doorbell. There was Barbara again, standing dressed in a very sexy summer dress. I guessed she was not wearing panties this time…I let her in and Barbara kissed me passionately. She told me she wanted more of my hard thick cock....

2 years ago
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Ill be a Mommys UncleChapter 4

After that night I pretty much knew when I could ask to wear her clothes. About once a week seemed to satisfy her. It drove me to near madness. I jerked off constantly, filling every scrap of cloth with cum, desperately alert for her next moment of naked availability. About once a week, mother would strip in front of me and dress me in her clothes. Then she would proceed to act like a little girl who desperately needed love and attention from her mommy. My own role in these games were so...

1 year ago
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MyPervyFamily Rachael Cavalli StepSon Needs to Experience a Real Vagina Part 1

My Step-Mom is always cleaning my room, I hate it so much she is just so annoying and always looking through my things. Today when I got back from the gym, my Mom confronts me with my pocket pussy. She was looking through my stuff when I wasn’t home and found it in my drawer. I was so embarrassed but my Mom told me not to worry, wanting to be good at sex is nothing to be embarrassed by. She did bring up a good point though, fucking fake pussy is not gonna help me be better at sex. I...

4 years ago
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Pickup Mystery Part 21

Cindy had been a casual pickup that became a hot one night stand for John, but after she was gone there was a real emptiness in his life. Then he had seen her again in the parade and found out she was the police chief’s 17 year old daughter and the empty feeling had been replaced with fear. Then out of the blue she had shown up at his place and told him she would be back in a couple of months when she turned 18. John could not get her out of his mind and he actually driven past the high...

2 years ago
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Skeletons in my Closet part 8 Meeting Keiths Family

Skelton's in my closet part 8 Meeting Keith's Family Keith decided upon Memorial Day weekend to throw that little meet and greet party with Danny and two others. It seemed fitting that I should meet Danny on that holiday. Due to both of them having served in the army. Keith had explained to me last month that I was allowed to have sex with whoever I chose to. As long as he knew who I was with and where I was at. Those were to be my only two rules, at least for now. Keith told me to follow...

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Fall in Michigan is a beautiful thing. The changing colors of the leaves, is one of Nature's best and most artistic sights. The air has a wonderful crispness to it. The sunlight is nearly as bright as the summer but has more of an orange tint to it than the bright yellow, glare of the spring and summer months. The people are also affected, some revel in the fall as being far more romantic. It's the perfect time to step up the romance in preparation for the intimacy of the cold winter months....

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Doc Ch 25

Now I had four women surrounding me, all trying to talk all at once. Suddenly, Dawn stopped, and slapped me right across the face. Then she stepped back with a look of horror on her face. The others just stared at her, also in shock. Suddenly she was in my arms, crying and begging me to forgive her. She said that she was so scared of me dying, that something inside her just snapped. She said she hadn’t meant to slap me. I just wrapped her in my arms, trying to ignore the pain of my side. I was...

1 year ago
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The sexual awakenings of teenage private schoolgirls part 3

The summer school trip was coming up. It wouldn't be like your usual school trip, however. The Long Stockings Private School for Gifted Girls and Young Ladies never really seemed to have party style school trips. They would go to Sea World to study the marine life – no rides while there, no swimming, no fun! The students even had to have their swimmers made to school regulation, with a bare minimum of flesh to be seen and not skimpy in any way. That was a no no. Head mistress Miss Noefun always...

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EvilAngel April Olsen April Olsen Knows Best Sc 4 DAP

Gorgeous, tattooed sex star April Olsen had never stuffed two dicks up her ass at the same time, but she was eager to try it. Director Jonni Darkko and veteran XXX studs Mick Blue and John Strong mentor her in her first double-anal adventure! The badass beauty teases in arousing porn-wear. John and Mick grope April as she sits on their laps. April strokes their boners and kisses them. The fellas warm up her rectum with a large toy. Before long, their big cocks simultaneously drill her pussy and...

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A Shemale Vacation

A Shemale Vacation - Part One by Richard-to-Rachel I was eighteen, na?ve and horny. After graduating from school a group of us decided to head to Europe for a last trip before having to enter our real adult lives. It was a chance to get completely drunk and have lots of wild sex. At least, that was the idea in our simple teenage minds. As for me, wild sex was something I wasn't exactly familiar with. I was still a virgin and I was pretty determined that that...

2 years ago
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Dare Me Not Ch 09

Dare Me Not Ch. 09 Recap: Coach Carter has given Janine some control over her actions and her choice of clothes. This is still imperfect because she can only exert her will after ten seconds (Ch. 8), while still leaving her vulnerable within that period of time. It seems that after any sexual release, her delusions are temporarily quietened. However, morning breaks on the day when she is to meet Brad Wheeler after their encounter the morning before (Ch. 4). Janine thought she had things under...

4 years ago
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Letter from Topeka

LETTER FROM TOPEKADear Shoeblossom:I come home from work, pulling up in my BMW Z4 Roadster, and the paper boy greets me respectfully ?Mr. Wegg, how are you?? I grin at him. Yes, Palmer Wegg is a hot shot in this thriving Midwestern city? and when I go in the house I am pleased to see my pretty wife Zenobia relaxing on the divan.?Hello, Pom.? She greets me, smiling. ?The kids are away for three days with my parents, and so we have a bit of alone time.? Zee smiles and my cock hardens in the...

