Jack Bell: ReduxChapter 2 free porn video

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Mariah Cookson strode to the phone and quickly punched in a long distance number.

"Hello, Frank. This is..."

"Hey Marge, how are things going? Got the sucker corralled yet?" "

"Damn it, Frank. Mariah, Mariah, NOT Marge. Why can't you get that into that thick skull of yours. You have to call me Mariah," she hissed.

"Ok, Ok, Ok, Mariah. I'll remember, don't get your tits in an uproar." Frank complained. "Anyway, how's it going out there?"

Mariah calmed down, "Nicely, Frank, and things are moving better than I had anticipated. Guess what? We're flying into Philly. He has some business with his old firm and I'm going with him. I insisted on separate rooms, I don't want to crowd him or get him suspicious. I'll introduce him to you as my business associate and potential investor. We'll discuss it in more detail when I see you, but I think we can put the bite on him for about a quarter of a million at least. "

Frank Kemp laughed into the phone. "Jeez,, you are something. I thought it would take at least another month or two. You must have this guy eating out of your hand. Ok, you're coming in, what do you want me to do?"

Mariah thought for a moment, "Ok, Frank. Let's run it like we did last time. Get hold of a half way decent public relations firm and let's get started slipping items into the local papers. You know, little hints about a really exclusive boutique opening up in center city. Let's get those main line matrons' juices flowing a little. They're always looking for new things."

Frank interrupted, "Hey, I think I've got the firm for us. They're right in town and not far from my office. They're a marketing outfit and they have a fairly decent PR division. I'll call and make an appointment."

"Ok, Frank. You take care of that end. I'm going to have my hands full with Jack. I'll call you when we get into town."

Frank Kemp walked confidently into Carl Rollins office and introduced himself. "Thanks for seeing me on such short notice, Mr. Rollins. You have my card and you can see that I'm a CPA with offices not far from here."

Carl Rollins looked Frank Kemp over. He saw a tall, good looking guy in his 40s he would guess. He noticed a certain coarseness in him, but decided to listen to his spiel.

"Have a seat, Mr. Kemp. Tell me what I can do for you."

"Here's the deal, Carl. It's ok to call you Carl?"

Rollins nodded his head, but cringed a bit inside. "Oh boy, what a schmuck" he thought.

"Ok, Carl. I represent a group of investors who will probably be opening up a really exclusive and expensive woman's boutique here in town. I don't really want to get too much information out there right now, but I do want to tickle the ears of our potential clientele You know what I mean? A few tidbits in a few papers just hinting at something new coming. I know that this is small peanuts now, but it will get much bigger later on. Now, can you take care of my needs?"

Rollins breathed a sigh of relief. This will be easy and he thanked the gods that he wouldn't have to deal with this creep.

"Know just what you're talking about, Frank. We have an excellent PR section and I know just the person who can help you. She is stylish and smart and would be perfect to begin a program such as you've outlined. In fact, you're in luck, Karen just completed a successful campaign for a group of high end shoe stores. She would be perfect for this. Let's see what her schedule is and we can call you and set up a time so that the two of you can meet to discuss your needs."

Jack and Mariah settled themselves in their seats in the first class cabin of the large jet. Mariah insisted upon the aisle seat; it would be easier for her to use the ladies's room. Jack nodded and shrugged. They were taking an early morning flight out of LAX and he hoped that he would be able to get some shut eye during the flight. Plus, he wanted to mull over the information he received from Hank the evening before. His thoughts went back to that telephone conversation.

"Jack, I don't have a lot yet, but what I do have is rather interesting. Ok, just sit back and listen. First of all her name isn't Mariah." Hank chuckled, "How about that, what a moniker. Her real name is Margaret Schuller and she was born in South Philly. She's been married three times, the last to an attorney in Philly by the name of Jerry Cookson. It seems that he was a widower and, I'm guessing, she got him when he was vulnerable,. Anyway, that union lasted only about 2 years before he filed for divorce. She managed to get a chunk of cash from him and it appears that that's what she used to open her shop here on the coast. I'm going to keep digging and when I get more I'll call you in Philly."

