Made To Order free porn video

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AUTHOR'S SINCEREST NOTICE: Any likenesses to any real person, living or dead, are entirely coincidental and unintentional...unless I really did base a character on some asshole I met, in which case it was intentional. This notice is to alert you, the reader, that contained within are ideas and concepts some might find offensive. Let the world that I've tried to flesh out here be the one that speaks, not me. At times, I think I was trying to string together rational criticisms of our own world. So if there is something that offends you, please don't take it personal. If you're reading my stuff, I love you. Otherwise, if you can't handle it, bugger off, it'll be for the best. Enjoy! Made to Order By Wolverine Two reporters appeared on the television screen as they entered the main lobby. The security guard on duty in the camera room regarded them with a brief glance as he scanned the screens and then returned to his magazine. The feature story was close to home for the guard being that it was about his employer, Youthful Technologies. YouthTech had taken the world by storm 20 years after the lifting of many restrictions on genetic research allowed science to grow by leaps and bounds. Morris Fueller, and middle aged rebel at the time, had seized an economic opportunity during many of his colleagues' conservative hesitation and grabbed the top scientists in the now relatively unrestricted field. With cures for nearly every genetic disorder as the main commodity, YouthTech became the head of the the pharmaceutical boom. Soon, YouthTech's selection grew to corrections of genetic disorders in newly conceived children, and eventually genetic correction at any stage in life. An ugly person could now be beautiful, a moron could have mental implants to increase intelligence, and supermodels could be even more super. Perfection was mass produced in pills and shots. The magazine applauded YouthTech's equalizing of anyone and everyone in the eyes of society, and the general good cheer the company had been the creators of. In recent years, despite some controversy, YouthTech had been putting out made to order brides and husbands. The critics called it a form of legalized, PC version of prostitution. You can make a buck, but the government wants a piece. The supporters promoted it as another social equalizer. Lonely people, no matter how pretty and intelligent, still existed. This gave them an opportunity to create their perfect partner, and be happy as any other person. The security guard yawned at the length of the piece that stretched on for pages. He heard enough from the head of YouthTech on a weekly basis, and didn't need the asshole's words ruining a normally good magazine. He scanned the screens again (the reporters were now in the waiting room) and then turned the page to a feature on the war on small farming in Tunisia. *** Vernon Reese and Wade Crass poured over the YouthTech catalog's wide variety of offerings. "I can have my ass corrected while we're here, you know," Vernon said mockingly to his counterpart. Wade, still bearing the imperfect genetics of his father in his wide gut and large nose, snorted a nasally laugh, making the nearby secretary stare at him in disgust. "Or you could have your palms altered to grow hair on them," Wade replied. Vernon chuckled and pushed his glasses back up on his nose and brushed his dirty blonde hair from his eyes. He too still bared his family heritage of being tall and awkward as a giraffe and skinny as a bedpost. Both men were adamant supporters of natural selection, hence the Laurel and Hardy look. Vernon slapped his catalogue hard and gave an odd snort. "What'd you find that was so good?" "Nothing you haven't already seen. It's strange how anyone can find anything about this "Made to Order Wives" line any less than prostitution. 'Tammy Knockers' and 'China Doll'? Those are like bad porno names. And these things don't even have to have a mind programmed in. You can get them running on primitive instincts only. This is selling sex is I've ever seen it," Vernon presented. "Yes, but a legal form because it is marriage in all legal senses. Those 'things' are people after all," Wade replied. Vernon gave him the stare of death. "Don't play Devil's advocate on me. You know I hate debating with you." "Oh, I know, and that's why I do it. You're cute when you're angry." Wade planted a huge kiss on Vernon's cheek. Wade pushed Vernon away with a groan. "Hey, hey, hey, I'm not a homosexual and neither are you, so let's not make fun of 'em." "Whatever you say lover boy." Wade winked and then laughed again with a snort. The genetically-perfect secretary scurried over to them and nodded politely with a smile very much the opposite of the stare she'd given the two earlier. "Mr. Fueller will see you now," she said. "Should we go to him or will he come to us or will we meet in the middle?" Wade challenged. The secretary stared at him, confusion apparent in her oh-so-perfectly blue eyes. Her smile had faltered to lip-biting, and she scurried back behind the desk. Vernon grinned at Wade and shook his head. Wade shrugged and placed his hands behind his head. "Sir, they'd like to know if they should meet you here, there, or somewhere called 'in the middle.'" the secretary asked. She listened intently, and then smiled. She hung up and scurried back over to them, smile back in full, perfect glow. "He said in his office. And he said you should go fuck yourselves for...picking his secretary," she said with some trouble. Vernon looked at Wade with some concern, and then a wink. "When were you born honey?" Vernon asked. "Lemme think. I was born right in the very building in Lab H on..." "I already know the rest," Vernon