Lamb in Wolf s Clothing
- 2 years ago
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Fourteen-year-old Eve Winslow fell into the trap with her eyes wide open, and once the last door closed, her eyes closed. She was so screwed. All three of the congregation's child molesters were in the van with her and they had an eight hour night journey ahead of them, and then five long days until Sunday--the earliest she could expect to be released.
Eve could almost feel the men grinning ear to ear, briskly rubbing their filthy paws together, high-fiving each other at their craftiness, cunning, and attention to detail:
"Eve, you will be riding in Sister Melody's van. Go there and wait while I collect the others and notify Sister Melody."
Eve went. Eve waited. Three men quickly got in, the van sped away, and the van full of perverts and one lovely victim was soon lost in Phoenix traffic.
The plan went perfectly and Eve Winslow was screwed, so screwed that she didn't fight the hairy hands that encircled her from behind, making a living bra of themselves. Another manly hand landed on her bare left leg and began advancing on her crotch. Eve didn't flinch or try to squirm away. She relaxed her legs even as the massive hand captured her virgin vagina and squeezed the ripe fruit like slut pulp.
The three men--Pastor John Roberts, Brother Aaron Jenkins, and Elder Jack Swenson--had a well known problem: they could not keep their filthy paws off the lambs in the flock. Virgin lambs over the age of ten were at a premium as a result. Eve was the prize, the hardest to capture, and the finest lamb by far.
The men should be doing hard time--child molesters all. The whole congregation knew about their problem. The young ladies were warned about the men. Parents hovered over their tender morsels, but one of the molesters usually got through and nailed some young lamb despite all precautions.
After an assault, a weekly happening, there would be another uproar, like a disturbed beehive [with tears and angry threats in the case of first time assaults], but the Church of One God Faith in Christ (COGFC), or simply Church of One God, or just COGs) handled their own errant sheep, even the pastoral shepherd who was appointed by the elders to serve a five-year term after receiving a moving by the Holy Spirit--the sign that God has selected so and so--their way of saying, "We picked so and so."
Elder John was the current pastor of their three-hundred member congregation. Elder Swenson had the position before John. Serving a calling as the pastor is what made him an elder. Elders were pastor vets. By the time of Eve's assault, the congregation was numb to sexual assaults on children and any disturbance or tears would be contained in the Winslow home with offers of sympathy, or empathy, but mostly a welcome-to-the-club hug.
Odds were that Brother Arron would get the nod at the next moving of the Holy Ghost due in less than one year, continuing a sinister support network of leadership that led the flock to the gates of the Celestial Kingdom while leading a few down dirty side paths along the way. The congregation was like grazing sheep who might look up when the shepherd decided to fuck a lamb, but then go right back to grazing and following along until the next lamb bleated and bled.
All COGFC congregations had the same problems with their lay minister--abuse of power, primarily sexual abuse of power. The poorly-thought-out or ingenious system--depending on which side of prison bars you see it from--invited abuse. The women had to go to the pastor for confession and absolution. The core of their belief was absolution through confession, and one had to be as close to purity as possible to live alongside God in the Celestial Kingdom; therefor, any sins needed to be washed away as soon as possible. The confessional (the Pastor's office) was like the hereafter laundry room where their celestial robes could be restored to a like-new brilliance.
The trouble was, cleansing required a baring of the soul, no holding back. Anything held back remained as a stain on their holy tunic. Stripped of their most intimate secrets, spiritually bare before the man who was once their son's scout master or their next door neighbor, now privy to their most intimate secrets, they were vulnerable to seduction while in office or blackmail after he returned to being just another member of the flock. I suppose that's why they're called a lay minister.
In the Los Angeles congregation, the church took a twisted side path when a child molester ascended to the throne and another followed. For nine long years, the L.A. church had to deal with a major problem--what to do when God's anointed wants the children in a biblical way?
Elder Swenson's five year term left a legacy of decadence and developed a following of dirty old men in the church that were difficult to unseat or overcome. United, their power was solid, and the congregation was like a flock with three shepherds and ten horny old dogs moving it along.
The mother church was well aware of the problem, had heard many complaints, and took steps to correct the situation short of overriding God's anointed--an admission that the choice of a Pastor was not inspired by the Holy Spirit--which simply was not possible. No, God must have his reasons for placing a pervert in the pulpit of the L.A congregation. This was a problem for the congregation to deal with, and they tried.
Committees were formed, procedures adopted, and oversight established. The men (three chronic offenders and several who had erred once, twice, or three times) were all in therapy, but for all the good therapy did, most in the congregation thought the weekly group sessions with Dr. Jacob were to compare technique and brag about conquests.
Many had their suspicions about Dr. Jacob, a non-member who volunteered his services. Dr. Jacob, a convicted child molester, reformed in prison, now with a Ph.D. in Psychology and offering group counseling therapy to molesters with individual counseling therapy to victims, hardly inspired confidence in worried parents.
For one, he spent most of his time with victims in closed door sessions, and the victims never talked about those sessions, often citing doctor/patient confidentiality as the reason as though the law protected the doctor's privacy as well. Some parents didn't know otherwise, and others didn't want to know.
Actually, few of the parents were naive enough to believe that the trip to Dr. Jacob's Compton office with their little girl was anything other than payment for services rendered, or that while they waited in his outer office, he was inside screwing their child and doing all manner of perverse things to her before, during, and after the screwing to fill the hour he had as his due.
If the person who brought her didn't have good hearing, enough evidence leaked out of the kid on the ride home that the smart parents had the child sit on a folded towel after a session with Dr. Jacob. On arrival home, Mommies attended wounds, usually lash marks from a belt or thin rod, also minute puncture wounds made by horrible clips and clamps mostly in the genitalia area or on tender nipples.
