Lamb in Wolf s Clothing
- 2 years ago
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Karen had a sneaking suspicion that Eve would be in John's office for this session of confession. She also suspected the session would be recorded or piped to another place in the church were others could listen in. Many suspected the office was bugged. Karen was almost positive. There were too many of John's cronies' cars parked in the church lot and none of the owners in sight once she entered the church and made a cursory look around. They were all somewhere. The locked, soundproof choir room was a safe bet.
She knocked on the door to the Pastor's office and the door opened to let her in. There was Eve, spread-eagled over John's large oak desk, naked and fucked, sore and sticky with her wide crotch aimed at the chair offered to the confessor to sit in. John was the only other person in the room, smiling smugly, confidently seated behind his desk at the head of Eve. Since Eve was spread on the short axis, her head hung off John's side while her thin legs were pulled out in the splits along the long axis, placing her ass at the center of the desk, roughly eighteen inches from the front edge.
Karen studied the shocking vaginal display with casual interest, even as Eve lifted her head with matted hair and looked at her mother with eyes that were now experienced, tired, pleading--ENOUGH! Karen locked eyes to pass a message to hang in there and remember all they had talked about. When Eve got the message, her head fell back with a resigned thump on the drawer face followed by a sighing moan of despair.
Before taking the offered seat, Karen surveyed all the bright red weals all over Eve's body, especially on her hard, straining tits and all between her legs, thighs, and the portion of buttocks she could see. She then looked to smiling John and said, "You do try a mother. I hope you know that."
As Karen took her seat that would require them to converse over Eve's torso, he said, "Aren't I a rascal? I'm sick, Karen, but that fact is well documented. I'm in therapy, and I think the therapy is working. I haven't been that rough on her--seriously. There is not a mark on her luscious body that won't eventually go away, and she never bled, not once."
Karen perused the damage as she said, "I'm glad the therapy is working, but I'd like to see you try harder. [looking up] Everyone would. Dr. Jacob needs to be put on a tight leash. I can see he has been given his turn and been paid his fee."
"We're here to talk about you, Sister Karen, but I value your opinion. I won't leave her alone with him again. How's that?"
"If I thought that would inhibit him in any way, I'd be thrilled. Let me observe and I'll be impressed."
"I could arrange that, but could you stay out of it and just observe?"
"I would restrain myself, but I cannot promise to stay out of it, or not scratch his fucking eyes out."
"Your language, Sister Karen. We have a minor present. By the way, with an attitude like that, you can forget the invitation to observe a true master of molestation at work on such a fine specimen as your lovely daughter, but then you'll see a bit of his mastery on Sunday. In light of what I know, and knowing your reputation as a hot little spitfire, we may have to bind you to the chair."
"It's your church. Do as you wish, just remember, sooner or later, you must set me free."
"Is that a threat?"
"Just a fact. Look, I came here to make my confession and get absolution. If you're not willing to do my Celestial dry cleaning, I have laundry at home that needs doing."
"All right, Karen, let's cut the crap. You're still a Mormon at heart, so why are you here?"
"Because, I now have to decide whether to leave this church or join it in heart and spirit--get with the program in other words. You forced the issue when you snatched my daughter's snatch. I am not ready to tear my family away from a church they are bonded to... so, I'm joining. The confession, a full confession to bring me current, is my show of faith. I trust that a full and honest confession will make you go easy on Eve since you'll know I won't be running off to the authorities."
"Funny, I was thinking just the opposite. With you teetering on denouncing the faith, I'd be more cautious and lenient to keep you from going over the edge. You're giving me a carte blanche to do as I please with her. I smell a rat--a big fat rat."
"I'm trying to cooperate, John--Pastor John. Please, don't make this any more difficult on me than it already is. Look, my husband wants me to put your mind at ease, follow the rules, and get with the program. He feels left out, but the biggest reason is lying before me oozing sperm onto your desktop. Like you, he's a man. If you're going to be giving out pussy, he wants in the line, even if the line forms between his daughter's legs, especially if the line forms between his daughter's legs."
Eve lifted her head to see if her mother were serious as John said, "A man after my own heart. Makes sense, though I never knew Bobby boy had it in him. Your reaction to that doesn't make sense, however. I still smell rats."
"I love my husband. He loves his church. He loves his daughter, but the church is on a kinky path at present. He figures God must have his reasons for leading us down this twisted path--so be it. As his wife, what I think matters very little. If I were the most faithful of the faithful, what I thought wouldn't matter in the least. In brief, he is willing to follow your lead, even in this decadence that strikes close to home. You lead him; he leads me--to a point."
