Breaking Point
- 2 years ago
- 24
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More episodes of this series *may* be available on my site at
I had done it a million times before, it was a simple act. You move the metallic holder bar from the left side to the right, then push the gate open. Opening the gate, by itself, is a simple act. But today, everything was different. The brown metallic bar of her gate, with its peeling skin of paint, felt a ton heavier than it usually did. My heart began to pound like I was about to step off the earth, like gravity had suddenly given up only on me and I was floating towards the moon. Because, in a way that was true. Today was going to be the last day of living the life I’ve always been living. For better or worse, it would all end today.
I had spent every night of the last five years of my life writing out descriptions of her divine beauty in my little diary, every day dreaming about elaborate fantasies that would eventually end up in the diary and my every breath seeking the divine scent of her hair. Ever since my family had moved in to the neighborhood and I met the girl for the first time in my house when she, her little sister and her mother welcomed us here, every thought I ever had involved her in some way or the other.
It was barely even reasonable for me to have a crush on the elder sister, considering the more obvious alternative. Her younger sister Vidya, was my age(13, five years back), a complete and utter knockout. She was tremendously beautiful, had a bright, dazzling smile on her face at all times and her skin glowed in the light of our chandelier, as did the rest of her clothes. That day, she was wearing a beautiful green top with windmill like designs embroidered all over, as far as I could tell, and she had on a black skirt down to her knees that matched very well with the top. Her breasts were nice and full, her legs were luscious, they had beautiful fair and smooth skin that Mangaloreans were known for.
The elder sister Priya stepped into the house next. She had somewhat of a smile on her face, in the sense that she wasn’t frowning. She wasn’t half as pretty as her little sister, although her body was just slightly more attractive. Her breasts were larger and so were her bums, plus she stood a couple of inches taller, at 5 feet and 5 inches. She wore a bright navy blue shirt with a v-neck, which as her mother would continually point out, showed too much of her cleavage and the black strap of her bra. She had black rimmed glasses on her face, which added multitudes to her appeal- she reminded me of a sexy english teacher I had back in school. Her tiny skirt was of the exact same color as her top, they seemed to be part of a set. The long, slender legs boiled the blood around my heart. They stretched out, reached towards the side wall and shook slightly, dropping her black slippers in the corner of our house.
As they walked into the drawing room, my older brother poked me and said: ?You take the younger one, I’ll take the older one.? Easy for him to say- he was a bold, confident guy who knew the exact right words to say when he was around women unlike me. When he said he would ?take the older one,? in all probability she would be taken. My heart gave up and began to float below the ribs.
After some initial introductions, the grown-ups talked in the living room, while the four of us- Priya, Vidya, my brother and I, went over to his room to play UNO cards. The four of us sat on the bed, cross-legged and all I did throughout was stare at the beautiful legs under her skirt. Occasionally, I would get a glimpse of her upper thigh and the darkness beyond. As for the game, she was quickly down to the last card, and hadn’t announced ?Uno.? According to the rules, if a player gets caught having one card without saying the word, they would have to pick up two more cards. So I began to converse with Vidya about her school and her teachers. Before anybody noticed, Priya threw her last card down and raised her hands in victory. ?Yay,? she said, with a semblance of a smile that showed no teeth. There was something very classy and powerful about the way she avoided smiling big. She gave me a little nod of approval, which I construed as approval for rescuing her in the cards game. That night, I whacked off to a fantasy involving her as a strict english teacher holding a large cane in her hands, angry with me for pronouncing the word ‘pessimistic’ as ‘pissimistic.’ Can’t you even read the spelling properly, she would ask gesturing me to show her my hands. I would stretch them out for her, and her cane would beat down upon my knuckles.
Less than a week passed since that day, before my brother came home dejected and sad from her place. He had asked her out and she had refused. My heart felt at peace- my brother going out with the woman of my dreams would simply convolute the Goddess-like image of her in my mind. He said that he would go for her younger sister Vidya, and in less than a week, he did that too and Vidya did agree to go out with him. They have been a couple since then, and remain a close one even today so it wasn’t just a rebound relationship.
But Priya has always remained a distant dream for me. Unlike my brother, I had never said anything to her. Why had I kept it all bottled inside for all these years? The reason I told other people was that she was four years older than me. I was eighteen, and just starting out on my engineering courses. She was twenty-two, my brother’s age. She was the forbidden fruit, I would tell people when I discussed my crush on the incredible beauty. But the real reason was that I was chicken. I didn’t have the strength to tell the girl that I loved her dearly, that I would do anything for her. What was the worst thing that could happen? Worst case scenario, she would reject me and maybe slap me on the cheeks. At least that way, I would find out her answer for sure, for once and for all and that would enable me to move on. But you see, that was the part that scared me even more. Moving on. In my mind, Priya was the omnipresent, omniscient Goddess. No other girl could possibly take her place. Her presence in my head pushed all girlkind out of scope, out of question. She wasn’t just the one, she was everyone, she was the only possibility. Only I could understand this obsession.
Another problem was the question of how I would express my desires to the girl, for they weren’t ordinary desires. In all the fantasies I’d written down in my dairies, I always imagined her possessing dominant, sadistic and cruel authority towards me. So my crush wasn’t a normal one- I loved her so much that I did not want to be her boyfriend. Rather, I wished to become her slave.
I took a leave from college today, telling my Mother that I was sick. I did have a high temperature in the morning, but that was never such a big deal. I might as well sit in class, hang out in the canteen with my friends and get well eventually. The fever wasn’t something that crippled me into inaction. In fact, that would be the right way to lose the fever quick. But I had made a decision that morning. Today is the day. At any cost, I was going to tell her how I felt. Why did it take so long to reach such a simple decision? And why today? I had spent the night writing out a fantasy about Priya as a Princess in the Mysore Palace, and my father’s diary became full. When I went to stash it in my secret place below the pillows and bed sheets in the cupboard, I realized that this was the eighth diary I had filled up with fantasies about Priya. Instead of feeling good, I only felt sick and useless. The stash was getting much too big, and I had grown tired of stealing office stationery from dad’s factory. My obsession with the girl was costing too much ink and paper, and was getting harder and harder to hide. So I threw all the diaries to the attic and made my decision. I resolved that this would be the last diary, I resolved that I would stop living in fantasy land and that I would actually go do something about it today. I resolved not to steal any more diaries, and that this was all going to end, which is how I ended where I was today, shivering at Priya’s gate despite the elaborate preparation.
Much of the day, I stood before the mirror in my room and had several hypothetical conversations with several imaginary Priyas. I found that as long as I stood tall, raised my chest high and expressed myself like a man, I could make her understand how I felt every time. We would always arrive at an arrangement, and my dreams would come true every time. But that was all hypothetical, like swimming instructions given on land. It was time to dive into the deep end.
As I picked off the iron bar on the left half of her gate, I felt a wrench in my gut as if two hands were inside my body raising it off its place. The complete region of my stomach solidified, and my heart lost track of where to deliver the blood. But this was going to happen today, at any cost. I pushed the gate open, and it complied with an unwilling squeak. I took a couple of steps inside and closed the gate behind and looked up at her house. Her family’s house was much smaller than mine. It had the one ground floor and a terrace, but the thing that really made the place dull and unattractive was the fact the drainage water flowed right next to the house. The exterior wasn’t much to speak of, it was painted green and much of that dull green seemed to be cracking away in several places. I continued to step forward and reached the portico, where I left my slippers and rang the bell. As I stared at the mahogany door, I saw a bunch of moving shadows and shuddered into a retreat. My eyes turned back to the dim 40 watt bulb that illuminated the place, albeit very slightly. Four of five moths swirled around the bulb, throwing their gigantic shadows across the portico. This was a new low, even for me. A 6 foot tall, 93kg man being afraid of a harmless moth that weighed half a gram. I folded the fingers of both my hands into their bottoms, made two fists and beat my chest. I mentally screamed the words to myself, ?Buck up, and be a man!? I felt an invisible aura, about five inches thick begin to form around my body as I stood tall. But a cold breeze blew threw it and destroyed it, throwing me into the a chilling shiver which I could feel at the core of my bones.
A minute later, Priya’s mother answered the door. ?Oh hi, Suhas. Come in,? she said, holding the door open.
?Hi, auntie.? I walked in and headed straight for her room, but auntie asked me to take a seat on the couch. Being the distracted chicken I always was, I obeyed her without second thought.
?Should I get you something to eat?? Auntie asked. ?The girls had boiled eggs for their evening snack.?
?Oh, boiled eggs? I would love those, auntie.? I said. My family is and always has been vegetarian, while her family considered fish their staple food, given their coastal Mangalorean heritage. For some reason, my family considered eggs ?non-vegetarian?, and therefore ?unholy?. I had eaten boiled eggs only once in my life before, at a neighbor’s house and this was my second chance. I would take the time to grab it because after all, it was still 7.35 PM. Their family ate dinner at 10 PM, so I had plenty of time to do what I had gone there for.
Auntie headed for the kitchen to bring me the eggs. I sank into her couch and looked around the house. The interiors were as beautiful as the exterior wasn’t. A dim chandelier hung from the roof, made of concentric rings housing strings with glass cubes all over. A thick creamy rug decorated the center of the room, with two red velvet couches placed on either side of it, and a glass topped tea-table at the center. Two chairs from the same couch set sat on the head of the giant carpet, against the back wall, right next to a tall gray refrigerator. The focus of the room was a thin, wall-mounted LCD flat panel television which was currently playing a Kannada soap opera. The remote control was right next to me on the couch. I picked it up and hit the mute button, at the risk of pissing off auntie. But I was here on a mission, so the risk seemed minuscule. I listened carefully and heard the girls giggling and playing with each other in the room behind the opposite couch. Strange, because that was the parents’ room. I got up and sat myself on the other couch and sunk into the cushions there, placing my ears against the back wall. Their voices were more discernible from the other couch.
