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Bobby pulled up in front of a building on a desolate street. His aunt said that her daughter frequented a small shop there when he asked her what his cousin would like for a gift for her 16th birthday. Her birthday was still 3 weeks away, but Bobby headed there that day because he had the time to do so. The store was just what she said it was. It was a small magic shop. His Wicca practicing cousin had become enamored with it according to his aunt. Bobby failed to see the appeal. He started to peruse the shop's holdings as an older man approached him. "What can I do for you this fine afternoon, my boy?" "I'm just looking for something for my cousin." "Well, you can never go wrong with the Dr. Bombay special." Bobby, expecting him to elaborate, stared at the proprietor. The man's face fell, and then he muttered, "Stupid kids." "What was that?" "Nothing. I might have something up your alley. We just got it in." "Is it under 200 dollars?" "Yes." "Then lead me to it." Bobby followed the man to the counter. The storekeeper pulled out a bag full of amulets. He placed them on the counter and said, "These are the store's latest creation for the magically impaired." Bobby nodded as he stared at them. "What do they allow you to do?" He asked. "They allow you to change form. You could become another man, or you could become a woman. You could also just alter certain parts of your body. All you have to do is hold the amulet and think about what you want to look like." "Does it also change your clothes, if you think about them when you're changing yourself?" "Yes, unbelievably, and it will also change your voice to something that suits your form. It can even change the inflection of your attempted speech if you want it to. You can give yourself a Katharine Hepburn like voice in any body type. All you have to do is think intently about what you want to speak like when you hold the amulet." "That sounds implausible, but what does it cost?" "Because you've got such an honest face, I'll give it to you for 150 bucks", the man said with a smile. Bobby deliberated to himself, 'Well, if it doesn't work, I'll give it to my cousin. She'd love it anyway. If it does, I'll keep it.' Bobby looked at the man and said, "I'll take it." The man smirked and rang it up. He handed him the amulet and the receipt and said, "Have fun with that." Bobby was struck by the storekeeper's mocking tone and devilish grin. Bobby stared at him for a second. The man looked at Bobby and asked, "Do you need a bag?" Bobby shook his head as he held the amulet and the receipt. He hurried out of the shop. Bobby carried the amulet to his car. He started his car and stared at it. He looked at it for a few seconds. He tried to think of a small physical change. He blinked his eyes and saw that his left hand had long red fingernails extending from each of his finger tips. Shaken, he quickly undid the change. He sped out of the parking lot after he placed the amulet in his pocket. Bobby stopped and ate at a McDonalds on his way home. As he ate a burger for a light snack to tide him over until dinner, Bobby's shock passed. He began to feel curious. He wanted to try a more complete change. He ducked into the bathroom after he finished eating, and he tried to think of the perfect transformation. He thought to himself, 'What should I do? I should do a woman. No, no that's not right. Maybe it is. Who would know but me? It's not that strange. I already know how it feels to be seen as a guy, so that takes away all of the appeal of being a man. Oh, wait. I've never been a black man. That would be all right.' Bobby walked out of the bathroom standing six foot six. People's eyes were immediately drawn to the unusually large man. He towered over nearly everyone. It was a new experience for him because he normally only stood 5'8". He caught a few glimpse of girls trying to get his attention as he walked past them. Bobby decided not to flirt with them because he figured that he would not be able to keep up the show forever. Bobby walked behind the shopping center. He kneeled behind a dumpster that was next to a loading dock. 'Well, I know what this feels like now. I guess I've got to do the woman thing. Come on. I would have to be a pussy to pass this opportunity. It's a learning experience. I've got to do it', he thought to himself. He pictured the woman he wanted to look like and clutched the amulet in his hands. He walked out from behind the building, and he walked over to his car. He did not have any pockets, so he put the amulet in his glove box and placed a few other things in his car as well. Then he walked around the sidewalk and stared into the stores. A few guys caught sight of him and became wide eyed. Bobby smiled and pushed his hair out of his face as he walked past them. Bobby was amused by how differently people treated him. When he entered a store, a man made an effort to hold the door open for him. Bobby was not surprised. He had made himself into a 4'9" blonde bombshell. He was wearing a tight fitting blouse, jeans, and flip flops. He knew that he would do the same as that man. As he walked out of the shop, he checked his wrist watch. Bobby was startled. He was supposed be at his girlfriends house five minutes earlier. He ran to his car and pulled his keys and wallet out from underneath the driver's seat. Bobby started the car and pulled the amulet out of the glove box. He sunk down in his seat and changed himself back. He drove to his girlfriend's home after he placed the amulet in his pocket. Amy's mother greeted him at the door and he walked into their den. Amy walked in with a scowl on her face. She was clearly displeased with his lateness. "Why were you late?" she asked. "Um?there was some traffic." "You hit 15 minutes worth of traffic in the suburbs when you only had to drive 7 blocks. Please. Dating you is like dating a girl." "Well, I wasn't coming from my home", Bobby said. "You weren't?" "No." "So, where were you coming from? What did you do today?" Amy asked. Bobby wanted to tell her, but he could not find the right words. 