The information that Hank Simmons managed to collect in a short time didn't shock Jack. It only reinforced what he suspected all along. Still, it would be interesting to see how she would proceed with her plan.

"Shit," he thought. "I really must be getting bored with my life. I should just tell her to take a flying leap. Why do I continue to play with her? Maybe it's just curiosity, just to see how she plays this out. Well, I can always burn her ass. The further she takes this, the harder her fall will be." Jack shook his head, wondering why people play the games that they do.

Mariah snuggled into his shoulder and bubbled about her plans for the new boutique, not noticing the contempt on Jack's face. She suggested that they have dinner in the hotel's dining room, and, perhaps, they could have a nice bottle of white wine sent to his suite. Her attempt at coyness was not too successful.

Sara Cookson stood before the large wall of plate glass and gazed at the blazing lights of the city beneath her. The apartment that she and Jerry bought still left her breathless with its spacious size and luxurious appointments. In fact, the past year was a breathless one, filled with major events.

She had finally decided to divorce Jim Belsen, the marriage had been faltering for some time, she had realized. Then meeting Jerry as she had and the whirlwind courtship. More than once her cautious nature attempted to reassert itself, but the love and attraction that she felt for this man seemed to overwhelm her senses. Fortunately, Jerry had proved to be a compassionate, kind and thoughtful lover. She knew then, as she knew now, that agreeing to marry him was one of the wisest decisions she had ever made.

"Sara, I'm home," he bellowed boisterously as he closed the door behind him. Taking her in his arms he kissed her tenderly. "It seems that I just can't wait to leave the office to get home now, knowing that you're here waiting for me. Thank you for loving me, Mrs. Cookson."

Sara smiled, looking up at him affectionately. "You're welcome, Mr. Cookson. Let's just thank each other and consider ourselves very lucky."

"I'll drink to that, and speaking of drinking, let's not forget that we have reservations at the Rittenhouse for dinner,. Let me wash up a bit, and then we can leave." he said as he headed for the bedroom.

It wasn't too much later that evening that Sara and Jerry were ensconced in an intimate booth in the lounge of the hotel, mixed drinks in front of them. Jerry was in an expansive mood and was regaling Sara with the latest legal gossip going around town.

In an instant, his demeanor changed. Sara saw him pale and his face tightened and eyes narrowed. Sara become instantly concerned and placed her hand on his.

"Son-of-a-bitch," he muttered. "Godamnit, she's like a nightmare that won't go away." He returned Sara's grip and squeezed gently. "I'm sorry that I startled you, honey. It seems that my ex-wife just walked in the door. She's standing by the entrance to the dining room with some guy."

Sara followed his gaze and gasped. She did not recognize Mariah, but she did recognize Jack Bell. She knew the entire story of Mariah and Jerry's experience with this woman. She recognized her as a predator and immediately worried why Jack Bell would be with this type of woman. Jack was no fool, why would he take up with someone like her?

Sara made up her mind quickly. "Jerry, that's Jack Bell with your ex. You remember him. We're obviously not going to be dining here tonight, but before we leave I have to find out if he's staying here at the hotel. I thought that he had moved out of town. I think that we have to have a conversation with him and soon."

"What do you intend to do," queried Jerry anxiously.

"Just wait for me outside, don't let her see you. I promise that I won't be long," she reassured him.

Not waiting for him to comply, Sara strode across the lobby and into the dining room. She quickly located the couple and approached them.

"Hello Jack, it's been awhile. How have you been?" asked Sara.

Jack looked up, startled, and then smiled broadly. "Sara, it's so nice to see you." Remembering his manners, he turned and introduced her to Mariah. "Sara, this is Mariah Cookson, Mariah, Sara is an old friend that I haven't seen in quite awhile.

Sara looked her over cooly and noticed the woman's eyes narrow. They seemed to understand each other, and they acknowledged the introduction.

Sara then turned to Jack, "Is this just a visit, Jack, or are you thinking of moving back?"

"No, no. Just a brief visit, "Jack said hurriedly. "I have a suite here at the hotel until my business is over, and then I will probably be headed back to the coast."

Sara heard enough. "Well, it was nice seeing you again, Jack. Take care of yourself," and then without glancing at Mariah, she turned and walked out of the room. Moving through the front entrance, she saw Jerry waiting a few steps away. He moved toward her.

