Only If You Want
- 3 years ago
- 28
- 0
The nausea isn't as all-consuming as usual when I crawl in my underwear across the air-conditioned lock-up to lie gasping and perspiring at its edge. I must be acclimating to time jumps.
Coherent thought's a luxury in these first few minutes so I simply wait for my breathing to steady and the shivering to kick in as the chequer plate metal floor absorbs whatever residual heat I possess. That way, at least I know I'm alive.
As the mind fog lifts and the hum of the cobalt fluorescent light replaces it, I haul myself to sit against one featureless wall of the empty box, hugging my legs for warmth. I try to focus, sluggish at first before restructuring neurons race, overtaking my ability to process them. Where had everything gone wrong? When was the skewpoint? Today? Last week? Am I losing my mind? Are the more frequent memory gaps a by-product of the jumps? Or do I just need sleep?
I rub my eyes. Dare to stand, slithering up the wall for support until the need to hurl subsides. Lunge for my drawstring bag and gracelessly dress, tugging the jeans and T-shirt over the boxers I'd jumped in; too hot for anything more.
Leaving the bag, I head for the exit, catching sight of myself in the CCTV screen adjacent to the door release. I glance up at the camera in the corner, run my hand through the sandy mop of hair, tug my Converse baseball cap on, then palm the large button and wait for the roller door to rattle up enough to duck beneath.
I know what needs to happen. No idea how to do it, but it has to be fixed.
When all I'd been doing was making money it had been easy. Just me tangled in my own quantum web. But I'd got sloppy. Complacent. And now lives were at stake. One in particular. The blunders I made yesterday or last month or… whenever, would collide again tonight unless something radical changes.
Visions flash through my head. The street. The knife. The pain etched on her face. The blood, so much blood. I shiver.
My many jumps to correct events or figure where I'd screwed up had ended in vain. Nothing ever changed, besides me looking like I'd gone three rounds with Thor's hammer.
As I tap the lock code, slam the button on the control panel outside StrongBox#158 and the gears grind to seal the room shut, I know options are running out.
It all starts and ends with her.
I know where she'll be. Dante's Italian off Carlisle Road. Prescience is like that.
Out of sight from across the road, I watch her enter, take a window seat, sweep those auburn locks behind her ears, and lean over the table to scan the menu. So radiant. Smart. And a sexual firecracker. No wonder I'd fallen for her so hard in such a short space of time.
Nobody knew, including her. The lie about my sizeable lottery win was almost true. It's just the lottery happened to be the stock market, and I happened to know which stocks to short for the biggest gains. Without detection.
Or so I thought.
Figured opening multiple accounts was smart to spread the risk, using various addresses: work, home, my parents. Ensured I bet modestly. No windfalls, but enough to gradually amass a small fortune. Enough that I could refine the physics while Professor Barnes and I penned the paper that would make us household names, and I secretly built a better machine in the university basement. No cameras. No prying eyes. No observation, and that was crucial.
Despite the improvements, I still had no way of knowing exactly when I'd land, but that's the nature of quantum theory. If you know speed, you can't accurately predict position. If you know time you can't predict energy usage. But none of that mattered. The principles mattered.
All I needed was somewhere big and metal, so the margin of error was good enough I didn't end up fused with a wall or, in the case of my first jump, sprawled on the floor of the ladies' toilets at a 1986 university disco. Mercifully, the girls who found me thought my incoherence and vomiting were because I'd had a skinful.
So I rented the lock-up. Tested it with smaller jumpfields. Ventured into the recent past with baseball cap pulled low to reduce risks of being photographed. To further minimise traces of my presence, I used a public computer at the library to place a few trades based on stock fluctuation photos I'd taken on my phone, then returned to the lock-up and collapsed the experiment.
I allow myself a smile. For all its uncertainty, quantum physics could be so damn predictable.
Across the street I watch the bubbly waitress carry the coffee pot over. Charlene's new, and I swear AI. Nobody could be that cheerful in real life. Talia accepts milk and glances over her shoulder as the Venetian blinds on the door clang, probably to check if it's me. Or Victor, her possessive ex.
If only he knew the half of it. How Talia and I'd started chatting in Maestro's over the thumping beats. How we danced and flirted as the lasers swirled and the alcohol flowed, gradually drifting closer until we were almost touching, the rest of the clubbers melting away. How she made my insides fizz when I drew her to my body and brushed my lips to her neck, her ear, whispering how magnetic I found her. How she dragged me from the club and we didn't even make it to the taxi rank before slamming into a secluded shop doorway, lips fastened, hands clutching over and under clothes.
Her scent was intoxicating. Skin feminine and warm as I dug my hands into her panties beneath the floral sundress and gripped her bottom, lifting her against the wall and marking her neck with my teeth alongside the spaghetti straps. I'd scraped my forearms on the brick but barely noticed as she reached beneath herself and unbuckled me. Slid her hot hands over my engorged shaft, tugged her panties aside and guided me breathlessly to her wet entrance.
It was frenzied. Intimate. Dangerous and stupid given how many laws it broke. But neither of us could stop. With legs locked around me, she clawed my back and rode hard, rocking, grinding and bouncing between my buried length and the wall until she tensed and shuddered. Her stifled gasps in my ear triggered my climax deep inside her clenching heat.
We'd drifted, buzzing for goodness knows how long before disentangling to make ourselves presentable. Fled. Grabbed a cab to hers. Shed clothes up two flights of stairs en route to bed, then explored one another well into the early hours, and almost daily since. Boundaries fell as we experimented. Fingers, teeth, ice, rope, toys; everything in pursuit of pleasure. The one-night stand that hadn't yet ended.
Victor found out a few weeks later. Went apeshit. Threatened to get me kicked off campus because his uncle was Dean of Applied Sciences. Good luck with that, asshole. My thesis'll pay his wages for years. And there's not much semester left anyway.
