Lamb in Wolf s Clothing
- 2 years ago
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Eve was being kept prisoner in the home of Pastor John. Though he had no wife, he had five significant others and their children to serve as jailers. Most of the younger children and babies were his, but most of those over the age of twelve weren't. John ran what amounted to a home for divorcees with no place to go and nothing to do with children to raise. He had turnover but the current batch had been with him for many years.
In all, there were twenty eight children, roughly half were his. Three of the women and two older teenagers worked outside the home and two women and three teens took care of the home and large communal family. Each woman had her own bedroom which she shared with her own children in one king-size bed, and it didn't matter if her three kids were all teenage boys as was the case with newcomer, June Harper, a three-year resident. John wanted it that way and insisted that everyone sleep in the nude. June always looked tired.
He at least had the decency to take his pick to the master bedroom which was his alone though he never slept alone, and he never had to sleep with the same female twice in a two week period. He had that much legal pussy under his roof. None of that pussy, however, was getting enough attention. Okay, June Harper was. The rest were restless and adding Eve to the mix, seeing her get one man after another for days on end only made matters worse.
When Karen arrived on Friday morning with her four dogs and four more she borrowed from two other families, revolution was in the air, and as usual, the man of the house was oblivious to it. Part of the problem was that the man of the house was never in the house. Sure, they had the teenage boys, but only one was over fifteen and he was gay. The other five were little guys in every way, and three of those only had eyes for their mommy, so that left two little guys to try satisfying fourteen pussies.
Those women and girls needed cock--construction worker cock, sailor cock, truck driver cock, men with cocks and big hairy balls. Everyone else in the church community was liberated, but the Pastor's bitches had no cock to be liberated with. The church men, the only men they ever came in contact with, would not touch the Pastor's private stock, and the Pastor's women were ready to revolt when Karen arrived like the prick fairy with eight male dogs.
One by one, those dogs were led off to secluded places. By the time Karen rounded all eight up again, they were useless. No amount of massaging could coax an erection, and one growled at her for trying. All Karen did was turn her back for thirty minutes while she went to talk with Eve, trying to convince her, once again, that mating with dogs was a good thing and doing it in public was the best thing. That was all the time it took those horny bitches to drain her mutts, and she never did get through to Eve. If anything, Eve became more adamant than ever to do all of her mating within her own species.
Nothing was going the way it should. Karen was pissed and demanded to interrupt a confession to speak directly with Pastor John. Evelyn Robinson patched her through. When Karen finally got him on the line, she yelled, "God damnit, your fucking bitches drained my dogs!"
"To whom do you wish to speak, ma'am?"
"I'm not amused, John. I have two days to get a reluctant bitch trained and come up with a mutt fuck act, and your fucking wives and slut daughters drained every dog I have, all eight. They sucked 'em, fucked 'em, and left their balls bone dry. One dog even growled at me when I tried to jack him hard. You need to start taking care of the home front and stop fucking everyone else's pussy. At least, send men here and say have at it. You're facing a mass walkout if you don't. These bitches are horny, John, and you should be ashamed of yourself for letting things get this way."
"Ma'am, I'm just installing a phone extension in the choir director's office. Who was it you were looking for, and where does he live?"
Karen brought the phone to her hip with her hand cupping the mouthpiece. "SHIT! That ignorant assed Evelyn patched me to a fucking telephone repairman." Karen brought the phone up and said, "I must have a wrong number, but his address is 319 Sycamore in Brentwood Hills. I think they need their phones checked frequently. Better bring a large crew. After hours and weekends are fine, all except Sunday mornings."
Karen dialed the church number again and got Evelyn again:
"The Church of All One God in Christ. Sister Evelyn Robinson speaking. How may I help you?"
"You can help me by patching me through to the fucking Pastor, not the god damn telephone guy."
"Is that you again, Karen?"
"Yes, it's me."
"Well, they put this new phone system in, and I'll be switched if I can figure it out."
"Well get someone who can, or go get John and put him on this phone."
"I'll get him."
Karen waited and tapped her foot. Three minutes later, John answered.
"John, I have two days to get a reluctant bitch trained and come up with a mutt fuck act, and your fucking wives and slut daughters drained every dog I have, all eight. They sucked 'em, fucked 'em, and left them bone dry. One even growled at me when I tried to jack him hard. You need to start taking care of the home front and stop fucking everyone else's pussy. At least, send men here and say have at it. You're facing a mass walkout if you don't. These bitches are horny, John, and you should be ashamed of yourself for letting things get this way, and I told those very words to your telephone installer because your half-wit secretary patched me through to him."