Dr. Jacob was rough on the girls, a mean child molester who did not reform his ways in prison; he refined them. Still, the sessions were ordered by the Council of Elders. He was the professional who had the contract, so most of the parents went for the prescribed duration of therapy, typically, one hour per week for six months. Those who could not, moved away to join another COGFC congregation or remained in their homes but left the church. They were few, less than ten percent of victim families, such was the hold exerted by The Church on the lives of its members--male heads of families, especially.
Eve's parents knew the doctor had no right to conduct business the way he did. Eve was tough to get to because her parents were so wise and vigilant. They were not wise and vigilant enough, however. They turned their backs for one minute at the Phoenix crusade/convention, and now they could not account for Eve, Pastor John, Brother Arron, and Elder Swenson, plus some group left early in Sister Melody's van (nicknamed the rolling mattress)--not a good sign.
With another headcount and car tally, everyone knew where Eve was. She was in a 1978 Ford conversion van, headed for a brief excursion through Hell with the pedal to the metal. Chances were, the Winslows would next see their daughter early on Sunday morning. She'd be in Pastor John's private office, probably nude, wrapped up in a blanket--cold, hungry, sore, wet and sticky, covered in angry red marks from collar to heels with the striping being thick and bright red in the crotch.
After the contrite pastor made his confession before the congregation and begged forgiveness, one of the elders would take over and the parents would be asked to join him in the office. Dr. Jacob would be called in or might be waiting. The church secretary, Evelyn Henderson, would be there comforting, calming, serving refreshments. The offender reform committee chairperson, Ann Dobbins, would join the group, as would a representative or two from the rape awareness group of the church--usually a married couple with rape bait children--former victims who had sat in the chairs of shame and despair several times.
After the service, all ten of the church elders would join the group along with the young women's youth leader, Kay Smith. At this time, the group, now numbering between ten and twenty, would adjourn to the choir practice room.
What would under most circumstances and in any other church be a very somber and subdued meeting, a rare event to "get the facts straight," was in Pastor John's church more a perv social event to hear, firsthand, the juicy story from two sides while watching red-faced parents squirm before a child dying a thousand deaths through humiliation.
Pastor John used these choir room sessions as recruiting tools, bringing in those members who looked ready to play, and sometimes, members who needed more numbing, or punishment--or a cheap thrill, a reason to remain in the flock, pay tithing, and put up with pulpit bullshit. Known to some as Sunday Ordeals, to others as Sunday Sessions, and still others as the Sunday Social, the investigative meeting ordered by the mother church was an X-rated farce and a regular after-church-service event that most members secretly wanted to watch but few wanted to be featured in.
Dr. Jacob's role was to see that the performance stayed juicy, that the victim suffered further humiliation and exposure, and that the little slut got a big chunk of the blame for her rape/molestation. He was very good at what he did. Before he'd be through, the poor girl, naked, often on an exam table with her feet in stirrups, would have to accept some form of church punishment in addition to a Dr. Jacob therapy sentence, and the parents would be under church-ordered censure--essentially binding them to cooperate if they wanted to remain in the family of The Church.
Any system of justice would do flip flops over the system these poor families were subjected to. Those going in knew they were fucked going in with no higher court to complain to. Once the facts were out and the pastor received his inspiration from the Holy Spirit (God pronouncing sentence) those who had to serve under the terms of the sentence had two choices--serve or be excommunicated (cast into Hell while still alive--doomed). Rightness, wrongness, justice or injustice had nothing to do with it, so who does one complain to and about what.
In their world, having given their lives over to God, all things were directed by Him and only He knew the reasons, whys, and wherefores. If you got raped, God arranged it. If the rapist got off scot-free, He arranged that, too. If you, the rapee accidentally got convicted, thrown in a male prison by accident, and became the recreation yard pussy, that was God's doing, too. Trying to figure out why God did what he did was considered fool's folly, much like sheep wondering why the shepherd made a funny face while he masturbated.
The procedure ordered from the mother church was meant to place an embarrassing spotlight on the offenders, shaming them into the straight path. With Dr. Jacob's help and many co-conspirators, the reverse was true. They placed the victim on trial with the parents being culpable and responsible. The spotlight was more a stage light with the victim's crotch in the center.
On the way back to L.A., Karen and Bob Winslow should have been driving separate cars carrying other people's children--boys with Bob, girls with Karen. Instead, Karen gave over her car to Sister Melody and rode with Bob and the boys, scrunched up next to Bob with two boys in the front--four in the back, her right thigh exchanging body heat with a very hot boy Eve's age, with Karen and the boy both wearing loose shorts. They had all been playing volleyball right before leaving, so they were still dressed for volleyball.
The fourteen-year-old boy was evidently and obviously excited by the news of Eve's downfall as though Eve losing her virginity would somehow benefit him. Since Buddy Roberts was a son of Pastor John Roberts, he had every reason to think that way. Virgins were off limits to him, but ex-virgins were easy for the Pastor's son who could rape with impunity. Unmarried ex-virgins had no protection from anyone except parents, and most parents shrugged their ex-virgins' complaints off as being trivial. No parent would complain to the Pastor, so Buddy and his brothers (and their friends and anyone who gave them money) had a license to fuck rape victims. If he thought he could subdue the bitch, he could get pussy. Eve could be a handful for Buddy, but she could be subdued.
The other boys, mostly younger and including their two sons, Greg and Robby (12, 10), were just as excited but less vocal. As Buddy's best buddies, they could ensure that Eve got subdued. Excitement filled the atmosphere as young men speculated and fantasized. Anxiety filled the same atmosphere as parents weighed their few options and thought about the Sunday Charade that was the worst-kept secret in church history. The few who had never been involved in one heard plenty from the many who had. Karen and Bob Winslow knew enough to know that Eve's week was just the beginning of their ordeal.
