Bellaire BellesChapter 3
- 4 years ago
- 29
- 0
I was stunned at Ashley's sudden outpouring of emotion. She now lay on my chest, a quivering, sobbing wreck. I was at a loss for words. I didn't know what to say. I loved Ashley with all my heart. In fact I could honestly say of the three women who captured my heart that she was the one that had the biggest piece. The question was could I leave Sarah? Could I leave Bree?
I brushed my hand through her silky red curls, trying to comfort her as best I could.
She turned and looked at me and started crying even harder. I hugged her too me as tight as I could. I felt bad for her. I felt bad for what I was doing to these women. They all loved me and wanted just me. I thought back to what Bree had said that morning. She didn't want any other man. She wanted just me. I wondered if there was any love in Ashley's heart for Sarah or it what she shared with her was just a ruse.
"Oh God I'm so sorry," sobbed Ashley. "I'm such a selfish bitch for wanting you alone. I'm just so jealous. I can't be like Sarah. I can't be as giving. I'll do it though because in the end I would only be happy if you are in my life even if I have to share. I love you more than you'll ever know Greg."
"I'm the one who should be sorry," I said. "I never knew I was hurting you this much."
"It's not your fault Greg. Sarah found you first. Sarah offered to share. You are a victim of the situation. I know you love Sarah and Bree. I know you love me too. I could never ask you to leave them. I just need you to know how I feel."
"I still can't stomach the thought that I'm hurting you though," I said.
"It would hurt me more if you weren't in my life," said Ashley gasping for air. "When I ran out of your dorm room that day and we didn't see each other was the worst time of my entire life. I was miserable. I needed you but I was too pig headed to pick up a phone and call you. I was too pig headed to return your calls. If I wasn't so pig headed I might have you to myself."
"I was miserable too when we were apart. Ask Sarah. That's the reason she went looking for you. She knew I would be unhappy without you back in my life and that I could never find happiness with her unless you were in my life as well."
"I know," sobbed Ashley. "I'm just selfish. I'm so sorry that I'm selfish."
"There's nothing to be sorry for," I said. "I'm just sorry for not realizing there was a problem."
"I love you so much," said Ashley as she wrapped her arms around me tighter.
"I probably shouldn't tell you this but of the three girls you are the one I love the most," I said.
"Really?" said Ashley with a glimmer in her eye.
I nodded. "You and I were friends before we got involved. We were best of friends. Still are. You're the only one I feel comfortable telling my darkest fears and greatest joys with."
Ashley was crying again except this time it was tears of joy. I really didn't want her to know what I just told her but for some reason it just seemed right.
We fell asleep in each other's arms. I'm pretty sure that Ashley cried herself to sleep.
The next morning Ashley was gone. I was alone in bed for probably the first time all summer. I stretched and went to the bathroom to do my morning ritual of shit, shower and shave. When I was done I threw on a pair of boxers and went down for breakfast.
Ashley was making breakfast. Bree was sitting at the table chatting with Ashley as she cooked. Both were nude.
"Good morning lovely ladies," I said as I entered.
I made it a point to walk over to Ashley first and give her a kiss. I then walked over to Bree and did the same.
"Anything I can help with?" I asked.
"Nope," said Ashley. "Bree already offered and I shot her down. Breakfast is on me today. Sit down and relax."
I sat down at the breakfast table and grabbed the morning paper. I pretended to read it, but instead admired Ashley's naked body in front of me. In the last couple of months she had lost weight. I knew she occasionally worked out with Sarah but it was getting to the point where Ashley had little body fat whatsoever. She looked really good.
Ashley for her part noticed my ogling and decided to make breakfast preparation into a show. She dropped a lot of things on the floor, which required picking up. While picking things up she always pointed her ass to me and gave me a good view of her pussy. I quickly had an erection sticking out of my boxer shorts. Bree was watching the whole spectacle with a great deal of amusement.
Patrick was next to come down just as his sister was bending over to pick up a knife off the floor. He sidled up behind her and pressed his limp cock to her pussy. It caused Ashley to jump and Patrick to get hard. Both Bree and I were in stitches from the antics.
Ashley turned around and punched her naked brother in the gut playfully. Patrick responded with a good solid kiss. The two smiled at each other and then hugged. Patrick grabbed her ass playfully causing her to squeal and then sat down.
"I shouldn't make you any breakfast for that," said Ashley trying to sound angry.