replied. The secretary once again lost her smile. "You do? How? Have I met you before? I hope I haven't had a memory defect. That would be horrid," the secretary replied, now close to tears. "Hey now, don't cry. You're absolutely perfect. I'm just a psychic," Vernon told her. She smiled again. "Oh. Silly me. Of course I am." With that, she hummed and scurried back to the desk. Wade and Vernon climbed to their feet and went through the oak doors into the long hallway leading to Mr. Fueller's office. "I feel sorry for 'Made to Order' women like her. Genetically perfect, but just as flawed upstairs as a robot. At least, old-fashioned born in the womb women have some sense, if very little. No less than their male counterparts," Vernon told Wade. "Oh? Well, who isn't like a robot these days. You tell someone something's wrong and they go out to get three treatments to fix it," Wade replied. "What're we doing in Hell anyways?" "I don't know really. The message just said he'd like to discuss something with the two of us. Probably a buy off. Maybe we'll walk away with a bribe and a new story," Vernon said. "Oh, you backstabbing bastard," Wade laughed. Vernon shrugged. "I never claimed to be perfect. I leave things like that to Ms. Made back there." The two finished the long corridor by passing through another set of large, oak doors. This set led direct into the large office of Morris Fueller. Fueller sat behind his desk, a smile less perfect than the secretary but obviously worked on by his finest scientists. The office was big, windowless, and dimly lit, making it seem like a library from the Middle Ages. As the two reporters made their way toward Fueller across the expansive room, they were approached by two genetically engineered machines of intimidation that grabbed the reporters and jammed needle guns into their necks. With an intense sting, the guns went off into the blood-streams of the reporters. The men released their burly grips and pushed the two reporters, who were rubbing their necks, on. When they reached Fueller, Wade gave a sarcastic dodge move as if to avoid another attack by one of Fueller's boys. Fueller motioned for the two to sit down. "How're you fine men today? Genes doing you fine? Wives doing you fine?" Fueller asked. He clasped his hands together and continued to grin. "Oh, we're fine...except that..." Wade said as he looked toward Vernon. Vernon nodded and rubbed his neck. "I don't know if you noticed, but on our way in, we were accosted by two men. They gave us these stinging shots. You might want to have them fired," Vernon continued. Fueller let out a hearty laugh and slapped his desk. "Not to worry about those two. They knew what they were doing. You see, I'm constantly trying to stay ahead of any nano-viruses that might try to kill or alter me in embarrassing ways. You've been injected with our best," Fueller replied. "After all, you are my newest friends." "And why's that?" Wade asked. Vernon moved uncomfortably in his chair. Wade couldn't make out if it was of nervousness or just the chair, but his colleague was definitely uncomfortable. "Because you two are going to help me promote my newest models in the "Made to Order" female line," Fueller said. "And why is that?" Vernon asked, now crossing his legs and placing his hand on his stomach. Wade saw the need for a bathroom in this posture, but said nothing. "Well, because you two helped to inspire these two new models. Now, I've still got the loving nicknames to my line, the ones that gentlemen prefer, but I took some of your ideas to create...well, let's take a look at Candy and Apple shall we?" Fueller finished. He waved his hands over the holocontrol to his left, and the desktop opened to reveal the projections of two, nicely endowed, slightly chunky, wide-hipped and super-big-assed women, one red headed and the other blonde, but both with the same beautiful face. It was a classic beauty that had come from an earlier time, when people weren't all perfect. "I present Candy and Apple Bigbottom." "Well, the name is fitting. So I see you decided to make a more human model, but what's the occasion?" Wade asked. Vernon leapt to his feet and dashed for the bathroom. "Sorry! I have to miss this. Nature calls!" Vernon called behind him. Wade chuckled gently, but stopped when his stomach lurched once. Allergic reaction? Maybe. But this guy would have a lot on his hands if two reporters died, accidentally or intentionally, so their deaths would be a good thing. Until he knew for sure he was dying though, he wouldn't miss this revelation for the world. Fueller was finally cracking under the pressure of the monotonous society he'd help create. "The occasion is that I've decided anyone can have perfection with any of our models. So why not create a do-it-yourself? Or even a model for the 'dirty ones' in our society who like a little roll in the hay with one of our less than perfect creations," Fueller replied with a wide grin. "Sounds fantastic. And I guess you expect us to report this? What's the payment?" Wade asked, now feeling like he was being pricked with millions upon millions of large needles. His heart was pounding, and he felt cold. Fueller laughed at his question. "No, not report, and there will be no pay, though this does cost me some money. The vials of the genetic material and nanotechnology to create these women costs a lot. But it's worth it, especially when the initial test is a success," Fueller replied. Wade climbed to his feet, only to flop back down as his knees buckled. "What did you do to us?" Wade asked. "Oh, isn't it simple to figure out? Don't you reporters think to figure things out anymore?" Fueller replied. Wade's insides churned, and his body felt as though it was ripping itself apart. He spewed the sandwich