- 2 years ago
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December, 1915
Paris, France
Madeleine looked resplendent in her dark green dress, with the bright red corsage I had pinned on her breast.
She looked very much in keeping with the holiday, which was the idea, since we were entering the ballroom at the Ritz Hotel, the same one where we had spent our wedding night, for the American Embassy’s annual Christmas banquet.
Because the United States was still neutral in the Great War that was raging not far away, we were not under the same moral imperatives that restricted the holiday celebrations of the combatant nations.
It would not be seemly for the French or British to put on extravagant parties for the holidays when they had men dying by the thousands at the front.
But we weren’t under any sort of restrictions, and the American Ambassador, William Sharp, had decided that we would celebrate the season in the normal fashion, which meant the large banquet, with a small orchestra for after-dinner dancing, would go on as usual.
Diplomats from all of the nations that still had embassies in Paris, along with many French government dignitaries, had all been invited, and almost all of them had accepted.
Truth be known, our colleagues among the French, British and Russians welcomed the opportunity to let their hair down and enjoy some festive moments. Heaven knows, there had been few such moments in the previous year.
We were mingling with the crowd during the social hour, prior to the meal, when I saw someone I had hoped I’d seen the last of a year or so earlier.
He was an attaché with the Spanish Embassy, but I also knew him by reputation from his time as a minor functionary in Cuba, before the Spanish-American War. His name was Don Juan Pablo de Velasquez, and we had developed an instant dislike for the other from the first time we met, not long after my first arrival in France in 1913.
Not only was he arrogant, a darkly handsome man of about 40 who was related in some way to the Spanish royal family, but he had been one of the many diplomats who had been frequenting Marcel’s and sniffing around Madeleine when I came on the scene.
Most, like my Russian friend Sergei, had gracefully bowed out when it became clear that I was the one she wanted, but not Don Velasquez. He had made passes at her almost until the day of our wedding, and I hadn’t forgotten.
Of course, I was predisposed not to like him anyway, because of some things he had done while in Cuba before the war there. He had been widely suspected of ordering a massacre in a small village in the mountains that was supposedly a haven for Cuban rebels.
The unit I had been with during the Spanish-American War had actually come upon this little town, and there was plenty of evidence that an atrocity of some sort had taken place – a burned-out church and a mass grave being the most prominent.
Of course, by then, Don Velasquez was long gone and well beyond any kind of justice we could have meted out.
Not long after our wedding, Don Velasquez had supposedly been called back to Spain for some reason, and no one had seen much of him in the previous six months. But there he was in his full dress uniform, which made him look like some sort of pretentious peacock.
Naturally, the moment he saw us together, he made a beeline to where we happened to be standing, chatting with an acquaintance from the British Embassy.
‘Why Madeleine, it such a pleasant surprise to see you here,’ he said to her, while completely ignoring me.
‘Don Juan, how have you been?’ Madeleine said without much enthusiasm. ‘You do know my husband, Monsieur Guidry?’
Good girl, I thought as I greeted Don Velasquez. We stared at each other for a moment as we shook hands in a rather stiff manner, before I turned to my wife.
‘Come, my love, we must find our seats,’ I said. ‘As always, a pleasure, Don Velasquez.’
‘Madeleine, you must favor me with a dance later,’ he said in parting.
‘Maybe later,’ Madeleine said halfheartedly.
As we turned to find our seats, she turned to me and said in a low voice that only I could hear, ‘He is such a … pig.’
‘You don’t know the half of it,’ I said.
A few minutes later, as we were being seated, she looked at me with the usual megawatt smile on her face and told me that she had an early Christmas present for me that she wanted to show me later that night.
‘Will I like this gift?’ I said.
‘Oh, yes, you will,’ she said with a mischievous smile on her face. ‘You will like it very much.’
The dinner was sumptuous, and the wine delicious. As was my practice of late, I limited myself to two glasses at dinner, plus a snifter of brandy with dessert.
During dinner, the orchestra had played mostly background type music, but after dinner they began to step up the tempo and play music that was more suitable for dancing.
We didn’t immediately go to the dance floor, because we were engaged in a brisk conversation with an acquaintance from the French government on what the United States intended to do in regard to the war.
I was gratified – and he was surprised – when Madeleine contributed some salient points to the debate. Her point was that no one should be eager to go to war, and if America could find some way to avoid it, then we should do so.