"Bob is a good man, a smart man and excellent driver. He wasn't smart or excellent last night, but I understand."
"Yes, and so does he. Anyway, here I am ready to fess up and I won't object to my daughter bearing witness though I know there are rules against that somewhere. You're a pervert and I accept that. I fully expected her to be here. I half expected her to be like this. Now, shall we get on with this, or do you wish to send me on my way and let me off the hook with my spiritual leader and bread winner?"
"You finally make sense, and now your actions last night make sense. From the preview I heard, kinky suits you to a tee. Frankly, some of the shit I heard made me blush, and some made me sick to my stomach. I think the biggest problem you've had adjusting to our church is we were too tame and boring for you."
"If you want the truth, it was too hypocritical for me. At least, when I decide to make a full confession, I will tell the unvarnished truth even though I know I may as well be telling it from the pulpit. If you people are right, and a meteor hits this church right after I'm done, I'll have the whitest robes at the gate."
"Well then, I'm eager to hear what you have to say, and since you are no hypocrite and you say you don't mind if your confession is made public, I'd like your permission to record it."
"I'm sure you would, but I'm no fool. Some of what I have done can land me in jail. No, I am holding you to your vow of secrecy. If any of this gets out, and I'm sure it will, at least you can never use it against me."
"Smart girl."
"I am, and I'm smart enough to know others are listening in violation of church law and church ethics. Again, let me remind them, that I can bring them up on charges as well. Listen close and tell all your friends, but if anything said here is ever used against me, I'll be at the Emerald City talking to the Wizard as fast as an airplane can get me there."
"Okay, Sister Karen. I think we have a good understanding. Please speak in a loud clear voice. Begin at the beginning, leave nothing out, use common language, and end with what you did last night in minute detail."
"All right. Once upon a time, in a land far away..."
"Very cute, Karen. Now, cut the comedy and make your confession. Start with your earliest memory of having sinned."
Karen settled back smiling, then began, "My first sin happened when I was eight, or that is my first conscious memory of sinning. I became fascinated with my dog's cock and wanted to touch it. [Eve's head came shooting up.] Touching led to an erection that looked so good that I just had to put my mouth on it and suck, which made the dog start fucking, which led to me getting a mouthful of gooey stuff that tasted funny but not unpleasant, so I swallowed."
Eve's expression revealed her absolute shock as John said, "I told you to cut the comedy. We're here to conduct serious church business. If you won't take this seriously, we'll end it right here."
"I am serious, damnit. I'm telling you exactly what happened whether you choose to believe me or not."
John relaxed with a smile, but Eve still strained up to stare at her mother in absolute shocked and stunned mortification. Karen could tell that she not only convinced John, she had Eve totally convinced as well. Karen shrugged to Eve and then went on, "I kept sucking off the dogs we had and a few from the neighborhood until my mother caught me at it and that's when I learned I had sinned and had to go confess my sin to the Bishop. That's what we call our church Pastor, and he's the one who takes confession. We also make confession in private, usually in his office. Mom waited outside the office. When he heard what I did, he wanted me to show him on his wanger, so I did, and he gave me a mouthful of gooey stuff that tasted almost as good as puppy juice--naturally, I gobbled it all down."
Eve still hadn't let her head down, and her expression never changed--absolute shock. John, on the other hand, had his cock out and was jacking off, loving every word, believing every word, and loving the way she told her story. He excitedly prompted, "Then what?"
"Well, he said I should let the doggie fuck me, then described what that was by using his finger in my virgin pussy. He showed me how to get on all fours like girl dogs do, and then he inserted his finger and made a rapid fucking motion that gave me my first climax. Seemed like a fun thing to me, and he was the Bishop, so I did, and I got caught. Mom had a fit, took me back to the Bishop, and he fucked me."
"I love it. Go on."
"Mom was at her wit's end with me, because she kept catching me either sucking or fucking dogs even after she took our two to the pound and had them put to sleep. She couldn't figure out why the Bishop couldn't scare me onto the straight and narrow path. Naturally, I didn't tell her he was fucking me. Eventually, she gave up and didn't try to prevent me from getting together with the dogs. She'd allow me to bring them into our house rather than risk me getting caught outdoors--again. I think..."
"Wait a minute! You got caught outdoors?"
"Yes, several times, and one time, our next door neighbors called an ambulance because we were stuck. That happened a lot with the bigger dogs. It always happened with their German Shepherd. It was no big deal. You just had to wait till the swelling went down and his dick knot went away, but they wouldn't listen to me. They panicked. Mom was so embarrassed. Luckily, by the time the paramedics arrived, it was all over and I was wrapped in a blanket. They still took me to the hospital. I'll bet you two or three dozen people looked up my snatch. I don't know what they were looking for. They washed all the puppy juice out."
