A Thousand Bucks Ch. 04 free porn video

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To understand this story you should read it from the beginning. A special thank you to Estragon for making my story a much better read.


After Jenny graduated she started working full time at the motel. I had a talk with Harold and he went in a couple hours a day to see if Jenny needed any help. He told me he felt like he was more in the way than helpful. Jenny was doing a great job.

I raised Jen’s salary to six hundred a week. I gave Harold three hundred but he and Emma would be moving to Florida in two weeks. I would miss them. They were good friends that I could trust.

I talked to Jen almost every day. Most of the time it was about business. We sure missed Harold and Emma, but they wanted to move on to their new home in Florida. Jen told me that there was a retired couple asking about renting an apartment. He had just retired and they wanted to downsize and not have all the work of keeping up a house.

I told her that she could lease the apartment that Harold and Emma vacated for six hundred a month. The couple jumped at the offer. Harold told us he was looking for a part-time job to help keep busy. I talked with Jen and said she could offer him the weekend desk job working Saturday and Sunday during the day. We’d pay him eighty dollars a day.

He liked the idea and Jen worked with him the first weekend to show him what to do. He knew that if he had any problems that Jen and I both lived in the complex. His wife worked part-time as a clerk at the local drug store.

Business things were going pretty good, and I enjoyed the time I spent with Jen but it was either impersonal chatting or business. She would be getting weekends off and I thought maybe we could date once in a while.

She told me Al was working out fine. He and his wife Mary were satisfied with their apartment. They sold their home to one of their two kids so they had room to store their belongings till they got settled in. Mary told Jen that if she ever needed someone to watch Jerry to let her know.

As of right now Jen took Jerry in the office with her. She had a playpen set up for him and had no problem watching him. Our motel wasn’t like some kind of Holiday Inn. We had our renters and the contractors or other people needing a room for the night. We didn’t have a pool so we didn’t get a lot of young family business. Our guests, but we didn’t get that fancy, were mostly businesspeople or contractors working regular jobs.

We didn’t get too many of the hooker-for-the-day business since we stopped renting rooms by the hour. However, we did get some of the cheating husband/wife type of business since our rooms were cheaper than the big luxury places. Those types were easy to spot. Usually they had an overnight bag or no luggage at all.

We had our rooms paid for up front in case some people decided to leave their room early. If they gave us a credit card they could pay their bill when they checked out.

The first Saturday that Jen had off I asked her if she would like to go dancing and out to dinner. She looked at me with sad eyes.

‘What’s the matter Jen?’ I asked.

‘I’m going out with Audrey and Phyllis. They asked me yesterday. I’m sorry. Jarrod, I didn’t think you wanted to go out with me anymore. You haven’t asked me out since my graduation. I figured you wanted to be just friends.’

I wasn’t sure what to say. Audrey and Phyllis were two older women who cleaned the apartments for us. To the best of my knowledge they were both divorced. They had told me one day that they really liked Jen and she listened to their complaints and saw that things got done.

‘I would like to be more than friends but I guess I’m not a great people person. Maybe we can go out next week? I’ll ask Bill and Shauna if they might like to go.’

‘That would be nice. Let’s make it a date,’ replied Jen. I figured we were both lost for words at the moment. She did tell me that Mary said she would watch Jerry since Al would be working.

That evening I went by myself to the lounge down the street. I thought about calling Bill but he was spending more and more time with Shauna. It was pretty much a county western music place, and they always had a lot of people line dancing. I wasn’t much good at it but I liked watching.

When I got there the place was crowded. It was always like this on a Saturday night. I went upstairs in the balcony area so I could watch the dancers better. I was on my second beer when I noticed Jen and her friends come in. I wasn’t sure what to do. I didn’t want her to think I was following her. I didn’t know where they were going.

She looked so cute in her jeans and a cowboy hat. The three of them got a table and ordered a round of drink. I wasn’t sure whether to stay or leave. I didn’t do anything wrong but would Jen see it that way. I was out of the way so I decided to stay.

The three women got up and were dancing with the rest of the group. Seeing Jen smiling made me happy. After a couple of line dances they sat down. I watched some local guys asked them to dance. I almost felt hurt seeing Jen in the arms of another man. What the hell was wrong with me?