I heard Priya’s voice say, ?Hey, we agreed that it was your turn today.?
?But Priya,? Vidya replied in a whiny voice, ?I have to study for a test tomorrow.?
Just then, auntie returned from the kitchen to find me on the other couch. ?Here you go, Suhas. Two boiled eggs with pepper.?
?Wow, thanks auntie.? I said, accepting a thin metal plate from her hands. It had two boiled eggs, sliced evenly. The slices were so thin and consistent, they must have been cut by an egg slicer.
Auntie didn’t seem to notice that I had muted her soap opera. She turned to her room, the one where both sisters were leaving me all alone in the living room. I quickly gobbled up the peppered eggs. That’s the way I always enjoyed my food- eating quickly.
I placed the empty plate on the tea-table and rose to go into her room. I approached the room very slowly, and saw auntie sitting on the side of the bed, still dressed in her maroon nightie. Near her seat, I saw a bare foot. Its beautiful, fair skin glowed brilliantly to the tube-light in the room. There was only one person it could possibly belong to. I stepped closer to the room, and saw the complete leg, with its beautifully toned calf muscles and smooth luscious thighs. At the very bottom, there was a little red mini-skirt. It was less than six inches in size, and the way the legs were spread apart from the body, much of the little skirt’s cloth was upturned on the girl’s abdomen, exposing silky black panties at the very bottom. Her left buttock was completely visible, a perfect circle that expanded beautifully from the thighs. A bun had formed at the bottom of the perfect spherical surface. A sleeveless hand slipped down to the panties from the side of her body. The fingers converged together and caught a wrinkle on the surface of her panties and pulled it out, thus spreading the silk evenly over her bum.
I touched my hand to my forehead, my gut, both my shoulders and then kissed it, turning up to the sky with closed eyes. ?Thank you, God.?
I stepped closer to the room to get the full view. Priya was sleeping back on the pillow at the foot of the bed, facing away from me. On the other end, Vidya was leaning on a against a cushion at the head of the bed, studying a brown-wrapped textbook in the cross-legged position. Her head leaned against the grills of a window. Priya’s bare right leg formed an inverted V, with the foot brought very close to her sister’s.
Priya’s black t-shirt formed wrinkles along the slim hourglass figure of her waist, and expanded into two mountainous regions at her breasts. The spectacular peaks of the mountains were visible through the tight t-shirt, shaped like an M&M candy. The surface of the pillow gave into her head, with some of their blue surface reaching into her ears. She had the most gorgeous, wide smile on her face, and her glasses had almost dropped down to her nose, which seemed intentional because she was looking down at her sister.
?Come on, Vidya. It’s only fair that you do my legs today. We agreed that it was your turn.?
?Please, Priya. I have a physics test tomorrow.? Vidya said, showing her the textbook and resuming her study.
Priya raised her right foot off the bed and slowly pushed it towards her sister. The skirt covering the right upper thigh fell to her flat abdomen, the very sight of which caused a fresh supply of blood to pump into my cock. Suddenly, the Bangalore winter didn’t feel like winter anymore; this was the closest to heaven I ever felt, watching the perfect girl’s perfect legs up in the air, moving towards her sister. As Vidya studied her textbook, she saw Priya’s toes rise above them.
?Priya.? Vidya made a sad face, but her lips contained a clue of a smile.
?You said you would massage my legs today.? Priya said, her foot battering through the textbook in her sister’s hand. The complete, seven-inch foot reached over to her sister’s face. Her toes spread across the girl’s forehead, with her heel on the girl’s mouth, the arches of her foot fitting perfectly over the surface of her face.
?Ma!? Vidya complained, her mouth being smothered under her sister’s foot. ?Priya is disturbing me!?
?Priya, you will behave yourself,? her mother said, scanning through some sheets of paper, probably bills, from a bread-box.
Priya’s left leg began to rise up in the air. They slowly went up the sides her mother’s body, until they were exactly in front of her ears. Priya twisted her foot forward on its hinge, pointing her toes towards her mother’s face. She then pushed them forward, catching her ear between her big toe and index toe, pinching it slightly. ?Are you going to do my legs today??
?Priya, shoo! Behave yourself. What is this? You’re kicking your own mother!?
?Come on.? Priya said, pushing her sister’s face into the window grill, and simultaneously pinching her mother’s cheek between her toes. ?I want one of you to do my legs today. I’m feeling tired.?
?Chee,? auntie hit Priya’s leg off her shoulder, got up from her seat to replace the breadbox in her cupboard and closed it off so hard, a little wind blew her plaited hair back. ?I’m certainly not going to massage your legs today.?
?Aww,? Priya moaned, twisting her foot on her little sister’s face, pressing a film of brown dust on them as she did. ?It looks like Vidya has to massage my legs.?
Auntie looked in the mirror of the cupboard, and saw her younger daughter crushed into the room’s window. ?Priya, that is enough!? she said with a firm tone, slapping away Priya’s right knee. Both of Priya’s legs were now on the bed. Auntie pulled Vidya out of her place, and got her onto her feet next to the bed. ?Vidya, you go to your room and study for that physics test.?
?Yes, ma.? Vidya said, pointing her tongue at Priya before walking towards me at the exit of the room. ?Oh, hi Suhas,? she greeted me, for she was seeing me for the first time.
?Hi, Vidya.? I said.
?Umm, Suhas I would love to sit and play with you but I’ve got a test??
?A physics test. I heard.? I nodded. ?You go right ahead, I don’t mind at all.?
?Cool!? Vidya said, stepping past me. ?Anyway, you can play with Priya. She has a lot of time on her hands.? Vidya gave her big sister a frown before she left.
?Suhas,? auntie began to walk towards me too. ?What’s for dinner??
?Mom has made my favorite spicy groundnut chutney. She’ll make dosas when I go back home, so??
?That’s nice.? Auntie said. ?But why don’t you eat at our place? I’m going to make fish kheema.?
?Oh, auntie. I’m a vegetarian. At least, I’m supposed to be.? I said.
?So just veggie food and the occasional eggs in your house, Suhas??
?Actually, not even eggs.? I said.
?Tsk tsk,? auntie shook her head. ?Such a pity. You’re missing out on such delightful foods.? She left the room and made a U-turn for the kitchen.
Priya turned her head back further up, trying to see me standing behind her. ?Suhas??
?Hi, Priya.?
?Can you come in front of my head please?? Priya said, pointing to the left of her bed where auntie was just seated. ?Maybe sit over there??
?Sure, Priya.? I stepped forward to take the seat. As I stepped forward, her face came into view. She just wasn’t her usual self today. Her large, olive eyes were unwilling to stay open, the hair around her smooth round face scattered all over the pillow. Her hands and legs seemed to be cemented in a yawning position. I shivered as I slowly descended to the bed and sat next to her leg.
Priya picked up her glasses from the nose and placed them in the proper place before her eyes. ?Hmm,? she said, raising her eyebrow. ?You look smart today.?
I saw myself in the cupboard mirror to see why she would think that. With my gray, collared t-shirt and my black jeans, I was looking about as good as I could look. Of course, I had a blazer and suit at home if I was willing to go so far, but this was the next best thing. ?Thank you so much, Priya,? I smiled slightly, but eventually broke into a blush.
?What do you feel like doing today? You came over to play something?? Priya asked, slowly moving her legs together and bringing down her skirt.
?Nah,? I said as if I never enjoyed any of the games we’d ever played together. ?Let’s just talk or something.?
?Yeah.? Priya’s eyes glinted wide open. ?How is your college??
?Unhh,? I turned to the mirror and stopped myself from answering that. This could only lead to a bunch of unwanted discussions, and my mission would fail. I needed to ask her the question. Somehow, I had to lead her towards one of the imaginary conversations I’d had that day, with the imaginary version of her. ?I wanted to ask you something, actually?? I began, but my throat froze. This was a bit too sudden, it didn’t sound like a conversation at all. I wished to dive forward and take back those words as soon as they came out of my mouth. Perhaps land with my face in between her luscious buttocks and be smothered to death?
?What is it?? Priya asked, snapping me out of the dream.
?Oh, never mind.? I took a deep breath. There were several possible ways of popping the question, and somehow I thought of the most brilliant one at the time- one that involved being a good listener. ?You said you were feeling tired.?
?Oh that’s not actually true.? Priya said. ?It’s just that Vidya was supposed to massage my legs today.?
?Why?? I ventured. It’s not normal for a big sister to expect that from her little sibling, as far as I knew.
?You see, my results came out yesterday.? Priya said. ?Before that, Vidya and I had a bet. She said there was no way I could have crossed 90% in my second year medical exams.?
?Oh my God!? I nearly fell off the bed. ?You crossed freakin’ 90? In medicals??
?Yup.? Priya blushed.
?Congratulations, Priya.? I said.
?Thanks. Anyway, as per the terms of the bet, she was supposed to massage my legs every night for the whole year. She did a great job yesterday, but she’s started escaping today??
?She said she has a physics test,? I offered.
?Unit test, Suhas. Just a stupid little unit test. She’s been studying two straight hours for a stupid unit test and she still isn’t done. I know she’s pretending.?
?Oh.? I nodded. I almost forgot why I brought it all up, what my plan of action was. Suddenly, it all came back to me. ?You see, I thought that if you were tired, maybe??
?What?? Priya said. A delightful grin took over her face. She almost seemed a bit drunk.
?Maybe I could, you know?? I gestured towards her legs.
Priya raised her right leg and placed the knees one atop the other, showing me the bottom of her right foot. It was a gorgeous, shapely foot which had brown dots sprinkled all over their surface like stars in the night sky, and a few larger dust spots that stood out like the moon. ?You want to massage them for me??
?I would do that for you, Priya.? I swallowed, gazing at the beautiful structure of her feet. ?If you want?? I had practiced not sounding too eager at any point of time, and somehow I was sticking with it properly.
?What matters?,? Priya smiled, dropping her legs to the bed, ?is what you want.?
