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I guess we all have them, I certainly did, but you don't realize that others do too until something happens, that many times brings them out into the open.

My mother had been sick for quite some time, dad having passed away a few years before so she had pretty much lived alone, though she had many friends that she spent a considerable amount of time with, which I was very grateful for as at the time, I lived a considerable distance away out of state.

So I guess depending on how you look at it, I was fortunate enough, or unfortunate to have been going through a divorce, and because of it, had moved back closer to home, and thus got to spend the last couple of months spending more time and visiting with my mother before she died.

But like I said, I was grateful that mom had so many friends and neighbors that spent time with her during the time I wasn't, and who were still there for her, as well as for me, afterwards.

After dad's death, mom had moved into a much smaller place a duplex that she shared with a woman who soon became her dearest of friends and neighbors. "Mabel" though everyone called her "May" had come over to help me sort through some of her things a few days after the funeral. Having already done this before when my father had died, I wasn't looking forward to doing it again, especially alone and with no real idea what to do with much of her stuff. The only direction I'd been given shortly before her death, was her desire and request that May be given first choice to take or have anything of hers that she wanted, that I didn't want or couldn't use. Needless to say, I was extremely grateful when she came over to help me sort through all of mom's things.

But it was while doing that, that I learned that my own mother had a few secrets too. Things I would never have suspected, guessed at, or certainly ever imagined. The one thing it did do besides surprise me, was teach me that my own mother was a normal human being, just like everyone else, still sometimes hard when you think in those terms regarding your own parents.

It was weird enough going through my mother's "unmentionables" as she called them as I had begun packing up several boxes of her clothing, things that would either be donated or thrown away, which is when I came across a vibrator, something I initially just stared at, trying to justify, somehow accept that she actually owned one, let alone used one. For some oddball reason, not quite able to wrap my head around the fact she'd even know what they were used for, though obviously she did ... and had.

But as awkward as that was, it was made even more so as May was sitting next to me packing a few other boxes at the same time that I was, and saw the shocked look on my face when I pulled out not only that particular item, but several others as well, including what turned out to be a double-dildo, which for the life of me, stunned me even more than the somewhat normal looking vibrator. I know I was blushing furiously as I looked up and saw May looking at me with a smile on her face.

"Let's go have a cup of coffee," she told me standing up. "I think maybe now's the time you and I had a little chat."

May was in her sixties, though I never learned her exact age, nor was it important that I ever did. But she also didn't look like she was either, even though she'd allowed her hair to turn naturally gray, almost white in fact somewhat prematurely, though it looked really good on her. She kept it cut really short, "easier to maintain," she had once told me, which I'm sure it was, but it also somehow made her blue eyes even bluer, which in turn made her face a bit younger looking giving lie to her true age.

May also had a reasonably nice shape, and like everyone in the middle years, an extra little padding here and there, but nothing that I felt detracted at all from her natural attractiveness, as May truly was a good-looking woman, which was another reason why I didn't fully understand her reason for never remarrying after her husband had died many, many years ago.

I had followed May next door to her place where we sat down at her kitchen table after pouring us both a cup of coffee. She sat looking at me over the rim of her cup as she sipped it, and then sitting it down in front of herself, reached her hand over placing it over mine as she spoke.

"Brad? You need to know ... your mother and I were more than just friends or neighbors, for the last year ... we were also lovers."

You could have knocked me over with a feather. At first, I didn't know what to say or how to respond to what May had just told me, it was too hard to believe for one thing. I was still struggling with the fact that mom 'masturbated' and actually used toys to do that with, and now this, which was even more shocking to me under the circumstances.

"Mom was a lesbian?" I blurted out in disbelief.

"Lesbian? No, I don't think so," May told me. "She was just a woman with normal every day needs, no different than you or I is all. And that I happened to be a woman, and the one person she could feel comfortable with, and confide in without fear, is what brought us together as lovers. So lesbian? No ... she wasn't. Did we do things that lesbians do together? Yes, of course we did. But I've never considered myself a lesbian either, and your mother was in fact the first and only woman I've ever been with. So ... just so you understand, neither one of us ever looked at it that way. We just saw it as two women who had grown close to one another, who felt comfortable enough with one another, to share a little needed pleasure from time to time."

I was still struggling with the image that had suddenly popped inside my head however, sitting there looking at May, having already mentally undressed her, seeing her with "mom" all tangled together on the bed, and then adding in my mind the scenario of the two of them hooked up together with the double-dildo I had found. I actually shook my head trying to dislodge the image. May laughed.

"Having a hard time with it I see," she said simply. "Cookie?"


May pushed a plate of homemade chocolate chip cookies my way. They were my favorite, though I seriously doubt she knew that.

"Have a cookie, you'll feel better."

At the moment I wasn't sure I could, the only thing I felt was a little numb.


"How what?" May answered back as I took a bite of my cookie. "How did the two of us become lovers?" she asked me back already surmising I was curious as I merely nodded my head. "Do you want the simple short version, or the long one with all the nitty-gritty details?"

To be perfectly honest, I wasn't sure I wanted to hear all the intimate little details, but then as I sat there looking at her, I decided that I did.

"Tell me everything," I responded. "I really am curious to know how mom could end up..."

"Being with, making love to ... having sex with another woman?" May finished for me.

I took another bite of my cookie without answering, just waiting for her response, though she smiled at me as I did understanding my feint.

"Well, ok Brad I will. But only as long as you understand a few things first, number one, your mother was a very sensual, and very open-minded woman, probably more than you know or would ever give her credit for being. So you need to understand and accept that first, or you'll never be able to understand or accept anything I tell you. And just because she was your mother, didn't mean she didn't have desires and needs and wants ... just like everyone else does, including yourself!"

