AlishaChapter 4 free porn video

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The cottage came as a surprise to them, although I don’t why. I’d said, in the beginning, that it wasn’t a palace. It was small low building, positioned 50 meters from the bank of the canal at the top of a small rise. It was hemmed in on three sides by vineyards. The building was comprised of one long room on the ground floor, and two bedrooms and a bathroom set into the sloping roof. Outside, there was a terrace that ran the whole south side of the building. A small swimming pool was set back from the terrace at the top of the grassy lawn that sloped down to the bank of the canal.

It had been a derelict worker cottage when I’d first stumbled across it. I had decided to moor Never close to Pete’s farm and walk up through the vineyards to the farmhouse. I had misread the map and had ended up at the edge of Pete’s property. Working my way along the border of the vineyard, trying to find the track I knew led from the farm to the canal, I found the old cottage.

That year’s royalties had just been deposited into my bank account, and I was feeling fairly flush. I convinced Pete to sell me the run down building and the surrounding ten acres of land on the understanding that I would rent the vineyards back to him.

I employed two brothers from the local village to restore the cottage to my satisfaction; it took them the best part of a year. I also had them extend the power, water and Internet connections down to the bank of the canal where we built a wooden staging so I could moor the boat securely.

Alwyn and I secured Never to the bollards set along the staging, and she was finally home again. There was space for a second boat to moor up just behind mine, and Jamal slotted the security team’s boat into the space.

The gravel path leading up to the cottage needed weeding, I noted as I walked up to it with Ali and Julia.

“It’s so cute and lovely,” Julia said as we got close. “And there’s pool; can I use it?”

“Of course, only don’t dive in, it’s not that deep.”

After I’d shown them around, Ali looked at me and asked. “How are we going to do this, Ben?”

“Julia gets the guest bedroom; you can share with her or me, your choice.”

She gave me an exasperated sigh, “Of course I’m in our room. What I meant was where can Sandy, Jamal and the rest of the security team stay?”

“Oh come on, are you telling me they need to stay?”

“I’m afraid so.”

There weren’t many options available, not that I was happy with the situation. “I suppose they can keep their boat moored where it is,” I offered begrudgingly.

“Can they use Never as well?”

“I don’t see why not,” although I wondered if I was making a rod for my own back. I still didn’t understand why Ali insisted on keeping both Sandy and the security teams nearby. In fact, I’d already decided that if they tried to impose any restrictions or there were any issues I’d ask them to leave.

I had my first clash with Jamal the next afternoon. I got an irate call from Pete.

“What the fuck is going on at your place? Some asshole just told Pierre he can’t drive down the track,” Pete said indignantly.

“Fuck, I’ll deal with it. It’ll be one of Ali’s goons. Tell Pierre it’s okay he can use the track.”

“Ali’s there with you?”

“Yeah, it’s a long story, I’ll come up and explain everything later on. Let me sort this out.”

I found Jamal talking to Ali and Sandy on the terrace.

“Ali, I’m sorry, but Jamal and his team are gone. Get them off my property. I won’t have them pissing off my neighbors.”

Ali said, “What are you talking about?”

“One of his idiots just told Pete’s father-in-law that he couldn’t drive down the track, which by the way Pete owns. This is just fucking ridiculous; I know these people, and I have to live here.”

“Look, it’s just a mistake,” Jamal said. “I’ll talk to them and get them to ease off.”

“No, the mistake was me agreeing to let this circus ever invade my life.”

“But,” Ali said.

“No bloody but’s. If you want to stay that’s fine, but just you and Julia. I didn’t buy into your lifestyle; you’re the one who came looking for me.”

Ali stood there dithering, looking from Jamal to me and back again. I had the impression that nobody had made demands of her recently.

Jamal just made it worse. “Look, Ben ... Mr. Mac,” he started. Well, that was a red flag to a bull.

“I am not Mr. Mac,” I snapped. “My fucking surname is McMichael. Ali apparently doesn’t seem to think my name is good enough for her anymore.”

There was a gasp from her, and a muttered “sorry,” from Jamal.

I continued, my voice still tight with anger. “I need to go and placate Pete. I’ll be gone at least a couple of hours. When I get back Ali, this circus needs to be gone.”

I added, “You and Julia are welcome to stay.”

Grabbing a good bottle of wine from the kitchen, I got into the car and prayed the old thing would start. The other door opened and Julia slid in beside me.

“I’m coming with you.”

“Does your mother know?”

“She’s the one who told me I could. She and Jamal need to talk, and I guess it won’t be pleasant. You know that he’s been in love with Mum for years?”

The car started, and I drove up the dusty lane. I’d sort of suspected something of the sort. He couldn’t hide the way he looked at her.

“Does she love him?”

“No, well, not like that. He’s been the head of her security for as long as I can remember. They are best friends, as well as employer and employee. He’s saved her life at least twice that I know of.”

At the top of the lane, I turned left and then almost immediately into the drive leading to Pete’s farmhouse. I pulled up next to Pete’s old Land Rover and stopped the engine.

I said, “Does your mother need all this security?”

“It’s been there for as long as I can remember, Dad. She beautiful and there are a lot of nut jobs out there. The paparazzi are bad enough, but there have been quite a few stalkers. A couple of these fantasists decided if they couldn’t have her, no one would. One tried to stab her, and the other pulled a gun. Jamal got in the way of both of them. I guess the only way Mum is going to get him to leave is if she fires him.”

She gave me a puzzled look, “How is it that you don’t know any of this? It’s all over the gossip rags.”

“I made it my business not to read anything about your mother. So is she going to fire him?”

Julia shrugged, “I don’t know, but if it’s a choice between you or Jamal, you’re going to win. She’s never stopped talking about you. She only ever takes off that pendant you gave her for photo shoots, and it’s the first thing she puts back on. Ricky was pissed that she kept wearing it and your rings when they were together.”

She took hold of my hand and rested her head on my shoulder. “Dad, every room in our homes have photos of you in them. There’s one beside her bed that goes everywhere with her.”

We both jumped as there was a tap on the window beside me, Pete’s 16-year-old daughter, Abigail, was standing there.

I opened the door, and she leaned in and said, “Uncle Ben, Mum wants to know if you’re coming in, or if she should bring your drink out. Oh, hi, who are you?” she asked Julia.

