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I rolled over in bed, tired after having driven my truck all night. It felt good to finally be at home, a home burdened by heavy losses but my home nonetheless. I looked at my alarm clock, still a few hours before I had to get up and go anywhere. I felt my wife stir beside me, likely due to me having moved around in the first place. "It's alright, love," she said as she sat up next to me, her long hair falling over my shoulders as she hugged me. "How can things ever be alright?" I asked the love of my life, "Our only child is dead!" I said and felt tears forming in my eyes. "I know and I miss him just as much as you do," she informed. "It's just so unfair," I managed to barely whisper before I started crying. "It's just so unfair..." My name is Alvin Jones, not that it really matters for the purpose of this story, and I am 49 years old. I live in Los Angeles, California and have worked for the same truck company since I was 24. The woman crying next to me is my wife, Rachel. She's two years older than me and we both origin from the suburbs of LA. The child we're crying about is our son Hector, who up until just two years before his death was known as our daughter Helen. Helen had never really been different from other girls her age. She had liked playing with her girlfriends after school and she would spend each and every Halloween dressed up as a princess. My wife and I loved her as if she was our own daughter. She was actually adopted since Rachel had been forced to have a hysterectomy in her teens and couldn't have kids of her own. We adopted Helen when she was just one year old and got 15 wonderful years with her as a daughter and two just as wonderful years with him as a son. I don't remember exactly when we suspected that there was something that made her stand out among the other girls, if I had to take a guess it would have to be around the time she started puberty. Up until that point she had been a happy and cheerful child, who'd accompany us everywhere we went, rarely staying with her grandparents. I can remember that when my wife announced to me that our daughter had started puberty I had been both happy and sad that my little princess, I used to call her that up until she was 14, was becoming a woman. As her puberty progressed her femininity regressed. She stopped wearing the dresses that she'd once been so fond of and asked us to cut her long golden locks short. She still enjoyed spending time with her girlfriends in school but I could tell from what she told us at the dinner table that she had begun becoming something of a recluse. She was 14 at the time and had pierced her face in several places that I did not approve of. She dyed her hair completely black and wore heavy and dark makeup. The happy little girl that had once been my princess was now replaced by this constantly depressed and apathetic teenager. She would never allow us access into her room and she did never want to talk about what was burdening her. "It's just a phase," I told my wife. By the age of 16 she was dangerously underweight, barely being able to stand up without collapsing. Being the well-meaning parents we were, we had her institutionalized to a facility for anorectic children and would have her admitted there for a couple of weeks at the time and then take her back home, only to have her relapse again and take her back to the facility again. This continued for half a year. She would never admit the reason why she wasn't eating. "I'm not hungry" her angelic voice would answer every time we asked her. One night when my wife was out with her friends at a party, my daughter came to me. "Dad, can we talk?" she asked. I was sitting in the living room, watching TV at that moment, using my small but growing belly as a table for the remote. "Of course sweetie!" I replied and turned off the show I was currently watching. My daughter had always been very straightforward, an ability I myself wished I would have. "I want to be a boy" she said. No tears, no shame, just the pure and simple truth. I was of course unprepared for her saying something like this but wasn't angry with her. "Ok? Why?" I asked her. "I've just always thought of myself as one and feared that if I didn't tell anyone about my thoughts and feelings at this moment, I would probably take my own life," the person next to me said. This was heavy. I wasn't the best guy in the world to come to when you wanted to discuss heavy matters, but of course I would lend my ear to my child whenever it was needed. "Do these feelings have anything to do with you having been bullied by the other girls at school?" I asked. "I didn't develop them because the girls at school bullied me, if that's what you think," my child answered. "The reason as to why I've been eating so badly is because of these feelings. I hate my body and I hate growing breasts and having periods! I want to have muscles and be strong like all other guys!" I didn't really know what to say, I wasn't the least bit angry over what my child had just told me. I was scared. I had never had much involvement with the LGBT-community, my younger brother was gay, but that was it. "Aren't you angry?" my transgendered child asked me. "Of course not! I want you to be happy and if you feel that you will be happier as a boy than a girl then I will support that decision," I answered. "Don't you have any questions or anything?" my child asked. I thought it over for a minute before asking the only question I could think of, "Why didn't you tell us sooner?" I asked. "Because I was afraid that you would throw me out!" my child replied. "I would never throw you out, not over something like this at least," I replied. My child just started crying. My wife was at first not as accepting as I'd been when hearing the news about her daughter wanting to become her son. She was less understanding and didn't understand how one person could want to just change genders like that. To be perfectly honest with you, I didn't understand that either. She told Helen to go to her room so that "the grownups" could have a talk. "She can't be serious?!" my wife started. "I think she is," I replied. "We can't let her go through with something as stupid as this!" Rachel continued. "Why not? She's unhappy as it is, so shouldn't we do whatever we can to cheer her up?" I asked. "But what she's doing is not natural! Girls can't just become boys, it's impossible!" she retorted. "I don't understand it either but I think that we should at least think about this before we tell her that she can't. I know almost nothing on this subject, do you?" I asked my wife. "No..." she admitted. "If this is what it takes for her to overcome her anorexia, don't you think that we should at least try it?" I asked. "Yes," she replied. So that was what we did. Rachel and I booked a time with a children's psychologist specializing in what was apparently called gender identity disorders, she called it gender dysphoria, and had her explain exactly what the terms 'transgendered' and 'transsexual' were. This meeting was eye-opening for us and we came to have a much better insight in the life and struggles of our child, struggles we'd never before been aware of. Not long after the meeting we had Helen start seeing a psychiatrist regularly and he was quickly prescribed estrogen-blockers. He