They were just dancing, for Christ sake. No one was doing anything wrong. I stayed for about another hour and Jen had danced with a number of men but always went back to her table. There were a couple of guys that I saw she had to push back a little and two tried touching her ass but got a stiff ‘no’ from her.

I felt like I was invading her privacy and left. I went back to my apartment and watched TV. I couldn’t concentrate on anything. All I could think of was Jen in the arms of another man. The next morning I called her.

‘Jarrod, is there something wrong?’

‘No, why? I just wanted to ask you something.’

‘Well, I’ve known you for months and this was the first time you have ever called me. You usually just walk down a couple of doors and knock. What did you want to ask me?’

‘I wanted to know if you had a nice time last night? Also would you and Jerry like to go out for lunch or dinner today?’

‘Jarrod, let’s clear the air here first. I saw you in the lounge last night. Yes I had a nice time and all I did was dance and have a few drinks.’

‘I didn’t follow you. I was alone and just went out for a few beers. I didn’t know that was where you were going.’

‘I just wondered why you didn’t come down and ask me to dance. As far as lunch, I’ll be ready at noon. Jarrod, thank you for being honest with me. That’s why I love you so much. I can always trust you. See you later.’ Then she hung up.

Did she say she loved me? What kind of love was she talking about? Some people throw the word around pretty easy. I have to admit that no woman affected me the way Jen does. Right now we’re friends but I think I want it to be more, much more.

I picked her up at noon and she and Jerry were ready to go. I had bought a car seat for my car but never told Jen about it. ‘We have to take my car because Jerry has to be in a car seat.’

She looked in my car and saw the seat and just shook her head and smiled. It took me a few minutes to figure out how to use the dang seat. All the while Jen was standing there laughing at me.

‘I can do this,’ I said. Finally I had it on Jerry. He looked at me like, ‘What took you so long?’

We got in the car and Jen asked if we could go to an Italian restaurant. She said that Jerry would make a mess but loved spaghetti. So Italian it was. Jen ordered spaghetti and got an extra plate and gave some to Jerry. She brought along a tiny fork but he was doing better with his hands.

I was having a great time. I can’t remember the last time I laughed like this. Jen did tell me that she did enjoy herself the night before but it was just because she had a chance to get out and actually had friends. She did tell me I was her best friend of all.

We took a drive by the airport so Jerry could see all the
airplanes. He kept pointing in the air saying ‘pane, pane.’ I was beginning to really like this kid. I wanted him to have a better chance at life than me or his mother had started out with. We got back to the motel and Al called Jen and told her the night guy called in sick. That meant that Jen would have to take his place.

At around seven I wasn’t doing anything and decided to go visit Jen in the office. I was in the back room out of the way playing with Jerry when a customer came in.

‘Hi beautiful, I see you’re here again tonight. Too bad I’m with a date, I’d much rather be with you. Maybe I’ll let my date go early and you can stop by after work.’

‘Look, I’ve told you before I have a boyfriend and I’m not looking for someone else. Would you and your friends please leave me alone or I’ll report you to my boss. Now, do you want a room for tonight or not?’

‘Baby, quit playing so hard to get. I know you give out, you have a kid and no ring so quit playing hard to get.’ He was now grinning at Jen.

I recognized him from the gym. We had to tell him a couple of times to stop flirting with the female customers or he would be prevented from coming into the gym.

I had enough already. I got up and asked Jen if there was a problem. This asshole’s grin changed very quickly, and he started asking for a single room for the night when he saw who I was. Jen took his money and gave him his room key.

He got ready to leave when I spoke up. ‘Sam, isn’t it? The next time you come to my motel and talk to my girlfriend like that again, I’ll knock every one of your fucking teeth down your fucking throat. Do you understand me?’

‘Yes Jarrod, I’m sorry, it will never happen again.’

‘Make sure your friends understand it also. I’d hate to have to repeat myself.’ He walked out the door and I watched him take some girl up to his room.

‘I could have handled it, you know,’ said Jen.

‘I know, but I didn’t like hearing him talking to you like that. I’m sorry I interrupted you.’

‘Apology accepted. Did you mean it when you called me your girl?’ She stood there staring at me waiting for an answer.

‘Jen, I’m crazy about you but I don’t know what kind of boyfriend I would make. I want to do so much for you but you don’t want my help. I’m not sure what to do or what not to do. I’m mixed up when it comes to you. I better go back to my apartment. I’ll talk to you later.’

