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Next year I’ll be sixty years old. Among other things the approaching milestone has brought a lot of old memories bubbling to the algae covered surface of my consciousness. While not a few of those memories contained sexual elements, one in particular merits recounting.

It was the height of the hippy, leisure suit, Nehru jacket, disco decade: the ‘70’s. I didn’t belong to that level of society. I was more of the ‘sorta hippie’, college dropout segment. In other words, I just tried to earn enough to feed me. I just lived. Wearing jeans mostly, and working a lousy job I was just trying to make it. I’d been declared 4F by the Draft Board, since I’d torn a cartilage in my knee skiing on Mt. Rainier when I was in high school. I was not sad about that. But it didn’t disqualify me for physical work in civilian life. I spent a year in community college, but decided it wasn’t for me.

During the summer seasons, I had been working on a small fishing boat that worked the coast of Washington and Oregon, mostly. Then one day early in the fourth season I was there, the captain called the crew -- all three of us deck hands -- together for an announcement. He wanted to run up to Southeast Alaska for the summer.

“All you guys can come along, but if you decide not to go, then you can have a job next year when I come back ... if I come back, and if I have work for you. If I decide to stay up there, I’ll help you out some if you come along, or pay your fare back here; your choice.” Actually, the turnover on the boat was pretty steady. I was the senior member, and I’d only been aboard for four seasons. At least a dozen other guys had come and gone during that time.

The news made my heart pound. I’d been dreaming of Alaska since one of the guys I’d graduated from high school with came back from his military service. He’d been in the Air Force and stationed up there. His stories about the land and the friendliness of the people – especially the women – had lodged in my imagination and taken root. His stories about the Alaskan Bush Company – a wild tittie bar in Anchorage – sounded to me like the El Dorado of the North.

I went to my parents’ house for dinner that night. I couldn’t shut up about the trip. After dinner I rummaged through the stuff I’d left behind for things I might need. There was still a lot of my old Boy Scout gear left over. I didn’t know if I’d get time to do anything on land before the end of the season, but I wanted to “be prepared” if I did. I also was considering staying up there after the fishing was done. That was a detail I hadn’t told my mom, since she thought Alaska was a foreign country. She goes to visit my aunt in Chicago every year and Alaska is closer than that.

Picking through my old stuff in the garage I found a lot of mildew and rotten leather straps. I could sharpen my knife and hatchet; other metal stuff seemed okay too. But my tent was trashed and the sleeping bag smelled like vomit.

One of the things my buddy told me was that anybody with half a brain could find good work in Alaska. A guy just couldn’t be too particular about what he was willing to do for the big bucks. For one thing, they’d just started building the pipeline up there. The word was that they had no shortage of men already there, and twice as many had applied.

Still, a lot of them were family guys working for a stake, or to get them out of debt before going back to the ‘Lower 48’, as Alaskans call the rest of the U.S. For another thing, a lot of them were college students (a designation that just hadn’t taken with me, as I said). So they’d leave before the end of the summer. Most of the jobs were meant to be year-round and those guys would have to be replaced.

As it turned out, I came home after that season. But the captain said he was staying. Since he knew I was his best hand (his words, I swear) he’d pay my way home and back up the next year. I told him to sign me up. Since I’d given up my apartment when I left, I ended up back with my parents and sleeping in my old room.

The first week after I got back I spent a lot of time partying with my friends. My mom treated me like I was still in high school and partying a lot wasn’t part of that. She wanted to know who, where, what, etc. every time I left the house. So I started looking for another place to stay for the next few months.

There was a guy I knew from my year in college who had stayed in touch with me after I’d dropped out and gone to work full time. He said I could sleep on his couch, so I took him up on it. There was only one small problem. He’d fallen in love and married a good looking blonde.

Patty was attractive in some way I can’t describe. She was cute and nearly always had a smile on her face. She was sexy without trying. I got a hard crush on her when we first met but she was my buddy’s wife, so I knew I’d have to be good. She, however, was openly flirty. Also, she was physically friendly. As long as Gary didn’t mind, I didn’t care if she wanted to hook her arm through mine and rub her tit against my biceps. She even did that as we three walked through a park. And Gary didn’t care. If it had only been things like that, there was really nothing wrong with it.