Someone hurries past me and it takes a moment to snap into action.
My previous self turns and gawps. Takes a step closer. "Jesus. This can't be good news. You look like shit."
My voice sounds odd outside my own head. Less bassy. Like a recording. He… I, identical besides his hoodie and the cap I'm wearing, steps away from the kerb out of sight of the restaurant.
I stiffen my jaw. Glance up the street at some kids hoverskating to impress a group of girls. "I have to fix something. Change plans with Talia."
My doppelganger furrows his brow. "Victor, right? The email yesterday?"
I piece the timeline a moment. Merely nod.
"Can I help?"
I puff my cheeks. "Probably safer if there's only one of us today. Could you hole up somewhere? Don't talk to anyone. I'll be gone by," I check my watch, somewhat redundantly, "half-eleven, all being well."
Meeting myself's not as weird as I expect. Neither of us go into shock like in Back To The Future, but I guess if you know you're messing around with time travel already, the impact's lessened.
He nods. "Why don't you go back? I'll change our plans."
"Maybe. But I've seen the wreckage, you haven't. And nothing so far has worked. No point retreading old ground."
I let that sink in.
"Okay. Sure you know what you're doing?"
I scratch my stubble. "Nope."
"Figures. Well, if you need a hand, call m… wait, we share a mobile number. How's the network gonna-"
"Got you covered." I wave my phone. "Burner SIM."
I smile, peeking around the corner at Talia. "I better… y'know. Can't keep the lady waiting."
"Yeah, course. I'd say see you around but that's..." He tails off.
"I know, right. Keep your head down."
I hand myself the baseball cap, round the corner without looking back, jog across the sun-kissed road and enter the restaurant. Slide into the moulded plastic seat across from her.
She doesn't have to say anything for me to know what she's thinking. I shrug. "Didn't get much sleep."
The laminated menu catches the sunlight and I glance down. "Let's order. Lemme guess." Pressing long fingertips to my temples, I shut my eyes and make a low, "Hmmmm," sound. "Linguini, right?"
When I snap my eyes open I can tell she's impressed. Her cheeks lift. The same way they did when she giggled after I walked my kisses down her body and feasted on her pretty, bare pussy. I remembered my first true taste of her like it was yesterday, but it was probably four months ago. Maybe longer.
We'd been rolling and swapping places on the three-quarter bed in the loft room of her student digs, battling for control in a tangle of limbs and play bites when I'd managed to pin her down, both of us breathing heavily. The skylight sun cast her freckles in a golden hue, the ensuing kiss tasting of mint and raw intent.
"You're mine now."
"Only if you can keep me here."
"Is that a challenge?"
She beamed and I sat up, clamping her torso between my thighs. Grabbed the hem of her T-shirt and tugged it up towards the pillow. She wriggled. Her left arm was last to exit the garment so I held it, spun the material like a lasso over the edge of the bed and looped it around her wrist, tying it off. Heaved the free end up and hooked the collar over the brass headboard finial.
"There. You struggle, you rip it. And I bet you like that top."
Her eyes flashed, desire raging. Reaching for the hem of my own T-shirt, I yanked it off and did the same with her other wrist as she mock protested while eyeing my chest hungrily.
"Miss Talia Petrenko," I trailed my fingertips down the soft inner flesh of her arm, goosebumps forming, "prepare to be ruined."
She laughed. A contagious lilt that made her breasts shake in the lacy bra. I brushed their sides on my way down to unsnap her jeans, button by button, inching myself back with each one and lowering my face towards the mauve material until the heat from beneath registered against my lips.
My eyes never left hers as I kissed the moistening fabric. Then slender tummy. Twitching thighs. Sensitive toes. I took my time. Made her squirm. There's something magical about watching a woman gradually lose complete focus. Lose her sense of place in the world and become swept up in the moment. To give in to need. To beg.
Peeling off her underwear, my tongue and teeth took over. I adored the way Talia begged. She did so with her entire being, malachite-tinted irises widening as I nibbled my way across her skin to end millimetres from her clit, skimming it with only my breath. Her legs gripped and released my head. The sinew in her arms tensed against the bonds. Belly muscles tightened with each twist. And the thirst… that thirst burned behind her eyes.
Fuck, her scent was amazing. Rich and aromatic with a tequila tang that swirled as I lapped her slit. Her essence coated my lips when I French kissed her pussy and let it fill my senses, my tongue probing her core, drinking every juicy atom she surrendered.
When I introduced my fingers, she growled. When I curled them up, she moaned, opaque cream oozing into my palm. I devoured her zest. It drove me on, possessed me, as did her escalating cries and the way her curvaceous upper lip trembled when I wrapped her clit with my mouth and sucked her quivering jewel.
I didn't hold back, and neither did she, drenching my chin and the sheets as she giggled. I'd never felt so alive.
"Matt? Matthew?"
I focus. Realise Charlene's hovering with her tablet. "Sorry. One linguini. And I'll take the calzone, please."
She taps. Chirps, "Our pleasure," before scuttling off. Definitely AI.
Talia cocks her head. "What is it? You seem… preoccupied." Her inflection gives away her Ukrainian roots. So damn sexy.
"Nothing. Just…"
I want to tell her not to go out with me tonight. To avoid the movie so we won't run into Victor who'd somehow unearthed what I was doing. Vindictive bastard had demanded cash for his silence. A lot of cash I wasn't going to yield.
Tonight, he'd find me. Give chase. And in the ensuing tussle, Talia will be stabbed. My gut wrenches at the memories of stroking the damp hair plastered to her face, her breaths shortening as she slipped away in my lap. The gaping chasm it tore inside me. I can’t let that happen to the girl I want to spend my life with. Won't.