"Sara, what the hell..." but was interrupted by Sara's fingers against his lips.

"Shhhh Jerry. I found out that Jack is staying at the hotel. We will call him later and arrange a meeting. He must be told about her. I would feel terrible if she got her claws into him."

Jack leaned against the inside of the door of his suite and breathed a sigh of relief. He had feigned an upset stomach and was able to make it an early evening, telling Mariah he would see her in the morning. She was very anxious for him to meet her "investor."

The phone shrilled and Jack was surprised to hear that it was Sara. "Sara, this is a surprise. I..."

"Jack, Jerry and I really need to come up and speak with you. I know it's late, but I wouldn't ask if it wasn't important. It won't take long, Jack."

Jack hesitated only briefly. "Sure Sara, come on up," and he gave her his suite number.

Five minutes later Sara and Jerry knocked on the door and were admitted. After the usual hellos, etc. they made themselves comfortable and Sara began.

"Jack, I hope that you don't get upset with us, but I think the best way to start this conversation is for Jerry to tell you his story about his ex-wife. "

Jerry cleared his throat and then spent the next 15 minutes giving Jack a fairly descriptive run-down about Mariah, from her blatant adultery to her attempted scam of a couple of his close friends, including her attempt to involve him in the con. He informed Jack that she was lucky that felony charges were not brought against her. He then explained that the reason that this story is being told to him is that the woman he was having dinner with was in fact, his ex-wife.

Sara looked at Jack anxiously, expecting some kind of emotional reaction. She did not expect that he would just nod and smile warmly at her.

"Jerry, Sara," began Jack. "I really do appreciate your concern about my welfare and your warning about the possible danger facing me. I do have to tell you that I'm quite aware of your ex-wife's motives and expect to see to it that she is going to be very sorry that she ever met me. I suspected that she has a scam going which includes conning me out of a significant chunk of cash. She will be shocked to discover that I'm not the patsy she thinks I am."

Sara and Jerry breathed a collective sigh of relief. Jack chucked a bit and then arose and poured them glasses of a good red wine.

"I hope that the two of you don't have to run. It's nice seeing you again and, Sara, I'll tell you again how happy I am how things turned out for you." Jack turned to Jerry, "Jerry, you do realize what an angel you have here."

Jerry smiled proudly and replied, "Jack, that's something of which I am very much aware and I intend to spend the rest of my life making her happy."

Sara blushed and murmured, "Ok, that's enough of that. You're embarrassing me." Turning to Jack, she hesitated and then said, "Jack, are you going to see Karen while you're in town? I don't mean to open old wounds, but I still feel so terrible about what happened."

Jack turned to her stunned. "You feel terrible??? I should imagine that you would understand why I did what I did, Sara. That little "incident" led to your divorce also."

"No, Jack," Sara explained. "That so called incident was just one of many that occurred during my marriage. That was just the proverbial straw that broke the camel's back, so to speak. There was little love left by that time. Karen's action was foolish, but should not have negated so many years of loyalty and faithfulness. I know that Karen loves you desperately and I suspect that you really still love her. I think that you acted hastily, Jack. Please forgive me for being so blunt, but I think that the action that you took just destroyed your happiness as well as Karen's"

Jack sat there, totally dumbfounded. How dare she presume to criticize him, especially since she did exactly what he had done by divorcing her cheating spouse.

Sara recognized the turmoil that she had created and wondered if she was wise in speaking her mind. She had thought over earlier what she had wanted to say to Jack and, despite Jack's potential anger, decided that Jack needed to hear her opinion, if he had not indeed heard it from someone else.

Not wanting to prolong the tension, she added quickly, "Jack, I'm truly sorry if I have upset you, but at least give some thought, to what I said, and now I think that we had better be on our way. This has been a very trying evening for everyone."

Jack gathered himself together and again thanked them for being concerned for his welfare and saw them out.

"Jesus, Sara," Jack said softly as they waited for the elevator. "You really laid that on him. I'm not too sure he wanted to hear that."

"I know, Jerry. But I really think that he needed to hear it. At least he will be giving what I said to him a lot of thought," Sara said pensively.