'How could I ever explain this?' He thought to himself. He considered showing her the amulet's power. It was in his pocket. All he had to do was show her how it worked. However, he feared that she would not react pleasantly, if he told her that he turned himself into a woman that day. He did not want to keep it a secret, but Bobby decided not to tell her then. He just simply replied as he stood up, "I was out shopping with my mom" Amy believed him, and she smiled as they walked out the door. Their night out was typical. They went to the movies, got a bite to eat, and then he took her home because it was a weekday. They kissed on her doorstep, and then Bobby ran back to his car. He went home and placed the amulet away. He decided that it was too late to play with it. He figured that he could put it out of his mind until the weekend. He went to college the next day. As he sat in class, all he could think about was using the amulet again. He thought of all the various changes he could make. The transformation fetish that he had long tried to suppress was beginning to control his thoughts. As the professor babbled on Charlemagne, he just fantasized about changing himself into various women. When he got home, he barricaded himself in his room. He grabbed the amulet and stared into the small mirror in his room. He gave himself the physique of a body builder, but he also gave himself a girlish voice. He looked into the mirror and said, "I'm going to crush you." He fell over laughing at the sound of that voice coming from such a large body and the overall stupidity of what he was doing. He decided that if he was going to make such a small change, that he might as well make bigger ones. He used the amulet to turn himself into a 5'2" woman with a flat chest. He imagined the breasts growing larger. He looked down at his burgeoning cleavage with delight, and he grew them until his body was literally pulled to the floor because he was no longer able to stand up with them on his chest. He laughed as they dragged him down onto the floor. He shrunk his breasts down into a C-cup and stood up. He decided to delve deeper into his fantasies. He placed the arms of a body builder on his small feminine body. They weighed him down and he stood not unlike a gorilla with his massive fists on the ground propping up his body. He shrunk his arms back to normal and climbed onto his bed. He moved to the middle of his bed and shrunk himself. He stopped the change to he observe the room from the perspective of a woman who was 5 feet tall, then 4 feet, and then so forth until he was only a foot tall. He ran over to the side of his bed. He left the amulet, which had not shrunk with him, on the middle of the bed. He slowly climbed over to the edge of the bed, and he noted the massive distance to the floor. He slowly climbed back to the middle of the bed and grabbed hold of part of the amulet and made himself 5'3". The nearly endless possibilities that it offered him made him start to giggle uncontrollably. His euphoric state of mind was broken by a few words from his mother. "Robert, open this door. I want to talk to you", he heard her say. Bobby let out a girlish giggle as he turned himself back into a man. He opened the door and his mother stared at him. "Do you have a girl in here?" His mother asked. "No, Mom." "Don't lie to me, boy. I could swear that I heard a girl laughing!" "No, Mom. There are no girls in here", Bobby said as she stepped into the room and looked around. Bobby smiled because he was secretly wearing pantyhose beneath his jeans and socks while his mother stood next to him. The fear of being caught made Bobby feel excited. As she looked around his room, he decided to take it one step further. He used the amulet, now in his pocket, to place a bra and a small pair of breasts on himself. They were barely visible beneath his baggy shirt. His mother stopped looking around and asked, "What have you been doing in here?" "Just studying." "Okay. Well, I'm going to the market. Do you need anything?" "Could you pick me up some Sunny D?" "All right, do you want anything else?" She asked. "No." "All right, I'll be back later." "Okay", Bobby said as he closed the door after his mother left his room. He watched his mother pull out of the driveway, and then he decided to go back to using the amulet. Even knowing that he could not be certain when his mother or father would be back, Bobby still decided to use his amulet outside of his room. He walked into the living room, and he closed his eyes as he thought about what he wanted to look like. He opened his eyes and stared down at the white tutu that jutted out from his waist. He flexed his left foot and watched the pointe shoe bend with the flex. He pranced into his parent's room and starred at himself in his mother's full length mirror. He tried to rise up onto his toes as he ran his left hand along the backside of his leotard. He then ran through the house trying to imitate the ballet moves he saw on a PBS special on Swan Lake, which he had secretly watched. He leapt and always landed awkwardly. He tried to get on his toes, but really only rose onto the balls of his feet. He tried to strike arabesque poses from memory, but they too were poorly performed by the bliss filled amateur. He sat down for a second on the edge of the couch. He then decided that he wanted to document some of what he was doing. He ran into his room and pulled out his camera. He found that he still had 20 shots left on the roll. He set up the camera where he wanted it in the living room, and he set up the timer. He struck poses that he thought looked good and kept resetting the timer so that he could take more pictures. Finally, he grew bored with the whole ballerina idea and thought of another idea. He closed his eyes and opened them. He looked down at the ground. He was now a few inch's taller. Before he had left himself at 5'8", but now he had made himself into a 6'1" tall woman with long legs. They were easily visible beneath the black sheer hosiery that ran up to his black leotard. Bobby walked over to the camera and set the timer again. He smiled broadly as he heard the sound of his heels clicking on the wood floor beneath him. He then decided that he wanted a change of scenery. He grabbed the camera and headed into the lower portion of the house. He took a few