KellyChapter 4 free porn video

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The next morning Mike was the first to awaken. He was holding the beautiful golden girl in his arms. When he kissed her cheek softly, he instantly felt her fingers start to move on his body.

She moved her head and kissed him softly on the lips. “Good morning, darling,” she whispered. “How does your leg feel?”

“It’s fine, honey. I want to make love to you, but I’m scared. We have to go through a small town to get to the pickup point. There’s sure to be a garrison there, and after your fun yesterday they’re bound to be very twitchy. Can you wait?”

She looked at him with her love showing in her eyes. Never having seen it before, Mike didn’t recognize it for what it was.

Kelly said, “I’ve been used and abused for a year, Mike. You can have me any time, but I’ve had enough of a workout that I can live without you for a few hours.”

She grinned and rolled out of the blanket. “I stink. On the other hand, any German still around here now wouldn’t smell too good, either. Let’s get rolling.”

Kelly got up and put on the clothing that had been hidden for her. “Where did all of this stuff come from?”

“I don’t know, but I assume it’s the German underground. The system works pretty well. We avoid direct contact. If we’re taken, we can sing like canaries, but we know nothing. Similarly, they don’t know anything that’s dangerous to us.”

Kelly was wearing a peasant blouse and skirt along with a jean jacket. She stuck the automatic in the waistband at the small of her back. Mike continued to wear his uniform knowing that Allied uniforms were well-made and were being worn by people on both sides of the line in Germany. He picked up his staff and they started down the road.

When they reached the edge of the town they were challenged by sentries. Mike answered them in German and it seemed that they had been cleared to pass. They started to make their way towards the center of the town when a Russian officer wearing the insignia of the KGB appeared with four men.

He smiled a very cold smile and had them seized. One of his men searched Mike and found his automatic. They were immediately placed under arrest, taken to the town hall which had been commandeered as the local headquarters, and then down to a room in the basement for questioning. Kelly was still wearing her hair in braids which were now hanging below her shoulders. When they reached the cellar they were taken to a central area set up for questioning prisoners.

The Russian introduced himself in German as Lieutenant Krepkin. He asked what they were doing in the town. Mike tried to act like he was suffering from shock.

He had trouble speaking and sounded feeble minded. His act didn’t work.

“We will get the truth,” Krepkin declared. “Young lady, take off your clothes!”

Kelly acted frightened but was secretly elated. She still hadn’t been searched. She took off her clothes with the appearance of reluctance. Actually, she was just being careful not to drop her automatic or allow it to be seen. Soon she was naked and cowering, trying to cover her breasts and loins with her arms and hands.

One of the guards grabbed her and lashed her to a large post in the center of the room. Her arms were wrapped around the post and her wrists were lashed together on the opposite side. Mike was tied to a chair.

“You will tell us what you are doing,” Krepkin said to Mike, “or this woman will be whipped until you do.”

Tied to the post, Kelly could see nothing. She prayed Mike would not lose his nerve. She heard him again say he knew nothing. She could hear a whip uncoiled. It cracked across her shoulder blades and she screamed. A second stroke, and she screamed louder in abject terror.

She babbled in colloquial German, “Hans, tell them! You must tell them. Tell them anything!”

The whip struck her again, and she appeared to faint. She just hung limply on the post suspended by her bonds. She had been screaming as the lash cut into her, and the scream was cut off as if with a knife. Krepkin looked at her and then at Mike. Sweat was pouring off his face. Krepkin went to Kelly and slapped her face. Her head just lolled as if she were a puppet without strings.

He tried to question Mike who just babbled. Finally, he decided to try the whip on him. He regretted that the fräulein had fainted. If she had continued to scream, the man might have talked. He motioned to one of the three guards in the room to cut the girl down. The guard took his knife and sliced through the ropes holding her wrists. Freed from the post, the girl fell limply to the stone floor landing on some of her clothing. Krepkin focused his attention on the man. He called the guards over to lift the man up and tie him to the post. The fourth Russian, the one who had wielded the whip, was coiling it up to get ready for his next victim.