Julia smiled, “I’m Julia, and Ben’s my father.”

We got out of the car, and Abigail gave first me a hug and then Julia.

“He kept you a secret,” Abigail said.

“Mum kept me a secret from him.”


We followed her around the side of the building and onto the shaded terrace at the rear of the farmhouse. Pete and Sophie were sitting around a table, and their other two children were playing in the pool. I looked for Pierre, as his car was parked outside.

“He’s gone to check the upper fields,” Sophie said, guessing who I was hoping to see. “Is this who I think it is?”

I nodded, “This is Julia, she’s Ali’s daughter.”

“And Uncle Ben’s,” Abigail added.

“Yeah, and mine, too,” I acknowledge. I offered Pete the bottle of wine, and he placed it on the table.

Pete said, “So, Ali’s here! This is the same Ali, who if we dared to mention her name you would jump down our throats?”


“Care to elaborate?”


Husband and wife looked at each other and burst out laughing.

Pete said, “I take it the big guy with the sunglasses who pissed off my father-in-law is part of her security?”

“Correct, I’m leaving it to Ali to sort it out. I’ve told her to get rid of them while she and Julia are staying at the cottage. Nobody knows that they are here, and all the security is doing is attracting attention.

Julia and Abigail had strolled over to the pool and were sitting on the side, talking with their legs dangling in the water.

Pete looked over at them and said, “She looks like her mother; how old is she?”

“Almost 13, apparently Ali was pregnant when we split up.”

“And you didn’t know?” Sophie asked.

“No, she didn’t know herself until a couple of months later. Remember, I never wanted to know anything about Ali.” I pondered the question for a moment. “Did you know?”

“That Ali had a daughter, or that she was yours?” Sophie asked.

“Both, I suppose.”

“Yes and no, it was common knowledge in the gossip magazines that Ali had a daughter,” Sophie confirmed. “But I don’t think I ever saw a photograph of her anywhere. There was a fair amount of speculation as to the father’s identity. Ali would never be drawn on the name. I always thought that you would have been aware if she was pregnant before you left. You never mentioned it, so I assumed she wasn’t yours. One reason why I never wanted to discuss it with you.”

“Dad, can I go swimming please,” Julia said as she came over to us.

Sophie nodded and said, “I think there are some of Abigail’s old costumes indoors, they should fit you.”

“No need, I’ve got mine on.” She pulled her T-shirt off as she walked back to the pool to reveal a pale blue bikini top. Her shorts came off, and she dived into the pool to join Abigail and the twins.

All three of us sat watching the girls playing in the pool. I drank the wine I’d been poured and basked in the normality of the scene spread out in front of me.

Pete broke into my contemplation. “Are you and Ali going to get back together?”

“Fucked if I know,” I replied. “I’m not sure what her plans are; it’s been 13 years and time changes people. I know it’s changed me, and Ali’s not the same person.”

“But I can tell that you still love her,” Sophie said. “Nobody reacts the same way you did when she was mentioned if they are not in love.”

“I loved the memories I had of the woman I was married to, not the one who walked away from me. I don’t know this 35-year-old woman, and I’m not sure I trust her. She says she knew for a few years where I was. Oh, yes, funny story, that. Sophie, she thought that you and I were living together and the twins were ours.”

“She thought what?” Sophie’s voice reflected her shock.

Pete laughed at the absurdity of it, “So how long has this affair been going on between you?”

“Well the twins are eight so it must have started at least nine months earlier,” I suggested, grinning at both of them.

“So you’ve been cuckolding me for nine years, woman, oh the shame of it!” Pete hammed it up.

“Bloody idiot,” Sophie said with a smile, “and for that, my lover deserves this.” She came over and sat on my lap and kissed me on the lips. I entered into the fun and gave her a quick kiss back before pulling back to look at both of them.

“Seriously though,” Sophie said, “Why would she think that?”

“Office politics, apparently,” I said.

“That makes no sense!”

“It sounds stupid to me as well. From what I understand, around the time she launched the Ali Mac fashion line, Ali confided in someone that if I’d have her back, she drop everything and walk away from the business. This person had his whole fortune invested in the brand and was scared that if Ali left, it would fail and he’d lose everything. He offered to find out what I up to and see if I’d be interested in seeing her again.”

“Did he?”

“Oh, he did! He contacted a French detective agency to send an investigator to sound me out. Ali had told him that I was somewhere in this region. Only he told the investigator that Ali was a wife looking for proof I was an unfaithful husband.”

“Did the investigator know he was looking for Ali Mac’s husband?” Pete asked.

“Ali’s name was never mentioned; he was told to look for a Ben McMichael. It apparently took him a few weeks, but he found out that at one time I was using this farm as a postal address.”

“You still are,” Sophie said. “We still get mail for you; I get the girls to drop it off in your post box.”

“Ah, okay. Well, somehow he got a load of photos of me with you and the twins from around here. I’ve been trying to work out why there were none of Pete and Abigail, unless they edited both of you out.”

“Hang on, when was this supposed to have happened?” Pete asked.

I thought about the timelines that Ali had mentioned. “Must have been four or five years ago. Ali said it was mid-summer in the photos.”

“If it was the summer five years ago,” Pete said, “I took Abigail back to the U.K. that August, and Sophie and the twins stayed here. Abigail was going to stay with my parents for a few weeks. We dropped into Jane’s parents on the way so that they could see their granddaughter. It was only supposed to be an overnight trip for me, yet I ended up staying with them for a week, if I remember.”

Sophie added, “Ben, that was the month you were staying here as you had no water at the cottage.”

Shit, of course, it was. That was the curse of August; all the tradesmen were on holiday. The water for the cottage and the boat came from a borehole. The pump broke down, and I couldn’t get a replacement for a couple of weeks. I’d moved into the spare room at the farmhouse for the duration.

“I suppose it could have been then, but the investigator would only have to ask in the village, and he’d have been able to find out that I didn’t live here.”

“But if he didn’t, then it could have looked like the twins and I were your family.”

“Ali was quite insistent that the evidence had been manufactured.”

Pete shrugged, “I guess we’ll never know; it could just have been an unfortunate misunderstanding.”

“Or, carefully edited to make Ali think you had another family,” suggested Sophie.