Patty didn’t like her picture taken. I was hot for photography back about then (remember film cameras?) and had scored a used SLR camera and a bunch of high quality black and white film which I learned how to load into canisters in the darkroom I’d created in their spare bedroom/storage room.

My camera went everywhere with me in those days. Anyway, I’d just changed the film one afternoon at ‘home’. The sun beamed through the front windows and over Gary and Patty sitting on the floor in front of their couch. We were stoned, of course. We were stoned most of the time back then. So we were laughing about something ... or nothing. I was sitting in the big chair across from them.

Anyway, I got the film loaded and sighted through the camera in their direction. Just as I pressed the shutter, Patty pulled her shirt up to hide her face, ‘forgetting’ somehow that she was braless (like she ever wore a bra anyway). “Click”. Gary fell over laughing and Patty’s face was a dark blush as she laughed too in the second shot I took then. I framed both prints in a single frame and gave it to them as a gift. Patty insisted it would only hang in their bedroom.

Gary and Patty’s bedroom was just off the living room and when they made love, Patty was very vocal, especially when she came. It always gave me a painful hard on to hear it. Trying to picture the scene, I’d jerk myself to some great orgasms.

Then the first inevitable thing happened. It was necessary to go through their bedroom to get to the bathroom. I had by then seen most of Patty’s naked (sleeping) torso, and, one time, her butt, on nightly piss trips to the bathroom. Anyway, one day Gary had to work but Patty didn’t. I had coffee with Gary before he left. After a while the coffee had the usual effect. I tiptoed through the darkened bedroom, where I figured Patty was sleeping.

After I used the bathroom I started back across the bedroom. Patty’s voice stopped me. “Hey,” she said in a sleepy voice.

“Hey, yourself,” I replied. “Sorry I woke you.”

“I wasn’t asleep. I just didn’t want to have to put clothes on yet. I love being naked.” Gary and she had gone to a local nudist camp the previous summer, so that wasn’t news to me. She stretched, carelessly (?) letting the sheet slip off one tit, and her eyes held mine. I only saw her breast in peripheral vision. Then she sat up all the way and reached her arms out to me.

Well, what would you have done? There were her pear shaped breasts, the dark pink and erect nipples pointing straight at me. As I said earlier, I had a heavy crush on her already. After living with them for a few weeks I have to say I’d fallen in love with her. I moved into her embrace, inhaling her morning aromas. I could even smell the sex I’d heard that morning before Gary got up. It only made my cock strain harder against my ‘tighty-whities’, which were all I wore.

Patty’s hand slipped under my waistband as we kissed. She grabbed my dick and released it from its confinement and devoured it. I knew I should have stopped, her but I also wanted to unload into her pussy. So I gently removed her head from my lap and knelt down to suck one of those hard nipples. My hand slipped down into the slippery, sweaty heat of her crotch. She was already full, as I’d known. I moved down farther and brought my head into the V of her widely spread legs.

“Uh, Greg, you might not want to do that right now,” she warned me. I just ran my nose through her sticky and tangled pubic hair. When I parted her labia with my tongue, Patty gasped. I went to town on her. Knowing it was my buddy’s sperm I was swallowing made it more erotic – I guess -- for both of us. At least it didn’t take long for Patty to begin emitting those all too familiar moans and grunts. A small gush of juices oozed out when she came. I swallowed it all, including more of Gary’s sperm.

“Oh, my fucking god! Gary would ... AHH! ... never do that! AAAHH!” I swallowed again and brought my fingers into play. I kept licking and prodding inside her until she came again.

We finished and relaxed together in those scented sheets. “I’ve never had such a hard orgasm, Greg!” she said. “And, believe me when I say that. I’ve had a LOT of dicks in me.”

That was the beginning. We took the opportunity to fuck whenever we could. I felt like an asshole because of Gary, but this wasn’t the first time Patty had done this. In fact they’d had a blow up when Gary had found out about the first time after they were married. Yet, they were still friends with the guy she’d had the affair with. He was a regular visitor, but never fucked her again that I knew of. To settle the argument, she told him to go out and find a woman to fuck. He did. Then they moved on together, friends with his lover as well as hers. The way Patty put it was that she wasn’t sleeping with other men because she chose not to. Gary wasn’t sleeping with other women because she didn’t want him to. Gary didn’t object.