Kelly had been watching through nearly-closed eyes. When the guards’ attention was focused on Mike, she slid her hand into the skirt and drew out the Smith & Wesson. Fortunately, she remembered, it was a double-action automatic. It wasn’t necessary to cock the slide before firing. Still face down, she lifted her head and saw the Russians were concentrating on Mike. The weapon fired once, twice, then three more times in rapid fire.

Kelly stood up, grabbed a knife on the floor, and cut Mike’s bonds. Then she calmly picked up her clothes and started getting dressed. Mike was shaking his head in amazement. “Before you put on your blouse, honey, let me take a look at your back.”

She went to him and turned around. There were the three welts across her back with blood flowing slowly from the cuts. “They’re fine, Mike. I’m glad you took your cue from my screams in German. How did it sound, by the way? Do I get an Academy Award nomination?” As she spoke, she was checking the bodies on the floor. All four Russians were dead.

Mike got out of the chair and limped around to look at them. Each had at least one 9mm bullet hole in his head. The man wielding the whip had two. Kelly winced slightly as she put on the jean jacket.

“What about noise?” he asked. “What if we have to fight our way out?”

“We won’t,” Kelly replied. “I’m pretty sure this room was used at least as far back as the Third Reich by the Gestapo, and possibly before that. It has all the earmarks of being soundproofed so screams wouldn’t disturb the good burghers in the neighborhood. If screams aren’t heard, my automatic won’t be, either. Shall we go?

“By the way, Mike, let me handle getting us out of here.”

They climbed the steps and opened the door. A guard posted at the door just looked at them curiously. As she was opening the door, Kelly was speaking over her shoulder, apparently to Krepkin down in the dungeon. She was speaking perfect idiomatic Russian. “Yes, Lieutenant. I will give your regards to Major Vishinsky in Langenhagen. Yes, Lieutenant, I will instruct the corporal to give us a pass out of town. Goodbye, Lieutenant.”

She turned to the guard and said, “Lieutenant Krepkin does not wish to be disturbed!”

Kelly marched up to the corporal at the desk and said coldly, “Two passes, quickly. We’ve been delayed too long already.”

The corporal quickly scribbled two passes. Kelly took them, gave him a cold nod and started striding for the door. Meanwhile, Mike was scrambling with his walking stick, trying to keep up. They went down the street to the check point at the other side of town where Kelly gave a guard the passes and a curt nod. She and Mike continued walking down the road.

When they were well clear, Mike looked at her in utter amazement. “Kelly, would you like a job? Now I’m being very serious. Would you? You speak fluent idiomatic German and perfect Russian. After being beaten with a whip you calmly draw your automatic and put bullets in the heads of four armed men. We can use you in our little group, if you have any interest.”

He looked at her and added, “By the way, you did it again. All your bullets were in the head. I thought you were going for larger targets ... like bodies?”

Kelly grinned and replied, “Come on, Mike! We’re talking a 9mm, not a .45. It doesn’t have a hell of a lot of stopping power. On the other hand, few people do a lot of walking around with a bullet in the brain. That’s where they went, isn’t it?”

Mike just shook his head and nodded. “By the way, you scared hell out of me. You were screaming as you were being whipped and then you collapsed. The next thing I know shots are fired and all the bad guys got suddenly dead. What happened?”

“Remember my painful education? I’ve been beaten more times than I can count. It was every day for months. This guy wasn’t the kind of expert we had at school who could wrap the whip into a girl’s cunt, across her nipples or into her kidneys. Mike, I’ve been abused by experts. This was really almost child’s play. I don’t mean to make light of it: it doesn’t tickle. On the other hand, I’m not in such bad shape, either.”

They continued to walk along the road. First they passed a copse of trees and then came to a field on the left side of the road. “This looks like it, Kelly.”

They clambered over a fence with Kelly giving Mike a hand. There they found a place where hay had been cut and raked but not gathered. Mike thought it was probably the point in the hay cutting when the Russian armored columns came sweeping through.