She never said a word as I left. I meant everything I said to her. I wasn’t sure what to do or say. I had the money to pay off all her debts ten times over, but she had told me no. She did thank me for filling up her gas tank the one time. She tried to give me back the five hundred dollars I gave her to give Mildred but I told her I didn’t need it and wouldn’t take it.

She didn’t talk to me for a couple of days back then. She was beautiful but also very stubborn. She seemed to want to prove she could do anything without help. I knew I had to wait for her to make the next move. I didn’t know where our relationship was going.

I was at my apartment and noticed it was midnight. That meant that Jen would be going back to her room. About fifteen minutes later my phone rang. The caller id said it was Jen. I quickly answered the phone.

‘Jenny! Is everything all right?’

‘Jarrod, could you come to my apartment please?’

I quickly hung up the phone and hurried to her apartment. She opened the door as soon as I arrived. ‘What’s the matter Jen? Where’s Jerry? Is everything all right?’

‘I put Jerry to bed. I need to talk with you. I don’t like the way we left it when you went back to your room. Jarrod, remember when we first met and you asked me if I wanted to really have sex with a stranger and I said no?’

‘Yes, I remember.’

‘You’re no longer a stranger and I don’t want to have sex with you for any amount of money.’ She stopped for a few seconds and then began again. ‘Jarrod, I want you to make love to me. I’ve wanted you for a long time. I wanted you to know that I didn’t want our relationship to be about your money. I want it to be about us.’

I stepped forward and kissed her for the first time. It was a long, soft and yet passionate kiss. ‘Jarrod, I want you to make love to me right now. I may not be very good since I have only been with one man but I promise to do whatever you ask.’

‘Jenny, it’s not about how good or how bad sex is. I love you and I have never loved anyone. I want to make love to every inch of your body. Just do what you feel comes naturally.’

She smiled at me. ‘We have a slight problem. Jerry is sleeping in his crib in the bedroom, so we have to make love on the couch and we have to try and be quiet.’

I kissed her again. As we stood in the middle of the room I undid her blouse and pulled it off her shoulders. She had goose bumps on her arms so I put my arms around her and hugged her. I unhooked her bra and for the first time I saw her perky breasts.

‘My turn,’ she said as she pulled off my shirt off over my head and threw it on the chair. She reached down and undid my belt and unzipped my jeans. I let them fall to the floor and stepped out of them. She could see my cock getting hard through my briefs and put her hand against it.

I undid her jeans and pulled them down over her hips and down her legs. She stepped out of them. While I was stooped down I kissed her panty-clad pussy. I got on my knees and put my hands on her ass and pulled her against my mouth.

I rubbed my face back and forth against her mound and pussy area till I could smell her sex. She put her hands behind my head. ‘God, that feels so good,’ she said.

I felt her tremble as I slowly pulled down her pink panties. I again buried my face between her legs. She moved backwards and sat on the edge of the couch. I lifted her legs and pulled her ass forward, she leaned back. I spread her legs and put my mouth on her pussy and embedded my tongue in her moist sweet spot.

I felt her shudder as she held onto my head. Her juices were flowing. I continued to lick and tongue her pussy. When her spasms slowed I got up and slipped off my briefs. I sat on the couch and asked Jen to sit on my lap and lower herself on my hardened cock.

‘It’s big, Jarrod. Please take it easy with me,’ she said as she faced me and slowly lowered herself onto my cock. I was helping hold her up so she could go down slowly.

The head was in and she was biting her lower lip. ‘It’s ok, Honey, I have you,’ I said to her. She lowered herself some more and leaned forward and kissed me.

She continued to lower herself tell she was totally impaled on my cock. She had an immediate orgasm. I wrapped my arms around her and held tightly to me. I held her for a couple of minutes. I then picked her up with my hands under her ass and my cock buried in her.

‘What are you doing Jarrod?’

‘I’m walking you to the bed. I want to make love to you properly. We’ll be quiet and not wake Jerry.’ She laughed as we entered the bedroom. Jerry was in his crib sleeping away.

I put Jen down and my cock came out of her. She went to the middle of the bed and I lay next to her and we began kissing. In minutes I was on top of her with my cock buried deep within her.

We made love and she met me with every stroke. I saw her reach for her pillow. She was about to come again and bit into the pillow to muffle her orgasm. I came in her at the same time. Her pussy must have spasmed for a good five minutes. When she came down from her high I kissed her and told her that I was in love with her.