"Maybe you should beat him with your spatula," I said.
"He'd enjoy that too much," chimed in Bree.
"She's right," added Patrick over our howls of laughter.
Breakfast was served after Megan and Sarah made their way down. Grace was still getting ready and claimed she would just have a bagel anyways. Conversation at breakfast was light and witty. Everyone was teasing everyone else in some sexual manner.
After breakfast I helped Sarah clean up the dishes as everyone else went out by the pool.
"I wanted to thank you again for helping out with Bree," said Sarah as she was loading some plates into the dishwasher.
"I didn't do it for you Sarah," I said. "I did it for Bree because I love her."
"So now I'm sharing you with my own daughter?" said Sarah with a smile.
I nodded. "I guess so."
"I don't mind. I'm happy for her. I just miss being with you."
"I know Sarah. It's tough putting everyone on a schedule now."
"I would like a night alone with you like you had with Ashley last night," said Sarah. "I need a little one on one action with you."
I kept silent the fact that Ashley and I didn't do anything but cuddle and bask in our love for one another.
"How about tonight?" I offered.
"How about after Patrick and Megan leave?" asked Sarah. "I don't want to miss out on any fun with them."
"Sure," I said. I felt a little jealous of Patrick just then.
"Why don't we go out to the pool and join them and start a little fun of our own," said Sarah grasping my cock in her hand.
She led me out the back patio door, holding my cock the entire time. When we got outside we noticed that the orgy had already begun for the day. Bree and Megan were going at it in a sixty-nine. Ashley was on top of her brother Patrick, impaled on his cock. Moans and soft screams were the morning music.
I took Sarah into my arms and kissed her gently.
I whispered into her ear, "I love you Sarah."
She pulled on my cock and whispered in my ear, "please put this monster in me now."
I was put off by the fact that she didn't even want to play around first. I grabbed a cushion off of one of the patio loungers and laid it down on the deck of the pool. I gently laid Sarah down on it and then climbed on top of her. I kissed her again and fondled her wonderfully firm breasts.
"No foreplay, just fuck me," whispered Sarah into my ear with hunger.
I sighed heavily and then grabbed my cock and aimed it at her pussy. I wasn't even fully hard but I still managed to push it into her sopping wet hole. Our fucking became more and more intense as she constantly urged me to fuck her harder. When I finally managed to get myself off I was bucking into her so hard that I was sure I was leaving bruises. She had screamed her way through two orgasms in the time it took me to reach my one. In the end I felt dirty somehow. Something just didn't seem right.
Nonetheless, I held Sarah afterwards and whispered sweet nothings in her ear as she recovered from her bliss. After holding her for a few minutes Sarah kissed me and walked over to Patrick and Ashley who were lying together in post orgasmic bliss. I looked over and noticed that Bree and Megan were still going at it. I knew I heard both of them go off at least three times a piece already.
Sarah took Patrick and Ashley came over by me.
"Hello handsome," said Ashley as she ran her fingertips down my bare chest.
"Hello lover," I replied with a smile.
"I'll be right back and then I want you to make love to me," said Ashley. "I just want to wash my brother's cum out of me so you can give me the full treatment."
"Mmm, I'd love to give you the full treatment," I said.
Ashley gave me a passionate kiss and then disappeared into the house.
I watched Patrick entering Sarah from behind. Sarah was wasting no time with anyone. Bree and Megan screamed in a mutual orgasm and collapsed into each other's arms. I watched Patrick going at it with Sarah and got hard again. I was so lost in their activities that I was startled by a hand on my shoulder.
"Back so soon gorgeous?" I asked.
"You never called me that before," said Grace, giggling from behind me.
I looked back at her and smiled. She was putting on some weight again. I was happy that she was coming out of her shell. I thought for the first time that she was going to be ok.
I couldn't believe it! Sarah's surprise for me was Ashley. I ignored the stares of those around me from the broken glass and flew into her arms. "Oh God, I am so happy to see you," I cried. "Me too," she said in tears. "I am so sorry for hurting you," I said. "It was my fault, I am sorry." I couldn't bring myself to let her go. I was so happy to have her back. She wouldn't let go of me either. We hugged each other for what seemed an eternity and finally Sarah had to...
I woke up in a state of euphoria. I knew for sure that I was in love with Sarah and our activities the night before consummated it. I still didn't know what to do about Ashley but I felt too good to worry about it. I turned over in the bed, hoping to give Sarah a good morning kiss and found that she was gone. I got up, rubbed the sleep out of my eyes and climbed into the shower. I let the hot water run over me for awhile to bring myself back to reality. I thought back to the limo ride the...