more pictures before he thought he heard steps on the door step. He walked over to the stairs and saw his father standing before the door. He changed himself back and took a few breaths before he realized that he was still very excited. He saw his firm penis protruding through the unfastened zipper of pants. He looked down and contemplated which course of action to take regarding it. He could shrink it or go with a vagina. Having already experienced a vagina for the last hour, he decided to shrink it out of a desire to still be changed but barely detectable. He could hardly see it beneath his pants. It was firm, but only two centimeters long. He zipped his fly and ran upstairs and said hello to his father. His father looked at him. Bobby thought that his father knew that something was up. He just asked, "Hey, Bobby, what were you doing down there?" "I was just shutting off the TV, Dad." Bobby's father squinted as he heard the TV. "It's still on, Bobby." "Oh, crap. I knew I forgot to do something when I came up to greet you", Bobby said trying to brush the whole thing away. "Don't you have studying to do?" Bobby's father asked. "Of course I do. I've been studying all day. Let me go turn off that TV, and then I'll get right back on top of it." Bobby's father nodded at him. Bobby went down the stairs and turned off the TV. He then picked up his camera and went back into his room. He laid down on his bed and then restored his penis. He then wondered if he should study or use the amulet some more. His deliberation was short. He went back to using it. He grabbed the amulet and gave himself the body of a busty red head. He stared at himself in the mirror and climbed up onto his bed so that he could get a full view of himself. He got off the bed and started to shake himself in front of the mirror. He felt his heavy breasts tug him one way and than the other. He smiled at himself as he heard his cell phone ringing. He had kept his voice, so he answered the phone. "Hey, Bobby", he heard "Oh, hey, Amy", he responded. "I was thinking about you. Were you thinking about me?" He looked around for a bit as he rubbed his smooth legs and said, "Of course." "I can't wait to see you tomorrow." "Neither can I." "I bet you can't wait to get your hands all on me?" He wanted to tell the truth, but he would have truthfully said no as he felt himself up. He decided to lie to keep her happy and said, "It's been hell not seeing you. We shouldn't go two days without seeing each other again." "So, what are you doing?" Bobby thought of a convenient lie and said, "I'm studying. You?" "Me? I'm watching TV. Nothings on, but I guess that you're too busy to come down here. I mean it must be hell missing a woman's touch the last two days." "Sure is", Bobby said trying to sound convincing. Her words zapped his energy. He felt bad about not telling the truth about what he was doing. He felt sick at that moment, and he said, "Baby, I got to go. I don't feel too good." "Aw, feel better, baby. But don't worry if you don't. I'll make you feel good tomorrow, baby. Bye." "Bye, baby", Bobby responded as he hung up the phone. After he hung up the phone, Bobby restored his form and put the amulet away. He felt too guilty about not telling her to enjoy it. He headed into the kitchen, and his mother made him dinner. He did not use the amulet for another three days. He wanted to tell his girlfriend, and he also wanted to tell his parents and his friends. However, he did not know how they would respond to it. Real magic is not very common, and the responses to it over the centuries have not been, by any measure, warm. He was as equally concerned that they would find out what he had been doing with it. He was not particularly ashamed by what he had done, but he was afraid of what others might think. Bobby could not think of anything that would get him to use that amulet until his two year anniversary with Amy started to close in. It was about a week and half away, and Bobby, like many other college students with a girlfriend, was close to broke. He tried to think of a way to earn money to buy her another gift to go along with the earrings he got her. It was then that Bobby got his inspiration. Bobby badly wanted to use the amulet, but he felt bad about using it in ways he could not justify to himself. Now, he had an idea. He would go down to the strip club on amateur night and turn himself into an amateur stripper. The local club gave 500 dollar to the winner. To try to draw a crowd the night after Monday Night Football, the club conducted amateur night every Tuesday. Bobby reasoned, 'I'm doing this for her, not for me. I won't even enjoy it.' Bobby was deluding himself. He had fantasized about what it would feel like to be one of those girls since he first went to a strip club on his 18th birthday. While he played with the thought that he was really sacrificing himself to do something nice for his girlfriend, he looked at some pornographic websites. He wanted to find a picture of somebody that he would want to look like when he stripped. He printed some of the pictures that he found on the websites. He stuffed them into his coat and headed out of the house. His parents looked at him as they sat down on the couch. They saw him leave, but they did not say a word to him. Bobby drove down to the club. As he parked his car, he realized that he did not have an ID for the fake woman. Bobby decided to go in anyway. He walked in as himself and headed for the bathroom. Since no one was in there, he took the opportunity to turn himself into the woman he had constructed in his mind after he looked over the pictures. He headed over to the bartender and asked her where he could go to sign up for amateur night. She pointed over to a man sitting in a booth with an older stripper. Bobby sashayed over to the man. He looked up at the blonde and stared at Bobby's impressive D cups. Bobby saw the man starring at them as the man handed Bobby a pen. Bobby signed a sheet and walked away. The man stared at Bobby's apple shaped butt as Bobby walked over to a seat. The weight of his chest kept pulling him down. Bobby quickly realized that he should have chosen a smaller breast size. A woman came by and told him to put