changed his name to Hector and started binding his breasts to appear to have a flat chest. My wife and I tried being as supportive as we possibly could. At times it was hard, extremely hard. Hector's school had never dealt with transgendered students before, so he was a groundbreaker for all potential future students with the same issues. Being 17, Hector had just started high school when he made the transition. At first there were no issues at all. People seemed to be very open-minded and he was treated just like any other student. For classes such as P.E. he would change in the teachers' office and could partake in lessons just as good as any other student could. He got a few guy friends that he would occasionally hang around with even after school. He regained all the weight, and more, that he had lost during his bout with anorexia and things seemed to be going really well for him. My wife and I would regularly attend meetings for parents with transgendered children, there we would hear all types of stories about how the children had acted and behaved and how they'd been treated by their parents, friends and society as a whole. Eating disorders and depression turned out to be common for the other children to have had as well. It was a way for them to try to starve puberty to a halt. The first two years of Hector's high school life worked out perfectly well and he was a popular guy in his class. The black paint was long gone from his hair and he now wore his golden blonde hair as short as he wanted to, usually cutting it as it began touching his ears. We had asked him about his sexuality and had wondered whether he preferred men or women, he'd told us that he didn't know. He rarely held any secrets to us any longer, not after we'd both showed that we accepted him as now being our son, but I could tell that he was reluctant to talk with us about this topic. We celebrated his 19th birthday party in May, like we did for all his birthdays, and as a birthday gift my wife and I gave him his first car. It was an older model but I, being good with engines, had fixed it so that it was running without a hitch. He was of course very thankful about his car and would use it to drive everywhere. One thing that worried us was that he started accompanying his friends to parties frequently. We told him to be careful, especially considering his circumstances. Most times he would call home around midnight, asking us whether we could come and pick him up, which we always did. Then one night it happened, no call. We'd made it an unspoken rule that he would always call, meaning that this was just about the first time we didn't hear from him. Even worse was that we had absolutely no idea where he had gone. We tried calling him but there was no answer. We tried calling his friends but they had no idea where he'd gone. They had dropped out of the party early, Hector had stayed, so all they could do was tell us where the party had been. We drove there immediately. Arriving at the spot we could see that whatever party there had been was now over. We asked around but nobody could remember a short and thin guy with blonde hair having been there. We then reported him as missing to the police and explained the situation. The police just advised us to wait and they'd be sure that he would show up eventually. We never saw him alive again. There wasn't much for us to do, we called everyone we knew and informed them that our son had gone missing. My boss gave me time off from my job and we spent most of the time searching. Three days later, 11:05 in the morning to be exact, Rachel and I were sitting in the kitchen, eating breakfast. There was a knock on the door but we didn't think that it was anything strange with it, there had been lots of people coming over these last three days. I got up and opened it, Rachel was completely destroyed from not having slept at all for three days. I was met by a local policeman and a priest. No! "We have found your son" he informed once inside and sitting on the living room couch. "I'm sorry to tell you but he was brutally beaten, he had no heartbeat when we found him. He was pronounced dead upon arrival at the hospital" he ended. Rachel burst out crying and I could feel tears running down my eyes as well. I was however composed. "Do you know who did it?" I asked. "Yes, three young men that he were seen leaving the party with. After leaving we are more uncertain about what happened. There was however semen inside Hector, so we believe that he was raped. "OH MY GOD!" My wife screamed. "MY BABY'S DEAD!" The aftermath of it all gave us more clues. Hector had apparently accompanied the three men, men he'd met before but never told us about meeting, to another party and there the dress-code had been shirtless. Naturally Hector had refused to remove his shirt and this had angered his companions. They'd all had a bit to drink, not that alcohol excused anything, and had forced the shirt off him, which had led to them discovering Hector having breasts. After that they had apparently decided to check what kind of equipment he had below and discovered Hector's true sex. This had infuriated the men greatly and he'd been brutally beaten inside the building the party had been held in. After beating him senseless they had apparently dragged him outside and raped him before leaving him to die. At trial they had advocated the Trans panic defense and neither was sentenced harshly, much to my wife's and my anger. We were completely destroyed inside, our child had been brutally murdered just because he was different and then the murderers had been sentenced with almost no punishment at all. How could such behavior be excused in this way? It was truly sickening! Since then the state of California has banned this kind of defense, making it no longer possible for the murderers to blame their crime on the fact that their victims were gay or transgendered. It does not help us, our son is gone forever and it won't help the other parents of victims that have died too, all that's changed is that the murderers will be sentenced harder, which means that they will spend a longer time in jail for their crimes. Ever since the death of our son, Rachel and I have been greatly involved with the Californian LGBT-movement and have spent countless hours fighting for, what we know is, a good cause. If only every one could have been as open-minded as me or my wife were, then my son, and countless other young men and women, would still be with us today. Why does it have to be so hard and difficult to accept that we are all different? There is nothing wrong with being different, nothing at all. What is wrong is judging others based on their differences and seeing them as worthy of dying just because of them. Society is progressing, that I'm sure of. I believe that one day hate crimes will have disappeared almost completely, meaning that young men and women all over the world will be free to be themselves and not face social prejudice. My son paid the unfair price for being different and more so will before we finally arrive at a time when this will no longer happen. I try seeing Hector's death as a push for progress and that it has not been in vain. My son was a hero for being himself. All people who admit and accept people being different are heroes, they make change possible.

