A Loner Mentalist Pt. 08 free porn video

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Jack spent the night awake, staring at the roof of the RV. Mia slept soundly, draped over his side. Plagued by doubts, he paid little notice to her firm, hot body next to his. He didn’t know whether to tell benevolent mentalists about the necklaces that protected against mentalism, or to leave them exposed to Shauna Patrick and her master.

Mentalism granted practically absolute mastery over any mind whose state and thoughts a mentalist could match, even for a split second. He had felt the temptation to abuse such power lurk in the hearts of several of the benevolent mentalists he had found in New York. They were members of supernatural societies and they toed the line, but Jack feared that they would skip over it, if they had the instrument of concealment at hand. Plus, if they felt the necklaces touch their skin, they might learn how to replicate their effects on their own, thus allowing them to cloak their minds in the same way as he did.

Usually, mentalism required that a mentalist become the person whose mind they’re intruding into, even for a moment. It was hard to violate another person when you could feel them and their thoughts and feelings as clearly as if they were your own. The cloak-hole technique gave no such insight. Jack could only hear the thoughts he was specifically looking for. It would be easy to disregard the other person’s emotions if you didn’t have to feel them.

If these mentalists figured out the cloak-hole technique and that ability made them go bad and mind-rape other people, Jack would feel responsible.

On the other hand, if he didn’t tell them about the necklaces, sooner or later, Patrick and her handler would get to them. They would take away the mentalists’ sanities and wills to live.

Ever since his father had told him about the Navy officer he had been named for, Jack had tried to live his life in accordance to that man’s teachings. Lying in bed and enduring the humid heat, he thought of them. Good men had a duty to serve the greater good every day of their lives, Jack White had taught his father. A good man was always ready to honor his own worth and the worth of others by standing up against evil wherever he found it.

Those were ideals to live by, but Jack couldn’t figure out how to apply them to his current situation. Tell the mentalists about the necklaces and risk them becoming evildoers, or don’t tell them and leave them exposed to the current evildoers?

He didn’t feel like it was his place to decide the fates of hundreds, or thousands of people. He wasn’t an elected official. He never signed up to serve. Didn’t I? This trip was my idea, no one asked me to make it. And here I am, stumbling on the first step. He let himself wallow in the yearning to just go home and forget about all this.

While his mind spun in endless debate, sleep managed to creep up on him. He dreamed he was in a field. It was autumn and decaying leaves were everywhere. A sudden gust of cold wind made Jack shiver and curl up. It blew the leaves off the ground and revealed Jack was in a graveyard. Tombstones stretched out as far as Jack could see. The names on them were of all the mentalists that had suffered at the hands of Jacobs and his master.

As Jack’s gaze fell, he saw that the five tombstones nearest to him bore the names of Jamie Jacobs and his four goons. Rotting, skeletal hands suddenly burst from the loose soil and reached up to seize him.

Jack startled awake in his bed. He wiped the sweat from his brow and gulped air. The dogs woke up and watched him with raised ears. He calmed them with a gesture. Mia rolled off him and he got up to wipe himself down with a towel. The night was oppressively hot and humid, even without a nightmare-induced burst of adrenaline sweat. He lay back on the bed and his mind resumed spinning in its cycle of what-ifs.

By the time dawn finally broke, he came to a decision. It was dishonorable to think of the benevolent mentalists he had seen as just bad guys waiting to happen. They had banded together and done good. Those had been their choices in life, so far. They deserved to know. It was his duty to help them in any way he could.

He would tell the benevolent mentalists about the necklaces. Just as they deserved to know about the danger that was out there, they also deserved to know how to protect themselves from it. In the end, he was laying the responsibility at their own feet. If they chose to go bad and hid it from everyone else, he was not to blame. In his mind’s eye, all the suffering they could cause was secondary to all the suffering Patrick and her master will cause.

After all, everyone can be a rapist, or a murderer, but the vast majority of people chooses to not rape and murder other people.

He beat back the small voice in the back of his mind that tried to point out that the vast majority of humanity didn’t have the option of making strangers do their killing and raping for them with mentalist impunity. If I decide that benevolent mentalists, people who have already chosen not to abuse others in such a way, aren’t worthy of my faith, then where do I draw the line?

He got up and typed up second letters for those mentalists, in which he told them about the necklaces. He signed them with ‘Half a league onwards’, the second verse from ‘The Charge of the Light Brigade’, one of the few poems he knew by heart from start to finish.