Sophie brought out a cake and some pastries and took them down to the pool for the children.

“She’s gorgeous, Ben,” Sophie said as she got back to us. “She’s as tall as Abigail.”

“Her mother is five-eleven, I think she’ll be at least that tall.”

“What’s going to happen to her now; what are Ali’s plans?”

“I wish I was sure. Ali says she wants us to get back together, to be a family. She’s waited all these years to tell me I had a daughter, and I get the impression the only reason they are here now is because her daughter forced her hand.”

“Yeah, I was going to ask you why, earlier,” Pete said.

“Julia saw me in a photo a friend of hers posted online. I think Ali was concerned that if she didn’t come with Julia to check it out, Julia would have come on her own. Whatever does happen, I intend to be part of Julia’s life from now on.”

I checked the time, and it was getting on for 6PM. I had wanted to talk to Pierre, but he still wasn’t around.

“Look I need to go and find out what Ali has decided she wants to do. Tell Pierre I’m sorry about this afternoon and it won’t happen again, but I need a favor; can you pass the word around the area that the fact that Ali and Julia are staying with me needs to be kept a secret.”

Pete agreed. Then he asked if I thought that Ali and Julia would want to come to Sophie’s birthday party on Saturday.

“I’ll ask her,” I said. “But whatever Ali decides, I’ll be here.”

I called Julia over, and we made our goodbyes. On the short drive back to the cottage Julia asked. “What’s going to happen if Jamal and the rest of them are still there?”

“Then I’ll know where I stand with your mother.”

“I want to stay with you for the summer; can I, please? And Abigail wants me to come to her mother’s birthday party.”

“I’d like that, but it’ll be up to your mother.”

I pulled the car up by the side of the cottage and looked down towards the canal. The hire boat had gone, leaving Never in her solitary splendor. A lone figure sat on her deck, an iPad in her hands. Sandy raised her hand in greeting, and I gave her a nod. I hadn’t included her in the request, so I wasn’t surprised to see her. She turned her attention back to her iPad, and Julia and I made our way around to the back of the cottage.

Ali was sitting at the table on the terrace, and it looked like she’d been crying. Julia froze by my side. The table was littered with empty glasses and coffee mugs, apparent evidence of a heated meeting.

“They’ve taken the boat back to Carcassonne,” Ali said. “They will stay there until we need to leave.”

She looked up at me, her eyes red, “because of you I’ve just damaged a good friendship, probably beyond repair. Jamal was so much more than an employee. He was a friend, a confidant, one of the few people I could let my hair down around because he didn’t have any agenda, other than keeping me safe.”

“Ali, he had an agenda; he’s in love with you! I told you right at the start I wasn’t willing to change my lifestyle. I don’t want countless strangers keeping an eye on me.”

“I know about his feelings,” she sighed. “But he’s also known that I’ve always loved you. He wants to request another assignment. I’ve told I won’t accept anyone else. Ben, regardless of what happens here, I can’t risk my or Julia’s safety when we leave. We have to have security; I don’t think you understand the risks.”

“I know I don’t, I’ve never had to experience the pressure you are under constantly, but that’s my point; this is my home, and you’re safe here. This is a small farming community, we all look after each other. I’ve already passed the word around to keep your presence here a secret, and I can guarantee that nobody will say anything.”

“Are you sure?”

I nodded, “Pete wants us to come to Sophie’s birthday party on Saturday. I’ll guarantee that unless you mention it, nobody there will ask you about your life as Ali Mac.”

Ali looked unsure for a moment until Julia said, “Please can we go? Abby wants me to meet some of her friends.”

It took Ali a moment or two to consider and then agree; her daughter squealed in happiness and hugged her.

I looked down to the boat and gestured at Sandy. “I take it she’s staying on the boat?”

“I know you said get rid of the security circus, but I do need her around. I’ve got a lot I need to sort out if I’m allowed to stay here. The business won’t run itself.”

“She was never the problem, she’s welcome to sleep on the boat, but you might as well tell her to come up here if you need her.”

Ali nodded and called down to Sandy. She made her way up to us and sat down at the table.

Ali asked me, “Is Sandy invited on Saturday?”

“It’s a birthday party for Sophie, Pete’s wife’s,” I explained to Sandy. “We’re all going, and I’m sure Sophie would be happy if you were to come as well.”

Sandy seemed to take a glance at Ali before she answered. “I’d like to join you.” Then she pulled out her phone and said, “I’ll tell security to organize a team.”

I plucked the phone from her fingers. “No damn it, what did I say about security earlier? These are friends of mine, and we don’t need any security goons.”

She visibly swallowed and then nodded her understanding. I placed the phone back in her hands.

Sandy spent the next couple of days at the cottage, only returning to the boat to sleep. I was comfortably off, Ali, on the other hand, was rich with a capital R and still had to run her businesses.

I was shocked to find out how much her decision not to attend the autumn Paris fashion week was potentially going to cost her. Her fees alone for modeling at two of the fashion shows would have in the thousands of pounds, and that was nothing compared to the orders she would generate for her own fashion business.

We were sitting on the terrace, Julia was in the pool with Abigail, and the two girls were enjoying each other’s company and seemed to have become close friends, despite their age difference.

Sandy was becoming more upset and frantic with Ali. There had been several heated discussions between the pair of them that stopped as soon as I appeared.

Finally, after a day of half aborted conversations, it came to a head, and Sandy threw caution to the wind.

“You just can’t cancel on Maurice’s show,” Sandy argued. “He’s supported you for years; it’s the last he’ll be in charge of before he retires, and so many of the items are designed with you in mind.”

“I can’t, I know how important it is to him, but I just can’t,” Ali said. “I’ve got a chance to get my life back, and I’m going to grasp it with both hands. I put my damn career before my marriage once before, and I’m not going to do it again.”

“It’s not like you to let people down,” I said as I sat down beside them, and regretted what I’d said immediately. Ali gave me a hurt look and started crying. Shit, I honestly hadn’t meant it as a dig.

“Ali, that’s not what I meant. Forget what happened between us, but in all the years I knew you I can’t remember you ever letting a friend down once you agreed. What does all this entail?”

Sandy responded. “Ali had agreed to model for both Maurice and Christiana’s shows at the fashion week. Plus, there are the events we have planned for the Ali Mac brand.”