At about the same time that Jack was entertaining the Cooksons, Mariah was in her room speaking with Frank Kemp.

Frank was chuckling, "Damn, Marg... uhhh Mariah. I really thought that you would be with Bell, with his head between your thighs by this time tonight."

"The poor sucker had a tummy ache, Frank. I sent him to his room to rest up for our meeting tomorrow. I informed him that he would be meeting my interested co-investor. Now, tell me what you've been up to. We've got to get our shit together."

Frank smiled confidently. "We're moving right along, Mariah. I had a preliminary interview with this broad from the PR place I told you about. Her name is Karen Palmer, and let me tell you, she's looker. Stacked in all the right places," he leered suggestively.

Mariah's eyes narrowed and she almost slapped the smirk off of his face. "You stupid prick," she hissed. "You never learn. Keep your damn cock in your pants and stick to business. Are you forgetting that you almost got busted for rape the last time you lost control over some pussy? It's a good thing we got out of town alive."

Frank waved his hands defensively, "Ok, ok, I'm not going to get in her pants. It's a bonus that I get to work with a MILF. Maybe when this is over, I'll then sample what she's got."

"When this is over," Mariah snapped, "we'll be out of the country. Let them look for us, we'll be long gone. Now get on your back." She then kneeled over his head and slowly lowered her moist pussy onto his mouth.

Jack woke groggily, listening to the incessant ring of the telephone. He had not slept well, his thoughts running rampant over Sara's remarks the evening before. His doubts about his precipitous divorce were becoming more frequent and Sara only voiced what he had been feeling for some time. He looked at the clock as he picked up the phone and saw that it was already 8:00 a.m

"Hello," he muttered hoarsely.

"Jack, wake the fuck up. I've got a ton of crap to lay on you," boomed Hank Simmons.

"Shit," Jack said as he sat up. "It's 5:00 a.m. there. What's so goddamn important to get you up so early."

""Up?" exclaimed Hank. " I haven't even been to bed yet. Now just shut up and listen. Peg and I had a couple of interesting visitors late last night. By interesting, I mean a couple of agents from the Treasury Dept. Now let me fill you in. My inquiries concerning Mariah Cookson provoked some interest by this group. They asked what my interest was and I, of course, explained fully our intent. They then asked if they could enlist our assistance and after listening to them I promised that we will do whatever we could to aid their investigation."

"What the fuck are you talking about, Hank? What investigation, what's going on?," an exasperated Jack asked.

"Just listen, Jack. This won't take long. It seems that the Treasury Department has had it's eye on our friend, Mariah Cookson, for some time. They first of all discovered that she was collecting federal withholding tax from her employees, but somehow was forgetting to forward the money. Seems that she was just pocketing it. Also, she's been bleeding her business dry. Debts not being paid, etc. She's been stashing away every penny she gets her hands on. It looks like she's planning a quick getaway soon. Further investigation into her background brought to light a few other questionable activities, especially a couple in Philly. Look, they told me that a couple of agents would visit you this morning some time and ask for your assistance. I told them that you would be more than anxious to help. I'm right, no?"

Jack sat there with his mouth open. It looked like his concern about how to handle Mariah was just answered. "Absolutely right, Hank. I hope that they get here soon. I can't wait to hear how I can help snare her - jeez, what a bitch."

"Good Jack, I was sure that would be your reaction. By the way, Peggy is just beside herself. She feels terrible that she helped this broad set you up."

Jack chuckled, "Tell your wife that she owes me another juicy one and then I'll forgive her. Seriously, I'll reassure her myself when I get back."

Ending the conversation, Jack took care of his morning routine and waited for a knock on the door, which he was sure would come before too long.

As he had anticipated, it wasn't too long indeed before two agents from the Treasury visited. With them was a plainclothes Lt. from the local bunco squad. After introducing themselves they basically repeated the information that Hank had given him.

"All we need from you, Mr. Bell, is corroborating testimony concerning your conversations with Ms. Cookson and details of her proposal concerning this "business" venture," explained the shorter of the agents.

The other then indicated that Jack would be wearing a wire when he met with Mariah and Frank Kemp, her "investor."