My mouth let out an incomprehensible ?ummgh,? when what I really wanted to say was, ?it doesn’t matter what I want.? I gathered my head together and devised a probe. ?What do you mean, Priya??
?Do you want to massage my legs for me?? Priya asked.
My heart exploded, like I was caught red-handed stealing from a bank. What was the right answer? ‘Yes’ would mean that I am eager to massage her legs, and she might find out what I came over for, the wrong way. ‘No’ would mean that I was going out of my way and accepting pain, just to massage her legs. Thankfully, there was a third option which I thought of at the right time.
?I’m just saying that if you want them massaged, I wouldn’t mind at all, Priya.?
Razor sharp as her wit always was, she had the perfect retaliation prepared. ?Nah, I don’t want my legs massaged. It was just a stupid bet with my sister, and I just wanted to see her toil away at my feet.? The smile on her face persisted, and even grew somewhat. ?Besides, I would never let you touch these gorgeous, sexy legs.?
?Oh,? I leaned back against the metallic grills of her window, checking out the full length of her legs. She shifted back slightly, exhibiting her beautiful, slender and well toned leg muscles. My pants began to bulge from a massive erection. ?P..please, Priya??
?Ahh, there you go.? Priya moved her hands like she were standing on stage and revealing me to an audience. ?You want to massage my beautiful legs for me, don’t you??
Caught red-handed, I groped for a way to salvage my pride. ?No, I just thought that if you’re tired I should offer to help.?
?If you don’t express what you heart wants,? Priya said, ?you may never get it.?
?Okay. Priya, may I please massage your amazing legs for you??
?Nope.? she shook her head. ?Too little, too late.?
It was time for plan B. ?Priya, I did want to tell you something.?
?Go ahead, I’m right here,? she giggled.
?Okay.? I said, recalling all of my script. ?Priya, I think that you are the most impossibly beautiful girl I’ve ever known in my life.?
?You think so?? Priya asked.
?I?I do, Priya.? Her reaction was nothing like the script, which at that point I couldn’t even recall anymore.
?Hmm,? Priya nodded. ?Do you think I’m more beautiful than Vidya? Everyone says that she’s so beautiful??
?Well, she’s cute.? I said. ?But you are far more beautiful.?
Priya took her time to digest that answer. ?Cute and beautiful. What’s the difference??
I thought for one long minute before deciding not to think. ?Umm, Priya. There were more things I wanted to say??
?Oh, alright. Continue.?
?Priya,? I gulped four times with my head bowed down, before I looked into her eyes again. ?I love you more than anything in the world.?
Priya’s eyes blinked a slow, deliberate blink and her head shook slightly. She pushed down on her elbows and got up from her sleeping position. ?What did you just say??
?Priya, I love you??
?Chee!? she said, her smile turning into an angry scowl. ?What do you think you’re doing, proposing to someone like me? First of all, I’m four years older than you??
?I know Priya, but I’m not looking for??
Before I could finish the sentence, I saw her foot rising up to my face. Soon, her right foot covered the entire span of my vision. She laid the arch of her foot over the surface of my forehead and pushed me back to the metallic grill of the window, as she was doing with her little sister, except that this was out of sheer lividity. Her feet didn’t feel nearly as beautiful as they did from a distance, smothering my nose shut as they crushed into my face. I let out a little squeal of pain, as the dusty mules of her foot crushed into my open eyes. ?Aah!?
?Priya? Suhas?? auntie called out from the kitchen.
?It’s nothing ma, we’re just playing!? Priya said, checking the door of her parents’ room, wide open. She dropped the foot on my face and gestured behind. ?Now go close that door and get back here, you sick pervert.?
?Yes, Priya.? I said, happy to get up from the bed and scamper towards the door to shut it close.
?Bolt it shut.? Priya instructed.
?Priya, I’m not a pervert.? I said, working the bolt slowly, as if shutting the bolt was the hardest thing in the world to do and would take a long time. ?I think of you as a Goddess.?
?Me, a Goddess? Why?? Priya asked.
?Priya.? I said. ?You are the most beautiful and brilliant girl to ever exist??
?Since the day I saw you, I’ve been worshiping you as my Goddess.? I closed the bolt and moved to the side of her bed. She was still frowning at me, without saying a word, which hurt a lot more than any of her angry words. I looked around for a moment, before getting down on my knees and joining my hands together in prayer. ?Please, Priya. I only want to worship you.?
?Heh!? There was a clue of a smile on her face, amidst the angry wrinkles. ?I know what you’re trying to do.?
?What, Priya??
?This is some strange scheme you’ve devised to get into my pants.? Priya said. ?It’s not going to work??
?No, Priya. I really just want to worship you.?
?Because you think I’m a Goddess. Yeah, I heard you the first time.? She sat on the left side of bed on her knees, towering over my kneeling form.
?Priya,? I began to cry, ?how can I prove it to you??
?Hmm,? she lowered her head until she was right before me. She peered into my eyes, as if she were a human lie detector at work. ?If you actually think I’m a Goddess??
?I do, Priya.? I said, bringing up my joined hands.
?It can only mean that you are mental.? Priya said. Her left hand caught my neck, while her right hand rose high in the air and landed square under my ears. It was a devastating slap; everything turned dark for a few moments as my head spun into an unstoppable reel. I tried to use my hands and fall to the ground, but ended with a painful landing on my knuckles. I felt Priya’s hand let go of my neck, only to have them caught again by a different hand. Even as I recovered from the tight right hand, she delivered an even harder left hand, sending me flying to the bottom of the cupboard in the room. I crawled on to my hands and knees, and saw her standing above me even before I could recover from the slaps. ?Still think I’m a Goddess, you pervert?? she caught my neck with both hands and sat me up. She bent over and brought her face over mine, trapping me in an unbreakable strangle and repeated the question to my face.
?Priya, you are the Goddess no matter what you do.? I said, although I could barely see what I was talking to.
?Pthoo!? she spat on my face. The globules of viscous fluid landed below my eyes. I blinked my eyes open to see her raising her head, constricting her throat to send more phlegm into her mouth, then lowering herself to spit into my eyes again.
?Pthoo!? She watched as the liquid spread all over my face and smiled. ?What do you think now, pervert? Am I still a Goddess?? she asked. My brain attempted to send signals to nod in answer to the question, but even before the delivery, her hand went up in the air again and crash landed on my cheeks. The sound of her slap resonated in the quiet room.
Tears erupted from my eyes as she threw me to the floor. She planted her foot on my neck and turned her foot this way and that. ?Suhas, shame on you,? she said. ?I thought you were a decent guy.?
?But I am, Priya.? I tried to speak with my neck being crushed under her foot. Even at that point, I couldn’t but help admire the majestic leg pinning me to the floor.
?You almost proposed to me. I’m four years older than you.? Priya said. ?And you think that calling me a Goddess is going to get you into my pants??
?Priya,? I gawked. ?I don’t want to get into your pants. That’s not what I want.?
?So what do you want to do?? Priya asked, raising her leg slightly.
?I want to worship you. That’s all, that’s really everything.?
Priya let go of her foot on my neck and stood with hands on her hips. ?Seriously? So you don’t want to be my boyfriend??
?No, Priya. I’m not worthy of being with you.? I said.
?That’s true.? Priya said. ?You could never ever be my boyfriend.? She thought for a while, still keeping me at her foot. ?So what? You just want to kneel before me and worship me??
?That’ right, Priya.? I scrambled onto my hands and knees and bowed down to kiss her feet, then got up with joined hands. ?Thank you so much.?
Priya held her high head and looked down at me from under the lower rim of her glasses, examining every move I made. ?Okay, so you got what you wanted??
?Umm, Priya??
?You said that all you wanted was to worship me.? Priya said, maintaining the high stature of her head. ?So you must be feeling all high and excited right now?what more do you want??
?Priya,? I bowed down, wrapped my arms around her lower leg and hugged her feet. ?I want to give myself to you.?
?See? I knew you wanted to be my boyfriend. I told you that’s never..?
?Not as a boyfriend, Priya.? I swallowed hard and looked up to her. This was it, the point of no return. ?I want to be your slave.?
?My slave?? Priya asked. ?Why would you want something like that??
?I will explain, Priya.? I said, getting on my knees and recalling this part of the script. ?Priya, have you heard of men dedicating their lives to the service of God??
?I have, yes.? Priya said.
?Priya, I believe with all my heart that you are the one true Goddess on this earth??
?So you want to dedicate your life to serving me.? Priya nodded. ?The Goddess.? Her breath slowed down, as did the blinking of her eyes. Never had she paid so much attention to me, but something about this proposition got her to stop, think and consider my existence, which felt good.
?What do you say, Priya?? I asked.
?You want to be my slave because you think I’m the Goddess.? She nodded, still thinking hard.
?I believe you are, Priya. It’s faith.?
?You are mental.? Priya shook her head. ?But what you are proposing now?,? she paused and considered for a few moments, ?is not so bad. After all, you just want me to use you.?
?I’m glad?? I began but she didn’t hear at all.
?Tell me one thing. What is it that you so desperately want to do for me??
?I would do anything you tell me to do, Priya.?
?Hmm, that’s what I thought.? Priya said, pulling my head next to her knee and giving a kick to my face with her other foot. ?You would do anything, you’re just a slave.? As I lowered my head to the floor, she planted her foot on my nape, burying me down. ?I can understand why guys would want to massage my legs for me. I mean, my legs are super-gorgeous. But what about other things??
?Like what, Priya??
?Would you do gross, dirty things for me?? Priya asked.
?You name it, Priya.? I said.
?Hmm, let me see.? Priya mused, with an index finger on her cheeks. ?Oh I got it! Today, at ten o clock, I can easily find out whether you are for real or not??