I rolled over to the side, pulled up the covers and slept with the woman I loved.


When I awoke the next morning Jerry was standing next to the bed staring at me. I looked up and Jen was already dressed.

‘Morning, Sleepyhead,’ she said to me. ‘Coffee’s on and we’re having cereal for breakfast.’ She pointed to my clothes on the chair in the bedroom and smiled a
s she called to Jerry to come eat breakfast. I watched him waddle out of the room and I quickly got dressed.

Jen had poured me a cup of coffee and Jerry was busy eating his cereal. I was handed a bowl so I guess I was having Trix cereal for breakfast.

‘I think we need to have a long talk today,’ said Jen. ‘By the way, you were wonderful and I do love you but we have a problem.’

‘Just one or a whole lot of them?’ I asked.

‘I have to go open the office right now. If you wouldn’t mind getting Jerry dressed after you both finish breakfast then bring him to the office and we can talk about it. I love you Jarrod, but I have to go. See you later.’

She kissed me and Jerry, and went out the door. I asked myself what had just happened. It looked like I was babysitting Jerry and helping get him dressed after we finished our cereal. I put the milk and cereal away and rinsed off our bowls.

Jen had set Jerry’s clothes aside that he was to wear. I went to pick him up and realized he had just crapped in his diaper. I couldn’t believe this, I had never changed a kid in my life.

I looked at him and said, ‘We can do this!’ I put him on the bed with one of his blankets under him. I couldn’t believe the smell. As they say, holy shit! I had to hold my breath while taking off his dirty diaper. I quickly put it in the sealed diaper bucket and found some spray to make the air smell better.

I got his diaper wipes and cleaned him up the best I could. He smiled at me and said, ‘dada.’ I just figured it was some sounds that he made but it made me feel pretty good. Now I tried to put on his clean diaper. I couldn’t believe it took me three tries to get it right. But we finally got it done.

I put on his shirt and pants, then his tiny socks and shoes. He was so good and went along without any problem. When I finally got him dressed I felt like I really did something great. It put a big smile on my face. We headed over to the office and I put him in his playpen.

‘What took you so long?’ asked Jen, but she was smiling.

‘Jerry shit himself,’ I said and Jen started laughing.

‘I’m so proud of you,’ she said and gave me a big kiss. ‘Now about the problem we were going to talk about,’ said Jen. There was no one in the office so we could talk.

‘Jarrod, I can’t have you paying all my bills. People will think I’m going with you because of the money or what I can get from you. It’s not true! I love you because you’re you, no other reason. It’s not about money.

‘Jen, I have money, and what will people think that know that my girlfriend is paying a hundred dollars a month till the day she dies on a hospital bill? Then she graduates with honors and now works for me but still has to pay off her student loans. Can you see my point here?’

She got up and came over and kissed me. ‘I love you, Jarrod Hadley.’

‘Seriously Jen, you have to let me help you. I don’t care what others think of me. It’s what you think that counts. Let’s make a deal. Let me pay off your medical bills and your student loans. Also, as an employee I’ll purchase health insurance for you as part of your employee package.’

‘Jarrod, that’s a lot of money. What if for some reason you don’t want to be with me anymore?’

‘That is not going to happen. I know you’re not going to believe this but you are the first girl or I should say woman that I have ever loved. But, if for some reason you should leave me at least you will be on firm footing not owing anyone. Besides, you need a new car.’

‘No car, mine’s fine. I’ll drive it till it falls apart. I really would like to be out of debt but I hate using up your savings. I know this is none of my business but can you really afford to pay my past debts?’

‘You’re kidding, right? You know I have a large saving account. Jen, but the truth is I inherited five million dollars and have spent very little of it. I have some in the bank and invested a lot of it.’

‘I never knew Jarrod. I thought you might have a couple of hundred thousand dollars but not millions. It doesn’t change the way I feel about you but I can see why you want to help me out. I’ll agree to let you help me with the medical bill and my tuition, but I want to keep my car.’ She smiled that pretty smile at me.

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I can fuck for buck

There is no limit to which a girl like me can go when i HAVE to go shopping but i dont have enough money........my parents were off to india and i was alone at home in NZ so i cldnt even spend what little i had.so i did the kinkiest an bitchiest thing i cld do to get wht i wanted.Since we had shifted there only a few months back i din know many ppl there except a few of my frds frm our gym. And i cld tell that they were clearly attracted to me but i never really paid any attention even though...