I'd tried covering my tracks better. Jumping twice, sneaking back after I'd left the library and erasing browser data. Other days I sat and watched Victor watching me, to figure out how he latched onto my scheme. Followed him. Found nothing.
Direct intervention's an option, but I have no idea how to go about it. I'm not a killer. Muscle can be bought from the small ads of disreputable publications, but that has far more potential to backfire. Not least police entrapment.
Treading gingerly's frustrating. Intercepting myself was my last real hope. I have to make it count.
I reach across the striped red tablecloth and stroke the back of her hand. "We should stay in tonight."
"And miss the last showing?"
"I know, but…" I should have prepared a reason. "We could… play?" Leaning in, I whisper: "Wanna blindfold you. Make you twitch and scream under my wandering tongue."
She smiles. "We could if it helps you relax. Is it your research?"
I nod.
"So tell me. What's up?"
"You wouldn't believe me." I sigh.
"Tell me anyway. I like to hear you talk."
She flashes me that impish smile. The one that makes my heart flutter. The one that fleetingly crosses her face before she dies.
"God, Talia. It's all gone wrong. I'm sorry."
I can't tell her. But owe her an explanation on some level. Perhaps there is no changing fate. Perhaps events always find a way to re-stitch my timeline. If so, short of jumping every day and risking further side effects and health deterioration, it might be my last afternoon with her.
That thought cyclones through my head. I swipe at my eye before the tear forms fully. Take a breath. "Okay. You want the short or long version?"
"Dinner's not yet here." She grins.
I withdraw my hand and tap the table with a fingertip. "I've… stumbled on a way to wind back time."
She leans forward, accentuating cleavage, and hushes her voice. "Really? You have a DeLorean outside? Let's go!"
It's my turn to smile. "Not as sexy."
"How then?"
"You really wanna know? It's heavy Physics."
"Please! My English knowledge is better than yours. You might be surprised."
That's true. She's full of surprises, in and out of the bedroom.
"Okay. Physicists have been trying for decades to break the light barrier, and cheat time. Nobody figured that going waaaay slower would work."
She blinks.
"I figured it out, along with my tutor. The theory was sound, even though Barnes and I couldn't prove it. She wanted to publish a paper. I wanted funding to try it first. We met in the middle. Made a gravity capsule from parts begged and scraped together from other labs. And it worked." I stroke my stubble. "We sent a grapefruit back. No idea where, or when, it ended up. Hopefully in someone's fruit bowl and not the motorway."
Charlene brings the meals over and we begin. The calzone is fiery. Delicious.
"Anyway, we started to write the paper. Barnes doesn't know I scaled up in the meantime. And tried it out. Just once. Then twice. Then… more."
I watch Talia chewing. Find myself focusing on her lips. The things she'd done with them. My cock stirs beneath the table at the recollection of her naked on her knees, gazing up at me, hands behind her back. That trust. That energy crackling between us as I eased into her mouth, watching her adjust to the invasion. What a rush.
After a few tries she controlled her reflexes and took me into her throat. My god. So beautiful, wide eyes watering, spluttering cheeks around my girth, her expression demonstrating the need to watch me lose control. To wield that power over me from such a subservient position.
We went at her pace, slow, gentle, slithering out all the way until only webs of saliva connected us. I stroked her cheek, brushed strands of hair from her temple, gripped her ponytail and guided in again, deeper. Held her there, delicious wet, gurgling sounds bouncing around the bedroom as she engulfed me. Choked. I loved how she'd nod and take more when I granted her breath and asked if she was my girl. My slut.
Being used made her drip. I could smell her arousal. Craved to devour her after I'd finished fucking her mouth with strong, measured strokes. Our eyes never unlocked for more than a split second until I groaned, yanking free and gripping my cock as I fired white-hot stripes across her outstretched tongue, her eyes blazing.
She truly was a dirty livewire.
I shake my head, load a forkful of pizza. Damn focus is everywhere.
Talia eyes me. "So how does it work?"
"You heard of Young's slits experiment?"
"No. Sounds rude."
I place the salt, pepper and sugar containers in a line with a finger's width between each. "Turns out light does crazy things when slowed down and nobody's looking. Here's a question: if I fired one single light particle at the slits, which one would it go through?"
Talia shrugs and wordlessly points between the salt and pepper pots.
"Yep." She beams at getting it right. "But based on cutting edge probability theory and results from Young's experiment, science's best guess is that each light particle actually goes through both slits at once. Greedy buggers can't choose."
She stops eating to process it. Twirls her fork in the air. "How?"
"Nobody knows. What's crazier is that if you try and detect for sure which slit a particle went through, they panic and pick one. The act of looking forces them to decide."
"That's ridiculous."
"Mental. But that's not important. The concept is. See, if nobody looks here, and here," I indicate her side of the slits, "then anything fired from this side appears in two places at once."
"Like, a clone?"
"Yeah. So if I sit in a dark room and use some expensive kit to fire a projection of me at my side of the slits, I appear twice on your side of the slits. Me, plus a copy."
Talia stares wide-eyed at me. "That's seriously cool."
I become more animated. "It gets cooler. On its own, that's not super useful. Who needs two of me, right?" I chuckle. "But if I create some huge, localized gravitational field behind one of the slits, space-time bends in proportion to the size of the gravity."
"What?! So you appear here," she points between the salt and pepper pots, "and you appear here," she points between the pepper pot and sugar, "but… somewhere else?"
"Precisely. Somewhere else in space-time. The size of the field controls how far away my copy materialises, in distance and time."
"Jesus. And it works?"
I put down my cutlery and wave my hands up and down in front of myself, grinning.
Talia recoils, scraping her chair across the floor and causing everyone to momentarily look our way. "No!"
I say nothing as she cautiously reaches out and brushes my skin. "So, this isn't," she whispers the last word, "you?"