?Ahh, let’s go into the living room.? Priya said, stepping off my neck and heading for the room’s door. She unbolted it and headed straight for the couch. I got up to my feet, and rubbed her saliva off my face and searched for a rag that I could possibly use. There wasn’t any, so I smeared it all on my beautiful gray shirt. I quickly pushed my hair back, so I didn’t look like I’d just been beaten up. All of this took less than thirty seconds for me, and I was soon sitting on the living room couch, as if everything were normal.
Priya was on the far end towards the refrigerator, and had gestured me to sit on the other end. She leaned back on the couch, curling her body towards me and brought her legs to the couch. ?Pick up the cordless phone,? she said. I turned back, to pick up the phone from a little stand next to the couch and showed it to her. ?Turn it on.? Easy enough, I did that too. ?Now, dial your home number.?
?Why, Priya??
?I want you to tell your mom that you will have dinner here.? Priya’s face glinted with a smile.
?Fish kheema?? I gulped.
?Yup. You’re going to eat fish in front of me today.? Priya raised her hand and looked at her fingernails, probably to check their lengths. ?That is,? she lowered her glasses and eyes saw me from above them, ?if you are for real.?
?I am, Priya.? I began to dial my home number and the phone started to ring. My mother picked up the call from the other end.
?Ma, it’s me.? I said.
?Suhas, where have you been? I made the dosas half an hour back, thinking that you would show up, but??
?Ma, I’m so sorry but I can’t have dinner at home today.? I said. Priya giggled next to me.
?Why, Suhas??
?Ma, I’m having dinner at Priya’s.? That’s what we called our neighbors. It certainly wasn’t ?Vidya’s place?, and for some reason we didn’t call it ?Hema auntie’s place.? It was always ?Priya’s?.
?What?? My mother asked, startled. ?They’ve made vegetarian food there for dinner??
?Yes, ma. It’s some kind of kheema.?
?Okay, when will you be back??
I checked the clock- it was 9.00 PM. ?10:30 PM?? I asked Priya and she nodded, so I said it again.
?Why so late??
?Ma, they always have dinner at 10.?
?Okay. Come back soon, Suhas. I want to sleep.? Mother said before hanging up. I replaced the cordless device on the stand.
?Good boy.? Priya giggled. ?I’m impressed.?
?Thank you, Priya.?
?‘Some kind of kheema’- haha!? Priya laughed. ?The incomplete truth.?
?Yeah,? I shivered from the thought of eating hardcore non-vegetarian food for the first time. This wasn’t just eggs, it was fish. Slippery fish, caught from water bodies using worms hooked to a fishing wire and all that. I could have had spicy groundnut chutney with dosas today.
?What are you thinking?? Priya asked, leaning closer to me. ?Having seconds thoughts about becoming my slave??
? Priya. I’ve always wanted to try non-veggie food.? I said. The scent of cooking fish suddenly conquered the air in the living room. I almost fell sick instantly, but Priya closed her eyes and took it all in.
?Isn’t that smell wonderful??
?Yes it is, Priya.?
?Yummmm.? Priya patted her tight stomach. ?When do you people eat dinner anyway??
?8.30″ My head went down.
?Nice!? Priya smiled and nodded. ?So you’re going to be all good and hungry by the time we eat,? she said, ?fish kheema.? She sniffed the air again. ?It smells extra juicy today, but I’m still not hungry.?
?Good, Priya.?
?I’ll just have to inform my mother.? Priya said. ?Ma!? she called out. ?Suhas is having dinner with us.?
?That’s good!? Auntie said, her voice barely audible in an ocean of cutlery noises.
?Now,? Priya stretched out her legs to the tea-table and rested her feet on them. ?Tell me how you’re feeling.?
?How I’m feeling?? I asked and she nodded. ?B..but how does that matter, Priya? I’m your slave.?
?I want to know whether this scares the crap out of you.? Priya said. ?The fact that you’re about to eat non-vegetarian food, the fact that that might just be the first of a lifelong sequence of unpleasant tasks. How can that not scare you??
?Priya,? I gulped, ?it does scare the life out of me but it’s also exciting as hell. Priya, you have to understand this. Since the day we met, five years back I’ve only been dreaming of doing this every single day. All 24 hours of the day, you’re all I could ever think of.?
?As your Goddess?? Priya asked.
?Yes, Priya. I never considered myself as your peer, not for a moment. I worship the image of you in my mind when I’m supposed to be thinking of God. All day, every wish I ever make I make to you, every prayer is for you. And at night, I write down stories about you in my diaries.?
?Stories about me??
?Imaginary ones. Fiction.? I said. ?Like the day we met, I imagined you as my English teacher from school hitting me with a cane.?
?Why would I hit you with a cane??
?Priya, in all my fantasies you are a sadistic, authoritative girl.?
?First of all, I’m not sadistic. I didn’t feel especially happy beating you up in that room.?
?I know, Priya. But what I love about you is the sheer strength of your character. That’s what I worship about you.?
?But your fantasy version of Priya is so different from me. I’d never whip someone with a cane.? Priya said. She was looking straight into my eyes, there wasn’t a whisker of doubt in her mind. ?I think you’re just going to feel a world of pain, before you give up and run away.?
?I won’t, Priya. You’ll see. I’ll be your faithful slave even if it kills me.?
?We will just have to wait and see about that,? Priya said, giving me a little wink. She got up from the couch and began to walk back towards her parent’s room. ?Follow me, we’ve got almost an hour left for dinner.?
?Yes, Priya.? I walked into the room. Two steps inside, she gestured at the bolt. I promptly shut the door and turned to her, and she headed straight for the cupboard’s full length mirror.
?You know what I love doing more than anything in the world?? Priya asked.
?Watching yourself in the mirror??
?Exactly.? Priya said. ?Come here and kneel next to my legs.? I promptly knelt next to her and looked at the majestic beauty in the mirror. ?I should get used to having a slave, shouldn’t I?? she said. ?After all, some girls have dogs and some have cats. I have a human. Not such a big deal, right?? She was gazing at her own breasts in the mirror, so I wondered whether she would even listen to my answer.
?Slave!? Priya said, pointing to me. ?I won’t call you Suhas anymore. I will call you ‘slave’.?
?Or maybe ‘slave dog’. That sounds nice. Slave dog!? she smiled, pointing at me. I joined my hands and bowed down. ?I should probably call you that in public.?
?Priya,? I began but she had second thoughts almost instantly.
?Maybe not. We should keep this a secret for a few days, don’t you think?? Priya said, nodding at her reflection. ?Yes we should.? She pushed back some of her hair, then moved some locks in front again. She brought one hand up to her cleavage, bent forward and blew an air-kiss at her reflection. Her expression turned less happy as she looked to the bottom right of the reflection, her slave dog waiting at her feet. ?Me,? she pointed at herself, ?and my ‘slave dog’,? she pointed at me. ?Maybe we should do some poses together, don’t you think?? Priya asked.
?Sur?? I was going to say ?surely? but she spoke long before I could finish the word.
?Why am I asking you? You are a slave, you will do anything I tell you to do.? Priya smiled into the mirror. ?That’s the way it’s going to be.?
?Yes, Priya.?
?I’m a Goddess and you’re just a slave.? Priya said. ?I want you to bow down, touch your forehead to my feet and worship me like you’ve always dreamed of.? I got down on my hands and knees and lowered myself to do the pose as she’d ordered. ?I bless you!? she said, raising her head higher than ever and taking a deep inhale, filling up her lungs with power. I kissed the upper surface of her foot and accepted the blessing. ?Hmm,? she twisted her lip, completely unconvinced. ?Let’s try something else. Sit over here,? she pointed between her legs. I took a seat at the place she was pointing at, and she planted her right foot on top of my head. ?Definitely better,? she nodded into the mirror. She moved her foot slightly, such that some of her toes floated over the top of my head. ?My foot is your crown,? she giggled, checking out her powerful pose in the mirror.
?But I need a bit more,? she turned away and walked to the clothes hook on the wall, where she fished out a belt and returned to the mirror. She snapped her fingers and gestured me to show her my neck. She ran the leather belt around my neck, and tied it tight around my neck. She was certainly much more pleased with this image in the mirror. ?The Goddess and her slave dog.? she announced. I looked at the mirror too, and felt wonderful. The beautiful, tall girl dressed beautifully in her black shirt and red mini-skirt, and me at the bottom right corner on my hands and knees like a dog. ?You don’t get to raise your head, you slave dog,? she said, bringing her knees over to my head. She turned to the mirror and let out a squeal of delight at the new picture, with her slave dog’s head subdued under her right knee. ?This feels good. Someday, we’ll take photos of that.?
?Thank you, Priya.?
She turned to the bed and pointed to the end that was just below the window grills. ?Now go back there, you slave dog!? Her voice carried a beautiful smile. With my head low and mouth shut, I obeyed her order sitting back exactly where I had proposed my freedom away to her. ?I will have my legs pressed now, slave dog.? She jumped over to the bed, with her head inside the soft pillow. Her legs rose in the air, and her feet soon landed on my eyes. ?Are you ready to work, slave dog??
?Yes, Priya.?
?Then hold my feet up to your face.? Priya said, letting go of her legs. I felt their full weight in my hands as I held up each of her heels in my hands. I moved closer and slowly brought her left foot below my right cheek, the mules of her feet over my eyes. ?Wrong,? she shook her head. ?I need you to be leaning against the window all the time.?
I moved back and felt the grills of the window against my head. ?But your feet are too far off now, Priya.?
?So move me closer,? she smiled, sinking deeper into the bed. She wasn’t going to apply a single ounce of effort for such things.
I dropped from myself to the floor next to her thighs and wrapped my arms around them. ?May I?? I asked and she nodded. I caught the undersides of her smooth thighs in my hands and lifted her bum off the bed to drag her body closer to the window grills, revealing more and more of her upper thighs as I did. I moved her about twenty inches below where her pillow was, after which I sat back against the window grills.
?You enjoyed that didn’t you?? Priya asked.