Mia woke up by the time he was done and they had a breakfast of bacon, eggs, toast and sausages. The dogs scarfed down bowls of kibble. Jack pulled out of the trailer park and drove them north. He stopped at the first print shop they passed, and again had the letters printed without traces that could lead back to him. He tossed them into a mailbox in the next town they passed through.

‘So, where are we going?’ Mia asked as they entered Connecticut.

‘Well, I was going to drive us to Augusta, but…I’m having second thoughts.’

‘What do you mean?’

Jack sighed. ‘I originally made my cross-country tour plan with the intent to stick to the major population centers, where I was more likely to find mentalists. I’m not so sure about that anymore.’

Mia frowned. ‘What? Do you wanna stay in, like, the woods…or something?’

‘No, it’s just,’ he trailed off. ‘For instance, our recent stay in New York was a mistake. I wasted almost half my radius on the Atlantic. I didn’t feel any mentalists on ships passing by the shore.’

‘So, you wanna stay away from the sea?’

‘Yes, we need to keep inland. When you try to cover the US with a bunch of circles, you either have a lot of overlap, or a lot of gaps in between the circles. I mean, I’d prefer overlap to huge gaps, but they are both unavoidable. I’ll have to waste half my radius on the sea again, sooner or later. I need to re-think my route. I’ll pull over here and you take the wheel, ok?’


While Mia drove them north, Jack modified his route. He’d have to stay in coastal places a few more times, but he felt confident he could cover the entire US, including Alaska and Hawaii, in less than forty stops. For his next stop, he chose a small bed and breakfast in a historic house some twenty five miles west of Augusta. It would allow him to see the whole of New England, while wasting little of his radius on the ocean. It would also let him see all the way from Boston to Quebec and Montreal. He was curious to know if Jacobs’ master had confined him to national borders, or not.

When they stopped for lunch at a roadside diner, he brought the laptop and showed Mia where they were going to stay that night. The website boasted of internet access, a premium cable package in every room and ensuite bathrooms. That was more than enough to sell it to Mia. The drive north was uneventful and provided them with many opportunities to admire the beautiful countryside.

The people running the B&B were an elderly couple named Rick and Mandy. Mandy had a long face, covered in
wrinkles. Her skeletally thin hands kept rubbing one another, as if she was spreading an invisible cream on them. Her husband had a prominent pot belly. His head was bald and covered in liver spots, which simply drew the eye away from his hawkish nose. They both greeted Mia and Jack warmly. They lured their young guests to a table in the large, downstairs sitting room with trays of freshly baked cookies that smelled mouthwatering.

No sooner were Jack and Mia seated, than the owners launched into their life story. They told of how unhappy they had been in their lives before purchasing this house and opening their little inn. Mandy had worked as a secretary and Rick had been a salesman. Their children had moved to Florida and California and rarely called. Mandy told of how long it had been since their last visit with a quiver to her lip and a tremble in her voice.

Jack didn’t want to appear rude, so he sat and listened for the better part of an hour. When the couple launched into recalling all the minute details of refurbishing the lovely, three-storied house, his patience vanished.

‘Thank you both for the lovely welcome,’ he said, ‘but I’m afraid Mia and I have to go unpack now.’

‘Oh,’ Mandy said, sounding forlorn. ‘We had hoped you’d be willing to stay and sit with us for a while, but I understand.’ She nodded with a tear in her eye. ‘We don’t want to be a burden to you.’ Rick put a hand on hers and gave it a squeeze in sympathy.

‘You’re not a burden,’ Mia said. ‘We’d love to hear about the floral wallpaper! Wouldn’t we, babe?’


‘Sit down, Jack! Mandy, please tell us where you found such a wonderful wallpaper! The flowers are so beautiful.’

Jack shot a dubious look at the wallpaper. The house was an amazing specimen of architecture and it had obviously been built with skill for it to be still standing after all those years. Jack never had a keen eye for the aesthetic, but he thought the decor to be garish. The floors, staircases and banisters were all made of oak and would be impressive, if they weren’t partially covered by rugs in clashing, loud colors. The chairs were rickety and upholstered with odd geometric patterns. The more Jack looked around, the fewer things he found pretty.

‘Um, I’ll leave you to talk decorating tips while I go get our bags.’