"Karen, you are amazing."
"That's what they said. Anyway, I was ten when she gave up and allowed me to do my dirty business in the house. She even let me replace the dogs she got rid off. I got to pick them out. I picked big ones with big dicks, the kind that are great for sucking and fucking. She got to where she could watch me suck them both off and not get sick. Watching me fuck them was no problem for her by then. By the time I was eleven, she could masturbate to it, and by age twelve, she'd often do one while I did another. Mostly, she liked watching me while she frigged off or fucked herself with a big dildoe she ordered by mail."
Eve now saw through her mother and knew this was a story, a fantasy, but she was amazed that her mother would make such a confession knowing others were listening and the word would get around to everyone in the congregation as fact. Eve could also see that Pastor John bought the story as fact and was beside himself, pounding his tired pud like a horny choir boy peeking in on the girl's shower room.
The scene and the story were having their effect on Eve. She didn't think it were possible, but her body was turning on to the obscene narrative. She had a good imagination that could offer up clear mental images. These images made her nipples pucker and her pussy blossom before her mother's eyes.
Karen took note of the physical response as John said, "Fuck, this is hot stuff, Karen! Do go on."
"Daddy eventually found out about the dogs. He walked in on me getting the stuffings fucked out of me by a large bulldog with Mom sitting in a chair beside us, fucking herself with her mail-order dildoe. Off we both go to the Bishop. She first, then me. I think I'm going to get fucked, but when I go in, he can't get it up. When I try to suck it up, it's all smelly like pussy, plus it was all wet and sticky. He had me lick his holy cock and balls all clean, and I was halfway through when it dawned on me that he had fucked my mom. By then, I thought she tasted pretty good, so I licked him real good."
"Shit hot, Karen. You still love eating pussy, don't you?"
"Oh, yes, especially freshly fucked young pussy like the one set before me."
"Be my guest. Take a break."
"Don't mind if I do."
And with that, with Eve straining up to watch, Mommy dove on the soiled messy muff and gobbled fuck, making Eve go cross-eyed, popping John's cork, raining globs of sperm down on both of them as he is describing the action to an unseen audience.
Karen gave Eve an orgasm before returning to her seat, leaving Eve panting and cross-eyed. Evidently, her orgasms had been few and far between and she needed that one very badly. When her eyes again refocused, she seemed content to be lying spread out on a pervert's desk with four and a half more days to go, no longer counting the hours.
Karen knew she'd done Eve a world of good. A good orgasm always did work wonders on her sexually shy and reserved daughter. The plan seemed very right. Karen could imagine those listening in looked a lot like John--wasted with pleasure, awed by someone truly kinky. When he could regain full composure and was back in his huge leather chair, he said, "I'm impressed, Karen. Until I saw you go down on your daughter and eat that mess out of her pussy so enthusiastically, I thought you might be pulling my leg. You're one kinky bitch, Sister Karen, the kinkiest to ever grace this room in my tenure."
"Thank you. I am actually relieved to be bringing this all out in the open. Now, I can live my life more openly and honestly. To tell you the truth, I'm now glad that you abducted Eve and that you'll have her for so long."
While Eve pretended shock and dismay for John's benefit, she knew that her mother read her new feelings correctly and knew she was willing to experience this bizarre situation to the fullest, taking the good with the bad for the sake of the experience, trusting that God had his reasons.
John looked intrigued as he said, "Is that a fact?"
"Yes, she needs this experience, the full treatment, so I won't be asking for leniency or an early release."
Eve's head once again thumped the desktop. This time, the painful thump was intentional. John smiled and said, "I know what I mean by the full treatment, but what do you mean?"
"Well, you have her for five days, and you have a congregation full of horny men who lust after her. You could make a lot of points in five days by being generous with her sexy pussy. You can start with her daddy. He'd feel a great deal better about this if he were feeling a great deal better."
"I'll do that, but what about Dr. Jacob? In five days, I could score a lot of points with him, too."
"I would rather you didn't, and I can't imagine why you need his points, but she's all yours with my blessing. Just be aware that if you or anyone else fucks her up, I'll be pissed, and I am still a tiger mom. She's my baby girl, always will be. Don't think with your dick or let anyone else think with their dick, because it will be your dick in my claws and your balls in my jaws."