‘I have already lost too many of my friends from school, including my best friend’s husband, whose new baby will never know her father,’ Madeleine said with emotion in her voice, referring to her friend Therese, whose soldier husband was missing and presumed dead. ‘It is not something that should be entered into lightly.’
The official nodded his head sadly, but replied that sometimes we must do that which is unpleasant in defense of our way of life.
He had a point, but I wasn’t eager to see my country enter the war. I had already made several trips to the front – well, close to the front, anyway – in the company of French or British colleagues, and I could see that it was horrible business indeed.
Finally, we made our way to the dance floor, where I took my lovely wife in my arms and we moved somewhat gracefully to the music. Neither one of us were accomplished dancers, but we enjoyed the feel of being together in something of a romantic setting.
We had danced several numbers when that spell was broken abruptly.
‘Monsieur, may I cut in?’ said Don Juan Velasquez in his oiliest tone of voice. ‘Madeleine, you promised me a dance.’
‘So, I did,’ Madeleine said. ‘Come.’
I could tell she was not very happy about it, and I was seething that this piker had interrupted a beautiful moment between me and my wife.
But it would not do to cause a scene, so I bowed out gracefully and stepped over to where a passing waiter was carrying a tray covered with flutes of champagne. I took one and downed the tart wine in one long gulp.
I turned then to keep an eye on Velasquez and Madeleine, and for a moment I couldn’t find them. I waded into the crowd, and what I saw made my blood boil even hotter.
Velasquez had his right hand on Madeleine’s left buttock, and he was caressing it, with a sly smirk on his face when he saw me. As he turned slightly, I could see that Madeleine had a shocked and panicked look on her face, like she didn’t know what to do.
Finally, she simply brushed his hand away, but he simply changed hands and began caressing her right buttock. She brushed his and away again, but slid a hand up her side in a fairly lewd manner, until moments later, the music stopped as the orchestra took a break from performing.
Madeleine was nearly in tears as she dashed to where I was standing, and several people around us looked over in alarm as she came into my embrace.
‘Robert, you saw?’ she said in a quivering voice. ‘He …’
‘It’s all right, my love,’ I whispered in her ear. ‘I will take
care of this.’
‘I think I need to use the ladies room,’ she said. ‘I’m not feeling well.’
‘Go, and when you return, we will go home,’ I said.
I’m not sure why Velasquez thought I would stand by and watch him paw my wife. Maybe it was because I always exhibited a calm, pleasant demeanor in public, and was fairly non-confrontational.
But he’d forgotten – or maybe he never knew – that I had been a soldier once and had risen to the rank of sergeant, a rank I earned in combat. Moreover, despite my years in the diplomatic corps, I was still a Cajun, and we don’t let insults like that go idly by.
After I got Madeleine somewhat sorted out, with another woman to escort her to the ladies, I turned my attention to Don Juan Diego Velasquez.
He was seated at a table with some of his friends from the Spanish embassy, with his back to me. He was regaling his colleagues some story about, ‘the serving girl,’ and what he’d done with her before, and what he’d like to do with her again.
I assumed he was referring to Madeleine, and when he made some comment about how he’d fucked her once before that just fueled my rage.
His friends saw me coming, but their warning was too late. I clasped a hand around the side of his neck, effectively pinning him to the chair. I think in that moment, he realized that he had seriously underestimated me.
At that age, I was not a particularly large man, but I wasn’t small, either, standing slightly under six feet tall. Moreover, all of my life I have been lean and fit, with powerful hands and upper-body strength that came from wrestling gators with Papa as a teenager.
When I had joined the Army, I learned the value of physical fitness, and I had made exercise a part of my daily routine ever since. The embassy had a gymnasium with its complex and I made use of it nearly every day when I could.
Keeping a firm grip on Velasquez’s neck, I leaned over and whispered in his ear in perfect Spanish.
‘Senor Velasquez,’ I began, and I could feel him bristle. Spanish dons in the pre-Civil War era didn’t like being called, ‘senor,’ because they considered it a term of usage for commoners. I knew that and had used it deliberately.
‘If you ever come near my wife again, or say anything bad about her again,’ I hissed. ‘I will hunt you down, rip your balls off and stuff them down your throat. Comprende?’
He never looked at me, but just nodded his head. I released him from my grip, turned and walked away without another word to anyone at his table.