"I see. That's not good."
"No it's not. I can't get anything done here, and Eve is not fucking anymore humans, so why don't I take her home and train her there? We can rehearse there, too. My place is private. I'll place a sign on the door that says the house is being quarantined, no visitors."
"Fine, you handle it. Whatever you need, let Evelyn know... make that, Elder Donaldson. He'll be your gopher, and we have funds for this, but let's keep it under five-hundred."
"I won't need much, and thank you for trusting my judgment."
"I have to, Karen. I'm up to my clerical collar in bitches and wannabe sluts. Everyone expects to come in here, tell a hot story, and then get screwed. They're killing me. I'm beginning to hate pussy and my office reeks of it."
"Good, serves you right. I hope you drown in it."
"What did I ever do to you?"
"For one, you kidnapped and gang raped my child."
"Other than that."
"I have to go. I have real work to do."
"Yeah, I must get back to the grind myself. See you at the theater. Break a leg."
"Throw your back."
Eve was glad to be going home, but not happy about going home with eight male dogs--three in the front seat and five in the back. Before they'd gone a mile, Eve cried, "Mother, these mutts are impossible. Can't we put some in the trunk?"
"We only have a few miles to go. If you'd let them sniff and lick, they'd settle down."
"I hate being licked. God, they are so disgusting--STOP IT! DOWN!"
"You stop it, Eve. Sit on your hands and part your legs."
"Mom, no! I have no underwear on."
"I know, that's why they're so wound up. They smell pussy, now do as I say. I mean it, Eve, or I'll turn this car around and leave you at that house."
Eve fumed but reluctantly followed orders and got licked in the crotch as soon as her legs were six inches apart. Her mother wasn't satisfied with six inches. Her legs had to be as wide as possible. When that was the case, all three were licking her between the legs, on her legs, inside her twat, and one great big sombitch in back behind her mother was steadily licking her face, and he seemed to be after her saliva. His tongue kept swiping over her mouth, trying to pry inside. Every time Eve tried to talk, his tongue got in. He was so fast, she couldn't believe it. She'd no sooner open her mouth in protest when her mouth would fill with tongue. Every protest got cut off this way. She literally could not get a word in edgewise.
Karen saw this oral tongue fucking and found it amusing, because having her mouth fucked by a dog's tongue so disgusted Eve and she couldn't wipe her mouth or block him while sitting on her hands. Karen stunned Eve when she said, "Turn your head this way and keep your mouth open." Eve tried to protest and got another mouth swabbing. "Do it or I turn around."
Eve made an anguished, pissed, and thoroughly disgusted face before reluctantly doing as she was told, and then the saliva lover had a field day. He continually licked, lapped, and probed inside Eve's mouth, at times making her gag. They looked like two French kissing lovers. Eve had tongues working at both ends of her body, and both ends were being deeply penetrated. The tongue actually went down her throat at times. Down below, one dog was licking her asshole, one licked her womb, and the other kept licking her legs, and it was the one licking her legs that was the biggest distraction from the one dining inside her gullet.
Bizarre didn't begin to describe how this felt. After she became numb to the yuck factor and had only sensation to contend with, she had to admit to herself that under the right circumstances, under adult supervision, this might not be a bad way to die. Oddly, it was the tongue working in her mouth that she grew accustomed to first. When she found herself lifting her tongue so that he could get the underside too, she knew she was succumbing to something she hated.
Her mother saw that in her face, and said, "Yeah, not bad is it? I picked that one up yesterday. I got him from the pound after they warned me of his disgusting habit, the reason they had to put him to sleep. They said someone in the previous owner's home fed him from their mouth. He said, that's how dogs pick that habit up and develop a taste for saliva. Once they do that, they'll pester you for saliva. Two of my other three are picking up the habit, but the third will stop after all the peanut butter is gone. He'll come along now that I have a helper. You will help won't you, Eve? Just nod your head. I see you have your mouth full."