Same as Jack Bell: Redux
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Bellaire BellesChapter 15

The entire evening was about sex. Everyone in the house was having it in some form or another. Only Bree and I kept away from the main orgy going on downstairs. The only reason we knew that it was continuing was the screams and groans of passion that filled the house, and likely the neighborhood as well. Bree and I spent time together just getting to know each other's bodies. I wasn't ready to take her virginity just yet, but she was more than willing. We fell asleep in one another's arms...

1 year ago
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Bellaire BellesChapter 16

I was stunned at Ashley's sudden outpouring of emotion. She now lay on my chest, a quivering, sobbing wreck. I was at a loss for words. I didn't know what to say. I loved Ashley with all my heart. In fact I could honestly say of the three women who captured my heart that she was the one that had the biggest piece. The question was could I leave Sarah? Could I leave Bree? I brushed my hand through her silky red curls, trying to comfort her as best I could. She turned and looked at me and...

3 years ago
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Bellaire BellesChapter 17

"Mr. Hamilton?" called a distant voice in the darkness. "I think he's regaining consciousness." I opened my eyes a little, the light blinding them shut again. "Mr. Hamilton?" I opened my eyes a little bit again and looked up and saw bright fluorescent lights and white everywhere else. I looked for the man calling my name and saw that the voice belonged to a giant blur hovering over me. "He's awake," said the man. "Oh my God!" cried a woman in the background. "Thank God!"...

3 years ago
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Bellaire BellesChapter 18

A very naked Grace answered her door and looked at me like I was crazy. "How in the hell did you get over here?" asked Grace, worry washing over her face. "Ashley walked me over and then left. I need to talk to you alone where I know no one else is going to walk in on our conversation." "OK sweetie," said Grace, visibly relaxed. "I'm gonna have to send Patrick away though." "I can come back at another time," I said, blushing. Grace shook her head. "No, it sounds like this is...

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Bellaire BellesChapter 19

The next week passed with quite a bit of awkwardness. Ashley and I still stayed at Sarah's house at her insistence but we ended up spending as much time away from the others as possible. The only people we actively socialized with were Grace and Patrick. I was going to really miss Patrick when the two of us went back to our respective schools. He and I had gotten really close since our trip down to Sarasota. Being with Grace had changed him for the better. He was less nerdy, more friendly...

4 years ago
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Bellaire BellesChapter 20

Ashley's eyes widened. "Oh my God," she whispered. Tears were running down her cheeks. I pulled a small box out of my pocket and opened it. I dropped to one knee and presented her the box. "Ashley, would you do me the greatest honor of my life and join me in marriage?" I pulled the ring out of the box and started putting it on her finger as tears streamed down her face. She started nodding furiously. "Yes! Yes! Yes, I will marry you!" cried Ashley. She looked at the ring on her...

3 years ago
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Jacki Comes Through

A few days before my guy and his son were going to a Celtic’s game, I put it out there that I really needed some attention. It had been a boring spring for me and… well, I was really horny. I had been bothering Jacki (of Jacki and Ryan) for months to get me into a group they belong to where they have gang bangs. I know my husband would not allow it but, anyway, I’ve done some small groups — it’s just that they weren’t real gang bangs like you see in porn movies. It’s long been a fantasy of mine...

1 year ago
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Jacks Submission

Jack?s SubmissionBy Master IncChapter One(How It Started)Melody lay quietly on her bed.  She was nude and in a very relaxed state.  Buried between her legs was Jack's head.  He had been gently kissing and licking her cunt for the last thirty minutes.  Melody had experienced at least three strong climaxes during this time and was now basking in the afterglow.  As Melody looked down on Jack and the difficult position she had tied him in while he pleasured her, she thought back to how Jack came...

4 years ago
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Jacki and Michelle Chapter 2

Chapter 2 The following week past in a dazed whirl for John. He couldn't pay attention in class, a fact very obvious to his teachers who rewarded his inattention with several after school detentions. John's mother, surprised at the change in her son's behaviour, questioned him a number of times during the week, to no avail. Nothing was important for him, nothing except the coming weekend and a chance to spend more exciting times with Michael and the nasty, exciting porn...