his purse in the back. Bobby did what she said and returned to his seat. He kept fidgeting with his small halter top and his g-string, which kept ridding up on him. He looked around as the dancers kept going up there and saw that a few of the patrons looked at him more often than they looked at the dancers on stage. It made Bobby a little less nervous. The name he signed up with was called, and Bobby headed up to the pole. Bobby heard the groans and utterances of approval as he made his way to the pole. The music started and Bobby started to fulfill his fantasy. He gyrated next to the pole and ran his legs up it. He yanked down his skirt to the howls of many of the men. He then turned and ran his tongue along the pole while glancing seductively at a few men in the room. He then slowly slipped off his top and dropped it off the stage. He ran up and swung around the pole until he felt his hand scrape the ceiling tiles. He spun down the pole as he came down it. He then slowly reached for his G-string and started to lower it. He glanced around the audience and noticed three familiar faces. Two of them were his friends. He froze for a second before he yanked the g- string off of him. He spent the rest of his performance wondering what his friends would think about what he was doing. He knew it would be nothing good. He also had the same wonders about his girlfriend. He put his clothes back as his song ended. He walked off to the cheers and leers of most of the men. He sat down and waited for the other contestants to go. He spent the rest of his time there glancing at his friends. They were close to him, but they were detached from him at the moment. Bobby knew that they would never accept him, if they knew what he had become by choice for the moment. To them, Bobby was just a beautiful stranger named Ginger. Whenever his friends would occasionally give a lustful glance at him, Bobby felt like he was hiding in plain sight. About an hour after Bobby went on, the contest ended. The DJ announced that Bobby had won the prize. He ran up there and jumped in his six inch clear heels as he collected his 500 dollars to the cheers of the patrons. He took the money after thanking the audience and the judges. He went into the back room and grabbed his pocketbook. He then left the place and headed for his car. He pulled out of the parking spot and changed back into his normal body. He tried to cast what he did that night as just a way to earn money. He tried to convince himself that he had done it for his girlfriend, but he knew that was not the real reason. Bobby went home that night and tried to forget the whole experience. He tried to convince himself that the only thing that mattered to him was that he had the money to buy her the bracelet that he wanted to get her. It did not do much to stop the feelings that were growing inside him. He wanted to go out in public again as a woman. He liked the attention. He woke up the next morning, and he put the amulet away. He went out as a man and stayed out as one. He tried to forget that he had the amulet, but his attempts failed. His desire to use it grew as the days went by. It consumed him. As he made out with girlfriend just two days before their anniversary, all he could think about was being changed into a woman. He figured that he needed to get a fix. He believed that he would be all right after that. The day before their anniversary presented Bobby with his best opportunity to transform. His parents, his friends, and his girlfriend were all to busy to see him. After he dropped off his film to be developed, he drove to the mall and decided to show off the body that he designed in his mind. He parked the car and made sure that no one was around. When he was sufficiently alone, he changed himself. He saw the blonde in the mirror and thought about another part of the amulet's power. He could change how he spoke if he imagined it. He imagined the voices of the bimbo's from the teen movies his girlfriend liked to watch. He thought to himself, 'Say the plight of the third world nations is atrocious.' He went to speak, "It must, like, suck to be in a poor place." He smiled to himself as he thought, 'Perfect.' He got out of the car in a miniskirt and halter top. He headed for the door. Bobby walked into the mall and saw the eyes of men with their girlfriends and wives drift over to him. He felt like he was dreaming as he walked through the mall. The whole thing felt like an out of body experience to him. Bobby was so oblivious to everything around him that he tripped over a child. The child's father asked Bobby if he was all right before he asked his son the same thing. Bobby responded, "I'm, like, fine. Totally, it's all right." Two older men walked by and snickered at him. Bobby heard one of them say, "She's a valley girl and there is no cure." Bobby did not like being talked about in such a dismissive way, but he did not raise the issue. Bobby figured that it would have been pointless considering that he had willingly made himself appear to be an idiot. Bobby bucked up and straightened himself out. He made sure the amulet was still in his purse, and then he continued to walk through the mall. As he walked on, he saw two people starring at him that he did not want to see. Bobby's heart was struck with fear before he remembered that they could not possibly recognize him. Bobby watched his girlfriend and her friend Liz head into Victoria's Secret. Bobby's was intrigued. He decided to see what they were up to. He followed them into the store and examined the contents of a rack near where they were standing. He saw Liz glance at him, and he heard Amy start to laugh. Bobby did not like thinking that he was the butt of her jokes, but he realized that if he was, it was his own fault. Bobby tried to listen to their conversation, but an employee came over to him and asked, "Hello, Miss, do you need any help?" "No. I'm just, kind of looking", he replied. The woman nodded and Bobby realized that Amy had rolled her eyes when she heard him speak. Amy had always told him that she hated ditzy girls. "I still love the necklace that he gave you last year." "Thanks", Amy replied as she fingered the necklace. "He must really want you." "Oh, I