“When is it?”

Both of them looked surprised at my lack of knowledge. “Fashion week, “Ali said.

I sighed, “You’ll have to be a bit more detailed than that, love.”

“It’s the last week in September, this year,” contributed Sandy. “We were scheduled to be in Paris for the best part of two weeks.”

“So,” and I made a show of checking the calendar on my phone. “It looks like I’m free those weeks. Want me to come with you?”

Ali’s face lit up, “You would, you will?”

“I’ve missed seeing you on the catwalk.” I had an ulterior motive; I wanted to see how much, if anything, Ali was willing to give up. I was also going to be intrigued to see how Ali was going to explain my presence.

“And you can’t imagine how much I missed seeing you at the shows. There’s so much I want to show you,” Ali said. “But I’m not going to change my mind. I want to stop modeling and concentrate on the business. Sandy, I need you to call and let them know I’ll be there, but this will be the last time I’ll be on the catwalk for any other fashion house.”

That evening I gave into my baser desires. Ali had been bubbly all evening, discussing the logistics of fashion week with Sandy. She was so much like her old self that I would have thought the clock had been turned back and she was the Ali of old again, the girl of my dreams.

After dinner, Julia had grinned at me and announced she was going to sleep on the boat this evening. Her mother sheepishly looked up at her from my side and nodded her approval.

As soon as Julia and Sandy had left, Ali took my hand and led me upstairs. She performed her version of magic and between one blink and the next, went from dressed to naked. I’d seen her undressed many times over the last few days, but this was the first time I’d seen her naked.

She turned to face me, “Please, Ben, make love to me. I know I don’t deserve you, but I’ve missed that amazing feeling I get when you possess me.”

She looked at me with a mix of desire and hopefulness. “Please, Ben,” she said again.

I can’t help it; I’m a sucker for a beautiful naked woman in my bedroom. My cock thought for me, forcing me to strip and join her on the bed. She pushed me onto my back and grasped my treacherous member before sucking the head into her mouth.

She punished him to within an inch of his life. Sucking and stroking, swelling her sensual tongue along the quivering shaft.

“Ohhh, fuccckk,” I groaned out, so eloquent in spite of the waves of pleasure coursing through my groin.

“I’m gonna cum,” I gasped out, my fingers tangled in her hair.

She just sucked harder, and with eyes squeezed tightly shut, I spent myself in waves of pleasure into her welcoming mouth. My world is contracting to the spurts of seed that burned with agonizing pleasure as they coursed along my cock.

Ali never released her grip as I filled her mouth, sucking and swallowing until she had extracted the last drop, and still, she didn’t stop. Traitorous me never stood a chance. There was no opportunity to soften and hide his shame. Ali’s mouth kept him hard and eager to betray me again.

Ali straddled me and with a long groan of pleasure and satisfaction, slid her pussy down the length of my cock. We bottomed out with about an inch of my hard cock left outside. Her pussy was tight, far tighter than I remembered, squeezing the traitor inside her, resisting his assault. She groaned and gasped, quivering for a second then remained still. We kissed, and now my mouth betrayed me, our tongues mating, I could taste myself on her probing tongue.

Ali groaned, “Push,” she demanded. “Fill me, take back what was always yours.”

I pushed up, and the last inch easily slipped inside the slick wet passage. We rested this way for a minute, hearts beating in unison, then I grasped her waist and rolled her over onto her back. She eagerly wrapped her legs around my waist, pinning me to her. I caressed her breast and had my tongue in her mouth. I shifted my hips, changing my angle of penetration slightly, and my hard thrusting cock came in contact with her G-spot.

Ali came apart. She screamed, invoked the name of God and calling me the son of the devil in the same breath. Her breath came hard and fast; she was gasping to fill her lungs. She was whimpering and crying at the same time and trying to tell me to fuck her harder.

She cried out, screaming, “l can feel your cock growing and throbbing inside me.”

Her body went into some kind of earthquake mode. She was the only woman I’d ever had do this. She was shaking so hard that little ripples were running across her skin in all directions. She was lost in the beginning of one violent orgasm. I kept up my efforts, long deep strokes through her G-spot. After what seemed an age, I came, filling her with cum. I would stop moving and hold her at my deepest penetration, spasm, then do it again. It went on and on for me. I lost myself in the moment.

I started back to reality. I found Ali lying in my arms, curled up around me. She was panting, and her heart was pounding. I wasn’t sure she was truly conscious.

Her eyes fluttered, and she raised her head and focused her eyes on me. She said, “Wow,” and lay her head back down on my shoulder. Her legs dropped away from my waist, and my softening member, having completed his traitorous mission, slipped out of her.

I’d like to say that we made love all night. We didn’t; we were so emotionally drained by the earlier event that we curled up in each other’s arms and quickly fell asleep.

I woke in the early light of the morning; I have no idea how Ali did it. After the passion of the previous night, I guessed I looked and felt like something the cat had dragged in. She, on the other hand, looked serene; she glowed with an inner brightness. She lay on her back with an arm draped across my torso. Her long black hair splayed out on the pillow, framing the contented smile that lit up her features. Her body stretched languidly beside me, a sheet tangled around her long sinuous legs. The tuft of black curly hair at the apex of those legs, matted with streaks of dried cum, was the only real evidence of our lovemaking.

I managed to ease out of bed without waking her and relieve the pressure on my poor bladder.

A shaft of early morning golden sunlight from the open windows flowed over the woman on the bed. My camera was on my desk, and I managed to capture some images before Ali opened her eyes.

“If you’ve finished playing around,” she murmured, “you need to get back here and fuck me again.”

My body involuntarily told her yes, but I hesitated. I sat down on the side of the bed. “Ali, love, I’m scared,” I told her.

She sat up and slid behind me, her arms wrapping around me. “Why, love?”

“I don’t know if I could face it if you were to reject me again,” I said.

“I never meant to hurt you, Ben,” Ali said, and she kissed the back of my neck. “I know I made a big mistake, but it’s not one I’m ever going to repeat. If only you’d waited for me a bit longer, I’d have come to my senses, and this may never have happened.”

“So we just start fresh, forget the last 13 years, is that what you want?”

“Yes, please.” She said. “Ben, I was faithful to you for most those years, and I would have been faithful for all of them if those bastards hadn’t lied to me.”