4 years ago
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Jacks Christmas Present Part 2 New Years Ev

Jack's Christmas Present Part 2: New Years Eve Party(i****t - whole family, les, oral, teen, anal, group (MFmmf / (MFFmmff), double/triple pen) It had been a week since a very memorable Christmas for f******n year old Jack. Tall and slim, Jack had been putting his nine-inch cock to good use since Christmas morning. Instead of masturbating constantly like he'd done for the previous two years he'd been fucking his mum and two sisters.His mother, Virginia, was a beautiful blonde who was divorced...

2 years ago
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Jack and Jill

JACK AND JILL By Tammy Richards SYNOPSIS: When Jack's neighbor discovers his feminine alter ego Jill, it's the worst day of his life. But sometimes bad beginnings have happy endings. ------------------- Jack Williams rolled over and hit the snooze button on his alarm clock. It was 6 AM on Saturday morning. He lay in bed planning out his day. Saturday was Jack's favorite day of the week. From Monday through Friday he was the...

3 years ago
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Jack In The Box Ch 6

The four of them rode up the elevator. Jack had his arm around both girls and took turns kissing Kit and Sylvia while Logan looked on a little crestfallen. "Don't worry, Logan; you'll get your chance later," Kit said to him. Logan hoped she meant with the girls, but the look in her eyes made him uncertain, especially when Jack winked at him.As soon as the elevator stopped, Jack led them down the hallway towards Kit's room. Lana suddenly popped out of a room, and Jack could tell by her hair and...

4 years ago
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Jack In The Box Ch 3

Kit desperately wanted to hold Jack's hand as they walked down the hotel hallway to his room. Her student walked slightly in front of her, and she truly felt naked in his wake. The cover-up she wore over the tiny white bikini was see-through, and all it did was emphasize her near-nakedness. When they arrived at his room, she followed Jack in like a good little sub.     Neither of them expected what greeted them. Logan and Sylvia were naked on the bed, her mouth greedily sucking on his cock....

3 years ago
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jack and amnada 2

Introduction: this is the 2nd part to my story i hope u like it. oh and it is incest so dont read it if your not into it you should know there will be incest in this story so if u dont like it then done read it. this is the 2nd one to the story so you should read the first one Jack decided to head home because it was getting late and he didnt want his mom to freak out although his head was anything but clear. Amanda was on IM talking with her friend So what did he say when you made your...

4 years ago
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Jack In The Box Ch 2 Checking In

The hotel lobby overflowed with teenage athletes from all the competing schools. Coach Moore struggled to keep her noisy boys and girls in one group as Coach Buchanan checked everyone in at the front desk.Jack admired his coach's sexy ass for several minutes before sneaking up behind her. "Did you like the show on the bus, Sylvia loves to suck my cock, and I know you wanted it to be you."The sudden voice and soft breath on her ear surprised her. Staring into Jack's piercing eyes, she lost...

3 years ago
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Jack In The Box Ch 4

Kit woke early and admired Jack's naked athletic body as he slept soundly in her bed. Last night, while Logan and Sylvia were having sex, they quietly snuck off.She and Jack talked late into the night and discussed her desire for rough sex. It wasn't a pretty story, and she was lucky to have survived the ordeal that marked her psyche for life. Then, Jack shared his personal turmoil, and the two of them hugged and kissed after their revelations.The night ended with them having mutual oral sex,...

2 years ago
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Jacks Big Life Chapter 9

Hello Jenny ClarkJack was forced to take a break from seeing Charlie and H10 ... due to a couple of business trips. A 4-day trip to Los Angeles ... followed by a 5-day trip to Las Vegas. By the time he got back home ... Jack had no energy for either. Jack was never one to turn down a chance at care-free sex ... but he was human, despite the claims of some women! He let a few week go by ... intentionally staying away from H10 ... taking a break from the high-paced expectations! He felt he owed...

3 years ago
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Jack Be Nimble Jack Be Quick Jack The Neighbors B

My downward spiral into a submissive bottom slut started late in life. I'm still very much in the closet and outwardly I appear as the perfect suburban husband, father, employee and neighbor. I love my wife and family but I recently found a new hobby that I crave with a passion; I can't get enough of my neighbor's big hard cock. It all started innocently enough. I'm an economics professor at UC Santa Cruz and my office is in one of the older buildings on campus. The basement of my building has...