Naughty words that boys could never use kept assailing Sister Karen's ears as the horny boys speculated above a whisper and embarrassed her by asking her what she thought was going on, or where Eve was, or what might be happening to her. Intermittent giggles filled the car through every mile, and then there was that boy's bare leg pressing against her own when they weren't that cramped for space in the roomy Lincoln.
This was their worst nightmare multiplied by three and compounded by six little Indian braves--or bolds. Even their own braves got bold in the back seat, apparently thrilled by their shy and attractive older sister's fate. Eve had beauty even young siblings could appreciate. They wanted her. Eve knew it. Everyone in the family knew it. She had that effect on everyone--just too cute for her own good.
Karen quieted everyone a number of times, and would chastise the use of four letter words that were too loud to ignore. She admonished Greg and Robby twice as often as the group as a whole, and that was before leaving the Phoenix city limits. After a while, trying to control their excitement became pointless and her ears became numb to the profanity.
Mr. Hotleg had a lot to do with her numbing now that he kept moving his leg against her own and every other word was fuck or a derivation of fuck. Bob even caught some of that not-so-subtle leg action, but he must have thought it was cute because he never said anything. Karen thought it was cute, too, at first, but after fifteen minutes of rubbing, he was getting to her and making her panties moist.
Karen leaned close to whisper in Bob's ear, "This little foul-mouthed shit is feeling me up, Bob. Don't you think you should say something?"
Bob was amused, not at the boy but at his wife. She could very well tell the boy to stop, and Buddy kept going because she didn't stop him. In their society, it was quite all right for one man to screw another man's wife and for them to bear children, as long as the husband consented.
Classic bigamy was illegal, but many families lived in communal homes called Clans. Some couples lived as one family, and some adults lived in three, four, and five-way relationships. The practice, which amounted to bigamy, was never frowned on if sanctioned as an alternative marriage arrangement by church law. There were bastards aplenty and determining the father of a child was never questioned as long as the father was a member of the church. Pastor John, in fact, was said to have fathered more children than any other man, and he wasn't legally married to any of his five significant others.
Monogamous couples made up more than half of the church families, and church families were made up mostly of kids. Two thirds of the congregation was under the age of eighteen. Adult women out-numbered adult men three to one, so the total number of family units was quite low for a three-hundred member church--roughly thirty.
The Winslows were a monogamous couple that lived outside a clan and they had only three children, a very small family by COGFC standards, but they had recently discussed allowing Pastor John to father a child in Karen as a way of getting on his good side to spare Eve, at least, from Pastor John. He was the biggest threat to any virgin and the one Eve worried most about.
It was a man's place to object to another man's advances on a spouse, but a woman could and should defend her own modesty from any boy. Bob found it amusing that his lovely wife treated that boy as though he had the rights of a fully grown man, as though he, too, were a member of the adult priesthood--Pastor Junior.
This told Bob that his wife might not stop the boy even with others looking on--very unusual behavior for his former Mormon wife who joined Bob's church but had always thought of them as hypocrites and fools, traitors to the true church in Salt Lake City, led by degenerate idiots posing as men of God (the COGs, not the Mormons).
The backseat boys kept checking out the action Buddy had going on, and the boy beside Buddy, Alan, always had a ringside seat. Karen didn't appear to mind all those young eyes staring at her passivity in the face of a bold and obvious seduction. This told Bob that his lovely wife was horny--extremely horny. He wasn't sure what excited her--the boy's rubbing, all the eyes watching, or their sexy daughter's fate, but something had her vaginal motor humming like a cheap blender on puree.
All possibilities seemed equally out of character for her. Seeing a side of her he had never seen except in bed when she shared her craziest fantasies, he wanted to get to the bottom of this mystery. Bob leaned to her and whispered, "They're excited and horny. Can you blame them?"
She leaned back to him and whispered, "I understand that, but this one is getting awfully familiar with my leg and we have a long way to go. I just thought I'd mention it in case you hadn't noticed."
He whispered, "There's a full moon streaming moonlight in through my window. We all noticed. I would imagine we'll all notice for another four or five hours."
She whispered, "Bob, that little devil just placed his hand on my bare thigh, and he's not keeping it still. The way he's going, I'll be knocked up by the time we reach the California border."
Bob did not expect this response, the implication of which suggested she would be willing to go all the way with Buddy. This was not the woman he followed to Phoenix, but he was intrigued with the one he was returning with if she would actually follow through.
Clearly, the decision was his. She awaited his response as though asking his permission. Bob found no reason to whisper, so he said in a normal tone, "I have eyes, Karen, and by the looks of things, I'd say you're being optimistic about making it to the border without getting pregnant. I do hope you're wearing clean panties. I hope you're wearing panties, period."
Border? Pregnant? Clean panties? The boys, including Buddy, didn't know what to make of this, but they wanted to hear more and hoped the whispering was all finished.
Karen appeared relieved as she also responded in a normal tone, saying, "Of course I am wearing clean panties, and I am holding you responsible for keeping them that way."
Interesting, very interesting, and then Karen said, "Bob, what are we going to do about Sunday? My god, all three of those perverts have her and they'll have her for almost an entire week. Nothing like this has ever happened, ever. We'll be in the choir room for hours, all afternoon, probably, and what about Eve? Can you imagine what shape she'll be in?"
"Yes, I can imagine, and I think a lot of the priesthood is doing just that."
"Bob, shame on you if this is turning you on."
"I might say the same to you, Sweetheart. If you slip your shorts off, I'll slip mine off. We'll see who is turned on by this. We all will."