When they were across the field Kelly asked, “How’s your leg, Mike? You seem to be getting along all right.”

“It’s fine, honey. By the way, what do you think about my offer? Do you have any interest in working with us until this mess is over?”

She looked at him and then put her arms around him. “Mike, I will, assuming your folks want me. There are two conditions, though: First, I would like to see my parents which fits in with the second: I only want to work with you, and you’re going to be out of commission for a while. You’re going to tell me that’s impossible and I’m going to say it’s not, and if it really is I’m staying out.”

She looked at him and he saw her beautiful eyes tear up. She pulled his head down and kissed him softly on the lips. Finally, she pushed away and asked, “Mike, how are they getting us out of here, and when?”

He looked at his watch and said, “They’re getting us out in a chopper. It’s one that can be silenced almost to a whisper. It’s due here in about one hour.” He found the flashlight that had been hidden for them to use to signal it.

She smiled and said, “The timing’s great. It gives us time for you to make love to me. It seems to be the least you can do since I blew up a bridge, an armored column, and saved your ass in town.”

Kelly gathered up some of the cut hay and piled it up to form a bed. She kissed him and pulled him down on top of her. Mike took her blouse off and ran his fingers over her bare breasts. Then he heard her make little mewing noises as he continued to caress her. He slipped off his pants and lifted her skirt for access to her loins. His finger slipped in and found her little love button which he touched as gently as he could, remembering what she had told him. He could feel her body shudder as his finger made contact. Her vagina was already running rivers.

Ignoring the pain in his wounded leg, he knelt between her now widespread thighs. Her fingers grasped his throbbing member and he heard her making soft sounds of pleasure as she guided it to the mouth of her vagina. She lifted her pelvis and positioned his cock. Then she wrapped her legs around his hips and gently pulled him towards her. She was so well lubricated by her vaginal fluids he slid right in to his full length.

She could feel him inside and said, “Mike, I could die happy right now. God, you feel good inside me!” She started to roll her pelvis and use her vaginal muscles to squeeze his cock. Suddenly her head started to thrash from side to side and her pelvis took on a life of its own as she had an orgasm.

Mike tried to relax as her passion slowly ebbed. He was on top of her and bent over to kiss her lips. As his lips made contact her eyes opened and she responded with her tongue probing his mouth.

Mike started to stroke in and out slowly. She looked at him and smiled softly. “Please don’t stop, darling,” she said. “It feels so marvelous!”

He continued his long strokes in and out of the warm, moist glove enveloping his sex. Kelly came again, and yet again. Finally, with a scream she exploded bringing him with her. He could feel a flood of fluid forcing its way past his cock and spilling over them. He collapsed on top of her as she held him tightly and felt the last spurts enter her vagina.

Mike heard her whisper softly, “Thank you, Mike. That was wonderful ... the best ever. Maybe there’s hope for me yet.”

Then he grabbed a jacket and pulled it over them both to ward off the chill. He could see her doze off in his arms.

They remained there until Mike heard the characteristic sound of a Blackhawk helicopter running in its quiet mode. He got to his feet and pulled Kelly up with him. Grabbing the light, he aimed it at the helicopter and flashed the recognition signal. Taking her hand, he led her towards the middle of the field. The chopper landed quickly. Its already-low noise level was reduced to near-silence when the pilot throttled the engines back to their idle position.

Mike saw the waist hatch open and saw a door gunner in position at his minigun. He hobbled up to the chopper and gave the recognition phrase.

The crewman at the door said, “Welcome, Major Callahan! Glad you made it back. I’m sorry to hear about Captain Johnson. I understand you have another passenger for us.”

Mike smiled and waved for Kelly to join them. She came running up. “This is Kelly Jackson. She’s the other person you came to pick up. When we get back, there’s going to be a very interesting story to be told. Where are we going, by the way?”

“We’ve been told to get you back to England. Get aboard, and we’ll get the show on the road.”