know he does." "I don't get it. What's your secret? My boyfriend's are always sneaking around behind me." "Well, I trust him, and he trusts me. We're up front with each other", Amy said. Her words cut through Bobby like a knife. He literally felt a sharp pain in his stomach as he heard her words. Amy saw Bobby start to grasp his stomach and cringe. "Miss, are you all right?" Amy asked. "I'm okay", Bobby responded to Amy's inquiry. "Do you need help?" Amy asked. "No, I think I need air or something", Bobby cringed as he realized that his decision to alter his vocabulary was making his escape more difficult. "Really, are you sure that you don't need a doctor?" "No, umm?doctor. Uh?I'm gonna go get some air. You know, and I'll be good", Bobby said as he turned away from them. He walked out of the store as Amy and her friend looked at him with concern. Bobby then walked into the women's bathroom. He rushed into a stall and started to cry on the seat. He felt horrible about what he had been keeping from her. He wanted her to understand, but he did not know if she could. As he wiped the tears out of his eyes, he decided to try to see how she felt about a situation like his. He took a few breaths and headed out of the bathroom and went to his car. He almost left the parking lot before he remembered to turn himself back into a man. He went home and strolled in the door. He was about to walk into his room when he heard his mother say, "Bobby, could you come in here for a moment." Bobby walked in and saw his mother shaking her head at him as she sat next to his father. Bobby looked down and saw two packages of photos on the table. At that moment, he remembered what he had forgotten. Bobby's father looked at him and said, "Well, Bobby, can you tell me why when I went to pick up my photos, the store keeper had two sets of photos under the name Robert Henry with the same address. Not knowing which was which, I picked up both of them. The store keeper did not pay it any mind. I figured that I would open them, and then it would become clear which was mine. Then I did, and it became pretty clear son. Who the hell are these two women?" Bobby stared blankly at two of the women he had turned himself into. "I don't know", Bobby said trying to play dumb. "What do you mean you don't know? These photos were taking in this house with your camera." "It could have been at anytime. How do you know I was here?" "Look at the time these photos were taken at? Boy, you lied to me. You were sneaking these girls out. Weren't you?" Bobby's father asked as he pushed himself up next to his son. "And he must have had hid somewhere good, because I doubt they could have came here and left so quickly", his mother added. "Look, it's not that big of a deal." "I didn't raise a cheater!" Bobby's mother shrieked. "I'm not cheating on Amy." "Really, then why did you hide these two bizarrely dressed women from us? Why did you have to lie about it?" "I didn't think you'd understand", Bobby responded. "Understand what? Boy, this one's dressed like a ballerina, and this one looks like Amazonian hooker", Robert Sr. shouted. "Oh, my God, Bobby! Did you bring hookers into my house?" His mother interjected. "No. I swear I didn't." "Then who are they?" "Friends from school." "What type of friend dresses up in costumes for a guy in his house, if they're not sleeping with him, dating him, or being paid by him?" Robert Sr. added. "Good ones", Bobby tried to say convincingly. "Oh, my God. They're hookers", his mother shouted. "Stop it, Loretta. There is probably a better explanation", Robert Sr. said. Bobby looked to his mother and said, "Yes. There is. You see I had this idea?" "I knew it. I knew he had fetish problems since that time I caught him wearing my wedding dress", Loretta screeched. "You did what?" Robert Sr. shouted. "I was five!" Bobby responded to his father's piercing glance. "Go to your room", Robert Sr. shouted. Bobby, more than happily, did what he was told. Bobby sat in his room for a few hours. He was hoping that they would come in and see him, but they did not. He stared at the clock and got ready to go out with his girlfriend. He got dressed and headed out of his room and headed towards the door. His mother starred at him as he said, "I'm going out." "Go to hell", she responded. Bobby put his head down and ran to his car. He drove to Amy's. He walked into her room, and he took off his coat. As Amy started to talk to him, Bobby looked down the hallway to make sure her parents were not around. Despite their age and years together, they still did not let them close the door. "So are you going to try to get a job at Dairy Queen again when the semester ends", Amy asked. "Sure, it's good enough job for the summer, but there's always this transvestite that hangs around there." "Eww?" "What do you mean eww??" "They're so weird looking. There is not a single one of those guys who can pass for a woman." "How do you know that?" "Because I've never seen one who could pass for a woman." "How do you know that some person you thought was a woman was not really a man?" "I guess I don't, but I've still seen some bad ones. They were just prancing around. It was frightening. Be happy with who you are." "But maybe that's who they are?" "Yes, but they feel the need to change who they are?" "Yes, but only the veneer. They're the same inside." "Why the hell are we talking about this?" Amy said. The line of conversation broke and she sat down next to Bobby. She flipped on the TV and rubbed up against him. Bobby missed the jokes and laughed when Amy laughed because he was too consumed with her response to bother to make an effort to watch the show. The response was not what Bobby had hoped for. Now the voice in his head was telling him that he had better be dishonest. He knew that if he voiced the truth about what he had been doing, he would probably lose her forever. But if he continued to do it without telling her, the guilt would consume him and probably wreck the relationship. He even wondered if she could somehow find out and what that would mean. The deceit would certainly end their relationship. Bobby chose the path of least resistance and said not another word on the subject. He kissed her