"It's me alright. But the me you fucked this morning is at home. And me," I point at my skull, "is in a chair, mildly sedated in the basement of the uni, next Thursday."
She carries on eyeing me and pulls her chair in closer to the table. Not all the way. "Fuuuuck. So how do you… get back?"
"That bit's easy. The act of observing the experiment forces light to choose a slit, and I disappear from here instantly. I signal the lab from my phone, which wakes me. Look at the slits, boom, I'm gone."
Talia stares. "Wow. But..."
I laugh. "Yeah. Dangerous. I built a failsafe. A timer that turns the sedation off and the lights on."
Finishing the calzone, I put my knife and fork together.
"My God, Matt, you're crazy." She finishes her last mouthful. "So why are you here?"
My eyes find hers. Fuck it.
I signal Charlene for the bill. "For that, you'll need to trust me."
She takes news of my stock scam and her impending death fairly well. Suspect her tendency to thrive on risk helps. I answer a few of her questions:
What if I die here? No idea.
Can I take stuff back? Only thoughts.
What are we going to do about Victor?
We discuss that one hand-in-hand in the leafy park as joggers and dog walkers make circuits. She ultimately talks me into going through with it: "He'll catch up with us sometime. Might as well be today because we know how it's going to happen, so we can control it."
She has a point, but given my failed attempts so far, I don't share her optimism.
As twilight approaches, she returns home to change. I while away the time on a park bench, thinking, worrying, skimming stones across the pond and watching the ripples fan and mingle in chaotic patterns.
Talia returns in skinny jeans, tight T-shirt, and ankle boots. Svelte and stunning. We don't see much of the movie from the back row. She pops the button on my jeans, snakes her hand in to fondle me to hardness, gently scratching her nails up and down the sides of my cock. Slides lower to stroke the sensitive skin of my balls. I try to unsnap her jeans, but she stops me, whispering, "My treat."
She keeps me on edge for almost an hour, building, teasing, pausing, stroking until I stiffen and come in her palm, stifling my groans during a noisy action scene. She laps up my seed and we kiss again, sharing the saltiness. When the movie ends, I pray this isn't the end of ours.
It's raining when we leave the cinema. I grip her hand tight and we cross the road, weaving between traffic.
No Victor.
We stride beyond where he'd accosted us before. Way past the spot where Talia died, and a spark of hope lights inside me. Maybe the act of sharing the future has finally altered it. A tiny ripple that disrupts the timeline. We speed up, until:
"Got my money?"
Victor. All muscle in a faded Pendulum T-shirt and khakis.
I shuffle between him and Talia. "Look, Victor, I think you've misunderstood. I don't have-"
"Don't play dumb. My ol' man runs the company you defrauded with your little scheme. Thought you'd been clever spreading options, but you fucked up. Shorted us twice."
He must see the colour draining or cogs turning in my head. Sneers, "What, you don't think trades are tracked? I checked. And who should show up every day at the library? You."
"Victor…" I start to back away.
"Dunno how you're doing it, science boy, but I want our money back, plus twenty-five percent or you're going away for a long time."
Talia slips her hand in mine. Tugs imperceptibly. Time seems to pause, elongating like a coiled spring under load, then snaps when she whispers, "Run," and sprints off back the way we came. I follow.
Victor gives chase.
Darting between indignant pedestrians and street furniture, we tear up Ingram Street, splashing through puddles. Talia's way fitter than me but I keep up. Beyond the cinema, past Ling's on the corner, she ducks into an alley that makes my heart tank.
A dead end.
We whirl and Victor's there, advancing. He reaches into his pocket and flicks the blade. It glints in the sole light at the mouth of the alley.
Talia squirms from my grasp and rounds me. "Drop it, Vic!" Her voice bounces off the brickwork and metal bins.
They square against one another. He takes another step.
She makes the tiniest movement. I yell, "Talia, no!" but before I can stop her, she launches herself at Victor, fists flailing. He's clearly surprised. Doesn't stop the sickening crunch of the knife entering her abdomen. Nor her stumbling back to sink between us.
I race to her side, blood oozing past the painted fingertips that clutch her stomach. Her face is contorted and she grimaces, staring hard at the open-mouthed Victor. "Run, asshole," she spits. "Or you're going away for a long time."
He dithers only momentarily. Runs when she slumps into my lap, her breathing shallow.
I stroke her cheek, "Fuck, Talia. What was that for?"
A fat tear splashes to her neck. She flinches. Cracks open an eye. Grins. "Has he gone?"
"Jesus! You little…" My heart thumps.
She pulls a hardback from her waistband, a burst red sachet taped around it, and sits up. "Knowing the future's handy."
I exhale and run a hand through my damp hair, relief flooding. "Why didn't you tell me?"
Hopping up and dragging me to the far corner of the alley beneath an overhanging brick canopy, she laughs, "And miss out on this?"
Back to the wall, she kisses me, wrapping her arms around my waist. Immediate need rockets between us. In the shadows, I slide my hands up to cup her breasts, squeezing and pinching. Talia gasps into the kiss and trails her fingertips to stroke my cock through my jeans. I harden as she unbuckles me, slithering the belt free of the loops while I journey to grasp her neck and tilt up her chin, placing tiny bites across her throat. My lips vibrate with her groans.
I spin her to face the wall, her palms slapping the wet brickwork. Roving my hands to her waistband, I unsnap her jeans, tugging them and her panties to mid-thigh.
In her ear I growl, "You're mine."
Crouching, I shower her glorious rain-dappled bottom in kisses, delivering playful slaps and nibbles as she moans.
When I stand, she surprises me once more, gazing intently, offering my belt end that she's looped around her neck, pulled taut. I suck in frigid night air, cock surging as my eyes find hers in the gloom, sparkling with want. Taking the belt, our fingertips brushing, electricity sparking, I tug it a fraction. Her sharp inhalation rings out.