He gave Kelly a hand up and then helped Mike in. They found jump seats and fastened the seat harness. The crewman spoke into his intercom mike and the noise of the engines increased.

Moments later the helicopter lifted off, tilted forward and started picking up speed and altitude. When they reached 1,000 feet, the pilot cut off the mufflers to increase the available power. The Blackhawk was one of the fastest helicopters in the air. Moments later they cleared the front lines, moved over the Rhine and then across France.

Before long, they reached the English Channel at the Calais area. Soon they were over the Kent beaches in England heading toward London. When they came over a country farm property surrounding a British manor house, the pilot set down at a marker on the lawn. “You’re here, Major. Do you need a hand?”

Mike shook his head and extended his hand to Kelly who had been sleeping, although he couldn’t figure out how she could possibly sleep with all the noise. She blinked and smiled at him sleepily. She took his hand and he helped her up, but remained bent over to keep clear of the equipment hanging from the roof. Mike stepped out of the chopper being careful to put his weight on his good leg. He lifted her by the waist and swung her down to the ground.

Kelly grinned and poked him in the arm. “Now that we’re safe, Mike, are you showing off for the girls? That leg needs attention, honey. Please don’t push it.”

He used the staff she had cut for him and they went off in the direction of the house. A uniformed aide — a young Army first lieutenant — came running over. He saluted, still on the run. Kelly saw Mike smile wryly and return his salute.

The officer said, “Major Callahan?” Mike nodded and he introduced himself, “Sir, I’m John Hughes, aide to the colonel. He asked me to get you to his office as soon as possible.”

Kelly stepped in front of Mike and said, “How do you do, Lieutenant. I’m Kelly Jackson and I’ll make a deal with you: I’ll go see the colonel and you will send for an ambulance to get Major Callahan to the hospital.”

She had shaken Hughes’ hand and smiled, but when she mentioned the hospital her voice was cold as ice. “Now!”

Mike was amused and impressed by the command presence in her voice. Hughes jumped and saluted. Kelly was amused as well. It was obvious he had no idea what a Kelly Jackson was but she acted important. The lieutenant took a radio from his belt and spoke a few words into it. A few minutes later an ambulance pulled up the driveway nearby and two attendants ran over with a stretcher. Mike waved the stretcher away and started limping over towards them.

Same as Kelly
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"Hey, boss," Shorty said. "He ain't actin' at all like you said he would. He seems to like it." "And so does she," said Fingers, smiling broadly from ear to ear. "No woman's ever done that to me before. Oh, God, it was greeeat!" "Well, goddamnit," said Joey, "we're going to make them feel degraded if it's the last thing I do." "It might be," added Willy, "'cause Albert's gone. Did anyone see where he went?" "He's just afraid of women," said Joey. "But check...

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weekend diary

After a week working in Devon I arrived home at 6 o’clock to find Shelly (my wife) in the shower, she looked absolutely gorgeous with her long red hair wet and stuck to her back and her large 34DDboobs covered in soap that was running down her body till it passed her freshly shaven pussy and onto her beautiful thighs. I quickly stripped and joined her, after five days without sex we were both a little frisky, as soon as I entered the shower Shelly took hold of my hard cock and started to jerk...

4 years ago
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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 338

We had an excited conversation on the way home about having babies in the house. Vicky and Ching Lee were making list of the things we needed to do tomorrow to bring the boys home. That was so easy to say, "The boys, our boys," it brought me teary eyes just thinking about it. When we got home we cleaned the house from top to bottom; we dusted every nook and cranny there was. I even changed the heater filters, putting in the latest kind that removed everything; mold spores, lint, and...

2 years ago
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Vignette 2

Vignette #2I tapped on the door as I pushed it open. He was on the examination table. His only clothing were socks and that ridiculous paper exam gown. Creased and stiff and open to the back, the paper gown did little to cover his body. I murmured that it would be just a minute or two while I got ready. I stepped up to the table and asked him to lay back. As he did, the short paper gown slid up revealing his thighs, up to his flaccid penis and loosely hanging testicles. I swung the...