It was simple for me to rationalize what she and I were doing, chiefly because of that statement. In the back of my conscience, though, I knew I shouldn’t be fucking, let alone falling in love with, my buddy’s wife. What made it even harder was that she told me she was in love with me too. Still, she said she loved Gary. I considered ending the affair. But I didn’t. A guilty conscience didn’t stop Patty either.

Weeks passed. One night I was under my blanket on the couch and their sex sounds began. I had already slipped my underwear off and was stroking my hard cock when I heard their orgasm(s?). Things were quiet a while. Then Gary’s voice called out, “Greg? Are you awake?”

“Uh, yeah. Hard to sleep with your lullaby going on,” I joked. They laughed.

“Do you want to come and play with us?” his voice came again. God! Did I want to? Hell yeah, I wanted to fuck Patty! But he had said, ‘with us’. Did I want to have him as an audience when I fucked her? Did he want to do something with me? I’ve never done anything like that with another guy, but I was curious about it. I admit now that both ideas made me throb in my hand. So I slipped my underwear off and went to their door.

Patty was on her back, legs bent at the knees and spread wide. Gary was between her and the wall on his side. They were both naked, the sheets shoved into a pile at the foot of the bed. I glanced first at her smiling face. I looked at Gary’s grin. I looked at his semi-soft cock, lying across his thigh, dripping. My dick gave a little jump. Was it seeing his gooey cock or her nakedness?

I stepped to the bedside and Patty crowded back against Gary to make room for me. Then she reached for my cock. As she licked the drops from the end and began to slide me into her warm mouth, I glanced at Gary’s expression. His eyes were wide open while he watched his wife slowly swallowing me. He seemed fascinated. Also his dick was getting hard again.

Her tongue did wonderful things around me. Her hands went to my hips and started pushing me, then pulling, fucking herself with my cock. I got the idea and started to move my hips – fucking her mouth. But I stopped her; I was too close. I lay down next to her.

On my back, I watched Patty straddle my hips, but I pulled at her. She moved higher until she was right over my face. I saw Gary’s deposit around her spread labia. I pulled her to my mouth and Gary gasped.

“Greg! We just...” he said.

I pulled my mouth away long enough to tell him, “I know. I heard you,” before returning to sucking his sperm from her hot pussy. She reached behind her ass to fondle my erection. Gary groaned.

Her hand left me, but soon returned. I thought it was her. I found out later that she had grabbed Gary’s hand to take her place. She lifted up and reversed her position before lowering her crotch for more licking. I licked from her clit to the ‘taint’, the sensitive spot between cunt (or balls) and ass hole. I did it again before traveling back to rim her puckered hole. She groaned and leaned to slurp my leaking dick back into her lips. That’s when I felt what had to be Gary’s hand on my balls.

She played her tongue all around the knobby head and her hand reached for Gary’s dick to stroke his returned erection. Then she sat up. Then, the feeling of a mouth dropping over my stiff cock told me she had urged Gary to participate. The sensation – and knowledge that it was Gary’s tongue that swirled along my length before enclosing it again. I grunted to let him know he was about to get a mouthful.

He started to raise up, but Patty’s hoarse half whisper, half groan said, “Take it, Gary. You love to come in my mouth. Swallow it baby, please! I want to watch!” She held his head down gently so he could pull it away if he wanted to. But he issued a moan of his own as I came, feeling his throat spasm in a swallow. He let some leak out, but I soon stopped throbbing.

Then it was Patty’s moan sounding out as her pussy contracted, forcing out the remnants of his earlier charge along with her own contribution. She rose off me and went down on his reawakened cock to catch another load from him.

We rolled apart, this time she rolled behind him, so he and I were pushed together in our nudity. We didn’t speak for a while, we just lay there catching our breath. Then Patty giggled. Her arm came over him and me, pulling us closer. I felt his sweaty softening dick against my own.

I was surprised when she did that, because it felt good being so close to another guy. I’d been socially conditioned to avoid things like that, even though boys showered together in school and were otherwise exposed to one another from time to time. One high school I went to for half a year even had a swimming pool, where boys and girls used to take turns skinny-dipping during P.E. classes. They had stopped that two years before I got there and suits were required.

His eyes seemed to convey a shyness, as I supposed would be his feeling. I felt bad that he felt that. The pleasure his mouth had given me made me do what I did then. I reached past him to hug Patty even closer, thus pulling him closer to me. I looked at Patty’s grin over his shoulder. I rested my head on Gary’s shoulder to kiss Patty. Then I whispered into his ear, “Thank you, buddy. That felt great.