"Yesss. Fuck me, Matt. Like there's no tomorrow."
I grab her hips, tilt them towards me. Bend to her ear and hiss. "You want it hard?" She nods. "You want it-" I spank her bum, swipe my rigid shaft between her thighs and nudge her dripping slit. "Rough?"
My cock sinks home and she gasps. I draw out, slam back into her, setting a furious pace, clutching her hips and sporadically yanking the belt tight around her throat as she rasps, "More."
Talia uses the wall as leverage to repeatedly shove back into me, wet slaps of flesh on flesh echoing beneath desperate breaths. She snarls to be used. Fucked, coaxing me to fill your filthy little slut. I hammer inside. Spank her ass, the rose glow even detectable within the sodium shadows cast down the alleyway.
God, she's too much. I surge. Groan. Dig nails into her hips and claim her buttery walls while she gurgles constricted appreciation into the night.
The belt goes limp, dangling as we catch our breath in the rain. Spunk drips into her panties when I withdraw. Twisting her jaw to me, we laugh into the kiss before I crouch to tongue our sexy mess and pull her clothes up.
Redressing myself in front of her watchful gaze, I take the lead, hauling us from the alley. We hold hands at its mouth, sharing a final salty kiss as I gradually back away from her grasp. "Until tomorrow."
As I turn and race to the lock-up I have no idea what the future holds. Lie low, I guess. Graduate. Settle with Talia somewhere.
There's one remaining dilemma, largely ethical: destroy evidence of the working device and downplay the findings, or fully finish the thesis and pray the world is better prepared for time travel than me.
I signal from the cobalt blue box. Stare up at the camera, decision made, and vanish.
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He could see her wisps of her pubic hair poking out from behind her panties. Dan grew up in a strict religious family. His parents had been married since they were 19 years old, and they started having children shortly thereafter. By the time they were 28, they had two sons and a daughter. Dan is in the middle. His brother, Mark, is three years older. His sister, Mary, is three years younger. Dan is 21 years old and doesn't quite fit into the family dynamicHis family's lifestyle revolves almost...
TabooShe came walking into my room, her steps long and slow. I hadn’t really thought about it before, but she moved in a decisive, strong, capable way. There were no uncertainties, she seemed to know exactly where she was going and what she was doing, every step of the way. I couldn’t help taking a second and a third look at her, because I realized she had somehow managed to slip under my radar every single time we’d met before. She had hidden a very interesting, and yes still arguably a very scary,...
"This is the life, isn't it?" Serena said as she slowly massaged Jessica's breasts. Jessica moaned at Serena's soft touch. "You are great babe," she said as she arched her back. Serena smiled mischievously, her hands slowly making their way down Jessica's taunt stomach and towards her glistening pussy. Candy let out a muffled whimper as she pulled pathetically as the collar on her neck. "Those bitches!" she thought miserably as she clumsily tried to operate her taped hands. ...
Elizabeth was focused on the road ahead of them, as the group made their way to her house. Amy and Eva were busy chattering about what their game plan was, now that they’ve left the house and the life they had. Jason was on his cell phone, talking to his friend on the other end of the line. She had to take a deep breath as she kept her eyes on the road. A lot was happening fast, and it was making her head swim. It was one thing to finally have had the woman she’d been chasing for a while...
Following on from my last true story about my bi experiences,there is one more bi experience that i would like to share, that i cant any where else.I have accepted that i am orally bi if the situation arises but i am generally straight and prefer women. I am 5 ft 9, athletic build and a 7 inch uncut cock.Last summer i was invited to a friends stag do on the south coast, i agreed to book once i had my job security confirmed. Once booked i was in a small B&B a couple miles from my friends and...
The week passed and I still didn’t find anything interesting in the jobs section of the newspaper. My brother had to work on Saturday. Susie and I took advantage of the opportunity and walked to a nearby hardware store where, according to Harriet, she bought the flowers for her porch. The store wasn’t quite that nearby, but Susie and I enjoyed our walk. It gave us time to talk and discover things about each other. We talked about school and music and clothes and stuff. Nothing much. But it...
Bev was still lying on me when I woke up at 4:30. I eased out from underneath her and went into the bathroom. I emptied the snake, then brushed my teeth. Then it was into the shower. Last night it had felt right to go to sleep with Bev in my arms right after we finished making love. I was looking forward to a shower, though. Making love is like eating chicken. You get it all over your fingers and it's messy. My plan was to take a warm washcloth back to the bedroom with me when I was done...
True StoryIt was a bright sunny summer afternoon. I first saw them as I was getting out of the elevator of my apartment building. They were moving in and struggling with a large TV set. She was petite and cute and clearly not built for moving appliances. She was very nicely put together though, very pretty East European face framed in dark hair, a proportionate body with a slim waist and an exceptionally gorgeous ass--accentuated by the tight fitting jeans she was wearing. An awe inspiring set...
Day Sixty-nine - Saturday There was someone strange in my bed. I knew she was strange, as the person was thin and extremely long. My hand was on a small butt as it rose and fell, filling a clutching pussy with my very hard morning woody. My body was signaling that it was enjoying the connection and was ready to send a big load of baby makers into the tight clutching pussy. As my eyes opened and I viewed a still sleeping Deanne, I realized that she was a candidate to become a mommy if we...
First I would like to apologize for the length of time with no activity. Real life reared its ugly head. Now that I can work on this a bit, I started working Chapter nine up, and went back through to check a few things, and found myself looking at some necessary edits. They are clarifications and streamlines mainly, with one foreshadowing element added. In the interest of full disclosure there are a couple of things that you should keep in mind when you read on. I started this with the initial...