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Cassie is drinking and flirting with the men who have sat with them at the jazz bar when Leon tells her, "Go put this money in the juke box and choose a couple of slow songs. I want you to dance for the men in this room." The guys sitting with them all agree loudly and she picks a couple of slow sexy songs. The room all watches her every move as the music starts and she begins to slow dance with herself. In her fishnet body stocking she looks to be some kind of 3 dimensional porn movie...

2 years ago
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The Grim ReaperChapter 28 Back to Normal

August 2004 - March 2005 When I got back I discovered that Riley Fox had gone on leave the day before, so it was my turn to pick up the slack. When I got back to Camp Custer I unpacked and retrieved Precious. We were going to be a three-man fire team for the next few months. After Riley returned, Joe Williger was gone, and after that it was Sergeant Satterly’s chance to go home. We would be finished up with all of this by sometime in October. In the meantime, we were a small platoon. Between...

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My first affair

Hi this is a true story about my first out side marriage encounter. I've been married for 10 years now with my husband who I adore more then anything I would describe our relationship as highly passionate and we 're both open to new things. ..during sex we've both flirted with the idea of me sleeping with another man ..I.guess you could use the word cuckold but my husband's fantasy was never to watch but to let me enjoy sex with another man and come back to him all used and for me to tell him...

2 years ago
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Surrounded by GirlsChapter 3

The next morning, I woke up and there was Yvonne in bed next to me, naked. I quickly found that out when I turned over to see her and she lifted the covers, bare-assed naked. "I sure hope Mom and Aunt Marie have left for work, " I gasped. "And what about Roxy and Melinda?" I asked. They were our cousins, Aunt Marie's two girls. "Oh, they're gone. There's just the three of us." You know now that my total focus turned to sex, right? I'm a fifteen-year old guy. "So, you want me to...

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FidleChapter 27

His fingers slid across her cheeks and into the luxuriant softness of her hair; not to grip, or hold, or tug, but simply to create yet another point of connection. His touch signaled that he was fully awake, and she began suckling his rod with more urgency, sliding her tongue down the bottom of his shaft to cradle its length while she fed more of it into her throat. Humming with pleasure, she worked herself downward inch by inch until she’d taken the entirety of his erection. For a few...