Excited giggles filled the car and the backseat boys hung over the front seat to see if any shorts were coming off. Karen ignored them as she said, "If my lap weren't lit up like daylight and your lap weren't in shadow, I think I would just so your sons can see what type of father they have. [leaning close to whisper] Oh, god, Bob, this little bastard's fingers are venturing inside the leg openings of my shorts!"
In a regular voice, Bob said, "Yes, they most certainly are. A few more miles and I can ask him if the crotch of your panties are wet, can't I?"
Karen, still whispering into his ear, said, "Bob! Say something! If you don't say something, there will soon be a very embarrassing scene going on in my lap. I'm leaving this up to you. I'm serious. Remember who we have riding in this car, and no son should have to bear witness to such a thing, plus anything we say or do will go straight to Pastor John's ears. You know where it will go from there, don't you?"
Refusing to whisper, Bob said, "I'm well aware of that, Dear, and I disagree. No son should be denied a peek at his mother's pussy."
This brought on laughing approval and chants for shorts removal along with panties. Karen waited for the laughter and chants to die down before responding out loud, "You are no better than the men molesting our daughter, Bob Winslow. You Cog men are all perverts hiding under the robes of priesthood. It's no wonder the women in this church feel like nothing more than breeding stock. I'm surprised you don't place us in stalls, breed us like cattle, and milk us like cows."
The boys liked her idea. Bob said, "Show them your udders, Karen, maybe they'll try to milk you."
The boys encouraged her to show her udders, and Buddy had the balls to reach for the buttons on her blouse. She lightly parried his attempts without getting upset, and ignored the others who encouraged him. In the next mile, Buddy managed to get to her panties with one hand and get three blouse buttons undone with the other, wildly exciting the onlookers.
Karen did her best to look cool and calm as Buddy made steady progress. She could see that Bob was amused. With Buddy digging in her crotch with nothing but clenched legs to bar the way as both of Karen's hands were guarding her hooters, Karen looked to Bob as he said, "I just had a thought, Karen. Chances are, they pulled into the first rest stop they came to for a little game of slap and tickle with Eve. What say we check it out? If we spot them, we can spy on them while Buddy gets you unwrapped."
"Bob Winslow, are you telling me that if you saw them, you wouldn't intervene?"
"No, not now. They have her, fair and square. They'd get mighty upset if we even tried."
"Are you also telling me that you would allow this young man to strip me naked, right here in the car?"
"It's a long trip, Karen, and they're all wide awake. I need some way to amuse them. Can you think of a better way to amuse six horny boys than with a sexy woman who refuses to say no? I can't."
Evidently, she couldn't either, because she sat with her arms folded under her mature breasts and permitted all manner of digital indiscretion from every quarter after Buddy squirmed his fingers deep into her crotch and began rummaging around in search of a hole without being admonished.
The others took that silent permission and Bob's comments as a green light. After that, Karen sat under a barrage of groping little hands that ran inside her clothing over bare flesh in intimate areas while keeping a sharp lookout for rest areas.
When the first sign for one appeared in the distance, Karen had her chest bare and tits being pulled and pushed in several directions at once. Buddy had unsnapped and unzipped her shorts and had moved them and the panties down her legs after she lifted clear of the seat to assist. With a naked lower half to work with, though the legs were together, he found the hole and got two fingers working in as though he'd done that before.
Karen was so impressed with Buddy's finger fucking effort that she pulled her left leg free of the shorts and panties then laid her freed leg over Bob's lap to make the job easier while saying, "There's one, Bob, the first--one mile ahead. If they stopped for a quickie, chances are, they stopped there."
Bob moved into the slow lane and slowed, saying, "Why don't you just shrug free of that top and bra, Karen?"
She may as well, so she did, also kicking off the shorts and panties, then sat back naked in her sandals and said, "If they are here, should we let them see us?"
"What would be the point unless you want Pastor John to see what he'll be planting his seed in?"
Karen knew that would come out sooner or later. The boys were quite amused, further amused as Bob explained that they'd soon have a baby brother or sister that looked like the Pastor. Though she and Bob had only recently discussed the possibility, she now confirmed her willingness to be bred to the Pastor, exciting them even further. She then said, "The point of letting them see us is that if they knew that we knew and did nothing, isn't that like giving our okay? I mean, if we can't prevent it or stop it, why not okay it and avoid the Sunday charade. As her father, don't you have the right within church law to turn her over to the priesthood for her sexual education or breeding?"
While turning to enter the lot, Bob said, "Good idea, Karen, but I think you miss the point of the Sunday Inquisition. It's an exhibition and the other half of their molestation. The Sunday charade is where the parents get their humiliation. Most would say the Sunday charade is the worst part. The pervs might say it was the best part. No, they wouldn't like your idea; besides, if I had the right to sexually educate or breed Eve, I'd have turned her over to me three years ago."
"Yes, of course you would. How silly of me... Bob, there they are. That's Sister Melody's Ford with the windows all fogged."
Greg shouted, "Wow, and look at it go--rock 'n roll!"
Alan, the kid at the front passenger window, now holding onto Karen's right leg, pulling it high into his lap, turning a lady's crotch into a whore's beaver, said, "Man oh man, it looks like all three are fucking her at once."
Bob stopped well back of the Ford and to its rear with no other cars around and little traffic on the highway. They had crept up, so those in the Ford could not have guessed they had company. In the Lincoln, everyone sat mesmerized, and most had hold of some part of Karen's body as she laid low in the seat with her legs pulled out in opposite directions--the left leg being bent double in order to fit. With her right foot on the passenger door and her left knee pressed to the driver's door, Karen's naked cunt was up there and out there, a popular place for young hands and naughty fingers.