Same as Alisha
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Sneha And Her Son Sachin 8211 Part 3

Thank you all for the huge response. Many people loved the story and asked if it’s real. I again say that it’s based on real life experiences; ) Love to know that many mothers think just like Sneha. Please do send your feedback to For new readers, read my first 2 stories in the series. And sorry for the delay…Here you go…Enjoy the Story “How’s amit doing? I heard he’s been really sick.”Sneha asked. Sachin’s heart was racing so fast he could hardly answer.”Uh…getting better I guess amma.” He...

1 year ago
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My Fantasies No 2 The SeeSaw

This story is a fantasy I have enjoyed since the age of 16. Before I go into the details, it may help my readers if I put it into context, and provide some background, as the origins of this fantasy are based upon a real situation, which I subsequently developed in my own mind.   This all began when I was 16, with a chance encounter at the small playground   on our village green. The incident I am about to describe is completely factual, and formed the basis of my fantasy, which I will go on...

1 year ago
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PervMom Ashley Fires Taking Care Of My Stepmom8217s Pussy

Smart and sexy MILF Ashley Fires has a special friend, and she doesn’t want her husband to know about it. To make sure her stepson keeps her secret, she grabs his dick and shoves it down her throat for a sopping wet blowjob! Later, Ashley sneaks into the house after getting into some devious fun. To distract her stepson from her misdeeds, she seduces him, spreading her legs on the couch and taking his cock in her MILF love tunnel. Then, he gives her a hot creampie! A couple days later, Ashley’s...

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Sissy Beauty Salon

My wife, Annie, is 43 years old and I, Jim, am 44 years old. We have been married for 15 years now. And it has been a wonderful marriage. From the start our sex life has been very satisfying and sometimes daring. And that includes the past year or so when things started to change just a little bit from what it had been. A change which Annie loves and I think I do too. About a year ago we were flipping through the channels and Annie stopped at a showing of the movie "Tootsie". We had...

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prude spouse part 1

Andrea is going to be my wife.After so many years of refusal she finaly agreed to marry me,i can't wait to have sex with her,she is a vergin, at 24 she never had a boyfriend or anybody touching more then her arm,simply repulsing any physical contact.This was driving me mad with frustration but also with an immense desire for her slender legs n very perky, medium breast but above all was her prudence to excite me the most.Just 24 more hours and a dream will come true.Andrea decided the exact...

4 years ago
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Telling Mom Im A Cross Dresser part 18 Missys Halloween Party

I had enjoyed my week of sex with Thomas and Lemar but in the end it left me sore and used but not like I was complaining. It was now getting close to Halloween and mom and I were making plans to go to a Halloween party a few city blocks away from us. Yeah, sounds kind of boring I know but it was no ordinary party with costumes and drinking alone. It was an orgy for bisexual people. It was only a few days away and Mom and I decided to go costume shopping both online and in the local stores to...

2 years ago
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Betting On My FamilyChapter 4 Lights Camera Action

I scrambled to throw on something presentable, and ended up coming downstairs in a nice polo shirt that went well with my new straight-leg jeans and Doc Martens. I checked my appearance in a rush and thought I looked good, but still very fifteen. My parents were watching TV as I made my way to the door, but I pre-empted their questions by saying I was going to Drew's house. My dad had always been lenient with my freedom as long as I didn't screw up, so he simply said "Have fun" before...

3 years ago
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Equal Shares Ch 26

Monday night. Stan was late – he’d been pulled into a ‘five to five’ meeting with Percy, much to his annoyance – and didn’t get home until well after his normal time. He hurried, but Anne still rang his doorbell before he’d finished getting dressed. ‘Come in, Anne!’ he called, and Anne used her key to open the door. She found Stan sitting at the bottom of the stairs, bare-chested, with one sock on and trying to get the other one on his still-damp foot. She couldn’t help but laugh, and Stan saw...

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When Johnny Comes Marching Home Ch 04

Continued from Chapter 3: While working deep undercover for the CIA in Pakistan, he routinely crossed the border to Afghanistan and Pakistan. From where he was perched atop of a hill, he could see the borders of both countries. At the time he was there, he overlooked a six-man band of Navy SEALS who were obviously on a mission. Even without binoculars or the aid of his sniper rifle scope, he could tell they were SEALS. With the CIA paying for tips and receiving mixed and bad info, unsure if he...

4 years ago
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An Illness A Duel A Runaway Horse

“How much further?”“Not far,” Eliot grinned, hoisting the pack on his shoulder, “you’re gonna love this. I swear.”I wiped my brow, grabbing a branch as I leapt over another slick dip in the trail. The sun was warm, and the snow was long gone.  But the ground this time of year was still glazed in ice, all pearly and hard as enamel.“You sure you know where you’re going?”He stopped, squinting around the dense evergreens, his thumbs hooked through the loops of his jeans.“You know, now that you...

2 years ago
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Bizarre dream

My name is Lesley. It was the summer of 73 I was twenty two, size ten and a good figure, in my second year teaching. My husband still a student was working all hours that god sent in the summer holidays. We ran a beat up convertible, which he was slowly restoring, to pristine glory. I was free all day having great fun racing round with the hood down all over the town. At weekends he made regular visits to a car breakers yards in search of prized components and I often went with him. They...

3 years ago
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A Casual Affair

She'd met him once following a bunch of emails on a thoroughly disreputable married person's dating site, and was a little excited by the possibility but still nervous about actually having an affair. Nothing happened and as time passed she forgot about how turned on she'd been by some of the email conversations and fantasies they'd shared. Still, the thought niggled at the back of her mind and didn't quite let go. However, it was not in the front of her mind when she was out drinking with...

1 year ago
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MySistersHotFriend Andi Rye 22753

Mike just flew in and is staying at his sister’s place, and he’s more than happy to meet her roommate Andi Rye. He’s heard so much about her, and she him, but Andi’s more than pleasantly surprised when she walks in to hand Mike a towel before his shower and finds him naked with his big dick hanging out! She doesn’t know what to do, so she gets on her knees and starts sucking it! Mike’s down, as long as his sister doesn’t find out, and he even throws in something extra special for Andi’s wet...