1 year ago
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Bus Journey

Hi readers I am going to narrate an experience happened during a journey from Ernakulum to Bangalore few years ago. I was travelling in a Volvo bus and it was rushed time and got at the last row. Window seat was already occupied with an young girl wearing a skirt and top. she was slim fair and had great figure and i was thrilled. She did not acknowledge my presence and was listening to music. Bus started and i also sat comfortable. I looked at the girl few times to initiate a conversation but...

2 years ago
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Taweret and the Tales of Heroes Erotic VersionChapter 22 March 25th 2102

It was one hundred and twenty years that had passed since the introduction of the Yuki family to the Coalition of Deities. A simple decision and agreement had long had its consequences long ago that were both good and bad. It had been mostly a positive one that had benefited the Coalition. The Yuki rats had become a vital resource of manpower and scientific endeavors to a Coalition that relied heavily on magic to push things forward. When humanity had thrust itself into the twenty-second...

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Cinco De Mayo Hook Up

It was during a Cinco de Mayo. I had just left work & since it was a festive day & my office environment was hyper sexually charged I was primed for the evening. My current husband at the time was cheating on me. Mind you me I was 26 at the time. Me I am a mixed Caribbean Latina 5'-4" slim waist, broad hips with a big ass AND very very sexual! My breasts were small (B cup) but certainly a mouthful (description provided by my current husband, LOL!). There was a Mexican restaurant that...

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With undercover cops, increased sting operations, scammers, catfish, and sites like getting shut down left and right, finding quality private adult entertainment on the internet can be fucking terrifying. I, personally, have never mustered up the courage to actually go through with it. It just doesn’t seem worth the risk to me.Call me paranoid, but I’m not trying to lead an undercover cop right to my front door, ready to bust me on solicitation of prostitution. I’m also not trying...

Escort Sites
3 years ago
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Tutor To Wife

Hi readers and I’m new to this site and I really enjoy some stories posted in here and some of them are exceptional hats off to you guys and girls after reading some stories. I got the courage and idea to write down my own story which happened with my teacher. I’d confusion over under which category. I should post this story but then decided this category is appropriate more over this story is 100% true and any ladies of any age who wanted to become naughty are allowed to contact me at This is...

3 years ago
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He ejaculated in my ass on the train

I was on E train during the morning rush… it was probably the most humiliating and degrading moment of my life. That day the platform was extra crowded because of delays, and so to avoid being late, I had to squeeze on behind this large lady. I barely made it on myself, so I was irritated when, as the doors were whooshing shut, this young man shoe-horns himself in behind me. His body was plastered against mine, and I could feel his junk crushed against my behind. But I thought it was an...

2 years ago
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Living With My AuntEpisode 32

"Well, September, Jacqueline ... are you ready to get back to work?" asked Kelly, the next morning. "Yep, I can't wait to see the final results," answered Jacqueline, cheerfully. "Great! Joe and Jill ... can you help out again?" asked Kelly. "It sure made things go a lot smoother yesterday." Jill agreed immediately. In spite of the conversation Jill and I had had on the balcony the evening before, I was still conflicted between my love for Jill and September's very attractive...

1 year ago
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My 1st BBW Experience6

        I just finished cutting my neighbor Mrs Robinson grass. She's 57. She looks good too for her age. 5'8 180 pounds. Her husband died from lung cancer 2 years ago. One of her kids stays about 2 hours away. The other 2 live out of state. So I help Mrs Robinson out when I can.                      I was riding my lawnmower out of Mrs Robinson's driveway. A black Nissan Altima with dark tinted windows stopped blocking my exit. The front passenger window rolls down. Excuse me sir. I hate...

2 years ago
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Ana comes back very very late

My sweet Ana said she would go out alone that night.Before leaving, she warned me that probably, she would bring her date back home… I said it was fine for me.She finally came back after four o’clock in the morning.And the bitch brought her date in, as she had warned me.I had passed out earlier, as I waited for her. But I got up from the bed and crept down the stairs in the darkness.I heard them whispering in the living room, also in shadows... They did not notice me and I could see they were...