This humiliating and vulnerable position was not Karen's idea for it fully opened her sex and made it easy for the boys in back to reach everything. Buddy, Alan, and Bob had other ideas, therefor, Karen had everything out there for everyone to fondle and had difficulty seeing over the dashboard. She had no trouble seeing into her crotch, curled in the seat as she was. Nonetheless, she strained up while saying, "Damn, Bob, how can three grown men treat a fourteen-year-old girl that way? I mean, they just got her. Even in a molesting, isn't there some kind of warm-up?"
Watching the van rock so hard was as hard on Bob as it was on Karen. That, or she was disturbed by having the fingers of two sons fingering her birth canal. He decided it would be best for the boys chances of going further than copping feels if they got away from the van, so he said, "Apparently not. We should move along unless you want to reconsider our membership in this church?"
Karen married into the church, but Bob--though new to the L.A. congregation--spent his entire life as a member with a long family history that went back to the Mormon leader and founder, Joseph Smith. Their sect split off after Smith's death. The Mormons went one way; the Church of One God Faith in Christ went another. For a while, until bigamy was outlawed, the Mormons were even more sexually liberal than the COGs. Time has a way of reversing all things, and the COGs of the later twentieth century were certainly a breed apart--the L.A. group, especially.
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Shortly after midnight, with the inspection area miles behind them and their trip half over, no one had yet made a move to resume the games. Buddy was up front but asleep and leaning against the door. The others were in the back--two sleeping, one thinking, two playing a dumb arm-slugging game. Karen wore only the blouse and shorts and was snuggled up to Bob, not so much to be loving, but to talk privately. With the radio on, they didn't need to whisper, just talk quietly and close. She...
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Another church family that made a radical turn that night was the Hardwick clan--called a clan because the Hardwicks were actually five families living as one with grandparents from both sides of the families living with them. The clan functioned somewhat like a commune, though each family unit remained autonomous and shared living space as guests of the host family. A married couple in the Hardwick clan had a private bedroom which they had to share with any pregnant offspring, putting a...
Gail returned from her shopping errand ten minutes later than she'd planned. She wanted to catch the class still in session. The kitchen, usually a beehive of activity at this time with student helpers now assisting the assistant, was empty with large pots on slow simmer. A peek out back revealed bicycles still in racks, meaning the girls who came from other families were still in the classroom. Gail set the grocery bags on the food prep table and hurried out back, raced across the lawn,...
Shauna and Joann joined, Gary, Bob, Don, Elder Donaldson, and Elder Hardwick. They sat in chairs set in a semi-circle with Elder Hardwick in the center. All were smoking and stopped talking when the two women entered their half circle and sat against the railing. Joann said, "Please, don't let us stifle the conversation. We joined you because we are interested in your reaction to this new development." Shauna said, "Please, speak freely." Elder Hardwick spoke for the group, saying,...
The Babcocks were a more traditional family--a mommy, a daddy, and five children all living in a single family dwelling of modest standards. Jerry Babcock worked for Brother James at his auto accessory plant. Martha, his wife, was a secretary at a trucking company not affiliated with the church. Together, they made a decent living, enough to support a family with five teenagers, all boys except for thirteen-year-old Darlene who had a twin brother, Ray. Jerry Jr. (Jer) was the oldest at...
Melody Bottoms, Karen's best friend and confidant, never wanted anything other than to be a good wife and mother for Harvey Bottoms, though when she married him nine years ago at the age of nineteen, she didn't think they'd still be living with his folks ten years later, but they would be. Like Karen, Melody married into the church. Elder Sweeney became its Pastor in time to perform the wedding. Melody was his first conquest. All five of her children were fathered by Pastors in the...
Connie Barlow had a terrible secret that she couldn't take to confession, because no one would understand, and she had no illusions about her confession remaining in the confessional. Pastor John wouldn't understand. His cronies wouldn't understand. Her husband, Roy, didn't understand, and she didn't understand. Her four kids certainly would not understand. Connie often laughed inwardly when she heard other women complaining about sexual harassment in the work place, or bosses who were...
Connie and Michelle drove back toward the metro center where Connie worked, searching for an address on the card. To keep Michelle's vaginal motor running so that Connie could use both hands on the wheel, Connie told Michelle to masturbate. At first, the child denied knowing what that meant, but Connie wasn't buying. A few blocks of pressure and Michelle began using her fingers for the purpose God intended--one hand working the clit, the other fingering the hole. Connie kept looking over...
With Connie's confession coming right on the heels of Karen's, John's appointment book filled solid through Sunday. He spent all of his time hearing confessions, so much time that he had nothing for Eve and left her to the elders. By Thursday afternoon, he knew he led a flock of female perverts who, if they hadn't committed the sin, thought about it--same thing. No one would go walking out of the Sunday service if he bred Eve on the dais, so he gave the elders the task of seeing that she...
Eve was being kept prisoner in the home of Pastor John. Though he had no wife, he had five significant others and their children to serve as jailers. Most of the younger children and babies were his, but most of those over the age of twelve weren't. John ran what amounted to a home for divorcees with no place to go and nothing to do with children to raise. He had turnover but the current batch had been with him for many years. In all, there were twenty eight children, roughly half were his....
Adam looked at his reflection in the mirror. ”Looking good” he told himself. As he should. Adam had always been a pretty boy. But in the past year he had also pressed himself hard in the gym. Like many guys his age he had focused especially hard on his butt. And it had not been in vain. His once petite little boy butt, had become a respectable booty. Now was the time to put it to use!30 minutes later Adam parked his car at the beach, and removed the clothes he had wore over his swim trunks. No...