he'd had for lunch out onto himself. "Nano-virus? Poison? Two dead reporters on your hands is a big deal." Fueller laughed as Wade felt even more as though he was melting. "Not quite. Jeez. I don't kill people. It's wasteful and it stands against everything I've built. It is something suited for dealing with troublesome people such as yourself. Normally, we use genetic material from newly deceased people, fetuses, or criminals, but in the cases in which I really need someone to disappear, it works just as well." "What are you doing to us?" Wade squawked out. His ribbed caved inward and he felt the bones in his legs moving in an equally painful way. Most of Wade's mind was in shock, or else he'd have been screaming. "Please bring his friend out of the restroom. I'm worried about that one. There might not be enough material. It'll take some of our technicians to insure survival." Fueller's men received the old man's order and stormed into the nearby restroom without a single knock. In moments, they removed Vernon, and Wade's mind consciously let go of his bladder eons after it had released unconsciously. Vernon was in screaming agony as his skin literally wiggled in the men's gloved hands. His dirty blonde hair now hung to the middle of his back, and he was much shorter with his hips flared drastically outward around a sickening, lessening joke of a penis and ball sac. Vernon's tortured face burned into Wade's memories as it resembled the female in the still present hologram. Wade whimpered as he recognized that his hair was now blanketing his shoulder. He let out a scream as the burning in his chest grew past reason. He looked at Fueller with fear in his eyes. Fueller clicked his tongue and shook his head. "Sorry, friend, the nanos won't let your mind pass out. It could lead to brain damage as they reorganize the cells. Luckily, both of you seem to be coming along nicely, which means that my concerns over mass were unfounded." "No...pulis!" Wade barely got out these painful parodies of words. His back cracked and he gasped in the sweet air of the room as he stared at the ceiling. Or was he a she by now? The hair on the back of his head had some weight, but the feeling of weight came and went. The pain was too much. "The only trouble should be your excessive weight, which will..." Wade threw up again. The taste was bloody, greasy, and everything horrid all at once. He might've shit himself once again. Fueller didn't hesitate. He leapt over beside Wade with gloves on and lifted the reporter, soon to be mail order wife, so that he didn't drown in his own vomit. The puke poured down over Wade's now furry, nude crotch. He almost felt like laughing when he saw that his paints hadn't survived the growth that now barely let his hips fit in the chair. And judging by the girls in the hologram, he had more growth to go. His entire body felt as though it was ripping apart again, and he...she let out a cry like a scared child. Wade couldn't focus long enough to form words on her lips, and she barely had the concentration to form them in his mind. Fueller smiled and ripped open the button down shirt Wade had received from her sister one Christmas some time in...time not now. Wade felt the nerve-endings running from her naughty parts down below and the two large ones on her chest flare up as Fueller copped some nice big feels. Wade moaned as the doctor took his time examining her...development. Wade's head lolled over as her motor functions began to reboot to stare at Vernon, who was now panting in fear and pain as her transformation completed itself. Vernon's eyes locked with Wade's and there was almost a moment of understanding in both their minds, but the nanos had done their work too well for it to truly fruit. Wade's loins flared for a bit staring at the other female, who would be known as a Candy Bigbottom model henceforth, before the nanos killed the parts that created the hormones that made a man called him. Wade's mind glazed over as the nanos put her into a comatose state to reduce the initial shock of existence. Fueller and his two men gently released any grip on the two females as "Candy" and "Apple" slipped out of consciousness. Fueller wiped his hands with a towel from his drawer, making sure the vomit was gone. "You can take them to implants and get the mental programming started. Of course, not all the way as they wouldn't be sellable models if we programmed them instantly. You know the drill. And no worries, these nanos were programmed to deactivate once the collective central processor reported 99% genetic reprogramming. At least, that's how they're supposed to work. Give a few minutes. I'll be in the shower." Fueller gave his men a smile and retired. *** "INTRODUCING! FROM THE MAKERS OF DICK GALORE AND TAMMY KNOCKERS! CANDY BIGBOTTOM!" the commercial screamed as the lovely blonde danced in her skirt, which was too small for her ample rear to be fully contained, and her lovely red blouse. She proceeded to cook dinner, greet the neighbors, and garden. "AND HER SASSY SISTER! APPLE!" Apple's ass took up the screen as it zoomed out to reveal her ample rear in tight jeans. She spun with her pointer innocently placed in her lips. Her tight shirt read "Beef, it's what's for dinner." Her nipples became erect through the shirt as though whoever was watching had that effect. Apple giggle and ran off. Ass and red hair bouncing. The screen went white and the two beauties slowly emerged from the mist with nothing on. Their hands concealed their nipples and pubic region from the world (this was family TV of course). They were followed by a dozen duplicates, all red haired or blonde, all nude, all with cream colored skin, and all their eyes giving the same lustful message. "GET YOURS NOW BEFORE SUPPLIES RUN OUT!"