1 year ago
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Young buck

Virginia York wheeled her Caddy into the parking garage and after maneuvering through the maze of ramps she nosed the big auto into a space near the elevator. She shivered a little as a cold north wind whipped around her while waiting for a car. Finally down on the street, she made her way the two blocks to a nondescript building on the west side of Chicago's Loop. It had been almost a month since her last visit, and the anticipation in her pussy caused her to drench her panties involuntarily!...

4 years ago
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Eager Wild WifeChapter 7

Tiffany strode into the Howard Building. Three days had passed. Three days of stewing in anger. Her marriage was over. Bart had called. He had the pictures. She fought her hurt and stepped into the elevator. A phone call to Ryan, and he had simply said he would stay at the club or office until she got her head together. "Hah," she said, in the empty elevator. "I know where you stayed." Her voice echoed in the small cubicle to haunt her. "Blondie's place." The elevator stopped,...

2 years ago
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ChristineChapter 5

As the weeks went on, Christine didn't eat or talk much. She'd lost weight and her pretty face was so pale. She would think about Janice every single day. Though she fought hard not to keep loving her she couldn't help it. Janice had been the only person that had made her heart melt. Christine had been getting very sick. The constant throwing up began to worry her. She figured it was just stress from quitting the job she loved and losing the woman of her dreams. "You're not too well....

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Allison and the PrimdalesChapter 5 Photogenic

That night, Greg and Allison stayed in the bridal suite of a luxury hotel in the city before their flight to Hawaii in the morning. They could have booked a later flight that same day, but with the hassle of the airport and the length of the flight, they would arrive late at night and exhausted from the trip. Most times he wouldn't have minded, but he wanted to be able to relax and enjoy his wedding night. There would be plenty of time to lie out on the beach or go swimming or have fun in a...

2 years ago
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Door to Door Cable TV Sales Milf

Waking up kind of late this Saturday morning, I was leisurly going through my morning routine of coffee and cigarette. I was glad to have the house to myself and I sat quietly sipping my hot beverage. I heard a car door out front and I partially stood up to get a view through the picture window of the street a few feet away. I see somene getting out of a older model mini van, and my first thought, no lie is I wonder if its a sexy woman. Moments later as they come around the ront of...

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Vanessas Secret Part 2

Vanessa's Secret Jason Morgan Part 2 Vanessa was back at Antonio's manor wearing the ultra-revealing maids outfit, serving him and his friends. Antonio was talking to his friends table and she had just brought them on their glasses of beer. The plates of food she had just made were on the counter cooling. They were just about ready to serve. She waited a few minutes and went back out, doing her curtsey as the obedient docile maid holding a large pitcher of beer. Some of their...

1 year ago
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Hotel Eden

Copyright© I rounded the corner, and saw the flickering neon sign — Hotel Eden. It was famous, or should that be notorious, as an establishment that catered to sex. Rooms could be had by the hour, as well as by night, and it had a discrete bar frequented by lonely housewives as well as prostitutes — although it was sometimes difficult to tell them apart. The rooms were clean and cheap, and visiting businessmen who liked a woman to share their bed regularly stayed there. For a moment I...

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Hail the Conquering Hero

Hail the Conquering Hero By Carol Collins John Thompson's plane arrived at his hometown airport in the middle of the night. He had planned on being home the previous afternoon, but a missed connection had caused him to be delayed by several hours. He placed his duffel bag on the sidewalk beside him and decided how he was going to handle the situation. John was returning from another one of those small wars that the...

3 years ago
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Wolves and Dragons of the Blood True BeginningsChapter 32

This chapter has been posted due to popular demand only. It's NOT properly edited and it's NOT up to the quality that we usually have. We know it has errors and typos. Please don't complain or comment about the quality. We know its status. We will fix it when we have the time. Pain And Fear Comprise The Forge In Which The Finest Living Weapons Are Created This Holds True For Both Wolves And Dragons You And Elynth Have Survived This Crucible Androcles Leonidas Alba Tau Was Where You Were...