"Ok," I responded trying to assure her I could do that, though she shook her own head negatively, still smiling however.

"Ok, secondly, you also need to know that your mother loved your father. So much so, that she had made a vow to herself, right or wrong, that she would never remarry. Oh Brad, you have no idea the number of evenings we spent discussing that one. Not that I was trying to change her mind about doing that, I mean after all, look at me. I never remarried either, but I also didn't live a life of celibacy. I had often discussed the point of her going out and at least dating, not with the intention of ever getting married or serious again with someone, but just for a little fun, and some sexual relief."

I was still having a hard time getting my head around the fact that mom needed sexual relief, though I was slowly warming to the fact she obviously masturbated, and how could I look down on her for that when it was something I did nearly every day myself?

May continued as she stood pouring us both another cup of coffee, taking the pot back to the kitchen counter giving me a chance to look at her with an observant eye, she really wasn't a bad looking woman for her age, and I again briefly saw mom and May together in my mind's eye as she turned and came back to the kitchen table sitting down.

"Your mother refused to get involved with anyone else however, stating that it would simply complicate things, inevitably, she felt like there would either be pressure on her to remarry again, or she would find herself falling in love with someone else, and then wanting to."

"And what's wrong with that?" I asked knowing that I would never be given an answer to that, not really anyway.

"Nothing," May agreed. "And even though I never remarried myself, it wasn't because I was afraid to do so, or had any misgivings about doing it, it's just that I liked living alone and not having to be accountable to anyone other than myself. Your mother however didn't look at it that way, she enjoyed the companionship, missed it. But she had also made that vow to herself that she just couldn't accept going against."

"So how ... why?" I asked once again, alluding to their relationship.

"Oh yeah, the nitty-gritty part," May said smiling at me though I saw an unexpected warmth in her eyes as she obviously recalled that period of time when things obviously happened between them. "Very well ... but don't say I didn't warn you," May said pushing the plate of cookies towards me once again. Automatically I took one, it seemed easier to hear what she was saying while munching on a cookie for some reason.

"It didn't happen overnight either," she began. "We'd been speaking rather personally, and eventually quite intimately over a very long period of time. Eventually your mother felt comfortable telling me her deepest darkest secrets and fears, and I did the same with her, sharing confidences, making her more comfortable as we both did, so that soon there wasn't any subject, any topic, or even any fantasy we'd ever had not being able to be shared or openly discussed with one another, which is when she asked me if I still masturbated, which I told her of course that I did, all the time in fact."

Just hearing May admit to that caused my cock to twitch, though I mentally chastised myself about it, reminding me as I sat there looking at her, that this wasn't some tawdry dirty story I was supposed to be getting off at in hearing, though for that brief second, knowing that she did, still did as she'd just admitted to, had pushed one of my arousal buttons, though I'd immediately shut it off again.

"Your mother was struggling with the most natural normal personal activity in the whole world, and she was feeling guilty because of it. You see Brad, your mother and I grew up during a time when that wasn't discussed, certainly wasn't taught. And though everyone knew ... even expected that boys did it, girls weren't supposed to, and even if we did do it, we certainly never admitted to it, or ever talked about it, not even amongst one another. So you see, your mom was still dealing with a holdover to those times, and was feeling horribly guilty because of it. So we talked about it, several times, and I assured her it was a perfectly normal thing to do, and then even told her that I had gone out and purchased a vibrator to use whenever I did, and that she should probably think about getting one for herself. Well quite naturally, she was at first genuinely appalled at the notion, so I dropped it. But then after about a week, she brought the subject up again, and asked me if I would show it to her, which I did."

"Wow," I breathed trying to let all this sink in. "So you taught her how to use one?"

"That first one? No, not really. I know what you must be thinking and what's probably bouncing around inside your head. But that's not how it happened. I showed her the one I had, but even that one she was way too squeamish about even holding, let alone trying. Eventually I brought over a magazine I had ordered for her, which had several different kinds and types to chose from of course, so I merely gave her that to look at in privacy, and told her that if indeed she wanted to pick, or order something, that she could do so, and that we'd have it delivered to my address even, in the event she was too worried or nervous about it arriving at her place, which is ... what we actually did. We sort of made a game of it then, pouring through the magazine together right here at this very same table, over coffee while eating cookies."

I had just taken another bite, and now sat with the image of the two of them looking at adult toys together over coffee and cookies almost funny.

"I'm glad to see you smiling," May told me. "I can still see that clear as day myself," she said knowingly as for a moment I had kept a faraway look on my face. "Your mother still ordered a very simple, very basic vibrator, which didn't surprise me of course, as even mentally in the beginning, I think she wanted to fool herself into thinking it wasn't meant to be used for the very purpose we were ordering it for."

"Now that sounds like mom," I said affectionately, still trying to imagine it, which was slowly becoming easier and easier for me to do now.

May once again nodded in agreement. "About a week later, our package arrived, so I invited her over ... for coffee," she grinned, "and so we could open the box together, since I knew she was already having misgivings about having ordered one already." May paused briefly. "You sure you really want to hear the rest of it?" she asked "It gets pretty explicit after this," she warned me.

Even if I didn't, my cock did, as it had hardened, though I'd been sitting there trying to consciously will it not to, without success.

"In for a penny..." I answered back using one of mom's favorite sayings, obviously one which May had heard her use quite often, as she burst out laughing when I said it.