goodnight a few hours later and went home. The next morning, Bobby woke up and headed into the kitchen. His mother was out at church that Sunday morning, so it was only him and his father at home. As Bobby finished eating, Robert Sr. sat down next to him. Bobby braced for the worst, but it was not as bad as he thought it would be. "Bobby, tell me the truth. Did you sleep with those girls?" "No." "Well, boy, that's a shame." "Wait, I thought you were angry about that whole thing?" "That was mostly a show for your mother. I did not really get angry till she mentioned the ?um? clothes thing." "Oh, that." "Yes, let's not talk about that?You're not gay are you?' "No!" "Good, good. Then why didn't you sleep with those girls?" "I love Amy; I couldn't hurt her like that." "Good, good. Um...then she knows about them, right?" "Not exactly." "Boy, I'm only going to tell you this once. Women don't like being lied to. It ruins everything. Don't keep anything from them, because they'll tear you apart for the fun of it if they find out." "What about lying to you?" "I don't like being lied to, but every parent gets lied to by their kids. I lied to my parents. Your kids will lie to you. That's the way it is. By the way you weren't lying about that whole?" "No!" "Good, good. Just so we're on the same page, I was alluding to the women's clothing thing and being gay." "I got it the first time. No." "Good, good", Robert Sr. said as he patted his son on the shoulder as he walked out of the room. Bobby got up and walked into his bedroom. His father's words convinced him that he had to be honest. He figured that it was better to end it then, than after a few more wasted years with another person who could not understand him. He spent the rest of his day trying to figure out the perfect way to tell her. He planned it out in his head. He hoped to keep her shock to a minimum. However, nothing felt right. Bobby knew that there would be no easy way to tell her. Bobby took her out that night. They got dinner at cheap Italian restaurant, and then they went to the movies. After the movie, they headed back to his place. Bobby led her into his room and closed the door. Loretta did not like it when her son did that, but her husband always made sure that she let it slide. Bobby sat Amy on the bed and gave her a bracelet to go along with the earrings he bought her. Amy smiled at the gifts and kissed Bobby. Bobby smiled back. He stood up and opened his dresser draw. Amy stared at him as he pulled out the amulet. Amy smiled at it. As ugly as she thought it was, she still thought that it was another gift. Bobby held in his hand and said, "I have to tell you something?" Amy gave him an anticipatory look. Bobby got the signal and continued, "This is no ordinary amulet. Anyone who holds it can change their appearance with it." Amy was silent. She gave him a look that made him realize that she was not amused. Bobby looked at her and said, "You need proof, don't you?" "Well, I would say so." "Fine", Bobby replied. He held the amulet and promptly grew over a foot in height. Amy shuffled her body across the bed until her back was against the wall. Bobby smiled and said, "What do you think now?" "That you must have slipped me something. I've totally lost it", she said in a shaky voice. "You're fine. It's just a little transformation. See", Bobby said as his arm muscles grew and then contracted back to their normal size. "How did you get that thing?" "I bought it." "Why?" She asked with a tremble. "Well, I wanted to see if it worked. If it didn't, I was going to give to my cousin as a birthday gift. She would have loved it." "What have you done with it?" She asked as her initial shock started to subside. Bobby stood silently for a second. He had two choices. He could start to lie again and risk getting caught, or he could be honest and risk being dumped. Having dealt with the former already, he chose to be honest. He took a deep breath and told her what he had done. He told her about every physical transformation, the time he saw her when he appeared to be a bimbo, and his time as a stripper. After he finished telling her, she remained silent for a few minutes. A look of astonishment sat her face until it was replaced by a look of disgust. She seemed to be ready to storm out in a rage at one point, but that expression ran away from her face as quickly as it came. Bobby silently waited for a word from her lips. Finally, she said calmly, "I'm not happy about this. I don't know what you want me to say. I don't know. This isn't right. Why would you do all that? Are you gay?" "Look, I'm not gay. It was fun. I enjoyed it, and I did it for you. I bought you that bracelet with the money I made doing it." Amy's fingers ran along her bracelet. She stared at him and said, "You didn't do this for me. Don't say that to me. You did it for yourself. Don't try to be a martyr!" Bobby noticed that she had become angrier after he told her that he did it for her, so he tried to minimize that statement by saying, "You're right. I did it for me." "Why?" "I already told you why." "Why would a straight guy want to look like a woman?" She asked as her voice started to shake again. "I enjoyed it." "That's not good enough. What if I found killing people to be fun? Would that be okay?" "Well, that's different! I'm not hurting anybody." "I can't do this!" She shouted as she threw up her hands. She pulled her cell phone out of her pocketbook and started to dial it. "Don't do this", Bobby said to make her pause. "I can't do this! I can't." "Just give it a try." "No! You can either give up that thing, or I'm out. That's it." "That's the way it is? We've been together for two years, and now you're making me choose between you and something that doesn't affect us when we're together or affect you?" "Yes!" Bobby stared back at her with the amulet still in his hands. He failed to say a word. Amy sneered before she said, "That's what I thought." Bobby watched her as she stormed out of his room and left the house. Bobby wiped a tear from his eye as he thought, 'Better now, than later.' Robert Sr. walked into Bobby's room and stared at his downtrodden son. He sat next to him on the bed and asked, "What went wrong, boy?" "The truth."