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Amsterdam by Jennifer to Porn Poet Peter

Lost and found, sweet start of a long love story of sex and spankingI had just turned 18 and was so looking forward to this vacation to Amsterdam but things were just not working out. First the Airline misplaced my luggage so the only thing I had to wear was a short thin sun dress and then the Hotel I was supposed to stay at had overbooked so I had no place to stay so as I wandered down the street I sat down on a bench and started to cry. I had no idea but right across from me was a business...

4 years ago
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Living the Dream Malissas academy 7

Living the Dream, Malissa's Academy, 7 By: Malissa Madison With the departure of my sister and her command group I began to feel as if I needed to know more about the things I hadn't ever considered before. Like the parallel universes like Earta Prime. I knew that Calista was from one, called the Kaidran Quadrant. Her husband while being a Cheetah Furry was a Kaidran rather than a Terrellian like those in this Universe. So I began looking into those, then I realized that both...

2 years ago
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Latex Dress

Latex Dress When my sexy sixteen-year-old daughter said that she needed a special dress to wear up on stage for her solo during the school musical I thought to myself, “Why not.” Then I was sorry. When I took Valerie to the mall to shop I had no idea that they even sold dresses like that. She picked out a bright red skin-tight latex dress. If I could have seen the slit in her pussy I would have sworn that it was painted on. It fit her like a second skin. I had no idea that my...

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Sex Lies and PCRChapter 3 A man named Theo

For the next week, I buried myself in work. I tried to minimize my contact with Max but it was not to be. I succeeded with a series of experiments which one could pretty much describe as verification of Max's pet working hypothesis. We scheduled a repeat of these experiments in the next week to be extra sure. I already knew that Max was the most cautious when he liked results. It is so easy to accept findings that fit your preconceptions and you sometimes overlook errors in the experimental...

2 years ago
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How My HR Used Office Meeting Room For Our Sex Meeting

Hi ISS readers. My name is Akash and I am back with another of my sexcapades. Those who don’t know me can go to my author page and check my other stories. This time, I am sharing the incident which happened during my first job. After being selected for job, I shifted to Bangalore which was totally a new experience for me. I came out of my home for the first time and everything was new. New city, new people and new independence filled in a lot of excitement in me. Though I have had fun times...

4 years ago
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Making the First Move

Andrew first saw her when she moved to his school to do her “A”-levels, and almost immediately she became his secret obsession. Her name was Emily, and he thought she was the most beautiful girl he’d ever seen in his life. He used to watch her during break while she chatted with her friends. But he was far too shy to speak to her and, as far as he knew, she never even knew he existed. He’d go home and masturbate in his bedroom, his mind full of imaginary images of Emily without any clothes on,...

College Sex
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LoveHerFeet Sheila Ortega Sexy Couple8217s Foot Worship

Captivating hottie, Sheila Ortega, can’t help but feel naughty while home alone. She focuses her attention on her sexy feet, gently massaging her smooth soles and putting her fingers between her toes. Not able to resist her fetish desires any longer, Sheila starts licking and sucking her feet. The yellow nail polish looks more vibrant against her plump red lips. The horny bombshell is so occupied with worshipping her feet that she doesn’t notice Vincent approaching her from behind....

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Stud BoyChapter 3 A Bit of Discipline

My first day at the Manor had been exotic and by eight that evening Iris suggested I’d earnt an early night. So, making my way upstairs and along the landing I entered the cosy guest bedroom. By nine I’d climbed into the comfy old bed, my head sinking luxuriously into the large puffy pillow. The sensuality of being in Iris’s company began filling my thoughts and my hand crept between my thighs and into my snatch; I began masturbating; then shortly, I heard someone knocking softly at the...

2 years ago
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I Meet Darleen

As much as I'd worried about Emma and her kinkiness when we were together, I had wanted to get away from her mostly because of my worry that we would be found out. It was mostly out of fear that our perversions would get back to my mother. Now a few months had gone by with no real plans to see her again, at least not until I would be going home on leave. I found I was thinking of her and our relationship more and more. Of course in her weekly letters she kept reminding me of the times we were...

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CAHILLPart 4 of 6

>>>>>> I loaded Daryl, Dan Powell, and Max into my SUV, dropping Dan off at headquarters with my thanks and driving Daryl to my in-laws where I knew that Jasmine was anxiously waiting for him just as I was sure Lucy was waiting for me. On the way out the door earlier today I had told Sgt. Ed Sulkowski, “Ed, get someone you have complete trust in and go over to the Bascombs’ house. Pick up some shotguns from Mulvaney and don’t let anyone get near the house except for Jasmine Stone. Do...