Jack turned on his heel and left, ignoring Mandy’s attempt to point out the beauty of the furniture to him. Rick got up to follow Jack and help him carry the bags, but he stood at the front door while Jack got the bags. He held the door open for Jack and complained about his rheumatism stopping him from repeating the many feats of strength he had done when he was Jack’s age. Jack briefly interrupted him to learn where their room was.

As Jack toted the bags past the sitting room, he could hear Mandy asking Mia in a loud, conspiratorial whisper, ‘So, when are the two of you going to tie the knot?’ He paused at the foot of the stairs and listened for Mia’s reply.

‘Oh, we’re too young to be thinking about that,’ she said.

‘Nonsense! You’re never too young! Time is ticking away, young lady. If you don’t go after what you want, you’ll become an old maid. You don’t want to be an old maid, believe you me.’

Jack shook his head and carried the bags up the stairs to their room. Rick followed slowly, clutching a key in his hand as if it unlocked the Pearly Gates. Jack patiently waited for Rick to fumble his way through unlocking the door and then carried the bags inside. He took a look around the room and asked, ‘Where’s the bathroom?’

Rick hooked his thumb over his shoulder and pointed behind him. ‘It’s at the end of the hall.’

Jack frowned. ‘What?’

Rick waved for Jack to come to him and pointed with his arm down the hall. ‘It’s right there, at the end of the hall.’ He smiled warmly and spoke to Jack as if he were a small child, ‘It’s the white door with the brass knob. You turn the knob and open the door to go in.’

‘Your website said each room had its own bathroom.’

‘Yes,’ Rick said. He nodded down the hall. ‘That’s the bathroom for the rooms on this floor. The rooms upstairs have their own bathroom.’

‘Hey! I didn’t reserve a room with a communal bathroom.’

‘Of course not! This room has that bathroom and the rooms upstairs have their own bathroom. It’s only called a communal bathroom when there’s only one bathroom per inn.’

Jack blinked and looked at the other five doors on this floor. ‘The fuck…?’

Rick frowned. ‘Young man, we do not tolerate such language in this house!’

‘Do you, or do you not, have rooms with ensuite bathrooms?’

Rick shook his finger at Jack. ‘I already explained the bathroom situation to you. Now I think it’s time I explained some other rules in this house.’

Jack huffed and squeezed past the man. He came down the stairs, where Mia and Mandy were cheerfully talking about the best flowers for a wedding bouquet. ‘I hate to interrupt, but our room doesn’t seem to have a bathroom.’

Mia’s jaw dropped. ‘What?’

Mandy gave a dismissive wave of her hand. ‘There’s nobody else staying here this week. The bathroom is practically your own.’

‘I also didn’t see a TV set in our room, or any sockets, for that matter. Do we have internet and cable?’

‘Of course you do,’ Rick said, sounding winded and insulted as he came up behind Jack. ‘It’s all set up in the television room.’ He pointed to the door next to the banister. ‘Right there.’

‘So, unlike what was said on your website, we do not, in fact, have our own bathroom, internet access and cable TV?’

Mandy shook her head with a patient smile plastered on her wrinkled face. ‘Young man, I have a feeling that you’re trying to be difficult. You have your own room and full run of the bathroom down the hall. The TV and computer are right here, in the next room, where we can all sit down and spend some time together.’

‘One TV?’ Mia asked with disbelief. ‘In the same room as the computer?’

‘Yes,’ Mandy said. ‘Oh, you young people and your flashy screens and internets and what-nots. Whatever happened to good old fashioned face-to-face conversation? Spending quality time together?’

Jack snorted and said, ‘I think it went the same way as truth in advertising.’

Mandy didn’t like the sound of that comment, so she folded her hands in her lap and said, ‘Young man, the way things are is the way things are in this house. You can take it, or leave it, but-‘

‘Oh, we’ll be leaving,’ Mia said and jumped out of her seat.

Rick muttered something behind Jack’s back. All Jack could make out was the word ‘spoiled’.

Mandy’s face went cold and hard. ‘As you wish. But we charge cancellation fees and we will also be charging you for a day’s stay.’

Mia gasped in offense. ‘What?!’

‘We could have rented that room to anyone else today, but we didn’t, because you had reserved it.’

‘We only reserved it earlier today,’ Mia exclaimed. ‘And you don’t have anyone else here! You said so yourself!’