Eve nodded her head, but the nod was one of surrender, not eager anticipation. Karen smiled knowingly, then said, "I know you can't bear the thought, but I am going to turn you into a bitch whether you like it or not. At home, you'll live like a bitch. You will remain in the nude wearing only a dog collar, and you'll eat and sleep with your lovers. These dogs will learn that they can have you whenever they want you. Whenever one passes near, you will part your legs as wide as possible and induce him to mate with you, and I don't mean just try. When he's finished, you'll lick his cock for him. When you fuck face to face, you will open your mouth to him. You'll suck his tongue while he's fucking you, and nothing will change when company stops by. I'm serious about this, Eve, and nothing will change my mind. You will become a bitch. You know that, don't you?"
Eve nodded. Karen smiled and said, "Good. Like I said, you don't have to like this, but you must accept this. I have every confidence that you will eventually adjust to life as a bitch and be happy. If I didn't truly believe that, I would never subject you to this horror. I do know you find this a horror and totally disgusting, but that will pass. If I'm wrong, and you haven't adjusted by the time you're eighteen, you'll have your own life and can make your own decisions, but until then, I make them for you, and I say you are a bitch. We won't discuss this subject anymore, will we?"
Eve shook her head slowly so as not to dislodge the tongue, but he was beginning to lose interest anyway. She began getting breaks when she could have gotten a word in, but she chose to hold her mouth open and remain silent, awaiting more. The breaks were now lasting tens of seconds when a dog on the other side jumped up and placed his paws on the top of the seat by her right shoulder and he began licking the side of her face. Eve, without being told to do so, rolled her head his way and offered her mouth.
Karen smiled on seeing this and adjusted the rear view mirror to see if Eve was being passive or active. She saw that Eve was sucking tongue--opening to receive him, but sucking when he withdrew. Karen reached over and patted Eve's chest, saying, "Yes, you're going to make an excellent bitch, Eve, excellent."
Eve liked hearing that bizarre praise though she still hated the thought of living life as a bitch as her mother described a bitch's life. Her mother had it bad, that much she knew from confession day. Eve had no idea how bad until the short speech she made. That speech left nothing to the imagination and nothing to discuss. Running away never entered her mind, nor did fighting her mother. That left only one option, live life as the bitch her mother wanted until she turned eighteen, and that's why she tuned her head and sucked. She got patted for surrendering, not because her mother thought she suddenly turned bitch.
They'd be home soon and the second dog lost interest quickly. He hopped down and the first had had enough. Eve looked to her lap, pulled the skirt up to see, then used her fingers to open herself to the one dog that continued to lick. Her mother was right, the others settled down. One curled up on the floorboard and one lay on the seat beside her, but one eager beaver licker was still deep licking the hole. Eve made that task easier and made her mother happy for doing so. She got another pat, this time on the inner thigh.
Eve said to the eager beaver licker, "Good dog. You take good care of your bitch's pussy, don't you boy?"
"I hate to disappoint you, Eve, but you're not his bitch. These three are borrowed. Our four are in the back. You met two of them."
"Oh, so we only have four?"
"Yes, but I'll be getting more. I want ten. That's our limit. After that, we'd need a breeder's permit and all the neighbors would have to sign off on the application. That'll never happen. The rest, I'll be very choosy about."
"Are some of those for you?"
"No, they're all for you, but I may indulge myself from time to time."
"That's an awful lot for one bitch."
"Yes, ten will keep you busy, but I want you kept busy. I also plan to take you to mate with other people's dogs. Another thing I'd like to do is get hooked up with outsiders who are into this sort of thing so we can do stag parties and orgies, maybe make porno movies. In a place like L.A., that shouldn't be too difficult."
As they pulled into the driveway, Eve said, "You'll make me famous."
Karen turned off the engine and turned on the seat to say, "That is another way of saying, 'you'll ruin my life.' I don't want to see that attitude. I will not ruin your life, but I will give you a once in a lifetime experience. I don't care how many dogs you fuck for how ever many people, or how many mutt fuck flicks you star in, you will never be famous for it. Muttfuck Lovers of the World is a very closed and small society. In fact, MLW is underground. After twenty years as the world's best, you could still walk any street in America and no one will run up and say, 'Hey, I saw you fuck a mutt. You're that Eve Winslow bitch, aren't you?'"
Eve chuckled, then smiled, then said, "You always get what you're after. I don't know why I thought I could stop you, sway you, or change your course. I'd save myself a lot of anguish and heartache if I simply turn my life over to you until I'm eighteen."