3 years ago
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The Masseur Part 2

* On Sunday morning, I woke up early from the sun shining through the skylight. I could tell it wasn't very far past sunup, and Skylar was in my bathroom. She was brushing her teeth with my toothbrush, and her profile was fantastic. When she was done, she stretched in front of the mirror. Fully naked and my dick gave a few twitches as I watched her. She padded back to my bed and looked at me with a big smile on her face. I guess after we'd fucked she didn't mind me seeing her naked...

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The Pickup Truck Man Origins

This is a complex story centered on the origins of a very bad man briefly introduced at the end of The Logic of My Anger: A Sociopath’s Tale of Vengeance.  The Pickup Truck Man is a professional kidnapper, a taker of beautiful women for one of several Midnight Harvest teams rumored to be run by an elderly Eastern European.  This businessman is thought to live in south-central Texas and uses these teams to acquire new talent to stock a high-end whorehouse he owns.  In this story, during the more...

4 years ago
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A Slaves Tale 2

"I abhor unjustified cruelty but a crime cannot go unpunished as I am sure you will agree. When you were thrashed did your last Mistress use your bottom?""No Miss. I rebelled before she got that far Miss.""Good, then we will make use of that. You understand what this punishment is for and why it is necessary?""Yes Miss.""I think 24 strokes will suffice this time."I picked up my riding crop from the table and slowly stood up."Stand up slut."She did so with amazing speed."Turn around and then...

1 year ago
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Surreal First Night

“Hey Chanelle, you wanna go out tonight?” asked my best friend Teresa. We had been friends since kindergarten but we were different in every way possible. Teresa was pretty, caramel skin, hazel eyes, and smile that could kill. I was as pale as the clouds, packing a little baby fat, and well...just plain. She was an A student, while I spent hours of studying just so that I could get a C. She was everyone boy’s dream girl…I was the girl who no boys would talk to. Everyone was shocked that...

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Tonic Movies

Let's "booze" ourselves up with "tonic porn" at TonicMovies! Some of the best porn sites in existence are those that don’t give you any other bullshit besides pure XXX content that you can enjoy at your own leisure. I’ve seen plenty of free XXX tubes that force you to go through dozens of gateways in order to get to your video, gateways that bombard you with ads and pop-ups that literally nobody in the world gives a fuck about. These websites irritate the shit out of not just me but every other...

Porn Aggregators
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Submissive Stepmother

Laura stood against the wall, wearing only panties. The chains made sure she stood there. The 10-inch vibrator humming in her pussy and the C-clamps on her nipples kept her aroused. She'd been Barbara's sex slave for most of the summer. Long enough to appreciate everything Barbara had done to her. She'd even lost twelve pounds. As she watched Barbara watch television, she thought about how her life had turned out. Barbara's mother had died in a car accident when she was nine. After the shock...

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The Redhead Downtown

Colleen reveled in being a slut when the opportunity availed itself. I saw her as she rounded a corner of a building downtown, wearing high-heeled boots, a matching skirt and blouse, a big purse perched on a shoulder.  It was late in the afternoon.  She was 5'8" 5'9",with thick pale thighs, ample ass and matching bosom, easily 40dd, curly red hair to her shoulders, big sunglasses, voluptuous and appealing, even more so as she smiled at me and walked up to me as I waited for a trolley. "Hi."...

1 year ago
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Chachi 11 Inch Lund Ki Diwani

lundwalo ko arshit ka salam.me chandigarh me rahnewala hoon aur meri age 25 sal hai.meri lund ki sige 11″aur thiknes 4″hai.jo meri asli punji hai.. jisse dekh kar badi badi chudakad mere aggeh jhukti hai .ye to ho gaya mera parichya ab me aaplogo ka jayada samay na lete huye kahni par aata hoon. Ye ghatna aaj se pichle mahine ki hai .meri ek chachi hai jinka name sarita age 36 sal hai.unka sexy badan 38/30/40 hai.unke tin bachhe hai ek larka do larki.larka ki umra 6 sal aur dono larkiyan 3 aur...