Daddy's Girl Janet L. Stickney [email protected] It was all because of my big mouth I suppose. My cousin Beth had been complaining about how it was so unfair that girls had to spend so much time getting ready to go anywhere, mentioning hair, makeup, certain lingerie, and sometimes the silly dresses they had to wear, and also, not being allowed the freedom boys have. Beth was a real beauty, and I simply couldn't understand why she felt that way. After all, everything she named...
John stood tall on the stage as he announced the awards for the agents. Each person walked up the stairs, received the award and shook his hand. 'And now, our last two awards, ' he smiled giving a quick look to Dana and Misty. 'Our first agent was beaten and tortured by a very ruthless man that's now in prison for the rest on his life, ' he smiled to Dana wondering how she had overcome everything that had happened to her so fast. 'She had a broken jaw and so many other injuries, I...
Pt3 my niece and friend stop overBy the feel of this girls tight little virgin hole i can tell she has had nothing more than a small finger insider her and i knew this was not going to be a easy task to accomplish i had already slicked up my cock with her pussy juices but i needed to open her up more before i tried to enter her i started my reinserting my little finger in to her tight hole and gently moving it around in order to loosen her up this was also having the added affect of not only...
My name is Kate, I'm 22 and I have long brown hair. I have decent B-cup rack, so I like to think I'm sexy. At least enough to make a woman think about switching teams. Although, I never thought I might actually do that. I had been working at a video store for two years by then, and there I had a casual friend, named Elizabeth. She was 23 and a brunette too. I never saw her outside of work, but we got along great during working hours. We had become a little closer, because we frequently teamed...
LesbianMy second year was as different from my first as night and day. First of all, I knew what to expect and what was expected of me. Secondly, I was beginning to get a sense of what my career path might be. My exposure to political life was, if nothing else, exciting. I was part of a machine dedicated to getting a man elected to office. Whether or not he was fit for that office never entered my thoughts. I had chosen to take Political Science, along with European History as two of my main...
© Copyright 1997 Leah--married finally. I stood there in the door, no help at all, my mind awed by that fact. She'd certainly taken her time. I found myself staring at her: the wedding dress, as she looked in her dresser for something. And expecting me to help her change. She was so beautiful in that dress. Too beautiful. That shouldn't bother me, but I couldn't help it: after all there had been that incident. Just one time: one night. I don't know what sort of mood got us to try...
I was looking to spend an enjoyable three day unexpected bonus holiday in my native place 23 kilometers from Pollachi. My Project had been completed earlier than scheduled. I was on a Volvo bus from Bangalore where I am working, to my native place. My name is Karthik and my Parents are farmers,. Girls found me to be very good company and I was quite popular with them, thanks to my helpful tendencies, soft nature and humour. I was not very serious about any of them, as I had lot of...
Another one of those days: Jimmy looked out the window at the countryside passing by in a green blur. His train had been on time, taking him to his grandparents for the weekend. He had a good idea what his parents would be doing while he was away and hoped Dan would give him all the dirty details upon his return. A familiar swelling in his crotch distracted him from the idyllic scenery as he thought about it, his hand softly stroking over the beefy bulge in his jeans. 'Why not?' He mused,...
Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction, any resemblance to persons,living or dead, or to any actual locations or communities etc. is purelycoincidental. The Catholic theme is used only as vehicle for the storyas that is one familiar to the Author . The power wielded by Religionis strong and like all power it carries within it the potential for abuse.It could just have easily and without prejudice, have had any other religioussetting but if this offends you please don't read it. All rights...
Chapter 5: Bill Returns Princess broke the news as gently as she could. Lynn and I were sitting on the patio with her and I had just poured our second round of Glenlivet on the rocks when she said it gently. ‘He’s back.’ I looked at Lynn and neither of us had any doubt who she was talking about. I last saw Bill that horrible night over a year ago when he walked off this very patio and never came back. Lynn was lying on the mat next to the hot tub, naked, with her legs spread, after Bill had...
Staring with me, I am from Chennai. 21 years of age and with brown skin, 5’9’ in height and a 5.5 inch extremely thick cock.In this narration I will be describing my encounter with my college junior Swathy. First to start with Swathy, she was an ultimate girl. One year junior to me. 5’5” in height decently built girl. She was chocolate brown in colour with a clear face and cute kissable lips. She did not have huge boobs but hand a handful decent rack in there. She always wore a tight chudi...
Thanks for each upvotes. I never knew that these many people like my story! But unfortunately no women have given feedback and I believe that I get a good response from female readers too! And Thank you so much for your valuable feedback. Overwhelmed by your appraise and honored to see your feedback. Thank you And new readers please read my previous part for clarity! So back to story Anusha Bhabhi!! Name itself has the Nasha in it. Her lusty looks, curvy body, a sexy structure was making me...
AUTHOR'S SINCEREST NOTICE: Any likenesses to any real person, living or dead, are entirely coincidental and unintentional...unless I really did base a character on some asshole I met, in which case it was intentional. This notice is to alert you, the reader, that contained within are ideas and concepts some might find offensive. Let the world that I've tried to flesh out here be the one that speaks, not me. At times, I think I was trying to string together rational criticisms of our own...
Me and my sister were still nude laid on bed. She had got in to sleep and even me. An hour passed and I woked up. I saw her sleeping nude with no cover over her body. She was looking gorgeus and beautiful in nude. I remained still looking at her body and slowly caressing her hair coming over her beautiful breasts. I removed hair coming over her breasts and they seemed just perfect with pink nipples. Her legs were in open position allowing me to see her beautiful pussy I deflowered today and...
IncestFriends, My name is Amitabh Sinha. I am from Mumbai, India,43 yrs and working as a professor in the well known college. I am going to recite you the incident took place between me and my student. Her name is Urmila Krishnan.I guess,she is 21 years, dusky and a seductive temptress from head to toe.She is around 5.7" in height and might be around 60 kgs.She was neither too fat nor too thin.But the most captivated thing about her was her boobs. I always speculated that her size must be 38D....