‘That is besides the point,’ Mandy calmly said. She looked at Jack in triumph. ‘Your credit card will be charged for the late cancellation fee and a day’s stay.’

Jack drawled, ‘Yeah…that’s…’ He shook his head and smiled. ‘That’s not going to work for me.’

Mandy snorted. ‘Well, young man, there’s nothing you can do about it.’

‘Yeah,’ Rick piped up behind Jack and poked him in the shoulder with a finger. ‘So stick that in your pipe and smoke it!’

One minute and a few cloak-holes later, Mandy was erasing Jack’s uncharged credit card information from their system and Rick was on the phone with whoever made their website for them, inputting some changes. Mia watched them with a smirk on her face while Jack retrieved their luggage.

Jack drove them away from the inn and saw a small side road that led into the nearby woods. On impulse, he decided to venture off t
he beaten path and turned onto the side road. The camper handled the rough, rutted, forest road with ease, though Mia didn’t look too happy with the jostling. They soon came across a creek and found a small clearing next to it. It was ringed by old, thick trees, covered with bright green moss. The creek burbled as it wound its way between and around boulders that broke the surface of the water.

Mia gaped out the windshield. ‘It’s beautiful.’

‘Wanna stay here for a while?’

She nodded. ‘I’ll put together a picnic!’

Jack parked as close to the clearing as the trees would allow and let the dogs out. The grass was a thick, green carpet underneath his feet. Mia put together a small picnic for the two of them and they ate it on a blanket in the clearing, enjoying the afternoon sun.

That got boring after a while, so they cleaned up their picnic and tossed a Frisbee for the dogs to catch. The foursome dashed this way and that, happily sailing through the air to catch the Frisbee. Half an hour later, Jack quit playing and turned towards the camper.

‘Hey,’ Mia called after him, ‘where are you going?’

He turned around and hooked his thumb over his shoulder. ‘To do what I came here to do.’

‘Ok, well, what am I supposed to do in the meanwhile? We’re in the middle of nowhere.’

Jack shrugged. ‘Take the dogs for a walk, or something.’

He started to turn around when Mia indignantly asked, ‘Did you just tell me to go take a hike?’

Jack froze for an instant and then turned to face her again. Her expression was one of sadness and disbelief. ‘No! Uh, Mia, I don’t-I mean, I didn’t-I…you know why I’m here, I need to-‘

Mia burst into loud laughter and pointed a finger at him. ‘Gotcha!’ He shot her a look, while she laughed a little more. ‘Ah, you should’ve seen your face, babe. Go! Go do your thing! We’ll be fine out here, all alone in the cold and dark. We’ll just huddle together for warmth and safety.’

‘It’s ninety degrees, the sun is shining and your T-shirt is clinging to your body from all the sweat.’

She stuck her tongue out at him and walked off, patting her thighs and calling for the dogs to follow. Jack sent them the order to go with her and keep her distracted for at least an hour. He knew they’d have no problem with finding their way back to the clearing.

Once inside the RV, he scarfed down some cookies and did his meditative exercises. Half an hour later, he was in the theater, looking up intimate secrets for the letters he would send to the seventeen American and five Canadian mentalists whose memories he could access from his location. He also felt the memories of twenty-five deceased American mentalists and another five dead Canadian mentalists. Some of them had gone loony and killed themselves since Jacobs had been made into the cloaked figure, so Jack assumed that he had killed them, just like the rest.

The cartoon dog showed up in the seat next to Jack’s the instant Jack began entertaining doubts. ‘Should I assume this was all Jacobs’ work? Manipulating a mind doesn’t show up in the aether. Some of these people could have just gone nuts on their own.’

‘That’s a good point,’ the dog said. ‘Look closer at their lives. Did they slowly slip into insanity, or was it a sudden thing?’

Jack thought about it and learned that all the suicide victims went nuts overnight. ‘It was a sudden thing.’

‘Well, there you go. Jacobs’ work, no doubt.’

‘Wait! Why can’t I see Jacobs anymore?’

‘You never could see Jacobs,’ the dog said. ‘When you had watched the cloaked figure take powers from mentalists, what you actually saw was the personification of their fear and the way their subconscious interpreted their sudden loss of powers and sanity. None of them had any memory of the event. When you saw those two mentalists back home commit suicide, there was no longer a cloaked figure with them. No one was standing over their tombstones.’