Things changed between the three of us after that. We displayed less modesty around the house, leaving our clothes off at times. There was no tension when Gary and I were nude together. Patty would kiss or fondle either of us in passing. I still slept on the couch, but left the undies off, hoping for another invitation.

That didn’t exactly happen. But we spent hours discussing our feelings about it all for the first few days after it happened. From some of the things Gary said, I got the itch to try it too. Their schedules sometimes matched and sometimes one or the other of them worked at night while the other stayed home. When it was Patty at home while he worked, we smoked dope and made love. When it was Gary at home with me, we smoked dope and listened to music.

Finally, on one of those nights, he and I were smoking as we sat on the carpet in our underwear. When we finished the joint, I went to the kitchen for a couple of beers. I was horny. I slid my underwear off before returning to Gary. My cock was half hard since I knew what I was about to do. I handed Gary a beer and sat back down near him.

I watched his dick expand under the cotton. I swigged my beer and leaned over and kissed him on the lips. No tongue, but I pressed my lips to his for longer than I would have his cheek (if I ever would) in a friendly peck. I sat back, my dick standing unashamedly in my lap. I slipped my hand under the elastic of Gary’s Jockeys and pushed at them, urging him to get them off. He did and there was my target, as hard as I was.

“It’s my turn, man, if you want,” I told him. He looked into my eyes for a few seconds before smiling a shy smile. I scooted back some and leaned down. I inhaled his scent. We’d both showered that morning, but lived through the day, sweating some, probably farting, pissing and maybe he had taken a dump, as I had, though there was no shit odor, just a musky combination of human male scents.

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My cuckold fantasy with wife hung young stud

I've pretty much always been a little ashamed of my small cock, but the more people I sleep with I find out that I have nothing to be ashamed of. I feel my cock could be bigger, thicker, longer and my balls could do with being double the size. I heard that quite a few of my exes were at a party together, and as it is quite a small place everyone seems to know eachother or of eachother. The drinks started flowing and apparently, they all did say my cock was on the smaller size when I'm warm, but...

1 year ago
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Harem King Levan pushed the splintering throne room doors aside, hearing them smash to the stone floor to either side of him as he strode through the room, bloody sword held firmly in his hand. The hall stretched fifty feet, with a dais at the other end sporting an elaborate stone throne, at the foot of which stood the aged ruler of this region, surrounded by his personal guard, all wielding their weapons shakily. “Turn aside, peons, lest you join your King in death,” Levan spoke loudly,...

3 years ago
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My Descent Into Being a DogslutChapter 3

Lockdown has been a pain. Thank god for Bruno, our pet dog, and for the fact that I am now very comfortable in the role of his ‘bitch’ and very comfortable with the fact I enjoy, yes enjoy, fucking him. Never thought I would, was always a fantasy but I’m glad we have taken the plunge and I love my threesomes with him and my husband now ... and will undoubtedly be fucking with him on my own from time to time as well! Two weeks ago I became an utter cumslut for the day. I had woken up late...

1 year ago
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Mind Control Madness

I had been up all night, scouring the internet. Yet I found nothing new, nothing of interest. All the social networking, news, comics, porn, and other minutia bored me. I kept refreshing google, over and over in one of my browser's tabs. That's when, quite by accident, I spied an interesting ad in the bottom right corner of a web page I sometimes pretended to read. 'LEARN MIND CONTROL FREE' it said, in big, bold, black, letters. I clicked on it, and was surprised to see simple black text...

Mind Control
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My Beautiful Biology Teacher8217s Birthday

Hi I’m kumar and my teacher rosy (rosy miss). She is not married and she is 32. On 23 December after my biology class class rosy started to move out of the class and all my friends went out of the class . and I was alone there . then I went along with the miss, walking to the staff room . She said ” how are you doing maa? “I said “oh I’m doing well and great .then miss what about you? Rosy miss said, ” as usual Yaar daily school then home same people. But within them you are the really nice one...