2 years ago
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Fanny Hill Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure Letter the Second Part1

----------------------- MEMOIRS OF A Woman of Pleasure.- or FANNY HILL LETTER THE SECOND Part-1 Madam, If I have delayed the sequel of my history, it has been purely to allow myself a little breathing time not without some hopes, that, instead of pressing me to a continuation, you would have acquitted me of the task of pursuing a confession, in the course of which my self-esteem has so many wounds to sustain. I imagined, indeed, that you would have been cloyed and tired with uniformity of...

4 years ago
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Biancas mum

They always say that when dating a girl you should check out the mother because that’s what she’ll look like in a few years time. In my case I couldn’t be happier with the results. To be honest, I almost wished she looked that way now. Often when I would stay at my girlfriends, her Kathy would be in a dressing gown only and I always wondered what her body was like underneath it. One evening, Bianca had gone for a shower and her dad and sister were in bed leaving me and Kathy alone together....

2 years ago
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Setting the First Table

Introduction: A continuance of my earlier story Tables To Be Turned. This time, Gina puts her plans in motion. Setting the First Table Darien Kingford swept up the handle of his phone, pressing the flashing button for his private line. The Caller ID showed a number he didnt recognize. Yes, hello, he said, almost with a bite to his voice. Hello, Mr. Kingford, a young girl greeted. Nice to talk to you. I hope you remember me? Im the girl whose daddy rented me to you three weeks ago, and I...

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GF Youre a Complete Faggot Now

As I took the sixth load down my throat, four more already deposited in my ass and I still had a line of at least six black cocks waiting their turn to deposit their load inside one of my two cum deposits, I couldn't help but recall when I was a man and not a sissy bitch whose only purpose was to be a cum bucket for big dicked men. Three months earlier... I had it all. Girls lining up to get fucked by me. In the High School movies it's always the quarterback who is the star of the school,...

1 year ago
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The Other Side Of MeChapter 4

"Here," Frank said, pressing a stone into the palm of Rudy's small hand. "The flat ones work best. Try it." Her small face scrunched up in concentration as she took the stone and tossed it like Frank had just shown her, and grinned when it skipped twice over the lake. Frank smiled at her success. "Nice one, Rudy. Wanna try again?" "No. Throwing rocks isn't that fun. My stomach hurts." "That's because you're hungry," Frank informed her. "We should have had lunch by...

4 years ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 471

The Prison Planet ... Creeping over to the dark bundle, she knelt and raised the corner of the saber-tooth skins, only to focus on an eye staring back at her. A second before she screamed, the chicken made a sound and she remembered that Junior slept with Morales. Scooping the sleepy little chicken up, she put him on the other side of the man where Junior made another sound before burrowing under the skins again. She had done everything in slow motion since getting out of the sleeping bag,...

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Not My Sisters Shadow

This story takes place in my Twisted universe. Not My Sister's Shadow By Morpheus I sat at my desk, listening half-heartedly as my history teacher droned on about the Antarctic Flu, the virus that hit North America over fifty years ago. The rapid infection caused a lot of panic, resulting in some martial law, mass quarantines, and even other countries blocking Americans from entry. Before the virus ended, over two million people had been killed. "As you all know," Mr....

2 years ago
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Good Girls Tell No Lies Episode 1

I was the maid of honor at a friend's wedding a couple of weekends ago. It was her second marriage. She was marrying a wealthy financial advisor, so the wedding and reception were very elegant. It was a black tie affair, so I rented a gown and wore my best jewelry.Lucas, a hedge fund manager, and I met at the rehearsal party. He was the best man, daringly handsome with jet black hair and dark penetrating eyes. We were both divorced, single, and hit it off immediately. It was assumed by the...

Straight Sex
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Dianes JournalChapter 6

Things were really looking up for me out in Las Vegas, when I made a really stupid mistake. My casino manager husband was humping me every night non-stop and I loved every minute of it. Then, my past caught up to me and bit me right in the ass. He was giving it to me doggy-style, which I have to admit is my favorite, when the video we were watching on the 60 inch TV threw up a panoramic view of my face contorted by the fact that a huge muscle-bound dude was shoving his cock right up my ass....

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Yeah, baby! Viper Girls! A lot of people have this image of the pornography superfan as a lonely, isolated recluse, holed up in his basement and jerking off to hardcore anal porn 24-7, never interacting with another human soul. That just isn’t true. There are some thriving communities of perverts out there. ViperGirls, for example, gets over 15 million visits a month. See? I interact with a lot of people, even throughout a six-day masturbation binge, during which I never leave the...

Porn Forums
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Unplanned And Best Fuck With Hot ExBoyfriend

Hello everyone, I am new here and this is my first submission (definitely not my last). I got to know about this sex story site from my ex-boyfriend, who is a frequent reader and blogger here. Also turns out, he is the main reason I am submitting this today. A little something about me. My name is Fiona, I am 24 years old and live in Mumbai. I am a girl with average height but with a good figure (at least that’s what guys say). My measurements are 36-28-36. I love to keep myself fit so I guess...

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Undercovers Detective chapter 6

Alexia When Janine gave me the address to The Slice Club, she said to meet her there at 1:30 pm and don’t be late. This was to be my interview with Inna Grekov, the club manager. All my undercover training and months of preparation would be wasted if she didn't hire me. I had dressed as provocatively as I could, using Janine's makeup instructions carefully. The fake eyelashes and dark eyeliner made my appearance look sexier. . It wasn’t like the guys would be focusing on my face, but I had to...

4 years ago
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Good Fuck

I am 28 years old and married to Kulsum who is two years younger than me. Although I was born in India, I have lived in Sydney, Australia with my mother since I was four years of age. I would like to share with you the story of my sexual life which may seem quite extraordinary, but quite commonplace in a city like Sydney. My story takes you through my sexual awakening in early childhood right through my experiences to my present day situations. I hope to make it as detailed an account as...

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Nick and Cassy One Pet Play

I wanted to make tonight special for her. We were going out for dinner, then back to my place for a night of fun. We had been planning this for 2 weeks, and I wanted it to be perfect. The plan was going for me to pick her up, and we were going to a good Italian place downtown. Well that went over perfectly, we had a lot of fun, and I got her to blush quite a few times. She's so cute when she blushes. Once the date was over and we started to head back to my place, I smiled and looked over at...