"I think we have a good understanding, so let's not get into any further threats. Just be aware that she'll suffer plenty but she will recover and not be scarred physically or mentally. We have not permanently hurt any of them, and Eve won't be the first. You have my word, but also know that no one will have gone through one tenth the suffering that Eve will suffer and her ordeal on Sunday will be, shall we say, very uncomfortable for her and her parents."
"I think she knows that by now. You won't need to restrain me. My attitude is, what doesn't kill you makes you strong. Go ahead and make her as strong as you can, just don't permanently harm her, physically or mentally, and I'll thank you when it's all over by getting down on my knees and sucking your cock."
"In front of everyone present?"
"Of course."
"It'll be standing room only, a full house, maybe twenty-five or thirty onlookers, all members of the congregation except for Dr. Jacob. Half will be first-time attendees. Does the offer still stand?"
"No, if that's the case, then I want to be stripped naked, forced to my knees, and ordered to suck you off. I think that would look better to the newbies. Of course, your regulars are listening in, so they'll know the true score."
"I like the way you think."
"I thought you might. As a further incentive not to get too carried away with making her strong, I'll go one further and go along with serving as your whores, both of us, church whores, good pussy you don't have to abduct--pussy you can share to win friends and influence people. [lifting her skirt and draping her legs over the chair's armrests] I think you'll find that we both have excellent pussy between our legs."
John was on his feet and en route to check out the beaver she so blatantly offered, narrating as he went, "Damn, Karen, that's a fine cunt you're showing me and your daughter. [He arrived, knelt, and felt] Nice shave, bald and smooth as a baby's behind. Nice and wet. Nice tight fuck hole, a full, fleshy cunt, and not one bit bashful. I like that in a whore."
"Bitch whore. I still fuck dogs. I hope that doesn't turn you off, but I find that mutt cock keeps my cunt in great shape, and mutt sperm seems to be good for the complexion, don't you agree?"
"Most assuredly, and it is by no means a turn off, although Eve might feel differently about serving the Lord as a bitch whore."
She certainly did by the look on her face, one that begged her mother not to send her down the Rover path because they'd do it for real. Karen noted the look, but said, "When called, you serve. She knows that. She'll make you an excellent bitch whore. I can assure you that she won't whine or whimper when you breed her or set her to nurse on canine cock."
[THUMP, groan, real this time]
John returned to his chair and patted the little bitch's cunt on the way, saying, "She doesn't seem to share your enthusiasm for interspecies mating, but I think she'll adjust before Sunday."
Karen smiled and said, "I think she'd better."
"Oh, she'll learn to love serving as a bitch in public. I'll make you a promise that she'll be a bitch in heat by then. She absolutely hates being struck between the legs with a flexible thin rod, especially when it hits the mark, her tender clit."
"I see you've hit the mark quite often already. You do know a girl's weakness. I'm sure she'll respond to her calling and make us all proud, assuming you don't spare the rod and spoil the child."
Eve lifted her head and said her first words: "Mom, why are you doing this to me? Don't you realize, they'll actually do it. They'll make me do it with people looking on, people we know, guys I go to school with. I'll never be able to show my face again, ever."
"Then show them your cute ass, Eve, but make things easy on yourself and be a good bitch for them. Accept your calling. Until God gives us another Pastor, you are a bitch whore. Odds are, the next Pastor will want you to remain a bitch whore, so you're looking at six years of service--minimum. Start thinking like a bitch. While you're at it, start thinking like a whore."
[THUMP, groan, real again]
John was pleased as punch and had a new erection to play with as he said, "Let's get back to your confession. I believe when we left off you were twelve and had tasted pussy, and your father knew you were a bitch."
"He didn't know I was hooked until he caught me and Mom in action a few more times over the next two years. By the time I entered puberty, he was sure. We had a new Bishop by then, my dad. Like you, we also do confession to gain absolution, so what Dad didn't see, he heard about."
John said, "Why would you confess the truth? I thought you Mormons didn't believe in Hell."
"We don't, but the Celestial Kingdom has levels depending on the whiteness of your robes, and we do have a hell of sorts--nothingness--nonexistence--absence of God--worse than Hell, so we always sought absolution even when the only man who could give it was husband and father. We were fucked because we couldn't stop, and Mom was having affairs at the time, so she was doubly fucked, plus, we were eating each other out by then. She had to tell him everything she was up to. We had daily confessions throughout his tenure, but we could do our confessing at home, so that was convenient."
"Oh fuck!"
"Yeah. Poor Daddy had a rough two-year tenure, because as husband and father, he had to act like he knew nothing, and as Bishop, he had to hear and absolve. Bishops can't punish; they can only listen and absolve."
"Holy shit, so he was powerless to do anything?"