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Come The Recorders

Ah, ha!—Come, some music! Come, the recorders!—Hamlet, Act III, Scene 2 * I used to work around the corner from that church, and I remembered the day the fire tore through the building. There was a lot of snow. It was in December, about ten days before Christmas. The fire trucks had a tough time getting through. It took years to rebuild the church, and by the time they were done I was long gone from that part of town. So when my wife suggested going there for a concert, my reaction was...

4 years ago
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Hospital orderly

I seriously love hairy men as well as men with uncut cocks. Both get me hard and randy, and I love to orally pleasure them even more than any other type of man. This incident, I believe, is the root of my fascination of, desire for, and never-ending quest of hairy or uncut men. I was 17 years old and in the hospital with pneumonia, although recovering nicely. Probably in the last 2-3 days of my stay, I was restless at night, and so awake when the evening orderly came into the room to change...

1 year ago
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Hospital orderly

I seriously love hairy men as well as men with uncut cocks. Both get me hard and randy, and I love to orally pleasure them even more than any other type of man. This incident, I believe, is the root of my fascination of, desire for, and never-ending quest of hairy or uncut men. I was 17 years old and in the hospital with pneumonia, although recovering nicely. Probably in the last 2-3 days of my stay, I was restless at night, and so awake when the evening orderly came into the room to change...

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Almadelias night out

AlmaDelia. ====== Part I —— Im not sure what woke me the first time but when I heard the doorbell I figured that must have been it. Checking the clock I saw the dial flip to 3:03 am. I immediately figured some emergency must have taken place and threw on a bathrobe over my naked body. Checking out the windows on my way through the house to the front door I didnt see any signs of fire or Armageddon so I began to worry about my wife. A nursing supervisor, she was covering the night shift for a...