Hi ISS I am Jasmeet Kaur Gill how are you yar main yaha apni first story send kar rahi hoo app sab ko padh kar hi pata chal jaye ga k main sach bol rahi hu k jhoth… Main Punjab Main Ludhiana k Pass ek gaon hai Barundi waha ki rehne wali hu… Papa School Main DP Master hai or Mami wahi par Principal hain. Meri mami bhi Bohat cudakad hai khob lund apni chut aur gand main pilwati hai. Abb apni story par ati hun jab main first time Chudi thi apne bhai main koi 22years ki thi aur bhai 20 ka...
Very few stars were visible in the blackening sky, and when the heavy fog accompanied it, the entire setting became somewhat unsettling. The fog set in once they entered Down, passing the city limits littered with bodies. Driving through Down was even worse, the bodies were mangled in an even worse fashion than they had been in Aftersun, and what with the fog and the ever threatening heavens, Nick, Matt, and Michelle found themselves shaking a bit. ‘God damn,’ Michelle uttered from the back...
Brian hummed happily as he tapped his hands on the steering wheel of his Buick LeSabre, careening down the road on his way home. He’d been away on a business trip for three days, and had just left the airport after arrival. He was very pleased that he was only a half hour away from his eight year old son Mark and Elizabeth, his wife of eight years. Brian was thirty two years of age, one year senior to his wife. He was an enigneer for Doldrum Plastics and had to go work on some stupid project...
Nick’s head hurt. His eyes opened to a somewhat disheveled scene, not remembering how he got there. He was lying on a stained and damp bed in a cold and dark room. He sat up and further observed his dank surroundings, Noting the cobwebs covering a good portion of the walls that encased the room. There was a bleak ray of light poking in from a boarded up window across the room. Rubbing his aching head, Nick apprehensively walked toward it. He peered through to see it raining outside. There was...
Nick gleefully approached the vehicle with a bit of a jump in his step. He bent forward toward the driver’s window as it rolled down and a male police officer turned his head to him. Nick excitedly addressed him. ‘Hello, officer,’ he beamed. The cop cut him off with his hand in a somewhat impatient manner. ‘What the hell is going on in this town?’ Nick’s smile flickered. ‘I…I haven’t the slightest clue. I thought that you-‘ ‘I’m up here because we lost contact with a car in this area about...
‘There’s my house!’ Michelle had never been so relieved to see her house as she now was. Nick and Matt stopped behind her at the old rusty gate. She turned to them, about to invite them inside with her. ‘Say, Michelle,’ Matt started, ‘how about you go in while Nick and I keep an eye on things out here?’ The suggestion reminded her that they couldn’t rest easy until they were out of Down and among the living. She nodded meekly and opened the gate, closing it gingerly behind her. ‘And could...
Nick and Matt quickly ran out of the police station and straight for the car. The rain was pouring harder than ever, and the sky had grown even darker. Nick made a Miami Vice-esque dive across the car’s hood and hurriedly got inside. Matt turned the keys and sped off. ‘You know how to get out of here?’ Nick asked frantically. ‘Of course,’ Matt assured him. ‘I didn’t just wake up here.’ Suddenly, another thing occurred to Nick. ‘Do you have a watch?’ Matt chuckled. ‘We’ve got something after...
‘Is that Hillton?’ Matt wondered aloud. Nick shrugged and shook his head. ‘I couldn’t tell you.’ They continued up the path until it stopped at a precipice. Matt walked ahead of Nick and looked down to see another pathway headed downwards. He looked over to Nick. ‘We can jump down,’ he said assuredly. Nick looked over and leaped down. He landed hard on his feet, the ground beneath him shaking and cracking underneath his weight. He moved over and waited for Matt to hop down. He laughed. ‘That...
Maynard drove frenetically, hoping to reach the entrance before Nick could. He had no idea how long ago he’d woken up, and thus knew he had to secure it fast. Maynard did have a plan in advance, he just didn’t think he’d need to use it so soon. Beforehand, Maynard had set C4 up in the mountains on either side of the road leading into Aftersun. He had the detonator in his coat and it was ready to blow at any second, but he needed to be sure that Nick was still in the town. Or that at least the...
Nick, shaken, managed to follow Matt to the Nova. Matt checked the ignition, the keys were in. Nick stood next to Matt as Matt testily turned to him. ‘What, did you want to drive?’ Nick backed up, not saying a word. Matt was a tad puzzled. ‘What the hell?’ Nick shook his head and walked over to the passenger’s side. He opened the door and sat, never making a sound. He’d been pushed over the proverbial edge. Matt got in and turned the key, giving Nick a hard look. ‘You okay?’ Nick’s face...
Even the most populous cities can seem repetitive when all the streets are empty, namely when you’re driving around the outskirts of such a city for a prolonged amount of time. Matt began to notice how the road seemed to repeat itself before Nick did, but he didn’t want to mention anything. Nick had become more and more excitable as time wore on, and he could understand why despite the fact that he was a jaded suburbian police officer. Matt had been on the force for a while, and he’d seen...
Officer Richard Littel was patrolling the outskirts of Hillton with his partner Dan Freese. They had received a call regarding suspicious activities further up the road and had been called upon to investigate. So far, however, they had found nothing. The dark and rainy environment did not make looking out the window easy, and the light did not help much. Overall, Richard and Dan were about to give up. ‘Shit, Richard,’ Dan muttered. ‘You could’ve let someone else take the call.’ Richard shook...
I am in a happy in my relationship. . My boyfriend and I had be together for about 5 1/2 years years . I have never had thoughts of cheating on him. Physically I am an average 35 year old middle class white collar guy. I have a thin build and I'm about 5'5 1/2"." I have never been in a fight in my life and I have not been exposed to a lot of riffraff. I guess hindsight is 20/20, I can see where I could have avoided one of the most dramatic experiences of my life if I had just had some street...