"That's pretty much what she said one evening when we actually were in bed together, but that's well ahead of my story," May said fondly. "Anyway..." May began again, picking up her thoughts. "Like I said, I knew she was having second thoughts, even as we opened the box and took our purchases out. Mine was considerably more decadent looking that hers, more life-like if you know what I mean, and I saw your mom's face flush as she saw it, even though she was already blushing as she sat there holding the one she'd purchased. I quickly inserted the batteries that each one needed, under the pretense of making sure they even switched on of course, but wanting her to get comfortable with just holding it, looking at it, before she lost her nerve and stuck it away in a box or a drawer somewhere without ever actually using it."

"Yeah, I can see her doing that," I admitted.

"So then I told her how I was looking forward to trying mine out, and as a tease, which was one of the few ways I knew of breaking down your mom's barriers, by joking about something as it turned out, I then slid it down between my legs while sitting here at the table, and though I really wasn't doing anything, I held it there as though I could actually feel it, and told her that it felt really good, and no doubt would feel even better when I'd actually put it inside myself."

"Damn," I actually sighed seeing that inside my head once again as May continued.

"What I didn't expect, is what your mother did then, which even surprised me, she put the one she had purchased down between her legs, turned it on, and held hers there too!"

"Holy fuck! Oh God ... sorry May, I didn't..."

Once again, May burst out laughing. "That's what I said when I saw her, and not because she'd done that, but because of the look on her face while she did. She really was enjoying it, obviously she was feeling something she hadn't felt in a very ... very long time!"

"So then what?" I asked still trying to collect myself, feeling my own face flushed at the inadvertent slip for one thing, and sitting there trying to imagine the two of them sitting at this very table with humming vibrators positioned between their respective legs.

I still knew she was struggling with it however, you could always tell by her sudden change of expression whenever she was, or whenever she was about to retreat back into her past, back into her upbringing, which I hated to see as she always struggled with her guilt for several days after that, no matter what I said or did. Seeing that, I decided to do something bold, risky perhaps, but I saw no other way around it.

"Which was?"

"That's when I asked if she'd like me to show her how to use it, and took it even further, telling her I'd even show her how I did it on myself using mine. Which is when I stood, actually pulling down the pair of shorts I was wearing at the time, before she could even comment. Oh Brad, you should have seen her face when I did that, she was shocked as well as surprised that I had of course, but she soon after smiled too, seeing me as I actually revealed myself to her."

"Fuck!" I said once again, not even realizing that I had, this new image too ingrained, too crystal clear for me to even know that I had as I reached for, grabbing another cookie from the plate.

"You shave your pussy?" she asked.

"What?" I said not sure I had just heard her right, it was a weird thing for me to have heard her just say.

"That's what she asked me when I slipped off my shorts and my panties. You shave your pussy? Which I did, and which was. That surprised her obviously, again, another hold over from another time, though she had no reason to want to do so anyway, but she was rather curious as to why I had, so then we got into a why I shave mine sort of discussion, which I then re-sat back down in my chair, though not before pulling it over to sit down in front of her, spreading my legs, showing her my quim as I did, and still holding my new toy in hand, began teasing myself with it, showing her how I did, and how I enjoyed pleasuring myself, trying to give her some idea of what to expect, and what sort of things she might want to go and try on herself later. But ... once again, your mother surprised me. That's when she stood up, and took off the simple dress she'd been wearing, rather than just hunch it all up, she slipped out of it instead, along with her own panties of course, so that now she sat with nothing more than her bra on as she sat there watching me, and soon began emulating some of the things I was doing to myself. Before long, we were both sitting there watching one another while we masturbated."

"Holy shit!" I said amending my language some, though I was again reminded by the hardness pressing against my own pants of the erotic images that had formed there, whether I wanted them to or not. Just seeing May and my mother sitting across from one another while they began to explore and experiment with their vibrators was still erotic, even though I kept trying to remind myself, it was my own mother I was visualizing here.

"Anyway, that's basically how things began. One thing led to another, but like I said, it didn't happen overnight either, it was very gradual, and over a long period of time. But your mother really began to lighten up, and we began to joke more and more, discuss sex, actually laugh about it and reminisce, not that she still didn't miss your father, the touch of his hands on her, she did, and I think because of that, because of our sitting there sharing all this one evening, both of us crying our eyes out, that we sort of started touching one another, and the next thing we both knew, we ended up in bed together. Obviously Brad, I could go on and on about it, but I'm not sure that's what you really want to know about now is it? You just wanted to know how it happened, and why. So that's how it did. So now you know."

Actually, I did want to hear more, all of it in fact. But I had to wonder if that was me, or my cock that was thinking that way. I was hard as a rock, and now most uncomfortable as I sat there once again trying to will my erection away.

"So, tell me. How's it been with you anyway? Your mother told me ever since your own divorce that things had been difficult for you, and she had often told me how worried and concerned she was about you."

"She was?" I mean I knew mom had been concerned and worried, but that she'd actually been concerned about my sexual welfare as May had put it came as a surprise to me, though again I was just getting used to the fact that my mother was in fact a sexual human being with obvious needs and desires just like everyone else had, and thanks to May ... which is how I saw it now, she'd at least had some form of intimacy to enjoy in her life once again, for a while at least, unlike myself now which I freely admitted.

"So you're not even seeing anyone?" May pressed.

"Not at the moment no. Been too busy to even think about it for one thing, but for another, I have to be honest with you May, it's just not my thing to go to bars or clubs looking for women. And on the construction site, the few women that are there, are either all married, or really are ... ah,"

"Lesbians," May finished for me smiling. "Another cookie?"