3 years ago
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The Accidental PackageChapter 4

All three of us quickly put on a shirt and pants, a skirt in Evelyn's case, to make ourselves presentable to whoever was at the door. The doorbell rang ten times before Mom answered. Evelyn and I stood right behind her. There was a man in a dress shirt and slacks at the door. "Yes?" inquired Mom "Hello, ma'am," he said ever so politely. "I'm trying to trace a misrouted package." "We haven't received any packages," Mom said. "Are you sure? Records show you signed for a...

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Mrs WaxermanChapter 3

“Sir, you requested that I ask for clarification if I was unsure of anything you say,” Mrs. Waxerman began, sitting at the same dining table as her equally naked niece and three fully clothed nephews. Her fiancée, Doctor Hooker, pulled out a chair, sat and nodded in response. “Two of my nephews saw and touched my nude body for the first time just now and it caused a physical reaction. Are you suggesting that I should have asked to copulate with one or both of them to satisfy that arousal?...

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Nikkie Part 2

When I woke up, Jenna was gone, probably out for her run or possibly already at breakfast. It always amazed me that no matter how late she was out, she still almost always went out for her morning run, with the only adjustment being that she occasionally ran a little less distance. When I got out of bed, I noticed an envelope had been slipped under the door with my name on it. I picked it up and opened it; it was an invitation to a party at one of the sorority houses, along with a little note...

College Sex
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A Month To Remember

Author's Note: This is a mostly true story of events in my life between April 18, 2005 and May 17, 2005. Certain names have been changed to protect the innocent. Most of what isn't true are either names or events I added to make the story better. These events don't change the story that much, but enough, so you don't think all I did was have sex this past month. Thank you and enjoy! :-) A Month To Remember By Emily W. Aaron As I write the story of one of the biggest months of my...

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Katie Awakens To Pleasure

It just turned midnight. The sky is full of clouds and the rain is dripping down onto the house, tapping against the roof and windows. I just got home from the gym, tired and sore, and the only thing on my mind is the thought of lying down with Katie’s gorgeous self and holding her in my arms. I make my way up the stairs quietly, creeping into my room trying to not wake her up. The room is completely dark and she’s lying there on my bed partially under the covers, but I can still make out that...

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The GiftedChapter 2 Shock

Detective Harry Hatcher, stood there chewing on his toothpick, and said, "Hate to say it to you, but if he has no family, he is going to foster care. They will look after him." Mike looked at the cop, and replied, "Want to bet?" "Sure, since I am the cop, I say he goes to foster, they will take him in, and... " he said and then stopped. Shaking his head, Mike reached down to his waist and he pulled out his blackberry and looked through the directory. Pressing the button, he heard the...

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The Princess of Symbiosis

Even calling it face-to-face isn’t quite appropriate. What we would call a face was a dark mass of skin, tendrils, and something that vaguely looked like ears. Every screen and television in the world was trained on these creatures, and no one really knew what they were looking at. Star Wars, District 9, and Avatar had ill-prepared humanity to confront the fact that aliens couldn’t have two eyes and a mouth. Surprisingly, these aliens were not that far ahead of our 22nd century technology....

4 years ago
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Little Fuckers

Diane walked into the front room of her apartment, blinking the sleep out of her eyes and smoothing her fingers through her blonde locks. After three weeks of a hard push at work, she finally had a long weekend as a reward, and she was determined not to sleep it away. That didn’t mean she was awake enough to start breakfast, though. She picked up the remote to the television and sat down. A moment later, she screamed when the couch suddenly tilted forward, and to the left. Upon catching her...

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Padma a sexy neighbor

Hi all ISS readers. This is Manju from Bangalore I was the regular reader of this stories I was really excited by seeing all you people how r enjoying I don’t know either u people are writing true exp or not but now I am narrating the story of my own which has happened 1 week back. Actually I am a working person & I had completed by Bachelors & was working in a pvt company I am 6feet tall dark brownish color & well built body I was always reading the stories here & I was masturbating every day...

3 years ago
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Dear Cum Ms Comma

So that's what hate mail looks like. Another one to tick off my bucket list. To be honest I'm fairly certain that many of the kind suggestions I've received are physical impossibilities and I probably ought to clarify that I don't live in a zoo. Additionally I have checked with Mum regarding the accusation that I am the bastard offspring of Eva Braun and Lucretia Borgia and she assures me that she's never been to either Berlin or Florence. So ya boo sucks *pokes out tongue*. All that fuss over...

2 years ago
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Ill Be Back

Cuckold returns to his home town and bad memoriesI squeezed my Harley between two parked cars and rumbled across the sidewalk and stopped near an old oak tree. Every eye was on me as I dropped the kickstand and stepped away from the bike. It gave me more than a small amount of pleasure to see the confusion on all the faces.I removed my leather jacket and unstrapped my helmet. I could see Steve getting up from the picnic table and start my way as I pulled the helmet from my head. I carefully...

3 years ago
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Titty fucking my granny

My name is Jack. I live with my mom. My grandparents live right around the corner so I go there a lot. My grandmom has very big tits (36DDD) and most of the time she shows cleavage. It ALWAYS gives me a boner. I"ll usually go to the bathroom to jack off and relieve myself. Well this is a story about the one time I couldn"t take it anymore.Let me describe myself. I"m 18, 7 and a half inch dick. Six pack. That"s about it. Now let me describe my grandma. She"s 51. She"s skinnny. She has, like I...

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My Husband And I Want To Thank You

“My husband and I want to thank you.” I politely said to Arthur Conley.Now, why would I be thanking my husband’s boss? Perhaps I should explain. It all started right after we were married. My hubby Robbie went to work for Conley and Son, a construction company in Galion, Ohio. Arthur Conley was the son part of Conley and Son. He had taken over the business after his father’s retirement and subsequent death.Galion is a small town of about 10,000 located about seventy miles north of Columbus....

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Pussies GaloreChapter 5

"Someone is coming," bhaiya said withdrawing his cock from my choot and picking up both our pajama bottoms dashed into the bathroom, adding, "Cover yourself properly and pretend to sleep." I did as he had said. I saw mama opening the door and switching on the light. "Mira, are you all right?" she said shaking me. "Ugggh, what is it?" I murmured. "Mira, wake up," mama said. "Oh mama, is it morning already?" I asked yawning. "Where is Amit?" mama asked. "Isn't he in his...