?Immensely, Priya.? I picked up her heels and carefully placed them on my face such that her toes ended up just below my eyes.
?Nah, I’m going to take all the fun out of it for you,? Priya said, sliding her foot so they covered up my eyes. ?You have to massage my legs now, and you don’t get to look at them as you work.?
?It would still be enjoyable, Priya.? I said, maneuvering my lips between her heels to get the words out. I groped down her ankles, and found her knees, and squeezed them in my hands. I moved the squeezing down from there, back to the ankles moving my hands in perfect sync along her lower legs.
?Hey, slave dog.? Priya said, moving her toes off my eyes. ?Can you multitask for me??
?Yes, Priya.?
?Then I want you to kiss my feet as you massage my legs.? Priya said. ?That’s the one thing Vidya refused to do when she was massaging me yesterday.?
From the corner of my eyes I saw the bottoms of her toes and her sharp toenails. I converged my lips on her big toe and she fell back, giggling hard. ?That tickles,? she said. ?Maybe you should shave that stupid moustache of yours.?
?I,? I gulped hard, this wasn’t going where I thought it would, ?will do it, Priya.?
?You’ll shave your moustache? You would actually go and do that?? Priya asked. ?Oh you would, because you’re my slave dog.? She smiled and examined my reaction thoroughly. ?Alright, you don’t have to. The moustache kinda looks good on you.?
?You think so?? My heart began to work again.
?I suppose so? Besides I can see how scared you are,? she winked and dropped her head back. ?We’ll just do one thing at a time. Today’s challenge is just the fish kheema.?
?Thank you, Priya.? My hands squeezed along her lower leg for a third round, down to her ankles then up to her knees again. At the same time I attempted to lick my moustache to its place so I could give her foot a kiss without tickling her. Seemed like a long term plan, but I was able to make it work, largely because she was getting accustomed to having her foot kissed by a slave, or it seemed that way. I thoroughly enjoyed the harder areas of her leg below her knees, but it was time to venture into the more delightful areas. I moved my hands up to her knees and slowly slid down her thighs. I closed my eyes and delighted my senses with the feel of her gorgeous thighs.
?You’re going to masturbate all night thinking about this, aren’t you?? Priya asked. I felt somewhat assaulted by the straightforward language, but eventually broke to a nod. ?Well, don’t.?
?Why not, Priya?? My stiff cock begged me to ask.
?I want you to go one month without yanking yourself.? Priya said. ?That’s an strict order from me. Don’t ask me why yet.?
?Alright Priya. I won’t do that for a month.? My hands were now squeezing her upper thighs, and I was feeling a lot more pleasure from it than she was.
?You think you can actually do that??
?It’s going to be extremely hard, Priya.? I said. ?Every night, my cock remembers you and gets erect even when I don’t.?
?Haha?!? Priya laughed very hard at this one. Her boobs shook up and down all along, and I pleased myself by just watching her laugh. ?So,? she finally said as if she’d made a firm decision about something, ?I am going to make this much harder for you.?
?How can it get any harder, Priya?? I asked, reaching into her inner thighs. ?You’ve allowed me to feel your thighs??
?It can get much harder.? Priya said. ?Grab my thighs and bring me closer to yourself, without getting up from your place there.? I placed her legs on my shoulders and slid between them, grabbing her thighs with both hands to pick her off the bed and drag her closer to my end of the bed. ?Closer,? she said. I went on dragging her closer to myself until her buttocks were on my lap. Her legs went up to one of the grills behind me, putting me in a bit of darkness under them. ?This is good,? Priya said. ?Slide your face between my knees. I want to watch your reaction to this.?
?Okay,? I separated her knees and brought my ears in between them. The sight below me was simply sensational- it was the complete length of her thighs, plus the black panties she was wearing. Her mini-skirt had slid up to her abdomen, and I reveled at the sight of her luscious bums.
?You feeling hot, Mister Suhas?? Priya asked, giggling away. The question needed no answering. ?Alright, slave. I want you to massage them for me.?
?You mean, your?? I asked, pointing a shivering finger at her butt.
?Exactly.? Priya nodded. ?My bum.?
?Oh my God!? I sent my fingers to the bottom of her panties and caught the soft spheres in my hands through the silky cloth. My cock exploded through the zip of my pants as I squeezed them and brought them together, then spread them apart. I grabbed both balls fully in my hands and softly squeezed them together.
?You can go under.? Priya said. I groped for the bottom thread of her panties with my fingers and pushed a few fingers through the gap in between. My fingers were soon all over the smooth, moist balls. I repeated the motion on her bare buttocks this time, squeezing them together, spreading them apart, together and apart. Priya twisted herself on the bed to take a look at my midsection. ?Oh my God! Look at your pants.?
?I’m sorry, Priya.?
?Hey, no problem. I enjoy the thought that guys whack themselves to sleep to these beauties every night.? Priya said. ?But now, I’m going to make it even harder.?
?That,? I declared, ?isn’t possible at all.?
?But it is, Suhas.? Priya said. I felt her legs move up to the grills, catching them tight with her toes. She moved one leg over the other, and began to climb her way over them.
?W..what are you trying to do, Priya??
?Just bringing my bum to your face.? Priya giggled. ?That would make it much harder for you, wouldn’t it?? I sat my hands back and waited for her to complete the climb. Her legs slowly slid their way up to the top of my head and eventually, her buttocks were all the way up to my face with her head at my lap. ?Sniff,? she ordered. I closed my eyes and brought my nose to the wrinkle in her panties between the two balls. The smell was intoxicating, even though it was just her sweat mainly. ?Now, I want you to smell them as you massage them.? she ordered, dropping her hands apart.
I thrust my face to the core of her panties, and squeezed the balls into my face, smothering myself out of breath. I then jiggled the balls around my nose, before smothering myself again. As I played with her bums right in front of my face, tears began to flow out of my eyes.
?Why are you crying?? Priya giggled.
?It’s almost the best moment of my life, Priya.? I said. ?But you won’t let me whack off for a month??
?Of course I won’t. This is actually a punishment you can say.? Priya giggled. ?Continue, we have just a few minutes left.?
I couldn’t believe how quickly time had passed ever since I began massaging her legs, so I took the last few minutes attempting to kiss the moist bare skin of her buttocks but didn’t succeed entirely. Her mother was soon knocking on the door. ?Priya, it’s dinner time.?
?Coming ma,? Priya got herself off me and the bed. She headed for the door, but stepped back to fix up my hair and my clothes. ?We have been in a locked room for over an hour today. People shouldn’t get suspicious of what we were doing here.?
?That’s true, Priya.? I helped her help me get ready for dinner and we were done quite soon.
?Are you going to wash your hands?? Priya asked, winking at me.
?Never ever for the remainder of my life, Priya. It has your divine scent on it.?
?That’s what I thought.? Priya laughed as she headed out of the room. I followed quickly and soon we were on the six-chair dining table. Priya pointed to one of the chairs as we entered, indicating that I should sit there, and she sat on the opposite chair. ?You’ve never eaten non-veg before, have you Suhas?? she asked with a loud voice, making sure that everyone heard. Her mother and Vidya turned to me, awaiting the answer.
?Well I had your mom’s boiled eggs today evening.? I shrugged.
?Eggs. Haha.? Priya smiled. ?So you’ve never had meat in your life??
?Never, Priya.?
Her mother joined in the conversation. ?Is it forbidden in your caste, Suhas??
Well, it was. But I couldn’t say that, or she wouldn’t let me eat. I groped around in my mind for an answer but Priya offered one to her mother. ?Ma, he has recently had a sort of religious transformation.? My heart began to pound hard, trying to fathom what she might say next. ?He worships a different God or Goddess these days, who is more liberal with such things,? she had a wicked smile on her face as she said that.
?Oh, that’s wonderful.? Auntie said. ?Who is this new God, Suhas??
?Umm,? I looked around the room and saw Vidya set down her physics textbook on the table. She was reading a chapter titled ?Electromagnetic waves?. I turned to auntie and said, ?electromagnetic waves.? It was as good an answer as any.
?What?? Auntie asked. ?That doesn’t make any sense.?
?On the contrary, auntie.? I gulped, making up fake scientific explanations in my head. ?All matter exists solely because of electromagnetic waves. It’s the very force that holds atoms together, it’s the force that produces thought in one’s head. The whole universe was created by a single burst of electromagnetic waves??
?Called big bang?? Priya asked, chin in her hands listening intently to every word I was making up.
?Exactly.? I said. ?So, if electromagnetic waves created the universe, electromagnetic waves make all matter what it is, and they also produce thought in one’s head, they must be God.?
?You kids are weird.? Auntie said, shutting off her stove and raising a large bowl of fish kheema from the flame. She placed it at the center of the table, between me and Priya. Her eyes lit up and her mouth salivated in anticipation. My stomach twisted itself into an unwilling cork from the smell of fish. Auntie picked up a thermos casserole full of rotis and sat herself on Priya’s side, while Vidya settled next to me. ?Help yourself,? auntie said.
?Thanks auntie. But maybe Priya should go first??
?Not at all,? Priya said, pushing the bowl towards me. ?You are the guest in this house,? her smile turned more wicked every moment.
?That’s true,? Vidya said. ?Athithi devo bhava,? she quoted an ancient Sanskrit saying which equated guests to God.
?Okay,? I picked up a large spoon and carefully examined the kheema. It had a few pieces of fish floating around, but was largely gravy. So I tried to probe exclusively into the liquid areas of the bowl, but Priya shook her head.
?You should have the pieces, Suhas. Otherwise it’s just like vegetarian food.? Priya said.