I laughed, this time refusing the offer. "Right now, the last thing I want is another cookie," I told her though telling herself something else entirely, feeling much like my mother had become with her, that I too could feel comfortable being totally candid with her.

"Been a while has it?" she asked knowingly.

"Too long," I near whispered once again shaking my head, feeling the ever-growing awkwardness and uncomfortable position of my erection pressing against the front of my jeans.

"How long has it been?" May pressed, surprising me.

"Not since Carol," I told her, and six months before that even while we were having our problems with me being gone and on site for so long at a time. Which is when Carol started having her affair, and eventually left me for. So ... probably nearly two years now," I stated thinking about it.

"So no one else in all that time?"

"Nope, nadda ... nothing," I confirmed sheepishly. "Just me and my hand," I freely admitted, though blushing even as I said that, though somewhat relieved to see the accepted expression on her face. After all, she had as much admitted the same to me earlier herself anyway.

May sighed, looking at me. "We need to do something about that," she informed me.

"Like what? Take out an ad in the yellow pages? I could just see it, divorced thirty something with no money, plenty of debt, horny as hell and in need of an attractive woman, oh yeah, they'd be beating my door down wanting to jump into that."

"Well, maybe not jump into ... but jump onto something," May told me, though she'd frozen my thought which I was about to speak as I watched her hand suddenly come up and begin undoing the button's on the blouse she was wearing.

I know my mouth was open as I sat there watching May remove her blouse, and soon after her bra.

"Your mother once told me that Carol was rather large breasted, and that you always had had a thing for women with bigger tits," she began as she suddenly revealed herself to me. "And though mine aren't as perky or as full as they once were of course, even at my age, I still don't think they're too bad ... what do you think?" she said suddenly as she slipped out of her bra. "Go ahead Brad, touch them if you'd like, I think we'd both enjoy that."

I finally closed my mouth, still stunned, still surprised, but I couldn't help but admire May's lovely breasts. They were indeed truly beautiful, full and well rounded, with dark pink nipples that were as thick as small thimbles as they stood off her breast.

"But only if you want to," she told me as she sat there. "And I am not suggesting anything else to you either, nor is it my intention to try to force you into doing anything you're not comfortable with, especially since I am twice your age Brad, but I think I can at least give you, just like I was able to give to your mother, a little self confidence, not to mention a little needed relief. So ... if you'll let me," she said as she suddenly reached over undoing the buckle on my belt.

I was to say the least, literally speechless. May had absolutely gorgeous breasts, something that up until now, I really wouldn't have given a second thought to. Now however, I would certainly be taking a much closer notice of women her age. They were indeed full, certainly nowhere's near 'saggy' as one might think, falling heavy against her ribcage yes, but so sensually shaped, her nipples even more alluring than most I had seen. I was so fascinated by looking at them, that until the moment I felt her hand actually sneaking itself inside my pants, I was almost unaware that she had. And it felt good, feeling it released, the sensation of her small delicate hand wrapping itself about my shaft, stroking it as my own hands hungrily reached forward capturing each of her twin teats, lovingly caressing them, fingering and toying with those hard extended nipples of hers, hearing her sigh pleasurably as I did so.

"Oh God that feels nice," she told me wistfully, sighing again as I continued to fondle her full breasts, taking pleasure in them as she in turn gave pleasure to me, enhancing it all.

I didn't really realize how aroused I had become with all this talk, but obviously so had May as she'd sat recalling those times together, which only then did I come to understand in how much they had come to mean to her. I now had a better understanding of the intimacy they had shared, something that transcended any sort of stereotype or label anyone could have given it, including myself. It was, and had become for them something more, something much, much more that had obviously reawakened May's own arousal and desire along with my own.

When she snuggled closer, now imprisoning my hard shaft between those sweet succulent breasts of hers, I thought I was going to die right then and there myself. I think that the intimacy of so simple a thing such as that, is more of a mental stimulation than even a physical one. But it can be far more powerful a pleasure than one might think, simply because of that. Seeing May as she cupped her large breasts around my shaft, slowly stroking it with her tits as she held them, jerking me off in between them, I was soon hovering on the edge of pure orgasmic delight, which she almost immediately sensed.

"Don't hold back," she said simply. "Just enjoy the pleasure of it and allow yourself to succumb to it, whenever you feel it."

I was already feeling it, and basically told her so in the next heartbeat.

"Fuck! May!" Was all I said, and in the next instant felt the first surge of sweet ecstasy burst forth from the tip of my cock. Delighted, May continued masturbating me with her tits working them up and down as my prick discharged what seemed like a gallon of creamy white nectar, most of which splashed against her chin, falling back, dripping and splashing a second time against those same beautiful bare tits of hers.

"Yes baby," she cooed still milking me. "Give it to May, give May all that sweet delicious joy juice," she said urging me on unnecessarily, but her words, spoken with the lusty bravado she was using, merely enhanced, increasing if that were even possible the amount of semen that I had almost magically produced.

When there was simply no more to give, May finally released me, sitting back in her chair once again, her upper body from the neck down, a milky white mess, which she immediately began smearing into herself, caressing her breasts, neck, as well as her belly massaging all my spunk into her skin as though it were body lotion.

"Damn good for the complexion," she said smiling, "especially for a woman my age."

"I'll have to remember that," I told her. "Anytime you need or want a fresh supply."

She smiled, but it was a subdued smile. "I want you to take some time and think about what I told you, along with what we just did here," she told me then making no effort or move whatsoever to cover herself, so neither had I. And though her eyes did indeed glance at me several times as we spoke, she made it very clear that she needed me to think about all that had happened, how I truly felt about everything, and that we would then talk again about it later.