"He was because he was a righteous man and a faithful Bishop. He lived the word of God and the Doctrine and Covenants--our church law. Yours and ours are pretty much the same. While he was our Bishop, his hands were tied, but as soon as he returned to being a regular member, boy did we get it. Mom really got it because she was eight months pregnant by her black lover, and Daddy knew the black guy knocked her up because she confessed to going along with the guy just because knocking up the Bishop's wife turned him on."
"Fuck, your mother was a bitch in her own right."
"In her own way, she was as devout as my dad, just sexually weak where big, black dicks were concerned. She confessed the plan before she went off the pill, and confessed to planning their fucks when she'd be ovulating. Daddy knew when she screwed, every time she screwed, and he knew when she missed her first period. He knew that he'd raise another man's bastard, a black one, and boy was that kid dark--kinky-haired and very dark."
"What did he do?"
"Mostly, yell and threaten a lot, but only after stepping down from the Bishopric. He returned to a cheating wife that couldn't even stop while he was her Bishop, and a daughter hooked on mutts in the same house. He had to live with it, but he eventually broke down and screwed me. He wasn't made of stone. Of course, the first time, he got sloppy seconds after a dog. He even had to wait his turn, but after breaking the incest ice, he took pussy when he had to have it and became a regular at confession, same as us."
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Adam looked at his reflection in the mirror. ”Looking good” he told himself. As he should. Adam had always been a pretty boy. But in the past year he had also pressed himself hard in the gym. Like many guys his age he had focused especially hard on his butt. And it had not been in vain. His once petite little boy butt, had become a respectable booty. Now was the time to put it to use!30 minutes later Adam parked his car at the beach, and removed the clothes he had wore over his swim trunks. No...
Hi ISS I am Jasmeet Kaur Gill how are you yar main yaha apni first story send kar rahi hoo app sab ko padh kar hi pata chal jaye ga k main sach bol rahi hu k jhoth… Main Punjab Main Ludhiana k Pass ek gaon hai Barundi waha ki rehne wali hu… Papa School Main DP Master hai or Mami wahi par Principal hain. Meri mami bhi Bohat cudakad hai khob lund apni chut aur gand main pilwati hai. Abb apni story par ati hun jab main first time Chudi thi apne bhai main koi 22years ki thi aur bhai 20 ka...
Very few stars were visible in the blackening sky, and when the heavy fog accompanied it, the entire setting became somewhat unsettling. The fog set in once they entered Down, passing the city limits littered with bodies. Driving through Down was even worse, the bodies were mangled in an even worse fashion than they had been in Aftersun, and what with the fog and the ever threatening heavens, Nick, Matt, and Michelle found themselves shaking a bit. ‘God damn,’ Michelle uttered from the back...
Brian hummed happily as he tapped his hands on the steering wheel of his Buick LeSabre, careening down the road on his way home. He’d been away on a business trip for three days, and had just left the airport after arrival. He was very pleased that he was only a half hour away from his eight year old son Mark and Elizabeth, his wife of eight years. Brian was thirty two years of age, one year senior to his wife. He was an enigneer for Doldrum Plastics and had to go work on some stupid project...
Nick’s head hurt. His eyes opened to a somewhat disheveled scene, not remembering how he got there. He was lying on a stained and damp bed in a cold and dark room. He sat up and further observed his dank surroundings, Noting the cobwebs covering a good portion of the walls that encased the room. There was a bleak ray of light poking in from a boarded up window across the room. Rubbing his aching head, Nick apprehensively walked toward it. He peered through to see it raining outside. There was...
Nick gleefully approached the vehicle with a bit of a jump in his step. He bent forward toward the driver’s window as it rolled down and a male police officer turned his head to him. Nick excitedly addressed him. ‘Hello, officer,’ he beamed. The cop cut him off with his hand in a somewhat impatient manner. ‘What the hell is going on in this town?’ Nick’s smile flickered. ‘I…I haven’t the slightest clue. I thought that you-‘ ‘I’m up here because we lost contact with a car in this area about...
‘There’s my house!’ Michelle had never been so relieved to see her house as she now was. Nick and Matt stopped behind her at the old rusty gate. She turned to them, about to invite them inside with her. ‘Say, Michelle,’ Matt started, ‘how about you go in while Nick and I keep an eye on things out here?’ The suggestion reminded her that they couldn’t rest easy until they were out of Down and among the living. She nodded meekly and opened the gate, closing it gingerly behind her. ‘And could...