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A WellLived Life Book 7 Kara IIChapter 21 He Will Tell Thee What Thou Shalt Do

July 1982, Milford, Ohio On Tuesday morning, I kissed Kara goodbye and headed to my parents’ house for my usual morning routine with my little sister. She was happy that I could spend the morning with her and asked to take a walk, so we weren’t in the house with my mom. “Let me guess — this walk will end in the clearing,” I said with a smile. “Yes,” she said, taking my hand as we walked down Overlook towards Klondyke. As usual, we turned around and walked back, taking the path to the...

4 years ago
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Thursday night solo fun

I was busy poking around the site watch this and that. I looked at the clock and noticed I had been at it for over 2 hours sitting in my chair and playing with my cunt. I had not really cum yet just worked my pussy and clit staying on the edge. I have not spent this much time watching porn in a long time. Then to my surprise I came across this clip were girls were all squirting into one girls mouth over and over. Now I am a squirter myself but usually only when I am with someone, guess my...

3 years ago
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Queen of Hearts

(Romance) An office romance is dealt an important hand by love.* * * * * * *Thursday's temperatures wavered between cool and warm. I waited impatiently for the finale of a sudden downpour before opening the window near my desk, to coax the outside in, to cleanse the stuffy office air, to linger near for the cool, damp breeze to finger my warm, dry face. April's weather was not on my list of favorites since the renewing season and I parted company last year. But that changed today—the long...