"I'll help you finish up in your mom's bedroom," May told me then. "After that, I'll fix us a nice light Italian dinner, and we'll talk ... about whatever you'd like to talk about, or not ... if you'd rather just sit and relax," she added.

The rush was indeed ebbing now, reality once again taking control. It had been a sudden unexpected turn of events, and not one I would have expected, or certainly turned down either once it had happened. But I wasn't quite sure yet how I felt about it, or felt about pursuing something possibly even more intimate with May, which I realized had also been her very thoughts in shutting things down as quickly as she had after that.

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His hips clashed against mine. Inside my walls were going numb from him pressing inside me. My nails dug into the back of his neck from the pleasure I was receiving. I ran my fingers through his hair as he began to nibble on my breast. My breathing became harder from the orgasm I was being sent through. ‘Oh fuck!’ I said gasping for air. He flashed his brilliant teeth at me looking deeply in my eyes. I pressed my forehead against his then began to grind my lips against his. I felt his...

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I close my eyes for a moment and thenreluctantly tear them open again. My desk is a mess and I start to tidy up my desk. I see the time and realize it is so late and by now I should have been home already. I leave my office and walk down the corridor and soon realize that I am completely alone. The quiet is so welcoming after a day of challenges. My iPod is a welcome companion and I put on my earphones and select shuffle. A soft slow song starts off, its just easy listening with almost no...

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I close my eyes for a moment and thenreluctantly tear them open again. My desk is a mess and I start to tidy up my desk. I see the time and realize it is so late and by now I should have been home already. I leave my office and walk down the corridor and soon realize that I am completely alone. The quiet is so welcoming after a day of challenges. My iPod is a welcome companion and I put on my earphones and select shuffle. A soft slow song starts off, its just easy listening with almost no...

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SECRET by Barney CHAPTER 1 I have always known that my sister is a ball-breaking bitch but I never could have anticipated what she would do to her boyfriend, my best friend. Matt was my best friend through school and when we left and got jobs, we both worked in the same department for the same employer. It was only natural that we would become flat mates. Our friendship was forged due to a number of factors, the most important ones being that we were both underdeveloped as...

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"Give it to me, let me get a taste of your hard, fleshy meat," I heard from the bedroom, "Let me get a suck on Daddy's dick."It was my brother's voice, but I couldn't believe what he was saying, he sounded like he was begging to suck cock. As far as I knew, my brother was completely straight. He was 21, I was 19. He had had a string of attractive girlfriends in the past and I had never heard any rumour or suggestion that his tastes were for anything else. And yet here was clearly his voice...

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Secretes By Mistress Kay Most nights at the motel are non eventful, But this Friday night was different. JoMarie was at the counter waiting for her friend to get in from Texas. Now JoMarie has a past with him (John ). She can never tell him NO. And this night was no different. JoMarie and John  has been playing around with BDSM and they have been taking turns being the top. JoMarie didn’t feel right dominating John  but he seamed to enjoy it. JoMarie had gotten herself a Master and over the...

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Jason came in to the house through the front door and slammed the door behind him. He'd just been fired from his job as a kitchen hand at the local pub and he was itching for a way to vent his frustration. He was still living at home with his parents, who were out of town for the weekend, and his 18-year-old younger sister Ellie. His job was his chance to save up enough money to move out when he finishes his degree in just over a year, and now he was unemployed.He stalked down the entrance hall...

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I hereby grant permission to post this story, make it available for download, or send it to a one or more of your kinky friends, as long as I am given credit for it and no monetary profit is made from it without sharing it with me. (I'm not greedy, but I did write it.) FF tg Magic cons breast hirs oral toys 'Damn!' I thought, 'I forgot to pick up some deodorant before I left town! And I have a sales meeting with important clients tomorrow.' I was driving to Reno from Portland and took a...

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The room was in an average sort of seventies hotel, pastel coloured walls with out-dated lights casting dirty shades across the corridor carpets. Probably good that the lighting wasn’t too bright, expose all the cigarette burns and wear and tear of thousands of feet that have trekked these halls for better or for worse. We had checked in late afternoon. We had only one thing on our mind – selfish, uninhibited sex. I had checked into the hotel, receiving the usual two key cards for the room. I...

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Every morning i wake up and i have cravings and desires. I dont know where it comes from, but i always get horny in the morning. I havent been touched in such a long time and i don't know what to do. Somedays i even try to catch my brother in the shower. So i get up and have breakfast and of course the food always makes me think of cock. I try my best not to eat it like i wluld some guy, but its difficult. It gets even worse when my brother brings all of his friends around. They aren't the best...

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Nobody really knows what it’s about. That feeling within your soul. It’s like looking out into the night sky searching for a star that you last saw some time ago. You have no idea what it looks like, how bright it shines, but it’s there. The feeling is confusing, mixed up, missing, but yet its presence is undeniable, but only you know it exists. The sky outside was a brilliant light blue with wavy streaks of white clouds passing by in the upper atmosphere, peering down at the minute...

Straight Sex
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The room was in an average sort of seventies hotel, pastel coloured walls with out-dated lights casting dirty shades across the corridor carpets. Probably good that the lighting wasn’t too bright, expose all the cigarette burns and wear and tear of thousands of feet that have trekked these halls for better or for worse. We had checked in late afternoon. We had only one thing on our mind - selfish, uninhibited sex. I had checked into the hotel, receiving the usual two key cards for the room. I...