Nick and Matt quickly ran out of the police station and straight for the car. The rain was pouring harder than ever, and the sky had grown even darker. Nick made a Miami Vice-esque dive across the car’s hood and hurriedly got inside. Matt turned the keys and sped off. ‘You know how to get out of here?’ Nick asked frantically. ‘Of course,’ Matt assured him. ‘I didn’t just wake up here.’ Suddenly, another thing occurred to Nick. ‘Do you have a watch?’ Matt chuckled. ‘We’ve got something after...
‘Is that Hillton?’ Matt wondered aloud. Nick shrugged and shook his head. ‘I couldn’t tell you.’ They continued up the path until it stopped at a precipice. Matt walked ahead of Nick and looked down to see another pathway headed downwards. He looked over to Nick. ‘We can jump down,’ he said assuredly. Nick looked over and leaped down. He landed hard on his feet, the ground beneath him shaking and cracking underneath his weight. He moved over and waited for Matt to hop down. He laughed. ‘That...
Maynard drove frenetically, hoping to reach the entrance before Nick could. He had no idea how long ago he’d woken up, and thus knew he had to secure it fast. Maynard did have a plan in advance, he just didn’t think he’d need to use it so soon. Beforehand, Maynard had set C4 up in the mountains on either side of the road leading into Aftersun. He had the detonator in his coat and it was ready to blow at any second, but he needed to be sure that Nick was still in the town. Or that at least the...
Nick, shaken, managed to follow Matt to the Nova. Matt checked the ignition, the keys were in. Nick stood next to Matt as Matt testily turned to him. ‘What, did you want to drive?’ Nick backed up, not saying a word. Matt was a tad puzzled. ‘What the hell?’ Nick shook his head and walked over to the passenger’s side. He opened the door and sat, never making a sound. He’d been pushed over the proverbial edge. Matt got in and turned the key, giving Nick a hard look. ‘You okay?’ Nick’s face...
Even the most populous cities can seem repetitive when all the streets are empty, namely when you’re driving around the outskirts of such a city for a prolonged amount of time. Matt began to notice how the road seemed to repeat itself before Nick did, but he didn’t want to mention anything. Nick had become more and more excitable as time wore on, and he could understand why despite the fact that he was a jaded suburbian police officer. Matt had been on the force for a while, and he’d seen...
Officer Richard Littel was patrolling the outskirts of Hillton with his partner Dan Freese. They had received a call regarding suspicious activities further up the road and had been called upon to investigate. So far, however, they had found nothing. The dark and rainy environment did not make looking out the window easy, and the light did not help much. Overall, Richard and Dan were about to give up. ‘Shit, Richard,’ Dan muttered. ‘You could’ve let someone else take the call.’ Richard shook...
I am in a happy in my relationship. . My boyfriend and I had be together for about 5 1/2 years years . I have never had thoughts of cheating on him. Physically I am an average 35 year old middle class white collar guy. I have a thin build and I'm about 5'5 1/2"." I have never been in a fight in my life and I have not been exposed to a lot of riffraff. I guess hindsight is 20/20, I can see where I could have avoided one of the most dramatic experiences of my life if I had just had some street...
Summer 2018Lust balls or Ben Wa balls aroused my curiosity. Albeit I knew what most of the sex toys do, I was baffled when I saw those little balls, which would not look out of place in the cat toy aisle of a pet store given their size and bright or metallic coloring. I googled, read a lot of exciting articles and decided I have to have one.I went to an adult store, an attractive girl in her early twenties assisted me. She was dressed in a sheer black long top and a red G-string thong. She...
I confess that it has been almost a year now since I did my older sister in all of her womanly openings at a time when we both found the temptation of the flesh was too overwhelming to ignore any longer. Since that time, I have done my best to not enter her feminine folds but we had a mutual agreement that oral and anal coupling was not particularly incestuous and it was a heck of a lot safer than the dangers of an unwanted pregnancy. Right now, she is twenty and I am nineteen, so we are...
Short Stories for Slave abby A Long Wait for Slave abby There is a hole in the ground, a narrow hole about 3ft deep. At the top of the hole there is a winding mechanism, attached to a firm metalplate, which is in turn securely fastened to the ground. Slave abby is standing nearby. She is dressed in a 1-piece rubber suit thatcovers her from her neck to her feet. She wears a collar around her neck, andthe zipper of the suit is padlocked to the collar, which is itself padlockedshut. There is...
It might have been different ... it might not have happened at all ... if just one thing had changed. If the Big Bang had been neither, but a small whimper instead. If one of the countless nanoseconds of events since had occurred sooner, or later, or here instead of there, or even—not at all. If one of the acts of intent, of negligence, of animal instinct; the acts of rage and sorrow and love and laughter; the acts of God ... if only one had been different. But Rome fell, the Santa Maria...