?Alright, I’ll have one piece.? I said, picking up one dark piece of fish meat from the bowl and transferring it on my plate. I then picked up a couple of rotis from the casserole and dug into the gravy. Priya shook her head for that too, and I knew what she meant. It was time to give up. I squeezed a piece of roti into the fish piece, scooping it on. I closed my eyes and slowly brought it into my mouth. Biting into that piece was a sensational experience. I felt my heart beat hasten, like it had been blocked all these years and suddenly wasn’t. It tasted much like the vegetarian korma, except that it was far more tasty. The taste of the fish piece wasn’t as nauseating as its smell, and it sank into my stomach quite quickly. ?I’m a non-vegetarian!? I announced.
?You like it?? Auntie asked.
?I love it, auntie. Eating this is the most liberating experience I’ve had in a long time.? I said. My eyes fell upon Priya, whose face was in a pre-frown. ?One of the most liberating experiences.? I corrected myself, to earn Priya’s approving smile.
?That’s wonderful.? Auntie said. ?See, Priya? My cooking turns devout vegetarians into non-vegetarians.?
?You are always the best, ma.? Priya said. She watched me dig into the fish kheema on my plate for some time and began to eat her own dinner. I found myself digging like crazy into the casserole and the delicious kheema, when I felt Priya’s foot on my knee. I shrugged, forming a question mark with my eyebrow. Priya sat back and smiled, as for her upper body. Her foot, however, ventured in between my thighs. I tried to bring them together, but she was in too deep to put up any sort of defense. I felt her ankles brush away my thighs, making way for the heel to reach my midsection. I turned to Vidya for help, but she was too busy memorizing some equation from the textbook.
?Have you tried wraps, Suhas?? Priya asked. ?Like veg wraps or egg wraps.?
?You mean rolls?? I asked, retreating as far behind as I could on my chair.
?I mean wraps.? Priya gestured towards her foot.
?Oh no,? I said. ?I will try doing that?? Her foot crushed deeper into my cock, ?right now.?
?Go ahead,? she smiled. I picked up my last roti and brought it below the table. She moved her foot a big higher. Vidya was still clueless. I spread out the roti on Priya’s foot and rubbed it around, gathering dust from their bottoms onto it. Priya made a gesture with her fingers- she ran her right forefinger between the index and middle finger of her left hand. I understood what that meant- I should run my roti between her toes, so I did. She then replaced the foot and waited for me to run the roti through every inch of them too. I slowly brought the roti back up and spread it on my plate, showing her how much dust I’d managed to gather from the venture. She nodded in approval and waited for me to dig into the dusty food. I put the few remaining pieces of fish in the middle of the roti, rolled it into a thick log and ate it end to end, much to her delight.
We were soon done with dinner, at around 10:20 PM. ?It’s time for me to go,? I announced to the Lady and her two daughters.
Auntie and Vidya said goodbye, while Priya said that she would walk me to the gate. Priya and I were soon outside. I put on my footwear and Priya closed the front door behind her. ?Do you want to talk about it?? she asked.
?Sure, Priya.? I said.
?Well,? Priya cleared her throat as if she were about to deliver a long speech, ?first of all, I would say that you have certainly cleared my test.?
?The fish kheema and the foot flavored roll?? I asked. ?I really enjoyed those things, Priya.?
?So becoming my slave was good for you?? Priya asked.
?Mostly, yes.? I said. ?Fish kheema was awesome. The only problem I have now is that I have to figure out how to sleep without whacking off to what happened today.?
?One month.? Priya said. ?You aren’t going to masturbate for one whole month.?
?Yes, Priya. I promise you I won’t.?
?I can easily tell if a guy hasn’t done it for a month.? Priya said.
?Experience,? she smiled.
?So you’ve done ‘it’? A lot??
?Seventeen times.? Priya said. ?Three different guys. I won’t give you any more details, so don’t ask.?
?Hmm, what else did I want to say? Oh yes, I enjoyed our time today too.? Priya said. ?It’s weird. You know how many times guys have accused me of using them? Quite a few times, but here you are begging me for it.?
A cold breeze blew across, causing me to wrap myself into a little ball next to her gate but the wind had almost no effect on her, despite showing eight times as much skin. ?I’m g..glad you enjoyed it, Priya.? I said, teeth chattering halfway through.
?Do you have college tomorrow?? Priya asked.
?I do, Priya. What about you??
?I’m on vacation. How do you think I have so much time to torture my sister?? Priya laughed. ?When can we meet again??
?Tomorrow, after college?? I asked, overly eager but deliberately so.
?Nah. We’ll meet after thirty days. Consider that your second test.? Priya opened up the gate and saw me off to the other side. ?And one more thing. I have said this before, but I really want you to get it. You can never ever be my boyfriend.?
?I don’t want to.? I said, shivering through another cold breeze. ?But out of curiosity, are you single now??
?Let’s say I am between guys.? Priya said, shaking her flattened hand this way and that. ?And that answer was just to satisfy your curiosity, not to be misinterpreted as an invitation.?
?Thanks, Priya.? I said. ?So??
?I guess I’ll be going home.? I said. ?No whacking for thirty days until we meet again. I can’t ever be your boyfriend, we will continue having a good time next month.?
?Yup.? Priya nodded.
?See you in thirty days,? I said, slowly turning away from her house and stepping away.
?Bye.? Priya said, walking into her house.
I quickly scampered along the muddy road, turned right and headed to my house. My mother was quite angry that I had taken so long, even though I was home at the promised time. She turned off the lights in her room and slept off, while I was soon in my bedroom reliving every moment of that evening, in her parents’ room. The divine scent of her butt on my face, the feel of her thighs, and even the feel of her angry spit on my face when she thought I was proposing. My cock stiffened up and I jumped into the bed, thinking that I would sleep it off. That didn’t work. So I got off my bed, threw it off the cot to prevent myself from even thinking of approaching it ever again. The only way I could keep my promise was if I never anywhere near a bed. I sat on my study table, placed my forehead on the desk and snored myself into a deep, peaceful sleep.
Even though future episodes will show up on BDSM library, the best way to keep in touch with this series is to subscribe to my site (FREE), so you get new episodes straight to your inbox! I am not trying to spam you, and I won’t sell your email ID. I’m just an amateur looking to share his work as quickly as possible.
As mentioned before, more Breaking Point episodes *may* be available on
Key-words: MMM/m Slavery, gay sex, rape, abuse, forced labor, torture and scatologyBreaking-In Slave Kevin? 2011 by Masostud, the right resides with the authorNote: This is a work of fiction. All persons and names are coincidental. Who feels insulted by descriptions of hard-core slavery and dirty abuse by scat-scenes is requested to leave this story unread. You have been warned.Summary: The gay Kevin (19) was devoted to dominating men. He went deliberately into the fangs of two strong-build...
[email protected] Lady Sally Blackrook, Victorian Adventuress By Gincrack Lady Blackrook?en pointe!The Forests of the Carpathian Mountains Urging his horses on the coach driver steered the carriage through the darkness of the forest. There was still snow on the ground and the gibbous moon shone from a cold cloudless sky its reflected light helping the driver to find his way, he light from the carriage lanterns being pale and ineffectual. Behind the screens on the carriage windows sat a...
Last year, I wrote a story entitled Foul Language, wherein a bitter, angry Geoff Matheson had been through an ugly, unjustified divorce from his wife of 30 years. The most dispiriting part of the whole episode was the vile treatment he received at the hands of his wife’s divorce lawyer, one Claire LaPointe. Geoff survived the divorce, and moved to the West Coast to start a new life. He was not a happy man, and only the single good fortune of having a large corporation purchase an obscure...
many thanks. Jill walked into what felt like a normal day at the office; the office surroundings gave no indication that it was the last day of work before the Christmas break. Their boss was a strict short man, who had no Christmas cheer about him. The workers knick named him Scrooge behind his back, due to the sheer lack of generosity especially at this time of year. Jill knew Scrooge had a bit of a thing for her, as he would always go beetroot red when he spoke to her. Jill thought...
My heart was pounding something fierce, beating in rythm with the sound of my heels click-clacking over the sidewalk. I tried to tell myself not to be nervous, but I couldn't kid myself - there was plenty of reason to be nervous. For one, what I was planning to do was actually dangerous, regardless of how many safeties I had agreed upon with my source, my contact on the inside. But the tingling crawling from my neck over my spine into my nether reaches also stemmed from a different kind of...
FetishThis all started when I got a promotion in the office. Now I was about to handle a team of some 10 people. It was a big responsibility. I had the responsibility of those 10 people and I was responsible for getting the project completed on time. In my team, there were 4 girls and 6 boys. Most of them were good at working. They were very much technical sound due to which my projects started to get easily completed. After getting one big project completed our client from the USA decided to sponsor...
Where She appoints "This place is amazing! Hard to believe the Romans used this place for curses" "Its true though. you've seen the little markers, and heard the translation of the curses." "That last one was wild. 'May the one who finds my gold coin and does not return it lose his manhood in temple where she appoints' Who is She, anyway?" "Just some local version of Juno, the Queen of the gods" "Hey! This looks like a gold coin!" Later ..... "I'm a girl!" That curse...
Swirling images. Dark.Silence.Daytime? Nighttime?Should I be somewhere?Eyes, opening. Darkness still.It must still be early morning, Shampoo thought to herself. Plenty of time to sleep, to rest, to ...That dream! The Amazon could only recall bits of it, fragments of memory as if it took place eons ago, the way dream memories usually are. She squeezed her eyes shut, trying to block out the images that floated behind her closed lids and drift back to the sleep from which she had awoken. A dream...
The nausea isn't as all-consuming as usual when I crawl in my underwear across the air-conditioned lock-up to lie gasping and perspiring at its edge. I must be acclimating to time jumps.Coherent thought's a luxury in these first few minutes so I simply wait for my breathing to steady and the shivering to kick in as the chequer plate metal floor absorbs whatever residual heat I possess. That way, at least I know I'm alive.As the mind fog lifts and the hum of the cobalt fluorescent light replaces...