4 years ago
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It was after the school holidays, while I was at college actually. Sue and I had been friends only a few months, 8 at most, but we had developed a tight bond. She was tall, slender, and fit. with long legs tanned to perfection, and a gorgeous smiling face surrounded by slightly curly long black hair. Myself about the same build but more muscular, and obviously, male. We had been meeting up on occasion for a movie or lunch with friends. But then, toward the end of the school holidays, shit hit...

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house rules

So meet this couple at a site call AFF.I will call them S and J ,they are a south hill couple very rich very classy and also very nice people fun the be around .WE hooked up in January a few years ago ,and would party every month or so. This time it was in Aug. We had house rules that we only partied together all same room sex and fun ,no problem I like it that was ,they are and my self in our early or mid 50's . We were going to get together this time about 6:00 or so it was hot so I rode...

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adventures with a familypart 1

If you like arousing stories that have plot and character development too, you don't want to miss it. It takes some time at the start of the story to develop the characters and plot, but the payoff later is a story that's emotionally satisfying as well as very arousing. There's also humor, romance, and deeper themes. The plot naturally appeals to men, but many women and couples have enjoyed it too. This story is about me (sameer)…it takes place in bangalore in an upmarket society wher I...

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Fucking My Hot Neighbour

Hello all my friends, myself Sumit (19 years) from Lucknow. I am here to narrate the best encounter of my life. I hope you guys will like the whole encounter. I’m desperately waiting for your responses on “” especially from the female readers of Lucknow. Today, I am writing this story for you people. I was waiting to fuck her for long time, and at last, the time came when I was in bachelor mode for 15 days. I came that night late from my office and saw that there’s no curd. Well, immediately I...

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The TenYear Temptation

One morning while awake but not yet out of bed, I was texting to K and she was in her usual teasing mood, full of innuendo and questions meant to drive myself, and in turn herself, mad with lust and enjoy the thought of it all until we both have beautiful orgasms. We were throwing around ideas and fantasies, pictures and pet names. Fucking at her workplace in front of her coworkers, treating her as a slut, fucking in front of her boyfriend, all sort of experiences for someone who was...

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The yellow Hornet in the rain

Introduction: A true tale from when I was a teenaged slut This is a true story, from back when I was a teenaged slut. Hey what can I say, it was the 80s and I liked to screw. Is that so wrong just because I was a girl? Its not as embellished as the other true stories here, but I wanted to keep it as close to thecomplete truth as I possibly could. Theres time enough later to write fantasy fiction. It was 1984 , I was barely 17 and it was a summer day, yet pouring down rain. I was cruising ...

1 year ago
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Playing Hostess Part 3

Note : This story is completely fictional! The idea of fucking her Dad again definitely turned Judith on, and she was thinking about that in the kitchen, as Ruth approached her and Matt. "You guys should know that I also fucked Dad since I was 16, the year you went to college. We broke it off too, but I would love to start it again, provided that I got to keep fucking Matt as well." "Well, of course, dear sis- the one does not negate the other!" "Wow, so your Dad and I will be getting at least...

3 years ago
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Rachel Grahams Precious Little Life Chapter 7

The next two days were a blur. Between work, errands, and violin practice, I barely had two minutes to myself. I felt...different. More free from my tormenter. I hadn't actually given him much thought since I'd run into Sarah, as Saturday had taken hold of my conscious thoughts. I still hadn't broken up with Sulyn. The days were counting down until she'd be here. In another four days, she wouldn't be able to refund her plane ticket. At that point...I don't know what I'd do. I'd...

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BFF& I FUCKED SILLYMy dad overheard me and my BFF and he fucked our brains out. (part one “fucked silly”)I walked to my dads bedroom telling Tina it started in the bathroom after I showered and how my dad told me he overheard us talking. He came in and ripped my nighty open.Dad picked me up and carried me to his bedroom.He laid me down on the bed and started teasing me, sucking on my thighs, blowing a bit at my clit, licking above my pussy. I moved as much as I could to get my pussy to his...

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Find Me Forgive MeChapter 5

After eight months searching, I was delighted that Robert Fortman had North Wales Police searching for Sally. Early afternoon on Friday of the same week, Nicola shouted from the study. I went to join her. “I may have a lead.” She smiled up at me, as I arrived in the room, and I could see the excitement in her eyes. “It’s a message from ‘Friends Reunited’ for Sally. It’s their usual follow-up for members who’ve not contacted the site for a few months. I can’t think why I didn’t check their...

4 years ago
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Discovering Mommys Secrets

"Pleeeease, baby?" my mother whined. My ears pricked up. I knew she wasn't talking to me, for she did not realise I was home. But who else could she be talking to? We live alone, my mother and I, and we had for many years now. I had gone out to a friend's 21st birthday, and it had broken up early, too many of the revellers too heavily drunk to go on. For my part, I drank steadily rather than heavily, knowing my tolerance for alcohol. And despite that had almost half a decade on the others...

1 year ago
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The best of both worlds

Cassandra Sprocket climbed out of the large multi person whirl pool tub and began drying herself off. Eyeing herself in the full length mirror on the bathroom wall, she couldn't help but admire her near perfect figure. A shade over five feet ten inches tall, with a full voluptuous body, and a long mane of shiny auburn hair, Cassie turned heads where ever she went, attracting both men and women with her simmering sexual appeal! She continued to dry off as she walked into the bedroom which was...

1 year ago
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World BeneathChapter 3 The Turning

To say that I felt confused by what I'd seen and heard would be an understatement. A big one. I felt like Alice falling into the rabbit hole and if I'd believed in a world beneath our own, if I'd been looking for a doorway into something beyond the realms of reason, I'd found it. Julia had been appointed my keeper, although she was soon joined by Sylvia, Christine, and Wendy. Valentine too remained close by as I sat there on the sofa, trying to understand what my new friends were trying...