Jack sighed. ‘So, if I find a living victim of Jacobs, I’ll see the cloaked figure passing a hand over their face and turning them into a depressed lunatic?’

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Die Mutter meines besten Freundes

Vor ein paar Tagen war Mike, mein bester Freund, endlich volljährig geworden. Und dieses Wochenende sollte die große Party bei ihm steigen. Schon am Nachmittag waren wir in der Stadt. Weil Mike jetzt der letzte in unserer Clique war, der die Volljährigkeit erreicht hat, gingen wir in eine Peepshow, so ein Laden, wo man nen Euro in einen Automaten stecken muss und dann geht so ein Vorhang hoch und man sieht ne Nackte auf einer Drehscheibe sich räkeln. Unsere Clique, fünf Jungs die für einander...

3 years ago
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Transition to Vikki part four reworked

Transition to Vikki, part four (reworked)Chapters one through eight of original story, completely rewritten (final draft). Story continues from chapter nine as My transition to Vikki.Next part of Steven Jennings' tale how he abandons his old life to become Vikki. Valerie and Gina get closer and more life stories are told. This is updated from the original scripts.All original chapters have been rewritten and updated. Typos corrected, grammar put right and plot errors sorted out. Parts have bee...

2 years ago
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Poker Night Part 2

Poker Night - Part 2Those next two weeks were extremely awkward at home. I didn't hear from any of the guys once, but that didn't matter I was thinking about them all the time. I couldn't stop daydreaming about the blowjob I gave Larry, and stressing about the message Chuck sent me. I was freaking out thinking my wife was gonna find out. I should have deleted the video he sent me right away, but I kept watching it. Over and over and over....Determined to prove I wasn't gay, I took out my sexual...

3 years ago
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The Adventure With My Mother 1

Hello, Indian Sex Stories dot net readers, this is Vishnu back with another post but this time it’s not my sex story. It’s one of my reader’s sex story which is as follows in his words. My name is Ryan from Goa. I am 20 years old. I am a decent looking boy with a 7inch tool and 2 inches girth. I am quite handsome with brown eyes. I originally come from a family of four people but now it’s just my mom, sister and myself. My dad left us when I was younger for another woman. The queen of this true...

3 years ago
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The Second Marriage

My wife, Alice, has never seen the need to talk about our relationship especially our sexual relationship. When I first proposed to her on a Caribbean island, after we had dated for a few years, I expressed to her my fantasies, sexual desires, and the need for intimate conversation. I thought she understood and was supportive because she nodded her head and said everything would be fine. She didn’t reciprocate or express any fantasies back to me, but I chalked it up as inexperience and thought...

4 years ago
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Fucked up Family

Your name is Sheldon Doe you belong to a good family you love as more than just Family. Your the middle Child and the only male in the fsmily now, Your mother is Emily Doe a well built redhead with Firm D-cup Tits. Your older sister is Cassidy Doe a busty Redhead with tite just short of D-cups but more than C's, your youngest sister is Lily Doe also a Redhead with small B-cup Tits. Your mother has two sisters named Olivia and Rebecka. You have three cousins: Penelope, Sam, and Katelynn. Your...

2 years ago
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ANNIE teasing masturbation

I had an accident one evening while driving home from work. I fracturedmy right leg and as my work involved a great deal of walking, I was signedoff for at least 6 weeks. My wife soon resigned herself to looking afterme but she was chatting to her neighbor, a good friend, when the ladymentioned that her teenage daughter was taking a nursing course, andperhaps she could help out. My wife immediately invited the girl and hermother round that evening to have a chat with me and find out what my...

1 year ago
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Trixie Chapter One Waiting

Finally! So close to being with him! All alone for as long as we pleased. She can imagine how this will turn out an she REALLY likes it. I thought to myself and giggled somewhat naughtily. Laying back my head I said to myself, ooooh, its driving her crazy just thinking about it! as I closed my shockingly ice-like blue eyes and my petite hands wondered to my high, perky, firm, round tits around a C1/2-cup, fondling them and pinching my nipples gently. My hands then betrayed me and started slowly...

2 years ago
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I was slping part 1

I walked in through the front door of my house at about 5pm. I was later than usual because I had to fly to London and back with a sexy attendant checking in on me and the co-pilot. I had wanked like 5 times and I was still horny. I went and took a shower and put on my dressing gown and fell asl**p on my s*s’ bed, totally forgetting about my neice Daisy and her friend Elise were Daisy’s room. My neice was 18 and I think Elise just turned 19 but dam they were hot! Anyway, Daisy was staying with...