2 years ago
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Ritika8217s Sexual Journey 8211 Part I

Ritika was a cute girl from Mumbai learning to explore her sexuality. She was an avid reader of sex stories and was getting impatient to experience it firsthand once she met Ajay on an online chat portal and the two hit off instantly both of them were from Mumbai, had a lot of common likes and dislikes and shared similar fantasies. The two used to often have sex chats online and their relationship started to blossom. However, Ritika was impatient to experience it rather than imagine it. Ajay...

2 years ago
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A Walk Around the Lake Chapter 6

The morning dawned, bright and sunny.  They met for breakfast, as was their habit now.  They chatted about the day ahead of them, and she was looking forward to the drive to Jasper.  He was looking forward to the trip as well, but more for the fact that he would be in such close quarters with her, in the SUV.  He was falling in love with her.  His feelings were growing by leaps and bounds, and the thought of them, being together tonight in a cabin in Jasper caused his body to react in a way...

4 years ago
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Curiosity Killed the CatChapter 43 Contact

Sunday, July 28th, 1996, Sanford Maine I sat with my hands gripping the menu hard, frozen with fear. Carla’s words about her recognizing us still echoing in my ear. Amber’s and my worst nightmare was realized. We’d slipped up a little over a month ago and had allowed our being an hour away from home to give us a false sense of security, and now we were about to pay for it. I knew that Amber’s desire to be able to act like a regular couple in public would eventually get us into trouble. I...

3 years ago
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Sex on the beach every day in France

Although this tale is listed under stories it is my diary of what we got up to in France on holiday. Each year we go on holiday I keep a diary of all the things we get up to so that I can re read them in the future to live them in my mind again.We were in the nude resort of Cap D’Agde for our tenth year and each year we have done something more than the year before. One thing that has happened since my last year’s diary is that I went out some weeks ago with a girl friend called Leigh and got...

2 years ago
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Naked in School the Exported RebellionChapter 6

That Saturday Kevin met Jeremy at the dojang for their weekly training. “Say, Jeremy,” Kevin said as he pulled on his dobak, your mom mentioned that you’ve gotten involved with writing about social problems.” “Oh yeah, I am,” he replied. “I think that governments and even religions have too much control over how people can treat each other, like when we were talking about honor killing—that’s a religious idea gone haywire, and the Naked in School Program, which is a crazy government...

3 years ago
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Mind Device

--MIND DEVICE-- My name is Roy, and I love science. In fact, I'm so fascinated that I can't help but volunteer when my friend's father, Professor John kustler, is ready to begin his new project... Jim is a great friend and expresses concern for my safety: "Roy, my dad is brilliant but be careful what you volunteer for! I mean, he's working on some crazy brain wave shit." "I know Jim" I laughed. "I just can't imagine NOT being a part of the action." Jim chuckles, "Okay, Roy old...

3 years ago
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The Last Lockdown Ends

The bedsprings were rocking and the headboard was crashing into the wall. The noise was quite amazing as the bed was put to the test.The reason was obvious. Sprawled on their backs with their legs open two attractive women were both being vigorously fucked by each other's partners. Had there been a top shot from a camera in the room, it would have caught the sight of two pairs of toned buttocks driving hard cocks into a pair of clearly moist pussies.The noise of the bed being rocked was matched...

Group Sex
4 years ago
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The Addicted NaturalChapter 8 Dees Diary Desperate Love

DEE'S DIARY SATURDAY, MAY 5th (Continued) To this day I don't know which direction we were heading. We were on a major road, but I don't even know if it was an interstate highway. Jay drove fast, weaving smoothly through the traffic. We didn't talk; the wind prohibited easy speech, and there was really no need for it. After about half an hour, he pulled into the parking lot of a very large metal building with huge, blaring letters atop its roof: ADULT BOUTIQUE - BOOKS - VIDEOS -...

3 years ago
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SullyChapter 18

I slept well that night, nearly exhausted from the sexual marathon with Shelly and that day I was surprisingly refreshed at work, completing two days work in one. I made a point of dropping in on Jack at the ice cream parlor to learn if he suspected anything. He didn't. In fact he greeted me effusively, bought me an ice cream sundae and began to regale me with his seduction of one Merry Slaught. "You ain't gonna believe this, Farrell." "Oh, no?" I said. Then pointed at the afternoon...