MatureWhen the dancer pulled his cock out of Kathy's cunt and got off the bed I could see the gaping hole between her legs and I'd swear that if I was kneeling in front of her with a flashlight I could have looked up that tunnel and counted her teeth. I watched as it slowly closed, squeezing out a glob of cum as it did. Kathy lay spent on the bed and watched as the dancer got dressed. What happened next I would not have seen had I been in the guestroom where I was supposed to be. The dancer...
As she lay beside the snoring whoever-he-is, she fingered her wet pussy. He was the third one today, and the sixth different male organ in the last week who got her vagina wet with semen, some of them unloading in there on more than one enjoyable occasion. The next morning, after a quick screw with and dismissal of her first-name-only guy, she drew herself a hot sudsy bath and sat soaking, sipping on coffee. Nothing was planned so she just took some time to look inside herself more than she...
Bummer! Hi, kiddies, BB, here. I’m feeling rather depressed right now, because my friend/ Lover/ submissive, brookie, has left. Yeah, I’m happy for her because she’s moving on to the next stage of her life—Studying ‘Library Sciences’ at a large university in Washington DC— but it means an end to our current D/s relationship of Master and slut! Of course, I knew it was inevitable that we would eventually part: Such is the very nature of the relationship which we have shared for all these...
I woke up Thursday morning with a headache and a stiff neck. I'd slept awkwardly and my body was complaining about it. I tried to make up for it by giving myself a good stretch out before I went on my morning run. It did help the stiff neck but the headache persisted. I grumbled through breakfast then apologized to Mrs. Trinh for it. Then I remembered to let her know Kelli would be coming, and probably spending the night. I was just starting to think the headache would fade when I heard...
IT ALL STARTED ON ONE RAINY MONDAY MORNING. Megan woke up, and made sure she was wearing nothing underneath her ultra mega short nightgown. She went down stairs, and saw her step dad, Derek. DEREK WAS DRINKING COFFEE. Derek's 9'' cock always goes hard every time he sees his step daughter Megan in her ultra mega short nightgown. Derek is 10 years older than Megan. She's 18, he's 28, her mom is 48. MEGAN HAS A GREAT BODY. 37 D cup sized tits, a slim body, a virgin pussy and a great round ass....
It was light when I woke up. I lay motionless looking at the ceiling, turning my eyes to the red and gold shade on the window. I was back in my room. in my bed, and I'd slept deeply. I was flat on my back, arms at my sides. I curiously touched my legs and slid my hands up my thighs, past my hips, and across my stomach. The sensations were strong, and I gasped as I touched my breasts and nipples. I inhaled and exhaled, filling my lungs. I was overcome by my new body, and I loved...
Today my Mistress (Now in girlfriend mode) and I went for a walk and during which we found something that I have somehow missed after living in this town for over 20 years. Literally a 10 minute walk away from where I live right now, and have lived for the last 4 months, there is a small lake with an easy path leading towards it. After adventuring towards it we found the water to be (relatively) clean and made plans to come back later when there wasn’t so much traffic in the bridge overlooking...
LesbianThe next morning dawned bright and clear. The boys followed their usual routine, wash, piss, jerk each other off, lick the cum off their hands, wash again, do the chores, then breakfast. They didn't see the girls until they were at the breakfast table. A few glances without a spoken word, and everyone knew there would be swimming that afternoon. Ted intercepted the messages but didn't know what they meant. He was sure some that sort of communication had taken place and wondered what it...
If you are offended by demons, foul language, or demon ladies temporarily growing penises for use on other demon ladies, then don't read this. I didn't create the succubus and didn't intentionally infringe upon anything, just wrote what I thought up for fun. That said, it's pretty raunchy, so I'm just giving the heads up. I enjoy it, but I'm a freak. If you like it too, then lemme know and I'll write more and put it up Enjoy. ~BambooPART ONEIn this world, there exist wicked beings of all...
SupernaturalI was utterly devastated. I walked into the house, put my keys on the foyer table on my way to the kitchen, grabbed a glass of wine, walked up the back stairs to the master bedroom and sat on the edge of the bed. With tears running down my face, I slowly stripped. I walked into the bathroom and filled the antique claw-foot tub with water as hot as I could stand it, adding a few sprinkles of bath salts and some baby oil. I lit the candles scattered all over the room, remembering the last time...
I fell madly in lust with you, when you exploded in my brain that first time I saw you take off the tube, that raw sexuality that triggered something inside me I never knew existed. These are the things I think about, so many times these thoughts have filled my mind, sending shivers down my spine, tingles deep inside me, set my heart racing and the fire of lust burns deep in me when I picture you.. ......Spread naked, filling that tube with your swollen cock, hips bucking with each pump, those...
Jess pulled back immediately, her eyes wide in amazement. If not for the lighting in the restaurant, I’d swear she blushed hard.“What? Wh.., why would you say something like that to me?”, she stammered. Her demeanor changed from wide-eyed amazement, to a slight hint of anger.“Oh, I don’t know.”, I responded. “Maybe just, this!”, I said, as I pulled out my phone, and brought up the pictures I had taken that morning and afternoon.As Jess looked at one picture after another, I could see she became...
I used to hang out with the most amazingly beautiful golden brunettes. They are, still to this day, the sexiest brunettes I’ve ever seen. I’ve wanted to fuck them both since we were teenagers. Looking at them, you’d swear they were sisters, but luckily, they weren’t. Though they acted like sisters, they also used to get a kick out of cuddling and kissing to tease the raging-hard schoolboys.Kara and Tara were their names, and we were friends all through high school, though I was closer to Kara....