3 years ago
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The House In The Woods A Sexual HistoryChapter 6

I convinced myself that if I didn't introduce Sarah to soft drugs - or at least admit her to the possibility of taking something in my presence - then someone else soon would, and it would be better coming from me, because I was properly experienced in these matters, and I knew that Sarah was not a girl to say no to a new adventure, and why shouldn't I, her lover, be there to enjoy and advise her? Over breakfast I ascertained that Sarah knew a bit already, she said she'd had a few puffs...

2 years ago
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Dollar Store Pick Up

My fantasy begins this way........Last summer while staying at the lake I had to run to the store to pick up some cleaning supplies. There is a Dollar General a couple miles away. I locked up the camper, climbed into the truck and took the ten minute drive to Dollar General. I walk in on this warm muggy day. Walk to the back of the store where the cleaning supplies are, pick up some Mr Clean and and some sponges. I walk back up to the check out and there is a line of about 4 to 5 people....

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I rolled over in bed, tired after having driven my truck all night. It felt good to finally be at home, a home burdened by heavy losses but my home nonetheless. I looked at my alarm clock, still a few hours before I had to get up and go anywhere. I felt my wife stir beside me, likely due to me having moved around in the first place. "It's alright, love," she said as she sat up next to me, her long hair falling over my shoulders as she hugged me. "How can things ever be alright?" I...

3 years ago
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Antelope FreewayChapter 52

Time: January 2, year 204,894 5:00 AM Honolulu Local Time (T plus 19 hours) One hour before black-hole injection, the slip ship jumped from one hundred kilometers to seventy-five kilometers from the geodesic center of NBHX35. The black hole's event horizon was a mere 3.5 kilometers beneath them. The orbital period jumped to 1.61 milliseconds. The ship was now traveling 97.64% of the speed of light. Each second of Kyle's and Brianna perceived time appeared as 4.6291 seconds to Honolulu...

4 years ago
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Why I laughed getting my first facial

In my bio, I've stated that the first time I ever got a cumshot to my face, I laughed. Well, there is a whole story behind this and I'm more than happy to share.May 1st, 2017: the next-to-last day of finals before the spring semester finished. My guy friend/then-more-than-friend (who is this fine white guy with a beard, a lotta body hair, and a nice cock) finished his last final, and I messaged him about it because we had talked about me coming over to his place a week prior. I had just...

1 year ago
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The Storm

It was a dark and stormy night. I awoke to the gigantic crashing of the thunder not too far from our house. I checked the clock, it read "3:04 AM". Good thing I checked it, because not a moment later the power went out and all was silent throughout the house. I just laid there listening to the rain pouring down on the roof, trying to get back to sleep. But soon, another brilliant flash of lightning lit the room and another loud crash of thunder followed. "This isn’t working." I thought. Then I...

1 year ago
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Chinkie Winkies

Hi Readers this is Shalini from Hyderabad. The story which I am going to narrate to all you sexy people happened to me some 3 months back. But before we start let me share with you my biodata. My name is Shalini. I live in outskirts of Hyderabad. I am a software engineer by profession and my bio is I am 5’6 tall, fair complexion (punjaban kudi) with 32-26-34 figure. I love myself a lot and more than me what I love is grass. Well it was Friday night around 2 PM in night. I was returning from...

4 years ago
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Picking Up the PiecesChapter 27

Dave didn't do a lot of thinking about the conversation with Dayna and Sandy for the next two weeks, though, from the beginning, he'd realized there were some important points in there that could pertain to book sales on the Internet like he'd been talking about with Rob. But, as he pointed the Chevy's hood toward New York, he knew he would have some time to think about it, if for no more reason than to get his mind off the book he was writing, which still lacked so much as a working...

1 year ago
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she sits quietly alone, music on as she checks her emails on the laptop sat on the table in front of her.He hasn't sent her anymore instructions and she is worried.The last message said be alone tonight and wear what you want as long as it is not jeans!He signed it in His usual fashion M.she reads it again searching for hidden meaning for some clue as to what she is to do. "This is so frustrating," she says to herself " what am I supposed to do?"He is in control on their nights.When its their...