2 years ago
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Turning the Other Cheek

I am a deeply religious person. I believe in doing good and resisting evil temptation. I believe that Christians should practice humility and, when wronged, turn the other cheek. With the help of my wife, Eve, I work hard at being a good Christian. I thought I would save Eve, and bring about her transformation. By any standard, Eve was a sinner. I met her at a moment of weakness. One day, I was lured into a gentlemans club against my better judgment and my knowledge of good and evil. I was a...

3 years ago
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Shirley Dating Chapter One

This is a story of a married couple where the husband sacrifices his masculinity and dignity to allow his wife to get sexually satisfied by other men. Something, because of a medical problem, he could no longer do, based on a true story. It is also the tale of two horny teenage girls, who take advantage of the situation. Shirley Talking: John and I had had another frustrating night. I really don't know why we continue having sex. Let me explain John has a sexual problem that has only...

1 year ago
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Summer Rain

I had spent all morning making sandwiches, cutting up apples, selecting your favourite drinks and crisps, and arranging biscuits on a pretty little plate. I’d packed it all into the picnic hamper with my picnic blanket, and I was dressed in my prettiest sun dress. Oh, we would have such a lovely time! A picnic in the park, under the summer sun, eating, drinking, laughing, a cheeky kiss while nobody was paying much attention to the young couple under the big oak tree… But then the rain began....

3 years ago
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Growing Down

Ryan was a 22 year old doing his best to get through college. He was having a lot of financial trouble with student loans and didn't really seem to have anywhere to turn. Both of his parents had died just after he left for college in an unfortunate car crash. He thought he might have to drop out and work to keep himself afloat. That's when his mother's best friend, Serena, made a decision. She invited Ryan to move in with her and her two daughters. They were Leann, 17 years old and a...

1 year ago
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The Infidelity ClubChapter 10

BONNIE Bonnie, like her two companions, was torn. She knew what she was contemplating was, no matter the justification, unfaithfulness. She was also aware of the intense jealousy of her husband Kevin and his, at times, violent temper. Yet when she was around Richard, her heart fluttered and she was transfixed, spirited away to another world where a Prince Charming melted her heart with a smile or compliment. She knew there was no need for working late, at least for the material Richard had...

3 years ago
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The Cottaging CD

It was Autumn, the leaves were changing colour, there had already been early frosts, but today was especially sunny and pleasant. I decided to take a leisurely amble to my local public toilets, a place where all of my previous sexual encounters had taken place, just to check if anyone was up for some adult fun. Upon entering, I was greeted with the sight of flickering fluorescent lighting and the overpowering smell of bleach, with the heating turned up high. I checked the stalls and the...

4 years ago
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Lauren Gisal II In South AmericaChapter 44

Lauren knew that her right arm wouldn't move even though she issued all the right commands. She had more luck with the other. The carpet was there, warm, silent, pushing against her knotted stomach. Her heart beat furiously and further inventory revealed a headache of mammoth proportions. She turned her head slowly, her neck screaming abuse as her nose rubbed into the carpet. Skin. Smoke. She coughed painfully, the sound inside registering but traveling nowhere. Her heart leapt, adrenaline...

1 year ago
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IntemperanceChapter 14B The Core

They put in their normal jam sessions on Tuesday and Wednesday, with none of the core members speaking of the conspiracy they were hatching to Darren or to Coop. Not that it was likely to matter if they did. The drummer and the bassist were both so strung out on what Matt, Jake, and Bill were increasingly coming to suspect was heroin that it was chore enough just to keep them focused on their musical tasks. On Wednesday, Coop actually fell asleep a few times — nodded off you might say —...

4 years ago
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Double TwistChapter 187

“Fame you’ll be famous, as famous as can be, with everyone watching you win on TV, Except when they don’t because sometimes they won’t.” —Dr. Seuss, Oh, The Places You’ll Go! REMAS SETTLED DOWN after a few orgasms, as Desi suggested she would. She was still undecided and we didn’t pressure her. We just pleasured her. I was buried deep in her when Livy got to the apartment. Rachel took care of presenting her ring to her. We didn’t stay up screwing all night, but we were all pretty...

1 year ago
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Sex in the stairwell

Oh how the years have gone by and the things I have forgotten. One thing that had slipped my mind until recently was an old g/f had a fantasy of having sex with the strong possiblility of being caught. When we had met I only been with a couple of women and it was just plain old missionary style sex. When I met Terry I found myself in a whirlwind of sex. There was nothing that this woman wouldn't try or talk about trying. Her list of fantasies was quite long and impressive and we ticked them off...