"That's all I'm asking, Eve. I'm not saying I'm right in doing this; that's just what I want. If I fuck up your body or your life, or both, I'll try to make it up to you, or I'll say I'm sorry."
Again she laughed, then said, "Aren't you the one who always says, being sorry doesn't feed the bulldog."
"Yes, but you're the one who always says, 'But I said I was sorry.'"
"Oh, great, my own words come back to haunt me."
Karen laid her hand on Eve's mound and rubbed, saying, "Trust me, Eve. I want you to get the most out of life, and I want you to be much stronger than I ever was. I don't want you to be afraid of anything or anybody, and I especially want you to learn not to give a holy rat's ass what anyone thinks about you. They should worry about what you think of them. It takes intense heat to temper steel, heat and pounding, but each time you come off the anvil, you will be stronger. Someday, your metal will be tested. I hope you look back on these days on the anvil and you understand how difficult it was for me to hold you in the fire and wield the hammer, and I hope you are proud of the job I did."
Teary eyed and on the verge of blubbering, Eve said, "Oh, God, Mom, I just knew there had to be more to this than your desire to scratch kinky itches. Now, everything makes sense to me. You haven't lost your mind, and you do still love me best."
"Yes, Eve, I still love you best. I will always love you best, but if that ever gets out, I'll deny it."
"Well, I won't tell anyone. That'll be our secret--a secret shared only between the sword and the hammer."
"Poetic--I like that, now, let's get these mutts in the back yard. You look like you could use a massage and kisses for your owies."
"I could sure use a massage, but most of my owies are in a nasty place."
"A mother's lot is no bed of roses, Eve. We have to kiss the good with the bad. Just throw the doors open. They'll follow pussy anywhere."
"Good doggies."
After putting the dogs away, Eve and Karen retired to Eve's bedroom where Eve received a full body massage with oils, and she was in heaven all through it. When her mother rolled her over and began planting sucking kisses to vaginal injuries, Eve was in seventh heaven, propped up on two pillows with her heels up against her butt and the knees pressed flat to either side, using her hands to frame her sex in stark contrast to the last time they were in her bed doing the same thing. That time, Eve simply laid there with a pillow covering her face, unable to look.
She was a different girl following her abduction ordeal. She showed no shame or shyness, and was intent on watching everything. At one point, she said, "I don't think I'll ever tire of seeing your face between my legs, or seeing your tongue going up my pussy hole."
Karen extracted her tongue to say, "I hope you realize that most of the time our positions will be reversed, and I'm not talking as in a sixty-nine. I mean, you'll be doing this and I'll be watching, and I won't be the only one watching."
"I figured as much, but I'm much stronger, now."
"You'd better be because you'll service me on Sunday in the service, on the dais, and then I'll breed you to those dogs out there."
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‘There’s my house!’ Michelle had never been so relieved to see her house as she now was. Nick and Matt stopped behind her at the old rusty gate. She turned to them, about to invite them inside with her. ‘Say, Michelle,’ Matt started, ‘how about you go in while Nick and I keep an eye on things out here?’ The suggestion reminded her that they couldn’t rest easy until they were out of Down and among the living. She nodded meekly and opened the gate, closing it gingerly behind her. ‘And could...
Nick and Matt quickly ran out of the police station and straight for the car. The rain was pouring harder than ever, and the sky had grown even darker. Nick made a Miami Vice-esque dive across the car’s hood and hurriedly got inside. Matt turned the keys and sped off. ‘You know how to get out of here?’ Nick asked frantically. ‘Of course,’ Matt assured him. ‘I didn’t just wake up here.’ Suddenly, another thing occurred to Nick. ‘Do you have a watch?’ Matt chuckled. ‘We’ve got something after...
‘Is that Hillton?’ Matt wondered aloud. Nick shrugged and shook his head. ‘I couldn’t tell you.’ They continued up the path until it stopped at a precipice. Matt walked ahead of Nick and looked down to see another pathway headed downwards. He looked over to Nick. ‘We can jump down,’ he said assuredly. Nick looked over and leaped down. He landed hard on his feet, the ground beneath him shaking and cracking underneath his weight. He moved over and waited for Matt to hop down. He laughed. ‘That...