"Room for three please" the voice said.I was sitting at the computer looking at a blue screen with Fatal Error written on it and hatching a plan to assassinate Bill Gates when I heard her voice. I was in such a disbelieving state that I hadn't even heard her come in or the car pull into the drive. I almost said "Do you?" but I refrained."Sorry." I said swivelling around. "bloody computer just carked it.""Always at the most inconvenient moment." she said."bloody oath." I said, "So you'd like a...
About the time David and Bob met, June let herself into Abby's kitchen. She spotted her friend in her usual chair with her usual mug. What worried her was the unfocused look in Abby's eyes. "Abby? Honey? What's the matter? Did I see Aaron with a cast on his arm? What happened? Abby? Abby! You're scaring me, Abby." That was enough to nudge Abby from her fugue. She looked at June and started to weep. June dove into a chair and held Abby to her chest. She rocked her friend until Abby...
Isabella could feel the warmth of the sun blanketing her body as the light slowly woke her from a very restful night. She enjoyed the feeling of the warm light and snuggled the soft body next to her. It took her a moment but she realized before long that she was not snuggling Ethan, and he was not even in bed. She started a bit before she remembered he had said something about having to go to a job early so instead she settled to enjoy snuggling Paula a bit more in the morning sun.Paula was...
Love StoriesAlex was glad to get out onto the streets of Oklahoma City. While he was afraid of attracting more attention to himself following the shooting in Dallas, he didn't like the idea of hiding in the hotel room any more than Cate did. What's more, the idea that Cate might have some ideas on how his 'automatic boost' ability worked had him enthused. If they could crack that nut, it would really improve things for his followers and for himself as well. As necessary as boosting people was, he...
Donna was in a bitchy mood when she slammed the door shut behind her. The flight home had seemed painfully long, and the weather-induced layover in Miami hadn't helped. But worst of all, it was only Wednesday afternoon. Who'd have thought the bastard would have such a small prick, she thought, and even worse, no idea at all what to do with it. Well, at least I got the first flight out on Monday. Throwing her bags down in the front hall, Donna went to the kitchen and poured herself a glass...
After dinner I’ve noticed that the wine is starting to take effect. You’re slowly letting go of you inhibitions, and curiosity is taking over. You pose the question of the eye hooks that in the door frame to my bed room. I reply that’s to tie you up. The image in your mind makes you blush a little, but the grin on your face says that you’re just curious enough. Taking you by the hand I lead you down the hall. Stopping at the door I push you against the wall with a firm kiss. Our tongues trading...
Being only thirteen and nearly broke was not the best thing in the world as the summer holidays were ending. My buddies were in the same boat. We were always daydreaming about what we would do with a pocket full of money. The summer was nearly over and my total earnings to date amounted to $35.20. With the cost of my wants, that wouldn't last very long. I had canvassed the neighborhood for small jobs such as cutting grass and painting with little luck. All the boys were available for the...
The rest of my day was pretty quiet. I spent a lot of it simply tidying up and doing various chores including my emails. Jan got home about 7-ish and we had dinner before watching a movie and retiring for the night, she having to work earlies. The following day, having seen Jan off to work, I checked my facebook account to see that Valerie was off today and had no plans. Well, I thought, as I sent her a text, this could be interesting. I soon received a text back asking if I'd like to...
“I have something for you Sir.†You said with a minx look in your dark eyes. The Office Tease Part 3 Her heels clicked with a purpose this afternoon across the tiled office floor. Ms. Kutsenko walked up to her boss’s desk after gently closing the office door. It was Wednesday, past 5 and he had chosen to work late on Wednesdays for some reason. There was no question they had labored closely together during the last month on the company’s recent development project and had acquired a...
Affair***** There’ll be a few things happening in this chapter, though all of them are at least during the same couple of weeks and I present them here in order, so that ought to be a bit of a relief to some. U-161 is on its way to its prime mission objective while Ullmann quietly fights off his desire to murder Wilhelm just out of wanting to rid the world in general and his crew specifically of one particular idiot. There are a few surprises for a pair of sleepy little island harbours as well. ...
His skin is so smooth. So soft and warm, it glides under my lips as I make my way down along the side of his gorgeous neck, lubricating him with my saliva in the process. We’re cuddling on the sofa in his cramped, dim bedroom. Posters of bands I’ve never heard of or seen, random drawings, strange quotations all adorn his walls. I don’t think about that much though, as he’s breathing smiles into my hair. I’m with him right now, and that’s all that matters to me at the moment. He’s in my arms,...