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Death and a Life in Emerald CoveChapter 31

Jan decided that she really didn't need to go back to her house for clothing. Bryant had laundered the things she had packed for Atlanta. She still had a black skirt and a white blouse clean. That's what she would wear for her bartending duties. She mostly wanted to get some sleepwear. The cotton nightshirt was fine when she thought they'd be in separate rooms in Atlanta but it didn't send the right message while they were sharing an apartment in Emerald Cove. So after they decided just...

4 years ago
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The Curse of the White Witch

Hexes were not Eve’s best showcase of her much-respected witching skills. She often had to look up the fine details and exact wording in the thick book of spells and curses that was never to leave the confines of the magical basement before she could hope to cast one in direction of someone that deserved it without any semblance of doubt or slightest hesitation on the part of an unbiased spell-casting referee. In all honesty, young Eve didn’t look much like what the average person would...

1 year ago
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Three Clicks to Another WorldChapter 24

Sure enough, I walked in on an orgy in a wide open space, with Maryann the Maenad sure enough leading so much of the town in the festivities. Indeed, their eyes were black orbs with no irises or anything of the sort, as they mindlessly humped each other in the grass and against the rocks, even on tree stumps. I would have enjoyed it more if it was just wanton debauchery, no human sacrifice or the like happening. “Well, well, well, what have we here ... an unwanted guest!” Maryann confronted...

3 years ago
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Antonias Submission Continues

Antonia's Submission ContinuesbyTurpitudus©As we drove out onto quieter country roads my jaw began to ache from the panties stuffed into my mouth, my saliva had dried up and I was breathing heavily through my nose. I was determined not to let my cock soften even the slightest bit, fearing just what Master might do to punish me if it did. He glanced over from time to time, looking down into my lap where I stayed erect, the pink of my cock still visible against the shiny black pvc. As the evening...

2 years ago
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Porn Movie Wali Aunty Ko Choda 8211 Part I

Hiiii friends main Manish saxena, aur apko main apne jeevan ka sach batane jar aha hun. Jisse mere puri jindagi badal gai. Agar apko mere kahani pasand aye to plz mujhe mail karen taki main dusra part bhi likh sakun. Friends ye story mere aur mere aunty ki hai. In this story main apko bataunga ki kaise maine aunty ke jhanton main chupi hue pink colour ki chut aur bread jaise phooli hue gand ki khub achchi tarh se apne 10 inch ke kale, mote lund se raatbhar chudai ka khel khela aur unhe khus...

4 years ago
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Biker slut just like my slag 3

Biker slut (3)A horny Biker slutDay 3The night before the bikers left the Biker bar and drove to the final destination, a chalet at a campsite on the French coast and because they arrived laid and tired, everyone crawled immediately into bed and let their Biker slut also a night's rest.When every one waked up, the sun was already high in the sky and the Bikers wants to explore the campsite. John told their Biker slut that she must shave her cunt and put on her short skirt and a tiny gold bikini...

1 year ago
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Fucked My Three Bhabhis At Once

Hi my name is Rajesh I’m 24 years old with a seven inch dick any girl or aunties wants to be fucked please send me a mail at Now let me start with the story, this is about how i fucked my three bhabi’s.  This happened few days back, my cousin was interested in doing mcx trading but he didn’t had the laptop so I gave him mine for few days till he buys one for himself, but i forgot to delete my personal stuff. But that was not a problem as he was a guy and every guy watches porn. So one day i...

4 years ago
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A Pleasant Surprise

The metallic screeching was the cue to stop attempting to start my car. I sighed, irritated, on the shoulder of the road, unable to see through the windshield as rain washed over it. There was no choice; I was going to have to walk home. As I opened the door, I regretted my choice of attire. In a deep blue dress that hugged my slim torso and fell away from my hips to just past mid-thigh and six inch heels, I forced myself out of the dry safety of my vehicle and was immediately soaked from head...

Straight Sex
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How I Became a Whore

     This story was written for the enjoyment of  adults only.  Please send any comments to [email protected],  I love hearing from you.                                        How I BECAME A WHORE                                                     Written by 4playMy girlfriend Mary and I had been living together for over 2 years when she found out I was cheating on her with another girl.  We had a terrible fight that night and I wound up sleeping on the couch.  Several days went by without us...