Maynard drove frenetically, hoping to reach the entrance before Nick could. He had no idea how long ago he’d woken up, and thus knew he had to secure it fast. Maynard did have a plan in advance, he just didn’t think he’d need to use it so soon. Beforehand, Maynard had set C4 up in the mountains on either side of the road leading into Aftersun. He had the detonator in his coat and it was ready to blow at any second, but he needed to be sure that Nick was still in the town. Or that at least the...
Nick, shaken, managed to follow Matt to the Nova. Matt checked the ignition, the keys were in. Nick stood next to Matt as Matt testily turned to him. ‘What, did you want to drive?’ Nick backed up, not saying a word. Matt was a tad puzzled. ‘What the hell?’ Nick shook his head and walked over to the passenger’s side. He opened the door and sat, never making a sound. He’d been pushed over the proverbial edge. Matt got in and turned the key, giving Nick a hard look. ‘You okay?’ Nick’s face...
Even the most populous cities can seem repetitive when all the streets are empty, namely when you’re driving around the outskirts of such a city for a prolonged amount of time. Matt began to notice how the road seemed to repeat itself before Nick did, but he didn’t want to mention anything. Nick had become more and more excitable as time wore on, and he could understand why despite the fact that he was a jaded suburbian police officer. Matt had been on the force for a while, and he’d seen...
Officer Richard Littel was patrolling the outskirts of Hillton with his partner Dan Freese. They had received a call regarding suspicious activities further up the road and had been called upon to investigate. So far, however, they had found nothing. The dark and rainy environment did not make looking out the window easy, and the light did not help much. Overall, Richard and Dan were about to give up. ‘Shit, Richard,’ Dan muttered. ‘You could’ve let someone else take the call.’ Richard shook...
I am in a happy in my relationship. . My boyfriend and I had be together for about 5 1/2 years years . I have never had thoughts of cheating on him. Physically I am an average 35 year old middle class white collar guy. I have a thin build and I'm about 5'5 1/2"." I have never been in a fight in my life and I have not been exposed to a lot of riffraff. I guess hindsight is 20/20, I can see where I could have avoided one of the most dramatic experiences of my life if I had just had some street...
Summer 2018Lust balls or Ben Wa balls aroused my curiosity. Albeit I knew what most of the sex toys do, I was baffled when I saw those little balls, which would not look out of place in the cat toy aisle of a pet store given their size and bright or metallic coloring. I googled, read a lot of exciting articles and decided I have to have one.I went to an adult store, an attractive girl in her early twenties assisted me. She was dressed in a sheer black long top and a red G-string thong. She...
On Monday morning, Denise found Stan early, before he'd even taken his jacket off. "Stan, I think we need to talk. C'mon," she said, beckoning him. "Now?" he said. "Yes, Stan, now." Stan looked at Denise and said, "Yes, you're probably right." The Manufacturing Meeting Room was on the opposite side of the office from the main windows where morning sunlight streamed in. They went into the room and closed the door. "Denise," began Stan, but Denise interrupted him,...
The moment the garage door began to close, its low rumble groaning throughout the house, I knew what was coming. So did Candace, my fourteen-year-old stepdaughter. I didn't know exactly when it would arrive, or exactly what the trigger would be, but as soon as my wife — Candace's mother — pulled out of the garage on a Saturday morning, hauling her craft jewelry to yet another distant flea market or art fair, the inexorable countdown would begin. It had become to us a Law of Nature. Another...
"Heaton? Paul Heaton?" My assistant addressed the class of sixth-form boys. "Here, Miss." The teenage boy nonchalantly raised his arm. "When this class is finished Mrs. Horner wants to see you in her office. I've already informed Mr. Rotheray that you'll miss his lesson." She handed him a slip of paper and left the classroom. I'm the Head of Sixth Form at a Private School in the North of England. I've been married to Jim, a policeman, for 22 years. We've never had children of our own. Perhaps...
First TimeI didn't feel like going upstairs to wash, so I grabbed a few 'wet & wipe' tissues from a tub we kept in the kitchen, and gave my now limp cock a good clean and wipe over, especially around the tip as I pulled back the foreskin a little. It felt exciting to be naked like this in our kitchen, mom having just wanked me off in here. Then, still in the nude, I walked out of the kitchen, along the hallway, and into our downstairs cloakroom, and flushed the wet tissues I had used to clean...