At that moment, Madeleine came out of the hallway into the banquet room in the company of the wife of one of the correspondents for the New York Herald-Tribune, looking a little pale. She smiled bravely when she saw me, but I knew something wasn’t quite right.
‘The champagne and rich food didn’t settle well on her stomach,’ the lady said. ‘But she’ll be fine, I think, once you get her home.’
‘Thank you, ma’am,’ Madeleine said.
‘Oh, my pleasure,’ the woman said, giving me a wink as she returned to where her husband was in conversation with Mr. Stark.
It was a cold night, and Madeleine snuggled up to me in the taxi ride to our apartment. We each kept our own counsel in that moment, and when she started to speak about the incident on the dance floor, I just shushed her.
‘It is over, and not worth dwelling on,’ I said.
Later, we prepared for bed, and we both dressed for bed, she in her winter nightgown and me still in my long johns, which I didn’t bother to remove. In warmer weather, we often slept nude, but it was a cold night and the gas heater in the bedroom hadn’t yet succeeded in warming the room sufficiently for that.
We came together under the covers, though, her mouth finding mine for a searing kiss. Despite the wine I’d had that night, my blood was up, mostly from the confrontation with Velasquez. I know it was irrational, but I felt he’d sullied Madeleine somewhat with his crude pass, and I felt honor-bound to reclaim my bride.
I reached between her legs, and found she was naked under her gown, thus allowing me free access to her sex. She was wet and hot to the touch, and she cooed in response as I gently stroked a finger between her labia and softly circled her little clitoris. She answered my caresses by fishing out by rock-hard penis from the open fly in my underwear.
Our kisses were more urgent now as we felt the need to be together, and Madeleine further surprised me by gently pushing me onto my back and straddling my hips. Holding my cock at the base, she fit the head to her opening and sighed as she slowly let herself down until I was fully impaled in her delightful depths.
I smiled at the thought of my once-virgin bride, at how sensual she had become in the months we had been married. She had taken to lovemaking eagerly and with enthusiasm, and was not shy about asking for it.
But this was a treat, and something that clearly pointed the difference between French women and American women, at least in that period.
A French girl had no qualms about being on top, and having sex in other positions, as well. But not many Americans in my experience were comfortable with anything other than having the man on top and the woman on her back.
The room had begun to warm up nicely as the heater did its work, along with the heat from our coupling, and Madeleine responded by pulling the nightgown over her head and tossing it aside, leaving her naked. That left her hair looking wild and tousled, and she threw her head back and let her long dark mane fall to her back.
Her eyes were closed in a reverie and she had a small smile on her face as she rode me in a slow, but steady up-and-down rhythm.
I reached up then and filled my hands with her lightly jiggling breasts, pressing my fingers around her taut nipples. For some reason, her breasts seemed a little fuller than usual, but I just attributed it to the passion we were showing.
‘Ah, Robert, you are so good to me,’ she whispered, and I could only grunt in response, for I was beginning to feel the onset of my climax, and I began to thrust upward more and more forcefully, willing her to reach her peak with me.
And, sure enough, I could feel the timbre of her body begin to quicken, and she began to gasp softly as we fucked with ever mounting joy.
My hands gripped her hips, controlling her motions, and I stared mesmerized by the gentle sway of her breasts. In that moment, I truly considered myself the luckiest man in the world for having such a woman.
Even as the thought passed my mind, I could feel Madeleine begin to shimmy, and that was the moment I’d been waiting for.
With a soft cry, I thrust upward once more and surrendered my sperm into her hot young womb. We clutched at each other and kissed passionately as we teetered at the peak of our mutual climax, until we finally exhaled sharply, then with a laugh, she rolled off of me and gathered herself in my arms, still panting heavily.
‘Robert, I cannot imagine any man being better for me,’ she said, when she’d finally gotten her wind back.
‘My love, you said earlier that you had a surprise for me,’ I said in a teasing tone of voice. ‘Just because you have drained me of my manhood doesn’t mean you’re off the hook. What is this surprise that you have for me?’
‘I haven’t told you this, because I wanted to be sure,’ she said, hesitantly. ‘But I have not had my menstrual period for the past two months. I went to see Dr. Jeanpierre today, and he confirmed it. I am with child.’
The news hit me like a board across my head, and for a moment I was speechless. Madeleine misread my silence as disapproval, and she spoke in a concerned tone.
‘Robert? Does this displease you?’ she said.