As I stated earlier, when push comes to shove, I will choose flight over fight every time. When I was caught having sex with Ashley in the pool by Bree and Sarah I did the only thing I could think of doing. I went by instinct. I took flight. I pulled back from Ashley, dislodging myself from her and took off out of the pool. I could hear Bree crying and wanting to know how I could do something that would hurt her mom so much. Sarah was telling her to calm down. At least she wasn't yelling at...
The two weeks after Ashley's return were busy for everyone. My first order of business was to patch up things with Bree. Her mom had prepared her for our discussion and things actually went pretty well. Within a few days our friendship was back to normal and I was back to driving her to her practices. I was starting to see that her true talent was in dancing. I am no dancing professional but I could tell she would go far as a dancer if that was the route in life she chose. Sarah spent most...
I looked at Bree with a mixture of shock and arousal. Both girls were fully naked and Megan's red swollen womanhood was spread out for all to see. I quickly noticed that what I could see of Bree's womanhood was also quite swollen. These girls had obviously been quite busy. "Greg, please don't tell my mom!" Bree screamed at me. I didn't say anything. I didn't even move. I was too shocked to move. "Greg please!" I looked at Megan. She made no attempt to cover up but I could see she...
The week after Bree's party was another week of routine for the four of us. Once again I was diving all week. Sarah had numerous planning meetings to go to for her various charities. Bree was busy with all of her acting, dancing, and voice classes. Ashley was still working her ass off at Busch Gardens to make tuition for the year. I called Grace during the week to see how she was holding out against my mother. She was having no luck and starting to feel that it all wasn't worth it. I gave...
Sarah, Ashley and I walked out of Nordstrom's arm in arm. I of course had a huge grin on my face, but that goofy grin hid the inner turmoil going on. I wondered where our relationship stood. I wondered if the girls would want to have similar liaisons and if I could handle them doing so. "Let's go grab a bite to eat," said Sarah. "I want to try out that new Mexican place in the outdoor plaza." The outdoor plaza had some shops and some upscale restaurants. I thought it would be nice to...
As Grace and I left the house I took her hand in mine. She squeezed my hand in thanks for the sign of comfort I had given her and then we made our walk over to Sarah's house. We walked up to the back gate at Sarah's yard and knocked. "Sarah?" I shouted over the gate. After a few seconds a very naked Sarah came running over to the gate. "Thought you weren't coming," said Sarah with a smile as she scanned the neighborhood and then opened the gate. "My guest here convinced me...
I followed Sarah into the house with a sense of dread. I knew we would have a talk about Bree after she talked with her, but the way she said that we needed to talk filled me with a sense of trepidation over the talk. Sarah led me upstairs to the master bedroom. "Get dressed," said Sarah. "It'll be easier to talk for both of us if we are dressed." Sarah went over to her dresser and picked out a pair of sweats. I threw on a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. When we were finished dressing,...
The entire evening was about sex. Everyone in the house was having it in some form or another. Only Bree and I kept away from the main orgy going on downstairs. The only reason we knew that it was continuing was the screams and groans of passion that filled the house, and likely the neighborhood as well. Bree and I spent time together just getting to know each other's bodies. I wasn't ready to take her virginity just yet, but she was more than willing. We fell asleep in one another's arms...
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The next week passed with quite a bit of awkwardness. Ashley and I still stayed at Sarah's house at her insistence but we ended up spending as much time away from the others as possible. The only people we actively socialized with were Grace and Patrick. I was going to really miss Patrick when the two of us went back to our respective schools. He and I had gotten really close since our trip down to Sarasota. Being with Grace had changed him for the better. He was less nerdy, more friendly...
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by Semiater Chapter Thirty-Three -------------------------------------------------------- This is a Non-Consensual, rough story, and if that’s not what you’re interested in, don’t bother reading. This is a fictional work, it’s a creative enterprise, so don’t bother to read if you’re not looking for NC writing. I do enjoy getting comments from people, who like my stories, especially women, it’s always very encouraging. My contact info is up with the previous chapters on...