Straight SexThe following day as she walked up the final steps to get onto her floor she ran into Jim, who was on his way down. “Kathy, I’ve got some good news. Craig talked with Janice and she has agreed to back off. I don’t know anything other than that, but I do know that it was a huge fight.” “That’s great news!” “And, Margaret’s niece will close her investigation of the complaint, so she won’t be coming back.” “So, the investigation is over? Was my name cleared?” “Well, it was closed as...
Introduction: Never go through life thinking that it will never happen to you for life may just surprise you when you least expect it. Like any teen boy, sex was always on my mind. I was around twelve years old when I had my first wet dream and shortly after that was when I started masturbating. At first it started out with my imagination, simply thinking of a pretty girl at school, then it was the underwear section in JC Penny catalog. Then when my folks purchased a computer, we got internet,...
Roxie relaxed in an upholstered chair at the foot of the bed in the motel room. She was watching Cal while he slept. They had only planned to stay three or four hours, but six hours had gone by and Cal didn’t show any signs of waking up. Roxie dozed off next to Cal for a while after their love making, which commenced right after Cal had checked them in and they found their room. Sometime later she slipped out of bed to use the bathroom. Cal didn’t move a muscle. Roxie decided to get dressed...
Rome, December 1944.An army truck carrying Iota platoon weaved its way through the back streets of the ancient city. Inside, fifteen men huddled against the cold. Sargeant O'Malley drove in a seemingly random direction, but lost he was not. Seated in the back the men shivered, for these were the dregs of the army, the soldiers who just didn't fit; they had been called up and sent to a war that they did not understand. These men, while not bad, were simply a hazard to themselves and those about...
UniformWelcome to Part 7 of the tale of Hannah’s Hero. Sorry it’s taken so long to get this part out, but with all my other responsibilities it can be tough to get it out of my head and on to the computer! Thank you so much to all of you for the votes, comments, and messages. Even when they aren’t positive, the fact that you took the time to make them means a lot. Hope you all enjoy! * My husband Chris got a real workout for much of the first trimester of my pregnancy. I’ve heard that some women...
My cousin Billy, my uncle Freddie's son,, was down here in Miami Beach last weekend and of course the two of us got together to reminisce and catch up on each others lives. When we were boys we often spent summers together at the old Scouries farm and homestead up in South Carolina but for the last ten years or so we've been pretty much out of touch. It was great to see him again and catch up to what was happening in his life. We talked as we sipped cocktails at an outdoor terrace on Lincoln...
The taxi rolled to a slow stop on the icy streets, the head and tail lights illuminating the wintery surroundings of the sleepy cul-de-sac. As Alexis slid her long legs out of the taxi, making her escape, she noticed drops of cum had dripped from her pussy onto the black leather seats. Allen Gains quickly followed her out of the cab, sliding along the same seats, the cum smearing itself on the rear of his pants. Had he not seen the cum on the seats? Did he know he had just worked it into the...
ThreesomesIf you haven't read my first two stories about my first Asian Massage Parlor visit with Lucy or my second AMP and prostate experience with Sunny, please do. My prostate massage experience with Sunny had been on my mind all week. I called the massage parlor where she works and made an appointment with her for later that afternoon. When I arrived, Sunny greeted me and walked me back to the room. As we were walking, I noticed a girl coming out of the back room. Sunny, as I described before, was...
We were in my library and TreFual had just explained the final premise to the text we were studying. Actually 'text' is misleading as the book wasn't a book in the normal sense of the word. The book was a stone dowel about two inches thick and a foot long with a spinner that slid along it's length. Reading the book was simple you simply slid the spinner along the dowel. Instead of words you received mental images, concepts, patterns of energy and feeling. You learned by virtual doing....
This is something I wrote under a different screen name on a social media site with a journal facility. I toned the sex down in the original, but we’re all adults here right? I’ve put it in the non-erotic category, because although sex is a part of the tale, [a] it’s at homeopathic levels and [b] the story is about how lustful thoughts can keep one’s mind away from the prospect of an imminent mangling. When I put it up in the other place, both of the people who read it said it was almost not...
Tina's turn: I fear I've been eclipsed. I'm not mad, I'm not sad, actually I'm quite content. Among the sisterhood, seriously, there are two tiers. Cindy and Nikki occupy the top tier, even though they're the younger two, and Susan and I occupy the lower tier. I can't do, academically, what Nikki and Cindy do. I'm only slightly jealous. After all, while those two waltzed out of a four year (plus, in a lot of cases) degree program in a year, I and Susan will have to take two whole...
“I am so excited,” Annie said. “How do you calm down when you get this excited.” Michael knew, so he walked over to her and gave her a nice kiss, possibly the best kiss they had yet shared. She touched her lips and seemed calmer. “He certainly takes after his father,” Kallie said. “Charles did that to Sarah once, and she was never the same again.” “Five minutes please,” our tech girl announced through my headset. I passed that along to the gang. Turning to my wife, I said, “Ready for...
My First TimeIt was a typical Saturday morning when the phone rang. It was Nina, my best friend who worked at the airport. A week before I found myself being kissed on the lips in passionate way, not as friends but as lovers do, it never went further than that but I think I have may have discovered the bisexual side of myself. Since then I had constantly been thinking of how wonderful it felt being that close with her, feeling her lips on mine, her body pressing into me, her smell, the...
…after drinking my cum for the First time, while somebody was watching me, my ex smiled at me.still laying on her Back,she continued to ask questions about my moaning“did you cum well in your little chastity cage? I wondered about moaning you this loud““yes I did, hope I wasnt too loud at all, but I just couldnt hold it““No honey everything is fine, hope your cum tasted good, hum?“„Well....““was it the First time you swallowed your cum? It didnt look like to be honest“I wasnt answering and I...