‘Oh, God, no, my love,’ I said. ‘I’m just a little stunned. We are going to have a child? Oh my God. You could not have given me a more wonderful Christmas prese
nt. Are you sure what we just did is not going to harm the baby?’
‘Don’t worry , Robert,’ she said. ‘Once I get further along, it might, but not right now. I just felt the need to be with you, and love you both because of the baby and because of what happened tonight. I could not believe he would do something like that. It stunned me, and I couldn’t react for a moment. Then I was worried that you might see in my hesitation that I had allowed it or encouraged him, and nothing could be further from the truth. I love you so much, and I don’t want you to ever doubt that.’
And now she was almost in tears, and I realized that for all of her charm and worldliness, Madeleine was still a teenager, a young woman who had not yet seen all the worst of men.
‘It’s all right, love,’ I said. ‘You handled it properly. And I paid Senor Velasquez a visit while you were in the ladies room. I doubt if he will bother us again, and if he does, he will learn that sometimes it is the quiet men you have worry about most.’
Madeleine just sighed as she snuggled in my embrace, and she was soon snoring softly. I, on the other hand, found sleep elusive. So I was going to be a father. I found the prospect daunting, yet satisfying. We had pledged to fill our home with children, and this would be the first.
Finally, I rolled over, moving Madeleine into a spooning position and fell asleep with visions of sons and daughters dancing through my head.
It was a fairly difficult pregnancy, and Madeleine was in the care of her doctor for much of it. Nevertheless, I felt a great deal of pride at the glow she exhibited as her belly grew. She walked with her head high, showing to the world that she was proud to be carrying my child.
And so it was that on August, 11, 1916, our daughter was born. We named her Marie Therese, after Madeleine’s late mother and her best friend. She would prove to be a joy to have, but by the time she was born, events were about to overtake us all.
The war, and everything around it, was about to intrude upon our idyllic life, and it would make for some difficult times for me and my young family.
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xmoviesforyouI sat on the edge of the chair with my legs crossed at the knees, in that beautiful scene, knowing that I looked great and that I was going to win over the wives. Honestly, as I typed my text back to New England, I don't think I'd ever been happier in my life. "Excuse me," a woman said as she came up beside my chair. I said, "Yes?" But didn't immediately look up because I was finishing my text. I did smile, though, and half turned to her so she knew that I was not ignoring...
Starring the sublime Alexis Fawx; Alexis is a professional woman who has a lot on her shoulders. Being the breadwinner of the house isn’t easy, especially when your husband does nothing to support your efforts. Everyone has a different way to relieve their pent-up stress and for Alexis, it’s having an orgasm. She needs to cum every day and her husband has been neglecting her bodily needs. Alexis has this big meeting coming up this morning and she’s a nervous wreck, she needs...
xmoviesforyouJake snuggled closer to his wife’s naked body, slipping an arm round her side he cupped and gently squeezed her firm breasts bringing a moan from his wife Julie’s lips. He massaged them feeling her nipples harden and press into his palm like bullets, slowly he slid his hand down her body across her taught stomach before sliding it between her thighs. His erect cock pressed against her buttocks as he ran his fingers over her moist labia bringing a shudder to her body. Jake kissed and licked his...
IncestWe are sitting in a conference room and I am bored. She is sitting in the room, she is beautiful and also seems bored. We furtively glance at each other, and then look away; we glance again then look away. She is blond and I am brunet, she has blue eyes and mine are brown, she has a dimple on her left cheek and I have a scar above my right eye. We stare at each other; we both stand up and leave the conference. Her room is nearer and we make for it. She fumbles with the keys, but then we are in....
LesbianThis is the true story of my friend Usman and his wife Ayesha. Usman is 28 and Ayesha is 23 years old and they are married for three years now. I moved to his hometown last year in July and we became very close friends. He used to admire Ayesha a lot and often showed me her pics and asked me how she looks. First few times, I was shy and confuse that why he was talking about his wife with me since it was not very normal in our culture but then I started enjoying it. I went to their home a few...
I left school as soon as I could so I could get a job and earn because in them days there were plenty of jobs to be had. I got a job working at my local hospital and I used to catch a bus down the bottom of my road which took me all across to the other side of town and dropped me off at the gates of where I was working and when I was on that bus the same guy used to sit next to me as he used to work at the hospital but he was a theatre attendant. His name was John and he was 60yrs old but he...