1 year ago
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PornHub Latina

Welcome to one of the most popular porn sites, I am sure everyone has already heard about… PornHub. Whenever you are looking for some free porn videos, I am pretty sure that this is one of the first porn sites you visit, right? Well, you are welcome to explore PornHub on your own, I am here to talk about one of their hottest categories, the Latina one… so if you like Latina sluts as much as me, you are bound to love this section as well.Those who are just interested in PornHub and not their...

Latina Porn Sites
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King Jon Targaryen of Westeros

'They said ruling would be simple, that all I have to do is listen to Tyrion's counsel and act kingly in front of the people. I never thought I would miss the Watch, not after what they did to me, but being Lord Commander was easy in comparison to being in charge of all these little children pretending to be men...' "The lord Rocelyn came with his men and took all our harvest, your Grace!" said the peasant, "He killed my animals, my horses, my cows!!" he started sobbing... "What am I to do...

3 years ago
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Meeta Ki Chut Ka Welcome 8211 Part 11

Mera mera naam raj sharma hanumangarh hai.main iti krta hun.ek young lady geeta jo bahut ameer thi uske saath sex ki ye kahani hai.Geeta apne peeher chali gai.uski judwan bahan meeta ki panch din tak chudai chalti rahi rahi.jab Geeta vapas aai to main us per toot gya…Geeta 5 dino ko maza ek hi din mein dene wali thi… Chudai ki ye story number 11 hai…koi bhabhi ya lady mujhe is id pr contect kare… Meeta sham jaldi uth gai thi.wo kitchen main chay bna rahi thi.maine usko pichhe se ja kr pakad...

2 years ago
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26 From a faithful wife to a cucks sub

26 From a faithful wife to a cuck`s sub. I started chatting to a lass, called ‘Dawn’ on the x,hamster website, she astounded me by her frankness, and explained her situation being both married to a cuck hubby (andy) and a sub to a master named Ray. She also has a smackable arse and a joy in light Bdms. So I asked her of how she had come to be a sub to someone not her hubby and this is the true account of what she told me; “So how did you get into Bdms and sub and cuck scenario?” “Well Ed,...

1 year ago
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MomPOV Shelly Blonde cougar with gigantic tits

– 59 years old – Did some stripping and adult videos in the past – Has been out of the game for a while – Has a pretty wild sex life with multiple partners – Will gladly suck a big fat cock if whipped out in front of her – She has 34J size boobs that I just had to titty fuck – Loves to be fucked from behind and make her tits clap – For her age she had a lot of sexual energy and loved being fucked – She has the experience and really knows how to pleasure a cock – Her pussy is very tight, felt so...

3 years ago
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Once Upon A Time

I was 18 back then. The adolescence was making me go crazy. With my body going through a lot of changes I had started thinking a lot about sex. I used to masturbate at least 3 times a day. I was a skinny guy with specs and uncombed hair back then. I had very friendly with everyone though. I was a wild beast from within but was able to mask it with a normal teenager. I used to help out all my neighbors. So was very well known in the neighborhood. Once I was coming back from school no one was at...

2 years ago
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Whats Up Doc

NANCY: What's up, Doc? DANNY: Who's this? NANCY: Nurse Ratchet. DANNY: Holy Shit! I haven't heard from you in over 25 years. How'd you find me? NANCY: Haven't you heard of the Internet, silly? It's not like your name is Smith or Jones or something like that. DANNY: How are you? Where are you? NANCY: I'm fine. A little older, put on just a couple of pounds. Still back here in Chicago. Pete died about ten years ago. I just retired from my City job. DANNY: Damn! I was really sorry...

4 years ago
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Das harte Geschftsleben

Familie van Houten befand sich auf dem Weg von Hamburg nach Frankfurt. Eigentlich hatten sie ihren Privatjet nehmen wollen, aber extrem schlechte Wetterverhältnisse hatten dies verhindert. Über ganz Norddeutschland wütete ein Orkan und Heinz der neue Chauffeur der van Houtens hatte alle Mühe damit den Straßenverlauf zu erkennen. Der Regen prasselte an die Fensterscheibe und der Sturm ließ immer wieder Laub und kleine Äste gegen die Windschutzscheibe knallen. Gut das der dicke Mercedes wie auf...

2 years ago
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Organism X Ch 05

There was a rising pang of anxiety rising in Leah's gut as she walked down the hallway towards the boys' wing. Megan walked with her and Leah could sense the girl's own sense of foreboding, streaming into her brain like a staticky radio signal. Things were growing out of control. "Tell me again how you left them," Leah said. "They seemed out of it. Pale. Passed out. Not too different from how you described it." "When I did it, I didn't give birth to some monstrosity. Besides,...