100% fiction! I and my wife Jennifer were on vacation on the Island of Dominic Republic last year. We have been married for 10 years and have two kids whom were not on this trip. Jennifer is blonde 6 feet tall with 38 DD breasts and just turned 40. I’ve been trying to get her to have a affair for about 5 years now she always says she’s happy. But from all the stuff she has told me about her single life ,I know there is a slut inside waiting to get out. On the 2nd day of our stay we had been...
Cheating WifesI make sure the door is shut, and watch the van drive off.. poor boy. I do hope he has a change of clothes in there.. no way he can hide the stain that's going to form... Feeling both embarrassed and pleased with myself I mince back to the kitchen, carefully move the bondage stool to one side and dispose of the packaging. I do not want to get extra punishment or time on the stool... though I am intrigued as well, dammit. What I do do is get to cooking, wondering what Mistress Thorne's...
Jo was just brushing her teeth again for the third time that day, she was getting excited and horny as she was meeting Gary tonight and she was guaranteed a good fucking, they had a fantastic sex life always something new and pleasurable. As she was rinsing her mouth jo thought she heard something but dismissed it after all who could it be. She was already dressed ready to meet Gary she was wearing a zip dress which could be undone at either end and a lacy bra and stockings on underneath with a...
He asked if I was interested in black men. I told him I never thought about it. He put his hands on my butt and pulled me closer. He got me against the wall and we started kissing. I told him I am starting to get more interested. I gave him my key to my dorm and told him to wait there for me. He told me he will be there. During class I could not focus on the lecture, I was thinking about Terrence. I wondered what my family would think if they knew I had desires for black men . As a Southern...
I wanted desperately to know what had happened to Jenny during those long days I'd spent alone in my room. I began to suspect that it was something bad during that uneasy silence. The hallway that only minutes ago bustled with activity was now strangely quiet. And inside me there was the same quietness. There were no words to say, no way to describe how I felt. But Jenny knew somehow, later I would find out why. I sensed her strength when her hand reached out to help me up off the floor....
During the week he thought about Rita and her husband and this relationship they had of an open marriage. While he personally was benefitting from it, his thought was that it was not something he would ever consider doing if he was married. If he had a wife and she approached him about doing something like that he would be surprised and disappointed because then he would know that his marriage to her was a mistake. After golf on Tuesday and Thursday Don said his good-byes to a number of...
Mera naam punam sharma hai, aur yeh koi story nahi ek sach hai jo mere saath hua hai, mai ek housewife hu aur ek middle class family se belong karti hu, mai 32years old hu, mere pati ka naam rohit hai aur wo 35years old hai, wo ek software engineer hai, mai ek bahut hi normal aurat hu aur hamesha apni family ka khayal rakhti hu, mere do child hai, meri shadi ko 12 saal ho chuke hai, hum dono pati – patni ek dusre se behad pyar karte hai, lekin pata nahi kyu mere pati mujhse sexually satisfy...
June had a day of work and had decided to spend the day tidying the house. She started with the lounge and then headed to her son Reece's room. Normally she wouldn't venture inside there but as it had been ages since she had given it a good clean she thought it was about time. She started stripping the bed and as she grabbed the pillow she saw something coloured there. She reached for it and was totally shocked as she quickly realised it was a pair of her panties that she had put into the...
Barbara Adams was a very attractive twenty-two year old woman, with long, black hair, and a pretty face with sparkling green eyes and fair skin. She loved all kinds of sex, but her favorite type of sex was anal. She just loved being taken from behind and feeling a thick, stiff cock plowing her backside. For her, the classic "face down/ass up" or bent over something positions were her favorite. And if she happened to be horny (which was most of the time) and there was no stiff cock around (which...
AnalTo make a long story short, eventually I ended up working as a cook for a nice hotel, and then she got a job as a waitress soon after that. One day we were all working our asses off. There were a lot of people in the restaurant, and she kept bringing in a steady stream of orders. At the end of the day we were stressed out beyond our normal limits. We started having a conversation and I just had to ask her out, but it had to be normal-sounding. I am not the best with girls. “Hey it was...
Chapter Eight: Mom's Soapy Tits By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Clint Elliston The hot water poured over my body, splashing on my back as the four women of my harem—two half-sisters, a full sister, and my mom—all grabbed the body wash and lathered up each other's bodies. I was in heaven. I was nineteen and showering with my sexy Mom and her huge tits, her bleached-blonde hair darkening as it grew wet. She stared at me with dark, hungry eyes. My little sister Alicia, eighteen, the hair...