1 year ago
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ComrieChapter 43

Over a meadow near Far Hills, Cathan's, Darcy's, and Edana's teams were resting in their shuttles. On Dóchas, it was shortly after 2 AM Far Hills time when the Intelligence-AI woke Danny, Shannon, and Muireann. "What is it?" asked Muireann. "The drone monitoring the estate has detected people leaving the main building. They appear to be leaving in groups of two and three. They are exiting the rear of the building and staying in the shadows until they are a short distance from the...

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A knock at the door

I had a fabulous dream the other night infact, it woke me up because I thought (hoped) the man in the dream really was knocking at the door....It was one of those cold, autumn nights that we are currently experiencing. I was tucked up at home with the fire on and wrapped up in my electric throw to keep the chill off. Lying on the settee in my undies and watching some rubbish online, with my right hand tucked inside my Yfronts, fiddling with my cock. I wasn't really horny or anything that's just...

3 years ago
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06 HomeChapter 37

Present – Stacy – In the bushes I empty Ben's golden rifle into the damn tiger and thank God as the sneaky bastard finally dies right at my feet. I hear a noise, turn with my rifle and see it's Samantha and the whole darn news crew. I really wish this rifle held more rounds, because I would go out in a blaze of glory and take that damn nosy Samantha bitch with me (I really hate her because she works for the Jennifer bitch who's keeping Ben and I apart). I lower the rifle then there's a...

3 years ago
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Joys Of Making Women Squirt Licking Their Pussy

“You are one of the best lickers I’ve ever had.” Those words still ring in my ears and I am writing this story with those words in mind! Hello there, my ladies, this is Ankit. I am an undergraduate student at one of the most reputed engineering colleges in Delhi (NIT) and in this story, I will be talking about one of my adventures with one of my ex-girlfriends. I am not the most athletic guy unlike other guys here who claim to be so, nor do I have an exceedingly huge dick. But I will surely pat...

2 years ago
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FlutterballChapter 10

We were in the third week of the season when it happened. We had been at an away game when the rain started. Yeah, the rain had been predicted, but it was not scheduled to happen until well after the game would be over. Well, as with all things of this sort, the weather people had missed the time by a smidgeon. We were in the middle of the fourth inning when the rain started, and it came down in buckets. The field was cleared and the tarp was spread to protect the infield. However, the rain...

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En Mudhal Anubavam

Hi readers am new to this ISS and I’m Koushisk age 25 and I have to tell about myself first and I’m very much interested in sex and usually. I used to masturbate by thinking of my girl friends and my dick size is hardly 8 inches length and 2 inch thick with athletic structure. Ok coming to the story before two years Sharmila who is my sex wore shifted her home from village to Chennai Sharmila’s age is 29 and married, two children, later I started to speak usually topics with her and her boobs...

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Pune ki medical student mira

dosto aur Khas karke ladies friend ko salam kyo ki muze jada sabka mail aate ha i thanks , ye sory hai maere college ke wakt ki ,muze bhagwan ne ye aashirwad diya hai ki dosto ,lady ko jitna chahe uske marji ke time tak sex karta hu , MIRA NAM KI MEDICAL College ki sudunt second-third ko hai wo camp ariea me rahe thi hai, mai roj ki tarah cantine me bata tha utne me bahoot sari ladkiya cantine me aagai , usi me mira bhi thi uski meri jan pahechan nahi thi, mai thod mod raheta hu issliye uska...

2 years ago
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A Symbiotic Relationship

I met Jenny at the neighborhood sports bar that I often frequent with my buddies. Jenny works part-time as a waitress and goes to school part-time at the local junior college. She can be quite the flirt especially with the older guys like us that love the attention of a young sexy chick like Jenny. Jenny stands about 5'6", brunette, with beautiful green eyes and a creamy white complexion. All of the girls at the bar are required to wear the same uniform which consists of a striped referee shirt...

Straight Sex
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Naked Delhi Daredevilry

All credit belongs to urbanslut©It started very serendipitously. On a warm summer night in Delhi. I had returned home from a long day at work. I took a cold shower to wash away the day's worries. Got out of the shower, with a towel wrapped around me and went into my bedroom to get dressed for bed. My standard sleeping garb in summers was a loose t-shirt (no bra) and shorts (no panties). As I rummaged through the closet, I realized that I was out of all clean shirts and shorts. Work had been...

1 year ago
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Swap Night Everything or Nothing

Swap Night Part Two, Everything or Nothing By: Zylux I had been away from home on business for too long, and away from Carolyn. Carolyn, that stunningly beautiful brunet, who possess a classic poise and charm with a fashion sense that could match any starlet in Hollywood 's bygone era. She's intelligent, a terrific conversationalist, an excellent cook, and playful with a good sense of humor. She could be submissive one moment and aggressive the next. Carolyn is, by far, the best...

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For Starters 5

CHAPTER 5Next Friday I took the decision to give Mike the suggested call “when I was alone”. All the week I couldn’t forget how his huge cock had made me feel the last time. Even after my anus stopped to hurt after 3 days!He was glad to hear me and immediately told me he was coming to pick me up. When I entered his car, I saw that he was wearing only a top and a short and it was noticeable that he was happy to have me there, according the size of the tent in his pants.I started to touch his...

4 years ago
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Highwaymen Ch 09

Terence cantered eastwards along the road for an hour or so, enjoying the exertion. Occasionally he eased back into a trot to let his mount recover, but she too seemed to revel in the exercise. His garb was black from top to toe. In his belt was tucked the flintlock pistol, primed and loaded with shot. His saddlebags were empty, and he was determined that they should not remain so. He imagined the satisfaction Joanna would feel if he had to admit that he was unable to pay his bill. Dammit! He...