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Author: slaveboyusa Date: 1/3/09 Send comments to: [email protected] Title: How to marry a rich woman. Part 1. Summary: Adam is a cable guy. He always wanted more out of life, but he never got a lucky break. One of his clients is a snobby bitch. Is this opportunity knocking? This story is not related to the movie "Cable Guy". Knock Knock. "It's the cable guy". Said Adam as he stood outside the door.Adam is a 24-year-old cable guy. He does not like the job, but can't afford to...
Hi my name is kelly and i am a married woen of 25,I have been married for 4 years and until recently had never cheated on my husband.That all changed when we went to a xmas party and i met a black guy who taught me the pleasure of black sex and turned me into a whore.At the party my husbnad made a fool of himself and got rather drunk ,he then tried it on with a few of the women there and upset me .This black guy darly saw what was happening and got talking to me and at the end of the night gave...
On a warm summer day I found myself walking alone, along a narrow country road. I had seen no cars, and no people. Open fields and patches of woods surrounded me all the way to the horizon. The sky was cloudless. As I walked, I noticed that a car was parked ahead of me, on the right. I was walking on the right side of the road. As I approached it I could see that all of the windows were down. When I reached the car I could not help but notice that an attractive woman was sitting in the back...
I wanted a fresh start in college, wanted a new Josh and if I really want this to work, I have to do it well. I had always wanted to change my appearance but my parents were really interfering and since, this is college, I could do whatever I want without preying family eyes. After unpacking, I went downstairs, asked around for the Barbers and changed ma hair. I used to have long dark silky hair but I cut it short, I shaved of my facial hair and after the barber was done, I felt somewhat...
The white farmer Eric couldn't pay his debt to Ayize when the expiry date had come. Ayize wasn't an easy going man and everyone knew he wouldn't tolerate this. Ayize threatened him by gaining his land and house if he doesn't pay but the white farmer had no answer to say. Ayize got angry and told him that the 18 years old (legal sex age is 16 in the RSA) daughter of the white farmer shall live in his house till he pays the debts and white farmer couldn't refuse it because he could loose his all...
It's a bright, beautiful weekend day, and Stacy the Asian pharmacist is on her way home after an early afternoon of playing tennis with a friend. She's changed out of her white tennis shirt and into a dark brown halter top, which shows off her slender shoulders and accentuates her little B-cup breasts. She still has on her white tennis skirt though, as she didn't have time to change fully, since she's in a rush to pick up her kids from day care. Her smooth slender-yet-shapely legs work...
Songwriter gets very lucky with first hit...Your EyesOne of the things I have always derived pleasure from throughout my life is music. Both listening to music and making it have always been a source of great satisfaction for me. I have been playing guitar and writing songs since I was a young teenager. Like other guys my age I worshiped the rock stars of the day. I watched in awe as they strut their stuff onstage before thousands of screaming young girls who seemingly would have done anything...
They reached her loft, which just happened to be located above a sex shop. One of the many spread througout New Orleans. This greatly amused him.She unlocked her door and invited him in. Her home was spacious and very clean. Decorated with a modern flare to it. She offered him a drink and to make himself comfortable while she went to freshen up. He heard some sultr blues notes coming from the speakers in the ceiling. He closed his eyes, enjoyi8ng the mood it was putting him in. He then heard...
Charlie had positioned himself behind me and was rubbing his huge penis glans over my bung hole. I whimpered as his huge member probed my outer anal muscle ring till it parted and admitted his head to enter my neither region. I begged 'please, don't do me like this, please don't,' Charlie growled 'bitch, you just swallowed my cousins seed, I'm gonna breed this ass pussy, you ain't sucking me dry till I seed your ass.' Charlie pulled his penis back and slid more into me, I gripped the mattress...
Carol wasn't hungry. She fed Sultan and made herself another drink, her third... or was it her fourth? It hardly mattered, she decided, the liquor's effects causing a warm, buoyant feeling to glow inside her, a pleasurable diversion she had almost forgotten existed. It had been a very eventful day, she thought, reviewing individually once more all the things that had happened, as she sipped her gin and tonic. For a change, there'd been a few happy things! She smiled down at the big German...
Please read the first part My buddies Mom to understand the continuality of events. Rachel is the forty-ish mother of my buddy Russell. She is also the mother of Lori, a snotty, cock-teasing sixteen-year-old. But it was Lori who set up the previous events, which allowed me to consummate with Rachel on the foyer floor of their home. I held Rachel’s hand as she led me up the stairs, watching her bare-naked ass sway from side to side allowing momentary visibility to her slightly swollen cunt...