1 year ago
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NubileFilms Rebecca Volpetti Ready For You

Dressed to impress in stunning lingerie, Rebecca Volpetti struts onto the scene! Matt Denae is waiting for Rachel in bed, and when she arrives he just can’t believe his eyes. He’s a lucky man to have such a hot number all dolled up and ready to have a good time with him. Coming in for a kiss, Rebecca caresses her hand over Matt’s cheek. That hand reaches steadily lower, fondling his chest and then lower still. When she reaches her goal, she pulls Matt’s hardon out of his...

2 years ago
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Die traurige Vampirin

Die traurige Vampirin Die traurige Vampirin von Patrizia Panther [email protected]  Claire bahnte sich ihren Weg durch die Party, schl?ngelte sich teilnahmslos durch die Gesellschaft und taxierte ohne spezielle Hoffnung die Menschen um sich herum. Sie wusste nicht, wieso sie hier war, es erschien ihr ein guter Weg zu sein, ein wenig der Zeit totzuschlagen, von der sie unendlich hatte. Sie musste ein wenig dr?cken und schupsen, denn wegen ihres unscheinbaren Auftretens wurde sie oft ?...

2 years ago
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Cavern of Lust

You have arrived. The caverns of Xerasm, the ancient cavern system of a long dead city - once the most hedonistic and wealthy in the lands; now only ruins remain. Xerasm is said to hold vast treasures of the dead city, carried there by the many monsters, that now inhabit the cavern system. The caverns of Xerasm are said to be endless, filled with many accursed traps, spells and hundreds of exotic and unknown monsters, not seen on the surface world. Yet also said to hold enough gold, silver and...

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You Expected Less

And there she was, standing majestically in the threshold of a cubicle, idly conversing with some girl behind a desk who should have been working, but had called over the Goddess carved of mahogany to make smalltalk. Her name was Kendra Coleman, or as I liked to call her, the Office Deity. The late-afternoon sunlight spilling through the office’s floor-to-ceiling windows only enhanced her ethereal beauty.        I damn-near forgot to breathe.        I watched her from the break room, huddled...

4 years ago
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Lisa Bennet rode her horse smoothly and calmly across the desert sand, sleepily leaning her head against the neck of her horse. Her long, blonde hair fell to either side of her head, and her bright blue eyes could only be seen every now and then, for they were nodding off. Her average, but perfectly shaped breasts heaved slowly against her saddle, and her cowboy uniform and hat helped keep some of the heat off of her. She was a five foot four woman, and she had left her home four years ago when...

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The Halloween PartyOrgy

Out of college for a year living in an apartment and working my ass off. I was all fun and no play and I was really starting to fall into a rut. You know what they say about all fun. Some of my college friends invited me to a Halloween party. I had some time coming to me at work, and since they lived 3 hours away they offered me their extra bedroom. I was excited about seeing old friends and just having fun, some thing I hadn't done in a while. I asked about the party and they told me to be...

1 year ago
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BrownBunnies Nyna Stax Trespassing Makes Me Horny

Sean and Nyna were playing with their drone, and accidentally crashed into the next house backyard, so they knocked on their neighbor’s door a cranky, grouchy old lady came out, she showed them a no trespassing sign and kicked them out. Now, Nyna wants her drone back so she decides to defy her neighbor and sneak in with Sean into the backyard, Sean finds the drone and wants to leave as fast as possible but suspense and risk makes Nyna horny, she wants a quicky right there, so she starts...

3 years ago
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Returning Home Ch 03

I was so surprised to hear Molly say she was going to be living with me. I honestly couldn’t answer her. Sue came down from the porch and I asked her exactly what was going on? ‘After you left this morning, Chris and I went over to help mom clean up the mess from the remainder of the party. I know you’re not going to believe this, but it was Mom and Dad’s idea. She mentioned to Chris that they had talked about it. They offered the second floor to them since they have that big house all to...