Summer 2018Lust balls or Ben Wa balls aroused my curiosity. Albeit I knew what most of the sex toys do, I was baffled when I saw those little balls, which would not look out of place in the cat toy aisle of a pet store given their size and bright or metallic coloring. I googled, read a lot of exciting articles and decided I have to have one.I went to an adult store, an attractive girl in her early twenties assisted me. She was dressed in a sheer black long top and a red G-string thong. She...
MY FIRST BIG BLACK COCKI still remember the very first time I got to feel and taste my very first black cock. It was a fantasy of mine for a while, but I was too damn nervous and paranoid to actually make this fantasy come true. First of all, It's not that I'm attracted to black men over any other race of men. It was just the fact that supposedly black men had bigger cocks than anyone else and I was going to make sure that if I did try a black cock, It would be of bigger than average size....
I went into the kitchen waving at Amy who was sitting in the living room watching TV. I pulled a lemonade from the fridge. She came in and asked, “Do you have any booze here?” “No. I have some wine but ran out of hard liquor months ago and just haven’t bought more. I only had one bottle then.” “I may pick up a bottle after work tomorrow. “Todd, what’s wrong with me?” “Nothing that I know of. Why?” “You don’t pay any attention to me.” “Amy, we don’t like to do the same things. You watch...
HI ich bin Stefan, ein 28 jähriger Student der neben dem Studium ein wenig Geld verdient in dem er Nachhilfe in den Verschiedensten Fächern gibt. Die Mädels die meine Hilfe in Anspruch nehmen sind ab Klasse 8 aufwärts und der Job macht mir aus vielerlei Gründen richtig viel Spaß. Kurz noch über mich ich bin 185cm groß habe kurzes dunkles Haar, blaue Augen, bin sehr Sportlich, solariengebräunt und immer auf einen guten Fick aus. Naja mal sehen Wo ich Heute hinmuß um mal wider jemanden richtig...
Back at University I was happy to see Jennifer again and she made me glad she wanted to see me again. The first evening when we could be alone, we went out to a cafe and had Tea and chatted just enjoying each others company. We went for a walk after and found a nice deep doorway, where we could kiss and jill one another, ending up rubbing our clits together and enjoying the sensations as a result. I couldn’t help comparing her to Emma, except for Emma and I jilling one another on her piano...
The next days brought several larger engagements with darkspawn, but also the first of the ghosts and undead I had expected in Bownammar. Anders told us the Veil was very thin, hardly a surprise in this place, and all manner of things had reanimated themselves. There were also enormous tainted spiders, which grossed me out in game and were a thousand times worse in person. The undead were actually easier to fight, in many ways, than darkspawn; they were less intelligent, and though difficult...
I try to think out every move to minimize my risk of injury. I know it sounds like I go into things hell bent and stupid, but I actually do consider all my options almost every time. I never considered the big ugly boyfriend option, so I held ice on my cheek and eye. Those were going to be ugly, but the cuts inside my mouth were the most painful. I was pissed at my own stupidity, to mention my lack of planning to allow that jacket to bag over the stun gun holder. I tried to drink coffee by...
"You want me to see a shrink?" My husband of less than six months looked surprised. "Not you," I replied, smiling at him in the darkness. "Both of us." "Okay," he said. "Are you going to tell me why?" "I was thinking it would be nice if, well..." I took a deep breath. "If you could stop cheating on me all the time." "Oh, Janey," he sighed, putting his hand on my swollen tummy. "You know I want to be a good, faithful husband, especially now." "You've got the good part...
Prior: bigbob1200 Missing Mom series Prior: Missing Mom –Hard Labor Ricky kidnapped Jolene and had her at home with his girlfriend Kendra. They abused her with a brutal breeding session. Ricky and Kendra take the bitch to a Poker Party to get money to pay the bills. Abused at the poker party, the next morning Doc Rosen advises rest even as he abuses her himself. Ricky and Kendra] Pimp her out, flush with money they get a delivery of movie equipment. The delivery men and then relatives join...
0003 - Conner- Thomas 0097 - Ace - Zimmel 0098 - Lucy 0101 - Shelby (mother ship) - Derrick 0125 - Lars 0200 - Ellen 0301 - Rodrick 0403 - Johnathon 0667 - Marco - Brown 0778 - Jan 0798 - Celeste - Shelby (human) 0908 - Tara - Mara 0999 - Zan 1000 - Sherry - Lucie (for the moment) ------------------------------------------------------- Mara was clutching Daniel Norman, a full Colonel as desperately tight as she could. Sobbing into his chest she was terrified that if...
Part 1 Sally Denver , the 45-year-old Headmistress, was in her Study when the buzzer sounded. She looked at her watch. It was 2.30 pm so they were right on time. Sally pressed the button of the intercom. “Yes?” she asked sternly. Her Secretary, 25 year old Charlotte , replied, “ Mrs Carson and Emma are both here, Mrs Denver.” “Send them in please,” Mrs Denver ordered in her strict tone of voice that students knew to fear. Mrs Denver watched sombrely as 36-year-old Mrs Elizabeth Carson and...
SpankingHello ISS readers. I am Deepti from New Delhi. This is my third story on this site. Thanks a lot for liking my second story “My Doctor ruined my pussy”. Big thanks for the great response and your love. This is also a true incident which happened with me. Hope you all like it. Sorry for mistakes if I did any. Your suggestions are always welcome. I am Deepti, 29 year old married lady, live in Pitampura, New Delhi. It’s been 4 years since I got married. I have one child. My husband’s name is...