2 years ago
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Jacks Big Life Chapter 6

Jack took a deep breath.He was very happy. A chance meeting with Charlie had left him physically drained - and sexually satisified! Recollections of watching his cock being pumped between her giant tits made him smile. It seemed as if his "dry spell" was finally over. The following day, he took off for Made Man - a "members only" gym afforded to him by Forbes. As he worked out with Jason Green, a friend he met there, his life took another positive turn. Like Jack, Jason was single - and led a...

4 years ago
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Jack Meets With HR

He’d been at the company for two years but his six-monthly reviews were carried out by his line manager, Lucy Bishop. Today though, he had been called to an HR meeting with the HR manager, Sarah Lawson.Jack was thirty-one-years-old and a well thought of highflyer in the company. His sales record was superb and he was quite often seen as the go to person when more junior staff needed help.Lucy Bishop was forty-two-years-old and Jack liked reporting to her because she had a haughty manner and a,...

2 years ago
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Jack of All Trades

Jack of All Trade by EmileDon't read this if you are underage.  This is fantasy, stick to consensual sex._____Jack Harper reclined on the white silk sheets, his bronzed torso rippling beneath the halogen lights. On both his solid pecs, his large dark nipples stood erect in the breeze that wafted through the photographic studio, matching his bulging dicklump in the tight black speedos, that jutted forward from over his large balls thanks to the hidden thick chrome cockring. He raised one arm up...

3 years ago
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Jacks Christmas Present

Jack's Christmas Present(i****t - mother/son, mother/daughters, brother/sister, sisters, lesbian, oral, anal, first, teen, group (FFfm)) IntroChristmas time in the first few years since Virginia's divorce had been fairly difficult. Her husband had ran off with a younger woman leaving Virginia to raise their three c***dren. That had been in 1992. It was now 2002 and Virginia had managed to fully get over the absence of her other half. She barely thought about him now.When her husband had gone...

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Jack Redman

CHAPTER 1 Six years on from college graduation, Lana, Chloe, Jo and Addison met for their weekly Friday lunch at the Palm Court Café in the heart of the gallery of Palm Court Mall. From such a strategic location they could let fly waspish asides on unfashionably dressed women, wave to people they knew and rev up their hormones by watching, minds racing, the occasional credible hunk passing by and checking out their tits. Jo Lund had been last to arrive, her face an excited pink. ‘Babes do I...

2 years ago
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Jack in the Cast

The light knocking on the door caused Jack Benson to take a deep breath, grit his teeth, and finally call out. "Yeah, who's there?" From behind the closed bedroom door came the low voice of Kathy Collett, "Jack, it's Kathy. Can I come in?" Sighing loudly, Jack answered, "Ah yeah, I guess. Come on in Kathy." "I brought you a present for Valentine's Day," she began as she swung the door open and waltzed into the room carrying a wrapped box, a bouquet of flowers, and a card. When her eyes came to...

Oral Sex
3 years ago
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Jack in the Cast

The light knocking on the door caused Jack Benson to take a deep breath, grit his teeth, and finally call out. “Yeah, who’s there?” From behind the closed bedroom door came the low voice of Kathy Collett, “Jack, it’s Kathy. Can I come in?” Sighing loudly Jack answered “Ah yeah, I guess. Come on in Kathy.” “I brought you a present for Valentine’s Day.” She began as she swung the door open and waltzed into the room carrying a wrapped box, a bouquet of flowers and a card. When her...

1 year ago
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Jack in the Cast

The light knocking on the door caused Jack Benson to take a deep breath, grit his teeth, and finally call out, “Yeah, who’s there?”From behind the closed bedroom door came the low voice of Kathy Collett, “Jack, it’s Kathy. Can I come in?”Sighing loudly Jack answered, “Ah yeah, I guess. Come on in Kathy.”“I brought you a present for Valentine’s Day,” She began as she swung the door open and waltzed into the room carrying a wrapped box, a bouquet of flowers and a card. When her eyes came to rest...