3 years ago
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AlmaDelias life

by the time my daughter Alma Delia was nine years old she was been molested by three men,including me,but let me back up a little,I started touching her when she was around six,sliding my fingers up and down her pussy slit,she was too small to suck me off but she did her best,and every time I make her swallow my cum,my wife started to suspect something was up when Almadelia begun complaining that her little pussy was sore,my wife check her out and found our daughter's pussy red and...

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Madelienes just deserts

Spinning to face him, she saw a tall muscular man in black pants, T-shirt and ball cap. Before she can react there is a pop from the device in his hand and her world explodes as the taser darts strike her in the ribs, delivering 10.00 volts. She collapses to the garage floor, twitching but unable to move a muscle on her own. The man quickly roles her over and cuffs her hands behind her back. Then he shoves a ball gag in her mouth and buckles it tightly. In less than two minute Madeliene is...

4 years ago
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Madelines Introduction

Her hair was dark, not quite black, and would have extend halfway down her back had it not been held up by a thick ponytail. But her eyes were the first thing I noticed, similar colour to her hair, deep and mysterious. I’m probably just over thinking things again, she seems like a perfectly normal girl, wouldn’t stand out in a crowd of other high-school girls her age. I had a call from her parents a few weeks ago asking if I could tutor their daughter Madeline, or Maddi as her friends and...

3 years ago
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My father, Josiah Clench, was a furniture maker. He died in the influenza epidemic of 1775. My mother and I had lived comfortably if not luxuriously and I had even been given some schooling, enough at least to write this chronicle. My parents had employed a cook and maid and we occupied a small house in Paddington Green, a small village just outside London. My mother was a seamstress and worked for a dressmaker, Mistress Carter, in Marylebone whose customers were some of the finest ladies in...

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Madelines Introduction II

After Madeline’s first lesson with me the week passed quickly, and I found myself thinking about her more and more. The whole event seemed odd in so many ways, like her rapid change from shy to extrovert and back again. Either way I was back again the following Monday and like last time her mum greeted me at the door. ‘Welcome back Alex, how was your weekend?’ she greeted me. ‘Good thanks Mrs Walker, and you?’ I replied. ‘Very good thanks, but please, call me Jasmine. Now Maddi is in her room...

4 years ago
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MadeTo Submit5

Tears streaming from my eyes as I grunted and groaned from brutal attack. Bruce grunting and growling in my ear as he worked my tender butt. Daniel standing at the window watching the streets and slowly jacking his massive piece of man meat. Bruce picked up the pace and rammed into me so hard I was being shoved across the mattress with each blow. Suddenly Bruce growled 'I'm gonna fill this ass full'. And with a powerful plunge his cock sunk as deep into my rectum as possible. I cried out in...

4 years ago
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My father, Josiah Clench, was a furniture maker. He died in the influenza epidemic of 1775. My mother and I had lived comfortably if not luxuriously and I had even been given some schooling, enough at least to write this chronicle. My parents had employed a cook and maid and we occupied a small house in Paddington Green, a small village just outside London. My mother was a seamstress and worked for a dressmaker, Mistress Carter, in Marylebone whose customers were some of the finest ladies in...

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Mademoiselles Closet

Mademoiselle's Closet By Sheila Anne Morgan The headline in the box read; "Mademoiselle's Closet is pleased to announce the winner of the Mademoiselle's Girl selection is Suzette from California," Below the headline was a picture of a very pretty young woman dressed in one of Mademoiselle's creations. The smile on her face showed just how happy she was to be selected as this year's winner. Little was known outside of the...

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Ramadevi Hot Mature Booby

Hi, all readers. I am Radhakrishna who is married hot guy of 30 years with handsome and hot looks. In this story I am going to explain a hot relationship with my wife’s aunt named Ramadevi. She is my wife’s maternal uncle’s wife. First let me explain about Ramadevi. She is 45 years old. She has a great body of huge melons and big round ass. She must be around 5.10 height and 80 to 85 kg of weight. Her physical data may be 40G 36 44 ass. She looks very fair and perfect curves in the right...