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No Strings Attached Part One

The k**s and Anne-Marie got out of the journey. They grabbed everything from the back and walked down the path to the deck of the house. The lake to the right of the house. There were only a few vehicles in the driveway. Unsure how many people were coming and it still was pretty early. They walked up the steps and came to the front door. She had been here so many times over the years but this place never seemed to change despite them growing and changing. This was camp. The place they gathered...

3 years ago
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Adrian HunterChapter 5

I do know one thing. Dad was going to be one tired puppy by the time we left the fair. He did it all. The rides, the ring toss, the gambling booths and the shooting gallery. He watched the horse pull and walked through the animal barns. He took them through the craft displays and I think they sampled every food booth on the grounds. Phyllis was reserved at first, barely speaking to her father. Dad caught me alone for a minute. "Phyllis is watching me every minute. Why?" "I think she is...

4 years ago
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Learning to let go

I just thought I'd like to let you know a little bit about my (very) private life. Perhaps I should go and tell a priest, but I thought I'd tell you first.Well, I'm a student nurse and have just started dating a boy (my first real boyfriend). He's about two years older than me. I really like him - I've had a crush on him for a long time - but I don't want to offer him my kang-kang (pussy) just yet. I am romantic and want a man to really woo me before I let him have me.But trying to keep my...

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Getting my needs filled

Once, sometimes twice a month, myself and a few other bisexual fathers that I know get together and take care of the needs our wives and girlfriends don't supply. You know the things, some of our girls don't like the taste of cum or don't like to swallow. A few others don't like anal play or anal sex, so it's with these things in mind that we get together for a day or two and get it out of our system. This weekend in particular I was really hoping to get the chance to bottom. It always seems...

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my anal slut

The last two days were amazing, what do I do for an encore? I thought as I woke up on Sunday morning. I felt something on my lower body. I opened my eyes to see Ella sucking on my cock. “I wanted to pay you back for the fucking yesterday,” she said, looking at me with lust in her eyes. I told her to keep going and she started sucking me like her life depended on it. After enjoying it for a few minutes, I sat up and pushed her off of me. “Let’s review: Friday I ate you out. Saturday I fucked...

1 year ago
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VideoBox Pornstars

Sometimes human progress is thrust forward by the greatness of one person—for example, Newton. The man described gravity and invented calculus for fucks sake. If it weren't for his individual genius, man might be decades behind where we are now.He lifted mathematics and physics onto his shoulders and carried the team. He also made way for further genii, such as Einstein. If it weren't for Newton, old Albert might have had to spend his time inventing calculus instead of discovering black...

Premium Pornstar Sites
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Ellens Sex Shop 2 Ambers Revenge

If Mara wasn’t fully well aware that her current situation was revenge, she’d be planning bodily harm on Amber. Actually, she was still planning bodily harm, but only of the “bending her over and spanking her” variety. In truth, as aggravated as she was, she had to admire the girl’s planning. Everyone in the shop knew Amber’s manipulations for what they were, but her arguments had been sufficiently sound that Mara was stuck anyway. Though, of course, the fact that Ellen seemed to find putting...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Sex With Mom

I now narrate what happened after me and Shantanu seduced auntie (Shantanu’s mom). Auntie had assured that my mom would agree to get humped by Shantanu and that too within next two days. But she arranged for the same the next day itself.I went home in the evening, after thoroughly enjoying auntie. I was now eagerly awaiting to seduce my mom. My mom was more than fee with me that evening. After having dinner, me and mom sat down in the hall, to watch some stupid TV serial. While, watching, mom...

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Sex With A Stranger Ch 2

It had been two weeks since AJ and Olivia’s night together, and AJ still couldn’t get the memories out of her mind. Most nights she went to sleep after bringing herself to a climax as she relived their passionate night together. AJ had tried to get Olivia to agree to another night, secretly, of course. But Olivia stayed stern that there was no way that they could risk it again. She had dropped enough hints that AJ knew that Olivia wanted it as much as she did. Olivia had even let AJ know about...

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Is It Really Til Death Do Us Part

Is It Really Til Death Do Us Part? By Cabinessence(MDW) Who knows what random quirks of fate there are that allow certain moments of our lives to be captured forever. These unexpected fragments of time that become indelibly etched upon bits of canvas, developed images upon photographs, or played out on cartridges of videotape. These are the memories that the passage of the years can never airbrush away to remove all the stains of ugliness or the echoes of pain. I am sitting here...

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