2 years ago
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My House My RulesChapter 18

The trip was interesting, beyond what a person would expect traveling with eleven women. Discussions revolved around where to stop for lunch (the red headed girl, the creepy king, the golden arches, that place with the stupid name, etc.). Consensus was not soon coming, so Pete told them lunch would be at the first exit they approached when the clock on the dashboard turned to noon. Unsynchronized bladders, none apparently larger than a walnut, became the next serious issue near the Tappan...

3 years ago
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Bimbotech BrasilChapter 3

Carlos was very helpful teaching Gwen how to be the best bimbo she could be. What Carlos couldn't explain verbally, Nica and the other bimbos were delighted to demonstrate. And of course, Mr. Ruiz had done all sorts of wonderful things to her body! Her clitty was now so big that Aline could find it even when she was too drunk to stand up and it was sensitive enough that her friend's sloppy, drunken cunilingus had her going off like a rocket. He had modified and fortified her fuckholes so...

2 years ago
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Dad I Have a Question Part 3

PLEASE NOTE: This is part of a completely fictional series about a single father and his daughter. No actual virgins were harmed in the making of this story. Two nights before this chapter begins, the girl, a senior in high school, approached her father with some frank questions about sex. * * * * * * * * * * In the morning, I woke up on my side, Jamie spooned up tight against me. Her fragrant blond hair caressed my face. She held my hand in hers, cupping a firm young breast, the...

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Fucking My Virgin Sister8217s Pink Pussy

Hello, guys! My name is Andy and today I’m gonna narrate the story of I took away my little sister’s virginity. I am 17 years old, built is athletic because I play basketball at school and height is 1.8m. My sister’s name is Tina and her age is 13 years. Apart from girls of her age, she’s got comparatively bigger boobs than the others, I’m not saying really big but big enough to satisfy me. Her boobs are nowhere near as big as Nasem’s boobs. (my big boobed maid who I fucked. Read the previous...

2 years ago
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A Touch of DeathChapter 10

The desk clerk at the Inn directed me to the dock when I asked about Dora. The beach next to it was filled with tourists and there were even a few on boats tied up to the dock. Dora stood beside the bloody piling while an older man dressed in denim coveralls knelt to examine it. They had their backs to me so I took that as a sign from God to sneak up and listen. "It's down into the fibers of the wood," the man said. "There's nothing I can do to get it out." "I can't leave it like...

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The Great Shift Space Cadets

The Great Shift: Space Cadets By Jerrie526 Beta Quadrant, Space Station Terra 19, June 14, 12012 AD 10,000 Light years from Earth Commanders Log: It has been more than 10,000 years since the phenomenon that came to be known as The Great Shift occurred back in the late 20th Century. The event that changed Humanity for what some people felt was for the worst. But the human race had proved to be highly adaptable. The shift happened and within months, it was business as usual...

4 years ago
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Legendary Shy

Legendary Shy Chapter 1 “Good Morning KEN!!!!” *bam* “dad when are you going to learn?” I looked down at my dad lying upside down on my bed with his back against the wall. “Son its time to get up” I look at him for a moment then yelled, “WHAT THE HELL DAD, if u want to get me up you didn’t have to attack me.” With that I slammed...

3 years ago
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A conference in Mexco City

I was lucky enough to be selected to attend a conference in Mexico City and decided to do bit of sightseeing beforehand. So I arranged with Stan who was a colleague to go on a trip to Cancun first. The beach was delightful and the temperatures very agreeable for January. At the hotel we bumped into another group of two ladies and two middle aged men who were not known to us but were enjoying a holiday. They seemed a lively group and so we arranged to meet for dinner. The two ladies in the...

2 years ago
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Tears Of A Vamp Chapter Four

Terry's House...My whiskey bottle was three-quarters empty. I had three cigarettes left. All day I'd been researching vampires. Half the day was gone before I realized that to kill the damned vampire, I had to find him first. It took most of the remaining daylight to find a locator spell to let me do that.I should have known all of this, I berated myself with whiskey honesty. If I'd listened to Grams more and chased boys less... I rubbed my eyes clear of the tears that welled up whenever I...

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