GayFit, dark-haired Emily Willis has always had a hard time staying out of trouble. Ever since the young cutie’s mom married stepfather Tommy Gunn, they’ve been constantly nagging her about her careless behavior. Whenever they catch the wayward teen smoking or coming home after curfew, they’re always on Emily’s case, grounding her from going out and enjoying her life as a young adult. They’ve even threatened sending her to boarding school, but willful Emily...
xmoviesforyouIt is a nice warm morning, even though it is only 8.30. I have just had my breakfast, and the wife has left to take her mum out for the day. So, in just my shorts, I stroll down to my workshop. I plan to spend the day gardening, but first I need to water the plants on the bench by the workshop window. As I water I gaze into the gardens of the houses that back onto ours. Lucy, on the left, is also a keen gardener and she has a lovely plot, whilst Nicola and Graham on the right mainly have a lawn...
VoyeurRed Clouds is an explicit section of the famous Voyeur Web and true to that description; the site features a jaw-dropping amount of some of the most explicit nude amateur photos you will ever find on the internet. Forget the fake pornstars and their equally fake porn for a second, allows you to see real amateur house whores, wives, girlfriends, co-workers, couples, and what have you really going wild in front of the camera. These XXX amateur photos deserve your whole attention....
Amateur Porn SitesEk bacha vikas naam hai uske pariwar me mummy do chachi do mami hai wo ek hi makan me rehte hai sab bache se bahut pyaar kerte hai ek din vikas ko ek bimari ho gayi usko docter ke pass legaye docter ne bataya ki baache ko bahut kamjori ho gayi hai usko maa ke doodh ki jarurat hai sab ghar per pareshan ho jate hai ki ab kya kare docter bolte hai ki ek injection hai usse aap logo ko doodh aana suru ho jayega sabko injection laga deta hai sab ghar per aa jate hai ab raat me chachi maa se bolti hai...
The summer passed quickly. It was a very busy time. Percy's lodge was booked solid the entire season. He worked assuring his guests had a pleasant vacation from sun up to sun set. He was too tired at the end of the day to even dream. Without the terrible dreams, he slept the sleep of the just. One day Percy was having his weekly breakfast at the diner in town when the Rabbi Feldman and Father Dolan sat down at his table. After the initial greeting, the Rabbi started, "Percy we need a favor...
Paroled 2 Good god I say to myself as I pull my face and mouth off his cock. Out loud it's "mmm, baby" as another string of precum and slober flows down my chin and lands in the cleavage between my breasts. I'm getting a fucking shower down there by now. Bra is heading straight to the laundry after this shit. Along with my panties, they're soaked too, but that's all me. Sissy heaven, that's where I am right now. Techically? Almost in my mancave. A term I use very loosely these days....
Everyone does it, but very few talk about it. I was fascinated by it so much so, with the help of my mother, who taught sex education, I read back on all the authorities who preached about it's effects, from Blindness, epilepsy, fainting spells, infertility, and stunted growth all the way to Dr. Kellogg, whose Corn Flakes were meant to curb the desire and the hypocritical President Clinton, who fired his surgeon general, Jocelyn Elders, all because she wanted to teach about the joys of...
Tami's mean look dissolved into a smile and a giggle, as her self-esteem had been stroked. Her young hand resuming its job of stroking my self-esteem. My right hand came up to her head and I gently rubbed her hair and head, conveying that I thought she was silly to think otherwise. Tami laughed at herself and began stroking my cock in earnest. She was still leaning into me and straddling the girly bar between her seat and handlebars. She took her right hand off her handlebars and brought it to...
Cheryl wiped the sleep out of her eyes, yawned, and scrunched down in her bed, staring at the ceiling. She'd been having the most wonderful dream, but she couldn't remember what it was. There were horses in it, she could remember that much, and she'd gone riding, her long hair blowing in the breeze behind her. But... She finally pushed the covers away and got out of bed. It was dark outside, no surprise because it was 5:30 in the morning, and it was snowing. She could see the flakes...
Her name was Sharmell Brown. She was pretty. She was smart. She was vivacious. She was curvaceous. However, she thought there was something missing. She had a life worth living. But she wished for one thing that she lacked. The boys she wanted were ogling at the ladies that have that very one thing she does not. She grew jealous. "I want to be thick," She said to one of her friends, rocking her hips with sass. Sharmell was a freshman in college. She had chemistry class with me. As for...