Francesca Schiavone****age 29 Almost the whole world, didnt think she had a chance.She is the first Italian woman, to win a Grand Slam single. 6-4 7-6 at the French Open. Also Venus and Serena Williams won their fourth consecutive major doubles title Friday at the French Open. 6-2 6-3Serena is #1 Venus is now #2 in singles. Also the Williams sister are now #1 in doubles. Schiavone #17 will be rank in the top 10 after the great job she did at the French Open. A few pictures...
Six months later ... at the in-laws’ Aspen house... “Do you, Steve, take this woman, Amrita, to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, to love, cherish, and protect, for better or worse, in sickness and in health, for rich or for poor, for as long as you both shall live?” Horace, serving as both officiator and father of the groom (he was an ordained minister in our new church), noticeably left out the whole “forsaking all others” nonsense. “I do,” Steve...
Ella Ed's Toy Ed woke hearing Ella showering. She came out with only a towel on her hair. She passed in front of the mirror and glimpsed him watching her naked ass. Ella swayed it, then bent forward reaching into her pantie drawer. She saw his eyes peer between her legs at her downward hanging labia. She knew it hung flapped wide below her ass cheeks like open curtains. She turned saying “Hi Baby”. She walked toward him telling him that she knew he didn't get to see her “ugliness” all fresh...
I was sitting in my little boat happily chatting with those on the shore, when someone crept up and cut the tether, leaving me to float further and further from human companionship. The tears well up in my eyes, and I search frantically for the paddles, but there are none. There is only me, the boat, and the vast blue ocean, dead and silent. When my boat brushes by islands, the inhabitants stare at me with distrust, perhaps even disgust for the fact that I am a lone woman floating on the sea....
Hello all, this is Rida again with my second part of my story. I am a horny girl with a figure of 36d-34-38 kinda voluptuous. Without wasting time I will go to my story. After having steamy sex with my bf in the parking lot we were still not satisfied and wanted more, the thought of having sex in my own bedroom with my mom in the same home was making me and my harddick both horny. I was dressed back in the dress in which I had left home, but this time I did not wear my bra and panty.. I removed...
Today something great and very special happen to me. I saw my old lady neighbor pissing in her garden. About 5m far from me. I didn't seen her cunt, but saw her naked ass, and pussy over panties. There is a high grass, so she had to be in some middle standing pose. Her ass was in height of my cock. As she pose for fuck behind. I wank on her for about 15 years. I love her ass when she is bent down working in garden. It is most beautiful ass I ever seen. She never wear pants. Only skirts.I was in...
Stacy shifted uncomfortably on the passenger seat as Greg slammed on the brakes at another stoplight. She wanted to lean back so that the shoulder belt didn’t dig into her neck so much, but the knife in her back really made things difficult. It was Halloween, and they were on their way to a friend’s house for a costume party. Stacy had found an old cheerleading outfit at the thrift store and, with her long dark-blonde hair drawn back in a high ponytail, she looked perfectly...
Life is smooth and going on, no issues or problems, student life is the best one can have in life, now they are things of past, only pleasurable moments linger, here is one, I was studying in college and age 20, I have had my share of sex experience by that time, and I cannot call myself an expert but know how and what. We had this family next door to ours, mother, father and two daughters, they were sweet little siblings, one was of my age and studying in the same class but in a different...
Incest“Wow! You gotta read this, babe! It’s hilarious!” Amber called out to her boyfriend, Jason. “Can’t, the shootout is about to start,” Jason replied as he ran from the kitchen with a cold beer in hand from the refrigerator, back to the couch in Amber’s living room. “Stupid hockey,” Amber mumbled to herself, and called out to Jason, “Never mind then, sweetie!” Amber was in the process of writing an essay on human sexuality. Much to her disappointment, the professor had each student write down a...
BDSMgo to Los Angeles a fair bit for work and stay in the OC.I was feeling pretty horny and jumped online and found a place that I might find a cock or two. It was 24/7 sex shop and read a couple of reviews saying there were some gloryholes so thought that is a place to start.It was a pretty quiet area and the shop was really well stocked with the normal porn videos, toys and all the stuff. The video booths were out the back and it was about 8pm and there were a few guys hanging around so made my...
Taking the shower out of its holder you play the jets over your pubic area and its not long before the jets stray onto your pussy and that really does send s warm glow through your body, you put one hand down and spread your lips wide so that the jets of water hit your inner self, you cant help yourself, and you find your finger is gently probing inside your slippery pussy, first one finger then two find their way inside your love hole, you put your leg onto the side to give you easier access...