Fantasy & Sci-FiChapter 1 I had sent a letter as reply to the answers I got to an ad in a Danish adult magazine called Weekend Sex, we were seeking a man to tie my husband and "rape" me! The headline in the ad said: TIE MY HUSBAND AND RAPE ME! 1 1/2 month had gone without getting any answer from him. (In the following I will call him Steen). His letter was rather naughty and I was interested in meeting him. I send him a new letter. 3 days later he phoned me, he had been send to work in Norway by his...
Breaking And Entering By Mary Beth Sanford Copyright © 2020 Mary Beth Sanford All rights reserved. This story or parts thereof may not be reproduced in any form, stored in any retrieval system, or transmitted in any form by any means--electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or otherwise. Mary Beth Sanford First Draft Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious...
“I have to say, this really has to be my very favorite breakup ever.” I stretched out my body, so that my fingertips just touched the headboard and my toes touched the base of my bed. Then I rolled back over, so that my thigh was draped over Kate’s legs. As I propped myself up on one elbow, I watched my other hand slowly whisk across her breasts and stomach. “I’m totally serious,” Kate said firmly, looking directly at the ceiling. “We’re finished. I can’t see you anymore.” I had suspected...
Straight SexTuesday morning back at my house I awoke in a spooning position, with Marley Paterson’s bare ass cheeks grasping my stiffening prick. Her ass cheeks felt so damned inviting. I found myself wanting to roll her over on her perfectly flat tummy, then slowly force myself inside her snug pussy from behind, so I could wake the beautiful young teen with a hot early morning fuck. For some reason since these events began, starting at the high school then winding up at my house wrapped in the arms...
As the evening went on I couldn’t get the X rated threesome I had with Marley and Jenifer off my mind. Let alone that my old high school sweetheart Andria Baker, who just happens to be the principal of Eagle Lake High, and just happens to be Jennifer’s mother, and a married woman at that. She wants to have a weekend affair with me while her husbands out of town this weekend. This of course makes things even more complicated, but Very interesting. Now I’m walking through my empty home...
Breaking Brittany1: The Break-In2: Breaking In3: Broken In1 – The Break-InWith one final jab of the paperclip, the lock opened.Vince eased the door open and peered through the crack. The front foyer was dark. He slipped inside, shutting the door behind him.The soles of his boots thudded softly against the hard wood floor as Vince crossed the foyer into the dining room and, seeing no light, moved to the living room.Still nothing. He headed upstairs.The door to the master bedroom was ajar. Vince...
He looked at the breast forms and shook his head slowly. They would fit his bra perfectly. His bra, he couldn’t believe that he had gotten used to saying "his bra". She had broken him in to the wearing of "his bra". She had broken him in to the bra, the panties, the stockings, the shaved legs, the women’s shoes. The painted toe nails and now she was adding the forms to the list of humiliations. He wanted to protest but didn’t, he had learned that to protest would only had time to his sentence...
BREAKING & SELLING SARAH WITH MY FREINDS HELP It was a rainy day in November, I was sitting down in front of my computer jerking off to images of hot blonde women being hogtied and fucked thanks to my best friend john who sent them to me by e-mail, John and another friend Rowan were calling around to hang Out at my house, my parents were away for the weekend so the only ones at home were Sarah and me, Sarah was my 15-year-old sister 3 years younger than me and it was...
Over the years I’ve had the opportunity…no… the privilege of painting the most exquisite canvases, but Kay was the most unique and challenging. I remember her sashaying into the room with that ‘All that and a bag of chips’ attitude. I knew from simply looking at her that she’d never had to beg, never had to work at getting any man to do her bidding. She was perfection personified and she knew it, from her deep raven locks to her dainty feet and all the space in between. He, of course, was not...
Over the years I've had the the privilege of painting the most exquisite canvases, but Kay was the most unique and challenging. I remember her sashaying into the room with that 'All that and a bag of chips' attitude. I knew from simply looking at her that she'd never had to beg, never had to work at getting any man to do her bidding. She was perfection personified and she knew it, from her deep raven locks to her dainty feet and all the space in between. He, of course, was...
BDSM"Hey handsome! I missed you," she said, moving across the room with a cute-almost stumble. She wrapped her arms around me, but I stood rigid. She must have felt that, sensed something was wrong, because her smile began to fade. Her lips still stayed stretched up, but her eyes started to fill with worries. "We need to talk, Serah." Breakups are nasty. I didn't want to hurt Serah, but then I also didn't want to be with her anymore. She was gorgeous, don't get me wrong: around...
Breaking Up And Making Up "Well, Nobody's Perfect!" Joe E. Brown "Some Like It Hot" Nikkie Silk Chapter One Danny stood at the bar and looked around the pub. It wasn't his usual, but this one had looked bright and warm from the outside on a gray, rainy day. The after work rush wouldn't start for a couple of hours or so yet, so there were only a few old boys who looked like regulars, nursing their pints and looking miserable, cursing the smoking ban. A couple at a table in the...
Alex finished his third set and slowly stood, rolling from the bench to the floor. He had just finished working on his shoulders and arms; cardio was next, followed by some pull ups to work on his back. He wiped the back of his neck with a towel, and casually looked towards the check-in counter at the far side of the gym floor. There she was, right on time. She flashed her brilliant smile to the boy behind the counter and gave him a flirty little wink as he handed her the sign in...
The entire story is a fiction, all characters are fictions. The story contains lot of forced sex scenes, people who are not okay with that, don’t read the story. This is my first story, please excuse the typos and the grammatical errors. I apologize if the story is a bit long. Feedback to Breaking Hema – Part 1 Mr. Swaminathan is a 50 year old man who lived with his wife Ambika in a suburban town called Avadi in Chennai, he worked as a manager in a reputed bank. Swami came from an extremely...
He came across a message from one of his favorite playmates and paid special attention. “Click on these two links,” she suggested. “I think you will like them!” Based on his experience, she knew exactly how to please him, so he happily clicked on the first link. As he began to read first about an interesting individual and then about his philosophy on life, he became enraptured. “Anyone who thinks like this guy is worth getting to know,” he mumbled to himself as he read. Rock found...
I woke up one morning and came downstairs to find pet making breakfast. I sat down to the table and read the morning paper she had placed on the table. One of her duties is to put the morning paper at my place so I can read it before going to work. I was reading it when she put breakfast in front of me. Something was strange - normally, I get a perky "Good Morning, Master!" from my pet, but today she was quiet and reserved. I didn't think much of it at the time and went on about getting ready...
BDSMI am not entirely proud of what I did, but put yourself in my shoes for a minute and maybe you shall understand. See, I have been working overtime at the managerial aspects of my work lately, so my sleep schedule is completely broken. But at least that night I am getting a nice, relaxing sleep. It is the first one I had had for weeks, in fact. Or at least, it would have been, were it not for the fact that I was rudely jolted out of sleep by a sudden, loud crash coming from downstairs. Here is...
11. Accelerated Reform "Your mental make-ups are the contents of your everyday thinking; they carry a charge that can either transform, reform or destroy you. Watch your thoughts, they determine your life!" -- Israelmore Ayivor, The Great Hand Book of Quotes ***** Rodriguez made his way to Ray's rooms. He half expected Barker to be dressed in feminine clothes but was not completely disappointed to find his captive in another feminine track-suit. "Good morning Miss...
My best friend from the group was a girl named Eva. She’s two years older than me and we met when we were little. She’s always been a beautiful girl; purely Irish with blonde hair and a thicker, but not fat, build. She was also always the troublemaker of the group – the first to come up with a stupid idea like borrowing her mom’s car without a license, wandering off around town without telling our parents, and doing all sorts of things that got me in trouble. As we grew older and entered high...
It was a rainy day in November, I was sitting down in front of my computer jerking off to images of hot blonde women being hogtied and fucked thanks to my best friend john who sent them to me by e-mail, John and another friend Rowan were calling around to hang Out at my house, my parents were away for the weekend so the only ones at home were Sarah and me, Sarah was my 15-year-old sister 3 years younger than me and it was my job to “baby-sit” her for the weekend even though she was old...
Drake woke up to the command ‘Out.’ He looked around, not sure what was going on. Once again the command was given, and this time he realized Raell was out of the wagon and they were standing in front of a massive house. He got up, but Raell was already walking away, his ties in her hand. Drake was yanked out of the wagon, right onto his scraped chest and hands. He yelled, but scrambled up. He didn’t want to get dragged any more than he already had. He followed her around the house and to a...
So There I was at a very good friends Wedding Reception, and was having a pretty decent time as well. I was contemplating leaving when, Elaine I very refined Lady that I had met earlier in the very long morning, Approached me withan Extremely Beautiful Young lady, somewhat less refined than herself. Who she introduced to me as her Daughter Raylynn, I replied Wow ! What a Beautiful Name for such a Beautiful Young Lady, as I shook her hand she said why thank you.You two have a lot in common...
Ranma never liked rainy days. Well, you simply have to hate rain when even slight contact with the cold water turns you into girl. All because of that cursed Chinese lake. Aware of that, Ranma already turned himself into girl before leaving the Tendo Dojo and dressed girl school uniform. Running fast, she jumped into the city bus that was just about to leave bus stop. But for a martial artist it wasn't a problem to reach and sneak inside. Sadly, the rain was so intensive that she was...
Clarissa studied the younger version of her Dan with a knowing eye. "Dan, I think DJ is in love with Cami," she said, her voice just loud enough for the two men to hear. DJ felt the flush that settled in his cheeks under her gaze. He looked from Clarissa's tear stained cheeks and up to the questioningly look from his father. With a sigh, he closed his eyes and nodded. "Yeah, I'm in love with her. But she doesn't know and if I don't get her back then I won't be able to tell...
Annabelle's Introduction The following tale centers around a sixteen year old girl by the name of Annabelle Flint. An unusual name, but she was far from that being a very respectful teen, that saw only the brighter sides to life despite her many woes to the contrary. For her the first thirteen years of her life had felt like a dream, that sadly came crashing back down to reality when her parents who had been secretly fighting for many years finally divorced. The thirteen year old Annabelle...