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aap shab ladkeo ko mari kahni achi lage gi

hay how ru kay hal or chal i m reyas ali aap sab ladkio ka pati sab ki sab sali chodwny may rhati ha sali kabi kud ky bhai say to kabi bahar say ku koi boy farind nhai ha jo bhai say ya baab say chodwati hoo aap sab ladkio ko saraam ani chay ki aap indian sex may gandi gandi lekty hoo ya lekti ha koi bhai say to koi baab say to koi bhan say saloo tum aapni emayj kud karaab kartr hoo tum ko etna hi chodwnny ka sok ha ya bhan ko chodny ka ya maa ko madar chodo jo sabd tum log estmaal karty hoo...

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Der Begriff Formwandler, Gestaltwandler oder Metamorph bezeichnet fiktive Wesen oder Sagengestalten, die ihre eigene äußere Form verändern können. In dieser Geschichte geht es genau darum.

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Unfinished Business

It’s been almost a year that these neighbors from around the corner have been parking their vehicles in front of my house and my neighbors on the same street. I never really understood it as they rent a house around the corner that has a huge driveway. I get the fact that they can’t park their vehicles overnight on their street, but why can’t they park in their own driveway?It was actually over 6 months before I actually figured out who’s vehicles these were. There was a extended bed truck...

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I had just turned 20 the day before but it wasn’t exactly a rocking party or anything except that I woke with a huge hard on and I was wondering where the hell that came from because last night was just a quiet evening with my brother Matt and his family. “Hey you, you up?" it was Matt, who was going on a week long business/vacation tour with his wife Ellen and the two kids. I was staying back as I had a job interview during the week. I rubbed my eyes and drifted downstairs "Ok...

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BrattySis Rosalyn Sphinx Saved By The Pussy

Redhead spinner Rosalyn Sphinx is alarmed when her stepbrother Jason calls her in to help with what looks like blood on his dick. She can’t find any bandages. He tells her to use her panties to stop the bleeding and she agrees, dropping to her knees to get a closer look. When Jason tells her that she needs to suck the blood out to stop the bleeding, Rosalyn doesn’t hesitate to drop to her knees and start sucking. She quickly realizes that she has a mouthful of ketchup, but Jason...

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Getting Even With Big Sister

The set up was too perfect. Andrew had rigged up a mechanism to drop a ton of dirty laundry onto his big sister Helen’s head when she walked through the doorway. This was his revenge. A few days earlier, Helen had pranked him. The siblings always had some innocent fun at the expense of the other. It was all harmless and innocuous unless one of them thought the battle went too far. That rarely happened.Andrew wanted this one to have some shock impact so he’d set a few wash cloths at the top of...

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The Awakening of Chris

"Of course it is". I texted Paul back - ALL GD M8.....PARTY TIME!!!!! It was a bit embarrassing really. I am 22 years old and I was still living at home. But let me explain. My name is Chris Jackson. I left school when I was 16 when I scored a fantastic opportunity to do a course in photography and work as an assistant at a film production house. The pay wasn't great but it was something I was passionate about. I got to mix with some pretty inspirational and famous people, travel...

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Lust 3

In the morning, I woke up early and made breakfast. When the kids came down, I served them some cereal and grabbed the banana my daughter had put in her ass the night before and gave it to my son. I looked at my daughter’s face when she saw that it was the same she had used, and it was great. After that, they both went upstairs to get ready to leave and I took a shower so I could be ready for the security system people. After my shower I went back downstairs to get some stuff for the kids,...

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The Butler Didnt Do ItChapter 5

“Very good, sir.” Jeeves got out of the car and came round to open the passenger door for the President. His Excellency got out and walked round to the driver’s door. He got in and adjusted the seat to his own liking, while Jeeves ascended to the passenger seat. The President fetched the dark glasses out of his jacket pocket and handed them to Jeeves, who put them on. They were completely opaque. It was like being in a dark room, with only a glimmer of the morning light round the edges. The...

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Wendolyn Too Number 4 in STOPWATCHChapter 8 Bearly Hidden

"Crunchy?" "Yes, Momma. Crunchy and lumpy, too." "Take the bear down and put him in his regular spot. We'll have to check him when we get back. Unless you want to shop in Manitowoc. That's the next boat." "No thank you, momma. Manitowoc doesn't even sound like fun. We can dismember the bear when we get back. Ludington for a week doesn't sound like much, either." "Dress in your owners outfit while I get us a ride." Momma ran for the white house with the red stripe while I...

3 years ago
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Now This Wont Hurt A BitChapter 4

The four teens were so stunned that they did not hear all of Principal Bendon's opening words. All four could see the terrible black miasma around Laura Bendon's body, though with varying degrees of intensity. Melinda saw it as it was, her heart pounding so hard it ached, and had to bite her lip to stop herself from screaming. Heather saw it clearly as well, though the edges wavered a bit, and she had managed to quell her initial fight-or-flight response. Yet she trembled in her seat, her...

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