2 years ago
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I Remember BethanyChapter 3

(In which Beth goes to the Brown Palace, samples foreign customs and has a trip around the world) My wife, Adele, had taken the girls back to St. Louis for Christmas with her Mother and I wisely worked my schedule so that I was the only rehab specialist available for the Holidays and I sadly could not go to visit my in laws. Since my wife was not home and I had been going through poker withdrawal, I got into an all-nighter with some buddies. A brother named Gary who was a chef for the...

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Witaj w wiecie rozkoszy

Wyobraź sobie świat gdzie seksualność jest elementem codzienności. Ludzie nie wstydzą się swojej nagości, orientacji ani fetyszy. Seks można uprawiać w każdym miejscu, gdzie nimfomania i satyryzm to norma. Gdzie nie ma niechcianych ciąż ani chorób wenerycznych. A teraz wyobraź sobie że nasz świat łączy się z takim w niedalekiej przyszłości dzięki technologii przejść miedzywymiarowych. Prowadzi to do wymian technologii, zasobów a przede wszystkim: ludzi. Dzięki temu każdy człowiek który ma...

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Erin gets fucked first time

Erin gets fucked PART 1After a few weeks of mutual masturbation that ranged from quickies to full blown all afternoon shows between us it was fantastic when we went that little bit further and you made it clear that you wanted my big fat cock end to be the first one you held in your little young hand, entered into your lovely innocent mouth and let me push into your ever so young and innocent fresh cunt.You did play the innocent for a while but couldn’t help wandering into what turned out to...

1 year ago
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Ladys Next DanceChapter 10

Bob gently got up from bed and went to the bathroom to brush his teeth and shave his face. He didn't want to wake Shawn looking like an animal. Was he a saint or was he just weird? How could a red blooded American male sleep in the same bed with this goddess and not try to have sex? By the time he had gotten everyone out of the hotel room last night, Shawn had fallen asleep from exhaustion. He thought of waking her during the night as he lay next to the beauty clothed only in her birthday...

4 years ago
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Enslaved A Classmate In BDSM 8211 Part 2

Hello, hope you remember me from the last story. This is the second part of the story. For new readers, I am a dominant guy who loves to get girls dripping wet and then help them to have fun. This story is from our college festival time. Our college is most reputed in Pune city. The girl in the story is Srushti – tall, dusky, very curvy, greenish eyes, superb boobs and very friendly and open in nature. In the earlier part, we saw how I played with my classmate’s gorgeous body and how she gave...

2 years ago
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Best GirlPart 5

Todd squinted at the bright lights as he strutted down the catwalk. He was in some kind of fashion show. Loud raucous music blared throughout the dimly lit room. Flashbulbs popped once, twice, three times, as he hit his mark and struck a pose. Walking back, he looked down and saw that he was dressed in a black lace merrywidow. Another flash and he found himself in a completely different outfit, a blue satin babydoll. He made another stop and turn. This time he looked down into the seats below...

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Episode 7 8211 The Seducing Law

In our previous episodes, we have seen how new friendships had started blossoming between the residents of the Prem Nivas Housing complex. And on a couple of occasions they had surpassed the boundaries of mere friendship. Like that between Mrs. Nair, the owner of the apartment, and Borah. Borah, who was till then head over heels for Sowmya, couldn’t resist when Mrs. Nair seduced him to complete submission. Though they couldn’t utilize the opportunity to have a full sexual encounter, yet both of...

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Brief thoughts about womens orgasms

I have often said that there is no greater gift a man can give a woman than an orgasm - that is other than several orgasms, perhaps!For me one of the pleasures when a woman reaches this exalted state is not only to watch her face as she cums, but to hear the noises she makes in her ecstasy.Of course, there is the variety of methods I might use to bring her to the 'brink' - perhaps even holding her there until I decide that she shall have her reward. (A man must show the woman he is in charge, I...

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Tara 4 AntsChapter 22

Gazza found Captain Dan conducting trade on the wharf near his ship. “Greetings Captain, I’m not sure if you remember me,” Gazza started as he got the man’s attention. Dan grinned, “Oh, you’re a hard man to forget. I was sorry to miss you in Green Bay. I brought you back something special but no one knew how to contact you. Then Cookie remembered your young lady saying something about going to school in Avilla, so we were hoping to find you here. I was even going to send a message to the...

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Didi Ke Sath Masti

Hi people, ye meri pahali kahani hai,hope you like dis. Then mail me, hot and sexy didi mail me sure Ye meri tab ki kahani hai jab me 18 saal ka tha. Main class me padatha tha. Ghar me mummy papa aur didi thi. Didi 12th me thi aur wo 20 ki thi, ghar me chhota hone ke karan sab mujhe bahut hi pyar karte tha. Didi mujhe bahut hi pyar karti thi. Mujhe har ek kaam ke baad pappi de diya karti thi. Baat baat pe mujhe apne seene se laga leti thi. Badale me mujhe bhi use pappi deni padati thi. Main...

3 years ago
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Used by a Bi Couple

I arrived at the couple’s house and we headed right upstairs. As soon as I wasin the bedroom I put down the bag of bondage equipment and strippedcompletely naked except for a black spandex G-string. The woman was Dom andher boyfriend was sub. As soon as I was stripped I would turn around and shewould put me in restraints. A thick leather posture collar would go around myneck and be locked on, then cuffs would be locked on my wrists. These would be locked togetherand also to a chain that hung...

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