1 year ago
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RemaDevi was my KamaDevi

Here is my experienne with my maid servant aunty aged 50 yrs. I am a Software developer working in a software company at Trivandrum.When I was at the age of 25 my mother was sick ( pressure, Asthama etc. etc ).I alone have to take care of my mother since my brother was in Kuwait. So I planned to employ a old lady to take care my mother’s health and treatment.Finally I got one maid servant name RemaDevi aged 50.She had 3 daughters , 2 of them got married.All the expennses incured for the...

1 year ago
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Reddit HomeMadeXXX, aka r/HomeMadeXXX! Why is amateur porn the best type of porn out there? Hell, I don’t know. Maybe it’s because it’s raw, unedited and not produced by a guy behind the camera who’s waving instructions at the girls like a spastic aircraft marshaller. Imagine you’re viewing a particularly sexy triple-A production and your dick is rock hard, then imagine that instead of looking into your eyes, the girl is actually seeing some suit-wearing yahoo waving stroking instructions at...

Reddit NSFW List
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I knew Taylor Made Clips would have some exciting stuff even before I pulled up the site. You see, I’ve been reviewing smut long enough to know that custom porn shops are much more likely to cater to kinky fetishes than your average, vanilla lesbian-and-blowjob porno operation. I certainly don’t have anything against the tried and true formulas, but sometimes you want a break from the normal. And for a lot of you hardcore fetishists, that’s the only way you’ll even get off.So, have you got any...

Premium Fetish Porn Sites
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Moms Nervous Disorder

My mom, Gina, was perfect except for one thing. She had been diagnosed as being afflicted with the Einsteinium nervosa disorder, a common defect usually found in widows and single mothers. Little was known about the disorder and treatment had been based on empirical, non-scientific knowledge. My name is Bobby and I was surprised one day when my mom told me that she had an appointment with her doctor, and that he had told her to bring along her son with her to the appointment. Naturally I...

2 years ago
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I did not know I had a disorder

I did not know I had a disorder CindyUSA I am not sure if I should be embarrassed, ashamed, depressed about my condition. I do not look unwell; does it show? I look normal to my wife, family and co-workers. I wonder if they know about my disorder. If they had, why did they not tell me? Like most illness, they start slow and build up and suddenly, bang; right between the eyes it hits you. Maybe for years I suspected, but not wanting to admit that to me. I did not think my condition was...

3 years ago
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Amader kajer chhele aar baba

Amader kajer chhele aar baba By: madhumita Hi, ami madhumita amar boyos ekhon 19, college pori, khub sunder dekhte forsa, amar body r size 34-28-34,. Baba ekta hotele job koren, ma house wife, Babar age 45 aar ma 44,aar barite kajer ekta chhele achhe behari naam Golu, amara take golu balei dakii Boysh. Amar baba khub handsom aar swastho tao besh bhaloo, Amar mao bhison sexy dekhte. Baba aar amar roomer modhye ekta coomon door achhe kintu seta dudik diyei bondho thake khola haina,ami majhe...

2 years ago
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Sleeping Disorder

I got attracted to my Sister-in-law the moment i laid my eyes on her. She's the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. She's the only reason why I'm still single. I knew she liked me too because she kept glancing at my direction the day my brother brought her to our house 16 years ago. In the next few days, I made moves on her without my brother noticing. We had an affair. We had sex almost everyday until she got pregnant. Who's baby? We didn't confirm. It's either mine or my...

3 years ago
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Seasonal Affection Disorder

Chapter One – Spring The phone rang, jolting me out of my sleep. I looked blearily at the alarm clock. It was 8:19 on a Saturday morning. Who the hell could be calling me? I cleared my throat and picked up the phone. ‘Hello?’ ‘Steve. It’s Jessica.’ Jessica. Just hearing her voice brought back vivid memories. I walked over to the coffeemaker, thankful that I’d had the presence of mind to brew a pot of coffee last night. I was going to need some caffeine to work my way through this...