1 year ago
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The Greek Lads part 3

I think we fell asleep for a while. I was certainly dozing when I felt him move under me. I was in a half awake, half asleep in a nowhere place with a montage of images drifting through my mind. I could see the other lads at the café, sitting with their ice-coffees, sipping through straws and watching me from under dark eyebrows. In dreams I could stop in front of them, be invisible and stare at their tightly packed jeans. I could take my time to admire their smooth, young faces and their tight f...

3 years ago
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Chrissie Learns to Serve

Chapter 8 Chrissie Learns to Serve The weekend was a blur as the overdose of hormones rushed through my body. The nurse in the clinic I visit every week obviously had a big envy thing going on with Helen, my doctor and the woman I have devoted myself to. Instead of my normal dose of oestrogen she took advantage of Helen's absence and hiked up the treatment considerably, threatening to report her to the medical board if I ever revealed what she had done to me. I had no choice but to...

1 year ago
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The Rogues Harem Book 2 Rogues Wicked HaremChapter 44 Bloodlines

Note: Thanks to WRC 264 for beta reading this! Aingeal My wings fluttered fast as I hovered at the brothel window, a big grin on my lips. While my family searched through the library, which was utterly booooring, I had to find my own ways to amuse myself. Lucky for me, we were in the City of Az, the largest city in the world. Or, at least, the largest city in Zeutch. It was full of mortals to play pranks on. I was having so much fun. I made frogs rain on frolicking maidens during a...

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Small WorldChapter 5

At breakfast the next morning Jan tried talking with Tim, but he obviously was still angry, ate his breakfast in silence and left without kissing her. Later that morning he phoned. At first Jan thought he might be wanting to make up, but instead he rather formally announced that, because the analyst who was scheduled to go, had had a death in the family, he had been asked, at the last minute, to attend a three day conference in St. Louis. His plane would be leaving that evening and he would...

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It was the usual procedure - swim so far in one direction and then over and back, looking up, down and around. At least the water was clear - better than that mucky shit in the river. Bob's zone was the farthest out from the suspected area and he had made 5 passes before he decided to go deeper. He was at 30 feet and had made two passes when he looked up. What he saw almost made him gasp. It was nothing less than a vision - an angelic vision. The sun was directly overhead and the...

1 year ago
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Predators Desire

I wrote this to evoke a slight shiver in my readers. I hope this story makes you feel as if I stepped on your grave. Names and all details are fictional. Inspiration is given to mythological Greek spirits. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Dark Desire “All the secrets of the world are contained in books. Read at your own risk.” - Lemony Snicket I wish this story had a happy ending, I...

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A Man and His PetsChapter 13 Pets Promotions

Jim dimmed the dungeon lights to their minimum and led his pets to Trina's quarters where they all laid down. With a pet's head on each shoulder, he kissed them each and told them. "Trina, I'm making you my house pet. Cindy, you are now my special pet. Trina, you will have a lot more freedom around the house, including parts of my quarters. Can you cook? Cindy, you are now my special pet. These are now your quarters. You will be in charge of the dungeon and pet training when Trina or I...

2 years ago
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tresspass only half the truth pt 2

hi im gary and as you may remember my mum got caught sneaking into the next door neighbours house and i got away and now she has becoming some kind of whore for their big black cocks and more disturbingly they are filming her and she is fed cocaine now my mum is quite hot all my school friends tease me about her but since i spied on her getting gangbanged by 10 black guys the 2 guys next door who i now know are called jason and tay and 8 others the day after this happenned i was still shocked...

4 years ago
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Me and my uncle

Hi, I am Riya from USA; I am 18 yrs old…this incident took place a few months ago when I had gone to India to visit my relatives. I go to India every one or two years, I have always had a good relationship with my mom’s brother (my uncle), his wife and kids. We are all very close and they are like my second parents. They always treat me very nicely and I have fun whenever I visit them. My uncle is a good looking man, he is around 40 years old, I had never thought of him in a sexual way before...


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