2 years ago
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Vanilla Frosting

That night she took me to our bedroom wearing nothing but her engagement ring. Her smooth cocoa skin and hardened dark chocolate nipples caressed my skin as we professed our love for one another. After making love for over an hour I teased her about how she didn’t even need any dick tonight after she came so many times from the foreplay. We laid there nude enjoying the cool breeze from the ceiling fan as my hand rested on her glistening body. She began to squeeze my now deflated manhood and...

4 years ago
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Meri Pyari Nanad Ka Pyar

Hello dosto. Mera naam Maahi hai. Aur mai 31 saal ki separated lady hu. Mera ek 5 sal ka beta hai Vivek. Mere husband se kabhi mujhe pyar nhi mila. Humesha ladte jhagadte the mar peet krte the. Sex bhi janvaro ki tarah krte the jisme mujhe sirf dard hota tha bilkul bhi maja nahi aata tha. Meri Nanad, Arpita hi sasural me aisi thi jo mujhe pyar karti thi. Wo 19 saal ki ekdam hot figure wali ladki thi. Mujhe use dekhke pata nhi kyu aisa lagta tha jaise uski najre mujhse kuch chahti hai. Bar bar...

1 year ago
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Double TimeChapter 56

“Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional.” —Haruki Murakami, What I Talk About When I Talk About Running 18 AUGUST 2019 What a weird day. All my girlfriends had their own quirky little needs. There was Joan eating Rachel to an orgasm while the two lay on my lap. Then Brittany using my finger to trace her nipple and down between her legs, then suggesting that the two of us should do her aunt this winter. And my surprising little Beca who just crawled into my lap and went to sleep...

3 years ago
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My Auntie Melanie

Me and my uncle Peter just laid there for a while. perfectly content in each other's arms. we reveled in the satisfaction behind what we had just done. I started to wonder when the 'next time' he mentioned would be when he got up. dragging his finger through the cum on his stomach, he put that finger into his mouth and started eating the cum off of his chest. I stopped him and said "Ill do that for you". He smiled, clearly amused. I licked off every drop of come, taking my time and smelling the...

2 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 132 Dirty Mother Nature

Even though I don’t remember doing it, I sure did a great job making myself look like I survived a tornado by lying in the lowest place I could find in a pinch. My goggles popped up a message that 911 had already been called and there were lots of emergency responders heading this way. No one was killed thanks to me getting the family behind Trudy’s house into their bomb shelter. In fact, I was the only one with even minor injuries. The family behind Trudy didn’t even yet know that all they...

3 years ago
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Wenchs Fitting

Wench's Fitting Love and I woke up early in the hotel room. We had gotten into Baltimorelate the night before. I was nervous, knowing full well why we came here. Love had me get dressed in my vanilla enough leather outfit – leatherpants and leather jacket go well with Love's motorcycle. We got on, with himin front of course, and he handed me my helmet. I saw that he covered the insideof the face shield with pictures – the center one had me naked exceptfor a blindfold, and tied to the bed....

2 years ago
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MMB The Great Estate Robbery

"OH MY GOD IT'S GOING IN ME PAUL!" Ashley said as my cock touched the mouth of her wet pussy. Prelude Herbert H. Williams III had died. People die all the time. There's nothing unusual about it. After all, he was seventy-eight years old. He had lived a full life. It happens to everyone sooner or later. They're born; they live; they die; they are mourned and eventually, in time, they are forgotten. But Herbert H. Williams III was unique, not because he had been quite wealthy. No, he was...

2 years ago
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Babysitting Amanda 1 and 2 edited

Note: This is a re-write of Babysitting Amanda 1 and 2. I cannot plagiarize my own stories so do not accuse me of such. As usual, do not waste time with accusations and insults against me. Finally, some ages and details have been changed from the original stories. If you have not read my stories before, make sure you read My Cousin Tom 1 and 2. Characters: Jake- 16 Amanda-14 Becky- 7 Jane- 30 Let me introduce myself. My name Jake and I am 16 years old. I was your classic horny teenage guy. My...

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