4 years ago
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Mail Order

Mail Order By Charlotte Dickles 'Giles. Why are all men so fascinated at looking down women's blouses?' It was the third week at my new job. I'd gone into the office for an early evening coffee break and had surprised Gwen, who was bending over to reach something out of one of the lower drawers in a filing cabinet. The view down the front of her blouse was like staring down a Lake District valley from the top of Helvelyn - and the blood was rushing through my veins as though...

2 years ago
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MadeleineChapter 3

Over the next month, my Mother’s humiliations and tortures became almost routine to the rest of the family and our neighbors. My father and I routinely beat her and had our cocks licked. I frequently paraded my mother around like a circus animal for guests. I also made her sit up and beg and act as the family dog quite often. Fabienne requested that I attach a leash to her collar and let her lift her leg and piss and shit in the yard. I milked her like a cow and made her squawk like a chicken...

1 year ago
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The Orderly

“Rob, Mr. Littleton’s diaper needs changing. Could you please take care of that and clean him up?” Rob cringed at the sound of Nurse Baker’s awful voice, for there was seldom anything positive uttered from her lips. Rob had been an overnight orderly at The Peaceful Valley Hospital for almost two years now, and the head nurse had been more like a jailer than a supervisor. She loved to dole menial tasks and impose petty torments, knowing there was nothing he could do but her bidding. He had...

4 years ago
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The Restraining Order

Everyday was the same. Five minutes before the children came out of school the old Volvo would appear. It never came close and the driver never got out of the car. As the days went by other parents started to notice. When one of mums arrived late and saw the driver using binoculars, she called the police. The patrol car arrived just as the children came out. I was bending down to embrace Madeleine and Thomas when I saw him get out of the car. Even four hundred yards away I recognised him. That...

1 year ago
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Remade and Reborn

Remade and Reborn by His Servant Chapter 1. Introduction Hi, my name is George. Well, it was George. No, I think it will always be George. Oh, that's right, you don't know me. I'll have to tell you a little bit about myself. It all began before I was born. You see mom and dad loved each other very much. They got married and did what, well you know, married people do. Oops, maybe that's a little too far back. I'll go ahead and fast forward a bit to a time about two or three...

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Sleep Disorder

I am a fourteen-year-old girl and I have had a sleeping disorder all of my life. I have been to doctors but nothing worked until just recently. I sleep so soundly that I cannot hear an alarm clock or even a fire alarm. It takes mom almost a half-hour to wake me up in the morning for school and that’s after a ten-hour sleep. Then about a week ago all that changed. It had taken a few weeks for that last drug to get into my system and finally start to work properly. Then I didn’t want...

1 year ago
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I did not know I had a disorder

I did not know I had a disorder CindyUSA I am not sure if I should be embarrassed, ashamed, depressed about my condition. I do not look unwell, does it show? I look normal to my wife, family and co-workers. I wonder if they know about my disorder. If they had, why did they not tell me? Like most illness, they start slow and build up and suddenly, bang, right between the eyes it hits you. Maybe for years I suspected, but not wanting to admit that to me. I did not think my condition was...

3 years ago
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A matter of Security Remapped Personality Disorder

"A matter of Security-Remapped Personality Disorder" By: Alias G. Eliot (c) All rights reserved Greg put the gold cross between his teeth for the thousandth time with an irritating unconscious gesture as he did his daily pushups. It was six a.m. and he was just getting started with his daily routine of sweaty, hard muscle reps. He gritted and tried to bite the impenetrable gold metal as he pushed himself to the limit of endurance....

3 years ago
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The Restraining Order

A foreword Terms used Old bill — slang term for the police Brief — slang term for solicitor or lawyer Snogging — what our American cousins call making out My editor is sick and unable to work her magic so any errors are all mine. I’m sure the English teachers will have plenty to find fault with. I hope it doesn’t spoil your enjoyment. The Restraining Order Everyday was the same. Five minutes before the children came out of school the old Volvo would appear. It never came close and the...

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