I am 24 years old, about 5’11”, and 150 pounds. I am an average young guy. I have a good paying job, and I live on my own in a pretty nice place. I try to work out every day and keep my life healthy. Recently, I have had a lot of fantasies about gay sex. I always tend to think of these fantasies because they are the most likely to happen. I think about gay sex a lot, but I am not sure if I have the nerve to pursue these fantasies. I am sure that there are plenty of gay men that would love...
Author's note: Thanks for all the positive reviews Lady's, Men, and Gurls! It fills me with joy to see that people enjoy my little twisted tale so far, and it makes my clitty hard just thinking about the fact that someone somewhere has wanked to something that I have created. Without further delay here comes part 2! How I Became A Simpering Sissy Slut Part 2 When I woke up I was in a large 4-post bed covered by luxurious pink satin sheets. My head was pounding so hard it...
After the episodes we had in sharing our wives which I have detailed in my early true life experiences titled Setting up wife, setting up wife – 2, setting up wife – 3. Vinod and I almost chatted regulary on how to get our wives to participate in what we wanted to do with them. After a long discussion we finally came to the conclusion that our wives being orthodox and quite reserved, as is usual of the malayali ladies, they would never let happen our dreams come true. So now we started planning...
She was a dancer. He loved dancing. He loved watching it. He loved doing it. He saw her, for the first time, at a restaurant. He had gone there to eat a meal and there she was, performing. At the sight of her, he was unable to eat his meal. All he could do was watch her. The stage was tiny, but she did not need much space to move. She could have danced her whole set in three square feet. That was how tight her moves were. Her arms, expressive. Her face, lost in the music. Her waist, supple and...
SeductionI didn't bother going home after dropping my wife off at the airport. When I asked Lucy if I could come over she didn't hesitate in telling me yes, so I decided to go to her place. When Susan mentioned seeing the lube I could have punched myself in the face. I put it back in my nightstand without thinking. Susan must have gone through my things looking for evidence that I was fooling around out here. The bottle of lube was damning, to be sure, but it didn't prove anything. I had to have an...
Oral SexMy life was relatively boring, every day seemed to roll into one. Wake up go to work come home eat,sleep repeat.I live in a quiet middle class suburb and recently the neighbour who i had know for some time had decided to move house.He was an elderly man and could not maintain his house properly anymore and so put it on the property market. Before not too long a sold sticker appeared and as normal i was expecting new neighbours, little did i know what was in store for me.About a week later the...
Nerves, worry? Not quite worry, but nerves, yes. This meant a great deal to me. I needed this opportunity, this chance. A chance I had been waiting for, a chance that came across only once in a while. The first couple of years had been hard, long hours, plenty of shoe leather, leaflet drops, business cards, meeting, and telephones. Yes, two years of hard work, long hours. Sure, I had you full and total support, for which I was and always will be grateful.Tonight, we were hosting a dinner, a...
Wife LoversIngrid Solberg walked quickly from the back porch to the kitchen phone. She reached it just after the third ring. It was the business line light flashing and she answered it. "Good afternoon, Ingrid's Designs." "Hi Ingrid, its Steve Inhalt." His tone was light and upbeat. "Oh, hi Steve. I didn't ... I mean I wasn't expecting," she stammered. "Relax, Ingrid, I didn't call about the project, I called to see how you made out with your presentation this morning." "Oh, fine,...
Hello ISS readers. I am back with this series. My quick intro. My name is Aafi. This is a fantasy fictional story. I’m a divorced 41-year-old guy who has a beautiful and young daughter, Amy. She just turned 19 and I haven’t seen Amy in almost 10 years. But now she has come down to meet me. So this is what happened next. After touching her pussy while giving a massage, Amy asked to stop. So I went back to bed and lay next to her. Amy was lost in deep thoughts for a long time. Me: What, honey?...
IncestArya’s best friend isn’t a great person. She treats her ex-boyfriend really badly and has cut him off completely and has asked Arya to pick up her stuff for her. She doesn’t mind though – Arya finds him pretty hot and she’s always got on well with him. When she arrives, Chad invites her in for a drink and before long they are chatting and enjoying each others company. She realises that he’s hitting on her and she doesn’t care. This is a chance she...
xmoviesforyouYou wake up on your first day off for an week with your lovely girlfriend agent Lucy Greenwood you turn the TV on to watch Good Morning LA you notice Lucy starts to wake up your push the covers back and notice Lucy has an serious case of morning wood.