Quickie Sex
2 years ago
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One Good Turn

Frank Wheeler made his way through the crowd of cheering men and towards the large stage. He looked up to the tall, sexy woman and he could not believe his eyes. He watched her big breasts swaying about, her juicy hips moving to the slow beat of the music and his cock grew hard as a rock. 'Mother fuck!' he moaned to himself as he sat down in an empty chair next to the stage. She was completely nude, other than the tiny pair of blue bikini panties, on her 36-inch hips and a small pair of...

1 year ago
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Using Up Lloret

Introduction: A work of total fiction, purely fantasy for 18+ Only I sit in the hotel room patiently awaiting her arrival. I just fixed myself another line of cocaine, powdered courage. Adrenaline is making my body shiver from anticipation as if the room is too cold. Theres a light knock at the door. In one swig I finish the remainder of my whiskey and walk to the door. Two deep breaths and then I open the door up revealing my girlfriends mother, Lloret, early fifties, sad sleep deprived...

2 years ago
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Guildlines for HotWives

OK, you have heard about "hot wives," married white women who take black lovers, generally hunky young studs. It sounds sexy but a little scary, too. You have lots of questions and uncertainties and many of you have written to my brother, Homer Vargas for advice. Well, he has asked me to respond because this is something better handled between us girls. With two grown daughters who have given me six biracial grandc***dren, three biracial c***dren ages 3, 2, and 1, by as many black men, and...

1 year ago
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BackroomCastingCouch Athena Gym Bunny8217s Anal Casting

21 year old bubbly gym bunny Athena is ready to get involved in the adult industry. She’s blonde, giggly, and has a great physique. She arrives with an energy drink in tow, which might be where she’s getting all this enthusiasm. I certainly won’t complain though, it’s always a little more fun when our ladies are rearing to go. Rick puts her on the couch and we’re off to the races. She’s a lotta fun ya’ll. She’s alway smiling or laughing while answering our questions. She seems like she’s a...

3 years ago
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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess9e18 Lisa Burley 19 Emo teen

Series 9, Episode 18: Lisa Burley (19), from Brighton We begin with an establishing shot of Brighton pleasure pier from the beach – the famous seaside landmark reaching across the yellow sand and out over the blue sea. The beach is crowded with sunseekers, keen to enjoy the fine weather. Then we’re on the pier – tracking along past old ladies sitting on benches, and young boys trying to spy girls in bikinis on the beach. We track along until we find this week’s host. Wearing her trademark...

4 years ago
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My Dragon Man

You came into my dreams again this afternoon. I was hoping you would. Your hair was much longer than when I saw you last, falling between your shoulders and cut in a fringe in the front. I thought it was quite lovely. You were dressed in soft pink, in a dress whose straps fell around your shoulders. We walked down the streets as we always did a long time ago. You were talking about yourself and I was just trying to keep from putting my arms around you. Even in my dreams I could feel my...

4 years ago
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My First Oppurtunity For Sex

Hi friends, I’m a new writer here after reading too much stories I got the motivation for telling my stories to all the readers. Mara name Ayan hai, or main Karnal(Haryana) ka rahne wala hun. Kuch hi din phele maine apne XII class ke exam diya hai, ye story jab ke jab main ek din apne school main gaya huva thaa, mare friend n muje bulaya thee kyonki wo chata tha ke main use apni kuch books day doon. Main school main gaya yaanha ek ladki hai jise main bahut pyar karta hun, maine use apne purane...

3 years ago
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Transformation of My Desi Wife

My wife Neha was very conservative in nature. She always preferred to wear Saree or salwar suit. I insisted several times to wear Top with jeans or some other modern dresses, but she always refused to. It took me two years to convince to wear occasionally top with skirt or jeans. But whenever she used to wear modern clothes I can see that, she is not very comfortable. Her uneasiness can easily be readable on her face. But my wife when ever wears such dresses she really looks gorgeous. With her...

1 year ago
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PornHub Vintage

Do you enjoy watching vintage porn videos? There is just something irascible about the lovely natural babes of the past, right? If you agree, I have the perfect place for you, and it is called PornHub.com. This is a free porn website covering a wide array of porn niches, and you are welcome to check out whatever you are in the mood for. With that said, I shall mostly be talking about the beauty of vintage pornography today!What is vintage porn?Vintage pornography is just old pornos. As you...

Vintage Porn Sites

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