Hello, I am Raghunath. Sex is too important in life. Some people likes sex more and some to that of their level i am 50 years. I am explaining my experience in my life. Appudu naaku 10 samvacharamulu. Neenu 6th chaduvuthunnanu. Friends kalasi adukunetappudu okare bulli okaru chusukovadam chesukonevallam. Naa bulli chinnade ga undedi.1 inche size. Andaru egathali chesevaru. Okkosari nechamga matalaadevaaru, kojja gaadu anevaaru.daniki thaggattu naalo kooda koorikalu modalayyaye. Naa...
Jana sat in the driveway of her family's home. Gripping the steering wheel, she still couldn't believe her luck that night. It was just before 8 pm and she should have been on her first date at this moment. Not just any first date, but her literal first date ever. Then the jerk had to go and stand her up, ditching her for another girl. And she was honestly planning on giving him her virginity that night! At the very least, her parents were gone for the weekend leaving she and her older brother...
IncestHi readers you can call me jo, obviously it’s not my real name but believe me this is the true incident happened few years back. Before I start this is my first time I am writing a story please forgive me if I board you and as a regular reader of iss I was always looking for some new stories from kerala which I’ve not seeing for sometimes so I thought to write my true story for the people who looking for some real kerala incident. Coming to the story, ente school padanam kazhinju collagel...
Hi, this is satish from vadodara. Now I am going to narrate the story of my counters with my another colleague Sujatha ( I will call her my Dream Girl, since I am calling her like that and she knows this also) We are staying in an apartment but our flats are different. I uses to go her flat regularly whenever I am free. At the outset, I would like to tell about my Dream Girl. She is fair in color and aged about 32 ( I am now 36),. Her husband has been working in a bank who is now at far away...
A few days later and I was up for more fun with Michael.As soon as he returned home from college, I asked him if he wanted another sex lesson. "Of course, mum, when?" he asked."Tonight okay? Get yourself an early shower and I will get a takeaway ordered so we can start early."Dinner over and a quick freshen up and we were ready.Up in the bedroom, we were both naked, Michael's cock aroused and erect."Michael, I want to try something different, okay?""Why not?" Michael said, "What did you have in...
IncestIn the last episode we have seen how Kiran drifted in memories of Reddy while her husband made her wet. She imagined all the good times she had spent with Reddy, the thrill of that illicit affair, the excitement, and the passion both of them shared. She remembered how accidentally she came close to him and then how they enjoyed every day after that. And then suddenly again she felt the guilt of cheating on Gautam and withdrew herself. In the meantime, Aarushi too allowed her professor to...
My roommate looked over and saw me, and quickly got up and made a half effort to cover his erect cock. "Sorry man" he said as he stumbled over to find his underwear in the pile of clothes. His girlfriend got up too, man she was beautiful. He had long, straight, strawberry blonde hair, tanned skin, C cup breasts, and a soft light brown bush. I started to get hard as soon as I saw her. "No worries, you guys go ahead" I told him, while staring at his girlfriend's body, and starting to get...
It was a great night, spent with one of my best friends, Breanne. We hung out at her place, talked with her roommates and watched the end of Fast 5. Later, Breanne, our friend Cara and I went out to Wal-Mart so she could pick some stuff up she needed. Plus I needed to do some early Christmas shopping. Now to be completely honest, Breanne and I had serious feelings for each other. The down sides being that I had a girlfriend and Breanne was gay. Not bisexual, but a full-on lesbian. Now I know...
I’ve always found my step sister Khloe hot. I always knew I couldn’t do anything about it. Until the other day, when my step dad and I were watching the game and Khloe starts playing with herself behind her dad’s back. She then began to undress and showing me her tits. I just couldn’t hold it any more. I didn’t care that her dad was just a few feet away, I had to go up to her and shove my cock in her mouth. From there, we snuck away to her bedroom where I fucked my step sister in several...
xmoviesforyouI grew up in the 1960’s and 70’s in the townships of Yallourn, and later, Yallourn North. These towns, especially Yallourn, have etched indelible memories of my childhood and youth. One special memory in particular relates to my student days at the Yallourn High School which I still vividly remember. These memories are a recollection of events that took place in the year of 1980, my final year at high school, before going to the University of Melbourne in the following year. I feel honoured...