Petra is author of several sexy short seductive stories secretly, at both my 'petdyke' profile and at 'Poet-PETER'.Petra is awesomely attractive, as you all can admire her hot lovely looks 'en profil erotique', ma belle, tout nu ici:Precious Princess Petra en profil, an intimate invitation: provides privacy for Molly Mallone's petty 'perverse' purchases in internet: two dildo's & a set of handcuffs.Petra provides privacy for her...
Hello everyone. It’s my first story on this site. I am Pankaj aged 21 years from Bhopal. Tall and well build and my tool size is 7″. Lets get to the story. This is the real incident which happened to me when I was in 12th standard. It was the time of November just after the diwali. As I was the student of kendriya vidyalaya, so in our school that was the time for social science exhibition to be held. At cluster level because of my good performance I was selected to represent my cluster at...
Dies ist die Geschichte von Sandra. Sandra ist gerade 18 geworden und besucht die 12. Klasse des Heinrich-Heine Gymnasiums in Essen. Sie ist zwar nicht unbedingt die beste Schülerin, aber durch ihr verdammt gutes aussehen und ihre verführerische Art kann sie bei ihren (männlichen) Lehren einiges gut machen. Apropos Aussesehen, Sandra ist 1,75m groß hat braune, lange Haare und ebenfalls braune Augen. Sie ist ziemlich schlank, wiegt nur 55kg, ist aber an den richtigen Stellen genau so...
Chapter II met my wife Sue when I started a new job in the English countryside, many miles from my home. She is 5' 7" tall, and very pretty, with a beautiful slim figure, long shapely legs and magnificent D cup breasts. But her most arresting feature is her color, she is an albino. Her long hair is pure white, her skin is white with a pinkish tinge and her eyes are very pale blue, the dominant color with human albinos. The overall effect is stunning.Like most of the men in the office I fell for...
This started several months after my wife Karen and I were married. We were out at a local club dancing and Karen had noticed a blackman looking our way. She always dresses very erotic and that night she was wearing a black mini dress that was very low cut showing off her 38D breasts and her 5" spike heels that seem to make her legs a mile long and very shapely.That night we were fucking and she started telling me her fantasy of making love to a blackman while I watch. Well, at first I was...
As the knot of nervousness in my stomach untied itself I began to relax. The more we talked, the more I could tell that she liked me. My new found comfort began to loosen up the natural harnesses that you strap on to make a good first impression on someone. I had sat in her office for almost a half an hour, but I was speaking so carefully and listening so attentively that I had just begun to realize how attractive Ms. Audrey Blake was. I was almost shocked watching this Mulatto’s lips...
In my previous story, I wrote about our experience "Glamping", the story of a good friend of mine and I "helping each other out". This is what happened the next night.So, after having my balls drained by Summer, and after eating her hot, sweet pussy, I went back out to the dining tent and began to go over the events of the morning. My cock hardened thinking of Summer and Jan going wild over my cock and then licking each other as I watched. But reality set in when Jan got up hurriedly walked out...
My Mistake While I was getting dressed I started to think about what Jay said to Chris. I was to scared to even admit the truth to my self, I really didn’t think that Jay told him. Obviously we didn’t argue, so what the fuck did he tell him I thought. I was completely confused, so I decided that I would try to fool Chris into telling me what Jay said. I sat on Jay’s bed and sighed. ‘I wish you were here,’ I said aloud then walked out of the room On my way down stairs I started devise a...
“Why so gloomy panda bear?” my sister’s amused voice eased into my room. “Go away,” I mumbled, putting my arm over my face. I was in no mood for her garbage. The next thing I felt was her hand on my chest. “But don’t you have a date today?” she persisted. “It’s not a fucking date! And how the hell would you know?” I growled, annoyed with her near perfect ability to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. “A sister knows these things,” she said in a hurt voice,...
"Mmm,mmm." I softly purr as I slowly awoke.Lying on my stomach and still waking, I lift my hips to the wonderful sensation. "Oohh, Pam." I moan softly, raising my hips higher.She licks my slit, moving up slowly to my back door. Pam swirls her tongue around, wetting the brown eye and continues licking her way up my butt crack as she slips a finger in my ass. "I remember Ellie, slipping her thumb in your ass yesterday and how you liked it," she whispers as I feel two pillows being placed under my...
VoyeurThis is a true story. This happened when I was 15 years old, I was shopping with my parents and with my cousin. We were so bored and we were in a department store. We had to wait for our parents who were looking around the clothes section. Me and my cousin then decided to go near the womens changing rooms. It was the type where you could see in a gap at the side. I watched as the busy area was full of women. I saw one woman who was gorgeous, she was in her 30’s blonde and she was holding a...
I thought of this tale while I was at work. I do make an apology to DC Comics. The characters of Joker, Batgirl, and Robin are theirs. I use them only in jest and for a tale. Fly Robin Fly Robin awoke in a deep pit. The Joker had got him with a knockout dart. He could stand up and look around. The Joker spoke, "Good Morning Robin. I will make you a deal. You climb out that pit on your own; you can go back to your nest. If you do not after three days, I will haul you out and fuck...
Marilyn didn’t like that I wasn’t going to see her for over two months, but she understood. We spent a wild weekend together before I left, and I promised her an even crazier one once I was back. Summer training was like the first time we went through it. Once again, I was separated from Bruno and Joe and never saw them again. I did see my friend from last year, Harlan, but he was assigned to a different training company. We only saw each other intermittently, but we had a good friendship...
Edited by: Madrox13 Whatever it was it felt good. As if there was something flowing through my very being, some orgasmic bliss dominated my dreams. I don't know when it started, but I didn't want to it stop. I couldn't place why, but for some reason I felt cold... wet. This feeling soon distracted me. I... This must be a dream. My eyes fluttered open through the usually tired fog and what welcomed me was a sight I'll never forget. My bedding was wet, completely soaked through. It was only after...