I remember the day it all began as if it were just yesterday. It was nine in the morning when I met my first period students. There were ten students in all, a total of five boys and five girls. All of them were sophomores and seniors, ranging from the ages of sixteen to seventeen. I looked my students over as most teachers do when we meet them for the first time. I saw rebels, jocks, boys and girls of all shapes sizes. One attractive blue eyed red haird girl stood out from the...
This is a partial rewrite of a story that I wrote about 2 years ago. Breaking the Curse By Morpheus "Curse it." Prince Caiden growled, pulling a bandage on his arm, disgusted by the sight of blood that soaked through. It wasn't the blood that disgusted him, just the fact that it was his own. And that it shouldn't have been. "He cheated." Caiden growled, glaring around his empty room. Just a short while earlier, Caiden had been sparring in the castle courtyard with one of the...
Breaking My Record By: Breanne and Michael Alexander I guess I should probably introduce myself. Some of you know me. Some of you don’t. If you’ve ever read Michael Alexander’s ?Silver Locke?, ?Heart of Ice?, or ?The Museum of Inquisition?, you’ve probably met the character that’s based on me. If you’ve ever read Michael’s Blog, (, or his website (, then you’ve probably read most of my previous daily assignments. Hope...
Stan looked dubiously at the little crystal trinket dangling from his hand. His marriage was on the rocks, but he'd been hoping for something a little more useful than half-baked folk remedies. Both men took a moment to appreciate the curves of Tracey's ass under her short tennis skirt as she collected their empty beer bottles. Will's wife ignored their gazes and exited the room as silently as she'd entered. "Seriously? I remember you worrying about Tracey playing the field. And...
ONE WEEK BEFORE THE EQUINOX PARTY Vanessa Allen set down her phone on the dressing table in front of her and stared at her reflection in the mirror. Her skin was too pale, a stark contrast to the dark curls that hung loosely down over her shoulders. She let out a slow breath and leaned back in her chair. Her husband James had just given her another of his infamous ‘working late’ excuses and right now the last thing she wanted to do was host their anniversary party. It had been his idea in the...
Introduction: Cain Wanted to join a fraternity, but didnt expect such a warm welcome!! Please leave relevant comments or else I will get them deleted!!! Stop putting adverts up on my stories!!! Breaking Cain. Chapter 1: The Break In The house was dark, the only sounds around, was the soft repetitive click of the clock quietly ticking away. The house was still and everyone was obviously sleeping. It was a winters day and it was 4 in the morning, no one is gonna be out of third bed unless they...
In continuation of my previous story, Years pass by, my brother shifted to Saudi Arabia for a job. A few years later, I also joined him and was working with him. My father passed away at a relatively early age, he was 52. My sister got married in our home country. My mom started living with us in Saudi Arabia for the most part of the year. She was just spending a couple of months back home with my sister each year. I was obviously spending more time with my mom. She was lonely as well and of...
IncestBreaking the Routine by Tgaby Saturday Prologue It was a cold and blustery November day when Maya finally found the nameless little store on 75th street. There was nothing on the front to indicate that it was a store at all, but she knew this was the place the moment she saw it. She'd heard rumors of its existence through the wives' grapevine, usually mentioned in hushed tones as having helped with couples therapy in a peculiar way. Nobody she had asked would give her any details...
She had to admire their tenacity while gave her shoulders a few slow rotations loosening the stiffness them. After what they did to sector 7 she had no problem drilling anyone that wore a uniform for Shinra. They had labeled her entire team of freedom fighters as terrorists and pinned the collapse on them. Fresh outrage seethed through her, she was worried that she was going to start enjoying this if they kept it up. When she heard them gently sliding the metal bar from...
(Act One) “ Man was made from not but a grain of sand and his companion and savior made of marrow and blood.” -- Old Saying Marshall, Minnesota The soft hills of rolling grass and farmland during the early spring year was nothing short of amazing. The sky half covered in clouds let the air kiss the skin with cool lips. The smell of the night’s embrace of rainfall was a welcomed treat. A silver sly smile cut into the sky shining the plains in a heavy blue hue. The soil of the...
Breaking Susan She was all attitude when I first saw her, attractive, poised, and arrogant. Her name was Susan and she was the executive secretary in the office of a construction company I worked for. She worked for her daddy of course, was spoiled, and beautiful. She was always dressed perfectly with skirts just a little too short, and a little too tight. She enjoyed the stares from the scores of office engineers and especially the laborers and foreman employed by her father. Showing her...
When the skies turn cloudy on a cold november day, theres not much left for a boy in his late teens like myself to do, which is why I was sitting down infront of my computer. Sitting down infront of my computer jerking off to images of hot blonde women being hogtied and fucked, that is. I had my best friend, John, to thank for those images - He was always fond of emailing the very best he could find to me. Earlier in the day John and another friend, Rowan, had called to see if they could...
Drake helped the other personal and house slaves clean up. His leash bounced against his chest, a reminder of Mistress Raell’s order for him to come upstairs after the dining room was clean. The captured slaves were cut free and shepherded down to the Cave. Drake noticed most of the house slaves snuck scraps of the dinner food, which had consisted of a roasted hog and various fruit and vegetable dishes. He didn’t blame them- the meal had been delicious. Drake finished stacking a bunch of...
‘Jane.’ Hearing my name over the intercom for the past 2 weeks in that sexy British accent had me in a permanent state of arousal. I couldn’t deny it to myself anymore how much I wanted to fuck my boss. James Caldwell is the stuff of legends if I were Shakespearean at all I would compose sonnets to his perfection. It’s bad enough I started keeping a journal on my encounters with him. Pathetic I know. ‘Yes, Mr. Caldwell?’ ‘Come in here, now!’ I didn’t even bother to answer with a quick yes...
It's time. You've been waiting a very long time for this moment and it's finally come. You, John, 19 years old, are going to rape your sister Ashley. Why, you ask? Because she's a huge bitch and deserves it. Hidden under her cute appearance is actually a twisted demon living only to torture you. Ever since you were children, she'd constantly be lying about you to your parents so you would get in trouble. She would steal your things for herself and spread rumors about you so you would never be...
I wasn’t supposed to be there night. I was supposed to be at home, in my bedroom studying for a test I had the next week. So, how did I get there? Jordie. Jordie is my best friend in the whole world, and she is the one that dragged me out to the new club opening. Apparently, it had been the talk of the town for a year, but according to her I live in such a deep, dark, hidden hole full of old books that I would never know if something new came along. To be perfectly honest, she was kinda right...
Love StoriesMy name is Evans, for the past 5 years I have had the greatest youth minister at my church, I just graduated and I’ve ruined my friendship with him forever.When Tom, our Youth minister, first arrived at our church he brought along his beautiful wife, Susan. I must admit I had an instant crush on her. She’s so genuine, kind, and loving, everything a man could want in a personality. She is about 5’7” tall, long black hair, hazel eyes and a gorgeous body. Since then she has had two k**s but...
I've been babysitting for the longest time. Every weekend, I have a job and have made enough money to buy a car. I've been babysitting for the Jackson's for about two years now. They hired me overnight and will be paying me three hundred dollars.I'm so excited to go over there tonight. The best part of babysitting over there, is their gorgeous son named Jack. I wasn't sure if he'd be home, but I was hoping he might be. I've had a crush on him for the longest time. He's so incredibly handsome.I...
Again, from Literotica...The original title forced First- Ch. 2 I retain copyright, blah, blah, blah...--------------------------------------------------------------------forced First- Ch. 2This is a continuation of my story… This is the truth, as best as I can remember it…The hot summer day was rejuvenating. Out of school, not yet having to go to college, the days were my own. I spent most of that Sunday in my room, coming out only to eat and use the bathroom. My mind reeled as I relived...
I woke up to the sound of my bedroom door opening. My vision blurry but I could make out the people who came in. They were Kianna and Tonet; Janice stood by the door.I sat up, Emily was still lying next to me. I pull up my blanket, trying to hide my tired cock."We have to go, we still got finals tomorrow." Kianna said. She gave me a kiss on the cheek, then she looked into my eyes and smiled. She gave me a kiss on the lips. A little of our saliva stretched out as we parted lips."It was fun....
The first time I got Sammy into bed was one of the most awesome experiences of my life. She was 19 years old and very naïve and vulnerable – precisely my M.O. and I decided I was going to have her within moments of meeting her.I was 22 years old and had been a perpetually failing student for three years. For me, campus life wasn't about going to class, it was about getting wasted and fucking young girls. Sammy was in her first year of university when I first spotted her and she had no idea what...
The entire story is a fiction, all characters are fictions. The story contains lot of forced sex scenes, people who are not okay with that, don’t read the story. Please excuse the typos and the grammatical errors. Feedback to For those who haven’t read the first part, please search “Breaking Hema” in the seach bar of IndianSexStories. It had been a month since Swami started fucking his maid Hema, every day and night he used her mouth and cunt in every way possible, he had a couple of quickies...
Hi My name is Suvin. I am from mangalore. To brief about myself I am 23years old. 5’10 tall, 72kg. And I was the most handsome guy in our batch. Most of the girls like my dimple and well fit body. My dick is 5.8 inch long. I am a be 2014 passed out graduate. My company has 2 branches in k’taka. One is in b’lore and another is in mangalore. So 15 days I work in blore rest 15 days in mlore. As u all know mlore ladies are pretty and sexy. Interested teen girls and aunties from mangalore and coorg...
Breaking Girls by Hype...WARNING! This is a work of fiction, blah blah blah... You must be of legal age in your own damn country to read it. I wrote it so don't copy it.Prologue:-We've got tail coming up to the V.I.P. floor Tommy.-Great, I'll send a welcoming committee for a toast.Sisters Lillian and Erika were excited, they'd met a couple of girls from school at The Moon, an after hours club which they'd been hanging at for a few hours. The girls were older, by a grade or two, and the fact...