2 years ago
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Jack No More

It was hopeless. Utterly, utterly hopeless. Jack was stuck tight, and there wasnothing he could do about it. Traffic had him pinned in, and he was going tobe late for his conference call. Five minutes from his apartment, he glaredat the light, willing it to turn green. Finally it did, and he sped quicklydown the street to his home. Barreling up the stairs, he began undoing his tie, and fiddling with his keys.As he made it to his door, he could hear the phone start ringing. Shit!I hope that's...

3 years ago
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Jack and JillChapter 2

Jack said nothing, but just stared at Jill's torso, covered with his cum. Jill blushed deeply at the intensity of Jack's gaze, but made no attempt at covering herself. Finally standing up, Jack reached down and untied the ropes around Jill's ankles. Reaching down, Jack took Jill's hand and helped her stand up. When Jill stood up, Jack knelt in front of her. When Jack reached to the button of her jeans, Jill said nothing, but bit her lip in expectation of what was about to happen. Jack...

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Belle and Troop A

Belle and Troop A- Sam DarquesiedI reveled in the beauty of that bright, warm, glorious day. It had been a hard final year and I had promised myself that the day after my final paper I would head for the woodlands. I have always loved solitary deep woods hiking but that year simply left no time for anything other than study. I was twenty five years old with a newly acquired degree in biology and a couple of solid employment prospects. I had worked hard so I deserved to take some time for...

2 years ago
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Jack and DeniseChapter 25

Getting Jack to go to see Jill at work turned out to be a whole lot easier than Denise expected. When she'd gotten home after lunch with Jill, Denise had unconsciously tossed the coupons on her desk, next to her computer monitor before she called Staci. Over the next couple of days she looked at them often, but failed to move them. By Friday, she had managed to bury them under her Computer Organization homework and forgot where they were. She was quietly studying when she heard a knock at...

2 years ago
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The Prince and the Bell Boy

Far north of England, high on top of a hill stood a grand gold palace where a king and queen lived with their only son, twenty year old Charlie. Prince Charlie. He was spoilt rotten and got everything he wanted and when he wanted it. One bright sunny day, Prince Charlie came down to the dining room for afternoon tea and noticed a strikingly handsome young bell boy in a red suit outside the front entrance of the palace struggling with suitcases through the window. He went to the front door and...

Gay Male
4 years ago
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Jack and DeniseChapter 3

Jack was running late. He had stopped to speak to his Algorithms professor regarding his last assignment, and after checking his watch to be sure he had time, paused in the student union's game room to get a soda. As his coke came out of the machine, he heard the bells ringing at the nearby St. Bartholomew's Cathedral, 4 o'clock. Looking down at his watch, which still read 3:45 pm, Jack realized that the battery must have died. Grabbing his can and stuffing it in his bag, Jack sprinted...

3 years ago
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Jack and DeniseChapter 11

Jack moved down to Denise's hard pink nipples and began sucking them hard, not caring that her chest was covered in his cum. Denise moved her hands to the back of his head and pressed him closer, trying to get him to take the full breast in his mouth. Jack tried to oblige, sucking in a large portion of her right tit and leaving a large red mark on it. Denise moved his head to her cleavage and moaned contentedly when he began licking the flesh between her perky breasts, cleaning his previous...

2 years ago
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Jack In The Box Ch 5

After the track meet ended, all the school athletes returned to the hotel. Everyone gathered at the pool, except for the teens from the closer schools who had departed already.The pool deck wasn't as crowded as last night, and the mood was jubilant. Jack was the hero of the night, and more than one girl came onto him, offering an opportunity to fuck them; Jack never said no, but he never said yes.Coach Buchanan and Coach Moore sat at a table enjoying the success of the track meet and were...

3 years ago
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Jack Diana 2

Introduction: More Mg fun, enjoy Their Journey west is going well. Jack drove into the night, his classic black and gold Z28 Camaro has been pulling each steep grade of the Rocky mountains with no trouble. After what seemed like an eternity of never ending mountains, Jack finally stopped at a small hotel just outside Rifle Colorado. It was late by the time they stopped, they were both way to tired to make love. Jack wasnt the least bit interested anyway, after Diana seduced him into fucking...

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