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Stepdaughter Surprise2

After that awesome night with Nat and Molly things changed very little, at first. My 17 year old stepdaughter did not discuss it, and I was not going to push my luck. However, Nat did begin to be more of a tease around the house. In a subtle fashion, she would give me little smirks, rub against me in passing, and displayed more laxity in what she wore. She often would wear a tee shirt with no bra that had her tiny tittie’s nipples poking out. Under her tee shirt, she now wore only panties and...

1 year ago
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PureTaboo Casey Calvert Charlotte Sartre Law Abiding Citizen

Charlie (Charlotte Sartre) is looking to pay the bills and lead a better life but things haven’t been easy. No matter where she goes and how hard she tries to escape her past, it always catches up with her. But when she goes to yet another promising job interview, only to be turned down because of her criminal record, it’s clear that playing by the rules isn’t helping her. That’s when she calls her old partner in crime, Mia (Casey Calvert) with an offer. Later that...

4 years ago
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Valantine Glory Hole

We were married only 4 days. It was our 1st Valentine's Day. What could I do to make it special for him? I figured after a long day at work I would have him come home to candles, a nice cold beer and his new wife in lingerie. He called and said he was on his way so I positioned myself with a glass of wine, awaiting my man, while sprawled across the floor to welcome him home. You could see the excitement arise in his eyes and pants when he walked through the door. As we rolled all over the...

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First Time Part 3a

I went upstairs to my room after supper and laid on my bed. My butt was aching from being used by a man for the first time. I couldn't stop thinking about the sight of a gigantic hard cock and the unbelievable sensations I had felt as I was used for his sexual gratification. I listened to music on my little transistor radio as I replayed the events over and over in my head. I heard a lawn mower running, and I looked out my second floor window and saw Mr.Washington next door cutting his grass....

2 years ago
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Mut ist der Anfang

Es ist ein warmer Sonntag Abend in der neuen Stadt die ich nun mein Zuhause nennen muss, da mein Vater beruflich umziehen musste. Heute morgen sind wir in unserem neuen Haus angekommen, den ganzen Tag haben wir all unsere Sachen aus dem Speditions-LKW ausgeladen und ins Haus getragen. Ja und jetzt sitze ich hier in meinem neuen Zimmer, alles sieht noch so kalt aus. Nur mein Bett mein Schrank und Schreibtisch sind bereits aufgebaut und stehen in meinem Zimmer. Um mich herum türmen sich viele...

1 year ago
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Summer ProjectChapter 12

There was a whirlwind of thoughts racing through Michelle's head as she climbed into the shower and let the hot water drench her in its warm embrace. 'Is 10 o'clock at the Bennigan's on 7th Street okay?' the man had asked over the phone and she had responded in an enthusiastic 'yes'. The whole of her being felt as taut as a bowstring with all of the wanton feelings that coursed through her. Everything else he had said was nonsensical hum. The Asian girl soaped herself thoroughly with...

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These Girls Can PlayChapter 16 Last show of the last tour

By the end of the fifth year of touring it was becoming obvious that when not actually performing the girls weren't having a lot of fun anymore except in the studio. They played every concert with the same energy as they played their very first show five years ago, but it just wasn't the same anymore. They hadn't become jaded, just worn out. The road can do that to you. Bob had warned them and even though spaced out the road was wearing them down. They still had their spirit and their...

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Enjoying Big Butt in NYC

I am a white male and I live in New York City, the big city. I had subscribed to several dating web sites. For me, because I travel a lot, having access to these sites is a blessing. On one of the normal sites, I was contacted by a lady. Come to find out, after some emails, that she lived close to me in the same neighborhood. It seemed she wanted to meet someone close, did not matter to me. So we met for drinks and a bite to eat after several failed attempts to meet up. She was 4 years older...

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Australian Blonde With Me In Windsor

Hi. I feel I’m a lucky guy in the world because on 26/07/2016 I met a Australian lady in ITC Windsor and had a awful fun. By the way my name is Shree from Bangalore 20 year old. Looks normal, athlete , I have already been in relationship with a lady near my locality too. So things happened like this. Even though I am in a relationship with a lady I wanted try some other things. So posted a add on Craigslist in search for a right person. Once in a two days I was reposting my add in the site. At...

3 years ago
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Tara in Porn 3

Tara in Porn By Tara Richardson The Doll The red shiny sheath dress confines my body, only the designer slit all the way to my hip allowing my stocking clad left leg and bare thigh to escape. I stood ready for this special occasion. The only problem was I could see nothing because of my blind fold. I was dressed for dinner, but I was the meal. Hands held mine in almost human manacles, as they lead me through a door. I sensed the room was large and cavernous by the clunking sound...

2 years ago
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Imogen a Harry Potter taleChapter 58

The door to Madam Pomfrey's office opened, interrupting Draco's narrative before he got very far. Draco instantly closed his eyes and settled himself back on his bed. "Obviously Draco has more friends than I thought," Pomfrey said. "And I'm glad you're all being so quiet; I haven't heard hardly a sound since you came in. But really this is too much. Only one of you can stay." Turning to Hagrid, she added, "I mean only one student of course, Professor Hagrid. You're welcome to stay...

4 years ago
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Medusa Fates GameChapter 6

~~Chimera~~ He did not like where this was going. The ship moved at a slow pace, or at least he thought it was slow. In the middle of the night, the stars and breeze should have been more than enough of a guide, but the fog of the dead blocked his senses. It felt almost as if they were holding still, but the rest of the crew assured him they were moving, slow but steady. Crew. He sneered, and looked across the deck to the others. The two satyrs were chatting about the tale of Bellerophon,...

1 year ago
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Sex With My Sister Ayesha

By : Abhishek Malhotra Hello friends, I am Abhishek Malhotra again “” from Nagpur I recently posted my last story “Wild teacher fucked wildly” and I appreciate that people liked my stories and gave me good response. Now this is about my other experience, every year during Diwali my Mom’s sister and her family comes to stay at my place and I have this sister aged 18 years her name is Ayesha.She is fair in complexion and she is skinny but has naturally huge boobs. She was what we call a girl who...


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