2 years ago
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Lucy the sexy student neighbour

She's rapidly typing away at it, sending messages or something. All of a sudden she giggles and looks up to where you're standing. You can tell she knew you were there before but now you get a bit embarrassed. Lucy looks back at the phone and then starts to rub some sun lotion gently into her heaving breasts. Now this would be very innocent if she weren't looking into your eyes the whole time she's doing it. Your cock begins to grow as Lucy slides her hand under the tiny bikini top, rubbing...

3 years ago
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Owning Aunt Bridgette Chapter 1

So, it wasn’t long before he was searching for MILFs and slut moms on Tumblr … which led to mommy-is-a-slut.tumblr.com. The banner across the top was a leggy blonde with her ass in the air, vibrators shoved up her ass and pussy as she held a third one to her clit. He unzipped his jeans and started stroking his cock as he scrolled down … and his heart stopped. The next photo showed his aunt, topless in her kitchen. There was no mistaking it. It was his Aunt Bridgette. The long blonde hair,...

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A stroll in the Countryside

It was a beautiful summers day when I woke and I couldn’t decide what to do with myself, so I decided to take a walk through the countryside. The sun was blazing and I was feeling good. I decided where to go, and started to head off. I hadn’t been strolling too far when all of a sudden I could hear what seemed to be a camera clicking away. Thinking nothing if it, I headed towards a large boulder, when I got around the other side of it, I was almost knocked off my feet.Before my very eyes was a...

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The Agony of Failure

The Agony of Failure The Sultan looked at the three captives huddled before him. His eyes narrowedwith a cruel delight as he studied the delightfully curved figures of the twonative girls and their white companion. All were good looking, despite the rags they hadused to disguise themselves. Now, after the struggle of their arrests, thegenerous curves and smooth skin of their bodies could be seen through the numerousrips and rents in their shabby clothing. The oldest of them was the...

4 years ago
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Little Sissy Boy written by request for a reader

This story is for one of my readers who made the request via my website www.6ixty9ine.orgIt was only a matter of time before my wife discovered what I am, and I discovered her need to dominate and control me.We worked different hours and I was often in the house alone which only encouraged my kinky tendencies. When she was away or had meetings she would get up and go to work early and I would stay home until it was time to go out. It began innocently enough I suppose with looking at things on...

1 year ago
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A Brand New ManChapter 2

When I finally got home, I was immediately greeted to the sight of Deanna, my first cousin who was practically my sister, performing her aerobics in the living room to some video that she saw on the VCR. She wasn’t alone, either. Summer, her blonde cutie of a best friend, worked up a sweat with her, while I heard grunts and groans from the master bedroom that indicated what kind of cardio program Aunt Molly and Uncle Curtis preferred. I also noted that they had a very pungent scent to each of...

3 years ago
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Prime Assets Ch 07

Howard sat with Emma in the kitchen back at home while she calmed down. He had been called out to the research clinic when Emma’s sexual hysteria had refused to die down, and had driven her home. Simon had arrived in from work around the same time, and sat in the living room, peering in confusion at the tall, handsome stranger in the sharp suit and raincoat, giving his bosomy tenant quiet words of reassurance. ‘I’m going to have to leave now, Emma,’ Howard said, patting his client’s hand....

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My First Time With a Transexual

This is a true story it happened back in 1986 I already knew I was bye and I liked having sex with girls and guys but I had never had a transexual. I went out clubing where all the gays and lesbian hang out just to hang out and have a good time there was always someone who would accept a straight looking guy like me so I went into this one club that had a transvestitied show or shemales show it was a great show they had some singers, dancers a couple of comedians the show was very good so I had...

3 years ago
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Danny and JennyChapter 15

"Well, will I do?" She came out onto the balcony to where I was enjoying a cold beer, my first of the night and just stood looking at me nervously. In itself, the dress was nothing out of the ordinary, but she'd bought it knowing full well the justice only a woman like her could do to it. It hung by two thin straps from her shoulders, the light blue silk of the bodice concealing yet emphasising her breasts, the cleverly concealed under wiring not only supporting them needlessly, but...

2 years ago
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Pucker Up 5

Pucker Up By Jena Corso Edited by Angela Meyers Chapter 5 Never did he change so fast, as Bridget stuffed their clothes into the duffel bag and brought it with them back to the room. As expected, their mother was still passed out as Bridget quietly helped her brother scrub off his makeup in the bathroom, undo his pony and slide silently into bed. What he didn't expect in the morning was that at five thirty the alarm would be sounding and his mother would be waking him up while...

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